#KimChay basically means Kim is the top
aeternallis · 9 months
I’m trying to fall asleep and came across a random salty post, so now I’m here laying in bed and asking myself: why did dynamic-based ship names disappear from this site? It was a thing on here once, right?
Like, I know that there are some ship names that if you were to switch them around it just sounds awkward, but fandoms have always found a way to make it work, yknow? Did fans just get lazy, or what? Lol I’m honestly curious here
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ae-azile · 8 months
I really love Progression fic so much. It is such great deep thoughtful story. And it deals with very heavy stuff and I really love that story so much. But I have to say that omg, Porsche and his obsession with KimChay is so funny. I mean, if it would be different story (not the serious fic you write) it almost looks like Porsche would propose to Kim himself and keep him for himself:DD. I almost wonder that Kinn and Chay are not more alert about Porsche's apparent crush on Kim. I mean, it would be so funny and Porsche is totally capable of unhinged decisions (if nobody will take Kim and Kinn won't propose, that Porsche is going to elope with Kim). I would be really worried if I were Kinn and/or Chay:DDD
Lolol, I am glad you enjoy Porsche in the story! 😃 He and his drive to have Kim be Chay's one true love is very fun to write. I don't know if has a full fledged crush on Kim, but he can definitely see and appreciate the appeal (beautiful, talented, gets stubborn younger brothers to reapply for college and works with them on communicating with a nonverbal Namphueng? He's IMPRESSED). I do think it is more of an indirect crush when it comes down to it. He has been so concerned about Chay. He has barely recognized his brother in two years and they drifted apart during that time despite Porsche trying to make that not happen. While it isn't covered extensively and is more hinted at/referenced to, the ordeal really affected Porsche's mental health, especially on top of everything else. I think Kinn did as much has he could to comfort and reassure Porsche, but was also very concerned about Kim, who was showing signs of a downward spiral. Porsche did not really have anyone else to lean on, except for maybe Khun, Arm, and Pol on occasion. Probably Pete too, since Porsche does visit him.
So having his brother come back around and be much more open after Kim's return was a huge relief for Porsche. I think he puts Kim on a pedestal at this point since he was convinced that he had lost one of the closest people in his life (emotionally). Even now, thinking back on Chay's distance and what he might have been doing really upsets Porsche. That man has gone through a lot. So he really loves and appreciates Kim for bringing Chay back to him and getting him on a better track. I also think he is hyperfixated on this relationship because he fears Chay pulling away again if Kim leaves and that friendship/connection/love between Chay and Kim fades. He also tends to use it as a distraction from more complex emotions, such as how he feels about his mother asking to go out for breakfast and receiving pictures. Basically, his brother's and Kim's happiness and ensuring it has become a method of escapism. While Khun's interest is somewhat fixated on his own brother's happiness, he doesn't obsess over it to the level Porsche does, and Khun is a person known for hyperfixating.
So all in all, yes! Porsche definitely has a crush on Kim, but it's more about what he represents. It also centers on how Kim's relationship with Chay has given Porsche something positive to focus on, rather than the heavy trauma he keeps putting off sorting through. I don't know if Chay or Kinn will necessarily connect or understand this particular link, but I will promise that both of them realize that Porsche needs love, support, and encouragement to process those heavy emotions he keeps pushing away. ♥️
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Temptation Tuesday
Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that's speaking to you/an au you'd like to see and are considering writing/etc. etc. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
Insane thanks for the tag @shubaka (you’re a marvelous terrible influence, it’s very sexy of you.) Uhhh ok here we go, I guess!
💗 Pearls Of Madness /(KinnPorsche Series- KimChay)- This is looking like a series and possibly the end to my sanity, but in a very sexy way, I guess. Kim decides to start changing up some of WIK’s stylings to a bit more of an androgynous angle as he sort of explores that about himself. He’s not really sure about it but every time he introduces a new piece Chay sort of loses his mind? And Kim’s both addicted to exploring this facet of himself AND the way his Angel reacts so... He escalates things. Aggressively. (And so does Chay.) There are no losers here.
💗 It Was One Time (And We Were Drunk) /(Cutie Pie Series-  YiLian) Uh so literally anything for my babes and my SoulSister be like ‘you should do the thing’ so I’m likely to do the thing and promptly. The thing is: YiLian by accident before Diao and Kuea come back into their lives. So this is like, Cutie Pie Series Top x Top Club Shenanigans possibly drunk before their sweetlings return from whatever foreign country they’re living in before university).
💗 Cafe/Bakery AU (KP/WB KimChay)- Soft boys flirting IDK man it’s just... in my head. Obsession with food, cafe surroundings, general soft soft soft pastel life here.
💗 At Your Service (KP Series- KimChay) So this is actually a Chay post-kidnapping story idea... previous anxiety highly exacerbated due to some of his experiences in the Mafia family. Planning on him being out in public (possibly with Kim, possibly to meet Kim, possibly just trying to run errands and be normal without any bodyguards to his knowledge- up in the air) and having a panic attack. A working SD and handler find him and help him through it and while they’re sitting and talking she mentions to Chay he might benefit from a dog.. But in the mean time, is there anyone they should call? (Why I’m leaning on Kim not being there because he’d show up too soon and spoil this H/C moment unless he was IDK trapped on a phone call with a manager or something. If Chay’s going to meet Kim, Kim could show up after they’ve had a chance to talk. If Chay’s on his own, they call Kim... If Chay only thinks he managed to be out on his own, Kim’s bodyguard that’s been tailing Chay has called Kim and Kim flies in ready to protect his (ex?) baby and finally some talking can happen.) Anyway, about the time Kim’s getting his back up about Chay talking to some strange girl, her Korean boyfriend turns up and off they go. (It won’t be until later that Kim realizes that was one of the Korean Mafia and he has a meltdown all over again.)
💗 Mafia Queens AU (KP x Several Shows/References Multiverse Collab Nightmare) Essentially after Kinn more or less makes Porsche his ‘Queen’ there’s a formal event where Mafia from different countries are showing up to acknowledge the change of power, admit they’ve removed some of Korn & Co’s Generation/Allies from their own organizations, etc. Porsche gets dressed up (Corset!Porsche my beloved!) by a friend of his that turns out to be one of the Korean Mafia Queens (she’s a returning OC from above, the girl with the dog), because it might be fun to have Kinn get jealous over a nonthreatening character and let him be rewarded with a very excellent visual (and some delicious sex, when they finally get around to peeling said outfit off of Porsche).
ANYONE WANNA VOTE ON THESE? Someone talk me into these or out of these or something. IDK.
I honestly have no idea who to tag/punish in this way ummmmm... WHOEVER SEES THIS AND WANTS TO SUFFER, OKAY? Please don’t judge me I’m mortified.   @fuckyeah-itme @just-slightly-chayotic @just-slightly-chaotic @booksnchocolate I’m only tagging you because these will be of interest to you, possibly? Love you love you.
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