baiika · 1 year
bites you bites you bites you bites you bites you (and when I say you I ofc mean Blitz)
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villains4hire · 8 months
Mun comforts
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Comfort food: Any kind of seafood really. Fish. Meat and cheese is the safest thing for me to eat at this point that tastes good. Luck of the draw but at least I'm healthy ig.
Comfort drink(s): Chai Tea and Morning Coffee. Otherwise nothing but water, maybe a rare icecream float every few months.
Comfort movie(s): Princesse Dragon my latest suggested one in recent years. Then Tucker and Dale Vs the Forces of Evil. Hot Fuzz. Probably some more animated movies here and there but I've seen a lot, I know I enjoyed the Wakfu Movie.
Comfort show(s): Wakfu. Arcane. Final Space. Adventure Time. Bojack Horseman. Southpark. The Boys. Netflix Daredevil. King of the Hill. American Dad. Spongebob. The Simpsons. Samurai Jack.
Comfort clothing: Plush, loose clothing in any moderate temperatures. Soft fluffy clothing in the winter. I'm very simply.
Comfort song(s): I have no real comfort songs but I like rain sounds and ambience.
Comfort book(s): History Books are fun. Then I guess the Artemis Fowl series from my childhood.
Comfort game(s): Anything from the ps2 and gamecube era and below is mostly what I play. Banjo Kazooie 1-2 is a notable favorite. Then I guess 3ds, psp and some vita games. Fallout 1-2. Fallout New Vegas. Doom 1, Doom 64, Duke Nukem 3d, the Shantae Series. System Shock. Darkwood. Spelunky 2. Don't Starve. I've played a lot, but that's all I can remember rn.
tagged by @restrainedhungr
tagging: @onlyheartaches | @undercity-merc | @kugel-bitch | @infernal-feminae | @xdeerxhealerx | @voxiiferous | @whiteswarm | @oc-menagerie | @heroesxdemons | @olliesmultimuse | @strebcr | @musegame | @clown-demon | @cxffeeshxp | @ethereallyloved | @gunslinginnhogtyin | @fire-rose | @luxieloo | @friendsamongstars | @civicrphub | @diadxrling (I'm obligated to @ you anyway) | @gettnup | @storybounded | @wintershub | @lcve-lcrn | @rebelquilled | @charmerquilled | @cauterisen | @jeff-the-gnome-king | @vortship | @sweet-chimera | @littlelegend | @enterprisingmuses | @stories-of-the-multiverse | @swcctdreams | @blackstardiopside
anyone else tbh
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infernal-dominion · 11 months
@kugel-bitch (Belphegor), @king-of-wrath (Satan), @the-delightful-temptation, @avarex, @infernal-feminae (Beezlebub), @cold-inferno (Leviathan), @nohalosinhell (Lilith Morningstar)
The official royal meeting room in Lucifer Morningstar’s palace, the Hall of The Sins, was perhaps the most ostentatious part of the palace, save for the throne room of the King himself. It was a massive, towering room, with a wide domed ceiling that towered above the entire floor below, composed of 7 sections of different colored stained glass, each section meant to represent each ring, all connected by the whole of the branches of the Tree of Knowledge, sprouting roots and curling leaves and fruits around the barriers of each ring, a symbol of unification, of how each ring was eventually brought to existence and came to be due to the Tree’s infernal power.
There were seven thrones for each ruler of the rings, each one placed strategically under their corresponding glass structure, to illuminate where they sat in an almost ethereal glow of blues, greens, purples, yellows, reds. The structure of the thrones were arranged in a half circle, elevated, decorated with the finest jewels and golden outlines and arm rests, with the outermost seats being that of Sloth, Lust, and Envy, with the innermost seats being that of Greed, Gluttony, and Wrath. The throne for Lucifer, for the Pride ring, and the King of Hell apparent, was sat in the very center of the room, with a second seat for his Queen sat right beside him. Currently, Lucifer was sat in his place, his hands folded together on the ornate desk that sat in front of each gilded throne that adorned the room, and he takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them, and when he spoke, his voice would be heard in the minds of each and every Sin throughout the rings.
“It is time we all came together to discuss properly how to move forward with the newest and latest threat posed by Heaven, how to best protect the rings of Hell and its people, and how we may prepare for invasion. Please, if you are free to attend, summon yourselves to my Palace so we may initiate An Infernal Summit.”
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mothvalentino · 7 months
@kugel-bitch asked:
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"Valentino, was it? A moment of your time, if you please."
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ཐིཋྀ "It is, pajarito~ What can I do for you, baby?"
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helluvadrummer · 1 year
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He did say he missed her company in his bed so she has decided to make herself at home under his covers once again. This time, however, she's a little more handsy, walking two gilded fingers along his torso while she waits for him to wake up. (Somebody ordered a horny angel 0:)
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The gentle feeling of her fingers on him weren't lost on the imp, as one sudden snort and a cough, and he found himself slowly stirring awake.
Rubbing his eyes, trying to gauge what was happening in his tired-addled brain, blinking rapidly as he came to... eyes widening once he was fully conscious, and he could see the beautiful gilded woman so close to him, touching his chest in such a way.
Normally, he'd object to such forwardness, regardless of who it was, but... at this point, he mentally convinced himself it was a dream, and nothing more... His hand gently touched her arm, tracing down the patterns in her skin, and let out a contented purr.
Even if it wasn't a dream, the woman had made it clear that she didn't understand the meaning of personal space, or perhaps she didn't care? Either way, he was done trying to stop her... especially since it seemed that there was desire in her motions for him... Such was certainly a nice change of pace.
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Austria hot take, he's actually a great dad and i despise canon for making him a terrible guardian and like it even less when people run with it in fanon.
I think he was super cruel to Feliciano in particular but looking at the manga that was literally a child with a child situation. Like what he did was downright evil and does become straight up abuse but on the other side of the coin he Should Not Have Had A Child.
I think growing up and actually having time to Develop and kind of recover from being forced to be an adult as a child (and given a bit of a God complex by virtue of being an aristocrat all of his life but you know) has made him realize that what he did to Italy was wrong, like at least a little bit. This is a lot of Assuming going on but
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You can tell that this man is annoyed as shit but he's still letting Italy hug him. Why? GUILT YOUR HONOR.
I think his relationship with Italy and childhood as a whole is very interesting and I think it adds to his characterization because he WAS forced to grow up too soon and he WAS raised in circumstances where he was simultaneously spoiled to hell and back and deprived of some very vital shit and he WAS horrible in his past but he also DID have streaks of kindness and now he IS in the process of reconciliation. I also think the fact that Italy has no hard feelings towards him is very telling. Like you can tell he was upset with the way Austria treated him but I think he saw that Austria did change as a person and he did find it in his heart to forgive Austria which he very much did not need to do. It is a very interesting dynamic and I like it very much because you can see him GROW and CHANGE and GET BETTER.
I think he actually learned with Liechtenstein because he was never nearly as cruel with her as he was with Italy. At worst he was uninvolved but that's to be expected when you're literally in the first world war. They look like they are very friendly to each other. I think she still regards Austria as Father even tho she is living with Switzerland now. Her living with Switzerland is a good thing. It is an opportunity for Austria to get more bitches (Switzerland). I ought to visit more often instead of cowering away from his past.
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Austria did a fantastic job at raising this little hypebeast.
Kugelmugel is the culmination of it all. He is the tipping point. Austria becomes a Good parent. He RESPECTS Kugel's sovereignty. He still CARES for Kugel despite respecting his sovereignty. He TRIES TO GET HIS INTROVERTED LITTLE BEAST CHILD TO MAKE FRIENDS. All the growth. All the learning. It's there. He did it.
Okay I'm done with my five paragraph essay on Austria's parenting. I could write more. I could actually collect my thoughts (no I can't). This is getting too long. I feel too strongly about Austria's history raising children. This is part of the reason I love Austria. Not only is he hot, he is MORALLY GREY and raises a lot of Interesting Questions.
When push comes to shove, when Austria is not a literal child going into it with the mindset of This Is My Slave, he is a good parent. He learned. Eventually. He has grown up into the milf we all know and love today and he has mended his relationships along the way.
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sssardonian-ssserpent · 10 months
NAME: Blight
PRONOUNS: she/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IMs or Discord DMs either way works
NAME OF MUSE(S): Sir Pentious, Angel Dust Husk, Lucifer Morningstar, Vox, Stella, Striker, Rosie, etc
EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS)?: I think I’ve been up on this app RPing for up to 2 years now?
BEST EXPERIENCE: Honestly? Just getting to meet new people and making friends and making wild stories together.
RP PET PEEVES / DEAL-BREAKERS: OOC bigotry (transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, the like), one sentence replies (this is more of a pet peeve but I’m talking like one sentence of dialogue that’s at best 5 words long and nothing else when I sent in 3 paragraphs), and…I can’t think of anything else at the moment.
MUSE PREFERENCES FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: Proooobably a mix of all three tbh
PLOTS OR MEMES: I do love memes to kick off small threads or fun action stuff but plots are fun for me too! I like them either way!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I admit I love me some long replies but I also don’t mind ones on the simpler side! Depends on the mood of the thread.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: 3 in the morning ha haaa (I am so sleep deprived 🥲)
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I give them my strange taste in music.
Tagged by: @arachnoheaux
Tagging: @kugel-bitch, @king-of-wrath, @infernal-feminae, @femmina-eroe, @peppy-jester, @rubbcrhose, or anyone else who wants to join in!
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king-of-wrath · 10 months
NAME OF MUSE(S): Lucifer, Satan, Gabriel, Barbatus, Striker, Agent Eleven, Wretch
BEST EXPERIENCE: There's several RP moments that stand out, but most of them involve my characters earning some kind of recognition for their deeds---either from the group they're in or the broader RP community. It can be a promotion, an award or others characters knowing mine by reputation
RP PET PEEVES / DEAL-BREAKERS: Characters made purely to fight and/or to fuck. Imagine someone incredibly edgy and only ever wanting to prove their superiority by fighting everyone. Now imagine someone incredibly flirtatious and unsubtle about it, only ever wanting to add more characters to the list of characters they've fucked
MUSE PREFERENCES FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I prefer a nice mix of all three, plus casual activities (hanging out, etc.)
PLOTS OR MEMES: I tend to use memes more, but I'm open for plotting things
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I do my best to match reply lengths, but two sentences is the bare minimum
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Evenings (America TimeTM)
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Depending on the character, there's at least one similarity to me. Most of the similarities are in what their friend groups are like (small, long-term, close-knit) and their taste in romantic/sexual partners
Tagged by: @moxxietude
Tagging: @goetiia @kugel-bitch @nebula-gaster @paingamequeen @angel-fxced and anyone else
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originemesis · 7 months
@kugel-bitch from xxx
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"Wh—" A flurry of golden feathers casts a veil over her vision, a bleary meteor shower lashing across the glass display of her visor, the force of which sends her stumbling backwards until the heel of a boot meets with the footrest of a vacant barstool and she nearly topples ass over halo onto the floor. Reflexively, her own illustrious appendages burst out from beneath the shroud of her cloak, flapping in disjointed Succession until she manages to stabilize herself against the edge of the countertop. Stunned. Not only into silence, but perfect, unwavering stillness as well. Save for the frenzied rise and fall of her fluttering chest, that is to say. It's like looking through a rift in the spatial fabric of the universe, into a different time, a different place entirely. Those wings...or...that wing, rather...and the way that he carries himself, the scarcely checked derision in the gruff inflection of his voice voice, his shape, his stance, his attitude...even his choice in nutritionally bereft late night snack...it's all so...so...Adam. But how could that possibly be? She watched him die—looked him square in the eye as the light flickered and faded from his marigold hues—the light that had kept her world incandescent with passion and purpose for centuries. "Wh...what is...I don't...no, no, no...you're not--" There was nothing before Adam. There was nothing after Adam. So what is this? The only reasonable conclusion she can come to is that she has officially, irrevocably lost her goddamn mind. How can some two-bit poser mimic his mannerisms that flawlessly? Not even she, who has been stapled to his ass for longer than most of these infernal shit stains have been alive, could put on such a stellar performance. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. It does. Not. Make. Sense! "Take...take it...off...take it off--" She has to see it. Under the mask—she has to see it for herself. Grasping the age worn, wooden hilt of the knife, she lurches forward, hiking a leg up onto the closest barstool, which she then uses as a springboard to launch herself at the trunk of his body, one hand making a grab for a curved horn, the other swinging the business end of the blade for the shell of the headgear, intent on cleaving it open like an obsidian coconut. "TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF, I'LL KILL YOU, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, TAKE IT OOOOOOOFFFFFF!!!!!!"
It's only after he takes stock of just who had tried to get the jump on him that he noticed the wings. There weren't many of those down here, save an overlord or two that honestly weren't very bird-like in their own right and just seemed like they simply popped on a pair to resemble their fallen hell lord himself. Posers, in other words.
But those?
His crossed arms slackened and fell- lightly swinging slack at his side as he took note of the familiar shades of monochrome. He'd preened too many of those feathers in his immortal life to not recognize the wings of an exorcist. "You-...uh. You lost or something, girlypop?" He wondered almost to himself, not entirely sure of why one of his girls would be head-low in some seedy hell bar...and rolling up on him like he was a target acquired in some unannounced extermination. Was that what this was? Maybe an Intel probe? The gears in his commander's brain hadn't cranked in a while, but they struggled against the rust the longer he stared those wings down. Two of em...he tucked his in nearer to his flank once more as if suddenly aware of the state of his feathers.
Something wasn't quite right here, and he couldn't put his talon on it- but the exorcist before him was...well, he knew one of his girls by their stance and the slight pixelated differences in their facial displays. He'd named them all after such impossible to pick out discrepancies and all, but when he squinted over at this one, the glass visor that peered out at him from beneath the hood's edge was nothing he recognized- a blank surface reflecting the red light of the bar. Unnerving in the slightest sense that caused his unkempt feathers to ruffle. "I mean, you're a long way from home, arentcha?" A shake of his head prompted the fist he'd made to rest in the crook of his hip as he swung into it with a hapless shifting of weight from one foot onto the other, tongue clicking as he sized up the strange hellgoer.
If he was expecting an answer and not a crackled, distorted demand from the exorcist opposite of him, then he didn't show it apart from an agitated twitch that shifted the stunned expression displayed across his visor to one of confusion- then just as quickly, startled as she headed straight for the throat. He jerked, taken aback at her rounding so suddenly on him from a quiet state to a snapped frenzy.
"Hey-whoa! Th'fuck you mean?!" Take it off? Man, his fans really were deranged, but that sort of request from an exorcist? The hell would he do a thing like that? For what purpose even? He didn't have much time to spend with his whirlwind thoughts on the matter, because when she launched herself at him, he hit a blockade in the form of the bar's edge he'd backed into and bumped his lower back on- oh. Shit. His wing barely had time to even twitch in preparation to deploy, so he flung an arm up instead. It caught the crazy bitch across the gut in a last ditch effort to keep her at an arm's length away, but did little to deter the stranger's grip around his horn and the steak knife's handle. Whiplashed by the yank, he had little time to issue a firm jerk and a smack with the curved appendages when a capable crunch momentarily stilled him.
Images of data and various sound files flashed across his screen, his facial display flickering violently as various, mutilated sounds escaped the helmet. The gig space in the thing was filled with music, chords composed or simply recorded and spliced over and over again until it had fully distorted the original sound from which it was derived. And although he did keep an astonishing record number of voicemails from the office and the like just to hear something familiar now and then, he and his own noises had been irreparably altered from the first breath he'd drawn so long ago. His favorite of said voicemails was one where Lute was-...well, she just was.
Krrrzzzt-tch-krzzzzzzz...hey s̷̨̨̝̼̜͖͔̟̘̥̮͈̰͔͔̹̔̎̂ō̴͕̪̗̳͈͗̎̃͌̉̕͠-zzzzzztttttthey're out of friesssssstzzh...you want sssschhhhhhomething else?? Cawwwwzzzwl me back? A̵̛̫̘͇̳̬̘͐̎̀͌́̈̓̎̒̅̊̀̆͠͠ͅͅḑ̷͓͓͇̩̙̘͎̲̰̯̗̻̝̱̞͔́̀̈́̏͊̊̇͂̈́̀̊̈́ą̷̺̜̝̘̗̞̘͚͇̙̺̦͉̪̔̆̓̈́́ͅͅm̸̨͙̗͎̻͉͍̭̝̯̣̄̋̚̕͜͜͝-
The sound escaped amidst the sound bytes escaping his helmet like exorcised demons fleeing a host- all through the cracks around the serrated edge sunk into the glass of his face directly between the eyes. It's only after he feels half the display of his face return and the other remain blank and dead screened does he pitch a vicious throw of his horns against their hold. With a forceful fling, he slammed the weight of them backwards with enough fury to try flipping her onto the bar top behind him.
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"Get OFFA me, you psycho B̶̙͎̓̌̈́Ị̷̕ͅT̵̟͙͕͌͂̉̓C̸̰͒̇̊̚H̷̟̗͆!!" His voice was trapped in a swirling spiral of frothing static. He didn't need two or even one wing to beat this assailant into the bar with the size and strength he employed behind those helmet horns. They would do the job just as well if she kept beneath the cruelty of their curve. After all-he had a fairly thick skull and that just meant he was free to smash it into whatever surface he saw fit. Head-banging was just a warm up exercise compared to this.
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infernal-feminae · 8 months
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@kugel-bitch said:
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"Carmilla, was it? You don't mind if I borrow a moment of your time, do you? I've taken a particular interest in your business ventures around the circle of pride, you see."
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So this was the little Exorcist turned fallen angel who became Lucifer's favorite. Carmilla couldn't help her muscles tensing slightly, memories of the last Extermination flooding her mind.
She had to keep it together. This angel was Fallen. She was not one of them anymore. Even though the Overlord had her suspicions. Besides, this woman meant a lot to Lucifer for...some reason. There had to be some redeeming qualities.
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"...Not at all. I'm flattered my business venture has become a source of interest to you. Now, what is it that you'd like to discuss?"
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fruit-cf-lcve · 10 months
@kugel-bitch answered 🪴
Eluthéria meets the first woman's gaze, but not with so much as a shred of the same fire that burns in her eyes. No fear, no resentment, nothing beyond a barely there glint of irritation. Under different circumstances, she might have bowed her head in shame or offered some paltry, entirely insufficient words of apology—but she's choosing to wage this battle now, and now is not a time where the disgraced lieutenant of the heavenly host is particularly concerned with making amends for past mistakes.
Not when so much bigger things are hanging in the balance.
"Say your piece, then."
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Words could not fall from her maw, rage fueled tenfold from the grieving mother from the lack of excuse - something to come from the other. She hardly cared if Eluthéria was the same anymore, the dead voice she spoke in with the hint of irritation. She knew she shouldn't have let her gotten this far, should've sabotaged what Lucifer was trying to do, culled her on the spot the day of her recruiting instead of following virtues.
Fueled by the hysterics of grief and rage, the freshly fallen had manifested her blade within an instant and swung it at the lieutenant. She didn't want to talk - talking wouldn't bring her sons back! It wouldn't make anything feel better, she had nothing to live further for if her children weren't around, the world was ending and there's no repair to be made. If anything she just wanted to avenge her boys even if it were so small in this larger scale of mania.
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@kugel-bitch asked:
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"My, my, aren't you an interesting specimen."
The fallen lieutenant backs her shapely haunches right on up onto Roako's lap—not much for subtlety, this one, least of all when she's feeling broody, which just so happens to be most of the time in these sweltering summer months.
"Don't think I've ever seen one like you before. Are you from around these parts, big man?"
Eluthéria chirps, casting the most harmless smile she can muster over her dainty obsidian shoulder.
(For the starter call 😌)
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As soon as she sat down, Roako's arm was immediately around her waist. He didn't know who she was but she was certainly welcome company if she was this friendly!
"I'm from Wrath. Most of my kind don't travel very close to the more inhabited areas of the rings."
No matter how innocent her smile, Roako had a feeling she could be dangerous when she wanted to be. If what he could feel from her rear and her waist was any indication, she had some power to her and he couldn't help but move his hand up to feel her stomach.
"What about you beautiful? You got a name?"
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the-smallest-star · 9 months
"heeeey, little imp girl. We had some type of arrangement? Yeah, I was going to take you out, wasn't I? Fuck, man, the time really flew away from me. You free right now?"
(For Clem from Adam)
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"If you're paying, sure I'm free." Work was slow giving she was playing babysitter to Gritt... and people weren't sure about someone who pointed a gun and SHOT at two of the most dangerous overlords in Hell. "Any dress code I need to be aware of?"
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infernal-dominion · 1 year
@kugel-bitch continued from X.
“Mmm. A little bit of a long day, yes.” He lets out a faint sigh at the feeling of her claws gliding through his hair, his eyes sliding closed for a moment. “…Mostly thinking. Mostly dealing with the…preparation of the Purges as it’s…starting to near. Trying to make sure as many Hellborn communities in Pride have the information they need, just in case this next Purge turns into an extended one like last time. The exorcists may not be actively targeting them, but…I’m sure you can attest to how they don’t exactly care to discern an Imp between a sinner in the thick of it.”
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dark-ambition · 10 months
What color is your aura? (Sir Pentious)
rose vines, blood, apples, velvet, sharp nails, galaxies, dripping jewelry. your essence is crimson: you are the strong, defiant and avoidant. you crave some sort of deviation; to walk in another's footsteps feels mundane, a waste of your time. you are possessive and never look back at the things you've lost or forgotten. you are the rebel. you are the one who will change the world.
You find kinship in like-minded individuals of red, blush, garnet, and bronze, who share your impassioned existence. you are also drawn to the confident souls royal and gold, who will help you grow and show that not everyone seeks to break you. however, you may struggle to get along with the slow-acting personalities of navy and umber who never seem assertive about anything.
Tagged by: @arachnoheaux
Tagging: @kugel-bitch, @king-of-wrath, @deepspacevivarium, @hannah-the-small, @xxlordalexanderxx, @adeerandhisshadow
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helluvadrummer · 11 months
@kugel-bitch || x
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Now, that was a question the imp wasn't expecting. Was... was the seraph hiding a massive secret from him, as he had from her? Something that she didn't feel okay talking about?
Perhaps it was finally time to lay it all out on the table. After all, New Years was right around the corner, which meant there was a real possibility that neither of them made it out alive.
"... I do... But I suppose I should ask the same thing... I... I have something I want to share, too... Do you... wanna go first?"
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