#Just from JKR
ivyblossom · 5 months
Hi Ivy! Had a silly question, and don't feel obligated to answer ... !!! But I was curious if anyone has ever a printed up a copy of The Quiet Man or made like a bound copy i could talk to? I was hoping to get one as this story means more to me than any other in the fandom and I truly do not want to lose it to the world of digital deletion.
Much love, 💋 liri
Hi there! Not a silly question at all! I don't 100% remember in fairness, but I don't believe that anyone's bound The Quiet Man. If someone knows that I'm wrong about that, please correct me!
Sorry I don't have a lead for you. I'm thrilled to hear that my story is important to you, that's a lovely thing to hear, thank you!
For what it's worth, I have no intention of deleting my fics. There's no reason I'd ever need to, they are in no danger. As long as AO3 exists, all my fics will exist on it.
I decided a while back to divest myself from my connection to the Harry Potter franchise. I didn't like seeing JK Rowling's name on my profile, it gave me the icks. So I orphaned them. I believe the URL for them remains the same. If ever I felt a need to distance myself from Sherlock, I'd probably just do the same. I'm not feeling inclined to orphan my Sherlock fics, though.
If you or anyone else wanted to bind The Quiet Man, you're more than welcome to do so as far as I'm concerned.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
Snape haters: How do people even like Snape?
Also Snape:
“Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.”
“Would you like me to do it now?” asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. “Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?”
“I was just showing Harry my grindylow,” said Lupin pleasantly, pointing at the tank.
“Fascinating,” said Snape, without looking at it.
As Harry raised himself into a sitting position, his head still swimming from its last contact with the ground, he saw Snape running as hard as he could, the enormous beast [Buckbeak] flapping behind him and screeching as Harry had never heard him screech —
. . . Snape had managed to Disapparate just beyond the school’s boundaries.
Snape gave her [Umbridge] an ironic bow and turned to leave.
“The mind is a complex and many-layered thing, Potter — or at least, most minds are.” He smirked.
“Potter, when I want nonsense shouted at me I shall give you a Babbling Beverage. And Crabbe, loosen your hold a little, if Longbottom suffocates it will mean a lot of tedious paperwork, and I am afraid I shall have to mention it on your reference if ever you apply for a job.”
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batcavescolony · 8 months
just saw someone say Rick Riordan making a TV show is just as bad as anything JKR has done. BFFR you're comparing Rick Riordan trying to make his world more inclusive, changing some parts because of money/time constraints, or just making changes cus he thinks they're needed, to JKR being a terrible person!
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The “I’ve watched/listened to/read this thing so you don’t have to, here are my comments/analysis” thing is for movies etc, it is not for political pieces. I cannot stress how important it is to consume those things for yourself and make up your own mind. Do not let other people think for you
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labyrinthhofmymind · 1 month
just a reminder that comparing horrible, REAL historical (and current) events that caused thousands and millions of REAL HUMAN deaths to FICTIONAL worlds is insane and weird, especially when those fictional worlds are created by transphobic, racist bigots who can’t write a consistent, diverse, and non-stereotypical story to save their life (yes i mean jk rowling)
comparing real life atrocities to one another is bad enough, but suggesting that they somehow connect to fictional work is so messed up and insensitive and is not the intellectual take you think it is
go touch some grass people and stop hating on people who like regulus or ship jegulus or write about any characters that were death eaters
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thenevarranaccord · 1 month
I’ve decided to bully people who are still in denial about Dumbledore being gay. It’s the only way.
“There is absolutely no textual evidence that Dumbledore was gay, except for his extremely flamboyant behavior and style of dress, his many feminine hobbies, his complete lack of attraction to women, the love letters he wrote to another man, the sexual tension he had with another man, the scandal about his relationship with another man, the time Harry talks to him about his previous relationship with another man and, of course, the multiple times in the latest movie where he says he was in love with another man.”
I think most of you are just dumb.
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not-poignant · 11 days
Hey! It is so interesting to me when people hate on things created by the people they hate (not bashing here just wondering, for each their own). It is just for me it always was the same thing as - my country is run by terrible people, but there woudn't be the place where I can feel more at home than this room I am in. Same always was with HP. I will hate Rowling for every shitty thing she said/did, but hp fanfics/books will always be my safe haven. It's not hers anymore, it's mine.
Anonymously coming into a trans person's private messages to tell them that hating on the creations of the most famous transphobic creator in the world is 'interesting' to you as though this is merely a thought experiment and not something with tangible stakes is a choice, anon.
Here's the thing. JKR isn't dead, she's not a philosophical concept (like a nation), she's not a government. She's a living person still using the profits of her creations to hate on and harm trans people and actively influence trans dehumanising laws.
Anyone who gives her money via buying her books or merch actively and explicitly contributes to these actions and this hate. I don't think your analogy is comparable, so I'll give you another: It would be like if you were a domestic violence victim, and I was a huge fan of Chris Brown (a very famous domestic violence abuser) and went into your personal space to anonymously tell you how 'interesting' it is that I can separate the art from the artist. That his music is 'mine now' while fully knowing that a domestic abuser is benefitting from my listening to his music and spreading this rhetoric about him. I'll tack on a 'but he's bad' to cover my bases, but that's it.
Our lives are not thought experiments. It's not 'interesting' that many trans people can't and won't separate the art from the artist while the artist actively uses the money from the art to harm us and increase hate crimes against us. It's devastating that more people don't understand why this is such an issue.
HP is not yours, anon. Not in the same way it's JKR's. You don't own the IP. You can't use the profits from it to help marginalised people. You can enjoy it in your mind, and privately, and among folks who feel the same way as you, but speaking about it favourably in public with zero caveats allies you with the most public and infamous transphobic mascot and influential figure in the world whether you like it or not. Even with caveats, it still harms more trans people than it helps.
Being reminded of the person actively working to increase the number of draconian laws around our rights, who has the endorsement of Putin and has empowered trans haters in the US, is not an 'interesting' little experiment for me, it's actively painful and hurtful. I'd rather you just bashed outright so I could delete the anon message rather than explain why our lives are interesting philosophical think pieces.
If this is what you're choosing to do with the part of HP that belongs to you and is now yours, by anonymously coming here to tell a trans person these things as though you expect any answer than the one I'm giving you now? Well, that sucks too.
Enjoy the IP and make it yours if you must. Stop telling trans people about it anonymously. And if you can't stop telling people how much you like HP, for god's sake, warn them first so they can decide if you're safe enough to keep interacting with.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 5 months
If you still somehow believe JK Rowling is a feminist even after all the shit she's been doing that does not benefit women's rights at all: Daily reminder she will be a bitch to any woman that tells her to stop being transphobic, but as soon as Elon Musk, a man, tells her to maybe post some more positive content instead of constant transphobia, she suddenly will do exactly that.
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marauders-brain-rot · 21 days
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)
Wrote a really heavy and quite depressing chapter today and needed to fix my brain by writing something cute and fluffy. So, here is 1,468 words of pure Wolfstar fluff. (No Voldy/war, honestly could be with or without actual magic, I don’t make it clear either way so if you want it to be a muggle au then it can be or if you just want it to be a no Voldy au that works too)
Sirius was almost certain he’d wear a hole in the carpet long before Remus got home. He’d been pacing for hours now, his stomach tied in knots thinking about that night and what would come of it. 
It was their anniversary, eight years together as an official couple and tonight would change everything for them. They’d had nights like these before, the kind that would imprint themselves on their memories and brand themselves across their skin, tying them irrevocably together in a way that no one else would ever understand. 
The first was when they’d confessed their love for one another, never ones to do things by halves, that had been the night they’d first gotten together. They’d danced around their feelings for a while before that, their friendship always coming first, until one night where they couldn’t take the tension between them any longer. There’d been a screaming match that ended in a passionate kiss and finally a confession of their undying love for one another. They ended that night wrapped together in Remus’s bed in the boys dormitory, foreheads pressed together and bodies intertwined to the point where it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began. 
The next one had been when they decided to get a place of their own, another night full of tears and kisses. They’d gotten a place with James and Peter as soon as they’d left school, wanting to be out on their own but still with their closest friends, who had really become more like brothers. The years spent in that flat had been some of the best of their lives, the nights spent drunk on the floor and sprawled across the furniture would live in their minds forever, as spotty as those memories were. But, they needed their own space. It had been Remus who had said something first, though Sirius had thought it for a while. He loved their little flat with their two best mates, but sometimes he wanted to be alone with the man he loved, wanted to spend nights and days wrapped in one another’s arms without feeling like it was an intrusion on their friends' lives. And so, after a very long and very tear filled discussion, they agreed to start looking. 
Then, they bought their house together. A sanctuary for the two of them that they made entirely their own. Their first night there together was one that he hoped would never leave him, even on his last days on this planet. They’d spent the day unpacking, James and Peter had finally left and the house was quiet at last, something they hadn’t experienced possibly ever. They’d gotten their favourite mugs down from their new home in the cabinet to the left of the sink, poured cups of their favourite tea, put on their favourite James Taylor record and danced in the living room to How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) together with the biggest smiles plastered on their faces.
Then came the night they’d gotten engaged, something that had been magical all on its own. Remus had asked him, because of course he had. Sirius had been planning on asking Remus, but of course he’d beaten him to it. It was private and intimate and unequivocally theirs. If Sirius closed his eyes he could see the rose petals strewn about, the lanterns that lit their home, could smell the undeniable scents of his favourite meal that Remus had spent all day cooking for him. Remus had said some beautiful, wonderful, magical words about how Sirius was his guiding light in the sea of darkness, how he’d have lost himself entirely without him and how he never wanted to bear the pain of living life without the man he’d loved since they were only boys. Sirius kissed him then, couldn’t stand to wait another moment where rings didn’t adorn their fingers claiming them for one another and as soon as Remus placed the one he’d gotten Sirius on his finger, Sirius had sprinted up the steps and practically flown into their room to get the ring he’d gotten for Remus. That night they’d fallen asleep together, their fingers interlocked and rings pressed against one another’s. 
Then, they’d gotten married. It was small, intimate and beautiful, another day with magic thick in the air. Their closest friends were there, and even Regulus came as he and Sirius had mended their relationship years prior, it was everything Sirius had ever wanted. To be able to look into the eyes of the man he loved and tell him how he was the physical embodiment of magic, how he’d loved him for over a decade and still found new reasons to love him every single day, how he had never really known what any kind of love looked like until he’d looked into his eyes. They danced to How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) as their first dance and kissed under the stars in the company of those that loved them most, soaking in every moment of the night together and relishing in the complete togetherness they finally got to experience. 
All of that brought him to now, tonight, a night that would change the rest of their lives just like all the others had. He’d cooked Remus’s favourite meal, gotten his favourite cake from the bakery 45 minutes away and set the house perfectly for the mood. Everything was perfect, everything would be perfect. So why did he feel like something might go wrong? 
He heard the key turning in the lock and felt his breath leave him, there would be no turning back now. As soon as Remus opened the door and saw Sirius standing there a broad smile spread across his face, the confusion coming next as he saw the setting around him. 
“Sirius?” He hadn’t expected them to do anything tonight, Sirius had been planning this surprise for a week now and though their wedding anniversary wasn’t for another month, he felt tonight was the right night. 
“Welcome home, love,” he kissed Remus’s cheek before leading him to the table laden with candles. 
“What’s all this?” His smile was the brightest thing in the room and how Sirius longed for it to last a lifetime. 
“Eat first, we’ll talk after cake.” Was it a slightly cowardly move to put off this conversation? Possibly, but he didn’t want dinner or cake to go to waste if the conversation went how he thought it would. When they’d finally finished eating and the record had stopped for the second time, Remus finally turned expectantly to Sirius. 
“Want to tell me what this is about, love?”
“I want to start off by saying that I love our life here, I love you and I love our home and I love the life we’ve built for ourselves.” He paused, needing his words to sink in before he continued. “And I want you to know that this is because of how much I love you and how much I know you love me, I want us to share our love.”
“Do you remember my cousin, Tonks?”
“Of course I do.”
“Right, well, she’s pregnant and she can’t take care of a baby right now. She’s just getting started on her career and she has her whole life ahead of her, she’s in no place to be having a child. But, well, we are.” He paused, waiting for his words to sink in and once they did he watched as Remus’s face transformed entirely. 
“You want to adopt her baby?” The smile on his face rivalled all others Sirius had seen, it practically lit up the world with how brilliant it was. All Sirius could do was nod and swallow nervously. “I would be honoured to have a baby with you.”
That night they laughed and cried, they held onto one another tighter than they ever had before. They got their favourite mugs down from the cabinet to the left of the sink, poured cups of their favourite tea, and put on their favourite James Taylor record and danced around the living room to How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You). 
And how sweet it was, really, to love and be loved in return. To have a lifetime of memories together already and a lifetime of them more to look forward to. To know that their love would live beyond them and would change the lives of not only themselves but also of this new little baby they would be adding into their perfect little world and any others they might end up with along the line. They’d chosen one another, chosen love, and chosen life, and how sweet a life it was turning out to be. 
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ageless-soul-au · 1 year
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Just a bunch of Kio's recent doodles :3 ft Fae's redesign and Time's whole outfit??? Omg?????
Everyone belongs to ASAU, pls don't tag any other AUs!
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fortunatefires · 1 year
Also if you compare Hermione to a character like Annabeth functionally they have the same role within the story. They are there to drive the plot and be a walking encyclopedia for the reader/main character. And yet where Hermione gets shoved aside and all the cool shit she does happens in the background you get Annabeth doing badass shit right up front. Like, if Annabeth did any of the shit Hermione did it wouldn't be brushed off the way it was. If Annabeth made her family forget her, turned someone into a bug and trapped them in a jar, knitted hats to free elves, any of that shit then Percy would be beside her 100% he would be in awe and absolutely terrified at her power and dedication. But what we get from Harry basically amounts to "Thanks nerd. Anyways, what's my next task?"
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Honestly the funniest thing one could do at this point is to go on Twitter and say "jk rowling's writing is too good for a woman she's obviously a man in disguise everyone knows women can't write successful stories" and for it to blow up
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thund3randrain · 7 months
But none of your JK Rowling's screenshots are transphobic, so why are you making these claims? She is supporting women - most globally opressed class. Maybe you should try supporting women too. (And I bet your friends know exactly what Rowling has said.)
If someone calling trans women 'men with eyeliner', retweeting a post of the trans and people of colour's stripes on the pride flag being wiped off, and literally saying no about a photo saying that trans women are women doesn't count as transphobia to you, do you genuinely think transphobia exists? Like actually? How is any of that 'supporting women'? Its just an excuse to fuel hate against trans people by hiding it as supporting women.
More evidence?
Her saying only women can have periods, excluding trans, non binary and intersex people
Her essay where she platforms rapid onset gender dysphoria, a debunk transphobic idea that has been rebuked many times and calls a trans woman a 'self-described transsexual woman'
Calling trans people violent rapists, as much as she pretends she isn't
I also reccomend watching these videos, as they explain it better than I do:
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radsplain · 7 months
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you’re all such losers it’s her book series it’s her book series it’s her book series IT’S HER BOOK SERIES
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reggie-the-dyke · 4 months
i have Vastly different interests than all of my moots 🥲
by interests i mean singular interest. and by that i mean the marauders
i’m sorry you all have to witness the dead gay wizard brainrot
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batwynn · 11 months
That moment when you read/watch something where a writer creates a complex character, with all their spectacularly unlikable quirks and assholeness, and you can still see the love the writer has have for them. It’s such a sharp contrast to certain writers who endlessly claim that the character forever irredeemable and openly mocks people for wanting to find forgiveness and love for that character.
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