#Kal is ranting
flowervolcano · 18 days
I’ll never get over the fact that Deadpool once couldn’t even remember Taskmaster’s name, he called him Barney Toastmaster around the second time he met Tasky.
Yet, after all that time he cannot get Tony’s name out of his mouth.
In almost every issue of Deadpool (2024) he’s almost exclusively called Taskmaster Tony, before this series he really only called him Tasky if given a nickname at all (think there were a few Tony’s here and there, my memory is a tad spotty).
Then he even called him Anthony… which is HIS FULL NAME. And basically nobody calls Taskmaster Anthony, and why should they?
Most everyone refers to him as Taskmaster, Tasky or Tony. Never Anthony, and he doesn’t seem to have an issue with this at all, in fact I was always under this assumption he only wanted to be referred to as The Taskmaster
But there’s Wade calling him ANTHONY and Tony doesn’t complain about it. I find that so interesting…
It just shows how much their relationship has evolved from first not even saying the right name to being unable to just call him Taskmaster. They are wayyy beyond the “professionalism” that the two used to share in their respective careers, from what seemed to begin as a rivalry has become more of a partnership and it is much more personal now.
You can see it a lot in this new Deadpool run, the way they are around each other, it’s way more casual, it’s friendlier; yes we can say “well it’s just the writers” but I really do think their relationship HAS evolved over the years.
There were times neither of them would even refer to each other as friends, but I think it’s always been more than that. I’d argue a lot of the reason neither would admit this is because having friends in the mercenary business can get you and others in trouble, especially with their reputations; friends with Deadpool? Gonna get Taskmaster in a LOT of trouble with guys who hate him. And the same for Deadpool being friends with Taskmaster, they keep the distance, the appearances. It’s always been professional.
But you could always tell that was some fondness between them no matter what happened, even when they double cross each other, trying to kill one another because they were paid to do so. In a way through all of this you can see how much they do work well together and get along while still having their differences, and still having that capability to be angry at the other person.
They have a wonderful dynamic that can be complicated, but at its core it’s just because of who they are.
It’s an unorthodox relationship because of their professions, their personalities, all of it. But they still love each other even if they may not openly admit this fact for countless reasons.
(Yes. I think it does embarrass Taskmaster to have ANY attachments, it would be even more embarrassing to admit that person is Deadpool.)
So let’s not forget that Tony called Wade, Wadey! I repeat, WADEY!!!
Usually Taskmaster has addressed him by names like ‘Pool, Wilson, and of course Wade on certain occasions… but Wadey? A whole nickname he’s never once used before…
I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Just keeps playing in my head “Wadey” “Anthony” since when did they get on those terms?
I really love it. Like this is probably something that isn’t even that big of a deal, but to me it’s everything.
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1989tvcore · 6 months
still got a long way to go for this one but comment if u wanna be in the taglist 🤪🤪🤪
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So, I’ve seen a lot of Superman and Homelander memes on here that are used to compare and contrast things, but the thing that really gets on my nerves is how Superman is always used to represent the fantasy and Homelander is always used to represent reality. There’s a common one where Superman is “How U.S. history is taught” and Homelander is “What actually happened,” and now I’m seeing a quote going around that’s like “People think of Israel as Superman but it’s really Homelander.”
Not to diminish the power of those statements, but the thing that’s always driven me crazy is how everyone describes The Boys as the “realistic” superhero show because the superheroes are corrupt and how they describe Homelander as “Superman if he actually existed.” It’s part of a larger pattern I’ve noticed recently where people see goodness as inherently false and badness as genuine. A public figure will do something that offends or hurts people, and that moment is seen as them revealing their true colors, and every good thing they did before or since is then seen as them putting on an act to hide their true nature or a desperate attempt to repair their image. It’s the same thing with Superman. People can get behind the idea of an alien from outer space who can fly, lift cars over his head, and shoot lasers out of his eyes, but the fact that he’s also kind? That’s what breaks suspension of disbelief.
Therefore, I’ve decided to counteract that narrative a little with some memes of my own, where Homelander is the wrong interpretation and Superman is the truth.
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makiruz · 6 months
I'm sorry, but the idea that the Bohrok Kal can steal the Toa's elements by stealing a symbol is dumb
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watermelonsloth · 1 day
So I’ve recently rewatched My Adventures With Superman and I wanted to share a qualm I’ve had with it. That being its use of Superman being an alien as an allegory for immigration and racism. It’s not the execution that I have a problem with—this not being the only idea explored and how the characters and the villains’ motivations are written largely save this from hurting the series—but rather the idea because it forgets the same thing Zootopia and Detroit: Become Human’s allegories forgot: racism is fundamentally irrational.
Even if there are differences between cultures, no group is more or less capable of violence than another. No individual from any group is automatically stronger or more weaponized than an individual from another. Thus fearing a specific group’s capacity for violence is absurd, irrational, and ✨racist✨. Now, with that in mind, is it irrational to fear Superman? I’d say no.
Maybe you could argue that after a certain amount of time there would be enough evidence of him putting himself on the line just to help people that it would be harder to defend fearing him, but if we’re talking about a Superman who’s just starting out like in MAWS… well… Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of some random person in Metropolis. Some random guy from a planet we’ve never heard of shows up one day saying he’s here to help and he wants nothing in return. He never gave us a name and we have no way of knowing where his similarities to humans end or if he’s lying. All we know is what he’s told us, what he’s done, and that he has a laundry list of extremely powerful superpowers with little to no weaknesses. Now maybe y’all are saints compared to me, but I tend to be wary around strangers—especially strangers I know are fully capable of killing me without consequence—and when I hear someone say that their motives are exclusively altruistic, I assume it’s an act. If I was in Metropolis and I didn’t know Superman personally, I’d, at minimum, be concerned about him one day becoming resentful of doing so much for so little. So from my perspective, fearing Superman and wanting to have countermeasures on standby isn’t exactly what I’d consider irrational.
(When you take into account all of the universes with “evil Superman” this perspective makes even more sense. I just didn’t bring that up because the average person wouldn’t know about that.)
My point is that maybe instead of using Superman, an alien with godlike powers, to tell a story about immigration and racism, we could just use a superhero who’s an immigrant or a person of color. Or we could make a new character. Or we could at least make Superman an actual immigrant (he was created by Jewish immigrants, we could make him a Jewish immigrant). I’m just saying that if you want to write about racism, you should use race to talk about it.
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grumpy-nik · 10 hours
CEO Boyfriend after a frustrating day : Some people really should know their place.
Girlfriend who sits on his lap to ask him about it : Well, I know mine. *grins*
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natures-marvel · 9 months
I truly cannot believe I am bout to turn 24 next month. I just cant.
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newtmas-supremxcy · 6 months
So I've been watching voltron recently since I started shipping klance years ago without ever watching the show and I only have one comment :
Lance fell first, keith fell harder
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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goldenvulpine · 1 year
Look it’s actually very common for Lois to throw herself off a building to prove Clark is Superman.
Margot Kidder did it twice in Superman 2
Once off a building, another off some rapids
Both times, Clark was shrewd enough to save her without revealing his powers tho.
And it was hilarious because Lois still knew but she was fucking pissed.
I can do without the fucking melodrama tho. I’ve seen it in Invincible and He-Man and it’s honestly boring asf.
Melodrama is for Marvel. With DC it’s Character Dynamics.
Of course Lois should be pissed. She’s a reporter and the biggest Superman story was right under their nose. But I hope there isn’t some “you owe me your secrets because we’re in a relationship” or “you threatened your own life to make me give you something you want” I see in the CW.
Too Marvel. “Here is why X character is actually toxic”
Like yeah, I know about the “toxicity” involved here. i know that Superman says he’s for Truth, but also keeps his identity a secret and thus LIES all the time. I know Lois can be sometimes too pushy, too flippant with her own life and put herself in precarious situations to “get the scoop” regardless of the very real concequences.
But Clark and Lois are very smart. And shrewd enough to understand the WHY. Clark doesn’t call out Lois’ manipulation because he knows she’s a TRUE reporter at heart and means well enough to understand boundaries. She knows real restraint where it counts. Lois is shrewd enough to understand WHY Superman lies. She’s a FUCKING REPORTER. Anonymity and Confidentiality ARE HER BREAD AND BUTTER. Most of her anger when it really is revealed is because he’s been doing it under her nose the entire time and it really hurt her ego because she knows she should’ve known better.
What I’m trying to say that all this drama? Welcome to the club newbie. Try not to take things too seriously. It’s fucking SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE.
Just enjoy the ride and try not to blow up on twitter because two interns that have a crush each other are being drama queens.
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whalehouse1 · 5 months
Clark: Linda, I need you back at the Danvers by 10. You have school tomorrow.
Kara: I’ll be fine Clark, and don’t tell me what to do. I’m old enough to take care of myself.
Dick: Yeah Clark, listen to your elders.
Kara, glaring daggers: One of these days I’m going to throw you into the sun.
Dick: Too bad I’ll be dead before I get incinerated.
Clark: Could you two try to get all-Bruce are you laughing?
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tahnok-kal · 9 days
Today on things Bohrok have literally no reason to own or complain about: My fridge is broken.
It will not stop making noise. It's making a noise worse than Kohrak-Kal while failing to do the duties of a normal Kohrak.
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flowervolcano · 2 years
I know I have seemed anti Antonia Dreykov but it’s not like that at all. I just get mad that she wasn’t a well written and fleshed out character and I hope for some new things for her.
Originally I thought ooh he could be Marvel’s first trans character, have Tony transition to male that way “look he’s a male” and I’d really be down for this idea
But if not, idc we could do a female Taskmaster, just let her have spunk, energy, charisma, let her get her own personality anything that isn’t all drama filled. She deserved better than that.
So I want some things for her, which is; figuring herself out, after years of being silenced I want her to be a mouthy little troll like her comic counterpart, she uses the “my father silenced me my whole life now I’m making it your problem” excuse whenever someone on Thunderbolts gets annoyed with her excessive banter/talking. She has so much she missed out on, she could be like a little socially awkward at first but then really just kicks it off. Maybe she picks up skateboarding randomly just because she saw someone do it. I want her to reclaim some humanity and personality. All things she was dismissed from having. Let her thrive and grow into a real person. I’m afraid they will just keep blandly writing her with no soul and she’s only “I was a weapon” like Bucky, Yelena and Ghost weren’t. (Not all of them are as moody but you get the point)
Then I also really want them to utilize her powers more, explain that the chip in her head is actually just because her father is a control freak and was limiting her to a program. That the powers don’t have to be computer functional. Idk taking away a super hero skill like that sucks imo and that was one of my major complaints when it first came out
The main reason I’m upset with the “reveal” was mainly because Taskmaster’s identity never mattered to him, he was a just a dude who loves his skull mask and refuses to take it off so when she took off the mask in the movie it felt jarring (not because she was a woman btw) but because it felt so not like Taskmaster to do so. I didn’t care who was going to play Taskmaster as long as the actor kept the mask on 90% of the time. It’s kinda not fair to such a great actress though, which added to my distraught feeling. It felt like so many good things and potential was wasted. Because no I feel like her identity is more important than her skull mask (rip) but that’s a simplistic argument
Instead it would have been devious if she wasn’t actually Dreykov’s daughter but staging that to get under Black Widow’s skin (I say this because the timeline makes no sense in 2008 Antonia was around the ages of 7-10 which I would be around the same age as her, and she does NOT pass for 16-20 years old, let me remind y’all that BW was set in the year 2016, so if she was let’s say born in 2000 (like me) by the time it’s 2016 she would only be 16. So that is still making the least amount of sense in direction of writing. If honestly would have been better if instead of trying to connect her in that way, sure go with “victim” but not if the timeline makes no sense. Sorry I’m rambling a little it’s just I take my timelines very seriously and can’t stand when the math ain’t adding up.) ignoring the mess up in the time line I just didn’t like the needing to be related to someone to hurt Black Widow, and having her only exist like a pawn was upsetting for me. And the character as a whole.
Instead she could have just been anyone who was being abused. Maybe Dreykov found her and her unique abilities and abused that to his will and forced her to work for him. She could have been in the explosion but not related to him even, but he uses that event against her. “I saved you and made you what you are, you are in debt to me” or even worse the old “I took you in when you had no one, I’m the only one who would care about you now” obviously he’s a gross manipulative old man who had no regard for women. But there was so much to work with to make him even more evil and disgusting. He never cared who anyone was even his own daughter yikes— while I like the idea to a point it didn’t quite work in the long run and execution. But we can work around that! Let Antonia shit talk him constantly after he’s dead. It would be funny. Let Antonia be lazy too. I think she deserves to kick back and annoy people a little. I just want to see her healing and I’m trying to morph her into the little bastard Tony Masters any way I can.
She can really be an interestingly complex character, she could only be in it for money like Tony usually is, and that works, some people are just like that. Maybe she feels like she has nothing else in life (because she doesn’t) so money is the only thing that makes her happy. Besides this absolutely works for the name change to Toni Masters, who would want to keep the Dreykov surname??
All in all I had much to write about but started ranting and losing my process. What I really think is most important is letting her be a character, a unique one. Just because she’s gone through traumatic events doesn’t mean she has to be a brooding, serious, depressed character, let her be goofy and whatever because she went through a lot and this is how she copes!
Just let her own it and be a fresh take, something free from everyone. She doesn’t need her dad, sympathy, pity, Black Widow, nobody she is her own hero. And she just wants to do some shots at a bar because why not.
Oh and finally, let her date Ghost/Ava. I think they’d have a wonderful chemistry together.
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crowlipso · 1 year
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Some people are straight-up being mean and rude to me in the inbox I have no idea and I don't even know who they are, is this the same person? what did I ever do to you?
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sunshineindark · 10 months
Learn the difference between t20 and odi and have some knowledge about pitch before spewing bullshit atleast
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pseudo-hero · 2 years
Poor Konner... Do He and Others Not Deserve Better Than THIS?
Warning: Short, run-on sentence rant below.
The fact that Kon-El aka Conner Kent aka SUPERBOY, is close to thirty years old now irl, yet has—as far as I’m aware—1. never been acknowledged by SUPERMAN as being his own flesh and blood son (but has been by LEX LUTHOR before) even at times where he did see Superman that way or wished on some level that Superman would claim him 2. been placed and left on the Kent farm multiple times now to be dealt with by them as though he were some secret, burdensome weight that needed to be dropped 3. often been passed up for the Superman mantle and rarely gotten a chance to prove himself a worthy Superman-successor (while other Superman-Franchise characters in the main timeline have and plenty of Batman-Franchise and Wonder Woman-Franchise characters have gotten to succeed Batman and Wonder Woman as well) 4. has had two different versions of himself (and one version of Jon who’s now inappropriately aged up, as well as Kon’s other dad and friends/allies) be abused, punched almost to death, indefinitely imprisoned or even outright killed, by alternate versions of Superman (something no version of LEX LUTHOR has ever even done, unless you count his brainwashing Conner that one time and being all-around horrible in DCAMU’s ROTSM) and 5. constantly been ignored, viewed as an afterthought and is hardly ever seen by Big Blue or Big Bald anymore, much less allowed to spend time with them, to the point where the situation sticks out like an infected thumb and has fans scratching their heads at the illogicality of it...makes my stomach nonstop turn, do flips, twist, convulse and cave in on itself. Why do they hate 90′s-&-Beyond!Superboy, Good-Father!Superman and their loved ones/associates so much! Why couldn’t Jon just be the younger brother of Kon and his or their father’s sidekick? And when will the actual, biological and familial connection between Kal-El, Kon-El and Alexander Luthor be recognized already?!
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callisteios · 10 months
why haven't they made it illegal to centre an academic argument around a quote that the author never translates?
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