#Kido Senji
gachagachaart · 2 years
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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Kido Senji Key Map Translations (Boykira) SPECIAL: (Gold Key)
Title: Because I’m your famous boyfriend Summary: One day-off, while you were out shopping, you encountered Kido talking with Mibu…… *MC name will be retained as my normal *Kirameki Note’s tag will be Boykira *Boykira Masterlist will be under  ボーイフレンド(仮)Translations masterlist
Bronze 01 / Bronze 02 / Bronze 03 Silver 02 / Silver 03 Gold SPECIAL
Kido: It's more crowded than I thought it would be.
Ran: Yeah; but it's also the weekends, so it's kind of expected.
Kido: ...Oi. I'll go handle our orders so how about you go get us a seat? Are you okay with tea or something like that?
Ran: Sure, thanks. I'll try to find good seats for us!
Ran: (Hmm...You can't see this place from outside so I think it's a pretty good seat?)
Boy: Hey, hey, sis! Did you come here alone?
Ran: Huh? No, I'm here with a friend. I'm just waiting for them to finish ordering.
Boy: Then, we're the same! I'm also waiting for my mom!
Ran: I see. You're such a good kid to be waiting for her alone; how brave! Oh, look! Your mother's coming this way, bye-bye!
≿ -————❈♬❈————- ≾     
Kido: ...Here. You seemed like the type to like your tea with milk.
Ran: Oh! Thanks, Kido-kun.
Ran: Oh no, I'm so sorry! It must have been hard to regconise me since I picked a seat at one of the deeper alcoves!
Kido: Not really...
Ran: (Kido-kun? He's staring really intently at me...What's gotten into him?)
Kido: Are you always like that?
Ran: Huh? Always like this? What do you mean?
Kido: You were being pretty affectionate to the little kid earlier, weren't you?
Ran: Eh? Oh...You mean the boy?
Ran: I wouldn't call it being affectionate; I was just talking to him normally.
Kido: ...You don't have another side to you then.
Ran: I-Is that so...?
Kido: There are lots of girls out there who act nice and kind in front of me, but...I've also netted a good number of them with my public face.
Kido: ...So, I guess that means that I'm not all too different from them after all.
Ran: ...Kido-kun...?
Ran: Of course not! I know that you're an idol and all, and that you might have many different faces that you present to the world...
Ran: But, no matter how you present yourself, you're still the real you that I know!
Kido: You...
Kido: ...Haa. Why are you getting so worked up over this? Plus, what's with that face?
Ran: Huh? Am I making a weird expression right now?
Kido: Yeah, you're looking pretty stupid. It's actually kinda amusing.
≿ -————❈♬❈————- ≾
Ran: Wha-!? Don't ruffle my hair like that out of nowhere! You'll mess up my hair...
Kido: ...I now see why Mitsuru-kun was so interested in you.
Ran: (Looking at how he's smiling like that...It's somehow making my heart race...)
Kido: Hey, Ran. How about we go out together again?
Ran: Huh...?
Kido: I'll bring you wherever you like next time.
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yamazaki-ruka · 7 years
Moral code - Kido Senji (CV. Masuda Toshiki)
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jokertrap-ran · 5 years
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Kido Senji Key Map Translations (Boykira) Chapter 3: (Silver Key)
Title: Because I’m your famous boyfriend Summary: One day-off, while you were out shopping, you encountered Kido talking with Mibu…… *MC name will be retained as my normal *Kirameki Note’s tag will be Boykira *Boykira Masterlist will be under  ボーイフレンド(仮)Translations masterlist
Bronze 01 / Bronze 02 / Bronze 03 Silver 02 / Silver 03 Gold SPECIAL
Ran: (Is Kido-kun angry? Hmm...I guess I should try to be careful so as to not expose his identity.) Ran: (If so, then places with large crowds are a no go. Alright then!) Ran: Um! How about we head to that small street over there? You never know, there might be more cafe options there! Kido: Ha? There's no way there'll be a cafe located in a place like that. Ran: Man, I-I guess you're right...? Sorry, don't mind me. Ran: (Seems like we can't avoid the sea of people then...) Ran: (I'll just put some distance between us in case we're caught together!)
Kido: ...... Kido: Why are you walking in such an odd fashion...? Ran: Huh? Oh, no! This is just, um, well... Kido: What’s up with you? If there's something you'd like to say, I'd rather you come straight out with it. Ran: (So he really is angry after all...Guess I'll just have to tell him the truth...) Ran: I just thought that it'll cause trouble for you if we were seen together since you're famous and all... Kido: ...Hah? Ran: That's why I thought that I should walk a tad further from you. Sorry if I worried you or ruffled your feathers. Kido: So you were thinking of something so dumb all this time, huh. Ran: D-Dumb? I personally think that it's quite a big issue! Kido: ...Pfft- Hahaha! So that's why you distanced yourself from me all of a sudden and started walking weirdly? Ran: W-Weird!? How mean! Kido: ...Well, anyways, you don't have to worry too much about it. Kido: It's surprisingly hard to recognize me when I have my sunglasses on, you see. Besides, it's not like we're doing anything shady. Kido: Plus, it's not something that I'd make you of all people worry about... Ran: Alright, I'll stop fretting then. Kido: Come on then. Let's get going before the sun sets.
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jokertrap-ran · 5 years
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Kido Senji Key Map Translations (Boykira) Chapter 2: (Silver Key)
Title: Because I’m your famous boyfriend Summary: One day-off, while you were out shopping, you encountered Kido talking with Mibu…… *MC name will be retained as my normal *Kirameki Note’s tag will be Boykira *Boykira Masterlist will be under  ボーイフレンド(仮)Translations masterlist
Bronze 01 / Bronze 02 / Bronze 03 Silver 02 / Silver 03 Gold SPECIAL
Kido: Tai-chan actually won...? Wow, he really is amazing! Ran: Yup. He really had the techniques to boot! It was a moving performance. Kido: You're right. I want to go congratulate him in person, but... Ran: He's already surrounded by a crowd, huh. Kido: I never thought that he'd be swarmed by that many people either. Well, I guess that just means that I'll have to congratulate him the next time I see him. Ran: Yeah, that's probably the best option right now. Kido: Hm, thinking about it, it's actually the first time in a long while that I've had a day off which feels the part. Kido: ...Say, you still have time to spare after this, right? How about we go for a cup of tea or something?
Ran: (I'm walking with him along the street like it's a normal occurrence, but...) Kido: There's quite a number of cafes in this area. Which one would you like to enter? Ran: (I feel like there might be people around us who would recognize him...) Kido: Hey, did you hear me? Ran: (He said that he'd do something about it if he does get found out, but still, what if he really does get recognized...?) Kido: Why are you ignoring me? Ran: Eek! Kido: Don't make such a loud sound all of a sudden, it's jarring to hear. Ran: B-But that's because your voice was so close to my ear! Oops, sorry...I was just caught in a train of thought. Kido: Huh? You were caught up in your thoughts? Stop spacing out and walk already. Ran: S-Sorry... Ran: (Is Kido-kun angry...?)
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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Kido Senji Key Map Translations (Boykira) Episode 3 : (Bronze Key)
Title: Because I’m your famous boyfriend Summary: One day-off, while you were out shopping, you encountered Kido talking with Mibu…… *MC name will be retained as my normal
Bronze 01 / Bronze 02 / Bronze 03 Silver 02 / Silver 03 Gold SPECIAL
Kido Senji: Tai-chan! What’s the matter? Your contest preparations…...
Taiga Mibu: It’s fine now since it’s break time! Or rather, I’m really thankful that the both of you came here today!
Ran: No, I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying thank you!
Kido Senji: Even so, Tai-chan you’re really amazing~ For you to be participating in such a big contest.
Taiga Mibu: Really? But Sen-chan, you do lives at huge venues too, don’t you?
Kido Senji: That’s true but isn’t there a rather big difference between contests and lives?
Ran: (Huh? Come to think of it, the both of them…...)
Ran: U-Um, Mibu-senpai, did you know Kido-kun ever since you were a child?
Taiga Mibu: Hm? Yeah, that’s right!
Taiga Mibu: He was co-starring in a variety show with me as someone of the same generation.
Kido Senji: Uwa~ How nostalgic…...
Kido Senji: They often got angry at the both of us for being mischievous during filming breaks, didn’t they~
Ran: (To think they have such memories together…...it’s kind of surprising)
Taiga Mibu: Haha, we really had it back then. Oh, after that, the toy’s CM did come out, right?
Kido Senji: It did~ Then we got the toy afterwards and I remember both of us going crazy about it.
Ran: Hehe. So the both of you have been really good friends since you were both little.
Taiga Mibu: Yeah. but I didn’t manage to meet you anymore since you were focusing on your exams afterwards.
Taiga Mibu: That’s why I was really happy when you came back as an idolー You’re now busy with dramas and stage performances, right?
Kido Senji: Well yeah♪ Oh, right. I’ll appear in a drama this time so do watch it.
Taiga Mibu: Oh! I’ll definitely watch it! …...Ack, it’s almost time. Well then, I’ll be going.
Kido Senji: Do your best! Tai-chan!
Ran: We’ll be cheering for you from the audience!
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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Kido Senji Key Map Translations (Boykira)  Episode 1 : (Bronze Key) 
Title: Because I’m your famous boyfriend Summary: One day-off, while you were out shopping, you encountered Kido talking with Mibu…... *MC name will be retained as my normal
Bronze 01 / Bronze 02 / Bronze 03 Silver 02 / Silver 03 Gold SPECIAL
Ran: (Huh? The person over there’s Mibu-senpai? He seems to be enjoying his conversation with someone else though…...)
Taiga Mibu: Oh, Ran! What a coincidence to be meeting each other here.
Ran: Hello, senpai. Oh…...Kido-kun?
Kido Senji: Mizushima-chan, it’s been a long time♪
Ran: So you were together with him too huh.
Kido Senji: Yup. We both coincidentally met each other while going shopping.
Taiga Mibu: Truthfully speaking, I was really surprised! I’d never have thought that we’d meet in such a place.
Kido Senji: Haha, that’s true. Are you out shopping too?
Ran: Yup, I came to buy the things that my mother had asked me to.
Kido Senji: Heh~ How envious of you to be shopping for your mother.
Ran: That’s not it at all. I mean, I had things I had to do too.
Taiga Mibu: ………...What, could it be that you guys are quite the good friends with each other?
Kido Senji: Ohー I won’t say that we get along together or anything but…...it’s only because we’ve met each other many times due to the performances.
Ran: Hehe, it’s somewhat a little new to be meeting each other in such a place.
Kido Senji: Well, there were rarely any opportunities to do so~
Taiga Mibu: That can’t be helped either since we’re in different schools. Oh, right.
Taiga Mibu: If you don’t mind, there’s a BMX contest this weekend so maybe the both if you could come and see it together!
Kido Senji: This weekend……? It’s just nice that I have a day-off then but…...what about Mizushima-chan?
Ran: I-I’m free……!
Taiga Mibu: Alright, it’s decided! Then, I’ll contact you guys with the details afterwards!
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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Kido Senji Key Map Translations (Boykira) Episode 2 : (Bronze Key)
Title: Because I’m your famous boyfriend Summary: One day-off, while you were out shopping, you encountered Kido talking with Mibu…… *MC name will be retained as my normal
Bronze 01 / Bronze 02 / Bronze 03 Silver 02 / Silver 03 Gold SPECIAL
Ran: I wonder where Kido-kun is…...there’s so many people that I can’t find him…...
Ran: He isn’t picking up his phone either so I guess there’s no other choice but to find him myself huh…...ー
Ran: (W-Who grabbed my arm……!?)
Kido Senji: Oi, hey. What, I’m right in front of you,
Ran: K-Kido-kun
Kido Senji: …...Honestly, how stupid.
Ran: You had sunglasses on so I totally didn’t know!
Kido Senji: Totally, you say…...
Ran: S-Sorry!
Kido Senji: I don’t really mind it. Even so, there’s really a huge crowd here.
Ran: That’s true…...I was really surprised since there had been more people than I thought there would be.
Ran: Well there would be lots of panic if they found out who you were too.
Kido Senji: Ha? What’s with that all of a sudden?
Ran: Since there are lots of girls here, there might be your fans here too.
Kido Senji: Ohーthat might be the case. You do something about it if anything happens, okay?
Ran: What…...me!?
Kido Senji: Of course it’ll be a joke, no? Idiーot.
Kido Senji: Come on, let’s go. You seem like you’ll get lost so don’t leave my side.
Ran: Oh, wait up…...Kido-kun!
???: Oh, there they are! Oiーi, both of youー!
Kido Senji: Oh! Tai-chan!
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yamazaki-ruka · 7 years
ボーイフレンド(仮)プロジェクト ミュージックアルバム 星蘭学院
way to the STAR - Seiran Student Council (Kannagi Mitsuru (CV. Okiayu Ryoutarou), Inui Koutarou (CV. Takeuchi Shunsuke), Kido Senji (CV. Masuda Toshiki)) 
Hateshinai Sora ni - Kannagi Mitsuru (CV. Okiayu Ryoutarou)
WILD BEAST - Inui Koutarou (CV. Takeuchi Shunsuke)
Moral code - Kido Senji (CV. Masuda Toshiki)
HEART BEAT ga Tomaranai! - Nomiya Ichigo (CV. Yamashita Daiki)
wanna be - Saeba Shin (CV. Hayashi Yuu)
☆ Make Your Stage (Seiran Gakuin ver.) - Inui Koutarou (CV. Takeuchi Shunsuke), Kannagi Mitsuru (CV. Okiayu Ryoutarou), Kido Senji (CV. Masuda Toshiki), Saeba Shin (CV. Hayashi Yuu), Nomiya Ichigo (CV. Yamashita Daiki)
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yamazaki-ruka · 8 years
way to the STAR - Seiran Student Council (Kannagi Mitsuru (CV. Okiayu Ryoutarou), Inui Koutarou (CV. Takeuchi Shunsuke), Kido Senji (CV. Masuda Toshiki)) 
*inhumanly screaming*
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yamazaki-ruka · 8 years
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Be prepared!!!!! These guys will be released on February 28th!!! (Kare Episode?)
and Seiran Student Council (Kannagi Mitsuru (CV. Okiayu Ryoutarou), Inui Koutarou (CV. Takeuchi Shunsuke), Kido Senji (CV. Masuda Toshiki)) unit song is scheduled to be released, the title is way to the STAR. And Seiran boys are also getting individual songs.
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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Boykira Event! Connect! Encore ◆Holy Night’s Miracle Volume◆ Event story translations (Ep 4)
*Kirameki Note’s tag will be Boykira *Boykira Masterlist will be under  ボーイフレンド(仮)Translations masterlist
Kido Senji: Oh, it’s everyone from Fujishiro Gakuen. Hello♪
Inui Kotaro: ……
MC: Inui-kun! And Kido-san too. Did you guys come to decorate the tree too?
Kido Senji: Unfortunately no, we just came to have a look at the stage since we’re going to be on it during the next performance and all.
Izumi Chikanojo: Nyahaha♪ If it isn’t Senji-kun and Ko-chan! The both of you still have small faces and silky smooth skin as usual~!
Kido Senji: Eh, that’s obvious. I mean, I’m a model aren’t I?
Kido Senji: —Haha, just joking. Thanks for your words of praise♪
Inui Kotaro: …...I’m sorry but we’ll have to refuse since we only came to take a look at the stage.
Izumi Chikanojo: Eh~ Don’t say something so stiff~! We’re decorating it with ornaments you know!
MC: That’s right. I’m sure everyone will enjoy decorating it together.
Kido Senji: …...Hm~m, alright, then we’ll just participate for a little.
MC: (Yup, the tree’s decorations have a nice feeling to it. I wonder how Senji-san and the rest are doing)
Kido Senji: …...I’d like to place this decorative ornament a little more towards that side though. But I might not be able to reach it.
Inui Kotaro: …...Would you like me the raise you higher?
Kido Senji: Ah? Don’t look down on my short height, dog. I’ll kill you.
Izumi Chikanojo: Hey hey, everyone look over here—! Alright say chee—z!
Izumi Chikanojo: Nyahaha, I just felt that it was a nice timing to snap a picture of Senji-kun and Ko-chan~
Kitagawa Shota: Haha, Ai-chan’s photo sessions’ more excited than ever this time~!
Kitagawa Shota: Now then— now’s the time to look forward to it’s completion!!
MC: Kitagawa-kun, what do you mean by the time to look forward to it?
Kitagawa Shota: If you talk about the best part of the tree…...it’s still the star at the top after all~!
Kitagawa Shota: Now the issue is who’s going to decorate it~! I know! So let’s decide it with a game of rock, paper, scissors so that there won’t be any grudges about it~!
Izumi Chikanojo: The star at the top? Why don’t you just decorate it if you want to?
Kengo Myojin: I don’t have interest towards anything in particular.
Watase Chisato: Do as you like.
Shirakawa Motoi: I think it’ll be better if Kitagawa-kun puts it up there.
Hyuga Minato: No matter if it’s a tree or a model, the person who wants to decorate it the most would be best suited to do so.
Narumi Masato: Since I’ve already done lots of decorations too.
MC: Hehe, I want to see Kitagawa-kun putting the sun up there.
Sagisaka Shu: …...Here. the star. I specially brought the most beautiful one.
Hodoka Natsuki: I got a stepladder. Don’t hesitate on decorating.
Kitagawa Shota: A~ck! I’m shaking from everyone’s kindness~!
Kitagawa Shota: Then without hesitation, I’ll decorate the top with the star!
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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Boykira Event! Connect! Encore ◆Holy Night’s Miracle Volume◆ Event Story Translations (Ep 5)
*Kirameki Note’s tag will be Boykira *Boykira Masterlist will be under  ボーイフレンド(仮)Translations masterlist
Watase Chisato: Isn’t it unbalanced like that? A little more to the right.
Hodoka Natsuki: It seems to be a little slanted.
Kitagawa Shota: UWA~A, IT’S TRUE! HOW ABOUT THIS~!?
Sagisaka Shu: Yeah, seems good.
MC: (Hehe, everyone seems to be having fun)
MC: …...Come to think of it, Kengo-kun, you seem to have been on your personal computer all this while but, what are you doing?
Kengo Myojin: Fufu…...here, please accept this. And could you turn it towards where the tree is and touch it?
MC: A smartphone? I just have to touch this, right…...ah!
MC: Amazing! The tree’s lights ilt up when I pressed the smartphone!
Kengo Myojin: Indeed. It’s my special illumination system interlockable with smartphones.
MC: Illumination system……?
Kengo Myojin: On the festive day itself, you can have the application downloaded to work the illumination just by touching the terminal.
MC: Wow! If this is how it is, the guests can also enjoy it together! Kengo-kun, you’re amazing!
Kido Senji: Heh— You’re rather good! Kengo-kun was it? Hey, can I try it out too?
Kengo Myojin: Humph…...this technology’s also used by popular up and coming idols.
Kengo Myojin: With this, (Last name)-san would be into me! Fuhahahaha!
Kido Senji: A-Ahaha…...Fujishiro really does have lots of interesting people…...
Inui Kotaro: —Oi. There was someone suspicious in the tree so I brought him here. Is there anyone here who knows this guy?
MC: O-Osaka-kun!? …...Eh, in the tree!?
Osaka Hiromu: H-Hi, (First name)-chan…...such a coincidence to be meeting you in such a place…...
MC: What are you holding in your hands……? Cooling gas and…...reindeer horns!?
Inui Kotaro: …...What, so it was an acquaintance of yours huh.
Osaka Hiromu: We’re not acquaintances. We’re really really good friends with each other. Who are you and where are you from? It can’t be that you’re trying to get in the way of our friendship…...that’s not the case, is it?
Kido Senji: —Oi, dog. This person seems kind of bad news…...bad news in various ways. Let’s return back for today already.
Inui Kotaro: ……? Got it.
Kitagawa Shota: Al—right, I think it’s about time we talk about the planned surprise since the decorations have been settled~!
MC: (The surprise…...it was what he had been talking to Saionji-senpai about. I wonder what it is?)
Kitagawa Shota: So what the surprise contains is—
—Actual day of the performance battle—
MC: (There seems to be lots of guests coming and Kitagawa-kun’s preparations for the surprises are perfect too!)
Female Audience A: Hey hey, so I can just download the application from the QR code written on this flyer, right?
Female Audience B: Yup. And they also said that the illumination lights up according to the app. I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out~
Kannagi Mitsuru: Hi. The distribution of the flyers seem to be going well.
MC: K-Kannagi-san! Hello……! Yes. I’m glad that everyone’s enjoying themselves.
Kannagi Mitsuru: It apparently seems like the children around the area have all come here as well.
MC: You’re right. Kitagawa-kun…...the unit’s leader seemed to have proposed inviting the children too…...
Kannagi Mitsuru: That seems like a really great thing to do for a wonderful city event. Will the children also be participating in the performance?
MC: Er~rr, we’ve actually planned to give the children bells before the actual thing starts so that they can enjoy themselves together till then.
Kannagi Mitsuru:  The adults have apps and the children have musical instruments to enjoy themselves…...huh. How wonderful.
Kannagi Mitsuru: Us too, let’s trust that we’ll be able to enjoy it as we showcase the best performances we have to offer.
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