#Kelas X
sma1pekalongan · 11 months
Colour Fun Walk SMANSA Bergerak Maju Meraih Prestasi Gemilang
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master-of-the-game · 4 months
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And will we ever end up together? no, I think not, it's never to become For I am not the one.
Sally's Song
Young Garak who does his duty. Doctor Parmak, a bit older, who also does his duty and who is deeply, secretly and unconditionally in love with Garak. The Obsidian Order. Their future. I've promised to post picture where oil Garak portrait is copied from. Here it is. Fragments are under the cut.
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justlemmesignin · 1 year
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Garak in the doorway of the shed waiting for the Doctor
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stellarivers · 10 days
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Julian and his lizards (they're supposed to be in bed or something and I tried SO HARD to make Julian look like Julian but no that's impossible and he ended up looking like an unholy combination of Jesus and iCarly's brother)
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eco-lite · 1 year
Some mostly out of context funny/sweet/heartbreaking moments from Una McCormack’s Enigma Tales:
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[Text ID: “Renel took the other chair and the two guls, both big men, perched awkwardly together on the sofa. Garak had asked for the sofa’s dimensions to be just slightly too small to comfortably seat two adult males. His cruel streak always found expression somehow.” End ID]
Garak forcing stuffy military men to squeeze onto a tiny sofa together. Utterly diabolical.
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[Text ID: “My real pride is, of course, my garden. I have worked hard here. Parmak helps, although he has a tendency to kill plants on touch—worrying in a doctor (previous sentences underlined in red by me). He can’t do too much damage. The plants are hardy, the flowers have their own agenda, and not even Parmak can kill dry stone monuments.” End ID]
I love that in The Crimson Shadow, it’s implied that Kelas takes care of Garak’s garden while he’s away, yet here we learn that he’s actually terrible at it. First of all hilarious. Second of all, very sweet that Garak trusts him to keep trying.
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[Text ID: “’There might be another route to Garak,’ Alden said slowly, at last. ‘Ambassador, what do you know about Kelas Parmak?’
‘He is the castellan’s close friend,’ said T’Rena. ‘Probably one of his closest advisors—not officially, but certainly they are often together.’
‘Are they lovers?’ said Pulaski.
‘I don’t know,’ said T’Rena. ‘I do know that Parmak was interrogated by the Obsidian Order in his youth, and that Garak may have been involved.’
‘Damn,’ muttered Alden, ‘this place is twisted.’” End ID]
Pulaski just assuming that Garak and Kelas are lovers. A perfectly valid assumption--it’s the same assumption I make myself. Also, Peter Alden pointing out how it is frankly fucked up that they should be lovers considering the circumstances of their past encounter. He’s not wrong... Kelas is just a forgiving angel of a man.
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[Text ID: “She picked up the parcel she had brought with her. ‘Hey,’ she said. ‘I’ve got to go now. I hope it’s been good to see me. But I brought you a present. Well, it’s not really from me. Several of your friends got together and found this, and when they heard I was coming they asked me to bring it with me. I hope there’s no injunction on importing livestock. I think I got away with it.’
He was hardly going to unwrap the gift, so she pulled at the paper, revealing the small brown bear inside. She reached for Bashir’s hand again, lifting it and pressing it against the toy, in case the touch stirred some memory. She pressed it against his cheek too, so he could catch the scent. Smell and memory were closely intertwined; smells took you back to places more than anything else. Then she put the bear upon the windowsill, half looking out at the city, half looking back at Bashir. She smiled at it; this little guy had been loved, she saw, and someone had done some stitching that would make a surgeon proud. She reached out and rubbed its ears.
‘He’s an old soldier, isn’t he?’ she said. ‘He’s been through some wars. We’ve all been through some wars.’ She stopped and kissed her lost friend gently on the brow. ‘Come back, Julian,’ she said. ‘We miss you.’” End ID]
Pulaski bringing Kukalaka to comfort the comatose Julian are you kIDDING ME? This scene is so bittersweet.
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[Text ID: “’My father would say, all the time, how much I was wanted. How much he wanted me.’
(Next paragraph highlighted red by me) Well, he had wanted something, Garak thought. Telek’s father had not wanted the child he got. And that hurt, as Garak had cause to know; yes, that hurt very badly.” End ID]
Hahahahaaa ouchie.
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[Text ID: “Garak realized that he was still holding the phaser. He slipped it back into his pocket, for he would no doubt need it again one day, and then he rested his head against the cool of the window. My poor Julian, he thought. He let himself tremble for a while, allowing his body to process the shock. He might have allowed himself some tears then, too, in the dark while nobody could see, for all that had been lost, for all that he had done; for everyone that he had harmed.
Everyone that he had been unable to save.” End ID]
Despite everything, Garak is a very compassionate person. He very kindly talked down Telek, who was about to kill him, and was sensitive and remorseful that Telek’s Bajoran genetics had been eradicated as a child, at the insistance of Telek’s Cardassian father. And then immediately after that assassination attempt--a moment in which you’re surely allowed to think selfishly--he instead thinks of “My poor Julian,” another man whose father did not want him as he was. And that’s not even acknowledging all the other shit Garak is going through here. It’s a lot.
Love to end on a sad note. But seriously, everybody go read this book! These are just a few great moments among many. Lots of angst, lots of tenderness.
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dftea · 8 days
To your health
@badthingshappenbingo: Crippling the Competition
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Elim Garak/Kelas Parmak
While on the run from Section 31, Julian realises that Garak is being poisoned by his political rival.
[read on ao3]
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polyamships · 1 year
Chapters: 27/27 Fandom: Star Trek: Classic Timeline, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, A Stitch in Time - Andrew J. Robinson Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak/Kelas Parmak, Elim Garak & Kelas Parmak, Elim Garak/Kelas Parmak, Julian Bashir & Elim Garak, Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Julian Bashir & Kelas Parmak, Julian Bashir/Kelas Parmak Characters: Kelas Parmak, Elim Garak, Julian Bashir Additional Tags: Post-Canon Cardassia, aftermath of war, Rebuilding, Cardassian Culture, Worldbuilding, Kardasi, Claustrophobia, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Drug Use, Panic Attacks, PTSD Summary:
Work as Director of the Fourth Emergency Medical Unit after the Fires is very different for Doctor Kelas Parmak than his work as a doctor for the Primary Medical Unit of Kardasi'or - yet his responsibilities are the same: ‘maintain the health of those around you – to the best of your ability’ - no matter who they are. Even if one of those people was once the same Obsidian Order operative who, years ago, interrogated him and destroyed his career and his life. Yet perhaps providing the necessary care and support to him will not be so difficult as he at first feared - as the one-time operative does not seem to be exactly the same man he once was.
The Cardassia to which Garak has returned is a world of dust-filled air and thoroughly unpleasant duties. He must serve Cardassia nonetheless - but perhaps doing so will not be so difficult, with the support of a man who has every reason to fear him, yet insists on treating him as worthy of his consideration.
Back on Deep Space Nine, another doctor - Julian Bashir - worries about what has become of his one-time friend, whom he hasn't heard from in nearly a year. He continues to write, and to hope that, one day, he'll hear from him again - and see him again.
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soupercatte · 2 years
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"And you are certain you shan't grow weary of me? Of my vices and my ill habits? I wouldn't blame you if so." "My Star, my Dearest Beacon of Hope, I shall never ever grow tired of you. Each day I wake up by your side is a new adventure, that much more wondrous and exciting than the last. The taste of your lips is that of the sweetest wine and I aim to drink deeply, lest you worry. Now, shall we resume?"
"Poetic as ever. Come, My Heart, I think I'd like a taste of that wine myself..."
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stopthatbluecat · 2 years
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Earth Tones: Jake and Nog Interlude 2400 Fic
Jake and Nog are in their forties when they decide to adopt two teenagers.
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sma1pekalongan · 1 year
Projek P5 Kewirausahaan : Tumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahan, Siap Hadapi Tantangan
Pekalongan, 8 September 2023. SMAN 1 Pekalongan menggelar acara berbagi pengalaman yang menginspirasi dalam rangkaian kegiatan P5 (Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila ) dengan tema kewirausahaan. Acara yang diselenggarakan di aula sekolah ini menjadi momen berharga bagi para siswa untuk mendapatkan wawasan langsung dari tiga alumni terkemuka yang telah sukses membangun bisnis mereka…
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The Guardian has uncovered evidence showing how Israel has relaunched a controversial entity as part of a broader public relations campaign to target US college campuses and redefine antisemitism in US law. Seconds after a smoke alarm subsided during the hearing, Chikli assured the lawmakers that there was new money in the budget for a pushback campaign, which was separate from more traditional public relations and paid advertising content produced by the government. It included 80 programs already under way for advocacy efforts “to be done in the ‘Concert’ way”, he said. The “Concert” remark referred to a sprawling relaunch of a controversial Israeli government program initially known as Kela Shlomo, designed to carry out what Israel called “mass consciousness activities” targeted largely at the US and Europe. Concert, now known as Voices of Israel, previously worked with groups spearheading a campaign to pass so-called “anti-BDS” state laws that penalize Americans for engaging in boycotts or other non-violent protests of Israel. Its latest incarnation is part of a hardline and sometimes covert operation by the Israeli government to strike back at student protests, human rights organizations and other voices of dissent. Voices’ latest activities were conducted through non-profits and other entities that often do not disclose donor information. From October through May, Chikli has overseen at least 32m shekels, or about $8.6m, spent on government advocacy to reframe the public debate.
Haaretz and the New York Times recently revealed that Chikli’s ministry had tapped a public relations firm to secretly pressure American lawmakers. The firm used hundreds of fake accounts posting pro-Israel or anti-Muslim content on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram. (The diaspora affairs ministry denied involvement in the campaign, which reportedly provided about $2m to an Israeli firm for the social media posts.) But that effort is only one of many such campaigns coordinated by the ministry, which has received limited news coverage. The ministry of diaspora affairs and its partners compile weekly reports based on tips from pro-Israel US student groups, some of which receive funding from Israeli government sources. For example, Hillel International, a co-founder of the Israel on Campus Coalition network and one of the largest Jewish campus groups in the world, has reported financial and strategic support from Mosaic United, a public benefit corporation backed by Chikli’s ministry. The longstanding partnership is now being utilized to shape the political debate over Israel’s war. In February, Hillel’s chief executive, Adam Lehman, appeared before the Knesset to discuss the strategic partnership with Mosaic and the ministry of diaspora affairs, which he said had already produced results.
24 June 2024
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fighter232 · 17 days
aku pelajar adalah pelajar lelaki yang agak cemerlang kat kolej aku,aku sentiasa mendapat 3.5 point ke atas setiap semester.
Pada sem yang baru ari tu, lec aku yang bernama lisa ajak kuar makan kat mcd yang berdekatan ngan rumah die.
kami makan berdua untuk celebrate kejayaan aku dapat A+ dalam subjek die..aku pon ikut..waktu tu pkul 4.30 abis kelas die.
sedang berborak selepas makan..aku terasa pening dan tertidur..aku rasa die letakkan sesuatu dalam air aku..sebab die suruh aku tunggu kat meja..
sedar2 je aku terasa diriku diikat.dekat katil dan x berpakaian..tiba2 pintu bilik di buka dan aku melihat lec aku dgn 4 orang lec ppuan lain masuk dan mengatakan selamat datang ke bilik nikmat..
aku terkejut dan malu kerana aku x berpakaian..bilik yang di lengkapi aircond tu membuat aku terasa membeku sejuk..
pn lisa duduk di tepi katil dan meminta maaf kerana membuat aku begini..meraka terpaksa kerana masing2 ade niat nk dapatkan tubuh aku sejak dari awal aku masuk ke kolej tu lagi.
aku cuba menjerit tp sia2 kerana rumah tu jauh dari rumah orang.pn lisa cakap aku xperlu malu.die kata aku xperlu risau kerana bile selesai semua..
die akan lpas kan aku..kemudian pn mai, lec aku yang ajar subjek 3D datang dan mencium dahi aku sambil berkata pelahan, awak la satu2 nya pelajar yang membuat kami x tido malam.
aku xtau plak..tp aku pnah ternampak puan mai menggosok pepeknya kat tandas kolej.patut xmarah bile aku buka pintu.aku xtau ade orang kat dalam.rupenye die melancap.
masing da buka baju..mereka menjilat2 badan aku..aku terasa geli..konek ku mulai keras..tiba2 pn sarah.
yang mengajar subjek IT, (bkan lec yang ajar aku) memegang konek aku dan mencium kpala konekku di ikuti yang lain2..
konek ku yang 7 detengah inci itu di urut..aku terasa nikmat semasa tangan2 lembut memegang konek aku.
tiba2 puan lisa mengangkat 1 botol kosong (1mL) dan kencing di dalamnya.di ikuti 2 orang lec aku..yang lain xde rasa nk kencing kot.kemudian straw di sambung2 mnjadi panjang supaya senang aku sedut.
mereka memaksa aku sedut air dalam botol..aku xmahu..tp terpaksa juga..kerana pn lisa menampar aku..aku akur..sedut jugak..tiba2 aku terasa kelainan bile air suci mereka masuk dalam mulut..aku jadi ketagih..aku meminta dan merayu pada mereka..tp mereka cakap xda rasa nk kencing..
pn aina, lec bahasa inggeris mengulum konek ku..aku mendengus kesedapan dan mengeliat..sambil di perhati oleh 4 orang lec aku..dgn rakus nye konek aku digigit,di sedut dan di kulum laju2..aku semakin hanyut..
aku minta di lepaskan ikatan..sebab x selesa..
pn aina membuka ikatan..aku cakap aku xtau buat macam mana..pn aina pon mengajar aku..menjilat pepek..aku main lidah kat celah pepek die..dan menyedut kelentit die..
tiba2 ade air terpancut..rasa payau je..aku tanya..air ape tu..die kata tu la air mani saya..aku mengerti dan meneruskan menjilat..die mengepit kpala aku dgn kuat..kerana x tahan..kemudian die menonggeng dan menyuruh aku menjilat bontot die..aku cakap geli..
tiba2 pn lisa sebat aku dgn rotan..dorang paksa aku..aku terpaksa buat..jilat sekali rasa geli..kali kedua melekat mulut kat lubang bontot die..rasa seonok sangat..bau yang wangi bg aku..
selesai mnjilat bontot die..die baring dan kangkang..aku tanya nk wat ape..
die suh naik atas die..aku naik dan die memegang konek aku..dan memasukkan kedalam lubang..kemudian die menyuruh aku hayun kedalam.
mula2 aku kekok..lama2 aku mula biasa..konek aku berdenyut dan terasa nk putus sedap sedap sangat dalam tu..hangat dan berair..lec aku yang lain melancap dan memancutkan air mani dorang dalam botol..
aku tersenyum..ketagihan aku bakal terubat..setelah puas..pn aina terus turun dan tido di lantai..dekat 1 jam aku layan die..39 kali die klimak,35 kali aku terpancut..sampai aku jolok pon terkuar2 air mani aku yang kat dalam pepek die..
kini tiba giliran puan lisa..pepek die yang kemerahan aku lihat jelas semasa aku minghidu bau pepek die..hancing..aku jilat dan die mendengus..aku asyik sangat sebab bau pepek die wat aku khayal..
puan aina tanya..nk tgk die berak x..aku cakap nk..die suruh aku tadah kedua tgn..aku tadan dan bontot die btol2 atas tangan aku..die kuarkan taik die..aku terasa geli,hangat dan ghairah..
kemudian taik die aku jilat sampai licin..kat bontot die aku jilat..kudian, puan aina menyuruh aku baring..aku dirigol tanpa belas..die main konek aku macam menunggang kuda..
dia gigit tetek aku..
aku hanya mendengus kesedapan..nafas pn aina sama macam nafsu die.kencang..beberapa kali air mani ku terpancut dalam pepek die yang comel..die melayan nafsu die dgn penuh nikmat..
aku bagaikan kayu..hanya mampu diam dirogol..begitu juga dgn lec aku aku dirogol,di tampar sekuat ati..di berak kat muka..kencingkan..tp demi mereka yang berjasa pada aku..yang memberi ilmu..aku terpaksa biar kan tubuh aku di ratah oleh isteri2 gersang..semua nya isteri orang..
konek aku pulak macam nk patah..dihenjut2 4 orang lec lpas puan aina..setiap sorang pasti nk layan konek aku dekat 2 jam..banyak air mani aku di bazirkan..aku ingat 1 ari..tp seminggu aku kene layan bile dorang nk..
aku semakin suka di rogol..setiap malam..paling kurang sorang sejam..aku kene layan..sebelum balik..dorang bg aku rm 500..duit aku layan dorang..tp aku x ambik..memadai la itu utk aku balas jasa dorang..dorang puji aku..aku cakap, aku sanggup jadi hamba nafsu wanita..aku sanggup di gunakan utk nafsu mereka.
selang 2 ari lpas seminggu tu..aku diajak pn lisa ke situ lagi..katanya ade orang nk mintak servis..rupenye, membe2 kelas dan junior aku yang mintak..dorang simpan perasaan kat aku..aku diikat dan dirogol lagi..aku relakan..
pn lisa ajar membe ngan junior aku macam mana nk main..tp aku mintak dorang berak dan kencing dlu untuk aku..aku dapat lebih dari yang aku nk..aku gembira sangat..junior aku suka isap konek aku..die kata macam isap lolipop..ade jus kuar..
aku geram tgk pepek junior aku..xde bulu,tembam,ketat..aku minta di lpaskan..kemudian aku main junior aku selepas aku puas kan pn lisa dan membe aku..dekat 4 jam..
die kata nk stop..pepek die rasa sakit..sebab lama sangat..aku cakap aku xpuas..terus aku jilat bontot die, aku main bontot die..susah nk masuk sebab x d usik..
last ramai gak yang asyik mintak aku servis..aku rela jadi laki murahan semata2 nk puaskan ppuan..walaupun kadang2 aku rasa malas..pnat..tp aku ikutkan jugak..demi nafsu mereka..aku sanggup ape saje..
pn aina dan puan lisa aku dgar ngandung..aku tanya macam mana nk wat..dorang kate xpe..dorang bele anak aku..aku pon lega la..
kadang2 makcik klener pon aku layan gak..die mintak..aku layan la..kat bilik rehat lec ppuan..mana2 girl nk semua aku masuk situ..
sebab da kamceng ngan lec..yang tinggal ustazah yang belum kawin tu je..die marah aku.die tau aku main ngan dak kolej..tp nnt aku nk suh pn lisa usha kan..mesti dapat..
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gh0stlyfixation · 2 years
A strong bond
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Paring: ser Harwin Strong x fem!reader, ser Harwin strong x targaryen!reader
The quiet, perfect, and obedient princess rode Drogar, the cannibal. The deadliest of dragons, who just so happens to be your little snuggle bug. He hatched just days after your birth. You shared a crib with him and he grew quickly. His stubbornness matched yours.
You smiled as you lightly rubbed his face, “calm today isn’t he princess?” Harwin spoke from a distance. You looked up at him and chuckled.
“Love, you know he won’t hurt you. Just have to offer him some scratches.” You said. Drogar turned his head to Harwin and huffed, almost demanding him for the said scratches, “Gīda ilagon, Drogar.” Calm down.
Harwin came up to you, standing directly behind you, and gave him a quick scratch, “he hates me you know.” He spoke
“He hates everyone, but he knows my love for you. We are connected, he and our baby, are connected. One day our child will have a dragon, I hope it grows with it as I did with him.” You told Harwin, “Jikagon tymagon.” Go play. You told Drogar.
Drogar shifted, walking to an open area, and began running and flapping his large wings to fly in the sky. You turned around to face Harwin grabbing onto his leather straps, “I think I’m in labor.” You smiled. Harwin looked down at you with a confused look, you didn’t show any signs of discomfort. He looked down and saw a little wet puddle on the dirt of the dragon pit.
“Perhaps we should find a handmaiden?” He asked.
You were calm, you’ve seen a baby be born on a regular, and though it was your first baby, you knew the drill. You had a few hours before the pain would kick in. Perhaps have some dinner with your family before calling it a night, “I’ll let you know when it’s time. Let's have dinner. I heard father had requested pork with that amazing bread Kela makes” Harwin smiled and chuckled.
He too was calm. When he was around you he knew everything was okay. You were a quite girl, observant and because of this, you were knowledgeable. “I’d say I have three hours before the babe will cause a ruckus.”
You sat in the bed holding onto your little girl. She had a patch of fuzzy silver hair and a grip of steel. She was a Strong. The Queen, Alicent came to see you. Alicent had always adored you, maybe it was because of your obedience, but she did love you like her own.
“Perfect little angel.” She told you as she dabbed sweat off your forehead. The Harwin came in with little Aemond following closing. You had always adored Aemond, he followed in your shadows, always wanting to be like Harwin.
“Look we found the babe an egg. It’s the perfect one. Look at its purple tint! A perfect color for an heir.” He said with excitement.
“Thank you Aemond, you are too kind.” You spoke with sweetness. Harwin came to sit next to you, wrapping and arm around your shoulders pulling you in closely.
“A smooth labor I hope?” He asked.
“Did you hear Drogar screeching?” You asked him in return. He nodded, “it was painful, but she’s here.” You said. Alicent and Aemond walked out your doors leaving your new little family alone. Just then a large black figure landed on the roof next to your balcony, Drogar. His nose peaked into your room sniffing its air.
“I suppose nosey wants to smell her. Can you walk her to him?” You asked.
“Is it safe?” He asked, worried.
“He knows you. He trust you, now show him our little one.” You demanded. Harwin took your daughter up to Drogar. He sniffed a few times before flying away. You smiled.
Harwin could see the tiredness in your eyes, “go to sleep love. I have her.” He spoke as he sat back down next to you. You rest your head in his lap and sighed, “Avy jorrāelan,” I love you, you said quietly.
“Avy jorrāelan, my dear.” He whispered stroking your cheek.
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dftea · 2 months
Destined to repeat
Garashir, pre-Julian/Elim/Kelas - post-Enigma Tales hurt/comfort with bonus polyamory negotiations!
Julian slowly emerges from his catatonic state, but suffers from amnesia. Garak and Kelas help him find a truth he can live with.
[read on ao3]
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mamadkhalik · 4 months
101 Cara Membebaskan Palestina
Sekadar membagikan apa yang ada di pikiran. Tak bermaksud menggurui, hanya ingin urun pikir dalam upaya pembebasan Palestina.
Sebelum mulai, kita dengerin lagu dulu biar semangat :
Cekidot :
1. Gerakan Sholat Subuh Berjamaah (GSJN)
Ada satu cerita yang cukup masyhur tentang sholat subuh. Alkisah seorang tentara israel setiap hari mondar-mandir di masjid saat subuh. Alasanya sederhana, kalau seandainya jamaah sholat subuh ramai seperti sholat jumat, maka kehancuran israel tinggal menunggu waktu. Mengerikan.
Bung Karno hanya butuh 10 pemuda untuk mengguncang dunia, umat Islam perlu menggalakan Gerakan Subuh Berjamaah untuk menghancurkan israel.
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2. Dekat Dengan Al-Quran
Brigade Izzudin Al-Qassam memberikan contoh yang nyata bahwa kemenangan yang gemilang berasal dari kedekatan dengan Al-Quran.
Anak-anak Gaza di bombardir sana sini tapi memiliki ketenangan yang luar biasa. Mereka rutin membaca dan setoran hafalan.
Rekomendasi konten Al-Quran yang ringan tapi asyik. Quranreview.
3. Belajar Sirah dan Sejarah
Kisah Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam adalah standar tinggi dalam beramal. Selanjutnya, kita perlu mendalami sejarah Islam dari masa ke masa untuk melengkapi gambaran dan pelajaran berharga bagi generasi selanjutnya.
Bisa dengerin podcast Ngaji Budaya Bang Amar
Bisa mampir Youtube Sirah TV Ustadz Asep Sobari
Kalau konten IG bisa ke Gen Saladin Bang Edgar Hamas.
4. Membumikan Adab dan Ilmu
Ust. Wido Supraha dalam sebuah forum online mengatakan, "Bagaimana Islam akan maju apabila kuliah zoom tidak oncam. Ini sederhana untuk menghormati dosen, guru, dan orang yang sedang bicara di depan forum" Perkataan itu singkat tapi menusuk di dalam hati.
Untuk memulai ini memang lama, bisa tipis-tipis membaca Ringkasan Ihya Ulumuddin atau Taskiyatun Nafs Said Hawwa. Selanjutnya perlu berguru dengan Ulama kredibel, bersanad secara tematik agar menambah experience yang nyata, karena mayoritas kita tidak terbentuk di lingkungan Pondok.
Perihal Ilmu, mengacu dari buku Model Kebangkitan Umat Islam, setelah selesai dengan taskiyatun nafs, kita perlu internalisasi dan eksternalisasi ilmu kepada masyarakat sebelum masuk ranah siyasah politik.
Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa mempelajari konsep Islamic Worldview dari Syed Naqib Al-Attas, Ustadz Hamid Fahmi Zarkasy, Asatidz Gontor-insists, Ust. Asep atau Intelektual Sosial Profetik pemikiran Prof. Kuntowijoyo.
5. Menghidupi Organisasi
Teringat perkataan dari senior, apa yang kita kerjakan di lembaga dakwah saat ini, jadikan sebagai bekal persiapan untuk naik ke level pengelolaan organisasi yang lebih tinggi. Ketika berada di puncak kepemimpinan, jadikan organisasi itu untuk memperjuangkan Islam dan Palestina.
Diksi menghidupi ini jangan dimaknai sempit tentang materi, tapi juga soal ide-ide terbarukan. Kita perlu mengakui lembaga seperti LDK, KAMMI mulai ketinggalan zaman untuk menjawab kebutuhan pemuda. Perlu adanya shifting pengelolaan tanpa meninggalkan ashalah dakwah kampus.
Aku rekomendasikan e-book dari activist class x FSLDK ini. Semoga terpantik.
6. Gerakan Boikot
Sebagai warga sipil biasa kita perlu mengkonsolidasikan kekuatan bersama dan gerakan boikot adalah solusinya. Saya menyarankan untuk fokus dengan gerakan boikot yang diinisiasi oleh BDS Movement. Mereka terstruktur, akademis, dan masif secara internasional. Banyak FAQ yang akhirnya menjawab pertanyaan kita. Untuk produk lain saya mengambil refrensi dari Bang Amar.
Follow akun BDS Indonesia
Podcast Refrensi Boikot oleh Bang Amar Risalah
7. Gunakan Gadgetmu
Saatnya kita FOMO dengan kebaikan. Saatnya kita nyampah di timeline untuk dapat Pahala. Saatnya kita sebarkan Palestina ke penjuru Followers kita. One Day One Palestine.
Rekomendasi bahan propaganda :
Flyers For Falastin
8. Yaudah Gerak Apa Aja Untuk Palestina
Intinya gerak aja. Ini posisinya israel udah nggak masuk akal. Bikin setiap agenda dikaitkan dengan Palestina. Hiking for Palestine, CFD for Palestine, Bookdate for Palestine, Run For Palestine, writing for Palestine (termasuk saya nulis ini)
Saatnya kita beraksi. Kaum rebahan, gen-z, alpha, milenial, k-popers, skena, senja, introvert, dan semua umat manusia di muka bumi.
Dari 101 cara, baru 8 yang bisa saya tulis, masih ada 93 lagi. Intinya, gemakan genderang pembebasa dan bersiap menjadi bagian pembebasan Palestina!
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