#Julia yes
tsnbrainrot · 2 years
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10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
+ Letterboxd Reviews
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thelaurenshippen · 3 months
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it's officially been 10 years since I sent @thebrightsessions pilot to my friend Jack to get his thoughts. he was the first person to read it, and gave me great thoughts, and I made the pilot better and then...
well. it was almost exactly a year before I sent this message:
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all to say: however long it takes, however uncertain you feel—surround yourself with amazing, kind, talented people and just go for it. the worst that can happen is that you learn something. the best is that you learn something and it gives you your life, which is what happened to me.
it’s said so much that it sounds trite but it really is true: do it scared
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ray935sworld · 3 months
Top 10 thing Julia Marquez had to go through:
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LIKE IMAGINE Marc bringing Vale for Christmas dinner and Alex bringing Luca. Julia would be so done
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nessiefynn · 7 months
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Soul council
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random-lil-illing · 7 months
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okay so ive decided im not going to do a while 'fake tweets' post for every episode, maximum 3 tweets per episode unless its an episode that has a lot going on, or just one i really like/think twitter would have a lot to say about.
for anyone confused which tweet is for which episode, let me explain :)
image 1: fishy doubloon caper
images 2, 3, and 4: opera in the outback caper
images 5 and 6: chasing paper caper
images 7 and 8: lucky cat caper
images 9 and 10: french connection caper
which means season 1 is done!! cant wait for season 2 :)
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trans-androgyne · 26 days
Reading A Short History of Trans Misogyny and really appreciating the part about Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson where she discusses how acting as though gay men and trans women have always been treated as a different species is revisionist. I really hope some of the folks who believe transmisogyny only ever targets people who actively identify as transfem read this eventually.
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im-merobiba · 9 days
so we all know that when one is "pulling a julia", they are putting in significantly more time and/or effort than is expected or even necessary (especially in an unfamiliar medium). that being said, what do you guys think it means to "pull a nathan/jacob/karina?" here are my suggestions.
pulling a nathan: drawing a dinosaur/reptilian creature
pulling a jacob: designing a silly little guy (bonus points if non-binary)
pulling a karina: drawing a big-titted muscular man, often a redesign of an existing character
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thebramblewood · 6 months
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The dawn of the final day.
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Julia: [muttering shakily] Come on, Jules. Just hit the button. You have to tell someone. It’s the right thing to do.
Helena: [whoosh] [thump] Julia? Shit, how’d you even-
Julia: Helena, w-what did you just... I don’t understand what’s going on!
Helena: If you’d let me explain-
Julia: No, no, no, this can’t be happening! Vampires aren’t supposed to be real!
Helena: [narrows eyes] Who are you calling?
Julia: No one! I was just thinking about it, I swear! [flinches away] Stop! Don’t come any closer!
Helena: Julia, please, I’m not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you.
Julia: [tearfully] But you could have!
Helena: What?
Julia: It was you who hurt my friends, who hurt all those people! I hang out there with them all the time. If you’d seen me, would you have been able to resist?
Helena: Of course!
Julia: Oh, so you were in control? You knew what you were doing and you did it anyway. Who are you, Helena? What are you? Because I don’t think you’re my sister anymore. You’re a-a-a... a monster!
Helena: Please don’t say that. You have no idea how sorry I am. The way I left them... it just loops like an endless nightmare in my head. I didn’t mean to go that far. I just wanted the hunger to stop, but it never does.
Julia: They might still die. Because of you. [scoffs] Migraines. You’ve been lying all along! Helena: What could I have said? You wouldn’t have believed me.
Julia: How did this even happen? Why are you… like this?
Helena: Oh, Julia, I was so stupid! Ulrike and I had just broken up. I was in a bad place, and I trusted the wrong person. I didn’t want it! I barely remember what happened. I just woke up with this fire burning inside of me.
Julia: Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t call the cops right now.
Helena: Because you love me. Because I’m leaving.
Julia: What? Where will you go?
Helena: I don’t know. But it’s obvious I can’t stay. I’m not fit to be around people now. Maybe I never will be. I’m too dangerous — to myself, to you, to Mom and Dad, to this entire fucking town.
Julia: There must be another way. If you turn yourself in, then maybe-
Helena: What, the police will go easy on me because I’m sorry? I kill the police because they don’t? It wouldn’t end well for anyone, Julia. [sighs wearily] At least I never finished unpacking.
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
Sympathy for the Devil ~ Part 2
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A Donaka Mark x housekeeper!Reader fic, based on @discoscoob 's concept & bot! Warnings: Donaka Mark is a bad man with a soft spot for you. dark romance, possessive behavior, red flag red flag girl!🔺, psychological games, power imbalance, eventual dubcon/nsfw.
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Two. 二
It’s a week later, when you see him again. 
It's out on the winding streets near his house, on your day off. You’re taking a jog, when he roars by in his white Lamborghini, so close to your side of the road that you feel the pull of the wind off the aerodynamic car. 
He’s enjoying the feeling of power and control behind the wheel, before he sees you, in your workout clothes and all sweaty in the muggy summer heat. He feels a spear of possessiveness rip through him, and ultimately it’s the reason he slams on the breaks, whipping in reverse back to you, the supercar growling in agreement with his mood. “It’s too hot out here. You should use the gym in the house,” he tells you rather tersely. 
The only gym you know of in the house is his personal workout space–you hadn’t dreamed it could be used by the staff, hadn’t even thought to ask. When you just look back at him with owlish eyes, catching your breath with hands on your hips, he adds with annoyance, “And the roads are too narrow, people drive like maniacs. Someone might hit you.”
This is where you grin, flashing him an insouciant smile, but managing to keep your commentary on his own driving to yourself. “Thank you, Sir…” you pant. “But I like being outside.” There’s no better way to get to know a place, than looking at it while on foot. You love the lush streets of this neighborhood, the towering trees and greenery, the shining blue sea in the distance. It's way more interesting than running like a hamster on a treadmill.
Donaka, however, is not amused. He finds he hates the thought of other men seeing you running around in those tight clothes, looking so…edible...and sweaty. Your defiance only fuels his desire to exert his will over you. “It’s too dangerous,” he insists in a firm, authoritarian tone.
Maybe because it’s your day off, you feel braver than usual, but you just lift your eyebrows at him and smile. “It’s fine.” 
“I’ll give you a ride back. Get in.” 
The thought of putting your sweaty behind in your boss’s $500,000 car–even if it is ugly to boot–literally horrifies you. 
“I don't want to get your nice car dirty. I'll be home soon."
You finger wave, and jog off, hoping that will be the end of the exchange. 
With narrowed eyes he glares at your receding form in his rearview mirror. It’s the first time you’ve really defied him, and as annoyed as he is, he finds himself semi-hard from this interaction. He resists the urge to run you down and make you obey him. The thought actually makes him shudder to himself. 
He’d known you were going to be fun, but he hadn’t anticipated just how much.
He lives for the challenge of breaking the strong, and corrupting the innocent. It was looking like you were both those things, and by his reckoning–your days of independence were numbered. Soon…you would be his docile little pet, curled up at his feet.
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leavesandbounds · 4 months
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These two are the most bisexual looking het couple and I love them so much
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lovinglapislazuli · 1 year
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At last, after three weeks of work, the color wheel is complete! This cast is so endearing to me, there's something nice to say about each one of them! I can't wait for more people to get to know them :D Thanks to the staff for this nice season 🥳
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hinkawithanx · 9 months
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Zee learned about Theodore from seeing Julia’s phone wallpaper
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tdpriya · 10 months
May i request mkulia🙏🙏
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YES YOU CAN they've infected my stupid stupid brain....i may actually fully draw the 2nd pic sometime instead of it being a very sloppy sketch
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acmelab · 1 year
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lovey boys
and bonus lovey girls
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heartfucksmouth · 10 months
we watched Leave The World Behind and I haven't felt that dissociated from the world since leaving the theater after watching 28 Weeks Later (Midsummar was a different kind of dissociation bc multiples traumas were triggered). like life/the world did not feel real and it felt hard to function. the premise is so possible it really has me feeling fucked up. maybe it activated my fight/flight response still, it was just like "yup this is where we're headed" yikes
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pinkcheesecake7 · 2 months
Okay so.. I just got done reading the marionetta WEBTOON and on chapter 46 one of the top comments was praising Sahejul and the people in the replies were being very hypocritical in my opinion, I left some comments and here it is.
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“Sahed is a jerk!!” So is everyone else in the webtoon. Julia literally came in just yelling racist crap, Kamille is a terrible friend, Dotty is a cheater, and Tonny is a liar. They all have flaws. Yet I notice that Sahed and Kamille got the most shit for it? Tonny is “a nice guy who doesn’t want to do this” which is most likely TRUE! But he’s still doing it, and he knows it’s wrong but is lying to everyone. Julia was racist for quite a while and literally calls everyone around her names in front of their face “she was brainwashed!” Which is true. But everyone excused it? While Kamille (who I hated at the start for being a bad friend) forgot her birthday and wondered off a few times because she wanted to escape being forced into something against her will, gets NO grace? And Sahed, a boy who was taken by colonizers, wants justice and safety for his people, wants to expose the lies of the horrible government is a bit pushy and suddenly he’s the devils incarnate. 💀 Okay.
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