#Kade Ansel
bookishb0rgid · 5 months
@medwhumpmay Day 9: Trapped under rubble Needles
"We need to draw some blood, Kade." The nurse's voice is calm, but the words still make his heart race.
He tries to quell the painful drumming in his chest, taking a moment before speaking. "Can I ask a question?" His voice is quiet, filled with hesitance.
"Of course you can," she states with an overwhelming sense of enthusiasm. She's trying to reinforce his interaction, not that it helps.
"What are you testing for?"
"Well, Kade," she says, quickly glancing at a chart, "your recent experiences make it hard for us to know what's going on in your body. You've clearly suffered from malnutrition, so we're looking at blood count, which does a lot of helpful things including gauging certain vitamin deficiencies."
"Okay," he feels hesitant, not that he's ever been given any control over how these kind of things go. He wishes he could just disappear or, more realistically, that the nurse would just get it over with.
"Is there anything in particular we need to be looking for?" she asks.
Please don't, he thinks to himself, "No."
"Which arm would you like me to use?"
Kade blinks at her, staring vacantly in confusion before extending his right arm, saying, "They always used this arm."
"Oh," she says, surprised, "have you had tests like this in the past?"
"Yes," Kade says, voice shaking as she examines his arm.
His arm twitches as her forefinger gently presses against the inside of his elbow, "Why don't we try your other arm?"
"Okay," he says, extending it for her to examine.
She speaks as she continues her examination, "Did they take tests like this often?"
Kade feels the lump in his throat swell as his heart skips a beat, "Yeah."
"Do you know why?"
His breath hitches. "No," he lies.
"Well, I will try to get this done as quickly as possible. You have good veins, it shouldn't be very difficult."
She preps his arm for the blood draw, trying to continue the conversation. He stops responding, staring intently at his arm.
"You don't have to watch."
He looks up at her, not speaking.
"You're not in trouble if you look away."
Already he feels nauseous, the sight of red running up a tube floods his vision.
He shakes the intrusive memory away, the phantom pain of it tingling in his arm.
"Okay," he finally says.
"Do you want me to tell you what I'm doing as I'm doing it?"
He shakes his head, no.
"That's alright."
He silently winces as the needle presses into his skin.
"Look at it," he remembers a voice saying, "this is an important part of scientific research."
I don't have to, he reminds himself. She said I didn't have to.
He hears a dull thud, in his mind he sees the small vials and the red liquid that fills them.
He remembers how it was then, the gauze around his arm, the way it felt when he moved his arm, how a substantial meal wasn't a sign of mercy, it was a warning.
"And we're done," she chirps. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
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chaerymore · 7 years
do you want to have kids when you're older? names?
currently i do not want kids but i used to and like i had a list. if you give me a sec (well you won’t know the difference lol) i can find it
*leaves to find it**comes back with it*
so i planned out 4 girl names and 4 boy names (bc i wanted 4 kids, lol silly me) and there was a theme. girls had A first names and K middle names and that was reversed for the boys (so i could name a boy killian)
girl names: adeline kay, adaline kelly, aidain kennedy, alaina kadeeboy names: killian adam, keagan austin, keith ansel, kian arnold
and reading those now, i realize that i used to be the White Mom™ who wanted to name their kids “special names” lololol
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witchwarsrp-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
                       HALE INSTITUTE FILE: BASICS
NAME: Kade Richard AGE, YEAR: 21 Years Old, Third Year SCHEDULE: Schedule C MENTOR: Professor Cooper Hayes HOMETOWN: Berlin, Germany PRIMARY FACE CLAIM: Dominic Sherwood BACK UP FACE CLAIMS: Ansel Elgort, Taylor Lautner
                      HALE INSTITUTE FILE: POWERS
POWER: Aerokinesis
The ability to create wind and manipulate its movement. The effects of this power vary in proportion to the strength of the magical being and scope of his or her power. Users can create short bursts of high speed wind, which can be very strong or very weak, depending on the intention. In its most advanced forms, Aerokinesis grants the user the ability to levitate and fly into the air by using the natural currents around them. Kade is able to manipulate the air from his hands, pushing back people up to ten feet with extreme speed and force. Depending on the surroundings, these attacks can knock someone unconscious due to the force of the collision when they hit a wall or the ground. Similar to any other kinetic power, focus and concentration is important in order to successfully use it as well as a caution to not over use it. The more use the ability gets in a short period of time, Kade can become dizzy or light headed.
                    HALE INSTITUTE FILE: HISTORY
Kade is one of those rare twenty somethings who has seen the world. He was born in Berlin, Germany as an only child to a successful curator at one of the largest museums in Germany. Because of this, this family was extremely wealthy and could afford to see the sights that many kids only get experience looking at in their textbooks. It seemed that his mother was constantly being called off to some gallery opening or having to pick up some rare artifacts, and since he was homeschooled, he got to explore the world with them. It just so happened that both of his parents were witches as well, part of the reason why they chose to homeschool Kade so they could provide him not only with the intellectual pursuits but with the magical knowledge that he would need to learn in order to excel as a witch. The young witch began to explore his abilities from a young age, allowing him to get a control over it faster than most kids since he wasn’t confined to having to keep his magic hidden all of the time. With his mother’s career and their globetrotting adventures, Kade became very worldly and enjoyed being able to visit areas of high artistic merit and taste. All that being said, he was quite lonely. As an only child who was home schooled, it seemed that whenever he made a friend, he was being whisked away elsewhere for months at a time and unable to truly develop any lasting friendships. Sure, he had a few friends back in Berlin that he got to hang out with and visit every time he was at home, but they all had their own lives going on and things that he wasn’t around for. When he was a teenager, his parents told him about the Hale Institute and asked if he would be interested in attending when he became of age. Of course he jumped at the opportunity, eager to meet other young witches his age as well as find some stability. He loved his parents and he loved the adventures that they got to go on together, but at the same time, he felt like he somewhat missed out on some of the normalcy that should happen when you are a child and going through adolescence. Before long, it was time to go away to the Hale Institute and Kade instantly immersed himself in the student body. At first he was a little weary, since he had been homeschooled his entire life and hadn’t ever experienced what an academic setting was like. Needless to say, the Hale Institute was far different from any traditional schooling facility. He’s very well liked and a natural born leader; sometimes people think he’s a bit of a suck up to the faculty members because he’s always has wanted people to like him. He adjusted to a studious life quite easily, though finds it different to have someone besides his parents giving him advice and knowledge. Kade has enjoyed developing his powers while at school and hopes that one day he’ll be able to explore the world like his mother but with a focus on magical artifacts. He’s a big magical history buff and enjoys learning about things in the past.
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bookishb0rgid · 5 months
Scientific Advancement
@medwhumpmay day 6: Doctor turned patient Unconscious
Cw: Non-consensual drugging
Follow up from Day 4's prompt
They should really oil these wheels, notes Connor Belanger silently as he pushes the cart towards the back of the building. He tries, and fails, to not distract himself as he finds fascination in the unconscious boy. He could be the first real result. He thinks to himself proudly. He's a scientific marvel. He finds himself lost in his thoughts of scientific achievement and research and the honorable position he's been put in as he pushes the boy toward the back of a large van.
Someone opens the doors of the vehicle, stepping out, "Is this 183?"
"Yes, sir."
"Do you have his file?"
"It's right here," says Connor, passing it to the man.
Of course, it's unfortunate that this is how the research has to be carried out. A small risk for the sake of modern science.
"He's young," the man comments as the boy is lifted into the van.
"Gullible," replies Connor matter-of-factly. "Needed cash for college and decided this was an easy way to get it."
"Know him well?"
"He's a talker."
"Belanger," the man says in a warning sort of tone, "you're not getting attached, are you?"
"No, sir."
"And you're aware this stays between us?"
"Of course."
"Good," he says, "I'll contact you first, make sure no one comes looking for him."
Connor nods, bringing the empty cart back into the building, proud to be a part of something far greater than himself.
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bookishb0rgid · 5 months
Stay with me
@medwhumpmay Day 5: Stay with me
Cw:gore, blood
Follow up/secondary perspective from Day 2's prompt
There is blood on Rowan's hands.
Actually, there is blood everywhere. The thought of it on his favorite button up is least of his priorities as he presses his palm into the gushing wound. He doesn't even remember calling emergencies services but the operator speaking through his phone confirms an ambulance is on the way.
"Is he responsive?" asks the voice on the other end of the phone.
The person below him stirs a little bit, "Hey, buddy, you're going to be alright, just stay with me."
"First responders will be at your location within two minutes."
The person under Rowan shifts their body, weakly attempting to pull away from him. "Hey, you're going to be okay, help is on the way," Rowan repeats, keeping pressure on the wound.
"Be not afraid," the young man beneath him responds.
"Yes," Rowan hesitates to respond, "that. There's nothing to be afraid of."
Sirens echo, the grating sound relieving to hear.
Rowan waits for permission before releasing pressure from the wound, the responsibility given to someone with far more medical knowledge. Only then does exhaustion sweep through his suddenly sore muscles as he sits, almost fully collapsing, on the undoubtedly dirty cement below him.
Blood clings to his hands, he's aware of it now. Nausea encumbers him, someone speaks to him.
He catches sentences in fragments.
"-good job, man."
"-need a statement-"
"-where were-"
"How did you-"
And suddenly he's cleaning the blood off his hands, finding the stains on the cuffs of his sleeves.
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bookishb0rgid · 5 months
Cutting your losses
@medwhumpmay Day 2: Running Out of Time
Cw: Attempted Murder, blood, violence
"You're far more trouble than you're worth," sneers James Brasswell.
Kade blinks in confusion at the words, knees suddenly buckling as he hits the ground. He's faced with the powerful scent of leather from the hiking boots inches from his face as he fails to comprehend the speech of the man looming above him.
Kade slowly blinks, eyes bleary, Why is everything sideways?
As the sound of boots stepping away terrorizes his sudden, intense headache, his hand reaches towards his chest, flinching away as he feels something damp.
His eyes focus on crimson red, suddenly remembering a knife.
He quells the panic rising in his chest, pressing the heel of his palm into the wound.
I have to get help.
He helps himself onto his feet, taking unsteady steps before a firework of pain envelopes his chest.
He shouts, suddenly back on the ground. A sob escapes his throat, I'm going to die.
He lies on the ground, hand failing to keep pressure on the wound as his consciousness becomes fainter.
He needs help before he passes out, and he's running out of time.
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bookishb0rgid · 5 months
I Don't Feel Well
@medwhumpmay Day 4: Sedated
CW: non-con (medical) drugging
Kade fights against his will to close his eyes, looking for a staff member. "Excuse me," he calls out, "I don't feel-" he feels a wave of vertigo the second he shifts his head. "Help," he whimpers, unaware of the predatory way the medical personnel look at him as he falls unconscious.
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