#Kevin Saar
rtvideaal · 17 days
Door blessures geteisterd Orion haalt nieuwe speler binnen
Orion Stars heeft passer/loper Kevin Saar toegevoegd aan de selectie. De 29-jarige Est komt de door blessures getroffen selectie van de Doetinchemmers versterken. De Achterhoekse volleyballers, die dit jaar voor het eerst door het leven gaan als Orion Stars, werden in de voorbereiding getroffen door meerdere blessures. Zo raakten Cas Abraham en Beau Wortelboer allebei geblesseerd aan hun enkel…
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thekerimkucuk · 2 years
Altekma İlk Ayrılık Yaşandı
Altekma İlk Ayrılık Yaşandı
Axa Sigorta Efeler Ligi Ekibi Altekma Kevin Saar Yollarını Ayrıldı. Kerim Küçük.
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mootorratturid · 6 years
Kevin Saar tuli teist aastat järjest Euroopa meistriks
Pähapäeval sõideti Lätis Stelpe krossirajal quadide motokrossi Euroopa meistrivõistluste finaaletapp ning samas peeti ka külgvankrite maailmameistrivõistluste osavõistlus. Quadidel kaitses edukalt oma EM-tiitlit valitsev Euroopa meister Kevin Saar, kes tänu Stelpe etapile võitis ka tänavuse meistritiitli. #kevinsaar #mootorratturid #mootorratas
Pähapäeval sõideti Lätis Stelpe krossirajal quadide motokrossi Euroopa meistrivõistluste finaaletapp ning samas peeti ka külgvankrite maailmameistrivõistluste osavõistlus. Quadidel kaitses edukalt oma EM-tiitlit valitsev Euroopa meister Kevin Saar, kes tänu Stelpe etapile võitis ka tänavuse meistritiitli.
Kevin Saar (Honda) alustas oma edukat nädalavahetust juba eile, kui toimus…
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foulobjectlover · 4 years
Oracle Instant Client For Mac
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Database Instant Client Installation Guide
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19cfor Apple Mac OS X (Intel)
The following section contains information about the issue related to Oracle Database Instant Client 12 c: Pro.C Does Not Support C99 Headers The Pro.C parser fails to recognize C99 headers on Apple Mac OS X El Captain, Apple Mac OS X Yosemite, and Apple Mac OS X Mavericks.
September 2019
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Oracle Instant Client enables applications to connect to a local or remote Oracle Database for development and production deployment. The Instant Client libraries provide the necessary network connectivity, as well as basic and high end data features, to make full use of Oracle Database.
Oracle Instant Client Downloads. Instant Client for Microsoft Windows. Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (x64) Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (32-bit). Instant Client for macOS. Instant Client for macOS (Intel x86) Instant Client for Mac OS X (PPC) Instant Client for Linux. Instant Client for Linux x86-64; Instant Client for Linux.
Oracle Instant Client 12.2 for macOS can now be downloaded for free from OTN. This release is for 64 bit only. It supports: MAC OS X 10.13, High Sierra; MAC OS X 10.12, Sierra; MAC OS X 10.11, El-Capitan; Install instructions are at the end of the download page. Instant Client contains libraries and tools allowing applications to connect to a.
Oracle Instant Client on Mac OS X. A while back I broke down to the peer pressure in the APEX community (you know who you are;-). Client-server version interoperability is.
Oracle Database Database Instant Client Installation Guide, 19c for Apple Mac OS X (Intel)
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askshivanulegacy · 5 years
Get to know me tag thing!
1. Dogs or Cats? Dogs FTW! Though I could maybe have a cat one day, depending.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I’m not sure YouTube celebrities count as celebrities, haha. And I certainly couldn’t name a single one, so normal celebrities it is. I have a hard enough time naming those. :P
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? UGH it depends on the day and how I’m feeling, honestly. I live for the wide-open countryside, but I love the mountains and the forest, and I would love some small, historic old town where I could walk everywhere on cobblestone streets. It’s easier for me to say where I don’t want to live than where I do!
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  Disney (especially now that it has Marvel and Star Wars), but honestly DreamWorks has some real gems.
5. Favourite childhood TV show? MY LITTLE PONY. Especially those old movies and that original 80s character style??? A+++ the new My Little Pony honestly failed hard in the style department (didn’t stop me from getting a stupid amount of the toys tho because they were so cute). :’D Then there was X-men and Spiderman, and later on Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh. ♥
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
I’m a sap for movies, I love them. so RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON, probably on the top of my list next to whatever Star Wars is coming out then. Mulan, Artemis Fowl, Dolittle!! (omg that takes me back so hard) And probably some others I can’t remember.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? I did not read a book this year. :sob: But there was some excellent fanfiction, some very excellent webcomics, and some very very excellent RPing <_<. Oh, there was a kids book, The Tea Dragon Society, which is super cute, highly recommend. Maybe next year I’ll get through my stash of backlogs. >_>
8. Marvel or DC? Marvel for movies, ANYTHING ELSE for comics.  Tho the Wonder Woman and Superman movies have been super epic too, hmm.  Anyway, I cannot stand these superhero comics, they’re convoluted and incoherent (and generic) as heck.  You can find so much better stories and artwork elsewhere.
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member? G A M B I T
10. Night or Day? Day, except for the part where I work during it, and so most of my worthwhile activities get done at night. XD
11. Favourite Pokemon?  MEWTWO
12. Top 5 bands/artists:
Uhhh, there are a few country bands I actually like enough of their songs to recognize, except none of the names are coming to me OH WELL.  Celtic Woman, that’s one artist for you.  And Rockapella!  That’s it, all I got.  I just don’t pay attention to names.  XD
13. Top 10 books.
OK HERE WE GO have I got the books 4U:
The entire Star Wars X-Wing series.
The entire Star Wars Mandalorian series.
The Wolfwalker series by Tara K. Harper ( @dingoat <_< )
Dragon of the Lost Sea series by Laurence Yep
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville
Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce
The Pit Dragon Chronicles by Jane Yolen
All the Pern books by Anne McCaffrey
The Dinotopia books by James Gurney
The Belgariad series by David Eddings (loved all his stuff honestly)
A lot of those I read long, loooong ago so maybe I would have different opinions now if I re-read them.  But boy did they influence me A LOT growing up.
14. Top 4 movies
STAR WARS especially Rogue One :sob:, How to Train Your Dragon, Sherlock Holmes (the recent movies), The Man from UNCLE (also the recent movie).  This list will change by the hour. 8)
15. America or Europe?  Europe.  I live in America and it’s comfy and all, but really Europe has all the cool places going for it, AND ALSO public transportation, get your act together America.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?  Tumblr FTW.  I will never understand the point of Twitter, tho Blakk does have a Twitter account that he rarely uses. 8)
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?  What a great polarizing question for such an innocent Q&A meme; gotta wonder what the author was thinking. 8)  I’m pro-you-can-have-whatever-opinion-you-want-as-long-as-you-don’t-inflict-it-on-other-people because it’s not your f*ing business to run their lives, pro-this-isn’t-worthy-of-becoming-law, pro-act-responsibly-in-the-first-place-and-use-birth-control, and, failing that because people sure as hell like to manufacture fake issues, pro-choice.  Because just imagine thinking you get to determine what someone else gets to suffer (and literally pay for, $$$) for 9 months and then force them through the horrific physical ordeal of birthing a baby when they just. don’t. want. to.  I mean, you might as well decide someone should just take an axe and cut off their own arm just because you want them to; it really amounts to the same thing.  :/  (Please note, wanting to have a baby and being forced are two entirely different things. It’s an ordeal, regardless, and not something to approach unwillingly.)
18. Favorite YouTuber? No one, don’t care enough to remember usernames. XD
19. Favorite author ? I’m so bad with remembering names, but here are some I do, so they must be worth something: Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Kevin J. Anderson, and also the above listed authors, half of which I had to Google. 8)
Also ME, because I know I write well and I love the stuff I write!
Honestly also everyone I RP with (past and present) because yeah there’s a reason I’m addicted to this hobby. ♥
20. Tea or Coffee?  I mean.  Coffee, ok??  But like, also.  TARO MILK TEA and a hundred other teas especially with cream and sugar, and the concept of High Tea is amazing.  ... That’s mostly the snacks, BUT STILL.
21. OTP ?  Blakk/Saare (old ship, many of you probably haven’t seen it, but it’s also my canon ship).  Blakk also ships stupidly well with several other OCs ... you know who you are ... and also how much I wish they could also be canon ...
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?  Piano!  At least I could, before we moved around 6th grade and I gave it up.  But it was the one extracurricular activity I stuck with for a number of years.  I’m sure I’m ridiculously rusty.  Probably I can still read the music. 8)  I can sing (mainly in the car), but it doesn’t mean I should.  XDD
Tagged By: @dingoat, thank you!!! ♥♥♥
Tagging:  @kaosstar, @princess-triton, @theanaideialegacy, @starrealis, @lhunuial, @empire-at-war, @ you!  (I’ve been pretty awol lately in terms of interacting a ton online so I’m not sure who’s still around, haha!)
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robbialy · 3 years
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Par • @marvellousisland En 2022 Marvellous Island fête ses 10 ans 🕺
10 artistes complètent la programmation : Boris Brejcha • Denis Sulta • Kevin de Vries Oden & Fatzo live • Emma B • Glauco Di Mambro • Olympe4000 • Bambi Rambo • La Pieuvre • Roman Delore Très heureux de dévoiler aussi les 18 artistes de notre scène dédiée aux talents d’Île-de-France : Anat’ • Basile De Suresnes • Baz • Doctor Gasm • Electrofaune • IAMBP • Messes Basses • Michel D • Mila Necchella • Saar & HLE • Saudade • Saverio • Tatie Dee • Ten Fingerz • Victtoria • Vitamine • Vray • Yuko Kakizawa Jamais il n’y aura eu autant d’artistes à Marvellous Island que pour cette édition spéciale qui réunira comme chaque année des headliners internationaux ainsi que des pépites électroniques inspirantes réparties sur 2 jours sur la Plage de Torcy en Seine et Marne : un cadre idyllique à quelques stations de RER de Paris où étendues verdoyantes et lac rafraichissant offrent des paysages aux ambiances estivales. Un retour sur les chapeaux de roue pour le festival qui vous réserve des beaux changements pour cette édition, à commencer par un camping XXL, on vous dévoile le reste prochainement... ~ Retrouvez la programmation complète & par jour sur notre site internet ainsi qu’en Story épinglée sur Instagram. ~ Côté billetterie c’est l’excitation totale depuis les dernières annonces d’artistes, ne tardez à choper les derniers billets 1st Release 👉 lien en bio. . @borisbrejcha @denissulta @kevindevriesmusic @emma.bonneaud @oden.music @fatzo_music @olympe4000 @bambirambo_dj @glaucodimambro @sylvaindicristo.lapieuvre @romandelore @prose.fm @basile.de.suresnes @baz__mira @doctorgasm @electrofaune @iamblackpanther @lil_messbass @mi_homme_michel @mila_necchella @saar.pisica @hle_music @saudade_musik @saveriodj @tatiedee_ @ten.fingerz @vic.fnt @vitaminecluj @vray.music @yukokakizawa . #marvellousisland #festival #10yearsanniversary #technomusic #housemusic #paris #torcy #plage #borisbrejcha #stephanbodzin #denissulta https://www.instagram.com/p/CZecejjs8ZqFcRUIy8bYeX3t2cR1Y9XmrHuEpI0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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visualandpublicart · 3 years
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The Gardens @ Lake Merritt | Autumn Lights Festival 
Featuring Ancestors Grove: A Space Journey by VPA Professor of Public Policy & Community Engaged Practice, Dr. Stephanie Anne Johnson
Dates: October 14-16, 2021 | 6:00 to 11:00pm nightly
Ancestors Grove: A Space Journey is an Afro Futurist installation created just for Autumn Lights by African American lighting by Stephanie Anne Johnson and Kevin Myrick.  A creative exploration of outer space, African ancestral practices, nature, and sustainable resources, it is centered on the Baobab tree, one of the oldest and tallest organisms on earth. Its symbolic and medicinal qualities are a unique and deep part of the African legacy. South African artist Assane Saar was commissioned to make the wooden masks for Ancestor’s Grove: A Space Journey. 
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readwsmile · 6 years
Blow the Whistle
Oke, berhubung sekarang masih dalam bulan pildun dan berhubung saya baru beres ujian internal apt, jadi bolelah istirahat sejenak nulis tumblr. Draftnya udah lama sebenernya, tp heran ga rampung-rampung. Haha. Fokus tulisan ini adalah opini pribadi tentang pemain-pemain favorit saya sepanjang masa, ditambah beberapa intermezzo lain.
Sepak bola. Olahraga permainan yang paling populer sejak abad 19, olahraga ini mengandalkan kecepatan, akurasi, dan strategi (re: menurut saya). Teknik dasar dalam berman sepak bola wajib dimiliki para pemain sebelum turun ke lapangan untuk bertanding, teknik dasar yang paling dasar adalah dribbling, kicking, passing (mo pake kaki bagian dalem, luar, ataupun punggung kaki), stopping (+paha, perut, telapak kaki, dada, yaa asal jangan tangan tuhan aja), ada juga teknik dasar heading, intercepting, tackling, dan hmm throw in juga harus bener. Mungkin ada netizen yang bilang “nulis aja, bisa ga?” haha bisa, dikit-dikit, namanya juga pengamat, yang penting ngamatin kan belum tentu jago.. Bagus kl jago sih haha tapi apadaya ilma bukanlah Alex Morgan ataupun Hope Solo.
Jadi 5 pemain ini yang saya seneng banget liat mainnya di lapangan, ko gaada nama sekaliber ronaldo atau messi? jawabannya simpel, karena saya biasa aja liat mereka.. alias lebih terhibur saat orang2 ini turun. Susah payah loh ini milih dari banyak kandidat.
Ok, let’s blow the whistle
5. Miroslav Klose
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(gambar diambil dari skysports)
Bicara soal Klose, saya inget banget, doi adalah pemain pertama yang saya tulis namanya di notes biru kecil dengan judul “pilihan piala dunia 2002” hahaha. Jadi ceritanya 2002 itu adalah piala dunia pertama saya (kelas 2 sd) dan langsung sok-sokan ngikut ayah nonton bola sampe bangun tengah malem (ps: ayah dukung Brazil), buat apa? ya buat nonton plus nulis catetan prediksi pemain2 yang bakal jadi pemain bintang kelak.
Klose, cetak hattrick di kualifikasi sampai jadi pilihan nomer 1 pas pildun 2002. Karena badannya yang tipikal Jerman banget, Klose termasuk yang larinya cepet, dan positioning di area penaltinya jagoan. Umpan-umpan lambung dari corner udah langganan dikonversi jadi gol, ga heran di pildun 2002 Klose nyetak beberapa gol dari kepalanya. Klose juga bukan tipe pemain yang nunggu bola alias target man, tapi doi ikut membangun serangan bareng Ballack. “Salto Klose” mulai tenar setelah pildun 2002, walaupun gagal juara di Jepang-Korea, tapi Jerman dah di hati. Gelas minum, tempat pensil dan atribut2 lain di meja belajar saya pun mulai berbau jerman sejak saat itu (disaat yang lain kena demam Brazil).
Malang nasib om Klose, di euro 2004 dan pildun 2006, Klose lebih sering jadi cadangan. Tahun 2007 Klose ditransfer bremen ke munchen, lanjut cedera 2010-11. Untung di 2010 Afsel Klose masih produktif cetak gol, malah bikin sejarah pencetak gol di 4 pildun, setara sama Pele. Salut. Sebenernya gmn ya, walaupun akhir karir Klose di timnas sukses secara tim (Juara 2014), tapi kayanya ngebatin juga, soalnya setelah doi diganti sama Goetze, baru deh Jerman unggul atas tim nya Messi 1-0. Sekarang Klose main di Serie A untuk lazio, udah jarang ngikutin sih..tapi berita ksatrianya om Klose ini bukan rahasia pabrik lagi, iya, waktu Lazio lawan Napoli Klose ga sengaja cetak gol tangan tuhan, ga sengaja ya, beda sama Kakek yang itu. Wasit udah kasih skor buat Lazio, tapi Klose dengan jiwa sportivitasnya yang sangat tinggi, mengakui hal tsb ke wasit (kaga ada VAR ya waktu itu), dan akhirnya gol tsb dianulir. Big respect, my fav 11!
4. Toni Kroos
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(gambar diambil dari realmadrid.com)
Toni Toni Toni, bukan Toni Stark, tapi sama-sama udah ky super hero buat Madrid, dan (pernah) bua Jerman (meskipun akhirnya di pildun ini pulkam juga). Gaya mainnya mirip Modric, akurasi tingkat dewa, dan punya visi yang jelas saat menggiring bola. Smart Central Midfielder.
Kroos ini bisa ngubah arah secepat kilat saat dibawah tekanan, misalnya waktu lawan ATM di musim 15/16, inget banget Kroos diapit 2 orang (lupa) tapi dengan classy doi langsung feint dan taraa, bola berhasil dipertahankan. Swag~ Apalagi ya, Kroos juga termasuk pemain kalem di lapangan, jarang tersulut kecuali waktu lawan Meksiko di pildun kemaren (saya El Sombrero’s haters btw).
Kroos juga punya yayasan yang fokus bantu anak-anak yang kena kanker, mantap.
3. Luka Modric
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(gambar dari Daily Express express.co.uk)
Lagi-lagi midfielder. Gaada kata-kata buat kapten Kroasia ini selain: Inhuman! kadang saya liat dia itu kaya penyihir (kl di-inggrisin sih bagus ya, magician wkwk)
Kalem dan pemalu. Modric kehilangan ayahnya di usia 6 tahun dan banyak diragukan orang untuk bisa sukses jadi pemain bola. Tapi gaada hasil yang mengkhianai usaha, kan? Modric dengan 2nd Croatia Golden Generation nya (bareng Madzukic, Rakitic, Kovacic) berhasil lolos ke final, dan mudah2an jadi kampiun di pildun 2018 ini mengalahkan Perancis yang udah nyingkirin Belgia (esmosi).
Awal-awal di madrid, Modric sering jadi cadangan, karena masih ada opsi Ozil, Khedira, dan Alonso sebagai gelandang veteran dulu. Pasca kepergian Mou dan 3 gelandang yang saya sebutkan tadi, barulah Modric mulai nyaman sebagai starter. Modric bisa offensive ataupun defensive, tergantung kebutuhan, Modric ini punya skill passing (long ataupun short shot) yang mumpuni, dia fokus kontrol bola ngelewatin 4-5 pemain tanpa dipotong, sambil CR atau Bale atau yang lain maju bebas ngambil posisi di kotak penalti. Emang nih CR paling dimanja Modric sebenernya. Waktu UCL musim 16/17 rasanya pas lawan Munchen, long pass dari Modric ke kiri arah Marcelo berhasil bikin Madrid menang.  Makanya modric bisa dibilang key player madrid. Lukita? Paket komplit dan no 10 yang ditunggu2 madrid. Semoga madrid cepet2 perpanjang kontrak doi sebelum menyesal
Btw, Kroos sama Modric adalah Perfect Duo nya Madrid.
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2. Raul Gonzales Blanco
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(gambar diambil dari CNN)
Satu lagi pemain yang era keemasannya sebelum 2010. Kalau kamu madridista, kamu pasti auto ngefans sama kapten ini. Waktu pildun 2002 sayangnya Raul ga masuk list note biru saya hahaha entah kenapa, mungkin saya kurang perhatian sama permainan timnas spanyol waktu itu. Spanyol 2002 berisi pemain cukup top pada masanya, cem Luis Enrique, Puyol, Morientes, dan yang pasti San Iker. Tapi waktu itu Spanyol cuma bisa masuk sampai QF. Raul alias Prince Bernabeu dari kecil udah masuk Juvenil C (walaupun sebelumnya dari Atletico dulu sih gara2 ayahnya). Raul mengoleksi 6 trofi Laliga, 4 Supercopa, 3 UCL, 2 Intercontinental (di madrid)
Tepat di musim 1994/1995 Raul resmi berseragam RMA C, ga lama doi promosi ke tim utama.  Raul ini tipe pemain kuat, tendangannya keras. Walaupun striker, tapi dia main melebar. Kiper sekelas Van Der Saar sering kewalahan kalau udah berhadapan sama Raul. Bahkan Sir Alex Ferguson ga sungkan untuk memuji kapten Madrid (termuda-sepanjang sejarah). Raul ramah diluar ataupun di dalam lapangan, waktu momen Figo dilempar kepala babi pun, Raul bisa mendamaikan suasana antar rekan di pitch. Legenda hidup. Begitulah sampai 2008 Raul + San Iker ditawari kontrak seumur hidup oleh Madrid, tapi sayangnya, seiring revolusi opa perez, satu per satu nahkoda madrid pun berganti. Setelah rumor gantung sepatu di Al Sadd, nyatanya Raul belum habis, di NALS, Raul masih bisa mengantarkan NY Cosmos juara liga.
1. Kevin De Bruyne
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(gambar hasil screenshoot sendiri dari interview KDB post match vs Brazil)
Pemain timnas Belgia yang satu ini bener-bener bikin saya geleng-geleng. De bruyne mulai banyak dilirik orang di EPL musim 2017/2018. Saya sendiri sedih baru menyadari ‘black magic’ nya setelah liat pertandingan derby Machester 16/17 waktu De Bruyne berhasil jadi MOTM versi saya karena penguasaan bolanya yang luar biasa sampai akhirnya umpan pelan ke arah mistar gawang berhasil disambut Iheanacho. De Bruyne ini main kemana-mana, alias free roaming, kalau mau liat performa apiknya, liat aja pertandingan pildun Rusia kemarin, semua partai doi turun (kecuali waktu lawan Inggris di fase grup).
Nah kl ini, waktu Belgia menang heroik lawan Jepang di fase knock out kmrn. Just see what he did. Serangan balik ini terjadi dalam 10.48 detik aja 
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Maut, tacklenya bersih, holding kuat, umpan silang akurat, umpan datar mendarat precise di kaki Hazard, Batshuayi, dan yang paling ditunggu-tunggu adalah selebrasi De Bruyne bareng Lukaku. De Bruyne is the most genius midfielder all over the world, begitulah yang ada di otak saya (sampai detik ini), bukan tipikal attacking midfielder aja melainkan jelmaan kombinasi winger dan gelandang bertahan juga. Gol freekick atau gol dari luar kotak penaltinya juga nilai 100. Kadang saya suka mikir, ni De Bruyne kl di kampus pasti tipikal cowo elektro (kenapa elektro ya btw) yang kalem soleh tapi IPK 4. Hahaha.
Berkat De Bruyne juga saya sekarang jadi hooligan Belgia terdepan (awalnya saya udah condong jerman sama Belgia untuk pildun ini, tapi..jerman..yasudalah). Bubuk banget waktu liat permainan De Bruyne yang udah mati-matian dan emang bagus banget waktu lawan Perancis di Semi Final, tapi belum hoki Belgianya. Mungkin nasibnya bakal ky Jerman di 2010, jadi 3rd winner dulu, lalu balas jadi juara di 2022 nanti!! (#membara)
Ohya, yang saya suka banget dari pemain ini adalah ketenangannya. Gaada yang bisa ngalahin kalemnya pemain ini (ya mungkin Iniesta, tapi pilihan saya tetep De Bruyne). Kalo kata orang Belgia, bendera Belgia itu representatif De Bruyne. Warna kuning nunjukkin warna rambut doi; warna merah nunjukkin warna muka De Bruyne setelah lari-lari di lapangan; dan hitam untuk black magic yang ada di setiap touch dari De Bruyne. Jarang-jarang juga wallpaper desktop PC saya ganti dari yang biasanya 4:79 jadi gambar orang (re: cuma De Bruyne yang bisa). Haha.
Satu lagi, De Bruyne ini turunan Afrika! Nah loh?! wkwk.
Selain 5 orang diatas, 5 orang dibawah ini juga ga kalah oke kalau main
6. Mesut Ozil
Sebenernya saya tega-gak tega buat menyisihkan Ozil dari top5. Mesut, saya kenal sejak dia masih main di Werder Bremen, disaat cuma ngatain doi sebagai Nemo. Sampai performanya pas lawan mantan (Schalke) dan di pildun 2010 dilirik madrid dan akhirnya mulai deh dapet Bambi Award dll. Tipe attacking midfielder yang bisa diposisikan jadi winger, wlp kl lari rasanya ky liat orang oleng (cem Kaka), untung kontrol tetep oke. Kreativitas buka ruang buat passing ke Di Maria, balik lagi, lanjut umpan ke Ronaldo atau Benzi udah ga perlu diragukan. Messi pun sering keder kalau 1 v 1 sama Ozil. Saya juga heran opa perez malah jual ini orang. Sejak di EPL Ozil berubah jadi bad boys dan permainan mulai ga terarah.Di timnas kurang cocok sama Gomez, jadi yah tetap semangat aja.
7. Roberto Carlos
Orang yang sangat saya nantikan mainnya kalau RM Legends tanding. Gol freekick dan cornernya bikin orang speechless! Parah sih.
8. Alvaro Morata
Striker asli kami dan andalan yang sedang ditempa di negara tetangga, sukses y, ditunggu pulang.
9. Thomas Muller
Pemain ini tuh jago, tapi bingung ga bisa se-eksis Messi atau Ronaldo, napa ya. Emg larinya ga cepet sih, dan suka kalah kalau duel jarak dekat. Tapi, over all Thomas “supersub” Muller selalu bisa diandalkan, apalagi saat dibutuhkan.
10. Jan Verthongen
Pemain Tot.Hotspur yang juga bek (bisa tengah atau kiri) Belgia ini gaya mainnya mirip Marcelo, offensive dan mematikan. Pernah melakukan overlapping yang berbuah jadi gol dan kemenangan the Lily White atas MU. Mantap bener kan. Bek nyetak gol pake sundulan atau dari umpan bola mati sih banyak. Tapi Jan ini beda.
Jadi itulah beberapa pemain favorit sepanjang masa saya. Sorry kalau setelah diliat2, pemain madrid mendominasi. Haha. Alam bawah sadar. 
ps: Ohiya saya paling kesel sama cewe yang berlagak suka bola dengan modal cuma tau pemain ganteng. Sana foto2 ootd aja, atau ke mahmud beli make up.
Bandung, 12 Juli 2018
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AND OCs characters
Here we go.
Kate Lambert
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Jasper Perkins
Child(ren): Bailey (eldest), Charles (youngest)
Friend(s): Mae Faal-de Vries
Pet(s): Benny (dog)
Tyler Holiday
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Carla Leenders
Child(ren): Kayla (eldest), Hunter and Wilson (twins, youngest)
Friend(s): Sophia Smith 
Pet(s): Marlon (cat)
Damian Howell
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): Riley (older sister)
Spouse: Alice Adams
Child(ren): Nathalie (adopted)
Friend(s): Devon Hawkins
Pet(s): Bonsai (cat)
Carla Leenders
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): Jonathan (older brother)
Spouse: Tyler Holiday
Child(ren): Kayla (eldest), Hunter and Wilson (twins, youngest)
Friend(s): white Matt Johnson
Pet(s): Marlon (cat)
Lulu Chang
Parent(s): unknown, but her uncle is Mike Chang
Sibling(s): Mya (younger sister)
Spouse: Julian Morales
Child(ren): Aiden (eldest), Conner (youngest)
Friend(s): Iris Styles, Serenity Anderson
Pet(s): Eloise (cat)
Jace von Maes
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Nathaniel Woods
Child(ren): Julia (with Marcie, eldest), Peyton (with Nate, adopted, youngest)
Friend(s): Marcie Stevens, Alicia Hopkins
Pet(s): none
Karina Cara
Parent(s): unknown, but not well-liked
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Victoria Palmer
Child(ren): none
Friend(s): Lilian Brown, Jee Yo Kong
Pet(s): Giovanna (dog)
Miles Civil
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Heather Civil
Child(ren): Luke
Friend(s): Jimmy El-Almin, Eliza Sweetner
Pet(s): none
Timothy David
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Mason Lewis
Child(ren): Luis and Samanta (twins, surrogate)
Friend(s): James Harper, Syndey Murray
Pet(s): none
Gloria Fallon
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): Elizabeth (younger sister)
Spouse: Jayden Lee
Child(ren): Rose
Friend(s): Prisha Sengupta
Pet(s): none
Phoebe Hartig
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): Zoey (younger sister), Camila (older sister)
Spouse: Abigail Williams
Child(ren): Trinity (eldest), Ethan (second), Gianna (third, adopted), Kyle (youngest, adopted)
Friend(s): Brenda White,
Pet(s): Tinky (cat)
Alice Adams
Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Damian Howell
Child(ren): Nathalie (adopted)
Friend(s): Maddeline Hummelson
Pet(s): Bonsai (cat)
Kevin Hamilton
Parent(s): unknown, adopted
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Emily Wilson-Fields
Child(ren): none
Friend(s): Matt and Mackenzie Foster
Pet(s): none
Mea Statsons
Parent(s): unknown, only raised by mother
Sibling(s): none
Spouse: Clark Matthews
Child(ren): none
Friend(s): Gabriel Phan
Pet(s): Saar, Dandy, Fred, George and Ellie (all dogs)
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verschwoerer · 6 years
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Antifa Trier Ein AfD-Fail jagt den nächsten: "Ein AfD-Abgeordneter wollte von der saarländischen Polizei wissen, welche Vornamen bei den Tätern von Messer-Delikten besonders häufig vorkommen. Das Ergebnis dürfte den Rechtspopulisten nicht gefallen. Erfasst wurden 1490 Strafanzeigen und Ordnungswidrigkeiten. 842 Mal war dabei der Täter ein Deutscher, 122 Mal ein Syrer, 94 Mal ein EU-Ausländer und 36 Mal ein Afghane. 289 Mal konnte kein Täter ermittelt werden. Die AfD-Fraktion im Landtag wollte sich mit diesen Zahlen nicht zufrieden geben. Ganz offensichtlich glaubte sie, dass unter den 842 Deutschen auch zahlreiche Migranten sein müssen, die inzwischen eingebürgert sind und deshalb als Deutsche in der Statistik auftauchen. Also fragte der AfD-Abgeordnete Rudolf Müller die Landesregierung im Februar 2019 schriftlich: „Gibt es bei den im Lagebild als Täter aufgeführten 842 deutschen Staatsbürgern Häufungen bei Vornamen?“ Die Polizei recherchierte in ihren Datenbanken. Die Antwort auf die Frage lautet: Ja, es gibt eine Häufung von Vornamen. Allerdings sind es andere Vornamen, als die AfD sie erwartet haben dürfte: Michael (24 Fälle), Daniel (22 Fälle), Andreas (20 Fälle), Sascha (15 Fälle), Thomas (14 Fälle), Christian (13 Fälle), Kevin (13 Fälle), Manuel (13 Fälle), Patrick (13 Fälle), David (12 Fälle), Jens (12 Fälle), Justin (11 Fälle) und Sven (11 Fälle)." https://www.saarbruecker-zeitung.de/saarland/afd-saar-bekommt-antwort-messer-angreifer-haben-oft-deutsche-vornamen_aid-37745459
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estonianmoments · 7 years
Third Estonian Mosquito-Catching Championship took place
Estonians are well-known with their ability to adapt with everything and even manage to have fun with it. While the mosquitoes are the big nuisance for ones, the others masterminded to use them in their advantage. Estonian Mosquito-Catching Championship took place last weekend in Varnja, Tartu county.
Each competitor got 1 square meter of land and 15 minutes for catching the mosquitoes. Rules were that competitors could catch mosquitoes only from their own bodies. So, they had to lure mosquitoes on their bodies first and for that even the t-shirts with the slogan “Suck me!” were used.
From total of 23 competitors Maero Pukk was crowned to Estonian mosquito-catching Champion, with the 18 mosquitoes caught. His price was a trip to Sweden to compete in the World Mosquito-Catching Championship. Competition were held for individuals and 2-people teams separately and the Best Mosquito-catching Team title went to Kristo Karl Aedma and Kevin Saare.
Mosquito-catching a social activity, which also creates a lot of fun for both participants and spectators. Most probably a lot of Estonians are fighting with mosquitoes in June anyway, but if you make a competition out of it, there is no need for the special trainings and everyone could do it. So, there are no age limits nor nationality restrictions. Just take good friends with you and enjoy the day.
This was the third Estonian Mosquito-Catching Championship held, the first one took place in 2010 already. Then the winner title went to Rein Leib, who caught 23 mosquitos in 2 minutes.
But still we cannot take all the credit to ourselves – the idea of making the usual annoying mosquito-catching to a competition originally came from Finland, where the mosquito-catching championships have been held for years already.
Look at the funny photos of the event HERE.
    Third Estonian Mosquito-Catching Championship took place was originally published on Estonian Moments
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thekerimkucuk · 2 years
Altekma 2.Transfer Yaptı.
Kevin Saar Resmen Altekma’da Bu Hafta İçinde İzmir Gelecek Haber Arası Var. Kerim Küçük.
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mootorratturid · 6 years
Kevin Saar läheb kodusel EM-etapil esikohta kaitsma
Eeloleval nädalavahetusel sõidetakse Kiviõli #Motofestivali raames ka quadide #motokrossi Euroopa meistrivõistluste eelviimane etapp. Eelmisel aastal koduetapi võitnud ning hooaja lõpus ka Euroopa meistritiitli pälvinud Kevin Saar juhib ka tänavuseid meistrivõistluseid ja loodab Kiviõlis eelmise aasta tulemust korrata. #mootorratturid
Eeloleval nädalavahetusel sõidetakse Kiviõli Motofestivali raames ka quadide motokrossi Euroopa meistrivõistluste eelviimane etapp. Eelmisel aastal koduetapi võitnud ning hooaja lõpus ka Euroopa meistritiitli pälvinud Kevin Saar juhib ka tänavuseid meistrivõistluseid ja loodab Kiviõlis eelmise aasta tulemust korrata.
Kuigi enne eelviimast EM-etappi on Saar meistrivõistluste liider, siis hooaeg ei…
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yegarts · 7 years
Destiny Swiderski’s Amiskwacîw Wâskâyhkan îhtâwin is Honored Today by Public Art Network Year in Review
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Destiny Swiderski’s Amiskwacîw Wâskâyhkan îhtâwin is Honored Today by Public Art Network Year in Review
WASHINGTON, DC —Americans for the Arts today honors 49 outstanding public arts projects created in 2016 through the Public Art Network Year in Review program, the only national program that specifically recognizes the most compelling public art. Chosen by a jury from 325 entries representing communities across the country, the roster of winning projects was unveiled at Americans for the Arts’ 2017 Annual Convention in San Francisco.
Amiskwacîw Wâskâyhkan Îhtâwin is immersive wayfinding that celebrates Edmonton’s people, history, landscape, and wildlife. Walkers are led from Michael Phair Park into Beaver Hills House Park by a flock of Bohemian wax-wing birds. 150 copper silhouettes capture the birds in all stages of flight and are decorated with storytelling patterns created in community workshops facilitated by Métis artist Destiny Swiderski. Knowledge holders and Elders supported the artist throughout. The artwork places Cree – an Indigenous language of the Edmonton area – in the heart of downtown. The syllabics and translation express the Indigenous roots of this special place; a place to gather and share stories about the past, present, and future.
“These selected works reflect the incredible diversity of public art projects, including temporary to permanent, sculpture to performance art,” said Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts. “The innovation of work demonstrated in the Public Art Network Year in Review shows the breadth of talent from artists around the country. I congratulate them and their commissioning groups for these community treasures.”
"Successful design is the understanding of the historical references of site, place, and time that turns the community's voice into an experiential narrative that captures the identity of that place,” said artist Destiny Swiderski.
The presentation of the Public Art Network Year in Review was generously supported by the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, sponsor of the 2017 Public Art Preconference: Expanding the Ecosystem. Jurors Sherri Brueggemann, manager of the Public Art Urban Enhancement Program for the City of Albuquerque Cultural Services Department; Kevin B. Chen, artist and curator from Oakland, CA; and artist Alison Saar from Los Angeles, CA, were on hand for the session to announce the selected projects.
The artworks selected for the Public Art Network Year in Review can be seen on this page. The complete presentation, which includes photos and descriptions of the 49 works, is available for purchase through Americans for the Arts’ store.
Public Art Resource Center (PARC)
At the 2017 Annual Convention, Americans for the Arts also unveiled its new Public Art Resource Center (PARC). Supported by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, PARC is a first-of-its-kind online portal where users can access resources and tools tailored to the specific needs of a rich array of stakeholders in public art, including artists, public art administrators, private sector partners, fabricators, and community stakeholders, among others. A public art services directory, a public art programs directory, and many other resources are available on PARC, giving the field centralized access to information about current and ongoing issues impacting the public art field.
The Public Art Network is a program of Americans for the Arts, designed to provide services to the diverse field of public art and to develop strategies and tools to improve communities through public art. The network’s constituents are public art professionals, visual artists, design professionals, and communities and organizations planning public art projects and programs.
Americans for the Arts is the leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education in America. With offices in Washington, D.C., and New York City, it has a record of more than 55 years of service. Americans for the Arts is dedicated to representing and serving local communities and creating opportunities for every American to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts.
Additional information is available at www.AmericansForTheArts.org.
The Edmonton Arts Council is a non-profit society and charitable organization that supports and promotes the arts community in Edmonton. The EAC works to increase the profile and involvement of arts and culture in all aspects of our community life.
For information about the EAC, please visit:       www.edmontonarts.ca
To visit the Public Art Collection, please visit:     www.edmontonpublicart.ca
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seilbahntechnik · 5 years
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Liked on YouTube : Sesselbahn Saarburg - Warsberg (y) Description : Kurz bevor die Saar in die Mosel mündet, fließt sie an der Stadt Saarburg vorbei. Mit nur rund 7000 Einwohnern zählt Saarburg bei weitem nicht zu den größten Städten entlang der Saar, wohl aber zu den bekanntesten. Zu verdanken hat die Stadt das der namensgebenden Burg, die hoch über dem Fluss thront. Doch auch aus Seilbahnsicht hat Saarburg etwas zu bieten. Als anerkannter Erholungsort im Landkreis Trier-Saarburg bietet die Stadt verschiedene Freizeitangebote. Zu diesen gehört auch eine Sesselbahn auf den Warsberg. Die Anlage beginnt etwas außerhalb der Altstadt in einem kleinen Seitental ohne direkte Sicht auf die Saar. Produktion: Felix Gross Aufnahme: 24. August 2019 Musik: "Carpe Diem" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License https://ift.tt/oKTIFM <3 More under https://youtu.be/TC0dYgn_6ko
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omroepcastricum · 5 years
CASTRICUM – Na een halfjaar iedere zaterdagmiddag trainen zijn bij de Castricumse Reddingsbrigade 41 ‘Jonge Redders’ geslaagd voor hun diploma.
  De reddingsbrigade biedt kinderen tussen 8 en 13 jaar leuke, leerzame en vooral uitdagende reddingsopleidingen, waarbij ‘Jonge Redders’ de start is van een reeks aan opleidingen.
Binnen de opleiding staat het vergroten van de eigen veiligheid en zelfredzaamheid in het water voorop.
In modules van 20 lessen worden de kinderen vertrouwd gemaakt met zelfredding, het redden van vriendjes/vriendinnetjes en het redden met hulp- en reddingsmiddelen voor een opleiding tot volwaardig redder met basis EHBO vaardigheden.
De geslaagden zijn voor Brons 1: Bjorn, Rico, Sten en Viggo. Voor Brons 3: Hanna, Milou, Saar, Sam, Sarah, Stan en Vyan.
Voor Zilver 2: Arthur, Bas, Britt, Felix, Jur, Kevin, Liz, Madelief, Matthijs, Sanne, Sophie en Stijn.
En voor Goud 1: Douwe, Isabelle, Kaitlin, Logan, Luuk, Mads, Noud, Paul, Rachel en Robert. Geslaagden Goud 3: Daan, Diego, Jarno, Jens, Luuk, Mick, Naomi en Ties.
Lijkt het jou leuk om Jonge Redder te worden, medio september start een nieuwe opleiding. Wees er dan snel bij. Er zijn maar 15 opleidingsplaatsen beschikbaar.
Aanmelden kan via [email protected]
foto: de Jonge Redders van Reddingsbrigade Castricum
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