#Jean Kast
Émeutes au Royaume-Uni : la diabolisation médiatique d’une révolte légitime
Cette vérité qui dérange la gauche européenne sur les manifestations de défense des Anglais contre les barbares.
 La colère des Britanniques ne faiblit pas. Bien au contraire. Par Jean Kast Émeutes au Royaume-Uni : la diabolisation médiatique d’une révolte légitime La révolte anti-immigration s’étend. Une semaine après le massacre, à Southport, de trois fillettes âgées de 6, 7 et 9 ans par un individu d’origine rwandaise, la colère des Britanniques ne faiblit pas. Bien au contraire. Des manifestations…
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sh4k-thing · 2 years
tell me im pretty in a boy way
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cryptomiracle · 8 months
★ creepypasta music headcanons ★
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characters mentioned:
ticci toby, nina the killer, jane the killer, clockwork, eyeless jack, jeff the killer.
I apologize if any of the genres are wrong, I looked most of them up on google.
I do not own any of the songs/albums I'm also not part of the bands mentioned, nor am I the singer/songwriter.
I claim NO ownership to any of them.
Also, if any of these bands/singers are involved in any serious controversies, please tell me so I can replace them.
Please understand that these are headcanons, and may not be 100% accurate to the characters themselves.
(I just felt like I should say that before I start this)
Ticci toby
Midwestern emo / indie rock
Duster, modern baseball, the smiths, mom jeans, neutral milk hotel, merchant ships, etc.
He thinks he's super cool and special because of his music taste
He's the type of person to say stuff like "YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY LIKE THIS SONG THE WAY I LIKE THIS SONG"
he will argue with someone over the smiths
He likes to sit outside in the snow and smoke a cigarette while listening to music, even though he got hypothermia once from doing that.
Nina the killer
crunkcore / metalcore / rap
Bullet for my valentine, brokencyde, millionaires, breathe carolina, dot dot curve, hollywood undead, etc.
she goes around the manor saying "BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, POW, POW, POW, POW" (dot dot curve song reference) all the time, and it gets on everyone's nerves
there's not a time when she isn't listening to music tbh, even when she's out killing
sometimes she'll make her victims listen to one of her playlists and rate it, if they give it a good rating she'll give them a fast and easy death, but if they give it a bad rating.. slow and painful.
rock and roll / glam metal
Joan jett & the blackheart's, guns n' roses, the rolling stones, ramones, queen, the runaways, etc.
Joan jett is her idol
Her walls are COVERED in band posters, and she also collects old magazines just cause she thinks they're cool
She knows how to play guitar, the only reason she learned how to play was because of slash from guns n' roses
She will try to fight you if you talk shit about her favorite bands
Jane the killer
dark wave / post punk / gothic rock
siouxsie and the banshees, she past away, bauhaus, the cure, london after midnight, lycia etc
She's a fan of the cure, tobys a fan of the smiths.. they fight, a lot.
she collects a lot of cd/tapes of her favorite bands, and plays them ALLLL the time
if she's not too busy sometimes she'll go to a goth club, she doesn't really dance though.. she'll just stand at the back of the club and vibe
She usually doesn't care about other people's opinions when it comes to music, but if you diss robert smith she's throwing hands.
Eyeless Jack
Alternative hip-hop / britpop / psychedelic pop
Blur, tame Impala, oasis, MF DOOM, beastie boys, out kast, etc.
he will correct you if you spell it "mf doom" instead of "MF DOOM" but other than that, he's a pretty chill guy
He secretly thinks that blur is a bit better than oasis, but he'll never say that out loud.
he doesn't take music too seriously
he has a "each to their own" mentality when it comes to music
he does collect records though, and if he sees even a tiny scratch on one of his records he freaks out.
If you need a good playlist to listen to during a smoke sesh, he's your guy.
Jeff the killer
dsbm / hardcore punk / death metal
Woods of desolation, bathory, cradle of filth, forgotten tomb, carcass, the exploited, etc.
Regularly calls people "posers" and he will make you name eight songs instead of five
he thinks any other music is overrated, and will voice that opinion.
Average reddit user (I'm sorry)
He looks cool as hell in corpse paint though
He frequently goes to shows, but he has no "mosh pit etiquette" if he sees someone fall, he'll just stomp over them and continue moshing.
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aromantisk-fagforening · 10 months
I did some work but break time so here's some random Norwegian vocab for the monolinguals especially
note that I'll be using nonegender rather than "neuter" to describe the third grammatical gender. This is because that's the Norwegian word for it.
I'll also be using Norwegian bokmål, not nynorsk.
en (masc) / ei (fem) / et (nonegender) = a/an
hun (fem) / han (masc) / hen (third pronoun) = she/he/they
hunkjønn / hankjønn / interkjønn = female / male / (intersex/intergender)
kjønn = sex / gender (one word)
ikke-binær = nonbinary
du (singular) / dere (plural) = you
en informasjonskapsel / informasjonskapselen / informasjonskapsler. (masculine) = a cookie/ the cookie/cookies (the ones that websites have). (literally means information + capsules)
vann (nonegender) = water.
oransje = orange (the color)
appelsin = orange (the fruit)
vindu = window
gjenbruk = reuse / reusing
gjenvinning = recycling
resirkulering = recycling
å være / er = to be / (is/am/are)
å ha / har = to have / (has/have)
å forbause = stuns (metaphorically)
forbauset = stunned
Ondskapsfull = evil (literally evil-suffix-suffix)
ondskap = evilness
ond = evil
vond (masc/fem) / vondt (none) = hurting (adjective)
forkastelig = reprehensible
å forkaste = discard
å kaste = to throw
latter = laughter
å le / ler / ler / ledde / skal le / har ledd = to laugh / is laughing / laughs / laughed / will laugh / have laughed
dongeribukse (masc) = denim jeans
bukse (masc) = pants (us English) / trousers (uk english)
tragikomisk = tragicomic
fornøyd = satisfied
å nøye seg med (...) = to make do with (...)
årsak = cause/reason
klassekamp = class struggle (as in the communist thing)
musiker (masc) = musician
sanger (masc) / sangerinne (fem) = singer
øye (none) = eye
øy = island
island = Iceland
viskelær = eraser
å hviske = to whisper
lær = leather (matte* like a different type, idk google it)
skinn = leather (shiny)
blyant = pencil
bly = lead
krig = war
folkemord = genocide
væske (masc) = liquid/fluid
veske (masc) = purse (but can be used about anything from a backpack to a handbag)
menneske (none) = human
eske (masc) = box
mann / menn (masc) = man / men
man = one/you* (fourth person pronoun, people in general, "one can never be too sure", equivalent to french "on")
maleri (masc) = painting
å male = to paint / to purr (cats)
å gjø = barking (dogs)
å gjøre = to do
å begå selvmord = to commit suicide
mental helse (masc) = mental health
dissosiasjon (masc( = dissociation / disassociation
psykisk lidelse (masc) = mental disorder (mental suffering)
å lide = to suffer
å leve = to live
å fundere (på) = to ponder
å etablere = to establish
grunnleggende = fundamental / basic
kritisk = critical
gitar (masc) = guitar
piano (none) = piano
tastatur (none) = keyboard (computer)
keyboard (none) = keyboard (piano)
litteratur (masc) = literature
veiledning (masc) = guidance
instruksjon (masc) = instruction
blåmerke (none) = bruise
kanel (masc) = cinnamon
vitenskap (masc) = science
vannflaske (masc) = water bottle
flake (masc) = bottle
termos (masc) = thermos
kakao (masc) = hot chocolate
te (masc) = tea
sol (masc/fem) = sun
chips = crisps (British) / chips (American)
dag (masc) = day
forlag (none) = publisher
sitron (masc) = lemon
å lære = to learn / to teach. (you use subject and object forms to indicate which, the default (e.g. when there are just names) is (1st) subject teaches (2nd) object)
læren (om..) (masc) = the study (of..)
lærer (masc) (/lærerinne (optional fem variation)) = teacher
bok (masc) = book
bokstav (masc) = letter (like c, not the thing you send)
å stave = to spell
brev (none) = letter (the thing you send)
matematikk / matte = mathematics / math(s). (yes we add a second t for the short version, it's confusing)
hund (masc) = dog
katt (masc) = cat
hvordan = how
å skje / skjer = happens
og = and
med = with
some examples sentences:
han resirkulerte boken = he recycled the book
du stavet "matematikk" = you spelled "mathematics"
Musikeren lærer seg* å fundere på hvordan folkemord skjer = musikeren learns to ponder how genocide happens
*lærer seg -> reflective verb now.
informasjonskapsler er forkastelige = cookies are reprehensible
Torgeir begår selvmord = Torgeir commits suicide
Latter er årsaken til selvmordet = laughter is the reason for the suicide
boksen er oransje = the box is orange
Du er ond = you are evil
Hen gjenvinner = they recycle. (singular they)
Vitenskapen forbauser sangeren = science astonoshes the singer
Menneskene i Island er fornøyd med litteraturen = the humans in Iceland are satisfied with the literature
chips og te er vondt i øyet = chips and tea hurt to have in the eye
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madamealtruist · 10 months
(I FINALLY posted something for my Mortal Kombat AU! If anyone is interested in designing the kast or if they're just interested, my DMs are open. Enjoy!)
Raiden, the Eternal Storm (Liam O'Brien) Species: Demi-God (Thunder) Hair: Electric silverish blue, long Kasual Outfit: White dress shirt, grey dress jacket, black dress pants, white boots Kombat Outfit: White long-sleeved robes, electric blue long coat, gray hiking boots, silver metal gauntlets, gray metal hat with engravings Weapons: Staff, amulet Arcana: Thunderstruck (electric flight, projectiles and telekinesis)
Kuai Liang Oniro/Scorpion, the Ashen Hope (Cody Christian) Species: Human Hair: Dark crimson, top knot ponytail Kasual Outfit: Yellow sleeveless hoodie, red long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, black boots Kombat Outfit: Yellow, red, and black Lin Kuei garbs, black Lin Kuei boots gray arm wrappings, yellow metal mask Weapons: Kunai on a rope, kusarigama Arcana: Smolder (pyromantic teleportation and projection)
Bi-Han Oniro/Sub-Zero, the Frost Sentinel (Roger Craig Smith) Species: Human Hair: Silverish blue, messy Kasual Outfit: Dark blue jacket, gray wicking shirt, black bulky pants, hiking boots Kombat Outfit: Dark blue, silver, and black Lin Kuei garbs, dark silver gauntlets, dark blue Lin Kuei boots, black and blue ceremonial cloak, grayish blue metal mask Weapons: Broadsword, ice weapons Arcana: Shiver (cryomantic projection and creation of weapons)
Tomas Oniro/Smoke, the Silver Eclipse (Benjamin Diskin) Species: Human Hair: Gray, shoulder length Kasual Outfit: Gray hoodie, black leather vest, silver dress pants, black sneakers, fingerless gloves Kombat Outfit: Gray and silver Lin Kuei garbs, black Lin Kuei boots, black gauntlets, black gas mask Weapons: Karambit knives, grenades Arcana: Shroud (smoke clouds emanate from his body, allowing him to disappear)
Syzoth/Reptile, the Venomous Outcast (Todd Haberkorn) Species: Zaterran Hair: Dyed green, shaved on one side, long on the other (VISAGE FORM)/Dull yellow, dreadlocks-like scales (TRUE FORM) Kasual Outfit: Dark green hoodie, sunglasses, stitched khakis, dirty sneakers. Kombat Outfit: Black trench coat, green hoodie, hiking boots, stitched-up jeans, green mask, goggles (modified to Zaterran war robes in True Form) Weapons: Zaterran hatchets, acidic saliva, sharp teeth, and claws Arcana: Vanish (straight-up invisibility in both forms)
Empress Mileena, the Thorned Rose (Erica Mendez) Species: Tarkatan (Formerly Edenian) Hair: Raven, wild ponytail Kasual Outfit: Maroon long-sleeved shirt, silver tank top (red Halestorm logo), maroon sweatpants, high-heeled boots Kombat Outfit: Fuchsia and copper Edenian armor, fuchsia vented mask with metallic clamps, arm guards, bladed high-heeled boots Weapons: Sais, Tarkatan blades Arcana: Blink (teleportation)
Princess Kitana, the Quickwinded Blade (Britt Baron) Species: Edenian Hair: Dark silver, long and flowy Kasual Outfit: Dark blue shirt, black jacket, gray pants, high-heeled boots, blue mask Kombat Outfit: Blue, black, and silver Edenian armor, metal surrounded gloves, high-heeled boots, blue and silver mask Weapons: Bladed fans Arcana: Tempest (hurricane-force winds when spinning)
Countess Jade, the Sage Assassin (Kelly Hu) Species: Edenian Hair: Brunette, twin tails Kasual Outfit: Brown short-sleeved shirt, green hoodie, green skirt, knee-high boots, Kombat: Green and brown Edenian armor, brass gauntlets, silver cloak, metallic boots, green mask Weapons: Dual-bladed staff, throwing glaive Arcana: Passwall (projectiles can pass right through her if she concentrates)
Tanya, the Guiding Hand (Cree Summer) Species: Edenian Hair: Black, twin buns Kasual Outfit: Black and gold leather jacket, black jeans, gray sneakers Kombat Outfit: Gold and black Edenian armor, ceremonial robes, helmet Weapons: Naginata, Tonfa blades Arcana: None
Liu Kang, the Rising Champion (Johnny Yong Bosch) Species: Human Hair: Black, spikey Kasual Outfit: Red jacket, white undershirt, blue pants, silver dress shoes, red headband Kombat Outfit: Black leather jacket, white garbs, baggy black pants, arm wrappings Weapons: Nunchuck staff Arcana: Ignite (fireballs, fire kicks, and summoning a fucking dragon)
Kung Lao, the Shaolin Cyclone (Greg Cipes) Species: Human Hair: Brown, small ponytail Kasual Outfit: Brown long-sleeved shirt, blue vest, stitched jeans, knee-high boots Kombat Outfit: Black and red armored vest, black armored gauntlets, brown pants, knee-high boots Weapons: Chakram fedora Arcana: Tele-Nado (spinning teleportation)
Kenshi Takahashi, the Psychic Scarlet Saber (Yuri Lowenthal) Species: Human Hair: Black, short Kasual Outfit: Black blazer, red undershirt, silver dress pants, dress shoes, black sunglasses Kombat Outfit: Black undershirt, red armored overcoat, black dress pants, dress shoes, blindfold Weapons: Sento (ancestral katana, also helps him see without eyes) Arcana: None
Johnny Cage, the Narcissistic Nutcracker (Sam Riegel) Species: Human Hair: Dirty blonde, short and messy Kasual Outfit: Dark blue blazer, dark green vest, jeans, black sneakers, tinted green sunglasses Kombat Outfit: Kevlar vest, baggy blue hoodie, padded pants, combat boots, sleeveless gloves, tinted green sunglasses Weapons: None Arcana: Showman (bright green, grayish silver, or dark red shadowy aura that enhances his abilities depending on his mood)
Sonya Blade, Semper-fi Do or Die (Ashley Johnson) Species: Human Hair: Blonde, braided ponytail Kasual Outfit: Black long-sleeved undershirt, desert camo pants, dark green vest, grenade sachel, military cap, combat boots Kombat Outfit: Dark blue futuristic stealth armor, armored hiking boots, military cap, grenade bandolier Weapons: Handgun, grenades, wrist laser projectors, combat knife Arcana: Perfume (toxic violet gas that can also cause horrific burns)
Kurtis Stryker, the Riot Guardsman (Matthew Mercer) Species: Human Hair: Dirty blonde mullet, stubble Kasual Outfit: Black jacket, blue undershirt, black cargo pants, combat boots, fingerless gloves, police cap, sunglasses Kombat Outfit: Black and blue futuristic riot armor, tactical visor, noise-cancelling boots Weapons: Nightsticks, handgun, taser, grenades Arcana: Sentinel (surrounds him in a red, bulletproof aura)
Kabal Ramirez, the Speedy Redeemer (Nolan North) Species: Human Species: Black, messy Kasual Outfit: Beige coat, green vest, stiched-up khakis, hiking boots, arm guards, hidden respirators, metal mask Kombat Outfit: Armored long coat and vest, lightweight armored boots, spiked knuckle gauntlets, hidden respirators, metal mask Weapons: Hookswords, throwing saw, flashbangs Arcana: Roadburn (super speed)
Zeffeero/Rain, the Flood of Ambition (J. Michael Tatum) Species: Edenian Hair: Dark purple, long Kasual Outfit: Purple work jacket, yellow dress shirt, dark indigo pants, black dress shoes Kombat Outfit: Purple mage's cloak and robes, purple mask Weapons: Katar, scepter (doubles as a bo staff) Arcana: Monsoon (hydromantic teleportation and projection, mild electrokinesis)
Shao Kahn, the Legacy of Onaga (Kevin Michael Richardson) Species: Drakespawn Hair: Bald (but he has draconic horns and scales) Kasual Outfit: Dark red business suit, gold undershirt, black dress pants, crimson knee-high boots, Kombat Outfit: Red and black Drakespawn armor, shoulder cape, skull helmet Weapons: Hellbringer (Axe/Hammer), spears Arcana: Dominance (ego-driven reddish black aura strengthens him)
Shang Tsung, the Damnation Dealer (Steve Blum) Species: Edenian Hair: Black, long Kasual Outfit: Yellowish green undershirt, black coat, gray jeans, dress shoes Kombat Outfit: Yellow robes, black armored segments, black boots Weapons: Tekko-kagi claws Arcana: Souleater (literally steals souls to fuel his power, allowing him to assume their forms and powers)
Sullivan Kano, the Hand of the Black Dragon (Hugh Jackman) Species: Human Hair: Black, messy and ratty goatee Kasual Outfit: Black vest, cargo pants, combat boots, bandolier Kombat Outfit: Red and black armored vest, arm wrappings, combat boots with hidden knives Weapons: Cyber eye (shoots lasers), big knives, throwing blades, pulse grenades Arcana: None
Zheng Sektor, the Cybernetic Cinder (Matt Lanter) Species: Cyber (Formerly Human) Hair: Dark red, ponytail Outfit: Dark blue undershirt, red leather jacket, padded dark red pants, combat boots, blue-tinted goggles/red helmet (retractable) Weapons: Flamethrower gauntlets, explosive missile darts, red pulse blades Arcana: None
Goro, the Fists of Blazing Rage (Fred Tatasciore) Species: Shokan Hair: Black, ponytail Kasual Outfit, Black jeans, red Shokan royal robes Kombat Outfit: Black and red Shokan armor Weapons: None Arcana: None
Skarlet, the Blood Bathed Berserker (Cherami Leigh) Species: Drakespawn/Edenian Hair: Red, shoulder length, spikey Kasual Outfit: Black jacket, red undershirt, silver jeans, black boots Kombat Outfit: Black and red leather armor, goggles, red metal mask in the style of Outworld surgeons Weapons: Large scalpel, blood weapons Arcana: Clotted (blood magic through projection and creation of solid blood weapons)
Baraka, the Diseased Shredder (Scott McNeil) Species: Tarkatan (Formerly Edenian) Hair: Bald (but covered in bone-like, sometimes metallic spikes) Kasual Outfit: White short-sleeved shirt, brown jacket, black stitched-up jeans Kombat Outfit: Silverish blue armor, Asgarth Tarkatan banner wrapped around torso, dark red armored pants Weapons: Tarkatan blades Arcana: Fortitude (enhanced regeneration, not hampered by Tarkat)
Roman Valerian/Tremor, the Sandman's Quake (David Sobolov) Species: Human Hair: Silverish brown (with stone-like cracks in his skin) Kasual Outfit: Beige cloak, dark green undershirt, bulky black pants, golden medallions, hiking boots Kombat Outfit: Hooded brown armor, anti-dust mask, combat boots Weapons: Hammers, battle axe, occasionally carries a shotgun Arcana: Terra (seismic waves, crystal growths, rock generation, and lava spurts)
Reiko, the Scrappy General (Gregg Abbey) Species: Drakespawn/Edenian Hair: Silver and black, Mohawk/ponytail Kasual Outfit: Red Great Leigon sports jacket, black jeans, combat boots Kombat Outfit: Red and silver spiked armor, red gauntlets, skull medallion, armored pants, combat boots Weapons: Warhammer, knife, spear, throwing stars Arcana: Shade-Rage (red aura increases strength when angered)
Arcanas are like Semblances from RWBY, being powers connected to the user's soul. Some have them, others don't.
Shao Kahn is the son of Onaga (who is incredibly proud of his son's work), and the father of Skarlet and Reiko (who constantly fight over his approval.
Hanzo Hasashi WILL appear, but not as Scorpion, obviously, but also not as a young child either.
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yespat49 · 4 days
[DANS VOS COMMENTAIRES] « Mais que font-ils de notre fric ? »
« Ne parlons pas d’argent : ça énerve ceux qui n’en ont pas », disait Francis Blanche, et y a pas à dire, les caisses de la France sont à sec et les Français, à l’image des lecteurs de BV, s’énervent un tantinet ! D’une part, « la facture très salée des JO » dont « l’ardoise pourrait dépasser les 50 millions de perte », selon notre journaliste Jean Kast, ne laisse pas nos lecteurs indifférents.…
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thelinthing · 4 months
Het is Pride maand. Onder elke post op social media met een regenboog staan honderden haat-comments. In reactie hierop ben ik vorig jaar begonnen met het één en ander op papier zetten om mensen bewust waar ze eigenlijk over praten.
In de loop van de maand post ik telkens een hoofdstuk uit dit boek.
En dit is de proloog.
Regenboog voor Beginners
Het is 2023. In mijn stad ligt er een regenboog zebrapad. Deze is laatst beklad met anti homo leuzen na een concert op de markt.
Nivea kwam laatst met een regenboog design op hun huidcrème en onder de advertenties ervan staan honderd comments van mensen die zweren nooit meer iets van Nivea te kopen.
In de eerste helft van 2023 zijn tieners uit een LHBTQI+ club in Brabant in elkaar geslagen door voetbal hooligans omdat ze gekleurd haar hadden.
Een medewerker van PostNL weigerde zijn beroep uit te oefenen omdat zijn werkbusje versierd was met regenboogkleuren als steun voor Pride Week.
"Ik wil best tolerant zijn hoor maar het word zo door je strot geduwd!" is wat je leest onder elk bericht op internet dat een regenboog als thema heeft.
Ik kijk naar mijn vriendengroep, die regelmatig bij elkaar komt in de lokale LHBTQI+ club. We hebben daar ons eigen Utopia gemaakt. Waar we karaoke zingen, kaartspellen spelen, waterpistool gevechten houden in de zomer en sneeuwbal gevechten in de winter, waar we praten over wat we op tv kijken, over mode, werk, seks, relaties en muziek.
We betalen allemaal onze belastingen, doen onze studies, hebben een baan, of zijn juist druk bezig met werken aan onszelf. We lachen, drinken, dansen en knuffelen.
Het verschil met de buitenwereld?
We spreken sommigen aan met hen/hun. Sommigen hebben geen vriend of vriendin maar een partner. En daar hebben we respect voor. Weet je hoe we dat doen?
"Hey, wat zijn je pronouns?"
"Hen/hun, dank je."
"Geen probleem, dan weet ik dat!"
Dat is het. Het is werkelijk zo simpel.
Waar is het mis gegaan? Waar ligt het grote probleem? Wat is deze enorme miscommunicatie die intussen levens aan het kosten is? Die hele families uit elkaar trekt?
Enkel omdat men het zat is om een regenboog te zien?
Ik zal even een aantal statistieken erbij betrekken.
In een algemeen onderzoek over 27 landen door Marktonderzoeken bureau Ipsos bleek dat 4% van Generatie Z zich identificeerde met de LHBTQI+. Van de Millenials was dat 2%, van generatie X en Boomer was het 1%. Lijkt weinig, vind je niet?
Maar heb je ook door dat in de algehele wereldpopulatie maar 0.24% Nederlands is?
En we zijn het er hopelijk over eens dat elke Nederlander, in het grote geheel van de wereld, rechten verdient?
We zijn misschien met kleine percentages, maar dat betekend dat we over het algemeen gezien met letterlijk miljoenen zijn.
"Maar ze hebben al alle rechten!" Word er geroepen vanuit ons landje die als eerste ter wereld het Homohuwelijk legaal maakte.
Ik ga een verhaaltje vertellen.
Dit is het dagboek van 18 jarige Jamie.
"Lief dagboek. We hebben vandaag de plannen voor de komende zomervakantie rond gekregen. ik ga samen met Dilano naar Abu Dhabi! Ja, het was even sparen, maar Ma was zo lief om het voor te schieten. Is weer eens wat anders dan Marokko, daar zijn we toch al vaak geweest. Morgen gaan Dilano en ik zwemmen. Hij vind het soms nog een beetje awkward om handjes vast te houden als we samen ergens heen gaan maar hallo, ik moet het hele strand toch laten weten dat dat goddelijke lijf bij mij hoort? Ach ja, vrijdag eerst maar even shoppen met Amanda. Er is een enorm tekort aan boyfriend jeans in mijn kast en daar moet even wat aan gedaan worden!"
Ik weet zo niet wat 18 jarige Jamie in haar dagboek schrijft, - waar Jamie ook natuurlijk compleet fictief is, - maar dit is volgens mij een generaal beeld van hoe het leven wan een tiener er uit ziet, toch?
In deze korte alinea alleen al staan 8 dingen die niet vanzelfsprekend zijn voor iemand uit de LHBTQI+ gemeenschap. Het zij omdat ze er geen toegang tot hebben, ze er gevaar bij lopen of zelfs LEGAAL vermoord kunnen worden.
Wat als we Jaimie even vervangen voor Finn?
Finn is ook 18. Fin is non-binair, en Finn's vriendin Nora is trans. Eens kijken hoe deze gebeurtenissen veranderen.
"Lief dagboek. We hebben vandaag de plannen voor de zomer nog niet rond gekregen. Nora wou heel graag nog eens naar Abu Dhabi, maar daar hangt een doodstraf over ons hoofd als we de straat op gaan. Dat ging dus niet door. Ik vind het echt jammer voor haar. Ze is opgegroeid met verhalen over 1001 nacht en wilt het zo graag een keer echt beleven! Marokko leek makkelijk en goedkoop, maar helaas, als wij over straat gaan riskeren we 3 jaar gevangenisstraf. Nora's vriendin Eline vroeg of we morgen mee gaan zwemmen. Ik weet het zo nog niet... Ik ben bang dat mensen naar mijn mastectomie littekens gaan kijken en dat moet ik weer van alles gaan uitleggen. Nora wil heel graag in bikini, maar we konden er geen eentje vinden die én genoeg bedekte van onder én niet afglijd van boven. Ik hoorde ook dat er een homostel vorige week werd belaagd door een paar mensen in het zwembad omdat ze hand in hand liepen. Ik bedoel, ik kan doen alsof Nora mijn bestie is en niet mijn partner.... maar dan is het is niet leuk meer. Zaterdag is het normaal gesproken het familiedagje van Nora's oude familie, en meestal de enige keer dat haar moeder belt, want ze wilt zo graag dat Nora haar oma nog even ziet. Je weet nooit wanneer het de laatste keer is. Alleen haar oma noemt haar nog steeds bij haar deadname, en haar moeder vroeg of ze alsjeblieft 'gewoon' een spijkerbroek en T-shirt aan wou trekken, en haar lange haar onder een pet wilt verbergen. Dus Nora's mobiel blijft uit voor de hele dag. We gaan in plaats daarvan maar een Game of Thrones marathon houden. Vrijdag gaan we naar de kringloop in Amstelveen. Het is even treinen maar het is de enige kringloop in de wijde omtrek die ook een transgender in hun personeel heeft, en waar Nora zich veilig voelt als ze een nieuwe jurk aan probeert. De kringloop in Weesp konden we al afstrepen nadat een medewerker vroeg of Nora zich a.u.b. naar de heren kleedkamers wou begeven."
Maar oké, het grote probleem natuurlijk is dat er een regenboog op je huidcrème staat, en dat je over een regenboog zebrapad moet lopen om naar de overkant te komen. En dat je kinderen weten wat een non-binair persoon is. (En geloof me, de kans is groter dat ze non-binair personen in hun leven gaan tegen komen dan een kangoeroe. Maar het is natuurlijk super belangrijk dat kinderen wel word geleerd wat een kangoeroe is.)
Zal ik even uitleggen hoe het er werkelijk voor staat?
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taeminno · 6 months
Sweater Actually I Can
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Sweater Actually I Can Als iemand zegt dat je iets niet kunt doen, doe het dan twee keer en maak foto's ... Hoe leuk is deze statement sweater met " Actually I Can "print? Met deze toffe sweater heb jij altijd een perfect item in je kast hangen die je op comfy days kan dragen. Door de inspirerende tekst maak jij een statement en loop jij er helemaal on-trend bij! Wil je er fashionable uit blijven zien tijdens de koudere ochtenden, maar toch een comfortabele look dragen? Kies dan net als onze model voor een oversized variant (een of twee maten groter) & combineer hem met een korte broek of een hippe jasje. Met deze combo blijf je warm en zie je er ook nog eens stylish uit. Wij hebbent deze unisex sweater speciaal ontworpen en zal ook speciaal voor jouw bedrukt worden. Elke sweater is daarmee uniek. Verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren Sweaters en prints. Daarbij is deze sweater goed te combineren met jeans of een casual look. Mooie sweater van 80% gekamd katoen / 20% polyester en heeft een perfecte pasvorm en voelt zeer zacht aan. Comfortabele lengte voor een vlotte retaillook Perfect Sweat Technology. Binnenkant geborsteld. Door de stretch aan de mouwen en onderboord krijgt deze sweater een modieus uiterlijk. Mouweinden in Elasthan Onderboord in Elasthan Wasvoorschrift 30 °C, normaal programma
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spiritgamer26 · 7 months
[CP] Un nouveau trailer pour Mortal Kombat 1
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Un nouveau trailer annonce la sortie de Mortal Kombat 1 Saison 4 : La Chasseuse
Warner Bros. Games a partagé le dernier trailer de Mortal Kombat 1, mettant en avant le lancement de la Saison 4 : La Chasseuse, une toute nouvelle saison de contenu centrée sur l'arrivée de Mileena comme boss principal du mode Invasions. La Saison 4 : La Chasseuse propose de nouveaux défis, éléments d'histoire, combats de boss et plus de 150 récompenses, dont des skins de personnages - Mileena Cœur de Monstre, Liu Kang Chasseur Brûlant, Smoke Chasseur Avec Des Hauts Et Des Bas, et Kenshi Premier Coup D’œil - tous pouvant être obtenus via les Invasions et la Kombat League. La Saison 4 : La Chasseuse est disponible dès maintenant et jusqu’au 16 avril.Peacemaker rejoint le roster de Mortal Kombat 1 en tant que personnage téléchargeable. Basé sur la série Peacemaker de DC sur Max, auquel l’acteur John Cena prête sa voix et son apparence, ce nouveau kombattant est désormais disponible durant la période d'accès anticipé pour les détenteurs du Kombat Pack, et sera disponible pour tous à partir du 6 mars. Les fans peuvent découvrir une analyse du gameplay de Peacemaker, du prochain Kombattant Kameo Janet Cage (disponible en mars 2024), ainsi que du contenu saisonnier lors du Kombat Kast de cette semaine.  ​ ​De plus, la fonctionnalité Krossplay de Mortal Kombat 1 est désormais disponible pour PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S et PC (Steam et Epic Games Store). La fonctionnalité Krossplay permettra aux joueurs de s'affronter dans des matchs classés de la Kombat League et des matchs Kasual Versus, d'inviter des amis à des matchs Versus privés, et de consulter les statistiques des classements sur toutes les plateformes prises en charge.Le Kombat Pack Mortal Kombat 1 comprend un skin de personnage Jean-Claude Van Damme pour Johnny Cage (déjà disponible) ; l’accès anticipé d'une semaine à six personnages DLC jouables - Omni-Man (déjà disponible), Quan Chi (déjà disponible), Peacemaker (déjà disponible), Ermac, Le Protecteur et Takeda Takahashi -, ainsi que cinq Kombattants Kameo provenant des DLC (dates de sortie à venir pour les prochains personnages et Kameos à confirmer). Le Kombat Pack est disponible dès maintenant avec l’Édition Premium de Mortal Kombat 1, ou en achat séparé. 
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Quand Florence Foresti souhaitait la mort de Donald Trump
Les people sont misérables et inintéressants
La haine à l’état pur pour des gens en plus sur-payés, mais quelle honte ! Par Jean Kast Quand Florence Foresti souhaitait la mort de Donald Trump  Avez-vous déjà souhaité la mort de quelqu’un ? » Pour beaucoup d’entre nous, avouons-le, la réponse à cette question est oui. Il n’est pas rare de secrètement prier pour le malheur d’autrui, rival ou ennemi. C’est un sentiment très peu chrétien…
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laurent-bigot · 2 years
Après des années d’effort, demeurés à peu près vains depuis 1945, de jeunes réalisateurs français réussirent enfin à se faire remarquer en faisant irruption dans le monde cinématographique avec une énergie sans précédent. L’apparition soudaine en 1959 de la nouvelle vague mit le monde cinématographique en émoi. Ce fut une extraordinaire explosion d’activité créatrice : en dix-huit mois, une…
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tvln · 5 years
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les soleils de l'île de pâques (fr/bra/chil, kast 72)
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moonbaby26 · 4 years
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Title: The Past
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader, and past references to Peter x Crystal (from The Inhumans).
Summary: Continuation from previous chapter. Set after the battle with Apocalypse, you and the others are still biding your time while waiting to get back home. After touching base with Xavier to see where everything stands, you get to spend some more alone time with Peter and learn more about his fears and his past.
Notes: Please don’t @ me Inhumans fans! 🥺 I have zero problem with Crystal. And for those that don’t follow the comics, Crystal and comics!Quicksilver were once married, even having a daughter together named Luna. But the two weren’t compatible, and things went sour. Crystal cheated on him (Pietro was shitty to her too) and their marriage was eventually annulled. She remarried later, but he never did.
Warnings: Some cursing, a bit more necking. Talk of past unhealthy relationships, mention of sex.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @what-a-silver-lining , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp , @wintwrsoldiwr , @tommy-braccoli , @amourtentiaa , @cringingmemeries , @bi-panicatthe-disco , @himbos-are-my-lifeblood , @simp4mcuwomen
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
“Charles!” You heard Hank’s relieved surprise from somewhere nearby, yourself immediately trying to get back out of the bunk at the commotion.
Peter had no choice but to let go of you then, albeit still somewhat reluctantly before he sat up himself, grabbing his crutches off the floor to follow you.
“Well it’s about time. We were starting to wonder if we needed to mount another rescue,” Raven chimed in, one hand on her hip as she looked Xavier over. “Rough night?”
You could see the Professor then, seated tiredly in the wheelchair they’d given him with the rest of the group now standing around as you joined them.
“It was quite a strenuous night, yes,” Xavier responded, evidently having just come into the barracks as the door still hung open behind him.
Peter chuckled oddly beside you at the Professor’s choice of words. Though not all that loud to really have been intended for the group.
You wouldn’t have thought much of it, except for the funny look that came over Xavier’s face as he chided him instantly. “Peter, that is entirely inappropriate.”
But the others, save maybe Jean, looked just as confused as you at the seemingly random exchange, before Xavier kept on.
“Yes, Peter...Moira did accompany me all night. We had a lot to catch up on, even after the officials were done with their lengthy interrogations. But she and I talked. Please do keep your mind from the gutter. The strenuous activity I was referring to was the constant mental blocking and redirecting I imposed to those doing the questioning as to spare you all from being put in a poor light, or even remembered too well as significant players in this at all to keep you out of their future investigations.”
For his own part though, Peter didn’t look too embarrassed, or put off any really from the abrupt admonishment. Even as the Professor had just given details on the lengths he’d gone through to protect everyone, Peter only smiled, raising both hands as if to feign innocence, the crutches propped under his arms. “Hey now. No judgement here, Prof. And I didn’t say it out loud, right?”
“You didn’t have to.” Xavier sighed. “When something strikes you as funny, especially something sophomoric, you transmit it like a beacon.”
Peter looked both curious and amused at that new concept, but said nothing more.
A sly look was starting to glean behind Raven’s eyes though before she interceded instead. “You know, I don’t think I fully believe you, Charles.”
“Pardon?” There was a little surprise as Xavier glanced up to her.
But she just tilted her head, smirking slightly. “For as much crap as you always gave me about staying ‘professional’ with teammates back in the day, you think I’d just offer no comment now? Don’t lie to them. You didn’t only talk. Knowing your past with her, I’m sure of it actually.”
Peter just whistled then as Hank stared in helpless silence.
“Raven...” The Professor warned, but already knowing it was likely futile. “Is this really the time?”
“These might be your new X-Men, Charles.” She motioned to you all. “After all they’ve been through in the last 48 hours, I promise you they aren’t just kids anymore. Just like we weren’t.” She glanced to Hank briefly, then back to the Professor. “Don’t make them think we all walked around like robots back then, or that we would now. I always hated when you did that.”
Xavier closed his eyes a moment, taking a breath before looking back to everyone. “Admittedly, there has been much self sacrifice recently, and I am extremely proud of you all for how you rose up to help defend one another when everything was at stake. And there is nothing shameful in forming more personal bonds, of course. Raven is correct in that regard, though her delivery and sense of timing may leave something to be desired.”
Raven still shook her head. “You use so many words to still say nothing sometimes.”
“Hank, feel free to speak up any time now really.” Xavier deadpanned.
“Um, well...” Hank stammered a bit. “Did they say anything about when we might get to leave?”
The awkwardness was lessened somewhat at that as you all perked up at the question, equally ready to move on from this ship.
“Yes in fact, thank you, Hank.” The Professor was visibly relieved to get back to a more practical subject. “We will sleep here again tonight, but tomorrow they’re taking us to Kasteli airport on the island. It’s just a single runway, but large enough for the government flight they’re chartering to come here. It will be making multiple stops to pickup as many stranded U.S. targets as possible in the European region before crossing the Atlantic to deliver us to McGuire Air Force base in New Jersey.”
“Really...Jersey?” Peter commented flippantly. “Better than nothing I guess.”
But Xavier just ignored the interruption this time, “Moira’s contacts will furnish us all with I.D.’s and passports to get back into the country. For those of us that already had one, but may have lost it in all the recent events, it will be a reprint from previous government record. For those that never had one, they will create them for you.” He looked to Ororo and Kurt particularly there.
“What about the school?” Scott asked, “And all the other students? Are they okay?”
It was true that after you’d all been taken by Stryker and his men, you couldn’t know what had happened to anyone else after. Where they’d gone now with no place to stay, and if they’d remained safe with Magneto’s previous lashing out on the world.
The Professor nodded, clearly approving of that concern. “It was very difficult to get in contact with anyone directly. But again, Moira pressured her agency for assistance there. I’m told they were finally able to reach some of the staff who had taken the students to nearby hotels while trying to inform their families of their whereabouts. The explosion has been officially deemed due to a ‘gas leak’ however.”
He looked to Scott directly then though before continuing solemnly. “Of course for your family, Scott, an agent went personally to inform them of the truth. I’m so sorry. I know there hasn’t been any time to mourn Alex yet. His sacrifice will not be forgotten. He was only trying to protect me. We will have a proper ceremony for him as soon as we are able.”
You saw Jean take a hold of Scott’s hand as he only nodded rather than reply, seemingly unwilling to talk much more on that subject right now.
Xavier understood, keeping on. “As for the school itself, it will take time to rebuild of course. For those that do have safe homes to return to with family, that will have to be where they stay for now.” Yet the look in his eyes said how surely he knew that that would not be the case for many. A very common thread in so many of your histories was rejection by your own families.
“And for those who do not have anywhere else safe to go, I’m going to see what we can rent or lease in the interim once we’re back in the states. Hopefully something a bit more comfortable than the local motels.”
“And Stryker?” Raven interjected again, a little coldness to her voice though. “Did you call your ‘interviewers’ out on that bullshit?”
The Professor ruffled slightly at the language, but did not argue with it. “They claimed ignorance on those operations entirely. Looking into their minds, they did believe those facilities existed, but it was completely above their security clearance to know anything of what went on inside them. I think Stryker had partnered more with a private firm to be honest.”
Hank sighed. “Wonderful, more secret organizations bent on using us for experimentation and weaponry.”
Xavier agreed. “Yes, that will remain an ongoing threat I’m afraid. But all the more reason for us to keep training the youth. We will not be helpless in this world as long as we continue to grow our strengths together, and protect one another.”
Raven raised her eyebrows at those words. “Hmm. That almost sounds like the need for some kind of team again, doesn’t it, Charles? Fighters instead of pacifists? Maybe you should actually listen to the things I say for once.”
He didn’t rise to her baiting though, only starting to back his chair away then. “In due time, Raven. We shall see where this all ends up. But as for the present, now that everyone is caught up on what we know, I believe several of you were wishing for some time above deck.”
“That is an understatement,” Ororo answered, looking surprisingly uncomfortable the more you actually looked at her then. “The longer we’ve been here the more it feels like a tomb.” She added.
“She has claustrophobia.” Jean replied only in your mind, likely seeing the puzzlement on your face. “But she’s been hiding it well.”
You felt a bit guilty for not having noticed regardless, immediately glad for Jean sharing so that you could end that obliviousness. That was just the basics of being friends, knowing what the others were going through, to be of help whenever you could.
“Yes, absolutely!” You spoke up too. “Will they let us walk around a while up there?” The whole Mediterranean was outside, the sky and the water. And anything would be better than this endless grey metal, bulkheads, and compartments all in artificial lighting.
“I don’t know that I’m going to give them much choice,” Xavier smiled, fully exiting back out of the doorway then. “Come along all of you. We’ll see what we can do.”
You were certain that the Professor had indeed used a good bit of mental persuasion to grant you all full access to the flight deck. But as no planes were taking off, landing, or anything at all really, it was fairly safe to wander as you pleased right now.
Scott had wanted to get a closer look at some of those jets regardless though. Himself, Jean, Kurt, and Ororo going over to check out those that were still parked near the center of the deck.
Raven and Hank had wandered off somewhere near the bow, while Moira had reappeared and you’d seen her sit down in the shade under the ship’s bridge tower with Xavier. You could see them still talking as you and Peter had walked off towards the stern.
The air did feel as good as you’d hoped. It was cool, with that distinct smell of salt, dancing both you and Peter’s hair around lightly in the breeze.
But you wished you could really be at the water’s edge, to touch it, or even swim in it. It’d been such a long time since you’d gotten to be at the ocean.
It made you wonder too though where Peter had spent his time as a child. Had his family travelled to the beach much during his summers growing up?
“So you lived near Washington D.C.?” You asked, looking upward though as you now walked under a fighter jet’s wing, many more left waiting here at the aft of the ship. You remembered his words to Magneto, about the Pentagon being so close to their home at some point. Even if Peter had never known his father had been imprisoned there all along.
“Still do.” Peter answered, reaching out to grab your hand before you walked back out of the shade from under the jet. “Want to sit down?”
You glanced back at him, already wondering if he was being purposeful in this location or not. You were now as far from the others as could be after all. And even from the bridge, the sailors wouldn’t be able to see you now beneath this jet.
He smirked, maybe knowingly even as he responded crassly. “What? These things are killing my armpits.”
You smiled, still wondering, but helped him sit down anyway as you set the crutches beside you before joining him.
“So you still live by the Capitol....” You continued, gently prodding to try and hear more about him.
“Yeah,” He snaked one arm around your waist. “Suburbs just outside of D.C. Still in my Mom’s basement, same as always.”
You did recall him joking about that on the ride to Egypt, about still living with his mother. But what kind of woman was she though? Bold enough to flee from Magneto to a whole new country to raise her children at least. “Is she...” You weren’t quite sure the polite way to ask. Or actually if you even should, but it was already out of your mouth, so you continued hesitantly. “Is she like us?”
“Nah. She’s not a mutant.” He responded easily. “But my sister is.”
You looked back to him at that. He hadn’t told you much about Wanda yet, besides the fact that they were twins and that maybe she’d had some struggles with depression. Which was so common for your kind as well as you tried to learn to accept yourselves and the world’s sometimes cruel view of you.
The reminder of him being a twin was of course fuel for your imagination too as you tried to picture what any twin sister of Peter’s could really be like.
But he was getting surprisingly good at reading your expressions it seemed as he just laughed. “No, Wanda’s not just a female version of me if that’s what you’re thinking. I doubt the world could handle that, right?”
“Probably not.” You admitted. Trying not to get distracted with the mental image of a much more feminine Peter zipping around.
When you felt him tug you closer to him, you came back to attention. His fingertips were messing with one pocket of your pants idly now.
“She’s way smarter. More powerful for sure.” He then continued after a moment, with a little more consideration. “A little scary too actually. A lot more like our Dad I guess.”
“More powerful than you?” You asked honestly. Of course his powers might not be as in your face as something like Scott’s eye beams, or Ororo’s lightning bolts and their destructive power. But he’d already impressed you, no question.
“Well yeah. I’m just a jerk that runs fast.” He replied, looking a little surprised by your sincere look. “You think that’s powerful?”
“Peter, you can practically stop time on a whim. That’s way more than just running fast.” And that was no exaggeration to you. There was no other way to explain how he’d cleared the whole mansion even faster than the explosion could take it.
“I mean it’s saved my ass a few times yeah.” He conceded. “But...” He quieted, still watching you.
That serious look had come into his eyes again, like a cloud crossing over the light. He wanted to say something more and couldn’t.
“What?” You finally asked gently. It was just the two of you now. “You can say whatever you want, Peter.”
It was so evident that he wasn’t yet used to the freedom of expression that many of the rest of you were. He hadn’t had those years worth of safety net within the school, getting to air your thoughts with one another as almost second nature after so long.
He took a breath before eventually trying though. “Well...when I first started figuring out what I could do, it was such a rush, definitely. I could skip class whenever, take anything I knew Mom couldn’t or wouldn’t buy me. The dickheads that used to try to push me around couldn’t even touch me anymore.”
Yet he shifted, some unease still building in him even as you just listened quietly. “But, eventually you realize the people who barely gave you any notice before, that then they can’t even see you at all any longer.”
He was looking in your eyes again, as if he was still waiting to see some judgement there, but he’d already said too much to stop now. He couldn’t reel it back in, even if he may have wanted to. “And when I got older, I finally started having these nightmares...that everything got stuck like that you know. More and more, that I was going to do it too long one day, too many times one day and everything was going to finally stick that way for good. That no one would ever hear or see me again. Like this super shitty purgatory, of frozen people all around, and you’re just some ghost moving through them.”
You were surprised at first, yes. But maybe not so much the more you really considered it. What he spoke of was a horrible fate to consider to be sure. But for someone you already knew could actually be very self conscious at his core, there was even another layer to it. Was it really that much of a stretch that he could also worry about feeling even more unseen? More invisible, to the point that that could be his life forever?
The flashy jackets and clothing tied in a bit more now to that overall profile you were putting together here. But it meant so much to you that he was willing to share this at all, when it clearly was something very deep for him.
“I still dream that sometimes.” He admitted. “Freaking sucks.” He raised his bare left wrist then, looking at it with some regret. “It’s normally why I always wear a watch too. If nobody’s around for me to judge what speed I’m moving at, I have to look at the second hand to make sure it’s still trying to move. Freaks me the hell out if I can’t check it.”
You knew he’d left all his other things in the jet when everyone had changed into those flight suits before heading to Egypt. And all that was gone now. “You are powerful.” You insisted softly though. “And I don’t think I’ve ever met one of us yet that didn’t fear losing control, of becoming a victim to our own abilities in the end...”
Without thinking you turned then, getting up on your knees so you could wrap your arms around him. You felt him tense only for a moment, surprised but then quickly accepting the tight hug for what it was as he relaxed into it.
You spoke into his ear as he slid his arms back around you in return. “You don’t have to hold any of these things in any longer either though. You’re with friends now.”
But when your grip eventually loosened, he just pulled you around so that you were then seated nearly in his lap before he hugged you around your waist again.
“But for how long?” He asked seriously. “You and the others will go back to New York won’t you once we’re back in the U.S.? And I’ll have to go back to D.C. to show Mom I’m not dead, I’m sure she’s tripping out right now.”
“Well...” You understood he’d certainly have to go home for at least a while. But the school would be rebuilt eventually. “Have you thought about, once the school is established again I mean, maybe joining us?”
That did get a slight chuckle from him. “I’m already a dropout, babe. I never even finished high school. Not really a good candidate for higher learning.”
But you weren’t so easily dissuaded. “It’s more than just math and science classes, Peter. The younger kids always need mentors. And there’s the chance of working with the Professor and the other staff too, learning to unlock your full potential. You don’t have to hold back there, or hide anymore.”
He caught you by the bottom of your chin then though, tilting your head back as he seemed to consider kissing you again. “You want me to come there then?”
“Yes.” You agreed, the word at least sounding confident despite your heart rate increasing again.
“And are we going to share a bunk again tonight?” He smirked, knowing full well he was now derailing a previously serious conversation.
“I guess that depends on you.” You tried to counter, but he really had too unfair of an advantage in how easily he could still fluster you. And you weren’t sure when that was ever going to fade.
You waited for him to continue the banter though. To do anything really. But for several long moments he only watched you instead.
“Well?” He finally said.
“Well what?” You answered.
“You want to make out under this fighter jet before they call off mutant recess? The bell’s probably going to ring soon to send us all back to being out of sight, out of mind on the U.S.S buzzkill.”
Sometimes you wondered if he was actually the older of you two at all. “Don’t enjoy your own jokes too much now. You know what Xavier said about you transmitting your thoughts.” You were at least able to taunt back a little.
“Ah, he’s all about that CIA chick right now. I mean, more power to him, nothing wrong with it. She seemed pretty badass. But he should have just taken the compliment earlier instead of trying to drag me about it. But not bad for an old dude you know? Especially now that he looks a little more like Mr. Clean.”
“Peter.” The Professor wasn’t even that old, but it was by and large beside the point. “You’re trying to make me kiss you again so that you’ll stop talking aren’t you?”
“Maybe.” He grinned. “But hey, I never thought I’d get this far, I’m going to enjoy this every chance we get.”
The newness hadn’t worn off at all, that much was true. But wouldn’t it eventually? And would he still think so much of you then? You couldn’t know the answer to that.
It was probably best to actually agree with his viewpoint for the time being. To just appreciate the chances given in the here and now. None of you could know what the future had in store for anyone or anything, not anymore.
You were already right in front of him as you ran your fingers along the back of his neck. You held him there briefly, then pulling him in to initiate the first kiss, before he met you eagerly with another.
One of your hands stayed in his hair, the other splayed down onto his chest. After a moment, you realized you could feel his own heartbeat through the thin t-shirt. So very fast, like everything else about him before you felt him grabbing at your hips.
He was trying to get you pulled more into his lap as he shifted his legs to make room. You let him, but there was something slightly funny as you still had to help to not knock into his broken leg when he had trouble moving it in the way he really wanted.
But he could feel your smile against his lips. He pulled back enough to respond, your foreheads touching. “You just wait until that damn thing is off. I’ll be ten times as suave then.”
“I’m not complaining.” You laughed softly. Maybe even a little glad that he did have that handicap to slow him down right now. Though you quieted again when you felt him move down to nip at your neck, before he kissed it a little more roughly.
When you tensed a little, he paused. You could hear the tease in his voice. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave any hickies. Scout’s honor.” He knew you still cared about appearances to some degree, that and the privacy to not show off all of what you’d done in front of the others. “But you ever had one?” He asked anyway.
“No.” You answered without hesitation. You didn’t feel any need to pretend with him.
He pulled back a little again at that though, enough that you could look at each other and you wondered if he was finding this hard to believe.
“But you’ve had boyfriends right?” He asked, before considering a little more. “Or maybe girlfriends? I mean, I’m cool with either just for the record. We get discriminated on enough as it is to bother being worried about what side of the fence anybody is playing on.” He smiled, rubbing his hand down your side. “If I’m going to like someone, I’m going to like them for them. Everything else is just bonus.”
You’d never really thought about it to be honest. If you were attracted to someone, you just were. But it sounded like he was of similar thinking, which was nice. “I haven’t really had anybody.” You answered. “I’ve been at the school since I was pretty young. And you just end up seeing them all as family I guess.”
His eyebrows raised and he hesitated a while, before finally speaking again a little bit carefully. “So...please don’t punch me, but um, does that mean you haven’t...you know?” He didn’t seem like he could say it. Or that maybe he was actually afraid of offending you all of the sudden. Which would be a first.
But just because you were inexperienced, that didn’t mean you were naive. And it was awkward, but not frightening. You weren’t afraid to talk to him this way. “I haven’t had sex, no.” You responded plainly, but did have a little concern on him possibly panicking as you made sure to clarify. “And I’m not a minor. This would have been my senior year and then some I guess if you compare our class levels to normal high school grades.” But Xavier’s school was still a little different. “Or maybe it’d be more like freshman year of college.”
Peter took a breath. “I mean, yeah I figured you were legal. Good to confirm, but um, you realize this means you have no idea if you should have waited for someone better or not?”
He was getting self conscious again. You’d already been through this before. Where he acted as if you were making a mistake just to choose him. You tried to turn this back around. “It doesn’t matter to me who you’ve already been with. And yes, I might be inexperienced, but you’ve got to trust me that I’m capable of choosing who I want now.”
You could still sense him wavering, but he at least didn’t lock up to the point of not answering. He was trying to fall back on a little humor, his go to. “Well it’s not like I’ve been all around either. It was really just one, but you know, a good bit of practice there.” Though as soon as he said it that way, he seemed to regret it, trying to explain further. “I mean, she didn’t give two shits about me in the end. I thought she did. But I didn’t use her, it was more the other way around. At least in my view.”
You quieted, that new spill of information you felt signaling a much deeper story under the surface. And he seemed really nervous as if he hadn’t intended to bring up this subject at all. “It’s okay.” You answered quickly. “Like I said, the past is the past. It doesn’t affect what I feel about you. But if you want to get something else off your chest right now, my time is yours.”
And he did want to talk. You could tell he did. Like this was something he never could speak of normally. He seemed surprised at his own self as the name finally did come out. “Her name was Crystal.” But he still tightened his grip on you even as he kept on. “Back when I was still in high school outside D.C., she’d started there. Her family was always moving, I don’t know why. But I guess because she was new she didn’t know the whole hierarchy shit, where I was on the bottom with the other weirdos always in detention. And she figured out I had powers, she did too. I’d never met anyone my age that did. We started hanging out, and before you know it I’d be speeding to her house and all at night. My Mom never knew. Wanda did, but I think she saw the fuck up coming and decided to let me figure it out for myself.”
You felt no jealousy to the confession. Genuinely you were only listening, knowing these details only gave you a more complete picture of him. Who he was now and why.
“I’d never gotten attention like that before you know? You start thinking it’s real and you get carried away. And I’m not saying she was manipulative or any stupid crap like that. She wasn’t. She just wanted to fool around with somebody, wanted to feel good. But it probably shouldn’t have been with me is what I mean. Not for that long anyway just to cut me off at the knees when she was ready to move on again.”
So she’d just wanted a physical relationship. While Peter had misunderstood it to be more, and had had to suffer for it when the truth finally showed. You could understand how that would be extremely painful. Especially if it was the first real intimacy he’d ever had.
He kept on though, likely something very cathartic in finally getting to let go of all this. “And we had a huge blow up in the end. When she’d started sleeping with someone else. I probably said some stuff I shouldn’t have, I mean she was never mine to be mad about I guess. But she was no pushover. She told me to fuck right off, and I never went back. I quit going to school and they moved away again eventually. So that was the end of that.”
Then that was likely the real reason he never finished school you realized, not just because of boredom with it or any lack of ability on his own part. It was sad, but you didn’t see him as anyone to be pitied. He’d survived that negative experience to still be here with you now.
And you couldn’t take those old scars away, but you could at least make sure you didn’t leave any room for miscommunication now. You could let him know exactly what he had in you, to take or leave as he wished. Because nothing could work here either unless you both were on the same page.
“Well I can tell you that you will never just be a hookup for me. I mean, yes, I might not be as satisfying I guess, not knowing all about this. But, I’m attracted to you. Not your body, not your powers, just you. I want to be together until you decide otherwise.” You smiled, calling back a bit to his words in Egypt. “Together exclusively until I annoy you or you get bored of me.”
He laughed, unable to help himself. “And I still don’t deserve it.” He insisted, but agreed anyway. “Exclusive is good, no other guys or girls. Just us annoying the hell out of each other until the end.” He then nuzzled his head back against your neck, continuing. “I’ll be slightly more behaved too I guess. Now that I know it’ll be your first time, it can’t just be in an aircraft carrier broom closet or some crap after all. I’ll try to think of something a little more romantic in the meantime.”
“Gee thanks.” You smirked, before kissing him lightly again. There was still oh so much trouble to look forward to it sounded like.
He leaned into the kiss, trying to taste you as much as you’d let him. But you thought you could still feel him smiling a little too, before another sound went off in your brains.
“All of you, they’re asking us to clear the flight deck as they have a pair of helicopters trying to come back in from patrol.” The Professor’s voice was a bit impersonal, the way it could be when he was essentially copying the same message to multiple minds one after the other.
“And that would be the bell,” Peter sighed. “Recess over.”
You were a little disappointed too, but there was still tonight after all. “There’s still the bunk later,” You reminded at that, standing up and offering him your hand.
He grabbed it, quickly pulling himself up before leaning in to kiss you one more time. “That a promise?”
“Maybe.” You answered, handing him his crutches.
“Tease.” He countered with a smirk, before you both started walking back towards the others.
It’d be one more night in close quarters, and then on to the long trip home tomorrow.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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yespat49 · 2 months
Le Secours catholique au chevet des OQTF
  Capture d’écran X   Jean Kast 28 juillet 2024   Le Secours catholique-Caritas France l’écrit noir sur blanc.  Il prône un « accueil inconditionnel » des nécessiteux.  Pour justifier sa mission, l’association dit s’appuyer sur une intention inspirée de l’Évangile : apporter une aide, un soutien, « partout où le besoin s’en fera sentir, à l’exclusion de tout particularisme national ou…
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proudmythicalbeast · 3 years
RhettandLinKast #2 Lunch w/Lincoln + Test Setup 11/30/07
First 3 minutes is Link talking with his grandparents on the yellow flower couch by their desks, then Rhett and Link move to the other part of the basement with the green screen and the infamous green card table.
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Rhett limps around, because of a back injury from recording a music video, while Link sets up everything for the live.
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There's only 17 people watching, Rhett talks directly to them, one even asks about his back hair (!) to which he responds that it can be remedied easily. Link tells him to remember Jesus and their wives are watching, ha. Rhett says Jesus is, but his wife is working 👀
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One of Rhett's famous quotes! I have a feeling these kasts are full of proprhettcies.
Link says he's glad there's proof that he does everything. Rhett says he can change this to Rhett.com anytime (sure like you didn't convince this man to quit his job so that he could create with you).
I LOVE the chinstrap and the wings. I even love their flair legged jeans (I may be biased because these kasts started when I was in college, but the slightly fitted flairs are better than just baggy jeans like when they were in college).
They are adorable 😭 I would've loved them if I had known they existed back then. In hs and college, I was into Olde English (with Adam Conover and Raph Bob-Waksberg) and Derrick Comedy (Donald Glover), both were comedy troupes and had their own websites/forums before yt was big.
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taeminno · 10 months
Sweater Actually I Can
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Sweater Actually I Can Als iemand zegt dat je iets niet kunt doen, doe het dan twee keer en maak foto's ... Hoe leuk is deze statement sweater met " Actually I Can "print? Met deze toffe sweater heb jij altijd een perfect item in je kast hangen die je op comfy days kan dragen. Door de inspirerende tekst maak jij een statement en loop jij er helemaal on-trend bij! Wil je er fashionable uit blijven zien tijdens de koudere ochtenden, maar toch een comfortabele look dragen? Kies dan net als onze model voor een oversized variant (een of twee maten groter) & combineer hem met een korte broek of een hippe jasje. Met deze combo blijf je warm en zie je er ook nog eens stylish uit. Wij hebbent deze unisex sweater speciaal ontworpen en zal ook speciaal voor jouw bedrukt worden. Elke sweater is daarmee uniek. Verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren Sweaters en prints. Daarbij is deze sweater goed te combineren met jeans of een casual look. Mooie sweater van 80% gekamd katoen / 20% polyester en heeft een perfecte pasvorm en voelt zeer zacht aan. Comfortabele lengte voor een vlotte retaillook Perfect Sweat Technology. Binnenkant geborsteld. Door de stretch aan de mouwen en onderboord krijgt deze sweater een modieus uiterlijk. Mouweinden in Elasthan Onderboord in Elasthan Wasvoorschrift 30 °C, normaal programma
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