#Kagome fanfiction
wolfylady · 1 year
Youkai Academy ~Chapter 2~
The school halls were abuzz with whispers and hushed tones, the students seeming to delight in openly gossiping about the two, and only, transfer students. Most rumors came with a snide or prudish remark about their social class and the possible implications that "commoners would soon overcome the school." Kagome rolled her eyes and paid the comment no mind; after all, she had heard far worse as a miko that had traveled in a skirt during the Edu period- now that was something to be embarrassed about. These children knew nothing of war or the dangers of prejudice by ignorant people; if anything, that is what they encompassed with their wealth. They knew nothing of the world beyond their pampered lives.
Kagome sighed; she doubted the youkai here would even know what to do if she exposed herself as a miko; they'd either panic, run, or fight, though she had only felt a handful of youkai on campus that would pose a challenge. No wonder the Dean of Students had been curious of what her presence may bring.
Looking towards the library, Kagome spotted what at first appearance seemed to be a boy; they were dressed in worn formal pants and shoes along with a weathered sweater. But having already met the other scholarship student, Kagome knew it to be Haruhi. Something must have happened to the girl since the last time they met for her appearance to change so drastically in such a short period of time.
With a warm smile, she approached the frazzled girl. Her short brown hair was mused and messy, with her bangs and shabby haircut falling into her gentle face."Hi Fujioka-san, everything alright?"
The young teen jumped, doe-eyes framed by thick frames, quickly meeting her own. She looked confused for a second, and then, as if having an 'ah-ha' moment, her eyes widened. "Oh Higurashi-san," she bowed lightly in greeting, a cool composer falling over her face with a gentle smile. "I'm just trying to find a quiet place to study."
Her shoulders fell. "Is this one crowded too?" Kagome asked dejectedly. Kagome had already gone to all the libraries on campus and had found each bursting with students that didn't understand the concept of using their "inside voices."
Haruhi nodded in defeat. "Stupid rich kids," she muttered, and Kagome laughed.
Gesturing with her own books toward the quieter halls up ahead. "Want to join me in my search for a quiet place to study?"
The girl nodded with a soft, please.
Kagome chuckled lightly. "What happened to your hair Fujioka-san?"
The girl looked at her owlishly before examining a long bit of her bangs. "Some kid in my neighborhood put gum in my hair."
Kagome briefly grimaced, recalling when her brother had gotten some stuck in her hair. It had been quite a traumatic process getting it out. "I think it suits you," she offered with a smile.
Haruhi beamed, her gentle beauty dazzling even Kagome as she smiled, and heat colored her pale cheeks. "Thank you, Higurashi-san," she paused. "Higurashi-san?"
"Please feel free to call me Kagome."
The teen nodded with a pleased smile. "Kagome, why are you wearing the boy's uniform, if you don't mind me asking."
"Have you seen the girl's uniforms?" She teased, and both girls laughed, both agreeing that the uniforms were loathsome compared to the male uniform and their own previous uniforms they'd had to wear. But Kagome was still surprised that Haruhi had only asked so as not to misgender her, which Kagome found very thoughtful of the other teen.
They continued to talk softly, going over most of the topics they had gone over in class as they turned down a quiet hallway. And then Haruhi noticed a quiet room. Despite the sign saying the room ahead was a music room, unlike any of the libraries, there wasn't a sound to be heard. And although it seemed like the perfect place to study, the aura of six youkai behind the large white doors informed her that this room was very much taken.
"Kagome-chan, let's check out this room. It's so quiet on this side of the building," the teen smiled, grabbing Kagome's hand before she could protest and opened the large double doors.
For the briefest of moments, there was a flash of light, and the soft tinkle of piano filled the once-silent room.
Their youki expanded, rushing forth to surround her, poking and prodding at her concealed aura, searching for any crack in her defenses. The action had her heart racing and breath hitching in her throat, pulling the scent of magic and roses into her lungs. Her reiryoku surged under her skin, wanting to fight back against the sudden and rude youki that prodded about her person. Still, she held back, unsure that she would be safe despite the Chairman's reassurance.
Across from the two women, both dressed as the opposite gender, sat six posed male students. If Kagome didn't know any better, she would have thought they had been waiting in that pose, it sounded ridiculous, yet they looked just as absurd. Five members lounged across one another while surrounding the person sitting within an ornate golden chair with luxurious red cushions: it looked like a throne.
Each male exuded an air of power, backed not only by the wealth that encompassed their lives but in their youki, blanketing the room in warm, almost inviting curls. For a moment, Kagome almost found herself blushing. The warmth and almost intimate way their youki reached out and caressed her made her both embarrassed and irritated, that they had no shame in how they prodded at her concealed aura.
Of the six young youkai, two of them screamed danger. A stoic man, whose lean physique loomed over the group, looked rather stand-offish with a bored expression and somewhat understated masculine presence. But his silver eyes were piercing, matching the underlying tension within his posture; he was ready to fight at a second's notice. Yet, he didn't look as intimating despite the feeling of protectiveness that he exuded, which mostly had to do with the small blonde hanging from his shoulders.
The small blonde was smiling, looking as carefree as a child, even looking like a young pre-teen with large golden-brown eyes and bushy blonde hair. He looked as threatening as a kitten, but Kagome felt as if she were about to face off to the death against one of Sesshomaru's generals. The power that came off him was terrifying, but his aura was rather pleasant and inviting.
Those two had to be the most powerful, but at the moment weren't the ones prying at her masked aura.
No, that one was the one that reminded her of a serpent. He was lean and posed, with a mature air about him, but from the rude prodding of his aura, Kagome could already tell that he didn't care about people's boundaries and coveted information. If she didn't know better, she would wager that the glasses-wearing male was a dragon, mainly because he seemed to be a man of pride and greed, something that most (at least the ones she'd met) dragons almost always possessed.
Then there were the kitsunes. Of course, that was merely an instinctual guess, but they felt so much like her Shippo that Kagome could easily picture the mischievous-looking duo with a foxtail, or two, swishing behind them. They looked to be twins, but their auras were different. One was calmer and light, while the other seemed to shutter and darken anxiously.
Finally was the blue-eyed blonde sitting in the thrown. He beamed happily, his aura shining brightly in welcome and curling around the room as if to hug and coddle everyone in the room. He smiled with a gentle kindness that only made him look more handsome and exotic looking. But Kagome was immediately surprised to feel he wasn't a full-blooded youkai; he wasn't half, but he wasn't full either. He was something else: somewhere in between.
"Welcome!" they greeted in unison before the blonde quickly spoke, grinning at their puzzled faces. "Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's most handsome boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich and beautiful."
Kagome looked at them, dumbfounded. What a stupid club!?
"A host club?" Haruhi questioned dumbly, no doubt just as bewildered by the club as Kagome.
The orange-haired duo then piped up in unison, both looking somewhat surprised. "Oh, wow, it's a boy!"
"Men are valuable patrons too, so stifle it," the blonde corrected.
The dark-haired one with glasses looked them over with a calculated glace before addressing the twins mirthfully. "Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe these young men are in the same class as you, correct?"
"Well, yeah, but they're both rather shy. They haven't acted very sociably, so we don't know much about them." The twins answered boredly as if they could care less about the two of them.
"Hm. Well, that wasn't very polite." He smirked. The look gave Kagome the chills. He looked as if he had just learned something important in that small interaction. That boy definitely rubbed her the wrong way.
"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Haruhi Fujioka and Mr. Kagome Higurashi," The blonde exclaimed excitedly. "You're the two exceptional honor students we've heard about."
"How did you know my name?" Haruhi asked, shocked and noticeably uncomfortable.
"Why, you're both infamous. It's not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. Both of you must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student."
"Well, uh, thank you, I guess," Haruhi grumbled irritably while Kagome openly sneered at the group of rude demons.
Kagome growled lowly. "No need for such back-handed comments."
The blonde continued with an ignorant air as if he hadn't been listening as he approached the struggling brunette beside her. "You're welcome. You're true heroes to other poor people. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others."
"I said that your back-handed comments weren't appreciated," Kagome snapped, stepping between the blonde and Haruhi. "You're taking this "poor" thing too far."
He continued, again, ignoring Kagome. "Spurned. Neglected. But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you, poor men, to our world of beauty."
"I'm outta here." Haruhi glowered, and Kagome nodded. These pompous rich kids were unnecessarily rude, their attitudes making Kagome wonder if their treatment of her and Haruhi was based on their social class or their species. Either way, the males' treatment of them was uncalled for.
The short blonde then came bouncing over, taking Haruhi by the hand, stopping them from what would have been their freedom. "Hey! Come back here, Haru-chan! You must be like a superhero or something. That's so cool!"
Trying her best to shake off the male, irritation entered her tired voice. "I'm not a hero. I'm an honor student. And who are you calling "Haru-chan"!?" She finished with a scream.
"I never would've imagined that the famous scholars would be so openly gay. Are you two dating?" The tall blonde asked cheekily while slipping an arm around Haruhi's shoulders
"Openly, what?!" Haruhi and Kagome cried in unison, red tinting both of their faces.
The blonde looped his other arm around Kagome's shoulders. "So tell me what kind of guys you're into. Do you like the strong, silent type?-" He motioned over to the tall and muscular dark-haired male. He gave the two a slow nod of his head, silver eyes gentle and even empathic.
"-The boy Lolita?-" the blonde continued, pointing them to the shorter blonde with his warm honey eyes. He was adorable, even a little charming, but he screamed danger to Kagome.
"-How about the mischievous type-" He pointed them toward the twins. They smiled mischievously, violet streaking across their gold eyes. Kagome found them rather enduring, no doubt because she was partial to kitsunes in nature.
"-or the cool type?" This was when Kagome came face to face with the glasses-wearing serpent boy. She glared at him defiantly. This guy screamed jerk. They all did. He just seemed to be the most arrogant of the bunch.
Haruhi stuttered uncomfortably. "Uh... I, uh... It's not like that. I- we- were just looking for a quiet place to study."
The blonde turned Haruhi- Kagome really wished they had more manners. Didn't they know it was also rude to call someone by their name without offering them their name! The blonde intimately pulled the petite girl close, allowing Kagome to slip from his grasp. "Or maybe... You're into a guy like me. What do you say?"
"Uh!" She screamed, leaping from his arms.
It was as if the next scene were playing out in slow motion. Jumping away from the blonde, Haruhi fell back into one of the large vases in the room. Realizing this, she spun around, Kagome even dropping to help her, both reaching for the large ornate vase, and still, it slipped away from them. Clattering to the ground in a loud shattering of glass, the girls slumped in defeat. They looked at each other, fear entering their eyes.
The twins, Hikaru and Kaoru (the only ones whose names she's learned so far) crowded them with an audible "Aww!"
"We were going to feature that Renaissance vase in an upcoming school auction." Hikaru tsked disappointedly.
Kaoru nodded. "Oh, now you've done it, commoner. The bidding on that vase was supposed to start at ¥8,000,000!"
"What? ¥8,000,000!? How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in a million?"
Kagome fell to the ground, defeated. How had it ended up like this? All they wanted to do was find a quiet place to study.
"We're going to have to pay you back, aren't we?" Kagome sighed.
Panicked, Haruhi turned to her. "No, Kagome, I couldn't ask that of you. It was my fault it broke."
Kagome shook her head and smiled gently. "How could I leave you to the wolves?" Then she stood glaring heatedly at the dumb blonde. "If there is anyone to blame, it's that handsy pervert over there."
The group continued as if they hadn't heard her, irritating Kagome to no end.
"Well, what do you think we should do, Tamaki?" So that's what the blonde's name was; now she knew what to call the handsy pervert.
"You may have heard a famous saying, Mr. Fujioka, "When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do." Since you have no money, you can pay with your body. That means you two will be the Host Club's dogs starting today."
Kagome growled audibly; she really didn't like this club one bit.
'What the hell have I gotten myself into now?'
wolfYLady: I am happy to see so many people are interested in this story. I did try to follow along with the show, so this chapter is a bit longer simply because there is so much dialogue.
So if you like this story, please review. The more reviews, the quicker I can get the next chapter up.
So until next time.
Please Review~
For Fanfiction.net Version
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authorautumnbanks · 1 year
How To Tame A Sorcerer (16)
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The sound of his phone's vibrations against the nightstand reaches his ears before his hand blindly hits the end button. Gojo knows before he opens his eyes that it's just another urgent mission. The higher-ups have been piling more on his plate because he supposedly threatened them.
So what if he told them to be careful who they make enemies out of? He practically gave them life advice.
"You should enforce office hours," Kagome says, voice thick with sleep. Her hand rests on his chest. "What time is it?"
He reaches out and lifts his phone up. "A little after three." He sets the phone back down and stretches out. Idle fingers trail the length of Kagome's arms. Her skin is always so soft. "Ah, but I'm sure it could wait another hour or four."
"Mhm sure." She shifts, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.
"Now who's taking advantage?" He whispers, not surprised when he doesn't get a response.
"I want to go on a mission," Kagome voices from the bed as he slips into his uniform. Gojo glances back at her.
"Yeah, no."
"Why not? You send your students on missions." She eases off of the bed and walks around to his front. Silently he debates if he should wear his blindfold or his glasses. It's supposed to be a nice day out, and he might be able to sneak away and do some sightseeing.
"You're kind of a danger magnet." He shrugs as he determines that wearing his glasses would switch things up a bit.
"It can't be any more dangerous than all the other situations I've been in." She plants her hands on her hips. "If I can survive fighting demons in the feudal era, I can handle a couple of curses."
"Wait - what?" His glasses slide down, resting on the tip of his nose. "Feudal era? I thought you were 24. Have you been lying to me this whole time?" He gasps, clutching his jacket in mock annoyance.
"Time travel. I had a special well on my property. Which is how I ended up here."
He blinks. Once. Twice.
"Man, you are so lucky that you fell into my lap." He smacks a hand to his forehead and lets out a dramatic sigh. The higher-ups would have a field day with her. Forget about the demons. A human that can purify cursed energy and time travel is the bigger threat. "I'd rather just keep you here where it's safe." He spikes his fingers through the short white locks. "But that would make me a toxic boyfriend. But not keeping you safe would also make me awful."
"How about settling for trusting me?"
"You sure ask a lot," he complains, looking upward at the ceiling. He groans at the light slap to his abs.
"Remember when you tossed me in front of that curse?"
"A gentle nudge and it was weak. The missions assigned to me are stronger." He giggles as he struggles to get the words out. Honestly, all the missions are all so boring, even that volcano curse was weak.
"How am I supposed to take on the king of curses if you won't let me help you with the weaker ones? And besides, I'll be with you."
He pulls out his phone and snaps a picture. The image of her trying to persuade him is one that he wants to keep for a long time. It's actually kind of adorable that she thinks he can be swayed by logic. "Why the sudden urge?" He pockets his phone before she can make a swipe for it.
"I'm just feeling kind of useless. I'm not really doing much other than keeping the apartment up and shopping." She crosses her arms. "Like I'm freeloading. But if I could help take out some of the curses that would mean less work for you, and then you could get more rest."
"And here I thought it was everyone's dream to be a kept woman." He frowns. It never occurred to him that she wasn't happy with their current arrangement.
"Excuse me?"
"Alright, alright. I may as well make it a field trip and take Yuji-kun too."
"But I can't shoot my arrows if Yuji is around."
"I guess you'll just have to stick close to me where it's safe." He shakes his head. "You know, this is a great honor. I don't take just anyone on my missions." The look she gives him has him fighting back giggles. "Why don't you get dressed and I'll go tell Yuji-kun the wonderful news."
"No leaving without me." She pokes his chest.
"Yeah, yeah," he responds, gripping her finger and playfully nipping at it. "Gonna go wake up my star pupil now." He backs away and closes the door on his way out. Completely bypassing the room that Yuji is sound asleep in, Gojo instead heads for the kitchen. He grabs two pans from the cabinet and starts banging them together as he walks back down the hall. "Wake up, Yuji!" he calls over the sound of the banging pots.
"G-gojo... sensei?" Yuji scratches his cheek as he opens the door. "What's going on?"
"Field trip!" Gojo bangs the pots again.
"The sun isn't even out yet," Yuji complains, covering his ears. "And do you have to bang those pans? Jeez."
"Curses wait for no one and nothing. You must always keep this in mind." Gojo waves one small pan in Yuji's face.
"Satoru! Seriously?" Kagome questions as she walks towards them. "The things I put up with."
"What are you talking about? I'm a joy to be around."
"It's too early for this," Yuji says, smacking his cheeks. "But I'm ready, Gojo-sensei!"
"That's the spirit! Get dressed. We've already wasted too much time." Gojo smiles. "C'mon children, we've got curses to exorcise and sweets to eat." He bangs the pans once more.
"If you bang those pans one more time, I'm never kissing you again." Kagome juts her chin out as if daring him to defy her. The thought crosses his mind and it must read on his face because she arches a brow in response. "Try me."
"So mean!" He drops the pans and latches onto her as she walks past. The action causes her to stumble back and crash into him. "This position is familiar," he coos. The sound of the door slamming shut breaks up the moment. Once again, he forgot about Yuji-kun.
"I think we're scaring him."
"It'll help motivate him to get stronger, so he doesn't die again."
"I- I have no words."
"Understandable, there aren't enough words to describe how inspiring I am."
"God, your ego is huge." She moves to get up. He tightens his hold around her waist and whispers near her ear.
"That's not the only thing." The blush decorating her face stirs his desires. If only he hadn't already gone through the trouble of waking Yuji up. "I love touching you." He lets out a contented sigh.
"You guys are still out here?" Yuji questions, looking down at both of them. Gojo just huffs in response.
"Alright, alright. Let's go. I want to get this taken care of in time for breakfast." He unwraps his arms from Kagome and grabs the pans as he moves to stand up. "And then we've got to train for the exchange event."
"Sensei!" Yuji raises his hand. "What's the exchange event."
"I didn't tell you? Whoops." He laughs, not at all bothered. Kagome and Yuji stare at him as if he's the crazy one. So like a sensible adult, he bangs the pans once more. "Come on you two," he chastises. "So much work to get done."
"Are the trains running at this hour?" Kagome asks as she takes the pans from him.
"Oh, Ijichi has been waiting outside this whole time." Gojo speed walks out the door, laughing the whole way to the car.
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the-lone-huntress · 2 years
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jaybinds · 2 months
Here is my casing of Tales From the House of the Moon by Resmiranda @ahollowyear and typeset done by the lovely Megannana of the Amateur Fanfic Binding group on Facebook. This is my holy grail and I loved casing this so much. This story means so much to me it got me through some hard times in High School and this was a lifeline to me. I hope I did it justice. And no we aren’t gonna talk about the typo. 🥹
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julytheartist · 25 days
Fanart for the fanfic "One, Two, Tree" commissioned by my dear @ladydanitar
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alicepupurred · 1 month
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The Wind knows Everything
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moonkissedart · 9 months
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To @shinidamachu, because your kind words to everyone make you special! ❤️😘
This was inspired by Kiss Me, which takes place after the kiss of the second movie. It’s really sweet and fluffy 🥹😍
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elevenharbor · 7 months
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midnight bribe, moonlight bride (29576 words) by elevenharbor Chapters: 7/? Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/Sesshoumaru, Higurashi Kagome & Sesshoumaru Additional Tags: POV First Person, Tropes, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Writing Exercise, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Slow Burn, No beta this is war Summary: when bribes turn into something more, what is a girl to do next? Deal with the devil himself, of course!
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
chapter 7 is up...and i even made a new cover/sesskag art :) it's my thank you to the lovely people who haven't forgotten this story and gave love and comments on this first-person POV journey of mine. you guys kept me going and i appreciate each and every single one of you.
i am a bit rusty with drawing them and it's rough around the edges since i went on a six-month hiatus. maybe i should retire from art (kidding!....or am I?)
love, eleven
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please don't repost. a reblog would be appreciated. Thank you
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geda-art · 1 day
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🧡Day and….
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snookienthusi4st · 21 days
telling him you love him for the first time
pairings: inuyasha x reader, sesshomaru x reader
warnings: language, mentions of injury, angst if you squint, human reader for both
no nsfw, just fluff
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you fidget with the piece of fabric tied around your leg, kagome’s hands tying it and her voice telling you it’ll heal up quickly replaying in your head. the three of you had just barely escaped a demon, you getting injured in the process.
the demon was about to strike him and you instinctively pushed him aside, giving you that single injury. the gash on your thigh wasn’t extreme, far from fatal.
so why was he so worried? and why hasn’t he come back to you and kagome yet?
your curiosity gets the better of you and you silently move past an asleep kagome, wordlessly venturing out to find him.
tired eyes lock onto a head of white hair leaned against a tree, and upon further inspection, he seems tired too. “inuyasha,” you call out, earning a quick turn of his head.
he doesn’t look the happiest. “the hell are you doing out here?” he whisper shouts, standing and walking towards you. you sigh, in partial annoyance and partial remorse.
“i just.. wanted to apologize.” you take his silence as room to continue, albeit nervously. “i worried you today.”
“damn right, you worried me,” he grumbles, still obviously disbelieving. “why’d you go and do something that stupid is beyond me.”
“it wasn’t stupid, inuyasha.” you reel more of your words in, but you’re growing annoyed. how could he not see what you were doing?
“yes, it was! what were you expecting to happen when you shoved me out the way like that?”
“i wasn’t expecting anything.”
“then what the hell did you do it for, y/n?”
“i did it to protect you!” you snap, your voice still quiet but firmer which catches him off guard. he falls silent again, and you realize the weight of your words and look away.
“i did it to protect you,” you repeat quietly, a shudder in your body as you contemplate your next words. you might as well tell him, you don’t have much to lose.
“i love you.”
you see him stiffen from the corners of your eyes, and any other thoughts of yours die down as he waits to say something. after an airtight moment he scoffs and shakes his head, earning your full attention before he moves in and hugs you.
the movement’s abrupt and unexpected but it feels genuine, his arms tight but soft around your waist as he mutters to himself.
your eyes open as you slowly wake yourself up to the sight of your shared bedroom, still tucked into the sheets with an arm draped over your waist.
an arm? you look over and awakening eyes soften at the familiar face as you analyze it. normally he’s already off patrolling before you can so much as bat an eye, but he’s still here. he’s still here.
isn’t this a nice surprise; you can’t help the slight smile that paints your face as you let yourself nestle back into his hold like usual. the movement causes him to stir and hold you tighter, sharp eyes opening shortly after.
“good morning,” he murmurs, his voice deep and still so easy to hear. you tuck your head into his neck. “good morning. i didn’t think you’d still be here.”
he hums at your words. “this sesshomaru chose to spend a night with you. i’ll be attempting to do so more frequently, i feel you deserve more.”
you smile softly and press yourself further into him, taking in the warmth of his body against yours. “thank you,” you mumble, shifting to meet his eyes. “how did i get so lucky?”
he doesn’t smile but there’s a gentleness in his eyes that’s reserved for you to see. “i could ask you the same,” he says, his words calm and genuine.
you let your eyes shut again as you move in closer, your forehead lightly leaned against his. “i love you, sesshomaru,” you declare quietly, your nose just barely nuzzled against his.
he doesn’t respond immediately but after a moment, his hand softly tilts up your head to meet his lips with yours. the kiss is chaste and careful, and it says everything he struggles to say.
his words are quieter but still firm after he breaks away, and you know he feels the same just by the way he’s looking at you.
“i hold you in high regard as well, y/n.”
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heynikkiyousofine · 9 months
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Happy Holidays @aerin-of-the-isles I'm your Secret Santa! I wrote this cute little one shot for you, and had some amazing work commissioned by @heavenin--hell to go along with it. I hope you love it as much as I do!💕
Finding Home In You
Summary: Querenica: (spanish/adj.) a place where one feels at home, a person where one feels at home with
He sat with his back pressed against the rough wall, a mere few feet from the entry of Kaede’s hut, with even less space from a certain miko on his right. Inuyasha claimed this particular spot along the edge, the perfect place to reside while he watched over her, months ago when they began their journey for shards of the Shikon Jewel. Glancing around the well lit hut, he determined they were safe for the evening, his posture relaxing slightly at the thought, though he would remain on guard while they slept through the night.
Read here on ao3
taglist under the cut
@blairex ; @mamabearcat ; @enchantedink-ag ; @splendentgoddess ; @mandirox89 ; @sailorlolo ; @mustardyellowsunshine ; @knittingknots ; @yukinon-writes ; @clearwillow ; @keichanz ; @serial-doubters-club ; @malditamigs ; @zelink-inukag ; @shinidamachu ; @banksdelivers ; @that-one-nerdy-gal ; @sarahk21 ; @dchelyst ; @anisaanisa ; @lavendertwilight89 ; @otaku-108 ; @sailorbabydoll92 ; @queerkagome ; @chit-a-to ; @liz8080 ; @lightmidnight ; @shikonstar ; @soliska ; @inusecretsanta ; @inukagbot ; @brain-rot-hour ; @xanthippe-writes ; @hahaalaine ; @moonkissedart ; @lostinfantasyworlds ; 
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dyaz-stories · 1 month
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This is a Kagome Higurashi x Gojo Satoru piece I recently commissioned from @minthe-drawings, who did a wonderful job bringing it to life 🥰 Kagome and Gojo are a crossover ship I've had for a little while and I'm thrilled to have this wonderful piece to obsess over.
My fanfiction about them who are we to fight the alchemy? is available on Ao3, and chapter 7 will be out soon, so check it out if you'd like!
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otaku-108 · 2 months
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Hungry like a wolf
Here's my piece for @inu-spiration!
I worked with the awesome @mynightshining on a little KogKag reunion that is just lovely 😍 Read it here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/57445606
Thank you all for the event ❤️❤️❤️
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brain-rot-hour · 9 months
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[I Will Wait]
I fixed it are you happy now?
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jaybinds · 2 months
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This is Tales From the House of the Moon by Resmiranda. This is coming along nicely. Another Sesshoumaru/Kagome bind in the works. Back to my anime roots. Stay tuned for the casing.
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julytheartist · 10 months
Commissioned artwork for "You and Me After All" by the incredible Chiaztolite!!
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As a fan I'm very happy to finally post this! <3
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