#KakaGai drabble
person-behind-books · 9 months
kakashi has been choking on flowers for longer than his lungs have been without. the seet developed when a small boy kicked him into a tree and grinned visciously at the victory and a flower bloomed when said boy, now a bit taller, yelled at him that leaving comerades behind made you worse than trash. not even two hours later the boy was dead. the flower didn't die with him but also didn't continue growing. kakashi, unable to let the memories go, kept it. with time he got used to the pain and found ways to work with the lessened lung capacity. then on a battlefield many years in the future a mask cracks apart and to flower stirs for the first time. there is hope, obito is alive, and despair, obito is trying to kill everyone, and the flower neither whithered nor bloomed but simply stirred. her roots having made kakashi's flesh their home too long ago. when the war is over and his team and his friends and obito are all miraculously still alive, kakashi collapses. more so for his lack of breath than his chakra exhaustion or his injuries. obito, limbs shaking from the strain is the one to pick him up and follow sakura along as she makes her way to naruto and sasuke. sasuke and obito, after an uphill battle with only the support of the kazekage are given in the sole custody of konoha, to deal with and punish as they deem acceptable. their case, especially obito's, are difficult ones. sasuke because he betrayed his village, killed a council member, and attacked the five kage but also helped stop the war. obito, because he played a big a role in starting the war as he did in ending it. in the end sasuke is released on probation, to be accompanied by an anbu guard at all times for at least a year, at which point his case will be revisited and re-examined. obito, meanwhile, has a permanent home in the detention cells for at least the next five years. most people know this is only because obito accepted the verdict. with his sharinganhe could eseasly leave even the most secured cell and sealing a persons chakra for more than a month was considered too inhumane even by shinobi standarts. so kakashi is the new hokage and the uchiha are dealt with. life moves on. the flower in kakashi's chest isn't contend with that, however. it's roots start to bury deeper over the coming months and the flower begins shedding petals that kakashi coughts up in bloody puddles. it's a whole now agony, to have the roots move and extend after his lungs had spend almost two decades growing around and fusing to it. it'd even worse than when they had first pierced found their home in his lungs.
obito notices when kakashi's visits trickle down from twice a week to weekly to bi-weekly. how he looks worse and sicker each visit. he isn't told that there is anything wrong with the hkage but even someone who hadn't stalked kakashi for years, someone who wasn't as obsessed with the man as obito was would be able to tell somethign was wrong. then, one day kakashi stands in front of his cell, his breath coming in loud, wet rhasps and tiny conculsions making their way through his muscles. technically obito could activate his sharingan and the chakra blockers on every wall wouldn't be able to stop him form seeing the injury but it seems wrong. to look at him with his sharingan without kakashi's wish to do so. obito had taken so much from kakashi in his lifetime and he daren't take more. "i have hanahaki." kakashi talks in a voice so hoarse it can barely be heard but a tone steady and composed. "i'll die within the week either way so i was commanded," a wry chuckle "to try the last option. I'm alright with dying and this isn't anybodys fault. do you get that, obito?" obito is frozen in shock but he's been a shinobi for too long to let that hinder his actions so he hesitantly nods. if kakashi wants him to not enact revenge on whoever he loves for not loving him back obito will accept it and mourn kakashi like he failed to for rin. "i'm in love with you." becasue it's kakashi the words are spoken with a calculated moncholance that stops obito from understanding their meanings for a couple of seconds. then he activates kamui and vanishes from his cell. the guards aren't fast enough and kakashi to ill to stop obito from grabbing kakashi when he re-appears and taking him into kamui with him. he doesn't love kakashi. not like that. there's only ever been rin and even his obsession with kakashi isn't love. obito is fond of him and needs him to keep living but he's not in love and now that will be what kills kakashi after years of surviving whatever the world threw at him. obito can't accept that. he has trained for years to only send some parts of his body to kamui. he has precice control and an almost perfect understanding of his body. and kakshi also has a sharingan. his sharingan. they are connected in a way no other two people are. he tries but when his chakra flows along and inside kakashi's ribcage he understands that to cut the flower out now, to leave it behind in a bloody, wooden pile would be to leave half of kakashi's lungs open. he would drown in his own blood before even suffocating. still, he manages to leave some part of the flower behind. and goes to the second plan. it's disgusting how madara's influence still haunts him. how it shapes his actions and guides his thoughts but in this situation he's grateful for it. kakashi is too smart to fall for it if he hesitates for even a second.
obito moves just fast enough that kakashi can see him move but not interfere and before he can act they're in the kamui dimention. his breath, inexplicably comes a bit lighter but hsi lungs are still being torn apart by flowers. obito takes a step back from him. then another. the he turns around and just screams into the void for a good moment. kakashi has no idea what's going through his head. at one point obito's shoulders begin to shake, his voice breaking, and when he turns back around he looks so vulnerable. "you love me?" his voice is tiny, small and terrified in a way kakashi never heard from him before. he nods because he promised naruto to do it and by now it's too late to back out. "and you're dying?" another nod "because of me." kakashi shakes his head because this is no ones fault. not his for falling in love. not obito's for not returning the feelings. "i- i'm sorry." kakashi has seen obito cry a thousand times. this time it's no different. big blubbering tears and a snotty nose are running down his face. kakashi doesn't understand how but something in his chest stirs at that, his chest filling with warmth. obito is an ugly crier, always has been, but to kakashi - for some reason - he is still beautiful. "i didn't know. i didn't know. if i knew i wouldn't have. i didn't know." he's still standing out of touching distance but everything in his body language is screaming a yearning to reach out. "i'm sorry. i love you, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. please stay. please don't leave don't die. i'm sorry. i love you i love you i'm in love with out. i didn't know i'm sorry. i would have told you. im sorry." obito is flinching further into himself with every word and pulling himself away, without moving a muscle. the flower in kakashi's lungs grows smaller, leaving chakra in it's wake that heals but not vanishing completely. kakashi believes obito when he tells him he loves him but he knows the rest is bullshit. obito isn't in love with him. it's obvious. still, it feels so good to have the pain vanish kakashi is floating. if obito want's to lie he'll accept it. he'll help him. they'll both just lie. it's enough for now. kakashi reaches out with his left hand. his right having entered too many ribcages between them to be considered neutral and at the brush against his arm obito collapses forward and his arms snare around him. this is fine. for now it's enough.
he'll keep lying as long as he needs to. as long as the other needs it. as long as the other accepts it. for the rest of his life if he needs to. to be able to keep the other's warm bodie in his arms. maybe they'll one day be in love maybe they'll die as liers. it doesn't matter as long he stays for now.
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erimeows · 8 months
Like This (NSFW)
Kakashi’ Hatake’s legs dangle off of the edge of the Hokage monument as he glances at Might Guy, who is sitting next to him. The other shinobi is distracted, staring at the string of stars that litter the pitch black sky like fairy lights, but Kakashi doesn’t mind.
“It’s been more than two weeks since you’ve been in town, Sukea! I wasn’t expecting to see you so suddenly,” Guy starts. His deep onyx gaze is still straight forward in a way that has the starlight shining beautifully against his sun-kissed skin. On one hand, Kakashi wants Guy to be looking at him rather than at the village they’ve both seen a million times over. On the other, he doesn’t, because Guy wouldn’t really be looking at him. Rather, Guy would be looking at Sukea, the alter ego and disguise that Kakashi has been fooling him with for over a year now. Though Kakashi has done a good job of hiding the truth thus far, there are evenings like this one where he feels as if Guy can see straight through all of it. “But I’m glad you invited me out here tonight even though you only just got back. It’s good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you as well,” Kakashi says, swallowing tightly. He offers up a forced smile and runs a hand through his hair to make sure that the brown, fluffy locks are still perfectly in place as they should be with his partial-transformation jutsu. A full transformation would be much easier to manage for such a risky situation, as he wouldn’t have to worry about the purple face-tape beneath his eyes and the matching eye-shadow that cover his scar or the makeup on his eyebrows potentially coming off, but he spends so much time with Guy in this form that the full transformation would eat up all of his chakra. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
The words should make Kakashi’s heart flutter, but they don't. They’re not meant for him- they’re meant for Sukea, this fake person that he’s created so selfishly. 
There are times- like right now- where it hurts. There are nights where Kakashi goes home and finds himself restless with the pain of wishing that Guy was in love with him and only him rather than with Sukea, who Guy is convinced is an entirely separate person. There are days where Kakashi drowns in guilt because he’s purposely deceiving his best friend.
But, he’s happier like this, and so is Guy.
Because like this, he isn’t Kakashi Hatake. He is not the man with a tragic past full of death and failure, nor is he the shell of a person he’s confined himself to be. Like this, he doesn’t avoid intimacy at all costs. He doesn’t push those closest to him away and spend all of his free time in solitude.
Like this, he is simply Sukea. No last name to remind him of his father. No trauma. Just a traveling photographer with a loving heart and a knack for mischief. 
For all Guy knows, Sukea comes from a boring nuclear family who lives in a far off civilian town. 
For all Guy knows, he’s at least a little bit normal- and Kakashi is desperate to keep it that way. 
So, when Guy stands and offers a hand to help him up- even though he still isn’t used to another man’s hands being used to lift him up rather than to hurt him- he takes it, stands, and wraps an arm around Guy’s waist with a smile- because he’s going to convince Guy that he is truly like this for as long as he can.
“So, shall we take this to your place?” Sukea says, knowing full well that he could never take Guy back to his shitty little apartment. 
As always, Guy grins down at him and pulls him closer. 
“I’d like that.”
The next morning, Kakashi slips out of Guy’s apartment window and makes his way home before the older man can wake up and convince him to go out for breakfast. He leaves no indication of when Sukea will be back in town to make things easier on himself and crashes the moment he gets back to his own apartment for a long nap. 
“God… I should really stop doing this,” Kakashi mutters to no one but himself upon waking from his slumber. His back is sore, there’s hickeys left on his neck and down his chest, and his legs still feel like gelatin. Memories of Guy gently wiping him down and pressing kisses against the marks left on his skin flash behind his eyes. “One of these days, it’s going to catch up with me… Oh well. Guess I should take a shower.”
After scrubbing the smell of Guy off of him and trying his best to distract himself from their rendezvous, Kakashi goes to sit on his favorite bench in the village to read the first volume of Icha Icha. As much as he’d love to go on a mission right now, he’s already reached his quota for the month and is stuck in the village until further notice (because according to Lady Tsunade, he can’t drown himself in work just because Naruto and Sasuke are gone). The familiar words printed on the pages of his book bring him no comfort, though, as Guy’s chakra signature draws near.
“Kakashi, my dear rival!” Guy calls, leaping down from a nearby tree and joining Kakashi on the bench.
He sits far too close for Kakashi’s comfort and tosses an arm over his shoulder. Kakashi shuts his book as subtly as he can and pretends that the hairs on the back of his neck aren’t standing up right now.
“Guy,” He speaks, bristling underneath the sensation of Guy’s clothed arm against the back of his neck. It’s surprisingly warm. Just like his touch was last night. Rather than looking over at Guy, Kakashi stares at the cover of Icha Icha as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world. “What’s up?”
“Right now we’re tied at fifty two wins to fifty two wins- I was thinking we should settle the score by having an eating contest at Ichiraku!” Guy explains with a hopeful smile. When Kakashi finally meets his eyes, he can see the utter love and adoration in them. “What do you say?”
It makes Kakashi’s heart hurt because he knows that even with Sukea as a part of his life now, Guy still can’t let go of him. Guy is still in love with him just as much as he is with Sukea and it’ll probably remain that way.
“An eating contest, hm?” Kakashi asks, standing up so he can put some distance between the two of them.
‘Sounds like an excuse for a lunch date… Classic Guy.’
Kakashi shakes his head and starts to walk away, only for Guy to follow close behind him and continue rambling about the ‘eating contest’. All Kakashi can think about is why he keeps doing this to the both of them when he knows the kindest thing to do would be to stop using the Sukea disguise and cut Guy off completely. 
Kakashi supposes there’s a logical explanation for why he’s been doing this for so long, when he gets down to really thinking about it. 
He’s selfish. 
Is said explanation morally justifiable? Not really. But, to him, it makes sense. Guy has had an obvious crush on him since they were children. Kakashi refuses to date him, citing a lack of interest as his reason even though they both know that’s not it. The real reason is that he’s scared of getting too close only to get burned and ruin their two-decade-long-friendship for the sake of romance. 
Determined not to have his fears come to fruition, Kakashi remained hellbent on keeping his and Guy’s friendship completely platonic, but the constant complaints about a dull love-life and lack of passion that he’d heard from Guy became tiresome following the last Chunin exams. 
Kakashi devised a simple solution; transform into his Sukea disguise, catch Guy at his local bar, and charm him just enough to distract him from Kakashi for a little while.
It was a perfect plan. 
The catch?
It worked too well. What was supposed to be a night of magic and romance to get Guy’s spirits up turned into a one-night-stand, which turned into a series of real dates, which has turned into a relationship that they haven’t quite put a label on. This has been going on for over a year and Kakashi swears that it’s a miracle he hasn’t blown his cover yet.
“Yes- an eating contest will be a true test of endurance, stamina, and willpower!” Guy rambles on, snapping Kakashi back to reality. “What do you say?”
“Mah, I’m not feeling it today. Thanks for the offer, though,” Kakashi rejects the invitation and makes another attempt to walk away, only for Guy to stand in front of him.
Kakashi gulps. He’s suddenly reminded of all the nights he’s spent as Sukea lately; of the muscular body that’s currently blocking his path being used to pin him to the wall, the bed, the glass door of Guy’s shower, and every other semi-flat surface in the ravenette’s apartment. Ashamed, Kakashi stares at the dirt road beneath his feet, cheeks burning bright red underneath his mask.
“Ah, but if you refuse my challenge, you lose by default!”
“Then consider yourself in the lead. We’re at fifty two to fifty three wins now, yes?” Kakashi questions and steps around Guy. He shoves his book in one of his large pockets, knowing that he won’t be able to focus on reading it on the way home even if he wanted to. “I’ll make up for it later, so don’t worry about it.”
“Kakashi, wait!”
Much to Kakashi’s horror, Guy exclaims loudly enough that it gains the other villagers’ attention as he grabs Kakashi by the wrist to keep him from leaving.
Kakashi turns, barely meeting Guy’s gaze. He snatches his hand back so fast he’s sure it hurts both of them. The civilians that walk past them stare but don’t stop or say anything. 
“What is it?”
“It doesn’t have to be a contest, you know- we can just go get lunch together! As friends, I mean,” Guy offers, and Kakashi’s heart flutters. Part of him wants to accept the offer. The other part of him knows that it would be wrong to do so considering what he’s been doing lately. He’s not even sure he could keep himself from word-vomiting the truth. “If the contest is too much for you today… It’ll be my treat.”
It’s hard to say no. Kakashi knows he needs to, but ever since Sasuke and Naruto left the village, Guy has become increasingly concerned about him. In turn, Guy has been trying to spend more time with him. The problem with that is that Guy refuses to give up no matter how many times Kakashi rejects him- probably because he can tell that, deep down, Kakashi wants him back and just refuses to act on it.
“I’m good.”
“Kakashi, please,” Guy begs, onyx eyes pleading. Guilt makes Kakashi’s stomach sink like heavy, ink black tar. “I know you have a lot going on right now, but you can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“Shutting everyone out! You were doing so much better until Sasuke went rogue-”
“I don’t want to talk about that,” Kakashi snaps. “And you don’t know what I’m going through or how I’m doing, so don’t pretend that you have any idea. We’re rivals, yes, and we’ve been friends for a long time, but none of what has happened since Sasuke left is any of your business.”
Guy steps back, crosses his arms over his chest, and lets out a sigh of defeat. 
“Are you seriously going to do this again?”
“Yes,” Kakashi nods. “I’ll continue to do what I think is best for the both of us, and right now, that means keeping my distance.”
“You’re wrong,” Guy argues, but he makes no move to stop Kakashi from leaving this time.
“Maybe I am, but if that’s true, and I realize it later down the line, I’ll come to terms with it on my own. I don’t need you to tell me. You’re not my parent, nor are you my partner, a therapist, or anyone else who would be even remotely qualified to meddle in my personal life like you do. Stay out of it.”
“Fine,” Guy spits. Kakashi can practically hear the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. “If that’s how you really feel-”
“Listen,” Kakashi interjects. He hates how good Guy is getting at changing his mind about these sorts of things. “We can get lunch, but don’t think I’m going to magically open up to you, alright? I just want to be left alone… And after we get lunch today, you need to leave me be for a while. I’ll come to you when- or if- I need you. I promise.”
Guy looks angry- like he wants to lash out and yell, like he wants to chew Kakashi out for treating him like shit and pushing him to the side for the past twenty years- but that expression quickly settles into something more defeated that Kakashi can’t stand the look of. Guy sighs, and finally, agrees. 
“Alright, Kakashi… What would you like to eat?”
Lunch with Guy that day is awkward and tense, to say the least. They eat, but no conversation is had. Guy pays the tab and they part ways after practically scarfing down their food to get out of the awkward social situation.
Kakashi regrets giving in and going in the first place. By the time he gets back to his own apartment, he’s tired and wracked with guilt over the argument- and worst of all, unable to distract himself by going on missions or training with his team of Genin. Reading through all of his Icha Icha books hasn’t managed to get his mind off of it either. 
Who would’ve guessed that reading a romance novel would make him think about the situation more? Surprisingly, not Kakashi himself.
After hours of lamenting, the Jonin grumbles and rolls out of bed so he can grab the disguise from his closet; green rain coat, beige scarf, black eye contacts, and purple face tape. He pads into the bathroom. The pitter-patter of tiny paws against his wooden floors follows close behind. 
As he starts to apply the concealer over his eyelid to cover his scar and then over his arm to cover his tattoo, Kakashi can already feel Pakkun’s beady eyes burning holes of judgment into him. The pug drapes himself over Kakashi’s bare feet and grumbles.
“Going to see Guy again, are you?”
“Sticking your nose in my business again, are you?” Kakashi shoots back, not even sparing Pakkun a glance. He carefully covers his Sharingan with a contact lense and applies the purple tape beneath his eyes.
“As always,” Pakkun retorts. “Sort of weird that you’ve been doing this to the poor idiot for, what, a year?”
“Trust me, I know it’s weird, but you’re not my therapist-”
“Or anyone else who would be qualified to give you life advice, I know. The whole situation is just ridiculous… Can’t help but ruminate about it when it comes up.”
“What are you gonna do, tell him?” Kakashi hums and moves his feet out from underneath Pakkun so he can slide his shoes on. Finally, he performs a partial transformation to change his hair, make his figure a little bulkier, and slides on his shoes. “Again, it’s not your business.”
“And yet you vent to me about it once a month. If you didn’t want me to know, you wouldn’t tell me… And you also wouldn’t come back so often reeking of sweat and hair gel.”
“Look, I’m gonna get out of here, okay? I’ll see you later. I don’t know where the others are right now, but whenever they get back, there’s cooked steak and veggies for you all in the fridge; you just have to heat them up.”
Pakkun nods and briskly walks out of the room, probably to go lay in Kakashi’s bed and coat the sheets with his hair since he knows the man is going to be leaving. Kakashi doesn’t even bother scolding the Ninken or trying to get him to stop, instead packing a small overnight bag (even though he never stays long enough to fall asleep) and heading out.
The streets in Konoha are loud and bustling despite the time of night. The moon shines down on the village as civilians and ninja alike go up and down the streets, popping in and out of shops and chatting. Many travel in pairs, arm in arm, hand in hand, looking at each other with adoration in their eyes. Kakashi blends in with the crowd easily since he’s missing his ninja gear, and since he does, no one bats an eye in his direction- even while he blatantly stares at the couples he passes who are so blatantly putting their love for each other on display. He wonders if, maybe someday, him and Guy could do that- with him as himself, rather than as Sukea. 
With a frown, he shakes his head to clear it of the thought. He isn’t sure he wants to open that can of worms any time soon, let alone tonight when he’s already emotional. 
Quickly, he enters the residential area where Guy’s apartment is located and makes his way to the older man’s door. He knocks and is unsurprised when he gets an immediate answer.
“Sukea!” Guy greets, a beaming smile on his face. Kakashi- Sukea, now- isn’t sure whether he should feel excited or guilty. “I didn’t think you’d be back so soon.”
“What can I say? I missed you too much to stay away.”
Guy’s apartment is stupidly perfect in a way that makes Sukea’s heart throb in his chest when he’s there. With seasonal potpourri bowls in each room that make the place reek of pecans and apples, old pictures of them and all of their friends hung unevenly on the walls, and training gear strewn about, Sukea thinks he could stay forever before remembering that he can’t. So, he enjoys it while he can, grinning when Guy pulls him into his arms, lifts him up, and carries him into the bedroom.
Sukea wakes up the following morning and realizes three things.
One, the bedroom is no longer lit by the lamp on Guy’s nightstand but by natural sunlight that comes pouring through the blinds.
Two, he fell asleep the night before without realizing it, meaning that it must be morning.
And three, he can’t maintain any jutsu in his sleep, so he is now Kakashi rather than Sukea. Yet, when he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, Guy is still very much there. The ravenette has a soft smile on his face as he runs a hand through Kakashi’s silver hair and leans forward to press a kiss against Kakashi’s cheek. Kakashi, on the other hand, panics. Guy clearly sees said panic in Kakashi’s face and reacts accordingly.
“Kakashi… It’s okay, you know,” Guy tries to comfort Kakashi and reaches forward for him to no avail. 
Kakashi thinks he must look like an idiot as he jerks away and sits up to furrow his brow and dwell on why the fuck Guy is acting like his usual reassuring, loving self instead of losing his mind at the fact that he’s been being tricked for over a year. Incredibly self-conscious, Kakashi rips the blanket that they were previously sharing from Guy and uses it to cover his body as well as the lower half of his face. If he weren’t already embarrassed about the Sukea predicament, he definitely is at the prospect of Guy seeing him- as himself- completely nude.
“Wait,” Kakashi breathes out and reaches up to remove the single contact in his Sharingan before allowing it to flutter shut. The contact is haphazardly tossed in Guy’s bedside trash can, which is also full of empty water bottles, beer cans, and used condoms from the night before. Kakashi’s face flushes pink in a mixture of embarrassment and horror. “You knew?”
“Uh,” Guy clears his throat, his cheeks also darkening. “Yes? You didn’t… Wait, did you not know that I knew?”
“Why didn’t you… I didn’t… I mean, um, I should probably just go,” Kakashi scrambles to stand up with the blanket wrapped around him so he can get his clothes back on, but in the midst of his panic, he trips and falls over one of his abandoned shoes. Thankfully, Guy rolls over to the edge of the bed and gets up just in time to catch Kakashi by the waist and steady him on his feet. When Kakashi tries to slip away, Guy shakes his head, to which Kakashi groans and closes both eyes. “Please, just let me leave. I’m humiliated enough as it is and I understand that you’re probably pissed, but I don’t want to talk about this.”
“I’m not just going to let you run away from this, too. We need to talk- there’s clearly been some sort of miscommunication here!”
“What’s there to talk about?” Kakashi sighs. Guy lets him pull away, but this time, he doesn’t run, opting to sit on the edge of the bed with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. “I mean… If you knew… Why did you let me continue? What exactly does this mean to you?”
“Well, when you’re like this…” Guy pauses, sits down next to Kakashi, and reaches under the blanket to hold his hand. Against his better judgment, Kakashi reciprocates and intertwines their fingers. Guy’s touch is warm and genuine, just like the man himself. Although Kakashi isn’t anticipating a reaction of anger and betrayal anymore, he’s still conflicted- and, more importantly, confused. “It’s the only way you let me in. I know, it went too far, but… I assumed that we were both in on it. Did you seriously think you could fool me with a disguise like that?”
“Would you be mad if I said ‘yes’?”
“No, I can’t be mad at you,” Guy laughs and shakes his head. When Kakashi glances over, the older man is wistfully staring at the old picture of them that’s hung on the wall across from where they’re sitting. “Just frustrated with you… Don’t you remember the first time I saw you as Sukea?”
“Of course I do.”
“I guess I should’ve actually asked you about it instead of just assuming, but even though it took me a few minutes to figure it out that night, I did, and I assumed it was intentional… Like you wanted the connection I was so desperately trying to initiate with you but felt as if you weren’t allowed to have it as yourself. Like you did it with the intention of us both being in on it and just… Not talking about it in our day to day. I get that, as a ninja, it’s easier to keep your personal life separate from your work life- you’ve always been that way, but for you, I’ve always been a part of both faucets of your life and you were just so desperate to keep the two separated despite that.”
“Well, that assumption wasn’t completely wrong… I think I understand, and I’m sorry for everything. Are you really not mad at me?”
“I’m not mad, but I am offended on your behalf since you thought all this time that you had to use this- this alter ego of yours to get me to fall in love with you! Kakashi, I’ve always loved you for you- and I love Sukea, too. I understand that he’s a part of you, and that you find comfort in being him, but… I love all of you equally, not just Sukea. What did you think would happen when I found out? That I’d lose my mind and abandon you over this? That I’d be angry?”
Kakashi lets out a nervous laugh.
“Well…” He trails off, allowing the sheet to drop completely so Guy can see his face; his awkward grin, the mole he’s always been self conscious about, his red cheeks, his nose- which is a little crooked after the break he suffered from that one fight however many years ago.
“That’s exactly what you thought, isn’t it?”
“Well, you’re wrong,” Guy leans forward to rest a hand on either side of Kakashi’s face. He holds it tenderly in his grasp as if Kakashi is fragile, as if he’s something to be cherished. The sweetness of it has Kakashi melting onto Guy’s soft sheets. “I love you, and I love every part of you. You know that.”
“I… Suppose you’re right,” Kakashi murmurs. “Do you want me to leave now?”
“Do you want to leave? After all of that?”
“Well, no-”
“Then what do you want to do?” Guy asks. “Do what you want, Kakashi. Whatever you want.”
“Okay,” Kakashi nods. “I’ll do what I want, then.”
And so, Kakashi leans forward, capturing Guy’s lips with his own and laughing between kisses when the two of them tumble back into bed.
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ficklecat · 11 days
Inspired by @ludwigplayingthetrombone's latest Patreon post, thank you for giving me the idea to make this idiot sad on his bday.
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makkoskafanfic · 2 years
Offering drabbles
Life hasn't been the most friendly recently. I feel I could do well with some therapeutic writing, however I failed to write anything new recently, couldn't bring myself to touch any of the WiPs in my Black Hole of Fics folder and despite my initial enthusiasm it seems I won't be re-reworking and continuing Come What May. (really sorry if I got anyone's hope up there!)
However there's two dates coming up that I want to mark next month. The HashiMada arc in the manga came out 10 years ago, which means 10 years of crazy HashiMada shipping for me. I'll also have a painfully round birthday coming up, so, to take my mind off things, I'll try to write short drabbles (between 100-500 words, maybe longer if I get really inspired). In case anyone's interested in reading stuff from me, I made a little game. Select a pairing, a prompt and a setting from below and send it to me, and I'll get back with the ficlet between now and the 14th March.
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(Yes, this is a screenshot of an excel sheet, don’t look at me like that. Excel is my friend.)
How I imagined this working?
If you send me 1-7-1, you’ll get a canon-compliant HashiMada fic about them sharing a bed. If you send me 6-16-4, you’ll get a modern JonaDio AU centred around all those JoJo muscles. I’ll try to do this with as much open mind as I manage, but note that I’m not comfortable with threesomes/moresomes/love triangles or those alpha/omega stories.
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aspureasamelody · 1 year
Can’t really talk to people on ao3 or post rambling headcanons that aren’t in story form so I figured I’d make a personal blog.
Hey there, I’m a 100-word drabble enthusiast, although sometimes my 100-word drabbles end up a little longer than 100 words because math isn’t real.
Nice to meet you!
My fics mostly include;
Xiaolin Showdown (Clay and Omi are the best boys, and I’m probably the only proud JesseBelle shipper but I’m determined to write them anyway)
Shugo Chara (t4t tadamu, rimaya)
Tokyo Mew Mew (Ichigo/Aoyama and Zakuro/Mint mostly)
Romantic Killer (Anzo/Rio/Riri 100%)
Naruto (mostly kakagai drabbles for events if I remember them)
odds and ends of other tiny fandoms
If those interest you at all, feel free to check out my writing!
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lainellafay · 6 years
AU - Maito Dai does not save the day and Gai’s team dies.
A/N: Unedited. I just want others to suffer with me.
Konoha lost a team of fresh Chuunins that thundering summer’s day. Their first B-rank, gone way wrong when an ANBU team returned to the Hokage minutes after the Chuunins had set off informing the Sandaime of sightings of S-ranked shinobi—the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist to be exact. An ANBU team had been hastily sent to retrieve them. Too late.
They returned in body scrolls, circled black. Blossoming potential wasted. That is all they were in the end, to the crowd surrounding the memorial.
A blessing none of them were from the elite clans, Kakashi hears some whispers from the back where he stands, hands tucked in his pockets. A bastard, an orphan, and the weirdo, no one cares apart from the money they could earn for the village should they have survived. More eyes stare at the man in green at the very the front, shoulders trembling as he lets loose loud roars of grief.
Konoha’s eternal genin mourns for his dead son; the son who made Chuunin despite the worthless father he resembled. Kakashi watches the man with unfeeling eyes. Genma has no one to mourn him, and Ebisu’s mother stayed behind in her house to grieve—she’s an outcast, no one is sympathetic for her loss. Maito Dai never cared, and never will. That’s how Gai grew up to be, and will never continue to be. Kakashi shuts his eyes, emitting an aura of boredom.
The ceremony ends and the crowd starts to disperse, eager to get out of the rain. Dai never ceases in his crying. Kakashi scruffs his sandal against the ground and looks at the shuddering back of Gai’s father. It’s broad and maybe that’s how Gai will grow up to be, but now he will never. Kakashi is silent as he walks up to the memorial. It has nothing to do with sentiment. He just wants to see the names, freshly carved into the rock, sharp and edged.
Dai heaves one last sob and looks at the small stature standing beside him. Kakashi ignores the man’s gaze and stares dully at the memorial stone.
“I’m a useless father, huh. A parent should never have to bury their child, not if they could have protected them.”
Kakashi tilts his head slightly to look at the man from the side of his eye. The thought is laudable, Konoha’s eternal genin protecting his son’s team from certain death. You have to bury him because you were too weak to protect him, Kakashi does not say, but the truth remains that Dai was safe in the village doing D-ranks while his son went out into the wild for his village and returned as a name stamped into a rock.
“You’re Hatake Kakashi,” Dai continues and Kakashi turns away. He doesn’t know why the man is speaking to him, he should leave. As he begins to do so, Dai says, “Gai talks about you a lot. His Eternal Rival, he always says. I’m glad you were his friend.”
Friend. Kakashi comes to a stop. The rain falling onto him is starting to become annoying. “We were not friends,” he answers.
“Nevertheless, thank you. He was really proud to be your Eternal Rival.”
Kakashi slouches deeper and resumes his walk. He is empty, void of emotions. Friends? Pride? Useless. He has a training session with Minato-sensei to get to.
Eternal Rival!
Kakashi stiffens, his feet coming to a rest. He looks over his shoulder and sees Maito Dai smiling at him, all teeth, a Good Guy’s pose in place. The man is weak, but standing there, holding a smile when he clearly wants to do anything but, he looks like the strongest man Kakashi has ever seen. Kakashi doesn’t think of the dead-eyes of his father—his father who can kill a man with his pinky—and of the blood pooling at his feet as he stares at the man he loved and grew to despise. Maito Dai is weak, but maybe battle prowess isn’t everything after all.
Kakashi gives him a slight nod, and finally, finally leaves. And when Kakashi is late for the first time ever and there is a sunflower leaning against the memorial stone the next morning, he does not say a thing.
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anannua · 3 years
Hello, hello! I hope you're having a great week so far! If you're willing, may I ask for #16 with the pairing of Gai and Kakashi? I'd love to see what you come up with. (P.S. Take you time, and if you want to send me a drabble ask in the meantime, you can do that too!) KH ^_^
thank you for asking, and waiting. I have made a very small Kakashi and Gai drabble, can be read as romantic or platonic, below the cut.
Sometimes he doesn’t hear the words.
Adrenaline is a hell of a drug, even if Gai’s default volume is ear-splitting. He doesn’t always hear them but he can always feel his presence around the edge of despair, around the sound sorrow sings, deafening, somber and suffocating: Gai’s warmth cleaves the fog in two.
“I’ve got you.”
With his fingers still twisted in the sleeve of his father.
With his hands clenched around broken orange goggles.
His teacher’s cloak, wet with his blood, and her tears, and his son’s birthwater—
“I’ve got you, Kakashi.”
You’re not alone.
Every time he thinks the world has fallen apart around him Gai proves he’s just not looking in the right direction.
He doesn’t have to go it alone.
The words turn his head out of the past and into the future.
I am here.
Gai’s here.
With him.
Relief floods him from top to bottom and he doesn’t care who sees; he turns into the arms of his friend, his rival, his person and rests.
Gai’s got him.
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sarkastically · 5 years
Gai's kisses are beginnings, soft like sunrises against his mask when they part, just as ardent as the birth of stars when they reconnect. They promise something new every time, another day, another challenge, an endless stretch of days marching forward all the way to eternity, warmth and comfort, security.
Kakashi's kisses, by contrast, feel like the world is ending, desperation and need, the realization that time and space have never been careful, never been kind. It's all hurried hands shoving his mask down and fisting into Gai's shirt to drag him close and hold him there. He can always taste despair in Kakashi's mouth and then hope just behind, though barely breathing.
If this is all there is, let me have one more, Kakashi's lips scream under Gai's.
Everyday is a new start, everyday a new chance to relish this, Gai's lips promise on Kakashi's.
The beginning and the end, they form a circle, unbreakable, eternal.
(Dedicated to @egregiousderp and @oraftel even though it's barely worthy.)
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kalira · 6 years
Foiled Escape
T; 726 words Kakashi/Gai
It's a chore keeping Kakashi in the hospital against his own nature, even when he needs to be there. 
Worked on polishing up/expanding another of my drabbles from ICU! Sometime in the next few days there’ll be another KakaGai up as well, that one for a request. :)
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offensiveagentpie · 7 years
Kakagai Week Day 6 - Free Space
Here’s a little first kiss drabble for you all!
Kakashi’s pretty sure it’s Anko that says it, the one who plants it in his mind. He’s not sure who’s she’s talking to in the bustle of the party, but he knows she’s talking about the two of them.
He’s currently sitting in the corner, next to Gai who’s made a spot for his wheelchair in a way that’s easily accessible for others to come and speak to him but without the risk of him constantly moving and running over people’s toes. 
Kakashi doesn’t mind, he’s never been one for mingling and Gai’s boisterous nature is at least familiar. He ends up talking with Gai most of the night anyway, things are calm, or as calm as they can be, and he’s more than happy to get out of Hokage duties for a little while for a good old fashion Jounin party.
It happens when he returns from the food table, having grabbed some tempura knowing full well that Gai will snatch it off his plate. He can’t help the smile when Gai does so, giving him a knowing little look in return. This is good, he’s happy.
The fact that he is must be evident to others as well because he manages to make out Anko’s voice in the din saying: ‘I can’t believe they’ve gotten more domestic, they should just kiss and get it over with already.’
He turns his attention to the crowd and manages to make the slightest bit of eye contact with Anko, who just sticks out her tongue and winks.
At any other point in his life, Kakashi would have let it slide, but the thought of kissing Gai immediately latches on hard in his mind. It’s not as unpleasant as he would have thought. With everything that’s happened, he’s come to accept a lot of things about himself, and to maybe allow himself ideas of a brighter future than he’s ever imagined... and besides, surely the sentiment would be returned, enthusiastically even.  It’s at the forefront of his mind for the rest of the night.
Eventually when they leave, he walks along side Gai as they make their way towards their respective apartments. When they get to Gai’s door he decides to just go for it. 
“Gai, can I kiss you goodnight?”
A moment of silence passes as Gai looks awestruck, it quickly is overtaken by the look Gai gets when he’s about to become overly emotional, it’s a look Kakashi is all too familiar with.
“That’s my rival,” Gai says, biting his lip and clenching his fist. “Always so suave.”
Kakashi rolls his eyes. “That’s not an answer, Gai.”
Gai sits a little taller in his wheel chair and if Kakashi isn’t mistaken there’s a blush on his cheeks. “Ahem...of course...”
Kakashi does.
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shinobimagpie · 3 years
Hi I'm Zippy, this is my Naruto sideblog.
My pronouns are she/her, I'm a real live grownup from Canada, and I am currently living my best nostalgic ninja life. I can’t draw, but I write fic. My Fics
My Ao3 is here if'n you like and my Naruto works are linked directly below:
Sound Off - ShikaTemaTayu canon divergence fic (WIP)
My A03 Collection of Tumblr Drabbles and Oneshots​
Other’s fanfic is tagged under #zippy recs Drabble Requests Are Open!
I am still taking requests from my Soft Prompts Bingo Card  (still open as of 03/24/22)
Ships and Such
My little dinghy on the shipping lanes is my rare OT3, Shikamaru/Temari/Tayuya (#shikatematayu). Other faves include ShikaTema and KakaGai because canon, ShikaHina and ShinoTen because @spellcasterlight writes the cutest stuff, Tsunade/Sakumo because @depressedhatakekakashi is an enabler, and Kabuto and Tayuya being trollish sibling goals because @kakashiswilloffire is one of the best blog-follow and subsequent friendify decisions I've ever made.
Send me an ask with some characters and a prompt or idea and I’ll do my best! 
I will at least try to write any combo of characters - romantic or platonic - because I can't make up my mind and multiship like the hot mess I am.
I accept OT3′s, rare-pairs and OC’s but please explain a bit of what kind of chemistry you see for the characters and/or tell me about your OC’s to help me out a little. I am the most familiar with the pre-Shippuden cast but will TRY anyone. Not confident with reader x character but will attempt if asked nicely. 
Specialties: Fluff, domesticity, friendship and found family, pregnancy/babies and kidfic, hurt/comfort, comedic cuteness, dialogue, punching you in the heart with feels in the midst of smut/comedy/something lighthearted.
Hard Passes: Non-con, unrelenting angst/tragedy (I need a happy end), incest, exploitative power dynamics (by this I mean teacher/current student is a hard no, but teacher/age-appropriate former student is on the table depending on the context, like AU’s where canon relationship dynamics and/or ages are altered). 
All drabbles come with a Gremlin Clause; by requesting from me you agree not to hold it against me if my brain gremlins decide to hoard your suggestion forever in their idea labyrinth instead of letting me write it. If this happens I may l just shotgun you with some headcanons in point form or try to make it up to you with a different fic. Also I write pretty slow because I have a full time job and a toddler and a smiiidge of ADHD so pls be patient.
As always I reserve the right to say no to a request for personal reasons.
Thanks for checking out my blog and have a great day!
~ Zippy
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erimeows · 1 year
Lovesick (NSFW)
When spring turns into summer, Might Guy tends to get a lot more… Energetic. It’s something that Kakashi Hatake has noticed over the past couple decades of being friends with the other Jonin, who frequently drags him out to go eat and train more often during the warmer months.
Currently, he’s stuck with Guy, sitting on a log at the training grounds (not that he’d rather be anywhere else). He pretends to read his book while watching Guy train. Since it’s a ninety degree day, Guy has ditched his jumpsuit and opted to train shirtless with nothing but his shoes and a pair of loose shorts on. For whatever reason, Kakashi can’t take his eyes off of Guy’s moving form.
He convinces himself that it must just be because Guy is getting stronger.
Yes, that’s it. That must be why he can’t take his eyes off of the older man. Because he’s getting stronger… Not because his upper body is on full display with his muscles shifting under tan, sweaty skin. Not because Kakashi is trying to drink him in. Because he’s getting stronger.
Despite the fond smile he puts on, the heat bothers Kakashi more than it ever has before. His heart is pounding in his chest and his cheeks are bright pink under his mask. Maybe he should’ve opted for shorts, too. 
Almost as if he can read Kakashi’s thoughts, Guy takes a break from beating the ever living shit out of a training dummy to glance over his shoulder at Kakashi and ask-
“Is something wrong, rival?”
“Uh, no, nothing,” Kakashi murmurs. He isn’t sure why his voice cracks the way it does. “Nothing at all.”
“Are you sure?” Guy questions, because when does he ever take no for an answer? He walks over to Kakashi and kneels down to move his forehead protector away from his face. Kakashi almost pushes him away, but then, he feels Guy’s hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. For some reason, the gesture nearly makes him pass out. Guy’s pecs are right in front of his face and Kakashi slaps himself for the image that comes to mind of him burying his face in them. “You look a little red! Don’t tell me you’re coming down with something,”
“No, I’m fine. It’s just the weather,” Kakashi lies through his teeth and shuts his eyes to avoid having to look at Guy any further. He thinks his heart might burst if he does. “Thanks for your concern, but I should really get going. The dogs are due for their dinner.”
That’s a lie, too. His Ninken have freshly cooked dinner in the fridge that they can access just fine- Kakashi doesn’t need to feed them, and they eat when they want, not at a scheduled time. 
“Ah, alright!” Guy doesn’t seem to believe Kakashi, but he does back off, standing up and going back to his training dummy. “See you later; stay youthful!”
“Right…” Kakashi sighs and stands up to leave. “You, too.”
Later that night, Kakashi goes to bed, hoping that the weird feelings from today will go away by the morning. Unfortunately, he’s not that lucky. Part of him starts to think that Guy was right and that he really is coming down with some sort of illness up until he falls asleep in his room and dreams about the older man.
The dream is unlike any he’s ever had before. Rather than nightmares about his friends and all the people he’s killed (or both), this dream is a nightmare of his own. They’re in a room that Kakashi doesn’t recognize. Guy is underneath him, stark naked, and Kakashi is on top, kissing the older man and running his hands through silky black hair as he fucks into him. The noises of skin slapping skin and moaning are prevalent as their lips are pressed together, and right before Kakashi finishes inside, he wakes up.
“Oh my God,” Kakashi gasps as he sits straight up. His body is covered in sweat, his dick is hard, and there’s precum in his boxers from what he was just dreaming about. He looks over at the alarm clock on his nightstand to see that it’s five in the morning, far earlier than he would ever get up, but he can’t close his eyes without seeing that dream, so he decides he’ll go take a cold shower. Still astounded by what his mind has conjured up, he forces himself out of bed and rambles- “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the FUCK-“
Right as he stumbles into the bathroom, there’s a knock on the door.
Just fucking great, he thinks with a sigh. Who the hell is here to see him at five in the morning? Kakashi wants to scream.
He grumbles curses under his breath and goes to the door. He opens it slightly and hides his lower body behind it to conceal the raging erection that is still very much there. To his horror, on the other side of the door is none other than the cause of said raging erection, AKA his best friend, Might Guy.
“Kakashi, my dearest rival!” Guy greets with a beaming smile. Kakashi can’t help but notice that the man is only wearing a pair of athletic shorts that go down to the middle of his thighs and cling tightly enough to his sunkissed skin that nothing is left to the imagination. Kakashi wants to tear the shorts off so badly that he has to grip the door to keep himself from dragging Guy into his apartment and doing just that. “Would you like to come with me for my morning workout? I wanted to see who could run a hundred laps around the village the fastest!”
“…I’m going to have to pass. I’m still rather tired, I didn’t sleep very well,” Kakashi lies yet again, avoiding eye contact.
“That’s fine! Would you like to grab breakfast instead?”
“I, uh,” Kakashi stammers. It doesn’t sound like a bad time, but he’s not in the condition to be around Guy at all right now. He can’t even look the man in the eye. “I think I’m coming down with something like you said yesterday. It seems you were right. I’d hate to get you sick.”
“I appreciate that, but are you okay? I can come take care of you!” Guy offers. “My workout and breakfast aren’t nearly as important as your health, my dear rival, and I have an amazing immune system, so I promise you won’t get me sick.”
“I think it’s just a cold. I’ll be fine,” Kakashi insists. He has to ignore the pang of guilt that consumes him when he looks up to see Guy standing there, looking utterly concerned and dejected. “See you later.”
With that, Kakashi shuts the door a little too hard and heads back to the shower.
Hours pass following Guy’s impromptu 5AM visit. The cold shower didn’t help, and Kakashi ended up having to take care of himself to the thought of the wet dream he had about Guy. Thinking about it makes him feel guilty- gross- masturbating to his sweet, innocent best friend who’s none the wiser to these newfound feelings of Kakashi.
By the time noon rolls around, Kakashi is still sitting on the bathroom floor with his head in his hands. 
He’s come to a terrible few conclusions; one, he wants to fuck Guy and has been wanting to for a while. It’s been obvious in how his eyes have lingered a little too long on Guy’s cut body when they’ve been together, obvious in how he finds himself flustered and embarrassed when the man works out in front of him with such little clothing on. 
Two, he’s in love with Guy, because Kakashi can’t imagine having sex with someone he isn’t in love with and Guy has always been there- been his best friend- even when Kakashi didn’t treat him right. Of course, he’s in love with him. It all makes sense. 
And, finally, three, Kakashi has no idea what to do about it. Part of him wants to get it over with and tell Guy, because for all he knows, the feeling is mutual and both of them could have been missing out on a beautiful relationship (and amazing sex) for years now. The other part of him is scared that Guy will reject him and that their friendship will be ruined forever. Perhaps it’s a little dramatic, a little ridiculous, but Kakashi can’t help himself.
So, when the evening hits, he gets up, gets dressed, and heads out of his apartment to go see Asuma Sarutobi. Asuma has been a good friend of his for a few years now, and him and Kurenai have had a successful relationship, so maybe he’ll have some good advice.
When Kakashi gets to Asuma’s doorstep and knocks on the door, it takes so long for someone to answer it that he almost thinks no one is home despite the lights clearly being on through the cracks in the blinds of the front windows. However, right when Kakashi turns to leave, the door opens.
Instead of Asuma, there’s Kurenai, who’s bright red in the face and wearing a bathrobe.
Except, she doesn’t smell of soap and appears totally dry- even her hair, which is tied into a messy ponytail. The usually immaculate makeup on her face is smeared.
“Uh, have I…” Kakashi turns back around and clears his throat. “Interrupted something?”
“No- well, yes,” Kurenai answers. Kakashi can see Asuma in the background, scrambling to untie his hands (???) and throw a shirt and pants over his boxers. “But you look… Rough, so obviously, whatever you’ve got going on is more important. Would you like to come inside?”
“Please,” Kakashi nods.
“Just give us a moment.”
Kurenai closes the door. A few moments later, her and Asuma open it, looking much more presentable. The three walk into the living room with Asuma and Kurenai sitting together in a loveseat and Kakashi sitting across from them in a recliner chair. It almost feels as if he’s in a therapy session.
“So, what’s wrong, Kakashi? Did someone die?” Asuma asks as he pulls a cigarette from the pack on the coffee table and lights it. The entire house reeks of cigarette smoke, which Kakashi can’t stand, but Kurenai seems totally immune to it. “I haven’t seen you looking this distraught in a while.”
“While part of me died a little inside today, no, no one actually died,” Kakashi laughs and leans back. He runs a hand through his hair. “Don’t laugh at me for what I’m about to say.”
“Okay…?” Kurenai says with a confused look on her face.
“I think I’m in love with Guy.”
Silence. Asuma looks totally stunned, while Kurenai doesn’t appear to be surprised in the slightest.
Asuma is the first to speak.
“Really? Him?” 
“I know, that’s what I thought, too! I mean, it’s Guy,” Kakashi spits. Guy is a comical character. Even though he’s capable of being serious, and even though he’s a great man with incredible strength, he’s also… Laughable at times. Totally unembarrassed to be himself. Perhaps that’s why Kakashi neglected to see him in a romantic light for so long. Frustrated, Kakashi rambles to his two friends about his thoughts. “He’s loud and ridiculous, and he runs around with that stupid bowl cut and that green jumpsuit that clashes with the orange ankle weights he always wears, and he’s just- well, him. I never thought of him like that, but then the idea came to mind and the realization sort of just… Hit me, and now I can’t make the feelings go away.”
“Oh, honey…” Kurenai winces.
“I’m still shocked that out of everyone in this village that you could’ve possibly chosen to have the hots for-“ Asuma starts, to which Kakashi quickly cuts him off.
“Don’t remind me.”
“Are you okay?” Kurenai asks. 
“I’m fine, I just… Don’t even know what to do with this information now that I’ve figured it out. I’m embarrassed, too,” Kakashi sighs. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to face Guy again- or, if he can, what the hell he’ll say. “I mean, how long have I been in love with him without even knowing? Just the other day I saw him as my friend, and now I can’t look at him or think about him without feeling like my heart is going to burst.”
“Well, Kakashi, I hate to have to be the one to put it like this,” Asuma takes a drag off of his cigarette, then continues. “But you have two options here; stay quiet and avoid your feelings and Guy forever, which will make you miserable, or fess up to your feelings and tell him the truth, which could risk him rejecting you. It’s one or the other.”
“Asuma! What a terrible way of putting it,” Kurenai scolds, then looks over at Kakashi. “Look, Kakashi, I know this is difficult for you since you and Guy have been friends for so long, but you should tell him. Keeping it a secret will only weigh on you, and even if he doesn’t feel the same way, it’s best to get it off your chest. I’m sure that no matter what his feelings are, Guy will continue to be your best friend just as he has been for so many years. It’ll be fine.”
“...Thank you,” Kakashi smiles and stands. “I think that’s what I needed to hear. I’ve bothered you guys enough for tonight, so I’ll see you later, okay?” 
“Okay,” Asuma nods and burns his cigarette out in the ashtray that’s on the coffee table.
“Let us know if you need anything, alright?” Kurenai questions.
“Of course,” Kakashi responds, and then, he leaves, walking back into the air of the cold night.
He can’t help but wonder what Guy is up to right now…
Days pass after that.
Kakashi locks himself in his apartment, debating on what to do. He knows he needs to tell Guy the truth (minus the wet dream, probably). He just doesn’t know how to go about it. The first day he spent trying to form a script to say it out loud, which didn’t work. He just couldn’t find the wording. The second day he spent trying to write everything out in the form of a love letter, which didn’t work either. He’s no Jiraiya, after all. The third day he spent trying to plan a romantic date, but that was difficult as Guy would literally like anything and everything in terms of activities. The man has never been all that picky, which actually makes planning something romantic very difficult for Kakashi.
By day four, Kakashi feels cooped up. According to his schedule, he isn’t due to be assigned on another mission for at least a week after having come back from a C-rank with his Genin team- who are probably pissed at him for not showing up to train them during his little crisis. That’s the least important of his worries, though, so he figures he’ll deal with it later once he figures out the whole Guy situation.
Speaking of that, though, when he gets up to shower that morning, all he can think about is Guy.
The dreams have gotten worse.
So, as he allows the hot water to run over him and runs his soapy hands up and down his lithe frame, he imagines that the hands aren’t his- that they’re Guy’s, and that they’re exploring his body with such ardent passion that it justifies the shiver that tears through him. With his back facing the faucet, Kakashi leans one arm against the wall of the shower and reaches down with the other to touch himself. Only, right as his hand makes contact with his half-hard dick, there’s a knock on the front door.
“God fucking dammit,” Kakashi hisses between gritted teeth. He quickly turns the shower nozzle to cold water in hopes that it’ll kill the erection, and while it does achieve that much, it certainly doesn’t kill the festering sexual frustration that lies underneath the surface of his clammy skin. Regardless, Kakashi quickly hops out of the shower, dries off, and tosses a sleeveless tank and a pair of boxers on. After all, it’s still six in the morning and the only person who would bother coming by this early is- “Guy… What could he want? Probably just to go eat or something.”
Kakashi goes to answer the door. To no one’s surprise, Guy is standing there, fully dressed in his jumpsuit, leg weights, shoes, and Jonin vest. It’s been raining the past couple days, so it makes sense that Guy isn’t dressed for the summer weather like he has been lately. Kakashi finds that to be a relief as he eyes the man up and down- this time he isn’t bombarded with thighs that he wants his head crushed between, pecs that he wants to bury his face in, abs that he wants to lick until his mouth hurts, and an ass that he thinks he could play with until the end of time.
Right. This is just totally normal Guy, in his totally normal and stupid jumpsuit.
“Kakashi! Glad to see you’re alive, you know, you had me very concerned!” Guy speaks the moment Kakashi opens the door. So that’s why he’s here. It makes sense- because of Kakashi’s little crisis, he’s been ghosting everyone he knows for days now. Only Kurenai and Asuma are aware of the reason, but Kakashi knows that they wouldn’t betray his trust by telling Guy about it, even if they’re friends with him like they are with Kakashi. “Disappearing like that for days- goodness, I haven’t seen you anywhere!”
“Guy… My mistake, I’ve just been down with a cold,” Kakashi quickly lies, though he feels guilty for it. His face burns bright red underneath the mask that’s connected to his shirt. “I’m feeling better now, though-”
“Clearly you’re not! Your face is bright red,” Guy reaches out and puts his hand on Kakashi’s forehead. Kakashi is reminded of that day they went training and Guy did this exact maneuver- it’s where this all started. “And it feels like you’re running a fever! You know, just because you’re my rival doesn’t mean I want you to deal with illness by yourself- you’re also my best friend, so it’s my responsibility to take care of you.”
“It’s really not,” Kakashi huffs, to which Guy quickly retorts-
“Are you saying you wouldn’t do the same for me?”
Kakashi’s blush only grows heavier, because of course he would. If Guy were to ever fall ill, which never happens, Kakashi would be there to care for him in a heartbeat.
“That’s different-”
“No, it’s not, you’re just being stubborn,” Guy scolds and pushes his way into Kakashi’s apartment, shutting the door behind him. He puts his hands on his hips (which Kakashi now notices are beautifully shaped with defined hip dips that he just wants to put his hands on-) and orders Kakashi around. “Now go lay down! I’ll make you some tea and clean up the place so you can rest.”
Kakashi sighs, knowing that there’s no getting out of this. He listens and goes to his bedroom to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling until Guy eventually decides to grace him with his presence. 
It takes roughly an hour, which is understandable. Kakashi’s apartment has been a mess of clothes thrown everywhere and dog toys strewn about, dirty dishes left in the sink and towels and rags left in the bathroom. Part of him is thankful that the Ninken have been out with his kids lately instead of at home. They would judge him for the mess more than Guy ever could.
The fact that Guy even offers to clean the place is amazing, and for him to come into Kakashi’s bedroom with a smile on his face and two cups of tea in hand afterwards is just shocking. Then again, it’s Guy. The man is somehow capable of doing even the worst of things with a smile.
Since no one else is there, Kakashi pulls his mask down and sits up with his back against the headboard. Guy quietly enters the room- an oddity from him that has Kakashi raising his eyebrows. The atmosphere feels unusually tense as Guy sits next to him and hands him a cup of tea. They’re sitting so close together that Kakashi’s thigh brushes against the other Jonin’s.
His tea is just the way he likes it- free of sugar and free of milk. When he looks at the cup Guy has, he can see that it’s the opposite, loaded with cream and sweeteners that Kakashi keeps in his kitchen especially for days like this when Guy decides to come over.
And Kakashi smiles. That smile only grows when Guy’s head is rested on his shoulder, and while he wanted to do this in a more romantic way, he can’t help how he proceeds to spill his feelings out loud.
“I can’t pretend anymore.”
“Huh?” Guy blinks and sets his teacup down in the windowsill adjacent to the bed.
“I’m not sick. I’ve been cooped up here because I’ve been dealing with some newfound emotions, but,” Kakashi takes a deep breath, chugs the rest of his tea down, and places the cup on the nightstand before finishing. His heart is beating so hard in his chest that it hurts. “Today really just cemented those feelings. I’m in love with you.”
“Kakashi, that’s a cruel joke! I know about your love for mischief, but really, rival, that’s just cruel-” Guy starts to chew him out, but when his eyes land on Kakashi’s face, his cheeks turn red. He quickly stops his righteous rant and stutters. “Oh… Oh! You’re-”
“Yes, I’m actually quite serious,” Kakashi sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I know, I can’t really believe it either, but I promise you, I’m not joking. Like you said, that would be rather cruel.”
Kakashi doesn’t know what to expect. Whether Guy reciprocates or not, he has no idea. Part of him expects for Guy to offer up a pity date, or maybe to just politely reject him and leave. Instead, Guy’s expression shifts to the most serious one Kakashi has seen on him in a while as he asks-
“How long?”
Kakashi blinks.
“How long have you felt this way?” Guy reiterates.
“I don’t know, a while? I mean, it took me forever to actually realize it, but it sort of just… Happened.”
Guy clears his throat, then reaches forward to place a hand on Kakashi’s cheek. It’s cool and calloused, his thumb running over one of Kakashi’s high cheekbones. Finally, after what feels like forever, Guy whispers back. 
“I’ve loved you since the day we met.”
“You’re not just saying that to spare my feelings, are you?”
“I’m not,” Guy insists with a shake of his head. “I mean every word of it.”
“Oh, well… That’s a relief,” Kakashi sighs again. The world feels like it’s crashed down on top of him in the best way possible. Nothing in his life has ever been this easy before and it’s overwhelming. He loves Guy, and Guy loves him back, but what are they supposed to do with that information now that they have it? “What now?”
“Well, if you’re really not sick,” Guy murmurs, unusually quiet. His face is the reddest that Kakashi has ever seen. “Why don’t you come over here?”
“Okay,” Kakashi nods in a way that’s embarrassingly enthusiastic.
Then, he’s turning his body to face Guy’s and swallowing his anxieties so he can grab Guy by the collar of that stupid jumpsuit and kiss the life out of him. What he expects to just be a night of kissing and cuddling while talking about these newfound feelings quickly changes, though. One kiss turns into two, then three, then to so many that Kakashi can’t even count as Guy nips at his bottom lip and pulls at his hair so hard that it makes Kakashi moan into his mouth.
Before Kakashi can even stop to think better of doing this so fast or to ask questions, he finds himself rolling them over so that Guy is flat on his back on the bed with Kakashi on top of him. Kakashi’s knees are on either side of Guy’s hips, keeping him pinned there, and one of his hands naturally moves to grab both of Guy’s wrists to pin them above his head. 
“R-Rival-” Guy stutters, a lovesick grin gracing his lips and hearts in his eyes. “I never knew you were so…”
“What? Passionate?” Kakashi murmurs and leans down to kiss at the older man’s neck. “It’s very seldom that I get like this, but I definitely can when it comes to you, you know.”
At that, Guy’s blush spreads down to his neck. Kakashi realizes that he’s much more in control than he ever would’ve thought he was to begin with; because now, he realizes that Guy is just as weak for him as he is for Guy, and he plans to take full advantage of that after having suffered for days because of his feelings.
“Are we about to make love?” Guy questions, and Kakashi can’t help but chuckle, because that’s such a Guy way of putting that they’re inching dangerously close to fucking on Kakashi’s bed right after confessing their love. “H-Hey, why are you laughing? I’m serious, rival, this isn’t funny! It was a legitimate question!”
“I know you were serious,” Kakashi hums and uses his spare hand to unzip Guy’s Jonin vest. Then, he sits up, waiting for Guy to make the next move. Guy seems just as enthusiastic Kakashi to get this going, which is evident in the way he haphazardly chucks his vest to the floor, abandons his weapons pouch, shoes, and ankle weights somewhere on the mattress, and struggles to get out of his jumpsuit so he can throw the ugly green garment that usually accompany it into Kakashi’s bedroom wall. “It’s just that the way you say things is cute. You’re cute. So, is that what you want, then? Want me to top you? To ‘make love’ to you, as you put it?”
“Well,” Guy huffs, then sits up on his elbows and stares up at Kakashi. Kakashi doesn’t meet Guy’s gaze, though. Instead, he finds himself staring at Guy’s body. He’s seen plenty of it now, sure, but not like this. This is different. Rather than innocuously running around the village in only a pair of skin-clad shorts or hanging around Kakashi with no shirt and some sweatpants that hang too low on his hips for comfort, rather than stepping out of the bathhouse with a towel around his waist and water dripping down his hot body or merely changing clothes in front of Kakashi, Guy is willingly splayed out on the bed, damn near naked for him with nothing but lust and adoration in his onyx eyes. “Of course that’s what I want, rival. Don’t act coy with me.”
“You don’t want me to act coy with you, huh?” Kakashi replies and takes his tank top off. It lands somewhere in the same pile of fabric as Guy’s jumpsuit did just moments before. “Do you even know what you do to me?”
“The dreams I’ve had about you… The amount of times I’ve touched myself to the thought of you when I realized how I felt,” Kakashi starts. With every few words he utters, there’s a kiss pressed to Guy’s skin. His neck, his arms, his ridiculously defined abs, his collar, his hips, his legs- Guy is a masterpiece that Kakashi wants to explore every inch of. Accompanying every kiss is a gentle scrape of his fangs down Guy’s sunkissed skin that has the older man shuddering beneath him. In the midst of it all, he slides his hands underneath Guy’s back and brings them down until he can grope the firm yet plush ass he hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off of for God knows how long now. “Those fucking shorts you showed up in the other morning- I just wanted to rip them off of you and fuck you until all you could say was my name. Was it all on purpose? Did you have any idea what you were doing to me?”
“I-” Guy struggles to muster up anything; even a single word. Kakashi’s grin grows. This may be the quietest he’s ever had Guy before, and it’s all because Kakashi is on top of him, talking him down and loving on his perfect body. Guy can’t even meet Kakashi’s gaze, and his blush has spread to the middle of his chest. “Well, um…”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this flustered before,” Kakashi teases. He’s hardly done anything and yet Guy already looks fucked out of his mind, which is oddly satisfying for the younger man, who’s been stuck in this apartment in an emotional crisis over his newfound lust for Guy. Now, it’s his turn to return the favor. “What, is it too much for you? For me to talk to you like this? I’m sure you’ve never heard me sound so raunchy, so maybe I should stop before it overwhelms you.”
“No, I like it,” Guy objects a little too fast. “Please, keep going.”
“Oh, so you do like it when I talk to you like this?” Kakashi chuckles and moves back up the length of Guy’s body so he can brush their noses together, so their breaths can intermingle, just because he knows it’ll make Guy a little more speechless.
“Yes,” Guy sighs, his eyes fluttering shut.
“Then I’ll be sure to keep doing it. You’re such a cocktease, you know that?”
“Kakashi… You’re just being mean with the teasing at this point. Is it because I won the last challenge you gave me? It must be- you’re getting revenge on me because you can’t handle being beat at a drinking contest!”
“Gods, no, I’m just having fun- it’s totally unrelated,” Kakashi chuckles. “My bad, I guess I got a bit carried away. Why don’t you bend over for me? Get on your hands and knees so I can make you feel good.”
“Okay,” Guy listens to Kakashi easily like he has been since they started all of this. “Just be gentle with me, will you, rival? It’s a little embarrassing to admit this, but it’s been a while since I’ve been in someone else’s bed!”
At that, Kakashi calms down, if only for a moment. His heartbeat slows. He looks down at this man that he’s so, so in love with and offers the most reassuring smile he can come up with- even with his heart in his throat. 
“Of course. You have nothing to worry about,” Kakashi murmurs and leans down to kiss Guy on the cheek. “All this talk means nothing if I don’t give you what you want, right? I’ll be sure to be nice to you, Guy.”
Kakashi gets up so Guy can reposition himself on the bed. 
Just as Kakashi instructed, Guy gets on his hands and knees, even spreading his legs just enough for Kakashi to be able to comfortably nestle his body between them. Kakashi wastes no time in pulling Guy’s boxers down and even allows them to linger around the other Jonin’s ankles so that he doesn’t have to spend the extra seconds yanking them off and getting them on the floor.
Guy shifts from his hands to his forearms and gasps at the feeling of being exposed to the cold air of Kakashi’s apartment. Still, he arches his back beautifully, almost as if begging for Kakashi’s touch. Kakashi, desperate to fulfill the silent request, reaches into his nightstand for a bottle of lube that he’s sure he hasn’t touched in forever and pulls down his own underwear. He sits on his haunches right behind Guy and pours some of the lube onto the fingers of one hand. His other hand rests on the side of Guy’s ass, palming the softness that’s there and watching as it slightly jiggles underneath his touch. 
“I’ve gotta be honest with you, rival,” Guy murmurs, his head hanging slightly. “I can’t say this is what I was expecting when I came over to check on you today! It’s certainly a pleasant surprise…”
“I’m inclined to agree,” Kakashi murmurs back and presses a lubed finger up against Guy’s entrance. The ravenette holds his breath and tenses, all of his muscles clenching. “Relax for me, will you? I told you, I’d be nice to you… And if you get uncomfortable at any point, we can stop.”
“Okay,” Guy nods. His body relaxes, if only a little bit. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me,” Kakashi responds before sliding a finger in. At the intrusion, Guy lets out a small groan and pushes his hips back. “There you go. You’re doing good, but try to relax a bit, okay? You’re really tight.” 
Kakashi puts in a second finger, and then a third. Guy quickly settles into the touch and starts a steady rhythm of fucking himself on Kakashi’s digits. It’s a nice sight, so even though Kakashi is sure he’s more than prepped after a few minutes of it, he allows the cycle to continue.
“K-Kakashi, I think I’m ready.”
“Hm… I’m not so sure. I think we may need to do this a little more, just in case. I’d hate to get carried away and hurt you, you know.”
“I think I’m more than ready,” Guy grumbles, unusually impatient. Kakashi thrusts his fingers into Guy a little harder in response, and when Guy grips the sheets and cries out, Kakashi can’t help but let out a small chuckle. “You’re just teasing me, Kakashi! If you don’t- ah- stop tormenting me like this, I don’t mind taking charge and making you stop…!”
“Oh, you think you can? Go ahead and try,” Kakashi slips his fingers out and challenges the older man, who looks back at him with a pout. Before Kakashi can even blink, Guy is grabbing him by the wrists and pinning him on his back to the bed- not that he tries to do anything to stop it. Guy sits in his lap, his skin hot and flushed pink, his chest heavily raising and falling with each breath, and his expression the most intense that Kakashi has ever seen it. The ravenette grabs Kakashi’s dick with one hand and hovers just over the sensitive head of it. Kakashi props himself up on his elbows and grins as he watches the raunchy display from his best friend. “God, you look fucking good from this angle.”
“What, you aren’t bothered that I’m on top now?” Guy says, smirking down at him.
“Not at all,” Kakashi says back. “I don’t give a shit where we are as long as you hurry up and get me inside of you already.”
“Are-” Guy swallows deeply and lowers his hips just enough so that their skin makes contact. It’s not enough for him to get in, though, so Kakashi holds his breath in anticipation. “Are you ready, then?”
“Yeah,” Kakashi nods, perhaps a little too fast. “I’m ready.”
So, Guy grabs the lube and coats Kakashi’s dick in a layer of the watery substance before sinking down. Kakashi moans and falls flat onto his back, his hands flying out so he can grab at Guy’s waist. Meanwhile, Guy folds forward and rests his forehead in the crook between Kakashi’s neck and shoulder while bracing himself with his hands on Kakashi’s shoulders. 
“Oh, God,” Guy groans, panting into Kakashi’s ear as he adjusts to his length and girth. It takes everything in Kakashi not to just lose his composure and fuck into Guy’s tight body like there’s no tomorrow. “You’re still as big as I remember you being… Gods, it’s so good…!”
“Think-” Kakashi pauses so he can hold back a strangled noise upon feeling Guy’s ass squeezing around him. “Think you can take it?”
“Yes,” Guy answers without so much as a second of hesitation. “Please, let me have it, rival…”
It’s the most submissive and the most embarrassed that Kakashi has ever seen his best friend, and while he’s tempted to simply tease until Guy can’t take it anymore, he decides that it’s best to not discourage the vulnerability that Guy is currently showing by being a dick about it. So, he sits up, leans his back against the headboard, and circles his arms around Guy’s waist so he can fuck up into him. Guy responds by resting his forehead against Kakashi’s and pressing a kiss against the tip of the younger man’s nose.
Oddly enough, that tiny kiss is enough to send Kakashi spiraling into the throes of passion. Kakashi bucks his hips up, up, up until Guy is burying his face back into Kakashi’s neck and letting out an uncontrollable string of pleasured noises. 
“Fuck, Guy, you feel amazing,” Kakashi praises. “So good for me… I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Guy breathes back with a circular grind of his hips that makes Kakashi’s eyes roll back. His knees grate against the sheets and into the mattress with the little bounces he offers in an attempt to meet Kakashi’s deep upward thrusts. “So much…!”
They set a steady pace with Kakashi pivoting his hips up to meet Guy’s movements, which quickly turn into weak and needy grinds.
Apparently, when Guy said that it had been a while, he was telling the truth if his desperation is anything to go by. Then again, Kakashi doesn’t dare comment on that, because it’s probably been even longer for him and he’d be lying if he said he weren’t just as into this as Guy is. Kakashi finds himself nearing the edge embarrassingly fast, most definitely a result of him being unintentionally edged by Guy during his almost-masturbation-session in the shower earlier that morning. 
“You close?” Kakashi puffs out, to which Guy offers a whine and a hurried shake of his head ‘yes’.
Kakashi reaches in between their abdomens and grabs Guy’s cock to pump it in his hand. With each flick of his wrist and each thrust of the head of his dick into Guy’s prostate, the ravenette gets closer and closer until he’s putting his full weight onto Kakashi and crying out into the cold air of the bedroom. Hot,Kakashi fucks Guy through it until he’s sure that the older man is done. As soon as he’s sure, Kakashi lets go, too, groaning and holding Guy close as he fills him with cum.
Then, they break apart. Kakashi finds a towel on the floor that he used when he showered that morning, and he lazily cleans them up with it. 
“What’s on your mind?” Kakashi questions as he lies down on the bed with his arms behind his head. His eyes flicker to Guy, who’s laying on his tummy with his cheek resting against one of his muscular forearms. The older man has a sunny grin on his face and sparkles of joy practically shining in his onyx eyes. “You look quite pleased with yourself.”
“That’s because I am pleased with myself, rival,” Guy responds, his grin growing wider. “Coming over today couldn’t have possibly gone better!”
“Yeah? I’m glad you think so,” Kakashi laughs.
“What? You don’t feel the same way?”
“No, I do. It’s just funny that you actually thought I was sick and that’s why you came over.”
“Well,” Guy starts, then pauses. He looks totally flustered as he pouts and explains himself to Kakashi. “I was worried about you! You cooped yourself up in here for days and didn’t let me know what was going on, so of course I came over! You better never worry me like that again.”
“Okay, okay, I get the point,” Kakashi concedes. “I’ll even make it up to you. Why don’t we get up, take a shower together to get us cleaned up, and go get breakfast like you wanted to the other morning? I’ll even pay for it.”
“Really?” Guy asks with his face lighting up. “You mean it?”
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I didn’t.”
“Yes!” Guy cheers and stands up to rush to the shower. “We’ll have an eating contest!”
Kakashi slowly follows behind with a small smile on his face. Of course, it’s so much like Guy to make a simple outing into one of their contests, even now… 
As they hop into the shower together, Kakashi can’t help but beam and pull Guy into his arms for another kiss underneath the steaming hot water. 
“I love you,” he says, to which Guy circles his arms around Kakashi’s body and replies-
“I love you, too.”
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ficklecat · 1 year
Hi! I really love all your Gai x Kakashi stories, they are very beautiful and you always develop their dynamic very well. 🩷💜
I also wanted to know, what do you think about a fic where Kakashi is totally in love with Gai, but he thinks Gai is very straight, so he thinks he won't reciprocate his feelings, however he later discovers that Gai is not as straight as he thought?
Oh thank you so much anon! Glad to hear you enjoy my fics :3
I've considered a one shot idea very similar to that honestly, but I've yet to write it! However...you've inspired a lil drabble so here ya go ;)
Summer is hard on a man who wears a mask, but that's not why his face is so hot.
The sun is beating down and he's shielding his eyes and he's watching Gai from the bank of the river and he swears, he swears he must be drooling too because there's no way it's that wet beneath his mask and Gai is just. so. hot.
Gai floats on his back in the sun and he’s positively shimmering, glistening like the water’s surface. He’s smiling and Kakashi feels his heart tug him to the water but he waits. He watches a little longer. Always, just out of reach.
“Rival!” Gai calls. “The water is perfect! Come cool off with me!”
But how, when Kakashi’s body feels on fire every time he looks at him? Gai, who never seems to have a clue at how he feels, who’s so very likely to be nothing more to him than his best friend - which is fine, that’s fine, that’s more than fine - but even still. Just one kiss would be enough. One caress. One breath and he’d be able to—
“Kakashi come swim with me!” Gai calls insistently. “You are positively melting over there I just know it!”
“Maa, I’m coming, relax,” Kakashi calls back. He looks around, satisfied the privacy of the spot they picked, and strips down to his underwear. He saves his mask for last, debates on whether he should keep it on to hide his blush, but carefully slides it off. A risk, but he’ll take it. It’s too hot anyway.
He wades into the water and sighs as it cools him, relief fresh and exhilarating as he makes his way to Gai, who is now back stroking down the bend. He comes up just close enough that he’s within reach of him but stops and watches instead, once again. He splashes him a little and Gai roars with laughter when he notices.
“See? Isn’t it lovely?” Gai asks genuinely and god he is just beaming, he’s gorgeous, he’s so very oblivious, he’s everything Kakashi wants, and Kakashi is just seconds from kissing him.
“Ah. Yeah. Sorry. Just…it’s a little cold.”
“All the more refreshing!” Gai declares and splashes him playfully. Kakashi smirks and they boyishly chase each other around, pushing water towards each other, grazing bare arms and legs. Kakashi knows this is as close as he can get. That’s ok. He can laugh like this and smile and have fun and he can want to kiss him so badly and refrain, and it can be enough. No one makes him feel like this, no one will. He wonders if Gai feels the same in some way, even if it’s not quite what he’s feeling himself. Maybe he’ll ask one day. But not today. It’s too hot today. He’d melt today. He’d combust.
When they’ve had their fill of the river they emerge on the bank, breathless and dripping and giddy. They lay in the grass, drying in the sun, and Kakashi watches Gai as Gai sprawls out, preening, eyes closed.
“This is nice,” Gai says. Kakashi hums and closes his eyes himself now, unable to stare further without wavering in his resolve.
“It is good to be here with you rival,” Gai says. Kakashi smiles, warmed by more than the sun now. Rival is enough, he tells himself.
“It’s good to be here with you too,” he confesses. It’s quiet another moment before Kakashi cracks open an eye to see Gai hovering over him, a droplet falling just in time onto his cheek.
“What are you doing?”
“Well, I was thinking, I’d very much like to kiss you, if that’s alright!”
Kakashi blinks.
Gai doesn’t waver.
“I said I’d very much like to—“
“I heard what you said.”
Gai grins.
“It’s fine if you do not feel the same!” he says. “But today is a day for seizing the moment! And I think we are both truly experiencing our youthfulness to the fullest! So I wanted to ask you!”
Kakashi is dumbstruck and feels like he’s staring directly at the sun, even with Gai blocking it. It looks like a halo around his wet black hair.
“But you’re…are you…?”
“Would you like me to kiss you, Kakashi?” he says it softer this time, gentler, more earnest. And Kakashi is burning again. He burns and burns and when Gai finally leans in and his lips touch his, when the touch becomes a kiss, when the kiss has hands and tongue and teeth, Kakashi is aflame.
In the summer sun, with Gai’s lips on his, Kakashi blazes. No cooling to be had for the flame, he lets it ignite within him, and swallow him whole.
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hatake-no-sharingan · 4 years
Welcome to my Naruto writing blog <3
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Hello there! My name is Regina and I’m a 21 year old writer. I decided to start this blog since I had been stuck in a writing slump, but when I started doing fanfic for Naruto, everything changed. Writing about it has been so good for me, so I decided to share it with you :) I’ll write and post some stuff that I come up with on my own, but I’d also like to open up my ask box and submissions, so I can do things that you’d all like to see.
Here are a few things you can ask for:
You can also ask for longer fics (2000+ words) but those will be posted on my ao3 (don’t worry, I’ll always post the link here too)
I’ll write basically anything you want (fluff, angst, NSFW, AUs) with just a few restrictions. No teacher-student ships, no incest, and no Alpha-Omega AUs (I don’t really understand that AU, sorry) 
You can ask for any character, ship, or reader insert if you’d like (it can be fem reader, male reader, nb, or undefined, it’s up to you)
A few of my favorite characters and ships are:
Kakashi (he’s my fave)
Neji 😍 (my latest obsession)
Don’t limit yourselves to my picks, but they’re just a few ideas. Anyway, welcome and thank you for reading :) 
Here’s a link to a short KakaIru fic I wrote, if you’d like to check it out. Be kind <3
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welp, i've bitten the bullet and i'm posting that kakashi in a hospital ask on ao3 (on my other account 'cuz i'm a coward XD) hopefully now i get to post my little drabbles without feeling guilty **too** much XD KakaGai has been driving me crazy lately i never thought i'd get into another ship so quickly but Kakashi ships are always so cute <3
Yay!!! I can't wait to see what you have to offer the Kakagai fandom (and any of the other Kakashi ships I enjoy reading XD)
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lainellafay · 6 years
A/N: Just another night out with the Jounins, and KakaGai gets exposed. I guess? Short and sweet, nothing sad this time, I promise! Again, unedited, but what did you expect from me.
Kakashi and Gai are in the middle of an intensive hand wrestling match when Genma brings up the question.
“I know someone who’s interested in going out with you.”
Gai is grinding his teeth fiercely as he struggles to gain ground on Kakashi. The latter is not letting him off easy though, keeping their hands locked at the midpoint, where neither is losing nor winning.
“Who?” Anko asks on their behalf, leaning over the table, her eyes glinting as she sneers at the pint of beer in the middle of the table. “The loud one or the stupid one?”
“Uh,” Genma says as he scratches at his head, “Gai?”
A loud thunk is heard immediately after his words and Gai jumps out of his seat, hands fisting victoriously in the air as he screams about youth, lauding his win. Kakashi’s arm is still in that twisted position on the table where Gai has slammed it to yet he shows no discomfort at the odd angle, his head resting on his other hand.
“Gai?” Genma prods, waiting for the right moment in Gai’s victory speech where the man has to suck in a deep breath before continuing to spew on. When he has successfully caught Gai’s attention, the man’s arms still raised in the air, Genma prompts, “I can set up a date for you, if you’re interested.”
Gai blinks for a few moments. Suddenly, tears and snot rains down on Genma when Gai latches himself onto him in a tight hug. Ebisu quietly moves their drinks further away to avoid the mess.
“I am so touched and grateful that you offered to provide me with ease and happiness but I must decline, my friend. You do not need to go out of your way, Kakashi and I have already made plans to watch the fireworks together Friday night,” Gai says through sobs.
“Another challenge?”
“Of course!” Gai readily agrees, holding Genma at arm’s length, fingers still tight on his shoulders. “We will be blindfolding ourselves to see who can correctly identify the colours of each firework.”
“How does that even work—“ Genma shakes his head and gently pushes Gai’s hands away. He glances at Kakashi and leans in. “As much as I know you enjoy your rivalry with Kakashi, I’m asking you for a girl. She wants to go out with you. A date.”
“Oh.” Gai is still and stiff as a board. Genma leans back and steals some beer from Ebisu. Gai lands a heavy hand on him as he drinks despite Ebisu’s threats to cut his balls off and says, solemnly, “My deepest regrets, my friend. I must decline, I am already spoken for.”
“What!” Anko screeches drunkenly. “Who?”
Genma looks over at Kakashi, a crescent smile in his eye—he hates when the latter does that, a mix of condescending and falsity. It clicks in his head.
“I got it,” he says to Gai. “Enjoy your date.” ‘Kakashi’, he mouths to Anko. She squints blearily at his lips before a shark-toothed smile graces her face.
“Though, Gai, next time tell me when you’re dating someone? I have to let her down now.”
“Yes, I apologise. It was not my intention to keep it a secret—“ Gai sees Genma’s side eye towards Kakashi and quickly corrects the misunderstanding “—no, no, we did not mean to. The topic simply never came up.”
Genma finds that hard to believe, because Gai is the type to shout his emotions to the entire world, and romance should be one of the biggest, with all his talk of springtime and youth. However, he trusts Gai and accepts it.
Genma watches as Gai slides back into his seat and links their fingers together. It’s romantic, yet not, because he instantly sees them clenching down and trying to crush each other’s hands. Genma shakes his head and steals another drink from Ebisu. He has to remember to give Kakashi the talk later.
For now, it’s time to get drunk.
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