#Just listening to me and lavender going on on our bullshit
transrevolutions · 1 year
les amis & co. as penelope scott songs:
enjolras- born2run- here's a little fact I cry all the time / about the state and healthcare and the grand design / sometimes it's sad sometimes it's bittersweet / but it's how you'll know I'm me
combeferre- shitty song to listen to after a shooting- I don't have to read anything you ever read or wrote / you're not special just for torturing the poor / you unoriginal spineless monster it's been done before
courfeyrac- 7 o'clock- so it hits me real hard round 7 o'clock / drink a coffee and floor it and get ready to rock / but there's nobody here and nobody downtown / if nobody hears you are you really around
jehan- drizzle the categorical imperative- trees lose their leaves when they flower I grieve / and everything always feels wrong / the state kills the innocent / god picks on job
feuilly- montreal- and I don't wanna die / but I'll jump before I'll fall / and did you really think so I mean / no one fucking thought I'd make it to montreal
bahorel- lukewarm- throw a punch watch it sail through the air / keep talking but there's nobody there / can't remember anything that you say / slit your throat and die and wake up the next day
joly- american healthcare- I fucking helped people / I thought that I could save the sick / but if it's all the same to you there's one more thing I gotta do / with god as my witness you corporate fucking prick / I did not become a doctor for this
bossuet- lavender- trying my best / giving my all / but it turns out that's not very much at all / what am I gonna do / when you leave me too / what am I gonna say / when you walk away
musichetta- soap- there's salt inside my veins / sugar on my tongue / freckles on my cheeks from goddamn fucking west coast sun / I feel so beaten up and bruised / I don't know what I'm gonna do / I can't keep anything at all from slipping through my raccoon claws
grantaire- moonsickness- fuck I'm not a marxist / I'm not a fucking democrat / but because of all this bullshit I'm not anything at all / all I wanted was a framework / none of them can live here / there's nothing to believe in and there won't be til we fall
marius- hammerhead- all I really know is that I'm never coming home / and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you so / I'm gonna go and get an internship / and then I'll get a job / and then I'll pack all my shit up and fucking go
cosette- honeysuckle- there will be many kinds of trees / there will be plenty of bees / all the movies will be free to watch / we'll sit in the garden with our bunnies drinking honeysuckle lavender butterscotch
eponine- rat- I loved you I loved you I loved you it's true / I wanted to be you and do what you do / I lived here I loved here I bought it it's true / I feel so stupid and so used
gavroche- this night will not suck- I miss my home / take bullshit to the face and just let it go / the system is fucked I'm alive by sheer luck / but with god as my witness this night will not suck
montparnasse- cigarette ahegao- trash on the walls trash on the floor / liquid eyeliner stuck to the door / screwing everything up and doing everything wrong / in my defense I wasn't supposed to be around this long
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vainvenus · 2 years
⌲;꒰ Head over heels. ꒱
Pairing(s): Vance Hopper x Gn!Reader
Summary: You're the only person Vance can stand being around or talking to.
Includings: No Grabber!Au, best friends to lovers, chill x hothead dynamic, kinda ooc vance, jealousy, bit of a slowburn, mutual pinning, happy ending tho!
An: First post for Vancey boy! 💪🏾
I don't like the ending bc it was rushed a hard to write
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"And now I'm the one who's in trouble! Me? Because that fucking dipshit and his stupid ass friend bumped into me!"
You hummed in response so that he knew that you were still listening to him as you were looking for your dark blue lighter.
You were listening to Vance rant, having just learned that he was now banned from the Grab-And-Go for a week for starting a fight all because some boy's bumped into the pinball game he was obsessed with.
"It's fucking stupid and I should've kept pounding his head into the floor until he passed out."
You had found your lighter and grabbed a lavender scented incense, lighting it and letting the flame burn before you blew at it and put it in the incense holder.
"It was an accident, Vance. You should've handled it more responsibly and walked away from the situation."
He had furrowed his brows, he knew that you were right but he was still too stubborn to admit it at the moment so he rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. The fuckers should've watched where they were going." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.
You nodded "Yes, they should have. I'm sorry you got kicked out, Vance. I'll make sure no one beats your high score."
Although Vance was in the wrong for him beating the boys up over a something like that you didn't want him to feel like the way he felt about the situation was invalid or him overreacting.
You walked over to your record player, going through a few of your discs to find something to play so that he at least wouldn't be in such a bitter mood.
You smiled softly as you pulled out one of the discs and put it into the record player, placing the stylus on it as it had started playing 'Dancing Queen' by Abba and you turned your head to smile at Vance.
"C'mon..I know you want to." You said, walking towards him and chuckling softly as you grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up from his spot on the bed.
"I don't fuckin dance... especially not to Abba." He said and you knew for a fact that he was lying because the last time you borrowed his mixtape player it was one of the first songs that played.
"Dancing is a good way to free your body from negative energy. Something you seem to have a lot of." You had said as you swayed to the music, the sound of the multiple bracelets you wore shaking together.
Vance narrowed his eyes up at you "That's bullshit."
"Is not! Works for me whenever I'm angry."
He furrowed his brows "I've never seen you angry before though."
"That's because I don't show it. I don't let my emotions control my actions or mouth. I find better ways to release my anger."
Vance had thought about that sentence for a while. He wondered what you were like if you were to finally snap like how he does, furrowed brows and shouting profanities like a sailor.
"Dance with me, Vance! C'mon!!"
He groaned as he rolled his eyes and stood up from his spot on your bed and stiffly moved to the song like he was a robot and you couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?!"
"You dance like we're at our first dance together and the slow song just came on!" You had giggled. "Loosen up!"
Vance had glared playfully at you. "I thought this was a judge free zone?"
"Oh it is...just not for stiff dancers."
The boy had chuckled at this, a genuine one that showed his teeth and he couldn't even be mad about the situation that happened earlier.
It was always like this when he would go to you to rant for a bit, you would talk to him and make him feel like his feelings were completely valid, you reassured him every single time but scolded him rightfully.
You were the comfort he longed for constantly. That missing peace in his life. You felt like what home should've felt like for him.
You were sweet and caring. Not once could he think of a time where you yelled at him even if he was screaming his lungs out at you. You were understanding and he loved that, he love that you knew his better than he knew himself.
Vance loved you.
"Hey, Vance!"
He snapped from his thoughts as he looked over to you who was back at the record player, going through your discs once more. He was sure you had every song under the sun with the stack you had.
"Any song requests?"
"Hotel California."
When you heard your door swim open an slam shut you hadn't even questioned it at this point, already knowing who the culprit was.
You turned your attention away from the painting you were working on as you turned to look at Vance who looked like he was already angry if you couldn't tell by the door slam.
"What's the matter now?"
"Nothing. What're you doing?"
You had knew that he was lying but you would take care of what was bothering him when he wanted to talk about it so you gestured to the canvas.
"I'm painting. The sky's really pretty right now so I'm trying to capture it while I can." You had told him and he had rolled his eyes.
"You should try it. Painting can help let off steam." You said, dipping your brush back into the light pink paint.
You always tried to get Vance to paint or draw with you, telling him it was a good way to express his anger without yelling or breaking something but art just wasn't his forte.
"i don't paint. It's hard to work with and I'm not good at it." Vance had complained as he crossed his arms, standing beside you while staring at your painting.
"Oh c'mon, the last time you painted with me was a finger painting."
"I don't care."
You shrugged as you turned back to the canvas, glancing back at the sky before you went back and had glided your brush against the canvas, letting the music playing fill in the silence.
Vance shifted in the spot next to you, eyes glancing from the painting before back to the sky which was a mixture of soft purple, blues and pinks with the sun peaking from them.
He looked back to you as you were back into focus mode. Your eyebrows knitting together whenever you were like this and he couldn't help but smile a bit at the expression.
"Starings rude, y'know."
His face immediately shifted and he had scoffed "I wasn't staring, asshole! I was looking at the painting!"
"Mhm..you sure you don't wanna give painting another go? You don't even have to paint the sky you can paint your emotions and-"
Vance swiftly cut you off "Just give me a canvas and brush before you start with your hippie emotion bullshit."
You had giggled softly as you went to grab another canvas and easel, setting them beside your own as you gave Vance an empty pallette and set the paints between the two of you.
He picked up the blue paint and looked back over at you who seemed to be caught up in finishing up your painting and he had smirked.
He had opened it as turned his body a bit as he squirted it onto the palm of his hands, rubbing them together and pressing them against the canvas.
He watched as you turned to him with a smile before your smile had dropped. "Vance, really?! C'mon! I thought you were behind finger and hand painting! You're gonna make a mess!"
He had smirked, reaching out to touch you as you had backed away. "Vance Hopper! Don't!"
"Don't what? Do this?"
He had grabbed you arm to pull you towards him as he pressed his palm against your cheek now leaving a blue handprint there as he pulled away laughing.
"Asshole!" You had playfully shouted as you grabbed the pink paint and rubbed it across your palms, now pressing your hands against his face and he had laughed loudly as he pressed his hands back against yours.
You both pulled away to reach for more paint, a childish game now being played between the two of you as you were grabbing different colors.
Red, blue, pink, purple and yellow handprints were plastered all over your faces, arms and even shirts. Neither of you were mad at the mess though now on the floor and laughing at how idiotic the two of you looked.
"You're an idiot, Vance! I'm gonna have to take like four showers!"
"Oh stop complaing! You literally fought back."
You giggled as you looked at the red paint on your finger and rolled closer to Vance as you lazily drew a heart on the back of his hand.
Vance stared at the red heart with wide eyes before he looked back at you who had that same bright smile on your face that made his heart skip a beat.
"See, you could've just drew that on me but you wanted to be a childish asshole." You hummed, pressing red paint again this nose and Vance stared at you.
Vance had already fallen in love but he was falling harder.
The next time Vance had came over he had noticed that you had the music playing again but he could also make out the sound of another person.
The two you seemed to be laughing together, the sound overbearing the song that was playing at the moment and he furrowed his brows.
He stomped up in the stairs and made a B-line for your room, gripping onto the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door so roughly that it slammed against the wall when he entered the room.
His eyes glanced from you who was staring at him with wide eyes gore he glanced over the person you had been laughing with.
Bruce Yamada. somebody he wasn't too fond of just because he was everything Vance wasn't. Popular (for the right reasons), kind and caring, not a bad bone in his body. Everyone either wanted to be him or be with him.
He noticed that you were holding his hand with a bottle of blue nail polish in your other hand as the two of you were staring at him with wide and confused expressions.
"Vance. Stop entering my mom trying to catch me doing drugs."
"The hell is he doing here?" He completely disregarded your statement, glaring at Bruce and oh if looks could kill the Yamada's would be having a funeral.
Bruce had only smiled that award winning smile at Vance though "We're painting nails! You-"
He had cut him off swiftly, venom dripping from his tone as he spoke "I wasn't talking to you, asshole."
You had frowned as you looked up at blonde, placing the nail polish back in the tube. "Vance you shouldn't talk to him like that. He hasn't done anything to you."
You were right, Bruce was innocent and all he did was answer his question but Vance was acting on his emotions right now which were pure jealousy and fury.
"And? I wasn't fuckin' talking to him so why did he even reply?" Vance spat and Bruce awkwardly sat there.
You had narrowed your eyes slightly at Vance before inhaling and exhaling softly, looking back to Bruce with a small smile.
"Bruce, I'm sorry to cut this short but can we continue another time? I think me and Vance need to have a talk."
"Yeah..of course. Sorry for..uhm.."
"No, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. You told him, glancing back to Vance back to him.
"Get home safe, mkay?" You commented and he had smiled and nodded at this. "I'll call you when I get home. Thanks for having me." He had waved you goodbye, slipping past Bruce and out the door.
Once you heard the door from downstairs close you had gathered up the nail polish and put them back into your box.
You turned to turn off the record player and looked back at Vance who was giving a distasteful look to the wall.
"Wanna tell me what that was about?"
He hadn't answered, keeping his eyes away from yours and after a short while he had just shrugged.
"Don't just shrug at me." With the way you were talking with him he was sure you were irritated and it only upset him more when he realized he ruined your mood.
"That was completely uncalled for." You stated, gesturing to Vance who looked like a child being chided for the first time.
He shrugged again, his words being stuck in that lump in his throat and he watched as you crossed your arms, shaking your head like a disappointed parent.
"I don't know what made you so upset before you came here but it gave you no right to call Bruce names and get angry with him."
Vance knew this, he knew he was in the wrong all the way this time but he couldn't help it, always thinking with his mouth and fists and never that head of his.
He huffed "Yeah? Well, he shouldn't even fucking being over here....with you...alone."
You raised your brows, holding back the urge to scoff "So you're the only one who gets to be alone in my room with me?"
"No! I...I'm not saying that but-"
"Then what are you saying, Vance?"
And there it was, that word vomit that he had been trying so hard to hold back.
"I'm saying that I love you, okay?! I fucking love you and every time I'm around you I just fall harder for you!" He shouted, voice cracking like he was on the verge of tears.
"So yes when I saw you alone, painting nails and giggling with Bruce 'Hearthrob' Yamada I was a little pissed off!"
It was silent after that.
Not even any music playing in the background to fill it up, just complete silence and the heavy pants of Vance.
It was probably four minutes of silence before you had spoke up.
"So you mean to tell me..you were rude to Bruce because you were jealous?"
Vance had gave a small nod, biting on the inside of his cheek.
You had let out a huff, chuckling a bit "Vance...that had got to be the most idiotic thing you've ever done. I don't even like Bruce like that, we're like siblings ."
"Oh.." Vance mumbled, now more embarrassed than before. He would definitely owe the boy an apology at school tomorrow.
"And plus, I'm not really into baseball players, I like people who play pinball."
His eyes widened slightly as he pointed to himself "You're... You're talking about me, right?"
"No Vance, I'm obviously talking about Moose. Yes, you."
"Why me?"
You tilted your head in confusion "What do you mean?"
"I mean, why me? I'm not definitely not a dreamboat like Bruce or-"
He was cut off by your lips on his, that vanilla flavored ChapStick you always wore now glossing over his lips and he stared at you like a deer in headlights when you pulled away.
You tilted your head and shrugged "I don't want dreamboat Bruce or any other person you're about to name."
You grabbed his hand and held him softly while grinning up at him "I want been my best friend for years troublemaker Vance."
It was quiet for a bit and Vance rubbed his thumb over the palm of your hand after you made it pretty clear that you weren't letting his hand go.
"You sure?"
You placed another kiss on his cheek, pretending to think for a moment before nodding.
"Positive. Couldn't see myself with anyone else."
He had smiled and brought you close to wrap his arms around you and decided that walking over to the bed would just be too much and he slid down the wall onto the floor with you.
With you laying on his chest and playing with his curls that definitely needed a good wash or brush he had heard you mumble;
"Well...maybe Keanu Reeves..."
"Joking! Joking! You gotta admit he's pretty though"
He gestured to himself "Am I not?"
"Oh you are! Prettiest boy in Denver. But have you seen Keanu Reeves?"
Sure he had competition with Keanu Reeves but at least he knew that he outranked everyone in Denver.
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aki-mochi · 3 years
Levi x Reader: Competition
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Warning: contains language (it’s Levi, duh) and slight mentions of sexual content. Word count: 1012 ~Levi~
Trying my best to ignore Hanji and her fucking titans, I sipped my tea while waiting for my girlfriend to finish her errand. No sooner did shitty glasses (finally) finish her rant, (Y/n) came through the dining hall doors and got her food before sitting beside me across from Hanji. Glancing over in her direction, I caught her looking at me before seeing a smile tugging at her lips. I almost smiled back but Hanji would never live it down if she saw and I did not want to put up with more of her shit then what I do now. Then (Y/n) and Hanji started talking up a storm. Well, mostly Hanji about her experiments. Couldn’t blame them for being childhood friends, though. Lately, Hanji came up with this stupid game of who knew (Y/n) better. (Y/n) and I tell each other everything, from favorite books, to our hobbies, and even the best method for cleaning. Even though she says lavender is better than lemon, which I say is bullshit. Unfortunately, everyone knows of the little ‘game’ Hanji made and started to bury my girlfriend with questions of her relationship between her, me, and Hanji. As I sipped my tea, I saw Eren getting up from his table and walk over to ours looking nervous. This peaked my curiosity slightly but remained stoic as a single brow rose. as he  the table, he gave a salute then turned his attention to (Y/n) who in return gave him her attention.
“Hello, Eren. What questions do you have this time?”
Eren rubbed the back of his neck. “I-If I may ask...if you had to choose between me or horseface-”
“Hey!” yelled Jean.
“-who would you tolerate most?” he finished.
“You” Hanji and I had said at the same time.
“They’re right, Eren. You may go now.” you said.
The titan brat nodded before joining his friends with a grin on his face as Jean glared with a pout. It wasn’t an oblivious question. (Y/n) had come over to Hanji’s lab one day while I was scolding her about her experiments and had said how much Jean was a complete flirt towards her. Saying how annoying it was to see his shit-eating smirk whenever he tried to flirt with her. Key word: tried. It usually ended up with his ass on the ground during combat training.
“Man. You two know everything about me. I’m honestly surprised you both remember all this stuff.”
“Well, I’m your best friend so I’m supposed to~” Shitty Glasses gloated. I rolled my eyes.
“Tch. Why wouldn’t I know everything about my girlfriend? Idiot.” I grunted, no bite in my words towards her whatsoever. You just giggled and continued to eat as I did the same.
~Timeskip: Normal POV~
As the days went on with Hanji’s little ‘game’, (Y/n) was starting to get very annoyed at all the cadets asking questions about her relationships between Levi and Hanji. At first, she didn’t mind it since they were all curious on how she’s friends with a psychotic scientist and a scary- yet badass and sexy- corporal. But that changed when they started asking personal questions.
‘Have you and Corporal done it?’
‘What was your first time having sex like?’
‘Are you loud during sex?’
‘What size breast cups do you have?’
And to say that the game is getting old is an understatement. Levi was fuming. Hanji was now unsure if the game should continue. And you? Well, let’s say that you were so fucking embarrassed that you couldn’t even answer the questions anymore without trying to hide behind the two competitors. Right now, the three of you were somewhat hiding from the cadets and their -ahem- ‘curious questions’.
“Hanji, can you please call the game off….? I can’t take this anymore…” You whined while being curled up sideways on Levi’s lap as he held you close.
“She’s right, Four-eyes. This has gone far enough. Either you stop the game or I’ll ban you from experiments for a month.” He glared.
“Alright, Alright. I agree with you both that this game has taken itself too far. I’ll call the game off when we get to dinner, which is in a few minutes.” she hummed.
“I really don’t wanna go….” You pouted as you got up from your comfortable spot before stretching her limbs.
As the three soon made their way to the dining hall, they all were greeted with cadets spotting them from their seats with a ‘curious’ glint in their eyes. (Y/n) gulped quietly while following the other two towards your usual table. As you all at down, one of the cadets stood up and placed himself up on the table with his arms in a salute confidently. You eyed him suspiciously while taking a sip of your tea.
“Squad Leader, (Y/n). We would all like to know, what's your biggest kink during sex?” Reiner yelled out so boldly.
Glasses cracked.
Eyes had widened.
And liquid had been spit out in shock.
(Y/n) was coughing up a storm after almost inhaling her entire drink. Her face was a dark shade of red from both the question and from choking as Levi rubbed her back to help soothe her. He shot the most menacing glare at the blonde before suddenly standing up from his seat.
“Listen up, you fucking brats! This shitty game is now banned from this day forward and ALL of you will be receiving MONTHS worth of cleaning duties for asking your superiors personal questions! AM I CLEAR!?”
“Yes sir!” they bellowed.
“Good. Now, about that question. If you really want to know, it’s bondage.” he bluntly stated before sitting back down, making all the cadets turn red to the ears.
Hanji stared in shock then turned to you “I-Is that true…?”
“....Yes.” You weakly answered as you face planted the table, wishing to disappear from the earth forever while Levi sipped his tea in silent victory with a smirk hiding behind his cup.
Winner: Levi
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lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
The Bards Sister  Geralt XFemale!Reader Part 1
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Summary: Geralt of Rivia and his long time travel companion Jaskier find themselves in Jaskiers home land. A place geralt had not only never seen nor heard of. Jaskier is ready to reunite its his family after traveling and exploring the world for 20 years. The one person he missed the most was his baby sister (Y/N). Who he hadnt seen since she was 5. The journal is long, but the pay off is grander then they would ever be able to predict. I know i am trash at summaries.
Trigger warnings: NONE a lot of Geralt and Jaskier in this first part. Your charicter doesn’t come in till closer to the end.
Pairings: GeraltxReader JaskierxSister!reader
Word count: 6,095 longest fanfic I’ve ever written!!
A/N: hello my loves!!! I got my Insperation back!! I’m hopping i will be regularly posting agin!!! I ove you all so much you consistent love and supoort has not gone unnoticed. The constant likes and reblogs truly means the world to me. I love every single one of you so much. Thank you for believing in my writing the way you do. All my love -Lilith ps. I have reviewed and edited but I will be doing a more in-depth review soon!
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“Where are we going, Jaskier.” The Witcher’s brooding voice echoed threw the flowered valley. His horse trotted not far behind his companion. Jaskier looked back at him and just rolled his eyes.
“How many times have you led me on endless roads, towards the middle of nowhere speaking little to no words to me no matter how much I ask?” Geralt said nothing. Jaskier snorted looking back towards the road.
“Exactly. No shut up, your brooding is giving me a headache.” The bard was giving the witcher a taste of his own medicine. The idea that Jaskier was leading him to somewhere he had no idea of the location, made him uneasy. Did he trust his bard? Absolutely without a doubt. Would he ever admit it to him? No never.
Their travels continued till the sun was barely hanging in the sky. The air had grown crisp replacing the harsh burning of the full summer sun. Jaskier pulled his mare to the side of the road, climbing off her, tying her to a tree. Geralt followed, realizing they were stopping for the day.
“We still have a couple hours of daylight left.” Geralt said as he took Roach’s saddle and tack off.
“We don't need a couple hours, we are nearly there. Maybe an hour and half.” Geralt cocked an eyebrow at Jaskier.
“Then why did we stop?” Jaskier pulled his saddle bags off his horse, putting them beside a log as he gathered some sticks for the fire.
“Because I have to debrief you as to who we are going to see and you must bathe before we do so. The stream here will do the trick.”
“Gods Jaskier, will you just tell me where we are going? The secrecy is bullshit.” The broot of a man was losing his patience with his friend.
The duo had been on the trip for nearly two weeks. They left Tramieria and headed east. Much further east than Geralt could ever remember traveling. Yet the bard seemed to know exactly what turns to take and when. The closer they drew to their destination the more the witcher could hear his heart beat faster.
“Jaskier if this is some stupid plot for me to protect you from some man who’s wife you slept with again-“
“It's not Geralt-“ Jaskier pinched the bridge of his nose, his stress causing a minor headache. “Just go bathe then I’ll tell you everything.” Geralt studied his friend, his eyes searching his face, his ears tuning into his heart beat trying his best to figure out what he was getting himself into.
With a low grunt the witcher grabbed his last set of clean clothes and the bar of soap from the bard's hand before stomping off to the river.
“Clean EVERYTHING!” Jaskier yelled over his shoulder. Only getting an unfriendly finger in return.
Nearly an hour later, the sun was completely hidden behind the canyon, the glow of the fire Jaskier started illuminating their small camp. Jaskier’s fingers strummed mindlessly at his lute, his eyes fixed on the stars that were making their presence known more, humming to himself softly. He heard his friends footsteps as he approached, his hair was wet at his shoulders. A fresh white Cotton tunic hugged his muscular build, black trousers hugging his legs. He smiled nice for once. All thanks to the lavender and honey soap Jaskier had received as a gift.
“Now don't you look better.” Jaskier said with a chuckle. The witcher sat down across the fire from him, his golden eyes staring heavily at the bard.
“Spill your guts Jaskier.” Jaskier rubbed his hands over his face and nodded. His eyes looking anywhere but at his friend.
“I haven't been completely forward about my family life.” Jaskier’s eyes landed on the moon above them. It was nearly full, he was doing well with time. He knew they would reach their destination well before the next full moon.
“Jaskier.” Geralt’s harsh voice broke the silence. With a loud sigh Jaskier finally looked his friend in the face.
“I’m royalty Geralt.” The Witcher’s expression did not change. He just looked at his friend. He could hear Jaskier's heart beat become uneven and unsteady. At first he thought it was a joke but the nervous energy radiating from his long time friend made him think better.
“My family, they are wonderful people. My mother, bless her, taught me everything I needed to know about writing and music. Convinced my father to let me train at Oxenfurt Academy. My father is a noble and loyal king. He served our people well. Still does to my knowledge. I haven't been back in nearly 20 years…” the bard trailed off, his eyes fixated on his hands, his fingers twildilling with a ring he had on. The ring was that of his family. Their crest engraved into the gold.
“I was never meant to be a noble. I lived for adventure, for more than just sitting on a throne and watching people come and go. I was never fit to be king. My parents knew that. They understood. Understanding people they are.” His voice trailed off again, hopping his friend would say something. Ask a question. Anything. He didn’t know where to go next.
“Why didn't you ever tell me?” Geralt finally asked.
“Because it never came up. My family never needed me. I never needed them. I love them all dearly of course. But we were never the closest people in the world. Well, my sister and I were.” That caught the Witcher’s attention. His eyes narrow slightly, he made sure to not let his expression scare the bard into not telling him more. He was genuinely curious about his family. But he couldn't lie and say he wasn't disappointed that in the 7 years they traveled together he never heard of them.
“You have a sister?” The bard's eyes lit up. His memory raced with images of his tun little sister chasing him around the courtyard screaming, yelling his name. Her giggles and laughs pulling at his heart strings.
“Yes. Her name is (Y/N). She is about to be 25. Big age for a princess. I havnt seen her since she was very little.” His heart started to break softly. His neglect to his baby sitter weighting heavily on him.
“I write her often, as much as I can. She was...well, a surprise to my parents to say the least. I was 15 when she was born. I left home at 20. I was only around for her toddler years. I never got to see her grow, blossom into a young woman. I missed so much.” Jaskier had to fight back the tears, his throat becoming tight and dry. His body filling with regret.
“I just kept pushing it back Geralt. I alwasy said I’d make it home. I alwasy had it in the back of my mind to go back and see her. But I never did.”
“Why now?” Geralt asked.
“She wrote me a few months back. It was nearly a book. It was filled with tales of her new travels around our country. She had been training heavily with an unmanned matester of combat. She traveled the countryside with the man. She referred to him as an uncle. In the letter she asked me if it was true that I’d been traveling with you. She said the songs and tales of Jaskier the Bard traveling with the White Wolf made it to her ears.” Jaskier stopped talking for a brief moment, rummaged around his rut sack and pulled out a notebook. He untied its string and a large pile of papers fell out into his hand. He unfolded the parchment and scanned the writing.
“I wrote her back that week. Only to receive this in return.” He began to read;
“Oh dear Jaskier!! I cannot believe its true. I thought he was only a legend. The white wolf. Please tell him he is a hero here. We love his stories. Many have written books of him. Children run round calling themselves the butcher of Blaviken here to save the damsel and distress. I love his stories, mainly because they involve you. Please come visit me this year. I miss you terribly. I want to hear of your travels with the wolf. Mother said he is more than welcome to stay if he wishes to travel with you. I do miss you Jaskier. More than I think you know. I do not mean to guilt you or make you feel bad as i know you are traveling the world to your heart's content and would never want you to feel as though I do not support you-“ Jaskier stopped reading for a brief moment. A small tear dripped onto the page he was reading. Geralt listened to every word he read. He couldn't help the small tug of his lips when he read about the children pretending to be him. It was a breath of fresh air for the witcher. He had constantly been told he was a monster. To hid your children from him. Yet here was an entire country that loved him, yet he had no idea. Jaskier cleared his throat and continued. “But i miss my brother. And maybe, just maybe. I could come with you. If you deem me fit. I have been working tirelessly with a friend of fathers. He trains me in not only swordsmanship, but Herbology, and monsters as well. I can name nearly every monster that has inhabited the Continent and how to slay it. He thinks I’m ready to leave the nest and I think mother and father are getting a bit tired of me as well. I cannot stand another somber, dull, dinner party with nobles who look at me like a piece of meat. So please. Visit me soon. Come and stay a few days. Catch up with your dear sister and maybe, if he isn't too busy and if it doesn’t inconvenience him, bring the Wolf with you. He’d be a welcomed hero. All my love dear brother. Xoxo Love always, (Y/N) Irene Pankratz
Jaskier folded the letter, placing it inside his notebook before safely storing it inside his sack again. He ran a hand over his face, his eyes slowly moving from his hands to his best friend. They sat in the silence for a while. Geralt’s brain replaying the words he had heard from his friend.
“You could have told me about her Jaskier. Why didn't you? You’ve been in contact with her all this time, planning to see her and your family again. Bringing me along for the ride, yet not a single word in 7 years. Do you not trust me with such a secret Jaskier?” Jaskier was taken aback by his friend's words.
He never knew his secrecy would have such an impact on his friend. When it came to Geralt he learned long ago, the little words, the better. The witcher can only handle so much before he loses interest and stops listening or walks away. He never in a million years would have thought he cared about his life that much. It warmed the bards heart to know his dear friend, the only brother he ever had, cared that deeply for him.
“It has nothing to do with not trusting you Geralt. Is has everything to do with the shame I hold for not seeing her sooner. For treating her like a dirty secret form the world. There is no logical reason for me to keep my family such a big secret. Yet I have. For 20 years.” Geralt’s hands rubbed together softly as he listened to his friend. He understood the secrecy. He was a box full of secrets that nobody could get into.
“Its okay Jaskier. I understand the secrecy. Is that where we are going tomorrow?” Jaskier nodded, a smile appearing on his face.
“Her birthday is the next full moon. I’m hoping my gift will be a good start in time lost.” Geralt looked at him curiously. He hadn't noticed any major item in Jaskier’s possession that could make a good gift for a young princess.
“You’re her gift Geralt. I wrote her back after that letter and told her I’d be back for her next birthday. But that you simply were to busy with your work. I told her that you greatly appreciated her support and that youd consider writing to her in the future. She has no idea your coming with me.” Geralt didnt know how he felt about being a gift. He never ever saw himself as a gift to anyone. More of a burden the a gift. He shook his head at Jaskier and tutted at him.
“Jaskier if your that broke you could’ve asked me for a few extra coins for a real gift.” The witcher attempted to joke with the bard. It made Jaskier smile more. Geralt could be funny, but his humor was incredibly dry, much like Jaskier’s father.
“Geralt! Did you just try and joke around with me??” Geralt rolled his eyes, laying down stretching his muscles as he looked up at the starts.
“Best get some sleep Jaskier, you’ve got a rather big family reunion tomorrow.”
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The next morning Jaskier was up and awake before Geralt, a rare sight. He truly hadn't slept more than a couple hours that night. His nerves kept him awake. He feared his sister wouldn’t be as loving as he pictured, she had every right to be mad at him, hate him even. By the time Geralt was up, Jaskier had bathed, changed and had his horse completely ready to go.
Geralt had to do everything in his power to not laugh at his friend. He looked rather ridiculous. His normal bright attire was replaced with a royals outfit. A green and blue velvet tunic and some extremely uncomfortable looking black trousers. His hair was combed back and his face was freshly washed. He even cleaned under his fingernails. He looked rather ridiculous in Geralt’s opinion. He couldn't help the low chuckle that left his lips as he put his bed roll away.
“I don't understand why you're laughing. I have some clothes for you to put on as well.” Geralt’s expression changed instantly, from humorous to angry.
“No. Absolutely not. What I’m wearing is perfectly fine. I’d wear it to meet any king or queen.” A bag was chucked at him, he barely caught it before it smacked into his face.
“This isn't any normal king and queen Geralt. This is my family. And besides, you are no ordinary witcher in my kingdom, you’ll be treated as royalty there. You may as well look the part.” Geralt huffed and threw the bag of clothes back at his friends feet, glaring daggers at him. He hated dressing up with a burning passion. Everything was too tight, not easy to fight in. If anything happened he’d have to rip the seams on every piece of clothing to be able to maneuver his weapons properly. And fancy clothes dont have space for weapons. He didn't like that one bit. Jaskier looked at his friend. His eyes pleading with him.
“Please Geralt. Just for today and her birthday. I couldn't care less what you wear at any other point on this trip.” He had walked closer to Geralt now. About a meter away from him. He extended his hand, the bag in his hand. Geralt looked from the bag to his friend. His teeth and jaw clenched.
He let out a loud huff and grabbed the bag from the bard.
“Fine.” He said through gritted teeth and began taking off his clothing. Jaskier smiled before turning his attention to Roach, getting her stalled and tacked so when Geralt was dressed they could leave.
“If we move with a bit of a haste we could make it there before breakfast.” Jaskier said as he mounted his horse, looking at his friend. His hand slapped over his face. The witcher looked utterly ridiculous in his new attire. The bright red and orange vest a-top a cream tunic, his legs tight in some disgustingly ugly corduroy pants. The pants were obviously smaller than the seamstress he bought them off claimed them to be. The ends of the pants came nearly mid calf on Geralt’s legs. His pasty white ankles and feet shining in the early morning sun.
“Jesus Geralt. Those are worse than the ones I got for Pavetta’s party.” The bard could no longer hold in his laughter. Did Gerarlt look like a nobleman? Sure, but his size, white hair, and bright yellow eyes really didn't help the situation.
“Jaskier, I will kill you for this.” Geralt grumbled angered as he pulled his socks up his feet and over his calves. Luckily for him (and Jaskier) his boots went higher than his pants, making it harder to notice that the pants he was wearing were way too small.
“At least I’m not making you wear a big hat with a feather, those are truly hideous.” Geralt mounted Roach, more carefully then he normally does in fear his pants could bust at the seams.
“I had to wrap you up nice and pretty to present you to my sister.” Jaskier commented as he led his horse; Napoleon to the main road, Geralt and Roach in tow.
The two men rode in a comfortable silence for some time, but as they got closer and closer to Jaskier’s home, all Geralt could hear was his frantic heartbeat. Jaskier’s palms get sweaty and his throat dry, no matter how much water he drinks from his water skin.
“Jaskier. You need to calm down. Your fucking heart beat is driving me insane.” Geralt hissed. They could see the end of the valley they had been traveling in. Geralt looked out in the distance, his eyes saw the castle first. It was very far, but he could tell how beautiful it was from where they were.
“Maybe you just shouldn’t listen to it then.” Jaskier barked back.
“You know I have no control over it, idiot. Take a deep breath. I know you're scared, I understand. But from the sounds of it your sister desperately misses you, I don't think she would ask you to come see her if she was going to hate you.” Geralt didn't talk much at all, that everyone knew. He was a man of few words. But when he did speak it was wiser than most people ever expected. People tended to forget the age of the white haired man, as he stopped ageing physically in his late twenties.
Jaskier smiled softly at his friend's words, he listened to him and took a few deep breaths, calling himself down. Geralt was right. His sister seemed eager as ever to see him again.
The two men approached the entrance to the city. Geralt was more than shocked. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen a city so beautiful in his entire life. The streets were lined in beautiful stone, flowers, vines, greenery all around every corner. The banners that were hanging on the outside of the main gates caught Geralt’s eyes. The crests on them were brightly colored in greens and blues, a very large diamond in the center. Their horses rode into the entrance of the town. Jaskier’s heart was calm, steady, his face was bright and had a smile Geralt had never seen on him before. He was finally home.
“Welcome to Inritha (In-Rithe-A) the capital of Unthya (Un-The-A) Geralt. Welcome to my home.”
Their horses traveled down the stone brick road slowly, the city was buzzing already even with it being the early hours of the morning. Geralt was surprised to see everyone look so...happy, care free. Enjoying their lives. They looked as though nothing was a fret, no monster looming. Geralt was mesmerized by the city. The buildings were built out of what looked to him like limestone, a building material he so rarely saw in other parts of the Continent. The buildings were being taken over by vines and moss, flowers all over. He’d never seen so many butterflies in his life.
“Jaskier-'' his voice was barely a whisper, the bard turning to look at him as they rode side by side. Jaskier couldn't help but smile as his friend admired the beauty he himself had so easily forgotten over the years.
“I know, it's beautiful. I've forgotten myself.”
The two men continued riding their horses up the road closer and closer to the castle. The longer they road tho more attention they got from passer buys. Geralt could hear their whispers.
It couldn't be. Could it?
THE Geralt of Rivia? Here in Inritha?
Mummy look! It's the butcher!!
Has Prince Jaskier finally returned home?
For the first time in what seemed like his entire life, the hushed whispers Geralt heard as he rode through a city were not of hate and disgust. But of admiration and curiosity. The entire time Geralt and Jaskier rode through the city, he never once had the urge to grab either of his swords that were at his side.
The two men approached the gates of the castle, four armored guards stood outside. The put their hand up in motion for the men to stop. One who looked as tho to be the commander of sorts stepped forward poking between both men. Eyes lingering for a long while on the two.
“State your name and what business you have in Inritha at this early hour.” Jaskier dismounted his horse, waking a few feet forward.
“My name is Jaskier Alfred Pankratz son of Dastrill and Alvere Pankratz. This is my companion Geralt Of Rivia, we are here on behalf of my sister, (Y/N) Irene Pankratz’s 25th birthday.” Jaskier bowed his head lowly, keeping eye contact with the commander in front of him.
“Prince Jaskier?!?” The man clearly looked flustered and embarrassed for not recognizing the prince of his own kingdom. All four men quickly bowed their heads.
“Please accept my apology your highness, we welcome you home. As do we welcome your honored guest.” Jaskier smiled and told the men to not trouble themselves with an apology. Geralt continued to watch from atop Roach, still not use to being idolized instead of feared. Honored guest. Geralt thought to himself. He could get use to the new treatment. Jaskier remounted Napoleon the gates to the castle walls opening. The both road threw, all four men bowed their heads as the two walked threw. Not once did they threaten Geralt’s life. They were led by a guard to the stables where they left their horses.
Geralt could hear Jaskier heart beating again in his chest as they were led inside the castle. Geralt tried to concentrate on his friend, to be there for him but he couldn't help but let his eyes wander all over the castle's walls, it was a bright exterior. The walls polished, candles everywhere. Large windows allowing for natural lighting. Nothing dark or gloomy about the castle at all. He felt uplifted..cheary almost. As they neared the entrance to the grand hall where the King, Queen, Princess along with some others were. Geralt could hear the light conversation, and the clicking of silver on plates, they were eating breakfast. But he could still hear Jaskier’s heart beating in his chest. Geralt placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder as they walked, giving it a soft squeeze. The action made Jaskier more worried if the witcher was feeling alright, as it was abnormally out of character for the man. But he said nothing, appreciating the gesture.
They got to the door and just as the guard was about to push the doors open Jaskier grabbed his arm.
“Could we maybe skip the loud over dramatic announcements of my arrival? I have not seen my family in years.” The guard only nodded, bowed his head and walked back outside to his post. Jaskier looked over at his friend, as he put his hand on the door ready to push it open.
“Now or never.” Jaskier said as he opened the door. Both men walked into the large room, the talking stopped almost instantly. Geralt stood at the door, not wanting to impose on the important reunion of his friend and his family. He followed Jaskiers gaze to the table ahead of them in the front of the room. The room was lined with huge floor to ceiling windows, the light of the early morning sun shone brightly making the marble floors glisten.
“JASKIER!!!” The loud scream of a girl nearly made Geralt jump out of his skin, his hand reaching back for a sword that wasn't there in instinct.
It made Jaskier jump but the smile that covered his face was even bigger than the one he had seen as he walked through the city. Geralt followed Jaskier’s gaze to a young woman. The sight of her alone made Geralt want to pass out. He wasn't sure if he had ever seen someone so beautiful in his entire life. Her hair was the same chestnut brown that Jaskier had, but it was long, hip length. She had it pulled back slightly out of her face, a few baby hairs framed her face. Oh her face. Geralt thought as though he was looking at a living breathing angel. He heard her chair scrape roughly on the ground before it loudly crashed on the floor. She raced around the long table from her mothers side and sprinted to her brother. She practically threw herself on him. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He quickly wrapped his arms around her, stumbling back a few steps. Everything was quite as the two embraced. Geralt's eyes went to the king and queen who were now standing. The queen looked just like (Y/N) but her hair was black, long stripes of grey peeking through her hair. The crown atop her head glistened in the light. Her right hand was tightly around her husband's arm, her other hand placed softly over her mouth as she looked at her children. Her husband looked much like Jaskier. His hair was the same color as both of their children, but much like his wife’s, much of it had turned grey. His eyes were the same cornflower blue that Jaskier had.
Minutes passed in silence before Jaskier put his hands on his sisters shoulders, pulling her away from him. He put one hand on her cheek as he examined her features. Her pale cheeks were damp with tears. But not sad tears. Tears of joy.
“My sister, how you’ve grown.” Geralt could hear the tears in the bard's voice. He couldn't see him but he could hear everything.
(Y/N) fingers gently brushed over her brother’s face as she smiled at him.
“My brother, how you haven't aged a day. You look just as I remember you. Maybe a few more wrinkles.” She teased. He laughed softly. Wiping his eyes with his hand before pulling her into another bone crushing embrace. She was much shorter than Jaskier, barely shoulder level with him. Geralt was shocked to remember she would be turning 25 in two days. She was still young in the face, beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to see her more up close.
While the siblings spoke their parents moved from the spots at the table, standing behind (Y/N). Alvere was the first to pull him into a tight embrace after her daughter let go. Her fingers gently combed through his hair as she inhaled his scent deeply.
“My dear son how I've missed you.” She whispers slowly into his ear. Geralt was starting to feel bad for eavesdropping. Not that he could help it. He was still standing at the entrance to the grand hall yet he could hear everything.
Jaskiers father hugged him next, it was not nearly as long as the outer two but both men were okay with it. Understanding that their relationship had never been one for long father son hugs.
“It is good to see you again my boy.” His hand clasped down on his son's shoulder.
The four of them stood close together, smiling more than Geralt ever thought possible. It almost made his heart turn. Deep, deep, deep, down the witcher longed for a family that would look at him the way they looked at Jaskier. He often cured the universe for not giving him an option when it came to what he had become. He clung to the few memories he had of his mother. But as years passed they became harder and harder to remember, more painful. But he had. Made a new sort of family over the years. From Jaskier, to his brothers at Kaer Morhen.
“(Y/N), mum, dad, there is someone I’d like you to meet.” Jaskier turned his head towards the door to the hall. Geralt stood tall, shoulders pressed back, his hair framed his face gracefully. Even in the entirely ugly attire he was in, he made himself as presentable and as proper as possible. (Y/N)’s eyes grew bigger when her eyes met his. He once again was taken aback by her beauty. Her eyes were a powerful emerald green matching similarly to the color of her brother's tunic, but brighter. Her mouth fell slightly agape when she realized who it was. The eyes were a dead give away that he was in fact a witcher, but once she saw the silver medallion that rested on his chest, she knew.
Jaskier nodded his head for Geralt to walk forward and he did, his footsteps were light, his pace slow and steady as he walked closer to the royal family. (Y/N)’s hand gently covered her mouth in excitement. Her eyes flickering to her brother who grinned at her.
“A bit of an early birthday gift.” He winked. Once Geralt was closer to the group Jaskier turned so he could introduce them, at his sister's side. All eyes were on him. Even the few people who were still seated at the table were looking at him. He started to feel a bit more uneasy. He started to remember how far away his swords were if he needed them. This alone was beginning to make him panic. He was not used to being welcomed into royal courts unless it was specifically for a hunt.
“This is Geralt of Rivia, one of the most feared, renowned, and skilled Witcher’s the content has to offer. And also my best friend.”
Geralt's eyes were back on (Y/N)’s, his worries dropped more when she smiled brightly at him. Her eyes gleamed.
Geralt bowed his head to the three of them, “ it is an absolute pleasure to meet you, your highnesses.” (Y/N) was nearly blown over by the sultry sound of his voice. She had only heard stories of the witcher. Never see him for herself and definitely had never heard him speak. She never expected a monster hunter to be as handsome as he was. She admired every feature he had. Her eyes fixating on his chiseled jawline, the light gray stubble across his chin and cheeks.
“My, what a pleasure it is to meet such a famed warrior as yourself Geralt!” The king spoke before (Y/N) could, which she was happy about as she did not trust her voice to not waver at his beauty in that moment.
“You my dear are very popular around here. Your stories are legendary. The school children even host yearly plays, Reenacting your most beloved stories.” (Y/N)’s mother added her finger pointing light hardly at Geralt. Her hand came out gracefully from her side to shake the Witcher’s hand. He gently took it, a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips. His attention returned to (Y/N).
“I’m terribly sorry I’m the birthday gift from your brother this year.” She shook her head almost as soon as the words left his mouth.
“Do not be sorry Geralt-'' the way she said his name made him feel as though he could keel over. “I would like to thank you, for protecting my brother for the years you have. He never skips on his gratitude for you in his letter to me. For that we are all eternally grateful for you.” She reached her hand out. Geralt wasted no time in grabbing her hand, shaking it gently. He was dying inside, but he couldn't let her or anyone else see. He took a gentle step towards her, his head lowering softly, his soft lips were placed on the back of her small hand. The small action made the young girls' faces burn red. Her eyes flicked to her brother who smugly smiled, knowing danm well his gift was going to take the cake.
“Well, you both should come join us, we just started eating.” The king said with a smile, with a quick wave of his hand two more places we set.
(Y/N) gently removed her hand from Geralt’s. Walking towards the table, both men in tow. As she reached her spot she moved her plate and glass to the middle seat that had been prepared, leaving Jaskier a seat next to their mother and Geralt a seat next to her. They all sat and waited as food was served to them. (Y/N) could feel Geralt watching her as she ate, her brother deep in conversation with her parents about his most recent travels. But she wasnt listening. Her attention was only on the man seated to her left. She looked over at the man, eyed him up and down then turned to her brother. For the first time she noticed how ugly their attire was.
“Gods Jaskier who dressed you two?” She asked as she sipped her orange juice. Both men looked at her. Jaskier looked a bit hurt and Geralt only snorted.
“I told him the clothes were horrendous.” Geralt said beside the young woman making her giggle. The sound made his heart beat faster. This was also when he realized how sensibly everyone else in the room was dressed, and how much they stood out. (Y/N) was in a thin white cotton dress, it was around knee length and a light sweater was on her shoulders. Her mother and father dressed similarly. Their clothes looking normal, comfortable.
“Oh my dear brother. What have you done to the poor witcher.” She laughed, turning her attention to him. She could see how uncomfortable the clothes made him. The vest was way too tight and he was practically bursting out of his pants, not that she minded, she gladly enjoyed the view.
“He is torturing me. That's what.” Geralt scoffed and she couldn't help but giggle again.
“You're so dramatic Geralt it's truly not that bad.” Her head flicked to her brother.
“Jaskier don't be rude.” She tutted him like a mother, it made Geralt snort under his breath as he took a bite of his eggs. She stood and walked behind him. He was stiff at her movements.
“Do you mind?” Her fingers were on the strings of the vest. He shook his head no and she quickly untied the tight strings, and it fell from his shoulders. She took it off and handed it to one of the maids
“You can burn that horridly ugly thing.” She said as she sat back down.
“I do not remember you being so rude, little sister.” Jaskier quipped.
“What I think is rude is how you made sure you got the more presentable clothing and dressed your poor friend in those horrendous colors. Have you seen his pants, Jaskier?? It's a miracle he can still breath.” Her eyes looked towards the witcher who was already looking at her with a cocky smirk on his face, glad she was putting Jaskier in his place for the ugly outfit choice.
“I can take you to the seamstress later today, if you’d like Geralt.” Her smile was like a drug.
“I’d appreciate that m'lady.” He said softly.
“And I can show you around the city, both of you. But in return I would like to hear some of your stories, first hand if that’s doable.”
“That sounds like a reasonable trade.” Geralt quipped back.
“Then it's a date, Witcher.”
“A date it is.”
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takenyoomies · 3 years
Bonten Abbey: (mis)Aventures to the Arcade
Sanzu Haruchiyo was known for many things...pill-popping, being late, and most importantly, wrecking the flow of the weekly Wednesday board meeting. What would this week hold? None of the other members of Bonten wanted to find out when he was once again late to the meeting which only spelled one thing for them. Disaster. Word Count: 8.7k Read on AO3
It was a Wednesday, and a Wednesday meant one thing for the Bonten gang. The weekly board meeting that nearly every single member in the top brass gang seemed to dread, loathe, and despise. It was often typical for each member to discuss their part for the designated five minutes. However,  going over time would cause extreme tension in the sardine-can-sized conference room that would rival being trapped in a room with a rabid badger. In addition, there were times when other off-topic conversations occurred that in Akashi Takeomi’s quoted words were “an absolute fucking mess.” All in all, the meetings tended to go through without a hitch. However, today was not one of those days as Sanzu Haruchiyo strolled into the conference room with a shit-eating grin that rivaled no one else,  fashionably late, of course.
“Hey, Sanzu!” An annoyed Mochi shouted at the man who entered, whipping his head around at the sound of the door closing, teeth barred and fists clenched in anger.
“Yo, Mochi.” Sanzu waved, trouncing over and sliding down into the uncomfortable and hard leather seat.
“We have a set meeting time, jackass.” Kokonoi hissed.
“Like he’d  ever  listen to that Koko….” Ran laughed, shaking his head.
“Important business called me.” The pink-haired man sighed blissfully, shrugging almost sarcastically to the platinum blond accountant’s dismay.
“I doubt that highly.” Rindou breathed.
“Oh, and what would that be?” Takeomi chimed in, a brow raised as he put out his cigarette.
“I’m  so  glad you asked!”
Reaching into his pocket with excited fingers, the pink-haired mullet sporting man pulled out a folded piece of paper. One would think this was some grandiose plan, some information regarding their competition, something important. But, no, Haruchiyo Sanzu unfolded the piece of colorful paper and slammed it onto the mahogany conference table, looking up at the group of men with a smirk.
“...Please tell me it’s actually important this time.” One of them said with a sigh. It didn’t matter which one.
“Oh, trust me, it’s of the utmost importance.” Sanzu assured, holding up his right hand, “Swear on Mucho’s grave.”
“The last time you used that, we ended up deserted at some movie theater that was showing a crappy porno...so that’s out the window, and you’re about to be too if this is something-” Mochi ranted, taking a glance at the piece of paper, “Are you fucking serious?” He asked in disbelief.
“What is it this time?” Kakucho finally spoke with an exasperated sigh, standing up from his seat and walking over to take a look at the piece of paper, “An arcade?” He asked with a raised brow as he looked over to the pink-haired man.
“Yeah, they’re running a deal where if eight people come as a group, you get 50% off.” He leaned back in the chair, putting his feet onto the table with a thud, “Therefore, I think we should take advantage of it and get off our depressed asses for a change.” Sanzu concluded with a nod.
There was a click in the background as Takeomi lit another cigarette. “I’m fine without having to babysit for the day.” Takeomi stated, then taking a heavy hit off of the cigarette, exhaling upward, “Interrupting a meeting for this is rather pointless, Haruchiyo Sanzu….”
“I think it sounds like a good time. Reminds me of when we were back in Tenjiku, right Rindou?” Ran turned to his brother, who sighed and shook his head.
“Yeah, I guess there’s some nostalgia there.” The younger Haitani agreed.
“2-1.” Sanzu stated, pointing to the others in the room, “Mochi, Kakucho, Koko….” He said to each as he pointed to each of them with his index finger, pausing as he hovered over the sleeping Mikey, not daring to wake him up.
“It’s a waste of our funds, and judging from the fact we recently recovered from the great  Bonten Has To Eat Instant Noodles For Two Months issue...It’s a no from me as well.” Kokonoi explained as he slid his hands together, “I’m sadly not in the mood for instant noodles again.”
Sanzu rolled his eyes, “Stop being a drama queen, and it wasn’t  that  bad.”
“It was fucking awful. What the fuck are you talking about?” Mochi argued, “Just for that, it’s a no from me too.”
“Bullshit, you’re voting based on emotions.” Sanzu cried out, swinging his feet off the table and slamming his fists onto it with a loud thud.
“What if I am?!” Mochi screamed, holding his fists up, dropping the flyer onto the floor for Kakucho to pick up.
“Oh god, here we go again…” The younger Haitani laughed, laying onto the surface in front of him as he watched the fight unfold.
“Zero days without incident at a Bonten Board Meeting….” Takeomi sighed, shaking his head in dismay.
“Did we ever have a positive count…” Kokonoi asked in confusion.
“Nope.” Ran snorted as he shook his head.
“I think it’d be interesting.” The normally quiet Kakucho spoke up, placing the flyer onto the table near the sleeping blond.
“See? I knew Kakucho was my favorite for a reason.” Sanzu pointed towards Kakucho, who blinked and pointed towards himself to ask ‘who, me?’.
“Didn’t you say Rindou was your favorite last week?” Ran questioned, an index finger on his cheek in sarcastic thought, “Oh right, it was for  ‘agreeing with you about how strawberry shortcake is better than strawberry cheesecake’  …” Pointing at Sanzu.
Rindou jabbed his brother in the stomach with an elbow, causing the taller of the two to emit a dull ‘ ow,’  “Don’t bring me into this.”
“That was an important conversation. Mochi was trying to say cheesecake was better than real cake,” Sanzu clarified, “I’m not going to rehash old beef, though.” He held up two hands as if to say he didn’t care. However, it only seemed to anger Mochi more as he drew back a fist. Kakucho began to get ready to hold the brawny man back for the umpteenth time.
However, a small yawn from the front of the table, causing every person to freeze. Mochi and Kakucho returned to their seats quickly as the blond who had once been asleep opened his dark, inky eyes.
“...All of you are unnaturally quiet,” He finally spoke, looking around at each of the men seated at the table. He then glanced down at the sheet of paper that was settled in front of him, “What’s this?”
Sanzu gulped. This was officially a make-or-break moment for his plan, “Ah, Mikey...it’s for an arcade that’s running a deal….” He trailed off nervously.
The blond’s obsidian eyes glanced over the information listed on the paper before pausing at the section relating to food and looking back up at the group of men, “We’re going.”
Sanzu smirked and looked directly at Takeomi, who looked as though he wanted to crawl into a ditch and die, “Sanzu - 1 Takeomi - 0.” He jousted.
“If we were keeping track history-wise, you’d be so far in the red you’d be begging for someone to come save you,” Takeomi shot back, shrugging his shoulders and standing from his seat. He walked towards the door of the conference room, turning his head to Sanzu, “but you do that enough already, huh?” Finishing with a dry laugh as he exited the conference room.
“What the fuck? I’m not Koko.”
“I’m right here…?” Kokonoi shook his head in disbelief, standing from his seat at the table with a huff and kicking the chair back into place, “If I have to eat instant noodles for two months again, I will  never  forgive any of you assholes….” Pointing a finger around the room, stopping before Mikey, turning on his designer heels, and walking out of the room. You could hear the faint echo of his heels trailing down the concrete hallway.
“And then there were….” Sanzu counted himself and the heads in the room, holding up one hand to count only to realize he didn’t have enough fingers, “Anyways, when are we going?”
“The flyer said the deal is only good until Sunday; therefore, we need to go before then.” Kakucho informed the group, “Since it’s Wednesday, and we each have jobs to do until early Saturday morning...I’d suggest Saturday afternoon.”
“Overall, that sounds like it would work with our current plans, Kakucho.” Mikey agreed, his obsidian gaze staring holes into the heterochromatic man’s soul.
Kakucho nodded his head, “I’ll be taking my leave now. I have some things I need to tie up.” Then, standing up from his chair, pushing the chair in, and silently walking out the door to the conference room.
“We’ll get going as well, then.” Ran suddenly spoke as he stood up lazily, a scuffling noise coming from the chair.
“You act as though we’re going to the same place….” The younger Haitani breathed, shaking his head and rolling his lavender eyes at his brother’s statement.
“I thought you said we’re going out for lunch?” Ran pouted, hands on his hips.
“I said I was going to get lunch, and you invited yourself again.”
“I don’t see what the problem is with that?”
“Everything, everything is the problem with that.” Rindou turned to his brother as he finally stood from his place at the table with a huff.
“Can I come wi-” Mochi started to ask, only to be interrupted.
“NO!” Both Ran and Rindou yelled simultaneously to Mochi.
“Tough crowd…” Sanzu snorted to Mochi.
“Listen-” Mochi started, cracking his knuckles, only to be shot a look by Mikey.
“I’d be careful Sanzu, Kakucho already left, and that makes the chances of your face getting smashed in about 8-2.” Ran pointed with some underlying amusement, almost hoping that there would be another fight.
“Wow! Is everyone Koko today?!” He asked incredulously, putting his head in his palm and looking at the older Haitani, “If I didn’t know better...you did our taxes, Ran!”
“...But, I do help with those?” He questioned in a confused tone, blinking.
“Leave him. He’s hopeless.” Rindou sighed, “Mochi, come with us to lunch before you get put on punishment duty by Mikey.”
“I wasn’t gonna do shit.” Mochi huffed, glaring at the pink-haired man, “What are you lookin’ at?”
“Nothing, nothing...it’s just-” Sanzu paused, leaning forward in his seat to get a closer look at Mochi.
“It’s just what?” Mochi spat.
“Your beard...you shaved it crooked this morning, and it’s the funniest fucking shit I’ve  ever  seen.”
Yes, it was at this moment that Mikey indeed questioned if he formed the deadliest gang in all of Tokyo...or if he formed the most immature band of toddlers in all the land of Japan.
“So, who's driving?” Sanzu asked lazily on that faithful Saturday afternoon.
“The last time Rindou drove, he floored it past an old lady because she was driving the speed limit and nearly crashed us into a gasoline tanker, so...I vote not Rind-OW what was that for?!” Kokonoi yelped, getting elbowed in the side by Rindou.
“She was going eight under the speed limit, number one, and number two. I drive fine compared to somebody!” The long-haired man glaring over to Mochi.
“Eat shit.” Mochi replied, flipping Rindou the bird, “Let Kakucho drive; he’s safe.”
Sanzu groaned loudly, “But Kakucho drives like a grandma.”
“And how is that a bad thing?” Kakucho sighed, shaking his head.
“We’re gonna get there at sundown if you drive.” Sanzu pointed out.
“Oh, true.” Ran chimed in with a thoughtful nod.
“I don’t drive  that  slow.”
“Yes, you do,” Sanzu breathed, “Next.” Kakucho held out his hand, only to put it down in defeat.
“Alright, since Sanzu is an absolute fuckwit about this, I’ll drive. One catch, though,” Takeomi spoke up as he threw his cigarette onto the pavement, crushing it under his shoe.
“Ooooh, Takeomi enters the chat.” Sanzu mooned.
“Shut up,” He shook his head, “I get full control of the radio.”
Everyone went silent, staring at one another in horror.
“Sanzu, let someone else drive,” Kokonoi spoke up finally.
“Yeah, please, let someone else drive.” Rindou shook.
“I don’t want to deal with this for 45 minutes.” Mochi looked over at Takeomi, lighting another cigarette, who had a sinister look in his eyes.
Mikey finally strolled down into the parking garage, noticing no one was in the bus, “Who’s driving.”
“Takeomi is,” Sanzu replied, a collective sigh from the group as Takeomi chuckled to himself.
As everyone began boarding the bus, Mikey clung behind with Kakucho, only to ask a singular question, “Does this mean he has control of the radio again?”
“We’re sadly going to be listening to Russian death metal for 45 minutes….”
Mikey stared ahead before reaching into his pocket and fishing out two pairs of earplugs and handing Kakucho a couple, “Tell no one.”
The dark-haired man blinked as the other walked onto the bus, Sanzu slamming on the horn while screaming at Kakucho to “get his ass on the bus,” much to Takeomi’s annoyance as he tried to shove the pink-haired idiot away. Inwardly, he wondered about the kindness as he embarked on the self-proclaimed Bonten prison bus, holding the earplugs in his fist.
The route navigation guidance will start…
“Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up.” Mochi chided the navigation system.
“Don’t insult her. You’d get lost getting out of a paper bag.” Rindou snorted.
Takeomi turned his head around and glared, “I hear any more arguing, and all of you will wake up in a walk-in freezer.” He said with a sweet smile, putting the bus into gear and starting to drive out of their base.
“You’ll never take me alive!” Sanzu retorted after a moment, snickering to himself as Takeomi visibly winced in anger.
“Yeah, that’s the point, dumbass,” Kokonoi replied, slapping the back of Sanzu’s head with an open palm.
“Takeomiiii Koko hit meeee-”
Takeomi gripped the steering wheel with one hand, his knuckles on that hand turning white as his other hand skillfully reached for the pack of cigarettes and a lighter that laid on the center console. He plucked a stick out with his lips, throwing the pack back down and flicking the lighter to light the cigarette. He inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in for a long while as if to contemplate his current life choices, such as why in the world he ever agreed to play babysitter to a group of overgrown idiots and be their chauffeur for the day. Finally, his eyes looked into the rear-view mirror, meeting Sanzu’s mischievous cerulean ones, “Good, you deserved it.”
“Fuck off, Takeomi.” Sanzu puffed, Takeomi only turning up the music louder in a petty act of revenge.
“Look what you made him do!” The blond man shrieked in horror, everyone else on the bus, minus Kakucho and Mikey, glaring at the pink-haired offender.
“I didn’t do anything! He turned it up himself!” Sanzu defended.
“I’m rating Takeomi 1 star on Uber,” The older of the Haitani brothers joked, “Worst music choices, worst attitude, smokes in the car-”
“You can walk if you want,” Takeomi called out, “But remember, I had to carry you home after that mission because you twisted your ankle because you decided to wear those new Gucci shoes...I think you’d be too far up shit creek to stand on your own.”
Ran blushed furiously, “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!”
Rindou snorting and holding his sides, “Bro, that’s why you were limping that week? You said you slipped on the ice...It was your shoes?!” He wheezed.
“Oh my god, you’re absolutely hopeless, Ran….” Kokonoi facepalmed, chuckling.
“I am not. I’m reporting you to HR!” The short-haired man pouted, crossing his arms.
Sanzu snorted, “Did you mean Kakucho?” Looking over to the dark-haired man who was staring out the window, “Oh shit, he’s brooding.”
Mochi sighed, “Someone get the tissues ready.”
“Earth to Kakucho, come in to Kakucho...Return to planet earth!!” Sanzu yelled, causing Takeomi to glare at him in the rear-view mirror.
“Sanzu, that walk-in freezer has your name on it...I know a place relatively close by.” Takeomi threatened.
Turn left at the next intersection, then turn right.
“Bullshit, that’s the long way.” Takeomi hissed, throwing his cigarette out the window angrily, “Who designed this.”
“Please do not take us on another scenic route again…” Sanzu whined painfully, “It’s on the GPS for a reason. We do not need to relive the Black Dragons glory days.”
Takeomi rolled his eyes, “For your information, my glory days have nothing to do with getting us there faster.”
“Mhm...keep telling yourself that.” Sanzu replied snarkily, “Are we there yet?”
“Mikey, do you still have the duct tape in the bus?” Kokonoi perked up suddenly, clapping his hands together, “I suddenly thought of a great project for us!”
“I don’t like the sound of this project.” Sanzu objected.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll just  love  it.” The light-haired man reassured Sanzu, brushing his hand against his arm gently, the other retreating with disgust. Kokonoi snorted with laughter, “What, scared?”
“No, I don’t want to catch your reverse sister complex.”
Kokonoi stared at the other with his mouth wide open, Sanzu rolling his eyes in return, “I was at the Kanto Incident, don’t act like people don’t have ears when you and what’s his face were out there screaming about it….”
“Yeah, you were screaming about it, Koko.” Mochi agreed, Sanzu blinking that the man had agreed with him.
“Oh yeah, I remember that!” Ran exclaimed.
“Survey says Tenjiku remembers it Koko.” Sanzu shrugged.
“Go to hell, and stay there.” Kokonoi huffed, blowing his bangs off his face.
Sanzu crossed his arms, smirking smugly, “You’re just mad because I won.”
“Oh god, he’s crying.” Mochi whispered, nodding his head toward Kakucho, “Sanzu, you just fucking  had  to bring up Tenjiku, didn’t you?”
“Nice going Sanzu, that’s the 3rd time this month you did it, too.” Rindou pointed out, “I don’t think we have tissues in the fucking bus anymore.”
“Why the fuck not?!” Mochi hissed, “Oh wait….” His eyes trailing over to the elder Haitani, who was looking to the side inconspicuously.
Rindou’s eyes narrowed as he looked at his brother, “Yeah, hm, perhaps because someone decided to hop in with a fresh bullet wound….”
“Listen, it was a bad night...week...month….” He attempted in defense, each increment of time making Rindou raise his brow higher and higher, “ Year?” Finally, causing the younger brother to nod in agreement.
“Wow, Ran...it’s almost as though you’re more useless than Sanzu,” Takeomi muttered sarcastically, offended gasps resonating from both Sanzu and Ran.
“At least I know how to cook without setting the fire alarms off,” Ran spoke incredulously.
“You forgot the sprinklers too.” Rindou chimed in.
“Hey,” Sanzu spoke, turning his head to them.
“Please, let us all not forget about the time he came to a meeting to discuss the fine intricacies of how orange juice makes you taste weird after you brush your teeth,” Mochi added, shaking his head in disproval.
“I’m right here!” Sanzu yelled in a huff.
You have arrived at your destination.
“Thank fucking god,” Takeomi sighed, putting the bus in park, “Someone wake Mikey up.”
Surprisingly, the arcade was located in a relatively remote part of town compared to where Bonten typically walked their regular routes. However, this did not stop several people from staring as the rag-tag crew disembarked the converted prison bus.
“Hey, hey...who are those people…”
“They look kinda scary.….”
“Alright, so game plan time.” Sanzu began as they walked towards the doors of the arcade.
“I’ll go in, so you get the deal. However, I’ll be standing outside to smoke otherwise.” Takeomi concluded.
“What?!” Sanzu shrieked in disbelief, “No, you have to participate.”
“No, I don’t.” The scar-faced man replied coldly.
“Let it go Sanzu, Takeomi can keep watch.” Kakuchou offered, “And he needs a break too. He just drove for almost an hour.”
Takeomi nodded his head in agreement, “Couldn’t have said it better.”
Sanzu clicked his tongue in annoyance, looking over to the blond for help, “Mikey….” He pleaded in a petulant manner.
“Let him rest.” Mikey stated, “He’s been pulling overnights, too.”
Takeomi smirked towards Sanzu, who only seemed to get more aggravated as he aggressively pulled open the doors to the arcade with a loud, “Fine!”
The arcade was anything you would expect, loud, smelled a bit musty, and was vibrant beyond compare. However, there was a slight scent of cheese for some strange reason. Heading towards the counter, the eight members of Bonten cashed in for several game cards that were quickly handed to none of than Hajime Kokonoi himself.
“Wait, why me?” He asked incredulously.
“Weren’t you the one who said,  oh, I don’t wanna eat instant noodles for a month ?” Sanzu mocked, shaking his head.
“Yeah, but we’re all adults here and can manage fine….” The platinum blond trailed off, looking around in a confused manner.
“Yeah, Koko, don’t be a hypocrite.”The older Haitani agreed, hands on his hips.
“Are you seriously agreeing with him?!” Koko cried in astonishment.
“Well, I think that settles it,” Sanzu said with a smirk, “You can go play like, one game or something like that.”
“Sanzu, is the word ‘nice’ in your dictionary, or did that get removed when you started your drug usage?” Kakucho asked, blinking.
Sanzu turned and looked at the other man, “I could say something right now, but it would amount to the fourth time this month.”
“Alright, let’s just get on with this shit.” Mochi finally said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, Yeah...I’m going….” Sanzu waved his hand as he walked in the other direction, likely off to find something that piqued his interest.
Ran turned to Rindou, “I wonder if they have DDR here….” He wondered aloud, his lavender eyes glancing around the area only to light up in amusement, “I see it!”
“Oh, it’s on.” Rindou smirked, “Ready for a revenge match, bro?”
“Like I’d ever miss it for the world.” Ran laughed as they both made a bee-line for the machine.
“What are you gonna, do Kakucho?” Mochi asked, turning to the jet-black-haired man.
“I’m not sure; I haven’t been to an arcade since….” He trailed off and looked to the floor.
“Get out of your head for once.” Mochi punched the other lightly in the shoulder with a grin, “Can’t stay in there forever, huh?”
Kakucho looked towards the other man and nodded, “You’re right.”
The two began walking around, attempting to find something to do in the vast array of games and activities, stopping now and then for Mochi to try something and only failing at it miserably, only to have Kakucho show Mochi how to do it properly. Eventually, both came upon a motorcycle racing game, their eyes lighting up as they used to long ago.
“Mochi?” Kakucho asked quietly, though loud enough to hear over the several kids screaming in the background.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“We’re playing this.” He declared.
“I mean, I figured when you stopped right there and were staring at it like it was some sexy chick at the strip club.” Mochi snorted, Kakucho staring at him as though he had two heads.
“Your disrespect for women is unimaginable.” He huffed as he hopped onto the motorcycle.
Mochi let out a hearty chuckle as he climbed onto the adjacent motorcycle, “Preaching respect women while in a gang that deals with prostitution,” He slid the card into the reader twice, “That’s some funny shit.”
“Oh screw, you.” Kakucho pouted as he swerved the motorcycles to select the rider, pausing over a white-haired rider and selecting them.
Mochi stared a moment, blinking at the fact Kakucho had chosen a character that looked like Izana. He shook his head and chose a random character, not exactly caring.
“Oh fuck me, this ain’t nothin’ like the real shit.” Mochi cursed as he attempted to steer, crashing out several times with a string of curses.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about; this is pretty easy?” Kakucho replied, already in 1st place.
“How the fuck!” Mochi swore in anger, attempting to climb back into a semi-reputable position, only to realize he was in 9th place, closing in on 10th.
Kakucho tilted his body through a turn and smiled; he was having fun with this. He truly missed being able to go to the arcade with friends, with Izana. He wondered if they could do this more often...if Bonten could. He was drawn from his thoughts as Mochi swore loudly again, making him laugh, “Mochi, do you need help?”
“How the fuck are you gonna help me from there?!” The bulky man swore, now in 12th place—dead last.
“I...don’t know,” Kakucho admitted, crossing the finish line and setting a course record for the game.
“This is some ungodly level bullshit right here,” Mochi complained, trying to back himself out of an in-game ditch.
Kakucho continued watching for several minutes until Mochi finally crossed the finish line, “Well done.” He congratulated.
“Oh fuck off, enter your damn name.” The bearded man hissed in envy.
Kakucho entered his initials into the game, listed under 2nd place. He wondered who had set the 1st place record for the machine, though it was likely impossible to figure out.
His head turned when he heard a cry of frustration nearby, one that he knew...Koko?
When the group had split up earlier, Haruchiyo Sanzu had given him one rule. That was he was only allowed to play one game. Several ideas ran through his head, virtual poker, which allowed him to recoup the money they were blowing here, the weird slot machine game that looked rather promising, and then, of course, the game where you had a coin and slid it down a slot to push more coins off a ledge… All of those were lovely ideas, Kokonoi thought, that was until he landed upon a red stool in front of a screen that read Deal or No Deal. He’d heard of this reality television series before, and he knew the premise.
The blond pursed his lips as he sat down, assessing the machine. There were 16 buttons on the front labeled 1 through 16 in the shape of what looked to be briefcases. Kokonoi assumed they were to represent the motifs from the show. He sighed, figuring that, if anything, this was going to be the game for him. He slid the game card through the reader, slumping onto the stool.
Get ready to play: Deal or No Deal.
“Fuck me…” Kokonoi sighed in annoyance, watching as the said sixteen cases appeared on the screen with various ticket amounts ranging from one to five hundred. Large letters appearing stating to ‘follow the cases,’ which essentially signified you were supposed to pick the largest amount.
“Oh lovely, some RNG?” He muttered sarcastically, “It’s not like we don’t get enough of that in those gacha games kids play these days….” The cases shuffled around the screen, stopping and showing designated numbers that corresponded to the buttoned below. He thought a moment before pressing the nine button.
Choose your case...this will be your personal case.
“Yeah, I already did that-” Kokonoi hissed in annoyance, spamming one of the buttons to no avail.
You chose case number nine.
Now pick five cases.
“I feel like I’m playing some fucked up lottery.” He sighed, noticing the clock and swearing under his breath as he scrambled to choose a number, “Let’s continue with the ongoing theme of my name.” He pressed the 1 button.
One of the virtual women on the screen opened the case to reveal a low ticket amount, Kokonoi nodding his head in approval. He pressed the 13 button, the game echoing his choice once again to show yet another low ticket amount.
“And I thought poker was a rush.” He mused to himself, pressing the 8 button. This time, a larger amount was revealed.
“And all good things come to an end.” The light-haired man sighed as he then pressed the 15, another low.
“Back in black,” He joked, leaning back as he assessed the board for the final number, “Alright, let’s try 6.” It was a high number.
There was a ring from a telephone, causing Kokonoi to look around in confusion, only to realize it was the game, “This is such a weird game….”
That’s the bank.
“Oh good, am I getting paid?”
Here is the offer...Deal or No Deal...
A ticket amount appeared on the screen, Kokonoi’s inky eyes narrowing, “That’s it?!” He cried in frustration, hitting the NO DEAL button quickly, “I think that one gang we took out last week had a better offer for us than that.” He huffed.
Now open four cases.
“Again?” He asked incredulously, shaking his head, “Fine.” He pressed the 2 button, revealing a large amount, “Goddammit.” He thought a moment as the clock ticked down.
Hurry up.
“Oh, this game did  not  just tell me to hurry up.” The fair-haired man stated saltily, pressing the 16 button, low. He smirked, “See, can’t rush perfection.” He pushed the 10 button, low again.
“One more until the bank comes crawling back to me….” Kokonoi thought aloud to himself, hovering over the 14 button and then pressing it gently. Another low amount. The phone began ringing again in the game, music to Kokonoi’s ears, in all honesty.
There’s the bank again.
“Who else would it be?” Kokonoi mocked as he waited for the offer to appear on the screen.
Here’s the offer...Deal or No Deal…
Kokonoi thought a moment as the in-game clock ticked down. While this was a remarkably better offer than the last, he knew that there was still a significant chance he would be able to win big, and after all, it was an arcade. And not to mention, the bragging rights over Sanzu would give him mental clarity for the next month. With that thought, he pressed the NO DEAL button.
Now pick three cases.
Kokonoi sucked in a breath, his heart pumping, and he rubbed his hands together, “This is starting to feel like poker.” He pressed the 3 key. High. Swearing under his breath as he then pushed the 12 key high again. He stared up at the ceiling, his grand plan starting to fall apart as he looked down and pressed the 7 key, hoping for some luck. Low. Kokonoi sighed to himself as the phone rang, knowing the offer would look like garbage compared to the last, and laughing hysterically when it was less than half of what it originally was, quickly pressing the NO DEAL button as if he had never seen it.
Now open two cases.
“I don’t know if it’s good or bad, that the highest amount is still there, or that the offer they just made was so bad I wanted to leave here and never return..” Kokonoi chuckled to himself, questioning his life choices up until this point, pressing the 5 key. High. He then pressed the 4 key, also high.
“Wait...doesn’t that mean…” He stared and blinked, “I have either the 1 ticket or 500…”
The phone ringing again to make another offer, Kokonoi spamming the NO DEAL button as he came to the realization.
Now, let’s open your case.
As the in-game woman opened the case, Kokonoi leaned forward, only for the case to reveal...One ticket. Hajime Kokonoi had won, one ticket. He screamed, slamming his hands onto the machine before holding his head in his hands, staring at the floor in anguish. By now, Kakucho and Mochi had made their way over to him.
“Koko, what happened?” Kakucho asked, leaning down to attempt to make eye contact.
“I took a calculated risk...and for what.” The blond sobbed, his hand nearly tearing his hair out in frustration.
“Uh...Koko, it’s just a game.” Mochi laughed, amused by the entire situation.
“Do you think we can put a hit on Howie?” Kokonoi asked after a moment, looking up at the two of them.
“Who the fuck is Howie?” Mochi asked.
“Isn’t that the Deal or No Deal guy?” Kakucho asked, and then noticing where they were standing, “The answer is no, we are not killing someone for your petty revenge.”
Kokonoi huffed and crossed his arms, “Fine.” He looked around, “Where’s Ran and Rindou?”
“Oh, they’re with their fan club.” Mochi snorted, “Go see for yourself.”
“They really do have it, bro!” Rindou said with a huge grin, pointing towards the bright and colorful Dance Dance Revolution machine in front of them.
“Why wouldn’t they? They had it when we were growing up in Roppongi?”
“Okay, but who the fuck knows about a weird arcade Sanzu chose.”
“You speak only the truth…” Ran laughed, stepping onto the pad and sliding the card through the reader, “Oh nice, we get three songs?”
“Remember before we’d have to keep a cup of quarters on the floor, and we’d always spill it?” Rindou asked, tying his hair into a bun and joining his brother on the game’s vibrant pad.
“Yeah, and you’d always blame me for it even though you were always the one who did it!” Ran pouted, flipping through the songs and pausing on one, the music filtering through speakers as he turned to Rindou with a sinister smirk, “What was that about a revenge match?”
Rindou grinned, crossing his arms triumphantly, “I’ll gladly bust your ass at Kimagure Mercy any day.”
“Do you still remember how we do it?” Ran questioned as he selected it, sliding off his suit jacket and slinging it over the back of the railing.
“How couldn’t I.” The bun-sporting man rolled his lavender eyes, “Aren’t you the older one, gRANdpa?”
Ran’s eyebrow twitched, “I’m not above sibling punishment Rindou.”
“Oh, I’m shaking.”
The was applause from the game, signifying the song was about to start. The two brothers faced forwards, the intro starting and patterns beginning to fall down the screen. The two started to move in unison, swaying back and forth to the beat. It wasn’t until the first verse hit that what Ran mentioned began.
The Haitani brothers had begun to dance while playing Dance Dance Revolution.
Rindou glanced over to his brother, “Oh my god can you stop being such a show-off for once?” He huffed through a laugh, clapping hands with his brother to the beat.
“Please, it’s on my wiki article!” Ran cried out, “Just like you’re a big brute.” He bopped his head.
“I am not!” The younger retorted, squinting at the screen.
“Don’t mess up, Rindou!” Ran teased and purposefully pushed the other a bit in one of their claps.
“Fuck off!”
A crowd began to grow, mainly teenage girls enamored by these two men playing the game in such a spectacular way. All of them were excitedly watching as the two played, starting to ask each other questions such as “Does anyone know their names?” “Who are they?” “Do they have an Instagram?”... Eventually, when Rindou’s name was mentioned, people began to cheer for him. Naturally, this caused a significant issue for Ran Haitani.
“Hi ladies, I’m Ran~” He sang, causing them to squeal, a smirk plastered on his face, and an annoyed groan from Rindou echoing in response.
“In another life, I wonder if you were destined to be a host.” He sighed, accidentally missing the tile on the floor, “Shit!” he swore loudly.
“You see what you get, Rindou; respect your elders.” Ran snorted, the other man glaring at him from the corner of his eyes.
“When this song is over, you better run…” He whispered, “It’s over in 23...22...21…”
“I’m so old, my hearing…” He joked, Rindou nearly grabbing his hand during one of the claps and breaking it.
The song wrapped up, Ran turning around and waving to the group of girls and Rindou slouching forwards, primarily due to rage, though also due to an insatiable desire to beat his brother to a pulp in Dance Dance Revolution.
“Oh, you want more?” Ran asked with a lazy smirk as he waved to the “fans”.
“We have 2 more songs.” Rindou huffed, rolling his eyes, “It’s a waste of money.”
“True,” Ran nodded his head, “Let’s pick an easier song then!” He reached for the buttons only to have his hand slapped away by the younger, a dull ‘ow’ leaving his lips.
“No, we’re playing this song until I beat you. It’s that simple.” Rindou explained, hands on his hips.
“Fine, fine.” The older relented, “Don’t blame me if you can’t beat me.”
By the time Kakucho, Mochi, and Kokonoi made it over to the Haitani brothers. The crowd was sizeable. The arcade staff attempted to get the crowd to disperse, as it was becoming a fire hazard to the facility.
“Hey Ran, Rindou, what happened here?” Mochi asked as he finally made it to the front.
The two stepped off the machine and walked over to the group, Rindou grinning as the elder brother shook his head, “I reminded him who the rightful heir to the DDR throne is.”
“Please, you only beat me once.” Ran sighed in exasperation and exhaustion.
“And that still means I beat you.” The long-haired man spoke smugly.
“Wait, so that crowd...was all for you two playing a rhythm game?” Kokonoi questioned, “That’s insane.”
“I hope they don’t follow us home, or Mikey is going to have our heads,” Kakucho pondering the probability, “Then again, they might see Takeomi and get a bit scared.”
“Is he still out smoking?” Kokonoi pondered, tilting his head to see if he could see him, “I can’t see him.”
“I thought I saw him come in with Sanzu earlier?” Ran spoke up, the entire group staring at him.
“That can’t be right. Takeomi would never go with Sanzu…” The blond-haired man stated, slightly bewildered by the information.
“Oh, there he is.” The younger Haitani pointed, Takeomi wearing a shit-eating grin as he walked back outside, the entire group then spotting a pissed-off Sanzu.
Sanzu was officially bored. He thought that coming to the arcade would be an excellent way to spend some time away from things, though it only seemed to create more issues. What was worse was everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, so there was no one left to mess with or bother. After an hour of wandering around and playing several games that held his attention for a few minutes or less, he set his sights on a bigger and better prize: Akashi Takeomi.
Yes, in actuality Akashi Takeomi was dangerous. He likely could kidnap Sanzu as he slept, lock him in a freezer, and then feed him to the fish...Though where was the fun in not messing with someone like that? He smirked to himself as he walked outside to see the scar-faced man unsurprisingly smoking.
“Ew, how many have you smoked today?” Sanzu spoke, holding his nose in mock disgust.
Takeomi didn’t even look at him, “Half a pack, give or take.”
“Smoking’s bad for you, y’know.”
“Drugs are too, but you don’t see me trying to give you a 12-step lecture.” Takeomi retorted dryly, Sanzu cackling in response.
“I gotta hand it to ya. That one was funny.” The pink-haired man pointing to the other.
“What exactly do you want?”
Sanzu clasped his hands together, “Dearest Takeomi, you’ve been out here for over an hour...I think it’s about time you came inside and actually enjoyed what we came here for.”
“No.” He replied with a laugh, “Nice try though, really love the theatrics...maybe we can get you a job with the prostitutes.”
Sanzu groaned, “Can you stop being a stick in the mud for once and be fun?”
Takeomi felt something inside him snap. Honestly, he just wanted to sit outside and smoke. He wanted not to have to deal with a specific pink-haired buffoon who continued to ruin his Saturdays over and over each week. Instead, however, he turned to the other man with a sickly sweet smile, throwing his cigarette onto the ground and crushing it under his shoe, “Sure, Sanzu, I’ll play one game...let’s go.”
“Really!” Sanzu’s face lit up with excitement, “Okay, let’s go!”
As they entered the arcade, Sanzu and Takeomi walked around a moment, regret beginning to wash over the older as his head began to pound from the noise and light.
“So, what do you want to play.” The pink-haired man asked, tipping his head to meet the other’s gaze.
“I don’t know, and I haven’t been to an arcade in fuck all knows.” Takeomi hissed, rubbing his temples, “Can you make it quick?”
“Jeez, I didn’t know they made you when the dinosaurs still walked the planet.” Sanzu grumbled, “Let’s go for a shooter then.” The two of them walking towards a Western-style shooting game that had plastic guns.
“Why am I not surprised.” The dark-haired man breathed, shaking his head.
“What? Sorry, I’m good at what I’m good at?” Sanzu mocked, shrugging his shoulders, “Anyways, it’s pretty self-explanatory...aim, pull the trigger, boom.”
Takeomi smirked. What Sanzu didn’t know was, he knew how to play this game. He knew far too well how to play this game because, during his days as a Brahma captain, Senju and himself would often sit in arcades and play. Sanzu Haruchiyo had sentenced himself to an early grave with this one, no matter how good a shot he was.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” The pink-haired man nodding his head towards the machine.
“I’m broke; you pay for it.”
“How the fuck are you broke if you- Nevermind.” Sanzu started, shaking his head and sliding his game card through the reader, “Let’s settle this.”
The older stepped up to the gallery, picking up the model gun and testing the weight in his hands before settling on a position.
Enemies started popping onto the screen, Sanzu quickly shooting the targets that were his color. He thought to himself it would be easy to best the older man until he realized he was keeping pace, and his score was already twice his based on the accuracy bonus.
“Hey, hey, hey…” Sanzu started, beginning to get ruffled by the sudden turn of events.
“What is it Sanzu, maybe you should aim a bit better, or is that too difficult?” Takeomi replied cooly as he blasted the head off of a zombie, “Oh, that was a good one.”
“Are you  shitting  me?” He cried out in response, “You actually know how to play this?” Sanzu was aiming for one of the enemy bonuses. However, he missed miserably. He swore under his breath, much to Takeomi’s delight.
“It’s been a good oh, what did you call it...era.” He mused as they made it to the boss level, “But for someone as young as you, this must be easy, right?” His voice dripping with poison.
“There’s still the boss level. I can-” He looked at the scores, feeling the color drain out of his face.
“What was that, Sanzu? My old deaf ears can’t hear you over the sound of your absolute thrashing.” He chuckled, “But don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll recover in time to hear you cry.”
“Do we just need to get you a nicotine drip? I don’t think the patch is gonna cut it with you.” Sanzu groaned, “Or, do you want one of my pills? Those might take your edge off too.”
“Take the joke, Sanzu,” He sighed, the game finishing out and Takeomi writing his initials in the records list, “Have a good time trying to beat that, though.” The older smirking, patting the other on the back as he walked towards the entrance, shit-eating grin plastered across his face as he pulled out another cigarette from his ever-dwindling pack.
Sanzu stared at the score in disbelief. He couldn’t beat that score today. He would have to come back another day to beat it, but he would beat it, no matter what. He stomped his foot in frustration, only to notice the entire Bonten group was looking, sans Mikey. He blinked and did what any person with an IQ between 85 and 115 would do...make a break for the food court before he could be harassed.
Was this the main reason Mikey agreed to this excursion? He didn’t want to admit to it. However, when the flyer said they had six different types of taiyaki in the featured food court, Mikey was sold instantly on the idea, as embarrassing as it was. He quietly walked towards the counter, scanning the menu with his pitch-black eyes only to discover there were, in fact, now eight taiyaki options. He smiled softly to himself as the person operating the counter looked on in confusion at the strange man in front of them, “Can I help you?” The food court employee asked him, tilting their head to the side slightly.
“Taiyaki, all of them,” Mikey said, sliding a large bill onto the counter.
“Do you mean all of the kinds or...all of them, all of them.” The employee clarified, thinking to themselves.
His eyes lit up, “I can have all of them?” He asked.
“As long as you pay for them, I don’t see why not...It might take a bit, though, because we warm them in an oven, so they get kinda crispy.” The employee explained, noticing the glimmer in his eyes.
“All of them, then.” Mikey clarified, adding another bill on the counter.
“Do I know you from somewhere, though?” They asked as they handed him his change, causing Mikey to pause for a brief moment.
“I haven’t ever met you before.” He replied, walking to one of the tables and sitting in the uncomfortably hard seating. It was nearly impossible to take a nap here due to how loud and bright it was, as well as how unbearable some of the smells were...Who honestly authorized it to smell like nacho cheese? Though, he also realized he was in a food court. Slouching down into the chair, he wondered what the rest of his gang had decided to put their minds to that day. He assumed Sanzu had found something involving guns and roped Takeomi into it as well, smirking because he knew that Takeomi had played before. Kokonoi had likely found something involving money, and The Haitani brothers honestly were talking up a storm about Dance Dance Revolution before they even arrived. Mochi and Kakucho were the two members of the group he wasn’t quite too sure about. He made a mental note to ask Kakucho when they boarded the bus again later that day.
“Alright, here are the first few, careful though, because they’re extremely hot.” The employee warned, setting a tray in front of the light-haired man, “I’ll keep them coming.”
Mikey reached forward and grabbed one of them, mentally noting that his hand was burning, though not exactly caring as the gratification of the taiyaki was going to be worth it in half a second. He bit in and leaned back in bliss. He was elated as he continued to eat through the pile of confections, completely losing track of time. He inwardly began to feel that the Russian death metal car ride from hell was worth it, and so was having to deal with Sanzu complaining about everything. And so was-
“Mikey, are you okay?”
He wanted to snap his neck.
Sanzu stared at the fair-haired man, who looked as though he had passed out in his chair, only for him to lean back up with a menacing stare slowly, “I’m fine.” He said coldly, taking another angry bite of the taiyaki.
“O...Oh…” The pink-haired man replied, nodding his head nervously as he backed away, “That’s a lot of taiyaki there.” He pointed towards the ever-growing pile of confections.
“I know. They’re mine.” Mikey responded as he finished the first, licking his lips and picking up another, “Where is everyone else?” He questioned as he bit into the sweet and bitter flavor of matcha.
“I saw them a couple of minutes ago; they’ll probably be here in a minute...Takeomi is smoking.” He informed the other, omitting the absolute ass-kicking he had received.
As if on cue, the group walked into the food court; however, the mood quickly changed as Kokonoi held up his phone, “We need to go, one of Ran’s fangirls posted them on their Instagram; and we need to get out of here,  now .” His eyes narrowing.
“Why are we blaming my fangirl for this? They’re just as much of Rindou’s as mi-OW” Ran once again getting elbowed in the side by his brother.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if you didn’t name drop both me and yourself, so now you’re  really  more useless than Sanzu!” Rindou scolded him, “And you’re supposed to be older than me!”
“I’m RIGHT here!” Sanzu replied, raising his hands in exasperation.
“Cry me a river Sanzu, oh wait-” Mochi snorted, laughing at his own joke.
Kakucho grinned, “Mochi, that was surprisingly good coming from you.”
“I know, right. I surprise even myself sometimes.” The brawny man beamed.
“I hate all of you.” Sanzu huffed, crossing his arms.
“We hate you too; now let’s get going before we have to shoot our way out of a fucking arcade?” The long-haired blond replied in a haughty tone, motioning for the exit.
“Mikey, get a to-go box,” Kakucho suggested to the blond sitting at the table, eyeing the remaining taiyaki sadly.
“I’ll leave them.”
“Shotgun!” Sanzu yelled as they exited the arcade, Takeomi making eye contact with him and shaking his head.
“There isn’t even a passenger seat. What are the drugs hitting you that hard?” Kokonoi questioned him with a laugh.
“I’m assuming the cops are coming then?” Takeomi asked as he fished the keys to the bus out of his pocket, starting to walk with the group.
“ Oh yeah, Ran and Rindou are Instagram famous; Koko show him.” Mochi snorted, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Why is it always...fine.” He attempted to argue as he pulled up the post on his phone, revealing a video with nearly 500 likes and 130 comments.
“Wait, I didn’t see it yet!” Ran yelled as he ran over to Kokonoi, smushing his head in to see, “Wow, I look good… Rindou does, too, of course.”
“Shut the fuck up, you cretaceous period cretin.” Rindou hissed, flipping him off from afar only to have Ran run after him.
“Stop running in the parking lot!” Kakucho yelled, shaking his head, “I swear to god…”
“You have to admit, though, it was a good time.” Mochi stated with a smile, “We should do this again.”
“Alright, everyone, get on the fucking bus, or I’m leaving without you,” Takeomi yelled, hopping into the driver’s seat.
“And who died and made you king?!” Sanzu yelled only to smack his head on the roof while boarding the bus, causing Mikey to snort from a laugh uncharacteristically.
“Wait, did Mikey just laugh?” Kokonoi asked, genuinely amazed.
“I made Mikey laugh!” Sanzu cheered, patting himself on the back.
“Wow, if only we could hurt you more...then maybe we could restore all of his emotions…” Takeomi whispered to himself.
“What was that?” Sanzu questioned, leaning forward.
“No, nope, nothing.” Takeomi lied badly.
“That’s what I thought,” Sanzu replied with a smile, sitting back in his seat, Takeomi groaning and reaching for his pack of cigarettes only to realize there weren’t any left. He sighed heavily, leaning back into the cushion of the driver’s seat and staring up at the tattered ceiling. It was going to be a long drive home, huh.
In Toyko, the conflict with a group named “Bonten” intensifies...However, they seem to have a soft side too…
It was once again a Wednesday, except this week Sanzu Haruchiyo was on time, and there were no off-topic discussions. Instead, all that was discussed was saving Bonten from the PR nightmare the Haitani brothers had created for the gang. And, of course, the now planned hit on Howie Mandel. However, the damage was done, and the gang’s reputation seemed to go from “dangerous and deadly” to “upcoming idol group.” However, Mikey didn’t seem too troubled by it, though it wasn’t exactly possible to tell what he thought until it was too late.
Takeomi sighed as he once again lit a cigarette, staring off into the distance, “Here’s to another fucking Wednesday.”
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Would've, Could've, Should've (Chap 10)
(Freya POV, 3689 words,
I'm so sorry in advance, this one is just allllll the pain
there is some hurt/comfort tho to make up for it)
(previously called Victor: Asshat, Dipshit, Cheater, Love of My Life, etc.)
chapter 1 chapter 9
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I couldn’t bring myself to join everyone else on the walk, my mind too flooded with memories of Vic and our time together.
It started one fine day about four years after I first came to the loop. He somehow found out, probably from Olive since I had told her this just the week before, that I loved to swim and came bearing my favourite flowers, lavender, to ask me to head down to the beach with him.
With it being so soon after Henry’s bullshit, I remember thinking, Maybe this is it! He just cares so much! It feels right. We have a connection, I think this boy is different!
If only that tenderness and attention to detail lasted the coming years,
After that, we started spending time together and I started to neglect learning how to control my peculiarity, despite Noch’s warnings, to both me and Vic.
He was always showing off, picking up random heavy things to impress me.
He never found my gift to be as impressive.
He was constantly brushing me off whenever I tried to bring anything big up to him. I would ask him not to stand so close to me because I was scared to hurt him and he refused to listen.
I told you earlier that the deadly part of my peculiarity doesn’t apply to those I love romantically. I think that solely because of how close Vic was always standing to me, it’s incredibly unlikely that he wouldn’t have gotten too close and brushed against me at least once, and since I was only inadvertently the cause of his death, he never technically died by my hands.
I’m sure this time is different.
After six months of him always shoving his love at me, he started showing his true nature. One time, right when our love was starting to die, we were walking in the village in our time, just meandering through the market and chatting with both the villagers and each other when I apparently said something he didn’t like. He grabbed me by the braid and pulled me into the gap between two of the houses. Then he slapped me right in the face and growled at me that I wasn’t allowed to say that in front of him.
To be honest, even though its been years and while I don’t remember what it was I said, I still remember thinking that I had said something completely normal and wondering why in Hell I wasn’t allowed to say it and why he was allowed to tell me what I could and couldn’t say.
He then grabbed me by the hand and walked back onto the street, acting completely normal while I had my head down and tears slipping down my cheeks.
I guess it’s not so different.
While I hadn’t spent much of my life with my parents, I knew that love wasn’t supposed to be like this. Love was this beautiful thing where you would do anything to keep them safe and you wouldn’t ever think of hurting them.
I think the worst blow came when I found out he was sleeping with another peculiar in the loop at the time, her name was Millie, Millie Holmes. She controlled shadows and was good friends with Liv, Noch and I. She was officially in the “Scary/Disturbing Peculiarities” friend group.
I was heartbroken. Even if I knew that me and Vic weren’t very functional, I still loved him. I sobbed in Liv’s arms for hours while Noch terrorized Millie and Vic with corpses from the village cemetery.
I naïvely took him back after that, believing his lies that he would change.
Noch and Liv begged me not to, trying to convince me that I was worth so much more than he was giving me. They failed of course. It’s incredibly hard to convince someone who thinks they’re nothing that they’re something.
I thought this time was different. 
Eventually his lies came to fruition. He never stopped sleeping with Millie, they just got better at hiding it.
Barely three months later, on our two year anniversary, I walked in on them going at it. I got so angry , the rage that has always lived in me coming to the surface once more. I wasn’t wearing my gloves, I had ripped my favourite pair and had an extra in Vic’s room, and I grabbed Millie by the arm and dragged her off of him.
That side of my peculiarity had always responded badly to strong emotions but especially to fear and anger, both of which I was feeling in the moment.
When I grabbed her, I wasn’t thinking, I was just reacting.
By the time I remembered the burden of my peculiarity, it was too late and she was going grayer by the second. I pulled my hands off of her and screamed for Enoch to get over here as I collapsed to my knees beside her.
I vaguely remember Victor ripping into me as Enoch tried everything to reverse my mistake, but all I did was stare at my hands, wondering How could I have done this?
Why did I think he’d be different?
The very final straw was on the night he died.
It was Vic, Noch and I all sitting in the movie room after reset, each quietly doing our own thing. I was reading, Noch was making homunculi and Vic was lost in thought, his head on my lap.
He spoke up after almost an hour of silence, “I’m leaving the loop.”
I was so surprised that I dropped my book onto the couch.
“ What ?”
“I’m leaving the loop. I see no reason to be here if Millie’s dead.” Because of you was left unspoken as if it wasn’t his actions that were the root cause.
“I’m sorry, what?” Noch demanded, rage evident in every feature of his face.
“I mean there’s no point in me staying here. Millie was the love of my life.” As if his lover of two and a half years wasn’t running her hand through his hair not two minutes ago.
By this point, silent tears were coursing down my cheeks.
“ What ? You wouldn’t stay for Bron or Frey or me, your best friend.”
“No? Freya is the reason why Millie is dead and you couldn’t save her. Besides, Bronwyn will be fine without me, it’s not like she needs me.”
My breathing was coming faster now, my heart feeling like it was breaking in two. I shoved his head off of my lap and stood up, leaving my book forgotten on the couch.
“You've got me down on my knees. Please tell me what you think I've done wrong. I’ve been humble, been loyal, I've tried to swallow my pride all along. If you can just explain a single thing I've done to cause you pain, besides Millie, I won’t stop you from going,” I said through gritted teeth as I tried to keep my sobs from escaping.
He couldn’t say a thing, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“No? You’ve got nothing to say?” I could feel my face going red from both the rage and the crying. “I wouldn’t stop you from leaving me or Noch, but Bron? Your sister? She never tells you but she loves you so. She’s constantly telling me about how much she adores you.”
Because it’s never, ever different.
“Ha! So you admit it!” Vic jumped to his feet.
“What?” Noch’s patience with Vic was gone.
“You’re fucking him! You just admitted it!”
“ What ? I’m not. Me asking you why you are leaving Bron is completely different from you making some baseless accusations about me fucking my best friend. Which reminds me, where are you going to go, hmm?” I was done. This was absolute bullshit and completely pointless, he wasn’t actually going to tell me anything. He was just going to talk in circles instead.
“I don’t know, just around the world not having to be confined to a loop.”
“Well, dipshit, you’re forgetting you’ve already been in a loop for years. You’ll age forward. And what if you come across Hollows? What are you going to do? It’s not like you can see them, idiot.” Noch’s tone was cold, Victor was dead to him as far as he was concerned.
“I won’t trust me.”
“Just go. But do know, the minute you walk out that door, we’re over. I will still love you, I think it will take a long time for me to stop loving you, but I will never let you into my life again. You will be dead to me and I will never forgive you.”
“Jesus, you’re being harsh, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“ No . I’m setting boundaries and finally listening to what Liv has been saying all along.
“I am worth so much more than you have ever given me. I deserve so much more than some prick who hits me and humiliates me and thinks he’s better than me and cheats on me and accuses me of cheating on him. I’m not doing anything else for you. The last thing I will ever do for you is sit Wyn down and explain to her that her older brother, who she loves more than life itself, doesn’t feel the same about her and left her without saying goodbye.” During my rant, Noch had come up behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder, providing the reassurance that I needed as I confronted Vic.
I walked towards the doorway, stopping only to say “Goodbye, Vic.” before heading upstairs.
I had calmly shut the door, changed into my nightgown and made my bed before breaking down sobbing.
I didn’t fall asleep that night until long after Victor left.
In the morning, I did as I promised and told Bronwyn that Victor had left and was not coming back for her. I held her for the next hour as she bawled until all the crying finally wore her out and she fell asleep.
After I had tucked her into bed, I went and found Miss P and told her what had happened.
I then walked into Liv’s room and cried myself to sleep in her arms as she muttered soft condolences to me.
When I woke up in the afternoon, it was to Noch shaking me awake.
“Frey. Frey. You need to wake up. I’m so sorry but you need to see this.”
“Need to see what?” I yawned, sitting up and wiping my eyes.
“Freya. Victor’s dead. A hollow got him. He never made it off the island. Fiona found him when she went to check the post after lunch. I’m so sorry.”
Halfway through his speech a non-stop chorus of “No, no, no, no, no” started coming out of my mouth.
“There’s no way. Victor can’t be— He was here yesterday, there’s no way he could be— He’s alive— I saw him last night— He can’t—” By this point, my breathing was laboured and I knew I was minutes away from a panic attack if I couldn’t stop and take a moment to calm down.
“I know, Frey, I know.” Noch sat on the edge of my bed and pulled me into a spine-crushing hug. “I’ve got you. You’re safe. You can take as much time as you need before you see him for yourself.”
“Noch, before I fully lose myself to this panic, I need to see him. If I don’t, I won’t take it in and then—”
“We can go downstairs right now if you want. We can also sit here for a moment while you take a second to pull yourself together in front of the little ones because I know that’s what you’re thinking about right now, and don’t try and bullshit me on this one, I know you too well.” His voice was calm on the surface but I could hear the tiniest little quiver in his voice that told me he was hanging on by just as small of a thread as I was.
What a pair we are , I thought, both trying to force ourselves to stay calm in a terrifying situation to not stress out those we care about.
“Freya. Freya. You have to breathe, love.” He grabbed my hand gently and put it on his chest. “Can you match my breathing for me?” I copied his deep breaths until I calmed down. “There you go. How about we go downstairs, alright? Come on, up you come.” He stood up and pulled me to my feet.
I did as he asked solely because I didn’t think I’d be able to do it on my own.
Noch had to hold me up as we made our way to the kitchen where Vic’s body was laying out on the table.
From what I knew of what happened to corpses in the twenty-four hours after death from being around them so often, he had died less than eighteen hours ago, all though I wasn’t sure if returning to the loop had slowed down the decomposition process. It was definitely a hollow that got him, where his soft brown eyes once were are now gaping black holes.
Lividity, when the blood settles in the lowest part of the body, and rigor mortis, when the body becomes completely stiff and unpliable, had both set in. I glanced at the clock.
If it’s three in the afternoon now, and rigor mortis sets in between two and six hours after death and lividity becomes fixed around twelve hours after death, but algor mortis, when the body becomes the ambient temperature around it, hasn’t set in. He left the house between eleven and midnight which means he likely died between, I paused my inner monologue for a second to do the math, one and three in the morning.
I was fully aware I was being incredibly clinical about this, treating it in my head almost the same way I would treat a sheep or cow dying.
I was brought back to the present by a small body tackling me into a hug. Distantly, I recognized it as Bronwyn who was sobbing into my dress. I slowly kneeled down to hug her properly as Claire joined in the hug. Soon it was a pile of crying peculiars on the floor of the kitchen, mourning the loss of one of their own. The only one who wasn’t crying was me, and that was only because I was holding my emotions back by a thread so I wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Instead of having what we usually had for dinner, roast chicken and steamed carrots with mashed potatoes and gravy on the side, Miss P managed to pull herself together long enough to make sandwiches around all of us and to reset the loop before slowly sending us off to bed one by one until only Emma, Noch, Liv and I were left staring blankly at the bare dining room table knowing that our fifth member was dead only two rooms away.
“I should have gone with him.” I hadn’t realized I had said it out loud until there were two sounds of protest and one of confusion.
“What do you mean you should have gone with him? No one knew he left until this morning.” Emma sounded incredibly bewildered.
I glanced at Noch, “Noch and I knew last night. After everyone went to bed, we were all sitting in the living room relaxing when he told us that he was leaving. No matter what we said, he refused to stay, not even for Wyn.”
“He kept going on about how Millie was the love of his life and how Bron didn’t need him,” Noch laughed wetly. “He wouldn’t even stay for Frey who he was dating.”
Liv, who was sitting in the chair beside me, gently wrapped an arm around me as I buried my face into her shoulder.
“What an asshole.” Murmurs of agreement went around the table at Emma’s words. “It’s one thing to be unhappy being in a loop, it’s another thing entirely to leave your girlfriend, sister, best friend and essentially your family in the middle of the night all because the girl who you cheated on your girlfriend with died. I swear if he wasn’t dead already I’d burn him just for the bullshit he pulled towards you, Freya.
“I’m sorry if this is overstepping at all, but if I was in your shoes, I don’t think I would have stuck with him as long as you did.”
“I’m honestly surprised it took me so long to snap and dump him as it did,” I laughed.
“You deserved so much better than him, babes. We’ve been telling you this for the last year, hun.” Olive’s voice was gentle but still slightly forceful as if to push this into my head.
The stairs squeaked slightly before there was a knock on the door, “Freya?”
I wiped my nose on my sleeve and wiped off the tears quickly before opening the door.
“What’s wrong, love?” I brushed Claire’s hair back from her face.
“I want some water but I’m too scared to go into the kitchen because…” she trailed off.
Because Victor was there, of course.
I glanced over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow at Noch.
“How about I get you one and then tuck you back into bed, Claire Bear?” he said, standing up and squeezing her shoulder lightly.
She nodded and tucked herself into my side while she waited as Emma and Liv mindlessly chatted about the book Emma had recommended to Liv the other day.
Soon, Noch returned and picked her up to take her upstairs.
“Goodnight, Freya, Olive and Emma!”
“‘Night, Claire!” we chorused before our masks of contentment fell and our grief rose to the surface once more. My head dropped into my hands as I flopped into a chair again.
“I need a fucking drink,” I said as I massaged my temples. “This week has been way too much.”
“I’m sure we could run out to the bar in the village and drink ourselves into a stupor until we couldn’t walk in a straight line and are giggling messes but I think Miss P would find out what we were up to by then,” Olive piped up. Scratch that, we all needed at least one solid pint each, if not more.
“I don’t think there’s any in the house, unfortunately.” Emma sounded equally as in need of one as I did.
Noch chose that moment to open the door, “I love you all, but there is no fuckin’ way I’m letting ye go off drinking at—” he glanced around the corner to see a clock, “half past midnight, especially not while you are in mourning because, unlike you three, I remember what went down after the last funeral.”
“To be completely honest with you girls, I don’t remember more than thirty consecutive seconds from that night,” Liv cackled at Emma’s words.
“I don’t think I remember thirty seconds at all , let alone one after another.”
“You two—,” I gestured between the two, “remember anything from that night? All I remember is finding myself beside the toilet with a pounding headache the next morning.”
Soon our laughing became yawning and Emma and Liv said their goodnights to Noch and I. We followed them a few minutes later.
I moved to slip into my room when Noch gently caught my arm.
“I trust you, Frey, but I also know your coping mechanisms a little too well,” he said as he gently pulled me into his room.
Once the door was closed, he tossed me one of his shirts and a random pair of pyjama pants he had lying about.
He ushered me into bed and pulled me into his arms and I finally, after two of the worst days of my life, broke down and let my emotions out.
He just stroked my back until I could breathe easily again and then held me close until long after I woke up in the morning.
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I was startled out of my reminiscing by someone knocking at my door.
“I come bringing chocolate and tea,” Olive called back.
I jumped up and threw open the door, “I could kiss you right now for this!”
She passed me the cup of tea and the chocolate and then tossed herself upon my bed, “Well I couldn’t let you sulk alone and without some snacks, it’s my job as your best friend.”
“Thanks, Liv.” I threw myself onto the duvet beside her after shutting the door, “I raised Victor today.”
“I know.”
“I guess… It just reminded me of how shitty he was.”
“Noch and I always said you deserved better than him.”
“But do I? Like I know I have never told you how I found out I was peculiar but it wasn’t pretty, someone close to me died . And the reason why the wards in my old loop died? All me. Millie’s death? Me, my fault, my anger I couldn’t control. Maybe, in a really fucked up way, I deserved Victor solely because I don’t deserve to have a genuinely good person fall in love with me.”
She grabbed my hands, careful to make sure that only our gloves touched, just to be safe, “Freya, no! You are a wonderful, kind, lovely person who deserves the world. You are constantly mothering the littles, making sure they have everything they need at all times. Above all else, you deserve to have someone care for you and put as much effort into a relationship as you do. You don’t deserve to be beaten down and treated as less just because of some silly reason, you deserve love.” Olive’s face was red since she had only taken two breaths that entire monologue.
“Thanks, Liv.”
Claire came running up the stairs and burst through the door, “Miss Avocet’s awake! Enoch told me to come get you.”
Both Liv and I jumped to our feet and ran down the stairs.
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chapter 11
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I think part of the reason that there’s such a dissonance between what kind of character Matthew is ~supposed~ to have and what kind of poor traits shine through, especially in his treatment of Alastair, is not just because of CC’s poor handling of alcoholism (and, in my opinion, mental health issues and depression) but also because: Our first introduction to these characters happened a long ways before some major changes to TLH.
Namely… Alastair and Cordelia were basically white in CC’s original planning. There’s just no way around that. Their flower cards, where they’re not just whitewashed but purely white, prove that (and they STILL haven’t been updated, by the way.)
Also, Alastair’s hair: in CoG it was dyed blond, and CC wrote it off implicitly as a racism thing when she decided he was Persian (which I guess happened after the short story where we met Alastair and before TLH) , which would have been fine it if it was an arc written better. Except, I don’t think she realized that it would make Matthew’s comments about Alastair inherently and obviously racist, being a white author. And I doubt that it will be dealt with and named or even acknowledged outright in the final TLH installment.
Kind of the same thing with Cordelia. I’m not saying POC can’t have like red hair because obviously POC don’t come in a prepackaged set of five or six traits that are all configured randomly, but something has always rubbed me the wrong way about the way that CC writes the majority of her POC and especially WOC as exotic. I mean, Kamala as a character is to me a special favorite (even though CC did her dirty and didn’t do a good job portraying her character or intersectional identity) but I rolled my eyes so hard when she had lighter brown or “amber” eyes in canon or officially commissioned art. With Cordelia, I know CC once said she uses henna to redden her hair which is great for her, and I guess I have less of a bone to pick with that because it’s semi(?) realistic, but still. Also the fact that so much of her description as a beautiful person comes from her hair. Again that’s cool, and women of color should be loved wholly including being loved for the parts of them that they freely change (such as Cordelia’s hair) but… the proportion of the fixation on her hair as what makes her lovely rubs me the wrong way sometimes. I feel like it’s sometimes an out from CC making the ~scandalous~ decision that a woman of color can be beautiful because of the traits she is born with. Idk it’s just for me I had this long standing repulsion towards my colorings and my facial structure and white girls would tell me I was whiny about it and then I finally began to piece together things like “Eurocentric beauty standards.”
Going on a tangent slightly, but something else that bothered me was when Anna insulted Cordelia after buying her those dresses and everyone kinda treating it as a compliment? And just cause Cordelia, a fictional teenager, didn’t get mad about it doesn’t mean readers of color can’t see the underlying racism behind “Cordelia looks MUCH better in these dresses which are SUITED for her skin tone.”
I think that narrative could have been handled much better: if it was Cordelia picking out her own clothes as an act of maturity and self-realization and ownership, if Cordelia herself said (in a different way lol) “Damn right I can wear lavender ruffles if I want to and crimp my hair but I’m not going to let white fashion prevent me from outshining everyone because dark skinned women INVENTED jewel tones.” And I think some people will argue that Cordelia’s context makes this too self aware of a development but I would say that it would have been a powerful part of her development outside of her relationships, especially considering that she’s supposed to be a main protagonist. Full arcs for the win baby!
But even aside from all that what bothered me about Anna’s dresses was the fact that it was a white woman showing the “truth” or the “right way” or “saving” a woman of color, a trope which I don’t think CC intended but committed nonetheless. I think from a white author POV the thinking was “Anna is such a free bohemian who lives true to herself and she’s going to help Cordelia become that way too,” which irks me because I feel like that just worked against CC in terms of POC rep and also because that same ideology is used in an attempt to make Anna’s treatment of Kamala justified even though Anna as an out person, with racial and economic privilege and the support of an extensive and powerful family network, pressured and tormented Kamala into coming out.
I have a lot of thoughts on that relationship, mainly: it shouldn’t have been dragged out this long because from the beginning, Every Exquisite Thing, it was clear they were looking for different things. And if CC had left it at that and let them go on their separate ways after a week of knowing each other that would have been fine: Kamala can’t do an out and proud relationship and Anna doesn’t want secrecy, so they’ll develop on their own. And then later Kamala’s pursuit of Anna in the actual TLH books was I think meant to be a thing about “the lengths you’ll go for true love” but it felt forced. Honestly… It just feels icky. like this woman of color is just so hung up on this white woman who abuses her repeatedly and can’t handle her own misogyny and internalizations. And I hate that because both had such awesome potential! To me it’s less that I dislike Anna ( I’d need a whole other post to explain that) and more that I dislike CC for wanting so bad to claim sapphic rep but not wanting to put in the effort to portray it effectively- and pretty much all that entails is writing the relationship without acting like it exists in a pseudo-vacuum where the history and realities of interracial relationships and queerphobia don’t exist in the way we obviously recognize and experience.
And characters like Cordelia and Alastair are amazing and have so much potential; I think the true origin of the problems with their portrayal is that they weren’t really intended as POC or even queer representation in the first place. I don’t know if Cassie would have taken a different approach to her characterization had she known Alastair would be a brown gay man when she first introduced him, but I hope it would have at least made her more conscientious of the inherent application of colonialism and racism in her storytelling from that point onward.
I want to finally add that I’m not saying any portrayal of racism is bad. I’m saying that the racism in the story is not part of a conscious framework that critiques racism appropriately. I think CC wrote the beginnings of the narrative, decided she was going to develop the diversity point content, and then either didn’t look back at the older content to analyze it and the other (white characters) through a new lens of race and outsiderness and queer personhood, or she looked at it and didn’t know what to do with it, or looked at it and didn’t care.
Sorry this got so long! Thanks for listening.
- A.
I feel like CC handled everything poorly in regards to characters who had a lot of potential.
The fact that Cordelia and Alastair are both originally white and it's so obvious in the way every bit of racism is handled by the characters. Matthew's comments in CLS are very important and they should've been handled with the same severity that Alastair's words were. CC changing the characters to POC was a big decision and when she did so she should've went back and actually read her own material. I can assure you that it will not be handled in CHOT, my expectations for CC recognizing the importance and gravity in the words she writes regarding racism or any of her "implied racism" bullshit have gone to the ground.
Because while golden eyes are obviously so easy to write when discussing discrimination obviously racism is out of the question /j
THAT'S EXACTLY IT, women of color in these books are so pathetically rare that on the rare occurrence that she does write them they should all be given these features that aren't as common in POC and written as more beautiful because of those features. I read CHOG after I became more appreciative of my ethnic features but if I had read this a year or so ago? Or even if I had read it after just feeling insecure in general? It would've been awful. The implication is that the lighter features in POC are the most beautiful, with Cordelia's red hair being put on a higher pedestal than her dark eyes and Kamala's eyes being focused on more than her hair (because I literally went back and counted the numbers to prove it and it's exactly what happens.)
I'm sure Cordelia's hair is stunning, but it's the way that when she's described (or more accurately being sexualized) it is just her hair and body that is shown, not the color of her skin or the color of her eyes.
God the pastel thing pisses me off so much. It's not even that Anna tells Cordelia that she would look better in darker colors it's that she says it suits her skin tone. Implying that anyone with brown skin should be barred from wearing pastels. And Kamala? In the few times she is described, she's wearing dark colors or champagne gold, never light blue or purple or pink WHICH HONESTLY SUITS HER PERSONALITY. It's also the way that the dresses Anna sent her are described to be more revealing- it's weird. Anna barely knew her when she started dictating everything that Cordelia could put on her body.
“Damn right I can wear lavender ruffles if I want to and crimp my hair but I’m not going to let white fashion prevent me from outshining everyone because dark skinned women INVENTED jewel tones.”
I literally would have loved that. It recognizes that she doesn't need to follow these "rules" on what to wear but still shows her choosing what she wants to wear without making all the darker skinned readers feel like they can't wear a certain color.
I think what some people fail to realize is that these books are also aimed at upper elementary and middle school and a middle schooler with dark skin reading something like that? In a book with characters they love? It's going to be so harmful
Someone else mentioned that CC said Kamanna's relationship was complicated because Kamala didn't defend Anna: Defend her FROM WHAT? Literally what is there to threaten Anna?
These books are filled with tokenism and then praised for it. The idea of Kamala X Anna has so much potential but they're portrayed in such a toxic way. Throughout the last through books Kamala puts herself through so much guilt and regret and turmoil just for Anna to literally use her, blame her, and cast her aside. And it's so fucking annoying because it pushes this idea that this woman of color who was terrified and in an extremely vulnerable position is in the wrong for choosing her safety and presents them as guilty and shameful for doing such a thing.
I would disagree, the portrayal of racism is bad, because it is used at random points in the story and never brought up again, if you interduce racism take it seriously it's not the kind of thing you're meant to half-ass in a book thousands of people will read
I agree on everything else though, so much of these books are incredibly harmful and they are presented to a young audience so it's overall just a gross situation
Thank you for the ask though! I loved answering this, if you ever have anything else you're more than welcome to come back <3
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
Spellbinding (Chapter Fourteen)
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Summary: While dealing with a surprising new development in their relationship, Loki and (Y/N) are stuck in the middle of an explosive feud between Steve and Tony.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I’d call this a filler chapter but I absolutely love writing about the Avengers as a whole! I also thought we needed a little break from the plot for some team bonding before things get too crazy lol I hope that you enjoy!
Chapter Fourteen November 22nd, 2015 Avengers Tower, New York City (Previous Chapter)
“You read this book when you were how old?”
(Y/N) smiled mischievously and turned her attention back to reorganizing her closet. “I was seven. I checked it out from the library without telling my Aunt Evelyn and read it late at night; I couldn’t sleep without my nightlight on for months afterwards but I’m glad I read it, since it’s a literary classic and everything.”
Loki let out a half-laugh and turned the page of his book. “Well, if we’re ever blessed with children, I think we should wait until they’re at least twelve to introduce them to Dracula. Perhaps even fourteen.”
In an instant, Loki froze and it dawned on him what he’d accidentally said. (Y/N) was also frozen, her arm still extended to grab a hangar from inside the closet. “I-I…I just meant…I’d like to…” Loki cleared his unusually tight throat. “I, ah, wouldn’t mind having…you know, children. Someday. With…with you.” Dammit, I’ve made a mess of things again, Loki inwardly groaned.
They’d only been together for a little over four months and it was much, much too early in their relationship to bring about the subject of children. But after he acknowledged his love for (Y/N), it was challenging for Loki to envision a future without her in it and lately, the idea of a more permanent future with the woman he loved was all he could think about. He knew that his girlfriend liked children; back when she still worked at the New York Public Library, he’d fondly watch her helping them with their homework or reading to them and since officially becoming the Cosmic Sorceress, she’d visited the children’s ward at the nearby hospital once a week to cheer up the young patients. And despite what others might believe, Loki also liked children and the thought of being a father one day – while admittedly a little nerve-wracking – was not an unwelcome one.
Just as (Y/N), with her (Y/E/C) eyes widened in shock, opened her mouth to reply, there came the sounds of voices shouting angrily from the common room down the hall. In an instant, Loki and (Y/N) summoned their magic into the palms of their hands before sprinting out of her suite and down the hallway.
Steve and Tony stood on either sides of the common room and were fully engaged in a blazing argument by the time Loki and (Y/N) arrived. Skidding to a stop beside (Y/N), Loki’s first thought was that he’d never seen either man as angry as they were now, even during the Battle of New York.
“Because you flat-out refused to listen when I said to wait, three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are at the hospital in critical condition!” Tony yelled.
Steve stepped closer and shouted back, “And if I hadn’t acted when I did, an entire apartment complex would’ve been demolished anyway and dozens of people would be dead! Those agents would be fine right now if you hadn’t hesitated to use your scanners!”
“You mean, if I hadn’t stopped to think the situation through?!”
“You’re acting like a civilian, Stark, not a soldier! Our job is to make the tough decisions as quickly as we can for the benefit of the whole, we don’t have the luxury of holding committees for every choice we make!”
“Bullshit, it’s better to weigh options instead of barreling in without a plan; that’s what you’re best at, though, isn’t it? If you hadn’t made the dumb-ass decision to crash that plane in ‘45, you and Carter-”
Before Tony could finish his sentence, Steve landed a punch on his jaw that sent him staggering backwards. Tony quickly surged forward to retaliate, but Loki used his magic to halt his movement while (Y/N) used hers to stop Steve. “Enough!” They dissolved their magic and with matching looks of contempt, both Steve and Tony turned and stormed away, leaving Loki and (Y/N) to gape at each other in shock.
“Yeah, that was a continuation of what happened on the Quinjet.” They turned and watched Bruce step out of the elevator with a weary expression on his face. “I’ll explain everything to you both, but can we do it in private? The rest of the team’s at each other’s throats and I don’t want all the fighting to accidentally trigger the Big Guy…”
After leading the scientist into (Y/N)’s suite and subtly lighting one of her calming lavender-scented candles, Loki sat beside his girlfriend on the sofa and listened as Bruce talked. “This arms dealer was holding an entire apartment building in Luxembourg hostage, said he’d blow the place up if his demands for more guns weren’t met. Fury sent Steve, Tony, Bucky and Clint this morning; the plan was to surround the building and find a way in before going after the guy, but he decided he didn’t want to wait any longer and turned an automatic timer on for the explosives. Cap sent the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in to clear the building and Tony said to wait for the agents to give word before ordering Bucky to take the shot, but Steve didn’t listen. Bucky took the shot, got the guy, but the explosives still went off.” Loki and (Y/N) exchanged looks of confusion, and Bruce continued. “There was a pressure timer hidden in his hand, they call it a dead man’s switch; Tony scanned and saw it at the last second, but Steve was already giving the order to Bucky.” Bruce started pacing as he ran a hand through his hair. “It’s like a civil war; Clint and Nat are taking Tony’s side, they think Steve could’ve waited a little longer, and Sam and Bucky are on Cap’s side.” He snorted in derision. “Thanksgiving dinner should be a blast this year.”
(Y/N) nodded, a saddened expression on her face, but Loki furrowed his brow. “Thanksgiving? You host a dinner of thanks on Midgard?”
“I’ll explain it to you later.” She flashed him a brief smile before returning her concerned gaze to Bruce. “Is there anything we can do?”
“You both should probably just stay out of it; they might come around faster if they see that you’re neutral in all this.” The scientist walked to the door. “I’d better go down and talk to Fury, so I’ll see you guys later.”
Once Bruce closed the door behind him, (Y/N) threw herself back against the cushions of the couch and sighed. “How could something like this have even happened? We’ve been such a strong team these past few months and now…”
“They’re both strong-willed men and stubborn in their own right, you know that. Each holds steadfast to their beliefs no matter the consequences; this is a trait of theirs I’ve both admired and admonished in all the time I’ve known them.” Loki admitted. “But Banner is correct, any attempt of ours to help may only worsen the situation for everyone.”
Taking in (Y/N)’s troubled frown, Loki decided to try distracting her from their fighting teammates, laying down and resting his head in her lap so that he was staring up at her. “So, a feast of thanks sounds…quaint.”
As he’d hoped, she relaxed as she gave him a look of amusement and began running her fingers through his hair. “It’s more than that, silly. In America, it’s a day where we give thanks for our lives and the people in them. We sit around a table for dinner and let our loved ones know just what they mean to us, that we cherish and appreciate them, no matter any differences…we might…we might have…” (Y/N) trailed off, pausing a moment before gasping in excitement. “Loki, I think I may have either a brilliant plan or an insane one!”
“I know just what you have in mind, darling. Let’s go!” They both hurried to the living room closet and tugged on their coats and scarves; they had a long, long day of shopping ahead of them.
Although he’d acclimated fairly well to Midgard in the months since his arrival, one of the things Loki still utterly despised about the realm were its ‘grocery stores.’ They were crowded, lit by horrendous fluorescent lights and stocked to the brim with inedible, overpriced food; whenever he’d been asked to accompany one of his fellow Avengers on their shopping trips, he would come up with every excuse under the sun to decline their invitation. But he decided to put aside his displeasure for the benefit of his girlfriend and teammates, resigning himself to pushing the rickety metal shopping cart up and down the aisles as (Y/N) read off her hastily-written list.
Their shopping trip had gone far better than he’d imagined and in no time, they were carrying their bags into the lobby of the Avengers Tower.
“You know, we’re going to need an extra pair of hands to help us with the cooking on Thursday.” (Y/N) pointed out as they stepped into their team’s private elevator. “I’m not very good in the kitchen, as you already know, but I’ve always been able to bake pretty decent pies.”
Loki nodded. “All right, so who did you have in mind to help?”
At that moment, the elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal the smiling face of his golden-haired brother. “Ah, there you are! The J.A.R.V.I.S. just informed me you had returned from your outing, was it productive?”
“…You could call it that.”
The tone of his girlfriend’s voice prompted Loki to glance over at her; she was looking from Thor to him, her eyebrows raised and a triumphant smile spreading across her face. Finally understanding her words, Loki’s smile morphed into a look of absolute horror. “Oh no, no, no, not him…!”
“Wait, you guys cooked all this? Without burning the kitchen down?”
Loki couldn’t help but give Bruce a pained look. “Believe me when I say that it was not for lack of trying, Doctor Banner.”
Since they wanted dinner to be a surprise, they’d prepared each dish in one of the kitchens used by the new S.H.I.E.L.D. organization; unfortunately, in their attempt to be secretive they were forced into cramped quarters with rather primitive kitchen appliances at their disposal. And to add to Loki’s growing list of responsibilities, he was forced to babysit the love of his life and his brother in order to prevent the dishes from being ruined by their absolute lack of culinary skills. More than once, he had to use his magic to protect the food he’d cooked from (Y/N)’s over-zealousness with the spices and at one point, he was forced to quickly talk Thor out of using his lightning to rapidly cook the turkey. Hopefully it’ll all have been worth it, Loki tiredly thought to himself.
As if in-tuned with Loki’s inner monologue, Bruce nervously adjusted the sleeves of his coat and replied, “Well, I hope this works and doesn’t just end up making everything worse.”
“You and I both, Doctor.” His eyes were drawn to the elevator as its doors opened, revealing (Y/N) and a cart filled with the feast they’d cooked, and he hurried over to meet her. “Everything’s going to plan so far, they think that it’s only the seven of us for dinner.”
With the help of Bruce, they went about setting the enormous table. “I just sent Thor to fetch Team Cap, so they should be here any minute.” Once they finished, (Y/N) removed her apron and smoothed out her skirt, her anxious expression softening a fraction as she turned to the two men. “Now we see if our brilliantly-insane plan will work.”
Loki had just enough time to lean down and press a reassuring kiss to his girlfriend’s forehead before the elevator doors once again slid open.
“Mmm, smells good in here!” Tony grinned, walking up to (Y/N) and handing her a bottle of wine. “I had Pepper ship one of my best labels over from Malibu for the occasion.”
Natasha did little to hide her amusement at his words. “You just couldn’t resist, could you? And you,” She turned to shoot Clint a glare. “If you don’t stop fidgeting, Barton, we’re going to have a problem.”
“I can’t help it, this stupid suit’s uncomfortable!” Clint grumbled; once Natasha returned her attention to the others, the archer rolled his eyes and whispered to Loki, “Damn straight jacket. (Y/N) forced you into one too, huh?”
“Yes, I-” The sight of Steve, Sam and Bucky entering the room behind Thor caused Loki’s words to die in his throat and as the others caught sight of them, he surreptitiously summoned his magic into his hands in case a fight broke out. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted Thor and Bruce exchanging weary looks.
Steve’s face was a mask as he stepped forward. “Stark.”
All Hel broke loose; Steve and Tony lunged towards one another, their struggling forms barely held back by Bucky and Clint. A cacophony of shouting quickly filled the room as both sides began arguing with each other, but just as Loki raised his arms to use his magic, (Y/N) calmly stepped forward and walked in between the warring groups. The shouting and struggling instantly stopped as they gawked at (Y/N), but she merely smiled warmly at them as she spoke. “Thank you all for coming to our Thanksgiving dinner, Loki and I are glad you were able to make it. Bruce mentioned that you usually don’t celebrate together, but this is my first Thanksgiving with you all and I wanted to mark the occasion with my new family…all of it.” Her words seemed to have their desired intent, as both Steve and Tony relaxed their stances and the others backed away from them. “Now, we should start eating before everything gets cold!”
Needless to say, dinner was a tense affair. Where there was usually the sounds of deafening chatter and laughter, there was quiet murmuring and stoic looks. Loki watched (Y/N) with equal amounts of admiration and sympathy as she tried her hardest to engage their teammates in conversation with one another and with each failed attempt, he could see a little more of her heart breaking. After learning the difficult truth about her parents and having lived so long without a family, (Y/N) deserved to have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with her friends. They all did, really. This has gone on long enough, Loki thought to himself as (Y/N) silently stared down at her plate; after a slight moment of hesitation, Loki got to his feet.
“I’ve done a fair amount of reading about this country’s Day of Thanks, and the custom of expressing what one is thankful for whilst surrounded by their loved ones piqued my interest. So, let’s begin.” Loki swallowed thickly, looking around the table at his teammates’ confused faces before settling on (Y/N)’s. “I’m thankful for you, darling. You came into my life at a time when I believed I could never be deserving of love and you showed me not only was I deserving, but that loving you would make me a better man. You’re the love of my life, and believe me when I say that all our lives have been blessed since meeting you.” Loki and (Y/N) shared a smile and as he turned back to address the others, he felt her take hold of his hand and squeeze. “And I know you may find this difficult to believe, but I am also thankful for all of you. When I first joined the Avengers, I was bitter and filled with resentment at the prospect of serving out my sentence on a planet I despised with people I despised even more. But after a short while, once we’d come to understand one another, you accepted me as your teammate and friend. Well, some of you more than others.” His eyes flicked to Tony, who hid his small smile behind his hand, and to Clint, who gave him a small shrug. “I value our kinship above all else and on this Day of Thanks, I implore you all to remember our bonds with one another. Severing those bonds on account of a petty disagreement is something you all will come to regret in the future; take it from me, I have firsthand experience in that particular department.” He and Thor shared a knowing look as he took a seat; although he wasn’t comfortable expressing his emotions so openly, the look of pride in his brother’s eyes had made it worth it.
The table was quiet for several moments, until Steve cleared his throat. “Well, I’m, ah…I’m thankful that after coming out of the ice to an unrecognizable world I was able to find such great friends and teammates in you all.” His azure eyes flicked hesitantly over to Tony. “We may not get along all the time or agree on everything, but that doesn’t mean we should allow ourselves to become divided.”
Tony’s face remained unchanged throughout Steve’s speech and when he got to his feet, Loki could practically hear the others’ sharp intakes of breath. The billionaire held Steve’s gaze for a heartbeat before offering him his hand over the table with his trademark smirk on his face. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, ‘Roid Rage.” The two men shook hands and the room almost instantly relaxed; Loki exchanged looks of triumph with his co-conspirators as dinner continued, satisfied that their plan had been successfully implemented.
“Dinner was delicious, by the way.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, darling, though I’m not sure what the others thought of it.”
“Well, they were a little too distracted to hand out compliments on food, wouldn’t you say?”
The pair had decided to spend the night catching up on their reading but instead of utilizing the library, they had made themselves comfortable in Loki’s bed with their books and plenty of blankets. Loki sat up against the headboard, his legs stretched out across the mattress and his ankles crossed, and (Y/N) was leaning against his side, her head resting comfortable in the crook of his neck and her free arm holding Loki’s around her waist. They sat in comfortable silence as they read their own books, occasionally permeating the tranquil atmosphere with light conversation.
“Um, Loki?”
“Hmm?” Loki could feel (Y/N) shifting beside him, so he tore his eyes away from his book and watched as she marked her page and set her book down on the bedside table. Setting his own book aside, Loki adjusted himself so he could see her face better. “What is it?”
(Y/N) bit her lip and played with the sleeve of her sweatshirt before answering. “We’ve been so busy planning Thanksgiving dinner and trying to get the team back together that we haven’t had a chance to talk about what you said the other day.” Loki’s brow furrowed in confusion, and the corner of (Y/N)’s mouth twitched. “About wanting to, um, have children. With me.”
“Oh.” Loki felt himself pale; he’d completely forgotten about his slip-up and being reminded of it caused panic to flare in his chest. “I-It was stupid, (Y/N), I just…we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, I only meant-”
His explanation was abruptly cut off by (Y/N), who had covered his mouth with her hand and was shaking with suppressed laughter. “I always love those rare moments when you’re the one to get flustered; a little line always forms in between your eyebrows.” She leaned forward and pressed a brief kiss on the spot before moving her hand from his mouth to cup his cheek. “I was surprised by what you said the other day because I didn’t realize that you’ve imagined the same future that I have.” (Y/N) shyly looked down but she reached for his free hand and intertwined their fingers together. “I may not have much experience with relationships, Loki, but I love you with all my heart and if there’s anyone I want to share that wonderful future with someday…well, it’s you.”
A grin slowly formed on Loki’s face; removing one of his hands from hers, he gently took hold of her chin and coaxed her to look at him. “Really?”
She nodded, her (Y/E/C) eyes sparkling with happiness. “Really.”
Surging forward, Loki held her face in his hands and smashed his lips against hers. (Y/N) made a sound of surprise before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing back with equal vigor; Loki eventually found himself lying flat on his back while (Y/N) straddled his waist, one hand clutching her hip while the other traveled up and down her spine as they kissed. (Y/N) pulled her lips away from his and just as his throat made a noise of protest, she began kissing along his jawline and down his neck; needless to say, his annoyance quickly morphed to groans of satisfaction. Only when her soft lips brushed against a particularly sensitive patch of skin near his collarbone did Loki lose all restraint; he flipped them over so that (Y/N) was pressed against the mattress and after grabbing her hands and threading their fingers together, he held them over her head and hungrily attacked her eager lips with his own until an unfortunate lack of air forced them to break apart.
“I said I’d like children with you someday, Loki, not today!” (Y/N) exclaimed breathlessly, a dazed sort of smile illuminating her face as she looked up at him.
Loki let out a laugh before kissing her forehead and rolling off to lay on his back beside her; try as he might, he couldn’t keep the broad grin off his face. “Apologies, my love, but you’re entirely irresistible. If I’d known there were kisses like that in store for me, I’d have told you all that ages ago…”
Later that evening, (Y/N) was fast asleep against his chest and the sounds of her quiet snores filled the room as he stretched out on the bed in contentment. I suppose there’s only one thing left to do, Loki thought tiredly, pulling (Y/N) closer and glancing over at the bedside table that hid the engagement ring before sleep finally claimed him.
A/N: Wow, that was a lot of fluff! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter Fifteen
Spellbinding Masterlist
Tagging: @nexiva @ravenclawbitch426 @cminr @confusedfandomwriter @momc95 @nickkie1129 @austynparksandpizza @brooke0297 @destructivebliss @outoftheregular​ @itscomplicatedx​ @0-artemis​ @vivloki​
101 notes · View notes
Torn a New One
This is based on the @drarrymicrofic​ prompt for pretend, and got very long. Heres the ao3 link :).
The shirt is supposed to make Harry look like that one Bratz doll meme; you know the one. 
Thanks for reading <3 <3
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Harry is a stoic man. That’s what Hermione calls him.
He’s sitting on Ron’s plush carpeted floors in his shiny new flat. Ron himself is passed out on a couch that costs more galleons than a year of Hermione’s tuition, with Hermione herself teetering on the edge of both her couch and hers and Ron’s refusal to bring up that they’re still fucking on the side of their tumultuous breakup. She brings up Harry’s problems to distract herself, and Harry tells her not to bother. Harry also tells her that she and Ron should just own up to their idiocy and sort their crap out sooner rather than later, and then Hermione yells loud enough to wake Ron with: Harry James Potter, you’re a complete and utter hypocrite. Ron does wake up when their voices raise like this, and then cordons Hermione off to the main bedroom leaving Harry to pretend that he’ll floo home, before the three of them end up eating cereal whilst sitting at/on Ron’s granite countertops the next morning.
All three look a right picture. Hermione is staunchly refusing to acknowledge that she’s wearing a t-shirt of Ron’s – old Canon’s merch that she’s absolutely swimming in. Harry, in solidarity, is also wearing one of Ron’s shirts without pants – the newest Wheezes rollout collection, classic stylized lettering (Ron’s got this beautiful flat because every single Witch and Wizard between the ages of 14 and 37 owns Wheezes now). And Ron himself is shirtless and in nothing but underwear.
They’ve seen more of each other than is completely normal over the last 15 years, but they’re still indulgent enough not to bring up any of the shit they refuse to talk about. They need a balancing force, Harry often thinks, someone who is outrightly honest and refuses the stupid little games that the golden trio fall into to avoid talking about their true feelings. That’s what Harry thinks inside his head, but his body ends up groaning and bending forward so his forehead smacks the countertops none too gently. His consciousness sounds more and more like someone he refuses to think about whenever he’s been drinking. Merlin save him.
“Oi,” Ron admonishes without looking up from his bowl. He’s leaning atop the counter on forearms and staring into his cereal, swirling the spoon around the stodgy mess and eating no longer.
Harry grunts first, and then says “gonna sick up, Ronnykins?” and gets glared at by Hermione who is onto her third bowl of cereal at this point. Right. Can’t joke about Lavender either, apparently. That fling definitely didn’t help the dynamic, Harry reminds himself.
“Jus’ don’t wan’ you bruising my bench with your fat head.”
Harry kicks out at Ron with his closest foot and makes contact, gets an immediate groan for his efforts, before Ron’s pulling up from his slouch and getting Harry into a pretty tight headlock. Harry resorts to elbowing Ron in the gut over and over. Ron groans and releases, making a mad dash for the fancy powder room into which he projectiles.
Hermione, for all she looks dazed and noncommittal this early into a hangover, manages to give off an air of created aloofness about the violent noises coming from down the hall. Harry smirks at her, and gets his own kick in response that makes him exclaim “ow, fuck. You two are so bloody violent.”
Before she responds, there’s a tapping at the window. Owl. Hermione stares at Harry to let him know that there’s no way she’s moving from her lounging for the bloody post, so Harry straightens up to open the window for the tawny. Efficient things these post owls are this morning; just drops the paper on the countertop near Harry’s bowl before flying right out the window without even waiting for a treat.
Harry’s shaking his head to brush away the last fuzz of the evening with the assistance of the scent of fresh air. Hermione gasps out loud. That makes Harry turn around quick enough for whiplash, and then he wishes fervently for death by sustained head trauma when the figure on the front of the paper, unfurled and sepia, winks right at him.
“Fuck,” Harry says. His gut churns, and then he’s running down the hall, past the occupied powder room to Ron’s master bath, and vomits up his guts.
Ron’s back in the kitchen by the time that Harry stumbles back in. Three strong cups of tea are quick-brewing under Hermione’s wand, even though both her and Ron’s attention is maintained by the Prophet’s front page. Because that is Draco Malfoy wearing a Wheezes “I shagged Harry Potter and all I got was this stupid shirt” collectable.
“It’s ironic!” Ron and George had insisted on its’ inception 4 years back. Only 100 had been made, a necessity: scarcity is key. They resell for a lot of money these days. Harry would rather die than see another in person. His face, a terrible photo of him caught by photographers during a pretty brutal night out, is plastered right on the middle along with stylized fireworks that go off every couple of minutes. He’d been convinced into making them, to try and control the narrative or whatever bullshit the Weasley’s had spouted just a couple of days beforehand when Harry had started stomping around the burrow or the floor of the joke shop or Hermione and Ron’s old shoebox apartment in anguish. It worked, he guesses, and he doesn’t see many of them anymore, as they’re kept in the strongest of imperturbable charms and modified protegos by anyone lucky enough to get one. But this one. This one he didn’t know about.
Hermione’s been muttering to herself as she read the accompanying story, when her voice perks up. “Merlin, listen to this: ‘this intrepid reporter asked what I’m certain all our readership will be most curious to uncover now that we are sitting down with the one and only Draco Malfoy. When we had sat down in Mr. Malfoy’s beautifully appointed drawing room, I too was especially shocked at his choice of attire,’” Hermione pauses here to roll her eyes and mutter “oh here we go,” before continuing in a higher and haughtier voice. “‘We all know the poise that Mr. Malfoy holds, one of Wizarding Britain’s most darling Stars, his performance in Wizarding Wireless serials having taken our world by storm the past 6 years. I must myself mention the serialisation of the modern take on the Wizarding classic story of Millicent Mimbletonia’s Marvelous Manor; captured this reporter’s heart, it did.’ What a load of absolute nonsense.”
“Oh, come on, Herm,” Ron says and knocks into her arm to get her to continue the story.
“Fine, but this is all absolute tripe. What was Draco thinking! Okay. Blah blah blah, you can’t believe how long this person goes on about Draco’s drawing room, blah. Okay here. ‘On questioning Mr. Malfoy’s choice to wear the now famously collectible Wheezes’ Harry Potter shirt, the gentleman seems to look slightly pensive.’
“‘‘Monsieur,’ our Star addresses me, ‘when you have been in the business of telling stories for as long as I, you start to have a great fondness for truth. I must now admit to you, and all of your lovely readers, that I bought this shirt on release and whilst under Polyjuice’. Now readers, you must bear with Mr. Malfoy here. Yours truly was very shocked-’ Good God, can this man obfuscate. Okay, then Draco says, ‘‘I’ve kept my ownership of such an item close to my chest, and away from my closest relationships. I have found over the years that true mutual affection, friendship, and love, have foundations built on beds of uncertainty and trust simultaneously, and thus I was afraid to expose myself.’ I but in here and ask what we must all be thinking at this admission: is he such a big fan of our Saviour that he is ashamed? But Mr. Malfoy continues: ‘No, monsieur. In all honesty, I am the man’s biggest critic.’’” Harry ducks his head, his hands shaking as he reaches for the now over-brewed tea.
Hermione looks up at Harry and Ron with wide eyes. Ron looks back at her wide eyed too, glancing small looks at Harry every now and again when he finds something particularly salacious, but he says nothing. Harry is hiding his trembling hands and trembling mouth behind a blisteringly hot cup of tea. She receives no objections, and continues. “‘‘I am livid that he’s been out of the public eye for so long regardless of his exceptional ability to bring about change in those around him; Potter has worked the same archival job in the Ministry for 5 years, with no end in sight, I fear. He refuses to allow those outside of his closest friends and family to know him in any sense, and I would argue that this is truly detrimental to his relationship with the Wizarding community. Although I disagree with the man on many things, I will be the first to say here and now that if any person deserves privacy, it is him. But the relationships we build with those we love-’’” and Harry snatches the paper out of Hermione’s hands.
“Harry,” Ron starts, reaching out a hand and grasping his upper arm. Hermione too has hopped down off the counter and is crowding Harry’s other side. He wants to shake them off, but he can’t. He can’t stop looking at the paper in his hands with Draco’s figure. Draco’s white blond head of hair turned beige on paper, his eyes sharp and flirty to readers, his hands restlessly gripping at his shirt. The shirt with Harry’s face.
Harry is a stoic man. Hermione tells him that exactly, Ron tells him that adjacently, and Draco. Draco has said the same thing in so many ways and at so many times that Harry has had it drilled into his head. His eyes are watering now, a little. And he can’t read much more of the article, but he doesn’t really need to. Because Draco will skate around enough of his personal life that it seems as though he’s come clean about something when he’s actually just marketing his next serial; it’s what he does.
This time, though, he’s wearing one of those terrible shirts that almost single-handedly sparked the Wheezes fashion line and bought Ron this apartment, and he’s saying things here that Harry knows are true. Knows are directed right at Harry. Knows because a week ago Harry had walked right out of Draco’s “well-appointed” drawing room, slamming the door and not answering the following owls. Harry hasn’t slept at his own sparse flat for a week. He’s spent time at Ron’s, spent time at Hermione’s, spent time at the Burrow. He’s even spent time in the dark halls of Grimmauld, which he hasn’t wanted to touch for years, no matter how many people around him shared their opinions on it being the perfect. Home. One day.
They’re standing there, the three of them, when a knock sounds on Ron’s front door. Harry freezes, but Ron staggers out into the hallway, still in nothing but underwear.
“Sweet Merlin, Weasley, could you put on some bloody pants? You do know it’s ten o’clock?” Says the visitor, and Harry just lets his back go limp, setting out to truly bruise Ron’s beautiful granite countertops with his forehead once again. He can hear Ron sarcastically mumble something along the lines of ‘yes Malfoy, of course you can come in’. Hermione grips his arm slightly in sympathy, but turns to face the entrance to the kitchen anyway. Like a traitor.
“Hermione, lovely as always. I see the three of you are in similar states of distressed undress this morning. Have you finally succumbed to your polyamorous destiny?”
“Nice to see you too, Draco. Lovely article.”
“Thank you. Do you like the shirt, too? Catches a sweet mint in resale these days.”
“You don’t say…”
“Yes, yes. Now, Harry, please pick yourself up off of the place we civilised people prepare our food.”
Harry groans into the cool surface, but can’t stop himself from responding. It’s a natural reaction to the bullshit that comes out of Draco’s mouth most times. “If you’ve ever made a meal by yourself in your life, I’ll eat the countertop.”
“Harry,” his voice is menacing, and his footsteps are getting closer, “I’m not civilised.” And at that Draco grabs Harry by the shoulder and turns up around and back up against the counter top with not a small amount of force.
Harry’s reply comes out breathless from the impact. “You said ‘we’.”
“It was a universal ‘we’.” Draco says this through gritted teeth. His blond eyebrows are sitting right on top of his grey eyes and they scream murder louder than they’ve ever done before, which is saying something since Draco was once a Death Eater, no matter what the admiring general Wizarding public would like to remember.  
Harry doesn’t have a retort prepared, per se. It would be a more concise comment on how Draco hadn’t taken a single English language course his entire life, and what would he know about the universal ‘we’, but Harry meets Draco’s eyes and he’s a bit lost. A week of blanket non-communication. A bit extreme. Not gone longer than a couple of days without talking for years, have they.
“Cuppa, Draco?” That’s from Ron.
“Yes. Two sugars. Level.”
Ron scoffs, but Draco beats him to it. “Weasley it’s two-level sugars, please, for once, reorient your sense of balance before you spill the entire sugar pot into the cup.”
“Just don’t give him any sugar, Ron. He’s obviously already mental, we don’t want him to go into cardiac arrest.” This from Hermione.
Draco scoffs before Ron can respond. “Settle down Granger. I’m not going to pretend to like black tea for some sense of superiority like some of us.”
“It’s better for your-”
“You know what’s good for your health?” Draco all but yells and spins around to face Ron and Hermione. Ron, still next to naked, and Hermione drowning in Ron’s clothes. She’s back to sitting on the counter, Ron leaning back next to her. They look like they’ve looked for the past 10 years – drawn to each other, allies, et cetera. Draco huffs. “What’s good for your health is you two sitting down and talking about your absolutely bloody insane coupling. What’s good for your health is not getting blackout drunk every Friday night and ending up sleeping with each other, and then not talking about it, until the next week when you can do it again.”
Ron and Hermione are shifting where they sit, Hermione, looking as though she’s getting herself ready to argue back, and Ron in a more protected position behind his ex-girlfriend. Harry feels a little sorry for them, getting the third degree from Draco when he looks as unhinged as he does now. The Harry on his chest, a mess when the photo was taken, is now looking at them disappointedly like he’s on Draco’s side. Like a magical recreation of a Harry who was in quite an intense meltdown at the time has any right to be “on Draco’s side” about any issues of wellbeing.
Hermione does get the strength to pipe up. “Don’t take that tone with us, Draco Malfoy.” But that’s all she can get out. Harry’s pretty sure she’s stumped. Doesn’t have an argument. Draco, Harry knows, has refused to get involved in this situation. Has watched from the side-lines and stewed. Harry’s been all for letting the two of them work their shit out in their own time, but he’s a stoic man, what does he know about all that?
“Don’t take that tone with us, Draco Malfoy,” is Draco’s retort, mocking back in a high-pitched squeak that Harry winces at. Hermione was about to hop off the counter, he could see, but Ron’s sudden arm around her waist kept her down. “You two just have to talk about it. So what if Hermione slept with Lavender? You guys weren’t together at the time!”
Hermione splutters, eyes wide, all thoughts of advancing physically on Draco gone. Ron sat eyes wide too, flicking between Draco and Hermione as if waiting for more.
“Wait-��� he starts.
Hermione wails “Ron I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I know. It was such a bad thing to do-”
“No wait! You’ve been acting weird because of that?” And Ron looks incredulously at Harry. Harry sends him an incredulous look back, equally as surprised that Draco hit the nail on the head.
“What! You knew?” Hermione is still wailing.
Ron turns fully to face her and wails himself: “Of course I knew! How could I not know! Harry told me! Draco told me! Lavender told me! Hell, a month ago you got so drunk you told me.”
Hermione’s eyes are so wide that Harry’s afraid she’s going to start crying, and he grabs Draco’s arm in shock. Draco tenses all of a sudden and then Harry consciously remembers why he’s not doing that and shrinks back again. Ron and Hermione aren’t really focusing on anything but themselves now, so they don’t notice how Draco turns slowly back to face Harry, backed against the kitchen’s island like he has been since Draco arrived.
“And you, Harry Potter.” Draco pauses, and Harry has time to do a quick pass over. Draco on the front page of the Daily Prophet and Draco in the middle of Ron’s stylish London flat are two very different Draco’s. Quiet, pensive, charming and loveable Draco in the papers. Thoughtful. Friendly. A bloody myth.
This Draco. Angry, flustered, dishevelled, loud. This is the same Draco who, when Harry slipped up the other week – the week when everything changed – went red, went silent, went unresponsive in so many ways. Harry, fresh off the first love confession he’d ever given, so incredibly off the cuff that it had shocked him and scared him, had had to storm out of the apartment, slam the doors behind him, and apparate away to his own flat he barely spends any time in.
He’d slipped up. They’d never even suggested anything romantic between the two of them. They’d been close for a long time at this point and. Feelings. His feelings. They were supposed to be unspoken. He’d been nursing the growing beast of his feelings behind his stupid chest, which was okay as long as they were unspoken. Pretending every day that they weren’t eating at him alive.
Eating at him when he woke up in Draco’s spare room on more mornings than he’d liked to count, early enough before work that they could sit for breakfasts in Draco’s kitchen. And then Harry’s co-workers at the Ministry archives asking him questions about Draco’s new shows or his schedule or his favourite foods. Draco and Harry having dinner with Ron and Hermione at hole in the wall restaurants in the muggle world. Birthdays together; dinners at Draco’s or Ron’s nicer flats; bickering over anything and everything they could get their minds on.
“You hate my job.”
Harry’s eyes bulge open. Did he mean to say that? Sweet Merlin. It was definitely him, and now Draco is staring at him in confused consternation, as if he has to come to terms now that Harry’s gone insane.
Harry doubles down, though. Trusts his subconscious decisions. “Yeah, you hate my job!” he repeats.
“Are,” Draco starts, slowly, “you kidding me.”
He could respond, but Harry just shakes his head instead.
Harry’s thought Draco’s been properly angry this whole time. He was wrong. “I hate your job? Who doesn’t hate your job!” Draco’s arms reach out and grab tightly around Harry’s upper arms. Harry’s not above flexing, just a little. He tells himself it’s to test the grip, but honestly, he’s hoping to distract Draco from the rage.
“It’s not that bad!” Harry repeats, and Draco groans loudly.
“Not that bad? Are you trying to give me a stress induced ulcer?”
“What do you know about stress induced ulcers?” comes a faint response from Hermione.
Draco turns his head, hands still tight around Harry’s biceps, and says “don’t you two have make-up sex to attend to?”
Harry responds. “Ron’s sick.”
Draco glares back at Harry for a second, and then turns back to where Ron and Hermione haven’t moved. “Get out, you’re distracting him from the fight.”
“We’re the emotional support,” and “lame fight” come respectively from Hermione and Ron.
“Oh, that’s rich!” Draco yells in their direction, but Harry’s sure that he’s ignoring Ron’s comment. “Emotional support! You two have let this wanker,” a thumb thrown at Harry from over Draco’s shoulder, “probably crash on your couches rather than forcing him to face me. You’re all as bad as each other.”
“Draco,” Harry feels he has to say, and draws Draco’s attention from his two best friends who definitely have been letting him crash on their couches and had not once tried to force Harry to face his problems. He loves them a hell of a lot.
“Don’t you try to lessen this, Harry Potter.” Harry’s been on the receiving edge of worse glares from Draco, so this one isn’t that bad. Harry’s actually feeling a lot better now that Draco is in the same room as him. Feels his terrible, traitorous heart almost relax. “I’m sick of you three. You’re the worst bloody enablers for each other.”
Harry scoffs. Sure, they’d never force him to do something he didn’t want to, but it’s not like they agree with his decisions all the time.
Draco hears the scoff of course, and gives up on trying to chase the others out of the kitchen. He turns around towards the entrance, faces away from all of them and talks to himself at top volume. “This is what my life has become. The sole source of constructive criticism for the bloody Golden Trio.”
Ron snorts to cover up a laugh.
“I survive working for a fascist dictator, successfully rebuild my image, forge a new path for myself in the world, but I’m here. An overworked, under-rewarded, glorified therapist!”  
Harry, Hermione, and Ron exchange glances. The other two look at Harry in commiseration, but Harry is starting to think that Draco has a bit of a point when he realises that Ron’s arm is still around Hermione’s waist who is leaning right into his side.
“Okay.” Draco takes a deep breath and turns around to face Harry. “Since they’re not leaving, you all get to hear this.” He steps closer. “I hate your job. I hate your flat. I hate that you won’t face up to hard things, and I refuse to be okay with any of that.”
Harry swallows hard.
“People are letting you get away with anything at the moment, and when you told me you loved me, I got scared. Because I thought that I’d become one of those people to you too.”
“That’s not-”
“No.” Draco stops Harry for butting in. “No. We’re not pretending any longer. I love you-” thump goes Harry’s heart in his chest, eyes bulging and smile unable to be stopped “-but sometimes I seriously don’t like you.”
Harry’s smile does dim at that, but only slightly.
Draco looks away at last, his hands on his hips, and starts pacing. “I couldn’t believe-” sharp glance at Harry through the pacing, “-you just left after you said that. I couldn’t believe you’d actually not answer my owls. You’re an absolute coward sometimes.”
“You didn’t say anything…” Harry mumbles.
“Oh,” Draco responds with an eyeroll, still pacing, “so you get to freak out for a week, but I’m not allowed longer than a couple of minutes to compose myself?”
Harry ducks his eyes, ashamed.
Draco hmphs, and pauses in his pacing to look down his nose at Harry. “That’s right. You should feel bad.”
Shirt-Harry shakes his head at real-Har- “God Draco, take the shirt off!”
“What?” Draco is shocked into pausing his restless movement. “Take my shirt off? You haven’t even apologised and want to get me half naked like the rest of you? I think not!”
“That’s not- ugh, forget this.” Harry reaches forward and grabs Draco mid-pace. “Draco.” Deep breath. Harry meets Draco’s eyes. Draco looks like he’s been through his paces. He doesn’t even look angry anymore, he just looks like the culmination of a week of stress. Ron and Hermione are eating dry cereal right out of the box from their perch as they watch, and they both give Harry nods and a thumbs up in encouragement when his eyes stray to them.
He’s a stoic man: Draco and Hermione are right. He hasn’t had to be brave in a long while. This is a moment that’s worth it though, even if he has to fake it at first.
“I’m sorry.” He has to pause at that, because he can feel the emotions bubbling up a bit too high. He takes a deep breath, and makes sure that Draco’s eyes don’t stray. “You’re… you’re right. About a lot of that-”
Draco buts in with “I’m right about all of it, actua-”
“Shut up, do you want me to get this out?”
Draco concedes.
Harry takes another breath, but the nerves have disappeared in the face of Draco’s unfiltered verve. “I shouldn’t have left. I was-”
“A coward.”
“I was. I was a coward. I was scared. You didn’t respond, which never happens. You’re so good with your words.” He has to take a minute to collect his thoughts, but finds the right thread. “I love you, and have done for a while. I ran because I kind of didn’t mean to say it then. We were already fighting about something, and it just came out, which wasn’t right, and sometimes I’m so afraid that things will change, because you’re my best friend-” “Hey!” “-my best friend and I didn’t want to lose that.”
“You should have said that then.”
Harry closes his eyes. God, feelings are so bloody hard. “Yeah, yeah I know.”
“Oh well, as long as you know.”
“Draco. Shut up.” He swallows. “I like my job.”
“No, you don’t. You come home-” a sharp breath “-you come to mine, I mean. You come to mine after work and you can’t stop complaining. We like our jobs. I’m sure when Hermione finishes her ChP and becomes the Minister she’ll love her job too.” (“It’s a PhD, Draco, I’ve told you a million times.” “Maybe another time, Herm.”)
Harry has to breath deeper, because his blood is pumping a bit too fast in his ears. He drops his hands from Draco and takes a couple of steps back. A retreat. “I think,” and he has to swallow a couple of times before he can force the words out of his throat. He looks up and meets all of their eyes. “I don’t think I can do important things anymore. I. I don’t want to- I.”
“Merlin sakes, Harry.” Draco says. “I think it may be time we force you into therapy.” And Draco just looks impatient. “You can’t keep pretending it’s not a problem, and we can’t keep letting you!”
Harry. Harry nods. He thinks he nods. It’s what he wants to do, but he’s not really looking at anyone anymore, eyes to the ground, heart a bit too fast in his chest for comfort. He wishes that he was still eating soggy cereal in the kitchen before the post arrived this morning. He’s a stoic coward.
Draco seems to take a deep breath, and then he turns around to face the others. “Okay, get up. I’m sick of standing in Weasley’s kitchen.”
Harry takes a pause and looks at Draco’s face. He’s perfectly serious, and so is the Harry on his shirt.  Harry’s heart is still racing, but Draco just looks resigned and present. He can’t help himself from smiling a little when his eyes catch on Draco’s. He gets a pretty severe glare in response, before Draco just walks right out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Harry follows, and hears the small grunt from Hermione hitting the ground behind him. Two sets of feet follow his own.
“Don’t forget my tea, Weasley!”
Ron scoffs, but still walks back into the kitchen to make a tea he’d promised about 20 minutes earlier.
Harry sits down on the floor in the same place he sat last night. Draco’s chosen the armchair near the fire; where he usually sits. Hermione stomps over to take the seat on the couch closest to the armchair, and Ron can be heard pottering around the kitchen.
Draco looks to Hermione with a frown. “What?”
Hermione looks haughty yet contrite. Like she actually can’t help herself from making sure that Draco knows he was wrong, and feels a little bit sorry about it. “It’s a PhD, not a ChP or whatever you called it.”
“Honestly Granger, what does it matter?”
A harrumph from Hermione as she settles back into Ron’s expensive couch cushions. “It’s a very important thing.”
Harry chucks her a grin, and she smiles back proudly.
Draco rolls his eyes. “Why do you all insist on patting yourselves on the back constantly. You don’t see me singing my own praises.”
Ron let’s out a violent laugh from the kitchen, and Draco flushes a little bit, his eyes flicking to Harry who grins at him too.
Mugs float out from the kitchen, Ron trailing behind. Harry grabs his out of the air and cherishes the sent of the strong tea. He can’t help but laugh when Hermione grimaces at the taste of her milkless cup, and Draco looks at her as if he’s won something.
Harry’s won something. He’s won Draco sitting here in Ron’s expensive apartment, Draco rolling his eyes when Hermione chides him about his too sweet tea, then Draco chiding Ron when he argues that Ron made it too sweet anyway, and that if he has to have teeth work done it’ll be Ron’s fault.
“You can make your own tea, you know, you’re not that famous.”
“Actually, Weasley, I’m more famous than all three of you, currently. The only thing getting you through is dumb luck and a gullible consumer base. I get by on pure talent.”
“Sure, Draco.”
“Also, I expect thanks when Wheezes gets the significant boost in sales it’s sure to this week, what with the Prophet this morning.”
“Sure, Draco.”
Harry smiles. His arse will probably start hurting before his mug is drained, and the sounds of arguing will get tiring soon after that. He’s smiling so hard his cheeks hurt a little. He takes a deep breath. “Okay, fine. Therapy. I’ll do it.”
Ron and Hermione smile at him like they knew it was coming all along, pressed up against each other on the expensive couches. Draco just looks at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for who knows what. Probably an oral manifesto of Harry’s recognised faults and his plans to change them. Harry just smiles right back at Draco, wide and unashamed. Draco shakes his head a little bit, lips pulling up too.
Harry’s worried that if Draco keeps looking at him at all that he’ll have to walk over there and kiss him without warning. He picks his mug up and keeps sipping though, pretends he doesn’t absolutely need to do just that. Because there’s going to be time. Lots of it.
His stoicism has its uses sometimes, maybe.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
High - JJ (Outer Banks)
Request: First of all, I’m a big fan of your writing :)) do you write imagines based off of songs? If yes, maybe one based on High by 5 Seconds of Summer? With JJ from outer banks
A/N: So this is basically broken up into like different moments in the relationship between the reader and JJ. 
Scarlett was droning on about something that Kelce had said to her as you stood by the drinks counter, waiting for the smoothies she had ordered. The spinach and mango, so she said, was amazing for complexion. While she talked your eyes scanned the lobby of the country club. You had a decent view of the dining room from where you were and you caught a glimpse of blond passing the doors just as you looked over.  
“So I told him it’s over with us.”  
“Yeah, I don’t blame you.” You replied, mindlessly, as you waited for the doors to the kitchen to open again.
“Sarah wants to go to Chapel Hill tomorrow but like, I don’t know, I just don’t think my head is in doing a day out. Like I just need to focus on putting myself back out there.”  
“Yeah...you should.”  
The kitchen doors opened and you smiled as you saw JJ walk out, server’s outfit on and carrying basin for the dishes under one arm. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and opened a text to him.  
-I can see you-
-stalker. do I look hot?- He replied.  
-I couldn’t tell-
JJ left the basin on an empty table and walked over to the dining room doors, looking across the lobby to see you at the juice counter. You smiled and winked at him before texting again.
-Oh yeah, super hot-
-God you’re so obsessed with me-
You bit your lip to stop from laughing and drawing Scarlett’s attention away from telling the girl behind the juice counter about her breakup.  
-It’s cause you’re so hot-
-you must feel so lucky I’m your boyfriend-
“What do you think?” Scarlett asked, turning to you.
“What?” You looked over at her, realizing too late that you had zoned out of the conversation for too long. You had no idea what she was asking.  
“I swear to god. First I can’t rely on Kelce and now you’re off in la la land fucking texting when I’m trying to talk to you. My therapist said that people just keep letting me down and it’s so true.”
“I’m sorry Scarlett, I’m not trying to ‘let you down’. Look, lets go do yoga okay? You’ll feel better. It’s bikram, we can sweat out all our problems.” You promised, grabbing your smoothie.
“Fine.” Scarlett nodded, grabbing her own smoothie and looking across the lobby. JJ was still in the doorway of the dining room, watching the both of you, and she frowned. “Ugh, I can’t stand these losers they employ.”
“What?” You looked over at JJ. He smiled and then disappeared back into the dining room.  
“Gross.” Scarlett muttered, linking her arm with yours and leading you away.  
“Come here,” JJ held his hand out for you as the boat slowed to a stop. You grasped his hand in yours and stepped off the dock, boarding the HMS Pogue. When you were safely on board he yanked on your hand to pull you against him, smiling when you gripped his shirt to keep yourself upright. “Hey.”
“Hi.” You barely got out a greeting as he leaned down and kissed you. It was still off-season, a little colder than usual, and JJ had his grey sweatshirt on. You were particularly fond of the sweatshirt, as stupid as it sounded. It was warm and soft and smelled like the flavored vape he was smoking. “I brought you present,” you said, once he had pulled away.
“Is the present alcohol?” He asked, smiling when you pulled away to grab the cooler and blanket that were still on the dock. “Oh my god, have I ever told you how perfect you are?”
“You are so full of shit Jay.” You laughed.
“So where are you right now?” He joked. Your mom had been urging you to date someone for almost a year now, talking about how your friends all seemed to be getting together and didn’t you want to have someone in your life like that. She didn’t know that you had been dating. You and JJ had been together for almost as long as she had been pestering you.  
Your friends didn’t know either. They had no idea that every time you blew off plans or disappeared for afternoons at a time you were meeting up with JJ. If they knew, if your parents knew, you’d probably be locked in your room, Rapunzel style. Being a kook meant that your parents had a lot of expectations for you and none of them involved you running around the outer banks with a boy like JJ.  
It didn’t matter that you were 100% positive that you loved him or that you had been thinking more and more about the future. All that would matter if your parents or your friends knew was that you were dating a Pogue. And, maybe worse than that, a Maybank.
“Oh, I’m at a campus visitation day in Chapel Hill. Checking out the college, you know.” You replied, sitting down on the bench while JJ guided the boat away from the dock.  
“How’s it looking?”
“The guys are way hotter than I thought they’d be.” You teased, smiling when he looked back at you.  
JJ’s friends knew about you. Countless days had been spent with Kiara and the guys at the Chateau or out on the marsh. They were all infinitely cooler than your own friends and you loved hanging out with them. You would trade being a kook for being a pogue in an instant if it meant never having to go to a stupid house party or listen to Topper’s bullshit ever again. You would have traded anything in the world for the chance to spend all day on the marsh with JJ.  
Midsummers was filled with stuffy old rich people and their families and, though you fell under that category, you were bored out of your mind. You’d topped off every drink at your parents’ table as they chatted mindlessly about OBX and weather and business. Your options for the evening were slim. Hang at the table and listen to the most boring conversations known to man or venture out to find Scarlett and Topper and Kelce. The party was in full swing and the air outside, even after the sun had set, was warm. You felt like your dress was sticking to you.  
“Mom, I’ll be right back.”  
“Sure hon.” Your mother waved you off as you headed inside the country club. At least it was air conditioned inside.  
You turned the corner by the stairs, heading for the locker room when some grabbed you. An arm around your waist and a hand pressed to your mouth. You almost screamed but the familiar sensation of cold metal mixed with warm skin told you exactly who the hand covering your mouth belonged to.  
He pulled you into the coat room, finally letting you go to switch on the light.  
“You gave me a heart attack. What the fuck?” You laughed, smacking his arm.  
“Sorry babe, you look fucking hot by the way.”  
“You’re so romantic.” You rolled your eyes at him but leaned in, kissing him anyway. You’d spent all day yesterday with your mom in Chapel Hill and all day today ‘preparing’ for midsummers. This was the first time in over 48 hours that you had seen JJ.  
As he kissed you back his hands went to your waist. He guided you back against the wall, laughing when you got ambushed by unnecessary coats. “Fuck.”  
“Come here.” He switched places with you and sat down on the ground, tugging on your hand to get you on the floor with him. You bunched the long skirt of your dress up to your thighs as you sat on his lap, knees scrapping against the scratchy fabric of the carpet. You were dead if you got caught and he was definitely fired.  
When he leaned in you put a hand on his chest to stop him, “Oh, by the way, I'm not doing it on the floor of the coat room.”  
“But this is so romantic.” He joked, kissing you.
“JJ, I’m serious.”
“Chill,” he held your face in his hands, meeting your eyes, “I just wanna mack on my super hot girlfriend.”
“God you have such a way with words.” You teased.  
“I missed you.”
“Missed you too.”
You kissed him, hands unbuttoning his vest and shirt despite what you had said. John B always joked that the two of you were all over each other and it was probably true. Whenever you were around JJ you just wanted to be as close to him as possible. You felt him suck in his stomach at the sensation of your hands running across his skin. You shifted, kissing his neck with the sole intention of getting him back for the hickey you had almost been grounded over.  
JJ leaned his head back against the wall, giving you more access. His hands found the zipper to your dress and you shrugging out of the top half of your off the shoulder lavender gown. You kissed your way up his throat to his chin and then all the sudden your mother’s voice could be heard right outside the coat room, calling your name, and JJ shot up, smacking his head against the bridge of your nose and sending you back on your ass.
“Oh my god!” you practically whined, holding your nose with one hand as you tried to fix your dress with the other.  
“Oh shit, shit, shit, shit. I’m so sorry.” JJ whispered, grabbing his bowtie and holding it out for you to use as a handkerchief so no blood would get on your dress. “Are you okay?”
“Help me with my dress?” You begged.  
JJ helped you stand up and then proceeded to fix your dress for you, straightening it out and helping you slip your arms in so he could zip it back up. The whole time he apologized profusely. Outside the door your mother called your name again.  
You walked over to the door, peeking out. She’d wandered far enough down the hall that you could sneak out. “Mom,” you called once you came out of the coat room. JJ stayed back, fixing his shirt and vest.
“Oh my god, honey, what happened to you?”  
“I was in the locker room and I banged my face on the door.” You lied, JJ’s bowtie still pressed to your nose.  
Your mom gaped at you until she caught sight of JJ over your shoulder. “You!” She called and he stopped dead in his tracks.  
“Uh, yeah?”
“Take my daughter to get cleaned up please.” She instructed, “go with him okay sweetie.”
“Okay.” You turned to look at JJ and smiled as you followed him to the kitchen.  
“Come right back out when you’re done!” Your mother called after you.  
The first time you had ever crossed paths with JJ he was just some kid from the cut. You had texted a friend about where to get the best weed and they had offered to give you their dealer’s number. You’d been surprised when the dealer turned out to be the same age as you. Cute, blond, tall, so high. You had seen JJ around before, his face was pretty familiar, but you didn’t really know him at all. And he might’ve remained just some kid from the cut if you hadn’t asked him to hang out that first day.  
“Hey, uh...I’ve never actually smoked before.” You admitted, playing with the blunt that he’d sold you.  
“It’s not hard.” He shrugged.
Your parents were out for the day and you were sitting on the dock with JJ. He’d come over on the HMS Pogue on his way to meet up with John B and Pope. You had looked nervous, standing on the dock waiting for him to show up. The first thing you’d said when he pulled up was that you. had never done a ‘drug deal’ before. He’d almost laughed out loud.  
“I just, my friends kinda ditched me for the afternoon cause my mom said I can’t go to Chapel Hill and I don’t want to seem super lame, like smoking by myself.” You explained. How sad would you be sitting around and smoking a blunt all alone while your friends went shopping.  
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
“I mean...do you wanna hang out?”
“You wanna hang out with me?” JJ asked, even the haze of his high couldn’t convince him that was a normal request.  
“Yeah?” You shrugged. You’d never hung out with anyone from the cut before but you were bored and, if you were going to start ‘slumming it’ as Topper said, you might as well start with JJ.  
“Yeah okay, but I’m not giving you a discount.”  
“I don’t want a discount!” You laughed.  
The boneyard was crowded. Kooks, Tourons, Pogues. Everyone was there for a beginning of the summer party. You had donated the keg money after JJ spent his portion of the cost on weed. Kiara had almost lost it on him when you offered to give them the full amount. Still, you didn’t get to show up with them to the beach or even hang out with them. You were standing around with Kelce and Scarlett as they tried to draw everyone into their argument about who was ‘over’ who. You scanned the party, sipping on your beer as you looked for your boyfriend.
You looked back as someone pressed a hand against your back. Rafe.  
“Hey Rafe.” You side stepped out his touch.  
“What’s up, I haven’t seen you around much this summer.” He said, catching your friends’ attention.
“I think she’s got a secret boyfriend.” Scarlett piped up, “she’s always texting and canceling on plans. Took me weeks to get her to go to yoga with me.”
“I’ve been busy.” You replied. Across the way you saw JJ and John B getting beers. You watched your boyfriend adjust his red cap as he looked around. You could only hope he was looking for you.  
“Too busy to hang?” Rafe draped an arm around your shoulders and tried to draw you into his side.
“Obviously if you haven’t seen me around.” You replied, pulling away again. “I need a refill.”
“I’ll come with you.”  
You rolled your eyes as you walked down toward the keg, Rafe following on your heels. If there was anything that you hated about parties it was Rafe Cameron hanging around you. Kiara nodded to you as you approached them, tossing your old cup into the makeshift trash can she had set up to recycle.  
“Hey,” JJ smiled when he saw you.
“Hey, can I grab a beer?”  
“I’ll get one too man,” Rafe announced, his arm around your shoulders again.  
You pulled away once more, “seriously Rafe, get off.”
“Chill out.” He reached out for you, trying to grab your arm.  
JJ shoved him away, “she told you get off her man.”  
You shook your head at him, urging him silently to let it go. He knew that Rafe always bothered you because you’d told him about it countless times. But you didn’t want any trouble tonight. It was supposed to be a chill kegger and you had every intention of sneaking off early with JJ, which wouldn’t happen if he got into it with Rafe now.  
“Stay out of it Pogue.” Rafe tried to look intimidating, stepping up to get in JJ’s face.
“Guys, Rafe, come on.” You pulled on his arm and nodded back toward your group, waiting and watching to see if they needed to intervene.  
Just as Rafe turned to leave JJ spit a mouthful of beer at him, coating you too, and everything went to chaos. Rafe swung at him and JJ tackled him to the ground, throwing punches. John B pushed Kiara and Pope out of the way as Kelce, Topper, Scarlett, and Sarah ran over to see what was happening. As Rafe got his footing again people started to gather around in a circle.  
“JJ!” You shouted as Rafe punched him.  
“Come on,” John B grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him, “stay out of the way.”
“You filthy fucking Pogue.” Rafe shouted, “I’m gonna kill you.”
“Dude, come on, it’s not worth it.” Topper urged, trying to grab Rafe’s arm.
“Fucking try you pussy.” JJ was quick to bait Rafe, dodging a punch and then getting him with a right hook in the stomach.  
With Rafe on the ground John and Pope grabbed JJ, dragging him away from the fight as Topper helped Rafe to his feet. Kiara looked over at you when Scarlett called for you to follow them back to their side of the boneyard. You looked back to where John B was pulling JJ along the beach.  
“Where are you going?” Scarlett called when you took off in JJ’s direction.  
You ignored her, running over and stepping in their path, hands immediately going to JJ’s face. You brushed hair away from his eyes as he looked away from you.  
“I don’t wanna hear it.” He said.
“Too bad.”  
JJ pulled away and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at the ground before he met your eyes. “I don’t need you to bitch me out, those guys are assholes, I’m sorry you’re friends with them but I’m not going act like they aren’t all dicks.”  
“I’m not gonna bitch you out.” You said.  
“I’m not gonna bitch you out. Rafe’s a dick.”
“Then what do you want?” He asked, scuffing his foot in the sand.
You shrugged, “to make sure my boyfriend is okay? To tell him I love him.”
JJ bit his lip, smiling at you. Maybe it was the alcohol or the adrenaline from the fight but you thought that his eyes looked a little glassy as he looked at you. “Yeah?”
“I love you too.” He reached out for you, pulling you close so that he could kiss you. He stopped just short, resting his forehead against yours, “you sure, cause I’m about to mack on you in front of everyone.”
“I was so hoping you would.”
Oh my god my Tumblr is literally so Outer Banks heavy right now and I don't even care. 
Starting a taglist for my Outer Banks stuff:
taglist: @poguesrforlife
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thegrantwater · 3 years
In Which Emma Swan Thinks Regina Mills is Extraordinarily Hot
// or as titled in my drive: emma swan is a big gay idiot //
// tiny blurb of something i never finished for swanqueen, but hey it's cute and i need something to post //
“Come on, Regina, one night out isn’t gonna kill you.”
“Miss Swan, we are about to go into a meeting to discuss allocation of town funds; are you sure convincing me to go drinking with you tonight is the best idea? Or do you wish to have the same broken coffee pot at the station?”
Emma shut her mouth, raising her hands in defeat as her and the Mayor walked together towards the monthly City Council meeting they had scheduled. Emma absolutely hated these things, having to sit for hours in a room as people she didn’t even recognize talked about “town issues” that were frankly bullshit, but it gave her a reason to listen to Regina yell at skeezy old men, which was always nice.
“I’m just saying,” the blonde began again as they rounded the corner, holding the door open for Regina as she walked past, “it wouldn’t hurt to live a little. Granny already offered to watch Henry for the night anyways.” As she started again behind Regina, she had to force herself to stop focusing on the smell of Regina’s perfume wafting towards her. Who even smells like apples and lavender?
“Oh, yes, because I so love the idea of that old wolf watching our son while we down drinks at the Rabbit Hole,” Regina snarked, but Emma knew her voice lacked the bite it did when she was really against something. “Tell you what,” she stopped abruptly, Emma nearly running into her. “If you can convince Leroy and the dwarves to fix those clogged pipes off of Main Street, I’ll consider getting one drink with you and your insipid friends.” Somehow, in the time Regina had started talking, she’d backed Emma into the nearest wall; the two were so close that Emma could practically feel the other woman’s breath on her cheek.
The blonde inhaled sharply, eyes flicking around Regina’s features. “And what if I don’t?” A challenge, clear as day, and Regina quirked a brow.
“Well, then, my dear, you get to fix the pipes all by yourself,” Regina smirked, walking away and leaving Emma dumbstruck against the wall.
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lovesgonnabe · 4 years
Love Is Worth It - Episode II: The Talk
Characters: Chris Evans x Maya Alonso-Evans (Black OFC)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, cursing, slight Implied smut
Word Count: 2928
Summary: What happens when a dad has to have a tough conversation with a 5 year old about something he may never experience?
Point of View: Chris Evans 
Authors Note: It has been a while since I’ve written so please bear with my rustiness, and there’s slight edits so there may be errors. RIP Chadwick Boseman. 
Disclaimer: This is about to be super dramatic and very fluffy. Also italicized is a flashback.
Taglist: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss if you would like to join the taglist message me.
Please leave a note and tell me what you think!
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I Just Don’t Understand...
As I walk into the house i was having a hard time processing what had just happened on the other side of the door and having a screaming child, barking dog and the anxiety monster on my back isn’t helping.
And I swore I put the heater on but the house was cold and empty.
“Delilah give daddy a minute sweetheart” I told my crying baby girl.
She cried as loud as she could as I sat her down on the couch with a now whimpering Dodger at her feet 
As I paced trying to think, the commotion around me was crippling, I just couldn’t endure the pain my entire body was in, I was in a state of powerlessness.
I’m always prepared especially for moments like these, but at the amount my ability to think was out of the window when I realized i was not mentally prepared for this. Doing the next best thing I called in reinforcements.
the phone rang four times before he picked up “Chris this better be damn important and why is my niece screaming like she’s dying?” Austin said on the other line.
I sighed running my hands through my hair “It’s Maya, she just got arrested in driveway and I don’t know what to do an- quiet down sweetheart, it’ll be alright.” I said.
I sat down on the couch laid Dede on my chest as I tried my best to calm her down, and keep myself together.
“Hold on, What do you mean arrested, what did she do.” Austin asked in shock now giving me his full attention.
Who is Austin you may ask?
Well he is our attorney...
Who also happens to be a prosecutor for the Southern District of New York...
Oh and did mention he’s Maya’s older brother.
Of course I told him everything I knew and then some.
I thanked the heavens when I turned on Frozen and Delilah calmed down to a sniffle, i started to feel like I had some control of the situation.
“That’s some bullshit man, ok listen I’ve gotta make some calls, don’t go to the station, don’t call for her or pick up any calls from the police station, just let me handle it and I’ll text you when it’s taken care of got it?” Austin said
I sighed “Alright we can do that” Austin chuckles “look I know that feeling of being helpless right now, and it’s all gonna be alright, she’s gonna back home tonight, so just relax, this is just something we sadly have to go through, I’ll be over this weekend to check on her” I nodded like he could see me and we hung up.
I took a deep breath and rubbed Delilah’s back and a few tears escaping from my eyes as looked at Elsa save Anna at the end of frozen. I wiped my face because I had to stay strong for my baby girl and I looked down at her.
“Hey Lilah how about some pizza for dinner tonight?” I asked her, nodding her head she wiped her nose mumbling that she was gonna take a bath.
She reminded more and more of her mom everyday from her big brown eyes to her high cheeks and button nose she was becoming just like the woman love.
When she got up all I could think about was when Maya was pregnant with Delilah.
Maya laid on the bed rubbing her belly looking at me with an annoyed look on her face.
“Chris I’m being serious there is going be a day when we are going to have to face the reality that we will have to talk about race relations with our little peanut” Maya said.
I chuckle as i walking out of our connected bathroom leaning against the doorframe looking in adoration of her infatuation with her little belly.
“Babe I understand that trust me I’ve read more how to raise a multiracial baby books than I can count” I said. She looks at me I’m like I’m crazy and rolls her eyes.
“Maya I’m joking but don’t you think its a bit early to having these conversation the baby isn't even here yet babe.” I sighed 
Shaking her head she gets up from the bed “well that was a terrible joke Chris and it's never too early to think ahead especially since, I may not always be around so you have to be one to be prepared.” She said.
She steps in front of the vanity mirror in our room stripping the red satin body hugging dress she wore from our dinner date tonight. I know what she was doing but I couldn’t focus on how beautiful her glow was because of how morbid she was acting.
Walking to her from the door frame, I got up behind her and wrapped my arms around her softly rubbing her belly. “Don’t say that, we are going to be together till infinity you better believe that.” I placed my chin on her shoulder and kissed her check.
She whispered sadly “Chris I do believe that, It’s just statics show that black women are 3x more likely to die in childbirth than white women, I just want you to be prepared” I groaned.
She reminds me that deathening fact at least once a week but I keep my cool stood up straight and grabbed her hands, placing them on her belly while intertwining them with mine.
We caught each other's gaze in the mirror, her pregnancy glow makes me want to make sure she keeps popping out babies. The way her skin glistened under our dimmed lights and how soft she felt under my touch to her sweet smell Lavender, this woman was my world.
“Look I refuse to leave that hospital without you ok. Maya I don’t know what I’d do if I were to lose you” I softly respond 
“Now repeat after me we are going to have a beautiful, healthy, happy baby girl and we are leaving that hospital together.” I say as we held an intense gaze through the mirror in front of us.
She chuckles “I still think our little peanut will be a boy but I guess we’ll find out in a few days” I let out a gut busting laugh. “Whatever you say my love” I kiss her shoulder then the sweet spot behind her ear
I whispered in her ear “maybe we can start you know practicing for that baby boy right now?” 
I stand, slowly pushing her back down bending her in front of the vanity with her hands on the chair, I move my hands to her hip and sent a smack to her ass.
She sucked her teeth “Don’t think you’re slick we aren’t done with this conversation” she moans as I gently rub her clit. I chuckled and got to work.
I concluded that without her no matter how much we’ve prepared there is no way I was ready to handle situations like these especially alone.
By the time the pizza gets here I’ve emptied the groceries from Maya’s car, feed Dodger and changed the movie.
When I came into the kitchen Delilah was on her little step stool gabbing the plates then the cheese and utensils.
I raised an eyebrow very confused as to when my little girl was becoming a big girl.
“When did you become so independent Dede” I said give each of us two slices
She gave me a said smile and said “I just watch mommy do it.” She shrugged
We walk in to the living room and I started Princess and the Frog or Delilah’s favorite movie.
We sat in silence for a bit and then sniffling again she asked “daddy why did they take mommy today”
This is the talk I’ve been dreading it was something Maya and I agreed we’d give her when she was 10 and we’d give it together.
When we talk about it all Maya would say was “you will know what to say when the time comes at least that’s what my mom says”
Yet all I could do was look at those big brown eyes and hesitate, i paused the movie, grabbed her hand and just went off the cuff with what came from the heart.
I sigh “look at our hands do you see any difference?”
She nodded “yeah mommy says she dark chocolate, you’re white chocolate and I’m a cute Caramel, we are all different but we all love the same” 
I laugh, it would be like my wife to be teaching me while she wasn’t here.
We put our plates down and scooted closer to each other still holding hands.
I hesitate again “the thing is sweetheart there are some but not all people in this world and a lot of them are white chocolate like me and they don’t like that mommy is dark chocolate so they do mean things to them like what happened today.” She nodded with her processing the information face.
“Ok daddy but why aren’t more white chocolate people like you, mommy didn’t do anything we just got ice cream.” She asked still somewhat confused with the entire situation.
My little peanut is one of the smartest cookies I know and I forget sometimes that she is still only 5. It pains me to see that she even with how bright she is she is still too young to fully comprehend the severity of the situation.
“That I don’t know but I do know that mommy’s gonna be ok and that no matter what I love you and mommy more than anything In the world” I said with a reassuring smile.
“One more question since I-I am Caramel and not white chocolate like you would that happen to me” she asked.
This is the dreaded question as a father you don’t want to see your kids in pain you want them happy but the reality is that the one thing I’ve learned with being with Maya is  that being black in a white America isn’t easy.
Running my hand through my hair the wrapped my arm around her “It may happen Lilah but mommy and I will do everything in our power to make sure you are ready for those moments, but right now just worry about being a kid and we’ll take care of the rest.” She nodded and I kissed her forehead.
We continued our movie session and sat in silence until the end of the movie when Delilah wanted to watch Moana.
It was midnight on school night but I decided that Delilah wasn’t going to school tomorrow and I let my assistant know to relay the message that I was not coming to set tomorrow. So I turned on the next movie.
Half-way through I got a text from Austin
                        11/25/2020 12:49am
Austin: Hey bro just got off the phone with the Boston PD precinct Maya’s at she’ll be released in about one hour and she good go
Chris: Thank You, I’m on my way.
I wanted to cheer so loud but Dede and Dodger were asleep, so I called my parents to drop Delilah off which my mom agreed happily.
After dropping Dede off at my parents who I am still shocked were still awake this late, I headed to the precinct, my body was shaking with nerves. When I got there I parked and rushed inside.
When the front desk lady began speak I cut her off “I’m here for Maya Alonso-Evans” she looked at me like she was gonna scream with excitement but I guess my face said it all.
She escorted me to the back “Chief Demilio will see you now” my hands were sweaty I knocked and heard a come in.
Walking into the office there she sat with dry tear stains on her face, looking disheveled, she ran to me and threw her hands around me as she started to cry some more.
“its gonna alright baby I’m here” I whispered and hugged her back tightly.
“Hello Mr. Evans thank you for joining us we are just wrapping up here, would you like to take a seat” the weird looking man behind the mahogany desk asked.
I ushered her back to her previous seat and I stood behind her placing my jacket on her shoulder as I rub them softly “no I’m good with standing” I say with a menacing face.
He clears his throat and looks at us awkwardly “ok then, on the behalf of Boston PD we would like to  give our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience of this mix up and the officers will be dealt with accordingly.” I raised an eyebrow at his shortness and at the sorry ass apology we were getting.
“Ok so what is going to happen to these officers then?” I ask with my hands still on Maya’s shoulders trying to keep both of us calm.
He smirks “one will be put on administrative leave for the next month and the other indefinitely until we can get this all sorted” he says to us show us the file.
Maya sighs an exasperated sigh looking as if she could pass out right there.
I speak up “that’s it the are getting a paid vacation?” I asked highly confused at this situation.
“The board thinks due to the incidents in this case that this is best punishment we can give them, we know your upset Mr. Evans but you must look at the circumstances” he says talking down to me as my breathing began to pick up.
I chuckled “the only circumstances I see was my wife being falsely accused for a crime that she didn't commit and being arrested in front our 5 year old daughter wh-“ Maya put her hand up cutting me off speaking for the first time since I got there. 
Placing her hand on top of mine “It’s ok Chris I just wanna go home” she got up grabbed my keys out of my hand and without another word walked out and I followed right behind her shaking my head.
She got her things they took before they booked her and we headed to the car, I opened the door for her she quietly thanked me and we started our journey home.
The first 10 minutes was a comfortable silence then I decided to break it.
I grabbed her hand and kissed it “honey you alright?” I know it was an awful question to ask but something had to be said.
She shrugged her shoulders “I am just exhausted right now all I want is food, maybe some sex and a good cuddle with Delilah, did you leave her with your parents” she ask now checking her phone.
I nodded “Dede asked me if what happen to you would happen to her” we were now at a red light and looked at each other.
Maya groaned and rubbed her forehead “what did you say?” She looked at me again
I let out a heavy breathe “I just told her it could happen and that we’d deal with it when she got a little older and that not all people are like the men from today.” I started tapping the steering wheel with my left hand, I was nervous.
she let out a relieved sigh “Ok that works” was all she said and I looked at her confused.
She chuckled “What? You did your best among the circumstances. Isn’t that what the police chief said back there” she rolled her eyes and I laughed at her sly remark.
“There goes my baby. Have you heard from Austin yet?” I ask turning on our street.
Then she laughed “yeah he called me while I was in a holding cell to let me know when I’d be let out.. You know his frat brother is the attorney general of Massachusetts” I chuckled and pulled to the driveway.
Once I parked, I got out and opened her door and she asked me to carry her in, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I walked us into our home.
With her looking at me as I focused on getting us both up the stairs she starts kissing me all over my face “Hey I know you wish you could’ve done more babe but you did what’s most important and that be a father to our beautiful daughter.” She said as we reached our room.
I dropped her on our California King and stood between her legs rubbing her thighs.
She sat up rubbing the hair on the back of my neck “You are the rock to my roll you make me feel safe and today you protected me the best you could, I love you papi remember that” she softly kissed my lips.
Her lips tasted like sin and strawberry lip balm. Her back felt like velvet as I ran my hands up her warm body and into her hair pulling on it softly. As our kiss deepened, her embrace felt like home to me and I would not know what I’d do if had loss her tonight.
I whispered back “I love you to the moon and back my love”
Many people do not agree with our relationship and don’t understand why I’d choose Maya over all the other women I could be with. But this was my choice to make and I wouldn't change a thing. However, for those who disagree with me.
Fuck Them!
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rebelliouslala · 3 years
4 Something
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warnings- language, mentions of drugs, blood, only a mention of gore and wound details
word count- 1.5k
pls enjoy <3
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You stumbled into the elevator, leaning against the faux wood walls and sighed deeply from the throbbing pain, just a bit to the left of your kidney. The elevator smelled of piss and pure arse, and the blood, and gory, textured wood behind you was close enough to make you pass out. You held the bloodied flannel to your gun wound, tightly and the sleeve of the shirt to your nose. You muttered softly as you groggily pressed the down button to the parking lot, and for the doors to close.
As the doors, sheen with a shit colour, began to shut, you noted the foot that propped the doors open.
“Ah, Y/n, you’re not leaving your best friend behind, right! Especially since he holds all of the powder.”
You looked up, to see a tall man smile, his eyes gently closing as he pulled the doors open, his muscles raging against his tight black tee. You sighed quietly, and take off our belt. You cracked it against the wall, and it becomes stiff, revealing itself as a truncheon. You smiled a bit cockily, “Stupid, I’ll-!”
You found yourself sneezing, and hissing at the same time, inhaling your own bacteria and the carcass scent as you groaned loudly.
The man scoffed, and tightened your gun wound with the needle, snipping off the string with his bare teeth. With a kick, he pushed away, the desk chair sliding to the small counter between you two. “Next time maybe just relax when I have to carry you home?”
You blinked slowly, but nodded. Another Tuesday, and another haul of work for Ripple. You began to drank the water your partner had given you, and the two small brown pills as you looked around.
The two of you, since age 17, had taken particular barren buildings on the Northern side of the city as homes like this singular abandoned asylum. Traveling with just two cardboard boxes for clothes and essentials, and small backpacks. Before The Ripple had begun to even hire you, or Johnny for that matter, for your talents. 
For the jobs.
“What’s the matter?”
You saw his hands on your waist. You were slightly leaning on the barred window. You haven’t looked at his hands in a bit. A lot could change after 5 months, as you noted his dirt flaked fingers, and the darkened scars on the back of his hands. Despite his roughened hands, they were gentle to hold you. They allowed you, invited you, to you smile to yourself, and lean against his solid body. 
“Ah, just a little tired.” You shrugged off, as the painkillers you had swallowed began to take affect. “how long are we-?”
“4k, or something. Two jobs, tops,” Johnny put his arms around you and chuckled as he looked at the rising sun. “Then we’re outta Baise City.”
You both shivered as a southern breeze nudged you both. It was nice though, the building was much too humid, and, he said it. Those warm words. Two. Just two more jobs. Then you’re out. You and Youngho, out of the island, out of the hellhole you and he were currently contracted on.
Your phone rang. Speak of the Devil. You grabbed it quickly before you heard a yawn. You gently punched Johnny in the gut to shush him.
“It’s dawn.” You turned your back against the sunrise, and glanced at the drugs Johnny had carried, on a roach infested table, next to a cardboard box of yours.
“Dawn?” the voice said, startled. “Well, besides the point. Mr. Money sent John his money. We need you to come in later, we are partnering someone else with you.”
You frowned, and walked to the singular mattress at the corner of the room, sitting on it. Johnny followed, looking at his phone and giving you an “okay” sign that the caller did not lie. You were too busy pushing away any small rodents, the occasional bug from the bed. Johnny tried to sit next to you, furrowing his brows to read your expression.
“Do we have to split it or something? I thought he and I were always enough for you.” You said.
“You are, you are, well, uh, Sushi cannot make it.”
You scoffed, “John is much more than capable-,”
“I-uh, I don’t suggest trying to fight with, y’know, Dreamer’s orders.” 
You sighed loudly, this time just in mental pain. “Fine, whatever,”
“Come here at 16:30. Oh, remind yourself to tell John to stop snooping around our powder. Thanks.”
“Sorry, Vic.”
“Don’t mention it. See ya.”
You repeat the phrase, before hanging up.
You sighed deeply, blinking and laying against the bed.
Johnny laid next to you. He softly cleared his throat, looking at a message at his phone, before he craned his neck at you. “Wanna go out to eat?”
You tilt your head down, before smirking a little. “Well, I dunno Youngho, did I get shot?”
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You and Johnny exchanged glances at each other, his eyes sure, a knot in your upper stomach, tightening slightly, as the door opened.
The Ripple was made up, essentially, with 7 people. The penthouse they owned was a part of the huge building they owned next to one of the only peaceful grounds, the Wavy Park, and the entire Western neighborhood as their personal territory. The men in question, were, Victory, Dreamer, Mr. Money, Sushi, Henry, Smalls, and Jewel. At least that’s what they called themselves.
The house was almost as big as the floor you and Johnny slept on, and instead of the horrid strong piss smell you were accustomed to, you instead smelled the first scent of oranges being peeled, and jasmine. Oh and with that alluring jasmine, you began to relax. The Ripple home always made you feel happy again.
“Ah, Y/n, John, we missed ya.” Jewel said, he had many piercings along his ears, and his eyes shone brightly as the gems he wore on his fingers. “You’re gonna love him.” Henry and Smalls took the duffel bags of the powder drugs, and started to move it to someplace upstairs, nodding at you both.
As always, Sushi was there to hug you and Johnny extremely tightly. Sushi was a big tall man with always a big enough smile to hold sushi in his mouth. He led you both to the main living area, as he sat down. Being the size he is, his knees popped out as if he was sitting in child furniture. Johnny smiled at him, “So, got any news for us about this new, partner?”
You nodded as Sushi thought, “Well, he’s pretty cool I guess! I know he likes to use katanas.”
Johnny widened his eyes, “He gets to use katanas?!”
You scoffed, obviously jealous, “That’s bullshit.”
“I guess,” you and Johnny turned immediately, before bowing your heads. Respect was a given, always, to the boss.
The Ripple commander, Mr. Money, had this sort of aura that said for you and Johnny to bow down, or else. Today he wore a suit, it being a dark greyish blue, and its flannel outline colours were traced with a flower pink, and lavender as he softly sighed. None of disappointment, at least from what you could tell.
“Good morning.” he said with bliss. “I see Victory told you everything?”
“Yes.” You and John muttered.
“Good, good, uh, Sushi, get their things ready. This job by the way, might as well be your last.”
You looked up now, and glared at your boss. You felt yourself get a little shy, yes it was his house but why didn’t he have a shirt- “Fuck no. Nuh uh. We spent nearly a fuckin decade with you. You cannot kick us out now!”
“Misunderstanding me is very much what I expected. However, it’s because, with Yuta,”
You looked around as you freeze. A man came in from behind, in the kitchen area. He was a bit younger than Johnny, with a few scars on his left cheek. He wore, what had, had to be an expensive suit. He wore silver chains that suited his bright red outfit, which almost the colour of your face. And, what raged you the most;
He held two katanas in each hand. He looked at you, and you realized he wore a light shade of makeup.
“He wants to work with us. With him, this job could be your last. It’ll be 17k, and you won’t even have to split.” Mr. Money gives Johnny the file. “Just come back when it’s done.”
Yuta blinked a little slowly as he bent down, to show like the Boss, he only had a small black shirt hiding his chest.
“Let’s do this well.” the man mumbled. To you or the boss, you had no idea.
You stared at him the entire way as he came to kneel and listen to the job. The knot in your stomach had redone itself, at least five times. You finally took your eyes away, and shook your head as you began to breathe normally.
Last job, you reminded yourself. This is the last job. And no way are you letting some, pretty boy assassin ruin it now. “So,” you crossed your arms. “What’s the assignment, John?”
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Disappearance 1: The Beginning {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! Been working on this one for a while so I’m eager to know what everyone thinks!
Disappearance Masterlist
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Slinging a towel around the back of his neck he looked out at the group of men in front of him beginning to pack up their gym bags. Some had their soaked hair held back with sweatbands while others dabbed at their faces with their own towels, the sign of a class well spent.
“You all did well,” he said loudly, catching their attention. “We’ll meet back here on Wednesday to work on more escape techniques for violent physical attacks. That’s our focus from here on out since this is your last full week of this course and next Monday will be our last meeting. Get home safe and get some rest, the work ain’t done yet.”
He smirked at the excited affirmatives shouted back as they continued to pack up—“You got it, Bakugo sensei!” and “See you Wednesday, sir!”
When everyone was gone he made his way into the small men’s locker room of the community center and pulled his civilian clothes out of his locker to change into. He also grabbed his work bag and hefted it over his shoulder as he closed the tiny locker, spinning the combination lock haphazardly.
The cool breeze felt amazing on his flushed skin as he exited the building and began his walk to the train station, the need to keep his quirk under control lifting slightly now that he was in open air; he let out a few small pops as he walked, the discharge soothing. It made him antsy to build up so much sweat and not be able to burn it off.
Most of what he’d built up during class had been taken care of by the time he reached the station and boarded his train, the stops scrolling on an LED board. It wasn’t a long journey with only six stops passing before he was stepping onto another platform, the still present breeze ruffling his hair as he set out for his building.
He wished that opening the door and stepping into the darkened apartment brought some sort of relief to him. The only positive he had was the silent appearance of the brown tabby cat at the end of the genkan, green eyes shining in the shadows as he toed off his shoes.
Flipping on the light he approached her and have her head an affectionate pat, smiling softly at the tiny mewl he received in return. “Hi, Miki.”
Setting his bag aside he made sure the door was locked behind him before checking over all the windows and the balcony doors. Miki watched him move around the room and then followed him into the bathroom as he started the shower, jumping up onto the counter and curling up in the sink.
The warmth of the water felt amazing on his sore muscles, a full day of patrol and both of his classes back to back having worn him out. In reality he should’ve been used to it since it was his schedule every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to teach self-defense for the 5:30 women’s class and the 7:30 men’s class at the community center. It had been his schedule for over three years yet his body simply wouldn’t adjust.
Lacking adjustment seemed to be a reoccurring theme in his life over the past few years if he was honest with himself. He hadn’t adjusted to living alone, at least not fully. He wasn’t surprised when the apartment was empty at the end of the day but there were times he still got down two plates for the extra portion he’d long ago become accustomed to making. He started the night in the middle of the bed but inevitably drifted to the right side as he slept, as if making room for a body to lie beside him that never took their place.
It’s just how his life went now.
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His fellow heroes were very good at keeping villains in check. They were also very good at pushing his buttons. Deku in particular (to the surprise of no one) fit these facts better than anyone else he’d ever known.
They had been out on a team up assignment for a small-time villain group that had recently been formed under a similar doctrine as the Paranormal Liberation Front, something commonplace since the original organization had folded years ago. The hero players from Deku’s agency included him, Shoto, and Uravity while his own were himself, Red Riot, and Chargebolt.
It was a simple mission that took thirty-six hours to complete and when they all entered Deku’s agency all twenty-two members of the villain group were on their way to a maximum-security prison.
As the heads of the two agencies involved, he and Deku were holed up in his office discussing the reports they would need to provide for the raid and arrests when the bullshit started with flushed cheeks and a slight stutter.
“Kacchan… you’re not yourself,” he began hesitantly.
Katsuki’s eyes snapped up to meet his and his face went bright red.
“I just—you’re too clinical about all this! What happened to the Dynamight that finished one raid and would rather blast off to the next instead of sit down and do a report? You used to take hours to calm down after a fight but now? You drop your shoulders, throw your gauntlets, and start the boring part. Then it’s onto the next like you’re checking off a list!”
“You’re criticizing me for growing up and dealing with all aspects of my damn job? You do the same fucking thing!”
“I always have!”
He clicked his tongue and stood from the chair, grabbing his notes for the report and jamming them into his hero bag as he turned to the door. “I’m not listening to this bullshit.”
“Kacchan, it’s not bullshit!”
He made his way down the short hallway and into the lobby area where he could see the lavender haired secretary keeping an eye on the camera flashes beyond the front door. He braced himself to face the vultures, a long sigh heaving his shoulders.
Deku had followed him, though, and tried continuing the conversation, “You’ve been getting worse and we can all see it!”
“I ain’t getting worse at my job you fuckin’ nerd,” he ground out, patience rapidly thinning.
“You’re not worse, you’re detached,” he argued. “You’re letting your personal life affect your hero life and when you’re detached you’re more likely to make a mistake!”
“I don’t have a damn personal life, there’s nothing to affect my being Dynamight!” he hissed, mindful of the secretary’s probable interest in hero gossip.
"Exactly! Kacchan, you can't keep hurting yourself like this. I liked Chiasa as much as anyone and I thought she was good for you, but you're in pain. It's been four years and you've barely faced the fact that she's gone."
"Do you know what I've faced?" he asked quietly, the low tone more frightening than any threat he’d ever bellowed. "The hurt. The hurt to hope that one day she's going to come back to that apartment when every statistic out there says that's essentially impossible. Do you know what's painful? Watching you and Uraraka get married without having Chiasa beside me so I can tell her that it'll be us next. I'm very fucking aware that she's gone and I've tried to deal with that but I can't have closure when the entire thing doesn't make any sense in the first place. I stay in that apartment because I hope every day that I'll find the missing piece of the puzzle for how or why she disappeared.”
Deku’s jaw dropped, his lips twitching uselessly as they tried to form a response to the raw pain in the admission. It was enough to make him scoff—leave it to the nerd who still cried at the drop of a hat to not be able to handle someone else’s emotions.
“Send your report to my people by tomorrow morning. Hikari will take care of it,” he said dismissively, turning to exit the small agency lobby. He didn’t have the time or the patience to wait for some bumbling attempt at a discussion about feelings.
“Hik—but—wha—Kacchan!” came the sputter behind him but he continued walking until the double doors closed behind him and the sunshine was warming his skin. He wasn’t going to have that conversation go any farther today, especially not with Deku.
Outside the building both Kirishima and Kaminari were taking press questions alongside Uravity, their personalities best for the public and hellbent on fielding everything they could to make his life easier as the microphones and camera’s rounded on him.
“THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!” Kirishima all but bellowed, catching all of the media attention as he parted them with his larger stature as the three men made their way to the waiting company car. “Those will be all the questions for today!”
Katsuki was so fucking thankful for the redhead.
The three heroes slid into the car and began their journey across town to his agency, the plush seats welcoming after the tiring past two days they’d had. It seemed like this had also caused both Kirishima and Kaminari to, for once, forego conversation and the ride was silent. He was actually able to attempt to relax but the ghost of his conversation with Deku lingered uncomfortably in his mind.
When they pulled up to the agency building it seemed that the media had either beaten them there or sent out their cohorts to intercept them. Regardless of who or how they got there, he cursed them internally from behind the tinted window.
“I don’t wanna talk to them again,” Kaminari whined as he scrubbed his hands across his face.
“It’ll be easy, man, all we gotta do is say we’ve already given our statements to the press,” Kirishima assured with a tired smile. “I’ll handle ‘em.”
Thankful wasn’t a strong enough word when it came to him.
They exited the car and true to his word Kirishima shot down the inquiries politely and with a smile as he paved the way towards the large set of doors. Inside the lobby was so much quieter. A silent nod of greeting from his secretary Hikari welcomed them and he returned it, informing her that reports for the mission would be coming over from Deku’s agency by the morning.
Kaminari headed straight for the locker room to change and get his phone, surely ready to break out in hives since he hadn’t spoken to Jiro in over a day. Kirishima surprisingly didn’t follow, instead choosing to walk with him to his office where he planned to finish his half of the paperwork.
The redhead all but collapsed into one of the chairs opposite the desk as he rounded it and sat in his ageing office chair. The cracked leather was a comfort after a long few days.
But it was too quiet.
“Spit it out.”
Kirishima wasn’t surprised by the gruff order. “You and Midoriya went over that report pretty quick.”
“Wasn’t hard.”
“And you looked pissed when you came outside. Like, more than usual after talking to him.”
“He had some shit to say.”
He fixed him with one of his concerned puppy-eyed looks. “Some shit we’ve all been thinking, Bakugo. Some shit that needs addressed before things get bad. We’re worried about you.”
His lip curled up in a sneer. Maybe he wasn’t as thankful for him as he originally thought.
“I know it’s not what you want to hear, man, but you don’t see how much you’ve changed in the last few years. Between throwing yourself into work and extra cases and the community service stuff, you’ve practically lost yourself.”
“I’m still exactly who I’m supposed to be,” he snapped. “I’m Dynamight, the last number one hero and the best fuckin’ thing to happen to this damn hero system since All Might in his prime!”
“Yes you are,” he agreed. “But we’re worried that you’re doing too much and losing focus, and you lose focus in a fight against a villain for one second and you’re done!”
“I don’t lose focus,” he ground out, eyes narrowed.
“And we don’t want you to!”
He stared at his longtime friend for a long moment before simply advising, “Get out.”
“I said. Get. Out,” he repeated. “Deku’s one thing but you? Get the fuck out.”
Kirishima sighed in defeat as he stood and made his way to the door of the office. “We’re just worried about you, you know?”
He stayed silent as he began working on the report once again, the lead weight on his chest getting just a bit heavier when he heard another sigh and retreating footsteps.
Of course they cared and of course they worried but what the hell was the use? He was getting his work done, saving people and fighting villains, and he was doing well in the eyes of the public. Less surly than in his earlier hero career he was still far from the talk show host’s dream guest, but he did the rounds when necessary. He was good professionally.
Personally… well, he didn’t exactly have a personal life anymore, did he? It was a bitter musing to consider but a true one nonetheless.
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Another night coming home to a dark apartment, another mewled greeting from Miki, and another feeling of hollow sadness awaited him. It felt even worse after the two emotional ambushes he’d endured during the day. He didn’t need more reminders that she was gone and that he was alone now—that was ever-present.
As if to make him feel worse, he found Miki curled up in the linen basket next to the sofa, head low and morose as she laid atop the green blanket that haunted them both.
“I know,” he sighed when he saw her, “I miss her too.”
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It had been a bad fucking day on patrol.
Normally any day he got to blast a villain straight into quirk cancelling cuffs was a good one but not when they had a quirk like Phantom Hands. The bitch had been able to create a dozen ghostly grey hands that followed her every direction; it hadn’t been a problem until they were around his neck and squeezing hard enough to cut off his air supply, but even before the pressure was applied he had panicked enough to lose his breath on his own.
The feel of anyone or anything foreign around his neck had been a problem for almost a decade by then but it just wasn’t something he could shake. He’d tried his own exposure therapy and at one point even consulted a therapist about the issue, but the trauma of his teenage years persisted.
Red Riot was the one to take the villain down and allow him to breathe which, of course he was—wasn’t exactly manly to let your best friend suffer. His complaints and insults aside, he was grateful for the air that filled his lungs as soon as he had her in the cuffs.
But it was still a shit day.
He only wanted to be home and in the kitchen starting the ginger pork recipe his girlfriend had requested they try making sometime that week. “They” really meant he cooked and she stirred what he directed, but he enjoyed it regardless. His schedule didn’t often give them extended time together and when it did she possibly could be in the middle of a project that she couldn’t walk away from. So he cherished the domestic moments they had when he could and always looked forward to them.
Relief flooded him as soon as he had the apartment door open and a tiny brown kitten trotted up to him, putting her paws on his shin and batting at his knee.
“Ease up on the claws, Miki,” he said, gently guiding her down on all fours. She chirped and butted her head against his hand, purring happily when he scratched under her chin.
He half expected his girlfriend to pop around the corner from the bedroom and start teasing him like usual, baby talking about how much of a daddy’s girl the kitten was despite him being reluctant to get her in the first place. But instead, it was quiet.
Noting that the lights were off, he caught sight of her blanket pooled in the corner of the couch and absently started folding it, dropping it into the small basket with the others before heading into their bedroom. Normally when he came home to a dark apartment it was because she was sleeping off a headache; for someone who worked on a computer almost every day, it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence.
Except that the bedroom was empty. And so was the bathroom, and the kitchen, and the office.
Coming back into the living area his eyes swept across the room. He took in what he hadn’t noticed before: the half full mug of green tea on the kotatsu with one of her novels next to it, her reading glasses perched on the arm of the couch, her cellphone facedown and dipping between the cushions.
A pit began to form in his stomach as he glanced back at the genkan where her shoes still sat untouched. He thought back to her wallet on the bedside table where it had been since they went out the weekend before and the open closet door from when he had gotten dressed that morning, not a single thing different than when left.
He did another lap around the apartment checking all three windows and the balcony doors to find that they were all locked. Their front door was keycard access only and he knew they were the only two who had them, his in the pocket of his work bag and hers sitting on their dresser. The apartment was essentially a fortress accessible only to them.
So why the hell did it look like she’d vanished into thin air?
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated!
Disappearance Masterlist
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
With brothers by my side-Fd!au
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay, if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
Of course this fic was grammatically corrected by the amazing @im-default
Minetra was rambling about how the boys would handle being stressed and under pressure, and this fanfiction focuses mainly on Wilbur, since she gave me an amazing prompt without realizing it
“Ok class!” The english teacher grabbed everyone’s attention by clapping. The sound echoing in the large, mostly empty, room.
“Today we will be reading the speeches you have written for this weekend festival, as you may already know, every class will give a speech, and today, hopefully with no hard feelings, we will decide whose speech is going to be presented, and who will read it”
Will was too tired to listen and to care, he had forgotten that this “speech-thing” was due today, (because the teacher gave them an entire week to write it, but Wilbur remembered it only the day before) so he had to pull a classic all-nighter to get it done in time, but everyone had to write one, so a three am sleep-deprived text was good enough to show he had done it, get a decent vote, and move on.
One by one, everyone read their speeches, the difference by an actual speech and a last-minute one was abyssal, Wilbur was half-listening, half-struggling to not fall asleep and half-thinking about accords to play on the guitar after school ended.
“Mr.Pandel?” Wilbur abruptly straightened his back, almost knocking his pencil case off the desk “Since you look bored of your classmate’s speeches, why don’t you illuminate us with your speech?”
Oh you bitch
Without adding anything else, he stood up, took a deep breath and started reading his text, a mess that was not even written properly, it was scribbled SO badly he struggled to read it, and between illegible hieroglyphs and grammatical errors, it would have made any english teacher scream out of terror. 
His speech ended up being not terrible, but if he would have put any effort into it, no doubt his speech would have been chosen in a heartbeat.
It did help that his voice was secure and very convincing, so in the worst case scenario, he would have gotten off with an average vote.
After everyone read their texts, it was time to choose who’s one was going on a stage.
The vote was fought between the British boy whose family was royal and all that bullshit and a girl who often skipped classes, so no one remembered her name...the girl ended up winning the vote and the boy almost flipped her off in front of the teacher, it would have been hilarious, but it didn't happen.
“Now that that’s settled…” The teacher cleared her throat, cleaning the blackboard to vote for the second decision: who was going to read the speech?
Student after student, the votes for Wilbur skyrocketed, to the point where no one was even close to the points he had: he was going to hold the speech as his class representative at the school’s open festival.
As he was closing the front door, he shouted “I’m home!”, waiting for a reply that would never arrive.
The house was empty, which made Wilbur a little sad since he had just shouted a greeting to empty walls.
He slipped his phone out of his pocket into his hand while opening the cupboards, grabbing Tommy’s cereals and… Oh yeah… That…
He had forgotten that his mug was in the sink, since no one had washed up the dishes that morning… Meaning that there were also no spoons left… Goddammit
Placing the phone on the counter, he grabbed his mug and the spoon in it to wash them, was he going to wash the rest of the dishes? No, after all, he wasn't the one on sink duty that night, so he couldn't care less.
After cleaning his mug, pouring cereals and milk and sitting down on the couch to open Youtube, it hit him properly.
He was going to give a speech as his class representative at the school’s open festival… Open…
Wait- shit, OPEN?!
He almost spat out the milk as he thought of that.
His school’s open festival was actually pretty known in town, and it was sure to attract parents and grandparents of the students, plus, everyone that swung by since there was also a market of hand-made miscellaneous.
“Oh, that’s amazing Will!”
“Way to go bro!”    
Were the reaction of the Pandel brothers, Phil was very proud and supportive, Tommy was straight up happy for him and Techno was… tired, very tired ,three deadlines were coming up at once and he didn’t have time to work on them before because he had other things to study. But from the small tired smile he gave him, Wilbur understood that he was just as happy as the other two.
“I’m also working for our class's stand!” Tommy was radiating the energy and excitement Techno was missing while explaining his role at the festival. “We will be serving juice made from flowers! It was a science experiment and it turned out great! Me, Tubbo and Deo will make the lavender extract!”
“If it’s made by you three, I’m not trying it, I don’t trust you” Will teased Tommy, who instantly took the bait and barked back, Phil just laughed at the small back and forth between them that went on for a good two minutes.
“And you Techno?” Phil asked the half-asleep teen, “Are you doing anything for the festival?” Techno took back his plate after giving it to Tommy for a refill, “Publicly? Nah, too much pressure, I’m helping the teachers count how many spots we need. I let the plebs do the hard work, I just tell them where to put their stuff and which stand is theirs”
After dinner everyone went to do their own things, and miraculously, everyone slept more than five hours that night, they all needed and deserved it.
In the days before the event, Wilbur studied by heart the speech, every now and then saying it out loud to be sure it sounded good.
As the festival got closer though, his stress and the pressure placed on him by teachers and students alike became more and more, heavier and heavier.
Until the day arrived, from when he woke up, he kept count of the hours and minutes that separated him from either a catastrophe, or a smooth speech.
He was scared of both of them equally.
Phil and Will were walking between the stands, Techno was laid off by the teachers a couple of minutes ago, so he caught up and joined them, Will couldn't help but notice the white shirt with the black and red diagonal line tie with golden hints that Techno was wearing, it looked very good on him, it made him look very fancy-
“HEY BITCHES!!!” Tommy waved energetically, embarrassing Tubbo and Deo, “COME TRY OUT THIS SHIT!”
“T-Tommy please don’t shout that…” Tubbo whispered.
Tommy’s class stand, judging by the que, was very popular, the flower’s extracts were attracting everyone, but Tommy just gave them access from behind the stand, the lavender extract ended up being very good.
“If you want I can do it at home too! I’m a- I’m an extract master now! Yeah!” Everyone laughed at Tommy’s confidence while enjoying the sweet hand-made drink.
Will was scared, peeking from the black curtain, the sea of students and adults in front of the stage inside the gym building was infinite, Wilbur couldn't see the end.
He sat down and brought his knees to his chest, he was stressed, scared...how could he have been so confident until now? How did he manage to agree to this? Why-
“Are you there Will?” Phil’s voice made him bounce on his feet, making his head spin by the rushed actions.
Putting up a fake smile, he greeted his brothers “H-hello Boys! heh…”
“Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill!!! There are so many people out there! It’s the year before yours that’s giving the speech right now, aren’t you nervous?” Tommy was munching on the sour candy Techno had bought him to redeem himself from the time he stole his candy. Will was trying his hardest not to bite his lip or fiddle around with his shirt.
“I’m fine boys! Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing! eheh…”
Phil was looking at Will confused, his head tilted to one side.
“If you say so Will…” Techno was also skeptical about Will’s words… but he decided to believe his older brother, “Do your best out there, you know how to do it” His smile became a bit more sincere when listening to Techno's words.
The older one shook his head, “Don’t give me that bullshit Wilbur, c’mere” Phil grabbed the younger out of nowhere and embraced him as tightly as he could.
Wilbur was frozen by the shock, clenching his fists while trying not to cry. The younger two looked at him and then at each other, after nodding, they joined in on the hug.
After a minute of silence, Phil spoke up, “I know you’re nervous Wilbur, everyone would be” the warmth coming from his brothers was melting his stress away, their hugs making a wall around his body and head, he couldn't hear the outside noises anymore.
“I believe in you Will, I’m sure that once you get on that stage, everything will go smoothly just as you planned. Show the world you are stronger than your emotions” As they freed Wilbur from the brotherly… no, family hug, he was focused up and confident.
Techno placed a hand on his shoulder and mouthed “You got this” and followed the other two who were already out of Wilbur’s sight.
He took a deep breath as the voice on stage introduced him.
Here we go
He stepped on stage as cheers and claps filled the air, in the large crowd before him, he noticed his classmates and a couple of teachers, and of course, his brothers.
Phil was smiling with a thumbs up, Tommy was shouting “GO WILBUR GO!!!” while jumping up and down, Techno nodded and cracked a smile:
With his brothers by his side, he was ready to take on the whole world.
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kayparker20 · 4 years
Inner Turmoil - Chapter 6
I'm so sorry about the wait this time around guys. I threw myself for a loop with this plot and I've been struggling a lot to figure out what I want to happen next. I decided to focus on a minor issue while I brainstorm what happens next. It's a bit feelsy but it's not super dramatic. Also kind of realized it was almost too long so the next chapter will have a spicy start before the real plot happens.
Hope you enjoy this somewhat filler chapter!
Chapter 6 - Village Gossip
Ino sat at the front counter of her family flower shop, impatiently waiting for the jonin ninja in her store to get a move on. They would always come in, pretend to look around while gossiping, and never buy one thing. She hasn’t liked them since she heard them being hateful towards Kurenai-sensei, probably out of jealousy.
“Can you believe, of all the beautiful shinobi, he dates his former student?” The woman scoffed and brushed her fingertips over the petals of lilies in a bouquet. “I think I would have rather heard he was gay, before that.” Her long, charcoal hair was curled and flowing down her back in waves. 
Another rolled her eyes. “Yeah, gay for Might Guy, even.” Fiery redhead, model body. “Of course, Hatake was too perfect to have no flaws, I just didn’t think it would be something so repulsive like fucking children.” 
“Do you think she fucked her way into jonin level?” The darker haired woman speculated. She turned around and looked at some roses that had been to her left.
Ino had been idly doodling flowers on a piece of blank receipt paper before hearing the topic they had been discussing. Her hand stopped mid-petal at the last comment before she narrowed her eyes at the piece of paper.
“I mean, maybe. Must have been easy to become jonin when you’re the Hokage’s apprentice, and being taught by a legend.” She scowled. “I wouldn’t put it past her. I hear she’s quite the bitch at the hospital.” 
She felt her mother’s eyes on her as she squeezed the pen, staring daggers meant for the women at the counter. She took a deep breath, reminding herself she needed to stay cordial and polite because they were customers, despite how abrasive and tactless they were.
She flipped her long blonde ponytail over her shoulder before addressing the women with a sarcastic smile. “Excuse me, ladies, is there anything I can help you find?” Her tone dripped with deviance through her smile. Her whole body felt tense with her anger as she forced herself to appear relaxed and helpful.
Two can play this catty game.
The women turned in her direction, both sporting smirks on their expressions. They both stared at her as if she were boring before cocking their hips to the side and giving fake smiles in her direction.
“We’re just admiring, but thank you.” The redhead shot back in a clipped tone.
“Are you sure? I think a bouquet of yellow hyacinths, lavender, and iris would go nicely with your hair.” Ino offered slyly.
She stole a glance at her mother, expecting to see an expression of disapproval, and was surprised to see the faintest smile spreading across her lips. 
The darker haired woman narrowed her eyes, clearly catching the message. “You have something to say, girl?”
Ino kept her demeanor as she shook her head. “Oh no, I was just offering. Purple and yellow complement well, you know?” 
Before either woman could snapback, the elder brunette cut in politely. “Ladies, it’s time for our lunch, and we must close for the next hour, so please take your pick. We can check you out for your purchase. We’re glad to give you your flowers before we find our meal for the workday.” 
Ino’s mother sounded elegant and was the epitome of professionalism as she gave a gratuitous grin towards the women.
Both women huffed in defeat.
“No, miss, thank you for your time.” The darker haired woman gave a strained smile before she walked out, the redhead following.
As soon as the door shut, Ino let out an annoyed sigh. “Thanks…” She huffed before crossing her arms across her chest.
Her mother just shook her head softly. “Your cleverness and restraint amaze me sometimes. It was rather amusing.”
“It’s exhausting, not amusing. I much would have preferred to hit them. That was far from tasteful gossip.” Ino scowled. “How could they accuse Sakura of using sex to get rank! As if she isn’t a jonin level medic! Or uh, I don’t know, the medical director of our hospital! The disrespect!” 
Her mother sighed. “People are going to talk, and you have to admit it’s at least a little scandalous. Those women are just jealous, and will say anything to make themselves feel better.”
“That doesn’t make it right!” Ino argued.
Sakura walked in then, smiling. “What doesn’t make something right?” She inquired curiously. “What gossip did you dig up now, Pig?” 
Ino turned, her eyes wide to see Sakura. “Oh, uh, nothing!” She chuckled nervously. “Ready for lunch?”
Sakura looked at her surreptitiously. Clearly, something was up. “Spill it. Now.”
Ino crossed her arms, before giving her a defiant look. “And if I don’t?”
“Are you going to make me beat it out of you? Was it about me?” Sakura deadpanned. “You never refuse to tell me gossip unless it’s about me and it's negative.”
Ino hated how well she and Sakura knew each other in moments like this. They couldn’t hide anything from each other. She sighed before uncrossing her arms. “It doesn’t matter, I handled it anyway.” She said matter of factly.
Sakura stared at her friend before shrugging. “You’re telling me at lunch, come on. Off to get our dango and tea. Director or not, I still run on a schedule. And I got behind after being gone a couple of days.”
Ino lips spread into a teasing grin. “Behind because you were off saving my ass or behind because qualities like procrastination and tardiness are rubbing off on you?” 
Sakura gave her an unimpressed look. “I was late one time. Definitely behind from saving your ass from our deranged classmate.”
They started walking towards their favorite cafe. It was nice outside even if it was a little cooler. Leaves lay around the ground, dry and crinkling under their footsteps. She could only wonder what Ino was all in a tiff about today, being as she saw the very same women she knew to leave the shop with all too knowing smirks. She was also slightly discomforted by them because when they saw her, their expressions suddenly turned downright venomous.
It wasn’t too uncommon for her to get those as the news of her and Kakashi spread, once rumors became truths. It made her wonder about Anko’s offhanded ‘sex god’ comment. Maybe they were a couple of those one-night stands? She frowned at the thought, not thinking Kakashi would have entertained such rude women. 
“Aren’t those the women that you got upset at for talking at Kurenai some time ago?” She wondered to her friend aloud.
“Oh, yes.” She snapped back. “They’re worse than me for spreading everyone’s business and their bullshit two cents about it.” 
Sakura couldn’t remember the last time she heard Ino sound unenthused about new gossip. Usually, it meant it was about someone she cared about, and that it thoroughly pissed her off. Even more so unusually, she would normally be more than ready to rant her pretty reddened lips off about said women being conceited and judgemental and downright horrible. 
Yet today, her blonde friend was being clipped and avoiding discussing the topic. She decided to test it out again. “So what treachery were they discussing today?”
Ino hesitated. She didn’t want to tell Sakura the things people were saying about her and Kakashi. Her friend had been so happy. She seemed to glow this past month since she had started dating him. She didn’t need to be troubled by people thinking the exact opposite of a situation. 
She smiled at her friend. “Oh, not much. I just hate how they loiter in the shop and force me to deal with their presence, yet never buy anything.”
Sakura just gave her friend a bored look and rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’m sure.”
“That’s her. Can you believe such a young girl is with a man like him?”
Sakura instantly frowned, refusing to look in the direction of the people they just passed. She tried to remind herself what people said didn’t matter.
“I don’t think I want Mika to have a male sensei. Do they all prey on their students?”
Her expression turned into a downright glare. How dare someone to accuse him of such horrible things? Why did they blame him? Why was it so hard to just believe they loved each other? Hearing the things people said on the street made her miss the way their friends easily accepted them. 
“Must be easy to make jounin when you’re the Hokage’s bitch, and fucking one of the commanders.”
Ino watched as all the same bullshit those women had said in her little shop floated around them. Maybe she wasn’t really able to protect Sakura after all, but she’d be damned if she was the one who brought that sort of mood on.
“Don’t listen to it. They're wrong.” Ino said sternly, flinging hard glares directly at anyone who dared say something within their earshot.
“It was me those women were gossiping about in your shop today, wasn’t it?”
Ino snorted. “I told them rather professionally exactly how I felt about their false ass opinions.”
Sakura sighed. “I think the ones I hate the most are him being a pedophile, or me using him to get rank.” Her face contorted into anger. “I’ve been a jounin since before I even realized I loved him, for fuck sake!” Sakura growled out. 
“Does she pine after her whole team? First the traitor, now the sensei. Jinchuriki and socially inept next? Maybe she just whores around for them all.”
Now that one was just funny. She laughed as she and Ino entered their shop. “Alright, as if! Did you hear that one?” 
Ino raised an eyebrow. “Do you think Sai knows how to fake an orgasm like he does a smile? That’d be rather disconcerting. Being cute only gets you so far.”
They sat down at their table and ordered their tea and dango. The homey atmosphere of this place always put Sakura at ease. The place had always been so down to earth, and the staff here were so nice and she had known most of them for at least quite some time now. 
She remembers coming to this little cafe for the time with her team as a genin before Sasuke left. He claimed it was a treat for doing so well on a mission, before disappearing when it came time for the bill to be paid. She remembered feeling so angry back then, how dare their sensei pull some sheisty trick like that! But now it was just funny, thinking about times when their lives hadn’t changed so drastically.
“Watch out, Team Seven’s Mistress, coming through.”
Sakura wrinkled her nose. “Okay, now that sounds like a scandal for sure. I could never even dream of taking Naruto from Hinata, let alone sleeping with him. And don’t get me started on Sai.” 
“Shouldn’t she be here soon?” Ino inquired.
As if on queue, the bell rang as another customer entered, and it was their black haired Hyuga friend.
“Hina, over here!” Sakura called.
Hinata meandered over their table and sat next to Sakura. “Hi, guys!” She spoke softly, happy to see her friends.
“Tell Sakura here to ignore these stupid rumors jealous nimrods keep spreading,” Ino said blandly. “Well, at least the boring ones.”
Hinata raised an eyebrow. “There are ones that aren’t boring?”
Sakura rolled her eyes. “Apparently there’s one that I’m fucking my entire team.”
“Oh, now that’s just dirty! Who would do such a thing?” 
“Which thing, fuck the whole team, or fuck Naruto?” Ino said in a teasing voice.
Their friend turned beet red. “I-I don’t either Sakura or myself would uh… Have relations with an entire team.”
Sakura slumped in her seat. “You’re right, but people think my sensei is a pedophile. Which hurts because he would never have thought of me, or any of young girls, in such a way.”
Ino and Hinata watched as Sakura looked so hurt. How do you tell your friend to ignore things she hears whispered as soon as she comes into a room, or simply a vicinity. No one had to deal with something like that. Then again, neither of them were dating men much older than them, or ones who had been their teacher. But why does that matter when they’re adults now? Sakura had been a jonin for two years now after she and Shikamaru had gotten promoted when the fourth war ended.
“They are just jealous that a younger, prettier, and more talented kunoichi took their eye-candy off the market.” Ino insisted. “Easier to keep their ego intact if they blame him for being gross, or you for using him.” 
“I guess…” She sighed. “Look at me, worried about stupid gossip when my old teammate is hellbent on making me join him…” Sakura shivered at the thought. “Even now, there are three ANBU following me at all times.”
“Wait, even at Kakashi’s…?” 
Sakura nodded.
“I bet they watch…” Ino smirked deviously.
“Ino!” Hinata squeaked. 
Sakura just shook her head, more than used to Ino’s antics. She knew it would take her ‘innocent’ friend some time to get used to Ino’s crudeness, but she felt better being around both her close friends.
“Do you think people truly think that low of Kakashi? People think he would groom one of his students?” Sakura asked seriously.
Hinata shrugged. “You can’t expect people to necessarily think super well of someone who openly reads porn in public.”
“Hey, Icha-Icha is a wonderful series.” Ino piped in. “Even Sakura agrees with that.”
Sakura laughed at the comment. “It’s true, but I guess you have a point. No one sees that unless they’ve dared to read the beloved Ero-Sannin’s work. Lady Tsunade swears to burn every copy of those books, but she secretly has her first edition collection, signed by Jiraiya himself.”
“I guess society might accuse us of being molesters next, huh, Pig?”
Sakura frowned. “I sure hope not, considering I’m certain being a molester consists of much more than enjoying romance novels that might be slightly too pornographic at some points along with the good plot.”
Hinata giggled lightly. “I think anyone who had ever actually paid attention to you and Kakashi-sensei interacting would have realized you were the one going after him.” She smiled softly.
Sakura thought about that. She knew she never made intentional moves on Kakashi, but apparently everyone close to them knew they loved each other, or that there was at least something going on. She couldn’t help but feel touched at how accepting his friends were, even if Anko and Genma teased her relentlessly. Or made threesome jokes, which Kakashi bluntly shut down quickly. However, a large majority of people were the stark opposite.
She should have known that Ino’s ideals about them being shinobi bending morals a bit was closer to romanticism than what society thought in reality. She felt like she was just as much an adult as Kakashi and the rest, even in her 20s. She’s gone on deadly missions just like Kakashi, let alone with Kakashi. She’d been through a war. She’s damn near died, multiple times, and she had saved people’s lives and held the ones she couldn’t save.
Yet people dared to treat the situation like Kakashi was dating a child, instead of an equal? So what if he had trained her, it’s not like he ever made a move on her? 
Hinata was right, she made the move on him.
“I knew what I wanted, even if I only got the courage to express it with a little encouragement from sake. At first.” Sakura crossed her arms. “But why do we have to justify our damn happiness?” 
The waitress walked up to get Hinata’s order after that. “What can I get for you today, miss?”
“I’ll have green tea and a rice ball, please,” Hinata spoke softly with a pleasant smile.
“Sure thing!” She flashed a smile at them before striding away to take care of the order.
Ino sipped her drink before shrugging in response to the question. “I thought you already know people talk about anything we do, no matter what. Especially when they’re jealous, and you have plenty of things to envy.” 
Sakura huffed before. “Yeah well, I didn’t get them without effort, and that especially includes Kakashi.”
The girls fell silent. Hinata and Ino could only say so much in attempts to make Sakura feel better. It’s not like you could ignore an issue when everywhere you went you were hearing whispers or receiving horrible glares sent in your direction.
The waitress brought Hinata’s order about and paused a moment. She looked like she wanted to say something, but seemed a bit nervous. She chewed her lip subtlety before looking at Sakura.
Sakura raised her eyes to make eye contact with her and gave a polite smile. “Yes?” 
“Is it true that you’re dating Kakashi now? 
Sakura nodded, her smile fading slightly in fear of some directly aimed judgment. She came here often with Kakashi, he used to bring the whole team here. 
“I just wanted to tell you I’m very happy for you guys. I’ve seen you guys together often, and sometimes I wondered if you were the one he bought the lattes for every so often. He’s come here for a long time, but he always seemed so…” She searched for the word for a moment. “Aloof. Always polite, but kept to himself.”
Sakura nodded softly. “He’s uh… He’s been through a lot, even more so than the average ninja.”
The girl gave a sad smile. “So I’ve heard. When he started bringing you and those boys here, he seemed to change. Like a spark in him ignited. Is it true that the blonde was his mentor’s son?”
Sakura’s smile turned a little less stiff as she nodded again. “The Fourth Hokage, yes.”
Hinata and Ino listened with small smiles, glad to see their friend getting some positivity towards her relationship from someone other than friends. Hinata’s face flushed slightly at the mention of Naruto as she thought of him distantly.
“I’m sorry about the things I’ve heard people say. Anyone who truly has been around you can see the chemistry you have, sometimes I wondered if you were secretly together. I have never seen him so relaxed around anyone besides you.” She smiled brightly. “He had friends of course, like those dashing men, Asuma and Genma. Or the….very lively Gai.” 
Ino wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know if I’d consider Asuma-sensei dashing.” She muttered softly under her breath.
Sakura's eyes widened softly. “Thank you… It’s nice to hear someone say something nice about it.” 
“Sakura, it’s almost the end of your lunch break isn’t it?” Hinata wondered aloud, catching the time on the clock. She gave a soft smile before 
“Oh, look at that, it’s the rank climbing whore with her flower bitch of a friend.” 
I guess that’s one way you could refer to Sakura and Ino, at least within the last month. She couldn’t imagine how upset Ino would be if she would only ever be remembered as her ‘flower bitch of a friend’. She would probably be remembered as Ino-Pig, and she hates that nickname.
She could attest to the fact that she hated being referred to as a ‘rank climbing whore”. Didn’t have to sleep with multiple men or do something dirty like have an afraid to fall under the description of whore? She had only just lost her virginity to Kakashi a month ago… 
She sighed and reminded herself that these women wouldn’t care to hear technicalities and that it would probably only antagonize them to carry on with more horrible accusations and scornful comments.
The waitress instantly frowned at the woman. “I can ask them to-”
Sakura shook her head. “It’s whatever, don’t scare off your business. Thank you for your kindness.”
Ino instantly slid her gaze towards the nasty tone, sending daggers. “Are you even acutely aware that Sakura was made a jounin almost three years ago?” She spat. “Pretty sure she only got with Kakashi roughly a month ago, now carry on with your trivial lives.”
Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes, hoping the sting that suddenly arrived would go away with them. “Right, I need to go back to work. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” She stood from the table and turned for the door.
“Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Are you gonna go run and tell mommy Hokage?”
Sakura’s eyes twitched as she started gathering chakra into her fists, ready to shut them up herself. How much disrespect could someone dare to have? Was this really out of pure jealousy?
She kept telling herself none of this was worth getting this upset over. She couldn’t figure out if she wanted to cry from the humiliation or punch them through the wall of the restaurant. She had never felt so ridiculed before, and it was infuriating. 
“I’ll bet my old student would be an easy target to get some action from when I was bored. Especially from emotional types like yourself. Just a few sweet words and you probably melted for him.” The other woman cackled.
Sakura bit her cheek before she left briskly, ignoring the shrieking she heard from Ino, or how Hinata tried to run after her. She felt stupid for letting those women get under her skin, but she couldn’t help it.
This is what people were saying? What else was there? Did she seem that naive, that her sensei could take advantage of her? She knew there would be talking about this, but she never expected those sorts of accusations. She expected disapproval and even some daunting glares. 
She went straight for her office and buried herself in the paperwork she had to catch up. It was a decent distraction. Verifying shinobi physicals, signing them with her approval. Later they would need to be given to Tsunade. She signed paperwork regarding the children’s clinic she was opening with Ino, mainly financial documents for the grants involved in the program. More paperwork was needed to be signed for hospital grants for unfortunate patients.
Kakashi was walking to the cenotaph, feigning ignorance to all the looks she was currently receiving from the majority of the people he passed. Many whispers went about. Mostly about wretched of a man he was, accusations of pedophilia and grooming. Some against Sakura for whoring herself into rank, which didn’t make even a lick of sense if you asked him, considering she was made jounin after the fourth great war. 
He sighed softly. There were much bigger issues now that these people couldn’t even begin to think about. If he ever thought that beginning a relationship with Sakura would have put her in danger, he wouldn’t have indulged in the idea no matter what, if it had meant she would have been safe.
Granted, it was starting to be believed by Tsunade that Sasuke was coming for her either way because he did Orochimaru’s bidding. And healing arms isn’t related to Sakura’s love life. Sasuke was bothered by the fact that Sakura was with somebody else, but was it that she moved on, or that she was with Kakashi in general? That was the question that was begging to be answered in his mind at the moment. No matter what, she would be safe. She might not have any special jutsu, but she had quite the punch with her chakra latent strength, so even in the event he wasn’t there, she believed in her to protect herself. Not to mention the three ANBU guarding her at all times, and he knew one of them was Genma, though she didn’t. 
His mind wandered a bit as he walked from the cenotaph to training ground three, the same one he always used with his beloved team. His thoughts were everywhere, mainly on just how happy he had felt. 
Nothing felt more right than when he laid in bed at night with Sakura in his arms. Her hair splayed about the pillow, her face buried against his bare chest. Her skin felt so soft against his, even with the few scars she held in comparison to his body. Listening to her breathe lulled him to sleep every time she spent the night at his home. She was so warm and inviting, and she always clung to him.
She still had nightmares. Sometimes she just trembled in her sleep, others he woke up to her sobbing into his shoulders or screaming his name with so much agony in her voice it ripped his heart out. He couldn’t imagine what she was seeing, he didn’t like to think of the ways Sasuke may have conjured up to murder him. He always held her close and tried to comfort her, but this had never been his strong suit. He stroked her hair and told her how much he loved her. It seemed to work well enough most nights, and he was glad because he didn’t know what else to do and it made him worry.
The copy ninja expected to find the training ground empty, but what he found was craters and cracks all over the landscape, along with uprooted trees. Usually, this is what you found when Sakura was training.
Or when she was coping with emotional stress which she has plenty of at the moment. 
Was it Sasuke, or has the ridicule finally reached her? His clenched as he thought of everything he has heard whispered the past few days or the actual direct comments. Mostly from jealous women, some from other jounin who didn’t know a lick about them.
He meandered along, following the scent trail of jasmine perfume, as well as listening for either the next impact or the sound of her voice. He followed it well into the woods of the grounds. It seemed the damage done lessened the further he went, which concerned him. It felt like the anger was fading and turning into something more morose. He moved faster through the forest, catching a glimpse of a porcelain mask he recognized. 
What he found was far from angry, at least now. She was kneeling on her knees, still in her hospital uniform. She was covered in dirt and green stains from nature she decided to take her stress out on. Her hands covered her face, covered in blood, dirt, and scrapes; the telltale sign she had been too far in her emotions to protect herself or even think about putting her gloves on. Her shoulders shook and as a choked sob escaped her throat, his heart just couldn’t take it anymore.
This wasn’t the first time he found her like this, and it wrenched him every time. But it was different this time because it felt like it was his fault to some degree. He never wanted to be part of something that could hurt her so deeply. 
He approached her slowly, giving her all the time to notice his presence. When he came up to her, he crouched down and ran his fingers through her messy hair, letting the pads of his fingers drag against her scalp. She shuddered softly but didn’t say anything. He slowly sat down behind her and slinked his arms around her waist to pull her back snug against his chest.
She tried to force herself to calm down in Kakashi’s presence, but it only seemed to worsen. She reminded herself he wouldn’t judge her, that he’s never judged her. Wasn’t that one of the things she loved most about him? She still felt so stupid for getting this upset over some stupid bigoted opinions, from people who didn’t know a damn thing about her and Kakashi. 
Then again, was that the only thing that hurt so much right now? It’s not like Sasuke hadn’t just kidnapped her best friend or threatened her team leader, that she just started dating. That Sasuke hadn’t shown her just how he might wish to make good on his threat to kill her lover.
The feeling of his fingers running through her hair made a shiver run through her and she let out a shaky breath. She felt him sit behind her and the safeness of his arms pull her close. Her chest hurt and swallowed another sob, still feeling this dumb need to act strong in front of him. If he had found her here, clearly he saw the damage she had dealt to the poor training ground before her anger morphed into pain. She turned her body into him and rested the side of her face against his chest. The silent tears soaked into his shirt but she couldn’t stop them. 
She wiped her eyes hastily before the sob she’d been holding back ripped through her. The sound of his voice undid it and she was clinging to him desperately. 
“I’m here for you,” He placed a chaste peck on her forehead before tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ve got you, Sakura. I always have, you know that.”
He held her tightly before beginning to stroke her hair. “I know there’s so much going on right now. This stuff with Sasuke, and the talk around the village. Your nightmares. It can’t be easy, on top of continuing to work full time.” 
The sound of his voice was a thread she clung to. Hearing the rumble in his chest when he talked, alongside his heartbeat gave her something to focus on that wasn’t Sasuke, or horrible gossip, or Kakashi being killed in some way or another. She took a long, deep breath. Everything felt so heavy. 
She had just wanted to be with the man she loved, and she finally got that. Why did all this other stuff have to happen? Right as things started to get better, a wrench had to come in it. She knew that she still was with Kakashi, and she had high doubts he was going to leave, but she just wanted to enjoy it.
“Sakura, it’s going to be okay…” 
He took her face into his hands and guided her to make eye contact with him. Her aqua hues were shining with tears that were still flowing down her cheeks. He wiped them gently and smiled softly at her. 
She huffed and slid her fingers into his mask, dragging it off his face. “Better.” She muttered under her breath. 
Kakashi chuckled softly before pecking her lips with his now bare ones. “Oh, I’m sure you think so. Just think, you’re the only one who gets to see me like this.” He held her tighter. “Who gets to have me like this, all to yourself.” He pecked her cheek.
“I know…” A small smile spread across her lips. “Ino keeps saying to ignore it, that they’re just jealous.”
“Hm, she may be on to something. I’m quite the looker.” 
She rolled her eyes before sniffing once more. “Oh yeah, if only they knew what was under the mask.” She huffed. “Maybe some of them do…” She grumbled.
He shook his head, chuckling at the clear jealousy coming off of her. “Oh no. Not a single one night stand had ever seen my face. They would try, no doubt.” He pinched her ass playfully. “Only medics, who usually were too busy looking at the life-threatening issue on my body, and close friends have seen my face.” He smirked as he whispered in her ear. “Some medics are much cuter than others, and I might have let them drag my mask down and kiss me when I was drunk.”
She raised an eyebrow at him before a smile broke out across her lips and she giggled. “Better only be one of those.”
He nodded sincerely before pecking her lips. “Now, you’re smiling again and able to talk. What lead you to wreak havoc on this sentimental training ground of ours, and then break down?”
She averted her eyes instantly, not willing to fully pull her face out of his hands when they were so warm against her tear-soaked skin. Great, now she’s going to look ridiculous.
“Do think they’re right? That I used you to climb rank?” She mumbled.
He frowned. “I think that no more correct than me being a pedophile, considering the last time I check you were twenty. People twist things as they want to make reality appeal to them.” 
“Ino said something similar. A bunch of women took offense that you found someone prettier, younger, and more talented. If they blame us, then their ego is still intact…” She almost laughed as she remembered another one. “Did you hear the one that I’m fucking my whole team?” 
Of course, she found the humor in that one. “Whoever started that rumor must be oblivious because you’ve chased Sai and Naruto through the village with your chakra fists of wrath.” He laughed before pressing his nose against hers. 
“Now, what is actually bothering you? Because I know that you don’t truly care about anyone thinks unless it our friends or Tsunade, who have all expressed happiness for us, with threats to my life if I hurt you here and there…” 
He was meant with silence.
He sighed. “I’m the one who taught you to look underneath the underneath, and I especially know you’re bothered by way more than some gossip we knew would come.”
Sakura sighed and hugged him tightly. “I can’t stand this. I’m being guarded like a dog, all because Sasuke suddenly decides I matter because his snakey sensei put it in his head he needs me. I think I liked it better before when he was cold towards us.” 
He ran a hand through her hair. “I know. But it’s best to keep you safe, and are you going to complain that you have to sleep with me at my house.”
She blushed lightly. “I gave no complaint about that part. More about this part.” She gestured her hands before pointing. 
“One.” In a tree a few yards back.
“Two.” Leaning against a tree in the opposite direction.
“Three.” Right above her in a tree. “Which I believe I learned is Genma, because awhile  a senbon just fell in front of me before a curse was muttered by that one.” 
Kakashi looked up, noting she was right, that one was Genma. Shame on him for losing his anonymity so easily, but it wasn’t like Sakura hadn’t known who most of the ANBU were from treating them anyway. It’s a given he was the only one brave enough to be that close to his fiery little pinkette when she was at such an emotional high. He never knew when to leave anyone alone. He was one of the only people other than Sakura that insisted on ‘being there for him’ when he was having bad days.
“I also hate that I used to feel safe at home, and now I’m paranoid. All the time. He made it into the village without anyone knowing, all the way into my office! And he got out with Ino the same way!” She looked at Kakashi with an annoyed look.
“That bastard could be watching me right now, and I’d have not a single fucking clue!” 
He didn’t know what to say to that. He felt all the same, except he was the one who had figured out he was in the village, and he hated the lack of action he had taken then. He should have done something right then and there. But he gave his former student too much credit. 
And that’s how he feels like this is all his fault. But saying that wouldn’t help her. There wasn’t much he could do to change what was done, but he’d be damned if something happened again.
“Let’s go home and get you cleaned up, okay? I bought you some books while you were at work before I came here.” 
She smiled softly. He always tried, no matter how hard he felt like comforting was. Whether he knew it or not, he always made her feel better. As he stood up and put his hand out for her to grab, she grasped it tightly as he pulled her up. She inched up on her tiptoes to give him a chaste kiss before his hands gripped her hips and held her there to kiss her back.
“Thank you, Kakashi.” She smiled softly before pecking his cheek. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’d probably tear up all the training grounds, not just ours.”
She giggled softly. “Probably, but you didn’t have to say it.” 
He let go of her, just to grab her hand and start walking towards the end of the woods in the training ground. “Come on. Asuma and Kurenai said something going on a double date, and I think you might want to look a little less haggard for that.” He smiled.
She glared at him. “Haggard? That’s a bit extreme!” 
He chuckled as he dodged the fist he knew was becoming before he sensed it. “I love you, too.” He gave an eye crease as he pulled his mask back over the majority of his face.
“Hinata?” Naruto called out softly from his couch as he heard his door open.
“It’s me, Naruto!” She called back cheerily. 
“How was lunch with Sakura? Is she… Doing okay?” He asked timidly.
Hinata sighed. “She’s… doing alright. The gossip around the village bothers her but I don’t think that’s really it.” 
Naruto thought for a moment before sighing. “I don’t understand why he would do this. I thought his main goal in life was to gain power and kill Itachi, so what does Sakura have to do with that?” He grumbled. “She was so happy before all this. I just want to see her like that again.”
“Me, too,” Hinata said before sitting on the couch. “Ino said he acted possessive and jealous over the fact that she was with Kakashi. Do you think he’s always felt some way about her? Like maybe he’d come back for her once he killed his brother?”
Naruto frowned. “I think that’s what Sakura used to hope for, honestly. That he just had to do this one thing, and then he’d be able to come home. To love her, to be a family with our team. It’s what we all hoped for… in a sense. I think Kakashi was able to accept it sooner than we ever could that Sasuke was probably… never coming back.”
Hinata nodded, reaching over to grab his hand. “I know this is hard for both of you…” 
He just nodded as he continued to frown at the floor. “Whatever hopes those were, they were ruined. I’ll never believe he loved Sakura if he was willing to cause her so much pain, whether it was over jealousy or whatever.” 
“You should go train with your team some. It always helps me when I’m being bothered by something going on in life. I think it would be healthy for all of you.”
“You’re assuming that Sakura hasn’t gone and destroyed our favorite grounds yet.” A smile slowly spread across his lips. “Kakashi is the only one willing to go anywhere near her whenever she’s that upset. Sai and I prefer to stay far away from her chakra enhanced attacks.”
He thought for a while on that. It had always been that way. She and Kakashi were always there for the other. Just like most people left Kakashi alone when he was at the memorial, they left Sakura alone when she was destressing in training ground three. Yet, they both never left each other alone. He thought about how that’s what love is, what Sakura should get to experience. Not the way she felt for Sasuke, just this endless devotion with nothing in return. 
She deserved the way Hinata always made him feel, and hopefully how he wanted to make her feel in return. A relationship with trust, admiration, sincereness, and respect was what anyone deserved. He wanted that for Sakura, and he still believed that Kakashi was where she got that from. He had never seen anyone look so happy as they did when they finally got together.
It was so hard not to preach at anyone that said so many ill things about his two teammates within his earshot. It angered him to see their happiness brought down the way people were judging them. Granny Tsunade already warned him it would do no good, but he knew if someone dared say something bad about Sakura close to her, a chakra infused from the Hokage herself was coming their way. So why couldn’t they get mouth load from him?  Seemed unfair if you asked him, but he wasn’t in the mood to anger her with arguing.
“Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei were planning a double date with them. I think they are trying to make Sakura feel better about the...dissent around the village.”
“Maybe that’ll be good for her. I don’t understand what the deal is anyway, I mean so what, he was our teacher? We’ve been in equal rank with him for almost three years now. And I couldn’t give a damn about some age difference when she could die tomorrow at 20 years old. Any of us could, right? We’re adults. It’s not like we’re kids anymore.” He huffed in annoyance.
Hinata sighed softly. “Just because we see it that way, doesn’t mean other people do. However, I’ve noticed most of the people spreading the rumors are women that wanted Kakashi themself. Ino said they’ll blame them to keep their ego intact.”
Naruto raised his eyebrows. “So basically a bunch of women Kakashi’s age is mad because he hardly gave them anything past a one-night stand. And that’s they were one of the lucky ones in the last decade, and now he’s with Sakura, who is youngers, prettier, and probably ten times the kunoichi they ever would have been…?”
Hinata giggled softly. “Yes, pretty much Ino’s exact words. Like typical, they’re putting down our friends to make themselves feel better.”
“Leaf shinobi are supposed to be better than that.” He grumbled before getting up from the couch. 
“Not everyone has the same ideals as you, Naruto. But your ideals are one of the things I love about you, that so many people love about you, and why you’ve inspired many others. It’s one of the reasons why one day you will make a great Hokage.” 
He smiled. “You believe in me, don’t you?” 
“I always believed in you, even when I didn’t believe in myself.” She smiled tentatively.
He pulled her up by the grip he still held on her hand before kissing her softly, winding his arms around her hips. “I love you, Hinata,” He mumbled against her lips, pulling her against him.
She smiled before pulling away. “I love you, too.” 
“Maybe we should plan a double date with them. That’d be awesome, wouldn’t it?” He grinned at her before pressing his forehead against hers.
“I think it's a good idea, and I’m sure they would enjoy it too.”
Kakashi brought Sakura a cup of tea and sat down next to her, handing her the hot drink of peppermint. She took it from him, instantly taking a sip from the cup.
He watched her closely. She was curled against the arm of his couch with her knees against her chest. Her pink strands just barely fell around her shoulders, perfectly framing her face. Her face was still stained with tears, but she had changed into one of his shirts and a pair of her shorts she had brought here. She seemed a little more relaxed, not so overwhelmed by the anger and pain. He could still sense how uneasy she felt, and he just wanted to make her day better. He hoped the dinner with Kurenai and Asuma would help lift her spirits some, a positive in all the negatives.
He loved her so much, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. He’d heard everything the village had to say, some of the things he had once thought about himself. That he had been disgusting. He hated himself for it. 
But now, he couldn’t think of life without her. Without being able to hold her at night, or to kiss her. Without being able to see the way she smiled whenever he told her he loved her. The warmth she held for him in her beautiful green eyes whenever she looked at him. He didn’t want to think of a day when his bed no longer had the faint smell of her jasmine perfume. 
��Kakashi…?” Her voice sounded soft and hesitant.
It pulled him from his thoughts instantly. “What is it?” He asked softly, looking up to meet her eyes.
“You’ve got that distant look you get when you’re thinking about something sad…” She set her tea down on the coffee table.
He tried to smile lightly to shake off her concern. “I’m okay, it’s nothing.” 
She rolled her eyes before shifting over to his side of the couch. “Okay, sure. I’ll pretend to believe that. Now lay down...”
He shifted so that he was laying on his back, and watched her curiously as she crawled over his body. She laid between his legs, resting her cheek against his chest. He shifted slightly to get more comfortable before wrapping an arm around her back. She let out a contented sigh before closing her eyes.
He ran his free hand through her hair gently as a smile spread across his lips. He kissed the top of her head. “If you wanted to cuddle, you could have just said so.” He spoke softly, a little surprised she had demanded affection. 
He thought she might get distant from him, too bothered by some of the things people dared to say, maybe even think they were true. He should have known she wouldn’t believe them for a second, but it didn’t stop him from preparing for the worst. He played with the ends of her hair, twirling the strands loosely around his fingertips. Her body felt warm against his, and it was a comfort he never realized he needed until the first time he held her so intimately.
“Does any of this gossip bother you at all?” She wondered aloud. 
Her voice sounded so small to him. It was rare she sounded so unsure. She was usually so confident these days. He wasn’t surprised to see that it bothered her, even if she felt it was stupid. He knew what was going to happen when everyone found out, but it didn’t mean he liked it or that it didn’t bother him. He used to listen to all the things that were said about his father, so the village dissent wasn’t new to him. Minato had urged to learn to ignore it long ago, but it did seem more difficult to ignore these, at least the parts where he was accused of some things he couldn’t even dream of.
“Some of it does…” He sighed. “I can’t act like people just assuming I’ve always had a thing for you doesn’t upset me. I also fear that you might feel they’re right, and it’s not true.” He tightened his arm that had been around her. 
He tried to figure out what to say that didn’t seem accusatory, but also still be honest with her about his concerns.“I don’t care what they think, but I worry about how what people say will affect you, and your view of me…” 
He watched her closely as she lifted her head to look at him. “I love you, and nothing anyone says will make me think any different of you. I just hate… It angers me that they just instantly assume you’re this gross creep when it was ME who initiated this relationship.”
She huffed before resting her chin against his chest. “If anyone should have ever felt harassed, it was you… But no, they just automatically assume you’re just this lecherous man that groomed me from the time I was twelve.”
“Well, I do read porn in public, so people have the right to believe I’m lecherous…” He smirked. “Not everyone knows it had some real plot to it, or care to know.” He brought a hand to her cheek and stroked her cheekbone with his thumb. “Just like they won’t care to know the real story behind us…”
She was looking into his eyes, at his face, before she bit her lip. “So, you don’t think I just used you and clung around you to climb the ranks as some of the women are saying?”
He scoffed. “Don’t tell me some jealous sluts are making you doubt your real abilities as a kunoichi? How would you have ever charmed me into giving you jonin rank? I was tough on you guys, not to mention I’m not the one to credit for your abilities.” He kissed her nose and then her Byakugou seal. “Tsunade is to credit for all your skills, not me. I’m not even the one who gave you the recommendation. I wasn’t allowed to be a proctor for your exam either, because you were my student and it leads to bias- negative or positive.” 
He pushed some of her hair out of her eyes again before smiling at her. “You earned jonin, and I’m damned proud of you for it. The other jonin kunoichis are just pissed because you’re better than them and they know it.”
“Mmmm, and maybe because I have Konoha’s number one bachelor all to myself?” She grinned, blushing softly at his words.
“Well, of course. Thank gosh, because the ‘hot-ake’ pickup lines at bars were becoming rather boring. And now, when a girl doesn’t know how to take a hint, I can just ask her if she likes chakra punches for a drink?” 
Sakura burst into laughter, burying her face into his chest. “Oh, yeah, that’ll make a great reputation for us to have.”
He sat up, taking her into his arms. “Team Seven already has quite the rep, I doubt that’ll change. Now, go shower for that dinner with Asuma and Kurenai. It’s my job to make us late, not yours, remember?” He carried his slender pinkette into the bathroom and set her on the edge of the sink.
She was beaming at him as she placed her hands on each side of his face. “I love you so, so much, Kakashi.” 
He gazed into her eyes, thankful for the happy glow returning to them. “I love you, too, Sakura. I always will…” He gave her lips a quick peck.
As he stepped back, she slid off the bathroom sink counter until her feet were on the floor. She began to strip before her eyes widened with sudden realization. “What the hell am I supposed to wear to this dinner on such short notice?”
“Oh, I got that covered. Dress in the bedroom. I hope you like it…” He gave a sheepish smile before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
He chuckled at the tinge of pink that spread across her cheeks. He wasn’t sure how that was worth blushing over, considering all the other things they’d done lately. He picked up her teacup from earlier and walked into the kitchen to put the dishes in the sink for later. When the shower turned on, he moved onto the bedroom, gathering up things he had grabbed from her house while she was at work.
He’d seen her go out in various settings enough in the past few years to know that his favorite person took care to do her hair and makeup. He had grabbed her makeup box, along with both her straightener and curler. He almost forgot the hair dryer at her house but had turned around at the door to get it. He wasn’t exactly sure what shoes she would want to wear. Looking back on past conversations he had overheard, this was supposedly a difficult task, according to Ino. He just grabbed the black, ankle high boots that had a buckle(which he realized was just for looks), and a small heel. Surely, those went with anything, right? Hopefully.
He grabbed a few more things before taking them back to the bathroom. He hung the dress up on the towel rack, as well as some underclothing he bought for his own eyes later. He looked around the bathroom. Never once had it ever felt small to him, but now he was wondering where the hell he was going to put three new additions. Did women need both a straightener and a curler?
“I think I’ll need to invest in shelves if you’re gonna be here forever.” He said in mock annoyance.
“I’m using your razor, just in case your mind, but it’s too late if you do…” Sakura said languidly, clearly paying more attention to her legs at the moment. “And what are you talking about?” 
“You’ll see.” He smiled before pulling the shower curtain aside. “Your lotion is on the sink when you’re done. If you need my help, I’ll gladly lather your legs with it for you.” He gave a wink before leaving again. 
“Oh god, we’d never make it dinner if I let you do that.” She mumbled affectionately as she finished the last stroke up her leg.
He stared blankly at the curtain once it was closed, wondering just how the hell Kakashi knew what lotion she even used. She shrugged it off, not putting it past him to look rather odd sniffing random lotions in the store until he found a scent he recognized. The thought made her heave with laughter as she rinsed the excess shaving cream off her legs. 
She stepped out of the shower, and her mouth fell open in her surprise. She quickly realized what he meant by needing to get shelves, as there was nowhere to put all her hair tools besides the straightener on the sink, hair dryer on the back of the toilet, and the curler on top of his medicine cabinet. Her lotion, which was the same bottle from her house, was sitting next to the cup that held his toothbrush. 
She grabbed the towel on the hanger, to see the dress hanging there, and her heart was full. 
It was a dark emerald green a-line dress. It had a sheer lace overlay that had floral patterns stitched into it. The lace continued over the chest into long sleeves, completely see through around her shoulders and arms, the solid colors would frame her chest. It was so dressy but simple all at once. Pretty but not too much, it was perfect. 
And then there was the navy blue lingerie set next to it that just made her turn rosy-colored all over again as she started to dry herself off even quicker.
“Kakashi, you bought lingerie?!” She screeched in embarrassment. 
 He laughed, having finally heard the response he had expected. “Sakura, I buy porn in public, I don’t think buying lingerie for you is that shocking.” He came into the bathroom. “I also noticed you were severely lacking any.”
She huffed and pouted in his direction. “Oh yes, because I had so much reason to wear it.” 
He raised an eyebrow in her direction in surprise. “You don’t need a ‘reason’ to wear hot things.” He stepped behind her and reached for the garments. 
He held them to her form as he spoke against her ear. “This navy will look stunning against your smooth and light toned skin. It’s strapless, so it won’t show through the sheerness of your dress. The woman said this lace is comfortable. And I honestly just wanted to see your ass in thongs. I am a pervert afterall.” He kissed the side of her head. “I’ll hook the clips for you if you’d like.
Sakura stared down at the blue fabric. She’d seen plenty of Ino’s lingerie, having been made to help her blonde rival choose which to wear on particular occasions. She had never felt the need to buy any. Ino seemed to only wear it on dates, and she never even bothered with those. Not to mention, it’s not like she even had all that much to show off. She bit the inside of her cheek before turning to face Kakashi. “Uh… Sure.” 
He frowned. “Is something wrong? You don’t have to wear it if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“N-No! It’s not that. I love them, I just… don’t have the body for it.”
Kakashi looked at her dumbly for a moment before turning her body to face him. “Sakura, I promise you, you do. If you didn’t have the body for it, they wouldn’t make your size, which I had to ask Ino for before you ask.”
“Oh, god! I’ll never hear the end of how romantic or hot or whatever it is that you bought me underwear that...might feel slightly more appealing than cotton.”
“Much more appealing than cotton.” He corrected her with a smirk before tilting her chin up and kissing her.
She returned the kiss before pulling back. “Okay, fine. Much more appealing. Now, get out so I can get ready. Your lips are way too enticing.”
“My kisses or the fact you can see them in general now, hm?” He teased.
Damn him.
“Both, now go before we’re late! You have to get ready too, don’t you?” She playfully pushed him towards the door.
“I won’t take anywhere near as long as you.” He shot back as she effectively pushed him from the bathroom.
When he heard the hair dryer turn on, he looked at the time and realized maybe he should start getting ready. He lazily walked back to his room. He pushed through the hangers that had old, worn out ANBU uniforms hung on them. He wondered if they would ever be used again. He found the smoky gray long sleeve button shirt he had been looking for. He couldn’t remember the last time he had even worn this shirt. He vaguely wondered if it had been the funeral service for Jiraiya. 
He stripped down to his boxers before grabbing the black slacks on the hanger behind the shirt and slipping them over his form. He grabbed the shirt and the tie, laying them over the bed.  He pulled a white t-shirt from the drawer and pulled it over his lithe form. He grabbed the button up and slid his arms through the sleeves. He buttoned it up to the top, leaving it open. He glanced at the tie, debating if it was necessary to wear. He tucked his shirt and buttoned the pants. He adjusted everything until it felt comfortable and wasn’t pulling one way or another. He grabbed the dress shoes from the floor of his closet, and her boots before walking back to the living room. 
She came out of the bathroom to see Kakashi folding up the sleeves on his shirt, which was a much hotter sight than she thought it could have been. She smiled lightly before sitting down next to him.
“Thank you for the clothes… And bringing all that from home.” She spoke softly. 
He nodded as he looked over, finding her as beautiful as always. The dress had gone to the middle of her thighs. He could see the difference in her wearing the bra instead of wrappings in her chest which was an appreciative sight he hoped for. She had put on some shimmery gold shadow and smooth liner along her lashes that ended with a small wing. Her lips were tinted pink and shined with gloss. 
She looked gorgeous.
“Nobody would ever think you were kunoichi if they didn’t know the only pink haired person in Konoha was none other than my lovely Sakura Haruno.” He smiled before kissing her cheek. “That dress looks way better actually on you than it ever did on a hanger.”
She smiled before leaning against him. “I like it. I’m kind of excited to go on a double date with them. It’ll be fun, right?” 
He cracked a half smile. “I’m sure you’ll make it fun.” 
She smiled before slipping the shoes and standing up. “Well, let’s go!”
She was brimming with excitement. She couldn’t remember the last time she had even worn makeup, let alone fully dressed up. She grabbed Kakashi’s hand as soon as they got outside of the apartment complex, and had not let go of it since. The subtle click of her heels as she glided through the streets to the park they were supposed to meet their friends at was enough to draw everyone’s attention to them.
He followed her idly, almost being dragged as she insisted on walking so much faster than he ever did. The way her eyes shined with happiness, and the way the light from the streetlamps caught the glitter in her shadow, was mesmerizing to Kakashi. She didn’t look like that for anyone, but she had done all that for him. He never thought she needed makeup, but the gold went well with her eye color. 
She didn’t seem to notice anyone looking at them as they walked together. When she looked back at him, all he saw was pure love and joy, and it made his heart clench. That’s all he ever wanted to give her, no matter what. 
“You look beautiful, Sakura…” He gave an eye crease and squeezed her hand lightly. 
A light blush dusted her cheeks before she looked away and walked to the gate of the park. Asuma and Kurenai were already there. 
“Hey, guys!” She grinned. 
“What do you know, Kakashi did wear something other than the jounin uniform.” Asuma said in a defeated tone. “I guess I owe Genma twenty bucks now.”
“I told you.” Kurenai said as she rolled her eyes.
“I still can’t believe he’s with her, of all women.”
Another woman sighed in annoyance. “Clearly, you don’t know what life is like as a ninja. Sakura is one of the most caring people in the village, and that vet was her sensei but only for a short time, she was mainly trained by Lady Tsunade.”
“She’s a child!”
Sakura turned her head towards the conversing women, surprised to see someone she didn’t know defending them. Curiosity shone in her eyes, and she felt Kakashi pull her towards him, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t worry about any of that tonight.” He murmured into her ear. “I’m not having some random opinionated people ruin your excitement.” 
She turned to him and smiled. “You’re right, I guess.”
“Kurenai said the women are being more brutal about this than they were when we started dating.” Asuma chuckled.
Kakashi scoffed. “Oh, trust me. I’ve heard enough for a lifetime, and it’s not even the only scorn I’ve dealt with, however, it’s for sure the worst.”
Sakura leaned up and kissed his mask cheek, leaving a slightly sparkled spot on the fabric. “Blame Naruto for convincing us to confess.” She giggled. 
He looked down at her before sliding his hand down to rest on her hip. “Sure, why not. But I don’t regret it either way.”
They walked alongside their friends into one of the fancier restaurants and sat down in a booth. They chatted idly for a while about anything and everything. Kakashi mostly watched Sakura, just happy to see her smiling nonstop. Happy to think it was things he did that made her smile and feel so happy. 
He watched her lips as she talked, starting to understand a little bit why she wore the lipstick in the first place. She always had pinker lips, but the red made them more prominent and seemed to demand his attention. He moved his hand to rest on her thigh, a bit surprised by how warm her skin was. 
“Wait for a second, you don’t even know who the ANBU that are assigned to guard you are? I mean I know anonymity is their thing, but usually, in guarding situations, at least the person being guarded knows?” Kurenai shook her head in disbelief.
Sakura shrugged. “I wasn’t told. It must not be that dire to hide who they are, because I doubt Genma would be careless enough to accidentally drop a senbon in front of my face.”
“The other two don’t know you outside of being Tsunade’s apprentice, my former student, and now my lover who is being threatened by a missing nin who was formerly your teammate.” Kakashi said lazily as he blinked a few times to focus back on the conversation.
“In other words, they probably don’t see a reason to reveal who they are if they don’t already know you.” Asuma affirmed.
“I picked who was watching you. I would have preferred Tenzou and Genma, but he’s still on our team and not with ANBU anymore. So just Genma will do, but I trained the others myself. They also think I’m a pervert.” He gave an eye crease.
Sakura rolled her eyes. “Overprotective? I’m pretty sure Shishou would have chosen decent candidates. I’m almost her daughter, according to Shizune. And that’s because everyone knows you are one.”
“Nope. She asked me to choose.”
“Ino keeps insisting the ANBU watch you guys fuck, and I insisted that there’s still privacy in guarding, especially when the last person she is getting guarded against is Kakashi, contrary to some of the villager beliefs here.” He added with a chuckle. “However, now that you mention Genma is there, I have some serious doubts.”
Sakura’s complexion instantly heated up into a cherry shade. “You don’t actually think-”
“Shizune threatened before I did, apparently.” Kakashi said with a chuckle.
Sakura stirred her miso soup a little more before taking another bite. “I sure hope it worked.” She mumbled.
She thought loosely about this moment, just out on a date with their friends. She had always wanted something like this. Just comfortable and genuine, just love. His hand on her thigh was surprising at first, but comforting. She didn’t miss the gazes that were pointed toward their table, or how people whispered, but she forced herself to focus on the date. 
Which wasn’t that hard as she kept stealing glances at Kakashi dressed more casually. She definitely could get used to him wearing clothes that fit his form a little snug compared to the standard jounin garb. She enjoyed the way the fabric moved over his well-toned figure but was still loose enough to only just barely give an outline of the muscles that flex under it.
She felt Kakashi’s hand slowly moving across his thigh, and she dared to glance at his face, which looked perfectly normal, and nothing like he was stroking her skin under the table. She gulped as she crossed her legs over his hand in an attempt to hide it from others. His fingers felt cool against her heated skin, and she was trying to fight off the building arousal. He only squeezed her thigh in response which led to her stifling what would have been a small moan. 
It was awfully hard to focus on anything people could have been whispering about them when she was trying to keep control of her pleasure, and she wondered if that was his goal. Or if he was just being the pervert he was and enjoying toying with her, having known how sensitive she is to even only his touch. Judging by the imprint of a smirk under his mask she could see if she squinted, it was probably both.
“I don’t think even Genma is stupid enough to test Kakashi on that matter.” Kurenai flashed a comforting grin. “So, how did you two finally figure out you both loved each other?”
Sakura smiled in return. “Well, drunk us shared a kiss, but he got all “this isn’t right” and I told Hinata about it a couple of days later.” 
Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “Naruto came to my apartment ready to beat the breaks off of me because she didn’t just tell Hinata, she sobbed to her about it.” He corrected her as he removed his hand from her thigh, letting his fingers slowly slide off her skin.
She shivered slightly before huffing with a pout. “I’m sensitive.”
“Oh, I know.” He gave her an eye crease. “I tell Naruto I love her and some other sappy shit, and he tries to convince me to tell her but I won’t. And he ended up convincing her to tell me.” He pulled her against his side and brushed his lips against her temple. “And now here we are.”
“Is this part where you skip me finding you two together?” Asuma asked with a knowing grin.
“I had suspected you had some type of feelings for her before the bar. I knew she did because she never smiled as much as she did around you. After the way you threatened the guy at the bar, I was for sure about you.” 
“Now just what made me so obvious?” Kakashi furrowed his eyebrows.
“You, well you with three careens of sake in his system, acted more like a jealous boyfriend as opposed to a protective team leader. Right down to openly wrapping your arm around her waist and stroking her hip.” Asuma deadpanned as if that was a stupid question.
Sakura’s cheeks dusted pink once again. “Ah, so that part didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else like I thought it had…” Her voice was quiet and timid as she felt Kakashi rubbing her hip through the fabric of the dress in the same manner as the night before. 
Kurenai laughed softly. “Kakashi hardly ever got involved with women, so when he does we pay close attention. Anko was the first to point out that he was way more touchy with you than any other one before.”
“Wait, really?” Sakura asked as her curiosity became peaked before amusement shone in her eyes. “Well, no wonder why every freaking woman in the town hates my existence right. now.”
Kurenai and Asuma both laughed at her amusement at that new fact. Their plates were about finished and it was seeming to be the end of the night out. They all said their goodbyes before heading back home for the night. 
The whole walk home, she couldn’t help but wonder how Kakashi was rumored to be phenomenal in bed. Well for her it was far from a rumor now. But how did he have that when he didn’t want to be touchy with the women? He would touch and stroke and kiss every inch of her body whenever they made love, and she couldn’t picture him being any other way. It seemed like it was half the fun for her. Then again, she’d never had sex before Kakashi, let alone casual sex. Maybe that was the difference?
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