#Kaji Dousa
critter0139 · 5 years
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jewishbookworld · 2 years
Awakenings by Rabbi Joshua Stanton, Rabbi Benjamin Spratt
Awakenings by Rabbi Joshua Stanton, Rabbi Benjamin Spratt
American Jewish Transformations in Identity, Leadership, and Belonging Foreword: Rev Kaji DousaAfterword: Dr. Eboo Patel Why are religious organizations on the decline? What changes have caused many of them to lose touch with modern spiritual needs? What does it take to remain relevant in today’s world? Rabbis Joshua Stanton and Benjamin Spratt take on these and other critical questions facing…
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trascapades · 2 years
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🕊🎶#ArtIsAWeapon #GregTate "Celebrating Greg Tate: More Than Posthuman: Rise of the Burnt Sugar Arkestra Mojosexual Cotillion" this Sunday, July 17, 2022, 7:30 PM (doors open at 6:00 PM), @lincolncenter #SummerForTheCity. Limited advance reservations: www.lincolncenter.org/series/summer-for-the-city/celebrating-greg-tate-more-than-posthuman-rise-of-the-burnt-sugar-arkestra-mojosexual-cotillion **This celebration honoring Greg's life and legacy will be live-streamed for folks who are unable to attend - go to Lincolncenter.org ** Reposted from @lincolncenter: Gregory Stephen Ionman Tate (1957-2021) was a giant of Black radical thought and creativity, and a conductor of incandescent, community-driven music. Tate's body of writing as an influential critic would be enough to enshrine him as a cultural icon, but he is equally important to a generation of musicians as both the co-founder of the @blackrockcoalition, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the complete creative freedom of Black artists; and the creator of @burntsugararkestra, a sprawling, omnivorous, and outrageously accomplished improv collective. Reposted from @burntsugararkestra - For this homecoming concert, curated & presented with The Tate Family at one of his favorite venues, more than thirty Burnt Sugar Arkestra members will perform in celebration and tribute to one of the most essential voices in the history of 21st Century Avant Groidd music and thought. On the same day, The Tate Family, Lincoln Center, and Photoville will honor Tate's life and work with the presentation, “In Praise of Shadow Boxers, Dissonance & Dissidents: A Pop-Up Tribute Exhibition to Greg Tate”. The exhibition will feature six-foot prints by 24 artists with whom Tate was in community and whose work he championed. Each image is accompanied by a personal statement by that artist about Tate. The band: Liza Jessie Peterson – MC, Freedome Bradley – MC, Pastor Kaji Dousa – MC Vernon Reid – Conduction, Lisala Beatty – Vocals, Shelley Nicole – Vocals & Conduction, Bruce Mack – Vocals/Synthesizer & Conduction, Karma Mayet – Vocals, Abby Dobson – Vocals, Sequoyah Murray – Vocals, Shariff Simmons – Vocals, Simi Stone – Violin, Satch Hoyt – Flute & Percussion, Lewis “Flip” Barnes – Trumpet, Avram Fefer – Soprano Sax, V. Jeffrey Smith – Tenor Sax, “Moist” Paula Henderson – Bari Sax, Dave “Smoota” Smith – Trombone, Leon Gruenbaum – Keyboards & Samchillian, Ben Tyree – Electric Guitar, Andre Lassalle – Electric Guitar, Jason DiMatteo – Acoustic Bass, Shawn Banks – Congas, LaFrae Sci – Trap Drums & Electronics, Marque Gilmore tha’ Inna•Most – Trap Drums & Electronics, Jared Michael Nickerson – Electric Bass & Conduction, Latasha N. Nevada Diggs - Vocals/Electronic Soundscapes. Bill Toles – BSAC Media Design, LaRonda Davis – BSAC Stage Crew, Ginny Suss – BSAC Stage Crew. Image 1: 🎨Poster art by Amy Gail. Created with photos by Nisha Sondhe, Laura Williams, Daryl Tillman, Ginny Suss, Simone Cassas, & Sachyn Mital. . Image 2: 📸 by Nisha Sondhe #BlackBrilliance #BlackGenius #GregTateCelebration #LincolnCenter #burntsugararkestra (at 60 Lincoln Center Plaza, Damrosch Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgCILUOgl0N/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daily-media · 3 years
The sun was beginning to set as Kaji Dousa neared the border. It was two days into 2019, and the line she was about to cross separating San Diego and Tijuana was the site of a politicized battle over the arrival of thousands of asylum-seekers playing out on televisions screens around the world. Dousa, a prominent New York City pastor, was more than a month into her latest round of border ministry, providing religious services to mostly Central American families whom the president had cast as a national security threat and federal agents had tear-gassed the previous day.
The work was tiring enough, but as Dousa made her way through the sprawling San Ysidro port of entry, a bundle of nerves sharpened her discomfort. It was her first time crossing back from Mexico alone. She promised her husband she would return before dark and that she would give him, and their 4-year-old daughter, a call when she did. With dusk already settling in, that was beginning to feel increasingly unlikely.
Check Here : https://theintercept.com/2022/03/06/cbp-border-surveillance-migrant-caravan/
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chadabler · 3 years
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politicalbombshow · 4 years
“The Information [U.S. Customs & Border Protection] Wants to Seal … [Is] Not Secret Anymore” – Reason.com
“The Information [U.S. Customs & Border Protection] Wants to Seal … [Is] Not Secret Anymore” – Reason.com
From Dousa v. U.S. DHS, handed down yesterday by Judge Larry Alan Burns (S.D. Cal.):
“Access to public proceedings and records is an indispensable predicate to free expression about the workings of government.” The public’s interest in access is so weighty that the Court previously found that Plaintiff Kaji Dousa’s competing interest in protecting her social security number and birthdate…
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bibliatodo · 5 years
Pastora que evangeliza y ayuda a los inmigrante es calificada como una amenaza por el gobierno de Trump
Pastora que evangeliza y ayuda a los inmigrante es calificada como una amenaza por el gobierno de Trump
Una pastora de Nueva York ha presentado una demanda contra Trump, ya que están deteniendo la obra de Dios ilegalmente y la vigilan debido a su trabajo de evangelizar entre los inmigrantes.
Kaji Dousa, pastora de la Iglesia cristiana de Paek Avenue, en Manhattan, dijo que presentó la demanda porque “orar por los inmigrantes no es un delito”, según publica Christian Post.
“Creo que esta…
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evelyngrobinson · 6 years
A Word To The Creepers
I got permission from my friend, the Rev. Kaji Dousa, to share a pointed Facebook post from last week when she was attending a conference. The sad thing is that although we could read this as a bit of “hot goss,” it’s a strong statement that could have been written by many of us while at many church conferences.
Time is UP, boys.
We’re not going to giggle and dodge your icky hugs, your ass gropings, your comments about our boobs, your sexist put-downs and come-ons. We’re going to look you in the eye and say, “Who the hell do you think you are, and who do you think you’re talking to?”
We’re not just going to share what happened to us through the whisper network, we’re going to organize a formal response and report you. We are going to hold you accountable for behaving like a pig, and we’re going to make sure that you are no longer allowed to be a malignant presence that assures that women remain on the margins of our work and our gatherings.
Women are gathering power and learning how to use it. Some of you who have been getting away with your predatory behavior for years will no doubt pout and whine and claim that you are the victim of a witch hunt. To that I will respond with the words of Lindy West, “Yes, this is a witch hunt. I am a witch, and I’m hunting you.”
Kaji wrote,
I am delighted to be at this conference (& anywhere else, for that matter) to learn and grow.
I am the Senior Pastor of a church with a multi-million dollar annual budget. This means that most of my peers are men. I will talk to them. Do not assume or presume anything in these conversations except collegiality.
So no, my conversation with my friend/colleague should not be characterized as him talking to his “girlfriend”. Comments like this are a clear attempt to diminish my power and to put me in my “place” so that I cannot network and speak to the men with whom I need to be in collegial relationship. I am not here for this, nor should you be.
If I am friendly to you I am not flirting with you. There are no exceptions to this.
My attention to my aesthetics is not an invitation for sexual advances.
I am *NOT HERE* to hook up with you or anyone else.
So don’t test me with a lingering hand or an inappropriate joke. I may choose to laugh things off to diffuse tensions but that is not affirmation that you should try more.
Do not presume anything but my integrity and my fidelity to my vows. If you forget about this, you have permission to allow the unmistakably bright rocks on my left finger (though this shouldn’t be necessary) to serve as a reminder.
Just because you remove your ring before conferences (yes, this is a thing) doesn’t mean that the rest of us do or want to.
I thought that this would get better once I got married but then I remembered that no one is safe.
If any of this describes your behavior towards me or something you witnessed, please don’t slide into my DMs or corner me in the hallway with comments, excuses or apologies. I’m so accustomed to all of this that I’m not even mad. All I want is for this to stop. Don’t explain. Just do better.
And finally, for God’s sake: do not pet my foot. (!!!)
Alright. Carry on.
Don’t look for a sparkling ring on our left hand, either. None of us are at conferences to provide cruising material for you. Stop sexualizing our encounters. Don’t hold me for an extra long hug: yuck. If I am charming, gregarious, engaged and cute it doesn’t mean I want to sleep with you. If I do want to venture into that territory I will let you know directly because I’m a grown-ass woman and not a target. In 22 years of ministry I have briefly dated one colleague. When he first propositioned me he was in final fellowship, still married, and I was a seminarian. I’ve learned a lot since then. I did tell him off at the time but I also should have reported him to the Association. He was a charming, self-effacing and serial violator of professional boundaries.
I am grateful to Kaji and to all the other women in ministry who support each other in dealing effectively with the pervasive culture of objectification and sexism in our collegial circles. Thank you also to the men and trans folk who speak up and out against this harrassment, who do not protect predators and who do not constantly expect women to do all the emotional labor addressing this issue. Thank you to the conscientious leaders within our denominations who are working to change structures of reporting and accountability for greater impact and health in our ministry.
Looking forward to hearing from other women in the comments. Cis-het men,it would be good if you would listen on this one.
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mcruztejada · 7 years
Policías arrastran y detienen concejal dominicano durante protesta frente al edificio de inmigración en Manhattan
NUEVA YORK._ Después de apretarle el cuello, durante un breve forcejeo, policías de la ciudad arrastraron como si se tratara de un “saco”, al concejal dominicano Ydanis Rodríguez, representante del distrito 10 en el Alto Manhattan y presidente del Comité de Transporte del Consejo Municipal, durante una protesta ayer jueves en rechazo a la deportación del activista pro inmigrante caribeño Ravi Ragbir, quien fue detenido por la policía de inmigración (ICE) y puesto en repatriación, después que la agencia dijo que él había agotado todos sus recursos legales y no tiene más opciones. (Video https://youtu.be/xPCbknvyZMI )
En medio del casos, que se produjo durante la manifestación, en los alrededores del edificio 26 Federal Plaza que aloja las oficinas de inmigración, en el vecindario Tribecca del Bajo Manhattan, Rodríguez fue detenido violentamente por los policías, que lo sacaron por la fuerza de en medio de avenida Broadway, donde parte de los manifestantes se habían sentado en posición de desobediencia civil.
No es la primera vez que el concejal dominicano es arrestado por la policía, por su defensa en protestas a favor de los inmigrantes y las minorías.
Los choques explotaron después que la ICE le dijo al activista preso que sería deportado de inmediato, por lo que se desmayó en las oficinas de inmigración.
Fue transportado esposado en una ambulancia a un hospital del área. Él, es uno de los principales líderes del movimiento pro inmigrantes en el área de Long Island.
El Gobierno dice que fue arrestado y condenado por estafa hace 16 años y que apeló varias veces la orden de deportación, recursos que perdió en la corte, por lo que tiene que ser repatriado a su isla.
Los defensores alegan que nunca ha cometido un delito violento o de drogas que en casi dos décadas, no tuvo ningún otro problema.
Se recuerda que durante la jornada “Occupy Wall Street” (Ocupemos Wall Street) en septiembre de 2011, él también fue arrestado violentamente, cuando según la policía saltó la valla policial y supuestamente le encima a oficiales que custodiaban la manifestación.
Todos los cargos fueron falsos y desestimados por el juez y posteriormente, Rodríguez demandó a la policía y la ciudad, ganando una compensación de $30 mil dólares que donó a una entidad sin fines de lucro.
Ayer también fue acusado de ocho cargos entre ellos resistencia al arresto, bloquear el paso de una ambulancia en emergencia, obstruir el tránsito y resistirse al arresto.
La primera vez, el concejal dominicano nacido en Moca y criado en Licey al Medio (Santiago), estuvo varias horas en una celda de One Police Plaza (cuartel general de la policía), hasta que fue liberado con una fianza.
Hasta anoche, este reportero no se había podido comunicar con Rodríguez ni con su asistente José Lois, quien lo acompañaba en la protesta, pero no fue arrestado.
El edil, fue esposado con las manos atrás con esposas plásticas y metido en una furgoneta de la policía y procesado en la central de la policía.
Además de Rodríguez, el también concejal afroamericano de Brooklyn, Jumaane Williams, fue detenido en iguales condiciones y acusado de los mismos cargos, así como otros 15 activistas que estaban en la protesta.
"Hoy, después de más de dos décadas de vivir en este país, fue detenido por ICE y trasladado en una ambulancia. Fui arrestado mientras protestaba por su detención, junto con Ydanis Rodríguez y varios de los partidarios de Ravi. Necesitamos sus voces para declarar que #IStandWithRavi (Estoy de Pie Con Ravi)", dijo en su cuenta twitter el concejal de Brooklyn.
La Coalición New Sanctuary (Nuevo Santuario)  de la ciudad de Nueva York, que organizó la protesta, dijo que cientos de manifestantes se congregaron frente al edificio federal y siguieron a una ambulancia en la que estaba  Ragbir.
Según el grupo, Ragbir ha vivido bajo amenaza de deportación durante más de una década después de una condena por fraude electrónico hace 16 años y estuvo en detención migratoria durante 22 meses.
Cuando fue liberado, el residente de Nueva York se convirtió en un abierto activista de inmigrantes en el país.
“Ravi Ragbir significa todo para esta ciudad", dijo Kaji Dousa, vicepresidente  de la organización. "Es un neoyorquino veterano, esposo y padre, Ravi es amado por todos los que hemos tenido el privilegio de trabajar con él para hacer que Nueva  York sea una comunidad acogedora para todos sus residentes”, dijo el dirigente.
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