#Jaxon Whittemore RP
vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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Chris, we were positively delighted to receive an app for Jaxon (Admin Awilix may have shed a tear or two), but even more so as we read. You’ve hit the nail on the head when you mention his (deeply) hidden depths, from his complicated relationship with Lydia, to his internal struggle regarding his adoptive parents and his sexuality, you really brought him alive for us. and for one of the supposedly most shallow characters from all of our source shows, we cannot wait to see how you play this out.
Chris, thank you very much for applying. As for Jaxon…
              ⚜ ~ WELCOME TO VIEUX NOYÉS!!! ~ ⚜
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⚜ Roleplayer:
⤜ Name/alias: Overlord is my preferred name but the masses insist on calling me Chris, sooooo.
⤜ Pronouns: She/Her
⤜ Age: 20 (and ¾)
⤜ Timezone: EST
⤜ Activity: I want to say about a six but you guys can be the judge of that. I’m really hyped about possibly having a new character though, so I definitely am going to be around as much as I can so I can toss him in as efficiently as possible.
⤜ Best form of contact: Here on Tumblr.
⤜ Any Triggers? N/A
⤜ How did you find Vieux Noyés? Been a member for a few months now!
⤜ What drew you to the RP? The actual loves of my life are here so that was a pretty convincing thing. But as I said before, the bios are gorgeous and I love that so much attention is paid to the plots.
⤜ What is one subplot/element from the Plot page that you are particularly looking forward to seeing in this roleplay? Look i’m a fucking sucker for witches, if you don’t know this yet bless you because you have yet to be on the receiving end of my tangents. I really really want to see the Salem witches integrated into the plot, how things change, how they get along with the Nola Coven, etc. My other loves are the Hunters and i’m so hyped to see what they do with the Lost Relic they have in their midst.
⚜ Desired Character: Jaxon Whittemore.
⤜ Why do you want this character? 
I’ve never given too much thought about Jaxon as his own person. I admired him, loved him a little but he was always just Lydia’s boyfriend and Scott’s rival. But after a conversation regarding him with Rose a few weeks back I ended up watching some clips on Youtube of him and honestly… Look at this snarky, damaged, angry boy? (He sounds like a rich slytherin version of Isaac, lmfao. Or just a blend of Tyler and Isaac, I love it!) I’m not sure how it never crossed my mind to play him before now. He’s a huge dick 101% of the time but there are rare instances that he’s vulnerable and they just blow my mind. I used to think of him as someone who was only complex when it came to his feelings for Lydia, but i’m starting to realize he actually has a shit ton of layers that i’d love to explore. Plus I don’t think that i’ve ever played a teenager before and I feel like there’s something so oddly entrancing about that? Like he’s just this kid in the grand scheme of things with a lot of growing up to do and plenty of room for development.
⤜ What are your future plans for this character? Antagonize the shit out of McCall and maybe Stilinski. Laugh about it. A lot.
⤜ Put yourself in your character’s shoes. Give us a few lines to describe a day in the life of your character… Where do they live? Where and how do they spend their time? 
Come hell or high water Jaxon is getting up every morning at five a.m. He has a daily routine he likes to stick with you see, sleepily staggering into the shower before brushing his teeth and simultaneously checking his messages. On weekdays after getting dressed and eating breakfast he’ll have a little workout if he’s got the time or if he’s still not completely awake he’ll start watching whatever game was on the night before.
He leaves a little early when he heads out to pick Lydia up, she takes forever to get dressed so he knows he’ll have to be there to nag her into getting into his car so he’s not late for practice. Be it Swimming or Lacrosse, morning practice is always a given, then he takes yet another shower and meets up with Lydia to walk her to their first class. (And to each of her other classes as well) Big shocker, there’s also afternoon practice and school work to be done afterwards.
On weekends, after his morning routine he’ll first go for a jog around Audubon Park before heading to the nearest gym to do some laps. Sometimes he’ll take Lydia out for lunch afterwards, sometimes for dinner depending on how long he was at the gym, and usually at least one day of the weekend is devoted to date night…Which usually consisted of watching The Notebook for the millionth time. Basically, his whole schedule is Lydia and sports, with the occasional break being made to hang out with friends or to study.
⤜ Give us three headcanons regarding your character of choice.
He’s a great player and sometimes more than a decent leader, but he thrives in lone sports which is why he enjoys swimming so much. It’s one of the few times he can really relax and think on his own; no girlfriend or coaches or parents trying to tell him what to do. (He mostly practices for swim meets on his own so he doesn’t have to deal with Coach whatshisface annoying him)
Has slight OCD. This boy cannot stand anything being out of place and hates when things don’t go according to plan. His family has a housekeeper but she’s never utilized because he keeps everything about as clean as it can be. He even has to have his hair cut down to a certain length (he measures) and refuses to drink after anyone. Lydia’s the only exception sometimes, and that’s because they’ve swapped spit enough times that he feels his body should be used to her germs by now.
He’d just started middle school and a girl in the grade above him had asked him out and Jaxon was internally and externally freaking out and begging Josh to help him because what if she wanted to do…stuff… and he’d never even kissed anyone before and would have no idea what to do, and so the the older boy leaned down and planted one on him right there. Jaxon broke apart red as a tomato and let out a muttered thanks in response. It wasn’t a bad kiss by any means just very awkward, and Jaxon still hasn’t figured out if it was because Josh’s a guy or because he was a close friend. (Of course i’ll ask Wills if this is an acceptable headcanon and I added an extra just in case!)
Jaxon is not much of a drinker really unless he’s going through serious emotional turmoil. It makes him too slow and groggy and he’s barely able to think rationally; sometimes it just gets him really really really angry for no apparent reason and he always ends up taking it out on those close to him. Instead, he occasionally takes drugs that instead of hindering him, benefithim. Things that make him faster, stronger, better in the water and on the field. Performance enhancement sort of things. But he gets regularly drug tested and though he knows he could make a positive result go away with a little money, the risks aren’t worth it when the drugs only seem to slightly enhance his abilities so he tries not to make a habit of it.
⤜ What are some plots you’d like to explore with your character?
I’m not so sure if it would work out but i’d really like to see Jaxon become more of a team player and to learn to accept that just because his parents adopted him doesn’t mean he’s not wanted - him being adopted proves he was wanted but this boy has some serious abandonment issues now and can’t see that yet.
Also werewolves and Vampires. He’s seen them in action even though he hasn’t realized it, and i’m dying to see him trying to get to the bottom of it. Maybe even him recruiting some help instead of snooping around all on his own?
And obviously i’m pretty hyped about the question marks in Jaxon’s bio where his species should be. I know what he’s supposed to be in the show but I feel like you ladies are going to have an amazing spin on it that I cannot wait to see.
⤜ Para sample:
(Retained for privacy.)
⤜ Would you like to be considered for another character if not accepted as your primary choice? Probably. Not sure who yet but I want you all to be forced to see me on the dash twice as much.
⤜ Have you read the rules?: Yes.
⤜ Anything else? Nope, I think i’m good!
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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Jaxon Whittemore   ⚜   ???   ⚜   17   ⚜   The Ringleader   ⚜   ESTP
Not everyone has to like you…
He remembers the exact moment when perfection became so preeminently important to him; remembers the echo of the screen door as it slammed shut behind him and the evening air that prickled his cheeks as he let the tears fall. He was thirteen, and it was one of the last times he’d let himself indulge in such a shameful display of self-pity. It wasn’t that he stopped pitying himself - not in the least. It was merely that he understood the choice he was being given, as only an adolescent boy would; You can either get sad or you can get angry.
Anger won out. And with it, a kind of steely determination that drove everything he did. Before that night, he’d been an entirely different person - just a boy, as he liked to think of it. Just Jaxon Whittemore. He didn't know any Millers. No Gordon, no Margaret. Those names meant nothing to him. Until he learned they were his parents. His birth parents. The truth had been kept from him all along; until that fateful night when his adopted parents had finally confirmed what some lady had told him at a walk-in clinic earlier that day. He’ll never forget the guilt in his mother’s eyes - or the explosive argument that followed with his dad. It was a turning point; one that ripped him from the lap of luxury he’d grown up thinking was his birth right. Now, everyone who’d known the secret turned into people who’d been laughing at him behind closed doors all along. Jaxon was sure of it; and the more his own insecurities grew, the more he hated all the people who’d known the truth about him before he did.  
          {Winning isn’t everything... It’s the only thing.}
Life changed for him in highschool. Correction; he changed life in highschool. No one else could take credit for his shrewd rise up the social ranks, for the friends he made - and those he set aside. No one could take credit as he found the two sports in which he excelled; swimming and lacrosse - and became captain of both teams in the time in took most highschoolers to grudgingly pick up a single extracurricular. Athlete of the year three times over, and enough trophies in his room to blind a gold-digger. He’s not half bad on the academic spectrum either; never the top nerd, but juggling enough As and Bs to silence any jealous naysayers who’d love to think that he’s just a dumb jock.
And then in grade twelve, the tables turned again. Because a nobody by the name of Scott McCall - who’d caught more balls with his face than he had with his net - got suddenly better. Not just better; but faster, stronger, sharper. It all seemed to happen overnight. And it wasn’t just Jaxon who noticed; pretty much everyone who was anyone in their school took note. From coaches, to fellow students. Since then, McCall and his merry band of misfit losers have become the perpetual thorn in Jaxon’s side. If this rise to highschool stardom wasn’t insulting enough, McCall’s single-sidekick social life blossomed into an ever-widening group of friends. 
But things like that don’t just happen. Jaxon has poured enough blood and sweat into his medals to know that. This isn’t a feel-good Lifetime movie to give underdogs everywhere delusional dreams of grandeur. And he sure as hell isn’t about to be dethroned by someone who had it so easy. So Jaxon has made it his goal - nay, his obsession - to find out how the hell Scott did it. How he’s still doing it - and before he can take his secrets with him to college. Rumour has it they might be headed to the same one; and although the mere thought infuriates him, Jaxon is resolved that this freakish stroke of good luck won’t continue for McCall. He’ll make sure of that.
                                                             … Not everyone has taste.
Web of Connections
Lydia Martin: Together, they aren’t fire and water - but a lit match and gasoline. To everyone else, they’re an obvious choice; the most popular girl in school and the reigning star athlete. But the truth is a lot more complicated when the cameras aren’t around. There’s a connection stronger than any he’s ever experienced. It’s intense enough that he’s even come close to blurting out the ‘L’-word once or twice in some of their more intimate moments. And it isn’t just the mind-blowing sex; he’s had plenty of that with plenty enough people to know the difference. They understand each other in ways he can’t even explain, and beneath the superficiality that surround them - there’s something real. Despite his self-absorption, Jaxon knows that Lydia’s been having her own struggles lately. And he worries about her, although it doesn’t always manifest in a manner that’s helpful to either of them. As a result, there’s been noticeable strain on their relationship lately, and although he’ll never admit it, it kills him.
Joshua Rosza: The first friend he ever made in elementary school. The cheerful boy approached him when he was brooding around the basketball court one day - watching the older kids play, and the rest, as they say - is history. They drifted apart over the years, especially in highschool. Different grades, interests, ambitions, social circles…  He lost track of Josh when the latter graduated from highschool, relying on the odd (though still amicable) run-in around the Quarter. They became increasingly rare however, and now Jaxon hasn’t seen head or tail of him in months. He’s heard the rumours though; That Josh dropped out of college, that he’s living on the streets - that he’s peddling drugs. Jaxon doesn’t know what to believe, but suffice to say, he’s concerned.
Evelyn Jones: Their connection is minimal; which is just how he plans to keep it. Evelyn recognized him one day when his name was called at the walk-in clinic. He’d just gotten the cast removed and was happily on his way out when she approached and dropped the bombshell. Apparently, she’d been close friends with his parents before the car-crash. He still remembers the lurch in his stomach in learning that he was adopted as Evelyn stood there blabbing about a time before he was born; expecting him to… What? Thank her? He hated the sympathy in her voice when she realized he hadn’t known; hated that he felt like an impostor in learning he wasn’t truly Jaxon - son of David Whittemore - as he’d been led to believe all these years. Some research and an explosive confrontation at home confirmed it. Mrs. Jones has tried to engage him a couple of times since then, the overtones of guilt very much apparent, but he’s managed to cut that to the quick with his cold, aloof retreats.
Kol Mikaelson: So he doesn’t know the guy well, but that won’t stop him from getting to knowhim as well as it’ll take in order to get what he wants out of him. Namely, answers. He saw him in a scuffle in an alleyway - outnumbered a good six to one. And yet before Jaxon could even think about whether he wanted to blow the whistle or duck his head and keep walking, every single one of the guy’s assailants were decked. Blinking only confirmed that the sight was real - and the victim turned victor seemed happy to indulge his captive audience. For a few seconds anyway. A wink, a mocking bow - and he was gone. But Jaxon’s seen enough crazy, superpower shit lately that this one’s definitely the straw to break the camel’s back. He wants to know how he did it; Training? Drugs? Something new on the market?… He won’t stop looking for the guy until he gets his answers. No matter the cost.
Mercy Lewis: Merit Lewis was one year older than him in school, but that never stopped them from being friends. They hadn’t met through school anyway. He barely remembers how they met, except that it was during a time when he was very, very young when he’d been suffering from inexplicable vertigo. They’d tried everything; doctors, specialists, prescription pills - nothing had worked until his mom had decided to turn to ‘natural medicine’. For reasons that are still beyond him, Merit’s mom was able to cure him of his vertigo after only a few months’ worth of herbal therapy. Getting rid of the illness was one thing; making a lifelong friend through the course of those events was even better. And if there was one person Jaxon hadn’t forgotten as he climbed the ladder of teenaged success, it was Merit. He kept an eye out for the kid; even defended him against older bullies a couple of times. 
But then Merit died. He learned about it via rumour in school, which was then confirmed with a solemn few minutes of silence on the PA system one day during the morning announcements. And that was it. He sought out Merit’s older sister, Mercy, but the last time they ran into each other she was positively feral; lashing out at him and accusing him of spying and creeping up on her… For whatever purpose is beyond him. It pissed him off, but also made him suspicious. Why was she so jumpy? What really happened to Merit? He wants to approach her again - more gently, if need be - in order to find out.
Plot Teasers:
There are skills far more valuable than being good at sports, and Jaxon will soon learn that athleticism is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to climbing the food chain for survival.
Jaxon will eventually get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding Scott’s rapid rise to success; but will he have a choice in taking it for himself - or will greater forces make that choice for him?...
On the soundtrack of his life: Fallout Boy - I Don’t Care  (x)
FC: Colton Haynes, non-negotiable.
Fortunately for us, Jaxon is  T A K E N!! | Follow
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