#Joey Brenner
apricot-sims · 1 year
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Visiting Joey while Maddox is "out of town" and it looks like they have some exciting news!
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harlcwes · 7 months
*   𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘𝗗  𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗥          ››         @delicatlueur *   𝗙𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚          ››         harlowe  &  joey *   𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡          ››          coney  island  ,  brooklyn *   𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧          ››          valentine's  day  carnival
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          “  did  you  volunteer  for  the  kissing  booth  ?  i’m  sure  a  lot  of  people  wouldn’t  want  to  miss  out  on  the  opportunity  to  get  a ��smooch  from  the  broody  bassist  of  killer  instinkt  now  that  he’s  on  the  market  again  .  ”
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nepoupdates · 9 months
rank the couples (mimi&elias, rory&joey, lari&mona, ria&james, paige&harlowe, cam&arthur) on most to least likely to break up
finally  ,  something  fun  .  don't  be  offended  if  you  don't  like  what  you  see  .  it  means  i've  hit  a  little  close  to  home  and  i'm  right  .  read  more  under  the  cut
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CAMERON  &  ARTHUR  (  @wcrstbehaviior  ,  @lcnelypainter  )  –  how  long  have  they  been  together  for  now  ?  since  college  ?  and  here  i  was  thinking  they  tied  the  knot  once  they  graduated  .  it  seems  like  it  .  you  really  think  they're  going  to  break  up  ?  yawn  .  next  .
RIA  &  JAMES  (  @rhiannvns  ,  @jamesluvsria  )  –  a  little  conventional  but  i  don't  think  they're  going  anywhere  .  james  isn't  as  innoncent  as  he  seems  .  but  based  on  the  nauseating  amount  of  spotted  posts  i've  gotten  about  these  two  ?  they're  very  much  head  over  heels  for  each  other  .  but  rumor  has  it  a  certain  ex-girlfriend  of  james  is  back  in  the  picture  so  that'll  certainly  bring  up  some  issues  with  the  couple  .  will  it  lead  to  a  breakup  ?  doubtful  .
PAIGE  &  HARLOWE  (  @dearpaige  ,  @harlcwes  )  –  can  you  even  count  these  two  as  a  couple  ?  anyway  ,  they're  an  in  betweener  .  if  they  can  figure  out  their  shit  ,  there's  potential  .  if  paige's  drama  gets  in  the  way  (  which  let's  be  honest  ,  it  probably  will  .  drama  follows  the  youngest  yoon  )  ,  i  doubt  harlowe  will  want  to  stick  around  to  deal  with  all  that  .
LARI  &  MONA  (  @lcrissas  ,  @rainforum  )  –  love  to  see  lari  dating  a  woman  .  and  to  mona  ?  they  really  know  how  to  move  on  .  and  by  the  looks  of  it  ,  they're  getting  along  .  i  heard  they're  rooming  together  during  this  little  ski  trip  .  so  if  lari  can  get  over  joey  then  i  think  she  and  mona  would  make  the  ultimate  powercouple  .  and  if  not  ?  let's  just  say  a  certain  bassist  of  a  punk  rock  band  is  the  reason  for  their  breakup  .
RORY  &  JOEY  (  @roaries  ,  @delicatlueuer  )  –  you've  all  seen  stranger  things  right  ?  eddie  munson  and  chrissy  cunningham  ring  a  bell  ?  i  wanna  see  how  this  plays  out  .  they're  tied  with  lari  and  mona  on  the  likelihood  of  breaking  up  .  joey  seems  like  he  can't  get  over  lari  and  well  ...  that's  going  to  be  a  dealbreaker  at  some  point  .
MIMI  &  ELIAS  (  @lovesues  ,  @delicatlueur  )  –  no  one  told  me  they're  a  couple  .  i  would  know  .  elias  would've  run  to  me  the  minute  it  happened  to  prove  he  is  most  certainly  over  lari  .  i  just  know  it  .  i'm  saying  this  with  full  confidence  that  they  aren't  a  couple  .  so  yes  ,  i'm  ranking  them  as  the  MOST  likely  to  break  up  even  if  they  aren't  together  .  it's  fated  that  they  won't  survive  .
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joywave i like joywave
i like joywave chat
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perlukafarinn · 11 months
Most notable Starkid cast members?
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Starkid has had a lot of different cast members in their shows through the years and I started wondering who has been in the most shows and how many shows someone would have to be in for them to feel like a "proper" Starkid. I could have looked up to see if anyone has compiled this information but instead I decided to do it myself!
I went through the cast lists of all fourteen live stage shows they have uploaded to their channel (so including VHS Christmas Carol but not Nightmare Time or any other digital series) and here's what I found:
(behind a read more because this got looong and also so you have time to guess which actors have been in the most shows!)
1. Jaime Lynn Beatty (12 out of 14 shows). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 1. Lauren Lopez (12). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: Nerdy Prudes Must Die. 3. Joey Richter (11). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: Nerdy Prudes Must Die. 4. Joe Walker (9). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: Firebringer. 5. Dylan Saunders (8). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 5. Brian Holden (8). First appearance: Me & My Dick. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 5. Corey Dorris (8). First appearance: Me & My Dick. Latest appearance: Nerdy Prudes Must Die. 8. Meredith Stepien (7). First appearance: Starship. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 9. Joe Moses (6). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: Ani: A Parody. 9. Jim Povolo (6). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: Twisted. 9. Denise Donovan (6). First appearance: Starship. Latest appearance: Firebringer. 9. Jeff Blim (6). First appearance: Holy Musical B@tman!. Latest appearance: Black Friday. 13. Julia Albain (5). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: Ani: A Parody. 14. Brian Rosenthal (4). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 14. Britney Coleman (4). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 14. Devin Lytle (4). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 14. Richard Campbell (4). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 14. Lily Marks (4). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 14. Nick Lang (4). First appearance: A Very Potter Sequel. Latest appearance: Ani: A Parody. 14. Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia (4). First appearance: A Very Potter Sequel. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 21. Darren Criss (3). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 21. Tyler Brunsman (3). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 21. Sango Tajima (3). First appearance: A Very Potter Musical. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 21. A. J. Holmes (3). First appearance: Me & My Dick. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 21. Arielle Goldman (3). First appearance: Me & My Dick. Latest appearance: A Very Potter Senior Year. 21. Chris Allen (3). First appearance: Holy Musical B@tman! Latest appearance: Ani: A Parody. 21. Rachael Soglin (3). First appearance: Twisted. Latest appearance: Firebringer. 21. Robert Manion (3). First appearance: Twisted. Latest appearance: Black Friday. 21. Clark Baxtresser (3). First appearance: Ani: A Parody. Latest appearance: A VHS Christmas Carol. 21. Jon Matteson (3). First appearance: The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. Latest appearance: Nerdy Prudes Must Die.
Then there are a handful of people who have only appeared in one or two shows, most notably Bonnie Gruesen, who played Hermione in the first two Potter musicals, Will Brenner, who debuted in Nerdy Prudes Must Die, and Mariah Rose Faith, Angela Giarratana, Curt Mega, Kim Whalen, Kendall Nicole Yakshe and Bryce Charles, who have all appeared in two or more Hatchetfield projects.
A couple of observations:
Some of the actors listed have also been involved behind the scenes, with Nick Lang writing almost every show with his brother Matt Lang, and Jeff Blim and Clark Baxtresser writing the music for several shows.
I was shocked that Rachael Soglin has only been in three Starkid shows but I guess it goes to show that the size of the role also plays a part in how much of a "Starkid" every actor feels.
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bylerspookie · 1 year
hey guys <3
I'm sorry I haven't posted to analysis of episode 2 yet, I will soon, I'm just very busy right now, but I do have all the notes down!!
anyway, I just wanted to come on her and say that Mike's monologue to El was almost complete bullshit, lmao, and I'm pretty sure most of us know this, but when we get to that analysis, which I'm actually so excited for, I'll share my thoughts.
like, how the entire monologue is based off of, and, stolen, 'plagiarized', you could say, and we know Mike LOVES to plagiarize things!!
like, for example, the "love at first sight" trope!! complete bull!! Mike literally says in season 2, when Lucas and Dustin are obsessing over Max, "Awesome? You haven't even spoken a word to her." And when Max was trying to befriend him and asked why he hated her, he says, "I don't hate you, how could I hate you, I don't even know you." So we know Mike's a firm believer in the fact that you don't, and shouldn't have an opinion about someone if you don't know them, he's completely lying in the monologe about him loving her as soon as he met her, because before he knew that she could help them find Will, Mike was literally planning to, in his words, "send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she came from"
Also, the "meeting for the first time" thing is copied from his monologue to Will in s2!! Except, in season 2, he doesn't say "and in that moment, I knew that we were friends", or something, instead, he just tells the story of how he met Will, and how that was the best thing he had ever done.
And again, Mike says in his monologue, "I feel like my life started that day", completely false, in fact, Mike was a wreck that day, worried about Will.
He even uses Will's talk to him in the van, he said he was scared of losing El (reference to Dawson's creek, Mike Wheeler I know what you are), and he even reuses Eddie's line about meeting Dustin lmfao, about the t-shirt "I knew it the moment I saw you, you were wearing that weird Ai T-Shirt" HELLO LIKE? "and in that moment I knew, I knew that I loved you" "you were wearing that yellow Benny's burgers T- shirt". And even the fact that Mike saw Argyle and Eden "fall in love", Mike looked digusted, but then went with this story in the monologue, I wonder where he got the idea from hmm.
And I think El knows, when Mike was lying to her about his grandma in s3, El knew, and she slammed her door, in s4, when Mike says "I love you", the vines around her start to tighten, and the lights flicker in a way that suggests she's angry, not happy. She looks pained, because even Brenner, her abuser, said that he loves El just a few hours beforehand. El doesn't talk to Mike after his monologue either, and has the same reaction to Mike lying in s3, she goes into the room, and slams the door, but leaves it 3 inches open.
Also, everytime Mike does something questionable, the attention is moved to something else, like, when Mike and Will were chatting in Will's room, Jonathan interrupts, or when Mike has a gay scene, we see Will having a gay scene instead, like, to distract us from Mike. And, the "fruit" on pizza scene, LMFAOOO, anyways, but it's also a reference to dawsons creek, it's like Mike wants to tell El something, he says "I need to tell you something", and we think it might be "I love you", but they get interrupted and then Eleven says things like "I miss you" and shit and he looks like he was going to say what he wanted to say, but decided against it. Also, we know what he was going to say wasn't "I love you", even though it might've seemed like it, because he literally couldn't say I love you to El when she was quite literally dying without Will having to push him to do so. And the reference of Dawson's creek that this is about is when Jack tells Joey that he's gay, I'm pretty sure, and his words are "I'm afraid of losing you" (HELLO????) and "I care about you" ("I care for you, so much" OH MY GOD???) and then afterwards, they hold hands JUST like El and Mike do when they eat Pizza.
Also, at this point, Byler absolutely 100% HAS to be canon, if it wasn't, the Duffers would've said something for sure, because they know how much hate they would get for queerbaiting, but instead, the cast themselves continue to talk about Byler. And if anything, the Duffers don't queerbait, they straightbait, like what the did with Robin and Steve...and like they're doing with Mike and Eleven.
And ik this was kinda all over the place, but in conclusion, Byler is endgame, and this was only based off of ONE of many scenes, Mike's monologue, which is supposed to be a Mileven scene, but, isn't. (Call me delusional idc)
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erikiara80 · 1 year
More thoughts and a little theory about Dawson's Creek
This intrigues me so much. I keep thinking about it and I'm happy I'm not the only one.
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This could be about a lot of things: Will and Mike, our world and the UD, and different timelines.
But why Dawson and Pacey? SPOILERS ON DAWSON'S CREEK
I have a theory. Many people thought that Dawson's Creek was about the love story of Dawson and his childhood friend, Joey. That they were endgame. But that's not what happens. Joey ends up with Pacey (the right choice, imo). So maybe the magnet means that the audience thinks that Mike and El will be together forever, but in the last season they'll reveal that Mike's love is Will.
So, Dawson doesn't end up with his childhood friend, but Mike does. I love it.
But these circles are definitely not just about Byler.
In Suzie's room there is a poster of the Constellations of the two Hemispheres, that looks a lot like the drawing. It's also important, imo, that they're talking about finding Nina, and that in S3 Suzie gave Dustin the constant to retrieve the two keys that could turn off the russian machine and close the gate.
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The Constellation in the southern Hemisphere can be seen from Australia, which is called 'the land down under'.
Down under. Upside Down. @shippingfangirl013 noticed that this mention of Australia in S1 is probably a reference to the UD.
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In fact, a few episodes later El uses the radio to channel Will in the UD
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We can also see the word Explorer on Dustin's shirt in those scenes. Another connection with Vecna and the UD. In 4x07 and 4x09 One/Vecna says that he became an explorer. And Karen says that Holly is quite the explorer, after she sees the Demogorgon in the wall.
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So, the two circles probably represent our world and the Upside Down. But since we still don't know what the Upside Down and Dimension X are, exactly, they could also refer to different timelines.
Other things that remind me of the two circles.
Two fans behind Dustin, when he throws a knotted bed sheet through the gate, "connecting" the two worlds.
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And THIS scene, noticed by @chirpsythismorning
(her screenshots)
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I believe that Twelve is Will (or represents Will's role in the story), and that Will and El are twins, so I find it extremely interesting that Brenner says 'If you leave your circle' (you lose) when Twelve is in the frame
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And that the game starts with Two and Six. 2x6=12
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Maybe Brenner's line is a hint about what happened when Will vanished from our world left his circle and ended up in the UD?
Much to think about.
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el-255 · 11 months
Literally no one asked for this but i decided to do my ranking of NPMD songs because I’ve seen some people do it on yt. I don’t post on yt and I’m shit at video editing so here we are-
This is all my personal opinions based on how much I enjoy the songs and how often I listen to them (also partly based on the scenes, choreo, etc) so please don’t lynch me, everyone’s allowed their opinions.
This was really hard for me because I actively listen to the songs from 11 onwards and I’m likely to change my mind as I listen to the album more so take this with a grain of salt. This is probably my favourite album that Starkid’s ever done.
Do not expect any coherent comments for this ranking as I’m terrible at articulating my thoughts, but just know that all these songs are incredible and they all hold a special place in my heart.
15. Go Go Nighthawks!
I don’t dislike this song tbh just very neutral towards it. I really enjoy the “fuck you Clivesdale” portion of the song but other than that, I can’t really say I listen to it. Kim and Bryce’s splits were incredible though holy shit.
14. The Best of You
This song, like many have said, is a bit too Disney channel for me. I like the scene and Steph and Pete are a really cute couple but not really into the song.
13. Bully the Bully
I love the scene for this, Angela’s choreo is brilliant and I think it’s a cute little song. The only reason it’s this low is because I don’t really listen to it outside of watching the show.
12. Bury the Bully
OKAY THIS ONE HURTS BECAUSE IVE REALLY GROWN TO APPRECIATE THIS REPRISE AND I THINK ITS BRILLIANT, HOWEVER, similarly to bully the bully, I don’t listen to it outside of outside of the show. Unfortunately cannot rank it higher than this as I enjoy the rest of the songs more :(
11. Nerdy Prudes Must Die
I’m ashamed that this is so low just purely based on Jon’s incredible “I’m not a loser” and Will Brenner’s amazing performance, HOWEVER, I’m not as into the rest of the song so unfortunately it is ranked as it is. The scene is pure genius though holy shit. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
10. Cool As I Think I Am
I had a hard time deciding between 11 and 10 but cool as I think I am just took it in regards to the fact that I actually listen to this song in my own time. What can I say? I’m a sucker for Joey’s Bug type roles and solos. Goes to show how much I enjoyed the album that this song I actively enjoy is ranked so low.
9. Dirty Dudes Must Die
This was originally higher on my list but I have since grown to enjoy other songs more but make no mistake, I think this is a great ending to the show and I adore Angela’s unhinged performance as Grace. The “who will pray for you?” reprise coming from Grace of all people is *chefs kiss*.
8. If I Loved You
Mariah and Joey’s vocals willed this ranking into existence. I love a good duet between characters who are obviously attracted to each other but for some reason, are desperate to act like they aren’t. While I don’t believe this is the strongest love duet in Starkid history (that belongs to the way I do imo), I do think it’s a sweet and a catchy tune overall.
7. Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)
I did not appreciate this song as much as i should’ve when I first watched the show, but recently I’ve been listening to it a lot more and it’s just the perfect combination of cool as I think I am and if I loved you. Absolutely devastated me upon first watch.
6. Literal Monster
Honestly, when I first watched the show, I didn’t like this song very much and was very surprised when I saw that it had one of the highest views out of the album. I’ve listened to it a lot more since then and it’s genuinely been the biggest change from my original ranking to this one now. The harmonies are incredible, Kim is as always a queen, Will Brenner’s section is so good idek what to say. But yeah, I really like this song.
5. Dirty Girl
I know this is very controversial as it is currently first place for my poll on people’s least favourite/least listened to song. Like most people, the scene makes me extremely uncomfortable BUT THE VOCALS !!!!! I genuinely love the song it’s such a banger and Angela and Will’s voices go so well together it’s actually insane. (I do still cringe every time I hear the words “dirty girl soup”).
4. High School is Killing Me
Probably the best opening Starkid has ever done. I’m a big sucker for group numbers so it has that going for it. Idk what else to say really, I just love the song.
3. Hatchet Town
I 👏 LOVE 👏 THIS 👏 SONG 👏 arguably one of the best act 2 openers, I am a sucker for group numbers as mentioned above and the tune of hatchet town is just so good. I particularly enjoy the chorus and the ending.
2. The Summoning
Need I even say more?
1. Just For Once
Probably the most controversial ranking I’ve ever done but SUE ME, I think this song is brilliant and a modern masterpiece. Someone said it gave them Falsettos vibes which absolutely contributes to why I love it so much but theres just so much else going for it. I could write a whole essay on the importance of just for once but I’ll spare you for now. All I’m going to say is that this song slaps and I will take no other answer :)
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creepyalienghost · 2 years
Fights I wanna see
The ambassador v 682
106 v Sammy Lawrence
Freddy v circus baby
Freddy v glamrock Freddy 
The ambassador v bendy the demon
Glitchtrap v Ben drowned.
Vanny v Sammy Lawrence
035 v Vanny
Glitchtrap v the Hanged king
Six v the marionette
Bonnie v Monty
Roxy v foxy
Foxy v mangle
Roxy v mangle
Joey Drew V William Afton
Bright x Joey Drew
457 v 054
The hanged king v the chain man
049-2 v demogorgan
Brenner v bright
Eleven v 035
The ambassador v Vecna
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ledenews · 2 months
Theory of a Deadman Unplugged Tour Coming to Capitol Theatre
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Theory of a Deadman brings their Unplugged Tour to Wheeling’s Capitol Theatre on November 17th. The hard rockers will be joined by Saint Asonia and Cory Marks.  Pre-sale tickets are available beginning Wednesday, July 17th at 10 am with the password CAPITOL. Tickets are on sale Friday, July 19th at 10 am. Tickets are available at CapitolTheatreWheeling.com, the WesBanco Arena Box Office or by calling 304-233-7000.  With sky-high hooks, riffs as thick as a 2x4, rumbling grooves, and a razor-sharp sense of humor, Theory Of A Deadman have quietly persisted as an unapologetic, unbreakable, and undeniable hard-rock force with major multiplatinum hits and countless sold out shows in each of the past two decades.  Jamming together in basements throughout high school, the band burst out of their small hometown of North Delta, British Columbia with the self-titled, Theory of a Deadman, during 2002. In addition to the double-platinum breakthrough album Scars & Souvenirs and gold-certified The Truth Is… , they have notched a procession of hits, including the gold-certified “All Or Nothing,” “Bitch Came Back,” and “Lowlife,” platinum-certified “Angel,” “Hate My Life,” and “Not Meant To Be,” double-platinum “Bad Girlfriend,” and triple-platinum “RX (Medicate).” As the biggest smash of their career this far, the latter marked their third #1 on the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart and garnered a nomination for “Rock Song of the Year” at the iHeartRadio Music Awards. They have logged two Top 10 debuts on the Billboard Top 200. In 2020, Say Nothing landed at #2 on the Billboard Alternative Albums Chart and #3 on the Rock Albums Chart. Plus, it earned praise from American Songwriter, Billboard, and Classic Rock Magazine who awarded it “4-out-of-5 stars.”  Now, the award-winning quartet—Tyler Connolly , Dave Brenner , Dean Back , and Joey Dandeneau —once again deliver a barrage of anthems, beginning with the single “Dinosaur” and more to come. Saint Asonia united hard rock, Adam Gontier (vocals, guitar) and Mike Mushok (lead guitar) luminaries under a new banner, joined by Gontier (bass) and Cody Watkins (drums). Respectively, Gontier and Mushok had reached stratospheric heights in Three Days Grace and Staind, topping charts, packing venues, and selling millions of records.  Read the full article
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apricot-sims · 1 year
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With the leaves of the trees slowly losing their green, being replaced by various hues of red and yellow, Francesca celebrates her birthday! The heat of the summer was still clinging tightly to the air, and so Emiliano pulled the BBQ out of storage and the event was delicious celebrated!
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harlcwes · 1 year
[      CLOSED  STARTER      ]          ››          @delicatlueur  .
WHO :  harlowe  &  joey
WHERE :  the  met  gala  ,  dinner  venue
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          “  dude  ,  i  don’t  trust  any  man  that  says  american  psycho  is  their  favorite  movie  .  ”  and  given  the  amount  of  times  they’ve  heard  it  tonight  ?  it’s  valid  .  “  there’s  just  something  about  patrick  bateman  that  is  very  much  relatable  to  any  femme  presenting  person  .  ”  arm  moves  up  to  rest  against  joey’s  shoulder  .  “  wanna  grab  a  drink  and  wander  around  ?  ”
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nepofm · 1 year
+𝟐  𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄  𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍  𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐃  .  jun-seo  “joey”  cha  (  lee  juyeon  )  is  looking  for  a  miscellaneous  connection  &  arinya  yontarak  (  davika  hoorne  )  is  looking  for  a  negative  connection  .
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misc.   —   jun-seo “joey” cha is looking for three band members (0/3 - one lead singer, one lead guitarist, one drummer) ( joey and your muses are the heart and soul of a band called street rats. their sound is waterparks + 5 seconds of summer, blending punk rock vibes with catchy pop hooks. they've hit the big leagues and are currently one of the most popular bands in the world, having toured with harlowe brenner's band, ultraviolet, and rocking the stage at music festivals and music award shows quite recently. joey is sort of the brains behind the band's sound, writing their powerful songs and ripping it up on the bass, sometimes the guitar too. but the group consists of a lead singer, a guitarist and a drummer. i always pictured them as a tight-knit family. like, practically inseparable, always cracking jokes, pranking each other, teasing each other, getting into trouble together, but ultimately supporting each other and not living without one another. they've got this... sibling-like dynamic, you know? and joey is pretty shy, but with his bandmates, he's just himself. they could live together, or have each other's keys and show up at the worst times, you know? like, that type of sibling dynamic. together, they're this little family of seemingly punk rebels but are actually soft asf. a family which, personally, my muse joey really needs after cutting ties with his own family, and their dynamic on and off the stage makes their performances electric and their music so fun to vibe to! ) within the age range of 21+ that preferably looks like darren barnet, archie renaux, michael cimino, kim taehyung, bright vachirawit, rudy pankow, tommy martinez, trevor jackson, adria arjona, park chaeyoung, alisha boe, sophie tatcher, talia ryder, hunter schafer, lily rose depp, brianne tju, jessie mei li, priscilla quintana, any fc that fits the vibes really. you do not have to, but you can contact the mun before applying under delicatlueur. 
negative, potentially romantic.   —   arinya yontararak is looking for a rival ( nia is the embodiment of mila kunis' character from black swan, oozing effortless coolness, fun, sexiness, and intrigue, drawing all eyes towards them with sheer adoration for the spotlight. on the flip side, there's your muse, standing in stark contrast to nia's vibrant energy. maybe shy, soft, and not necessarily focused on that sexual appeal. it's this very contrast that fuels the tension between our muses. nia enjoys it, playfully flirting and pulling y/m close, taking them on fun adventures and hights they've never experienced. but your muse detests this tension, tries to detach and avoid any interaction, simply hating any and every moment of collision. this is potentially a romantic connection, but i'm all about the chemistry, so we'll see it with time ) within the age range of 25-28 that preferably looks like kim doyeon (!!!!!!!!!!!!), olivia scott welch, alycia debnam-carey (!!!!!!!!!!! pls? pls? pls!! pls!!), priscilla quintana, kim jisoo (!!!!!!!), laura harrier, taylor russell, adria arjona (!!!!!!!!!!!), bae suzy, any fc that fits the vibes really. you do not have to, but you can contact the mun before applying under delicatlueur. 
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willyfarquarsons · 3 years
joywave on how they failed on the bastille tour 
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imaslave2themusic · 3 years
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Theory of a Deadman 2/12/22 at PromoWest Pavilion at Ovation. Newport, KY 🤘🏼❤️
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sillymillie94 · 4 years
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During lockdown I have been listening to a lot of music and have been spending a lot of time on Instagram, so I decided to combine the two and make a series of band templates for Instagram story music challenges. This is the Theory of a Deadman one. Check out my blog for all the rest, and I’m happy to take suggestions! Enjoy!
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