#Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist: suggestions
guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #13
Limón y sal - Julieta Venegas
Special thanks to: @rakkuntoast for reminding me to add this song
Tengo que confesarte ahora nunca creí en la felicidad, a veces algo se le parece pero es pura casualidad. Luego me vengo a encontrar con tus ojos me dan algo más, solo tenerte cerca siento que vuelvo a empezar. Yo te quiero con limón y sal, yo te quiero tal y como estás, no hace falta cambiarte nada.
I have to confess to you now I never believed in happiness, sometimes something resembles it but it's pure coincidence. Then I come to meet you with your eyes that give me something else, just having you near I feel like I'm starting over. I love you with lemon and salt, I love you just as you are, there's no need to change anything.
I must confess that yesterday when q!Roier sang this song for Leo I didn't pay too much importance to it, I was too focused on "oh, well, I guess it's a song that talks about food… or more or less".
But, after thinking a bit more about the lyrics, it reminded me a lot in the song I already added in Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #12 in the way that it talks about loving a person for who that one is, without the pretension of changing them just because for us it would be more comfortable for them to conform to what we want, ignoring that nature that without it, that person would lose their individuality.
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #16
A Dios le pido - Juanes
A Dios le pido Y que si me muero sea de amor Y si me enamoro sea de vos Y que de tu voz sea este corazón Todos los días a Dios le pido
Eu oro a Deus E se eu morrer, que seja de amor E se eu me apaixonar, que seja por você E que este coração seja de sua voz Todos os dias eu oro a Deus
Me gustaría escribir estos próximos post en español (mi lengua materna) por que sinceramente me pareció precioso que q!Cellbit y q!Roier compartieran canciones en sus propios idiomas. Después volveré al inglés si así les parece bien sin ningún problema.
Esta canción tiene muchas razones para ser especial, pues esta fue la primera canción que q!Cellbit escuchó en voz de q!Roier durante la misión de la Base Guapita: fue la canción elegida para llevar a dormir a Bobby ese día (recuerdo que incluso q!Cellbit le tomó una foto sin que se diera cuenta). Y ahora, cuando compartieron canciones en sus idiomas, q!Roier sugirió esta canción y de nuevo la cantó pero esta vez fue al propio q!Cellbit y yo me estaba derritiendo de amor mientras veía el stream. No solo porque la letra habla mucho de como se puede sentir q!Roier por su esposo, sino porque me ha dado el headcanon que tiene esta canción reservada solo para las personas que realmente ama porque soy así de romántica.
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #14
Es por ti - Juanes
Y es por ti Que late mi corazón Y es por ti Que brillan mis ojos hoy Y es por ti Que he vuelto a hablar de amor Y es por ti Que calma mi dolor
And it is because of you That my heart beats And it is because of you That my eyes shine today And it is because of you That I've spoken of love again And it is because of you That soothes my pain
I had thought about adding this song to my playlist before but with q!Roier singing it today (especially after his husband woke up just to help him) I simply have no excuse to delay adding it any longer.
It is simply a song that defines q!Cellbit from q!Roier's eyes.
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
hello! saw that you also accept songs in portuguese and since i see guapoduo everywhere i have a few:
1. this one since roier's grandpa wanted to ruin their marriage and q!cellbit has a past as f!cell ,, (eng lyrics)
2. this one bc it fits both of them and the way they found someone who gives them the love they've always needed (eng lyrics)
3. this one bc q!cellbit is just a sucker for q!roier and wont ever shut up abt him this song just describes him (eng lyrics)
Hello! Thank you very much for your suggestions! I am really enjoying listening to them.
Eu não vou desistir de ter você Não vou, faço o que eu puder fazer Agora vou descontrolar, vou perder a linha E o paraíso proibido te aplicar
I won't give up on you I won't, do what I can do Now I'm gonna lose control, I'm gonna lose the line And the forbidden paradise will apply to you
Ok this one is so good and you're right it hits pretty well with what happened yesterday. I laughed so hard during the whole interaction with Abueloier and just a song with this rhythm is what was on my mind.
Even if someone wanted some inspiration for a bad boy/good boy AU this is the right song.
E começar de novo com outro alguém Que só quer me ver bem Que me fez encontrar a simples melodia O caminho pra um lugar que eu não conhecia Pra me fazer cantar, pra me fazer sorrir
And start over with someone else Who only wants to see me well Who made me find the simple melody The way to a place I didn't know To make me sing, to make me smile
I think this is my favorite one of all your suggestions, it's so sweet and reminds me so much of them, I feel it speaks from each one's past to this moment when they meet and share their present. I loved it.
E por você eu largo tudo Vou mendigar, roubar, matar Até nas coisas mais banais Prá mim é tudo ou nunca mais
And I’d give up everything for you I'll beg, steal, kill Even the most trivial things For me it's either everything or never again
Ok, from now on whenever I hear q!Cellbit talk to anyone about q!Roier or his wedding, this song is the one that will be playing in my head. q!Cellbit hopelessly in love with q!Roier is my safe place forever.
I thank you so much for sharing with me such beautiful songs! Feel free to do it again any time you want :)
Edit: Now that I'm at home, I was able to place the lyrics quietly (I was at work).
(If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here. )
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #15
Evidências - Chitãozinho & Xororó
E nessa loucura de dizer que não te quero Vou negando as aparências Disfarçando as evidências Mas pra que viver fingindo Se eu não posso enganar meu coração Eu sei que te amo
Es una locura el decir que no te quiero Evitar las apariencias ocultando evidencias Mas porque seguir fingiendo sino puedo engañar mi corazón Yo se que te amo
Me gustaría escribir estos próximos post en español (mi lengua materna) por que sinceramente me pareció precioso que q!Cellbit y q!Roier compartieran canciones en sus propios idiomas. Después volveré al inglés si así les parece bien sin ningún problema.
Este tema en específico me parecía conocido y, después de hacer un poco de memoria, recordé que existe la versión en español que afortunadamente mantiene su significado principal aún después de su traducción.
Cuando escuché a q!Cellbit cantarla de inmediato me transportó a sus primeros días en la isla, más específicamente a sus primeros acercamientos con q!Roier, recordé sobre todo cuando q!Forever le hacía bromas sobre ser pareja, cosa que q!Cell de inmediato negó, y después redujo el "Guapito/Gatinho" a solo unos apodos sin importancia, solo para que al final se volviera tan importante para él al punto de dolerle en el alma cuando q!Roier le retiró el apodo. Pude entender de nuevo cuando él dice que desde el primer momento tenían una conexión pero, en sus inicios, no sabían definir propiamente más por el miedo a que se arruinara que por vergüenza.
Sencillamente cada día me sorprende la genialidad de esta pareja.
Quise empezar a subir las canciones que Guapoduo se recomendó uno al otro con las que son en portugués porque me tomé mi tiempo de escucharlas todas, el portugués siempre me ha parecido un idioma tan divino que estoy sinceramente feliz de conocer un poco más de Brasil, su música y su cultura gracias al QSMP, mañana será turno de una canción en español.
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
since guapoduo is on their angst era im gonna leave this one here bc i feel this is 100% cellbit rn
And it might not be wise I'd still have to try With all the love I have inside I can't deny
I could even hear Cellbit himself paraphrasing this song right now. It completely speaks for him and GOD I JUST WANT THEM TO BE GAY AND HAPPY this angst is too much for me.
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Maybe it’s because I was listening to it non-stop, but I feel like this song really fits guapoduo's breakup era
Mas tive que perder pra aprender dar valor Pra você entender seu amor Mas não quer ser mais minha
But I had to lose you to I learn to cherish you To you understand your love, but you don't want to be mine anymore
For anyone who wants to enjoy the English translation you can read it here.
Oh, this is a very interesting one.
The lyrics I think it speaks more from q!Cellbit's point of view, it reminds me a bit of how he was looking for q!Roier with his eyes during the whole Festa Junina without being able to get close to him as he normally would if they weren't going through their near-breakup.
I really enjoyed it, thanks for sharing it with me! Please feel free to do it again whenever you want :)
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
JustaGuapoduoShipper blog content index (part1) :
Post constantly updated. Last update: 31/10/2023
Playlist songs:
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #1 Acuérdate de mí - Morat
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #2 All I want - Kodaline
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #3 Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #4 Me gustas tú - Manu Chao
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #5 So violento, so Macabro - PXNDX
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #6 23- Morat
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #7 Mariposas - Paty Cantú
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #8 Los amantes - Pambo
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #9 Angels like you - Miley Cyrus
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #10 The Reason - Hoobastank
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #11 Unconditionally - Katy Perry
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #12 Tal como eres - El canto del loco
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #13 Limón y sal - Julieta Venegas
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #14 Es por ti - Juanes
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #15 Evidências - Chitãozinho & Xororó
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #16 a Dios le pido - Juanes
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #17 Cómo te voy a olvidar - Los Ángeles Azules
Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist song #18 Cuando pase el temblor - Soda Stereo
Inbox suggestions:
Suggestion 1: Paraíso proibido - strike / Fração de Segundo - NX Zero / Exagerado - Cazuza
Suggestion 2: This I love - Guns n' Roses
Suffestion 3: Deixe me ir - 1Kilo
A romantic date at the taqueria
Tacos: A language of love
q!Roier on love matters
q!Roier reliving a trauma
q!Roier and q!Cellbit: their castles built after feeling betrayed
q!Cellbit knows the meaning of sunsets
"I care for your happiness" q!Roier sharing what he loves
"I'd kill for you, but never you"
q!Cellbit has never seen q!Roier in his red hoodie
"I wish I could have been that someone you needed to never be alone again"
q!Roier showing his light to q!Cellbit from his minute one on the island
"Te amo, te amo con todo mi corazón."
q!Roier in the dreams of q!Cellbit
Deep sincerity in their wedding vows.
"I am lost! Not anymore, because I'm with you" / "I'm never lost if I'm with you"
The strong similarity between the Favela and the Hispanic household
Amaranth flower
"That's how we started and that's how we will continue until the end"
"Mi corazón es tuyo" (part 1)
"Mi corazón es tuyo, también" (part 2)
On the election's arc
A call for sanity.
q!Cellbit's scope
q!Roier sings in moments of panic.
q!Roier scared and confused
q!Philza's photo at the festa junina
Tiburoier greets q!Cellbit in q!Foolish aquarium
A count of all the times q!Cellbit focused on q!Roier in his camera during the "Base Guapita" mission.
This is how q!Roier looks like from q!Cellbit's point of view.
Seeing each other at the altar
"I want to marry Roier so bad"
Spiderbit flirting in global chat
Just them <;3
"Que te quedes a mi lado y más nunca te me vayas, mi vida."
Domestic-fluff Headcanons
q!Cellbit about his and q!Roier's scars.
The proposal of new dragon eggs
Hibernation / aestivation
Bobby Fields' rose bouquet
q!Cellbit listening to Ozuna
Bobby, Tilin and JuanaFlippa
To the first time they said "I love you" to each other.
qCellbit's reaction to fake Bobby
"Y es que no sabes lo que tú me haces sentir"
Cellbit finally finds out the difference for Mexicans between "te quiero" and "te amo".
"if he takes you I'll come after you"
Both q!Cellbit and q!Roier get very worried if ithe other one is in danger
I will always trust Roier. - q!Cellbit
If you want to know a little more about this blog, you can read here.
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Ok, I'm writing this because I woke up this morning and my Tumblr notifications were blown out. I usually average 40 or 50 notes but today there were over 300 and I just wanted to come and tell you: from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.
From what I understand there was a problem with Twitter, that's why many people have moved here so welcome! I created this space for Guapoduo/Spiderbit enjoyers, I hope you have a good time here you will find: analysis, screenshots, music playlists and reblogging art related to the ship. If you are interested in knowing a little more about this blog, I have a post pinned here.
For those who are interested on this blog, the hashtags i use so you can explore my content:
#just a guapoduoshipper: analysis
#just a guapoduoshipper: headcanon
#just a guapoduoshipper: screenshots
#just a guapoduoshipper playlist
#Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist: suggestions
This is a safe space for everyone who likes this ship, I personally promote healthy and respectful interaction, so if you need help or have any suggestions, my inbox is always open. I can answer you in English or Spanish, unfortunately I don't know Portuguese but I'm working on it!
What a pleasure to see how the topics: guapoduo / spiderbit are slowly starting to fill up with awesome art and interesting content!
Welcome everyone!
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Blog dedicated to songs that remind me of Spiderbit/Guapoduo
I will also share here my thoughts, edits and material related to Spiderbit/Guapoduo
This blog is for entertainment purposes only
All posts are from a personal opinion and it is okay to disagree, please be respectful.
Please do not send hate to any song regardless of their artist, genre or language.
This blog is by and for Guapoduo/Spiderbit shippers, all I want is a healthy environment between us and all the other ships, please be kind.
The songs can be in English or Spanish (I don't know many of them in Portuguese but I'll be happy to hear all your recommendations).
you can find all the songs of the playlist with the hashtag: #just a guapoduoshipper playlist and #Just a GuapoduoShipper Playlist: suggestions
I am working on the playlist on spotify, when I finish I will post the link in this post.
Other hashtags to explore my content: #just a guapoduoshipper: analysis , #just a guapoduoshipper: headcanon and #just a guapoduoshipper: screenshots
content index:
Part 1: here
Part 2: Here
If you would like to make any suggestions:
Songs in any language are okay, please consider including the lyrics in their English translation, so we all can enjoy them.
Any guapoduo/spiderbit material is welcome as long as you have the appropriate permissions.
Please include the spotify or youtube url in your request so I can find it.
Feel free to submit your analysis / opinion on why that song reminds you of Spiderbit/Guapoduo.
Any suggestion you can send it by PM.
About sharing my material on other social platforms:
I am fine with my analysis, thoughts or edits being shared as long as I get credit for them.
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