knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Masterlist
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Updates: Sunday Afternoon (EST)
Cross-Posted: AO3 under Shinsotired
》》 Warning: Contains major manga spoilers 《《
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☙ Prologue ❧
↬ Chapter One ⇢⇢ Interlude One ↬ Chapter Two ⇢⇢ Interlude Two ↬ Chapter Three ⇢⇢ Interlude Three ↬ Chapter Four ⇢⇢ Interlude Four ↬ Chapter Five ⇢⇢ Interlude Five ↬ Chapter Six ⇢⇢ Interlude Six ↬ Chapter Seven
☙ Epilogue ❧
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☙ Drabbles ❧
↬ Haya's 25th Birthday ↬ Tonkotsu Ramen
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zomzomsenior-blog · 7 years
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มันก็ดีต่อใจ.. ไม่คุ้นเท่าไหร่มีคนจับมือเดินตลอดเวลา ไม่ว่าจะอยู่ที่ไหนก็ตาม.. #จับมือกันไปนานๆนะ #KSSeries
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knchins · 2 years
Kuroshiro - Chapter Six
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, fluff, brief mentions of sexual abuse/incest (no description), mentions of physical abuse, mentions of parental death
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Chapter Six - Untangled
The next morning Haya woke up to a loud knocking at her door. She heard a low, deep groan next to her and was surprised to find Gojo still occupying her bed. Normally he was up early for either training or work, but it seemed he allowed himself to sleep in for once.
“Hold on,” She called out, getting out of bed and shivering at the cool morning air. She grabbed her robe from a nearby chair and put it on, tying it tightly around her waist so that it would not fall open and reveal her nude form.
She opened the door to see a bright and happy Miyu, though when she looked over her mother’s appearance her smile faltered. Blue and purple hickies littered the exposed part of her neck and most of all, she had forgotten about the piece of fabric still tied around her head.
“Is that Gojo-sensei’s blindfold?” Miyu asked, feeling horrified in the state she had caught her mother in.
Haya’s face turned bright red as she grabbed the blindfold from the top of her head and threw it back into the room. “Never mind that,” She said, trying to recover from her embarrassment. “Did you need something?”
“Oh!” Her face lit up again, “I wanted to tell you about my date! But if now isn’t a good time…” She glanced beyond Haya, seeing a shirtless Gojo sit up in bed. He was careful to keep his lower half covered by the sheets, not wanting to accidentally expose himself to a student. That wouldn’t bode well for any of them.
“Let me get dressed, I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” Haya said, a small relieved smile on her face. Miyu nodded and turned to leave as Haya shut the door.
Once it was shut, Gojo started laughing at the exasperated sigh Haya let out. She was still exhausted and just wanted to sleep in. After they ate their food, there had been a few more rounds of make-up sex before they finally decided to call it a night.
“You’re the one that decided to adopt a kid.” He teased as she slipped off her robe and went into her attached bathroom. He got out of bed to join her. He wasn’t nearly as tired as she was which Haya thought strange seeing as he did most of the work.
She rolled her eyes at him as she cut on the water. Gojo admired the bruises he had left, they trailed from her jawline all the way down to her thighs. He smirked, pleased with his handiwork. “I love Miyu, I wouldn’t trade her for the world. After last night I just wanted to sleep another eight hours. I still have cum dripping down my legs.”
He looked and sure enough, there was an undeniable trail of semen going down in the inner part of her right leg. “Hope it really was a safe day.” He teased, knowing that she wouldn’t purposefully deceive him.
“Please, two children is enough for me.” She said, giving him an annoyed look.
“Two? Who is the other one?” He asked
She scoffed, “you are, of course.” She stepped into the hot water and let out a groan of relief. Her muscles were tired and sore, aching from having been used nearly all night long.
Gojo gave her an offended look, “you should respect your elders.”
“That’s funny coming from you.” She said and they both started laughing as they stood under the stream of water together.
After their shower, the two got out and dried off. Haya started getting ready to go see Miyu as Gojo took his time. “I’m leaving tonight, by the way.” He said, “I’ll be back in a few days. Watch over my kids for me, would you?”
“You’re such a deadbeat.” She said jokingly, “always leaving me with your children while you go off and do whatever you want.”
Gojo rolled his eyes at her, though he had a smile on his face. “You’re in a good mood.”
She walked over to him and pinched his side. “Don’t ruin it.”
His smile grew as he pulled her in for a quick kiss. “I’ll bring something back for you.”
“You better.” She replied as she pulled her sports bra over her head. She planned on going straight to the gym after eating some breakfast with her daughter. “And you better call me tonight too.”
“I will, I will.” He said, kissing her again. He wished he could just stay and banter with her, kiss her and fuck her throughout the morning, afternoon, and night. Unfortunately, that just wasn’t plausible. Moments like this when there seemed to be no ill will between them were rare. One of them always seemed to be pressed about something the other had done. The normalcy felt strange but wasn’t totally unwanted.
He smacked her ass as she turned to leave. Haya huffed, pretending to be annoyed with him. “Don’t leave my room a mess either.” She said as she opened the door. “And be safe…”
He smirked, wondering what was going through her head at the moment. Safe from what? He was invincible. “Don’t worry about me. Did you forget I’m untouchable?”
“No one is untouchable.” She said somberly, shaking her head. “I’ll talk to you later, Satoru.”
“Bye, Hayami.” He said before starting to clean up their trash from last night. Haya closed the door behind her and went to the kitchen.
She rubbed her bruised neck, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She already knew she was going to betray her father by not attempting to kill Yuuji, but she hadn’t thought about what might happen to her if she were attacked or sent into a trap while he was out of town. She had grown increasingly paranoid over the past few days as someone had sent a box with some sort of intricate poison in it for her to use.
Gojo had offered to dispose of it for her, however Haya said she’d take care of it. She didn’t like the idea of someone from her family keeping tabs on her. She’d be watching over the kids for the next few days and so it would appear that she’d have the perfect opportunity to make her move. Not that she had any moves to make, Itadori was a child. He didn’t ask to become Sukuna’s vessel any more than he asked to be born.
Miyu’s face turned a light shade of pink as she saw her mom. “You finally made it.”
Haya was equally embarrassed as she started making them some food. “Sorry, I was cleaning up from last night.” She lied. “We had a date night in, I guess you could say. How did it go with Yuuji?”
Miyu’s face went from disgust to delight, “It was wonderful! We went on a double date with Yua and Fushiguro but we ended up splitting up after we had dinner. He took me to see a scary movie. It was a lot of fun.”
“And he was a perfect gentleman?” She asked, setting aside the fact that Yua and Megumi had finally gotten together. “Didn’t put his hands on you?”
“N-No! Nothing like that! He was really nice…” She paused, “you got back together with Gojo-sensei?”
Haya nodded, “yes, we’re dating again.” She yawned, “bastard kept me up all night though.”
Miyu made a disgusted face, looking at the hickies from her seat at the table. “He gave you a lot of bruises.” She murmured, “Did they hurt?”
“No, not really. They felt good at the time.” She said thoughtfully. “Sex shouldn’t hurt. I mean, sometimes people like it when it hurts, but I’m not one of those people.”
“People like for it to hurt?” Miyu asked, even more confused.
“Well, no, it’s different,” Haya said, getting flustered. “Sometimes pain can feel good I guess. I don’t really know how to explain it. But hickies don’t really hurt.”
Miyu nodded, unsure of what to say. The experience and knowledge on consensual sex were nonexistent. While she had suffered abuse from her older brother slipping into her bed at night and male nurses being inappropriate with her in the hospital, she still didn’t know a whole lot about it. Sex education in America was severely lacking, more so than Haya probably knew.
Haya cleared her throat, “So do you have any other questions about sex?”
“Everyone says it hurts the first time, is that true?” Miyu asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Haya smiled softly, thinking of her first time with Gojo. “It can, but as long as the guy makes sure you’re prepped well then it only hurts for a few moments. You adjust to it really quickly, so don’t worry too much about that. We’ll make sure whoever you chose to be with knows how to make it as painless as possible, okay?”
Miyu nodded though her mother couldn’t see it, “How was your first time? Did he know what he was doing?”
Haya snorted, Gojo had gotten around a lot back then. It was safe to say she wasn’t the first virgin he’d been with and she doubted she was the last. “He did. He treated me very well.”
The room fell silent as Haya finished cooking and placed the bacon, eggs, and toast onto plates. She set one in front of Miyu before sitting down with her on. Miyu took a bite before thinking out loud, “Was it Gojo-sensei?”
The older woman didn’t know why the question flustered her so much. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “yes, it was.”
“But you’ve been with other men too?” She asked, a bit confused. She still didn’t really understand their relationship very much.
“Yes, I have. When we weren’t together. Sometimes things don’t work out and two people break up. Sometimes they get back together and sometimes they don’t. Life is just funny that way.” She said awkwardly, trying to make it make sense even to herself.
“Right,” Miyu said, not really getting it but not really wanting the conversation to continue either. “Mom? Are you going with us on our mission tomorrow?”
“Probably not.” She said. “It’s supposed to be a lower level curse causing problems and I have some family matters to tend to. You have me on speed dial though, call me and I’ll be there in a blink of an eye.
Miyu fell quiet. The last time she had “family matters” she came back bloodied and bruised. Haya had had a hard time explaining how she received those injuries, but Gojo-sensei had actually stepped in and told her the truth. She had been shocked, to say the least, having never expected that her mother had dealt with abuse as well. Miyu’s heart broke for her mother, though she didn’t show it. She hated when people gave her that sympathetic look and she imagined that Haya did as well.
“Do we have training today?” Miyu asked as she finished her food. She dabbed her mouth with her napkin as she looked up at her mom who seemed lost in thought for the moment. “Mom?”
“Oh, no, sorry. I thought you all could use a day off. Sometimes rest days are needed for training too, you know? I’m going to the gym though if you want to join me, but don’t feel obligated if you’d rather hang out with Itadori or Yua.”
She thought for a moment, though she probably should continue to work on gaining muscle, she would much rather play video games all day. “I think I’ll hang out with them instead.”
Haya smiled and reached over to pat her on the head, “alright, we can go out for dinner tonight. Deal?”
“Deal!” She said happily as she put her plate away and left to go find her best friend and new boyfriend.
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The next day Haya went out to lunch at her favorite ramen joint. She would be meeting her brother there and already she was dreading it. Though admittedly dealing with him was infinitely easier than dealing with her father.
She had just finished ordering a simple bowl of beef ramen when he sat down in front of her. His short black hair was messy as if he’d been running his fingers through it all day. His matching blue eyes had bags under them, and she wondered why he was having difficulty sleeping assuming that was the cause.
“You look well, Haya.” He said, his voice raspy as if his throat was dry. He ordered tonkatsu, not being a huge ramen fan. “How is the mission going?”
“You know damn well how it’s going.” She grumbled at him, taking a sip of her water. “I got uncle’s gift the other day. They really think I’m going to kill an innocent child.”
“Innocent? Haya, he’s hardly innocent. He’s the vessel of Sukuna, it’s only a matter of time before he loses control and causes mass destruction. What if your daughter was caught in that? Would you feel okay with your inaction knowing that it caused her death?” Daisuke asked, looking desperate. Suddenly Haya knew why he hadn’t been sleeping. He was likely being hounded day in and day out about this mission as well as he still lived at the estate with their father. In her absence, her brother was at the receiving end of him and his ilk.
And because of that, it was clear that Daisuke was starting to side with him. It was clear to Haya that confiding in her brother that his new niece was also a vessel would be a grave mistake. Something had changed about him. That much was clear when he called a child guilty for simply existing. She regretted agreeing to meet him now.
“Is this why you called me here, Daisuke? To discuss hypotheticals?” Haya asked flatly as their food arrived. “Unless you forgot, I have important training lessons I could be overseeing instead.”
Daisuke began to eat, letting the food settle into his stomach before speaking again. “I asked you to meet me because I wanted to know what progress you had made if any at all. Hayami, you’re all I have left of our mother. I don’t want you to die protecting some dumb kid.”
She hated it when he did that. Brought up their dead mom as if the two were anything alike. Haya was her own person, her own living breathing human being. She wasn’t some memory of a dead woman meant to be preserved and protected. “Mom would side with me.” She said flatly and a look of familiar rage crossed his face. It reminded her a little too much of her father.
“Use the poison. It is the safest way. You’re an okay cook, he’ll never notice if you put it in his food.” He said.
“Why would I be cooking for Itadori?” Haya asked, “what excuse would I have to do that?”
“I don’t know, a celebration dinner for all the first years. Who cares why exactly. It will be painless. He won’t even know he’s dying.” Daisuke said, pleading with her now.
Haya wondered if not knowing you were dying was any better than knowing. She supposed it wasn’t, though the knowledge would give you time to say your goodbyes and make peace with the world. Still, it wasn’t a choice she was going to force a teenage boy to make, even if he was dating her daughter.
She relented to the fact that she’d simply have to lie to him too. There was no way he’d let her leave here without her agreeing to such a ridiculous plan. Sukuna and Itadori had survived the death of his physical body and while this poison was aimed towards vessels, she wondered if it would be potent enough for such a strong curse. She highly doubted it.
Even so. She wasn’t about to poison Yuuji. The deal was for him to eat all twenty fingers first and she had full confidence in Gojo’s ability to keep casualties to a minimum. Unfortunately, sometimes people had to die for the greater good, she just hoped that the death count remained as low as it was now.
“Alright, Daisuke.” She said after eating a few more mouthfuls of her lunch. “I’ll do it before Gojo gets back. He will know something is up.”
Her brother watched her expression carefully, “Are you two together again? I thought you were broken up?”
“Yes, we’re together. What does it matter?” She asked as her aggravation with him started to show.
“You’re almost twenty-eight, you need to settle down and get married. Have some kids of your own. That Gojo is never going to do that, so you should move on. Find someone more on your level.” He said.
She nearly snapped her wooden chopsticks in half with the rage that flooded over her. She was used to strangers thinking she wasn’t good enough for him, but to hear it from her own brother was maddening. “I think we’re done here.” She said, standing abruptly, fiery gaze locked onto Daisuke so he could see the fury he had ignited. “Don’t bother calling me again.” She turned her back to him and walked out as calmly as she could manage.
Late that night Haya awoke to her cell ringing. She let out a low groan, hand fumbling around her nightstand for her phone. The room was pitch black, leaving her unable to see anything even when the touch screen of her iPhone lit up.
She somehow managed to answer the call from Shoko before her voicemail picked up. “Shoko? What time is it?”
“Almost three.” She said, sounding exhausted. Though to be fair, she always sounded that way. “It seems the first years minus Yua decided to take a field trip tonight to deal with some curses. You better get over here.”
Ice ran through her veins as the thought of Miyu being hurt drained all need for sleep out of her body. “Where are you?”
“The infirmary, don’t worry everyone is in one piece.” She said, “Well….mostly.” Shoko glanced at Yua who was very clearly on the verge of some type of mental breakdown as she tried to heal Megumi.
Haya hung up on the doctor before springing from bed. She quickly turned on the overhead light and put on whatever clothes were strewn about on the floor, not caring if they matched or not. Once dressed she put on her shoes and ran at top speed to the infirmary, getting to the door just as Yua was storming out in a fit of tears.
Haya blinked in the doorway, seeing the other four in bloody bandages. “What the hell were you thinking?!” She yelled, louder than she intended. Now that she had seen for herself that everyone was alright, anger overtook her as her maternal mode kicked into overdrive. “You could have been killed!”
“Fushiguro took out a special grade, they got one of Sukuna’s fingers,” Shoko said, impressed instead of upset. She finished looking over Megumi and healing him.
“Where is it?” Haya asked, looking at Itadori with an expression that could kill.
“He ate it,” Nobara said flatly, clearly not pleased with her classmate.
“It was an accident!” Yuuji protested as he sighed. “Sorry, Haya-sensei.”
Miyu was quiet. Though she had agreed to join Yuuji and the others, she hadn’t exactly been prepared for how angry her mother was. For whatever reason, she thought that they’d get a slap on the wrist, especially since they had been successful. Clearly, that wasn’t the case.
“There were these two curses there…they didn’t disappear when we killed them,” Itadori said, his voice softer now. “It was strange.”
“I’ve already arranged for the bodies to be picked up. Yua and I will be doing a necropsy on each of them, assuming she hasn’t completely lost her marbles.” Shoko said, muttering the last bit.
All Haya could see was more and more danger. “So not only did you fight a special grade, but also two cursed…somethings? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? Look at the shape all of you are in! Tomorrow you’re all doing conditioning until you puke, I don’t care how hurt you are.”
The four of them groaned. Haya was the most sadistic trainer when it came to physical conditioning. She was hard but her methods did bring about results. Miyu had started to pack on muscle after following the workout routine Haya had written for her. “As for Yua, since she didn’t participate, she can have a day off. She needs one anyway after whatever the hell you did to her, Fushiguro.”
Megumi made a face. “I didn’t do anything! She’s the one that ghosted me!”
Shoko pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’m sick of this, Kuroishi. I’m going to tell them.”
Haya glanced at her, wondering if that was a good idea or not. The four teens looked at her, the only one hiding his curiosity was Megumi who instead was brooding. “Tell us what?” Miyu asked softly, hoping to not get lashed out at for speaking. A relieved exhale left her when neither of the women berated her.
“Yua’s parents were killed by a curse user,” Shoko said. “I know she keeps saying they’re out of country or whatever lies she’s come up with, but they’re not true. They’re dead and she found them.” The doctor decided not to tack on what happened to the curse user, as she was sure that Yua didn’t even know how he had ended up in the condition that he did.
Everyone was quiet. Megumi looked down into his lap as Miyu felt tears brim her eyes. Why hadn’t her best friend told her the truth? Unless she just truly couldn’t accept it and believed that they were still alive somehow. She knew a thing or two about wishful delusions. In fact, she thought Haya was one for weeks after they first met.
Haya let out a tired sigh. “Alright, you all need to get to bed. You’ll need your rest for what I’m going to do to you,” She said darkly, looking at each student with a pointed look. “Now go, meet me on the training field at five-thirty.”
“Mom, that’s two hours from now..” Miyu murmured, exhaustion creeping into her voice as she rubbed her eyes.
“Then you better get going,” Haya replied with a grin.
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After a day full of intensive training that could very well be labeled as cruel and unusual punishment, Haya announced that she’d be making dinner for everyone to congratulate their win against the special grade curses and for surviving her routine. Even the athletic Itadori had trouble keeping up at times, though he threw up the least out of all four of them.
Fushiguro had taken the time to go speak to Yua to iron out whatever kind of relationship they had, breaking the news to her that Shoko had spilled her secret. While she had been upset at first, she gradually calmed down until she fell asleep in his arms. Unfortunately for him, by the time she did, it was time for him to get up for the training session she had been exempt from.
When she woke up later in the day, Yua took to the sidelines to cheer on her classmates instead of burying herself in work in the morgue, though she did want to help with the necropsies of the strange corpses from the fight the night before. Shoko assured her that she wouldn’t start without her and would instead collect trace evidence first which was typically Yua’s job.
Everyone had cleaned up and the students were waiting on their substitute sensei to finish her curry. Haya wasn’t the best cook out there but she wasn’t terrible either, though Gojo would complain about her cooking any chance he got. It was more in good fun and to ruffle her feathers instead of an actual insult.
An unmarked glass vial was sitting on the counter as she stirred the curry on the stove, folding in more spices as she did so. Her eyes kept drifting back to the small bottle of clear liquid, thoughts of using it passing through her mind every so often. It was the poison her uncle had sent her. The one that she was supposed to use to kill Itadori Yuuji.
She could hear the laughter of the teenagers from behind the door that led into the small dining room they were all sitting in. They sounded so happy, so innocent, so young. A defeated sigh left her lips, hating herself for even entertaining the idea of killing a child. Even if she did try, if it didn’t work then everyone would know that she had been the culprit. She could try to lie and say it wasn’t her, that she left the food unattended for a second, but who would actually believe her? Certainly not Gojo, who she had spoken to briefly on the phone earlier about the mole situation.
It seemed that he and Utahime were close to finding out who it was. Gojo had the main suspect that they’d be checking out as their next mission. Haya hadn’t told them this yet, not wanting to be the one to explain how there was a traitor among them.
Her eyes moved to the vial once more before she picked it up and tossed it into the trash. Who was she even trying to fool? She’d never do it and she had a feeling that her father knew that all along. This was a suicide mission. Either she’d die for not doing it or she’d die trying. Gojo had promised to protect her, but with how often he was gone on away assignments she wondered if that was even possible. He couldn’t be everywhere at once.
“Dinner’s ready!” She called out, “Come get it!” She pulled out a stack of plates as the students came piling in. A home-cooked meal made by someone else was rare for them. Either they got take-out or cooked for themselves. Food always tasted different when someone else made it for you. It was a shred of normalcy for them which was definitely welcomed with open arms.
Everyone sat down to eat, the only sound in the room was the clinking of utensils against plates. Haya poured herself a glass of wine, needing the extra help to relax. “Utahime is going to be taking you all on a mission tomorrow. Well, almost all of you. Yua, your cousin needs your help with the bodies that were recovered. The other four are going to be doing something a little off the books…Utahime will explain everything but tonight I’d like you to rest up. It could be dangerous.”
They glanced at each other before looking at her and nodding. Haya smiled at them, a tired look crossing her face. She pushed everything from her mind but the longing for her boyfriend. She wanted nothing more than for him to be home and annoying her in person than over the phone. Hopefully, he’d be back soon, and then maybe…maybe things would finally start to settle down.
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Interlude Six coming Sunday (4/17)
Haya and Miyu meet for the very first time
A/N: Only three more chapters! Requests are also open, please give me something to write now that I'm done with this ToT
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knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Chapter One
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, Mentions of child abuse/neglect, mentions of toxic relationships, implied sexual situation, implied medical trauma, mentioned misogyny, depictions of PTSD
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Chapter One - Welcome Home
“That’s one way to welcome me home,” Hayami said between gasps of air as she pushed stray locks of sweaty hair out of her face. A light chuckle left her tired body while she basked in the afterglow of her fourth orgasm. Gojo Satoru really could be a monster when he wanted to be.
“Will you believe me when I say that I missed you?” He asked with his own goofy grin, his naked form stretched out without any sort of covering. The sweat drying on his smooth skin was helping to cool him off faster, the exertion of energy having had him near the point of overheating.
Hayami turned onto her side to face him. “I suppose after that I kind of have too, don’t I?” She asked teasingly. It was her first day back after an eight-week assignment in America. After her plane landed she came straight to Jujutsu Tech, completely bypassing her own designated room and going straight to her on-again, off-again boyfriend’s. Despite her not leaving Japan on the best of terms with him, the distance seemed to have made the heart grow fonder.
“We can always go for another round if you still have any doubts.” He replied, a smug look crossing his pale features as he also turned on his side to face her, lazily pulling the top sheet up to cover the lower half of his body. Hayami did the same, pulling the thin sheet up to her chest as she let her hair out of its bun so that it would be able to dry during her much-needed sleep.
She groaned at his reply. No matter how much older he got, he was still like a little energizer bunny when it came to sex. Hayami had struggled to keep up even when she was early twenties. Now at twenty-seven, it was nearly impossible, however, their busy schedules kept the opportunity for marathons such as this one extremely low. “I’m not nineteen anymore, Satoru. Plus I had an eleven-hour flight today. I’m exhausted.”
He chuckled as he pulled her body to lay against his, her head nestling perfectly under his chin. They settled into a comfortable silence, Haya’s mind drifting into sweet nothingness as slumber fought to overcome her. Before she finally succumbed, she heard her boyfriend speak once more. “Did I tell you about my new student?”
He didn’t sound nearly as tired as she was. Still, Haya hummed back a nonverbal response to let him know that she was listening despite how close to sleep she had just been. “He was a non-sorcerer until he ate one of Sukuna’s fingers that Fushiguro was sent to retrieve. Instead of it killing him, Sukuna incarnated within him. Now he’s a vessel and has agreed to eat the rest of the fingers so that we can destroy them once and for all.”
Silence beat for nearly 30 seconds between them, during which Hayami took in what he said and quickly packed it away so she could digest it later. That was her intention until she finally processed his last sentence. Haya pushed away from him, eyes wide at the thought of a vessel for a very powerful special grade curse was now a first-year at the very technical college they lived and worked at. Vessels were something that Hayami had a very intimate knowledge of. Something that Gojo knew that she wouldn’t have been able to ignore.
“Gojo you didn’t.” She started, using his last name made it clear to him that she was not very accepting of the situation. It wasn’t much of a surprise. The Kuroishi clan specialized in vessels, particularly for high-level curses. In fact, the elders of her family had already been consulted on the matter and were very much in agreement with the school’s elders that Sukuna’s vessel needed to be exorcized immediately. This specialization stems from a cursed technique that passes down to sorcerers within the clan that allows the user to become a viable vessel for virtually any cursed spirit of their choosing as long as the spirit is of equal or lesser strength. It was strictly forbidden and was punishable by death with no exceptions.
The Kuroishi clan’s technique was mainly in shadow manipulation, however, the forbidden technique allows a cursed user to merge their shadow with that of a curse. This essentially traps the curse within the body of the user permanently. It was mastered originally to exorcize particularly powerful and nasty spirits as a last resort as a majority of the time it would be fatal for both the sorcerer and the curse. Though there were exceptions, particularly formidable descendants that were able to house any grade spirit within them. This would sometimes lead to sorcerers using the technique in order to gain a large power boost. After multiple instances of misuse, it was finally banned by both the elders and the head of the family (who at the time was Hayami’s great-grandfather).
“I thought maybe you could help him,” Gojo responded, though it wasn’t an honest statement. They both knew that she couldn’t help him. He was beyond the scope of anyone’s help. At least in her opinion, he was.
She scoffed at him. “You should have had mercy and killed him. Even if he can control Sukuna, he’s not safe. He’ll never be safe from the elders. Gojo if my family finds out-”
“They already know.” He said plainly, not seeing a reason to withhold that from her. She’d likely find out when she went to visit her father, the current family head.
“Then he’s as good as dead.” She said with a bit more coldness than she intended. From a very young age, the rhetoric of how vessels were an abomination had been drilled into her. They were worse than curses or even cursed users. They could not be permitted to live. While Hayami did not drink the proverbial kool-aid as much as some of the others in her clan did, she still very much understood how this new teenager would be perceived. Especially since he was the vessel of a curse as notorious and infamous as Sukuna.
Another tense moment passed before Haya let out a tired groan. “Can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m too tired to deal with this kind of information…”
Gojo pulled her against him once more and kissed the top of her head. “Dinner tomorrow night then?”
A small smile tugged at her tired lips, “alright, but you’re buying.”
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Hayami’s eyes fluttered open to find herself lying naked in an empty bed. She groggily looked at the nearby alarm clock, seeing that it was already ten in the morning. Gojo was likely out on an assignment or giving his first years a lesson. He typically woke up before her as his schedule was usually a bit more packed than hers due to his status as a special grade sorcerer. Her first-grade status meant that while she was often needed for jobs, there were still things that it was best to send the heir of the Gojo clan to do. He was fast and highly efficient, which is honestly more than what could be said for her.
Jetlag tugged at her tired eyelids. She wished she could sleep for another twelve hours but she had brought more home with her than just souvenirs. While in America, Hayami had met a young Japanese-American girl that was going through more than she could ever imagine. A spike in curse activity had been occurring in the area, which is why she was sent there to begin with. Though she could not totally prove it, Hayami believed that her new pupil was more than likely the cause of this uptick.
Since it was outside Japan, curses weren’t very common and highly infrequent. Though whenever it did happen, it usually had to do with a non-sorcerer immigrating to other parts of the world. The teen, however, did have cursed energy and technique. Hayami felt it was best if she were to come back to Japan to study under her, safely away from her abusive household.
Principal Yaga and her family’s elders had aided in the relocation. They supplied her with the necessary paperwork to bring Miyu back to Japan legally as well as appointing Hayami legal guardianship. Miyu’s adoptive American parents were none the wiser to the fine details. They were happy to be free from what they saw as a very mentally ill child. A curse they felt they had been unfairly burdened with whenever they adopted her in the first place. The mere thought of how they viewed their adopted daughter filled her with such tremendous rage.
She took a lukewarm shower, most of the hot water had already been taken by the early risers so she took what she could get. Her mind focused on ridding herself of the exhaustion that crept in with new parenthood coupled with a relationship that was still on the rocks. Despite the warm welcome, Haya knew better. Things would likely never be stable between them.
Gojo probably tried more than she did. He tried to be the person she wanted instead of the person she needed. It was an impossible feat and the pull and tug of hearts bursting with love to hearts full of rage was wearing her sanity thinner by the day.
The death of Geto Suguru only made things worse. The sheer grief of knowing he was gone forever was crippling. Seeing her in such a terrible state only drove the point further home for Satoru that Haya’s heart still wasn’t his. It had been over a decade and he was still in second place. Life just wasn’t fair. He was number one at everything but the one thing he wanted to be number one of.
It wasn’t as if the guilt of her misgivings didn’t haunt her too. She wasn’t so jaded that she couldn’t see that she was the problem. That he’d be better off without her. That she’d be better off dead.
She smashed her closed fist against the tile of the shower, cracking it and shooting pain through her bones. She was a mother now, entertaining suicidal thoughts simply wasn’t an option anymore. Maybe one day she’d learn from her mistakes.
Haya cut the water off and stepped out, wrapping her hand in a bandage as blood dripped from a laceration she had gotten from the broken pieces of ceramic. She pinned her hair into the tight bun she normally kept it in, brushed her teeth, and got dressed. Sometimes mundane things give some breath of relief. Sometimes.
When Miyu didn’t immediately answer the door to her dorm after Haya knocked, panic began to flood her nervous system. Another harder, more urgent knock had the door opening to a sleepy teenager who looked worse than Haya had an hour ago. At the sight of her adoptive mother, Miyu immediately became on guard, “I’m sorry, I slept through my alarm- I didn’t mean-” Apologies spewed like vomit as worried tears flooded her eyes.
It was a trauma response. One that broke Haya’s heart every time she witnessed it. One she wishes she had taken up instead of revenge sex. “Miyu, it’s okay, I’m not upset. You’re allowed to sleep in once in a while. Besides, you flew across the world yesterday. Can I come in?”
Miyu was caught off guard by Hayami asking if she could come into her room. She had never had the ability to tell someone that they couldn’t. No one had ever bothered to even ask. Her space had never been her own since she was a small child that started exhibiting false signs of schizophrenia. “Y-Yes,” She said, the giving of permission making her feel strange. She opened the door more, giving Haya enough room to step in.
“Would you like to rest today or would you like for me to take you shopping?” She asked, standing only a few steps away from her new daughter. “I can get you whatever you want. It’ll be fun!” A warm smile crossed her face, “but if you’d rather sleep some more, I won’t be offended. We can always go another day.”
The teen girl actually stood two centimeters taller than Hayami, though the older sorcerer was almost always wearing heels since she dated someone that was much taller than her. Her stormy gray eyes searched Haya’s face for any hint of deception. She really wanted to take her shopping? For whatever she wanted? Was she dreaming?
“We can go shopping.” She said tentatively, the idea of picking out her own clothes made her feel like she would burst with excitement.
“I figured I could show you around Tokyo, well at least the fun parts,” Haya said as she looked around the room, making a mental map of all the options they could possibly have for decorations. “I know all the best shops.” She grinned at Miyu, a genuine smile that had feelings of happiness flitting through her chest.
“Can I take a shower first?” Miyu asked, bracing herself for backlash for asking a simple question.
Haya chuckled in response. “Do whatever you need to in order to get ready. Do you remember where the kitchen is? I know you were pretty tired when I showed you last night.” Miyu nodded a nonverbal response and so Haya continued, “Alright, meet me there. Take your time and I’ll make us some food to hold us over until lunch.”
Miyu was speechless again, she knew Haya was a good person. She had only ever treated her well. It was just so foreign to her. On top of that, she was in a new country, a new school, a new whole family. Processing it all would take time. Thankfully Haya seemed to be very patient thus far.
Haya patted her head in an affectionate way. “There probably won’t be much hot water in your shower, so make sure you don’t get too cold and get sick. I’ll see you in the kitchen.”
She dropped her hand and left the room, quietly closing the door behind her. Miyu blinked at the now-closed door. She tried to swallow the overwhelming feelings she was having and went into the bathroom to start getting ready.
In the kitchen, Haya noticed Shoko looked even more tired than usual. Her eyes were bloodshot and if Haya didn’t know better then she would have thought that she’d been crying. “You want me to make you some tea?” Haya asked in an even tone, having no idea what she might be walking into by simply asking.
“I’d appreciate that.” She said in an uncharacteristic tone.
“You look worse than the people in your morgue,” Haya said, trying to lighten the mood.
“My aunt and uncle were killed by a cursed user last night.” She said, her expression unreadable. “My younger cousin is coming here so I can take care of her.”
Haya put the tea kettle on the stove as she grabbed some eggs to make omelets. She hadn’t been expecting something that heavy to come from her former upperclassman. “I’m sorry for your loss Shoko. You’re talking about Yua, right? She’s so young I can’t imagine what she’s going through.”
“She found them,” Shoko added, running a hand through her brown hair. “She doesn’t remember anything that happened though. She can barely remember that they’re even dead. I’m not equipped to deal with this.”
Haya thought to herself that maybe Shoko shouldn’t have cheated during med school, then maybe she’d know a bit more about how to handle this. However, she quickly stopped herself from saying anything that would only hurt her friend more. “She’ll have to come to terms with it in her own time. She probably has temporary amnesia from the trauma.”
“Yeah,” Shoko muttered, wondering if she should add in the other strange things about what had happened. She decided not to. “I’m not good at this type of thing.”
“I know what you mean,” Haya said under her breath. Shoko had a terrible bedside manner but Haya’s honestly wasn’t that much better. “We’ll have to figure it out together.”
“You really adopted that girl then?” Shoko asked, changing the subject.
“Yes, luckily her previous parents had her learn Japanese along with English so she’s fluent in both so there’s no language barrier. That’s the last thing she needs right now moving to a whole new continent.” Haya said. “Broken clocks can do something right I guess.”
Haya placed the mug of freshly made tea in front of Shoko. It was a lavender and chamomile blend to help her with her nerves. “Want some omurice?” She asked and Shoko let out a sigh before nodding. She never felt totally comfortable with people doting on her. She preferred to be more independent.
It was something that Hayami admired about her. Since she was a teenager, Haya had felt as though she depended on men to emotionally prop her up and keep her afloat. She suffered abuse at the hands of her father and clan elders. An ungifted sorcerer as the child of a clan head was unacceptable. Even worse, she was born a woman and not a man.
She finished cooking, trying to push out the thoughts of her father as she plated the omelets before drawing silly faces on them in ketchup in both an attempt to cheer Shoko up and amuse Miyu whenever she arrived. She handed Shoko her food before sitting down with her own.
“What is this supposed to be?” Shoko asked with a snort, the squiggles of red looking like a toddler writing kanji.
“It’s supposed to be a smiley face with the tongue sticking out…” Haya muttered. She had thought she did a good job and was now worried Miyu would think she was weird.
Shoko didn’t respond as she took a bite, “at least it tastes good.” She replied and Haya let out a sigh of relief. They ate in silence until a shy Miyu walked through the door.
“Hey mom.” She mumbled, feeling a little awkward as she sat down at the table, not knowing who the other woman was sitting there. She looked at the omelet and couldn’t help the small smile crossing her face at the silly face messily drawn onto it. “Is this for me?”
“Yes, Miyu, eat as much as you want. This is Shoko, she was my upperclassman back when I studied here. She’s the school doctor and researcher now.” Haya explained and Shoko patted her lips with a napkin before looking at Miyu with a small smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Nice to see Kuroishi finally settling down.” She teased. “I thought she’d be chasing after Gojo forever.”
“Shoko!” Haya hissed, kicking her under the table. “I do not chase after him! He chases after me.” She said hotly, though honestly, both were true.
Shoko rolled her eyes as she took her plate to the sink to wash it off. “Thanks for breakfast. Just leave your dishes by the sink and I’ll clean them for you after I have a smoke.”
Haya nodded and Miyu just ate quietly, having been forced to eat quickly and quietly for most of her life. Despite her confusion over what the two women had been talking about, she stayed focused on her plate. This did not go unnoticed by her new mother, though Haya wasn’t about to push her to talk about anything she didn’t want to.
“Ready to go?” Haya asked as she stood up, putting her plate by the sink. “I figured we can go clothes shopping, then maybe get some sushi for lunch, and then maybe get some stuff for your room. I still have my old PlayStation and a ton of games you can have. We’ll get you a tv while we’re out too.”
Miyu was already feeling overwhelmed, “Oh…you don’t have to do all that, mom, I’ll be okay without all of that.”
Haya smiled, “I only want the best for my child, please let me spoil you. I’ve always wanted a daughter to go shopping with.”
Miyu felt her face flush with embarrassment as she nodded her head sheepishly. She mimicked Haya in rinsing off her plate and setting it aside, feeling strange about not cleaning it right away as she had been forced to do by her former adoptive parents. She then followed Haya out and they drove into town.
The sights of the bustling city were overwhelming for Miyu. She kept clutching at her wrist, a feminine voice in her head cooing her gently to try and get her to calm down. She attempted the breathing technique she’d been taught during one of many hospital visits. She prayed Haya didn’t notice her struggle or raise a hand to her for it.
Of course, Hayami would do nothing of the sort. She’d prefer not to be out during the busiest time of the day, but she wanted to get as much done as she possibly could before the sun could start to set. She chose not to bring too much attention to the struggle Miyu was having, not wanting to frighten or embarrass her. After all, she only knew a crumb of the abuse Miyu had suffered and she knew to be patient with the teen girl.
Thankfully, the first shop she had picked was void of people for the most part. There were only a few other shoppers besides them. Haya grabbed a shopping cart and grinned at her daughter, startling her by accident. “Get whatever you want, okay? I know you didn’t bring much from America so let’s get a fresh start by getting you a new and improved wardrobe. Money isn’t an issue, so don’t even worry about that.”
Haya’s family wasn’t particularly rich, but they weren’t hurting for money either. Being the black sheep however did mean that she didn’t have access to the small family fortune that her father and the elders sat on rather than spend. However, her work in America had paid her greatly and she barely used the living stipend that had been given to her. Besides, if she really needed to she’d use the Gojo credit card stashed away in her wallet. Sometime’s there were perks to fucking that lanky white-haired bastard.
Miyu looked around the department store with wide eyes. Never in her life had she ever dreamed that she’d wear anything other than old hand-me-downs or thrifted clothing her parents had bought for her. She rarely ever got to pick her own clothes and even then they were never new. She gave Haya a nod, somehow knowing it wasn’t a trick just by the warm smile on her face.
“I’ll be over here if you need me,” Haya said, looking through the small black dresses that she’d have to squeeze into. Perhaps she’d get herself something too while she was here.
The teen went to look at the pleated skirts, finding a style she really loved that came in an array of colors. She bit her lip, wondering if Haya would get mad at her for wanting them. She still wasn't used to the idea of having a mother that didn't get angry over any tiny thing.
She gathered a few different things and went back to Haya, "um mom, can I try these on?" She asked softly, worried about the amount she had in her arms.
Haya smiled, "the changing room is over on the right." She said, pointing in the direction of the room. "Take your time, I'll be here."
Miyu nodded, quickly walking up the dressing room to see how sizing worked in Japan. The one thing she was thankful for was her adoptive parents made her learn Japanese. She had been bilingual all her life and it made her transition to Japan much easier. The only thing she didn't always get were cultural differences and the nuances with honorifics.
After deciding on a dress, Haya picked it up from the rack and held it up to her to get a better idea of how it would look on her. Generally, she didn’t have to try things on in terms of sizing. She was fortunate to have a good eye as to whether or not something would fit correctly. The dress would likely fall about her mid-thigh and had a plunging neckline that she was quite fond of wearing.
“Buyin’ that for me?” She heard a familiar voice tease into her ear as she steeled her nerves to keep from jumping in surprise. Gojo had his iconic smirk on his lips, looking down the front of her top through the blindfold that covered her eyes.
Haya made a face, putting the dress back. “Not anymore.” She grumbled, wondering what he was even doing here. She looked up, seeing Nobara, Fushiguro, and the other new first year student. “Still teaching outside the classroom, I see.”
“The only one that’s ever been to Tokyo before is Fushiguro.” Gojo clarified, “I figured I’d show them around, do a little shopping.”
“And this has nothing to do with my new daughter?” Haya asked, “You knew I’d be here today, why didn’t you just tell me you were coming too?”
Gojo chuckled lowly, “so you could change your plans? Never.”
Haya took a step to create some distance between them. Sure they were on again after being off again for quite some time, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be irritated by his actions. Their honeymoon phases sometimes lasted only minutes, seconds even. Shoko always said that there were no two people more suited or more toxic for one another.
Miyu came out of the dressing room in the skirt and blouse she had picked out, looking down at her shoes when her shoulder collided with someone, the voice inside her head that was usually mild and mellow was now screaming out with rage - causing Miyu to scream too.
In an instant Haya was by her side, cradling her in her arms as she gave the person she thought caused Miyu harm a look that could kill a lesser human. Itadori Yuuji looked completely caught off guard, his head spinning as Sukuna cackled loudly in the back of his head.
Gojo was watching the scene with his head tilted to the side and a hand on his chin, curious by the reaction Miyu had to just touching Itadori briefly. Haya looked at him with an accusatory gaze, “You know this asshole?” She asked, trying not to raise her voice and scare Miyu even more. The teenager shook violently in her arms. The woman’s voice was angrily telling Miyu to stay away from him, to not go near him again, and to run as far away as she possibly could.
“He’s my new student,” Gojo replied with a casual shrug.
Haya felt a shift in Miyu suddenly as if her inner anger surfaced and bubbled over. “Stay away from me,” She hissed at Itadori, her eyes not looking quite the same they had a moment ago.
A second mouth appeared on Itadori’s cheek, “Long time no see, my pet.”
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Interlude One coming Sunday (1/30)
42 notes · View notes
knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Interlude Two
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, hurt w/o comfort, mentioned misogyny, suicidal thoughts/ideation, mentions of depression, stalking (kinda?), v slight yandere behavior, jealousy, dubcon, degradation, Geto being a meanie, some choking, dacryphilia, unsafe sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, minor aftercare, semi-public sex
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Interlude Two - When I was Older
I'm on my back again Dreaming of a time and place Where you and I remain the best of friends Even after all this ends Can we pretend?
Circa 2013 - date unknown
Hayami stood in front of the rundown building, her heart feeling like the empty shell of a broken songbird egg. A few nights ago she and her boyfriend Gojo Satoru had broken up and while it wasn’t the first time, yesterday she had seen him out on a date with another sorcerer that she knew was head over heels for him. It shouldn’t matter. They were taking a break. They weren’t together. He could see whoever he wanted.
She shouldn’t have expected him to simply wait on her to cool down and try to make amends. The ugly truth was that he shouldn’t have to either. Why was the onus on him to fix their relationship when the problem was her? The problem had always been her. It was something that she knew somewhere deep inside of herself but it was never something she thought she’d be able to actually come to terms with.
Perhaps it would have been better if she had become a curse user when she had the chance.
A dry laugh escaped her lightly glossed lips as she walked inside. A first grade curse was somewhere inside. While her normally honed senses were clouded by jealousy and grief, she still attempted to do her job as she slipped on her glasses that allowed her to see in the darkness. Her night blindness was something she had suffered from since she was a child. There was not a ton of explanation behind it besides that it was a common issue within the family that was believed to be the result of a curse long ago. Though she didn’t put much stock into those old stories.
Old buildings like this rarely had an electrical hookup. Her debriefing had noted that it was unlikely to have working lighting and that she would need her glasses- a cursed tool designed by an aunt of hers somewhere down the line- that allowed her to see in the dark. Though to say it gave her sight was a bit misleading. It just gave her more spatial awareness and sharpened the image of nearby cursed energy. She hated the way she looked wearing them, despite their modernization they’ve received over the past several years.
Gojo would always tell her she looked like a sexy librarian and the image of his smug grin made her stomach churn painfully. Her hands slid into her pockets and she wrapped her fingers around the wooden handles of her tekko. While it wasn’t very common for a woman to choose the energy stealing tekko that had been passed down in her family for generations, she stubbornly demanded to inherit them in a feeble attempt to prove herself to her misogynistic father.
It never did work. Mortals can’t perform miracles.
Still, she was quite skilled with them and she enjoyed the upper body strength she gained from training with them day in and day out for the past ten years. Never needed anyone to open a tough jar for her which surely was some kind of win for feminism.
She moved throughout the building, eyes scanning to try and make sense of the strange amounts of energy she was seeing. The curse was supposed to be a first grade, but something was definitely off. Dread crept up her spine as she confirmed her suspicion.
This wasn’t a first grade. This was a special grade.
An almost humanoid-looking curse appeared before her with speed she couldn’t have kept up with even in bright sunlight. Her fractured heart was pounding loudly in her ears as she loosened her grip on her knuckle dusters. They fell with a sickening thud on the filthy wooden floor, a cloud of dust and dirt puffing up from both discarded weapons.
Her mind thought back to six years ago when her first love asked her to join him in leaving Jujutsu High. If she had said yes then, would she be facing her death now?
Probably not.
Haya immediately stood down, not even caring enough about her life at the moment to put up a fight. If she let it, it would kill her in a split second. She probably wouldn’t even feel it. Relief washed over her at the thought of it all being over. The depression that had become so routine in her mind since her first breakup. She’d be forced to let go of everything and somehow the thought of not having to feel sad or lonely or abandoned made her smile with solemn happiness. She was too much of a coward to kill herself in the traditional sense, but this would do just fine.
A familiar chuckle snapped her out of her thoughts and she instantly wondered why she didn’t notice him before. Was her focus so gone that she hadn’t detected him? His energy had always been so unique. When they were kids she could sense him from over a kilometer away. Though that may have just been from her infatuation with him. It was incredibly difficult to tell.
“I never thought I’d see the day where Kuroishi Hayami resigned herself to death.” His condescension felt so out of character from the teenage boy she once knew. It was hard to believe that there once was a time when nothing but sweetness would ever come from his mouth. Her eyes softened as she looked towards the floor, numbness washing over her as Geto Suguru easily disposed of the special grade curse that had been before her.
She was glad she couldn’t see him consume the black squishy ball. It always made her nauseous to watch. “I never thought I’d see the day when Geto Suguru turned his back on non-sorcerers, but here we are.” Her tone was callous, annoyed, hurt.
It had been six years since they breathed a word to one another.
Lights suddenly cut on around them. Her eyes adjusted slowly as she took off her glasses, not wanting to hear any comment from him about them. She didn’t want to hear how cute he thought she looked. She was done being cute. She was a grown woman now.
She felt his eyes all over her. The crossbody crop top and fitted shorts she wore didn’t leave much to the imagination. She had thrown modesty to the wind a long time ago. What good was it anyway?
The silence was uncomfortable for her and amusing for him. It was only natural that he had kept tabs on her the past six years. What kind of man would he be if he didn’t? He still very much loved her, even if she had chosen not to take his hand under the osmanthus tree that day. He changed the subject, “you’ve grown into quite the beauty.” His voice was sincere and though she rarely gave in to compliments from the opposite sex, she could feel the top of her cheeks growing warm with flattery. In truth, there were only two people in the entire world that could make her blush and she hated both of them for it.
Hate was probably a strong word.
“You and Gojo broke up again.” He commented. Of course, he knew. Everyone knew when someone as popular as Gojo Satoru became available. “Why?”
“Who cares?” She asked flippantly, not understanding why it even mattered. What she really wanted to ask was why did he care? It wasn’t as if she was the one that left. “We break up all the time.”
She mentally eviscerated herself for saying that out loud. He probably knew that already but to hear herself say it made her realize how pathetic it was.
Suguru gave her a sympathetic smile, deciding to stop toying with her for the time being. He knew that it was his fault that they fought all the time. He was the source of all of their problems. While he did not wish to see the two people he had been closest to struggle to keep going, it was not enough to make him turn his back on what was becoming his life’s work. He was trying to make the world a better place for sorcerers. Maybe one day she’d see it that way.
His knuckles brushed up her jawline before he cupped her face gingerly. Haya softened at his touch, knees weak at the thought of him holding her again. “I’ve missed you, my beautiful Tsubaki.”
A rebellious tear finally slipped from her watery eyes, meeting his thumb and rolling down the crease between his hand and her face. “I’ve missed you too.” She whispered back, wondering if her body would give out from the sheer amount of emotional turmoil she was feeling.
Before she could process what exactly was happening, she responded to the pair of familiar, soft lips that pressed against hers. It was light, loving, doting...until she responded by pressing her mouth much harder against his. The tables turned, a switch was flipped, and suddenly her back was against the wall and thighs squeezing his muscular waist as her legs wrapped around him.
Geto had never taken his eyes off her. Though he had left the school, he still watched over her. He had seen her run to Gojo’s room wearing nearly nothing. He’d seen the patchwork of bruises that littered her neck and shoulders the following day. There was never any fury towards either of them, not at that time. Not until this very moment when he felt as if he finally had her once again. This time there was nothing holding him back. His honor and her naivety had been thrown away years prior.
The only thing he wanted almost as much as ridding the world of non-sorcerers was the only woman he had been capable of loving. He knew it would be fleeting. This would be all they’d ever have to hold on to. Afterward, she’d go back to Jujutsu High in the mountains of Tokyo and she’d knock on the door of his best friend’s room and apologize. They’ll get back together. He’ll watch from afar as Gojo makes her scream his name instead.
Haya let out a hiss of pain as his blunt nails began to dig harshly into the bare underside of her firm thighs. Her back started to ache from how hard he was pressing her against the plaster. His teeth dug into her lower lip, drawing blood as one hand left her thigh to move the carefully placed fabric of her top, and exposing both of her breasts.
“You’ve always had such nice tits.” He said in a harsh tone as he grabbed one to knead the soft flesh. “They’ve gotten much bigger since we were kids.”
She could feel his cock already starting to harden against her, the small twitches making her arousal for him grow tenfold. He pinched her nipple, earning a needy whine. “Satoru will never be able to satisfy you after this.” His voice was even more callous than before, jealous creeping up his vocal cords as he thought about all the times his best friend got to hear her pleas for more. The glossy look in her eyes from pleasure. He wanted it to be him.
It should have been him.
He forced her legs from around his waist, turning her around and pressing her exposed chest against the wall by gripping the back of her neck in one hand. Haya hadn’t known what exactly to expect, but it definitely was this. While she didn’t mind sex being rough and even enjoyed it, she had thought he’d be softer with her. Kinder. Gentler.
She’d quickly find out that she was very, very wrong.
She felt him tug down her shorts and underwear in one fluid motion. She stepped out of them with one foot so that she could spread her legs for him a little easier. Her mouth opened to speak but only a moan came out as two fingers were suddenly knuckle deep inside of her pussy, pumping at a fast but even pace.
“You’re soaking wet. What a pretty slut you are.” He whispered into her ear. “You like me treating you like this, Hayami? Did he really turn you into such a whore?”
His words were biting, cutting her deep as she could help the desperate sounds that kept coming from her. She hated herself for how much she was enjoying his degradation. How much it was turning her on. This wasn’t sensual at all. It was mean. Since when did she like it this way?
A third finger was added and her voice only seemed to grow louder. “‘Guru,” She whimpered in the most pathetic voice she had ever heard come from her mouth. Her walls clenched around him, her hips moving to try and feel more, the pleasure swelling in the pit of her abdomen.
He kept her upper body in place with his hand still on the back of her neck, squeezing it lightly every time she pressed back against him. He was thoroughly enjoying the way she looked right now, submissive and begging. Why had he waited so long to do this? He should have never held on to his sentimentality.
“Is it this easy for everyone to get you off, or just me?” He asked, biting her ear as he felt her come undone. More fluid gushing around his three digits as her walls spasmed and her voice hiccuped.
“Y-You,” She said back incoherently, unable to say anything else in the height of pleasure.
Geto removed his fingers, cleaning them off with his tongue as she watched him from the corner of her eye. The sight only had her wanting him more, wishing he had simply gone down on her instead. Her face was red with flush as she tried to hold back a beg for more.
He could see it in the look in her eye. That she wasn’t satisfied yet. She had cum too quickly. His fingers just hadn’t been enough. “My fingers weren’t good enough for a little cockslut like you?” He asked, squeezing her neck once more, his thumb and pointer finger pressing into vital spots that had her head spinning from lack of oxygen and blood.
He tugged his pants and briefs down, his erection springing out. She could already tell he was thicker than Gojo, though maybe not quite as long. She could feel herself getting uncomfortably wet. The need for having such a big dick inside of her was growing exponentially.
“Is your cunt always this needy?” He asked as he roughly thrust into her, hitting her cervix in a way that had her seeing stars. “You’re pretty tight for someone who fucks around a lot on your off time.”
That one hurt. She felt tears in her eyes both from the pain of him stretching out her delicate walls and his terrible words. What was worse was she had no idea how much he actually meant them.
Geto said nothing, somewhat regretting having gone a hair too far, though he was much too distracted by how heavenly it felt inside of her to really apologize. He grabbed her hips with both hands to keep her steady as he began to plow into her at a fast pace.
Haya’s tearful whimpers quickly evolved into eye-rolling moans. His name began to bounce off the walls in tune with his balls slapping against her. She couldn’t even process that he wasn’t wearing a condom, everything happening much too fast for her to even care. He adjusted his angle, the underside of his shaft rubbing perfectly against her g-spot in a way that had her screaming for him. Right there, oh fuck, Suguru! Don’t stop, faster, harder, fuck!
Geto was speechless at just how good this felt. He had imaged it hundreds, no, thousands of times. Jerked off to the image in his head more time than he could count. None of it compared to the real thing. The sensation would be burned into his memory forever. Even if he could never have her again, he would always remember what it was like to be balls deep inside the most perfect hole he’d ever had the pleasure to fuck. No sexual encounter would ever compare to this, that much he was sure of.
He reached around to rub her clit in harsh, tight circles. The friction caused her body to shake with pleasure as she once again squeezed around him so tight he thought she’d force him out. A deep groan left his throat as he increased his pace again. Haya was screaming his name once more, cumming a second time as she felt like her legs would give in at any moment. In fact, the only thing truly keeping her up with his grip on her lower body still.
He fucked her through her orgasm until she was an overstimulated mess in his arms, only then shooting his load deep inside of her as he moaned out her name. He rested his head against the back of her shoulder, letting himself slowly unharden inside of her. Haya caught her breath, her eyes still teary as she shook.
Geto planted a soft kiss on the crown of her head as he pulled out, cum gushing from her without any hindrance. After fixing his pants he helped her back into her underwear and shorts, letting her collapse back against his chest. He reached around and fixed her top so that she was covered once more.
Haya was in no condition to walk between the flow of tears and her weak legs. A small frown formed on his lips as he picked her up and held her close to his chest. She took the opportunity to cling to him, mourning the loss of their relationship once more. His chest was so much broader now. He was so much stronger. Most of all, he’d never be hers again.
Geto managed to transport her back to the high school discreetly, having no choice but to leave her on the outskirts of the school where he knew Gojo would be able to sense her. She had fallen asleep in his arms at some point, and he gave her a kiss goodbye on her forehead as he set her down in the soft grass. He’d watch over her from a distance, never allowing himself to get this close ever again.
Not until the night parade of a hundred demons.
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Chapter Three coming Sunday (2/20)
The conclusion of Gojo and Haya's date and the rebirth of Itadori Yuuji
32 notes · View notes
knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Chapter Three
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, alcohol consumption, restraint usage, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, mild aftercare, breakup, cigarette smoking
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Chapter Three - Goodwill
Gojo Satoru wondered just how serious his girlfriend was when she said she would have to kill Itadori Yuuji. It wasn’t that he actually thought she could but rather she’d get herself killed by Sukuna in trying. Of course, if Sukuna did kill her then Gojo would be beside himself. Despite all of the flaws their relationship had, he did truly cherish and love her. They were unhealthy at best and toxic at worst, but all they’ve ever had were each other since Geto left them both.
His mind drifted to the day Geto died as her food arrived, seeing Haya sobbing as she held him. She didn’t seem to care that he tried to kill his students or had caused so much destruction to the city. She was just professing her love one last time right in front of him. He was supposed to be her boyfriend. She shouldn’t love anyone else while she loved him. If she loved him.
Their food arrived and he realized she had been talking. He simply nodded his head, hoping it aligned well with whatever she had just said. Haya didn’t seem to notice, unable to see that his eyes had glazed over behind his sunglasses. He wondered if reapproaching the subject of killing Itadori would cause suspicion or possibly start an argument that would prevent him from getting laid tonight. He figured it was better to be safe than sorry for the time being.
The two began eating in a comfortable silence. Well, comfortable for Haya who did not notice that Gojo had become somewhat tense over what she had said. Maybe if she hadn't been drinking then she would have been more perceptive. She was a lightweight, it didn’t take much to lower her inhibition. She didn’t drink much but when she did she almost always got drunk. Gojo always teased that she was a cheap date and she would pout in protest the rest of the night until he made it up to her with his dick.
“If I didn’t know any better than I’d say you were stressed.” He said in a teasing tone as she finished off her third glass of wine.
Haya rolled her eyes at him playfully, “I am stressed, you ass.” She replied. “I’m a new mom to a teenage girl. I just don’t want to screw her up any more than she already is from her piece of shit parents.”
Gojo smiled softly, a somewhat foreign look for him. “I don’t think you will as long as you stop being so overprotective.”
She scoffed, “I don’t want to hear it from the man who thinks raising a kid means throwing them to the wolves. Megumi is lucky I was around too.”
“I think he turned out just fine.” Gojo replied with a smirk. “You worry too much, it’ll make your hair turn grey before you’re thirty, you know.”
“You just don’t want a silver fox on your arm, is all. I won’t be a pretty young thing forever.” She replied, her temper flaring a bit at the thought of him leaving her for someone younger.
He laughed, knowing that it was unlikely to ever happen. As much as he put up with her, she also put up with him. He knew dating him wasn’t always the easiest thing in the world and she took on a lot of shit for it from others. Thankfully she had always been strong enough to undertake any obstacle that stood in her way as long as it wasn’t related to Suguru or a special grade curse.
“Why waste time with someone inexperienced?” He asked with a playful smirk on his face. “When I can easily just torture you?”
Haya cracked a smile at that, enjoying the warm feeling it gave her in the pit of her stomach. It was nice to have him back. It felt like there hadn’t been that huge rift between them that had been there since the night of a hundred demons. She actually felt at home with him now and the idea of marriage popped in the back of her head.
Suddenly her heart tore, knowing he’d never ask. She kept a smile on her face, though Gojo could tell it had gone fake. He wondered what was going through her mind to make her mood swing so suddenly. Then again, this tended to happen when she’d been drinking.
They had finished their meal and Gojo paid for their food before helping her walk out back to his car. Haya leaned against him, giggling at some dumb joke he had made about other patrons inside the restaurant. Her sadness was forgotten as she let herself enjoy the moment instead of dwelling on things that will never come to pass. She wasn’t meant for stability and for the time being she had convinced herself that that was okay.
Once back at the school, outside Haya’s room, they wasted no time in locking lips in alcohol fueled kisses and laughs. Their respective problems were lost somewhere in the far reaches of their minds as they focused solely on the body of the other. Gojo’s hands searched for the hidden zipper on the side of her dress, tugging it downward as he leaned down enough for Haya to leave a trail of kisses down his throat.
She hastily unbuttoned his shirt as her dress fell to the floor alone with her now discarded pumps. Gojo let out a low laugh at just how short she was without them on, a full twenty-two centimeters difference between them.
He swept her up into his arms, earning a squeal of delight as he tossed her onto the bed. He finished taking off his shirt. He unfastened his belt and slid it from the loops of his pants before taking her wrists in one large hand and securing them to the headboard with the strip of leather. Haya was giggling still, pretending to struggle against the restraints while he removed her strapless bra with ease.
“Toru,” She laughed as the brushes of his fingertips tickled her sides. He kissed her jaw, chin to ear, before moving down to a weak spot on the base of her throat. He pinched both of her hardened nipples, twisting them just enough to make her moan in protest.
He kneaded the soft flesh of her large breasts, enjoying how malleable they felt in his hands. How perfectly they fit into his palms and the tiny sounds of pleasure that caught in her throat as he squeezed gently enough to not hurt her but hard enough to drive her insane.
She pressed her hips against his desperately and she could feel his erection growing against her thigh. Again she tugged at the restraints, this time a little more desperate to get him undressed, to touch him, to taste him, to have him filling her up inside.
Gojo kissed down her chest as he hurriedly took off his pants and boxers before removing her underwear with his teeth and the help of her lifting up her hips and legs. He inserted two long fingers into her dripping core, the wet sounds of him finger fucking her filling the small room. He watched curiously as she writhed, trying to get him in as deep as possible, needing to feel more of him inside her.
His kisses resumed, this time down her mons pubis and then against her swollen clit. He latched onto her, sucking lightly as his tongue swirled invisible symbols across the bud. His fingers continued to move, scissoring inside of her to stretch her more so she would be able to accommodate him without any pain. Though he imagined that with how wet she was, he didn’t really need to warm her up much.
Her strong thighs pressed against his head, causing him to hum against her. The vibrations sent tingles of bliss all the way down to her toes as he increased his pace. His free hand came up to play with her left breast, the stimulation enough to have her moaning without care and cumming into his mouth with a forceful jerking of her hips.
He removed his fingers from her cunt, licking them clean. She wished she could see him in the darkness, but her eyesight was simply too bad in the dim lighting of the moon outside. They had been too eager to bother turning on the lights and Gojo didn’t need them to get things done.
Gojo grabbed a condom from the drawer he knew she kept them in, tearing open the foil with his mouth before taking it out of the packaging and rolling it on. Haya had spread her legs obediently for him, being nice and subservient instead of bratty and defiant like she normally is. It was a nice change of pace for him when she was whiny and needy for him. He always liked her better that way.
“Satoru,” She begged as he lined his tip up with her entrance and just rested there, waiting for her to cry for him as she always did when she had been drinking. “Satoru, please, hurry!”
“Hurry and do what, princess?” He asked, pressing a thumb to her sensitive clit and making her leg twitch.
“Fuck me,” She breathed out, calling out his name yet again as he suddenly thrust into her. She gasped and pulled at the belt, wanting nothing more than to be scratching up his back in the moment. Though they wouldn’t leave a mark, the indentions in his skin would heal instantly. She always did pout about not being able to show who he belonged to. Instead he could always play the role as belonging to no one while she had hickeys lined across her neck and shoulders.
She wrapped one leg around his waist while he held the other down with his smooth hand. He moved at an even pace, his hips moving languidly and almost lazily as he buried himself to the hilt before almost pulling all the way out and slamming back in again.
Haya was loud, and though they had attempted to soundproof the room years ago it was never quite enough to keep anyone from walking outside to hear her when she was particularly excited. She babbled his name, eyes shut in bliss as her body was washed with ecstasy still from her first orgasm.
He increased the speed of his thrusts, grabbing her hip with his free hand to angle her in a position that would allow for him to go deeper. Her walls stretched around him as he found that small spot that was a bit spongier than the rest. Haya’s voice seemed to go up an octave as her thighs shook from pleasure. Gojo grunted at her squeezing down around him, fucking her harder to get her to call his name out even louder. The sudden need to make everyone know that she was his was overtaking him.
“T-Toru,” She stuttered, “Gonna cum.” She sounded breathless as he leaned down to kiss her with an opened-mouth kiss. Their tongues intertwined as she whimpered through another snapping of the knot that had grown in the pit of her stomach.
He fucked her through it, his hand leaving her leg to rub her clit once more. She spasmed beneath him, trying to get away from the overstimulation he was putting her through. Though she couldn’t see it, he was smirking devilishly in the darkness as he rammed into her again and again.
Before she could even come down from her second orgasm, she was having a third. Tears were in her eyes as he finally gave her the break she needed, finishing himself off with a few less precise thrusts and a loud groan.
He kissed away the rogue tear that had fallen down her cheek as he pulled out. Her lower half was still trembling from the intensity of her last orgasm. He gently unbound her wrists, kissing them softly as he lowered her arms down to her sides once more. Haya reached out to hug him tightly, pulling him flush against her as she buried her face in his neck.
“Shhh,” He cooed lightly, kissing whatever part of her he could reach in this position. He gently unwound her arms from around him so he could dispose of the condom and grab a towel to clean her up with. Once done he crashed down on the bed and she was clinging to him again as a child might after having a nightmare.
Gojo rubbed her back in slow rhythmic circles until she fell fast asleep.
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“Is it really okay to bring him back?” Nanami asked, lowering the paper he had been reading, “If the fact that he’s alive becomes known at the exchange event, won’t the higher-ups just target him again?”
Them and Haya both, Gojo thought to himself with a playful smile on his face. “Even if they do, Yuuji will be just fine now. You know that better than anyone, don’t you?”
“And Kuroishi? Did you think it was wise to not tell her?” Nanami pressed, having been against keeping the secret from his old classmate and closest friend. The only reason he had agreed to keep it a secret was because Yuuji’s life was in danger. Now that that didn’t seem to be the case, guilt began to weigh heavily on him.
Gojo’s smile only broadened, “Let me take care of Haya. You know she can’t stay mad at me long.”
Meanwhile Haya was standing with Utahime, waiting impatiently for Gojo to arrive. He had been gone the past few days on assignment and she had half expecting him to wake her up in the early hours of the morning by crawling into her bed. She was somewhat surprised to find herself alone when she finally woke up to get ready for the day's activities.
She had watched over Miyu’s training the past two months, and she had to say she was quite proud of how much she had grown in such a short time. She had begun showing signs of muscle development and her cursed technique was coming along as well. The same couldn’t really be said with her new close friend Yua who would rather lay down and die than break a sweat.
All of the students were upset about the death of Itadori Yuuji. The only one who didn’t seem very perturbed was Yua, which made sense as she had never actually met him before. That and she had just experienced a much more major loss, though she kept telling people her parents were simply away on assignment looking for cursed tools in Northern Asia. The only ones that knew the truth were the adults and Shoko asked them to let her come to terms with it in her own time and not to push it.
“Sorry for the wait!” Haya was thrown from her thoughts as she looked up with a grumpy expression, Gojo pushing a cart towards them with a giant grin on his face. Her eyes narrowed, wondering what he was up to.
Utahime uttered his name with disgust and Haya couldn’t help but snort back a laugh. She had always felt that Gojo was unnecessarily mean to their upperclasman. She looked up to Utahime while they were in school. Haya had always thought she was quite beautiful, scar or not.
They watched as he handed out gifts to the Kyoto students before proclaiming that Utahime did not get one. She quickly snapped back that she didn’t want one and Haya shot him an aggravated look. He would have winked at her if his eyes hadn’t been obstructed by his black blindfold.
“And everyone in Tokyo, we have this!” He did a grand gesture as Haya felt a sense of dread wash over her. Something wasn’t right, he was up to absolutely no good. Yuuji popped from the box with an excited smile, cheering nonsense as Gojo introduced him though he needed no introduction.
Her heart sank down into her stomach, shock overcoming her as the first years looked angry and confused. Miyu in particular looked hurt before a blank expression masked her emotions. Haya knew better. She was upset and nothing good ever came of her getting emotionally wounded. Thankfully it did not look as though Aruna would take over, though she noticed Miyu rubbing her wrist repeatedly. It was a nervous habit she did when Aruna began to stir too loudly in her mind.
It was taking all of Hayami not to have a full-on drag out fight with her boyfriend (who definitely would not be her boyfriend for long after this). She did not want to argue in front of the students or Utahime, though the look on her face showed perfectly just how furious she was. Itadori was alive and as soon as word reached her family she’d be tasked with killing him once more.
Blood threatened to spill from her tightly clenched fists as her nails dug into her palms. Gojo sent her another joyful smile, knowing he was in deep shit but too busy enjoying the look on Principal Gakuganji’s face.
She didn’t hear the exchange or words going on, or even realize that Principal Yaga had put Gojo in an arm lock as he explained the rules of the first game. As soon as he dismissed everyone until noon, Haya took a step towards Miyu who just shook her head, clearly not wanting to talk. The Tokyo and Kyoto schools split into their respective teams to discuss strategy.
Haya let out a frustrated sigh, wishing her daughter would open up to her but also knowing that she couldn’t push it. She made her way to where the teachers would be watching the event, ignoring the calls of her name from Gojo Satoru.
Once inside the room, she sat down in a plush chair. Utahime joined her, “your boyfriend said there was something he wanted to talk to me about.” She said, “Any idea what that is?”
“Ex-boyfriend.” Haya said curtly and though she couldn’t see it, Utahime was rolling her eyes. Who could ever keep up when they were together and when they weren’t? They changed relationship statuses more than their own underwear it seemed. “And no, I don’t know.”
Gojo walked in and took a seat, he tried to wave at Haya but she only huffed and turned away from him. Him and Utahime exchanged words before Gojo dropped the bombshell that someone at Jujutsu High was a traitor.
Haya stiffened. They had talked about it a few times though she never could say one way or another if it were true. Gojo was thoroughly convinced while she was not. She knew that both him and Nanami had fought curses capable of speech which was virtually unheard of.
When she learned that Kento had been injured, she rushed to the medical office to check on him. After losing Yu, they both made a childlike promise to never die before the other. He had always been there as a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent to. They’re relationship was strictly platonic, neither having any attraction to the other.
In fact, she had made Nanami Miyu’s godfather in the event that anything happened to her. Nanami pointed out their promise together before agreeing to it. Gojo did not have any knowledge of this conversation as Haya was not entirely sure how he would take it.
She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Utahime yelling at Gojo who merely laughed at her. Haya frowned as she watched them, Utahime turning to her before loudly proclaiming, “you really can do so much better than him.”
Gojo merely smirked. After all, who was better than him? He was the best of the best. More importantly, Utahime was wrong as always. Haya couldn’t do better than him. No one could.
Or at least, that was what Gojo thought.
Haya stood and left, not being able to deal with being in the same room as someone with such an enormous ego. Once outside she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. She had taken up smoking when she was eighteen briefly but quit after only a year. However the added stress of being a mother to a teenager had made her take it back up in secret. Well, she thought she kept it a secret.
She sat down behind the building, sliding down the wall until she hit the ground in true dramatic fashion. She wished she could go talk to Miyu and make sure everything was okay. She seemed so angry and hurt. Haya could relate. She felt the same way. How could he really keep this from her for two whole months?
Her phone began to ring, the caller ID flashing her father’s name. A sigh left her lips as she answered it in an emotionless tone.
“Hayami, did you know that the vessel was still alive?!” His voice was loud, booming, and if she didn’t know any better then she’d say it was frantic.
“I did not.” She replied honestly, though she doubted that he’d believe her.
“Come here as soon as you are able.” He said, “But do not raise suspicion.”
She wondered what he meant by that. Any time she had to return home it raised suspicion. It was no secret how much her father hated her. How she had been outcast at a very young age for being not only a female but being a disobedient one at that. Add on dating a traitor and you had the trifecta of disownment. The only reason she was still able to say she was a Kuroishi was because she was occasionally dating Gojo Satoru, whose name held more weight than she could ever imagine.
She wondered if that weight was why he acted like a child sometimes. He could literally get away with anything. No one could stop him even if they wanted to. There was some comfort in fucking the best but it also led to a lot of frustrating inferiority.
“Are you listening to me?” Daiki asked with an angry hiss. “When can you come?”
“After the goodwill games.” She replied. “If I’m not there for them, people will ask questions.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie. Though the only person that would ask anything would be Gojo. Principal Yaga too if he thought something was up, and that was simply because he knew how fiercely protective Haya was of Miyu.
She looked at the time on her phone. She put out her cigarette and threw away the butt before going back in, sitting in the back next to Yaga. Again she ignored Gojo as she passed him. She watched the screens in silence, pursing her lips whenever Mei and Gojo were speaking to one another. She was too tired to interject or comment, instead she was on the edge of her seat watching her daughter fight off the sister school and low level curses alike.
An hour or so into the battle, all of the talismans correlating to the curses in the field burst into red flames. The screens on the wall had gone black, making it impossible to see what was going on. Haya’s leg bounced, her chair making a rattling noise that had Yaga looking at her from the corner of his eyes.
“I’d love to say Great Teacher Gojo’s students exorcized them all, but…” Gojo started, and the Principal finished.
“The charms will burn red for unregistered cursed energy.” He said in his deep voice, his face perplexed.
“Something’s wrong.” Haya breathed out, sensing danger. “An outsider is here. Someone must have gotten through Master Tengen’s barrier.”
Masamichi stood, “I’m going to Tengen-sama. Satoru and Principal Gakuganji, please project the students. Hayami, make sure they get to safety in the event of an attack.”
Haya was racing out the door before he could finish giving orders to the other two in the room. The others were soon behind her and while Gojo could probably catch up if he tried, he decided it was best to give her space.
She saw a veil start to come down and pushed herself to go faster, somehow making it before it touched ground. She knew Gojo could probably break it, she just needed to find the students and make sure they were safe from whatever was inside with them.
Once inside the barrier, Haya felt chills run up her spine. The sheer pressure from the amount of cursed energy was enough to tell her that there was a special grade nearby. She sent a silent prayer to the gods, hoping they’d protect the students from whatever it was that was inside. Hopefully Sukuna would not come out to fight and kill Itadori once more.
She heard Mei-Mei’s voice in her head, directing her towards where a few of the students were. Miwa was the closest and was at most risk since she was unconscious from Inumaki’s cursed technique. She was informed who was actively fighting the cursed spirit, and knowing that Fushiguro and Inumaki were there made her feel better. Yua was also nearby and would be able to heal anyone who was gravely injured.
Unfortunately, Miyu was there too. And while her parental instincts told her to run to her daughter to get her to safety, she knew her duty was to students who were currently more vulnerable.
Haya made it to Miwa’s unconscious form and crouched down. She placed a hand on her sternum and closed her eyes, visualizing the medical wing. A back portal opened in Haya’s shadow that was cast over Miwa’s body, and Miwa fell into it. Her sleeping form fell abruptly onto a bed, nearly making Shoko scream from surprise.
Again Mei-Mei informed Haya of the location of nearby students. Inumaki had collapsed and though Yua had healed his throat, he had not woken up. Haya cursed, she didn’t want to waste her energy by teleporting to them, but she worried that if she ran then she wouldn’t get there in time.
She pressed her palms together and fell down through the shadows under her feet and reappeared next to Yua, who did scream.
“Yua, I’m going to transport you both to where Shoko is, alright?” Haya said, doing her best to stay calm. “It’ll be away from here. I’ll be transporting the wounded there too for you and her to work on.”
Yua was shaking, her hands bloody as she nodded her head. She was too afraid to form any kind of coherent sentence. She wasn’t good at combat. She didn’t even try to train to be. Though Fushiguro had said she would be more useful if she did, which probably hurt her feelings more than it motivated her.
Again she had them falling through her shadow and again they ended up in the same place Miwa had. Yua immediately got sick, throwing up into a nearby waste bin. The room spun until it finally settled and she sat up to try and get to work.
Haya was getting a headache from Mei’s voice in her head and using so much of her technique at once. While she could use her two other techniques for long periods of time, teleporting was one she had the shortest stamina with. Teleporting objects was easy. Teleporting people took a great amount of energy and so her reservoir was quickly draining.
She caught up with Megumi and Maki, forcing them both to listen to her so she could send them for medical help. Megumi looked worse, buds sprouting from his stomach. She looked at Miyu who was panting heavily, and while she wasn’t injured beyoung some scrapes and bruises, she looked like total shit. “Miyu, I’m sending you back to the school.” She said with a pant, “I don’t think I can transport anyone else after that. Itadori and Todo can handle this curse spirit.”
Miyu didn’t look so sure, but also did not question her mother. Haya sent her to join the others before having to take a knee and rest. There was no cursed energy left. The tiny amount wasn’t even enough to do the simplest of her techniques. She just hoped she was right about the two boys being able to handle the curse.
Haya crawled to rest against a tree, trying to hide herself as much as possible from the others around as she caught her breath. Her head felt like it was splitting in two, the light of the setting sun only making it worse. She needed to get out. Something was different about this curse spirit. Similar to the one that had attacked Gojo before, it was able to communicate with others.
Her eyes slipped shut, having not felt so tired in ages. “Sleeping on the job, Haya-sensei?” Her eyes snapped open at the sound of Gojo’s teasing voice. She glared at him with a newfound energy as she stood.
“Finish this.” She hissed, still leaning against the tree from support. She didn’t want to admit her weakness in front of him. The fact that she left two students to take care of a special grade instead of helping them was enough to make her feel like a failure. She didn’t need him rubbing salt in the wounds.
“I think they’ve got a handle on things.” He said with a smirk, his blue eyes shining and he picked her up and flew to where a curse user and Principal Gakuganji were battling. He set the yelling Haya down before starting his own fight.
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Chapter Three coming Sunday (2/27)
Suguru Geto returns for the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.
27 notes · View notes
knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Chapter Five
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, mentions of PTSD, mentions of insecurity, blindfold usage, biting, unsafe sex, some light spanking, begging, dirty talk, light degradation, vaginal sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, cream pies....yes its yet another smut chapter lol
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Chapter Five - Staying Young
“Two spicy eel rolls please,” Haya said to the waiter as she glanced over the menu, “and two milk teas as well.” She handed the menu back to the young man after he gave them a small nod and left.
“I know this place doesn’t have the novelty of a conveyor belt, but the sushi is much better in my opinion.” She said to Miyu who was distractedly looking at the iPhone Haya had purchased for her months prior. “It’s quieter too.”
Miyu nodded, enjoying the more relaxed atmosphere than that of the place that Itadori loved to go to. She was thankful that her mother seemed to understand her a little better than the boy she was hopelessly enamored with.
Briefly, Haya’s mind went to Gojo, wondering why she sensed him nearby. They were currently not on speaking terms again. Not only did she believe that she was too quick to forgive him for lying about Itadori, but he had also gone behind her back in trying to play matchmaker with his student and her daughter.
Gojo had attempted to distract her while Yuuji and Miyu went out together without her knowledge. When she realized what he was up to, Haya was furious. Her mother-hen mode activated as she refused to let Miyu go. It had taken her two days to calm down and finally agree after much moping from Miyu.
She wanted to say that Miyu was too young to date, but she had been that age when she first started dating Suguru. Though she didn’t think that Itadori had any ill intentions, he was still a teenage boy that was under the influence of once womanizer Gojo Satoru.
Currently, they were out shopping for a new outfit for Miyu to wear on her date with Yuuji, though Haya was still uneasy about it. She still didn’t think it was a good idea for Aruna and Sukuna to be together, not only that but Yuuji had a target on his back again. She worried about something happening to either of them while they were out by themselves. It didn’t matter how strong either of them had become, they were still children.
“Are you really okay with me going out with Yuuji?” Miyu said quietly, worried that her mother would go on another tirade at the question. It wasn’t as if Haya had been particularly upset with her, but she still perceived any anger as being directed at herself. Haya told her it was a trauma response, that she used to struggle with it too when she was a kid. Though she hadn’t divulged to the teen what her trauma had been exactly.
Haya refrained from letting out the big sigh that was now stuck inside of her. “Yes,” She said, forcing a smile. “I’m sorry I overreacted the other day. I just didn’t like that Gojo went behind my back with something like that. He knew how I’d react but did it anyway. I know you hadn’t planned any of it, Itadori confessed that he had blindsided you and apologized to me. I wasn’t mad that you were going out on a date.”
That was only mostly true. Anger probably wasn’t the right word to describe the feeling Haya had felt when she found out that Miyu wanted to take Yuuji. It was more like sorrow. While she hadn’t been her mother for very long, it still was somewhat sad to see signs of her growing up already. If she wasn’t careful, Haya might get baby fever again. Not that anything ever came of it. The only person she’d ever feel comfortable procreating with was also Japan’s biggest asshole.
She was almost certain that Miyu would be the only child she’d ever have. She didn’t necessarily want a child out of wedlock and getting Gojo to propose would have taken a miracle. Though she fully admitted that she didn’t even deserve a proposal. Especially not after the Shibuya incident.
Miyu had a small smile on her face, pleased by her mother’s answer. “But you’re still not talking to Gojo-sensei?” She asked, feeling a little guilty still that she played some part in them being broken up again. Though Fushiguro had assured her that this happened all the time and that they’d be back together soon.
“No, I’m sick of him lying to me or trying to hide things behind my back.” She said.”I actually have a date tonight with someone else.” The date was with an old fling, no one particularly interesting. But if it would make Gojo jealous then that’s all she really cared about. “
Miyu’s smile turned into a frown. “I don’t understand, mom…Don’t you love him? Did you just stop because you broke up?”
Haya looked as if Miyu’s words slapped her in the face. Sushi nearly fell from her chopsticks as she had been bringing it up to her mouth to eat. She cleared her throat awkwardly and set her food down, “Of course, I-” She cut herself off. Did she love him? That seemed like such a silly question, of course, she should love him.
She sighed and sat back in her seat. “I love Satoru very much.” She conceded, “but sometimes the person you love and the person you’re meant to be with aren’t one and the same.” She looked somberly down at her half-eaten meal. Tears welled in the back of her eyes but she swallowed thickly to will them down. She had never cried in front of Miyu before and didn’t plan on starting now.
Her answer only left Miyu even more confused. She only had a rudimentary idea of how romantic relationships worked, and something as complex as what went on between her mother and Gojo was well beyond her limited knowledge. It wasn’t as if she’d ever had much interest in boys before Yuuji and her previous parents hadn’t been great role models for what love was.
Come to think of it, her current parent wasn’t a great role model for that either.
“I guess I just don’t understand.” She admitted before taking another bite. “This sushi is very good, I wish it was a little spicier though.”
Haya let out a sigh of relief at the subject change, “Of course, I forget how much you love spicy food. Maybe next time we can ask for more wasabi.” Miyu smiled back at her and nodded.
They finished their meal in silence, Haya thinking over what she had told Miyu. Why she was still hung up on Suguru even after his death, she didn’t know. Perhaps she was still obsessed with the idea of how great they could have been together if he had never left her. He’d never come back to the sorcerers’ side. He’d never repent for betraying them. He was gone and he was never coming back.
Perhaps it was the lack of proper burial that had her still hanging on so tightly. The worry that his soul wasn’t at rest. That he had morphed into some new curse out there, lurking and hurting innocent people. He should have been cremated. It didn’t matter to her what atrocities he had committed, he was still her first love.
They walked to a nearby department store. “Did you want a dress or a skirt and blouse?” Haya asked, looking over the new arrivals section. “Oh this is cute,” She pulled out a long dress with an extremely high slit on both sides. “It would show off those great legs of yours.”
Miyu wasn’t convinced. Her self-esteem had improved somewhat since arriving in Japan, but she still didn’t think she was very attractive or that her body was something boys would look at. “I don’t know, maybe something a little less…mature?”
“You’re right.” Haya said, grabbing one in her size, “I’ll just wear it to my date tonight.” She had a cheeky grin on her face as Miyu let out a light laugh, shaking her head.
The teen’s eyes wandered to a two-tiered floral chiffon skirt. She went over to it, feeling the fabric as she looked it over. “What about this?”
“Adorable.” Haya said with a smile, “and look, here’s a top that would look cute with it.” She pointed to a nearby loose-fitted white tank top with lace trim.
Miyu looked it over, grabbing on in her size and comparing the two side by side. “With those white ankle boots, you got me?” She asked, picturing the outfit in her head. Yua said she’d curl my hair for me…”
“I think we have our outfit,” Haya said with a proud grin. “Would you like to try it on first?”
She nodded and went into the dressing room as Haya moved to the intimates section to look through the underwear in case there was anything that caught her eye. She saw a pair of pink cotton ones that nearly matched the ones she wore on her first night with Gojo. A small smile graced her face at the memory. She had caught a bad cold from running through the rain to get to his dorm, hers had been on the other side with the other girl dorms. The pathway between the two wasn’t totally covered from the raging storm overhead.
Gojo had teased her at first, but he had also brought her soup and tissues to help her feel better. She could have asked for anything and he would have gotten it for her. Though when she really thought of it, hadn’t he always been like that? While she very rarely used the credit card he had given her, he still never asked for it back any time they broke up.
Something in her heart stirred as she thought about their countless arguments and apologies. The idea that it was her fault he couldn’t be happy ran rampant as she tried to quell tears that yearned to fall once more. Going on that date tonight would just be another mistake, she decided. She wasn’t setting a good example for Miyu either which made her feel even worse.
She put the dress back on the rack and grabbed a pair of the pink underwear in her size. She paid for it before Miyu could come back and see what she had gotten, not knowing how she was going to explain why she was getting them.
A few moments later, Miyu came out after having tried on both articles of clothing. She seemed happy if not nervous. “They fit great,” She said, “I think I will go with this.” She set the clothes on the counter to be rung up as she gave her mom a confused look, “What about the dress you were going to get?”
Haya smiled, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I decided not to go on that date tonight. I’d worry about you the entire time so I’d rather be at the school where I can be available if you need me.”
Miyu nodded, wondering what the real reason was as to why she chose not to go. “Is this about Gojo-sensei?” She asked, knowing her mother wasn’t quite telling the truth.
“Yes and no.” She said, trying to shrug off the question. “I do still think we would benefit from some time apart. But making him think I’ve moved on is probably not a good idea. As you said, feelings don’t just stop because two people break up.”
It was Miyu’s turn to smile now. “Okay, mom. I guess we should be getting back so I have time to get ready.”
Haya nodded and paid for her new clothes. “Alright…do I need to have the sex talk with you?”
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While Miyu got ready for her date, Hayami decided to put the fear of the gods into Itadori. While she allowed Miyu to opt-out of some sex ed, she wasn’t about to let him go without talking to him first. She knocked on his door, “Itadori, open up. I need to have a talk with you.”
Yuuji opened the door, a worried look on his face as he scratched the back of his head, “oh, sensei…is this about training next week?” Gojo was going to be leaving for an assignment soon and she’d be taking over for him while he was gone.
“No, this is about my daughter.” She clarified. “Can I come in?”
He stepped to the side, suddenly feeling panicked. He hoped she wasn’t about to tell him that the date was off. He had planned the best he could with the help of Gojo and Fushiguro (though Megumi wasn’t very helpful, he was still a somewhat okay sounding board).
Once inside Haya let out a frustrated sigh, she wasn’t upset with him she just didn’t expect Miyu to be dating this soon. It was safe to say she wasn’t prepared for how to handle a teenager in the dating scene. Her biggest fear was that history would repeat itself. Miyu would fall deeply in love with Itadori only for him to be killed. She was praying that tonight would be a disaster and she’d stay as far away from the boy as possible.
“What are your intentions with my daughter?” She asked, “I’ll know if you’re lying so don’t even bother trying.”
Yuuji swallowed thickly, “I really like Miyu.” He said softly, his mouth going dry. “I just want to see her happy. Her smile is so pretty but she rarely shows it. I want to change that.”
Haya was warmed by that answer, more so than she thought she’d be. He truly did seem genuine and she knew that he wasn’t typically one to be dishonest. “If you have sex with her, I’ll castrate you.” She said rather bluntly. “Touch her in any way and you’ll be back in the morgue with Shoko.”
His face was beet red as he felt like he was going to faint at her directness. “I-I’m not!” He stammered, trying to find his words. “I don’t plan on doing that…I mean I do plan on it one day but uh…not right now, not with Miyu. Not that I wouldn’t like to with her but um we’re both kinda young and she’d have to want to and-”
She held up her hand to cease his rambling. “Good answer.” She said, reaching up to pat him on the head in a teasing manner. “She doesn’t like loud, crowded places. The quieter the better. She shuts down when she gets overwhelmed and when that happens just get her away from everyone else so she can decompress. Maybe even bring her back here. If she starts to really panic then call me and I’ll talk her through it.”
Her eyes closed as she took a deep breath, “and if you get into any danger, run. Don’t try to save anyone. Run and call me or Gojo. We’ll come to take care of it, okay?”
He blinked, unsure what kind of danger they might be in. “You mean like curses?”
“Yes, curses, curse users, anyone trying to bring you harm. Don’t engage. I don’t want either of you to get hurt, okay?” She said firmly and he nodded to show his understanding.
A smile spread across Yuuji’s face and he nodded, realizing that she was just being so aggressive because she was worried. “You’re a really good mom, sensei.”
It was Haya’s turn to turn red as she cleared her throat. No one had ever told her that before and to hear it made her heart swell with joy. Still, she didn’t want Itadori to know that words could have such an effect on her. “Thank you, Yuuji. Be careful and have fun.”
“We will don’t worry!” He said, waving as she started to leave. “But I have another question if that’s okay.”
She paused and looked back at him, “What is it?”
“Do you think it’s okay for Sukuna and Aruna to…you know, be close to one another?” He asked tentatively. Sukuna always had something to say in his head about Aruna or Miyu, none of it good. It was usually something sleazy or sexual. It seemed the king of curses had quite the imagination.
“No,” Haya answered honestly, “but if being with you makes Miyu happy, then I suppose it’s alright.” She started to walk again. “Bring her back by midnight!”
Yuuji nodded and closed the door after she walked out, his nerves for how the date was going to go started to rise again. What if Miyu decided she didn’t like him? Or what if she got mad again about him pretending to be dead? What if she wanted to do something that Haya-sensei just told him that they couldn’t do. He let out a groan before going into his attached bathroom to shower and get ready.
Haya went back to her room, taking the long way to avoid passing by Gojo’s. Speaking to Yuuji just made her more sure that she had been wrong to get so upset with him. While she could oftentimes admit to herself that she was mistaken, admitting that to someone else was a totally different story. She hated apologizing even more than Gojo did.
She decided she’d apologize without words, using the pair of underwear she had bought while out with Miyu. He always did love to see her in lingerie and while plain pink cotton underwear wasn't sexy to most, she had a feeling the nostalgia would make him happy and hopefully horny.
Once in her room, she took out her phone and sent him a text, asking him to come by her room at eight o’clock so they could talk about what happened. A few moments later she received a reply from Gojo stating that he’d be there. Afterward, she canceled her date with the other guy, not wanting to simply ghost him. He responded by asking if they could simply reschedule but she firmly told him no.
She was out of his league anyway.
On the other side of campus, Gojo had been working out in the school gym. He was honestly surprised to receive the text from his now-ex-girlfriend. While Haya could be quite predictable at times, there were other instances when he really had no idea what she was going to do. That seemed to be happening more and more since she brought Miyu back from America.
He thought she was overprotective of the teen and that she should just let Miyu live her life and make mistakes just as they had when they were her age. It was clear Haya wanted better for Miyu than for herself, and sometimes Gojo wondered just how far she’d go to make sure that happened. She had her father breathing down her neck about Itadori. If he were to find out his granddaughter was a vessel too? He was sure it would simply break her.
Regardless of their different views on parenting, he was glad to see that she had come around sooner rather than later. Normally she remained distant until after he came back from an away mission. That just seemed to be how it worked out. He was leaving in a couple of days to handle things in another part of Japan. Haya knew because Yaga had asked her to step in as a teacher.
He finished his reps at the weight bench before getting up and going into the showers to wash up. Maybe if he was extra lucky she’d be wearing something sexy when he came over. He knew he’d be pushing his luck he if instigated sex, but his balls were going blue just from the short time they’d been apart. He thanked the gods that they had compatible sex drives, other women he had dated had a hard time keeping up.
Once he had washed off, he put on a clean set of clothes and went back to his room to find some work to do before his meetup with Hayami later that night.
At eight o’clock sharp, Gojo knocked on the door to Haya’s dorm. He could smell the scent of food from inside, figuring she had gotten take out for them to share. He was thankful that he had decided not to eat, his stomach rumbling at the aroma wafting into the hallway.
The door opened and his jaw dropped at the sight of his sometimes lover dressed in nothing but an oversized white button-up shirt (that he was sure had been his at some point) and no pants on. He couldn’t see her underwear this time since she wasn’t soaked to the bone with rainwater.
He stepped in and immediately slammed the door behind him, being more forceful than he meant to. He felt a pang of guilt when he saw her jump but relieved it by pulling her into him for a desperately passionate kiss.
Haya obediently opened her mouth for his roving tongue, the two fighting for dominance even though they both knew he’d win. He picked her up and practically tossed her onto the bed, seeing a flash of pink panties underneath the white top. “Satoru, wait,” Haya panted, out of breath from the kiss still. “We’re supposed to talk first.”
“I forgive you.” He said bluntly before kissing her again, ripping the shirt open and sending flat pearl buttons scattering across the room. Haya made a muffled sound of protest as his tongue swept into her mouth once more. Her weak attempts to push him away began to stop as she placed her hands on his shoulders.
The kissing continued until Gojo sat up, having at some point pushed her down onto her back and took off his blindfold. He looked down at his blushing first love, seeing her erect nipples peaking on her heaving chest. He finally got a better look at the underwear she had been wearing and while it wasn’t exactly the same it was a damn near match.
He took off his shirt in one fluid motion, tossing it to the ground unceremoniously. Suddenly he realized he didn’t take his shoes off at the door and kicked them off as well. Haya laid still, curiously watching him. She could see the gears turning in his head, trying to figure out what he should do next.
His bright blue eyes pinned her down once more before he grabbed the blindfold from beside her and gently wrapped it around her eyes. Haya did a sharp inhale, taking in his fragrant scent that wafted around her. He tied the fabric around the back of her head, causing her to smile lightly.
“It’s been a while since we’ve done this.” She teased, having been blindfolded before by Gojo whenever he was feeling particularly frisky. He merely chuckled in response as he stood up briefly to take off his pants. As he did so, Haya sat up to take off the remnants of the shirt he had definitely ruined.
She felt herself getting roughly pushed back onto the bed, his lips capturing hers briefly before making their way down her neck and shoulder. His hands wandered up and down her sides before settling on her breasts, squeezing and massaging them in his large hands. Haya’s full focus was on every touch, every peck of his lips or nip of his teeth, The sensations making her wetter by the second as she rubbed her thighs together for some kind of relief.
“Desperate?” He asked into her ear, his warm breath tickling the delicate hairs around it. She merely whined in response, tugging at his boxers instead of verbally agreeing. He let out another low laugh that sent tingles down her spine as she grabbed his cock to shut him up.
Gojo let out a groan, rutting into her fist as he bit down on her breast roughly in payback. Haya let out a sharp hiss, her grip on him tightening slightly. She could feel him throbbing in her palm. “You got it up quickly.” She taunted and he pulled away from her abruptly.
“Don’t make me tie you up to, brat.” He said, spanking her outer thigh playfully. Haya merely chuckled in response as she fumbled around to find his chest, running her fingers along the contour of his abs.
His tongue flicked at her nipples, earning tiny whimpers of protest as she held onto his shoulders lightly. His mouth moved down more as his fingers hooked around the elastic band of her underwear and took them off in a swift motion as Haya lifted her hips.
He spread her legs before latching on to the inside her thigh, biting again and sucking roughly to create a purple flowering bruise on the delicate skin. Haya let out a small moan of pain at his sharp teeth as she attempted to close her legs, only to be held open by his strong grip. He repeated his marking process on the other thigh, this one a little lower so if she were to wear shorts it would be visible. Haya attempted to protest but was immediately shut up by his lips on her swollen clit.
Gojo pulled away and she whimpered a quiet beg for him to touch her. “Bad girls don’t get warm-ups.” He said in a teasing tone as she heard him reaching for a condom in her bedside drawer.
“It’s a safe day.” She muttered, feeling her face heat up with embarrassment. Gojo blinked in surprise. She must be really feeling sorry if she was allowing him to forgo a condom. He closed the drawer again, not wanting her to change her mind. It wasn’t like he enjoyed wearing them, he’d rather fuck her without one every time. She hated the way birth control made her feel, the emotional highs and lows it gave her, so she decided to not take any after years of trying to find one that worked.
Besides, Gojo thought to himself, he’d need an heir one day anyway. And who better to carry that child than the person he loved? Not that he’d ever tell her any of that.
He took off his boxers before flipping her over onto her stomach. Haya obediently lifted her hips up so that she was on her knees while her upper torso remained on the mattress. Gojo pumped his hard cock a few times, spreading the pre-cum along his shaft for additional lubrication. Though if he knew his girlfriend (were they dating again?) then she would be drenched enough to not need it.
He rubbed his tip along her slit, causing her to whine at him for teasing her more. He raised his hand before smacking her ass playfully before slowly inserting himself into her. They both moaned together as Haya’s walls clamped down around him. He muttered a praise at how tight she was, earning himself another clench as he pushed in to the hilt, resting there for a moment as he reveled in how warm and soft she was on the inside.
Haya wiggled her hips in an attempt to get him to move. He smacked her ass once more and she let out a small cry. “‘Toru,” She said, sounding breathless already. The lack of sight was causing her to feel more sensitive than usual, her sole concentration on him stretching her out and filling her up.
“What is it, princess?” He asked, giving a shallow thrust before stopping again. “You want my cock that badly?”
“Yes,” She admitted, growing more and more frustrated by the second. “I’m not your personal cock warmer.” Though she tried to sound demanding, her voice came out in a pathetic tone.
Gojo was smirking, the didn’t bother to disguise the smugness from his voice. “I think you are by the way you’re whining for me to fuck you.” He gave another thrust and she moaned weakly, pushing back against him as much as she could. “I’ll move if you say it.”
Haya clenched her teeth, knowing what he meant. “I’m your cock warmer.” She muttered, not wanting to say it any louder in fear someone may hear her even though that was highly unlikely.
“Hm? What was that? I didn’t hear you.” He said, pretending to start to pull out.
“I’m Gojo’s cock warmer, now please just-” He snapped his hips against her roughly and she moaned loudly instead of finishing her plea. He started to move at a fast and relentless rhythm just like she wanted.
Haya had forgotten her rising anger and annoyance with him immediately. The position allowed for his cock to rub that perfectly placed spot inside of her and the pace had her fingers curling around the blanket beneath her in ecstasy. She was whimpering as his blunt hails dug into the flesh of her hips.
Gojo titled his head back, eyes closed as he reveled in how amazing sex could feel. He briefly wondered how mad she’d be if he came inside her, only to realize that he didn’t really care about the consequences if he did.
Gojo leaned over and bit down on her neck, leaving another hickey as he rammed into her as hard as he could. The tension that had been growing inside Haya finally snapped and she came with a rush of endorphins and a cry of his name. Her muscles spasmed, limbs shaking as she saw bright white stars cloud the darkness of her vision.
He held up her hips, not stopping until he felt her stop twitching. He pulled out and flipped her over onto her back before re-inserting himself into her once more. He increased his pace as her nails dug into his back and shoulders, the bloody marks healing almost instantly, leaving only red dots behind to show that there had been anything there in the first place. He was littered in them as she desperately tried to find some relief for the sheer amount of stimulation she was still receiving.
Her thoughts when numb, nothing coherent passing as all she could think about was his dick inside her, moving at that insane pace that only he seemed to be able to achieve. Gojo took one of her legs and raised it so that her ankle was on his shoulder, hitting a new depth and angle as he did so.
“F-Fuck,” Haya managed to say, the only thing that made sense besides the other cacophony of sounds that had been coming from her mouth. He loved how he could render her into this state so easily. Then again, he could do that with practically any woman he slept with.
It just felt so much better when it was with her.
It wasn’t long before she came for a second time, this one weaker than the previous one as she whimpered. The blindfold began to dampen with her tears as she didn’t think she could handle any more stimuli. Gojo could tell she was breaking and quickly allowed himself to come to his end, pressing himself in as far as he could as he released into her.
Haya was on cloud nine, unable to perceive that he’d cum inside her until he pulled out and she felt the rush of liquid pour out of her. She made a disgusted face at the sensation as Gojo lifted up the blindfold to give her a warm smile and a tired kiss.
He laid down next to her, too worn out from both his workout earlier and fucking her to bother cleaning them both up. At least not right away. Suddenly he heard Haya gasp and he nearly jumped up to look at her.
“We forgot the food!” She said in a shocked voice and all he could do was laugh.
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Interlude Five coming Sunday (4/3) Miyu and Yua get ready for Miyu's date. Miyu decides to play matchmaker.
22 notes · View notes
knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Interlude Four
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, Mentions of child abuse, mentions of parental death, some teenage insecurity... I believe that's it, this chapter is pretty fluffy
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Interlude Four - School Nights
You grow up so strong You're so strong But I wannna stay young Yeah, I wanna stay young with you
She had never felt so happy in her entire life. Finally free from the binds of her father’s rule, now free to never go home unless she absolutely had to. She could sleep at night without having to worry about being woken up by angry shouting or banging on her door. It was the first time since her mother had passed that she thought everything would be okay.
Blindly optimistic, innocent beyond belief, a young sorcerer who had yet to face death or heartbreak or true loneliness. Kuroishi Hayami was ready to take on the world at the age of fifteen and nothing could stop her. Not even her iron-fisted father or the self-righteous clan elders. She could be herself without fear. The joy nearly brought tears to her eyes.
Her black hair was in two small buns on either side of her head, blue eyes bright with curiosity and a huge smile on her pink lips. She had already met her two classmates, Nanami Kento and Haibara Yu. Since she had always lived in a male-dominated world, it didn’t bother her that she was the only girl. There were other female students in the classes ahead of her if she needed a girl to talk to.
She finished putting on a light set of makeup. She had sneakily bought it behind her father’s back as he had never permitted her to wear it. An excited giggle left her mouth at the thought of meeting the second-year students today. There was going to be a joint training session and though Haya wasn’t particularly strong, she was still excited to be meeting other people her age.
She had gone to an all-girls middle school so the thought of meeting more boys made her incredibly joyful. She had all the happiness of sunshine, radiating warmth and eagerness that was enough to make anyone like her.
Yu was a lot like her though possibly without the hidden trauma. He too was excited about the day while Nanami was indifferent. He just wanted to learn what he could from his upperclassmen and that was the extent of his care. He looked like a serious old man next to his two happy-go-lucky friends.
Haya ran to the meeting place, running late as usual. She had on her school uniform and while she admitted it was unflattering she actually liked that coverage it provided. It allowed her to cover the last lingering bruises. The disappearing blemishes only solidified the fact that she was old enough to go about things on her own. She didn’t have to listen to anyone unless she wanted to.
Geto and Gojo were both interested in meeting the new first years, while Shoko knew better. They were probably only interested in the new girl that had joined. The two boys could be shameless when it came to the opposite sex, though Gojo more so than Geto.
To their surprise, there were only two boys when they arrived. “Where’s Kuroishi?” Yaga asked, taking over the joint lesson for the day.
“She’s late.” Nanami said with apathy, “She usually is.”
Yaga let out a sigh, "warm-up while we wait." The five of them nodded and began to stretch and warm up their cursed energy. A few moments later Haya ran up and while she had been running at a fast speed, she didn’t seem out of breath. She played enough sports in middle school to still be in shape.
Gojo elbowed his friend and nodded to the pretty little thing that had just run up and was talking to their sensei. “She’s cute.” He said, not trying to be quiet about it.
Geto smiled, keeping his feelings a bit more subdued. “Very cute.” He replied, putting a hand on his chin in thought. The wheels in his head were already turning on how to win her over.
When she saw the two looking at her, she grinned with the cutest smile either had ever seen before. She gave a small wave, making Gojo and Geto share a glance between one another. This could be fun.
Yaga paired them off, surprisingly not putting Haya with Shoko but with Gojo instead. She was the weakest link of the first years, though the school had only just begun so it wasn’t a good measure of what her potential was. Sometimes young sorcerers were just late bloomers and needed time to grow their strength. Haya was undoubtedly one of those people, at least in Yaga and her teacher’s minds.
They were sparring in hand-to-hand combat. Gojo had decided not to even try his infinite technique, mostly because he hadn’t yet mastered it. He blocked her strikes with relative ease, though some of them did have some force behind them.
“You’re pretty weak.” Gojo taunted, “You sure you’re up to be a sorcerer?”
She faked, though it didn’t fool him. The next punch did actually make his hand sting from the force. “You’re a Kuroishi, right? Man, none of those guys are even special grades, are they?”
Her eyes narrowed as she stomped hard on his shadow, using her cursed energy to pin him in place with her cursed technique. This time when she hit him, it landed. She released her technique and attempted to catch her breath, only to find a long lanky leg coming at her. It was stopped by a firm hand and a dark-haired boy with a sly grin. “Didn’t your parents teach you not to hit girls, Satoru?”
Gojo chuckled, “Ye of little faith.” He put his leg down. “Are you trying to steal my partner?”
“I am,” Geto said with a smug look before he smiled at the blushing Hayami. “What do you say? Ditch the six eyes for my two?”
She let out an excited giggle behind her hand that was now covering her mouth. “I’d love to.” She shot Gojo a look of distaste before smiling at her new suiter.
“What are you three doing?” Yaga asked with frustration lining his voice, “Suguru, you’re with Yu now. Hayami, you can train with Shoko.” Both boys let out defeated sighs as they nodded and went to their new partners.
After training was over for the day, Haya felt exhausted for the first time since she left home. It was a good feeling, comforting almost. She hadn’t been sleeping well, always restlessly thinking about getting stronger, wrestling with the idea of fighting curses much stronger than her. Freedom wasn’t always what it cracked up to be, she supposed.
She wiped the sweat from her brow as the two boys from before walked up to her. She knew who they were already, both famous amongst the school for their unique and powerful talents. Though she had already decided that the bearer of the six eyes was an asshole, the dark-haired one seemed nice enough, however.
“Kuroishi,” She heard a deep voice behind her and she turned to see both standing there, neither looking particularly worn out or tired. She suddenly felt foolish as she was covered in dirt and at the tail end of catching her breath. A light flush rose to her face as she glanced to the side awkwardly. “Want to go on a date?”
Her eyes snapped back to Gojo and made a disgusted face. She had enough men at home calling her weak, she didn’t need it from her senpai too.
Geto chuckled at her reaction, “What about with me?” He asked, grabbing her hand and pulling it towards him so he could kiss her bruised and swollen knuckles gently.
Her flushed only darkened as she gave him a shy smile. “I’d love to, Geto.”
“Call me Suguru.” He corrected, “No need to be so formal. I’ll come by your dorm in a few hours to pick you up.”
“Tonight?” She asked, a little surprised at how sudden things were happening.
“Unless you have something better to do?” He responded playfully with a smirk. She quickly shook her head. “Then I’ll see you then.”
As they parted ways, Gojo was pouting to his best friend. He had quite enjoyed sparring with Hayami and the technique she pulled to get him to freeze was interesting enough. He didn’t know a whole lot about her clan’s technique, just that it relied heavily on her shadow much like the Zen’in clan’s did. He hadn’t been expecting her to be able to land any hits on him, but somehow the first year had managed it.
“You always get the fun ones.” He said in a whiney tone.
Suguru just laughed, “maybe if you hadn’t called her weak, the tables would be turned.” He teased, knowing that Gojo had no actual ill will towards not getting the girl. There was plenty of other fish in the sea.
That night Haya dressed in a simple sundress and wore her hair in a long braid down her back. She looked out the window and frowned and the setting sun, knowing that she would have a difficult time seeing outside or in any place they went with low lighting. She could bring her glasses but she hated the way she looked in them. She thought Geto would laugh at her if she dared to put them on. It was her first date and she didn’t want to screw it up.
To say she was enamored at first sight was an understatement. Haya had felt starved for positive attention most of her young life. She had been liked at school simply for her athletic abilities and not so much for her personality. Everyone assumed she was all muscle and no brain, naive and easy to play tricks on. She had struggled to make friends that weren’t just looking to take advantage of her.
Eventually, she learned to distance herself. It wasn’t as if she’d be going to high school with the same horrid girls that she was forced to go to middle school with. She was a sorcerer after all, and they didn’t even know curses existed. She’d be powerful one day and they’d probably forget she even existed. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing.
She was glad her brother had graduated a year prior and wasn’t here to be overprotective or scare Geto off. Even if these didn’t work out with the dark-haired sorcerer, Gojo seemed equally interested in her. She let out a small giggle, excited to be in the sights of not one but two strong male students. Maybe if she were really lucky they’d take her away from her shitty dad and elders. The only one that had ever shown her any love since her mother’s passing was her older brother Daisuke. Though he could only do so much against their father.
There was a knock on her door and Haya excitedly answered it with a smile on her face. The fluorescent lighting outside was luckily enough for her to be able to see her date clearly, he somehow looked even more handsome despite the fact that he was still just wearing his school uniform with his hair up in a neat bun.
He was smiling a gentle smile as he handed her a bouquet of camellia flowers. Haya’s eyes lit up and the beautiful pink petals and quickly took them from him. “They’re beautiful, Suguru.” She said, almost breathless at the gesture. She put them in a vase and added water, setting them by the window. She returned to the door, noticing he hadn’t stepped through the threshold. He did not want to come in uninvited or seem too persistent.
Gojo’s nagging voice was in his head as he tried not to stare at how the dress clung to the slight curves of her body. He had asked Geto if he planned on getting laid tonight, to which Geto ignored him and made him leave his dorm. Geto had no intentions of doing something like that on the first date. Unlike his friend who enjoyed being a seductive manwhore, Geto was more laidback, more subtle, and definitely wasn’t about to kiss and tell. Though to be honest he didn’t plan on kissing her that night either unless he felt the timing was right.
As they walked to the car they’d be taking into the city, there was a comfortable silence between them. Haya was trying not to grin too much, her cheeks already hurting at the joyful expression plastered on her face. He thought she was utterly adorable, innocent, cute. Suddenly he was very happy to have won her over instead of his best friend. As much as he cared about the fellow sorcerer, he couldn’t deny how he had a tendency of using girls before losing them. Dropping them as soon as someone new and exciting came along. They had just met and already he did not ever want to see the light fade from her pretty blue eyes.
He noticed the edges of bruises that trailed down her shoulder blades. A small frown met his lips as he tried not to think too hard about where they came from. Of course, he had heard the rumors that came with her older brother who had been a senior the year before. It was said that their father had become abusive after the loss of his wife and took everything out on his children, namely his daughter. It wasn’t something Geto wanted to think about let alone bring up.
He opened the car door for her and he noticed her fumble to get inside. He stared, unsure why she didn’t fluidly get into the vehicle. It had gotten dark fast but certainly, her eyes could adjust. It wasn’t like there wasn’t dim lighting in the small school parking lot. He must have had a curious look on his face as her cheeks flushed pink, “I just tripped, sorry.” She muttered awkwardly.
Geto smiled, “I just wanted to make sure you were alright, that’s all.” He corrected, “No need to apologize.” She nodded back a nonverbal response and he shut the door before going around to the other side to get in. There was an assistant manager that agreed to drive them into town, he said nothing as he waited for Suguru to get in.
Once the other teen was inside, the manager drove them to the prediscussed location. Haya could hardly see the seat in front of her, let alone the delicate features of Suguru’s face. She put on a smile, acting like nothing was amiss. The idea of putting on those hideous glasses that clashed with her outfit made her want to curl up and die. No one ever said teenage girls weren’t dramatic.
They came upon a brightly lit festival just outside of the city. Haya blinked in astonishment, having not known there was something like this nearby. Though she probably wouldn’t have gone on her own, she may have asked Yu or Nanami to go with her in a platonic getaway.
The two got out of the car before it left, scheduled to come back at a later time to pick them back up. Geto had arranged all of it earlier while she had been tediously getting ready. “Are you hungry?” He asked. “I’m buying, so don’t worry about money.”
Haya hadn’t even thought of that and suddenly felt relief that a problem she didn’t even know about was solved. “I could go for some takoyaki.” She said, glad that the rows upon rows of light made it easier for her to see. She pointed to a nearby stall that had a brightly colored sign with tiny cartoon octopi depicted on it.
He nodded and walked her over to the stall, asking for two orders of takoyaki. Haya quickly interjected asking if she could get pickled ginger on hers, to which the man behind the table happily nodded yes. Suguru chuckled lightly as he paid for their food.
“There’s something I want to show you. I think you’ll love it.” He said with a small genuine smile that held no ill intentions. “Do you care if we walk while we eat?”
“I don’t mind.” She said with a playful smile. “I can multitask.”
He laughed again as they walked and ate, making small talk about school and curses and family. She learned that he didn’t belong to a sorcerer family. That he was the only one among his family members that could see curses. She asked him if he would have preferred if they could and he said no.
“That would put them in more danger, I think.” He said honestly. “Sorcerers don’t always live long lives as non-sorcerers do. I’d rather them not have to deal with the ugliness of curses.”
She fell quiet, thinking about her mother. Vague and grainy images flashed in her head of the day she had died. Haya was too young to really remember it in detail. “That makes sense.” She said softly.
He noticed her tone shift and watched as she threw her trash away. He tossed his in a nearby bin and joined her. He gently took her hand in his and began walking outside the confines of the festival and into the dark grassy knoll just beyond it.
The light of the moon wasn’t enough for her to see by and she hoped he couldn’t sense how panicked she was. She kept slowing him down unintentionally, worried she’d trip and fall, further embarrassing herself. Geto began to notice this and mistook it for her being uncomfortable being alone with him. He stopped walking and she looked in his direction though was unable to really make out any features of his face.
“I’m just taking you to where the view is best.” He said, “I wanted it to be a surprise, but I realize this probably looks bad. Me dragging you out in the wilderness.”
Haya made a face, “I’m not worried about that, Suguru. I’m not helpless.”
“Then why do you keep hesitating?” He asked and he heard her heave a heavy sigh.
“I can’t see in the dark.” She muttered, “I have these special glasses I have to wear but they look dumb.”
He tried not to laugh, especially when he realized she was being serious. “You really can’t see, can you?”
There was an annoyed pout on her face, obviously wondering why he thought she was joking. “No, I can’t. It’s a genetic thing. Some long-lasting familial curse, I don’t really understand why.”
“Interesting.” He murmured as he leaned in closer. While she could tell he was closer to her, she didn’t realize how close. “Well, you’re still beautiful even when you can’t see.” He teased and her face lit up with a blush and a sheepish smile.
“Do you want me to carry you?” He asked, only half-joking as he smirked. “Or we can just walk slowly.”
Instead of answering, he felt her small hands travel up his arm and to his shoulders, she moved around behind him before using his shoulders as leverage to jump onto his back. He let out a small laugh, catching her legs as he started to carry her. “Will you be able to see fireworks?”
Haya was resisting the urge to lay her head on his shoulder, the scent of his shampoo intoxicating. “Yes, they’re bright enough that I can see. I really love fireworks for that reason…”
Once to the spot he had chosen, he gently set her down and guided her to a large rock to sit on. He took a seat next to her and they sat in silence for a moment before Haya spoke. “This is the first date I’ve ever been on.” She said, not knowing why she was admitting that to him. Instantly she regretted it, not wanting to see like an inexperienced loser.
“Well, you’re doing great.” He teased as he felt her shoulder collide with his playfully. She scoffed at him, though he could tell she was trying not to laugh. “Are you having fun?”
“I am.” She said quietly, “it’s a nice change of pace from what I’m used to.”
“You mean, guys like Satoru?” He asked, trying to clarify. It wasn’t as if teenage boys were a mystery to him. Most of them were hormone-driven assholes, seeing curses didn’t really change that.
“Yeah.” She said, “I mean, I guess. I don’t really know him very well. But I’ve heard my dad talk about him and my brother. The six eyes is kinda famous, you know? But that doesn’t mean he’s irresistible. I can’t stand when people underestimate me and call me weak.”
He frowned, wondering how often she had heard that phrase to make her hate it so much. Then he thought back to the bruises earlier. Haya had only been all smiles when he saw her, but there was definitely something else lurking beneath the surface. Something more solemn. Almost lonely.
There was a loud bang overhead and Haya’s head shot up to look at the beautiful spread of red lights that glittered above them. A child-like squeal of astonishment erupted from her as she giddily watched the firework display. Geto tried to watch it but was too invested in watching her instead. The way her eyes lit up, the apples of her cheeks when she smiled, the splash of freckles he could just barely see in the low light.
He swallowed thickly. Wondering how someone so pure had found their way to him. Then and there he made a vow to always keep her safe. To protect that young girl still trapped inside of her. To do everything in his power to keep bringing smiles to her face.
The mere thought of losing her made him feel incredibly hollow. The warmth drained from him when he imagined a world without her smile or a place that he could not be there to witness it. He bit the inside of his cheek, wondering if she’d want to go out with him again. Maybe chance to ask her to make things a little more permanent.
“Hayami?” He asked, his hand moving to cover hers on top of the smooth stone.
She didn’t look at him, still utterly in love with the light show in the sky. “Hm?” She hummed back as she held back a giggle at a firework in the shape of a pig.
“Did you want to go out again?” He asked tentatively, wondering if he was maybe being too forward, too pushy, or even worse too desperate.
That same damn smile, her eyes wrinkling in the corners excitedly. “Depends, will there be more takoyaki?”
He smiled softly, “if that’s what you want.”
“Then yes.” She replied, looking his way and seeing a brief flash of skin from the lights above. “I’d love to.”
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Chapter Five coming Sunday (3/27) Haya takes Miyu out shopping for an outfit to wear on her first date.
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knchins · 2 years
Kuroshiro - Chapter Seven
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, blood, mentions of sexual assault, vomiting, minor character death, kidnapping
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Chapter Seven - Curtain Call
October 31st, 2018 - 10:00 AM
Haya was sitting in Shoko’s office, having not felt well the past few days. There had been a stomach bug going around and it would seem that she was the last one to catch it. As annoying as it was, it did give her an excuse to take a break from all the work she had been doing. Between back-to-back missions, taking care of Miyu, and juggling a tumultuous relationship with Gojo, it was safe to say that she was beyond exhausted. 
Truth be told she probably wouldn’t be very helpful on the field right now, not unless there was an emergency. While cursed activity had gone up since the death of the suspected mole - Kokichi Muta, otherwise known as Mechamaru - most of it seemed like unorganized attacks rather than the works of some higher power. 
“I think you’re right, Kuroishi, it’s just that virus that’s going around. However, I want to take some bloodwork just in case. You’re overdue for a physical anyway.” Shoko said as she motioned for Haya to follow her into the neighboring lab. Because not many people knew the existence of curses, there wasn’t exactly a full team of phlebotomists and nurses. Shoko ended up doing most of the work herself, which led to the dark bags under her eyes. 
Haya sat down in a chair, laying out her arm so that Shoko could tie a tourniquet around her bicep. She uncapped a fresh needle and inserted it into the vein before drawing blood into a few tubes she had nearby, all labeled with Haya’s first and last name. 
Once done she put some gauze on the puncture wound and wrapped a bandage around it. “For now, just get some rest. Maybe make that boyfriend of yours help out with the kid for once.” Shoko joked as she discarded the used needle and set the blood tubes aside. 
“How is Yua doing?” Haya asked as she stood up. She rubbed her clammy forehead, feeling dizzy from standing up suddenly. “She seems better to me for the most part, but then again she never seemed to be dealing with grief in a normal way in the first place.” 
“She’s doing much better now that she and Fushiguro are together,” Shoko said with a tired smile. “I guess they worked through their problems.” 
“Good,” Haya said, putting her hand down. “I guess I’ll go back to bed. You’re right, I should take a break before this gets any worse.” She grabbed her hoodie, the one she only wore when she felt like crap and put it back on. She gave Shoko a small nod and Shoko waved back as she left. 
Haya promptly made it back to her room before collapsing onto the bed dramatically. She managed to grab her phone and shoot a text to Miyu to let her know that she could have the day off since she wasn’t feeling too well. Miyu replied saying she’d make her some soup and told her to rest. 
October 31st, 2018 - 7:00 PM
Of course, on a day she was feeling like she had been hit by a train, there would be a city-wide emergency. Haya had woken up from her phone ringing and was regretting ever answering it. Principal Yaga had informed her that two mysterious curtains had appeared in Tokyo. The outer one was allowing humans and sorcerers to enter, however, humans could not leave. The inner would not let sorcerers inside. Worst of all, everyone trapped inside was crying for Gojo Satoru to help.
It smelled like a trap. She knew Gojo was capable of handling many things. He was the most powerful thing on the planet. He had destroyed most of the cursed tools that could be used against him effectively, but surely there had to be something still out there that could be used.
Currently, she was with Miyu on the sidelines, not far from Nanami and his group. Miyu didn’t bother to hide how worried she was about her mom, though Haya felt better now than she did that morning. Haya was growing more and more impatient at Gojo, taking his time to get there. Though it was likely he was just trying to assess the full situation first before going in. 
It wasn’t until an hour and a half later that he finally arrived. “Good luck kiss?” He asked with a morose smile. He was clearly trying to force himself to be upbeat, but even he could tell that something bad was looming on the horizon. 
Haya forced a smile before kissing him lightly, Miyu turned away in an attempt to not gag. “Be safe,” Haya said. 
“You’re not worried about me, are you?” Gojo teased before kissing her forehead. He made a face at how warm her skin felt. “I’ll be back in no time.” 
He left them both to step into the barrier and deal with whatever it was inside that wanted him so badly. That feeling of unease in the pit of her stomach began to grow exponentially as he disappeared from her sight. She didn’t know if it was from the nausea she was feeling or if something big was about to happen, but either way, there was no way this day was going to end without a few casualties. 
Not long after Gojo had left, Haya was approached by a manager who gave her the rundown of what the plan was. Different teams of sorcerers were going in the first barrier to finding the curse user that was putting up the inner one that kept all other sorcerers out. Haya was reluctant to let Miyu go in but knew that there wasn’t much of a choice. There were a lot of lives at stake and without knowing what the final goal was, they needed to act as swiftly as possible. She also needed backup and while most teams were in groups of three, theirs was only the two of them due to a shortage of sorcerers. She figured members of her family were here somewhere as well and she hoped that she didn’t run into them during the chaos. 
She hadn’t spoken to her brother since that day at the ramen shop. In fact, she hadn’t spoken to any of them. She had cut off all contact as a form of self-preservation. There was no chance in hell that she was even going to attempt to kill Itadori, even if it meant putting her life on the line to protect him. Fortunately, there had yet to be an attempt on her life though she often felt followed when she was away from the high school.
Once inside the outermost barrier, it seemed that curse after curse had appeared inside the once peaceful perimeter. Not just low-level ones either, but those capable of speech that Haya hadn’t actually come across before until now. She’d be lying if she said they didn’t scare the hell out of her. For once in her life, she let her fear fuel her need to destroy them and for the first time, Miyu saw the brutal and violent force that was Kuroishi Hayami. 
Despite her illness, she managed to exorcise curse after curse. Even ones that normally would have given her trouble seemed to not be much of a match. Haya was focused on one thing and one thing only: keeping her daughter safe. 
Miyu had known her mother was strong, she had felt it the day that they first met. Though she had not known she was capable of the technique she had seen Itadori use that night fighting those humanoid curses by the bridge. Black flash was supposed to be incredibly difficult to achieve, yet it was undeniable that that’s what the black slashes she was seeing appear during her mother’s swings at curses that were saying nonsense things to her. 
Miyu had gained her own strength as well. She was taking out lower-level curses and transfigured bodies left and right using her own cursed technique. Eventually, they crossed paths with Nanami and Fushiguro’s team, who seemed to haven’t been fighting quite as long as they had. 
Meanwhile, deep inside the station, Gojo had just canceled his domain expansion, finishing off as many curses as he could without harming any of the humans crowded nearby. It was only for less than a second, but it was enough to clear out all of the weaker opponents that had surrounded him. 
A strange cube landed in front of him and the undeniable voice of someone who should be very much dead could be heard, “Prison realm open.” 
The cube split into four corners all connected by a fleshy center. An eye opened, setting its sights on Gojo, and just as he was about to run he heard that voice again. “Yo! Satoru!!” He turned confused, eyes widening at the sight of Geto Suguru. “It’s been a while.” The man said and Gojo was frozen in place in shock. 
He had to be a fake, right? There was no way Suguru had survived the night parade of a hundred demons. It was impossible, he had made sure he was dead. Was it some kind of transformation technique? No, his eyes were telling him otherwise. The six eyes could see through any transformation technique and this was certainly not one. Suguru’s body was standing before him and memories of them together flooded his brain. 
A minute passed and suddenly he was being absorbed into the contraption before him. He cursed under his breath, struggling to get free though he had an inkling that it was impossible. His thoughts turned to Haya. What would she do when she saw him? Would she run to him? Join him? Kiss him? Gojo’s blood boiled, they had been doing so well lately and this was all it would take to end them for good. 
“C’Mon now, Satoru. Are you letting your mind wander during a fight? Thinking about that pretty girlfriend of ours?” Pseudo-Geto asked with a happy grin. 
“Who are you?” Gojo asked, praying his eyes were betraying him for once. Please just this once let him be wrong. 
“Geto Suguru, of course. Did you forget? How sad.” He replied with a fake frown. 
“Your body…and even your cursed energy…my six eyes tell me you’re Geto Suguru. But my soul knows otherwise. Hurry up and Answer!! Who the hell are you?!” He shouted, his anger raging even more as he struggled to move, sinking further into the trap of the cube. 
Geto popped off the top half of his skull and scalp, “Yeesh! How did you know?” The talking brain inside the skull quipped. He explained his cursed technique of switching bodies and taking on the technique of the person before. 
Gojo instantly realized the mistake he had made of not cremating his best friend’s body after death. Haya had begged and pleaded for it to be done. He even knew that it should be been destroyed but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Now this thing, person, whatever it was, was inside of him. 
“Don’t worry, the seal will be over soon enough. In a hundred…no maybe a thousand years. In the meantime, I’ll make sure to keep Hayami company. The memories of them together, fucking in an abandoned building, oh I can’t wait to have that delicious body back underneath me.” He looked blissful, a cruel smile on his lips. 
“She would never.” He hissed, though he wasn’t entirely sure if that were true or not. “She’ll know. She’ll know you’re not him.” 
“I never said it’d be consensual,” Kenjaku said, his wickedness showing in full force as Gojo struggled once more to get free. If not to save himself then to save the woman he loved from whatever fate this monster had in store for her. 
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“Nanamin!” Yuuji’s loud yell suddenly cut through all conversation, they had begun to theorize what was going on but didn’t have time to talk much until they were interrupted. “Nanamin, are you there?” He yelled again. 
Yuuji didn’t wait for a response before calling out again, “Gojo-sensei was sealed!!” 
The words hit Haya like a brick wall. Who had managed to seal the greatest sorcerer in all of Japan? She faltered, panic racing through her that she may have just seen him for the very last time. Dizziness swept over her before she managed to regain her composure. “Kento, watch Miyu.” She said hastily before sprinting in Yuuji’s direction, not giving them time to try and stop her. 
Miyu was also in shock, watching her mother go off on her own had her even more worried and scared. Could she be sealed as well? What would happen to her if something happened to Haya? Would she be taken back to America? She looked up at Nanami with a concerned look. “We must join Itadori at once.” He said in a serious voice, “If this sealing is true it’s all over for all humans in the country.” 
Haya managed to find Itadori before the others, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, despite being shorter than him. “Where?!” She demanded, “Where is he?!” 
“B5F,” Itadori said, a little bewildered, “but, sensei, there’s something you should know first-” 
Haya didn’t give him a chance to finish as she sprinted towards where Gojo might possibly be. She was praying to anyone listening to let him be freed, to give him the ability to get out of it somehow. She had no idea what he had been sealed with, was there really something out there strong enough to contain him? 
Yuuji frowned, knowing something even worse would happen if Haya found out who had sealed Gojo. While it wasn't truly Geto it was still his body. He only knew bits and pieces of what happened last December, but none of what he had heard was good. There was a chance she might not make it out alive either. His thoughts quickly moved to his girlfriend, he needed to get to her before she went after her mother too.
Haya fought curse after curse. There seemed to be a never-ending stream of them. Not only that but she kept getting lost in the large complex of the train station. It was when she came across a special grade in the vague shape of a human woman did she stop. “He’s looking for you.” It said cryptically. 
Who? She wanted to ask, but her fear was caught in her throat. Not fear of the curse but fear of Gojo being lost forever. Fear of never seeing him again. Never touching him again. Never growing old with him. She wanted to cry and scream and cry some more but there wasn’t any time. She had to get to him, she had to save him. There was no time….
“Get out of my way.” She practically growled, aching fists shaking. Her tekko had absorbed so much cursed energy that they were getting harder to hold. They felt heavier in her hands, rough blisters forming on the pads of her palms. She regretted bringing out black flash so early in the game. It had worn her down much faster. Even worse she felt like she may have the beginnings of a fever as well. It was harder to catch her breath and her heart was hammering away without slowing down.
“You’re sick.” The curse said, observing how Haya was swaying in place, her stance increasingly unsteady. It didn’t sound concerned, rather more curious. “He’ll be here soon.” 
Haya let out a scream of frustration before swinging a punch at the curse’s face. Her fist phased through it as if it were made of smoke. She tried again only for the same thing to happen. With frustration, she sent black shadow spikes through it. Nothing seemed to hurt it. As if it wasn’t truly corporal. 
“I’m not supposed to harm you.” It said plainly, “the curses here aren’t a danger to you, Kuroishi Hayami. He wants you unharmed.” 
Haya wavered, having no earthly idea who she could possibly be talking about. What did a curse user want with her? She wasn’t strong enough to take on special grades and she had no doubt that this user was of that level. Especially since he sealed away Gojo. “Who.” She said, aggravated and too tired to waste more energy on fighting something that wasn’t even attacking her. “Who wants me unharmed?” 
“Geto Suguru.” The curse said, though knowing it was truly someone else inhabiting Geto’s body. She simply did as she was instructed to do. “He’s here.” She whispered before finally disappearing. 
The tekko slid from Haya’s hands, clattering on the ground loudly as she heard footsteps behind her. With wide, terrified eyes she turned around to see the towering figure behind her, looking just as she remembered only with a stitched line across his forehead. 
“Hello, Tsubaki.” He said, with a twisted smile before her world went black.
October 31st, 2018 - 10:00 PM
Miyu along with Nanami, Maki, and Naobito were all walking through Shibuya station when they came across two signature knuckle dusters laying on the ground along with a splatter of blood. The younger girl gasped before picking up the tekko she knew to belong to her mother. Tears filled her eyes as she called out for her helplessly. 
The amount of blood left behind wasn’t a deadly one but it was still alarming. “Nanami?” She asked in a panic, though she was quickly feeling herself starting to shut down. Gojo was sealed and her mother was missing in action without her most beloved weapons. “We have to find her.” 
Nanami had a sinking feeling that he already knew where she was or rather who she was with. He placed a heavy hand on Miyu’s shoulder, “We’ll find her…I promise.” 
Miyu knew he was lying. She didn’t know how to explain it. Was it the look on his face or just the gravity of the situation? All she knew for sure was that the one person in the entire world that loved her the most was gone and with that, the world came crashing down around her. 
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Notice from Jujutsu Headquarters
1. Geto Suguru’s survival has been confirmed, and he has been sentenced to death again.
2. Gojo Satoru has been deemed an accomplice in the Shibuya Incident and is thus permanently exiled from the Jujutsu world, furthermore, removing his seal will be considered a criminal act.
3. Kuroishi Hayami has also been deemed an accomplice in the Shibuya incident and is thus sentenced to the death penalty. 
4. Yaga Masamichi shall receive the death penalty for inciting Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru and causing the Shibuya Incident. 
5. The suspension of Itadori Yuuji’s death sentence is revoked and the execution is to be carried out immediately. 
6. Special Grade Sorcerer Okkotsu Yuuta is appointed Itadori Yuuji’s executioner.
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November 1st, 2018 - Time Unknown
Haya awoke to blindness in a pitch-black room. There was a thin strip of light coming from underneath a door frame, but it was not enough for her to see from. The windowless room smelled like a dank basement, and she figured she must be somewhere underground.
She was upright, her wrists and ankles were chained to an X-cross. Cold air brushed along her bare skin and flashes of that strange smile she had seen on her ex’s face came to mind. 
Everything came rushing back, Gojo being sealed, Shibuya being under attack, and suddenly she was throwing up all over herself. There was nothing on her stomach, the watered-down acid slid down her nude form slowly. It was slimy and putrid and almost made her puke again. 
She could tell her hands were swollen. The blisters had popped and were oozing. She cursed at herself for dropping her weapons, for letting that…that thing attack her. It couldn’t be Suguru. How could it possibly? She had watched him die. It was his cursed energy,  but it was something different, something terrible. 
Haya did her best to mentally prepare herself for whatever was to come. In the darkness, there were no shadows to teleport through. Even if there were, she was much too drained from fighting so much earlier to use it. She also had to know where she was going or else she was liable to end up somewhere even worse off. 
She had to find a way out, she just had to. And after that, she’d do everything in her power to free Gojo from his seal. It had to have been Pseudo-Geto. He had to have caught him off guard somehow, made him falter just long enough to become ensnared. That curse she had seen before he had attacked her had been so strange…
Tears dripped off her chin as she came to the realization that no one would know where she was. No one would be coming to save her. The only person strong enough to take on Geto was Gojo and he was gone. Her thoughts turned to Miyu, was she even okay? Did she make it out alright? Was Nanami taking care of her as he promised her he would? 
Maybe he’d come. He’d somehow track her down. Nanami Kento was her only hope. 
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Miyu was empty. She felt like an old discarded seashell that had been washed over by wave after wave of grief and loss. She had watched as the man who promised to get her mother back was half-reduced to ash. She watched as sorcerer after sorcerer fell victim to either curse or curse user. There seemed to be so few people left unharmed. 
Kuroishi Hayami had been branded a traitor and had been sentenced to death. Miyu had no idea what would happen to her. She walked in silence along with Yuuji, Megumi, Yua, Yuuta, and Choso as they made their way back to the high school to try and find Master Tengen for answers. 
The few friends she had were with her, but she still felt a grave sense of abandonment. Yuuji had informed her that Pseudo-Geto had told them that she had changed sides. That her mother was now working for him. However, that just couldn’t be true, could it? Why would her mother leave her after promising countless times that she would never do such a thing? 
Her world was crumbling around her as she wondered who was next to leave her. Would it be Yuuji? Would he dump her and be with someone else? Would Yua find a new best friend? She felt cold as her thoughts turned back to how her mother had been sick the past few days. Was she even still alive? Was it possible that she was already dead by the man that was masquerading as her ex-boyfriend? 
“We have to save her.” She muttered out of nowhere. 
Yuuta, who she had only just met, looked at her with a sorrowful look. “No matter what that guy said, she would have never gone with him. Haya-sensei would never turn her back on us. Master Tengen will help us save Gojo-sensei and get your mom back.” 
Miyu stared at him, unsure of how he knew her mother so well. A small glimmer of hope sprouted in her aching heart. “You’ll help me?” 
“Of course, we’ll help you,” Yua said with a forced smile. “She’s our teacher too.” 
A sigh of relief left Miyu at the thought of not having to do this on her own. She didn’t think she was nearly strong enough to rescue her mother by herself, but maybe with the others helping her she just might be successful. 
“We’ll save them all then.” She murmured, “Tsumiki, Gojo-sensei and Hayami.” The other teens all nodded their heads in agreement, a new wave of strength washing over them. This nightmare wasn’t over yet, but they wouldn’t let the curse users win that easily. 
Soldiers, come quickly I feel the earth beneath my feetI'm feeling badly, it's not an attempt at decencyAnd if you're well off, well, then I'm happy some for youBut I'd rather not celebrate my defeatAnd humiliation here with you
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Epilogue may be posted early! It will for sure be posted by Sunday, May 1st.
The conclusion to Kuroshiro I.
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knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Chapter Four
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, (Adult) Child abuse - physical/verbal, Mentions of parent death, Mild violence, Slut shaming, Suicidal ideation, Mentions of blood, Mentions of PTSD, Hurt/Comfort
☙ Prev. ● Masterlist ● Next ❧
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Chapter Four: Twisted Roots
Haya sat next to Utahime, still feeling the drain from using so much cursed energy as Ijichi listed the casualties of the attack on Jujutsu High. She could hardly pay attention until the name of her best friend was mentioned. Ijichi explained that the current theory was that the cursed spirit Nanami had fought was the one who had killed the deceased.
She had some sense of the danger Nanami had been in when he fought the spirit one on one. He had even become injured during the fight and had her fussing over him like an annoyed older sister even though he was older than her by a few weeks.
“Do you think we should share this information with the students or the other sorcerers?” Utahime asked, looking at her boss, Principal Gakuganji. Haya huffed angrily, already knowing what his answer would be. Gojo was looking at her, though his head was turned as if he wasn’t. It was impossible for anyone to tell what he was looking at due to his blindfold being back on.
She could sense it, however. She always could tell when he was looking at her even if she couldn’t see it to prove it. She made a point of looking at Principal Yaga instead of him. Despite the fact that he had saved her from being obliterated by hollow purple, she was still very upset at the deception of Yuuji being alive for all this time.
“It’s probably better to keep this among the higher-ups,” Yaga said, looking down with a thoughtful expression on his face. “We don’t want to give curse users certainty that special-grade objects were stolen. Has the curse user we captured spilled anything?”
Ijichi looked at his clipboard with sheer exasperation. “Well it’s not hard to get him to talk but most of what he says is irrelevant nonsense. However, he claims that he only participated in the attack because he was ordered to as part of a deal.”
Haya’s gaze moved to Ijichi then, curious about who had really pulled the strings with the attack. Certainly, a curse didn’t orchestrate the entire thing? Ijichi went on to explain verbatim what the curse user had said. Though the person they described did not ring any bells for Haya, she still wondered if perhaps this was remnants of the curse users that followed Geto back when he was still alive.
“Is there any sorcerer skilled at getting confessions?” Gojo asked though he knew the answer.
“I am,” Haya replied simply, but her methods were a little…unorthodox.
“He’s too injured for you to question, Kuroishi.” Principal Yaga said. “We will find another way.”
Haya scoffed, her fists clenching angrily at being told she couldn’t do something. The problem was Haya had a tendency to ask questions with her fists and while that worked for some people, everyone in the room doubted it would work for their prisoner.
Utahime asked how they got through Master Tengen’s barrier in the first place and Gojo explained his theory on how. Haya only half-listened as she thought about the six fingers that were taken. If given to Itadori, then he would become all the more powerful. She was certain she’d be unable to kill him if had eaten that many.
Though she was uncertain if she could kill him regardless. She had never actually killed anyone before, though she had no doubt that she could if the situation call for it. But what situation ever called for killing a child? On top of that, she was certain Miyu would never forgive her if she found out. The idea of losing Miyu made her heart ache and Gojo wondered why she looked so forlorn as she stared into her lap.
It was then decided that the students would decide if the goodwill games would be canceled or not. Haya had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, not so much about the games but about the call she received from her father earlier. She excused herself, giving a small bow to the principals before leaving to go find Miyu to again make sure she was alright.
Instead of going to the baseball game that was held the following day, Haya went to her family’s estate to deal with her father. She knew Miyu would be upset that she was not there to watch her play, but the gravity of the situation with her father was more pressing. She had to find a way to stall the kill order on Itadori’s head for as long as possible. That or get a firm idea of what the consequences would be if she could not complete the task.
So she sat, forehead on the tatami mat beneath her in a bow as her father entered the room. Haya was frowning, a mixed expression of anger and fear that she was thankful he could not see. Her brows slackened as she raised up once she was addressed.
“Sukuna’s vessel is alive,” Daiki said plainly and Haya merely nodded.
A hand collided with the side of her face, his ring catching her eyelid just enough to make it bleed. “Gojo Satoru hid this child and you want me to believe that you had no idea what he was up to?”
Haya cursed Gojo inwardly as a thin trail of blood oozed down her cheek. She shut the one eye, praying it wouldn’t swell too much. “We are not together. I didn’t know.” She replied in the calmest voice she could muster. It was only a half-truth. They had been together during the time but they weren’t currently. At least, Haya said they weren’t. Somewhere inside her, she knew the breakup wouldn’t last. They’d get back together like always. History was doomed to repeat itself indefinitely.
“Of course you were.” His voice was like venom as he spoke, “probably because you open your legs for anyone.” It worked its way into her ears and blood and heart. “Maybe if you were faithful like your mother had been, he wouldn’t keep leaving you.”
She closed the eye that had been open, knowing she shouldn’t say what she was about to say. “Gojo Satoru is a bigger slut than me, father. Maybe you should take it up with him.”
He grabbed her tight bun in his fist, yanking it back so hard that she saw blinding white stars speckle her inside of her eyelids. Maybe if she was lucky he’d finally kill her. No, that’d mean he’d have to face the consequences of his actions for once. While she could conceal his bruises and keep a very angry Gojo away, if she were dead then there would be no stopping the six eyes from getting his revenge.
And Revenge, Gojo Satoru would certainly get for the loss of his love. Even if it wasn’t a healthy love, it was still real.
Haya felt something crack as he hit her sides repeatedly with the wooden cane he kept by his side, not for support for walking but to punish his brat children whenever they stepped out of line. Maybe if she had been born under a different sun, like her brother, she would be able to keep her mouth shut. She could be subservient. She could just ignore the looks of ill-will and snide remarks of her appearance or personality.
But Haya was more like fire than water. All fury and rage and contempt. Her tongue was sharp and holding it only made her taste blood. He had tried many times to beat the flame from her soul but it would never work. It could never be snuffed out by the likes of him.
She only wished she had the nerve to fight back. While he was her abuser, her attacker, her torturer, he was still her father. A father that had once loved her very dearly when she was so tiny that she could hardly remember it. What changed, she asked herself over and over. The accident hadn’t been her fault. Her mother protecting her only daughter from a curse, her mother who had always been frail and not meant for the sorcerer world, her mother who had truly been her father’s soulmate gone at the hands of a thing she could barely understand the existence of at the time.
Haya thought back to the happy times as his hits continued. His anger was unjust yet somehow she felt deserving of it. Somehow it had been her fault. Somehow she had destroyed his world like she continued to destroy her own. So many things she wished she could be but she simply was not. Life could be so cruel sometimes.
When he was done, when his anger had been quelled by the sheer exertion of force onto his youngest child, Daiki stood straight, tapping his cane on the ground in a single for Haya to right herself from her hunched over position. Blood dripped down her face and she was certain she had broken a rib or two. She longed for Gojo more than anything. There was no place on Earth safer than by his side or in his arms. She wanted to cry.
“Exterminate Sukuna’s vessel or I’ll exterminate you.” Her father whispered darkly into her ear and the coldness she felt from both shock and pain made her shiver. Then her suspicions had all been confirmed. Haya wasn’t meant to complete this mission. She wasn’t meant to survive.
She was meant to die.
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Gojo knew something was up with his ex-girlfriend. She had made the clear that night that they were broken up due to his deception and while he couldn’t really blame her for being upset he also thought she was being a tad bit ridiculous. Even Miyu had already forgiven Itadori for not telling her he had been alive this whole time.
When she didn’t come to the game, he actually became worried. While he put on a smile and joked around with the students, it still pestered him that she was not there for Miyu like she normally was. When he asked the teen about it, Miyu simply said that her mother had a mission and couldn’t make it. He knew that to be untrue. Principal Yaga wouldn’t have given her an assignment until the goodwill games were over. If it was something that pressing then he just could have sent Nanami or another first-grade sorcerer.
The game had finished by the time he felt her enter through Master Tengen’s barrier. He forced a smile at his students who were celebrating their win and made a flimsy excuse about needing to leave.
Once he was gone, Itadori asked where they thought he was really going. To which Fushiguro replied that it probably had something to do with Hayami. He had been used to their ups and downs, having witnessed them for years now.
“Haya-sensei seemed really upset that I was still alive.” Itadori mumbled, “Do you think she wants me dead too?”
Miyu was quiet but the thought of Haya wanting Yuji dead deeply upset her. He was, after all, still a very good friend despite what he had done. Could her new mom really be hiding something like that from her?
“It’s not like that.” Fushiguro replied simply, “her family specialized in vessels at one time before they were outlawed. Her father probably wants you dead but she never agrees with anything he says.” He chose to leave out the part where Haya typically paid for those disagreements. “She’s probably just mad at Gojo for not telling her.”
Yuji nodded, hoping that that was indeed the case. He still didn’t quite understand why everyone wanted him dead. He could so far control Sukuna, though he knew things would get more dangerous the more fingers he consumed.
Panda called the three over to a celebratory lunch that the school was going to host and with that, the conversation died.
Ijichi had picked Haya up from her childhood home and driven her back to the school as she laid a broken mess on the back seat. She just wanted to sleep. For hours, days, weeks, the rest of eternity. Her head and torso hurt the most, and she was sure that she had already started to swell grotesquely. She had mumbled something to him about not telling Gojo when she had collapsed into the back of his car, but Ijichi had no intentions of keeping this from him.
Ijichi saw Gojo waiting for them as he parked the car, wondering how he knew they had arrived. He kept a finger to his lips, signaling Ijichi not to say anything and Haya was too out of it to sense his presence. As soon as the car door was unlocked, the back door by Haya’s feet was opening and Gojo looked over at her with a deep frown.
He didn’t have to ask who did it, because he already knew. As gently as he possibly could, he pulled her into his arms and picked her up to carry her to Shoko. Luckily the medical wing wasn’t far from the entrance of the school and he could avoid the students getting there.
Haya’s small hand came up to clutch his shirt, finding comfort in the familiar uniform fabric. Her eyes were closed but she still knew that it was him. She finally felt like she could safely relax and was thankful that he wasn’t bombarding her with questions. There was a pang in her chest of wanting to remain close to him. It was hard to tell him to fuck off when she needed him most.
Rage flowed through him as he held her small, trembling body in his arms. He hadn’t expected her to be in such bad shape when he saw her and it was taking all of him not to demand answers. Though obviously, the only one she’d let do this to her was her piece of shit father, he wanted to know why. What had caused her father to be so outraged this time? Was it really over Itadori?
He’d have to wait until she was somewhat healed before he could probe for more information. She looked so small, so defeated, so vulnerable, and it reminded him of the time he found her after Geto had his way with her, only with more blood and less heartbreak.
Why hadn’t she just told him? He would have gone with her. He would have protected her. He would have made her father answer for all the horrible shit he’s done in the past. Though he knew their relationship was the cause of a lot of their arguments, he couldn’t imagine that Daiki would go this hard over them breaking up again.
He wondered if Haya had said anything to provoke him. He knew how hard it was for her to keep her mouth shut sometimes. As angry as it sometimes made him, he’d never have the heart to physically hurt her.
He laid her down on one of the hospital-style beds and fetched the good doctor who had been in her office going over some paperwork. Shoko didn’t seem too surprised when she saw Haya looking worse for wear. She had been forewarned that her services would be needed by Haya herself. Shoko began some basic healing as she asked Gojo if he knew what had happened.
“No. She didn’t even tell me she was going over there.” He muttered with aggravation. He hated feeling like he couldn’t protect her, especially when he so easily could have.
Haya’s family life was a terribly kept secret. Everyone knew how her father treated her but no one said anything either. It was a clan matter and they were all outsiders. Haya even said she didn’t want help when it came to him. She wanted to handle it all on her own, though she never found the nerve to actually do that.
Shoko managed to heal the lacerations and the bruises and even fixed the cracked ribs. She was talented at what she did and was slowly passing that on to her little cousin who had been a quick learner. When she was finished, she stepped away. “So, I heard you two broke up again.” She added, obviously playful and not believing it to be true. Everyone knew they couldn’t resist the magnetic pull to one another. It was a running gag whenever they called it quits. No one believed it except the women that had been lusting after Gojo in the first place.
While none were stupid enough to square off with the well-muscled Haya, they waited like vultures for the love to die so that they could sweep in and hopefully make Gojo see the error of his ways. Unfortunately for them, he never did. As much pain as she brought him, he still loved her deeply. Sometimes he feared that he always would.
“She’s mad I didn’t tell her about Itadori.” He said with a shrug. “She’ll get over it.”
Shoko merely snorted. It seemed the two of them could get through anything, which was apparent after Geto’s death. She had been sure that they were done for good that time. Maybe they had a pesky red string of fate connecting them and that’s what brought them back again and again.
Haya let out a soft groan as she brought a hand up to her head to hold her still-swollen face. She recognized the stiff mattress of the bed almost immediately and knew that she was in the infirmary. She heard the voices of Gojo and Shoko and immediately regretted not pretending to be still unconscious.
“Hey beautiful,” Gojo said with a smirk, and Haya knew he was being sarcastic. She was sure she looked anything but right now with the swelling that was yet to go down. She knew that she probably looked like an ugly mess right now.
She opened one eye to glare at him, the other she was unable to open just yet. Though Shoko had healed her, it would take a few hours for her appearance to go back to normal. She’d still be sore for a while until the initial shock of her physical trauma was gone. “What are you doing here, Gojo?” She asked though she knew the answer already.
He tutted, “so ungrateful. I’m the one that carried you here.” He replied playfully and a sour expression crossed her face. She should have known he’d figure out that something was up. He could always tell when she was lying and sense when she was in danger. Though he was acting more joyfully than she thought he would. Probably because Shoko was present.
“I’ll leave you two kids to it. Haya, you’re staying the night here so don’t think about leaving.” the doctor said pointedly before walking back into her adjacent office. Gojo’s jovial expression dropped once he was sure she was out of earshot.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going over there? I would have gone with you.” He asked in a hushed tone, his aggravation with her showing now. Haya gave him an equally annoyed look, not really wanting to talk to him. When she didn’t answer he continued, “are you going to at least tell me what happened?”
Haya huffed, but she knew it would help her feel better to get it off her chest. “He thinks I knew about Itadori being alive.” She said, “And that you left me because I’m a slut. You know, the usual.”
He didn’t seem any more pleased that she had answered him, mostly because he was thinking of all the ways he could just kill Kuroishi Daiki in his head. “You should just get back together with me then and he’ll have nothing to complain about.”
Of course, Daiki would always be able to find something to complain about. Though overall he was more lenient when she and Gojo were together. Still, she didn’t look like she thought he deserved her back just yet. “No, Gojo.” He nearly flinched at her not using his first name, “I’m still very much mad at you for not telling me that he was alive. You had every opportunity and you know you can trust me to keep something like that secret. You chose to deceive me, and that not only hurt me but it hurt my daughter too.”
He let out a long sigh, hating how she wouldn’t just see reason. Didn’t she know by now that he was always right? How troublesome. “You said yourself if he was alive then you’d have to kill him. How was I supposed to tell you?”
She was quiet then, finally seeing his side of things. It still didn’t quell her anger and hurt. “You know as well as I do that I am not capable of that.”
“Desperate people are capable of things they wouldn’t normally do,” Gojo replied. Haya frowned more, not liking to consider herself desperate. But, again he was right, she was desperate. Desperate for parental love and acceptance. Desperate for approval and a pat on the back. Desperate for a job well done. Gojo knew all of this because he sometimes knew her better than she knew herself.
As she tried to think of a response to that, Gojo decided to ask another question. “Did you receive any orders while you were there?”
Haya thought back to the words her father had whispered into her ear before she stumbled outside and into the car. It was only right that Gojo knew. “Yes.” She said, deciding to be forthright. “Exterminate Sukuna’s vessel or I’ll exterminate you.” She specified.
His hands twitched as they threatened to ball up into fists. He didn’t care if Haya wasn’t his girlfriend, she was still the one person on the planet alive that he was closest to. No matter how furious she made him or how much she hurt him, he doubted he could ever willingly let anything bad happen to her.
“What are you going to do then?” He asked, his tone forced. She could tell he was upset. It wasn’t as if a breakup meant that your feelings were suddenly turned off. Though things would be much easier if they were. Maybe then they’d be allowed to live separate lives.
“Let him kill me, I guess.” She said, and he could tell she was being facetious. Her flippant attitude annoyed him more than calmed him. He wanted to shake her until she acted appropriately for the situation at hand. Gojo was normally one to play around, I mean he could handle the world if he needed to, but sometimes the situation called for seriousness. This was one of them.
“Hayami.” Gojo said, and she nearly flinched. An angry Gojo could be quite frightening, not that he’d ever hurt her in that way but it was a reaction she had picked up while growing up in an abusive household. An angry man usually meant a swinging hand. Although the only person who knew her that had ever dared to throw a fist at her was her own father. Still, humans were fragile things, it didn’t take much to condition them to fear emotion.
He noticed her reaction and immediately felt guilty, but not guilty enough to stop. “I know you won’t harm a child. Definitely not Sukuna’s vessel. Let me protect you.”
Since her second year of high school, Haya had been physically strong. She had done an obscene amount of strength training after she chose to use a cursed tool that was heavily reliant on physical strength. The harder she hit a curse, the more of its energy her tekko would take away. This meant that her build had gone from petite to muscular pretty fast.
She received plenty of comments from her family on how she had made herself undesirable, at least until she began formally dating Gojo. If a Gojo wanted to be with her, then certainly she was doing something right. Though her father would just say she was a seductress that got him by spreading her legs.
What a charming man.
Haya felt like she was going to cry. She didn’t necessarily want to, but the stress had been weighing down more heavily as of late. Gojo grabbed her hand gently and squeezed it. “You can be mad at me about Yuuji, that’s fine. You don’t have to forgive me for lying to you. But I’m not going to lose someone else. I’m not going to let you die.”
She rubbed at her good eye with her free hand before nodding, “Okay…okay.” She muttered, feeling embarrassed that she wasn’t strong enough to handle it herself in the first place. At least he wasn’t making her forgive him in repayment.
There was a short comfortable silence as Haya managed to gather her emotions back together. “Who won the game?”
Gojo smirked, “We did, of course. You know, your daughter was pretty good out there. She definitely takes after her mom in the athletic department.”
Haya cracked a smile, “of course, I’ve been training her since the day we met. How to pick up boys and how to knock them out when they misbehave. The first part she’s not so good at yet.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her, “if she dresses like you then she’ll have no problem.” He teased, referring to her typically revealing attire. He knew she stopped being modest as a stab at Geto, but it became quite becoming of her. He rather liked being able to stare at her exposed skin whenever he pleased, even when they were off again.
She laughed, though he had half expected her to get angry. “She has a better sense of style than me, to be honest.”
“You mean, she likes to wear actual clothes?” He corrected her.
“I wear real clothes!” Haya protested and he just chuckled in response.
He propped his head upon his hand, his elbow on her bed. “You know you’re a MILF now, right?” He said with a shit-eating grin.
Haya stared at him, unsure of how to respond to that. “Just say you want to fuck me, Satoru, don’t make it weird.”
“If you’re Miyu’s mom, does this make me the dad?” He asked, his smile growing.
“Absolutely not, you’re the weird uncle. Nanami can be the dad.” She said with a huff.
“Oh? You’re leaving me for Nanamin now?” He replied, pretending to be hurt. “How could you?”
Haya tried not to laugh at the expression he was making. “Easily, you’re a jerk.”
“I’m your jerk.” He replied, a little more serious now.
She let out a sigh of defeat, “yes, you’re my jerk.”
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Interlude Four coming Sunday, March 20th Geto and Gojo lay their eyes on Haya for the very first time. A/N: I'm taking next weekend off. I know I'm going to need the mental break <3
21 notes · View notes
knchins · 2 years
If I can… can I request a Haya and Gojo drabble or one shot or whatever you feel comfortable with, having another argument over something silly and Haya just begrudgingly making up with him?? Their petty arguments in your fic were some highlights for me.
of course you can ToT I love writing my babies! This is probably a little more serious of an argument but it still turns out good in the end <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed their banter, it was so much fun to write!
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Pairing: Gojo x OC
Warnings: mentions of breakups/makeups, verbal argument, food/cooking
Word Count: 735
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The first time he made fun of her cooking, Haya had cried. Not in front of him of course, but later that night when she lay in bed in her dorm room. She had only been a teenager at the time and it was before Geto had left to become a curse user. He had shielded her back then, stood up for her, but after he was gone she learned to grow a thicker skin. Without him, she had to in order to take whatever little jab Gojo had thought of next. 
She knew it was his own strange way of showing affection. After all, he only joked around with those he cared about and seriously insulted those he didn’t. Though it was hard to tell sometimes which was which. Haya still took them the wrong way sometimes, and that would lead to a full-blown argument which was the cause of today’s verbal brawl. 
She had made him tonkotsu ramen which had taken hours to make, actually, it had taken her practically all day. Today was their anniversary, though Gojo could never keep track since technically they did break up a lot. Haya only celebrated one date though and that was the day they officially started dating for the first time, which was soon after she had fled into his arms after Suguru had left. 
It didn’t matter to her if they had broken up, they had always managed to come back together by this date. It was a cycle that always came full circle around the same time of year. She had never been a particularly good cook, but she wasn’t terrible either. When she had asked Gojo what she should make for him for their special date, he jokingly said tonkotsu ramen which Haya took as a challenge rather than an insult. 
She set the picture-perfect bowl in front of him. He took one look at it before glancing up at her behind his sunglasses. “You really made it? I was just kidding.” 
Haya ignored him as she sat down with her own bowl, determined to not let his mannerisms bother her. “Well, I decided to go all out this year.” She said as she took a bite. It wasn’t fantastic by any means, however, she was pleasantly surprised by how well it had turned out. 
At least, she had thought it did. 
Gojo first complained about it being too salty. Then the noodles weren’t cooked long enough. The broth wasn’t creamy enough. The egg had a weird texture. She felt her right eye twitching and anger growing with each critique. How hard was it for him to just suck it up and enjoy something she had cooked for once? She handed even noticed the smile forming on his lips.
Finally, she snatched the half-eaten bowl away from him. “If it’s so bad, Gojo, then I’ll eat it myself!” 
He knew he was in deep shit when she called him by his last name. “Haya, wait I’m still eating!” 
“No, you’re done.” She snapped back as he tried to take his bowl back. She smacked his hand with her spoon. “You’re done! I slaved over a stove all fucking day for you and all you’ve done is criticize the food. You’re a really asshole sometimes, you know that? Gods, why do I even-” 
Gojo burst out laughing and her eyes narrowed dangerously as she felt her hands ball into fists. 
“I’m just joking, it tastes great. I thought you could tell when I was pressing your buttons.” He finally managed to retrieve his bowl as she stared at him. 
“You’re still an asshole.” She muttered, a little embarrassed that she had fallen for his trick. “You shouldn’t joke about something like that when someone works really hard.” 
Her angry expression had morphed into a pout as he devoured the rest of his food, clearly enjoying it this time around. He set down his empty bowl as she picked at hers, no longer feeling hungry. 
“Let me make it up to you.” He said and she looked up to him to see him smirking down at her. “I’ve got a can of whipped cream in the fridge, want to be my dessert?” 
A reluctant smile tugged on her lips, “I’d love to.” She said, “after you do the dishes.” 
He let out a groan, “fine, I’ll do the dishes while you go get naked.”
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Kuroshiro Masterlist | Request Rules
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knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Prologue
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: ~800 words
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, angst, breakup,
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Suguru Geto, now defected from Jujutsu Tech approached a blossoming osmanthus tree at a casual gait. His hands were in his pockets and a typical wry smile on his face. It was a look that didn’t quite meet his dark eyes. His classmates had perhaps not noticed the complete lack of comfort and ease in them. His mind had been made, the first steps of his plan to rid the world of non-sorcerers had been taken. He could not go back now or ever. He was a traitor, now and forever.
Kuroishi Hayami was standing beneath the tree, her back to the upperclassman that was approaching her. Delicate orange petals had fallen into her long black hair that was pinned into the two space buns that she typically kept it in. Though he could not see her face and despite the fact that she made no sound or visible movement, he knew that she was crying. Worse than that, he knew she was angry.
Haya sensed his presence immediately. His cursed energy had always felt different than anyone else’s. It was something that she had loved about him from the very beginning. She could find him in a crowd of hundreds just by following the unique sensation his energy gave off. She had once thought it to be like a red string of fate connecting them. That fate would have them together forever. It was the nonsense of a teenager in love and nothing more.
“Why?” Her voice was low and callous. She had never been so cold towards him. This was the part he was dreading most. This was the one thing that almost stopped him from going through with it. Because despite their growing differences in ideology, he had truly loved her too.
Suguru did not answer her question, mostly because the answer seemed all too obvious. He had explained it to Shoko already and he knew that if she had told his former best friend that she more than likely told his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend as well. “Join me, Haya.” He said simply. “You know what I could do with your family’s technique. I could make you into a sorcerer in the same leagues as myself or maybe even beyond that. Maybe closer to Go-”
“It is forbidden!” She snapped, turning finally to face him with enraged blue eyes. “You want me to betray everything I stand for? Kill all non-sorcerers? Join you and take on not only all of Japan but the entire world?” Angry tears kept flowing seamlessly down her cheeks. “You want me to do a cursed technique I have been sworn to never do, under penalty of death because you think I care if I’m as strong as you? As the six eyes?! You think I’m so pathetic that all I care about is how powerful I am? I thought you knew me, but I guess I was wrong.”
That wasn’t true. Suguru knew good and well that she’d never join him. He had predicted her response down to the letter. This was not a surprise to him and he wondered why he even bothered to try. Why he thought saying goodbye would mean anything. In the end, he knew deep down that it wouldn’t. The relationship was over for good. It didn’t matter if she knew that he was doing this partially for her. To help keep her safe. To keep her corpse from rotting on the mountain of all the other sorcerers that died on the job. Because he knew that was what her fate was designed to be. Kuroishi Hayami was not destined for greatness. She was not destined for power. Her first-grade rank would never inch higher. All it took was one special grade to take her out and the thought of him not being there to save her tore him up more so than the useless monkeys that he spied meandering the courtyard below. She would die to protect such ungrateful creatures. It was unfortunate but it was his new reality.
“Goodbye, Tsubaki.” He replied, using the nickname he had given her. His voice was calm and soft as if nothing was happening. As if he wasn’t tearing entire worlds apart with his actions. She stared, unable to find any kind of response that could properly convey how she really felt at that moment. It was impossible. Words weren’t enough and she wasn’t strong enough to kill him herself. Even worse she didn’t have the resolve to even try. Despite what he was doing to her and everyone else around them, she could not raise a hand against him. Not now, not ever.
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Next Update: Sunday, January 23
24 notes · View notes
knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Chapter Two
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, physical abuse, mentioned child abuse, character death (canon), mentioned suicidal ideation
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Chapter Two - Rebirth
Once Haya managed to get Miyu to bed, having had to abandon their shopping trip for the time being thanks to her meddling asshole boyfriend. Miyu passed out shortly after her outburst and thankfully Gojo carried her home. While Haya was probably strong enough to bench the teenager’s weight, it was the height difference that made it difficult.
Currently, Haya was pacing a hole into the floor of Gojo’s bedroom floor as he lounged on his bed. “How did I not see this sooner?” She asked herself for the dozenth time. “She’s a vessel. The voices, I just assumed she was hearing curses that were around her. That they weren’t really saying anything that she was just so traumatized that she misheard. It was her the entire time.”
That voice had been a cursed spirit named Aruna. Aruna was once a human and a very distant ancestor of Miyu. She was sold to Sukuna and the two formed a relationship that very few knew about. While Haya had known the ancestry, she hadn’t put much stock in the idea that Miyu could be a vessel.
In short, she did not think it was possible. Itadori became a vessel after ingesting a cursed object - Sukuna’s finger. Miyu had never ingested anything like that, at least not that anyone knew of. She was most likely born this way. It was something that was not really heard of. To get more information, she’d have to visit her father and look in the library to see if any of the old texts on vessel creation.
“Hayami, my rug is going threadbare,” Gojo said in a teasing tone as he watched her ass while she walked. What a sight for sore eyes, he thought jokingly to himself. “You know what your dad would say, don’t you?”
“Fuck him,” Haya muttered under her breath, knowing he was only trying to rile her up more. Sometimes he enjoyed pushing her buttons a little too much. “He’d tell me how much of an idiot I am before telling me to kill her.”
She stopped, heart dropping at the realization, “Oh my god, Satoru, we can’t tell anyone about this.”
He blinked, his glasses shifting at her using his first name. It was the first indication at how truly upset she was, and instantly he knew it would be better to stop trying to anger her. While he was still trying to gauge her and Miyu’s relationship, it was quite apparent by her display in the store how much she cared about her.
“Haya, it’ll be fine, come here.” He said, patting his thigh for her to crawl into his lap. She did so rather obediently, needing comfort from the anxiety that was causing her chest to feel painfully tight.
She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes to breathe in the smell of his cologne. His scent had a way of calming her down, even when they were at each other’s throats. Though if she ever admitted that to him, he’d definitely use it against her. His large hand ran over her spine in a repeated motion that caused her to heave a heavy sigh.
“This probably isn’t the right time to tell you this, but I have to leave for a mission tomorrow.” He said, feeling her stiffen in his arms. “I’ll only be gone for a few days, when I get back I’ll take you out somewhere nice, okay?”
She relaxed once more, melting into his warmth as suddenly she felt like she couldn’t get enough of him. “Okay.” Her voice was soft and distant. “Can you help me keep this a secret? Miyu isn’t strong like Itadori. She’s so fragile right now. Physically she’s getting stronger, she is learning how to use her technique well. Mentally, she still has a long way to go.”
He rested her head against hers, “I figured. I read the report you sent when you were still in America. Yes, I’ll help you keep it under wraps.”
Haya kissed his neck lightly and felt his shudder at the sensation. “I mean it, Satoru. No one can know about this.”
“Alright, Haya. I’ll make sure it doesn’t get out.” He replied.
“Can we just lay down for a while? I’m still really tired and I don’t think Miyu will be getting up any time soon.” She said tiredly.
Gojo laid back on the bed, shifting so they were lying side-by-side instead of her on top of him. He resumed rubbing her back. “Get some sleep, baby.” He said softly. Not a minute later she was asleep in his arms.
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“We paid all that money for you to bring that girl back from America and you couldn’t even bring her here to meet us?” The currently Kuroishi clan head, Hayami’s father, spat irritably at her. “I want to see my worthless daughter’s new plaything.”
Haya remained bowed to him, eyes flickering to her elder brother who was standing to the side with his hands clasped behind his back. She wished he’d say something, anything to their father to defend her. However, deep down she knew he’d remain silent. Only after her verbal (and maybe physical) lashing, would he console her. Not that it meant much after the fact.
“Father, Miyu is on an assignment right now with the rest of the first years. They are on an important rescue mission that I could not detract her from. Certainly, you understand that her education is more important.” Haya said, keeping her tone even and cool. If she let her temper rule then she’d probably have another bruise to explain to Gojo later or even worse, Miyu.
Daiki scoffed indignantly, grabbing Haya’s chin so he could force her to look up at her. His dirty short nails dug into the soft flesh of her face. “Don’t make me out to be some kind of fool, Hayami. You are her teacher, you could have requested her to not go.”
“It was either she go or I go.” Haya replied coldly, her aggravation getting the best of her. The rebuttal earned her a harsh slap to the right side of her face. The sting reminded her once more of the real reason she did not bring Miyu. Miyu didn’t need to see her new mother being weak. If Haya had her way, then they’d never meet. That was not likely to be possible though.
The truth was, Hayami was told she was not allowed to go, despite how dangerous the mission was said to be. She had faith in Fushiguro’s abilities and knew he’d do what he could to keep his classmates safe. Still, she knew better than anyone that even students die in the field.
Yu’s smiling face flashed in front of her mind just before the image of his corpse on the metal slab in the morgue. Ijichi promised he’d call if things turned south. Her nerves had been on edge since. Miyu and Yuuji had at least been somewhat getting along, though since they had different teachers they weren’t forced to interact much.
She dared to look up at her father, who was actually not very tall himself. At least, not compared to Gojo. Daiki looked furious at her usual insubordination. How many times did he have to hit her to get her to understand her place? Always such an insolent little girl, he was convinced she’d never grow up. Or if she did, it would only be to disgrace the Kuroishi family name.
They weren’t one of the big three families, but Daiki sure acted like they were. They were probably closer to the Inumaki level of notoriety, with very loose ties to the Zen’in clan. Hayami had been the one to teach Fushiguro how to create portals with his shadow, as it was one of those techniques that crossed between their families.
She was punished severely for it whenever Daiki and the elders found out. It was so bad that Gojo actually used his own family influence to put pressure on them to stop their harassment. If he had his way, then the Kuroishi clan would be no more.
And truthfully, Hayami wished her family gone just as much as he did, if not more. The resentment, the heartbreak, the disappointment, the rejection, all of it she had been feeling since she was old enough to remember. Being born a woman was a curse upon her, so much so that she wondered what she did in her previous life to deserve it.
“Father, I believe what my sister is trying to say is that in order to make the clan proud, we much make sure Miyu gets the best education possible. If she does well on this mission, then it will bode well for our family.” Daisuke, her brother, said in an apathetic tone. He dare not let his sympathy show.
Daiki let go of Haya and took a step back, “you make an excellent point, my son.” He said, stroking his short beard. Haya could feel still the sting of her cheek and the churning of anger in her chest.
She knew it would be best if she were to leave sooner rather than later. Her phone began to ring and she quickly answered it, knowing her father wouldn’t berate her when someone else could hear it. It was Ijichi, frantically informing her of the current situation at the detention center.
A special grade had appeared and while three of the teens had made it out, Itadori Yuuji was still inside and was about to let Sukuna take control of his body. “I’ll be right there. Don’t leave until I get there.” She said before hanging up. She looked up at her father, “I need to go, there’s trouble at the detention center. I need to contain Sukuna’s vessel.”
“Wait, Hayami.” Daiki said in a tone that made her blood run cold. “Sukuna’s vessel cannot be allowed to survive this. If he does, then it will be up to you to take care of him.” His expression left no room for protest, not if she wanted to leave and get to Miyu as soon as possible. She nodded, bowing again before running to catch a cab.
She arrived at the detention center to find Miyu and Nobara being taken care of by Yua, who Haya had not realized was on standby. Yua had the same reverse technique as Shoko and since the death of her parents had come to study under her big cousin.
“Mom!” Miyu said, running to her and hugging her, luckily not noticing the red mark still on her cheek. It did not go unnoticed by Ijichi, who knew exactly where it had come from. It wasn’t a secret, after all.
“Where is Fushiguro and Itadori?” She asked Ijichi, scanning the horizon.
“Fushiguro is fighting Sukuna.” He replied.
Haya cut him off before he could explain further, “Take the girls back to campus, Fushiguro can’t handle a special grade on his own.”
The assistant director stared at her. Haya was only a grade one sorcerer. She wouldn’t be able to handle Sukuna either. But she knew her being a teacher outweighed her own self-preservation. “Ijichi. We can’t let Sukuna run rampant, he has to be contained.” She said firmly. “I’m going to help Fushiguro, make sure the other students are safe.”
He sighed and nodded, ushering the girls into his car. “Better hurry, your sensei is scary when she’s angry.” He muttered under his breath.
“Thank you, Kiyotaka.” He heard her say quietly before using her senses to run towards the large amount of cursed energy nearby.
The overcast sky was making it difficult for her to see. The less light there was, the more her vision disappeared with it. She crouched, reaching into her shadow to pull out her glasses and put them on for better visibility, her lineage having been cursed with night-blindness for centuries now. The special lenses allowed her to see cursed energy and give her better awareness of her surroundings based on the location of shadows.
She could make out Fushiguro and then Sukuna in the jaws of Orochi, the snake shikigami. Nu was helping as well, hitting him with repeated lightning attacks.
Then Orochi was gone, destroyed by Sukuna in an instant. Haya’s knees felt weak, her hands trembling as she reached into her pockets for her Tekko, the cursed tools she used more often than her actual shadow manipulation. She hadn’t felt this powerless since she had to be saved by Geto a few years before he died. Though that had admittedly been a trap.
Sukuna noticed her presence but didn’t care enough to acknowledge it, not with his plaything right in front of him. He picked Fushiguro up and threw him through the trees, only to catch him and throw him through buildings.
Haya struggled to keep up, feeling more like a gnat against a lion than anything else. She couldn’t help but think that this had been planned, particularly due to her father’s words. Yuuji wasn’t meant to survive this and by the hole in his chest, she knew that he wouldn’t.
It was the outcome she had told Gojo would come to pass, not that he’d ever listen to her when it counted. By the time she managed to catch up to the two, Yuuji was on the ground dead. The rain was coming down harder, masking the stray tears that had escaped the young sorcerer’s eyes.
“Megumi.” Haya murmured, dropping formalities with the boy she’d known since he was in elementary school. He was almost like a little brother at this point. “Let’s go.” She said, knowing he wasn’t the type to benefit from physical touch when he was upset.
She called for someone to transport the body to Shoko’s morgue in order for an autopsy and to take herself and Fushiguro back to Jujutsu High.
Once they were back at school, Hayami called Gojo in order to inform him of the unfortunate news.
“Itadori Yuuji is dead.” Haya said in a tired, lifeless voice. Her head was pounding from the overuse of her teleportation technique, the other end of the phone was quiet. Gojo had sensed something was going to happen, but couldn’t ignore his duty as a special grade sorcerer. As she gave him the rundown of the events at the detention center, he wondered why Haya had not been assigned to go with them.
“I was forbidden from going,” Haya answered the question she knew he had. “I probably would have been killed, you know I always freeze when faced with a curse stronger than me. I’ve always been too weak for self-preservation. The best I could do to help Fushiguro was chase after them, but even then I was useless.”
“Haya, there’s nothing you could have done against Sukuna. And of the four of them, Itadori was the only one that could have defeated that special grade. I have no doubt Fushiguro will get there but he has to let loose first.” He decided not to comment on her weakness because there were plenty of times that he did see her as weak. She could have gone and disobeyed orders, but instead, she played the good little sorcerer and listened.
She would argue that she did not have the privilege of going against the elders like he did, as if he wouldn’t protect her if she did. “There’s something else.” She said, her voice dropping to a whisper. “I think this was a trap set for Itadori. I think he was supposed to die. My father made a comment about it. Telling me to kill him if he survived.”
Gojo was quiet once more, fury washing over him at the elders doing something that was admittedly predictable. “Your father should know you would never be able to kill a child.”
“My father does know and expects me to fail,” Haya replied in an unreadable tone, even for Gojo who had known her for over a decade now. She didn’t want to elaborate what she believed would happen if she hadn’t killed Itadori. It was unfortunate that he had died, the other first years were quite upset by the loss. Though none of them really showed how much it was affecting them. “I need to go, Satoru. I’ll see you tomorrow when you get back.”
“Alright, Haya.” He said with a sigh before hanging up.
Later that night Haya sat with Miyu, having picked up sushi for both of them. They were in Haya’s room, it was a little bigger than the student dorms but not by much. They were both picking at their food quietly, neither having much of an appetite after the day’s excitement. Haya had grown somewhat attached to Itadori. He always seemed happy about something, and despite her desire to keep him away from Miyu, she knew that her daughter had grown attached very quickly.
“I’m sorry, Miyu. I should have been there.” Haya said, knowing she wouldn’t have been much help. Still, she thought maybe her words would bring her some type of comfort. “Maybe Itadori wouldn’t have had to let Sukuna take over then.”
Miyu saw her mom as powerful and capable of handling everything. She’d never seen her lose a fight, but she’s also never seen her go against a curse higher than a semi-grade one. Haya was cocky until faced with an opponent she felt she had no chance against. Her suicidal tendencies made her give in, ready to sacrifice herself in order to be free from the type of life she was leading.
The issue was she felt time passing but nothing was happening. She was twenty-seven and not engaged or married, no children besides Miyu. Her biological clock was ticking but she knew Gojo would never propose. Even if he did she didn’t know if she’d even say yes. Things had been extremely rocky since Suguru’s passing. The display of emotion she made when holding his dying body in her arms was more than Gojo had seen in a very long time.
He wondered if she’d ever been able to love him the way she loved his best friend.
Unfortunately, Haya didn’t have an answer for him as she didn’t even know herself.
Miyu didn’t respond. She had never lost a friend before. Truth be told in America she didn’t have friends to lose. Yuuji was always so kind and polite to her. When he saw the game collection she inherited from Haya, he instantly jumped to teach her how to play. Since most of them were horror games, he even ended up playing for her half the time during the really scary parts.
While she didn’t know the name to her feelings, she had definitely developed a crush for the pink-haired boy, much to Aruna’s distaste. Though Aruna wasn’t convinced Sukuna was gone, saying he was like a cockroach that you couldn’t get rid of. Her words did little to console Miyu.
“I lost a classmate in my second year at Jutjutsu High,” Haya said softly, hoping that if Miyu knew that she could relate, then maybe it would help her share her feelings. “It was very hard on me. On all of us, I think. Yu was a little ray of sunshine, always smiling and laughing about something. The world is a much darker place without him and he did not deserve his fate. Sometimes we get sent on missions that go wrong. That’s just what life is like as a sorcerer, I’m afraid. I’ll do everything in my power to protect you, Miyu. I promise I’ll never let something like this happen again.”
Miyu glanced up at her, seeing the desperate look on her new mother’s face. She wondered how Haya planned to do that. It’s not like she could be there all the time. Didn’t she say she couldn’t join them on this mission for some reason? It didn’t make much sense to send in a bunch of teenagers to rescue people, but maybe things really were that different in Japan compared to America.
The teen girl looked back down at her food, “Mom can I go to my room? I’m not really hungry.”
Haya pushed her own food away, feeling similar. “Of course, dear. I’ll put this in the refrigerator if you feel like eating it later. Go on and get some rest.”
Miyu stood up and retreated to her dorm, feeling her mind shutting down further at the loss of not only a friend but a first crush as well. She was thankful for Haya not pushing her to talk about her feelings more. Though all her life she’d been forced to by therapists and doctors and social workers. It was nice to be able to keep things to herself. To not have to process them. To just shove them away and forget they even exist.
Certainly, there’s no way that would backfire on her later.
The next evening, after Gojo had stashed away a living Itadori with a mountain of movies to watch, he approached Haya’s room and knocked on the door in black slacks and a white button-up shirt, the top few buttons undone and exposing the top of his bare chest. He had promised he’d take her out before he left, and still planned on upholding that even with the new development of Yuuji being not dead but alive. Though he did not plan on telling Hayami about his miraculous resurrection.
Haya opened the door wearing the dress he had gotten for her. It was the same one she had been looking at in the store two weeks ago when she went shopping with Miyu. She had been surprised (and quite happy) when she saw him pull the dress out of his closet as a surprise. When she had gone back for it, they had sold out in her size.
As both of them predicted, she looked amazing in it. It was strapless with side cut-outs on her ribcage and only came down to her mid-thigh. It showed off her small waist and gorgeously toned thighs simultaneously.
Haya always put a lot of effort into how she looked. She had since she was a second-year student and Geto left. When they were dating she had been modest. Suguru preferred her more covered, simply because he didn’t like the way adult men looked at her. She’d always been pretty and petite with captivating dark blue eyes. He was not a jealous man on the surface but hidden underneath was a degree of possessiveness that only Gojo had known about.
Later when she ran into him during a mission in which he saved her from a special grade, he would show this darker side of him to her by making comments about her taking control of her sexuality and being brazen in showing off the body that she had worked so hard for.
Gojo let out a low whistle, “don’t you clean up well.” He teased and she rolled her eyes at him, a light blush on her cheeks as she walked out. She closed the door behind her and locked it before following him to his car, where he drove them to a nicer restaurant on the edge of town.
Both of them were used to people staring. Gojo was striking with his stark white hair, girls looked with heart-eyes while guys looked with envy. He was on top and no one could ever make him feel differently. It was that cockiness that caused plenty of fights between him and his girlfriend.
Though to be fair, Haya wasn’t much better. The eyes of men would roam over her form no matter where they were. Gojo was used to it and even saw it as a symbol of pride. While Haya’s downfall was her personality, her body made up for it in a lot of ways.
They were seated promptly because even if non-sorcerers had no clue who Gojo Satoru really was, they still knew that the Gojo family name meant money. It carried weight in both worlds. Gojo was a king of both realms and no one could convince him otherwise. To say he had an over-inflated ego would be an understatement, but it would also be worth saying that he was deserving of the praise.
Haya ordered wine while Gojo chose simple water. For years Haya had wondered what a drunk Gojo would be like, however, due to his technique he was unable to consume it. It always meant she drank alone on dates, not that it really bothered her. She trusted him to take care of her if she drank too much and he had never done anything to betray that trust.
“How did your mission go?” She asked, looking over the menu for what she may want to eat. He shrugged, not really having much to report. It wasn’t as if anyone or anything stood a chance against him. Even Geto couldn’t hold a candle to him in the end.
Her eyes downcast at the thought of Suguru and it did not go unnoticed. It was a look Gojo knew all too well, it was one she had since he left their sides years ago. She attempted to recover, noticing the displeased look on his face. “I’m sorry about Itadori. I know you two were close.”
He let out a forced sigh. Itadori was very much alive but only a very select number of people knew that. Ijichi, Shoko, Yua, and himself to be exact. “Things would have gone differently if you had been there.”
“You mean, I’d be dead.” She said in a flat tone, not liking his insinuation that she did the wrong thing.
“No, Haya, I mean you could have gotten everyone to safety before anyone else lost their lives.” He replied, referring to the teleporting technique she had mastered back when she was a third-year student.
Haya felt her blood pressure rising. “Then what? A special grade would have been free to wreak havoc until when? You came home? Maybe if I had Nanami-”
“You really sell yourself short sometimes, Hayami.” He said, not believing that she couldn’t defeat a special grade if she really put her heart into it. Her biggest obstacle was her own damn self. It was as if she didn’t want to progress. She didn’t want greatness. She could be so down on herself despite all the work she’s done to get to where she is.
It really pissed him off sometimes.
His words shut her up for good as the waiter came back to take their orders. Once gone, Haya drank more to try and swallow her embarrassment. After a few more tense minutes she finally looked at him. She wondered if she should apologize. Then quickly decided against it. “I don’t want to argue with you tonight. We’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves. Gods know we both need it.”
“I still can’t believe you adopted an American teenager.” He said, changing the subject just as she had before. “She’s quiet. I think the only other person she really talked to was Itadori.”
Haya sighed and nodded, “she went through hell. I couldn’t go without doing anything. Yaga said the only way was to adopt her. I couldn’t just leave her there, Gojo, she was diagnosed schizophrenic from a young age for seeing curses. In and out of hospitals, suffered abuse to extremes that even I’m not entirely sure about. I think she liked him because he didn’t treat her like she was different. She has barely spoken since he died. I’m really worried about her.”
“A week ago you were worried about them spending too much time together,” Gojo said with an amused smile. It seemed out of place for the conversation at hand. “Now you’re sad he’s gone.”
“A teenage boy lost his life, of course, I’m upset.” She said, obviously frustrated. “Especially because if he had lived then I would have had to kill him myself.”
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Interlude Two coming Sunday (2/13)
Haya falls into a trap set by Geto and comes face to face with him for the first time in years.
A/N: I totally forgot to post this yesterday OTL. For more info on Aruna check out Crown of Thorns by dark-mnjiro!
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knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Interlude Three
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, Major character death (canon), Moderate blood/gore, Mentioned violence, Loss/grief/breakup, a hefty spoonful of angst with no resolution.
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Interlude Three - The Night We Met
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears When you had not touched me yet Oh, take me back to the night we met
Running, punching, teleporting, kicking. It didn’t matter how many she took out, there seemed to be a dozen more to take its place. Curses on top of curses on top of curse users all just kept coming from seemingly nowhere. As soon as she’d get close enough to an actual human enemy, they’d slip out of her grasp when she got too close. It was almost as if they were told not to interfere with her specifically. Not to lay a hand on her. To evade and escape only.
A tiny piece of her wondered if that was Suguru’s doing, as sweat dripped down her face, tits, and back. Despite it being the start of winter, she felt like she was fighting under the summer sun. There was no reprieve. No ending in sight. The man she had witnessed touch down on a large bird and declare war on jujutsu sorcerers was not one she recognized. His presence was different, sinister, and she had been glued in place in his presence, shaking like a leaf in a hurricane wind.
His cursed energy had felt the same, no doubt it was really him, but the things coming from his mouth she did not even begin to understand. She never considered herself the top of her class in terms of intellect but she wasn’t daft either. Why was he doing this? Why?
It was December 24th, 2017, and Suguru Geto had released a thousand curses onto Tokyo. She wanted to search for him, scream at him, hit him until he saw reason. Anything to bring him back from whatever the hell this was. Instead, she was forced to fight off curses in the city, one after another. She couldn’t feel him anywhere around here and the longer they were apart the more her heart thumped in sheer terror.
Hayami Kuroishi had never been so scared in her entire life. As she threw up in an alleyway, emptying the contents of her light breakfast onto the gravel below, she contemplated whether what was happening was even real. Perhaps it was an elaborate nightmare conjured up by years and years of stress and heartache. She could wake up any moment in a dreamy hazy and shake this from her memory altogether.
She was tired, so fucking tired. Her limbs were heavy and her head was spinning. She was at her limit, her feet stumbling and tripping over the tiniest of pebbles in the road as she started searching once more for enemies to annihilate. When she was sure she was going to collapse, she finally felt him, that sensation that she could never possibly forget. How many times had she noticed him nearby in the past decade? Not many. Had he learned to conceal himself from her? For what? It wasn’t as if it would break her heart any less.
Again she was running, angry tears flying across her face as the wind whipped them from her eyes. Closer and closer, past the tall white-haired man that she called a boyfriend and to the one-armed ex she so desperately loved
The conversation ended as Haya flung her arms around his neck, sobbing into what was left of his blood-soaked shoulder. The flesh was gone, exposing tissue and bone with bits of white sinew still attached. His skin felt cold and clammy against hers. How could he be talking right now? How could he be petting her hair and trying to calm her down? How could he even think of dying when she was right here screaming at him to live.
“I love you,” She sobbed so loudly that it echoed off the neighboring building, “I love you so much but you hurt me. You kept hurting me. You never stopped. Please, Suguru, just come back to me. Please, please!” Minutes ago she had wanted to hurt him so badly for what he had done to her, now she wanted nothing more than to kiss him and make him whole again.
Gojo stood. Quietly watching his girlfriend plead to his best friend. He was the enemy but she was so shamelessly spilling her heart to him. He was numb. Ice creeping over his hollowing heart. His friend was dying and his lover was betraying him all at the same time. He had known how she felt, deep down. He never wanted to speak it into existence and he had hoped she never would either. Yet here they were, both aching. If he was a weaker man he’d be crying, but Gojo Satoru was not a weak man.
Geto stared at Gojo with a sad smile, still trying to shush the hysterical woman that was hugging him so tightly. He felt no pain, body in too much shock to even begin to register it. He wanted to reach out and pull Satoru into a hug too. The three of them one last time for old times sake. He whispered something into Haya’s ear that Gojo could not hear. Something that made her cling to him even tighter.
“Any last words?” Gojo asked him as Geto forced Haya away from him. She was quiet, sniffling like a child; snot and tears mixing with the dirt on her face to make her look like one too. She had never felt so much pain in her life. Not even when she broke her leg as a little girl. Not even when she broke all her fingers learning how to use her tekko. Not when her father hit her for the first time as a toddler or when her mother died or even when Geto abandoned her for the first time.
Geto was speaking but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. She felt herself be pulled up and back, behind the man with the heavenly blue eyes as Geto Suguru was rendered no more.
She was screaming. Screaming so impossibly loud that Gojo thought his ears would bleed. Haya did not recognize her own voice. It sounded so distant, so foreign, so inhuman. Maybe if she kept it up he’d be alone again. He’d be here again. He’d come back to them finally and they could live happily ever after.
Gojo dared not speak to her, tempted to leave her crumpled form on the ground. Too tired to stand, let alone walk. He found her pathetic at that moment. Ugly. Monstrous. He stared, wondering how he had ever been able to love such a broken creature. Such a toxic little thing that seemed to poison him day in and day out. How had he put up with it for so long? He was too good to be the rebound. Too damn perfect to be second best.
He turned and began to walk away, uncaring of what might happen to her. He was broken. He was shallow. He was alone.
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Chapter Three coming Sunday (3/6)
Haya returns to her family home for a meeting with her father. A/N: Sorry this one is so short. I actually rewrote it to make it longer but as you can tell I wasn't super successful. Next chapter will be the regular 4.5-5k.
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knchins · 3 years
Kuroshiro - Interlude One
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, virginity loss, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, hurt/comfort/more hurt, condom usage
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Interlude One - Fuck up the Friendship
We could never be friends It got kind of scary My bones always knew Oh, I didn't mean to Are you feeling this, too?
He had sensed her before her solid fist slammed against his dorm room's door. Another intense round of booming thunder shook the walls as he quickly opened the heavy wooden door to see her there, drenched to the bone from the rain. Her white button-up sleep shirt now plastered to her smooth skin, every curve visible due to the sheerness created by the water.
Her thin arms were crossed over her chest in a small attempt at modesty, even though the reason she came here was entirely indecent to begin with. She shook with the cold and he quickly stepped aside to allow her in, only then realizing that she most definitely was not wearing pants.
“Haya…” He murmured, trying to peel his eyes off of her ass that was barely obscured by the pink cotton underwear she was wearing. His cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink, his lust stirring in the pit of his stomach and between his legs. She shouldn’t be here. Not looking like this.
“Satoru,” Her voice was impossibly quiet. He almost didn’t hear her. “I need it gone.”
Despite his perception being usually high, he had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Geto had left Jujutsu High to become a cursed user only about six weeks ago. Emotions were still running high between the both of them, but that didn’t stop the trauma bond from forming fast and hard.
It didn’t help that he had always been attracted to her. That if it hadn't been for his best friend, he would have swooped her up the first time he met her. Despite Geto no longer being physically there, Gojo knew that he was still very much present within her heart.
“I need you,” She murmured as he watched in disbelief as she took off the oversized shirt. It landed with a heavy, sodden plop on the wooden floor, the fabric dense from the rainwater. Her fingers hooked around the elastic of her underwear and before he could react they were gone too.
He was frozen in place, crystal blue eyes fixated on the wave of goosebumps that washed over her exposed skin. All thought seemed to leave his head in the presence of a naked girl. He hadn’t ever not known what to do before. Sure his first time he was clumsy and awkward, but even then his heart didn’t feel like it would explode from seeing his first pair of tits up close.
He could hear it in his ears. The rapid thumping of his blood rushing through his circulatory system. With impossible speed, it traveled south to harden his already twitching penis. She was speaking again, tears in her eyes, but he couldn’t hear any of it. Suddenly embarrassed by his inaction, Hayami grabbed a towel that had been neatly folded in a nearby chair. It had been set there by him earlier for use the next morning. She wrapped it around her torso and the covering of her body allowed him to think somewhat clearly once more.
“I’m sor-” she began, her words cut off by the abrupt clashing of their lips. Gojo pulled her flush against him tightly, melding their bodies together the most he could despite the fabric that was still between them. His tongue pried at her lips, exploring her mouth as soon as he gained entrance to it. A soft moan reverberated in her throat, the surprise at his sudden action already gone as her eyes slid shut.
She felt his stiff cock against her stomach, the foreign sensation making her face flush red despite the fact that she had just been naked in front of him. His large hands went to her waist and he lifted her up off the ground. She took his direction, wrapping her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck in order to deepen the kiss. She felt her back hit his comforter and for a brief second she worried about getting his bed wet.
Gojo broke the kiss, bright eyes looking down at her with puffy lips and reddened cheeks. “Are you sure?” he asked, wondering if he could stop himself if she suddenly decided that this wasn’t what she wanted. He had a faint idea of what she had meant earlier by saying she needed it gone, though it could have been a lot of things. Her feelings for Geto, her lingering thoughts about him and their relationship, or even just her virginity that he had so preciously kept intact in fear of her not being mature enough to handle a sexual relationship yet.
Gojo was not nearly as pure of mind as his old friend had been. That much was evident now as his mouth attacked her tender neck after she had nodded her head yes. She was pinned down by his hips, their slow rutting against her soft body causing him to get even harder. Haya was moaning weakly, a sound that was foreign to her as she clung to him. All of her faith, all of her trust, all of her love was being forced upon him at that very moment but he didn’t care. It was what he had wanted for over a year now.
He pulled away only to strip off his shirt, nearly ripping it in the process as he resumed leaving mark after mark on her damp neck and shoulder. His hormones clouded his judgment, made it difficult for him to see that he was on the verge of being much too rough. The next time Geto Suguru saw his pretty ex-girlfriend he’d see that Gojo had finally made her his.
Hayami wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t this. He worked quickly removing his clothing, tugging the towel open eagerly so he could kiss down her chest. Anxiety and nerves bunched almost painfully in her stomach, coming on so quickly that she felt like she might be sick. Of course, she had known how he had felt about her all this time. How closely he had watched her even after she began to date his best friend. How could she not see it?
And when Geto was suddenly gone, how could she not appreciate that he had been there to fall back on this entire time?
While she knew it was unfair to him, there was a bigger part of her that didn’t care. Her own immense grief and heartache made her selfish, part of which was simply the product of her age. No one ever said a seventeen-year-old had to have good judgment, in fact, it was quite the opposite. They were expected to make dumb decisions to ensure instant gratification. Perhaps Geto had known that all along. Perhaps that was what he had been trying to protect her from.
Though none of that seemed to matter now that he had abandoned not only her but Gojo and Nanami too. She pushed back the tears that were trying to gather in her eyes, a sharp gasp erupting from her as Gojo pressed his tongue against her clit. Her hips jerked into his mouth, needing more. He happily obliged, his bright blue eyes burning behind his circular sunglasses that were sure to fall off and possibly break at any moment.
Haya was gripping the blanket beneath her so tight that her knuckles were white. It wasn’t as if she had never explored her own body before but having someone else touch her the way he was at this moment was totally foreign. It was exhilarating and all the sadness seemed to escape her as all she could think about was the dizzying pleasure being generated by Gojo’s mouth sucking on the most sensitive part of her body.
She hardly noticed his long, thin middle finger sliding into her. It wasn’t large enough to feel intrusive. Rather it only added to the desire for more. He allowed her to move her hips in whatever way that made her feel good. She searched for the perfect angle, the best rhythm to cause that somewhat familiar pressure of impending orgasm to build in the bit of her stomach.
Her movements stuttered momentarily when he added a second finger, the stretch unfamiliar but not painful. Gojo watched her expression, her closed eyes squeezing and face contorting for a second before adjusting to the new width. There was a brief thought in the back of his mind that he had never seen a more beautiful human being before in his life, the way her tiny whimpers and flushed face made her look so angelic. The playful innocence she had always put on seemed like a meer show for how easy it was for him to have her reduced to such a whiny mess.
His tongue increased his speed against her now engorged clitoris, her small cries maturing into full moans as she felt the tension snap finally. Rhythmic contractions raced through her lower abdomen and Gojo could feel her inner walls powerfully squeeze and release his two fingers repeatedly as he worked her through it. Haya’s head was buzzing from the sudden flood of dopamine, and she felt painless for the first time in six long weeks.
Gojo slowly removed his fingers, teasing her inner folds with his tongue to taste her cum straight from the source. Her entire body shuddered, her thighs trying to snap shut despite both his hands now strongly holding them open. Once he was satisfied with his sloppy clean-up job, he sat up to better see her face.
Haya threw her arm over her eyes in an attempt to hide what she felt was an embarrassing expression. He let go of her thighs and with one hand gently grasped her forearm and moved it away so he could see her blushed face without any obstruction. His face softened at the warm look in her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her with a newfound gentleness that quickly turned back into eagerness as he felt her small hand wrap around his throbbing dick.
He cursed under his breath as he pulled away from her. There was another look passed between them, him silently asking again for permission and her lips twitching into the tiniest of smiles as she murmured that it was okay.
He reached over to his bedside table, fumbling through the drawer for a forgotten condom. He grabbed it and tore open the shiny foil packaging with his teeth, rolling the thin rubber down over his head and shaft. His lips returned to hers in an attempt to distract her from him positioning his tip at her entrance, pushing inside with as much restraint as he could conjure up.
A small groan of pain caught in her throat, though she urged him to continue by squeezing his shoulders lightly. More profanity fell from his mouth at how heavenly it felt to finally be hip-deep in the girl he had been picturing in his head during every previous sexual encounter. The only thing he’d change about this moment was the condom, hating that there was still a barrier between them even if it was one only millimeters thick.
Haya’s breathing began to steady as she relaxed around him. It pain wasn’t so bad, her previous orgasm and intense remaining arousal allowing her body to accommodate him quickly. Gojo held himself back as long as he could before he began to thrust slowly, clenching his teeth painfully in order to remind himself that he couldn’t just do what he wanted at this exact moment.
“Toru,” She moaned, her head spinning again at how different this felt than anything she had done before. Her back arched slightly as her eyes shut, daring to move one of his hands to grope her breast as he picked up the pace gradually.
He massaged the plush tissue before pinching her hard nipple, the act causing her hips to jerk and mouth to fall open in a way that seemed much too sultry for someone who was previously a virgin only moments ago. He couldn’t stop himself from snapping his pelvis into her harder, though it merely resulted in a louder moan instead of a cry of pain.
“Fuck, Haya, stop making that face.” He muttered helplessly.
Her eyes snapped open, suddenly worried that she was doing something wrong. He quickly kissed her again to reassure her, his speed picking up to something that was finally akin to what he typically liked to start out with when engaging in sex.
She clung to him as he moved her leg to wrap around his waist with his free hand. Her arms wrapped around him as she held him close, her blunt nails digging into his smooth back. Her nonverbal sounds of praise made him thrust faster into her clenching pussy. He abandoned her chest to rub tight circles around her clit, the motion causing her to shake and cry and finally cum for a second time. Moments later he hit his peak as well, unable to hold out any longer as his hips came to a still with his softening cock still deep inside of her.
They quietly caught their breaths, simply bathing in the post-coital bliss that they were both feeling. Eventually, he gently pulled out and removed the condom, tying it off before tossing it into the small nearby trash can. He used the towel she had been laying on to gently wipe away her sweat and fluids, pulling it out from under her and tossing it onto the floor. She lifted herself up enough for him to pull the comforter and sheet out from under her and laid down beside her before pulling it over them, his arm loosely hugging her waist as she buried her face into his chest tiredly.
The peace only lasted a few more minutes before the previous emptiness settled once more into both of their hearts as they drifted into slumber.
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Chapter Two coming Sunday (2/6)
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knchins · 2 years
Kuroshiro - Interlude Five
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Summary: Hayami and Suguru were teenagers in love until the day came when he decided to turn his back on the sorcery world and become a curse user, which left his best friend Satoru to pick up the pieces.
Pairing: Geto x Fem OC x Gojo
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Major manga spoilers, none.
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Interlude Five - Can you Keep a Secret?
I've got skeletons that coming out the closet The hands around my throat don't want me to be honest If you know my sins, will you still trust me? If I let you in, will you still love me?
Miyu knocked on the door to Yua’s room after getting dressed in her new outfit for her date in a few hours. The usually bubbly teenager answered, looking a little down at first before forcing a smile at her best friend. “Come on in, I just finished sanitizing everything for you!”
She walked in, pretending not to notice that she seemed upset just a moment before. As they had grown closer, Miyu had noticed that Yua’s bright smile and happy persona were just a mask for whatever had made her move here from the Kanto school. She knew her mother’s birthday had just passed and she had been pretty down about not being able to spend it with her.
Apparently, Yua’s parents were in Europe looking for cursed tools. Though her story seemed to change slightly each time, Miyu didn’t put much stock in it possibly being a lie. It would be a silly thing to make up, right? Before Haya, Miyu had never had a loving parental figure. Even though they hadn’t been family for long, she knew she’d also miss her if she were to ever go away for a long period of time.
“Your outfit looks amazing, Did Haya-sensei just get that for you?” Yua asked as she gestured for Miyu to sit down on the chair in front of her small vanity. “Yuuji is going to die when he sees you. Especially after I’m done.”
Miyu’s face flushed lightly at the compliments as Yua began to play with her red locks of hair. “Yes, she did. She picked something out at first that was way too revealing.”
“So something she’d wear?” Yua joked.
Miyu let out an exasperated sigh and nodded. “Yes, it was. She was actually going to buy it for a date tonight too but decided not to go for some reason. I think she’s going to make up with Gojo-sensei.”
Yua smiled as she brushed Miyu’s hair, “already? She seemed pretty pissed that he tried to help you and Yuuji sneak off.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why she changed her mind so quickly.” She said honestly, enjoying the feeling of someone untangling her long hair. She closed her eyes briefly as Yua let out a curious hum. “Hey, Yua, can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Yua responded as she began to braid back a strand of hair on the left side of Miyu’s head before moving to the right.
“You like Fushiguro, right?” Miyu prodded, knowing the answer already. Haya had actually been the one the point it out. “Why don’t you just ask him out?”
Yua dropped the braid she had been working on out of shock, quickly grabbing it again and redoing it. “He thinks I’m weird.” She muttered, sounding almost sad. “He doesn’t have any interest in me.”
Miyu opened her eyes to look at Yua’s crestfallen face in the mirror. She and Yuuji had actually talked about how well the two would go together if just one would stop being chicken long enough to ask. Apparently, Fushiguro learned all about talking to girls from Gojo which didn’t really bode well for him. As for Yua, she decided that teasing Megumi relentlessly was the only way to get his attention. It was exhausting.
“Fushiguro thinks everyone is weird.” Miyu pouted out, not really seeing what the issue was. “Besides I think he likes you too.”
Yua made a face, not really liking the sound of that. “He just finds me annoying. You remember what he said after I healed him at the goodwill event. He said I was weird for choosing to be around dead people all day.”
“He apologized for that though, didn’t he?” Miyu asked, remembering the very awkward conversation that ended up with Yua in tears at her crush making her feel like an even bigger freak than she already knew she was.
“Yeah he did,” Yua replied. It had been incredibly awkward. After the baseball game, he had let her pet his black shikigami wolf. It was a rare display for Fushiguro but Yua had accepted his apology and quite enjoyed hugging the big fluffy dog. “But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still think it.”
Miyu rolled her eyes as Yua finished with her hair. She took out her phone and sent a message to Fushiguro, saying that Yua wanted to know if he’d go out on a date with her that night. They could all four double date if he wanted. She waited for his reply as Yua moved on to start her makeup.
As Yua was doing her eyeshadow, Miyu got a ping on her phone. Yua paused long enough for Miyu to look down. A large grin spread across her face. “Looks like I’m not the only one with a date.”
Yua gave her a confused look, “What are you talking about?”
“I asked Fushiguro out for you! He agreed to a double date tonight with me and Yuuji!” Miyu said happily and Yua felt like she was going to strangle her friend for doing something that she thought was stupid. There’s no way it could ever end well, right? I mean he didn’t like her like that. It had to be a pity date.
“I don’t have anything to wear.” Yua said, shrugging, “so I guess I can’t go.”
Miyu gave her a stubborn look, “you can borrow something from my closet! I have plenty of clothes to choose from thanks to my mom. Please, Yua? For me?” She gave her the biggest pair of puppy eyes that she could manage.
Yua tried to resist but caved rather quickly. “What if he’s just doing this to be nice…” She murmured, “And he’s not actually interested.”
“Are we talking about the same guy?” Miyu joked, “Since when has Fushiguro ever done something just to be nice?”
“I guess that’s true,” Yua said, making a disgruntled face as she went back to work. “If this goes badly then I’m blaming you.” She warned.
Miyu smiled, “I promise, it won’t!”
Yua finished with Miyu’s makeup, her heart starting to race at the thought of going on a date with Megumi. Sure it had been something she had been wanting for weeks now, even after he hurt her feelings. She just couldn’t imagine why he’d agreed to it. Certainly, he didn’t reciprocate how she felt.
“I’m going to go get an outfit for you, stay here!” Miyu said excitedly before running into her room. She was so happy that she had finally managed to bring the two together. She was also glad to not be going on her date alone, feeling more and more anxious about her own budding relationship.
Once in her room she went through her closet, luckily she and Yua were around the same size and could fit in each other’s clothes. Though Yua was a little bustier and Miyu had more of an ass, it still worked out most of the time. She picked out a cute pink dress that was somewhat simple but interesting enough for a first night out with a new boy. At least, that’s what her mother had told her when she got it.
She grabbed a matching set of heels before going back to Yua’s room, walking in without knocking. Yua had been in her closet, mumbling something, quickly shutting the doors when she heard her door open. “That was fast.” She murmured to herself, rubbing her eyes quickly.
Miyu frowned, “What’s wrong?”
“My damn allergies are acting up.” Yua lied, forcing a broad smile as she looked at the clothes Miyu had brought. She immediately changed the subject. “Oh! I love that dress!”
Miyu’s frown turned back into a grin, “I know, that’s why I picked it! Now get ready!”
Yua put on the dress and heels, did her makeup and hair, and put on a light dusting of floral perfume at lightning speed. Miyu had almost gotten dizzy just watching her.
Once finished Yua stood up from her vanity and flipped her hair over her shoulder? “So, what do you think?”
“Jaw-dropping,” Miyu giggled, “He’s going to love it.”
Yua flushed as she grabbed her black clutch. “I guess let’s go then…”
Miyu smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m nervous too. If it’s that bad we can just leave together.”
Yua nodded, feeling a small amount of relief. “Okay, okay, that’s fair. Are they ready?”
“Yes, let’s not keep them waiting,” Miyu said with a nod and the two of them walked out to the meeting spot Yuuji had designated.
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Chapter Six coming Sunday (4/10)
Haya meets with her brother Daisuke to discuss the execution of Itadori.
A/N: I finished the last chapter the other night! There are not too many left. Chapter Seven ended up being the final but I do plan on writing some sort of interlude maybe in the future. Once the manga progresses more then I can start on a sequel hopefully. Requests are also open if there's something you'd like to see me write!
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