#Jose Coronado
filmap · 1 year
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Murieron por encima de sus posibilidades Isaki Lacuesta. 2014
Palm Beach Passeig de Rius i Calvet, 3, 17220 Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona, Spain See in map
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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cinema-winding · 2 years
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Görünmeyen Misafir
Gerilim ve gizem unsuru çok farklı bir satranç oyununda bizlere sonuyor.
Her hamle bizleri biraz daha gerçekliğe ya da gerçek sandığımız hikayelere mi götürüyor kim bilebilir ki ?
Geçeğin ağırlığı mı ?
Doğruluğun ağırlığı mı ?
Yoksa soruların ağırlığı mı ?
Kendinize sormanız gereken sorular bunlar cevapları ise sizi akıl tutulmasına uğratacak bu filmde.
Suçsuzluğunu kanıtlamak için her şeyini ortaya koymaya hazır, köşeye sıkışmış iş insanı Adrián Doria, sevgilisi Laura Vidal'ı öldürmekten tutuklandıktan sonra kefaletle serbest bırakılır.
İçeriden kilitli, dışarıdan girilmesi ve dışarıya çıkılması mümkün gözükmeyen bir odada gerçekleşen gizemli bir cinayet ortada olduğu sürece bu vahim durum daha sarba sarmadan Avukatı Félix Leiva, prestijli çözümlemeye kararlı savunma avukatı Virginia Goodman'ı işe alır.
Virginia, Adrian'ı dairesinde ziyaret eder.
Bir savunma oluşturmak için 3 saatleri vardır ve Virginia polislerin tek şüpheli olarak görürdüğü müvekkilinden gerçekleri anlatmasını ister.
Bu süre boyunca sadece bir adamın sürekli olarak güveni sağlam tutma derdin de olan bir avukat .
Kuşku bütün kapılar kapalı olsa bile bir yolunu bulup içeri sızdığı vakit.
İçeride kilitli tuttuğunuz sırlar asıl kimin gerçekleri olacaktır.
Bu gizem zincirini Sakin kafayla, kendinizi vererek izlediğinizde bir süre etkisinden çıkamayacağınız sahneler de barındırıyor. Akıl tutulması yaşayacağınız bir film sizinle.
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wornoutspines · 2 years
The Snow Girl | Trailer
#TheSnowGirl looks great, I love a good crime drama and it has the added bonus to be a Spanish language series, I've been watching a lot of those lately. #LaChicaDeNieve #Netflix #JavierCastillo #MilenaSmit
Writer: Javier Castillo (Novel), Jesús Mesas Silva and Javier Andrés Roig (Screenplays) Director: David Ulloa (4 episodes), Laura Alvea (2 episodes) Stars: Milena Smit, Jose Coronado, Loreto Mauleón Premise: During the Cavalcade of the Magi parade, the Martín family’s daughter Amaya disappears. Journalist Miren takes on the case, determined to find her. Streaming on Netflix on January…
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randomrichards · 5 days
Actor disappears
Director ponders for years
Films and memories
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Title: The 3 Wise Men
Rating: NR
Director: Antonio Navarro
Cast: Juan Echanove, Jose Coronado, Imanol Arias, Ricardo Gómez, José Sancho, David Robles, Javier Gurruchaga, Iñaki Gabilondo, Mar Bordallo, José Luis Angulo, Pedro Tena Ramos, Jon Arias, José Luis Gil, Mercedes Cépeda
Release year: 2003
Genres: fantasy, adventure
Blurb: Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar travel to baby Jesus' birthplace under the guidance of the Star of Bethlehem.
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cinemaslife · 5 months
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#71 Tu hijo (2018)
El Doctor Jaime Jiménez (José Coronado) es un reputado cirujano al que todos los pacientes le agradecen su devoción y disponibilidad para sus familiares y su trabajo, cosa que su mujer y sus hijos Marcos (Pol Monen) y Sara (Asia Ortega) saben perfectamente, ya que esa disponibilidad le lleva a sacrificios para su propia familia que se va despedazando, sintiéndose unido únicamente a su hijo Marcos.
Jaime sería capaz de cualquier cosa por su hijo, un chico joven, deportista, buen estudiante, atento... tanto que llega a "discutir" con su mujer sobre si se merece un coche o no. Tanto es lo que siente por su hijo que, cuando una noche sale de fiesta y le dan una brutal paliza que lo deja en coma, no puede quedarse a esperar en casa.
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Uno de los niños a los que salva tiene un padre agresivo (tanto con su mujer como con su hijo), pero agradecido con el cirujano que le ofrece que si alguna vez necesita algo, legal o ilegal, se lo haga saber y hará todo lo que pueda por él. Y Jaime necesita sus servicios.
Ha empezado a preguntar a los amigos de su hijo Marcos y tienen miedo de una banda que siempre está por la discoteca de moda de la ciudad, que fueron directos a por Marcos y a los que no se atreven a denunciar. Esto le lleva a otra pista y a otra pista, y al final llega al hijo del dueño de la discoteca, que es el actual novio de la ex de Marcos, Andrea (Ester Expósito).
La chica lleva tiempo esquiva con el doctor Jaime, no le responde a sus llamadas, no quiere ir a ver a Marcos al hospital...
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Usa su contacto con este padre agresivo para que le dé una lección a Raúl (Sergio Castellanos), el hijo del dueño de la discoteca, ya que ha visto el vídeo donde le da una paliza mortal a su hijo.
El mal padre no vuelve a casa y Jaime lo busca hasta que el dueño de la discoteca lo encuentra a él, le confiesan que se han deshecho de ese señor (dos pájaros de un tiro) y le rompe la mano a Jaime con un martillo por ir a por su hijo.
Viendo que nadie va a ayudarle y lejos de parar después de ese toque de atención empieza a dejar de dormir, a tomar pastillas y a querer vengarse cada vez más fuerte, por lo que decide ser él quien haga justicia, ya que ni la policía ni los demás son capaces de entender que Marcos es el hijo perfecto y debe ser vengado.
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Es el propio Jaime quien con un abre cartas mata a Raúl en los baños de la discoteca, y pese a que logra escapar tiene cargo de conciencia, se mira al espejo y reflexiona hasta donde ha llegado por venganza.
Andrea llega a casa para hablar con Sara y Jaime decide asomarse, allí las dos, muy compungidas, le dicen que le tienen que enseñar algo, un vídeo en el móvil de Marcos.
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En el vídeo, su amado hijo, Marcos, está dentro del coche de un amigo con Andrea y otro amigo tomando drogas. Andrea quiere irse a casa... la conversación se tensa y cuando Andrea va a pedir ayuda le tapan la boca y Marcos abusa sexualmente de ella como venganza por haberle dejado. Pese a que le ha prometido que iban a terminar de buenas maneras y por eso ella se fía y se sube al coche con él, ante la negativa de volver con Marcos y rodeado de sus amigos, humilla y veja a Andrea, después de decirle que está locamente enamorado de ella y hacerle algo así.
Lejos de ser comprensivo con la chica, Jaime la echa de su casa, le arranca el móvil de las manos a Andrea (con la prueba del crimen de su hijo) y la echa de su casa empujándola y tirándole del pelo. Jaime entiende que todo lo que ocurrió con su hijo empezó con la violación a Andrea y como esta se lo contó a su novio Raúl, y entre este y sus amigos le dieron una paliza, al no tan estupendo, hijo de Jaime.
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La escena final es Jaime visitando a su hijo en coma en la habitación del hospital, allí visiona una vez más el vídeo de su hijo abusando de Andrea, y decide borrar el vídeo. Eliminando así la única evidencia del crimen de su hijo y limpiando su imagen.
Cabe destacar que Sara, la hermana de Marcos e hija de Jaime, se posiciona en todo el film a favor de la chica y comprendiendo que lo ocurrido es una venganza dentro de otra venganza y de otra venganza que va a llegar por parte de su padre.
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"Jaime va perdiéndolo todo por el camino, la cordura, las buenas maneras, la razón, los nervios, la compostura...no sabe que hacer ante lo ocurrido y su instinto primario es la venganza. Su hijo perfecto y adorado, da igual lo que haga, y el motivo. Debe ser redimido y si nadie recae en ello, se arremangará y ensuciará las manos y lo hará él."
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cineclubsala1 · 8 months
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Cerrar los ojos, dir. Víctor Erice (2023)
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academicelephant · 1 year
At first I wasn't sure if I'd like Unauthorized Living since Nemo has Alzheimer's and that's not a topic I like but it turned out to be great! First of all, José (the guy who plays Nemo) and Luis (the guy who plays Ferro) work so well together that it's always nice to watch, and despite some unnecessary drama the younger characters have, the series is interesting and entertaining
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curiositis · 1 year
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fromthestacks · 2 years
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The Vault
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textless · 26 days
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vintagewarhol · 1 month
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dethpsun · 1 year
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Postcard Drawings
Rosicrucian Planetarium (San Jose, CA), Skunk Train (Fort Bragg, CA), Ellis Island Immigration Station (New York, NY), Hotel Del Coronado Courtyard (San Diego, CA), Muir Glacier (AK)
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queeryouthautonomy · 2 years
State march masterpost (updated as information comes in!)
All times are local time unless otherwise specified. Reblogs are off because this is a living, regularly updated post; please see our website or send an ask for more information! Post you can reblog is here. Alabama: Florence—114 W Mobile St -> 200 S Court St, 3/31, 3:30pm (link) Montgomery—Alabama State House, 3/31, 1pm (link)
Alaska: Anchorage—Dimond Center -> Costco Wholesale, 3/31, 12pm
Arizona: Prescott—Prescott Courthouse, 3/31, 2pm Sierra Vista—Fry and Coronado -> City Hall, 3/31, 3pm (link) Tuscon—Tuscon City Hall, 3/31, 4pm (link)
Arkansas: Eureka Springs—Basin Spring Park, 3/31, 6pm (link) Little Rock—Lucie’s Place, 3/31, 6pm Marion—Brunetti Park -> Marion City Hall, 3/31, 5pm
California: Castro Valley—Castro Valley High School (non-students please join in once the protest has left school grounds) -> Corner of Redwood Rd and Castro Valley Blvd, 3/30, 3:35pm (link) Fresno—N Blackstone Ave & E Nees Ave, 3/31, 4pm (link) Hollywood—Corner of Sunset & Vine, 3/30, 4:15pm Merced—3055 Loughborough Dr -> Laura's Fountain -Applegate Park 1045 W 25th St, 3/31, 4:30pm (link) Pomona—Pomona Pride Center 836 S -> City Hall, 3/31, 4pm (link) Riverside—Back To The Grind Coffee Shop –> Riverside City Hall, 3/31, 4pm (link) Sacramento—Capitol Complex, 3/31, 12pm (link) San Diego—Balboa Park at the Bea Evenson Foundation -> El Prado, 3/31, 5pm San Francisco—Corner of Turk & Taylor -> City Hall, 3/25, 11am (link) | Patricia's Green -> City Hall, 3/31, 2:15pm (link) San Jose—San Jose City Hall, 3/31, 5:30pm (link) Santa Ana—Brad Brafford LGBT Center on 4th, 3/31, 6pm (link)
Colorado: Denver—Civic Center Park, 3/17, 8:30pm | West Steps of the Capitol, 3/24, 11am (link)
Connecticut: Bristol—131 N Main Street, 3/31, 1pm Fairfield—Upper Quad of Sacred Heart University, 3/31, 4pm New Haven—corner of Chaple and Church St, 3/31, 4pm
Delaware: Wilmington—Delaware Historical Society –> Rodney Square, 3/31, 6pm (link)
District of Colombia: Union Station -> US Capitol, 3/31, 3pm (link)
Florida: Altamonte Springs—3/31, 9am (link) Naples—Cambier Park, 3/31, 6pm (link) Ocala—Pine Plaza -> City Hall, 3/31, 3:30pm Orlando—Dr Philips Performing Arts Center, 3/31, 11am Port Orange—Corner of Yorktowne Blvd. and Dunlawton Ave -> Port Orange Regional Library, 3/31, 4:30pm Tallahassee—state Capitol building, 3/31, 2pm (link) Venice—Town Center -> Venice Beach, 3/31, 10:30am
Georgia: Atlanta—state Capitol building, 3/31, 12pm (link) Dalton—3/31, 11am (link) Gainesville—Gainesville Square –> Jesse Jewell Parkway (in front of CVS), 3/31, 5pm Savannah—Forsyth Park -> City Hall & back, 3/31, 6pm
Hawaii: Honolulu—state Capitol building, 3/31, 3:30pm
Idaho: Boise—TBD Shelley—Shelley City Park, 3/31, 2pm
Illinois: Champaign—McKinley Foundation Church Chapel, University of Illinois, 3/31, 5:30pm Chicago—Grant Park, 3/31, 5pm Rockford—1005 5th Ave, 3/31, 5pm (link) Streamwood—7 Augusta Dr –> 7 S Sutton Rd, 3/31, 8am (link)
Indiana: Fort Wayne—Boone Street Playlot -> Allen County Courthouse, 3/23, 3pm (link) | Allen County Courthouse, 3/31, 5pm (link) Hanover—Hanover College Quad, 3/31, 1pm Indianapolis—433 N Capital Ave -> 1 Monument Circle, 3/31, 3pm Terre Haute—Terre Haute Courthouse, 3/31, 5pm
Iowa: Des Moines—state Capitol building (West Capitol Terrace Stage), 3/31, 6pm (link) Dubuque—Dubuque Courthouse -> Washington Park, 3/31, 4pm (link) Iowa City—Pentacrest -> Wesley Center, 3/31, 6pm (link)
Kansas: Lenexa—Lenexa Rec Center -> City Hall, 3/31, 5pm Topeka—state Capitol building entrance, 3/31, 5pm (link) Wichita—121 E Douglas Ave, 3/31, 4pm (link)
Kentucky: Frankfort—front of Annex Building, 3/29, 9:30am (link) | Kentucky State Capitol, 4/8, 1pm (link) Lawrenceburg—Anderson County Courthouse -> 44 Anna Mac Clarke Ave, 4/3, 3pm (link) Lexington—Robert F. Stephens Courthouse Plaza, 3/31, 4:30pm | Outside of the Old Fayette County Courthouse, 3/31, 6pm
Louisiana: Lake Charles—Prein Lake Park, 3/31, 12pm New Orleans—Washington Square Park 700 Elysian Fields Ave, 3/31, 5pm (link)
Maine: Bangor—West Market Square, 3/31, 6pm Portland—456 Congress St, 3/31, 6pm (link) Rockland—Intersection of Main Street and Park Street (near Walgreens and Maine Sport) –> Chapman Park, 3/31, 5:30pm
Maryland: Baltimore—400 E Biddle St, 3/31, 5pm Oakland—32 Oak St –> 305 E Oak St, 3/31, 3pm (link)
Massachusetts: Boston—state house, 3/18, 11am (link) | state house, 3/28, 10am (link) Sunderland—North Star, 45 Amherst Road, 3/31, 12pm
Michigan: Detroit—Woodward-Warren Park, 3/31, 5pm (link) Fenton—Rackham Park, 3/31, 6pm (link) Grand Rapids—Downtown, 3/31, 5pm Lansing—state Capitol building, 3/31, 11am
Minnesota: Saint Paul—state Capitol building, 3/31, 9am (link)
Missouri: Columbia—701 East Broadway Blvd, 3/31, 5:30pm (link) | Uptown Columbia –> Downtown Columbia, 4/15, 9am Jefferson City—Missouri State Capitol, 3/29, 2pm (link) St Louis—11911 Dorsett Rd –> 715 NW Plz Dr, 4/27, 1pm
Montana: Missoula—Missoula Courthouse, 3/31, 5pm (link)
Nebraska: Lincoln—state Capitol building, 3/31, 5:30pm
Nevada: Las Vegas—Las Vegas TransPride Center -> The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada, 3/31, 11am (link)
New Hampshire: Keene—Keene State College Campus Main Entrance -> Center Square, 3/31, 5pm (link)
New Jersey: Flemington—Flemington Historic Courthouse -> Flemington DIY, 3/31, 3:45pm (link) Trenton—State House, 3/31, 3pm (link)
New Mexico: Albuquerque—Civic Plaza, 3/31, 5pm Santa Fe—State Capitol -> the Attorney General's office, 3/31, 11am
New York: Albany—Washington Square Park -> Capitol Park, 3/31, 1pm Canandaigua—7 Mill St, 3/31, 3pm Forest Hills—Forest Hills Station, 3/31, 2:30pm New Paltz—SUNY New Paltz Campus, 3/31, 3:30pm New York City—Union Square -> Washington Square Park, 3/31, 5pm (link) | Times Square, 3/31, 5pm Penn Yan—Yates County Courthouse, 3/31, 3pm (link) Plattsburgh—Hawkins Pond -> Samuel Champlain Monument Park, 3/23, 3pm Utica—Genesee-Parkway Intersection, 3/31, 5pm Westchester—SUNY Purchase College, 3/31, 5pm
North Carolina: Asheville—TBD Mooresville—Freedom Park -> Town Hall, 3/31, 2:30pm (link) Raleigh—John Chavis Memorial Park, 3/31, 1pm Wilmington—Historic Thalian Hall Steps, 3/31, 5pm (link)
North Dakota:
Ohio: Cleveland—Free Stamp @ Willard Park -> City Hall, 3/31, 4pm Cleveland Heights—City Hall, 3/31, 11am (link) Columbus—Goodale Park, 3/31, 5pm Dayton—Lily’s Dayton (329 E 5th St) –> Courthouse Square (23 N Main St), 3/31, 4pm Lakewood Park—Lakewood Park, 3/31, 4pm (link) Madison—Madison Village Square Park, 3/31, 4pm (link)
Oklahoma: Oklahoma City—Supreme Court of Oklahoma -> state Capitol building, 3/31, 5pm Tulsa—Central Library, 3/31, 4pm (link)
Oregon: Bend—Drake Park, 3/31, 5pm Hillsboro—Civic Center -> 145 NE 2nd Ave, 3/31, 5pm Medford—Vogel Plaza 200 E. Main Street, 3/31, 4pm Portland—Tom McCall Waterfront Park -> Pioneer Courthouse, 3/31, 2pm
Pennsylvania: Harrisburg—state Capitol building, 3/31, 1pm (link) Oil City—Oil City -> Franklin, 3/31, 8am Philadelphia—Temple University Bell Tower, 3/29, 1pm (link) | City Hall, 3/31, 6pm (link) Pittsburgh—City County Building, 3/31, 5pm (link)
Rhode Island: Providence—the Wheeler School -> state Capitol building, 3/31, 11:30am
South Carolina: Columbia—State House Grounds, 3/31, 2pm Greenville—300 S Main St, 3/31, 3pm (link)
South Dakota: Brookings—City Council Building, 3/31, 5pm (link) Rapid City—Main Street Square, 3/31, 5pm
Tennessee: Knoxville—Downtown Hilton, 3/31, 10:30am (link) | Gay Street & Market Square (where the water fountain markers are), 3/31, 2pm Memphis—Civic Center Plaza, 3/16, 4pm
Texas: Amarillo—Amarillo Chamber of Commerce -> Potter County Courthouse, 3/31, 5pm Austin—state Capitol building, 3/20, 9am (link) Dallas—Main St Garden Park 1902 Main St, 3/18, 12pm (link) | Pacific Plaza, 3/31, 3pm Houston—Discovery Green Park -> City Hall, 3/31, 11:30am Killeen—101 N College St -> 1114 N Fort Hood St, 3/31, 5:30pm Lubbock—Mahon Library parking lot -> county Courthouse, 3/31, 5pm San Antonio—San Antonio Courthouse, 3/31, 6:30pm (link)
Utah: Salt Lake City—state Capitol building, 3/31, 5pm (link)
Vermont: Montpelier—Montpelier State House, 3/31, 12pm (link)
Virginia: Richmond—Open High School -> state Capitol building, 3/31, 3pm
Washington: La Center—by the bridge into town, 3/31, 5pm Olympia—Heritage Park -> state Capitol building, 3/31, 3:30pm Seattle—SeaTac Airport Station, 3/31, 1pm | Volunteer Park -> Seattle Courthouse, 3/31, 4pm (link) Spokane—Cracker Building, 3/18, 12pm (link) Walla Walla—Pioneer Park -> Land Title Plaza, 3/31, 3:45pm (link) Wenatchee—Memorial Park, 3/31, 4pm
West Virginia: Charleston—3/31, 4:30pm
Wisconsin: Appleton—Houdini Plaza, 3/31, 10am (link) Janesville—Corner of East Court Street/Jackman Street -> Corner of West Court Street/South Locust Street, 3/31, 2pm Kenosha—Civic Center Park, 3/31, 12pm Madison—Library Mall, 3/18, 2:30pm (link) | 534 State St –> Wisconsin State Capitol, 3/31, 12pm Milwaukee—TBD
CANADA: Toronto, Ontario 3/17, 3pm, US Consulate (link)
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gsmattingly · 2 days
"Close Your Eyes" (2023) Review
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At the Roxie I watched "Close Your Eyes" directed by Victor Erice. It stars Manolo Solo, Jose Coronado and numerous others. Victor Erice also directed "Spirit of the Beehive" which is an excellent film. It was released in 1973. With respect to the current film, from IMDb, "A Spanish actor disappears during the filming of a movie. Although his body is never found, the police conclude that he has suffered an accident at the edge of a cliff. Many years later, the mystery returns to the present day." It is an interesting film dealing with friendship, past loves, directions in life that totally change and more. There are many excellent scenes. I thought the cinematography, the settings, the character development were all very good. It certainly has some sad moments and definitely is not fast paced and action filled. I enjoyed this film.
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