divingstation02 · 11 months
Listen/purchase: 07.11.22.wooden creature by kanalkrank
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kanalkrank · 1 year
Listen/purchase: 15.08.23. by kanalkrank
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the-third-other · 1 year
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and thankyou Chris for grabbing this one
of Mira + Kanalkrank .....deep in the deep !
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another night of the unexpectedly unexpected
in random order.....
Ficus X
Electronic metabolics working
through new energy streams.
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林子寧 (Tzu Ning Lin)
林子寧 (Tzu Ning Lin) 人聲與肢體以劇場為主要活動範圍,喜歡跨域與實驗的演出。2019年開始以人聲的方式參與實驗音樂演出,注重感官與場域跟觀眾的現場連結,讓演出有包覆的能量感。喜歡去除語言意義的聲音,可以更單純的在聲音本身,以及透過即興與其他人的溝通與連結。 子寧
With theater as the main focus, Lin Tzu Ning is interested in cross-border and experimental performances.In 2019, she started exploring experimental music performances in the form of human voice, focusing on the connection between the senses, her surroundings and the audience, delivering performances with a sense of flow and energy. Tzu Ning is mostly intrigued by sound, devoid of meaning and language, as a means of communication and connection with her audience through improvisation.
 Mira,本名Mari-Louise du Plessis,是一位在南非出生、目前在台北生活的藝術家、音樂人、作曲家及表演者。作為一名表演者,Mira透過即時互動的聲音視覺演出——包含錄像、田野錄音、打擊樂器與電子琴——探索視覺藝術與音樂作曲的邊界。他的聲音視覺作品混合了個人創作的鋼琴編曲與即興演出,藉此探索自然現象以及我們與自然之間的關係
Born in South Africa, Mari-Louise du Plessis, also known as Mira, is a visual artist, composer and experimental performer based in Taipei. As a performer, Mira explores the boundaries of visual art and music composition through real-time interactive audiovisual performances, consisting of video, field recordings, percussion and electric piano. Her music explores natural phenomena and our relationship with nature through a combination of self-composed piano compositions and improvisation.
Kanalkrank / UK
Ambient / drone / noise / built on layers of looping guitar,
syn-drum , voice + assorted items
Silla Turca / Ecuador 我喜歡用用錄音音的 作為構圖中的主要對象, 並在上面面添加一一些噪音音, 使用用不同的儀器。 這些聲音音片段被稱為 “游牧適應” 因為他們的靈感來來自自 我住過的不同地方方。 I like to use sound recordingʼs as the main object in the composition, and add on top some noise, using different instruments. These sound pieces are called "Nomadic Adaptations" because they are inspired by the different places I have lived.
Hitachi Wand 是台北的實驗翼吉他手和創作歌手克里斯托弗·盧米斯。碰撞電輸入與多巴胺誘導模擬聲音和紋理 Hitachi Wand 是聽覺感官知覺的滾動體驗。 is the experimental wing of Taipei based guitarist and singer-songwriter Christopher Loomis. Colliding electrical input with dopamine inducing analog sounds and textures Hitachi Wand is a rolling experience of aural sensory perception.
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the-stain · 1 year
Listen/purchase: 07.05.23/the Stain/live @ V-Decision/Taipei by kanalkrank
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slag0000 · 4 years
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KanalkrankとのUTO UTOの音源を2つ同時リリース、その1。既にKanalkrankのbandcampには、彼の録音による同じ演奏がアップロードされているのですが、こちらは自分で録音しマスタリングしたものです。ラインではなくエア録音なので、リリースするか少し迷ったのですが、少し調整してみたらそれなりに面白い感じになったので、出してみました。 bandcampはこちら。 https://unexamineddoodle.bandcamp.com/album/reminiscence ●UTO UTO - reminiscence (2020) 1. reminiscence release date: May 6th, 2020 release style: Digital performance: Kanalkrank(micro korg, voice, efffects), Naoyasu Takahashi(electric bass) recorded at Earthdom recorded, mastered, artwork: Naoyasu Takahashi UNDO-0007 unexamined doodle record https://unexamineddoodle.tumblr.com/ © 2020 UTO UTO Kanalkrank is a drone artist from England and active in Tiwan. see also: Kanalkrank bandcamp https://kanalkrank.bandcamp.com/
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unexamineddoodle · 4 years
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●UTO UTO -  oblivion (2020) 1. oblivion #1 2. oblivion #2 3. oblivion #3 release date: May 6th, 2020 release style: Digital performance: Kanalkrank(micro korg, voice, efffects), Naoyasu Takahashi(electric bass), Yasushi Ishikawa(trumpet), Satoshi Yamashita(turntable) recorded at Cafe Flying Teapot recorded, mastered, artwork: Naoyasu Takahashi UNDO-0008 unexamined doodle record https://unexamineddoodle.tumblr.com/ © 2020 UTO UTO Kanalkrank is a drone artist from England and active in Tiwan. Yasushi Ishikawa and Satoshi Yamasita are guest performers. see also: Kanalkrank bandcamp https://kanalkrank.bandcamp.com/ Satoshi Yamashita bandcamp https://satoshi-yamashita.bandcamp.com/ Digital album is available on bandcamp. https://unexamineddoodle.bandcamp.com/album/oblivion
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laflechee · 3 years
Listen/purchase: 10 la Fleche'+Sherrvon Huang+Yao Lu by kanalkrank
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nalk-ran · 7 years
Listen/purchase: 22.11.17. [b] slow glass by kanalkrank
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mg-ogcm · 7 years
Listen/purchase: 06.05.17 [a] mg+ogcm by kanalkrank
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therainchamber · 7 years
Listen/purchase: 25.01.15 [songless songs] by kanalkrank
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divingstation02 · 9 months
Listen/purchase: 15.11.23. [a] ritual of m by kanalkrank
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kanalkrank · 2 months
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ah.....in the early happy days of My Space
Centre of Wood [ andrea penso -check]
found the Kanalkrank page
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the-third-other · 1 year
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23 Music Room (Taipei, Taiwan) is at 23 Music Room.
  · Taipei, Taiwan  · 
the third other 6 / 28 05 23 / 23 music room / Taipei
Mira /
Mira 是一位藝術和音樂創作者。藉由視覺與鍵盤之間的交錯合作,Mira 的創作探討了自然中的多面性與人類心靈和形體之間的關係。Mira 希望她的作品能提供一個讓觀眾能陷入並探索自我未知潛意識的空間。
Mira-Louise Du Plessis is an artist-musician. Through a combination of visual and keyboard compositions, Mira explores the binary correspondence between opposites in nature as well
as the twofold nature of human beings. The core intention is to provide an immersive space open to exploration and a deepening into the unknown depths of our unconscious.
Betelnut Kangaroo / Taiwan
low cost world music brings you ancient mystery and modern plastic.
La Fleche’ / France
旧的 45 乙烯基,有划痕��荒地之上的��夜和巴黎郊区的记忆。
An old 45 vinyl, scratched ; autumn evening
above the waste-ground and memory of parisian-suburbs.
Is it a spell, a loop, a circle uncrossable...?
[ guitar, voice, saxophone, violin ]
Nj Nj / Taiwan
Keyboard improvising newbie….
[ keyboard ]
Hitachi Wand
模擬聲音和紋理 Hitachi Wand 是
is the experimental wing of Taipei based
guitarist and singer-songwriter Christopher Loomis.
Colliding electrical input with dopamine inducing
analog sounds and textures Hitachi Wand is a
rolling experience of aural sensory perception.
Ton Chen
A Euphonium player from Taipei, I just like music, Let's change the world with noise
Kanalkrank / England
Diving through the drone-clouds
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the-stain · 2 years
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Kanalkrank is in England now....Le Flèche is back in France...a tape of the Stain in Taipei ...was sent by F and interfered with by K....so even though we’re on other side’s of the Channel......the sound continues.....
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slag0000 · 5 years
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来年の1月〜2月にかけて来日するKanalkrankとのUTO UTO、この2日後のフライングティーポットでの単独のライブのほか、もう一つ決まりました。もともとはKanalkrank単独で決まっていたようですが、玉響海月さんから連絡が来てUTO UTOで出演することになりました。でも、今回は玉響さんではなくお店の企画だとか。今年2月の最初のライブもEarthdomでしたし、色々と楽しみですね。 ●2020-01-28(tue) 新大久保 Earthdom “異端審問の夜” act: Aural Fit+山澤輝人 UTO UTO[Kanalkrank(electronics, etc) from Tiwan 高橋直康(b)] 岸本淳一 Rie Fukuda open 19:00 / start 19:30 adv 2000yen / door 2300yen(+1d)
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unexamineddoodle · 4 years
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●UTO UTO - reminiscence (2020) 1. reminiscence release date: May 6th, 2020 release style: Digital performance: Kanalkrank(micro korg, voice, efffects), Naoyasu Takahashi(electric bass) recorded at Earthdom recorded, mastered, artwork: Naoyasu Takahashi UNDO-0007 unexamined doodle record https://unexamineddoodle.tumblr.com/ © 2020 UTO UTO Kanalkrank is a drone artist from England and active in Tiwan. see also: Kanalkrank bandcamp https://kanalkrank.bandcamp.com/ Digital album is available on bandcamp. https://unexamineddoodle.bandcamp.com/album/reminiscence
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