#Kanzaki iori
kozakuwas · 11 months
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Dear me from that day, look, I’m going to be an idiot today as well.
decided to draw one of my favorite kanzaki iori songs, romantic ganbou!
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September 2024 Vocaloid Song Tournament
Round 1, Set 5, Match 7: Tale of the Deep-Sea Lily by n-buna vs. Hated by Life Itself. by Kanzaki Iori
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
Tale of the Deep-Sea Lily was covered by Leo/need while Hated by Life Itself. was covered by Nightcord at 25:00.
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utaitemusic · 5 months
I don’t need dreams or even a tomorrow, If you’ll have lived on then that’s all I need. Yeah... That’s actually what I want to sing about.
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animemusicbrackets · 6 months
Vocaloid Song Showdown!!: Round 1B
Please listen to the songs before voting!
"SLoWMoTIoN" by Pinocchio-P; feat. Hatsune Miku (with Yukkuri)
"Hated by Life Itself." by Kanzaki Iori; feat. Hatsune Miku
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vsynthbday · 2 months
happy anniversary to "Hated by life itself." (命に嫌われている。) by Kanzaki Iori (カンザキイオリ) / Kurogaki (黒柿 / クロガキ)! this song came out 7 years ago today.
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youtube upload | august 6th, 2024.
[Image description: A screenshot from the official music video for "Hated by life itself.". The background is white, with a vignette filter overlayed. On the right side of the image, there's black text that reads the japanese title of the song. End image description.]
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daily-utsu-p · 8 months
Daily Utsu-P #179:
モンタージュ (Montage) / Montage feat. KAF | Remix of Kanzaki Iori's original song for the singer KAF, featured on her album 魔法γ (Magicγ)
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someoctober · 2 years
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hated by life itself.
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peoniibud · 4 months
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ningenshinkouku · 6 months
I want to save someone I don’t know And I want to kill someone I don’t know With words that can’t be said by anyone but me And with a voice that won’t be understood by anyone but me.
-In the End, What Is It to Die? by Kanzaki Iori
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YOU by Yunosuke and Kanzaki Iori feat. KAFU
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kafus · 1 year
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邂逅 by 花譜 (#1)
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marchusagi · 11 months
I want to be your god - English Translation
君の神様になりたかった。 Original song 君の神様になりたい。 (Kimi no Kamisama ni Naritai.) by カンザキイオリ (Kanzaki Iori) 「僕の命の歌で君が命を大事にすればいいのに」 「僕の家族の歌で君が愛を大事にすればいいのに」 そんなことを言って本心は欲しかったのは共感だけ。 欲にまみれた常人のなりそこないが、僕だった。 “You should treasure your life, with my songs about life” “You should treasure love, with my songs about family” By saying things like that, all I really wanted was sympathy. Stained with desire and unable to attain normality, was I. 苦しいから歌った。 悲しいから歌った。 生きたいから歌った。 ただのエゴの塊だった。 こんな歌で誰かが、救えるはずないんだ。 だけど僕は、君の神様になりたかった。 I sang because I was hurting. I sang because I was sad. I sang because I wanted to live. It was nothing but the will of my ego. There’s no way a song like this can save anybody. But even so, I wanted to become your god. こんな歌で君のジュグジュグ腐った傷跡が埋まるもんか。 君を抱きしめたって、叫んだってなにも現実なんて変わるもんか。 がむしゃらに叫んだ曲なんて、僕がスッキリするだけだ。 欲しかったのは共感だけ。でも君も救いたかった。 僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。 How could I think that a song like this can heal your bruised and battered scars? Even if I held you in my arms, and screamed out loud, I’m stupid to think that could change reality. The songs I screamed desperately, were only to make me feel better. All I really wanted was sympathy. But I wanted to save you too. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. ボロボロに落ちて落ちて落ちてかさぶたになった傷で 誰かと喋ってみたかったんだ、馬鹿みたいな話。 「あなたに救われました」と「生きたいと思いました」と ああそうかい、変わったのは自分のおかげだろ。よかったな。 Tumbling down, down, and downwards, with scars that turned to scabs I wanted to have a talk with someone, it sounds utterly ridiculous. “I was saved by you”, “I was able to find the will to live” Is that so? It must’ve been because of me. I’m glad. 子供の頃は自分も素敵な大人になると思っていた ていうか素敵な大人になって自分を救いたいっておもってた 時が経ち僕が成すのはボロボロの泥だらけの自分で 生きるのに精一杯。 ゲロ吐くように歌う日々だ。 何度だって歌った。かさぶたが剥がれるほど歌った。 生身の僕で、君の神様になりたかった When I was a child, I thought I’d grow up to be a beautiful adult Or should I say, I wanted to become a beautiful adult and save myself Time passed, and all I had accomplished was a self dirtied in mud. It’s hard just being alive. These days are spent singing like I’m throwing up. I sang a lot, you know? I sang until my scabs peeled away. I, who’s only human, wanted to become your god. こんな歌で君のジュグジュグ募った痛みが癒せるもんか。 君を抱きしめたって、叫んだって君が苦しいことは変わらないや グラグラで叫んだ曲なんて、僕も実際好きじゃないや 欲しかったのは共感だけ。それじゃ誰も救えないや。 僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。 How could I think that a song like this can heal your beaten and built up pain? Even if I held you in my arms, and screamed out loud, it won’t change the fact that you’re in pain. The songs I screamed shakily, I don’t actually like them either All I really wanted was sympathy. But I can’t save anyone that way. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. 生きた証が欲しいとか、誰かに称えて欲しいとか、 そんなのはさほど重要じゃない。どうせ落ちぶれた命だ。 誰かを救う歌を歌いたい。 誰かを守る歌を歌いたい。 君を救う歌を歌いたい。 無理だ。 君は君が勝手に君のやりかたで幸せになれる。 To leave proof that I existed, to be praised by someone, Those really aren’t all that important to me. This is a life fallen from grace, anyways. I want to sing a song that will save someone. I want to sing a song that will protect someone. I want to sing a song that will save you. It’s impossible. I know you’ll find happiness on your own, through your own means. こんな歌で君のジュグジュグ腐った傷跡が埋まるもんか。 君を抱きしめたい、叫んであげたい君の傷跡も痛みも全部。 でも所詮君は強い。君はきっと一人で前を向いていくんだ。 それならばいい。だけどもし涙がこぼれてしまう時は、 君の痛みを、君の辛さを、君の弱さを、君の心を、 僕の無力で、非力な歌で、汚れた歌で歌わしてくれよ。 僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。僕は神様にはなれなかった。 僕は無力だ。僕は無力だ。無力な歌で、君を救いたいけど 救いたいけど How could I think that a song like this can heal your bruised and battered scars?  I want to hold you in my arms, I want to scream for you, for your scars, your pain, all of it. But you’re strong after all. Surely you’ll be able to face forward all on your own. I’m fine with that. But when there comes a time where your tears come falling down, Please let me sing your pain, your suffering, your weaknesses, your heart, with my powerless, helpless, and dirty song. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. I couldn’t become a god. I’m powerless. I’m powerless. But with this powerless song, I want to save you I want to save you
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September 2024 Vocaloid Song Tournament
Round 2, Set 5, Match 4: Hated by Life Itself. by Kanzaki Iori vs. Egoist by Oonuma Parsley
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
Hated by Life Itself. was covered by Nightcord at 25:00 while Egoist was covered by Vivid BAD SQUAD.
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utaitemusic · 2 years
In truth, I couldn’t care a bit if I died, but I’d be pretty sad if the people around me did I suppose it’s some kind of ego; that goes "because I just wouldn’t like it"
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tomeiame · 1 year
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Joucho album is here~✨
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vsynthbday · 2 months
happy anniversary to "Ano Natsu ga Houwa Suru." (あの夏が飽和する。) by Kanzaki Iori (カンザキイオリ) / Kurogaki (クロガキ / 黒柿)! this song came out 6 years ago today.
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youtube upload | august 12th, 2024.
[Image description: A screenshot from the official music video for "Ano Natsu ga Houwa Suru.". The background is white, with a yellow vignette effect. In the center is overlayed small black text that reads the japanese title of the song. End image description.]
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