#Jormungand Mcga
bugwolfsstuff · 5 months
I headcanon that Jörmungandr swears like a sailor
idk why tho
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
Since is okay to keep asking about your AUs and headcanons! What are your headcanons for Jormungand and sleipnir? How is the relationship with the rest of the family?
Also! Sigyn! I would love to know more about your interpretation of her!
(also wanted to say that I loved your headcanons about Narvi and Vali! Vali with a forked tongue and they not looking exactly the same is soo good! I feel like I wrote too much already so I'll stop, just wanted to say I appreciated your answer)
Alright so a thing Sleepy & Jörmungandr have in common is that they both can't be understood by most.
They can talk, yes. But only to certain people so outsiders think they are just mindless animals.
For Sleipnir
Has similar blue eyes as Fenris but a lot warmer and kinder looking.
(Tho while Fen gets his eyes from his mother, Sleepy gets it from his father)
Way smarter than he looks.
Very much would like a better relationship with his family.
Sleipnir is a fun one to think of because of the possible resentment some of the other Loki kids would have towards him because he works for Odin....
Only Fenris is the only one among them that has hatred towards poor Sleepy. The rest don't either care (Hel), Haven't met him (Samirah and Alex) or aren't usually aware enough to have an opinion on him (Jörmungandr, Narvi and Vali)
Fenris just constantly antagonizes Sleipnir through dreams. So much so that Sleipnir has just slowly stopped fearing him and just seeing him as annoying, like this is them to me:
Sleipnir: Can you get out of my life?
Fenris: I am not in your life I am in your dreams :>
Sleipnir:...At least I'm free
Fenris: at least my parents love each other. Also you live in a gilded cage.
Basically its this every night without fail.
Hel on the other hand is the only one that has actually met Sleipnir in person. But even her relationship with him is rocky.
They'd only met a handful of times because there's not really many reasons for 'Odin's' horse to be in Helheim, but even if there's no resentment their relationship is purely professional (Even if Sleipnir would prefer it to not to be) So to her Sleipnir is just: 'Odin's horse that happens to be related to me.'
Loki is fun to think about with his relationship with Slippy because he's the only child Loki actually willingly gave away.
Probably because he knows what happened to the other 'monstrous' children and realized that as long as Slippy is useful to the Aesir then he'll probably won't end up like his siblings.
(Still very much preaching my 'Loki loves his kids' thing even after finishing the books)
I do have a headcanon (in all AUS but ToL) that Loki does try to visit Sleipnir but can't cus you know the Aesir are assholes and Sleipnir is all the way in Asgard...So again:
The Aesir are assholes.
(I do have an old w.i.p somewhere where they do talk tho.)
In the ToL AU this isnt canon for plot reasons because Sleipnir will possibly play a part in Loki's 'redemption' :)
For Jörmungandr
Last time he saw Loki was in the house of Utgard Loki when Thor attempted (and technically succeeded) in lifting him up. He assumes this was a dream tho because that was admittedly a weird day for him.
Was saying many curse words that would make even Loki blush directed at Magnus and Samirah the day they caught him
(Lucky for them they can't understand him)
He was coiled around Hel the entire walk to Odin and all the way up until they were separated
Middle child
(pretty sure that last one is backed up by myth)
Was the first one to be cast out by Odin. Will be the last of his fam to die during Ragnarök.
Has a weird rivalry with Ran
Alright now for his relationship with the fam.
He's also a fun one because unlike Fenris and Hel he can't communicate with the family through other means anymore. He's not conscious enough to do magic.
But pre-everything he was very close with Hel. Being the middle and youngest duo. She thinks about him.
(Also have a w.i.p with the three)
Fenris thinks about his brother a lot too because in his opinion Jörmungandr had the most rotten deal of the three of them. At least Fenris and Hel can move around (however limited), communicate with others and are aware. Jorm has none of those things.
For Loki and Angrboda's relationship with their son. I don't really know. Obviously they care for him in their own ways but i'm drawing up blanks for Loki and Angrboda is currently a working progress for her entire personality and the only thing I have cemented with her is that she lives in Midgard (lets just say she will be showing up in one of my AUs)
And we already know Samirah and Jormungandr's relationship. She caught him and he tried to drown her (and Magnus)
For Sigyn
Sigyn, next to her husband was my least liked portrayal in the Riordianverse cus like what was the point of making her a doormat and Loki an abusive...EVERYTHING? It takes away from both Loki and Sigyn's characters. Sigyn is a strong woman who stays with her husband while he's suffering because she loves him. Not out of fear. FOR LOVE.
So in my AUs Sigyn is still kind and caring and very much loving but she can and will be just as scheming and vengeful as her husband. Loki and her truly love each other and Loki just acts like a prick towards her in front of everyone because he knows him publicly showing affection to anyone is placing a huge target on their back.
Both of them know this.
When she leaves Loki in the Ship of the Dead she full well intends to return to him. Loki knows that too...because they planned it together at Sigyn's request as a back up plan.
(This applies to all my AUs except ToL because I have a plan for her for ToL)
Loki knows sign language because of her being mute from everything that's happened and intended to teach her once he got free.
After the events of HoT he did in fact teach her sign language
(he affectionately calls it Sigyn language)
Because of the suffering she's endured she knows and can do magic.
(I mean why else would she nod at Magnus in SotD? and know to drop the bowl in HoT?)
She is loved by Hel and Fenris (with his little interactions with them both)
Can and will call her husband out on his bullshit.
Is a daughter of Odin but refuses to be called as such.
(In myth tho I think its not stated who her parents are)
Because she's been holed up in a cave for fuck knows too long she knows little English until after the series.
Still very much mourns her sons.
Swore like a sailor when she still talked.
(Loki so taught her swears in sign language first)
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