#Joseph Cannon
1900scartoons · 8 months
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At the Political Poultry Show - Where Will the Blue Ribbon Go?
January 16, 1908
Taft as a Chicken on a pedestal, with Minnesota Delegation looking on. La Follette, Fairbanks, Hughes, and Cannon, also drawn a chickens, are walking around the pedestal.
On January 16, the Minneapolis Tribune reported that the nearly all of the state's delegates were present at the Annual Show of Minnesota Poultry.
See Also: Charles Evans Hughes; William Howard Taft; Charles Fairbanks; Joe Cannon; Robert La Follette
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/6522/rec/1838
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madelynraemunson · 5 months
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wake me up when september ends (eddie’s version)
it’s forced conforming. that’s what’s killing the kids. in hopes of a better future, eddie enlists in the military when he graduates high school.
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joesheistyy · 2 years
Study Help
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You sat at the kitchen table, staring at your physics homework with feelings of hopelessness filling your mind and body. Studying was something you never really had to do, may subjects came easy to you. However, physics was not one of those subjects.
Papers were sprawled all over the table, stacks on stacks of homework, notes, and graded quizzes. Table real estate was beginning to become hard to come by.
After 30 minutes of staring at your textbook and reading the same line over and over, you decided to get up from the table and walk away for a bit.
Water was the first task after you stepped away for a little bit. You stood in the kitchen, your eyes focused on the fridge door as you disassociated for a minute. Things were becoming too much and when lack of understanding began to build, it was a short trip to tumble.
Joe walked into the kitchen as you continued to stare at the fridge. Not hearing him come in, you jumped when you felt a hand on your low back.
“How’s studying going, baby?” He asked, walking past you as you settled back into your comfortable stance.
“Terrible. I don’t understand a damn thing,” you huffed out, wanting to cry but not letting it out.
“What’re you studying for?” He asked as you rubbed your eyes.
“Stupid physics,” you groaned out, your hands falling to your sides.
You began to walk away from the kitchen, heading to the porch to stand outside and let fresh air hit your lungs. Joe followed, joining you in silence.
“How about I help? I used to love physics,” he spoke quietly, not wanting to startle you.
“I don’t know Joey, I just feel so stupid,” you sat down on the cushioned seat, Joe sitting down next to you.
“Y/n, you’re not stupid and you know I hate it when you say that,” he replies in a stern tone, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You lean into him, needing the slightest bit of comfort.
"I just hate anything that involves math," you groan, wiggling to get comfortable.
"Just let me help," Joe said as he poked at your sides.
"Fine, let's go," you groaned as Joe stood up, pulling you up with him.
You both sat down at the table, Joe to your left. Your elbows propped up on the table holding your head in your hands as you stared down at the problem you had been having such trouble with.
"Which one is it baby?" he asked as you scooted the textbook toward him.
"Number 17. Something about the way it's worded just doesn't make sense," you said as you watched him read it.
"I can see how that's tricky. It is worded kinda funky," He says as he reaches for your notebook and pencil.
As Joe writes out the setup to the problem, you watch him focus. His eyes have slight crinkles in the corners as he squints to focus and his lips are pursed. He is still the most beautiful man in the world.
"Does having it set up like this help?" he asked as he slid the notebook back over to you.
"Lil bit," you say, grabbing the pencil to try to start again.
You continued to stare at the paper that Joe had written on. It still didn't make sense.
"I can see it in your eyes that that didn't help" he sighed a little bit.
"Nope, still don't get it," you huffed and set your head back in your hands.
"Watch babe, you plug this in here and put this here," he continued to show you where to place stuff in the equation, it still not making any sense where he got the numbers from.
"Any better?" he asked again, looking at you. You shook your head no. You could tell he was getting a little frustrating. How could it be so simple to him yet it made absolutely no sense to you.
"Y/n look, you plug this in here and you put this number here," he said with a little more stern voice.
"Where the fuck are you getting those numbers from?" you questioned in a confused and frustrated tone.
"Right here, y/n. They're literally in the book," he pointed with the pencil.
"I can see that, but how do I know what goes where?" you huffed, tears beginning to gloss over your eyes. Joe helping you and getting irritated reminded you of doing math homework multiple nights a week with your dad and him getting onto you for not understanding.
You stood up and walked away in defeat as tears began to spill over. It didn't make sense and you felt stupid. At this rate, giving up was easier. Joe didn't understand what he did wrong to upset you. He finished the problem and moved away from the table to follow you.
You had moved to the living room and gotten comfortable on the couch with your favorite emotional support blanket. Tears still threatened to fall, but you tried not to let them. The sound of sniffles filled the room as Joe's footsteps joined in.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," Joe said as he crouched down to your level. Your head was drooping down to look at your lap, avoiding his eyes. His hand moved to your chin and brought your face up to meet his gaze.
"I didn't mean to get frustrated with you," he said and grabbed your hand.
"It's not your fault," you sniffled, "it just took me back to being in middle school and not understanding Algebra and my dad would try to teach me and get irritated because I didn't understand," you let a tear trickle down your face. Joe wiped it away as he gave you a sympathetic look.
"But baby I'm not your dad. This isn't algebra, this is hard shit. It's okay to not understand it, I just hate to see you shut down like this," Joe said as he leaned up to kiss your forehead.
You sighed as Joe moved to sit next to you, pulling your legs over his lap and beginning to massage your calfs.
"Let's leave the physics to a day when you're a little calmer, okay?" he asked as he worked at your calves.
"I wanna leave it forever, physics sucks," you groaned and leaned back to lay on the couch.
"You can have that mindset today, but tomorrow we're gonna work to try to get you to understand it a bit more, got it?" Joe looked at you for a nod of approval.
"Got it, thanks Joey," you closed your eyes and let Joe work at the knots in your body, drifting to sleep to let your brain rest up from stupid physics.
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thatsrightice · 7 months
Okay but Bubbles giving a modified and surprisingly violent version of the shovel talk to Douglass after Crosby gets assigned to the Blakely crew like “I swear, Doug, if anything happens to him I will shove my snow-globe so far down your throat, I will feed your balls to the dog, I will tear you limb from limb and toss you out the bomb bay doors over the channel”
And Douglass is totally unfazed because he’s known Bubbles has been in love with Crosby for a very long so he’s just like “noted”
Pretty quick after he starts flying with Crosby Douglass starts to get suspicious, so he goes to Ham because he’d flown with Croz for longer than Doug has and yep, he is also hopelessly in love with his best friend
So of course Douglass knows he’s gotta play matchmaker because all of their soft smiles and longing looks and pining is actually driving him insane come to find out they’ve literally been in a relationship for a while but somehow still have massive crushes on each other
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pigeonwhumps · 1 month
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @fuckcapitalismasshole @ghost-whump @whump-tr0pes
@rainbowsandwhumperflies @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump
August of Whump bonus prompt: guilt
Aaron is refused permission to join the search for Phoenix when they're crucified, and they're declared dead. This is the next six months for Aaron.
First scene is canon, everything after that is set in the Gemma saves Phoenix AU, where Gemma saves Phoenix after they've been crucified continuously for 6 months.
2k words
CWs: immortal whumpee, presumed dead, guilt, grief, transphobia, ableism (both very brief), low self-worth
"I'm joining the search party for Phoenix Costello."
"No, you're not."
Aaron blinks and balls his fists. "What? They're on my team, they're my responsibility!"
Their boss, the head of the medical bay, sighs. "You're needed here. The rest of their team are capable of searching, and if they need a medic they'll bring them back here or you can join them in the field then. There's no use you being on the other side of the city when they're found."
There's multiple flaws there, and he catches the implications of the 'if'. They might be dead. They might be gone. They might just have left, although Aaron doesn't believe that at all. If they were just leaving they wouldn't have taken their tracker.
That's not important though.
"There's a gang of serial killers out there!" he yells, voice cracking.
"That's exactly why I need you to stay here. We're overloaded as it is, and I can't lose you. You're one of our best."
"Look. They're immortal, right?" Aaron nods stiffly. "Chances are, they're just trapped. The rest of the team will find them, and they'll be back in no time, traumatised and injured possibly but alive. Let them search and do your job, okay?" He nods again, unsure what else he can do now, and his boss smiles wearily. "Thank you. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?"
Aaron shakes their head. They don't know what else to do.
One week passes.
Two weeks.
A month.
Three months with no sign. No-one on the medical staff has had so much as a chance to breathe in that time. Due to how high the rate of injuries and deaths has been, and the presence of The Chosen Ones still out there, Phoenix is declared dead.
Probably dead.
Aaron is numb. He... he barely even knew Phoenix (he should have, he should have gotten to know them better), but they were his responsibility, on his team, the few times he has seen them... and he just can't believe that they're dead.
They're 18. Still a child, really.
Maybe they're not. It's always possible. Sure, nobody knows how their immortality works, if they really will resurrect forever, but again: nobody knows how their immortality works.
He does his duties as he should, but he can't feel anything. They're dead. His boss tries to give him time off but it doesn't work, he has to do something.
He just... how did he let it all go so wrong?
Phoenix's family's house is a terraced house on a quiet street. Three bedrooms at a guess. Nice, neat front lawn, nice neat painting. Boring. Not Phoenix.
Aaron glances at Aisling, who gestures for him to head down the path first. He needs to tell Phoenix's family about their death. Apparent death. He volunteered, and is very grateful that Aisling agreed to come with him because no-one else on Phoenix's team would.
They didn't seem very upset either.
Will Phoenix's parents be? Joseph told him of the campaign group they're in charge of, but he's not sure how extreme their views are. Whether they extend to their eldest child.
He rings the shiny doorbell. A few seconds, and then a teenager answers. They look very like Phoenix, although with shorter, curlier hair, and with a sinking sensation Aaron realises this is probably their sister.
"Are you Alicia?" She nods. "I'm Aaron, and this is Aisling. We're from HAL, and we need to talk to you about Phoenix. Can we come in?"
Alicia nods, leading them to the front room and gesturing for them to sit, before she holds up a finger and dashes upstairs. Aaron looks around. The place looks more like a showroom than anything. You'd never know a teenager lived here, and the only sign of children once having been here is the posed photo on the mantelpiece. Aaron isn't an expert, but he's pretty sure Alicia's smile is forced. There's no sign of Phoenix ever having existed.
Alicia returns with a tablet in hand and sits down on the sofa opposite, typing. "Sorry. What about Phoenix? Are they okay?"
Aaron swallows. "I– Phoenix– Alicia, I'm so sorry."
She shakes her head. "No."
"They were– it was–" They had a whole speech planned about what probably happened but they can't get it out. Not with Alicia watching them, eyes begging, pleading, for him not to say it. "We didn't find a body. But with the serial killers out there and deaths piling up, we don't think..."
Alicia's shaking her head fiercely now, and she drops her tablet, starting to rock. And she wails.
Aaron isn't sure what to do. He's not leaving, not now, he wouldn't even if he didn't need to wait for her parents. But he doesn't know what he can do except let her process.
"I'm sorry," Aisling whispers. "I'm so sorry."
Alicia covers her ears and continues to wail.
After a time, the lock rattles on the front door and it opens.
"Stop making that awful noise, Alicia," says a woman sharply. "I've told you before, if you can't stop– oh." She stops in the entrance to the living room. "Who do you think you are, sitting in our house and upsetting our daughter like this?"
They both stand, Aisling holding out a hand.
"Hello. I'm Aisling O'Connor, and this is Aaron Thomas, from HAL. We have some sad news about your child, Phoenix."
A man enters the room, raising an eyebrow. This must be Mr Costello. They're both very standoffish, which Aaron supposes is fair.
"Fiona? She's still going by that foolishness? What has she done now?"
So, they're transphobic as well as running a hate campaign.
"I'm afraid they're dead, Mr Costello. We believe they were killed by members of The Chosen Ones. I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Yes. Well. Thank you." Both of the older Costellos look stunned, and Aaron could almost feel satisfied about that. Almost. In other circumstances. "We will, of course, inform your organisation of the funeral arrangements if you would like to send representatives. Will you leave us to grieve in private?"
"Of course." They both rise, and Aaron slips the piece of paper he's been scribbling on with both his and Aisling's phone numbers into Alicia's hand. Just in case she needs someone. "Apologies again for your loss."
And he walks out the door. He has, at least, resisted the urge to punch either member of the couple, so at least that's something.
He wonders if he'll be allowed to attend the funeral. He hopes so.
The funeral is held the next week. Thankfully there's no open casket with no body, but it's still a bit strange to him. Phoenix's parents are clearly very religious, where he never has been so much, and it makes him uncomfortable.
Not to mention the consistent misgendering. Even in death, Phoenix's parents won't respect them.
Aaron's never felt so grateful for their own family.
There's so many dry eyes here today. So much performance. Aaron gets the feeling that Abbie, Indigo and Segun didn't really care about Phoenix at all, and it makes them regret their lack of knowing Phoenix all the more.
Except Alicia's speech. That's beautiful, and heartbreaking, and she doesn't misgender her sibling once. She's been moving her belongings into Aisling's flat gradually for weeks, and Aaron can see that what she feared will likely come true – despite the shining eyes and crying throughout the audience, Alicia's father's face is turning puce.
(She explains, later, that it's not just the speech, or the respect for Phoenix, but the use of her AAC app at all, and Aaron has to use all of his strength not to turn around and murder her parents for that.)
"I hear you're thinking of quitting," is how Joseph announces himself at the table in the diner.
Aaron saw him coming, of course, they wouldn't sit with their back to the door, but they didn't register it. He sets the pizzas down on the table – one spicy vegetable, one sausage and pepperoni, and a little tub of mozzarella sticks to share.
"How do you know that?"
Joseph sighs. "You texted me last night. Drunk, I think. You don't usually drink and you're the last person I'd expect to quit. What's going on? Is this about Phoenix?"
Aaron nods, taking a large bite of pizza to hide their emotions. "What's the point of being a hero if I'm just going to obey orders that get people killed?"
"You didn't kill Phoenix."
Aaron shakes their head. "If I'd searched too, I might have found them, they might still be alive."
"Aaron. Listen to me. You didn't kill them. Or get them killed, for that matter. You saved people. You told me your boss didn't let you go because you're one of his best medics. It's true. Please, Aaron, think about this. Don't quit."
"I still got them killed. Heroes don't do that."
Joseph reaches across and squeezes their arm. "Nobody can be perfect all the time. It was their murderers who killed them, not you. You do so much good, and I, for one, would be devastated if you left because you made one mistake that might not even have led to anything."
"But they're still dead."
That's the crux of the matter. They're dead, they were on his team, and it's his fault. And he had to sit through a whole funeral service of them being misgendered, and he can't help thinking he should've gotten to know them, should've given them someone else who cared. God knows no-one else seems to.
If he'd known them, if he'd searched, would they still be alive? But instead he just followed orders and let them die.
He sobs.
Joseph comes around the table and pulls them into his arms.
"Give yourself a few months, 'kay? Don't make this decision on the spur of the moment, when you're so emotional. Wait until you can think again."
Aaron nods into Joseph's warm, soft arms. He can try.
Aaron is fetching a plate of biscuits from the kitchen when Gemma enters the flat.
He always feels a little uncomfortable with this team on his own. It's not his team, or his flat, he's intruding. It wasn't their idea to invite him. Sometimes Alicia comes too but not today, she doesn't feel up to meeting this new person that Gemma's saved and he doesn't blame her.
He's happy for them. Really. But Aaron can't help wishing he had done the same for Phoenix.
"Hi Gemma! And this must be Phoenix."
No. No, he must've misheard Kai, he must've... is this why they've all been giving him weird looks since he arrived? It has to be a different Phoenix, surely.
They step out of the kitchen, hands trembling, and feel the blood drain from their face. There's a shattering sound beneath their feet but they barely register it.
There, wringing their hands together, looking a little older and more traumatised but still recognisably them, is Phoenix.
"Phoenix? You're alive?"
Phoenix turns to look at them, the same shock mirrored on their face.
"I'm sorry," they whisper, "I'm sorry. They wouldn't let me on the search and rescue mission but I should have anyway, I'm so sorry. How did you– why are you–"
At some point they've moved forward, and Phoenix is within touching distance, looking startled, tears in their eyes.
"Can I give you a hug?"
Phoenix nods, almost falling into their arms. He hugs them tightly.
"I'm so, so fucking sorry."
"'s okay. I didn't deserve to be rescued anyway."
He squeezes them tighter. "That's bullshit, kid." Phoenix shakes their head. "Your sister misses you desperately."
"She, um, she does? Why?"
"Because she loves you."
Aaron has learned various things over the past six months about how they've been treated over their life, and their rock-bottom self-esteem shouldn't shock him but it does.
"People care about you, Phoenix. Don't ever forget that."
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skullislandproductions · 10 months
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Rough painting of concept illustration for “Tom and Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale” 2007.
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brokehorrorfan · 4 months
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Invasion U.S.A. will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on July 30 via Vinegar Syndrome. Produced by Cannon Films, the 1985 action movie features reversible artwork.
Chuck Norris stars and co-wrote the script with James Bruner (The Delta Force). Joseph Zito (Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter) directs. Richard Lynch, Melissa Prophet, and Billy Drago co-star.
Invasion U.S.A. has been newly restored in 4K from the 35mm original camera negative with HDR. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by director Joseph Zito
Audio commentary by The Cannon Film Guide author Austin Trunick
Audio commentary by director Joseph Zito, moderated by film historian Michael Felsher
Interview with director Joseph Zito
Interview with screenwriter James Bruner
Interview with editor Dan Loewenthal
Interview with composer Jay Chattaway
Interview with actress Melissa Prophet
Interview with actor James Pax
Archival interview with screenwriter James Bruner
Cannon Carnage - Featurette on the film's make-up effects
Original trailer
Matt Hunter thought he had put his fighting days behind him when he retired from the C.I.A., preferring to live in the serene solitude of the Florida Everglades. But when notorious Soviet terrorist Mikhail Rostov decides to exact revenge against Matt, this one-man-army has no choice but to dust off his martial arts skills and face off, Uzis in hand, against his deadliest enemy. However, as Matt tries to remain one step ahead, the insidiously evil Rostov begins deploying bands of guerrilla fighters across the state to terrorize innocent civilians and force Matt out into the open and compel him to face off for one final, bloody showdown.
Pre-order Invasion U.S.A.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Everyone hear me out
Eddie X Witch!Reader during 1674
He's a tavern worker and plays his lute and sings and what not.
And word around the village is you are a witch.
He hides you away from the village at some point. And he's surprisingly not afraid of you.
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1900scartoons · 2 years
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Scaring Uncle Joe Out Of His Boots 
November 19, 1906
Joe Cannon, frightened by the smoke of the Defeat bomb ('Tariff revisionist’s plot to defeat Cannon for speaker', it whispers), jumps out of his Stand Pat boots.
Cannon, who was Speaker of the House, had revised his unpopular opinion on Tariff reform, to maintain his position.
See Also: Joe Cannon
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/5886/rec/304
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steveseve · 1 year
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EDDIE MUNSON FINALLY IS COMING OUT WITH A BOOK OHBMY GOD!?!? It’s a prequel centered around Eddie 2 years before the events of season 4!!
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More info on bestofjoseephq on Twitter!!
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Invasion U.S.A. (1985) // Dir. Joseph Zito
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80smovies · 2 years
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pigeonwhumps · 6 months
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @fuckcapitalismasshole @ghost-whump @whump-tr0pes @rainbowsandwhumperflies @whumpinggrounds @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump @whumperofworlds
WoW's birthday event: day 9: aftermath of rescue | sickness | "you're burning up"
(does a hostage exchange count as a rescue? I say yes, for the purpose of this)
A day or two after Phoenix waking up in the medbay and the revelations that followed, they ask Joseph to check on Aaron (and by extension, the rest of their team).
Joseph belongs to @i-eat-worlds
CWs: low self-esteem, mentioned past abuse, exhaustion, caffeine, self-neglect
Joseph knocks on the door to Phoenix's flat.
He almost hopes no-one answers and he'll have to use Santhiya's key. Then there's a chance they'll be asleep already.
No such luck.
Kai answers the door. Joseph can tell immediately why Phoenix was worried, even if it was only Aaron they mentioned – he's a mess. Clothes and hair rumpled, swaying slightly, brow furrowed in confusion.
"Joseph? This isn't INSUPA."
"I was visiting Phoenix, and they–"
"Are they okay?" asks Kai immediately, looking ready to run at the slightest hint of a 'no'. "What's wrong, what happened?"
"Nothing's wrong, calm down." Kai's shoulders drop and Joseph bites back a surge of anger. What did Abbie do to make Phoenix think this man could hate them?
"Then what–"
"As I said, I was visiting Phoenix, and they asked me to check up on you. Apparently the bags under Aaron's eyes look tattooed on?"
Actually, what Phoenix had done was apologise for being an inconvenience but could he please check up on Aaron? Joseph had felt sick hearing the fear there, like Joseph would do something to them for asking.
Kai sighs, judging the door further open. "Come in."
Joseph slips inside and follows Kai into the living room.
Morfydd and Lian are slumped on the floor, propped up by the couch, and Aaron is perched on the coffee table, looking two seconds from drifting off and falling, under-eye bags true to Phoenix's word. Morfydd winces at their footsteps. A selection of empty caffeine and sugar drinks and snacks surround them all, spread out around a sugar paper epicentre. Lian appears to have been snacking from a bag of whole coffee beans.
Santhiya's presumably still asleep with Phoenix in the medical bay, Phoenix themself talking to Vic about advocacy roles after she took one up for them during their interview with management (which has caused at least one panic attack so far, and which Joseph is still annoyed about). So at least no-one's unaccounted for.
"You all need to sleep."
Aaron shakes his head, taking a large gulp of coffee (which he doesn't even like. Joseph recognises this version of him from their course together). "There's more important things to do."
"What are you doing?" he asks curiously.
"Trying to work out why Phoenix thinks we'd hate them," mutters Lian morosely. "We don't know what we did, or how to fix it."
"How do they not know we value them for more than their powers and fighting?" adds Morfydd through clenched teeth.
"Because they can count on one hand the amount of people who have before." The room is dead silent. "If you slept, you'd work this out for yourselves. And I'm not taking you to medbay if you have a heart attack from all that caffeine, Lian."
Lian looks at him in surprise. That's fair. The others don't know him as well as Aaron does, don't know that he'd drop everything if that did happen.
"Joseph's lying," announces Aaron.
Joseph shrugs. "Maybe. But it's been over 24 hours since Phoenix woke, I suspect none of you have slept since before then, and I'm not going anywhere until you're asleep. Phoenix asked me to make sure you're okay, and I intend to do so."
"Okay, okay, you've made your point," mutters Lian. "Morfydd, shall we–"
They nod then wince. They seem to have got the idea, as Joseph helps them into their chair. They wheel down the corridor, slowly, Lian holding on, and leave the chair outside whichever one of them's bedroom it is.
Once they're safely inside, Joseph turns to Aaron. "Come on."
He shakes his head. "I need to go on my shift soon. I'll be fine."
Joseph snatches the bag of dissolvable HAL-issued stimulants out of his pocket and transfers them to his own.
"Don't you dare. Phoenix will be better off for you getting some rest, and so will everyone else. I'll take your shift."
"No. I'm taking your shift."
"At least let me have a bleep?"
"Not until you've had at least a few hours of uninterrupted sleep."
Joseph stares them down until they sigh. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"
Aaron nods, and holds out an arm to let Joseph help them down off the table. He pulls it around his shoulders as soon as they've slid off, stopping them from falling completely.
They're warm to hold. His own heart skips a beat. He has no idea which is the spare room, if any, so he just leads them into a random empty one. Aaron doesn't protest.
Once Aaron is sitting on the bed, they seem to come back to themself and say urgently, "They didn't think to come to me when they thought Kai would kick them out. They don't think any better of me. What if they think I've abandoned them because I let you take my shift?"
"It was specifically you Phoenix asked me to check up on. They won't think you abandoned them."
"You're the only one they've been able to see how bad you're getting."
Joseph pulls him into a hug. "Come on. Sleep. Phoenix will still be there when you wake up."
Aaron nods sleepily, and Joseph helps him under the duvet. He extracts his arm regretfully, and closes the door behind him with a little snick.
It turns out he could've stayed longer, because once he returns to the living room he finds Kai already passed out on the sofa.
Joseph smiles and shakes his head as he drapes a blanket over him. He could wake him, tell him about management probably coming round for their side of the story soon, but he doesn't. Kai won't go back to sleep, especially after finding out they visited Phoenix. He scoops up the mess instead, at least wanting to make the place presentable. The sugar paper – plans to make make Phoenix realise they're valued, apparently – he stacks and covers up, not wanting anyone outside of the team to see, and the caffeine remains he dumps in the kitchen, grinning at Phoenix's moulded Grogu mug on the counter.
And now it's time to return to HAL's medbay. No-one's waking anytime soon. He hopes Phoenix realises their team loves them soon, because it's so painfully obvious to everyone else that they do.
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jayeratking · 2 years
Caejose week day 6: post cannon/ cross over.
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I only posted the sad one cause I wanted to use some quotes from songs I like.
When Caesar’s body was recovered he was just barely alive beneath the rubble. He was taken into a hospital run by the speed wagon foundation and there he remained comatose for a month. When he finally woke he could barely move due to the damage his muscles and tendons had taken in his fight with wammu. After lots of physical therapy and healing he can now walk with the help of canes/crutches ect. Some days he can walk on his own and others he can barely get up from bed. But with Joseph at his side supporting him everyday life seems possible after all they’ve been through.
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wein-bitte · 1 year
Eddie Munson falls asleep with his hand down his pants. Something about his fingers at the base of his cock made him feel at peace and he found he couldn't sleep without doing it. At any point in time you could barge into his messy room and find him like this, hair a mess around his head, mouth open in a loud snore and free arm above his head, palm up.
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
On January 10, 1967, the Quinn Martin produced "The Invaders" premiered on TV. The show created by Larry Cohen was about an architect who witnessed an UFO landing. Their arrival was not to make peace with humans, but they were a vanguard of an invading force. No one wanted to believe David Vincent, the architect, due to the aliens ability to appear human. Not only would people not believe him, but some even questioned his sanity. ("Beachhead", The Invaders, TV, event)
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