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Repost of Keegan Rene, my creepypasta OC without his info, along with a closeup! His full info can be found down below on my account!
If you’d like to ask him questions here, you’re more than welcome to!
Please don’t repost/trace/copy/claim my art! Thank you!
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This is my creepypasta oc, Keegan Rene, I’ve had him for a while now but haven’t really drawn him out! If you wanna ask him questions here, you’re more than welcome to! I need to flush out his personality more anyway. :)
-General Info-
Name: ⁃ Keegan Rene
Demon parasite: ⁃ Beelzebub
Nickname/s: ⁃ Beelz ⁃ Keeg
Voice: ⁃ Asura - Soul Eater ⁃ https://youtu.be/XlKaRHdY8Fk
Theme Song/s: ⁃ One Reason - Deadman wonderland ⁃ https://youtu.be/2pZ-UpjtlXY
Gender: ⁃ Male
Alignment: ⁃ Chaotic neutral
Personality Type: ⁃ ENTP-A ⁃ https://www.16personalities.com/entp-personality
Age: ⁃ 27 ⁃ 15 (at time of possession) ⁃ His aging process is severely slowed due to the demon
Height: ⁃ 6’
Weight: ⁃ 150
Species: ⁃ Human/Demon
Hobbies: ⁃ Thriller novels ⁃ Photography ⁃ Writing
Bad habits: ⁃ Scratching and biting at his skin ⁃ Talking to his demon in front of others ⁃ Alcohol ⁃ Aggressive behavior ⁃ Cursing
Good habits: ⁃ Kills criminals ⁃ Sometimes defends the innocent ⁃ Rescues animals
Like/s: ⁃ Dogs ⁃ Supernatural/horror games ⁃ Horror novels ⁃ Photography ⁃ The feeling of taking out the aggression that beelzebub fills him with ⁃ Kids
Dislike/s: ⁃ People who complain ⁃ Innocent people who pick fights ⁃ Criminals
Alias: ⁃ “Mouth monster” ⁃ “The demon”
Abilities: ⁃ Ability to open large mouths anywhere along his body ⁃ Turning into a massive red skinned monster ⁃ Reading the thoughts of others
Agility: 5/10 Speed: 4/10 Strength: 9/10 Passion: 6/10 stamina: 10/10 Defense: 7/10 Armor: 5/10 Resilience: 9/10 Finesse: 3/10 Tactic: 6/10 Determination: 7/10 Naivety: 4/10 Curiosity: 9/10 Charisma: 8/10 Magic: 7/10 Madness: 7/10
Weapon/s: ⁃ Teeth and claws ⁃ Increased strength ⁃ Somewhat increased speed ⁃ Monster form
Important Facts/Info: ⁃ Possessed by a demon. The demon over the years has become an integrated part of his body and their relationship is symbiotic. ⁃ Usually has sleeves rolled up for easy combat access
Affiliation/s: ⁃ Beelzebub ⁃ A few allies that are aware of his situation and that Beelzebub trusts
Facial appearance: ⁃ Thin squarish face with high cheekbones and medium sized ears. Detached earlobes. ⁃ When he allows Beelzebub to show through his jaw splits along the sides of his head to create a huge jagged smile full of sharp teeth. This appearance can show only slightly, or all at once. There can be more than one mouth or protrusion.
Hair color: ⁃ dark ginger hair.
Hair length/type: ⁃ Hair hangs just below his jawline. His bangs split in two along his forehead and hang at his cheekbones.
Skin color: ⁃ Pale Caucasian skin.
Eye color: ⁃ When he allows Beelzebub to show through he can be seen with two glowing yellow irises with no pupils and black sclera.
Body Shape/Type: ⁃ Slender and lithe build with lean muscle mass.
Blood Type: ⁃ O-
Scars: ⁃ Scars litter his thighs and calves, as well as his biceps and upper back.
Tattoos: ⁃ No tattoos, the demon rejects them.
Piercings: ⁃ No piercings, the demon rejects them.
Common attire: ⁃ A dark blue/black sleeveless puffer vest with a furred hood. ⁃ Light grey or light brown jeans, usually torn at the knees. ⁃ Black or green long sleeve shirts, with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows or upper arms. ⁃ Black ankle boots. ⁃ A necklace with a yellow and orange charm that hangs around his neck, a gift from Kaitlin to him when he was a child. It reminds him of his humanity.
-Social Info-
Current location/s: ⁃ Major cities
Parent/s: ⁃ names unknown, human, alive
Sibling/s: ⁃ None
Relative/s: ⁃ Unknown
Friend/s: ⁃ Kaitlin Fitzgerald, human, deceased ⁃ Michael Patrick, human, deceased
Best Friend/s: ⁃ Kaitlin Fitzgerald, human, deceased ⁃ Michael Patrick, human, deceased ⁃ Gen Osborne, altered human, alive ⁃ Francis Rios, deity, half-alive
Romantic Interest/s: ⁃ None
Allies/Acquaintances: ⁃ Beelzebub, demonic parasite, alive
Enemy/s: ⁃ Mostly underground gangs or cartels
Rival/s: ⁃ Blanche Roberts, exorcist human, alive
Pet/s: ⁃ None
Fave. Color: ⁃ Green
Fave. Food: ⁃ Raw flesh ⁃ Coffee
Fave. Music: ⁃ Whatever’s catchy ⁃ Rock
Fave. Animal: ⁃ Dog
Fave. Season: ⁃ Fall
Fave. Time of day: ⁃ Sunrise
Fave. Place to stay: ⁃ Building roofs
History (shortened pasta): ⁃ Keegan was a high school sophomore who always had a strong affinity for the paranormal and supernatural. He and his two friends, Kaitlin and Michael loved playing dungeons and dragons every weekend. After his dog goes missing, he decides to take his friends with him and go looking throughout the neighborhood and surrounding areas for his dog, as they both feel bad for him. His dog has always been a support system for him. When they spot his dog, the dog ends up running into an abandoned mine. His friends are too scared to follow him, but they offer to wait outside for him. They end up finding his dog, but there’s something wrong with the animal. It’s body is covered in mange and lacerations that seem to be tumorous and have teeth growing from them. His dog doesn’t recognize them and ends up attacking them. They escape unscathed. Keegan decides not to tell his parents as he’s sure they’d never believe him. In the next 3 weeks, young children in the area begin to disappear and the few that reappear become very ill and sick, covered in bite marks from which they eventually die. When Kaitlin disappears, Keegan and Michael decide to team up to look for her. They leave late in the night so their parents won’t notice their absence. After searching throughout the suburban area, they deduce that she must’ve gone into or had been taken into the woods. They walk for a while calling out for their friend but find nothing. Michael suddenly notices one of Kaitlin’s shoes lying in the dirt in front of the old mine. They reluctantly go inside. It’s deep and dark the farther they go. They begin to smell something terrible. They end up seeing what looks like someone lying in the darkness, about 20 ft ahead of them. They cautiously call out to it, thinking it might be Kaitlin. What turns around and walks towards them is what used to be Keegan’s dog. It now resembles a giant hairless bear covered in a mass of tumors, teeth, eyes and raw skin. The only thing that still slightly resembles a dog is the body structure and some patches of fur. As their eyes adjust to the dark they can make out the mutilated bodies of the missing kids, one of them being Kaitlin. As they run from the monster through the woods, Keegan suddenly realizes he can’t find Michael and is now alone in the dark woods, far from anywhere he recognizes. The only weapon he has on him is Michael’s birthday gift to him, a small pocket knife with his favorite video game logo on the handle, it’s supposed to resemble the main character’s weapon. Suddenly, the beast is upon him. He fights off the urge to cry or to keep running, he knows he’ll just die faster. He can only imagine the suffering his only friends went through, at the jaws of his once-dear-pet. As it lunges on him, he manages to slice it in the stomach and tear open the skin, his dog falls over dead. As he struggles to breathe and calm down, he notices a snake like monster climb out from deep inside his dog’s ribs. It has a deep jagged mouth and no eyes. Before he can run it pushes him down and forces its way down his throat. ⁃ Over the next few months as the disappearances stop and the police stop searching for the missing children, Keegan thinks it’s possible he could start his path to recovery, only to discover a voice inside his head that talks to him. It calls itself Beelzebub and talks about how hungry it is, how much it wants to kill everyone, but in a completely serious manner. It tries to bargain with him and yell at him. It tries to keep Keegan from sleeping, to make him hurt himself, to even kill himself so it can choose a new host, but he stands steadfast. One night, it forces Keegan to sleep walk through the house, he awakens just in time to stop the demon from attacking his parents. He notices the appearance of those toothy tumors along his arms and stomach. At this point, Keegan realizes he is a danger to society and those he loves and decides to leave home, go somewhere he can’t hurt anyone. ⁃ This lasts for a while, but the anguish is too much, too strong. But he can’t possibly kill himself and let this thing infect another innocent who might be less resilient. Instead he decides to take out its bloodthirsty tendencies on those who deserve it. Criminals. Mostly. Over time, he loses most of his morals and some innocents get in his way.
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