#John Cairns
babadork · 1 month
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Just a laundry list of stuff from the Terror scripts that doesn’t nearly get as talked about as much as it should and I’m going to make it everyone else’s problem
The way that neptune’s shit in front of hickey is LITERALLY a revenge shit. Puppy knew puppy always knew- but also how neptune is so beautifully and carefully tied into scenes like. The script loved this dog. So fucking much ("we put up with it because the captain loves it" DAMN RIGHT!!!! THATS HIS DOOOOOOG).
As much as I hate these bitches: that extended scene with Sir John and Lady Jane???? Him in bed with the flu and they are literally the picture of casual tenderness and affection and I might never recover from it. He literally asks her to stowaway like I CANNOT with that shit it’s so unbelievably cute. "I'm ill, Jane" will haunt me forever.
Sofia’s “you should marry a pole, not a woman”??? YYYYYYYOWCH
Also the change your jacket before you come down to dinner bit to Francis that was carried over from the book makes me go insane. Yes. Change your whole self to make yourself presentable to good society and then you can be with us. Yeah. Sooo fucking normal (I am yanking that man away from Sofia with my fucking teeth on the scruff of his neck).
Also. The Pelgar Bridgens romance. Is so real. Show gets so subtle with it I read it as a storge kinda bromance first go around but script loved these two guys being in love so much and it was beautiful that it was literally written queer love from the get go. And put up against Hickey and Gibson it’s a stark and beautiful and TRAGIC as fuck contrast. Like show showed it well but the way it was actually written is ascendant to me.
JFJ being at home in combat. Jesus fucking christ. And the crown of thorns. Jesus was a man riddled with scurvy and his name was james fitzjames. also the splinter thing he literally carries the ship with him in the most painful way possible. christ alive.
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Monster Bracket — Finals
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John Doe/The Entity (Malevolent):
He is literally the hottest character. It's literally just a hot voice and yellow eyes, the rest is up to your imagination Also funny??? He is so funny please, we love a entity with humor Rip to Arthur but if I would get possessed by John I would do anything he ask no question asked.
De-throned eldritch god who willingly fractured himself because he cared so much about the guy whose body he was originally trying to steal. Literally has control of said guy's eyes, and eventually one of his hands. The inherent homoeroticism of two people sharing a body and struggling to hold on to their humanity and so on.
Sharing a body with someone is already intimate without being a incomprehensible being from another dimension with memory problems
An amnesiac fragment of an Elder God trapped in a dread tome, and now bound to the eyes of a private detective
The Cairn Maiden (The Silt Verses)
A god that only wishes to meet people at the place they die and cradle them, appears as a veiled indistinct figure in the distance
as far as gods in the silt verses go, she is queen of staying in her lane. if you follow her, she shows you visions of the place you will die, and in return, you care for the dead and give them a proper burial. yeah she lingers on the road behind you, but she's just checking up on you!
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bullypinscherart · 1 year
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My very own Fakemon! It’s a dog Pokemon that evolves into a different type based on its Father’s primary type! You catch a Wild Hundling, it will evolve into a Wild Howlhund, but breed it with any Pokémon and it’s offspring will have an evolution based on the type!
Hundling (Wild and Domestic)- Normal (Based on Wolf Puppies)
Howlhund (Wild)- Normal (Based on Wolves)
Howlhund (Domestic)- Normal (Based on Old English Sheepdogs)
Molthund- Fire (Based on Xoloitzcuintlis)
Splashund- Water (Based on St. John’s Water Dogs)
Stalkhund- Grass (Based on Collies)
Sparkhund- Electric (Based on Cairn Terriers)
Frosthund- Ice (Based on Huskies)
Warrihund- Fighting (Based on Bully Kuttas)
Toxhund- Poison (Based on Tesems)
Duunhund- Ground (Based on Shar Peis)
Stratuhund- Flying (Based on German Spitzes)
Arohund- Psychic (Based on Saint Hubert Hounds)
Buzhund- Bug (Based on Chihuahuas)
Sedihund- Rock (Based on Turnspit Dogs)
Wraithund- Ghost (Based on Salukis)
Nobilhund- Dragon (Based on Chow Chows)
Sneakhund- Dark (Based on Kai Kens)
Irohund- Steel (Based on Malossus)
Spritehund- Fairy (Based on Japanese Chins)
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no-side-us · 1 year
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Aug. 6
Black Peter, Part 3 of 3
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I'm glad Holmes and I agree on the younger Neligan being too weak to harpoon a man, although one of my initial thoughts was that the murderer stabbed Peter Carey with a knife or something, and then proceeded to harpoon him after he was dead, which would give him the time to drive that thing in there instead of all at once.
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If I had murdered, sorry, "killed" someone I probably wouldn't want to admit to it in front of a police detective, especially as an attempt to correct him. Regardless, I'm kind of disappointed the culprit didn't turn out to be the older Neligan. I think it would have been more dramatic and made for more of a twist, especially with the younger Neligan as a red herring.
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Alright, so Black Peter did pick up Neligan senior, and did leave him behind in a way. Again, I think there's a lot of potential for this to have turned out as a revenge story. The fact old Neligan was willing to leave his wife and child behind could mean he also wouldn't mind his son taking the blame for the crime.
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I would rule this as self-defense. And with Peter Carey's reputation it's probably not an uncommon experience for him to pull his knife out on somebody after drinking. And as a harpooner of many years, of course Cairns would instinctively go for his weapon of choice.
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Poor young Neligan, wrong place, wrong time, and worse luck when he dropped his notebook. At least this means Hopkins wasn't really that far off since Neligan was basically there when the killing happened. Now that I think about it, if he had gotten there to get back the securities, and Black Peter was still kickin', Neligan would probably be the murder victim.
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I'm probably missing something, but why are Holmes and Watson going to Norway? If what Cairns said is true, then the older Neligan never even made it there... Or did he?
No, he's likely dead. Hearing about Norway probably just made Holmes decide to go there with Watson for a vacation or something.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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judi-daily · 4 months
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In Conversation with…, 2020 with Sir Stanley Wells Photographer: John Cairns
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stuff-diary · 3 months
Late Night with the Devil
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Movies watched in 2024
Late Night with the Devil (2023, Australia/UAE/USA)
Directors & Writers: Colin Cairnes & Cameron Cairnes
Let me start off by saying the filmmakers made such a dumb mistake by including those stupid AI-generated intersitials. It tarnished the movie's reputation and made lots of people turn their backs on it. In fact, I only watched it today cause a family member insisted on it... And that's pretty sad, cause the movie itself is pretty good, and surprisingly refreshing. I do think the ending is a bit too-much, but before that it serves up a pretty tense and original take on the possession horror genre. On top of that, the entire cast is truly phenomenal and the production design is impressively detailed. So yeah, Late Night with the Devil is a pretty solid movie, even if its directors made a choice that undermines its creativity. Deservedly so, anyway: f**k generative AI.
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nosasblog · 9 months
Cairns in Clusters: Chambered Cairns in Assynt
By Gordon Sleight Carrachan Dubh chambered cairn near Inchdnadamph Over the last twenty years I have thoroughly enjoyed tramping around Assynt, sometimes on my own and sometimes with groups of friends.  That sense of enjoyment is often enhanced by surprises.  It might be disturbing a mountain hare and seeing it race away at speed or watching an overhead confrontation between golden and…
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art-h · 2 years
St Ives.
The trip to St Ives was today, covering the Tate Gallery and the Barbara Hepworth Museum. Having lived near the Tate and visited once when I was a small boy with Primary School shortly after it's opening in the early 90s I have been aware of it's impact and the art community of St Ives for many years. That said, I have never attempted to look again at them with adult eyes. Admittedly I struggle sometimes with modernist art and similar forms on display at the St Ives Tate. I can't explain fully how it makes me feel; I have an old soul and sometimes it is more than I am capable of comprehending. That said there were a few pieces that caught my eye and my imagination.
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Since my focus lately has been on oils and impasto, pieces of a similar nature catch my eye almost instinctively now. This piece by Joan Eardley really spoke to me, it's rough brushwork and layered effect really hit me. The viewer can clearly see it's subject but the roughness of it ties in with how rough fishing is as a profession and the wildness of the sky definitely tie in with the Scottish landscape in which it was painted. I love the feeling of comfortable isolation I get from this piece.
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As mentioned in the card to accompany this pottery piece, what caught my eye were the mermen depicted in the painted work. As someone who loves Ancient Greek urns and their storytelling motifs, I was drawn to the similarity between the colour palettes also, almost in reverse orange and black. I was also taken aback by when this piece was made, as it speaks of a much older tradition of pottery. Even though it's depiction of mermen speak of the ongoing current LGBTQIA+ dialogue, it could easily be referring to an Ancient depiction of lovers from a time before the norm of same sex relationships became viewed as wrong. For example, there are several mentions of same sex lovers in Ancient Greek art, literature and history - the word Platonic for instance, not meaning relationships without a sexual component, but named for the philosopher Plato, as he, like many in his society, was most interested in the same-sex relationships between older and younger men.
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I selected this piece as a genuine attempt to understand abstract art. I was aesthetically familiar with Piet Mondrian, having seen pieces of his line-works in popular culture and used for all sorts of advertising and gift shop works. Paying close attention to the way the card describes this piece, I tried hard to fathom the connection between mathematics and space and the colours and lines on the canvas, alas, I am afraid my brain is not yet ready to receive the secrets of this form of art.
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I spent a few moments with this piece of sheer comfort. Snow scenes always portray a bleakness which I have always found deeply comforting in a strange way that invokes in me a sadness that somehow makes me happy. Almost like a catharsis of some sort. It also helped that Park's brushwork was textured in a similar way to my recent foray and experience with impasto.
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Not my first firsthand experience with a Picasso painting, but they always catch the eye no matter how famous they are. What drew me to this was not the work itself, but the note at the bottom of the card "Accepted in lieu of tax"! I had to remark on this as slightly humorous in it's way - there are worse things to accept in lieu of monies owed than a Picasso painting!
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I enjoyed this piece on first viewing aesthetically, but what really struck me was finding out when it was painted. The stereotype of the early 20th century is that most portrait art would be very realist, painting exactly what is in front of the painter. I admired the greens and teals in painting the facial expressions and in the skin tones, a choice by the artist that I deeply enjoy.
I know that there was a large part of our day at the Tate and subsequent visit to her studio museum dedicated to Barbara Hepworth, but I must confess I struggled to understand both her space and her art. Much in the same way I struggled with Marlow Moss' work with abstraction, I couldn't see the correlation between Hepworth's work in sculpture and discs and her love of Greek Mythology for instance. I might not be ready artistically to receive the understanding of such art or I might just be close-minded to that which I don't want to understand. I will try again in time nonetheless.
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I took the rest of the afternoon to create some pieces of my own. First I sat on the harbourside and drew in my sketchbook, after this I headed to the beach. Playing with the idea of the temporary, I wrote some phrases in the sand, knowing that they would not last. Given the topic of this current module, transitory things are very present in my mind, including ways of life and life itself. I saw some rocks near the harbour area and took some time to create Cairns. Cairns were traditionally used as way markers or memorial sites, but in my mind, they act like a sort of primitive selfie. A way in which to say "someone was here", I like the anonymity of cairns and the mindfulness they bring in the making. Stones make up so much of our planet and they will be here long after we are gone from this Earth.
I also found a piece of driftwood on Porthmeor Beach - I later discovered that the painter Alfred Wallis used scrap panels of wood to paint on, so this will be useful in my later planned painted pieces.
All in all - not the day I expected, but a very beautiful winters day nonetheless.
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petoskeystones · 5 months
happy 176th victory point note day to all who celebrate!
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25th April 1848
HMShips Terror and Erebus were deserted on the 22nd April 5 leagues NNW of this having been beset since 12th Sept 1846.
The officers and crews consisting of 105 souls under the command of Captain F. R. M. Crozier landed here — in Lat. 69°37’42’’ Long. 98°41’
This paper was found by Lt. Irving under the cairn supposed to have been built by Sir James Ross in 1831 — 4 miles to the Northward — where it had been deposited by the late Commander Gore in May June 1847.
Sir James Ross’ pillar has not however been found and the paper has been transferred to this position which is that in which Sir J. Ross’ pillar was erected.
Sir John Franklin died on the 11th of June 1847 and the total loss by deaths in the Expedition has been to this date 9 officers and 15 men.
[signed] F. R. M. Crozier Captain & Senior Offr
And start on tomorrow 26th for Backs Fish River
[signed] James Fitzjames Captain HMS Erebus
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yellowbrickramble · 1 year
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In this chapter, we rejoin Logan and Jack on their trip to Emerald City, where they meet the Scarecrow. Ozma is taking a short break from the comic till Chapter 8.
The Scarecrow isn't the first adult Dorothy & Toto meet in Oz, but he is the first responsible adult, being the only one to object to a child and puppy making a long, dangerous journey all alone.
Toto here is usually depicted as a Cairn terrier, but in Yellow Brick Ramble, he's a Boston terrier. John R. Neill drew him as a Boston terrier in Road to Oz and Emerald City of Oz and I loved what a silly little guy he was in those books!
And naturally, Dorothy needs a Boston terrier on hand so that she can be in a Boston marriage with Ozma when she's older.
If you like my comics, please support me on Patreon! (link in bio)
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In honor of The Terror hitting Netflix...
Did anyone ever made a 80s version of a trailer for it?
Like the kind that overexpose everything that is happening and last 3 minutes and start with something like :
"In a world of hubris and arctic exploration, one valiant troup of sailors are set out to find *cue scene of finding the cairn* discoveries, *cue scene of piling up on Strong* friendship and *cue Goodsir and Silna saying goodbye* love.
Follow the brilliant John Franklin *scene with him on the Erebus looking smug* as he attempts to find the North West Passage for the glory of the Empire *Look of a map that's spinning for some reason*.
*Music becomes more dramatic*
When tragedy strikes *Hickey and Co are digging a grave*, honorable James Fitzjames will rise to the occasion *Shot of Fitzjames running in the snow to save Franklin* to become the leader they need.
Follow along this classic for all the family and discover the joys of winter sports, *Football game on the ice*, carnivale *shots of the carnivale*, gastronomy *shot of the Dundy soup* and learn all about the limit of the human conditions *see Fitzjames collapsing* in the epic adventure of the ages.
Tobias Menzies is Captain James Fitzjames *Shot of him being so handsome*, a man who will do anything to be seen in...
The Terror"
Like... is this anything?
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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I just wanted to highlight this beautiful artwork that my good friend, Chis a.k.a. @whosthewhatnow created for me.
This drawing was inspired by this post about my dad and his animal magnetism.
If you don't recall, I said...
"I’ve always said I don’t believe in heaven but I do believe in dog heaven.
It is my hope FrogDad gets special permission to go there and hang with Otis, MacGyver, Reggie, and Buttons."
I also mentioned this in my eulogy...
I said that we had pet newts as children. However, when I went to look up pet newts, none of them looked like what we had. In fact, I couldn't find any lizards that looked like what we had. Perhaps they were some kind of lizard that was a popular pet in the 80s but fell out of favor with pet stores.
In any case, the mystery lizards are sneaking into Doggie Heaven.
And, of course, there is my dad's famous John Deere riding mower that he used to take Otis on countless walks.
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And Chris included all of the beloved doggos of my childhood.
My first was a Welsh Corgi named Buttons.
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She would walk me more than I walked her...
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Then we adopted a Cairn Terrier named Reggie.
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Reggie was found at an illegal breeding facility and rescued. He was kept in a cage nearly all of his life and it pained him to walk on hard surfaces for several months until his paws healed. We suspect he was abused by a large male, because he was terrified of my dad when we brought him home. He would run under the bed anytime my dad entered the room. This was probably the ultimate test of my dad's dog whispering powers. He slowly and patiently worked with Reggie, devising all kinds of creative trust exercises. He would lay on the floor with his belly exposed and start crying and acting sad. Trying to show Reggie he was harmless and pathetic and nothing to fear. And every time Reggie got close, my dad would bribe him with cheese.
And just like every other dog we've had, my dad won Reggie over and they became best friends. They were constant cuddle buddies.
No other large male could ever get close to Reggie. My dad ended up being the only one he would ever trust.
We felt Reggie could use a companion to help cure his trauma and depression and maybe help him socialize a little better.
So... we got a puppy!
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My first ever experience with a puppy. He was a West Highland White Terrier--commonly referred to as a "Westie."
We wanted a name that paid respect to his Scottish heritage and we loved this popular show on the boob tube in which a man fixed things with chewing gum and a paperclip.
So I suggested we name him after that favorite TV hero...
Angus MacGyver!
Or "Mac" for short.
MacGyver was a bit like Otis 1.0. He was a tiny ball of energy. He loved to play. He was mischievous, but always cute about it, so he rarely got in trouble. Though he was not nearly as smart as Otis. If dogs could take IQ tests, Otis would have tested as a genius. I am embarrassed to admit how often I was outwitted by a hairy loaf with legs.
But MacGyver was just a normie. Not dumb. Not a genius.
Reggie didn't know what to do with a puppy at first. But once Mac grew up a little and calmed down a lot, they did end up being proper pupper pals.
Doggo dudes.
Canine cohorts.
Scottish scalawags.
Reggie mostly just sat at a distance as MacGyver did dumb things. Mac would get into trouble and when we caught him, Reggie would just stare at us like, "I was an impartial observer. I had no part in these shenanigans."
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And last, but certainly not least... I think you all remember this troublemaker.
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My dad was all cuddles and play time.
But my mom and Otis had a very special relationship as well. Otis would "help" my mom with her chores. They'd go from room to room and my mom would do her cleaning and dusting and vacuuming. And Otis would disrupt all of it--to her delight. She liked to talk to him like he was an adult human. She swore he could understand her. They'd just gab and clean.
Their antics doing chores together inspired one of my favorite Corg Life comics that Chris also drew.
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So, thank you to Chris for always creating such beautiful things for me.
If you need any artwork, I highly recommend hiring him. He even does watercolor paintings.
Chris Gugliotti [ Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr ]
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scotianostra · 2 months
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Prince Charles Edward Stuart, landed in Eriskay with his “Seven men of Moidart" on 23rd July 1745.
The Seven Men of Moidart consisted of four Irishmen, two Scots and one Englishman. Three of the group were elderly men, Sir Thomas Sheridan (the Prince’s under-governor/tutor and a veteran cavalry officer), Sir John MacDonald (a former French cavalry officer) and the Scot William Murray (Marquis of Tullibardine). These were accompanied by the Irish Colonel, John William O’ Sullivan (French army) and Irish Episcopalian clergyman, Reverend George Kelly, the Englishman, Francis Strickland ( a former royal tutor), as well the Scot, Aeneas MacDonald ( a Paris banker).
Having lost their arms and ammunition, as I told you in my post about the encounter with a british ship enroute, his companions besought the Prince to return to Nantes, but he refused and after a chase by a British man-of-war, La Doutelle anchored off the island of Eriskay, in the Outer Hebrides, on 2nd August, 1745. An eagle hovered round the ship, and Tullibardine exclaimed "Here is the king of birds come to welcome your Royal Highness to Scotland."
Clanranald to whom the cluster of islands belonged, was on the mainland. Charles proceeded, and entered the bay of Loch-nan-nuah between Moidart and Arisaig. Here Clanranald, Kinloch Moidart, and several of their clansmen came on board. But to the Prince's pleas, they answered that to take up arms without concert or support from France could only end in ruin. After a long interview and a personal appeal to young Kinloch Moidart, the brother of the chief, Charles at length prevailed, perhaps shoeing the charm if the man the Government labelled, The Young Pretender.
The pics include two memorial cairns on the island.
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thiefbird · 17 hours
In a late celebration of Fitzbones Day, have the lyrics to the arrangement of The Northwest Passage I'm gonna record this weekend!
All credit to Stan Rogers for the song, this is just a little act of love for the archaeologists, historians, and countless other professionals who work on the Terror, Erebus, and walkout sites! I've left the first chorus and verse entirely unaltered, my work follows <3
Ah, for just one time I would take the Northwest Passage To find the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea Tracing one warm line through a land so wide and savage And make a Northwest Passage to the sea Westward from the Davis Strait 'tis there 'twas said to lie The sea route to the Orient for which so many died Seeking gold and glory, leaving weathered, broken bones And a long-forgotten lonely cairn of stones Ah, so many times they had tried the Northwest Passage To look for Sir John Franklin frozen in the Arctic Sea Tracing one worn line through a land by cold so ravaged Til they found a Northwest Passage through the sea Betrayed by their country, eating rotten food of lead Franklin's men left frozen ships, took to the land instead They began the walk out south to where Backs Fish River wells Six hundred miles not crossed ere each man fell Oh, time after time they have searched the Northwest Passage To find the men of Franklin lost before the Beaufort Sea Marked out line by line through a land so often scavenged To learn about the lives that once had been James Fitzjames fell early, sharing in his men's cold fates Not far from his own ship lost on King William Island's straits He laid for years unburied, knife marks cutting to the bone As all his men died slowly far from home Ah, again in time they did search the Northwest Passage Where Erebus and Terror sank far from the Beaufort Sea Listening this time to the long ignoréd message Of those who'd seen them sink into the sea Aglooka led men southward in hopes they could be found By Netsilik or trappers steady heading homeward bound He and many others lie waiting to be named One final pointless frozen English shame Till the end of time they might sail the Northwest Passage Hand in hand with Franklin enduring on the Arctic Sea Walk their endless line through a land that gently ravaged Their eternal southern passage from the sea Ah, one final time I will take the Northwest Passage And think on nameless men still reaching for the Beaufort Sea Trace their ghostly lines through a land we've left so damaged One mourning quiet passage to the sea
Also shout-out to @onefellsloop for the extremely funny suggestion to have the JFJ verse end
He laid for years thereafter, in his snowy resting place / Some hella awkward bite marks on his face…’
and making me snort water out my nose and almost onto a guitar
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fishareglorious · 6 months
Oh that's cool I've been checking the wiki because my ass is procrastinating and several characters already have their ENG va's listed in there!
I should be doing something important, but I'll list them here. They don't call me a master procrastinator for nuthin.
disclaimer: some of the va's here might be incorrect. info sites like the wiki and imdb can be easily edited with false info.
Druvis: Anna Rust
Lilya: Elina Alminas
A Knight: Philip Desmeules
Sotheby: Harriet Kershaw
Regulus: Carina Reeves
Centurion: Sam Yeows
Ms. Newbabel: Alex J. Cairns
Tooth Fairy: Alexandra Boyadjieff
Jessica: Lia Luz
Shamane: Indy Saluja
Kaalaa Baunaa: Gunja Chakraborty
37: Emily Stranges
6: Zak Morris
X: Hyoie O'Grady
Charlie: Macy Drouin
Bkornblume: Emily Stranges
Sonetto: Rae Lim
Balloon Party: Camille Blott
Schneider: Sara Alexander
Satsuki: Nao Toyama (also her japanese va)
Click: Dalmar Abuzeid
Diggers: Colin Doyle
Blonney: Addison Holley
Pavia: Alex Marchi
Oliver Fog: Kingsley Marshall
Mondlicht: Macy Drouin
APPLe: Elliot Hardman
La Source: Isabella Astbury
Leilani: Haze Zahara Adcock
John Titor: Andrea Pavlovic
Ms. Radio: Andrea Houssin
Forget Me Not: Joshua Collins
Vertin: Scarlet Grace
Madam Z: Janedope (also her chinese va. also do you know tennant's cn va is also her. damn)
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