#Jesus and Crowley friendship PLEASE!!!
theangelwithawand · 1 year
Good Omens Incorrect Quotes 5
Still not mine.
Crowley as Aziraphale: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Crowley as Aziraphale: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
Crowley: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Warlock, T-posing in the doorway: Greetings, Nanny.
Crowley, not looking up from their coffee: Good morning, problem child.
Aziraphale: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don’t murder someone right now.
Crowley: There are no books in prison.
Aziraphale: *sighs* Thank you.
Aziraphale: Jesus Saves.
Crowley: Passes to Moses, SCOOOOOORE!
Crowley: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Crowley: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Aziraphale: ...We're on the ground floor.
Crowley: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
Aziraphale: I made this friendship bracelet for you.
Crowley: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person.
Aziraphale: You don’t have to wear…
Crowley: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Crowley: So jellyshish-
Aziraphale, laughing: JELLYSHISH!?
Crowley: You know what I meant!
Crowley: What's gone wrong, Aziraphale?
Aziraphale: Hey! That’s one heck of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.
Crowley: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling?
Aziraphale: Well... There’s a crisis.
Crowley, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks.
Aziraphale: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks.
Aziraphale: Crowley? What are you doing here?
Crowley, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.
Newt: I’m here for the cult stuff.
Shadwell: How did you find us?
Newt: I saw your ad on craigslist.
Aziraphale: I am in charge of this disaster!
Crowley: I have a name, you know.
Crowley, wiping tears from their eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it’s meant to be…
Aziraphale: I’m literally just going to the store.
Crowley: I have issues.
Gabriel: Finally, you admit it! The first step to redemption is accept-
Crowley: With you.
Crowley: *on the phone with Anathema* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
Anathema: You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
Crowley: Maybe.
Crowley: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Crowley: *upends the bottle*
Aziraphale: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things.
Crowley, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too.
Anathema: Wow, Aziraphale was late too! What a coincidence!
Aziraphale: You spent all our money on THIS??
Crowley, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Crowley: Where are you going?
Aziraphale: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
Crowley: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday!
Anathema, knowing full well that Crowley got Aziraphale an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Crowley: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Aziraphale: You’re drunk.
Crowley: Correction: drinking. Present tense. Grammar, Aziraphale.
Aziraphale: Do you see yourself as a glass half-full or glass half-empty kind of person?
Anathema: Half-full, definitely.
Anathema: Half-full and constantly rising.
Anathema: Soon the water will escape its container and consume us all.
Crowley: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
Aziraphale: AS ENEMIES?!
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Hello lovely mods, thanks again for your miracle work on this blog. Just wondering if you have any fic recs where Crowley and Aziraphale don't meet at Eden, but sometime later. Bonus points if the rating is towards the E end of the spectrum. Thanks again, adore this blog and all your work ❤️
Hi! Please check our #different first meeting tag for more fics like this! Here are some more to add to the collection...
We'll Meet Again (don't know where, don't know when) by OfSnakesLiesandKings (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley missed their first meeting on the Wall of Eden and each had to go through 6000 human years on their own. What would happen when Aziraphale is sent to Earth for the first time since the garden, with the objective to keep an eye on Hell’s oldest agent as Armageddon approaches?
Rated for: discorporations (no graphic details), (canon typical) drinking and swearing.
sugar by Sway (E)
"We have decided,” Beelzebub says, “to punish it in a way that fits the crime.” They wave a hand and one of the demons shoves the other a step forward. “It will be given to the demon Crowley for 40 days, may he do his worst with it.”
Aziraphale likes sex. She really does. Heaven - obviously - does not so they decide to punish her under their new Redemption Policy. Forty days with a demon of Hell's choice.
Temptations Spa by Quefish (E)
Crowley is a demon who owns many businesses designed to get the humans rolling in the Seven Deadlies. Aziraphale is an angel who owns a bookshop. An advert brings Aziraphale to Temptations Spa where they meet for the first time.
The Long Way Around by redundant_angel (M)
Aziraphale and Crowley never meet in Eden and the pair go on through time believing that other is the enemy. With Armageddon quickly approaching, Crowley is sent on an important assignment: to kill the angel and retrieve the flaming sword.
Things go sideways, however, when Crowley is severely injured. As Aziraphale naively nurses the demon back to health, Crowley begins to wonder if he'll be able to go through with it after all...
The Angel Heaven Forgot (& the Demon who flipped off Hell on his way out) by ximeria (M)
Somewhere around the death of Jesus, Aziraphale started wondering if anyone paid him any attention. By 1100AD he was quite sure and by 1800 he thought 'sod it' and opened a bookstore in Soho.
This is canon divergent from the Garden of Eden. Aziraphale and Crowley do not meet and yet the End Times are still foiled (though who knows how - maybe an angel and a demon weren't all that necessary after all). Instead Aziraphale runs into Crowley and they end up striking up a friendship.
The Way Home by GiggleSnortBangDead (E)
Aziraphale and Crowley meet in 1979 while working on a film adaptation of an Ezra Fell novel. Aziraphale just had another fight with Gabriel and is looking for something casual, even if it's with a human. Crowley is not a human, but Aziraphale doesn't know that. In Crowley's defense, he also doesn't know that Aziraphale's not a human.
Aziraphale and Crowley meet again in 2019 while working on a film adaptation of the same Ezra Fell novel.
- Mod D
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shipposttt · 11 months
The Ship of the Day: The Ineffable Husbands
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SPOILER WARNING for the Good Omens series, including season 2 :D
Names: Crowley and Aziraphale 
Ship name(s): The Ineffable husbands/ Aziraphale
Original Content: Good Omens book (1990) and the Good Omens series (2019 S1, 2023 S2)) and all subsequent world building done by our lord and saviour Neil Gaiman through Tumblr <3
Ship info: Firstly, while the book will be mentioned within this post, it is important to note that i myself have only ever watched the series- as such, if there is information from the books that is failed to be mentioned that you believe should’ve been, this is why; please feel free to add anything you would like in the notes! Secondly, I will be using multiple pronouns for both Aziraphale and Crowley within this post because, as stated by Neil himself in a Tumblr ask, we might as well see them as genderfluid because he does. Similarly, angels (and thus, demons) are defined as sexless beings within the book, who’s “size, and shape, and composition, are simply options”.
So, you may be wondering, “what’s with this bible fanfiction?”, well don’t you worry I will clear that right up!
Good Omens is a novel/book originally written as a collaboration between Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman in 1990, exploring the roles of angels, demons and mortals during the apocalypse – Armageddon. This has in recent years been adapted into a series for Amazon Prime Video with the help of Neil our beloved to ensure it stayed true to their vision for this story, especially since the series goes beyond the canon timeline of the book.
In particular, it follows demon Crowley and angel Aziraphale, who, as the only non-mortals residing within the mortal world long term, formed an alliance over the centuries, though this alliance slowly but surely turned into a friendship and then progressed into even more. Now, this might sound like an enemies-to-lovers 400k slow-burn but it’s NOT. You see, Crowley was once an angel prior to his fall, with the fandom theorising that they were a rather high-ranking angel due to his actions and clearance levels depicted within scenes of season 2, so technically they didn’t start off as enemies, nor would I argue that they ever truly became enemies following Crowley becoming a demon. Anyway, the first series follows these two immortal beings as they attempt to prevent the coming of the Antichrist, Adam Young, together. The majority of season one focusses on how Armageddon is coming to fruition and how mortals and immortals alike were attempting to stop it. Despite this, there is still a large focus on Crowley and Aziraphale’s personal relationship throughout time.
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Within season 1 episode 3, we take a short break from the ‘current’ canon of stopping Armageddon to explore Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship and how it grew throughout the centuries using flashbacks for the first portion of the episode, this past history between them before the canon of Armageddon is also explored further in season 2 through multiple extended flashbacks. In the canonical timeline of events, these flashbacks begin from before the beginning of the universe as we know it, with then-angel Crowley creating the universe (“let there be light” and all that) as Aziraphale watched him do so; then jumping to the Garden of Eden, where now-demon Crowley tempts Eve. These flashbacks are sporadic throughout time, gaining in frequency the closer to ‘now’ they get, showing the pairings meetings at: Noah’s Ark, during the testing of Job’s faith (where Crowley first tempts Aziraphale with food), at Jesus’ crucifixion, in a Roman tavern, in Arthurian Britain, and then much more frequently between 1793 in a Paris dungeon and 2019 at Armageddon. All of these flashbacks portray their relationship going from working against each other (in the garden 4004 BC) to working together (the Globe Theatre 1601 AD), though we don’t know the exact date “the arrangement” between the two beings began, it is alluded to within this scene in the Globe Theatre as they discuss the possibility of one of them doing both “the blessing and the tempting” (their respective jobs given to them by heaven and hell) in Edinburgh, as they had done so elsewhere previously, with Aziraphale showing fear for Crowley’s safety within this arrangement, saying “but if hell finds out, they wont just be angry, they’ll destroy you”, but eventually acquiescing, calling heads on the coin toss to decide who goes. These more frequent visits shown leading up to Armageddon show the change from just working together for ease to working together because they enjoyed their time together.
So now we are up to date with their relationship prior to Armageddon, from working together to working against one another all the way up to forming an alliance together and coming to care for one another. So, spoiler alert (I say as if the previous paragraph wasn’t full of spoilers); they stop Armageddon together (yay). Following them preventing Armageddon, hell and heaven attempted to fully discorporate the pair, using hellfire for Aziraphale and a holy water bath (sans rubber duck) for Crowley, the two predicted this move however and temporarily swapped bodies so as to ensure neither came to harm. They then nicely finished off the season with the pair dining in the Ritz, making a toast “to the world” as a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square (in reference to the popular love song published in 1940).  
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So, all is well and good for the start of season 2, right? WRONG. Archangel Gabriel shows up at Aziraphale’s bookstore having lost all his memories, Crowley and Aziraphale perform a miracle together to hide Gabriel (now going by Jim) that is so strong heaven believes it could only be the will of an archangel, leading to them believing that Gabriel is hiding in Aziraphale’s bookshop. Now, this season evolves around hiding Gabriel and somehow restoring his memories but Aziraphale instead takes it upon himself to focus on trying to set up the owners of two nearby stores, drawing similarities between the two and himself and Crowley. So Aziraphale is trying to set these two up, Crowley is trying to keep Aziraphale safe and heaven and hell alike are both convinced they are hiding Gabriel. This all comes to a head as Gabriel’s memories get restored and it is revealed that he was demoted after refusing to support an attempt at a second Armageddon, conversations are had and offers are made and the elusive Metatron offers Aziraphale Gabriel’s old position, promising to restore Crowley’s status as an angel.
Now for the divorce. Yeah, you read that right, the ineffable divorce. The day I cried, the fandom cried, I think even the official Amazon Prime Twitter *ahem*, sorry, ‘X’ account admin cried. Aziraphale accepts the Metatron’s offer because they believe he and Crowley working together can make a difference, “we can be together, angels, doing good. I need you”. Crowley confesses to Aziraphale, saying how they can do the same as Gabriel and Beelzebub and leave heaven and hell behind to just be them, they disagree on working for heaven and Crowley points out that they can’t hear any nightingales (in reference to the end of season one), “you idiot, we could’ve been us”, before kissing Aziraphale once, finishing off this glorious season with “I forgive you” (A), “Don’t bother”.
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Now, this is where we are left off with their relationship, and while there are a lot more scenes I’ve missed out here which allude to their building romance and many, many posts by Neil Gaiman which explore it further, this has already gotten way too long to include them all.
Type of Ship: Queer
Now, even outside of their relationship, these two are unequivocally queer.  As previously stated, they both do not conform to societal stereotypes surrounding gender, with them being angelic beings who simply choose to take on the traditionally more masculine forms we most associate with them, whilst other times choosing more traditionally feminine forms- like Crowley did in scenes of the crucifixion of Jesus, or when they were a nanny. While this isn’t explicitly spoken about within the series (because their gender presentation simply is there, an unquestioned part of them, it’s not a focal point of the plot), co-author and series writer Neil Gaiman has clarified that angels and demons alike do not have gender or sex and do not perceive gender in the same way as humans do.
How, as such, within the ship they are also queer, with the pair not bending to societal norms surrounding gender, sex and relations. And though they do kiss in the final episode of season two, Neil Gaiman has confirmed that their kiss was “about a lot of things but   its not to show they’re in love” alluding to the love being shown in other ways as their relationship isn’t inherently sexual- neither is it inherently asexual as he explained “they are an angel and a demon, not as male humans”. This portrays romance and love in away that is inherently queer and different to that of heteronormative ideals as they are not strictly male or female and don’t explore sexuality in the same way as is the norm.
Thank you for reading this! Admin 🦇 out!
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a head canon for season 3:
God herself never talks to anyone anymore about Anything because she's either a bitter petty bitch like that or she's just sitting back enjoying the show, (or maybe a bit of both).
but she feels bad for Crowley and Aziraphale and has always meant for Crowley to be a demon, thats who he was always meant to be, and always made them to be a pair but she can't tell them that because it would ruin every lesson she's trying to teach them about identity and growth and friendship and true love and what it really means to be a soul mate because they were her first try at soul mates, they're the blueprints of the whole damn operation.
And being soulmates isn't about being exactly alike, it isn't even about being exactly in tune with each other all the time, its about when you're together you're stronger and braver, you help each other grow and heal and love yourself.
That's why she talks about the Nightingale singing over Berkley square, because she knows its their song, she knows that's it their thing to dine at the Ritz, and she didn't design that for them they came up with that on their own, every twist and turn their relationship has gone down has been free will but now its got all mucked up and she's like I gotta go talk to them.
So she comes down from on high and every angel and demon in the immediate area is stressing out and trying to get her attention but she's just sitting down with Aziraphale and trying to talk about feelings over cocoa and then the Metatron turns to Jesus and is just like 'Can you please go talk to your Mom we need to get back on track' and Jesus is like 'You think I can tell my Mom to do anything?"
And Crowley won't say a word to her no matter what she does.
I just think it would be really funny having all these angels jumping over themselves trying to talk to God about The Next Plan and Important Apocalypse things and she is just like 'Yeaaaah, I really just came down to talk to Zira can you give us some privacy please :)'
And Aziraphale is just like :0
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What just happened?
It first happened after the bombing.
Crowley was so smugly proud of himself for the work he'd done. When Hell would ask about the demonic miracle, he'd lazily reply that he simply wanted to wreck a church. How delightfully sacrilegious! The truth was far more devious:
He'd done it to save the Angel.
His standing relationship with Aziraphale had gone back thousands of years. It had taken time to cultivate, but it did develop into more than just acquaintanceship. It started with confiding in each other. Aziraphale telling the truth only to Crawly about his sword, something he even lied to The Almighty about. Quietly divulging the plans about the Great Flood. Crowley briefly recounting his time spent traveling with Jesus, and his innocent intentions in doing so.
But then they shared their own plans for blessings and temptations. Which is how the Arrangement was born. Crowley tempted his angel friend to sow bad deeds. Aziraphale persuaded Crowley to bestow blessings and miracles.
It was a careful balancing act, this beautiful Arrangement. It required a social dance, gentle persuasion and mutual respect. It required a friendship.
So when Crowley learned that his friend was running around town during the second Great War, he knew the angel was probably doing whatever was in his power to thwart evil. He'd always kept close tabs on him throughout history, at first as an asset and later out of friendship. In his recent covert followings, Crowley had caught glimpses of him speaking with plain clothes military, and had heard from sources that he was "going undercover" to help the allies. And unlike Aziraphale, who was so over-the-top pleased with himself for being able to help and "pull a fast one" on the nazis and therefore completely oblivious to the world, Crowley caught the fact that the Germans weren't the ones who were about to be played.
He had considered letting it go. It would be a good lesson for the angel to learn on his own, that he shouldn't trust humans so blindly. But that didn't sit well with him. He told himself it was because, what if Aziraphale learned to not trust him as well? Then the Arrangement would go out the window! But his stomach churned for more reason than that.
Crowley found himself skulking in a dark alley across the street from a church later that month. Didn't like churches, Crowley. They radiated a hum of something good. Even from across the street, it was like feeling heat pulse from directly next to a rancid landfill on a hot summer day during a heatwave after a rainstorm. He wanted to throw up.
The sensation caught in his throat when he saw someone decked in light, neutral colors tiptoe towards the church entrance with an arm full of books. He couldn't help but smile. Aziraphale had always had that effect on him.
The smile faded as his friend disappeared inside. He would follow him, but he'd be next to useless in a church. Aziraphale probably would be strengthened in there, better equipped to deal with the two losers he'd seen go inside over an hour before. Surely the angel could take on two spies?
But then she appeared. Aziraphale's British military intelligence contact. The German triple agent. He watched her slip into the church, quiet as a cat, gun drawn.
Crowley scowled. It was 3 to 1 against his unsuspecting associate. He groaned. The unease crashed down over him again, and he shifted from foot to foot.
"Well, I suppose I could just redirect one of those incoming bombers to fly this way and destroy the church. Church goes boom, nazis go splat, everyone loses. Perfect scheme."
He snapped his fingers. Miles away, a German bomber plane veered off course. Some strange malfunction made the pilot confused as to his surroundings. Straying far away from the group out of formation must have been the correct way to go. The plane zigzagged across the area, trying to reclaim its spot, but the thick cloud cover confused the pilot more, sending him out, further and further away from the East End. It would take less than five minutes for the plane to release a bomb right here above this church.
Crowley's stomach flipped again. Aziraphale would still be discorporated, unless he escaped the church on time. The demon threw his head back scowling in frustration, almost losing the wide brimmed hat off his head.
"Damn it, Angel!"
Maybe he could send a signal? No, the Church would block his attempts. Call out? Scream?
Every idea but the obvious was ridiculous, and he knew it. The demon geared himself up, rubbed his hands together, and hustled across the dark street in after them. Luckily, she had left the door open so he didn't have to touch the door handle.
The ground burned. He could feel the grace emanating from the ground, holy blisters forming on his soles (and soul) as he walked. Burn, burn, burn. It would take years to heal. His walk quickly turned from tiptoeing to hot-potatoing his feet off the ground.
By the time he hopped into the chapel, there were two guns drawn and pointing at his friend. All four of them stopped to stare at him incredulously.
"Sorry, consecrated ground,"
Aziraphale's face went from concerned to concerned.
"Oh! It's like being at the beach in bare feet!"
No need to worry him unnecessarily. He didn't want Aziraphale to think he was going out of his way to force the angel to be indebted to him.
But still, the bottoms of his feet were undoubtedly blistered and burnt and cracked and bleeding by now. He gently hopped from foot to foot, trying not to make noises.
"What are you doing here?" The angel hissed at him.
"Stopping you from getting into trouble." Wasn't it obvious? Was Aziraphale really upset because he had wanted to help without help?
"I should have known. Of course. These people are working for you!"
Oh. Ohhh. Well, Crowley could take credit for it, he supposed. After all, he'd implied to home office that much of the unrest topside was a direct result of his work.
He didn't even consider lying to the angel for a second.
"Noo. They're a bunch of half-witted Nazi spies, running around London blackmailing and murdering people. I just didn't want to see you embarrassed."
Well, that was more than he intended to share, but the cat was out of the bag now. Ah well. He tried to lean on a pew in a nonchalant way to take some of the weight from his pained feet, but the wooden bench was also consecrated. He almost buckled into it.
"Mr. Anthony J. Crowley, your fame precedes you."
Ah. Well, he'd forgotten about some antics he'd gotten into in Germany after the first Great War. He had gained a little notoriety amongst certain groups of humans. He hoped it didn't make Aziraphale distrust what he had said.
The angel looked to him with confused, innocent eyes.
"You don't like it?"
"No, no, I didn't say that. I'll get used to it."
"The famous Mr. Crowley?" The Nazi woman chimed in. Crowley had almost forgotten about her. "Such a pity you must both die." He tipped his hat to her, more as a casual acknowledgement of her recognition than out of respect for what she promised would come next.
Aziraphale, no longer interested in the Germans, looked to Crowley again.
"What does the J stand for?"
Crowley had never considered the answer to that. Well, he had, but then disregarded having to think up something. The humans had begun having third names, right between their first and second names (why not after the second made him roll his eyes), but never one to miss a human fad, he had inserted the letter neatly between his adopted human name and his true name. He had figured if any human asked him about it, he could not only distract them from pressing the issue, but also give a plethora of fake names that started with J just to throw people off. He could lie now, give Aziraphale one of his favorite J names? Really set him spinning, tell him it stood for Jehovah?
"It's just a J really," he stammered, slightly embarrassed. Desperate for a change of subject, he glanced to the side. "Look at that! A whole fontful of holy water! It doesn't even have guards!"
He continued to hop from foot to foot. The nerves started sizzling, but demons are cursed to never unfeel divine pain inflicted upon them. He almost couldn't think straight any more, flashes of pain continuing to shoot across his essence. This bloody church, I hate it, I hope it gets dest...
Crowley spun, remembering why he came here in the first place: to warn Aziraphale. A quick mental check said that the plane was less than a minute away.
"In about a minute, a German bomber will release a bomb that will land right here." He didn't care if they questioned how he would know. He just wanted to hurry up and be done. Demons can't perform miracles in holy places. Most of the scope of his power was limited here.
Aziraphale fidgeted with his hat, a slight frown on his face. Crowley internally groaned. "If you all run away very, very fast, you might not die. You won't enjoy dying. Definitely wont enjoy what comes after." There. That should satisfy him. Even if he was rambling again.
Crowley looked pointedly at Aziraphale, hoping he'd get the hint. The angel simply looked distraught.
One of the German men scoffed.
"You expect us to believe that? The bombs tonight will fall on the East End."
"Yes, it would take a last-minute demonic intervention to throw them off course, yes."
He didn't care any more. The nazis would choose to die here, he knew that. It didn't matter what they knew now. He looked at those big, blue, wide eyes staring at him and was on the verge of screaming internally. Why did he always feel inspired to do good in his presence??
"You're all wasting your valuable running-away time!" As a matter of fact, HE had wasted all their valuable running away time as well. "And if, in 30 seconds a bomb does land here, it would take a real miracle for my friend and I to survive it." There Aziraphale, obvious enough for you?
"A- a real miracle?" Now he understood. Great, awesome, excellent, just a couple more seconds then. He bounced his weight back and forth a little. The leader dismissively asked for his cronies to shoot them.
The plane released the bomb.
Crowley directed their attention to the distinct whistling of incoming death. As they all turned their faces upward, he took stock.
Demons (and angels) can choose to experience time differently than humans, as they were not bound to it. The moment the bomb smashed through the wood and stone, the human-inspired violence destroying the sanctity of the chapel, Crowley removed himself from the standard time stream to take the scene in.
He could potentially steal some holy water now. Eh, there was nothing decent to store it in, and he was just now feeling the relief of blessing-been-broken. He'd settle for making sure the fonts didn't splash anywhere near him, though he was sure Aziraphale would also make sure of that, knowing the angel's stance on the matter.
He checked the Germans. It did only seem to be the three of them. Idiots. His lot were already having lots of fun with the droves of nazis being plunked into Hell the moment they died. And he did try to warn them. None of them seemed to have any additional explosives on them. One had a briefcase. Aziraphale's books. His favorite books.
He couldn't look at Aziraphale presently. The angel had stepped out of sync with time as well, separately, to perform a life-saving miracle. Attempting to look at him now would scramble his head a bit. But he knew his holy acquaintance; he would be entirely preoccupied with saving their lives properly.
Right before stepping back into time, he cast protection onto the briefcase. Fire nor debris nor violence would touch it. It was the most he could manage with residual holiness mucking the area up.
He surveyed the damage around him. Satan it felt good now. He cracked his neck a bit. He took his glasses off and wiped the churchdust off them.
"That was very kind of you."
"Shut up."
"Well, it was. No paperwork, for a start."
He watched the split second his angel's face went from thinking of all the other ways this was beneficial to him, to realizing he'd forgotten something in the excitement of the moment.
"Oh, the books! Oh, I forgot all the books!"
The distress made Crowley want to smirk and laugh haughtily and console him. Confused by his own internal reaction, he settled for pursed lips as he looked to where the briefcase stuck out of the rubble. His protection must have accidentally extended to the nazi's hand and wrist as well, because they also were untouched. Stuck out of the debris like a sore thumb. Or a sore hand. A dead hand. A cold, dead hand.
Crowley pried the briefcase from the stiff fingers and held it out towards Aziraphale. An offering.
"A little demonic miracle of my own."
Then it happened.
As Aziraphale reached to take the briefcase, the Angel's fingers lightly brushed Crowley's.
It sucked the breath out of him, sent pink lightning speeding through his whole existence. All of time since the Fall stood still, all of time happened instantaneously. He could feel Heaven again, could taste the walls of Hell, felt every force in the universe stop and turn their millions of burning eyes upon his small crawling form as though he'd rung Life's doorbell. Time was immaterial, aeons burned across him. It wasn't even just pain, it was every conceivable moment, every possible emotion, every extreme of sensation, all at once blazing forth from the spark of his finger. He saw God, and she looked back.
It hurt.
The angel stared disbelievingly between the briefcase and the demon. As quickly as it had come, so it stopped. Had Aziraphale experienced the same thing? He looked shocked. Maybe he had. Crowley was almost at a loss for words.
"Lift home?"
It was all he managed to get out. He dumbly strode to his waiting car, safely down a few blocks.
What just happened?
Another little piece I've had sitting in my drafts since 2019? But hey, now you all get to read it. Especially with Good Omens 2 right around the corner.
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aemoloser · 6 months
Heddo! My name is [REDACTED] but you can call me Siouxie.
Bi AroAce – Single – Mixed – Native American – Agender – MultiFandom – Artist – 3D Modeler
I’m also either watching YouTube (my personal tv channel uWu) or listening to music 24/7.
I’m currently 26 yrs old. My birthday is July 29th.
I tend to spend too much damn time on the internet and my phone.
I enjoy watching YouTube or roleplaying with friends.
I draw and write, even though I’m not good at it . . .
Hey! My name is [REDACTED] but you may call me Nyx or Xander.
I’m antisocial, so when it comes to making friends, I’m not that good at . . . But if you want to be friends that would be nice . . . 👉👈
I go by She/They. I’m a Cis Female but questioning. I’m AroAce and Bisexual Questioning. I’M AN ADULT, so what I do is 18+.
I’m also a single pringle but that doesn’t mean I want to be flirted with . . . So please, don’t hit on me unless you are a friend of mine and I KNOW you are joking.
I’m agnostic so please don’t bring your Jesus crap here, I have enough of it in my Real Life =_= . . .
I’m laid back and silently most of the time until I get to know you more and more, then I won’t shut the fuck up. XD You’ll easily get tired of me cause I always desire attention whenever I’m bored. I have undiagnosed ADHD. I’m diagnosed with Manic Bipolar Depression, Manic Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I use Caps to show I’m either excited or yelling about something but I’m mostly not yelling at you.
I draw from time to time but most of the time I just hate my artwork >:| Damn these hands . . . But I also like to write whatever I’m hyper fixated on. *cough* SUPERNATURAL *cough*
I’m the youngest of my family.
I’m Native American.
I’m Mixed.
I’m learning Japanese.
I’m a huge nerd for internet memes.
I’m from the United States
Fandoms I’m In: Supernatural, Good Omens, Boyfriend to Death, Anime, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Steven Universe, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Pizza Tower, Five Nights at Freddy’s
YouTubers: Game Grumps, The Boys, InternetCity
Ships: AziraCrow, Destiel
Music: Falling in Reverse, Set It Off, Ado, Anna Blue, Ice Nine Kills, Fall Out Boy, Vocaloid, J-Pop, Punk Rock, Pop
My Favorite Characters: Sam Winchester (Supernatural), Crowley (Good Omens), Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel), Adam (Hazbin Hotel Again), Rire (Boyfriend to Death)
Others: Chocolate, RolePlaying, Gothic Stuff, Emo Stuff, Edgy Shit, Drawing, Writing Crappy Fanfiction, Scenemo/Scenecore, Burgers, Watching YouTube
My favorite colors are lavender, blood red, and midnight black (yes, I like to describe my colors cause I’m a unique snowflake uWu )
My favorite movies is Coraline. Nothing else. My favorite show is Steven Universe and Hazbin Hotel (despite not having Amazon Prime. I watch clips and songs on YouTube uWu) My favorite song is Sick by The Boys, hands down. My favorite game has to be either Saints Row or Portal 2.
What I Post
My Fics
Where You Can Find Me/ Social Medias My Links | Twitter | Instagram | BlueSky | YouTube
I post whatever I want including adult content. If you want to see my works, make sure you are prepared.
All my works that are ADULT will only be tagged as ‘Special Art’.
Noncon, Dubcon, Marking, Grinding/Thigh Riding Praise
Enjoy your stay and thank you for reading all the way to the end. You get a piece of chocolate!
Reblog – Like It SaysWhat the Shit – Shit Posts Naughty Naughty - Adult Works/Media
Thank you for reading this all until the end. UwUReblogs and Likes are Always Welcomed and Appreciated! Do NOT repost my work anywhere without my permission!
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bamby0304 · 6 years
With Wolves- Ch.29
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Series Masterlist
Bamby’s Masterlist
Summary: Known as The Omen, your reputation puts fear in some of the most dangerous and deadly Alphas. So when you’re caught and sent to the worst maximum security facility unknown to man, no one expected an unclaimed Omega to walk through the gates in shackles and an orange jumpsuit. Word circulates, and before long there’s a price on your head. Who will claim the untamed Omega?
A/N: Thank you @sculptorofbeginnings, @kittenofdoomage and @crispychrissy for looking the chapter over :):) xx
Warnings: Explicit language. A/B/O dynamics. Heat. Violence. Angst. Death. Bit of a time jump. Medical stuff. Fluff.
“Now, is that anyway to talk to a lady?”
Both you and Ketch turned to the doorway and froze.
Standing there, in the usual long, dark coat that covered their equally black suit, was your boss. What was a little unusual about the sight of him, was seeing the gun in his hand as he kept it pointed at Ketch.
“Who the fuck are you?” Ketch snarled.
Your boss shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you… more pressing issues at hand and all.” His head tilted in your direction, to remind Ketch that he had bigger fish to fry at the moment.
Ketch shifted on the spot, suddenly unsure. If he tried to attack you, would the new comer shoot? If he tried to run, would they shoot? What could he do that wouldn’t get him shot?
Sighing, your boss checked his watch impatiently. “Y/N, darling, times ticking. Do you need me to deal with this wanker?”
“No.” You shook your head, moving across the room. “He’s mine,” you stated as you reached for Ketch’s gun as it lay on the ground, abandoned.
Ignoring your boss as he shrugged and let you do your thing- while keeping watch to have your back- you started towards Ketch again. His eyes darted from you, to your boss, and then back, clear uncertainty in his eyes. Still, despite the fact his options were dwindling by the second, he was trying to weigh his chances and figure out his next move.
There was only one more move for him.
“On your knees,” you ordered, lifting the gun to aim it at Ketch’s face.
He scoffed and refused to move, but a flicker in his gaze let you know it was all bravado. He was scared.
You cocked the gun. “Get on your fucking knees, before I shoot you in each and make you kneel.”
Swallowing hard, eyes going wide, Ketch did as he was told and dropped to his knees, one at a time. Once he was on the ground, you moved closer to him. Despite the rage burning inside you, your simmering heat, and all the chaos, you remained cool, calm and collected as you stared him down.
“I hate you,” you started. “Do you know how rare that is? I feel nothing for Alphas. Every fucker I’ve killed was out of self-defence, for a job, or because they were a walking knot with no brain. But I didn’t hate any of them. Maybe their species, but never an individual. I never bothered feeling anything for them. But you? I hate you.
“You killed Mick because he helped me. Kevin is dead because you threw me in with Alphas, knowing they wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation. You killed Bobby and Rufus. Then you tossed the rest of us into the Pit, which is where Benny was killed. You hunted us, and killed Gabriel. Dean…” Your eyes darted to your Alpha’s unmoving body. “I swear to fucking Jesus fucking Christ, if he’s dead…” Your voice shook.
Ketch remained on his knees, eyes trained on the gun that was trained on his face. It was a staring match he would not win.
“You ruined everything. You almost killed me, gutted me, humiliated me, tried to rape me.” Tears stung your eyes. “You walk around that place like you’re some kind of god, but you’re nothing more than a weak man. You’re no better than the fuckers I’ve killed. You’re just another one to add to the list.”
As he opened his mouth, no doubt ready to try his hand at begging, you pulled the trigger.
Shooting someone in the face wasn’t something you’d done many times before, but Ketch wasn’t your first. This time was different, however. There was this satisfied feeling that didn’t quite feel like every other kill. This wasn’t just a job, or an Alpha… this was an enemy, a threat, a monster.
Now he was nothing but a corpse on the floor, with a gaping hole in his head.
“Dean!” Sam’s voice boomed outside of the cabin. “Y/N!”
Instead of waiting for him, however, you dropped the gun and rushed to Dean. But as you dropped to your knees by his side, and reached for him, you knew the truth.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no.” Your throat began to ache as you felt your eyes fill with tears. “Dean.” Grabbing his shoulder, you shook him gently. “Dean, please wake up.”
Sam came rushing into the cabin then, passing your boss without a glance. His eyes were glued on you and his brother, as you began to cry, realising you were too late… you were all too late.
“Y/N?” Sam stumbled a little, dropping to his knees beside you.
Choking on a sob, you turned to him. “He’s… he’s…”
“Fine,” your boss cut in. “Or he will be if you let my people help.”
Both you and Sam looked to the cabin entrance then as more people walked in. People you recognised. People you’d missed. People you could almost call friends.
There was Garth, a scrawny guy that was all smiles. Most people assumed he’s Beta because of his seemingly timid attitude, but the guy could be ruthless if the time was right… or the price. You’d seen him do things that left your jaw hanging open.
Meg was there, too, grinning at you like a vulture. Oddly, though, you didn’t mind. The Beta girl was a menace to society, but had saved your ass more times than you cared to admit. In between all the madness and death in your lives the two of you had formed an understanding that resembled something of a friendship.
Charlie was an actual friend, and you were honestly surprised to see her out in the field. She was a computer girl, preferring to stick behind the desk. In earlier years she’d begged to be out there, working like the rest of you. Her first kill had been her last, and had changed her forever. To this day, she reminded you that if it wasn’t for your acceptance and patience, your willingness to be there for her, then she never would have survived the aftermath.
As you looked to the new people your attention was caught by one last person as they stepped through the doors. Cas. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the scene, before they landed on you. There was concern and relief in his gaze… he’d been scared for your safety and was glad you were okay.
Sam’s attention quickly turned away from the newcomers as he instead focused on your boss. “Crowley?”
You weren’t expecting that.
Crowley grinned. “Hello, Moose.”
Looking form one man to the other, you frowned, confused. “Wait… you know each other? How?”
“It’s a long story, darling. Why don’t we wait for explanations once we get your Squirrel fixed up?” Crowley nodded to the other people. “Get him in the chopper, I want him to get the best care. And she needs to be looked over, too.”
Not having a say or choice, you let the people pull you away from Dean as they got to work. Standing there, you watched as Garth and Cas took Dean. At the same time, Meg moved to help Sam while Charlie offered you a hand, but something came over you, and suddenly you snapped.
“Touch him and I’ll gouge your eyes out,” you warned on a snarl as Meg reached out towards Sam.
She paused, hand hovering. It was clear she was tempted to take the chance, to see if you would go through with it. But then the other part of her- the part that was holding her back- didn’t feel like doubting the crazy Omega who was in heat and could possible lose her other Alpha that night.
“Meg,” Crowley called form where he still stood in the same spot, watching. “Help the others.”
With an order given, Meg walked off with a huff.
The second she was gone, you were reaching for Sam. His arms enveloped you, holding you to his chest as he buried his face into your neck to breathe in your scent.
“As beautiful as this moment is… we should all be getting a move on. The guards aren’t finished looking for you three, and Dean really does need proper medical help.”
Reminded of the danger you were in, you and Sam separated enough to follow Crowley out, while remaining hand in hand. No words were spoken as you all hurried through the woods, following your boss as he led you to his chopper, and to your freedom.
You sat by his bed, where you’d been for the last two days. An echo rang in your mind, the sound that came when Dean flatlined… when he died, with your hand in his. Dean had died.
But he was back now. Crowley had money, power, influence, it really wasn’t a surprise that he had everything you might need to save someone’s life. The second the chopper landed in the yard of Crowley’s mansion, people were bustling about to save your Alpha.
Sam stuck by your side until he was dragged away. Being Alpha and family, he had genetic material that could held save Dean’s life. So, he was taken away to give blood in the hopes it would save Dean’s life. When that did very little everyone turned to you.
Having been claimed by Dean, your DNA had changed, mutated to match his.
With both your blood and Sam’s, Crowley’s personal nurses and doctor managed to save Dean and bring him back. But even after you were reassured that he would be okay, given time and rest, you still couldn’t get forget that moment where he’d died.
The flatlining machine, the panic in the room, your scream as Sam held you, trying not to break down himself. God, you were crumbling, a mess, practically dying right with Dean, and Sam was still strong, still there for you. He was… he was everything you needed in that moment, despite losing his brother and possibly his Omega, and you were just screaming, falling apart at the seams.
You were still a mess, still distraught. Sitting by Dean’s bed, with his hand in yours as you rested your head on the mattress he lay on. You were half asleep, determined to stay awake until his eyes flutter open. Two days had past and he hadn’t woken, while you’d refused to sleep.
“’Mega…” Sam walked into the room. Lifting your head from the bed, you turned to him as he stood in the doorway. “You should eat something.”
“No.” You shook your head and looked back to Dean. “Not until he wakes.”
Sighing, Sam walked further into the room to stand by your side and grab your free hand. “What would Dean say if he knew you hadn’t eaten? Or rested? You haven’t even changed out of the robe they gave you days ago.”
Eyes wandering back to Sam, you took in his jeans, his buttoned up white and blue faded flannel… his so very mundane look. Sam suited life on the this side of the bars.
“And you’re still in heat, don’t even try to deny it.”
“Wasn’t going to,” you huffed.
“I can feel you fighting your biology. It’s just going to make you sick. The doctors will have to focus on you and leave Dean until you're better,” he noted, playing on your guilt. It worked, too. “Come on.” He tugged on your hand gently. “Let me make you some food.”
With one last glance at Dean, you let your hand slip from his grasp as Sam led you out of the room.
You were seated on a leather lounge in one of Crowley’s many sitting rooms. Sam sat behind you, his legs spread, one leaning against the back of the lounge, while you rested between his thighs with your head on his chest. He two of you were nibbling on the sandwiches that had been made for you by the chefs in the kitchen- when Sam had tried to make you food himself, they ushered you back out.
In all honesty, you did feel a little better now that you had food in your stomach. But the worry in your head and heart was still weighing you down. It wasn’t just about Dean, there was so much going on, so much to do…
“Now this is a surprise.” Your head snapped up to look over at the room’s entrance as Crowley walked in. “Y/N and the Winchesters… and here I thought you would be a spinster forever, dear.” He grinned.
Eyeing him carefully, you saw the tell-tale signs of a lie. “Did you set this up?”
“What ever do you mean?”
“Did you send me in there knowing what would happen?”
“Do you mean, did I send you into that hell hole knowing the Winchesters and Castiel would be there? Knowing that you, my most loyal employee, would meet two of my other… friends? And that a bond would grow between the three of you, because honestly no one else in the world could possibly be built for three head strong and violent people?” Crowley smiled slyly. “Of course not.”
You glared at him. “My life isn’t some toy for you to play with.”
“No, but you are valuable, and so are the Winchesters. I needed the Morningstar dead, and I wanted you back out in the world to help me run business like usual.” Crowley shrugged as he walked further into the room. “The only way you were getting out is with help. I knew the brothers would be some kind of assistance, but I can honestly tell you I didn’t expect to see those for at least a few months.” His gaze dropped to your neck.
Bringing your hand up to where his eyes were staring, you brushed one of your marks.
“Did you kill Nick… or Lucifer… or whatever the kids are calling him these days? Did you kill him?”
Attention drawn back to Crowley, you nodded. “He’s dead, but I didn’t kill him, so I don’t deserve the payout. Sam does.”
Crowley looked surprised. “You shared a job? The only person you’ve ever done that with is Castiel, and even then, you always take the kill.”
“Let’s just say… Sam had some unfinished business.” You shrugged.
“Fair enough. I’ll have Garth gather the money for Sam, and get Meg to go out and get you supplies.”
“Supplies? What kind of supplies?”
“Clothes, Y/N. You need clothes.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “And you’re sending Meg?” You scoffed, “No. Send Charlie. I trust her. She won’t come back with everything leather.”
“What’s so bad about leather. You, my dear, look exceptional in-” a low growl from Sam had Crowley cut himself short. “Fine. As you wish. No leather,” he sighed as he started to leave. “Oh, and one last thing.” He turned back to you. “I’m giving you one of my safehouses.”
“A safehouse?” Sam asked.
“Yes, Moose, a safehouse. You’ve claimed an Omega and you’re all fugitives, you do realise you’ll need some form of security,” Crowley noted. “As soon as Dean is well, I’ll have you all escorted to your new home. You’ll be safe there. It can be a place to retire in, or a place to go to between jobs. I don’t expect anything more from any of you, despite hoping you’ll continue to help me and my associates.” His eyes landed on you then. “But I promised you one last job, and a deal is a deal.”
“We’re… we’re done?” You couldn’t believe it… after years of being one of Crowley’s lackeys, you were finally free to live the way you wanted. It felt too good to be true.
“You’re done,” he assured you. This time, when he turned to walk away, Crowley didn’t come back.
Sam’s arms wrapped around you as he buried his face in your neck. “We’re free.”
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80+ Follower Drabble Fest!
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Hello! In less than a month there are 30 more wonderful followers to my lil blog and I want to express my gratitude through opening up my drabble fest again! I added some new prompts to the original list that is why some are already crossed out.
Fandoms I write for: Supernatural (seasons 1-10), MCU, Doctor Who (doctors 9-11), Star Trek AOS, Sherlock. If you have a request for another fandom go ahead and ask, I might be able to do it. 😊
1)      Don’t have to be following me but it’d sure be cool if you did.
2)      Send in requests through ASKS with character, prompt #, and desired relationship: platonic or romantic
3)      One request per prompt.
4)      Request as many times as you want!
Prompts (below cut)
1.      “Will you dance with me?”
2.      “Last time I saw you, you were on fire.” “And thanks for not putting me out. Really made me appreciate our friendship.”
3.      “I can only offer you clingy love and a lifetime of dad jokes.” “I’ll take it.”
4.      “You are such a weirdo.” “Yeah. But I’m your weirdo.”
5.      “Was that a proposal?” Crowley 
6.       “Did you tell him what really happened?”
7.      “This has nothing to do with anybody else. This is between you and me.” Stephen Strange
8.      “I look at you and I think, ‘sunshine. Literal sunshine.’ It’s annoying.” Eleventh Doctor
9.      “Say it to my face.”
10.  “You two are so cute it physically makes me ill.”Sam Winchester
11.  “I don’t know where you’re going, just get your ass back home.”
12.  “Are you really here or am I dreaming?”Jo Harvelle
13.  “I miss moments like this more than anything.” Leonard McCoy (coming soon)
14.  “I don’t understand why you’re naked right now!”
15.  “If I’m an idiot, what’s that make you?” Dean Winchester
16.  “Trust me, I know exactly what I’m doing. Mostly.” Eleventh Doctor (coming soon)
17.  “Please don’t ask questions, just kiss me!” Eleventh Doctor
18.  “No need to call security! That one is mine.” Crowley
19.  “Of course I’m right, I’m always right.”
20.  “Don’t ‘oh God’ me!” “Why not? You ‘Jesus Christ’ me all the time!”Bucky Barnes
Again, a huge THANK YOU to everyone, you all rock!!
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ao3feed-goodomens · 5 years
Le Gospel de Crowley
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39pzuJ9
by Likia
Une AU où Crowley et Aziraphale se retrouvent un peu plus impliqués que prévu dans la vie de Jésus. Elle commence aux alentours de la Nativité, montre plusieurs moments de l’enfance de Jésus, puis le reste de sa vie, et sa mort. Crowley a toujours eu de la facilité à interagir avec les enfants, mais comment va-t-il se comporter avec le fils de Dieu ?
Words: 4859, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Christian Bible (New Testament)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Jesus (Good Omens), Mary Mother of Jesus (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Dagon (Good Omens), Joseph Stepdad of Jesus (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Queerplatonic Relationships, Asexual Crowley (Good Omens), Asexual Aziraphale (Good Omens), Asexual Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley Loves Kids (Good Omens), Nonbinary Crowley (Good Omens), All angels and demons are nonbinary, female-presenting Crowley, Humor, Stargazing, Existential Angst, Snake Crowley (Good Omens), Historical References, Judaism, please forgive any historical or religious inaccuracies, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Blasphemy, Mild Language, Crowley is Bad at Being a Demon (Good Omens), Soft Crowley (Good Omens), Soft Aziraphale (Good Omens), In Character, Friendship, Comedy, Biblical Themes (Abrahamic Religions), Cute, Cute Kids, Pre-Relationship, Aromantic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39pzuJ9
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ao3feed-destiel · 7 years
Within The Year
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8UXVq
by SaltedMystic
2,500 miles, 365 days, and 4 people to get through.
Dean Winchester must die.
Words: 878, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Jimmy Novak, Crowley (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Gabriel (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, or at least as slow as i can make it lol, Love, Heartbreak, Manipulation, Cas is an assassin, there was an assassin's creed tag jesus christ lmao, Suicide, Death, Blood, I mean obviously bc he's an assassin, but don't read this if you get triggered by that, Kissing, Killing, Angst, Romance, Action, Suspense, Depression, SERIOUSLY A LOT OF DEPRESSION AND STUFF OF THAT SORT, SO PLEASE DONT READ THIS IF THAT TRIGGERS YOU I WANT Y'ALL TO BE OKAY, Friendship, Drama
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8UXVq
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Le Gospel de Crowley
by Likia
Une AU où Crowley et Aziraphale se retrouvent un peu plus impliqués que prévu dans la vie de Jésus. Elle commence aux alentours de la Nativité, montre plusieurs moments de l’enfance de Jésus, puis le reste de sa vie, et sa mort. Crowley a toujours eu de la facilité à interagir avec les enfants, mais comment va-t-il se comporter avec le fils de Dieu ?
Words: 4859, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Christian Bible (New Testament)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Jesus (Good Omens), Mary Mother of Jesus (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Dagon (Good Omens), Joseph Stepdad of Jesus (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Queerplatonic Relationships, Asexual Crowley (Good Omens), Asexual Aziraphale (Good Omens), Asexual Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley Loves Kids (Good Omens), Nonbinary Crowley (Good Omens), All angels and demons are nonbinary, female-presenting Crowley, Humor, Stargazing, Existential Angst, Snake Crowley (Good Omens), Historical References, Judaism, please forgive any historical or religious inaccuracies, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Blasphemy, Mild Language, Crowley is Bad at Being a Demon (Good Omens), Soft Crowley (Good Omens), Soft Aziraphale (Good Omens), In Character, Friendship, Comedy, Biblical Themes (Abrahamic Religions), Cute, Cute Kids, Pre-Relationship, Aromantic
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/22018696
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ao3feed-crowley · 5 years
Le Gospel de Crowley
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39pzuJ9
by Likia
Une AU où Crowley et Aziraphale se retrouvent un peu plus impliqués que prévu dans la vie de Jésus. Elle commence aux alentours de la Nativité, montre plusieurs moments de l’enfance de Jésus, puis le reste de sa vie, et sa mort. Crowley a toujours eu de la facilité à interagir avec les enfants, mais comment va-t-il se comporter avec le fils de Dieu ?
Words: 4859, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Christian Bible (New Testament)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Jesus (Good Omens), Mary Mother of Jesus (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Dagon (Good Omens), Joseph Stepdad of Jesus (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Queerplatonic Relationships, Asexual Crowley (Good Omens), Asexual Aziraphale (Good Omens), Asexual Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley Loves Kids (Good Omens), Nonbinary Crowley (Good Omens), All angels and demons are nonbinary, female-presenting Crowley, Humor, Stargazing, Existential Angst, Snake Crowley (Good Omens), Historical References, Judaism, please forgive any historical or religious inaccuracies, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Blasphemy, Mild Language, Crowley is Bad at Being a Demon (Good Omens), Soft Crowley (Good Omens), Soft Aziraphale (Good Omens), In Character, Friendship, Comedy, Biblical Themes (Abrahamic Religions), Cute, Cute Kids, Pre-Relationship, Aromantic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39pzuJ9
0 notes
truthseekah · 6 years
Overcoming The Spirit of Jezebel | TruthSeekah & Michael Basham
In this episode TruthSeekah and Michael Basham speak about overcoming the spirit of Jezebel and how to break free from her attacks. By understanding what this spirit is an how it operates determines whether or not we will find victory from such vile attacks. In Ephesians 6:12 we are told that we do not war after flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. This should be 101 for the majority of Christians but many fall victim because they have not been equipped to do battle in spiritual warfare. The spirit of Jezebel is still alive and thriving within many churches in the area of manipulation, backbiting and working her witchcraft. Her end goal is the same as the woman Jezebel mentioned in the book of 1 Kings in the Bible and that is to destroy the prophets of God by any means necessary. Jezebel masquerades as being religious but worships at the altar of Baal. Her poise is that of jealousy as she feels that she is more qualified for positions that God has only given to his anointed. The spirit of Jezebel encourages people to slander and gossip. This can be fatal to friendships and to the unity that we all so desperately desire in Christ. When there is backbiting and backstabbing in a circle of people, unity cannot survive and the people will perish. Jezebel brings in a spirit of lies and untruths and causes people to harm one another emotionally rather than build each other up in the faith like we were meant to. We need to learn how to recognize the spirit of Jezebel and pray and get it out of our midst to truly see the fruit of the spirit come forth.
What's wrong with slander?
Matthew 12:36-37 “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
    When the prophets begin to prophesy, when they begin to do miracles and to minister the Spirit of Jezebel will appear just like it did for Elijah.
Jezebel rries to destroy the reputation of the prophets of God
Jezebel Brings In With Her the Spirit of slander / Accusation / Backbiting
The spirit of Jezebel tries to use discouragement through backbiting and gossip
It is the spirit of Manipulation
This spirit that is very present in churches.
The spirit of Jezebel operates through leaders in many church circles as finger pointing and name calling. It may sound like "Stay away from so and so, and it usually means that they are putting other people and ministers down so that they make themselves look better. This is even what you see in denominationalism. Different denominations competing for followers and reputation.  When you are trying to build an organization this spirit is very key. Kill the competition. But we must understand that the true church of Jesus Christ doesn’t function as an organization but an organism. Living, breathing and thriving, hence, the body of Christ, when we all come together and form Christ on the earth. Where two or more are gathered there I am in the midst of them. That’s the meaning of Church. Jezebels agenda is self worship.
Jezebels plan is to silence your voice
Through depression, inadequacy and you will always fall prey if you continue to look for validation from others to pursue the call of God on your life.
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tags: Esoteric, Third Eye, Astral Projection, Meditation, Dreams, Chakras, OBE, NDE, UFOs, Angels, Demons, Reincarnation, Karma, Dreams, Purgatory, Angels, Demons, Initiation, Ascension, Alien sightings, ExoTheology, UFO Religions, Abductions, Close Encounters, Extraterrestrial, Extraterrestrials, Occult, Aleister Crowley, Wicca, Witchcraft, Divination, Healing, Magic, Rituals, Enlightenment, Real Truth, Subliminal Messaging, Illuminati, 2012, Maya, Atlantis, Lemuria, Annunaki, Sumerian, Hidden history, Secrets, Holographic Reality, Vibration, 4D, 4th Dimension, 2012, Amon Ra, Ancient Aliens, ancient History, Annunaki, Atlantis, Awakening, Awaken Your Inner Self, Beginning, Bible, Conspiracy, Deception, Demons, DNA, Doomsday, Earth, Ego, Emerald Tablets, Thoth, Hermes, End of Days, Energy, Enlightenment, Exposed, Fibonacci Sequence, Freemaso, Holographic Reality Hopi Illuminati, Illusion, Interdimensional Beings, Jesus, Legend, Lemuria, Light, Magic, Maya, Meditation, Mind Control, Multidimensional, Nephilim, Nibiru, NWO, Planet X, Raising Eden, Sacred Geometry, Satanic, Science, Secret Info, Secrets Self Awareness, Shift, Atlantean, Transcendence, Truth, UFO Sightings, Universe,
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Within The Year
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8UXVq
by SaltedMystic
2,500 miles, 365 days, and 4 people to get through.
Dean Winchester must die.
Words: 878, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Jimmy Novak, Crowley (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Gabriel (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, or at least as slow as i can make it lol, Love, Heartbreak, Manipulation, Cas is an assassin, there was an assassin's creed tag jesus christ lmao, Suicide, Death, Blood, I mean obviously bc he's an assassin, but don't read this if you get triggered by that, Kissing, Killing, Angst, Romance, Action, Suspense, Depression, SERIOUSLY A LOT OF DEPRESSION AND STUFF OF THAT SORT, SO PLEASE DONT READ THIS IF THAT TRIGGERS YOU I WANT Y'ALL TO BE OKAY, Friendship, Drama
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8UXVq
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ao3feed-castiel · 7 years
Within The Year
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8UXVq
by SaltedMystic
2,500 miles, 365 days, and 4 people to get through.
Dean Winchester must die.
Words: 878, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Jimmy Novak, Crowley (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Gabriel (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, or at least as slow as i can make it lol, Love, Heartbreak, Manipulation, Cas is an assassin, there was an assassin's creed tag jesus christ lmao, Suicide, Death, Blood, I mean obviously bc he's an assassin, but don't read this if you get triggered by that, Kissing, Killing, Angst, Romance, Action, Suspense, Depression, SERIOUSLY A LOT OF DEPRESSION AND STUFF OF THAT SORT, SO PLEASE DONT READ THIS IF THAT TRIGGERS YOU I WANT Y'ALL TO BE OKAY, Friendship, Drama
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8UXVq
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ao3feed-goodomens · 5 years
Father, please...
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2kjfUd5
by Toruviel
33 AD.
What kind of God required this?
Words: 446, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Six millennia
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Jesus (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Crucifixion, Pain, Blink And You Miss It Slash, Friendship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2kjfUd5
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