#Jobs In Mississauga
Complete Scissor Lift Training in Mississauga | Safety Certification
If you are looking for scissor lift training in Mississauga, you have come to the right place! Our program is designed to provide comprehensive instruction on the safe operation of scissor lifts so that you can comply with regulatory standards and promote workplace safety. Our experienced trainers offer hands-on guidance and cover important topics such as equipment inspection, proper usage techniques, and hazard identification. We provide a tailored approach to our training, so you can gain practical skills and theoretical knowledge to operate scissor lifts confidently in different work environments. Our courses are suitable for both novices and those seeking refresher training and can be customized for individuals and organizations. After completing the training, you will receive industry-recognized certification, which demonstrates your competence and commitment to safety protocols. Don't compromise on safety - enroll in our scissor lift training program in Mississauga today and elevate your skills to new heights. Contact us to schedule your training session and take the first step towards a safer and more productive workplace.
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career1 · 1 year
6 Recruiting Strategies for Small Businesses: Find and Attract Top Talent
Finding and hiring the right people is crucial to your success as a small business owner. However, it can be difficult to recruit top talent when resources and funding are limited. That's why you need an effective recruiting plan with job agencies in Toronto to bring in the best possible employees.
Here are some effective recruiting strategies that small businesses can use to find and attract top talent:
Methods of Referral
When looking for new employees, referral programmes are a great way to leverage your current network. Encourage your employees and network to refer qualified candidates, and offer incentives for successful referrals.
Job Posting Sites
Broaden your candidate pool by posting jobs on sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. Be sure to craft an engaging job description and use keywords relevant to your industry.
Social Media
For local businesses, social media recruitment can be a game changer. Use industry-specific hashtags when advertising job openings on your company's social media accounts. You can also use social media to network with potential candidates and showcase your company culture.
Networking Events
Going to networking events in your field can help you connect with like-minded professionals and find your next great hire. Be sure to have your elevator pitch ready and bring business cards to exchange with other attendees.
College Recruitment
Partnering with local colleges and universities can be an excellent way to recruit top talent. Go to career fairs and advertise openings on campus job boards to find recent graduates interested in working for you.
Employer Branding
Making an investment in your employer brand can help you stand out in a competitive job market and attract top talent to your organization. Showcase the company's culture and values on the website and social media, and highlight success stories and employee testimonials.
Partner with a Recruitment Provider
If you can't find top candidates for a job on the market, you should always work with a recruiting service provider. Executive recruiters Canada can help you find the best person for a job. They help businesses find the right people with the right qualifications so that they can keep more of their employees.
About Career1:
Career1 is a recruitment service provider specializing in helping businesses find and hire top talent. Their team of experienced Mississauga jobs full time recruiters can help small businesses develop a solid recruiting strategy and find the right candidates for their open positions.
To know more, visit https://career1.ca/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3G6nxu8
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pridegrouplogistics · 2 years
Hiring AZ truck drivers in Montreal - Pride Group Logistics
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Pride Group Logistics is a trucking company with a terminal in Montreal, Quebec.
We have been in operation for over ten years, and we are looking to add more members to our team.
We are looking for experienced truck drivers to work on local runs as well as cross border opportunities.
We offer competitive pay with benefits.
If you are interested please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website now.
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museum-spaces · 6 months
There has been a recent surge in repatriation/give everything back posts in Museum Tumblr so I thought I would share a story I found out about recently.
Background; I did some volunteer work for the Canadian Museum Association that included looking pretty in depth at a few exhibitions from 2023. One of them really caught my eye because it goes into an aspect of Originating Cultural Relationships that I don't see reflected in the public sector a lot even though its not that uncommon among my coworkers.
So back in the 1860s the Prince of Wales was gifted a series of baskets from the Michi Saagiig [Mississauga] women. These were a gift and have remained in the Royal Collection Trust ever since.
It is agreed upon by all parties that the Royal Collection is doing a good job caring for the baskets. However, the baskets still represent the women, the ancestors, who made them. They are family. And the living Michi Saagiig missed their grandmothers and aunts.
So the Peterborough Museum and Archives [Peterborough Canada, not the one in the UK] worked out a temporary loan from the Royal Trust Collection to bring the ancestors back 'for a visit' to their ancestral lands of Nogojwanong-Peterborough.
This was facilitated by the Museum, but the partnership was multi way, between Hiawaitha First Nation, Mississauga Nation, Museum, and the Trust.
This exhibition ran from April to November last year and was ALWAYS meant to be a 'visit' - that language is deliberate. The baskets came home for a visit before returning to their new home in the UK.
here's an article about it
Now, from a layman's perspective this might seem like a small victory - the baskets, the makakoons, didn't even stay in Hiawatha which is the modern location of the village they were made in. And it was only a few months, but still cool. Still pretty neat.
But from my perspective this is MASSIVE. This means that the ROYAL FAMILY has agreed to send things home - at least on the short term. This will bring about change in British collection law. It won't be quick. But we will see more and more British institutions sending things on visits. And eventually we will see repatriation. It is going to take a very long time, and this is by no means the first rung on the ladder. But
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Air Canada court ruling sees former Aveos maintenance workers aim for $100M in compensation
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Judge decided on formula to calculate damages for 2,200 former employees in Montreal, Winnipeg, Mississauga
Air Canada could have to pay more than $100 million in compensation to workers who lost their jobs at maintenance centres more than a decade ago, say lawyers in a class-action suit.
A 2022 ruling in Quebec Superior Court found the airline violated federal law by failing to keep three centres operational when Aveos Fleet Performance Inc. — the contractor that ran them — collapsed in 2012.
Air Canada has filed an appeal, which has not yet been heard.
This week, the judge decided on a formula to calculate lost wages and other damages for the 2,200 former employees of the shuttered Aveos plants, located in Montreal, Winnipeg and Mississauga, Ont.
The compensation will likely top $100 million — at least $45,400 per employee — said Elodie Drolet-French, a lawyer representing the workers. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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covid-safer-hotties · 27 days
School’s back and so is a COVID-19 surge: Protecting kids and precarious workers - Published Aug 30, 2024
While the chance of dying has decreased, we should be concerned about the serious long-term complications that can follow an infection.
The 2024 school year is beginning amid one of the biggest COVID-19 waves of the pandemic.
One U.S doctor states, “This is a very significant surge. The levels are very high. They’re the highest we’ve ever seen during a summer wave.” It might be hard to think about, but we’re still in a pandemic and experts are warning against COVID-19 complacency in schools.
Dying with COVID-19 in the acute phase may have decreased, but complications from an infection exist — more than 2 million Canadians have “long COVID” (LC). In this context, societies that see themselves as equitable, inclusive and just need to consider if they’re doing the best job protecting their more vulnerable members, like children and many precarious workers. Research shows governments are not doing the best protecting the rights of children in a crisis, and reports from workers indicate some feel abandoned and left to deal with scary health situations, largely on their own. For school staff, students, their families and communities, this all seems quite cruel. It does not need to be this way.
Organizations are working to make Ontario schools safer. Ontario school safety advocates for cleaner air in schools and research shows schools are safer when things like masking and vaccination are in place. However, these measures are generally not being followed.
Dr. Pantea Javidan writes, “the lack of health and safety in schools resulting from zero-mitigation policies continues to cause great physical and psycho-social harms to children and families.” One study found 14 per cent of adolescents who have gotten COVID-19 developed some LC symptoms. Another study found 45 per cent of infected children with at least one persisting LC symptom. For workers with LC, about 14 per cent have not returned to work within three months since their infection. Many people have been knocked off career paths because of LC. It is a public health crisis for workers and youth.
Allowing uncontrolled spread in communities and schools will likely see the crisis grow, so schools need to be made safe. Not making schools safe violates children’s rights because children’s rights to education include the right to an environment that is safe and not harmful to one’s health.
Kids are major spreaders of COVID-19 and with certain policies, the schools they attend can be safer. HEPA filters should be in every classroom and always on.
Businesses like the Apricot Tree Café in Mississauga are committed to clean air, use HEPA filters and are considered a leader in COVID-19 safe business practices. The owner reports not being sick in four years despite working in a high-risk industry. If a private restaurant can provide clean air, so can the public school system. Not doing so may violate certain human rights.
Dr. Javidan argues “policies threatening the life, health, and education of children are cause for alarm among defenders of human rights.” Importantly, human rights overlap into workers’ rights. In the U.S., workers have been disabled at an unexpectedly high rate since the pandemic began, and researchers are wondering if there’s a COVID-19 connection.
My research looks at precarious occasional teachers (OTs) in Ontario during COVID-19 and ways to make work safer for them, which makes schools safer for students. For example, hiring more secure contract teachers can reduce class sizes making them safer. Higher OT pay, basic income, and paid sick days could help by enabling sick people to stay home. OTs in B.C. make significantly more money per day than Ontario OTs, so higher wages are possible.
Ontario OTs have no paid sick days and can be exposed to multiple schools and hundreds if not thousands of students and staff, which puts them and others at risk. Higher wages and/or a universal basic income allows OTs to have a buffer due to lost income from days absent. A policy of paid sick days can stop sick workers going to work and helps a robust economy.
There are many educational and employment policy options available to reduce COVID-19 levels and protect students and workers during the 2024/25 school year. To uphold the rights of children and workers, these policies should be advocated for by community groups and unions, and adopted by governments and school boards.
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sugarlesswriting · 11 months
While I sat outside with my sister to pass out candy to children I came up with a small little AU. There’s not a lot for an actual story but enough for some headcanons.
            Paranormal Investigator AU
Duncan burned some bridges while in Toronto and can’t seem to find a decent job. Gwen can’t seem to find a job with her art history degree.
One day while channel surfing they get to the Travel Channel and there’s a show about paranormal investigation. Gwen jokes that it would be easy to scam home owners and pretended to feel an ‘evil presence’ in a corner.
That’s where Nocturne Paranormal Investigations began.
They’ve been scamming from Mississauga all the way to Montreal. That is until one day they get a call from a man who calls himself Mr. Madden and he’s from Vancouver.
Gwen doesn’t want to make the trip because going cross country means spending money but the man promises to pay them triple.
She almost hangs up because it ticks off to many boxes on the start of a horror movie. Strang man not from their area calling them to go a long way from home. Check. Not doubling but tripling it when she turns it down. Check.
That is until he’s pleading on the phone and that he only called because his niece spoke highly of them.
Gwen decides to play along because now that she thinks about business has been slow and she has time to kill.
After a few minutes Mr. Madden wears her down and now that she thinks about it she they could use a change of pace, but also they can’t be picky when it comes to business. Even if it screams Dumb Horror Movie Decision™.
Gwen takes the case without consulting Duncan which made him think that his life was a living hell while they drove to Vancouver. Which made her life a living hell for 22 hours.
DJ their new hire, and old friend, was a good buffer, but there was only so much he could do from Duncan being an ass. Which made Gwen act like an ass. Which just makes DJ wish that maybe he took his uncles offer as working at a temp agency.
 The moment Duncan drives his car up the long driveway, with tree’s and  random pieces of stoned carvings he makes a comment about if they die he’ll kill Gwen.
The mansion is huge and Duncan now thinks that Gwen should have squeezed a couple extra thousand.
Gwen finds it annoying that Duncan has not only been bitching for the whole time, but now he’s bitching at her for not negotiating better.
Gwen was going to kill him if the owner of the house didn’t.
Duncan sees another car in the large driveway and is back to being grump, but also on edge to the point that Gwen thinks he finally lost it.
He starts to light up while they wait for Mr. Madden to answer the door. Gwen can basically feel the stress off him. She wonders if he’s really scared of this big mansion. It is screaming murder mystery house
Mr. Madden finally answers the door. He has familiar features with blond hair and green eyes. Gwen feels her stomach drop because if his niece is the person she’s thinking about that means Duncan’s ex-girlfriend isn’t far behind.
Gwen hopes that maybe they aren’t there. That it would just be her team and Mr. Madden during their investigation.
She’s proven wrong when he takes them to the drawing room because it’s the place that had the least activity from spirits.
There are four other people in there. Two she knew were going to be there, the other’s didn’t even come to her minds radar when she sees them in there.
Two she knew Bridgette and Courtney. Courtney is Duncan’s ex, and Gwen could basically feel Duncan stiffen. Like he’s some cat that just came into contact with a very large dog that’s a threat.
The other two is Geoff, Duncan’s childhood friend who moved during 7th grade. The other is Trent, the guy Gwen’s been seeing for the past couple of months.
Geoff is Bridgette’s boyfriend and Trent is now Bridgette’s cousin through marriage. (Trent’s dad married Bridgette’s aunt).
DJ is confused as to why Duncan is glaring at Courtney, and Courtney in turn is glaring right back at him.
DJ decides to lead the conversation because now Gwen and Duncan are distracted.
He can’t get to it because Trent asks Gwen what she was doing there, she says it’s for work. She asks what Trent’s doing there and he tells her that he’s family.
DJ tries it again but is once again interrupted when Courtney scoffs and rolls her eyes which just sets off Duncan because why not? They weren’t there for a job or anything!
After, like, 30 seconds of them yelling at each other Bridgette intervenes and says that their bad vibes is feeding the spirit.
Courtney reveals that she’s there to prove that their a scam, not because she knows but because she thinks all paranormal investigators are scammers.
Duncan, who always thoughts ghost were fake and people who actually hired them were idiots is now putting 110% effort into the job.
DJ is able to redirect the conversation back to Mr. Madden and his ghosts.
It’s been happening for years now, but it wasn’t until recently that it seems to have been amped up.
Gwen talks about energies.
Courtney scoffs again.
Duncan says they should kill Courtney and offer her up to appease the spirit.
Mr. Madden eventually has to leave because he got a call to go into town because of business or whatever.
So now it’s a full night of investigation with Courtney constantly interfering by being right about them being fakes.
Luckily no one is taking her seriously but it’s started to make Gwen nervous that Duncan might go too far and eventually the truth of the scam will come out.
Obviously the more the night goes on the more romance happens between Courtney and Duncan.
Oh no they get locked in a room. Duncan makes a comment about how she’s so desperate to get back together with him that she locked them in.
She says that Duncan is the one that’s not over her, so that’s why he suggested to investigate that room.
Ghost makes a sound
Courtney mocks Duncan “Oh so scary! Come on Duncan, I know you can do better than that.”
Duncan takes the compliment but tells her that it wasn’t him.
The entire night is filled with ghost activity as it soon becomes apparent that the ghost is very much real and Nocturne Paranormal Investigation has to come to terms that they are now in over their head because this spirit is starting to become down right violent.  
Duncan and Courtney makeout at one point during the night. They would go further but the ghost is a cock block.
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bobbymcmann · 2 months
Actually we do have an emo nhl player it’s JD. Even though he isn’t he just has an emo soul. If he wasn’t born in rank ass Alberta he wouldn’t even be playing hockey he would be working a minimum wage job and playing rhythm guitar in a shitty metalcore band in Mississauga
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5 Embarrassing Mistakes Professionals Make On Their LinkedIn Profile Photo
In today's professional landscape, LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for networking, job hunting, and personal branding. Your LinkedIn profile photo is often the first impression you make on potential employers, clients, and colleagues. Unfortunately, many professionals unknowingly make embarrassing mistakes that can harm their professional image. In this blog post, we will discuss five common mistakes professionals make on their LinkedIn profile photos and provide tips on how to avoid them.
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1. Poor Image Quality: One of the most common mistakes is using a low-resolution or poorly lit photo. Grainy, pixelated, or dark images can make you appear unprofessional and unprepared. Invest in a high-quality headshot taken by a professional photographer or use a camera with good lighting to ensure a clear and crisp photo.
2. Inappropriate Attire: Your LinkedIn profile photo should reflect your professional persona. Avoid using photos with casual attire, party outfits, or beachwear. Dress appropriately for your industry and position, opting for business attire or a polished and well-groomed look. A professional appearance demonstrates your commitment to your career and makes a positive impression.
3. Distracting Backgrounds: Another mistake professionals make is using profile photos with distracting or unprofessional backgrounds. Your photo should have a clean and neutral background, ensuring the focus remains on you. Avoid busy or cluttered backgrounds that can divert attention away from your face. Consider using a solid-colored backdrop or a professional setting that aligns with your industry.
4. Unprofessional Expressions: Your LinkedIn profile photo should exude professionalism and approachability. Avoid using photos with inappropriate expressions, such as goofy poses, excessive smiling, or unprofessional gestures. Aim for a genuine smile and a relaxed yet confident facial expression. Showcasing professionalism and warmth in your photo will attract potential connections and opportunities.
5. Using Outdated Photos: Using an outdated photo can create confusion and undermine your credibility. Your profile photo should represent your current appearance, ensuring people recognize you when you meet in person or attend interviews. Regularly update your LinkedIn headshot photo to reflect your current look, whether it's a change in hairstyle, facial hair, or overall appearance.
Your LinkedIn profile photo is a crucial element of your professional online presence. Avoiding embarrassing mistakes on your profile photo can significantly enhance your personal brand and help you make a positive impression on potential employers and connections. Remember to use a high-quality photo with appropriate attire and a clean background. Showcase professionalism, approachability, and your current appearance to build trust and credibility in the online professional world. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can present yourself in the best possible light and leverage LinkedIn as a powerful tool for career advancement.
Discover the power of a compelling Linkedin headshots at Supreme Pictures. Our headshot photography services in Mississauga are designed to elevate your professional image. With a focus on capturing your unique personality and showcasing your personal brand, our skilled photographers deliver exceptional results that leave a lasting impact. To learn more, visit us at https://www.supremepictures.ca/
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rjmenvs3000f23 · 1 year
Week 1 Blog Post
Prompt : Describe your current relationship with nature. How has this developed/evolved? Who offered you “a sense of place,” as described in our textbook?
My love and appreciation for nature started when I was a little kid. I was born in Tanzania, a country famous for National parks and game reserves. Growing up I remember walking to school and hearing the call of wild peacocks and watching them in awe as their tail feathers rattled. My mom would come and pick me up when school was over and our walk back home was filled with canopies of tall trees that protected us from the harsh sub-Saharan sun. As much as I was fascinated by nature and its abundant flora and fauna, I was also wildly scared of it as a child and I think that’s when I learned how to appreciate it from a distance. 
In the winter of 2008, my family and I moved to Canada, and I got to experience snow for the first time in my life. We lived in Port Credit and every weekend my family and I would walk by the water and we would look at the ducks, geese, and all the Canadian wildlife. These family walks started to instil my sense of place with nature within Canada and they helped to further foster my fascination with it. My family and I then moved to Mississauga and I remember looking forward to the start of every different season. Spring for me meant I could see flowers and trees in bloom and I could look at fields of dandelions from my school bus every morning. Summer meant I could go swimming and visit parks and beaches. One summer my friend and I went to Jack Darling Memorial Park and we found a baby snapping turtle in the water. We would also go to different parks and watch the fish near the surface of ponds and give them names and life stories. Those experiences with my close friends offered me a sense of place with nature and I felt connected with it. Growing up I would also watch nature documentaries and videos of animals peacefully living in sanctuaries and it inspired me to pursue a career with animals. I gained a deep respect for nature and all the wildlife you can find within it throughout the globe.
When I first came to Guelph I was enrolled in the Wildlife Biology program, however, in my second year I ended up switching to Human Kinetics. Despite that, during covid times I would take it upon myself to learn about the plants that surround my neighborhood, and learn more about animal conservation but more so as a hobby now. I enjoy exploring different parks and hiking trails near my city and I still marvel at all the wildlife and plants that flourish within our ecosystem. I’ve also been to Costa Rica, France, and Switzerland, and in each country, I would always take some time to myself to explore the nature there and learn more about it.
Guelph has certainly offered me a sense of place with nature and I love our beautiful campus. My fascination for nature grows every day as I get to learn new material and I do hope to pursue a job in wildlife conservation at some point in my future.
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Forklift Job Opportunities in Brampton: Get Certified with Forklift Training in Mississauga
Looking for lucrative forklift job opportunities in Brampton? Forklift Training in Mississauga can help! We offer comprehensive certification programs that will equip you with the skills necessary for success. With our expert training, you will gain hands-on experience and industry-recognized credentials. This will open doors to fulfilling forklift careers in Brampton's bustling industrial sector. Our specialized courses cover essential safety protocols, operational techniques, and regulatory compliance. This ensures that you are prepared to excel in various warehouse and logistics roles. Whether you are new to the field or looking to advance your career, our tailored training programs cater to all skill levels and learning styles. So, don't miss out on the chance to secure a rewarding forklift job in Brampton thriving economy. Enroll in Forklift Training in Mississauga today and take the first step towards a successful career in the fast-paced world of material handling.
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sunskate · 1 year
Skate Canada high performance camp starts today in Mississauga. media day is tomorrow, and the press release says HP director Mike Slipchuk will be available for interviews, so he's still on the job 😅 sorry for wondering if you retired
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pridegrouplogistics · 2 years
AZ Driver Jobs in Mississauga - Pride Group Logistics
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Are you ready to take your career to the next level?
Are you looking for a career that will allow you to grow and develop as an individual, while still ensuring that you're making an honest living? If so, truck driver jobs in Mississauga are exactly what you've been looking for.
With driving opportunities ranging from local deliveries to long-distance delivery routes, there is no shortage of opportunities for drivers in Mississauga. You'll be able to work with a variety of different companies, including local businesses, national chains and even government agencies.
If this sounds like something that would interest you, then check out our list of available positions below!
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travellingwithscaw · 1 year
Meet the Team
We are a small but mighty team of just 5 but I have to say we have excelled at our work here, with of course the amazing, tireless support of the Inner Wheel ladies.
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Judy Dryden is the daughter of the Murray and Margaret Dryden who started sleeping children just over 50 years ago. She is a tireless volunteer with Scaw and, retired nurse and mother of 2. Judy is just now back in full action after being diagnosed with COVID on our second day.
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Sue Small is our Assistant lead, retired kindergarten teacher extraordinaire. She certainly had to step up and did an amazing job as Assistant leader covering with Judy out! She worships at the House of Nature, loves to seek advice from trees and wanders the world endlessly without a timeline.
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Marg Garrett from Canmore, Sue's partner in travel loves to be behind the camera, or at the computer keyboard. A very involved Nan and daughter to her 100 year old Mom. She is another seasoned Scaw volunteer who also involves herself in many other charity organizations.
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Kelly Dodson
Another world traveller who aims to travel to more countries than her age is a mother of 3 very busy children from Mississauga. I may be on one of her distributions in the future as I see Team Lead in her future. Another seasoned traveller she will be returning to Africa next month to do a gorilla trek in Rwanda.
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And me......on the bus, in the seat I keep warm for hours each day!
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Toronto—Frontline grocery workers at 27 Metro stores in the GTA will begin strike action on Saturday, July 29, at 12:01 a.m., with picket lines forming at each store at 8:00 a.m.
The strike action comes after Unifor Local 414 members voted to reject a tentative collective agreement.
“This decision to go on strike comes after years of these workers being nickelled and dimed while facing increased precarity and eroded job quality. It comes after having pandemic pay stripped away. It comes at a time of record profits and soaring CEO compensation. It comes at a time when life has become simply unaffordable for so many of these workers who risked their health and safety during the pandemic,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “We brought the tentative agreement to our members because it contained considerable gains, but our members are clear that it simply isn’t enough.”
Metro stores impacted by the strike will include those in Toronto, Brantford, Orangeville, Milton, Oakville, Brampton, North York, Islington, Willowdale, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Newmarket, and Scarborough. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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formulol · 1 year
is anyone of you lovelies from canada (GTA or Mississauga)? Im new to this place and I’m looking for jobs to get by while I study..
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