#Kakashi was listening to M/sa
just-puddding · 2 years
Team Minato week day 3- Any au/ any swap/ crossover
They set camp at the dead of the night.
By the time they had finished setting everything up and having dinner it was already well past midnight.
Rin was putting off the fire and checking their trails while Minato made sure everything was in check and Kakashi and Obito were just done fighting about…
Minato doesn't actually know just what they were fighting about, all he could tell is that they were fighting and angry enough to still be visibly mad at each other
Minato sighs deeply, watching Obito put his tongue out at Kakashi behind his back while Kakashi left to sulk somewhere else
When he signed up to be a instructor, Minato had hoped it would be something lighter than the war, he just wanted to look after some children and bask in the lighter missions–
–but Kakashi and Obito are driving him crazy
Ever since they'd officially became a team a few months ago there wasn't a single waking hour where Minato wouldn't have to put up with them being insane
Kakashi usually found himself above petty fighting– usually he'd just bluntly insult people and then ignore them– but he seemed completely incapable of letting anything Obito said go
And with Obito's pride and temper…
Rin is no help, either. She usually just watches them fight and then makes it worse by adding her own thoughts on what we they were talking about–
Minato can hear Kushina laugh at him from all these miles away
Minato frown-pouts, fighting an imminent headache as he watches Kakashi climb up the small hill they'd settled beside to sit on a log by himself
He threw a look back at Rin, who shrugged. Minato wordlessly pleaded her to go talk to Obito so he forgets whatever it was and everything goes back to normal and she smiles before shooting a thumbs up and going after him
Maybe she is a little helpful, Minato thinks guiltily, promising to pay her back in his mind as he hesitantly climbs to go meet Kakashi
Minato sees him looking up at the sky, and feels a pang of worry hit him– Kakashi wasn't usually that upset about their fights but this time he was clearly bitter
Slowly, as if not to scare a skittish animal, Minato takes seat besides him, silently scooting closer
Neither of them speak, Kakashi doesn't even acknowledge him, but he also doesn't send him away and Minato takes that as an invitation to suit himself
"So" he says, finally "What are you doing here all by yourself? Minato smiles, refraining himself from placing his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, since he knows he wouldn't appreciate it.
Minato doesn't fully expect Kakashi to answer, especially when the boy doesn't bother to take his eyes away from the sky, but after a beat of silence Kakashi whispers
"I'm staring at Mom until she vanishes Obito away" Minato's smile falters, and he is forced to bite his lips so he doesn't laugh, inappropriately so.
He shouldn't find it funny, honestly, it's probably concerning that Kakashi would wish for Obito to disappear just because of an argument but from what Minato has observed that's just how children are.
So instead of laughing, Minato coughs, readjusting himself on the log so he can follow Kakashi's eyes to whatever it is he's looking at
"You're staring at your mom?" He asks conversationally, Kakashi only hums in response but Minato is happy to just look at the night sky together
He notes where Kakashi's gaze goes "the moon?" Kakashi makes a sound of affirmation "yes" he confirms "that's mom"
Minato's lips form into an indignant smile as he looks back down at Kakashi, still peacefully looking at the astros and has to keep himself from chuckling "that's your mom?" Kakashi nods decisively
"Father said so" Kakashi states, sounding completely convinced of himself. Minato's humour breaks a bit as he looks at his student then back at the moon
"She's beautiful" he settles for, not having the heart to tell Kakashi his father hadn't meant it literally. Kakashi hums back at him again, this time sounding very pleased
"They were arguing about whether cats or dogs were better and I told Obito I liked squirrels more, but if i had to choose i'd pick dogs. He got worse."
is what Rin says when Minato asks if she'd gotten anything out of Obito and Minato takes it back, she's not helpful at all!
"Why did you tell him that!?"
Rin shrugs "I told him to suck it up and go to sleep, so he's laying down now. i think he's still mad" Minato shuts his eyes tightly and counts to ten
Oh god
Rin peeks an eye open, curiously peeking at her younger teammate as they laid down on his floor together
"Why do you always do this?" Rin whispers, as if they might be heard, despite being alone in a house surrounded by nothing but the woods
She pouts when she can't get a quite good look of Kakashi, turning her head slightly to stare at him laying down beside her, basked in moonlight
"I don't want to float" Kakashi says, dismissively. Rin tilts her head, that makes sense. Rin thinks she'd also rather not float constantly, if she could help it.
She nods to herself, turning back over to lean on the ground, closing her eyes. Rin deduces it must be quite inconvenient to have to anchor yourself to the ground so you don't go out flying all the time.
They stay in silence for a moment, then Rin breaks it again, her previous thoughts raising a question "why do you only do it on full moons, then?"
Rin had noticed when they would have missions during the full moon, Kakashi would not sleep, instead passing the night in blank so he could use his chakra to anchor himself to the earth
To think of it, Kakashi always has a little bit of chakra on his feet, connecting him to the ground. Rin realizes it is quite odd, but odd is something she's used to, so it doesn't bother her
Kakashi hums, unmoving from his spot "the pulls gets stronger during the full moons" he explains and Rin nods solemnly "i see" she answers, she supposes that makes sense
And then they fall silent again, moonlight filters through the window and illuminating the wooden floorboards, Rin is happy to our bask in the moment for a while
This time it takes a few minutes of the pleasant silence before Rin's mind is flared with another question;
"Can I see you float?" She whispers conspiratorially, awkwardly, Rin does not float herself, nor does she know anyone who does, so she worries it might insensitive to ask
If it is, though, Kakashi makes no show of it as he only takes a moment of silence before asking, curious rather than affronted "why?"
Rin shrugs, opening her eyes back again and trying to adjust them to the light "i've never seen anyone float before"
She's seen some Shinobi jump really high and far, or some delay their landing for quite some time since Shinobi have better grip of themselves in the air but she can't call that floating
Kakashi doesn't say anything, but Rin's eyes are drawn to him when she hears him shuffle around.
Excited at the agreement, Rin pushes herself to her elbows, watching as Kakashi gets up and stops to stand languidly
Rin gasps herself into sitting abruptly as Kakashi releases the chakra from his feet and they begin to leave the ground, sending Kakashi slowly hauling into air
"Wooow!" She delights, clapping her hands together in praise as Kakashi lifts higher and higher.
then she quickly moves to get up and stay beside him, suddenly worrying he might float up too high and become unable of coming back down
Maybe that's why he didn't want to float, Rin muses
"Are you okay, hold on–" she reaches her hands out to grab Kakashi's, grasping it firmly so he won't float further
Rin Marvels in the way the moonlight reflects from under Rin as Kakashi's hair and clothes continue to float higher and sway with the breeze. It's quite an incredible ability and she is glad Kakashi was sharing it with her!
"Woah" Rin lets out as Kakashi's pulls abruptly strengthens and her feet lift off the ground, "I'm floating now, too" she Snickers in good humour, looking back down as the ground as it becomes ever slightly more distant
"I think it might be better if we stopped now" Rin comments, worrying that they might both get stuck in the roof, or perhaps may float out the window
Kakashi nods slowly, trying to weight his body and with the confirmation Rin tugs at his hands harshly, pulling them both down so she can put her feet back to the ground
It takes a few moments of team effort but they quickly manage to back up further enough from Rin to anchor herself to the ground and lightly pull Kakashi to his feet
As Kakashi grounds himself, Rin lets go of his hands with a kind smile "that was nice, thank you" Kakashi shrugs
Much later, after they once again lay their back on the floor to rest, looking at the moonlight, Rin finally bemuses "why do you float?" She didn't know anyone else who did, but perhaps it's an unheard of kekkei genkai
Kakashi hums, looking lazily at the moon through the window "my mother used to float" Rin nods pleasedly, that checks out
Obito has always liked the plains, they're beautiful and easy to navigate, they make him feel very small, but in a good way, with how they visibly stretch over miles and miles and Obito liked to pick at the weeds and flowers that graced along them while he travelled
He also specifically liked the plains they were traveling besides of, Obito's team had already passed through here quite a few times for missions and Obito always loved it when they did
The flowers are really beautiful and Obito likes the hills, especially the ones here, where the sky is so open you can see millions of billions of stars just by lying down, it's beautiful!
Stargazing is nice, Obito likes stargazing. In The list of things That Obito does not really like, (which isn't, frankly, very big to begin with) though, is wolves.
Particularly wolves that want to kill him. which is pretty much every wolf.
So, understandably, when he catches a chorus of howling off in the distance, Obito ups his guard, and when that howling multiplies he stops in his track, alerting his team to his discomfort
"Uh, guys–" Obito mouths nervously, gulping as the howling seems to come closer and closer to their merry band
His team stops to patiently– not very patiently in Bakashi's case– stare back at him
Obito's eyes frantically dart back and forth "haha, what do you think they're howling at?" He tries to joke and then definitely does not shriek when a wolf peeks in from a bush
It cautiously tilts its head before deciding to come out of the bush, walking straight towards then and Obito freezes, not even having the peace of mind to arm himself
He shakingly watches as the wolf comes closer, bringing in several other wolves, and goes slowly towards Bakashi
It's always Bakashi
Obito gulps as the wolf gets up and close with his teammate, sniffling him and walking around in circles while more and more of it's friends join in
He expects Kakashi to sunshin himself away, or attack the wolf, or do anything, but Kakashi does nothing and when the wolf puts it's snout to Kakashi's hand, he lets him
Frantically snapping out of his trance, Obito picks a Kunai and charges in between his stupid teammate and the creature, keeping a defensive stance, ready to attack
The wolf only tilts his head, as if judging him, then sits himself comfortably again and starts howling, right over Obito to Bakashi. It's always Bakashi
"Agh, guys! What is it doing!?" He shuffles nervously, gagging as more wolves surround them and sit themselves down, joining the chorus
"Guys?" He asks, frantically eyeing between Rin and Minato, but they do nothing, everyone in his team does absolutely nothing as Obito and Kakashi are about to be mauled by man-eating wolves
Obito feels a really big one plop down by his leg and turns around wildly "don't–"
Kakashi finally reacts, only to pull Obito's hand back "stop it, you idiot" he huffs annoyedly "you can't threaten them"
"Threaten them?" Obito snaps around to stare at Kakashi affrontedly, what the fuck is wrong with him!!? "Are you insane!? They're threatening me! Us!"
But Kakashi ignores him, dropping his bag to the grass "he's right, you should probably not agitate them, Obito" Obito sends sensei the same affronted gaze, then Rin, who just smiles "they'll probably leave soon"
Crazy! they're all crazy! Especially Kakashi who's–
"W-wha wha– what are you doing!? Kakashi! Oh my god!–" Obito draws his kunai back in surprise as Kakashi comes closer to the first biggest wolf, crouching down in front, arms wide open
"Kakashi, you can't" he tries to step closer but Kakashi rudely raises a hand stopping Him "shut up" he states blandly
Obito steps back, indignant "shut up? You– oh, oh my god!?" Kakashi hugged the wolf, Kakashi hugged the wolf, kakashi is hugging the wolf!
How is he the only one that sees a problem with this!!?
Obito watches in horror as Kakashi lets the wolf rub itself against him, ruffles it's fur, scratches it's ears, then lightly bumps their foreheads before switching up to the next wolf
Obito has to be hallucinating
Kakashi continues the weird ritual with each one of the wolves as they stop howling and go to line up and hound next to him, then when he sees he's gave attention to all of them he stands back up, swatting dirt from his clothes to the ground
Kakashi shakes himself slightly, picks up his bags, nods at the wolves and when Obito hopes this might be over and left behind only as something for him to think about instead of sleeping, says, delusionally "I apologize, but I have follow them to the cliff"
He doesn't explain why he has to follow a bunch of wolves to a cliff, or how he knows that's what they wanted, if it was what they wanted at all–
And yet "is there anything we can do for you, Kakashi-kun?" Is all sensei has to ask about it, Of all questions "huh?"
Kakashi shakes his head, adjusting his bag and letting a wolf that's almost the same colour as his hair rub it's snout against his leg
"Can we come with you, then?" Obito gaped like a fish "huh?" Kakashi seems to think over it for a while, then look at his wolves for confirmation, then he nods at Rin who does a little clap
"Great!" It's not great, it's not great, they should be taking Kakashi and hightailing it by now, what are they doing?
What are they doing? Is all Obito can think as he's dragged along through the plains with a pack of wolf and his insane teammates to the edge of a cliff
what are they doing?, is all he can think, paralyzed and Kakashi once again drops his bag and goes to stand at the very brink
Kakashi is a single shove away from falling and Obito worries, but he signals them to stay back, so he obligues
The wolves join him and then…
They just start howling again, at the moon this time.
Kakashi stands in the middle as more and more of the wolves arrive around him and join their creepy little chorus
The scene is almost cinematographic, and Obito is in awe despite himself, as Kakashi's hair flutters under the moonlight and he stands in a sea of oddly docile monsters
Bakashi has always been so. fucking. Weird.
Obito stands there, with Rin and Sensei and they watch and wait for minutes, 10 or 15, before Kakashi finally quietens the wolves, softly bidding them goodbye
Then he walks past them, urging them to come along like nothing had happened and none of them ever speak of it again.
"I see you are stalking my brother again" Zetsu appears without warning beside him, Obito doesn't even wait for him to finish before moving to defend himself "I'm not stalking him! I'm just watching so i can gather information for–"
Zetsu's words register to him and Obito whips nos head around immediately, his neck almost cracking, to stare holes into Zetsu's grinning face "YOUR FUCKING WHAT!?"
"My little brother" zetsu says delightedly, looking at Obito as if he's stupid "i believe he was your teammate, yes? 'bakashi' as you say"
No fucking way.
Obito's jaw hits the floor and he's left grasping at straws "are you kidding me?" Zetsu has to be making fun of him
"Hmm, not indeed, he's a child of mother Kaguya, as am I" Obito's mouth opens and closes without him saying anything
Kaguya? Like the children's tale Kaguya? Kaguya as in–
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avenger-hawk · 3 years
Hi! I like your brainwashing hc, it got me thinking and probably incorrectly mixing things but when has s/suke's thoughts be outside of m/nipulation and for on his own? Because looking back feels like all his life he is m/nipulated? First from it/chi, then or/chim/ru & s/und nin, t/bi, k/buto was trying, n/ruto, even k/kashi when he tied s/suke to the tree, I feel like only when freeing t/ka, the s/und prisoners and the revolution was his own(?) or maybe i'm entirely wrong, sorry
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You're not wrong at all, in fact it's an interesting question, very thought provoking.
Indeed Sasuke was always given false/incomplete information so the decisions he made during his path were influenced by them.
Basically everyone tried to manipulate him, some succeeded, some didn’t.
Itachi manipulated him using his low self-esteem and the way he always believed in everything his big brother said, making him believe in his lies, calling him worthless killing as a justification for keeping him alive, pushing him towards revenge so that he’d have a purpose for living after the massacre.
Orochimaru too pushed on his low self-esteem and need for strength, making him believe that he’d never obtain the strength he needed in Konoha.
Kakashi tried, not really to manipulate him but to convice him that his need for revenge was pointless, so that he’d stay in Konoha. He failed, because what Itachi had told him was stronger than any other argument.
Obito manipulated him telling him the truth about Itachi and the massacre, then recruiting him in Akatsuki for his own purposes, since Sasuke’s destruction of Konoha was smth he wanted.
N*ruto manipulated him, not realizing it much, during their final fight, saying that he knew Itachi and what he wanted better than him, belittling Sasuke’s ideals and not listening to him, only prying on his fragile emotional state instead of reasoning like Sas tried to confront their visions of what being Hokage meant, in the very beginning. (I wrote about this already, for those who disagree, I’m not up for discussion about it!)
Kakashi manipulated him, succeeding, after he’s out of jail, treating him like a whiny child, threatening him to not go crazy again or he won’t be pardoned anymore, dismissing his actions and reasons behind them.
Sasuke’s own thoughts did exist, anyway, slipping through the cracks.
As a genin he protected his team mates many times. He protected S*kura against Gaara. He shielded N*ruto from Haku’s needles, almost dying as a result, and he cushioned N*ruto’s falling after being hit by Gaara, which wasn’t even a deathly hit.
He didn’t kill N*ruto after their first fight, even though he could have obtain MS, saying he’ll get stronger his own way...he basically sacrificed himself, giving his body to Orochimaru, as his next vessel, instead of sacrificing his friend. And even in the beginning of Shippuuden, he belittles his gesture as a whim, but he said that he’d give his body to Orochimaru over and over to have his revenge. This shows his determination and his self-destructive, but also really selfless personality, as he sees himself as a tool for a purpose. This is not exactly a result of manipulation, but a mix of low self-esteem, his tragic story and his upbringing.
He didn’t kill the opponents Orochimaru put against him, saying that there was another he wanted to kill.
He defeated Orochimaru because he ‘didn’t like his methods’, he was against his own values.
He freed his prisoners, all of them, and he didn’t take merit for it, he just told Suigetsu to do it and Suigetsu told everyone.
Upon freeing Juugo he ordered Suigetsu to not kill other prisoners who were berserk around Orochimaru’s prison.
He freed Team Taka members and he asked them to help him find Itachi, but he also told them, once they were free, that if they refused to help, he would respect their choice; it was their choice to stay, not his. And he protected them against Killer B, as if they were his team since a long time, as in Team 7 days.
Running after Edo Tensei Itachi, fighting beside him, following his lead, telling him that he was perfetct go, despite
Summoning Orochimaru after Itachi left, so that he’d summon the past Hokage, because he wants to know more about the history of the village and why his brother was so loyal to it, is his own thought. He says there’s too much he doesn’t know, which shows that he’s honest about his ability and knowledge, and when he doesn’t know smth he asks to those who know more, just like when he can’t do something alone like finding Itachi he asks for help to Karin, Suigetsu and Juugo.
Joining the battlefield after hearing the past Kage’s explanations is his own thought. Not letting Tobirama’s initial insults get to him, not minding them because he needs information, is his own behavior, because he can put his pride aside to reach a goal, because he doesn’t deem himself importan, only a tool for a purpose like I said before. If instead it’s Itachi the insulted one he reacts, just like he reacts positively when someone praises his brother. Also, mentioning his brother in various occasions, that’s his own thought, even if it’s not a decision.
His revolution is not entirely his own thought, but it’s also his own, it’s a desperate elaboration of his extreme adoration and idealization of his brother, who burdened his and other people’s hate upon his shoulders, protecting the village from the shadows. For Sasuke this is the epitome of being Hokage, protecting the village and shouldering their hate, being in the shadow, not being admired and looked up to (unlike what everyone else thinks of the Hokage, that’s why they all want to become one). Killing N*ruto because of the bijuus is part of his plan even if he doesn’t want to. So it’s his idea but it’s something he wouldn’t like to do in other circumustances. He just thinks he has to.
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owlsbride · 4 years
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Icha Icha and Prejudice: The Book Club
Chapter V: A Suitable Marriage
"So…" Sakura answered, arriving at an obvious conclusion observing her cup of sake "now you have to go all way to Suna to solve Naruto's mess."
"Yes," Kakashi nodded, looking at the empty space behind her "I'm not exactly thrilled about it, but it's my job after all." He concluded finally directing his gaze to Sakura to look at her big furious green eyes. He suppressed an inner smile.
"But why? Why don't you send Naruto back again? He was the one that asked the Kazekage an extra train program to be a better Hokage" Sakura started annoyed "And Gaara accepted. What was he thinking? Besides, they both made this mess together."
It was infuriating. Gaara, the most collect man she has ever known, all so stoic, silently analyzing everything around him with his sharp mind. Separated from the world, absorbed in his thoughts with his celestial eyes always directed to the horizon, protecting his village. She couldn't understand it.
"Maa, Sa Ku Ra, calm down" Kakashi spoke with his soft tone, guessing what was going on inside her mind "Gaara may be the Kazekage, and a great one, by the way, a fine young man, but inside he's still a child. I think he's still trying to figure out what human relationships are all about, and when being too friendly or solicitous is too much. I guess he couldn't say no to a friend." There was so much tenderness in his words that Sakura sighed leaning back in her chair a little less angry.
"God, he's worst than Sai." Sakura agreed finally most to herself than to Kakashi thinking about the problems that the young man with black hair suffered and caused due to his lack of social empathy.
"Trust me Sakura, if I were to choose between them both..." Kakashi left the phrase hanging. He was not mad at the Kazekage nor Naruto, he was just tired and resigned with the last one. Naruto would never really change.
"Still..." Sakura began again "I don't know why you can not solve this problem from here. Was it that bad?
"You couldn't just start to imagine."
"But this weather..." She was less angry but pushier now.
"If I didn't know you better, I would think you don't want to let me go, Sakura" he spoke in such a suggestive way that Sakura trembled under his gaze "but I'm sure is not the case, right?"
"Of course not Hokage Sama" she was blushing, a lot "I'm just worried about the security of our leader." Sakura finally answered, wrinkling her nose. Kakashi laughed at her face.
"Relax Sakura, I'm not just an old useless politician".
"I guess you are right... you are not a politician" Sakura said, sticking out her tone.
"Careful Sa Ku Ra, the cat may eat your tongue someday" Kakashi answered her with a deep dark tone licking his own lips, or at least that's what she believed. Again the warm feeling forming in her low stomach, now she was sure, it was not her chakra.
"Yeah... anyway..." she tried to hide her excitement and shame at once adopting a much more professional stance, "I think I should go with you." She finished crossing her arms on the table.
"And that could be because...?" Kakashi leaned back on his chair taking distance from Sakura, eyeing her suspiciously, he had seen this coming. He knew that Sakura was going to ask her to go with him.
"I think it's pretty obvious Sensei." He hated the honorifics, but he just stopped fighting it a long ago with Sakura. It was just a mannerism, a way of speaking, not particularly a sign of respect or distance. It was merely their ways, and it was ok, strange and alluring at times, but ok.
"Go on..."
"I believe that the company of a nin doctor in this weird mission of yours, trying to recover Suna from the Tsunami named Naruto, could be of much help." She finished matter of factly.
"For what? a heatstroke?" Kakashi wasn't going to fall in her charms.
"Stop mocking me, Sensei" Sakura pouted. Now she was feeling hurt.
"I'm not mocking you." He smiled. She was cute sometimes. "I'm just saying that there are no risks in my short journey to Suna. It's a safe trip. Only three days and I'll be back; besides, you forget something."
"What?" Sakura asked in confusion
"You are on vacations."
"Yes, a vacation I didn't request for." It was evident that she still felt horrible about that decision.
"And yet, here we are. Having dinner in your second night of" Kakashi said raising his cup, even if he was not going to drink it with Sakura watching straight to his face.
"I guess..." Sakura did drink her sake and started again with all the Suna issue "So, you are going alone? Who is going to be encharged during these days?"
"I asked an old friend to help me here. Luckily she said yes. Having you not accepting the recess and Naruto trying to put his last training in practice is too much of a danger to leave the village alone. And no, I'm not travelling by myself" Kakashi gave her a wink.
"Hey! I'm not that bad. I'm not going to break the rules Hokage Sama". Sakura was starting to feel offended. She was not a girl anymore. He had to stop seeing her like one "I'm not a gir..."
"A girl. You are not a girl anymore." Kakashi finished for her "I'm well aware of that". Eyes darker.
"So, Who is this friend of yours and with who are you travelling with?" Sakura asked incredulously. She didn't know Kakashi had friends except for Guy Sensei and Genma, (who were definitely not suitable for cover him in these three days) less a woman. Why was she a bit jealous, and why was Kakashi noticing it? He laughed a true-hearted laugh.
"Easy Sakura, Lady Tsunade is going to take my place these days, I think she is more than capable, don't you agree? He was genuinely asking her opinion.
"Wow!" Sakura said in surprise "She must really love you like to say yes."
"Doesn't everyone love me? He was such a Drama Queen. "And about the travelling arrangements, I'm going with Shikamaru."
"Well..." Sakura pondered "Shikamaru is really capable, and he is your advisor. I think he is the most suitable for the job." Sakura concluded.
"Yes," Kakashi stated. "though, I think he has his personal agenda on this journey."
"Oh... You mean..." Sakura didn't want to talk more words than necessary. She didn't know how much information Kakashi had about Temari and Shikamaru's relationship.
"Of course Sakura," Kakashi spoke as it was the most obvious thing in the world "The princess."
"So you know..." It was not a question.
"Sakura, I'm not the Hokage for nothing, you know?" There was fun in his voice. "I've seen how they look at each other, I've listened when they talk at the phone. I've been there when they fight together side by side at the Fourth War. It was just a matter of time." He finished almost with longing.
"Like us" Sakura whispered to herself not expecting Kakashi to listen.
"Like us, what? His eyes were gleaming. Sakura felt nervous.
"Just..." she had to think quickly. "Just like the rest of us, you noted the romance coming back then too." That was closed. Kakashi shifted his mouth uncomfortably under his mask, wrinkling his nose. He wasn't buying it.
"Yes." Disappointment in his words. "Anyway... I think a wedding is coming soon and it will become most profitable for both villages. Suna and Konoha united forever. Shikamaru and princess Temari, we couldn't ask for more." Kakashi spoked low.
A cold chill ran down Sakura's spine upon hearing Kakashi's words. It was the Hokage who spoke: cold, distant, calculating. She wasn't sure if she liked this version of Kakashi. Yes, she has witnessed terrible decisions that he had to make as the village leader, she had seen the horrors of the war and what makes people do. But why this bothered her so much? Was it because she had lost sight of the fact that he was the Hokage after all and not just his partner, friend, and secret fantasy? Was she so in love that, now, only one sentence about the convenience of marriage was enough to make all the bandages fall off?
Kakashi hadn't actually said anything about fixing a marriage, but that's what it sounded like, and inside her, it seemed painful.
"What's wrong, Sakura?" Kakashi asked full of worry. He had just realized after his lazy conversation that something had bothered Sakura.
"Is that how you see us?" Sakura began without looking at him "only as exchange goods, potential political deals or war unions thanks to a good marriage and the lineage that can come out of it?"
"I'm sorry, Sakura, but I can't see the problem there" Kakashi answered in all honesty.
"Sure..." Sakura said dryly in a mocking tone "then maybe I can go for the Kazekage. What do you think? I'm sure that is highly beneficial".
Kakashi was confused, but he was not going to recoil.
"Well, Sakura, good luck with that, cause I don't think Gaara is into girls..." He started doubting "Actually, I think he is into nothing at all, but that's your choice." Why was he getting angry? "Now, if instead, you would like to set your eyes on the brother, Kankuro, that could be something entirely different."
"You can start making the arrangements then, and as Hokage, you can walk me down the aisle." Sakura suppressed a tear.
"That would be your father´s job. I may be old, but that´s not my place" Kakashi retorted angrily, but without racing his voice.
"My parents lost faith in me long ago, I don´t think they are interested in my wedding, they think I´m already too old for that" She was sad, resigned. They have stopped talking to her when she refused to marry Sasuke, another suitable arrangement.
"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not one of those characters of that stupid book of yours, Lizzie."
Sakura looked down, suddenly she was feeling a bit ashamed. She avoided his eyes at all cost, and she was safe by the waitress announcing that the restaurant was closing. Kakashi paid the bill without saying anything, and they both started walking home, strangely taking the same path.
Sakura was the first in breaking the silence.
"You are reading the book, eh?"
"Hmmm" Kakashi hummed as the only answer.
"Already bored?" She was watching at the stars.
"Actually no" Kakashi began "Even if I don't know yet what to think about it, debating my self between if it is a good manner manual or a statement of the women position in the society, I have to recognize it's quite interesting."
"You haven't read enough yet" Sakura was acting childish. How was it possible that he still didn't realize that the book was actually an ode to true love.
"I supposed." He closed the conversation.
They continue walking a few more blocks before arriving at Sakura's door. Finally, they face each other.
"Sakura, listen" Kakashi needed to clear some things before parting to Suna "What I meant earlier" he swallowed hard "I would never jeopardize the happiness of any of you for the good of the village. You are my priority. The marriage between Shikamaru and Temari is indeed a benefit to Konoha, but that does not mean that I'm directing your lives from a desk. All of you already risk enough every day out there. I would not take love out of your hands."
Sakura nodded with her mouth dry, she needed a drink, a strong one. She finally locked eyes with him and smile much more relaxed.
"Are you going to send me a text as soon as you arrived Suna?" Sakura asked in a happy tone.
"Of course" he simply answered, hands in his pocket.
"And are you going to send my regards to the Kazekage and his brother?" Now she was teasing.
"If that's what you wish..." Kakashi left the phrase got lost in the air. The storm menacing again once more the Konoha's sky.
Sakura laughed heartedly.
"Good night Kakashi Sensei, have a good trip." Sakura said, turning her back to him.
She suddenly stood frozen with her keys trembling in her hands.
Warm breath sifted through the mask ran down her neck and the lobe of her ear. Kakashi hadn't gotten to touch a single hair of her, but all of it rose on her body. Her breath stopped for an instant that seemed like hours, his words tickling as he spoke.
"Have a good night you too, Lizzie." And just like that Kakashi disappeared.
Inner Sakura was going to be happy.
So many things to say
1- It´s getting really really late here but I wanted to post it anyway
2- A little bit of tension is not that bad
3- Next chapter we may know, or not, what Naruto has done at Suna. Also, I´m pretty sure that the virtual chat is coming back.
4-Kakashi is making his homework after all.
5- I like the idea that Gaara may be a bit of asexual, though the story shows us different.
6- You Know what to do.
7- If there is anything else you would like to know, please write to me
8- Can somebody be so lovely and helpful and explain me how to link the chapters for making it easy to read? I'm almost as stupid as Kakashi with tech
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owlsbride · 4 years
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Kakashi makes the mistake of giving Sakura a well deserved holidays against her own will. Sakura doesn´t know what to do with her free time, and the Hokage is really interested in it. So an idea strikes him like lightning. They both decide to form a book club, One is going to read Icha Icha and the other one Pride and Prejudice. What will come of it?
I don´t own Naruto, Pride and Prejudice, or nothing that I can refer to here; I´m just a sad loser
Chapter 1: A storm is coming
Kakashi was sitting at his office as he had been in the last few years. He was surrounded by scrolls, archives, books and papers, each with a little yellow post-it with three words repeated all over them like a mantra: 'Pending of revision.' Shikamaru was really trying himself to make the Hokage understand of the importance of reading all those documents. The hasty handwriting of the Nara Boy was all over the place trying to catch Kakashi's attention like a reminder that the day that he would sign something without reading it, declaring the Fifth Great War was around the corner. Still, even with his apparent laziness, attention deficit, oblivion and contrary to the opinion of many, Kakashi, truth to be told, was an excellent Hokage. Even against his own predictions and his reluctance to accept the job, Konoha was in one of its best moments: peace reigned in the village, they had a good and constant economic growth and political relations with the rest of the towns and nations flourished day by day after each Diplomatic missions that he attended. Although he hated them inside, he turned out to be quite charming and convincing in person with the rest of the neighbouring leaders, successfully carrying out every meeting, conversation, business deal or whatever.
Kakashi was proud of himself. Proud, but bored and tired. He hated all the office work that separated him from his precious, apparently non-existent free time. Kakashi wasn't able to train, go out on missions more interesting than politics or competing with his one-sided eternal rival, who even in his actual state, was always up to a good challenge, and Kakashi respected him for that. But above all, he had no time for his precious Icha Icha, he was forced to read them more and more sporadically, or secretly for that matter while pretending to read an official document. It was killing him. Not that Kakashi was obsessed with those books, no, at least not that much, he was not a perv, contrary to what people could think. The real thing for Kakashi was that after all these years, so much suffering, war and blood bath, those books, always remain the same. They had a story in them. There were more levels to discover besides the erotic parts, wich in Kakashi's opinion, though exciting, thrilling and tempting, weren't the highlights of Jirayia's best sellers. In those books, he was able to found the romance, the love, the fun and the relationships that he could not afford himself in his own personal life. Not because he didn't like the idea of having a partner, of course he did: a wonderful, strong woman. A woman who can accompany him in every mission but independent enough like to spend time making her own decisions, following her own path, challenging and defiance, but sweet and beautiful at the same time. He wasn't the type of man that wanted a wife to wait for him at home with dinner ready at 9, dressed for the occasion, and just willing to listen to whatever he had to say; a woman who over time only took care of their children (whom he was not even sure if he ever wanted to have), and who eventually abandons all her dreams just to be the wife of Mr Right. Unfortunately, there were not many women like that in Konoha. If they were not a Kunoichi, they were housewives or future housewives to be. And if they were Kunoichis, most of them were already married, very young or very ambitious, and ambition did not get along with Kakashi. More than one girl approached him in the past trying to turn him into a trophy or make it faster to the top on their shinobi path. Kakashi had been able to read them from the first moment, and although it was not what he wanted for his future, he was not a saint. He had learned to enjoy the advantages of being Kakashi Hatake, but sooner than later, he got bored, and for a while now he had left all those games sideways to take refuge in his precious books. Not that in Icha Icha women were presented as he preferred them, but fiction was one thing he could indulge himself with, and reality was another. There was no complication in those books, no real suffering, not disappointment, and definitely not pink-haired former students to adore and admire in secret and for sure not a Lady Tsunade yelling at him 'go for her, you fool.'
Kakashi knew that Sakura was single and that her life was dedicated to her work. For a time he and the Godaime had the habit of meeting a couple of times a week to talk about important matters in the village. But the truth was that between glass and glass of sake, they both ended up talking about more trivial topics and even about their lives. In those talks, Kakashi learned from Tsunade's own words, that Sakura had developed a kind of adoration and infatuation towards him. At the same time, he had confessed that he felt the same for the girl, but he would not do anything about it since it seems entirely out of place. For God's sake, they had been working together for longer than he could remember, and any advance in the wrong direction could break all boundaries. Tsunade always ended these conversations angrily telling him that he was a complete idiot for letting the only woman who could ever make him happy scape and that he, in turn, was an egotistic man who denied Sakura the same happiness. Kakashi wasn't so convinced. So like that, things were what they were, and the Six Hokage was quite content with them. Kakashi was no fool. He was pretty capable of noticing that something was going on with Sakura: the little flirtings, the innocent innuendos, a lingering touch longer than necessary. The signs were there, but that doesn't mean that they have to take another step and turn all that tension in something real.
Kakashi's and Sakura's relationship changed over the years smoothly, just like a river flow. For some time, the pink-haired girl was just that, a kid, a student, the sweet and temperamental little Sakura. Then she became the strong teenager full of determination under the wing of the Godaime, and that was something to respect. Finally, Sakura blossomed in one of the most wonderful women he ever knew. Beautiful, intelligent, strong, subtle, tender, but terrible irritating at times, and he love that. And he had the feeling that Sakura felt quite the same about him, but again, taking everything to another level was something he was not going to consent. What would people think? What would everyone say about Sakura? What would happen to their relationship if things went wrong? He very much preferred this kind of annoying silent game between them than nothing at all. At least they were close friends, they see each other every day, talk for hours, and it was ok. It was much more bearable to have Sakura in this way than not having her at all. So brave in battle and so coward in life.
Kakashi sighed, turning his attention back to all the paperwork over his desk. The sun was setting over Konoha, but it was a different kind of sunset. A storm was coming, a huge one and the sun was hidden behind the heavy clouds,
omens of a rain that would not stop for days, which was really unusual in the village but even regarding the weather the times were changing.
A rumble of thunder echoed across the sky, Kakashi couldn't tell if it was actually a natural phenomenon or the noise of his office door being slammed with all the fury against the wall. Yes, a storm was coming, and Kakashi had utterly forgotten about it.
"Thre weeks Kakashi? Three Weeks?" the Hokage didn't look up from his papers "What the hell were you thinking?"
"Oh, Sa Ku Ra" he started leaving his pen on the desk and crossing his arms "Please come in, the door is open" he wasn't mad, he was just beginning to have some fun after all "Why don't you take a seat".
"Kakashi, what were you thinking? Three weeks is too much" Sakura answered, still mad and with her voice a little bit too pitchy.
"No Sensei? No Hokage Sama today" he leaned over his desk eyeing Sakura from under the Hokage's hat "You must be really mad"
"Well..." Sakura recoiled "yes, but wouldn't you?" Finally, she took a seat at the desk in front of him.
"I would be delighted, but I can see that is not your case." Kakashi removed his hat, it was so annoying after all.
"Hokage Sama, three weeks are too much." There she was, calmer now.
"It's not what Shizune told me" he began lifting his hand to make Sakura stop talking, "your sempai told me that the last week you almost faint of tiredness. That you have been working nearly 24/7 for the last few months, and I can see for myself that you lost weight" he spoke eyeing her, Sakura blushed "So I think, as your Hokage, as you named me yourself that three weeks is a fair and necessary amount of time for taking a holiday." He finished knowingly.
"I don't need three weeks, Kakashi" Sakura tried to spoke in the most calmly way she knew "I'm fine, completely fine" Sakura leaned closer to the silver-haired man in front of her putting her hands over his. Kakashi relaxed in her touch, and for a moment he forgot what they were talking about. Sakura got him where she wanted "You know I'm well sensei" Kakashi looked her in the eyes, and he was about to fall in her charms, but the black bags under them brought him back to reality.
"I'm sorry, Sakura, not this time. The decision is already taken. From now on and during three weeks, you are free of your duties."
"You are insufferable." Sakura grunted.
"And you like me for that" Kakashi answered turning back to sign some papers, smirking under his mask.
"Yeah..." Sakura breath "but, what would I do? It's too much free time."
"I don't know Sa Ku Ra. What do you do in your free time?" The Hokage look at her again, interested in her free time.
"Work?" She said almost shy.
"Come on..." Sakura now has all his attention "don't tell me that you don't go out, that you don't have dates, that you don't travel, that you don't sunbathe or go to spring baths from time to time." Kakashi was amazed, but the part that interested him the most was the dating part, it was vital like breathing for him to know whether or not Sakura had dates with any of the men in the village.
"I don't..." Sakura was ashamed "I don't do anything like that, Sensei" and suddenly she looked fragile and pure and perfect.
"Well, a good time to start then" Kakashi concluded, and he suddenly noted his own stupidity, "but you don't have to do all at the same time, baby steps. For example, you may leave the dating thing for some other holidays."
"Look at you Sensei" Now she was being the teasing Sakura, there were so many levels in her "all so jealous."
"I'm not..." Kakashi tried to defend himself.
"It's ok, Kakashi. I don't date" she said, biting her lower lip in thoughts "Nobody likes a girlfriend who spends to much time with sick people". Kakashi only hum.
"Well, Sakura, you will have to think about what to do with this precious time given to you." The storm in his office was apparently fading away. Outside, not so much.
"With this weather, it will be hard to decide" Sakura sighed in defeat "what were you doing anyway? can I help you?" maybe she could trick Kakashi and do some work after all, even if it wasn't exactly her work.
"You're not going to win this time Sakura, not even if the idea of having you here reading all these documents is tempting as hell." God, he was smart.
Sakura remained seated at the desk in silence, observing the man who once was her sensei and now was like a boss and the village leader.
She observed his features, his movements, his concentration, and she lost herself in his hands that came and went around the desk most elegantly and slowly possible. Suddenly, she fixed her gaze on the little orange book calling her from under a folder. This piqued her interest. What was it that Kakashi liked so much about those perverted books that distorted true love and intrapersonal relationships?
"Anything you like, Sa Ku Ra?" Kakashi asked, raising his brow without looking at her.
"You are still reading those books." She said disapprovingly.
"As always, yes." He simply answered.
"I don't understand how a grown-up man enjoys reading those ridiculous and perverted books."
"You would be highly surprised if you give them a chance." Kakashi stated, leaning back on his chair.
"I hardly doubt it" Sakura responded imitating his posture.
After a moment of silence, Kakashi spoke again.
"You know what, Sakura?" Fun in his voice "It just came to me an excellent idea for your holidays." The smirk under his mask was enormous, he was so enjoying this.
"I'm listening." Sakura's voice was trembling.
"You are going to read Icha Icha, and I'm going to read your favourite book, and then we can exchange opinions." He was ecstatic.
"No way Sensei, I'm not going to read those terrible and misogynist books of yours." Sakura was angry, ashamed, surprised.
"Maa, Sakura, don't be so hard, you don't know if they are misogynist or not" Kakashi dismissed Sakura's disqualifications quickly "or is it that you are afraid of liking them too much? Because let me tell you, I'm not afraid of dying of boredom with your book if that helps you in having a more satisfying free time". He was teasing her in all his glory, and she was blushing like a tomato. She hated him.
"Are you telling me that we are forming a book club with only two members?" Against her own good judgment, Sakura was about to say yes.
"Two really VIP members Sakura." He assured.
"And I choose a book for you?" She asked again
"The one you want, yes." Kakashi waited for her answer patiently. This was going to be absolutely hilarious. After some minutes, she spoke again.
"Ok, but nobody needs to know about this. Is our secret" Sakura started pointing with a menacing finger to Kakashi's face.
"My mouth is sealed" He assured her.
"It's a deal then." She finished extended her hand to shake Kakashi's in agreement.
"It's a deal," He said also shaking her hand "You can take the book home with you now. It's getting late, and it's already raining." He finished de conversation.
"Tomorrow morning you will have the book here in your office Hokage Sama, and I hope you enjoyed," Sakura spoke walking to the door leaving Kakashi to his thoughts.
"I hope that too, Sa Ku Ra." He whispered with a smile.
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