#Justin Kiriakis
The players
In the interest of providing some context for this incredibly ill-informed venture, here are the 50+ main characters currently appearing on this show:
Abe Carver  
Abe has been on the show since the early 80s and he's managed to keep more of his Billy Dee Williams looks and charm than Billy Actual Dee Williams Hisownself has. Currently mayor of Salem and married to Paulina "It's All The Time With Her" Price.
Abigail DiMera
Deceased wife of Chad, sister of Gwen and easily this show's greatest "you love to hate them" character until the performer decided she wanted to go off and do movies. Last seen as the actual angel atop her family's Christmas tree, she briefly came to life to tell Dead Wife Chad to fucking move on with his life already.
Alex Kiriakis
Extremely handsome and surprisingly enlightened member of the Kiriakis clan. Alex showed up a week after Ben Weston stopped appearing on the show, which is fortunate since they're played by the same actor but not in the fun "wigs and fake teeth" way that Kristen and Susan Banks are. Alex seems at first glance to be a douche-bro but has always been extremely respectful of women, conscious of the importance of consent and is now actually going to therapy.
André DiMera
Allegedly dead twin of Tony (last seen briefly resurrected by Satan in the DiMera family crypt). Included here because I read a spoiler that he might be coming back really soon. (Turns out that spoiler was wrong, actually. But I'm leaving him on the list, if nothing else, for the phrase "resurrected by Satan," which absolutely did happen.)
Andrew Donovan
Secret agent with the totally-real ISA. Related to a bunch of these people in ways I don't feel like looking up right now. Currently half of the only gay couple on the show (along with Paul Narita). For this reason alone, we're really hoping he moves to Salem with Paul because they just shipped the last gay couple off to New Zealand & we need some boys kissing on this show.
Anna DiMera
Wife of Tony & in a show filled with interloping, entitled Karens, easily the most interloping entitled Karen in all of Salem.
Ava Vitali
The other half of "Kara Squad" (see: Gwen Rizczech). Ava was a former mob boss who tried to go legit but she recently lost her damn mind and did a bunch of crazy shit that culminated in her driving a car off a cliff & possibly killing Susan Banks (our cat's namesake). She (Ava, not our cat) is currently in an off-camera mental institution & is regularly visited by her son, Tripp.
Belle Black
Daughter of Marlena & John, wife of Sad Eyes Shawn and one of the only three lawyers in town.
Ben Weston
A former serial killer who is now supposed to be sympathetic somehow. Is in love with Ciara, whom he refers to as "babe" about every fifteen seconds. And this is the entirety of his character. Ben left the show in favor of Alex (played by the same guy) and things improved substantially when this happened. They're threatening to bring Ben back again and I really wish they wouldn't because he sucks.
Bo Brady
With Hope, one of the great "supercouples" of the show's history. Died quite some time ago. A recent miniseries actually focused on him in heaven, watching the events on earth as though they were a soap opera (GET IT?!) Bo has recently been brought back to life by Megan Hathaway, but escaped her custody and ran off, only to be shot by his son Shawn. Is currently in a coma.
Bonnie Lockhart
Tacky, outspoken southern wife of Justin (once referred to by Victor as a "dime store Dolly Parton.")
Brady Black
Son of John, ex-husband of Kristen. Brady and Kristen have a daughter together. Her name is Rachel, and thanks to Kristen's not-so-subtle maneuvering, Brady was recently forced to break up with his girlfriend Chloe because Rachel openly despises her.
Chad DiMera
also known (by me) as Dead Wife Chad. Chad was married to Abigail, until she was murdered in the first complete plot line I saw when I started watching the show (ie, everyone else has long forgotten about it, but it will loom large for me indefinitely). Chad spent most of last year drunkenly threatening people, assuming they were the ones who MURDERED HIS WIFE!!! He eventually calmed down a little and is now dating Stephanie.
Chanel Dupree
Daughter of Paulina Price and owner of Sweet Bits, a popular bakery that recently served poisoned biscuits to a bunch of people in Salem. Chanel was great for the first couple of months she was on the show, but then they abruptly switched performers and now she's like a ten year old who looks 25.
Chloe Lane
Apparently a pretty interesting goth girl when she was introduced on the show as a teenager in the late 90s, the most interesting thing about Chloe now is that her arch-nemesis is an 8 year old girl.
Clyde Weston
Living embodiment of the word sleazy. Imagine a dollar store version of Twin Peaks' Bob and he's from, like, Alabama or something.
Colin Petersen
Brand-new (as of last week) character and immediately a detestable piece of shit. Brother of Sloane, currently manipulating his girlfriend, Talia, to seduce Chanel (Talia isn't even into girls and it's all really gross) so she can then break her heart. British. But not in a hot way.
Doug Williams
The guy who plays Doug is literally 98 years old and we often joke that he only has enough mental capacity left to say I'M DOUG! every now and then. But honestly, he recently played the devil and he kinda fucking nailed it.
A bear.
EJ DiMera
British (in a hot way) co-CEO of DiMera Enterprises. Everyone talks about EJ like he's a villain but in almost two full years of storylines (since this performer took over in the role) we haven't seen him do anything remotely evil apart from very occasionally retaliating when someone wrongs him first.
Eric Brady
Son of Roman. Former priest. Currently dating Sloane. Eric was orignally played by Jensen Ackles, which is why we were able to locate copies of every episode he originally appeared in from 1999-2001.
Gabi Hernandez    Sister of Rafe, currently dating Stefan. I do not wish to overly objectify anyone on this show, but EJ once referred to Gabi's "platonic ideal of an ass" and he was 100% correct.
Gwen Rizczech
Gwen is my precious cinnamon roll and she can do no wrong. The first week I started watching this show, she was in prison. Her sister, Abigail, came to visit, saw the horrible coffee mug that Gwen had made for their dad, and smashed it on the ground. Gwen didn't deserve that. Or anything else bad. She's British, and she's one of two characters who looks a lot like my friend Kara (who voice acts for my projects and plays, among others, Naomi on Endeavor).
Harris Michaels
Former Navy SEAL who was brainwashed to do Megan Hathaway's bidding. Harris has since recovered and dated Hope for about 30 seconds until she discovered Bo was still alive.
Hope Williams Brady
With Bo, the other half of one of the show's great "supercouples." Hope has been working for the definitely-real ISA, but is currently stuck in a hospital waiting for her recently-resurrected lover to come out of his coma.
Jack Deveraux
Father of Gwen and Abigail. Has apparently left town after Gwen (along with Xander and Leo) extorted control of the town newspaper away from him.
Jada Hunter
Detective serving under Rafe, and also apparently romantically interested in him (gross). Jada's sister Talia recently moved to town and Jada strongly suspects that Talia is behind the poisoned biscuits served at Sweet Bits bakery.
Jan Spears
The extremely delusional woman obsessed with living happily ever after with Sad Eyes Shawn. Has been in four different comas. Last seen attempting to escape apprehension in the harbor, but they never found her body. Come on guys, I've read comics. She's still out there somewhere. Jan is Amanda's favorite character.
Joey Johnson
Tripp's extremely lame brother with an extremely lame little mustache. Joey lives in Seattle, and if I ever ran into him, I would point right at him and laugh at how bad his mustache is.
John Black
John is played by Drake Hogestyn, who has apparently only ever had one acting job: this one. And... what an eccentric performance it is. John is ostensibly a private eye (with Steve) and is married to Marlena. (They are another of the show's "supercouples.") He's not very bright but kind of lovable despite this, like if Mister Peanutbutter was played by a knockoff of Clint Eastwood.
Johnny DiMera
The worst character on the show by far. Johnny claims to be a filmmaker, but the only film he attempted to make (a fictionalization of his grandmother Marlena's satanic possession) failed spectacularly and he hasn't done a goddamn thing since. Mostly spends his time judging the sex lives of the people he's close to (particularly his father) and whining.
Julie Olson Williams
Wife of Doug (and the performers are actually married in real life too, which is pretty cute). Julie's job, as far as I can tell, is to invite herself into people's homes and ask extremely personal questions when she doesn't think the plot is moving along fast enough.
Justin Kiriakis
Dad of Alex and Sonny. Justin is a lawyer. I don't know a whole lot else about him, actually. I guess I'd hire him if Sloan or Belle weren't available.
Kate Roberts
Tough old broad who is currently being held captive at sea for some reason. I have a big coffee table book about this show that divides the characters up into families (Brady, DiMera, etc.) and there's a whole section called Kate's Brood, because she has apparently been married to half the significant male characters in this show and I think did at least hand stuff with the other half. Is ostensibly the partner of Roman, but despite them being extremely well-established legacy characters, I do not buy their supercouple status at ALL.
Kayla Brady Johnson
Chief surgeon at the hospital, wife to Steve (now THERE'S a fucking supercouple) and Dr. Marlena Evans' actual best friend.  Was recently dead, but returned to her job at the hospital last week.
Kristen DiMera
My initial read on Kristen was that she was a glamorous, scheming supervillain-type... and she still has the potential to be. But she used up all her energy trying to (and succeeding at) breaking up Brady and Chloe. Has tried to kidnap her own daugter seven or eight times since I started watching.
Leo Stark
A character so gay that they might as well have gotten Charles Nelson Reilly to play him. Leo has actually grown on me as I spend more time with him, and he currently writes a gossip column under the name Lady Whistleblower. This has proven to be an outstanding narrative excuse for characters to know each other's business.
Li Shin
Li was formerly Gabi's husband, formerly a top executive at DiMera Enterprises and was never a good actor. Seriously, he just stares forward like David Puddy and reads all his lines really fast with no inflection. The only time he ever played a believable emotion was at Thanksgiving when he thought there would be pie but then there was no pie.
Lucas Horton
Lucas is a real piece of work (shit). He kidnapped Sami, the love of his life, but then (by his own admission) had no idea what to do next so just kind of... held on to her for awhile. Then he pretended to rescue her and almost married her. He's currently in jail. I hope they let him out soon because he's one of those characters that you love to watch fail over and over again.
Maggie Horton Kiriakis
Matriarch of the Kiriakis AND Horton families and current CEO of Titan. Married to Victor, who is definitely still alive oh hey that's him on the phone right now sorry I need to take this hi Victor I'm so happy you're definitely alive
Marlena Evans
The obvious hero of this entire 65 year spectacle. Marlena has been possessed by the actual devil; she died and went to heaven; she woke up from being dead and discovered that she was in a cryo tube in a lab someplace; and she's the only psychiatrist in Salem, who regularly hypnotizes hard-to-access plot points from people's memories. All of this has happened since I started watching the show about a year ago. She and John are a supercouple and despite the fact that John is... like that, it kind of works because Marlena is fucking amazing.
Megan Hathaway
This character died IN NINETEEN EIGHTY FIVE and they recently brought her back to life. NINETEEN. EIGHTY. FIVE. Almost forty years ago. Apparently a DiMera child, and every bit the supervillain Kristen should have been. Megan used her considerable resources to resurrect Bo, a guy she dated in high school LIKE FIFTY YEARS AGO. I cannot get over this. She's currently in jail but there's no chance she'll be there for long.
Melinda Trask
Hard-assed district attorney of Salem and the recent victim of the infamous poisoned biscuits. Melinda was only a plot device for a long time, but I guess the producers got the letters I forgot to write because now she's getting actual storylines complete with love interests and she's every bit as great as I expected her to be.
Nicole Walker
Nicole is currently dating EJ, but she never stays with anyone for very long. Mostly she keeps hooking up with Eric, who should fucking know better by now.
Yes, Orpheus. An actual evil genius who recently poisoned (and killed!) Marlena, Kate and Kayla. Best voice on the show, by far.
Paul Narita
Son of John. Currently dating Andrew. This is all I know about Paul, but I'm hoping he moves to Salem so I can get to know him better. He was involved in one of the show's greatest moments, in which his extremely doting father came to visit him and celebrate Pride. (see picture below.)
Paulina Price
Wife of Abe, mother of Chanel. Paulina is played by Jackeé, who was best known for sitcoms and quite honestly really works best on this show when she's playing comedy.
Rafe Hernandez
Brother of Gabi. Commissioner of Salem PD. Side note: this is a fictional world where it's best to pretend cops aren't horrible. That said, Rafe hasn't been particularly great for most of my time with him... but he's finally starting to grow on me a little bit.
Roman Brady
Owner of the Brady Pub and apparently maker of decent clam chowder. They keep trying to convince me that this nobody is the love of Kate's life but I remain unconvinced. The performer who plays Roman kinda sounds like he had a stroke.  I really don't feel comfortable making fun of that but I also find him very hard to understand, which just makes me uncomfortable any time he's on screen. (This is definitely more my problem than it is his.)
Sami Brady
Daughter of John, sister of Belle, apparently the love of both EJ and Lucas' lives. Sami is a fucking mess —one of those delightful messes that we wish was on the show more. But she also has better things to do than be on this show, so she only shows up about once a year for a couple of weeks.
Sarah Horton
Love of Xander's life who recently departed the show. But she was pregnant when she did, so she's absolutely coming back with that baby at some point.
Shawn-Douglas Brady
aka Sad Eyes Shawn. Most recently, Shawn learned that his father, Bo, was back from the dead and thought it would be a good idea to shoot him (?!) Now Bo is in a coma. If nothing else, Shawn has finally earned those sad eyes.
Sloan Petersen
A cutthroat lawyer obsessed with getting revenge on Chanel and Paulina for some drama involving her dead parents. Is dating Eric and, for some reason, has the name of Ferris Bueller's girlfriend (not the first time this show has cribbed character names from John Hughes, either).
Stefan DiMera
Boyfriend of Gabi and brother of EJ, with whom he is currently involved in a bitter rivalry over who controls DiMera Enterprises. (They currently share CEO status.) Was brought back from the dead like... 6 months ago, but only recently shook off a bunch of brainwashing that convinced him that he didn't love Gabi but actually loved Chloe (which should have been his first clue that something was amiss because... really? Her?)
Stefano DiMera    
Long-dead patriarch of the DiMera family. Stefano looms large over the show and his children, and his portrait hangs in their living room, where they monologue to it regularly. (A replica of said portrait is also hanging in our living room.)
Stephanie Johnson
Son of Steve and Kayla, currently dating Dead Wife Chad. Stephanie runs her own PR firm, and inexplicably has as many work-related storylines as her mother, WHO IS A SURGEON.
Steve Johnson
The show's requisite Handsome Eyepatch Guy. Longtime love of Kayla. Private eye. Good dad. Good dude. I like Steve. It's hard not to like Steve.
Susan Banks
A full-on southern fruitcake and actual psychic. When Dr. Marlena Evans (whom Susan refers to as her "best friend," though Marlena doesn't seem to agree with this assessment) was possessed by the devil, she turned Susan into "a li'l kittycat," which is why we named our li'l kittycat after her. Susan is (was?) played by the same performer who plays Kristen, and this is often mlked for (pretty effective) laughs. Susan plummetted to her apparent death in some stock footage swiped from an old "Toonces" sketch.
Talia Hunter
Sister of Jada, apparently romantically involved with Colin (gross). Talia used to be a doctor, but quit so she could bake. And then it turned out this was all a cover for the sinister plots that Colin is putting her up to. She clearly knows better though. And she's going to stop doing what that creep tells her to do any day now. Right?
Tony DiMera
Brother of EJ, Stefan and Chad; husband of Anna. The consigliere to EJ's mob boss. Tony's like if Richard Dawson were still alive but not quite as handsome or charming.
Tripp Johnson
Son of Steve and Ava. Handsome, charming, a good dude. TLo has a little song she sings when Tripp shows up. It goes TRIPP! TRIPP TRIPP TRIPP TRIPP! It's pretty adorable.
Victor Kiriakis
Patriarch of the Kiriakis family. Victor was an absolute delight to watch, as he was openly hostile to every character on the show except for Maggie, whom he obviously cared for a great deal. Victor was played by John Aniston (Jennifer's dad), who died last fall. The show persists in informing us that Victor is "just over there, off-camera," despite this.
Wei Shen
Owner or board member or something of DiMera Enterprises. We've never been able to determine what DiMera actually does, so Wei Shin's role there is also a bit of a mystery. Father to Li and Wendy, and usually pretty disappointed in both of them.
Wendy Shin
Daughter of Wei, sister of Li. Wendy works in IT at DiMera and keeps threatening to date Johnny, which makes absolutely no sense. She is now dating Tripp, which makes a lot more sense because seriously, Johnny's the worst.
Wilhelm Rolf
Actual mad scientist who once worked for Stefano DiMera. Has brought so many people back from the dead that people actually refer to it as "being Rolfed." Recently seen trying to undo Stefan's brainwashing with ad hoc equipment built out of a crock pot, and eggbeater and other assorted kitchen props. Even more amazing than I'm making him sound.
Xander Kiriakis
British (Scottish actually, but sounds British) himbo who keeps ending up with amazing women (Sarah, Gwen) and then completely fucking it up. Xander is currently part-owner of the town newspaper for some reason, and is currently getting an apartment with Chloe for seriously what the fuck I have absolutely no idea.
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deafblindshorty · 1 year
Glee and Days of Our Lives
So, ten years ago, some people on here compared some Glee characters (well, the gay characters) to DOOL's gay characters.
-They said Burt Hummel and Justin Kiriakis were the best fathers ever (Justin way less so than Burt, but he's still a pretty good dad. Mostly.)
-They said Glee should take notes from DOOL and have their gay couple talk things out.
-They wanted Blaine to give a long, anguished declaration of love to an unconscious Kurt the same way Sonny did for Will when he was in the hospital.
-When Sonny first appeared on the show, someone on Daytime Royalty said they also need a "Karofsky" type character (and they kind of got their wish with Paul).
Lately, I've realized...
Paul is Karofsky's good counterpart (which is funny, since Karofsky's dad's name is Paul). Both were athletes who hid their sexualities. Paul handled it way better (Although, he was older and more mature, so...) and pursued men who were already taken and they knew it.
Leo is Kurt's evil counterpart. Both dress flamboyantly, use expensive facial products, and both are besties with an overly ambitious and obnoxious brunette woman.
Will is Blaine's morally grey counterpart. Both cheated on their SOs because they felt lonely, both are married and have a daughter, and both pursued a career writing stories based on their own personal experiences (Will in screenwriting, Blaine being a playwright), and both became a big brother mentor to someone who was confused about their sexuality (Will to his sister Allie and Blaine to Kurt. Okay, Blaine is younger than Kurt, but still.)
Sonny and Kurt have a few things in common, too. Both are a little bi-phobic, both lost their moms and took it really hard, their boyfriends (husband in Sonny's case) cheated on them, they both have a parent who got cancer and they became despondent over that, and they both have a daughter.
Sigh. I've been wanting to write a fanfic where they meet, and it looks like when Will and Sonny left for New Zealand, it'd be the perfect time. But, is New York a layover on the way to NZ from Illinois or is California?
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recentlyheardcom · 3 months
Days of our Lives Early Spoilers July 15-19: EJ Spirals & Double Wedding Shock
In the captivating world of Days of Our Lives, the week of July 15-19, 2024 promises dramatic twists and turns. EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) finds himself spiraling. And a double wedding shocker looms on the horizon. Justin Kiriakis (Wally Kurth) and Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) share a heartfelt conversation. And Justin mourns the revelation that Alex Kiriakis (Robert Scott Wilson) is not his…
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blairsreddress · 1 year
A sneak peek at some of the action that will take place on DAYS during the week of September 11, 2023. Be sure to tune in to DAYS every weekday to see how everything plays out.
Several schemes sizzle in Salem, while things get hot for two fugitives! Plus, shots fired, and families grow
Though the truth about Sarah's baby remains under wraps, the family welcomes the newborn wholeheartedly
A distressed Sarah's loved ones receive some troubling news, while there's a breakthrough with Salem's troubled mystery man
The not-a-mystery-anymore man is eagerly embraced and warmly welcomed into the Evans-Black family
Brady and Belle are shocked to meet their new grandfather, and Paul's homecoming is perfectly timed to meet him, too
Having arrived with Paul, Andrew's eager to get all the latest on his sister's complicated life, though tricky Theresa might not be totally truthful.
Kayla and Stephanie are thrilled to reunite with Theresa, while others in Salem still aren't rolling out the welcome mat.
Brady best beware, as even a short time in town is enough for Theresa to stir up trouble, and the seasoned schemer's already se
Theresa tries to turn up answers by tracking her ex, though the Greece-bound Brady and Alex's big break may go bust
Believing Brady and Theresa's breakup is truly water under the bridge, Alex hopes to pursue his cousin's ex
Brady doesn't believe there will be a problem if Alex and Theresa date, but he does believe his ex is likely to cause problems for his cousin
As Alex and Theresa agree to a date, in the wake of Victor's death, the house of Kiriakis has a deluge of difficulties -- and one Vivian-sized predicament
An infuriated Julie jumps to Maggie's defense after Vivian proclaims the former Mrs. Mickey Horton wasn't legally married to former mobster Victor
Though in disbelief, Maggie's quick to jump to her own defense, too, and claps back at Madame Alamain (possibly Madame Kiriakis)
seeking truths.
Madame Alamain's proclamation continues to rattle Maggie and clan, so Justin takes aim at solving the family's Vivian problem
No stranger to causing chaos, Vivian becomes problematic for son Stefan, too, and for his new bride, Gabi
Leo attempts to do damage control, but newlywed Gwen's no novice when it comes to scheming, and her suspicions are certainly on the rise
A bombshell from his bestie, Gwen, lands on Leo, and a wowed Lady Whistleblower is unlikely to love what he hears
Johnny loves what he hears from Chanel when the conflicted baker breaks the news that she's finally decided who she wants to be with
Chanel's choice isn't so terrific for Talia, who ends up drinking her blues away, and she gets some sympathetic company
Shawn hits the bottle again, which bothers Belle, and he ends up in conflict with his worried wife once again
The town's once again shocked when a Salemite falls from gunfire, and Bayview buddies Ava and Harris continue to bolt
Injured hitwoman Joyce is hit up for answers by Jada, while Rafe rushes to wrangle fugitives Ava and Harris
A rushed E.J. may have made a rookie mistake that could cost him everything, and he may have to resort to drastic measures.
A sneak peek at next week
Watch out, Salem, when Kristen and Gwen put their sneaky heads together to scheme
Schemer extraordinaire Vivian certainly rubs CEO Maggie the wrong way, and they're headed for a Titan-sized throwdown.
Scheming might become a whole lot easier for Theresa when she becomes privy to a powerful secret
Both Brady and Alex hope that Greece holds the answers they're seeking, while a steamed Nicole has plenty of questions for her groom-to-be
Rafe tries to rattle the truth out of Tripp, as Ava and Harris are across the pond on their perilous pursuit
Belle is beside herself when she can't seem to find Shawn, while a bombshell awaits Philip.
Down the Road: Summer Preview
Outside of Nicole's ongoing "Who's the daddy?" drama -- that she doesn't know is still ongoing, thanks to Sloan -- she still struggles with the possibility of being unable to carry a baby to term
Though Sloan believes her savage duplicity saved her relationship with Eric, she struggles to secure the next step with him
Just as Kate and Roman bask in their reunion, their contrary moral compasses may cause conflict
In fact, a familiar face returning to Salem could cause Kate's compass to shift again and stir up strife at the already tumultuous Titan
Even after Alex is fired from Titan, things get even more heated between him and Maggie once he begins working with the enemy
Alex and Chad might both be the odd men out of Stephanie's heart when an old flame returns to Salem
Even when Abe finds his way home, that doesn't exactly mean that he's out of the woods
Now that Wendy believes she's chosen between Johnny and Tripp, someone else enters the picture that could change everything
Shawn and Belle's relationship faces a serious test when a struggling Shawn starts pushing Belle away after shooting his father
Shawn and Belle's hardships couldn't come at a worse time, as a long-standing sore spot resurfaces
Things turn deadly in Salem this summer, and not everyone will live to see the fall
Seasoned Salem troublemaker Madame Alamain's return to the scene will certainly create chaos
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z025 · 2 years
These Days of our Lives spoilers tease farce, familial and familiar discord, and so much more. This will be a week you won’t want to miss! Days of our Lives Spoilers Highlights After running...
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ebay-19 · 2 years
The DAYS spoilers for December 26 – December 30, 2022, tease a most inconvenient truth outing, an upsetting choice being made, and so much more. This will be a week you won’t want to miss! ...
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Justin: Sonny! Have you seen Victor around?
Sonny: Victor? Probably being a shady, treacherous bastard somewhere.
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bannersbylinda · 5 years
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Justin & Adrienne banners from #DaysofOurLives.  #Jadrienne
 01/20/20 episode.
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ejw16 · 4 years
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My Top 50 Soap Opera Couples
20. Justin Kiriakis & Adrienne Johnson, Days of Our Lives
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willandsonny · 7 years
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itsjinkibitch · 4 years
Poor Wally. I don't know which pairing is worse. Ned/Olivia or Justin/Bonnie.
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cowboybuckleys · 7 years
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deafblindshorty · 8 months
The burning down of the Horton house is a sign/symbol of literally all my dreams of Days storylines that will never happen, because they keep subverting my expectations and ruining my hopes and dreams of Days.
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-One of the Legacy characters (preferably Abigail, but she was killed off, possibly for good this time. Actually, I'm kind of half-hoping for that outcome. Imagine dying and returning to life only to find out your childhood home was destroyed.) walks around Salem (Horton house included) reminiscing of Days past during the series finale (or final week it airs). I mean, someone could still do that, but I really wanted the Horton house included.
-The very last shot to be of an hourglass where the sand finally runs out...at the Horton house (I suppose it could still happen at the K-mansion or the DiMansion, or Marlena's Penthouse, though.)
-Sonny and Will having a surrogacy storyline (Preferably with Adrienne still in the picture, but that dream was also dashed)
-An all-out battle between the DiMeras and everyone else at DiMera Castle (Long story...)
-Sami and EJ together forever after everything they've gone through.
-An all-out Kiriakis Civil War/power vacuum over Titan
-Alex Kiriakis being a responsible family man with a wife, kids, and a job.
-Tate and Holly still being a part of the drug storyline. Holly would wake up but not tell the truth right away, but, guilt overcomes her and she sneaks into her dealer's room and deletes any information on her, THEN turns the dealer in by sending an anonymous phone call to the police, thus freeing Tate.
-Sonny going back to running a coffee shop
-Abigail (while she was still alive) rekindling her friendship with Will and Sonny, and living long enough to go to Disneyland and Europe trips with her family and WilSon's family.
-Paul and Andrew returning and getting married.
-Friendship moments between Sonny and Stephanie and Will and Stephanie.
-Clyde being killed off (how is he still alive after it being revealed he was an incestuous pedophile?! Do the other guards and inmates not know he is a pedo, or...?)
-This is kind of weird, but, we heard Gabi and Sonny both scolding Ari. I kind of wanted to hear Will scold her as well.
-Speaking of Ari, Ari being kidnapped again and Will and Sonny's reactions to it and how they go from there.
-Leo to either leave town or die
-A storyline where Sonny's aborted twin is really alive and wants revenge against Adrienne, Justin, and Sonny.
-Alan Harris meeting Will.
Man, I have a lot of crushed dreams when it comes to Days.
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thesalemhourglass · 7 years
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I feel bad for Ned. It’s clear that the writers are going to have Laura win the mayoral election.
I get that they are making Ned the next Tracy, but it’s Wally’s fault because he’s also Justin Kiriakis and I like Justin.
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z025 · 2 years
Sonny Kiriakis is so convinced that Leo Stark has turned over a new leaf on Days of our Lives that he was willing to go against his husband, Will Horton, and insist that Leo should be allowed to s...
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