#Ken Kawakami
katatty · 1 year
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Ken: It's sweet they get on.
Layla: You know, if you moved in they could be like proper brothers.
Ken: I know, I've thought about it too... but I don't think it's what Hallie wants.
Hallie: (from the next room) Hey, guys?? Could you keep an eye on the kids, pretty please?? I just got an invite Downtown.
Layla: Seriously?? Hallie, we are not-
Ken: It's fine. Have fun, babe.
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
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That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime 13
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topochka · 2 years
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tofueggnoodles · 10 months
They’re Back! Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee Vol. 1 Scene 7 (Cast Talk)
Click here to listen to the track on youtube.
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This is the best photo I could find, containing only about half of the cast. I don't recognize two of the VAs, but the rest are: Kisaichi Atsushi (the one with the cap), Toriumi Kousuke (beanie guy), Ishikawa Hideo (left, seated) and Morikawa Toshiyuki.
Summary: The voice actors talk about things (hobbies, sports, pets, etc) they will never tire of.
Morikawa: Everyone, thank you for your hard work during the recording. It’s now time for the bonus track of the Drama CD “They’re Back! Araiso Private High School Student Council Executive Committee.”
Ishikawa: Yeah! Really – what is it?
(Morikawa and Kawami laugh.)
Ishikawa: Er – thank you for the hard work, everyone!
Morikawa: Indeed. It’s been quite a while.
Ishikawa: Yes, it’s been a long time since the last recording.
Morikawa: Someone reminded me that the very first [Araiso] Drama CD was recorded in 2000.
Ishikawa: That was eight years ago.
Morikawa: Yes.
Ishikawa: Time flies, doesn’t it? This studio’s now filled with thirty-somethings.
(The others laugh.)
Morikawa: I’m already a forty-something. [Along with Shimura, Narita, Tobita, Kobayashi and Shibuya.]
Tobita: Same here.
Ishikawa: During the previous recording, all of us were in our twenties or thirties. [Tobita, the oldest among the cast, turned forty in 1999.]
Ishikawa: And we’re all playing high school students.
Morikawa: Yes.
Ishikawa: This is a wonderful piece of work.
(Toriumi laughs.)
Ishikawa: So I hope that we’ll be able to continue voicing these characters.
Morikawa: That’s what I’m aiming for.
Ishikawa: Really, let’s continue playing these high schoolers even when we’re senior citizens.
Morikawa: Sure.
Ishikawa: For this track, based on the last line of the story–
Morikawa: Yes, the line spoken by Katsuragi, right?
(Kawakami laughs.)
Ishikawa: Sorry, yes, it’s Katsuragi’s line. It went like this: “Good grief. It’s just impossible to find the time to get tired of life while hanging out with you guys.” So, here’s the topic of our talk –
Morikawa: Yes, the topic: As long as you can have or do this thing, you’ll never tire of it! Please provide the reason why as well.
Kawakami: Okay.
Ishikawa: We’ll give our comments one by one.
Morikawa: Alright.
Ishikawa: Well then, let’s begin!
Kisaichi: I’ll go first. This is Kisaichi Atsushi, who plays Fujiwara Yuusuke. Thank you for your hard work, everyone. I don’t really have anything I’m particularly obsessed with. There’s work, baseball, ping pong, billiard, bowling, darts, golf, basketball – I never tire of stuff like these. Ah, but strength training is out of the question. Swimming too. I don’t like bland and repetitive activities like those. I love games involving balls, since I won’t get bored playing them. Though I’m not much of a sportsman, I enjoy getting better at these games. That’s about it.
Ishikawa: Aren’t you in a baseball club?
Kisaichi: Yes. I’m a coach there, after a fashion.
Ishikawa: A coach?
Kisaichi: Yes. It was a request I couldn’t refuse. In this particular case, it’s not one of those things I never tire of, but simply a duty I have to fulfill. Still, I definitely love baseball and other ball games. Yes, that’s about it.
Ishikawa: Go Atsushi!
Kisaichi: Thank you for listening! Then, on to the next person.
Toriumi: Hello, I’m Ainoura Kousuke.
(A few of the voice actors laugh. Kawakami exclaims in surprise.) [Instead of properly stating his actual name, Toriumi provided a combination of his character’s surname and his own personal name.]
Toriumi: Speaking of what I’ll never tire of, it’s curry. Curry is a magnificent dish. I can eat it anytime. Also, I never get bored grilling meat. It’s my lot in life to continuously grill meat for others.
(A few of the others start to chat among themselves in the background.)
Toriumi: Won't you please listen to me?
Morikawa: What’s the method you use to grill meat?
Toriumi: Method? I specialize in offal **. [The phrase I manage to catch is horume/horune but the only term for grilled offal I can find online is horumonyaki.]
Ishikawa: Morikawa-san’s the only one who’s seen you do it, isn’t he?
Toriumi: The first praise I received from Morikawa-san was for my meat-grilling method, you know. (laughs) I hope to get more praises from him in the future too.
Shimura: Offal!
Ishikawa: You’re noisy!
Toriumi: I’d like to continue grilling meat in the future. In addition, I recently started to play golf as well. Golf is fun too. I think it’s also something I won’t tire of. I hope I can improve on my technique there.... Goodbye.
Sasanuma: This is Sasanuma Akira, who plays Matsubara Jun.
Ishikawa: MatsuJun! [also the nickname of J-pop idol Matsumoto Jun.]
Sasanuma: MatsuJun? Yeah, I guess. (laughs) Playing with my beloved pet dog is something I’ll never tire of!
Kawakami: Eh?
Sasanuma: Yes, it’s my dog. Patting it on the thighs–
Kawakami: Thighs?
Sasanuma: –while feeding it beef jerky – I can do this for an hour or two. Even after the beef jerky’s all gone, I find myself still patting my dog.
Toriumi: Your pet dog’s a beef jerky junkie.
(Everyone laughs.)
Sasanuma: I feed it various other stuff too, such as milk. Yeah, I guess it’s going to get fat thanks to that. Alright, that’s it from me.
Shimura: Good evening. I’m Shimura Tomoyuki, who plays Murota.
Someone: It’s your head.
Shimura: Yes, it’s my head **. As long as I have it, I’ll never tire of it. Right on. Fishing is something I could do forever – if dragons existed. I want to catch one, that’s why. Also, drinking is something I can do all the time. But, I’ll always regret it the day after. And will drink again later in the evening. Only to regret it all over again the next morning! Goodbye.
Kobayashi: Good evening. This is Kobayashi Youko, who plays the transgender musclewoman and school doctor, Igarashi. Well, someone might have already mentioned the same thing before, but for me too, it’s cats [that I’ll never tire of].
Ishikawa: Ah, cats! I love cats!
Kobayashi: A group of volunteers were looking for homes for strays in front of the train station in my neighborhood. I got a pet cat from them three months ago. It’s a black cat. I find myself liking the cat so much that I got another one yesterday. (laughs) I will bring it home next week – a tricolor one this time. Yes, soon I’ll be the owner of two cats. They seem to be increasing rapidly. My home might soon turn into a cat mansion. As long as I have my cats, I’ll never tire of life. That’s it from me. Thank you very much.
Narita: Er... good evening. I’m Narita Ken, who plays Matsumoto Takahisa, the Student Council Chairman. As for me, I basically like baths. The other day, I went to a hot spring resort. The sort with a private open-air bath just outside the room.
The others: That’s nice.
Narita: Isn’t it? I really love that sort of hot spring resorts.
One of the voice actors: Did you go alone?
Narita: No no, I went with other people, of course. Going on my own would be too lonesome. Well, going alone might not be a bad thing. I like baths, so I probably won’t mind going alone. After getting out of the bath, I typically have fish dishes to accompany the sake. To me, these are life’s pleasures. Thank you for listening.
Tobita: Good morning. This is Tobita Nobuo, who plays Tachibana Haruka, the Student Council Vice-Chairman. Like some of my fellow voice actors, I love cats.
Ishikawa: Cats!
Tobita: Yes. I have an American Shorthair and a Somali.
Ishikawa: You have a Somali as well?
Tobita: The two didn’t get along well at first, never mind playing together. It took three years before they finally slept together. But now they live together happily. I hope that they’ll live long and well. Also, I like my job and working together with the Chairman. As long as Narita-san’s there, things will never get boring!
(The others laugh.) [T/N: After all, it’s that, to quote Morikawa, ‘that Narita Ken.’]
Tobita: Alright, hope to see you all again. Thank you very much.
Kondou: Thank you for your hard work, everyone. I’m Kondou Takashi, who plays Kiba Osamu. Originally, I wanted to be the first to say that I find joy in my work but Kisaichi-san already beat me to it right in the beginning. So I had to discard the lines I prepared and was thinking of something else to say while waiting for my turn. (laughs) I didn’t really intend for things to end up like this.
Kondou: The more I thought about it, the more negative it gets. When I start playing a video game, rather than not growing tired of it, I just can’t seem to stop. I tell myself, “I mustn’t go on like this, I need to get out of the house, I have to work.” So, persevering with utmost effort, I make sure to go out every morning. (laughs) If I don’t do that, I’ll turn into a shut-in. Everyone, please take care when playing video games. That’s about it.
Itou: This is Itou Kentarou, who plays Ryuunosuke. Well, at this point, we’ve run out of unique responses. Really, I’m blessed to be working with senior voice actors who never tire of their jobs. There’s drinking too, as Shimura said. And golf, as Kousuke mentioned. I’m absorbed in those recently. I actually get bored of things pretty easily. When I think about the reason why, it could be because once I decide that I like something, I’ll just do it while ignoring everything else. So from now on, I’ll do things in moderation. Hopefully, I’ll find something I never tire of, something I can continue doing for the rest of my life. I just realized this today. So, I’ll be taking my leave of you all, because I’m going off now to join some clubs. (laughs)
Katsu: I’m Katsu Anri, who plays Shuuji. Thank you for your hard work, everyone. As for something I’ll never get bored of, it’s the same as one of things Shimura-san mentioned: fishing. Also, I’ve been playing a few musical instruments for quite a while. That’s right – I never get tired of playing musical instruments [guitar, bass guitar and drums according to his Japanese Wikipedia page: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8B%9D%E6%9D%8F%E9%87%8C]. I perform mostly indoors these days. I don’t do it to that extent anymore, but in the past, I once played the bass for up to twelve hours without taking any break or eating. There was this song I just wanted to play over and over again. Once I was done, I collapsed onto the ground. My hands and legs had gone numb. I nearly got sent to the hospital. That was the level of my enthusiasm when it came to music. Everyone who plays musical instruments, please take care not to overdo it the way I did. Well, that was fun. That’s it from me.
Kawakami: This is Kawakami Tomoko, who plays Katsuragi-chan. While trying to think of things one never tires of, various stuff came to mind, such as pets and hobbies. But, for me it’s tidying up my room.
Morikawa: Ah, I know, I know!
Ishikawa: You’ve said enough. [not sure whether this was directed to Morikawa or Kawakami.]
Kawakami: Eh?
Kawakami: To be honest, my room’s far from neat. There are plenty of clutters in it. Whenever I try to put stuff away, I end up looking at them against my better judgment. Things like years-old magazine articles featuring interviews I granted. Reading some of those, I think: wow, did I really wear this attire? I never get bored of looking at old stuff like those. Though I expressly tell myself, “I must definitely tidy up my room today,” I end up not completing the task. Stuff will pile up again until I decide to have the next tidying up session, in which the same thing will happen. It’s a vicious circle. In short, I guess I’ll never have my fill of tidying up my room. Thank you for listening.
Ishikawa: I’m Ishikawa Hideo, who plays Tokito Minoru. I love cats too, so I’m a cat owner as well. Recently, I bought some black cotton swabs at the convenience store. Those are really good for picking up dirt. With just a little daub on the skin, a lot of dirt will come off. I used them on a recording location once and gave everyone there a piece. That’s how enthusiastic I’m about them. Everyone, if you like–
Morikawa: You gave everyone a cotton swab?
Ishikawa: Yes. Please give them a try.
(Morikawa laughs.)
Ishikawa: Aren’t you being silly? [He used the term from Kansai dialect for ‘idiot’, aho. FWIW, Ishikawa hails from the Kansai region. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansai_dialect#Vocabulary]
Ishikawa: I– I– (tries unsuccessfully to speak over the clamor)
Someone: They’re convenient for cleaning up right?
Ishikawa: Right, for stuff such as getting rid of earwax. So, everyone, if you like, please give them a try. They’re called Wholly Absorbent Cotton Swabs and are black. They’re luxuriantly thick and great to use. As long as I have them, I’m good.... Er, did I say something weird?
(The others laugh.)
[More info on the cotton swabs: https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E9%98%BF%E8%98%87%E8%A3%BD%E8%96%AC-%E3%83%87%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89%E3%82%84%E3%81%BF%E3%81%A4%E3%81%8D%E7%B6%B%E6%A3%92-70%E6%9C%AC/dp/B000FQS0IS]
Ishikawa: Well, that’s about it. This gentleman will bring up the rear.
Morikawa: Yes. Dirty ears are gross... Sorry.
(Toriumi laughs along with some of the others.)
Morikawa: This is Morikawa Toshiyuki, who plays Kubota Makoto. As long I have or do this thing, I’ll never get bored. What is it? It’s meat! As long as I can eat meat, I’ll never... be thin.
(Toriumi laughs again.)
Morikawa: Being a dog person, I keep a Labrador Retriever as pet. Thanks to it.... I’ve had my fill of dogs.
(The others laugh.)
Morikawa: Really, my dog plays a trick on me at every turn. He’d carry off my house slippers and run around my residence trying to escape me. The minute I arrive home [and am about to wear the slippers], he’d grab the slippers without fail. I’m sick of that trick already, but he does not seem to be. Even now, I’m at loss as to how to deal with this behavior.
Someone: You’re fed up with it.
Morikawa: Sorry for bothering you all with my dog trouble. After this, I probably can’t count on your support anymore. (laughs) I’m done, yes.
Ishikawa: All right. Everyone, thank you very much. Then, let’s say it together. One, two–
Everyone: Good-bye!
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes or clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure of. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are more than welcome.
Extra notes
Saiyuki fans: If you find some of the voices familiar, that might be because you’ve heard them in the Saiyuki anime.
Narita Ken, Matsumoto’s voice actor, played Koumyou Sanzo in Gensoumaden series and the Saiyuki Drama CD.
Toriumi Kousuke, Ainoura’s voice actor, played young Ukoku (Ken'yuu) in Burial OVA.
The late Kawakami Tomoko (Katsuragi’s voice actor) played Lirin.
Morikawa Toshiyuki (Kubota’s voice actor) played Homura.
Fans of old BLCD (late 1990s to early 2010s) probably would know most of the Araiso cast. I just couldn’t help smiling whenever I recalled who paired with whom in which Boys’ Love Drama CD as I translated this track.
There’s a good ending for Fujiwara, or his voice, at least. He got to be with his Kubota-senpai for once, in Toraware no Koibito.
Kondou Takashi (Osamu’s voice actor) played the seme to Morikawa in Adult Education and the uke to Ishikawa in Castle Mango.
If you’re interested in BL Drama CDs, there is wonderful list pointing to the downloads, indexed by voice actors on aarinfantasy.
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geekygaymerrealm · 1 year
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just-antithings · 5 months
Antis needs to get out of the persona Fanbase and stop playing the game because it's clear they either aren't actually a part of the fandom and never touched anything about the Games or they are truly showing their hypocrisy. I'll even list it
Persona 3 Reload
The start of kenji's social link is about how he wants to romance a teacher in his school.
Some students (+ chairman) spies on the protagonist while he sleeps.
Persona 3 portable
if you picked the female character you can date Ken Amada, He's a romancable character even though he's supposedly around roughly 11 (at the oldest) according to online posts.
In Persona 4 golden
In Antis eyes kanji & Rise should be considered sexualised in the game!
And before any antis claim Rise had some meaning besides sexualising she's in a strip club, didn't need to be in a strip club and could have been in like a TV or stage set or something to showcase corruption of Fame while under 18 instead of like her being a pole dancer in a strip club lol. It was cool tho
Oh also you can date the Loli character if you join a club, I think the music club specifically.
Persona 5
Just look at the romance-able character.
1. Futaba Sakura, The 'sister' vibe character who depends on you at the start a lot.
2. chihaya Mifune who's an adult
3. Sadayo Kawakami is Teacher and maid, (double power dynamics)
4. Tae Takemi, the shady doctor
5. Ichiko Ohya, Journalist who takes you to a bar and gets drunk a lot.
Sorry for the rant, I'm just sick of antis having issues with Persona fanworks while this is the game they claim to be fans of!
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Here's the bracket for round 1! I intend to start posting matches tomorrow.
Group 1 (Matches 1-16)
Sam Wayne (Scarlet Hollow) VS Penny (Stardew Valley)
Joy Johnson-Johjima (Monster Prom) VS Vladamir (Moonlight Lovers)
P.S. Elle (Romancelvania) VS Saint Germain (Code: Realize)
Bram Galeborn (Tales of the Wild) VS Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger)
Edgar Morton (To Love & Protect) VS Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Nowi (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Elise (Fire Emblem Fates)
Maison Talo (House Hunted) VS Sam (Stardew Valley)
Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3 Portable) VS Sam Dalton (Choices - The Nanny Affair)
Ota Kisaki (Kissed by the Baddest Bidder) VS Casavir (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Anna (Fire Emblem Engage) VS Yang (Piofiore Fated Memories)
Isabela (Dragon Age 2) VS Shuu Iwamine (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom) VS Sunder (Boyfriend Dungeon)
Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age Inquisition) VS Curie (Fallout 4)
Cliff (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS Sylvain Jose Gautier (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Hanatsubaki Gorō (Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s First Love) VS Leliana (Dragon Age Origins)
Barbatos (Obey Me) VS Solas (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Group 2 (Matches 17-32)
Nightowl (Blooming Panic: Full Bloom Edition) VS Isako Toriumi (Persona 3)
Adam/Ava du Mortain (Wayhaven Chronicles) VS Drake Walker (Choices - The Royal Romance)
Taro Majima (Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 2nd Season) VS Vace (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Yoosung Kim (Mystic Messenger) VS Siren Head (Siren Head Dating Sim)
Rick (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS V (Mystic Messenger)
Ken Amada (Persona 3 Portable) VS Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Bigfoot (Dialtown) VS Damien Ramsey (Magical Diary)
Merrill (Dragon Age 2) VS Landon (High School Dreams Best Friends Forever)
Vyn Richter (Tears of Themis) VS Sumire Yoshizawa (Persona 5 Royal)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley) VS Triss Merigold (Witcher 3)
Rock (Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life) VS Morrigan (Dragon Age Origins)
Gray (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS Calculester Hewlett-Packard (Monster Prom)
Harry Choi (The Ssum) VS Ichiko Ohya (Persona 5)
Sadayo Kawakami (Persona 5) VS Randy Jade (Dialtown)
Kevan (Long Live the Queen) VS Camellia (Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous)
Ace (Heart no Kuni no Alice) VS Rhea (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Group 3 (Matches 33-48)
Ilessa (Romancelvania) VS Dolce (Rune Factory 4)
Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) VS Laito Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
Cameron Conner (Wylde Flowers) VS Sera (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Elliott (Stardew Valley) VS Shane (Stardew Valley)
Mikah Hudson (Save Me, Sherlock) VS Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Towa Wakasa (Sweet Fuse: At Your Side) VS Shiloh Fields (XOXO Droplets)
Arsene Lupin (Code: Realize) VS Blackwall (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Vere (Touchstarved) VS Shiki (Togainu no Chi)
Sebastian Vael (Dragon Age 2) VS Toma (Amnesia: Memories)
Sakura (Fire Emblem Fates) VS Ethan Ramsey (Choices - Open Heart)
Warren (Life is Strange) VS Ryoma (Fire Emblem Fates)
Katherine (Catherine) VS Jonah (Boyfriend Dungeon)
Anders (Dragon Age 2) VS Dorian Grey (OZMAFIA!!)
Skye (Harvest Moon DS Cute) VS Tammy (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Fenris (Dragon Age 2) VS Dys (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Peter King (Your Boyfriend Game) VS Eisuke Ichinomiya (Kissed by the Baddest Bidder)
Group 4 (Matches 49-64)
Tharja (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Jacob Taylor (Mass Effect 2)
Elanee (Neverwinter Nights 2) VS Megaricus (Kaichu - The Kaiju Dating Sim)
Joseph Christiansen (Dream Daddy) VS Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Mr. Pages (Mask of the Rose) VS Soleil (Fire Emblem Fates)
Baxter Ward (Our Life: Beginnings & Always) VS Ryouta Kazama (Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 4)
Colonel Sanders (I Love You, Colonel Sanders!) VS Kappa (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town)
Andy (Romance Club) VS Micah Yujin (Error143)
Anomen Delryn (Baldur’s Gate 2) VS Koolie Sterling (Tentador Leches)
Canus Espada (Cafe Enchante) VS Nah (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Doctor (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town) VS Lucy (Your Boyfriend Game)
Amber (Rune Factory 4) VS Marco (Lovelink)
Alfani (OZMAFIA!!) VS Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
Haley (Stardew Valley) VS Azura (Fire Emblem Fates)
Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age Origins) VS Kai (Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club) VS The Red Prince (Divinity: Original Sin 2)
Lucio Morgasson (The Arcana) VS Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age Inquisition)
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social-link-showdown · 4 months
It's Pride Month, Persona Fans
You know what that means.
That's right, it's time to vote on gay polls!
Nah but in all seriousness, we are finally beginning the final Social Link Showdown! Preliminary rounds will be decided by roulette wheel, with our three winners getting guaranteed spots in the Best category! That leaves 71 characters to sort into best and worst, the last one being decided on based on their own merit!
Our Matchups are under the cut! The Preliminaries begin on June 9th!
Sumire Yoshizawa V Yukari Takeba Ken Amada V Ryotaro Dojima Takuto Maruki V Rise Kujikawa Mutatsu V Yuuki Mishima Bebe V Shu Nakajima Tae Takemi V Mamoru Hayase Futaba Sakura V Yosuke Hanamura Daisuke Nagase V Kanji Tatsumi Sayoko Uehara V Suemitsu Nozomi Fuuka Yamagishi V Chie Satonaka Ai Ebihara V Yumi Ozawa Eri Minami V Rio Iwasaki Ichiko Ohya V Hifumi Togo Fox V Hidetoshi Odagiri Ayane Matsunaga V Twin Wardens Igor (P5) V Shinya Oda Chihaya Mifune V Toranosuke Yoshida Sae Nijima V Pharos Yusuke Kitagawa V "Maya" Kenji Tomochika V Morgana Kazushi Miyamoto V Ann Takamaki Ryoji Mochizuki V Junpei Iori Yuko Nishiwaki V Haru Okumura Old Couple V Tohru Adachi Naoki Konishi V Akinari Kamiki Marie V Goro Akechi Maiko Oohashi V Koromaru Makoto Nijima V Tanaka Shinjiro Aragaki V Chihiro Mifune Akihiko Sanada V Mitsuru Kirijo Munehisa Iwai V Margaret Ryuji Sakamoto V Keisuke Hiiraga Hisano Kuroda V Sadayo Kawakami Naoto Shirogane V Kou Ichijo Saori Hasegawa V Teddie
Yukiko will be decided upon separately, as she was the odd one out.
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fictional-birthdays · 4 months
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Happy Birthday! (May 20th)
Bansai Kawakami (Gintama)
Kentaro Kitamura (Big Windup!)
Tsuneyuki Okudera (World Trigger)
Cuba (Hetalia: Axis Powers)
T-Bone (Animal Crossing)
Gita-Ken (Pop’n Music)
Guriguritchi (Tamagotchi)
Inuchiyo (Pop’n Music)
Wakaba Yuki (Tsukiuta.)
Chizuru Tachibana (The Fruit of Grisaia)
Reika Sato (22/7)
Weinheidt (Seven Deadly Sins)
Yuya Miyaji (Kuroko no Basket)
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bambiesfics · 1 year
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𝜗𝜚 Don’t be stranger
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wanna know my name?
it’s Bambie. My mutuals (I love you sm) nicknamed me BamBam, Bambs and Bamberella. I’m a black fem writer <3
I’m in my early twenties, just started!
blood type?
type o negative (jk, that’s a band I listen to).
where I live?
Ooh’ Canada our home & Native land. True patriot love in all thy sons command! 🇨🇦
what I look like?
gonna get my hair done and show you soon
going to underground raves, crocheting cute items, curating new Pinterest boards, re-inventing my style monthly, falling asleep on mdma, getting distracted despite having a lot of work to do (live, laugh love adhd), responding to anons, reading slightly boring fiction (🤍 Hi Mieko Kawakami, ily), making my crushes in the sims 4, people-watching on my college campus (so many artsy/alt hotties), making up scenarios to songs, reading manga.
fandoms I love?
aside from The last of us (my baby), I like Yellowjackets (sapphic fandom too), Voltron, The Walking Dead (zombies yum), Castlevania, Adventure time (I’m a bubbline WARRIOR, and I want to sit on marceline’s face), My little pony (Do. Not. Laugh), and too many anime’s to list (send me an ask abt them if ur ever curious ) + a few more
Just to give you a range: crystal castles (Alice glass only), ken Carson, Tool, Hole, Kittie, Traitrs, Destroy lonely, iggy pop, lancey foux, Boy Harsher, Alex g, Team Sleep, Arca, Bring me the Horizon, Blood Orange, vocaloid, City girls, Yves tumour, Elliot smith, Mitski, Yeat + more
the fandoms I mentioned + Interview with the vampire (it’s entertaining, strongly recommend), The boys, The Bear, Game of thrones, Shameless, The white lotus, Rick and Morty
I jump back and forth a lot on it. But right now I’m leaning towards bimbo-core. Pink lipgloss, pink clothes, cleavage spilling, tight clothes, camel-toe facing the world, high pleaser heels, long acrylic nails to hold the strap.
say no to?
say yes to?
Sucking the strap
quick game of this or that ?
Mascs or fems? Both, just want a wife
Hot weather or cold weather? Hot weather
Pancakes or waffles? Waffles
Pineapple on pizza or no? Pineapples on pizza
Ability to turn invisible or ability to read minds? Turn invisible
Shopping in-store or online? Online (Covid changed me)
Shower or bath? Shower (that one icarly episode changed me)
Avocado toast or waffles with Maple syrup? I’m Canadian, it’s waffles n’ syrup for me.
While sleeping: Fan or No Fan? Fan on, even in winter
Live on a farm or live in a forest cabin? Forest cabin
Tumblr or Twitter? Twitter, even though it’s bad for my mental health.
Kids or no kids? Kids, wanna give my wife a small family
Ass or tits? Tits. But it’s ironic for me considering I have a huge fucking butt.
Ellie or Abby? Love you Abbydoll but it’s gone have to be Ellie.
Hope you’ve warmed up to me a bit, see you bae.
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Me af if u even care ^ 🦌
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Kotone Shiomi
Y'all Hate Teens Propaganda
Alternate names: P3 FeMC, Hamuko Arisato, Minako Arisato
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cw: age gaps
Kotone gets a LOT of shit thrown her way for things that either A) Atlus themselves did or B) The Player did. 
The main thing that Kotone gets hate for is the Ken romance route. Yes, it is absolutely terrible and shouldnt have been added but also: It's optional. The dating sim portion of any Persona game is optional and she's the only one who gets hate for it. Not Yu "Chadman, 15 Girlfriends" Narukami, Ren or hell even Makoto, who all have equally questionnable choices.
Hell, people actively defend and advocate for more questionable romance options in these games. Kawakami (a literal TEACHER) is DEFENDED TO HELL AND BACK for this shit, Sae (The ADULT PROSECUTOR SISTER OF YOUR TEAMMATE) is someone people want the game to add as a romance and don't even get me started on the people who want Ren to date Lavenza
The second you bring up Kotone, though, people don't show nearly as much grace. People bring up entirely miss able quotes from other characters that entirely depend on the romance portion to "Show how much she sucks". People point at the 'What If?' Storyline of Shinji surviving that, again, depends on player choice (and is for people who've already played P3) to say that 'She ruins the entire message of the game'. And then they go " I don't want anymore FemC's becasue Kotone SUCKS". And when you go 'Hey, I like Kotone and want more FemC's, they're interesting" they go "OH YOUR JUST MAD BECAUSE WE'RE RIGHT"
TL;DR: Heavy case of both Misogyny and Double standards for something adults and male characters do heavily in this series
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katatty · 1 year
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While Hallie helps herself to some cake, Ken swoops in and immediately shows himself to be one of the most doting dads I've seen.
Gabriel: Da!
Ken: Aren't you sweet! Just wait until you meet your little brother...
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readtilyoudie · 11 months
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topochka · 2 years
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kazuyummy · 1 year
Who saw barbie and who saw Oppenheimer and why was it miyuki who saw barbie just to talk the whole time
LMAOOOO ok so i did this for the haikyuu boys a while back, and im gonna do it in a different style for dna boys - let me know if i miss anyone you wanna see! disclaimer that i haven't watched either and can't really incorporate more jokes that way lmao
miyuki kazuya - 100% will talk and criticize the movie but you notice him quiet down when he gets super invested in it
narumiya mei - wholeheartedly believes he should've been cast as ken (ryan gosling has nothing on him)
sawamura eijun - there to sing along to all the songs until someone throws popcorn / yells at him
isashiki jun - WILL cry during any type of emotional / empowering scene and you know it
kawakami norifumi - his heart can't handle a movie as intense as oppenheimer, this boy just wants a feel-good flick
kominato ryosuke - doesn't want to be caught dead watching barbie (but he WILL sneak in or watch it at home and will say he's haruichi if anyone catches him)
kuramochi yoichi - thinks he's too cool for barbie (he's not) (he'll watch it later dw)
okumura koshu - too edgy for barbie. big fan of christopher nolan. someone will eventually drag him to barbie though, and he WILL enjoy it
watanabe hisashi - legitimately a history buff who only likes watching serious movies. wouldn't pay to watch barbie but if it came on a streaming service and his friends wanted to watch, he would
furuya satoru - a bit confused by both movies, but has fun. prefers baseball movies.
yuki tetsuya - watches both in one night, fully dressed up in pink and not giving a shit. now he is become tetsuya, destroyer of gender stereotypes
todoroki raichi - wanted to watch barbie first, then oppenheimer. sanada tries to bribe him w food to switch the order
sanada shunpei - argues that oppenheimer first then barbie will let them leave the theatre in a more positive mood. doesn't matter, raichi wins the argument
kominato haruichi - watches barbie w eijun and oppenheimer w his older brother. there for the vibes. will blush during the sex scene.
takigawa chris yu - appreciates movies in general. he is baseball ken, far too handsome for his own good.
let me know your thoughts lmaoooo. who do you agree with? disagree with any?
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
(I don't actually know if Strikers does anything with tarot but anyway) Which game, as a whole, do you think uses the tarot theming the best? Whether it be individual arcana assignments or links to the plot or just vibes - I know you've spoken of inidividual S-Link meanings but I don't think a big-picture comparison was ever done.
hmmm okay lets do a basic round up
I am going to... give points
+ 2 (GREAT job) + 1 (They tried!) + 0 (phoned it in/makes no sense) - 1 (ACTIVELY BAD CHOICE)
Fool: SEES (P3) vs Investigation Team (P4) vs Notigor (P5) Gonna give P3 and P4 0 points bc these do nothing, but P5 gets -1 bc what the fuck
Magician: Junpei Iori (P3) vs Yosuke Hanamura (P4) vs Morgana (P5) Both P3 and P5 get +2 for AMAZING Magicians. P4 gets a 0.
High Priestess: Fuuka (P3) vs Yukiko (P4) vs Makoto (P5) P3 gets the +2 here. P4 gets a -1, Yukiko is a terrible choice. No opinion on Makoto but she doesn't seem like the right pick imo.
Empress: Mitsuru (P3) vs Margaret (P4) vs Haru (P5) I'll give P4 one point and P5 two points. Mits shoulda been Emperor.
Emperor: StuCo Guy (P3) vs Kanji (P4) vs Yusuke (P5) P4 gets +2 for a shockingly good Emperor. P5 gets a -1 for a shockingly bad Emperor.
Hierophant: Old Couple (P3) vs Dojima (P4) vs Sojiro (P5) P3 gets -1 and should feel lucky its only minus one. P4 and P5 get zero points.
Lovers: Yukari (P3) vs Rise (P4) vs Ann (P5) P3 gets the +2, P4 gets +1, P5 gets zero.
Chariot: Rio (P3) vs Chie (P4) vs Ryuji (P5) Everyone gets +1.
Strength: Koromaru (P3) vs Athletes (P4) vs Twin Wardens (P5) P3 gets +1, P4 gets fucking nothing, and P5 gets +2.
Hermit: Saori (P3) vs The Fox (P4) vs Futaba (P5) P3 gets +1, P4 gets -1 bc no that's not what Hermit is, and P5 gets +2 for nailing it.
Fortune: Ryoji (P3) vs Naoto (P4) vs Chihaya (P5) No points, everyone see me after class. Actually, no. P4 and P5 get -1.
Hanged Man: Maiko (P3) vs Naoki??? (P4) vs Iwai (P5) P3 you get a -1, see me after class. Zero for the others.
Death: Pharos (P3) vs I HAVE NO IDEA (P4) vs Tae (P5) I refuse to give Pharos points, so fucking basic. P5 can have a point.
Temperance: UGH NO (P3) vs uh whoops (P4) vs Kawakami (P5) P3 what the fuck -1, +1 to P4 bc its boring but it fits, and Kawakami gets +2 for fucking nailing it.
Devil: Pres Tanaka (P3) vs that nurse??? (P4) vs Ohya (P5) I'm gonna skip this one bc I don't think I know enough about P4 and P5's to rate. And Tanaka fits but is just Fine. +0 to all.
Tower: Cool Monk (P3) vs uuuuh idk (P4) vs whoops x 2 (P5) Honestly, same as Devil. No points.
Star: Akihiko (P3) vs Teddie (P4) vs Hifumi (P5) FUCKING PLUS 3 TO TEDDIE FOR BEING A TREMENDOUS STAR. +1 to P3 for Akihiko. 0 to P5 bc I don't get the angle.
Moon: Shinjiro (P3) vs that one girl (P4) vs Mishima (P5) Fuck Mishimia. He's an amazing Moon. +2 to P5, zero to the others.
Sun: Akinari (P3) vs Yumi (P4) vs Yoshida (P5) -1 to P4 bc the Sun link sucks. +2 to P3 and P5 for AMAZING Sun links. Yoshida may be the most nuanced take on any NPC's Arcana.
Judgement: Nyx Squad (P3) vs Truth Dudes (P4) vs Sae (P5) P5 gets +1 bc at least they fucking tried, P3 and P4 were just tagged on and superfluous.
World/Universe: Reverie III vs Reverie IV vs Reverie V Reverie The Fourth loses HARD here bc the point of the World is coming to the end of a journey and being changed for it and he doesn't have enough personality to be changed. -1 to P4 Reverie the Third is a decent one who went through a lot and has enough personal stakes that I buy it. +1 to P3 I hate to say it but Reverie the Fifth gets +2. He feels the most complete of them all, so for the Arcana of Completion, or the Whole, it has to be him.
Okay I have no idea what that tallies up to, lemme see.
Persona 3: 10 points Persona 4: 4 points (OUCH) Persona 5: 19 FUCKING POINTS WOW THAT ISN'T EVEN CLOSE
My math might be wrong bc I suck at math (yay, dyscalculia) but that is a huge margin for error.
Honestly, makes sense. Like I said in the post-mortem, P5 succeeds in a lot of ways just for having actual adults available for the arcanas. P4 and P3 are so strongly limited to your classmates, there is only so many ways to make a high school student wacky and weird in a way congruent to their Arcana.
P5 has the worst Emperor in the series by far but it has the best Justice easily and possibly the best Sun and honestly a lot of the NPC SLinks are Just Really Good.
So yeah, P5 wins at something at last.
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