#Josef Locke
stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in Irish History | 15 October:
1582 – Pope Gregory reforms the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 45BCE: 4 October is followed by 15 October. However, the reform will not be implemented in Britain and Ireland till 1752. 1690 – After taking Cork on 28 September, Marlbourough takes Kinsale for the Williamites, who now control Munster. 1763 – Birth of United Irish leader, Lord Edward Fitzgerald, at Carton House, Co…
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sam-rothstein · 2 months
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Dirty Harry (1971) // Sudden Impact (1983)
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cage-cat-yt · 5 months
Big art dump (click on some for full image + better quality)
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Yeah I forgot to transfer the IDs from insta to here so that's why I didn't post here a lot sorry 😭 Also sorry it's not the most diverse? I mean I technically have some variety but I could've done more lol. Then again mental health issues have been acting up so maybe I should be a little nicer to myself.
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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seithr · 5 months
i finished unicorn overlord i have immense haead trauma now
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menalez · 2 years
the fact that aileen wournos got the death penalty for shooting (no torture, no violent method, etc) like seven adult men to literally avoid getting raped, yet josef fritzl, a serial rapist who imprisoned his daughter in a cellar for 24 years, raped her so much it resulted in multiple children and a miscarriage, made her act out porn scenes in front of her children, tortured her, starved her, forced her to write notes saying she ran off, refused to help her child which resulted in the child’s death, said that he was “born to rape” and that he locked up his daughter to explore his “evil side”, locked his mother up in his attic for around 20 years until she eventually died, and already had a criminal history of rape, incest, and child sexual abuse only had to serve 15 years and as of 2023 is eligible for parole is absolutely heartbreaking and insane and is going to make me start breaking things
eligible for parole after only 15 years? when his crimes went on for even longer????
also the infamy surrounding aileen wuornos was bc of misogyny, hatred of a prostituted woman, and lesbophobia. her first victim was a literal convicted rapist. her next several victims were all johns. we can argue her last victim was innocent but considering what she did vs what male serial killers have done, her crime was comparatively so tame. and yet she received so much hatred and got the death penalty.
remember this: aileen wuornos received SIX death sentences. ted bundy (murdered 30 women after kidnapping & raping them) received three. jeffrey dahmer (sexually abused & killed 17 men & boys, even eating some of them) received 0.
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monkey-network · 3 months
The Beauty of 12 Angry Men
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I remembered in 6th grade lit reading Franz Kafka's The Trial, a story about everything judicial being set in stone for someone completely out of the loop. The bureaucracy behind Josef K.'s fate is never given a cause, no method helps him, and after a year he's at the mercy of a situation nobody said would be fair to him. It was a striking story to me, and lead me into recognizing Sidney Lumet and Reginald Rose's 12 Angry Men as a similar yet antithetical story. The film keeps everything in the dark except for the titular jurors trying to piece the case together for a boy expected to get the death penalty. The matter though, is that the defendant's fate was clear from the start and the journey is about getting to that thread's end. What follows is one of the most well written, performed, and staged movies I watched in my entire life and I just wanted to finally talk about it. So, let's talk.
Setting the Stage
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It takes three minutes almost exactly for the title to appear. You get the mission statement from the judge, a good scan of the main characters, and a single moment of the defendant's face, basically the only time you ever get to see said defendant for the whole movie. After that, we the audience are locked in the deliberation room where the film starts to shine after the credits role.
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For the longest time watching movies, I was so used to big colorful settings, the characters going places even if it's just another place to talk, where it's a gamble if you can memorize those places. Oppenheimer last year became the widely regarded movie that consisted of next to nothing but conferencing in rooms. Even in older movies, things were never shot in the same spot for long. This film was the first instance where they stripped everything and worked with bare bones staging. All it is are the men in that one room. No flashbacks, no cuts to anything beyond the group speaking. The only other places you get are the adjacent men's restroom and the courthouse steps at the film's very end, scenes of which add to less than 4 minutes. And you would think it gets boring, but 'focus' is the keyword behind everything. The fact there's next to no music adds to it having an actually engaging script that doesn't manipulate or go to unnecessary places to get the point across.
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12 Angry Men is what I'd call a "dynamic stage play" where you could imagine yourself seeing this in a live theater, but it wouldn't have worked as well without the secret main character that is the camera. This film knows how to prevent things from getting too static; the cinematography is... well-paced in laments terms. Again, in that one room, you're engaged in where it's focused, how it moves with the characters, when it cuts especially when it closes in on the jurors at their most serious. From a technical perspective, it's immersive at its simplest. No juror feels left out even when out of frame and nothing distracts you from the brilliant acting everyone brings to the literal table. After seeing this, I felt like this was the kind of movie I'd want to make. One that can work with so little but feel as tightly coordinated as any other similar to this. Then again, I wouldn't have concerned about this movie on technicalities alone. Let's get to the story.
The Stakes of Uncertainty
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The trial is a first degree murder charge where if unanimously found guilty, the defendant would be sentenced to the electric chair. Everything surrounding this film hinges on the one person who votes not guilty, juror 8. Number Eight makes it clear that his vote is not about bias, there's never a hint at him or anyone having a relation to the defendant outside the case. His vote is the biggest gamble dependent of everyone retracing their steps of the details surrounding the trial, and what I love most about this is the fairness.
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Eight doesn't know if the boy's not guilty, he never forces anybody to side with him, but recognizes that the defendant's life is a serious matter and shouldn't be as open shut as everyone else makes it in the beginning. The film shows within reason that the trial wasn't as clean cut as it seemed. And I know the movie isn't judicially accurate and everything's circumstantial, assumptive, and so on. If there's any real issue the film has for me is that they never indict Eight for sneaking in the switchblade even though that scene is still a goddamn show stealer.
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Henry Fonda excellently portrayed a man who knew how to play the cards right
Then again, the increased flimsiness of the trial made with the uncertainty of the outcome is the point. We never get the sentencing after the men leave that room, it's all about Eight showing the others that the boy's life deserved more deliberation than the others were willing to give him. Hell, it discusses that trials like this can and have existed where measures of the outcome are made beyond the defendant's control. Breaking through the easy decision every other juror had was more valuable, and Juror 8 did that responsibly while never trying to be above anyone. That in turn is what makes this ensemble cast nearly flawless.
The Angry Men
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Before ever seeing it, I've seen a couple jokes of this movie's premise of how it was nothing but said 12 men who sure were angry. Having now seen it myself, it's amazing how much we get to know about the jurors yet only two are ever given names. You'd think the film would give them simple archetypes and gimmicks, but even if you disregarded the acting chops everyone brings, the writing was able to balance who they each are relative to the case and each other. You can memorize which juror is which yet that never makes them just a number on the table.
To me, the best part about this film is how the group is able to collectively debate about the trial with individual motives and understandings. Jurors Eight and Three are the focal characters, they're the most opposing, but I don't consider them the main characters. A Youtube video I watched explores this better than I ever could, but everyone is in this together, regardless of how present they are in the movie and you notice this in their behavior. The character writing made with the simple staging does so much while explaining so little.
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Juror Four, who reveals himself to be a stock broker, is the most clinical about the details. He does his best in retracing the trial as factual as possible, discussing the evidence in a way not even Eight is able to fight. What makes him crack though is when it came to jurors Eight, Five, and Nine bringing up certain conditions of the defendant and witnesses that he didn't care to notice. Juror Nine is the opposite, concerning about the witnesses' conditions and probable influences which helped reveal factual doubts in their testimonies.
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Juror Seven from the getgo is made the most detached of the group. By the way he's dressed, constantly checking the time, while capable of paying attention Seven is the most dismissive of the case for the simple reason of just wanting to leave for baseball. This is where he comes into conflict with jurors Two and Eleven especially. Eleven is expressively respectful toward the judicial due process, mentioning himself being an immigrant, which makes him eventually fed up with Seven's disinterest. He's not somebody who changed his vote easily nor adds a lot to the debate himself, but recognizes Eight's efforts of a fair discussion and naturally confronts Seven about his constant snide attitude towards the case.
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One of the film's strongest moments, where the build up was genuine even if you felt it was unexpected
Everyone makes sense with is established about them in the beginning and I could go on about the little things. Juror Nine, being the first to switch his vote, is the only one who meets with Eight outside in the film's end. You can tell by Juror Twelve fiddling with his glasses and concerned of having the info laid out sequentially is the most flippant about his vote. Juror Five being more likely to change his vote out of sympathy, having grown up and is more knowledgeable of the slums given that's the defendant's home. Nothing about this movie or ensemble is complicated, but the through-line behind everyone's choices in this gets to be more complex than realized. Everything about this is encapsulated in my favorite scene of the whole movie.
Pulling It All Back
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Juror Ten is the most openly bigoted of the ensemble. From the start he is racially motivated in his vote, but that's not expressed until a little later. Of that point, he's certain of himself like juror Three about the vote being clear while scoffing at Eight's opposition. When the cracks of the case start to show, Ten's arrogance starts to show and his words become charged. He becomes the most hostile toward everyone and especially gets a rise out of Juror Five when talking about "these people". Everything comes to ahead when the vote is 9 to 3 for not guilty. Ten finally has his outburst, his racial rant unspecified but striking all the checkmarks of a man that stuck in his ways. Then it happens.
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Everyone put up with his remarks up to that point, but here they finally step away and we get the most striking moment of a man finally alone with his thoughts. After Juror Four tells him off, Ten goes to the corner desk and basically shuts down for the remainder of the movie. This was the film's strongest payoff in every sense. It wouldn't have worked without the buildup just as much as the civility that came with everyone involved. Nobody had to throw a punch or challenge his beliefs, you never know if this changed Ten as a person, all that matters was that Ten knew he exasperated any goodwill from the jury and finally checked out the conversation. 12 Angry Men knew how to make the characters see their errors naturally, never feeling like they played up the drama for everyone to get their moment.
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To me, I'm reminded of when in 6th grade, my literature teacher would have these Socratic seminars discussing the books we'd read. You could say it was the most involved I was in that class. This film knew how to capture that feeling, how towrite a roundtable where the stakes are high from the start but doesn't make it sanctimonious. Again, Juror Eight doesn't force or manipulate the others to see things his way. They try to convince him initially, adding up to a tangled but mutual engagement and it always feels like you're with them in the moment. You feel Eight's uncertainty is as sincere as his conviction, the same going for everyone else involved. The fact they're all sitting in sequential, helping you naturally follow who is who, is the cherry on top.
Before watching this, I didn't presume much beyond a simple courtroom drama which I enjoy ever since Ace Attorney. What followed after was just being more than impressed by how concise and thoughtful this was made. No second felt wasted, no detail felt trivial, ALL THIS and not even mentioning it being like a "bottle episode". Believe me, this post is long enough fanboying about a film from the 50s. It earned being the most ergonomic and engaging movies I've ever seen. If this essay wasn't enough, I recommend it at least once in your life as it's free to watch. What else is there to say?
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It's the Best
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prettypeppermint · 4 months
homage to the square.
for g. suguru.
You're planted on his chest, knees hanging over his shoulders as your toes just graze the headboard. He plays with the plush of your thighs on his shoulders, looking up at your slouched form smoking a blunt. You tilt your chin up to blow the smoke into the air, a simultaneous breath of relaxation as you twirl a lock of his long hair with your free hand.
He thinks of how good you look from down here, how the sunlight peeking through the window perfectly lights a lazy halo around your head as the high settles in for both of you.
He steals the blunt away from your lips with a pinch of his fingers, taking in a lengthy draw only someone like him could stomach. It's all so natural--you in nothing but your underwear and he in his boxers, hair messy and eyebags dim from a long noon nap.
You break the silence first. "Shut up," you say, stealing the blunt and inhaling. His fingers continue gliding up and down your thigh, in rhythm with his churning thoughts.
"I wasn't talking."
He didn't need to. Every time you get high, it's as if you can hear his thoughts--always so soft yet so potent, like a dimmed rumble of a distant storm or the quelled eternity of a constant fan.
You blow the smoke down into his face, as if to tease him, before looking straight at the headboard as if it were a painting. Something shifts as the familiar embrace of weed crawls into your lap and rests purring in your lungs like a cat. Time slows as you stare. He likes it when you look like you're about to say something he knows he won't want to think about later.
"Is he the strongest because he's Gojo Satoru, or is he Gojo Satoru because he's the strongest?" you say matter-of-factly as if it were a headliner in the news. To be or not to be.
His hand stops moving along your thigh, and your gaze reverts to him. "Do you compare yourself to Gojo Satoru because he's Gojo Satoru, or do you compare yourself to Gojo Satoru because you're Geto Suguru?"
For the first time in months, the tight knot in Suguru's chest begins to unravel.
You drone on. "Everyone wants to be the strongest. Who even decides that? If the whole world thinks it's Satoru, is it Satoru? If one person thinks it's you? Or me? A monkey? And no one believes it? Then what?"
You lean back, hand on his toned thigh for support. Your words stretch out the silence that spans. "Who cares? The strongest is the strongest. A monkey is a monkey. You are you. Fuck."
He ponders this as you offer the blunt back to him, somehow making sense of your nonsensical highness.
Suddenly, Geto is made very aware of the idea that there may exist a timeline in which you don't exist. He is made aware of all the spirals and divots he could've easily slipped into and not been strong enough to get himself out of if it weren't for you.
He loves you so much. You both knew it.
His fingers caress your jawline before snaking back to your nape, pulling you down for a kiss. He forgets about the blunt, savoring the familiar high in his mouth as he tastes the cotton in yours. Something in him grows hungry and he deepens the kiss, only for you to steal the blunt and pull away teasingly.
You laugh, nipping the roll between your lips, and it's like a breath of spring--when the ground begins to grow. A satiated groan leaves your body as your arms reach up to the sky and your back arches into a deep stretch--the kind that sends blood rushing to your ears--inhaling just as deeply, only for the smoke to get caught in your throat. You chuckle airily through the coughs.
"So jealous," you purr, plopping your hand down onto his lower abs to lean against it. "Maybe we're all just one soul living within each other. Like that Josef Albers painting. Squares within squares within squares"--your palm inches down past his waistband to that familiar outline in his boxers--"You inside me. Me inside Satoru. Satoru inside you and him inside me."
Something in your boyfriend's jaw twitches and he lets out a strained breath. All the blood drains from his face and into his cock. His eyes, misty pink, stare up at the seams where the ceiling turns into wall, his body a square within the square of his bedroom.
You can't help but crack a smile as you maneuver your hips so they meet his. "You wanna be a god?" you drawl lowly, "You want me to call you Satoru?"
With that, you start easing his hard-on into all your right spots, moaning Satoru's name each time you rock back and forth. Your clit feels like it's on fire; every little touch and point of contact against your skin erupts into a flash of heat.
Almost to his surprise, a moan rips from Suguru's throat. He can't contain himself when you're like this--playing such a dangerous game, walking his patience like a tightrope. His head gets heavier each time you move, and it feels like it's sinking endlessly into the cold pillow beneath it.
Somewhere in the fog is the last of his senses telling him how potentially fucked up this is, but the way he could feel every single detail of your pussy through the wet fabric that separates you two tells him not to care.
"Come on, Satoru," you tease between labored breaths, your pace achingly slow from the static in your legs and the fact the bed feels like water, "Show me how the strongest fucks."
With heavy brows on his eyes and a heavier conscience, he finishes from just your lazy friction and Gojo’s name.
Your boyfriend grasps a fistful of your hair from behind and practically pulls you off his dick. The room spins as you roll to the side and accidentally singe the sheets with the forgotten blunt between your fingers. You start to babble something about waterbeds, and he's already on top of you and hard again.
He takes one last good look at his sweaty mess of a girlfriend. "You're fucking crazy." And he likes it.
He plucks the haphazard bud from your fingers and takes an obnoxiously long draw before trapping the smoke in your mouth. His tongue swirls it into your gums and you groan down his throat. When you start to choke, he only deepens the kiss by pushing further into you.
When he comes up, seemingly not for air but for you to get some, he looks like a different person. His hair sticks to his glistening skin as he towers over you on his knees, and the way he's looking at you has your fingers traipsing down your abdomen into your panties.
He watches as you get yourself off and groans. "Say my name," he mutters, reaching up to take your throat in his grip.
You smirk as your body contorts underneath him. “Satoru," you draw out, panting as you feel your own heat pool between your fingers. Time slows and somewhere during it all your fingers get replaced by his dick. The sting barely registers and all you feel is chills from your core to your scalp as he hits all the right places.
He hooks an arm sloppily under your thigh and hoists your leg over his shoulder, his free hand kneading the plush on your hip. You laugh as he flattens his tongue against your clavicle and licks up to your jaw, stopping at your jugular to nip at the skin. “Who's the strongest?" he mutters against your skin, and his voice is like gravel in his throat.
"You are," you breathe, giggling when you reach for the blunt just to remember you have no idea where it is.
"You're the strongest"--a whine--"You're my god. You're my one and only fucking god."
"Good girl. Fuck."
The way he fills you up with each deep thrust makes you see stars on his ceiling--an endless galaxy of opportunity. You've never been so relaxed yet so filled with ecstasy.
"Open," he mumbles with a couple light taps to your cheek. You laugh when you realize the blunt's been in his hand this whole time. You do as he orders, letting your tongue lull out of your mouth for full effect. He spits in it before lifting your jaw to close around the roll. You grin.
"Don't drop it," he says, and before you can even act confused, his pace quickens to an incomprehensible speed; it's almost too much for you to handle. The blunt becomes a gag in your mouth as stifled yelps and quivers rack your whole body. The pad of his thumb works at your clit and it takes everything in you to try and not pee.
You almost pass out then and there, saliva sticking your cheek to his pillow as a noise you've never made before escapes your chest. Your back arches and hips buck wild, and you're still climaxing even after his cum's already leaking out of you. It's all stretched out--time, your orgasm, you, everything.
You don't even register he's finished inside you already, mind still high in the clouds and pussy clenching around his imprint on your walls.
Suguru rolls over to the side, and you both gaze up hazily at the square ceiling. He plucks the chewed-up snub of a blunt from your lips, wet from your drool, and tosses it in the trash across the room.
Not a word from either of you--only the comfort of being within.
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coimbrabertone · 4 months
What is the Greatest Team in Motorsports?
So last weekend, Team Penske swept the three-wide front row for the 2024 Indianapolis 500, marking only the second time that a team has locked out the front row. The first time? Penske in 1988. Oh, and just to add a cherry on top of that, Penske won the NASCAR All-Star race at North Wilkesboro with Joey Logano.
This comes on the heels of Penske winning the 2021 Daytona 500 with Austin Cindric, the 2022 Indycar championship with Will Power, the 2022 NASCAR championship with Joey Logano, the 2023 Indianapolis 500 with Josef Newgarden, the 2023 NASCAR championship with Ryan Blaney, and the 2024 24 Hours of Daytona with Dane Cameron, Matt Campbell, Felipe Nasr, and Josef Newgarden. Yeah...they're on a run and a half, aren't they?
Beyond that, Penske has been everywhere and done everything.
Formula One? Won the 1976 Austrian Grand Prix with John Watson.
Sports Cars? Well in addition to the aforementioned Daytona 24 win, their Porsche-Penske RS Spyder dominated LMP2 racing in the 2000s - you know how everyone talks about how dominant the Diesel Audi LMP1s of the 2000s were? Well at the 2008 12 Hours of Sebring, the Porsche-Penske RS Spyder LMP2 beat the Audi R10 TDI LMP1. Penske won, a privateer RS Spyder finished second, and the Audi had to settle for third. Damn.
That's not even to mention how the Penske Porsche 917-30 with its 5.4L Twin Turbo Flat-12 was so dominant in 1973 that it killed Can Am.
Three Daytona 500s, nineteen Indianapolis 500s, four NASCAR championships plus two in the Xfinity series, seventeen Indycar championships across USAC, CART, and Indycar, and a grand total of over 500 race wins makes for a pretty compelling case.
Pretty much the only major feather messing in Roger Penske's cap is the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and, well, the Penske-Porsche partnership is at it again. The #6 Penske Porsche driven by Kevin Estre, Andre Lotterer, and Laurens Vanthoor has gone first-second-second in the first three WEC races of the season. That kind of form, plus some of the historic context I established for the Porsche-Penske partnership...are you really going to write them off ahead of Le Mans this year?
So yeah, Penske is a powerhouse of a team and they've been everywhere.
Including Australian Supercars of all things. Scott McLaughlin in the DJR Team Penske Ford took forty-eight wins across four years and won three championships in a row from 2018 to 2020, including the 2019 Bathurst 1000. He then went on to race in Indycar, has taken five wins so far, and just set a 233.220 four-lap average to take that pole position for the Indy 500.
Running the same classic Pennzoil yellow submarine livery as Rick Mears did in 1988. In the race itself, he'll wear a retro red and yellow suit of overalls modeled on the ones that Rick Mears wore in the 80s. If the stars align and Scott repeats what Rick did in 1988 and wins the Indy 500, then he'll have done something truly remarkable. He'll have cut his teeth in Australian supercars and come out of it one of the best Indycar drivers of the modern era.
Of course, his teammates will challenge him.
Will Power, who has more poles in Indycar than anyone else in history.
Josef Newgarden who won last year and has turned into a dominant force on ovals in Indycar.
Not to mention thirty other cars that want to wipe the smile off of Team Penske's face.
There is a lot of talk about Kyle Larson doing the double this year, racing the Indy 500 for Arrow McLaren and then racing the Coke 600 in Charlotte for Hendrick Motorsports, and he'll start fifth. That legitimately gives him one of the best chances of anyone to attempt the double. That being said, last year...Team Penske did the double as a team.
Josef Newgarden won the Indy 500, then Ryan Blaney won the Coke 600. Both of them went into the crowds to celebrate. If Kyle Larson wants to win the double, he'll be up against the mammoth that is Team Penske. Perhaps one of the greatest teams in all of motorsports, and they'll be facing him in both Indianapolis and Charlotte.
Let the games begin.
Sunday, May 26th, 2024 is going to be Motorsports Christmas. The Catalan Motorcycle Grand Prix, the Monaco Grand Prix, the Indianapolis 500, and the Coke 600. Two triple crown events, one of NASCAR's crown jewel, and the home race for about half of the MotoGP field, all in one day.
It's going to be a damn good day.
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nomorefstogive · 2 years
But imagine creator reader talking with dottore about what he does and he asks why reader isn’t disturbed or against or even shocked and reader just replies with “well you haven’t done what joseph mangla or unit 731 has” and proceeds to tell him things that happened on the medical side of history
Oh hell I can actually picture Dottore being shocked when he hears about them lol.
While he may be a monster in regards to experimenting on people I feel that he does what he does out of a genuine desire to advance the human condition, not quite out of the same wanton cruelty and malice that 731 and 'The Angel of Death' did what they did. And on that same hand, he at the very least works towards a goal that will benefit all of humanity in the long run as opposed to the short sighted and destructive goals of these lunatics.
He wants to advance medicine and science, to usher in an age of enhanced humans who are beyond the fragility and limitations that humanity has been shackled by for so long, and the sad fact is that there comes a point in time where experimenting on people is the only way to advance medicines and science, particularly when ascending beyond limits is your goal.
He is cruel and monstrous in his actions, and yet it is cruelty and monstrousness born from a belief that this is the only way forward, a belief that his ends will more than justify the abhorrent means taken to reach them.
What are a few lives when in the end he may find a way to conquer death itself and ascend mankind to tower above even the gods? The road into hell is paved with good intentions after all, and so morals and ethics are the fuel in the forges of progress in which he hopes to forge the future.
And yet, look at what these people did. How much of their experiments were even remotely done in favor of scientific development and not out of a sense of cruel amusement and morbid curiosity? How much of what they did actually benefited anyone?
True 731's research into bio-weapons was useful enough to spare some of their miserable lives, but everything else? The vivisections on living and conscious prisoners? The tortures they inflicted? Where is the benefit to humanity in even half of what they did?
Nowhere at all. Save perhaps in their own twisted and perverse minds.
Josef Mengele, "The Angel of Death' of the 3rd Reich, his atrocities are as vast as they are varied and are matched but in scale by the scope of the stars above our heads. He deserved a worse death than what he got. A far worse death.
Perhaps he may see a darker and more depraved reflection of himself when he hears of the monster that was let do as he wished to the poor souls who were given to him. A reflection lacking any and all goals and aspirations of greatness beyond wanton cruelty and hedonistic sadism in the guise of aspirations of medical glory.
Perhaps the tales of their wanton sadism and cruelty will be enough to jolt the man, to instill in him some fear of walking down that same path, and lead to him adopting at least some form of ethics or at the very least restraint in regards to his own sadism lest he fall down into hell alongside of them.
While he may continue his human experiments perhaps he will leave it to those who volunteer for them, after all offer anyone enough money and the sky is the limit on what most will do, or perhaps pay a visit to the criminals and inmates who are already locked away and make them an offer, a lighter sentence for a few tests may be the best deal they will ever get.
And for those fated to the noose or the blade, perhaps they may find themselves under the Doctor's knife instead as penance for their own atrocities.
Who knows, maybe a glimpse into the horrors of our worlds medical and scientific atrocities may prevent him and countless more geniuses on Teyvat from following them down on that elevator to hell.
At the very least, these are my thoughts on the matter.
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in Irish History | 15 October:
#OTD in Irish History | 15 October:
1582 – Pope Gregory reforms the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 45BCE: 4 October is followed by 15 October. However, the reform will not be implemented in Britain and Ireland till 1752. 1690 – After taking Cork on 28 September, Marlbourough takes Kinsale for the Williamites, who now control Munster. 1763 – Birth of United Irish leader, Lord Edward Fitzgerald, at Carton House, Co…
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chussyracing · 24 days
Last lap commentary of Monza GP 2024 by Števo Eisele, Josef Král and Pavel Fabry:
the whole english translation inspired by @sedicii is under the cut!
ŠE: We’re in the last lap, friends. Charles Leclerc in a Ferrari, again it reminds me after the amazing but truly unbelievable win in Monaco, when he overcame a huge curse, a jump into the sea followed. I have no idea what kind of surprise they could prepare here in Monza, if he doesn’t jump into the crowd, because on the finish line straight, I already see the huge Ferrari heart, the huge fan signs. Charles Leclerc experienced this here in 2019 season, it was his second career win. And in this moment Charles Leclerc is already in Ascari Chicane and he is aiming for seventh career triumph. Tifosi can feel it, friends, there is only one last turn in front of Charles Leclerc, who is heading for – dare I say – surprising triump on home soil. Almost unblievable stuff and in a moment it will be reality, the Monegasque Prince is conquering Monza. Italian Monza was a witness of a magical performance.
ŠE: McLaren absolutely and totally messed up, Piastri and Norris will have sour faces on the podium but all the attention and ovations will be dedicated to this man, Charles Leclerc wins second Grand Prix in 2024 season, after Monaco, it is the second sweetest victory on home soil and tifosi clap, marvel and it will surely come to tears of joy as well. I am looking at Pepa [Josef Král, also a Ferrari driver].
JK: (laughter) The tear almost slipped off but hats off to Charles because this was legitimately his race, his achievement, what he showed – and i reminded that many times – that we need to wait till the end of the race, that Ferrari might go for this surprising strategy and they can take it away from everybody, but really hats off to Charles at how he managed to drive it to the end. When we see the stands, I think they will all be gone. He made no mistake and he stole it from anyone else.
ŠE: And especially from McLaren. That will be one hell of a debriefing when they analyse this Grand Prix. How they threw away another win, I don’t know what number this year.
[Charles and Bryan and Fred team radio]
PF: No need to translate, right?
ŠE: Not that we know Italian.
JK: Charles thanked everyone, the whole team for conquering Monza, so he‘s absolutely delighted, of course that the upgrades worked, that’s an amazing work of the whole team.
PF: Didn’t Bedenetto Vigna speak for a while there, gratulating Leclerc on the radio?
ŠE: For sure there was Fred Vasseur.
PF: Uh huh.
ŠE: He congratulated Charles Leclerc even for the triumph in Monaco. Leclerc thanked the team in Maranello for the upgrade which worked fantastically. And it is a good message for the rest of the season, friends. Again we were saying that McLaren has it in the bag, all chill, but the nerves will be there. Piastri looked all set for the triumph, but they used what? Papaya rules and those led them from front row lock out to p2 and p3 today.
ŠE: Charles Leclerc, on totally destroyed 38 laps old hards brought once again the joy and love to Ferrari to Monza, to a circuit where in the last 15 years, Ferrari got only two triumphs and that is just Leclerc today and in 2019.
[Charles radio]
PF: And the appreciation of the strategy and how the car worked today very strong, grazie, grazie, grazie.
JK: I really like when you don’t have the car to be winning titles, you win Monaco and Monza.
ŠE: Not too bad.
JK: Not too bad, exactly. Maybe that was the strategy Leclerc appreaciated? No, of course he meant today’s strategy.
ŠE: But last week Alonso in an Aston said that in the nearest GPs, we will have to keep an eye out on Ferrari and we looked at each other like „what does he know again that we don’t“ and her eis reality, because I would like to stress this, Ferrari today won thanks to its speed, strategy and a fantastic driver, no safety car, no weather, no luck, Leclerc achieves another fantastic, fabulous triumph, he is defeating an almost undefeatable McLaren!
ŠE: In a special overall, race suit, with a special livery and carbon number sixteen.
[mechanics chant „un capitano“ at Charles]
ŠE: Charles has a nickname captain too? That’s not a very popular nickname in Slovakia [political joke]. Leclerc is receiving congratulations, from his brother as well of course.
ŠE: All weekend, he had to answer questions „what about next season? what about Lewis Hamilton?“ but this is how you get fans, this i show you get trust in your own team and look at [McLaren] at the sour faces. Well, thanks, guys.
PF: Well, today, papaya is just a faint shade of red.
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nico-di-genova · 1 month
Portland 2024: Practice 2 Notes
T1 victims:
Grosjean, pulled a Kirkwood twice and got some airtime
Toby Sowery
Rosenqvist got the worst of it, he clipped the wall with his front right tire, damaged the suspension and couldn’t finish practice
Fittipaldi with a front right lock-up
Dixon missed the curb coming into T1 and had to use the run-off
First red flag of the session was Will Power, he spun out on the entrance of T12, went way off into the grass and then over into the support entrance to the pitlane. He couldn’t get the car restarted, it was stuck in first gear. Safety team got him restarted and all was good – no damage to the car.
Ferrucci was P1 for like a second there at the start of practice and that was like a jumpscare.
Newgarden was running really slow, nearly stopped on the corner right before the back straight, Dixon came up on him and just barely managed to get by. Not sure what Josef was doing, but it pissed Dixon off.
Second red flag was caused by Sting Ray Robb, he hit the wall when he spun coming of the chicane at T10. Front wing took a direct hit, but that seems to be the only damage.
When the track was flagged for Robb, Mclaughlin slowed, Power didn’t and came up on him hot, nearly collided.
There was a solid five minutes of Malukas praise where (Townsend, I think) said, “You know what Malukas’ situation reminds me of? A young Josef Newgarden.” Do with that what you will.
With twenty minutes left, Pato and Alex shot to P1 and P2, traded it back and forth for a bit, and then Mclaughlin eventually took the P1 spot.
“A little bit of collaboration between the two McLaren drivers overnight” – said by James when discussing how Alex and his crew potentially helped Pato get his car set-up.
Herta struggling with set-up a little, he’s not liking how the back of the car is handling.
HERTA FLICKED SIEGEL OFF AT ONE POINT. Siegel didn’t want to give up the position on the back stretch, they raced side by side for a bit until Herta managed to get passed him and flicked him off as he did so.
“Fuel mileage is gonna be a big issue in the race tomorrow” – James predicting this will be a fuel race.
Third red flag caused by Sowery he went off and his car shutoff, he was able to restart, all good there.
Commentating team tried to slander Ericsson at one point, claiming he wasn’t doing well enough for Andretti to want to keep him at the end of his contract, James defended him.
Newgarden ran off at two points on the same lap in the S’s, he stayed in the grass at one point and just went off-roading.
There is a 1 second difference between P1 and P27, this is going to be a TIGHT race/quali if practice is anything to go by.
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hp-fanfic-archive · 3 months
Follower Fic Rec #6 Recommended by: Anonymous glimpses of heaven by lunahunt Pairing: James/Regulus Rating: M Word Count: 43k (WIP) In the aftermath of the prank, James Potter is at an all time low. He can barely look at Sirius, Remus’s dad is keeping him locked up all summer, and Lily Evans hates him even more than usual. In an effort to get James out of the house, Euphemia signs her son up for a summer Quidditch program with the famous Josef Wronski—seeker for the Grodzisk Goblins and inventor of the Wronski Feint. The last person James expects to see there is Regulus Black. [slow ish burn jegulus fic beginning the summer after the marauders fifth year and continuing through the rest of their years at hogwarts] [not canon compliant (aka everyone won’t die)] (This rec was supposed to be up literally months ago oopsie)
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gunzlotzofgunz · 5 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
9x19mm; 4.75'' barrel, Extremely rare Walther experimental Type 1 "simplified sheet metal" double action pistol, produced late during WW2. As pictured in "Walther-A German Legend" by Manfred Kersten, pages 145-146. From the collection of Geoffrey Sturgess. This pistol was an early attempt to produce a pistol which would be faster and cheaper to manufacture. Using a similar rendition of the rotating barrel locking system patented by Josef Nickl, with as many stamped parts as possible. In late 1943, early 1944 Walther began work at the request of the weapons committee . The first prototypes, the "type1" and "type2" pistols were submitted and turned down. It wasn't until the last months of the war that the sheet metal pistol "type3" was produced, albiet at a very low quantity, and issued to the Volkssturm. The type 1 used a machined steel slide, with a sheet metal stamped and pinned frame. The pistol has a blued finish with checkered walnut grip panels. These psitols used the standard and readily available P.38 pistol magazines.
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the-babygirl-polls · 9 months
Babygirl Polls Lineup: Week Two
Hello everyone! Here is the lineup for the second week of the Babygirl Polls! Thanks to everyone for their submissions!
Grim Reaper (A Date with Death)
Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Lucius the Eternal (Warhammer 40k)
jerma985 (Twitch)
Knock (Nosferatu (1922))
Buggy (One Piece)
Eustass Kid (One Piece)
Amos (Rewritten)
Dr. Boris Habit (Smile For Me)
Uchiha Madara (Naruto)
Klaus (Rewritten)
Morgan "Mac" Macallister (Rewritten)
Dr. Nightshade (Rewritten)
Rosamel (Rewritten)
Hunch Curio (Mentopolis)
Augustus Sinclair (Bioshock 2)
Daniel Fucks (Mentopolis)
The Fix (Mentopolis)
Laurance Zvhal (Minecraft Diaries)
Alex Cabot (Law and Order: SVU)
Doppo Orochi (Baki the Grappler)
Dr. Josef Heiter (The Human Centipede)
Seam (Deltarune)
Norman Osborn (Spiderman (2002))
Ruby Knowby (Ash Vs. Evil Dead)
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
Kaoru Hakaze (Ensemble Stars)
Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
Lucifer (Obey Me)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda)
Flora (Winx Club)
Hayato Inui (Etsusa Bridge)
Darcy (Winx Club)
Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Angron (Warhammer 40k)
Chrom (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Jurgen (Warhammer 40k)
Damian Tenma (Ace Attorney)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Wei Wuxian (The Untamed)
Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Obi-wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Simon Blackquill (Ace Attorney)
Louie (Pikmin)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Kaveh (Genshin Impact)
Peter Stamatin (Pathologic)
Copycat (Venture Bros)
Macaque (Lego Monkie Kid)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Xigbar (Kingdom Hearts)
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Subspace (PHIGHTING)
Karl Weissman/Charles Whiteman (Bodies)
Edward Teach (Our Flag Means Death)
Tianlang Jun (Scum Villain's Self Saving System)
Bolearis (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent)
Ashley Joanna Williams (Evil Dead)
Mason (Roblox)
Firebug (Town of Salem)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield)
Hikaru Gero (MarriageToxin)
Eichi Tenshouin (Ensemble Stars)
Tiw (My School President)
Richard Karinsky (Caroline in the City)
Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier (The Terror)
Daan (Fear and Hunger: Termina)
Joe Hills (Hermitcraft)
Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
Seon Ahyeon (Debut or Die)
Tena Sorimura/Phantom Solitaire (Deadmount Deathplay)
Yotasuka Takahashi (Blue Period)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Park Moondae (Debut or Die)
Ulysses S. Grant (American History)
Cardinal Copia (The Band Ghost)
Raphael (Baldur's Gate 3)
Captain John Hart (Torchwood)
Narciso Anasui (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Seteth (Fire Emblem)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Soren (Fire Emblem)
Roland (Library of Ruina)
Tohru Adachi (Persona 4)
Ryotaro Dojima (Persona 4)
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I love Lemon Drop Boy, can we maayybbee get a little snippet of chapter 2?
Here you go! This is the most recent part I've added. This chapter is just not giving me much right now, sadly 😞
Styling her daughter’s hair was one of Yanxia Young’s preferred methods of bonding, and she never seemed to understand or accept Beatrice’s ambivalence to it.  Still, she submitted herself to the curling iron because it also meant that she and her mother weren’t fighting.  But as each pristinely curled lock dropped lightly onto her shoulders, she heard her phone vibrate loudly against the polished wood of her mother’s vanity.
“Be sure to keep that in your purse tonight,” her father said.  In the mirror, she could see him attaching diamond cufflinks to his wrists.  “On silent, preferably.”  
Beatrice barely heard him.  She was too focused on the name, or rather, the initial that had appeared on her screen.  “Who is A?”  Her mother asked.
“Just someone new I met this semester,” she responded, trying not to give away how much her fingers itched to grab the device and hide it away.  Fortunately, she knew the text was too small for her mother to read, but she still let out a small sigh of relief when the screen turned off again.
“A new friend?”
“I think so,” she said with a secret little thrill.
“Speaking of your friends, the Villaumbrosias won’t be attending tonight,” her father continued, shaking his head with a small grin as he put on his tie.  “Josef is still holding that grudge against Bernard Emié, after nearly a decade.  But I’ve invited them to our family celebration on Christmas Eve.”
“Is Lilith still planning to apply to the University of Navarra?”  Her mother asked.
“She is, although her parents are trying to convince her to study here instead.”
“She should study where she intends to work.  That’s the best way to go with law school.  It’s different for your field.  You can study anywhere.  Have you started your applications yet?”
“I have,” Beatrice said, though it was mostly a lie.  She’d gotten as far as compiling the list of programs she would be applying to, but then she got distracted by other things.
One of those things sent her another message, and she begged off her mother’s attempt to do her makeup in order to retreat back to her room and read it.
18:43, A: How many lime wedges 🍋‍🟩 do you think I can fit into my mouth at once?  Hans says 5 but I know I can do better.
18:50, A: It was 8! Now he owes me €10 😌.  On an unrelated note, my mouth hurts.
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