#Kind of only want us (system) to use it urgh...
entropy-sea-system · 1 year
just dropped a shower gel bottle bc the soap stand was shaky and the lid kind of broke... It still closes tho...ugh the amount of panic tho...
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dailyhelldorm · 6 months
[TL] Koga 4☆ FS2 Story / Howling at the Summit
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Scenario Writer: Suika
Characters: Aoi Hinata, Himemiya Tori, Aoi Yuuta, Suou Tsukasa, Ogami Koga, Tenshouin Eichi, Sakuma Rei, Kunugi Akiomi, Aoba Tsumugi, Saegusa Ibara
Season: Autumn
Koga: Oh! I thought ya were a despicable guy, but unexpectedly ya have some good understandin' sense huh! Eichi: ...♪
Location: Rhythm Link Office
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Koga: Ya want me to join the ‘Summit’?
Rei: Yes. I have work on the next scheduled ‘Summit’. Neither I nor Hasumi-kun can likely participate on that day.
So I want you to act like a step-in and partake, that’s the thing…
Koga: Then why me? Some other dudes hafta be free that day, too.
Rei: I checked the schedule. The only one who is free that day is you, Koga.
Koga: Ain’t that too sudden... Do I necessarily need to take part?
Rei: ...It is Tenshouin-kun that I’m weary of. He can use RhyLin’s vacant seat that day and try to pull some sinister schemes, which might become unfavorable for us.
And if not him, ‘Summit’ also has Saegusa-kun there. If we don’t have an exclusive, it can create an obvious opening and I would like to avoid that.
Koga: I see. In other words, ya want me to come and watch out for other agencies' weird movements, and threaten them?
Rei: I won’t say you need to go as far as threaten them. Even if it’s just a step-in but as long as RhyLin has a representative, others won’t try and think about doing any imprudent thing.
Koga: Got the gist... But for real, I can’t get hyped at all.
‘Summit’ is the place to talk about some troublesome things, right? Just thinkin’ about it already bores the shit out of me.
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(...No, wait.)
(‘Summit’ is the place all the high and mighty dudes in ES come, right?)
(Ain’t this the direct chance to vent all the pent-up frustration about ES’s system and whatsoever?)
Hah! I got ya, Sakuma-senpai. I gotta join the ‘Summit’ in yer stead ♪
Location: Reception Room
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Koga: (The place they hold the ‘Summit’, is this the room?)
Hinata: Ah, over here~ Ogami-senpai!
Tori: So it is real, Ogami-senpai is the substitute that participates in their stead.
Koga: What? Ya questionin’ me?
Yuuta: If you don’t understand anything, we can explain it to you. Please feel free to ask anytime, Ogami-senpai ☆
Akiomi: Please wrap up your idle talk. You should hurry and take your seat now, the ‘Summit’ is about to start.
Tsumugi: Here you go, Ogami-kun. Here are today’s documents.
Koga: Thank you, Aoba-senpai.
(Geh- It’s crammed entirely with complicated stuff...)
Eichi: Then, let us start the ‘Summit’. Firstly, let’s begin with each agency’s activity reports...
After a while
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Eichi: This is StarPro’s upcoming planned events. Do you have any questions?
Koga: Zzz... ♪
Hinata: Hey, Yuuta-kun. He is definitely sleeping, right?
Yuuta: What are you even saying, Aniki? You don’t even need to ask, he is already deep in the dreamland.
Koga: ...!? That was close, I almost fell asleep.
Tori: No way, you were totally snoozing there! Even if you are trying to play it cool now, it is too late already!
Koga: Hah? Didn’t snooze. I was seriously listenin’.
Tori: Then tell me the plan Eichi-sama was talking about just now!
Koga: …Urgh. T-that shit is already written here on the documents anyway. Ya just need to read it from the paper.
Ibara: Now now, Mr. Ogami has a lot of stress built up in his body, right? ‘UNDEAD’ recently has become a chart-topping variety show's ‘unit’ too.
Koga: Argh? What was that, gotta talk some nasty shit to me now?
Akiomi: It was your fault for falling asleep just then. You should show more apprehension in this kind of meeting.
Koga: ...My bad.
But hey, why are y’all explainin' the things that have already been written on the materials anyway?
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Tsukasa: Conveying the content of the materials verbally can help you implement them. It is not a particularly odd thing, isn’t it?
Koga: That’s not what I meant. Since all the agency’s representatives are sittin' here right now, we should talk about something more useful!
Tsumugi: Uhm, what does Koga-kun consider to be useful talks?
Koga: Well... about that. Like what kind of lives ya want to do, that kind of want?
If we do a rockin' live then fans will also jack up a lot! Ain’t that the thing that makes all agencies merry too ♪
Tori: Haa... You really are a child, Ogami-senpai.
Eichi: What kind of lives you want to do, you say... Fufu, quite intriguing.
Today we already disseminated all the things we need to share and our general talk has finished. There isn’t a topic that specifically needs to be brought up as well.
In that case, how about we discuss the useful talk Ogami-kun has mentioned?
Tori: Eichi-sama!?
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Koga: Oh! I thought ya were a despicable guy, but unexpectedly ya have some good understandin' sense huh!
Eichi: ...♪
Tsukasa: (Tenshouin-oniisama is taking on Ogami-senpai’s idea...? What is he planning?)
Ibara: (I’m intrigued about His Eminence’s intention... For now, I should stay low and match their pace for a bit.)
Sounds like a good idea. Then, let us continue by brainstorming our configuration ☆
Tsumugi: Wah! Sounds fun~ ♪
Tori: (Whispers) Is it really fine with you, Eichi-sama?
Eichi: (Whispers) Having the same members doing the same talk in every ‘Summit’ is a monotonous thing to do.
(Whispers) At a time like this, when a new breeze is blowing in, should we try and follow along with it for a little bit?
Koga: Heheh, then I will go first! Ya lots, clean yer ears and hear me out!
Location: Seisoukan Common Room
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Rei: Goodness me, Hasumi-kun is such a worrywart.
He tells me to inquire Koga directly about the ‘Summit’ discussion. He isn’t a child who can stir up some problems in just one day of being substitute.
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Eichi: Yah, Sakuma-kun. You have returned.
Rei: Isn’t it you, Tenshouin-kun? My apology for not being able to join the ‘Summit’ today.
Eichi: It is not a big deal. Your substitute solidly stood his place.
Rei: About that, how was Koga? I hope he didn’t cause any trouble for Tenshouin-kun and everyone on his first ‘Summit’ partaking.
Eichi: He didn’t cause any issue at all. Rather, thanks to him, we were able to have a beneficial discussion ♪
Rei: You said you had a beneficial discussion...?
Eichi: If there is an occasion, please ask him to come again.
Well then, I will be going now.
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Rei: What does he mean? Why was Tenshouin-kun happy that Koga joined them...?
Koga, what have you done at the ‘Summit’?
Koga: I thought I heard someone’s mumbles, it is just ya, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: Oh, speak of the devil. Sorry for the suddenness, but how was today’s ‘Summit’?
Koga: Tsk, even ya asked the same question. That glasses bastard’s been blowin' up my Hold-hands and grillin' me for the same thing.
Even when I told him there wasn’t any big deal goin' on.
Rei: From your response, I can see that everything was really fine and all... But then, what’s with the attitude from that Tenshouin-kun?
Koga: Tenshouin-senpai? That was unexpected, he was a more sensible dude than I thought he would be.
Rei: Sensible, you say...? What did you talk about at the ‘Summit’?
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Koga: What we talked about...
(Seems that normally they don’t talk about their ideal lives and stuff. If I just blunt straight out, won’t it become a pain in the ass later?)
...Nothing too hot.
Rei: W-what, Koga. What’s with your response...!? Was it something you couldn’t even tell me?
Koga: Not really. There is nothing I need to talk about.
Is our talk done? If so, I will go back to my room now.
Rei: Hault! ...It couldn’t be, that Koga have gotten appeased by Tenshouin-kun...?
Our talk isn’t finished yet! Hey, where are you going? Koga dear!?
Koga: Argh~! Don’t follow me!
[The end (o゜▽゜)o☆]
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twisted-art-wounders · 9 months
YGO AU: Breaking the Seal 01
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Chapter 1 Seeds
Yugi is forced into a duel by the swordsmen of Doma but has to face them all on his own.
(I put the duel disk on the wrong arm, I'm a hack!)
Yugi found himself in a bit of a pickle to say the least; one moment he was sleeping in bed still thinking about the monster incident that happened in town today and the fact the tablet of memories had been frozen over by some kind of evil power. Now he was standing on the roof of a building that was still under construction, Duel disk in hand Yugi was facing off against an unusual opponent, around him a green circle emitting a evil aura; the Seal of Orichalcos.
That evening while Grandpa was out in the shop hand polishing the three Egyptian God cards thoroughly, Yugi and his friends were watching the news about the monsters running amok and the CEO of Kaiba Corp. Seto Kaiba confirming his duel disk system was not to blame for these monster sightings. Now they knew it wasn't a technological problem could the monsters have been real?
Not too long after that his friends had gone home while Yugi had gone to bed as usual; placing the puzzle on his desk next to the gold box that held the Egyptian God cards (Grandpa had just returned them after Yugi had to practically pray them form his hands.) and turned out the lights. Slipping under the covers his mind started to race thinking about why all these events were happening now? They just finished a major tournament not too long ago and he knew the other Yugi wanted to finally unlock his hidden past.
//Why now? We finally had everything needed to help my other self recover his memories and now we're two steps back again…// Yugi thought
“I know, it seems something is trying to stop us form completing our mission…” Yami Yugi suddenly appeared sitting on Yugi's bed side, a normal thing for him to do.
Yugi sat up a little to better talk with the incorporeal image.
“I know what you mean, I wish we knew what was happening…Who's behind this? And why? Urgh it's making my head spin…” Yugi held his head both hands rubbed his face a few times.
“You should try and sleep, trying to figure this all out now will only make you sick with worry.” Yami gave him a warm smile and it made Yugi feel slightly better.
“Yeah your right, let's get some sleep and hopefully things will look better tomorrow.” Yugi laid back down and pulled the sheets up to his chest.
“Good night!” Yugi yawned a bit before turning to face the wall,
“Goodnight, partner.” Yami watched him for a while before vanishing form sight.
The shattering of glass was what alerted him to the event.
Yugi sat up quickly and barely had time to really wake up before he saw a hand reach in and pull not only the gold box that the god cards where stored in off his desk, but the chain of his puzzle was yanked right out of the broken window too. Yugi leaped out of bed yelling at the intruder before he ran for his bed room door; pulling his school jacket that hung at the back with him. He raced down the stairs draping his jacket over his shoulders like a cape. He had just enough time to jump the last two steps, before making a sharp turn to the front door, slipping right into his black studded shoes before throwing open the door and rushing outside.
He ran towards the side of the house where his bed room window faced, a ladder was resting against the wall right by the window. Just then he saw a figure running down down the street. Yugi screamed at them to “Stop!” even if he knew his yelling was all in vain, he made a mad dash down the empty streets in pursuit. Yugi wasn't the most fit person so it didn't take long for him to lose distance on the shape, but it wouldn't stop him he couldn't let them get away with stealing the god cards but more importantly they stole his puzzle! His connection to the other Yugi.
He swore after the fire where the puzzle had broken before his eyes he'd never lose the other Yugi again. He'd do anything to protect the soul within the puzzle and right now he wasn't going to let him down! He didn't care who stole the puzzle all he wanted was to have it back again. He saw the figure make a sharp turn towards a construction site and disappear into the darkness. Just as he managed to turn the corner of the wooden fences perimeter to follow the stranger inside he felt an arm grab onto his torso and force him into a bear hug.
Yugi yelped as he was forced off his feet and had his arms pinned to his sides. He struggled to escape his captor but it was no use. Whoever this is was horribly strong, too strong for him to struggle against.
“Let go of me!” He screamed.
“Whoo! feisty little guy ain't he?” the voice drew Yugi's attention in front of him; a man with brunette spiked hair and blue eyes stared at him with a grin on his face, in his hands his gold box and the chain with his puzzle dangling form it.
“Give those back! They don't belong to you!” Yugi struggled yet again only for another voice to chime in.
“Not anymore finders keepers, kid.” a red haired man appeared, his eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses but his voice sounded very cold and unfeeling.
Yugi growled a bit glaring at the two men before he felt the body of the person holding onto him shift and put him back on the ground. Yugi pulled away and got a good look at the person, he had to crane his neck a bit since this man was tall. “Intimidating” was the right word but it still didn't feel like it was enough to describe the blonde haired man, he had a strong and commending presence to him.
Yugi was scared; he'd faced some scary groups of people before but those times he had his friends to back him up along with the other Yugi but this time he was alone. Even with his fear very present on his face, he swallowed hard and stood his ground.
“I want my puzzle and god cards back!” Yugi yelled.
The group of three looked between each other then back down to him, the same smile was shared by all of them.
“Well kid if you want them back I guess we can give them back to ya” The brunette spoke in a very childish and mocking tone as he held out the box and puzzle towards him before pulling back quickly.
“Naw, sorry boss wouldn't be cool with that!”
“Why don't you ask politely? and maybe we'd be willing to let you go free.” the red head said folding his arms and chuckling. “Then again maybe we can just kick the shit out of you and leave you for dead.”
Yugi backed up a little unsure of what to do; he wasn't a fighter he knew that but he still couldn't just stand there and let these men get away with stealing the puzzle and god cards. Once again he swallowed hard and spoke loudly.
“I told you to give me back my puzzle and cards! i-if you want to fight me for them…then fine! But I wont let you take them not without going through me first!” Yugi held out his arms and shut his eyes ready to receive a hit form all three men. He was quite used to being beat up and he was more then ready to take a few blows if it meant he could save the other Yugi.
All three men looked between each other again watching Yugi stand there arms open and ready. While they could very well knock him for a loop, it wouldn't hard for them to do but instead they just stood in silence for what seemed like forever.
Yugi waited and waited, he was ready why weren't they attacking him?
The blonde man spoke up now. “No need to be so dramatic, kid. We wont fight you with fists.”
Yugi opened one eye looking up the larger man before opening the other one. “You-you wont?” he lowered his arms and stared confused.
“Your a duelist right? You'll fight with your cards.” The blonde man then held up his arm strapped to it was a strangle kind of duel disk one Yugi had never seen before. It was emerald green and more circular then the normal styled ones he was used to. It also had strange letters written around it but he didn't know what they meant.
“That's right kid if you want these back you'll have to win a duel first.” the brunette grinned holding up the puzzle again for emphasis.
“But you'll have to do it solo. No outside help.” The red haired man then held up Yugi's belt with his deck attached to it along with his duel disk.
Yugi was shocked; he didn't even realize those where missing he was so focused on retrieving the puzzle and golden box it slipped his mind to even grab those on his way out. Which was odd he was so used to having his duel disk on his arm all the time it was almost natural for him, he must have really been worried to forget.
Yugi nodded “Fine if I win you give me back both the god cards and my puzzle!”
Now here he was; the group of three men escorted him up towards the building's roof top that was currently under construction. Yugi had strapped on his duel disk but let his belt off since he only needed his deck right now. He was nervous he didn't know anything about these men what their intentions were or even if they would keep their promise but he couldn't think about that now. Right now what was important was saving his other self and the god cards.
To his surprise none of the three men were his opponent, a fourth person a man named Gurimo was his opponent in this duel. Yugi was doing fine on his own to an extent he managed to damage Gurimo's life points a few times and had gotten a very strong monster- Valkyrion the Magna Warrior- out on the field.
But things took a turn for the worse when Gurimo used a magic card; the 'Seal of Orichalcos' that kept him and Yugi locked inside a magic circle and that if whoever loses the duel would lose his soul as well. Not only did it give the man new powers (his monsters all got a power boost of 500 ATK) it allowed him to summon and control a god card! Yugi knew only people connected to millennium items could use the god cards but this new dark power trumped even the shadow powers.
Now Yugi was staring up at a god card Obelisk the Tormentor, he never thought a God card of all monsters could be controlled like this. He was trembling he'd never faced a god card on his own! only the other Yugi had, he knew he was way out of his league now. Worse he couldn't call for his other self! He couldn't hear his voice at all it seemed like the seal was blocking him out completely.
Behind Gurimo stood the three men watching on as the duel continued.
“Man this is gonna be a total slaughter, that kid doesn't stand a chance now! ” the brunette said twirling the chain of the puzzle a bit.
“I knew that brat was gonna be easy to stomp out but this is just sad. I was hoping we'd get to see how good the pharaoh was, maybe we should have let him have the puzzle.” the red haired man sighed annoyed.
“It's fine. When he loses we'll just toss the puzzle back on his corpse and let the pharaoh duel instead, should be good enough motivation for him. Finish him off quick Gurimo!” the blonde man yelled at his servant.
“Of course, master Raphael! Now prepare the lose weakling!” Gurimo's face was twisted into a smile of blood lust as he commanded the god Obelisk to attack and destroy Yugi's only monster. The force sending him flying back into the invisible wall of the seal, he hit the wall hard and slide down letting out a cry of pain.
Yugi was trembling but he still managed to get back up again, his knees were weak as he got back to his feet and walked back towards the inner circle again. He could really use his friends support right now…he needed his other self's support.
“He got back up again…” Raphael muttered
“He should learn to stay down. Save himself the pain and save us some time.” The red haired man shook his head.
“Aww just when it was gettin' good too.” The brunette added.
Gurimo laughed “Yugi, you're far too weak to battle here, but your soul will not go to waste! You'll be a good sacrifice to our god.”
“Sacrifice?” Yugi asked panting a bit trying to keep stable on his feet.
“Yes the loser's soul is sent straight to our god! Who will lead this horrid world to it's destruction! And feed the creation a new world!”
“Wait! you're stealing souls to feed your god who will destroy the world? That's what Rex and Weevil where talking about earlier…” Yugi was finally putting some pieces together now.
“That's right. Your two friends you saw today where just the tip of the iceberg, they'll make good sacrifices.” Raphael said pulling out two cards within them held both Rex and Weevils souls.
“In fact I think ALL your friends would make good fodder…Once we're done here maybe we should pay them a visit.” Raphael smirked towards Yugi.
Yugi's face grimaced as he heard Raphael's words, If he didn't win this duel everyone would be in danger! This realization helped to strengthen his resolve he knew now he had to win no matter what.
“No! I wont let you! I wont lose…I WONT!” Yugi shouted shutting his eyes tightly, he placed his fingers on the top card of his deck.
//Please…I can't let everyone down! Please help me draw the card I need!// Yugi spoke to his deck praying it would answer him.
With a swift motion he pulled the card form the deck and looked at it “Diffusion Wave Motion” Yes! This card was exactly what he needed!
The duel continued and by faith or by luck Yugi managed to win! All 4 men were in shock at the result of the duel especially Gurimo. The older man was now at the mercy of the Seal of Orichalcos as it started to enclose around him. It didn't look like it was going to grant him any mercy whatsoever so the man turned to Raphael and tossed Obelisk back towards him before screaming for help.
“Stop it! He doesn't deserve to have this happen to him!” Yugi yelled “Can't you help him!?” He looked back at the three men who stayed still and merely watched.
“He knew what he was getting into when he played the seal, what happens now is his own fault.” Raphael spoke coldly catching the god card in his hand.
Yugi couldn't believe what Raphael said, how could he just stand there and let this happen? Yugi's eyes hardened as he looked back towards Gurimo, he may have tried to take his soul but it didn't feel right to just let the man to suffer like this.
“If you wont help him I will!” Yugi shouted and in an instant Yugi dashed towards the man and slammed his fists into the green pillar energy it didn't move at all. Yugi's eyes widened before he closed them and started to push against the energy wall.
The green light was solid as a rock but Yugi wasn't going to give up! He couldn't just stand there and watch someone suffer, he never could stand for it. Yugi kept pushing and pushing with all his might, meanwhile the other three men watched on knowing it was hopeless.
But then something happened; a great deal of power suddenly surged through Yugi it felt like he wasn't pushing alone anymore he had the strength of an ancient beast with him now. A mighty roar echoed in his mind giving him the power he needed, Yugi's hands sunk into the wall followed by his body. He could feel a great force of power was trying to rip his soul form his body, it was a feeling he felt long ago when Yami Bakura pulled him and his friends souls out of their bodies during a shadow game.
But this time he had the mind and presence to resist the pull, his will to save another even if he was trying to take his soul just a moment ago. He shoved both Gurimo and himself out of the seals barrier, as he did Yugi's fingers managed to get entangled in the necklace the man was wearing around his neck and pulled it off him. They both hit the ground on the other side of the seal, the wall of green energy started to crackle and blip before shattering completely.
Raphael's mouth hung open, Alister removed his sunglasses, and Valon nearly dropped the puzzle in shock.
“Im-impossible! He's only a vessel…” Raphael couldn't believe what he just witnessed.
“I can't believe me eyes…nothing can break the seal! ” Valon scratched his head
“Looks like he's a lot stronger then we thought…” Alister placed his sunglasses on again.
“He-hey are you okay?” Yugi sat up looking at the man and tried to stir him awake but it was no use he didn't move or respond, the man's eyes where open but had no life to them. As Gurimo laid on the ground his body limp and lifeless Raphael looked towards his minion.
“After all that effort it didn't matter anyway, His soul is already gone.”
“No…I…I was too late?” Yugi's head was spinning; his face was tired with dark bags under his eyes, his vision started to blur as he watched Raphael make his way over to where both he and Gurimo were. Yugi was scared but he had no energy left to move or run anymore so instead he just collapsed on the ground.
The other two men came to Raphael's side and all three looked down at Yugi.
“So now what do we do? Still don't know how tough the Pharaoh is I mean if his vessel could break the seal maybe he- ” Valon asked.
“It was pure luck! The seal still took Gurimo's soul even if he can break the seal somehow he still can't stop the effects.” Alister snapped.
Raphael got down on one knee and picked up the passed out Yugi, holding him in his arms he turned and headed towards the staircase.
“We under estimated him, if the vessel is this strong then the Pharaoh may be worth our time after all…”
All three men descended down the stairs together but kept talking.
“So what are we gonna do with him?” Valon asked. “Toss him in the cement mixer?”
“Hey Asshole, we still need him alive!” Alister growled and turned to Raphael “But he has a point Raph what are we gonna do about him? If he does somehow have the power to stop the Orichalcos, which I highly doubt, he may be a thorn in our side.”
“Leave him here. We'll let Master Dartz deal with the kid, right now we just need to focus on getting the god cards back to HQ.”
Once they reached the ground level Raphael placed Yugi's unconscious body in front of a wall; Valon came by then placed the -empty of the god cards- golden box in his lap then finally put the Millennium puzzle around his neck.
“There you go kid! Back to normal now.” Valon chuckled before joining the others.
Raphael pulled out a pair of cards form is jacket; the soul cards he showed off earlier the cards that held both Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood's souls inside. He paused for a moment before placing a hand on them then raising his hand to the sky, two small nodes of light left the cards leaving them blank.
Alister put on his helmet but noticed Raphael's actions and asked
“Why did you even bother doing that?”
Raphael looked over before tossing the cards to the ground and saying
“Gurimo was my subordinate, since he lost it only seems fair to let his victims go. Besides not like they where gonna do much to further our plans. ”
The puzzle's light glowed brightly as Yami Yugi took control over Yugi's body; he blinked once then twice finally clearing up his vision in time to see the three men start their motorcycles. Yami growled and quickly got to his feet only to feel them shake a little forcing him back to the ground. The box on his lap had fallen out of his lap but nothing feel out of it, he looked down in shock before yelling.
“The god cards! Hey! Who are you? What have you done?!” Yami demanded.
“Oh look whose awake! Morning sunshine~” Valon joked.
“Listen up Nameless Pharaoh. We possess the god cards now and if you want them back you'll have to defeat ALL of us.” Raphael held up one of the god cards so Yami could confirm for himself.
//They took the god cards! And he knows about me being the Nameless Pharaoh! But how?//
“Why not fight me now!?” Yami Yugi growled only to hear Alister chime in.
“You got to look after your vessel, your highness. He's not doing too hot.”
It just now hit him that Yugi wasn't conscious since he took over this worried him greatly, what did these people do to Yugi? He barely had time to think harder before he heard the rev of the motorcycles blare to life and the three men where riding out of the construction site and down the street.
Yami had no chance to stand up before they had already left, he slumped back down to the ground and slammed his fist into the dirt only to feel something was clutched in his fist. Opening his hand he saw a necklace with a glowing green stone attached to a grey plate.
“Hm? What is this…”
Yami stared at the stone intrigued by it's glow and wondered where it came form, he pocketed the stone before steadying himself back to his feet and made the long walk home.
“Yugi, I hope you're okay…”
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// sh below cut. it's a little descriptive, not so much about the injury but we really get into the feelings here. this is how we r coping tonight ig.
urgh- damnit, I have to fix this door...
Rui throws his weight against the floor of the downstairs bathroom. It still doesn't shut properly.
He decides it's whatever. Nobody uses this bathroom, anyway- that's why he's here. Everyone here also probably knows the door doesn't work properly, so if they find themselves needing it, they'll knock to make sure nobody's inside.
He sits on the floor, and pulls two things from his pocket: a razor, and a pair of pliers.
He remembers a discussion his mother had with him after his latest hospital visit, about how from here on out she was going to avoid keeping reusable razors in the house, and start buying disposable ones, so he couldn't get his hands on razor blades.
The guilt of remembering that should have stopped him, but it only made him want to do it all that much more.
He starts by snapping off the handle of the razor, holding its head between his fingers. He observes the shape of the plastic.
[There's a seam here, and here...so if I grab it like this, and twist...]
It takes a few tries, but the plastic on the side bends and breaks.
He continues to pull the plastic away from the edges. With a final twist, the front piece guarding the blade breaks free from its supports, leaving its entirety exposed.
He takes the pliers to the side of the blade and lifts it out. He removes a separator, another blade, another separator, and another blade.
He cleans up the plastic mess and takes the blades, situating himself in the bathtub.
He's so tired.
Isn't he supposed to be getting better? How come it's like it feels worse? Or did he just spoil himself because it got better for a little bit?
Everything feels like a chore. Getting up takes effort, energy he doesn't have.
He has so many people around him now. Why does it still feel so lonely? How come it's like everybody likes each other more than they like him? How come it's always like he's the other? Replaceable? Not even close to enough to love, no matter how hard he tries?
It's just not fair. He'd go and tell somebody about this, try and keep himself from doing something like this to himself, but god, it was humiliating. It's not like he'd be ignored, but...
[I don't know, maybe I wouldn't get to this point at all if anybody acted like my friend before I started to feel like hurting myself over not having any...!!]
He groans and slams his head back against the wall. These stupid, bitter thoughts wouldn't leave his head. It was so terrible for him to think like this, no wonder nobody wants to be around him- he's an awful person, and he's terrible at concealing it.
He was meant to be alone, no doubt. It hurts to be lonely, but this must be a bug in his system. He's defective. The kind of thing that slips past a quality check.
He should've been demolished. He tried to take that responsibility upon himself, the only good thing he's done in his miserable, mistaken existence he calls a life.
The impact already brought tears to his eyes, so he didn't have to look too much while he did this. He grabs the blade in his shaking hand, presses its point hard against his thigh, and swipes.
the stinging pain shooting up his leg makes him exclaim aloud. Oh, it's sharp.
He looks down at the wound, feeling fear grip his chest while he watches red replace white. Being afraid of blood has exactly one perk to it; and it's that when he does this, it's guaranteed to replace whatever he's feeling with a much simpler anxiety.
He goes again. And again, and again.
Every time he thinks it's enough and he feels better, his sick, sick head begs for another wound, and he provides, a robotlike, helpless kind of obedience, willingly enslaved to his own addiction to the hurt.
Blood trickles down both his legs, but it's already begun to slow.
It's not deep enough. He needs it to hurt worse.
He needs to scratch away at himself til he finds something of any worth. He wants to tear his skin off, morph into someone new. If he can't do that, he'll settle for destroying this filthy carcass he inhabits. Whatever it is, it isn't him- he's not sure if it ever was.
He presses harder. Drags the metal slower. Deepening wounds, multiswiping once, twice, three times, while the stinging pain in his legs and the wailing in his head slowly begin to turn into pleasant numbness.
At some point, he finds he's too shaky to hold the blade up.
He drops it on the rim of the tub, taking a deep breath in hopes to ease the ringing in his ears.
He feels lightheaded. that's probably not good, he thinks faintly, but he doesn't really care.
Realistically, he's not, but with how detached he feels, he'd like to think he's finally begun his descent to hell. It's only natural he'd die as he lived.
He tries to stand up, but the deep ache in his legs and onslaught of dizziness won't permit it. He slips, collapsing to the bottom again.
He opens his eyes. There's a smudge on the side of the tub, he notices. Two identical ones, no doubt from a certain two parallel cuts with strange placement on the side of his thigh.
[In graphing, and linear equations...two parallel lines means there's no solution to the system.]
How brutally fitting for the situation.
For there is not, and never will be, a solution to the problem that is him.
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arezenithofyouthlove · 10 months
Congratulation manhwa. You managed to turn hell arc, one of the most emotional parts of the novel, into some half-half shitty ass comedy show. I'm so disappointed I swear. My quick review of current arc, beware of strong language
Chap 112: overuse of Lloyd's face as normal. Javier has better interaction with a demon than with his master???
Chap 113: using the information in the hell Internet with only 40% true to bet for your life is stupid Lloyd. Why don't they just stick to the original where Lloyd knew Helkaro's personality through the Knight of Blood and Iron novel??? Wouldn't that make so much more sense??? All Helkaro's inner thoughts were removed. Javier casually asked Lloyd about his real identity. Urgh Lloyd's faces again 🤢
Chap 114: I don't think in the novel Lloyd acting like that or it's just manhwa adaption. But the fact they draw Lloyd tried to kill a satan crossing the lava river is disgusting. Also Lloyd's face 😮‍💨
Chap 115: the reaper adaptation is fucking stupid if you are asking me. Why didn't the reaper get that dark wizard dude soul from before? So if you practice dark magic you won't be dragged to hell at all? And you can stay on the living realm killing more people??? And the reaper talk with ogLloyd. Please shut up. Pretending to be a meaningful life lesson but it just didn't work. If Suho has system power back in Korea would he still be hardworking? Or will he also get corrupted by it too? That hypothetical question is so stupid. They are trying to make original Lloyd to be less hate-able. Since when did him care about the estate at all? Why do you need to reduce his crime?
Chap 116: this is when I feel they massacre Lloyd's character trait the most. They already did it for a long time but I will focus on this chap. How he treat to ogLloyd is completely different to the novel. Novel Lloyd knew he stole OgLloyd body so he tried to find a way to compensate him back, but manhwa Lloyd just told him to get lost cuz he didn't gain anything from doing that? Suho would never say something like that. Deep inside he is a kind hearted so he always felt guilty and wanted to help ogLloyd if he could. But look at him now? He only helped OgLloyd cuz he think he is a nuisance. Next we have the rail building situation. Lloyd was clearly in the wrong side but he acting like a real scum. He didn't even say sorry and just told the lava monster to accept it? And told Javier to kill it? For real? I can understand in the novel it was self defence since the lava monster didn't accept Lloyd's apologies but I can't make any excuse for his wrong doing in the manhwa. Are they trying to make him look like a jerk as much as possible in front of the satan eyes? Even Javier knew what Lloyd doing was wrong. Lloyd even shoved the satan to the ground while he is running away. Where is his "safety first" rule now? I know they are in hell but he didn't care about life of other at all. Novel Lloyd even built a grave for the unlucky satans died in the lava monster attack in secret but I guess doing that is too ooc with the current manhwa version of him.
Chap 117: Really? They draw Javier having fun by putting Lloyd in danger? Is this really the same Javier who swear he will protect Lloyd with his own life? And let Javier question that? This is just absurd and not funny at all. They are too focusing on drawing "comedy panel" to the point of making a person who already read the novel like me get sick of it. What irritating me is the fact that the adaption team knew they are ruining the novel source just so they can make Lloyd a money-making machine for them. Manhwa good art can't save it completely from a badly written plot lack of character development and interaction.
Chap 118: The summon acting like Lloyd. Also it seems like they forgot Bibelhyung original size is a giant beaver so they just draw the chibi version of him. Lloyd and OgLloyd talk... I wanna to strangle LHM so bad. This is not my Lloyd at all! HE DID NOT TREATING OGLLOYD LIKE THAT IN THE NOVEL. Now helping ogLloyd is just he doing free charity, oh how noble of him is that? Here come Helkaro and thing about system. I can see the adaption team try to make thing more interesting by bullshiting all the stuff about higher-being and upper side but I think it won't come to anywhere. The system is helping Lloyd too much, acting just like a convenient plot armor. This bring me back to the Destiny Point system, another stupid adaption in my opinion. It's an attempt of them to spoiler about the Prince Making Drug sequel, which in turn end up a total plot destroyer. It is literally a free version of Ending Spoiler now since it could notice Lloyd something bad happen in the future. The way it works is also questionable. How long can the butterfly effect last? The way it calculate the number of people life like mere data? Isn't it behaving like a chain sackle Lloyd at a predestined future now? It appeared after Alicia got that eyes but it didn't take that into calculation?
Phew. I will wait for chap 119 to get translated first then continue to vent, unless Tumble shadowban me like last time lol
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
natah - part 1
For a long time, the Lotus allowed them to live as they pleased. They got their chance to rediscover this system of half-remembered dreams, familiar only in wisps of moments at a time before the memory fled their mind. They helped the factions which were friendly with them - with the Tenno, because there had started to be more of them around, recently - these factions which were trying to establish footholds in various places all over the system, and with the newly returned Tenno’s help, they were finally able to. Planet by planet, they established forward camps, then resupply points, and finally more permanent bases. Construction was started on several new Relays - the technology hadn’t been lost, but with the centuries it hadn’t been in use, it had been a near thing.
These factions might have been friendly to them and their kind, but they got the feeling that it was more the tolerance of a master towards a particularly useful pet. When they walked amongst these people, they kept their eyes on the weapons strapped to their thighs and back, though the gleam in their eye wasn’t one of fear, but of greed. They didn’t really know them, only how they could help them.
And to be honest, they couldn’t fault the factions. They didn’t know them either.
… urgh. This was getting too damn confusing. They needed to remember their name already so it could be less confusing.
They’d been trying out the sounds of various ones, but they always felt wrong, and the few that hadn’t felt too bad, they’d presented to Ordis, who had swiftly confirmed their suspicions every time with a quiet “no, sorry, not this one either”. He kept saying he’d know it if it was the right one, though, so they’d kept on with it, even though the process was becoming something like torture. It was a puzzle with one piece missing, and they couldn’t find one that fit. Well, several pieces were missing, but this one was presently the most annoying.
One day, in the middle of another argument with Ordis about why he wouldn’t even consider letting them install the incubator segment that would allow them to hatch their own kubrow, the Lotus called.
They halted, hands still raised in the middle of a sentence, as the tone rang out through the ship. They hadn’t heard it in a while.
“Allow it in,” they signed, curiosity pooling in their stomach and mixing with dread, because the Lotus calling directly hadn’t meant much good in the past.
“Tenno,” the Lotus’ voice filled the sudden void Ordis’ silence had left, “you need to go investigate an anomaly on Uranus. I will give you the details once you arrive.”
Her tone brooked no argument. Their Cephalon set the course immediately, and the Orbiter croaked into motion.
“Uranus?” they signed. “Isn’t that where Tyl Regor’s been hanging out?”
“It is, according to the latest reports,” Ordis confirmed. “He’s been there for a few weeks now. The Grineer are keeping this operation under wraps better than usual. That’s cause for suspicion.”
“It is,” the Lotus said grimly.
“Then what’s this anomaly?” they asked.
The Lotus paused for a second, as if unsure what to say. Or how much to say.
“The Chroma you encountered at the Arcane Machines was seen there,” she said, after a second’s deliberation. “It has been wreaking havoc on the Grineer’s project.”
They perked up significantly at this. They’d been wanting to talk to it since they’d parted ways, but hadn’t been sure how to find it. This was perfect. They strapped the skana to their back with renewed vigour, before asking: “So why are you sending us in? It’s not like the Grineer don’t deserve whatever Chroma’s doing.”
“The Grineer are meddling in something they shouldn’t be,” the Lotus said, and wow, that was almost a trace of anger in her voice. That was rare. “The Chroma’s interference has only renewed the intensity of the operation. They won’t quit unless significantly deterred, and Chroma shows no sign of stopping, so I’m sending you to help them. Run the Grineer clean off the planet if you must.”
Whoa, so it was really serious. Hit by the sudden sincerity, they put their palm on their chest, then moved it outwards, closing into a fist, elbow out to the side. It is done - though perhaps a little slower, more considerate, more formal than usual, signalling their surprise. 
“Contact me again when you arrive. I need to return to monitoring their communications,” The Lotus said, after another tense moment. The sound of her disconnecting seemed to release some tension they hadn’t realised they’d been holding. They shook out their shoulders and stepped up to the navigation console. It signalled a few more minutes’ travel time - Lotus had been lucky they’d been clearing bases on Nepture.
“Op- egh. Something about this feels off,” Ordis said. “Be safe out there.”
They looked up at the camera and nodded, feeling warm. It was just some Grineer. Sure, they’d heard tales of Tyl Regor, but one bright light in an ocean of Grineer clone-rot wasn’t going to pose much of a danger.
They had been so, so wrong. The very air on Uranus felt heavy and bad - more than an ocean-covered planet warranted. 
They’d barely waved off the Liset and Ordis’ worried hovering when alarms immediately started blaring. They turned around with a jerk, scanning the room they’d landed in. Nothing.
“I haven’t even done anything yet!” they signed in frustration, as the air suddenly gained a whole new degree of wrongness.
“Life support has been cut off. That must be Chroma, stirring enough trouble for the Grineer to try and smoke them out,” the Lotus said. “I’m marking a hotspot of activity on your map. See if you can find them there.”
They started running, because it didn’t seem like Chroma realised the danger they’d just plunged the entire base into. Luckily, the Lotus’ guess was right, and the closer they came, the more bodies littered the ground. There were scorch marks on the floor and deep claw marks scored into the walls. They shuddered, hoping the Chroma remembered them, or would at least recognise an ally.
It was in the next room, skillfully roasting another squadron, its back to the door they’d just come through. With a cut-off screech, it turned around, quickly-dying flames wreathing its helmet. They froze, as did the Chroma. The Grineer were dead on the ground.
Tentatively, they signed “friend”.
Chroma immediately perked up, emitting a happy scratching noise, as they signed for them to follow. The other didn’t bother to look if they were following, just set off at a jog. They had no idea where they were going, only that the enemy of their enemy was their friend, and the Chroma hadn’t toasted them on the spot yet.
On their way to wherever it was, the Chroma turned its head to the side, where they were keeping up. “Name?” it signed.
The part of their mind that always took over during intense fights suddenly demanded control. They gave it up, curious, keeping up the jog as they watched their hand rise up and sign something unfamiliar. Chroma also hadn’t recognised it, because it tilted its head - and then their hand was spelling it out: “S-u-f-f-o-r-d”. Then it repeated the unique sign - the name-sign, they realised now.
… They’d deal with that later. The Chroma happily repeated it a few times, before spelling its own name, which turned out to be Kali.
And then, there was no more time for more detailed conversation, as the room they barreled into was once again populated with Grineer soldiers, these ones wearing gas masks to be able to work in the poison slowly spreading through the base. Though, there, in the distance, they could see a more distinct silhouette - one they recognised from the silhouettes of wanted posters in the bases they’d been helping to rebuild.
And so did the Lotus. “Tyl Regor!” she shouted, through the speakers built into their armour. They winced - they didn’t enjoy being a walking communication station, but it was necessary. They weren’t about to allow the other onto their secure comms channel.
“Tenno,” the man himself growled, turning around. “Little lizards can’t resist a chance to get their sticky hands in my jar.”
“Regor, you don’t know what you’re doing. You are about to-”
“I am about to discover something, aren’t I?” he gloated. “Something you don’t want us to discover. Something that would give us too much of an edge over your metal bugs, perhaps? Some weapon? Some… Old War secret?”
“Regor, listen to me, you are plunging the whole system in danger by continuing to drill!”
The Lotus was starting to sound frantic. They-and-Sufford stood around awkwardly with Kali, engaged in a staring contest with the Grineer soldiers, who’d raised their guns at their entrance but hadn’t opened fire yet.
“Yes, I am,” he easily confirmed. “Danger of a glorious Grineer empire! You know what is below there, do you not, Lotus? So do I.”
They spared a glance at Kali. Kali shook its head. No clue either.
Regor picked up on it. “Ah, but your insects, they do not! Are you keeping secrets from your children again, Lotus? Don’t you know that’s bad for them?”
“You are risking the lives of everyone in the system. We cannot let you do that.”
“Enough of this buzzing insect,” Tyl said, turning back around with a dismissive wave. His guard suddenly sprang back up into position from where they’d been slouching. “Dispose of the nuisances.”
Tyl vanished through a tunnel, and pandemonium broke out.
Alarms were blaring again, overlaid with fast Grineer speaking over an intercom. Immediately to their side, Kali drowned it all out with a deafening scream, and was then on the Grineer in front of them, once more at the centre of a living fireball. None of the soldiers had been ready for it, but more were already streaming into the room.
“Follow him!” the Lotus commanded over the speakers, so Kali could also hear. “You must not lose track of him.”
They signalled for Kali to follow when they caught its eye, and jumped down the tunnel Regor had vanished into. Trying to keep up with his trail before it went cold, they caught fragments of him speaking, presumably gloating about whatever it was he was trying to do. They strained their auditory sensors, hoping to make sense of just what the secret that lay under their feet was, and hoping it wasn’t a hallucination induced by the poison gas slowly reaching critical levels.
“The Sentient… Destroyer? Liberator? Depends…”
“Nasty thing. Came from where? Who cares. … smashed the Orokin, freed us! …”
And then suddenly, a new, unfamiliar burst of static shot through the communications channel. They nearly stumbled over their own feet in surprise, staggering to a halt. Kali also stopped, looking back and forth quickly, clearly confused but not wanting to let their target escape.
“Lotus, was that you?” Ordis asked. He managed the channel, he would know. Why was he asking?
“No, what did you hear?” the Lotus demanded.
“Some interference came through from your end,” Ordis said, and was promptly cut off by more.
“Natah,” a new, unfamiliar voice spoke. “Where are you? You cannot hide from me.”
“Retreat,” the Lotus said, urgent. “It is too late. Regor has woken the Sentient.”
Down the tunnel, where they’d seen Regor go, they could hear shouting.
“Marking extraction on your map. Please hurry,” Ordis urged.
None of this had been on speaker, and Kali looked extremely worried. They signed for it to follow, that they were heading to extraction, that they’d explain later. With one last longing look thrown at the other end of the tunnel, emitting a few sparks from the end of its helmet, Kali signed its agreement. They started running, the Chroma in tow, and turned on the speakers again, so that they wouldn’t have to repeat anything important said.
Too bad the interference chose exactly that moment to return. “Natah, who have you become? Does this form remind you of what you once were? Time has carried my seed so very far from the branch.”
“Lotus,” they signed, worried. “Who is that?”
“We can discuss details once you are back to safety, Tenno,” she replied, tersely. Fine.
They reached the extraction point. Kali was still with them, so they pushed it ahead of them. It seemed familiar with the setup, as it jumped into the magnets without trouble.
“Who the hell is- Ahem, I wasn’t aware the Chroma was tagging along?” Ordis asked.
“Its name is Kali,” they signed, spelling out the name again, before hopping into the newly-freed magnets themself. Once in the Liset, they continued. “Can’t leave it behind on a planet with an unknown danger. Can’t evaluate the danger as long as Lotus won’t tell us anything. So it’s coming with.”
The fresh air inside was a relief they couldn’t enjoy for too long, as Kali had already found their collection of floofs and was handling them just a tad too roughly for their comfort. As the Liset took off, they were distracted away from the fact that the Lotus stayed entirely too quiet in response to that.
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2n2n · 2 years
why nobody has already called hanako kun by the runt, shrimp, shorty but yet everyone calls tsukasa like that even if they have the same size I can even say that hanako kun looks more childish and weaker in front of tsukasa it's too unfair
you're right and you should say it. Kou uses it on Tsukasa as a way of demeaning him-- he generally refuses to call Tsukasa by his name, disrespectfully. Ironically Hanako refuses to call Kou by any name as well, and just calls him 'shounen' or kid/boy-- which seeks to demean him as 'younger/childish' in Hanako's eyes (it's so funny when he's physically 13.... all the more reason to assert the power dynamic-- YOU ARE A KID TO ME), because Kou makes him feel insecure, and he sees him as competition for Nene ;) He wants Kou to feel inadequate, stupid, young. Kou wants to only talk about Tsukasa disrespectfully. Immature boys.....
Natsuhiko also avoids his name though, also uses 'chibi' but I imagine he's using it more cutely??-- but we don't really know much about Natsuhiko's vibes, he just seems kindly.... and Sakura always calls him 'that boy' or 'ano ko' (which you could just translate as 'child', it's different from what Hanako uses for Kou despite translating similarly), which is more what you'd call a little kid (and I think it's just a proper way of referring in her tone, not demeaning? could be wrong im not that aware of its vibes). Mitsuba and Nene refer to him like a peer, though! They bother with appending -kun, which I think conveys that they both think of Tsukasa as a complete person (I even think this probably bothers Kou when Mitsuba talks about Tsukasa....).
Urgh I swear someone's called Hanako chibi at some point, maybe Akane?? But there is much less mind paid to his identical smallness. Instead, just avoiding honorifics goes a long way, like how Teru only refers to him as 'no. 7' and doesn't use the '-sama' (Akane and Shijima still tack on -sama, despite hating him, too... but Teru is way more arrogant, and sincerely sees kaii as beneath him... Teru gets called -sama by Kunishige and surely many others of the shrine/clan, so, he's all entitled....).
Kou just calls Hanako 'Hanako' without any -kun so he's like, rude??????? the inception of that was obviously their harsh meeting where he wasn't about to be a good boy,
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but he never goes back and fixes it or anything.....
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so it Almost Seems Friendly Now but I'm like, urgh, he never gave you some kind of permission to refer to him this way ..... its still rude.... I respect Hanako going steps further and refusing to even use any name at all for you, lol....
Its almost like because Hanako's in a glorified position of authority as no. 7, or you know, dirty mononoke, it's too many steps to get to 'chibi' and people are more likely to be rude to him in another way.
Tsukasa is just a little guy, doesn't ask for any respectability from anyone (: and he has no formal position in any kind of system .... so he just becomes 'runt' to some people..... for what its worth I think Hanako is more annoyed when someone like Teru or Kou refers to him however they please, than Tsukasa is bothered by people calling him whatever. I do Not think Tsukasa cares if you call him a cockroach. I don't think respectability means anything at all to Tsukasa.
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r95irth · 2 years
I've started reading a new webcomic that is actually very good, but it makes me realize what bothers me everytime with this kind of webcomic in general...
The lack of homosexuality is overwhelming. I mean yeah i can care for the main couple but give me some treats on the side please.
The lack of other pairs in general. Yeah there's only one genuine love story and that's the main ! All others are proved fake or flawed if it's even there at all (and that's sad)
Which unfortunately is often due to the fact that everyone loves the heroine (except villains...but sometimes even them love the heroine and want to make her their URGH) is it too hard to have some nuances? People who just don't care about the heroine ? Some people who don't like her but aren't villains defacto ? Apparently it is.
Always rich family setting and nobles. I get it it's a good excuse for heroine to have new outfit every chapter, but...elitist much?
Transmigration is sometimes so unecessary. Here there's two layers of transmigration. First the heroine is a korean girl...Then she fails her first life, dies and returns in the past. Why the first transmigration even there? She never uses her knowledge from Korea. It has no tie to the story / her personality, nothing.
Despite how much the narrative tells how the heroine is CLEVER and all, i have yet to see a single one use the excuse (in a fantasy magic settings) "yeah i can see the future through dream". I'm sorry but that's the most convenient excuse. What are you going to do once you've reached the point you turned back in time and you no longer know the future? Suddenly you're not as amazing as you were and people are going to notice. At least with a superpower you can go "oh no it's gone :/" Here the heroine is a small child, but sorry she doesn't act like a 7 years old child and it shows (people notices but not enough) and she really shows she knows the future and even those who notice something is wrong are purposely stupid in those moments.
In general i don't like when at the end of the story the transmigrator keeps it secret that they transmigrated to their loved one. I'm like "yeah true love and pure and all...based on a big lie that doesn't bother the main culprit in the slightest" i'm not for "couple should share everything" and a big supporter of "never lie" but...come on that's one big secret how am i supposed to root for you if you don't respect the other to tell them that ???
Now that i complained i feel a bit better and it's time to tell what the webcomic do well >>
-For once the heroine is smart and really DO things in the story. (I've read countless webcomic where the heroine is supposedly strong but she gets married and get saved by ML from this point to the end)
-Grampa and Papa, and family in general (minus like 5 scumbags) are actually very lovable and have their moment to shine and that's GREAT. I mean she is here to save her family so you better have me love them xD
-Male lead is a bit of a doormat at the beginning (but very much traumatized so i forgive him) and his personality is almost 100% "im in lovce with HEROINE) but he has his moment to shine, his own goal / nemesis and he has one moment that is very cute where he saves the heroine in a very original way (not truly saves her, but help him save the one she loves which i find MUCH MUCH CUTER) and so far his jealous moment are tamed. I still keep my veto if his jealousy level goes from normal to annoying.
-So many beautiful robes, and while there are 3D assets it's not that visible.
...Anyways i like this webcomic despite its flaws (because it's like the genre's flaws) i think i will the novel a try if i find a translation that is not cut every 10 sentences by some pub.
If i don't find it i will spend my time thinking of transmigration AU for MDZS. I have two in the back of my mind, one where "the reincarnation system is not what people thinks : when you die you give your life another try and you get to the after life only when you manage to live a life where at the end you're sastisfied with the way you lived" and where it's Yanli and Jin Zixuan who are the protag.
And of course the one where it's MY who is the protag and the only one who is smart enough to pull "yeah i have dreams of the future" excuse.
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Time to bloom! You bet! Survived my last exam, but I have to say I am not happy about the grade - just a 4, like the previous exam, urgh. But at least now it is over and I am a free person again! Finally!
I already took a bit more freedoms last week, like going to the Annette Messager exhibition at the Kunstmuseum. I obviously did not know about her before because I barely know anyone, but that's why I have the yearly card! So anyways, it was really a coool exhibition, I'll post some pictures later on.
Also I went to a friend's birthday where we went bouldering. Until recently, I kind of resisted joining the trend, but damn! It's just a big playground for adults. It is even a bit colourful! So now I will probably get myself the summer pass which is comparably cheap.
It's kind of part of my program to build some strength esp. in my upper body. Perhaps with that I'll be able to do a proper handstand at some point. Also, my doctor recommended core workouts for my backpain because she said the core probably too weak, but come on, I have like, tiny little abs! I'll probably talk to her about that again because I noticed my legs might actually have a different length or something? Sometimes it only looks like 1cm and others like at least 2cm... But it could also be from like hypermobility, I guess. I actually seem to be a bit more bendy than other people and now my mother officially has it, so it's not unlikely. And most issues (apart from the lower back I guess) occur in the more flexible joints, soooo. (I should have noticed it earlier, the ballet people in that one intro course were so fucking obsessed with my mobility... And my really bad balance there (and in general) also makes more sense.) Whatever. So let's note down that I hope to do something for my body over the summer.
I am really looking forward to go home and meet my people again. Also the sushi, the ice cream and the bubble tea (yeah ooops) place in Magdeburg! I'll bring my closest Danish friend and afterwards, she will show me Denmark. Because I still haven't seen anything more than the west coast and Skagen at the tip... And perhaps then I will come around to just cycle for 3-5 days and sleep in the shelters. Alone! I am fucking afraid! But I also kind of really want to try it.
I really really need these 7 weeks and am really looking forward to them. I will live so fucking much in the moment. And create something. (Or at least consume consciously.) I might figure out how to get Bafög for a semester longer - I really used to be able to play that system - to get a second Danish summer. I might also figure out what to do after the masters degree, but that has time.
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beesandwasps · 1 year
Urgh, Text Editors
This is a bit of a rant, and most people won’t be interested at all, so I’m hiding it below a “keep reading”.
If you have never done any programming or web design, or have only dabbled in them, then you may not be aware of Text Editors as a Thing. TextEdit on the Mac, or Notepad on Windows, are the very low-end, featureless bottom of the heap for this sort of thing — you can edit code files with those programs, but they don’t have any specialized tools to do common stuff.
I’ve been using BBEdit for this purpose since sometime in the (very) late 1990s. BBEdit has been a good tool for this purpose — it has all the usual features of IDEs like syntax coloring and autocompletion, it does GREP-based find and replace (and before Mac OS X, GREP-based find and replace on the Mac was a rarity!), it can link up to revision control systems like git and subversion, it can either run files directly in their own windows (if they are of a type where this makes sense, like Python scripts) or send them to the Terminal to run on a “real” command line, it has file comparison and multi-file searching built in, it can open and save files from servers using various protocols so you can do touchups of web design remotely, it is one of the few programs which still have full AppleScript support (so you can not merely write macros but interactive macros with GUI access), and of course it has a massive toolkit for HTML editing. Also, it is actually written for the Mac, not a port of something written for Windows or Linux. (If you’re a Windows user, and you have used QuickTime Player for Windows, then you know the feeling you get when you use a program which is noticeably “expecting” a different OS. Most open-source programs feel like that on the Mac for at least the first 3 major releases or so. Some — like VNC — never really get over it.)
In the last couple of years, I’ve just been using the last version I paid for, which was version 12, on my very old Intel-based Mac. But I had to get a new machine for various reasons, and so I’m now on an M2 CPU instead of Intel (which, incidentally, is mostly great — to get this kind of performance from an Intel CPU you’d have to buy one of their top-of-the-line models with massive cooling requirements and a huge price tag, and this is running in a laptop and hasn’t even reached the point of needing to turn on the fan yet no matter what I have thrown at it). That means I have very little choice about upgrading to the new version, which is 14, and… they have changed to a subscription-based license. (You can use the program for free without a license, but most of the features which make it worth using will stop working.) Now, in all fairness, I probably wouldn’t be spending more this way than I have been. They’re asking $40 per year. Adjusted for inflation, I’ve been spending about that much over time, what with occasional upgrades.
(And I have no problem with the idea of paying for software. If you want good software, stuff which is easy to use with responsive tech support and timely upgrades, paid software beats open source every day of the week — and you don’t have to worry about big tech companies like Google and IBM perverting the course of the project as you do with, say, Linux.)
But although I understand the motivation of switching to a subscription model — it evens out their revenue stream so they have a better idea of how much money they will have in future years as compared with selling one-time licenses — the switch does mean that if Bare Bones Software, the company writing the program, goes under, then under the subscription model the program will stop working a year after the last renewal, even if you stop installing OS upgrades and leave the machine exactly as-is. They might do a final release which fixes that problem in such a scenario but then again they might not — even if they are totally benign, it’s possible that they might go out of business so abruptly that nobody has time to authorize, recode, and release such a thing. (Or they might have the old BeOS graphics layer problem, where the one person who actually understands the code dies unexpectedly.) Bleah!
So I’ve been looking into alternatives. There are several.
Sublime Text looks like it’s basically meant to be a BBEdit equivalent; they’re asking $100 for it, which is a bit hefty depending on how long that lasts. (How often do they intend to charge for upgrades, and will there be discounts for upgrades or do you have to re-purchase the whole thing?) I’m doing some evaluations now.
Apparently you can get the Microsoft Visual Basic IDE for Mac OS X which… I’ve heard way too many complaints about it, from people who were actually running it on Windows; it is probably unfathomably bad on Mac. Reviewers seem to like it, but I don’t trust reviewers these days. Not with all the content-spamming review blogs which just parrot marketing materials — and as I say, actual Windows users complain about it a lot. (Plus: if I wanted to fire up a whole IDE every time I was going to edit a text file, I would use Apple’s XCode, which I’ve been avoiding on purpose except when I actually want to compile a program.)
There’s something called Atom, which even the positive reviewers note is slow and resource-intensive, and a lot of its supposed positives either don’t apply to me or are actually things I consider negatives. (“Cross-platform”? Oh, you mean it will have an awkward interface that reinvents a bunch of GUI wheels instead of using the built-in system controls.) But it’s free. Oh, it’s also been discontinued. Well, never mind, then.
UltraEdit appears to be very similar to BBEdit, except that it’s cross-platform (and I have confirmed: the Mac GUI is awful) and some of the tools built into BBEdit are farmed out to other programs which you potentially have to buy separately. Oh, and I just checked and they are also on a subscription basis, except that they charge twice as much as BBEdit. Wow, what a dead end of a program.
Oh, and also there are apparently GUI-packaged versions of a couple of the really awful old CLI text editors, vi and Emacs. I have tried both in the past and would rather repeatedly slam my hand (or, shall we say, any other portion of my anatomy) in a desk drawer than use either one, thanks.
Looks like I’m either going with Sublime Text or signing on for a BBEdit subscription. Ugh.
0 notes
scrubs - 2.
pairing: doctor!sebastian stan x biomedical scientist!reader
warnings: angst, mentions of death. if you are not comfortable with these warnings please dni. 
< previous chapter
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   - Where are you going? - Miriam rose her head from the work bench as Y/N took her gloves and googles off, disposing of both in the yellow bin. - Y/N, where are you going? Don’t leave me alone with the trainees. 
    - I’m going to get dinner. No eating in the lab, remember?
    - Urgh, couldn’t you have gone to dinner when Michael was here? You’re leaving me alone with the trainees ... and the ask so many questions. - she whispered the last part, afraid the trainees would hear her and hit her over the head with their very heavy portfolios. - I’m going next.
    - Hour break, don’t you dare page me. - she pointed her finger menacingly at Miriam before clocking out and heading out for dinner. If they had told her during her sleepless nights spent revising for her least favourite modules the most exciting time of her shifts would be the bland food served by the hospital cafeteria, she would’ve just become a pharmaceutical researcher. Yet again, you need to start at the bottom if you want to get to the top and Y/N was more than ready to climb that moment.
She pressed the button for the lift, leaning against her own hand as she tried to wake herself up. Turns out studying and staying up all night applying for PhD projects and then coming to work at 7AM is not the way to go for energy. Luckily, the black tea she had drank this morning had managed to keep her awake, however the caffeine was starting to slowly leave her system and she still had a few more hours awaiting her. As she was about to fall asleep while waiting for the lift to make it to the lower floors, she heard her name being called out.
      - Y/N? - she looked to her side to see Peter standing next to her. They’ve known each other since freshers and if there was someone who was always wide awake during twenty four hour shifts it was him. He worked currently in the clinical biochemistry laboratory, mostly coming over to visit Y/N whenever they were working on cardiac infection cases together. - I looked at the file you gave me. CRP is actually present but quite low, could be recovery phase from an infection. My guess with abdominal pain would be a UTI. 
     - You reckon it hit recovery phase by itself? 
     - Listen, some pharmacy assistant might’ve given him antibiotics. Who knows but I’d get a urine analysis, do some cultures and see how’s it going but from my point of view, it’s in recovery phase. 
    - You’re a superstar, Peter. - she hugged him just as the lift doors opened. - You’re going up?
    - Yeah, it’s dinner time. I think they’re serving meatballs today. Exciting stuff. - the two stepped onto the lift. - Miriam said Dr. Stan came down today. You’re still giving him hell?
    - I am not giving him hell. He’s just constantly sending samples either mislabelled or misplaced and he expects me to lecture his nursing staff about it. 
    - I don’t know, Y/N. Back at university you spent 2 hours arguing an answer with a lecturer, I just think you like arguing. - he chuckled as the doors opened onto the floor where the cafeteria was. - Or maybe you like arguing with Dr. Stan. 
Before she could complain about the snide comment, Peter took to having a chat with a nurse he was particular sweet on leaving Y/N with her mouth open ready to argue and a finger pointed at him. She rolled her eyes, collecting herself as she released her hair from the ponytail which held it safely high up so her scalp could rest for a few hours before it had to go back up. Walking into the green lit cafeteria, the room was filled with half asleep medical staff digging through the bland food like mindless zombies. She did not blame them, she too sometimes would switch off her brain during breaks but lately all the free time she had was dedicated to applications after applications, despite the fact she kept getting rejections every single day. 
The scientist grabbed a worn out plastic blue tray, getting a batch on weirdly shaped meatballs from the cafeteria lady as well as some odly too yellow noodles. Hey, it is food, her brain told her as she grabbed a diet Pepsi and a slice of apple pie which was the only eatable dessert around. 
     - Didn’t you owe me dinner?
     - You almost made me drop my tray. - she gave the resident doctor a dirty look, gripping tighter onto the tray. - And I’ll be damned if I ever owe you dinner but I do have your blood culture results and we did sort out your weird infection case.
      - It is not my infection case. 
     - Fine, your patient’s infection case. God heavens if any interns knew that you had an infection, that way they wouldn’t fawn over you. - she rolled her eyes at him, setting her tray in the first table she came over. He did the same, placing his tray right in front of hers before sitting in the metal chair with a cocky grin.  - Go away, I’ll send over the report to your office. 
      - Have you not figured it out yet and trying to buy yourself more time? Or are you trying to escape the dinner date you set up with me?
      - That might work on your interns but not on me, Stan. Besides, it is an infection.
       - But there’s no worrying levels CRP besides, what about the abdominal pain? Surely CRP and white blood cells would be off the roof. 
       - Okay, since you probably missed Biochemistry in med school I will explain it to you. The CRP levels are high during initial phases and lower down during resolve. Your patient is probably on recovery phase already. Recovery means it is fixing itself. Do you need me to explain CRP to you?
     - If you pulled that out with any other doctor, you would’ve gotten told off.
     - Other doctors don’t ask me stupid questions. - she pointed her fork at him. - Dr. Mackie never sends the samples in the wrong vials. 
     - What about the blood cultures?
     - Congratulations, Dr. Your patient is not septic. It’s most likely localised but I’d suggest ordering some X-rays if you wanna localise where it actually is. I wash my hands of your troubles. - she shrugged, wrapping her fork in the spaghetti laying on her plate. - Need anything else, Dr. Stan?
      - I remember being promised a dinner date.
      - You should get your ears checked, the only thing I promised you was data and you’re lucky I also gave you a data ana ... - the scientist was interrupted by her pager beeping loudly against her belt. She grumbled, looking down at her belt with a look that would scare  anyone. - Duty calls.
       - How convenient it went off now. 
       - Unlike you, Dr. Stan, I have a team to lead.
       - Sounds complicated, Y/N. You sure you don’t need a babysitter?
She turned around as she was about to leave, raising his middle finger at him before rushing down the hall as her pager beeped uncontrollably. So much for not paging her during dinner time. Someone better be dying, she thought to herself as she slide her card into the door slot to get access. What she came in contact with was not what she was expecting from a laboratory of trained professionals. Miriam was holding one of the trainees head forward whose nose was bleeding all over her worktop bench.
      - Miriam, what the fuck?
      - Don’t look at me. Thomas ... - she squinted at the boy whose head she was holding forward. - Started bleeding when he smelled the knee aspiration.
      - Oh no. - Y/N put some gloves on before walking over to the two. - Okay, Miriam call a code orange. I’ll take Thomas upstairs and get him sorted.
      - It’s so stinky.
      - I know. - Y/N handed them two cotton balls from the jar to her left. - Put  them up your nose.
What would be a day in the laboratory if a newbie didn’t either faint or got nose  bleeds from samples? Definitely not a day in her laboratory. She looked around the busy hospital grounds, trying to find any free, available nurses but they were all overworked. No wonder why, whenever midnight rolled around, people started coming in left and right from club brawls and the grounds were always a nightmare.
      - What you got there, Miss Y/L/N? Is this how you lead your team?
      - Fuck off, Stan. I do not have time to listen to your comments, I need to find a nurse.
      - What happened, kid? - Sebastian looked to the 19 year old medical laboratory assistant holding cotton against his nose. - Lab that bad? Come on, I’ll fix you up.   
      - Thanks. - she mumbled, following the two men into one of the free areas. Thomas sat on the table while Sebastian pulled up a chair to sit in, Y/N remaining up on her feet. 
      - So kid, what happened? Y/N rough you up too much?
      - He got a nosebleed from the smell of a knee fluid from an aspiration. - Y/N replied to him, much to Thomas delight who felt more than embarrassed about the situation he was in. - Is this what you’re doing now, Dr. Stan? Minor cases? Did the chief of medicine finally realised you’re unqualified?
      - No. - he spoke as he pointed out his light at the trainees nose, to look for any specific damage. - One of my patient’s in critical care but it seems to have stabilised for now at least. 
      - Oh ... sorry. What happened to them?
      - Sepsis. - he turned off the lights. - Listen kid, it’s nothing to bad. Just stay sat here and firmly pinch the soft part of your nose, just above your nostrils, for about 15 minutes. Don’t forget to lean forward and breathe through your mouth. Me or one of the nurses will come check on you after to see if it has improved but so far, so good.
     -  I’ll return to the lab. Page me when you’re ready to return, okay? - she gave the young starter a kind smile before pulling the curtains and letting him be. Unfortunately for her, Stan would not let her be. - Keep it.
     - How weak are your staff? How are they gonna react to when they actually see infected body parts?
     - I said keep it. - she crossed her arms, ready to leave and return to the laboratory until she remembered something. She turned around on her heel, passive aggressive smile on her lips as she leaned her head on her shoulder. - Also, Dr. Stan, the infected tissue samples you sent us had the wrong birthdate on them.
     - C’mon Y/N.
     - They’re on hold until you speak with the laboratory manager about them. Good luck.
He opened his mouth to fight with her but she had already gotten into the elevator. The rest of her shift was pretty uneventful with her and a few of her colleagues having to pick up the pace to get everything sorted before they left. Miriam and her fiance left first at 1AM leaving Y/N to count the minutes til 2 AM rolled around. Once the clock read 2AM, like a speeder, she was out of that laboratory and into the elevator before anyone could call her. Walking to her parking spot, the sky was dark, the lot light by harsh yellow barely brightening. As she walked over to the second handed baby blue Fiat 500, she noticed someone hunched over and sat on the top of a black new model Audi, smoke coming out from his cigarette. Normally, she would’ve just avoided it and gotten into her car to go home but the turquoise scrubs were much too familiar at this point.
    - Dr. Stan? - her boots hit the gravel as she stood just a few meters away from him. - Do they not teach you in medical school that smoking increases the chance of lung cancer?
    - Not now, Y/N. - no sarcastic remark? That was a new one. He threw the cigarette butt onto the ground once it was all over, feet rubbing it against the gravel. - Not now.
    - I thought your shift finished at 1:30? Pulling overtime hours? Someone needed your assistance? Death time?
    - My septic patient died. - she immediately wished she hadn’t said anything. Death was not something she particularly dealt with. Surely, some results were awful, specially in cases of ultra resistant bacteria showing up in the blood but that’s what they were, results. She didn’t see the patient, in all honesty all she would know the patient would be by a barcode number. - Sepsis quickly lead to organ failure. I don’t understand ... she was getting better.
    - Sepsis is unpredictable. You did the best you could do. 
    - And you’d know? All you do is be in the laboratory and do tests. What would you know about it?
    - Okay ... - she put her hands on her hips. - Are you on any antibiotics, prescription pain killers, sedative drugs, statins or any antidepressants?
     - I don’t see the point. 
     - The bar nearby has a discount for hospital staff. It’s only a five minute walk and everyone else is so miserable, you don’t feel bad about being miserable.
     - I’m not going to the bar in my scrubs, Y/N.
     - If you’re okay wearing those ... - she pointed at his scrubs. - Then you are okay wearing them at the bar.
She was right, the bar did look miserable. Not in a miserable way which would require regulation to shut down the place but miserable in a way one would just be at home wallowing in their pity with a pint of beer and right now that was all he needed. He sat in a sticky red booth, in front of her with a pint of beer while she picked a cocktail from the menu.
     - You don’t seem like the type of girl who’d come here.
     - And I’m not but they sell really cheap burgers at lunchtime. - she put her hand under her chin. - Besides, I’ve done this before.
     - When did you convince someone to come to the bar because their patient flat lined?
     - You know Dr. Liam Watts?
     - Surgery residency? I’ve heard about him before. - her lips tensed in a straight line as she leaned her head on her shoulder. - No. You’ve been here with Bucktooth Watts before? 
    - Yeah... even after he clearly needed support after he couldn’t save his first patient, he still decided to take me on a date here.
    - I’m sorry, you dated Bucktooth Watts? - he chuckled, downing whatever was left of his pint, signalling the bartender to bring him another one.
   - This is why we don’t hang out. He’s not bucktoothed. 
   - Sure, sure. I see the appeal, I mean over Christmas at least you have someone to cut the carrots. 
The night went onwards with a bunch of maybe irresponsible drinking. Y/N was two mojitos in and she was already tipsy and giggling like a school girl, not really used to drinking. Sebastian was in the same state as her, trying not to laugh at everything as they stepped outside to grab a taxi. At least both of them were conscious enough to decide not to drive.
   - No, you did not get locked in the vroom cupboard during your residency. - she held her belly as she laughed.
   - I did and my senior doctor did not notice I was gone. I was stuck there for 5 hours.
   - Oh god. - she held herself against the wall. - I always knew you were a clutz. You know, you’re the only doctor who hasn’t told off his nurses about the blood  bottles.  
   - Can I tell you a secret? - he whispered mid laughter. - I am afraid of them.
   - Oh my god. - she held her hand on his shoulder covering her mouth with the other one. - See, this is why I constantly argue with you. You’re soft, doctor.
   - Arguing with you is the best part of my day. You look really hot when you’re telling me off.
   - You look terrible when I tell you off. - the two of them stopped laughing, looking into each other eyes for the first time since they’d been out of the laboratory. Maybe it was the alcohol but at that moment, the best idea to the two of them was to lean towards each other, his hands grasping each side of her waist as they connected the space between them, getting together into a hot long kiss.
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pandoraimperatrix · 3 years
Cockblocked by Batman’s son
BatCat | Humour/Romance | 1,4k
The fucker was on her for a while, and as much as their cat and bat game was fun, it was beginning to get in the middle of her business. There was this tiny small Brazilian island with her name on it, and unfortunately it was hard to steal whole islands than jewellery, so, of course, to steal some of the latter to get her island. She was calling it her retirement plan.
She was so close to her goal 12 million goal, only 10k to go, the job had been a god send, a rich collector had just acquired an Edwardian aquamarine and diamond brooch that have been on her client’s list for ages, thank goodness it was not her style at all, so she wouldn’t be tempted. It was easy enough, the security system was not what she expected from her research, but it had been fun to crack it, it was good to be surprised sometimes, she thought, kept her on her toes.
Her prize was already safely inside her bag, and Selina was ready to leave, when he appeared dark and broody, cape flowing behind him like a vampire on a silent era movie.
“Put it back.”
“Oh for Bastet’s sake!”
She ran, he went after her, and to be fair she was having fun taunting him, but there was something odd about that night, usually he gave her a little more of work, he seemed to be lagging. She even looked behind a few times to see if he was still following her, because there was nights in which would just leave to take care of an actual life threating crime. Selina thought that was the case and stopped to look, as much as the danger of him actually catching her and taking her prize back was not null, it almost felt like a let down when he’d just leave like that without a proper goodbye. He had no manners! Have no one taught him how to treat a lady?
Not that she was one.
She turned away and head back small rooftop apartment on East End, she had just entered her home, and pulled the cowl off her head when she felt a massive weight smash against her back throwing her on the floor. Fear struck her even harder, had the celling just fallen? She screamed for her cats to find safety before she managed to wiggle her body around enough to get an idea of the situation.
“What the actual fuck!”
The celling was intact and what was currently pressing her to the floor was the wall of meat known as the Batman.
“Put… it back.”
And then his eyes closed. She had never been close enough to notice before, but they were blue.
Read on AO3
It was embarrassing. She was tied up to a bomb. Heist gone wrong, well, it was good that he appeared since it was his fault that there was a heist at all. After leaving her flat while she napped after playing his personal Florence Nightingale all night, he repaid her by stealing her brooch!
Can you believe it?
The ingratitude?
The disrespect?
It was entirely his fault that she was obligated to break into that stupid warehouse to steal her new mark – an art deco diamond bracelet with an asscher cut, totally her style, she was already planning how to get it back, for free, of course. It was not her fault that the intel that got forgot to inform her that it was the same warehouse that had been used by Don Malone to hide drugs. And that when she broke in the place was no empty and Malone’s goons thought she was working for Falcone. Of course, no one believed her when she told them that she didn’t have anything to do with that.
You know, that’s why Selina had no trouble lying, because the truth hardly matters when someone wants to fuck you up, they will just do it for good measure, for fun, because sometimes you bloody deserve it for being the fool that nursed the fucking Batman back to health and were robbed by him.
But then, just as was she was about to accept that was how she’d meet her maker, a little leprechaun fell from the roof and said in a squeaky voice that she’d be okay.
“Geez, freaks are getting younger every day!”
Until Batman appeared and started defusing the bomb she thought she had already died and was having a very weird afterlife.
“He’s not a freak.”
“Oh… he’s with you!”
Maybe she was having a very weird afterlife. But why the hell her afterlife included the fucking Batman?
“He’s my… hmm… son.”
Wait, that was too weird for an afterlife.
“Your son? And his mother is okay with that? Jesus, isn’t he afraid of falling down?”
The boy had limbed a rope hanging from the roof and was hanging upside down by his pixie booted feet.
“He doesn’t have a mother,” Batman muttered as he still worked on her bomb, well, not hers. She owned no bombs, your honour. He was awfully talkative that night, that Batman. “Robin, behave!”
Oh my god, he was the leprechaun’s father! The information was just too good and at the same time she had no idea of what to do with it. It was the kind of prize she’d keep for herself.
“I’m behaving!” the high pitched boyish voice shouted back, but he did a flip and landed on the floor. She could say she was impressed. How old was that kid? Less than ten, she’d bet.
“Poor kitten, is she…”
“She died” he said so devoid of feeling that she raised an eyebrow. Of course Batman tended to be stoic, but, that was cold even for him.
“I’m sorry for your lost” she tried lamely.
He sighed. Batman actually sighed. What the hell was happening?
“I didn’t know her. He’s adopted.”
That night was one shocking revelation after another, wasn’t it?
“So… There isn’t a Mrs. Batman, then?”
What kind of lame line was that? Urgh. But was he… Nah. She was imagining it. He had not, in fact, sniffed her neck.
Of course, she couldn’t see, he was behind her, and although she could see Robin at the entrance very well because the light coming from outside reflected his little yellow cape as he amused himself by doing what looked like very dangerous acrobatics, where she was sitting, tied to a chair that was chained to a bomb, was completely dark. She could only hope he was really some sort of vampiric meta that could see in the dark otherwise letting him disarm the bomb was not the best of her decisions.
“It’s done.”
He released her. Selina rotated her wrists and stood up, relieved.
“Robin, let’s go!”
She watched as the boy let out a happy yelp and ran ahead, they could use that one as a limitless energy source and end climate change.
“Wait” she said walking around the chair to meet him in the dark “let me say thank you first, you just saved my life.”
“There’s no n-“
He couldn’t end the sentence when Selina blindly pressed her lips against his.
She meant to be a small playful peck, but Batman’s gloved hand slid to the small of her back, pulling her close and before she could think clearly about what she was doing, her arms were around his neck, hoisting her body up to fix their huge height difference issue. He parted her lips and slid his hot tongue against the roof of her mouth, the hard pointy part of his mask that protected his nose biting into her cheek.
“Ewww,” they broke the kiss to look at Robin’s small face wrinkled with disgust, but still remained in each other’s arms for a moment. And then, slowly, they turned their faces back forward.
Selina swallowed down, she still could taste him. And he was not letting her go, she had to be the one to pull her arms back, her hells touching the floor again.
She never thought she’d ever see Batman acting awkward but there was no other word to describe the way he grunted and stepped back before nodding to her and left, taking his little killjoy with him.
She stood there for a while.
She almost died.
She kissed the Batman.
Was cockblocked by Batman’s son.
Batman’s son??
What the fuck!
The rain made the power go out and I was looking through my WIPs. I really don’t remember writing this story lmao. But now It is finished and you can read it!
Please tell me what you think of it.
Kisses, see ya.
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whyjm · 4 years
Why I did not like the Spn finale
This is gonna be a long post..
I cannot get over my thoughts about how it ended and how bad I feel about it. I am so angry, sad and feel so utterly disappointed, I cannot wrap my mind around how this was supposed to be a satisfying tying up emotional archs ending??? Bc it was so far away from satisfying I would laugh if I was not presently crying over it..
There are several things that irked me a lot. Many people have voiced the problems of this show and its ending much more eloquently than I will ever be able to do.. But I gotta get these fucking thoughts and feelings out of my system.
I have been with Spn since the first episode aired. I am a straight woman, I don’t have to fight for representation, I don’t have to worry about coming out and being accepted for who I am, I don’t have the daily struggles of feeling anxious or depressed or suicidal or not being able to be who I am. I am lucky that way!
To me love is love and all love should be equal! And I stand with all who struggle and all who are not free to be who they are. I see you and I love you and I support you fully!!!
To see my friends having to fight, and then on top of that have a show that has meant so much to so many people be butchered and have a negative last message sent out, in its last 36 minutes of its life … It is a hard pill to swallow.
Cas and Dean  
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In 15x18 we got to have a beautiful confession from Cas to Dean where Cas tells Dean he loves him and we know this is romantic love bc Cas begins by saying that the one thing I want I know I can’t have and then later I love you. Also Misha confirming it! This scene made me ugly cry so hard bc FINALLY.. (BUT what is missing from it.. the editing is strange.. bc Cas pushes Dean to the right but he falls to the left. Dean has no tears in his eyes while he looks straight at Cas when he talks, but he has tears in his eyes when he looks over his shoulder and see the empty. So what in this scene has been cut away and WHY?) Misha and Jensen did a great job with this and Cas got to find peace in just speaking his truth...  And it was beautiful to watch and after having seen Dean sitting sobbing on the floor the natural and logical continuation of this would have been to in the next episode address this, but in episode 19 no such thing happened. And I wondered where did Dean’s grief go where did his CARE for Cas go?? Dean who has been depressed and suicidal when Cas have died before is all of sudden cold and act like nothing have happened at least nothing that affected him very deeply.. It felt disconnected and strange. And it continued on like that and it felt very strange to NOT address such a HUGH plot point. It’s not enough to have Dean say to Chuck to bring Cas back or to see him wasted out of his mind, or hugging a dog like his emotional wellbeing depends on it.. This is not resolution or addressing it.
All of season 15 has felt like the relationship between Cas and Dean has been in focus and important to the overall arch of the season, and explored and then all of a sudden all traces of it are just ripped away, erased completely.. To have a confession like this go unacknowledged to me is poor writing bc you do not leave this big of a thing hanging in the air without resolution (fine you can argue Cas got resolution but I feel that no Cas did not get resolution either bc his feelings SHOULD have gotten a response no matter what that response was.. Dean did not, we never got to hear or see his version or his thoughts about it.)
I was thinking narratively they HAVE to address this, Deans thoughts and reactions to this gotta be shown. They HAVE to resolve this, acknowledge it. I have been sure a long time they would NEVER have Dean reciprocate Cas love  but keep it in subtext bc they are too fucking chickenshit to do that but at least have Dean talk about Cas….. that I expected him to do.. But it was not done in 19. I got the horrible feeling in my gut that they are not gonna resolve this they are gonna fuck this up, they are gonna go full brothers only and not give a fuck they are gonna push Cas out and show no care. Then we come to the final episode and boy howdy is there a lot to unpack with this episode.
(I had watched the long road home before the finale and when I watched that I KNEW that the end was going to be a letdown I felt it in all of me that I was gonna be disappointed. And I was proven right. And I have so many thoughts all jumbled up around each other that I don’t know in which end to start so sorry if what follows is incoherent and rambly.. )
15x20 - The end  
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20 felt like a FILLER episode, right up until Dean’s death scene I was bored and was seriously considering turning my computer of and just not watch. (A finale should be as engaging and emotionally packed like episode 18 was. I refuse to acknowledge 20 as the end.. To me it ended on 19. That wrapped things up. Not completely satisfying but hell of a lot better than the disaster that 20 is.) But then Dean was impaled on that rusty spike thingy and I was watching with attention. I GET why they did Deans death the way they did, even if that is one shitty death for Dean and could have been fixed so he did not die.. I get what they wanted to get out of it: a brothers sad moment that they turned into a irksome thing. I actually cringed about the head thing and the hands and the farming of it all just urgh I got sick to my stomach watching that. What should have been a beautifully sad moment was put together in a romantic coded way and that to me ruined the heartfelt goodbye. Bc you do not touch and hold a dying family member like that. I KNOW I have said goodbye to my fair share of loved ones that I have loved soo deeply, but the thought of touching like that NO no way.. And also they have NEVER done that forehead touch in previous deaths, so to do this now just felt irksome.
They killed Dean a character that has struggled his whole life with being daddy’s blunt little instrument, who has self-worth issues and are suicidal, who has never lived for his own sake but have only ever lived to protect and raise another, he continues to put others before himself though (up until the last couple of seasons where we have seen them both break away from this toxic behavior). Finally he was allowed to LIVE and have a life that was not controlled, not running in a hamster wheel like a fucking puppet on a string. He was Free of all of that. He was free to go after what HE wanted for himself and what Dean wanted was LOVE, in my mind its perfectly clear that Dean loves Cas back bc that is what the story have been telling us.. its right there and the story do not make sense without it. Many others have done a great job at talking about this and describe this way better than me. So I leave further discussion about that topic to them.
Dean was looking for a job.  The angel Dean has loved since purgatory told him that he loved him and then died sacrificing himself to SAVE Dean yet again and then Dean dies a few days later.. How is this doing justice to Dean and what the hell kind of message does this send out to the ones watching?? They are saying it does not matter if you fight, your destiny is written for you and the only relief and comfort you will have will be death. They are saying Meh don’t fight it’s better to die bc it does not matter what you do. This is one of the fucked up messages this godawful ending sent to all those who have identified with Dean and Cas throughout the years.
They also say Cas who has been part of the story for 12 years is not important enough to have there, they IGNORED Cas, a mention in passing does not do justice to a character that has been crucial to the boys lives for 12 years. Dean Screamed in Sam’s face CAS IS FAMILY, Dean was destroyed when Cas died, he was hurt when Cas left bc everyone leaves Dean, Sam missed Cas etc… but still not important enough to show up in heaven in the last episode greeting first Dean and then Sam to heaven.. PFT…
To leave Cas and Misha out of the FINALE of a show that he has been part of for 12 years is so fucking disrespectful to Cas, to Misha and ALL the fans who love and adore both. It also makes no sense since  they all say how beloved Cas and Misha are. and don’t go fucking covid made it impossible bc the last scene with all those people without masks.. No that is just lying liars who lie…Covid my ass! This angers me a lot.
Family do end in ONLY blood apparently…..  
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(And maybe lead to a lot of viewers for walker???  hence this very nice shirltess Sam scene............. ) shirtless Sam is always good though so no complaining here.
We see Sam and the dog give Dean a hunters funeral.. NO OTHERS are there?  How is it possible that none of the found family wouldn’t want to be there and show up?? Jack has restored everyone but still only Sam and the dog are there, no Eileen, no Jody and the girls, Donna, Garth, and the list goes on and on. Bc they wanna hammer in harder that supernatural has ever only ever been about two brothers and no one else matters ever.. It does not matter that this has not been true since the earlier seasons. The show of course is about Sam and Dean’s lives and journey through life, and I have loved to follow along on their journey.  BUT it was a long time ago this was the ONLY thing that mattered (bc if it had only been about the brothers the show would NOT have gone on for this long). Along the way they have picked up FOUND Family, and the message of the show has been Family don’t end in blood, Always Keep Fighting. But this last episode reverted back to season 1 and disregarded ALL character growth and storytelling of the past 12 years and went with fuck it ONLY Sam and Dean are important. So the next fucked up message they sent where: There is no Family don’t end in blood.. The only family that matters is blood. And then they have the balls to say Always Keep Fighting.. Are they fucking kidding????
Character development…….. who????  
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Sam lives on after Dean dies and we get a montage of his life where he look miserable and is shown to not being able to get over that Dean died. We get a blurry wife and a kid named Dean. In his house there are photos of ONLY himself, Dean and their parents and maybe one of his son? Don’t remember all the details and refuse to watch that episode ever again. But no friends, no family, no happy moments are shown, it looked like a very lonely life. He dies with only his son there.. WHERE are Sam’s friends??? This montage of Sam’s supposed happy life is NOT happy bc he is not able to get over that Dean is dead, he can’t live a  happy life bc Dean is not there - again something that irked me and felt disrespectful to all the growth Sam and Dean have gone through. It was toxic codependency all the way through and that is not satisfying to watch. Especially since the brothers had actually broken that dependency. Sam had broken free, Sam have through the years wanted to get away from Dean and live his life as he wants and then he was happy…We have a moment way back in season 5 maybe? Where Sam runs away and this is shown as one of his happy moments in dark side of the moon.. No Dean in his happy places, Sam having thanksgiving with his girlfriend and her family, Sam alone with a dog. We have Sam and Amelia when Dean was in purgatory. So Sam IN text have been shown being able to be happy without Dean so why could he not do it this time?? Makes no sense! You can grieve but still have a good life.. But they CHOSE to show it like Sam was miserable bc Dean was dead and life was not worth living happily without Dean there..
The brothers have lately interacted like two individual adults, separated from each other, making their own decisions and trusting each other in making them, they wanted different things in life. And seriously WHERE DID EILEEN GO?? Why was Sam not reunited with Eileen that he some eps previous was shown to love, no instead they had blurry wife which feels like such a cop out. Sam did not get to live a happy fulfilling life and why did Sam not deserve to live a happy life with Eileen??? I know they are blaming corona for a lot of things missing in the finale that they intended.. BUT and this is a BIG BUT remember Jensen did not like the ending it did not sit well with him, he had a hard time digesting it, he objected to the ending! He spoke about that dying in battle would not be a satisfying ending - see the video of him talking about this at SDCC 2019. There is so much more to say about this but other people have voiced it so much better than I ever could so I move on to the next issue.
Dean in heaven  
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Dean when he first arrives there happens upon Bobby who tells him John and Mary lives down the road and that Rufus and Arheta lives around there too. I hope Bobby’s wife was indoors, and that Jack with the help of Cas fixed heaven.  To this Dean only smirk/smiles.. and then Dean sees baby and goes for a drive ALONE with the words he will be here soon from Bobby again Sam is the only one that ever matter PFT. Dean who found a home in the bunker alongside Sam, Cas and Jack who told John: I have a family and that he was happy with himself and his life…. Spends his time endlessly driving around alone just waiting for Sam to appear.. ALL of Deans growth is thrown out the window.. he is reduced to salad dressing. Deans only purpose is to live for his brother and cannot possibly have what he WANTS for himself not even in death. He drives around for who knows how many years until Sam dies. HOW is this justice to DEAN? How is this a good and satisfying ending for Dean. Dean who wanted to LIVE, Dean who wanted to experience people in new ways, who had let go of Sam and saw Sam as his own person, now in heaven only drives around waiting for Sam to get there having no life or meaning of his own. It pisses me off to no end that they reverted back to toxic codependent Sam is all that is important to Dean shit.. They have broken away from this shit years ago and this is how they choose to end it right back at the beginning..
Now what is the point of telling  a story of growth and love and life if all that that journey amounts to is ending up at the exact point it started on?? You can watch season 1 and 2 and then this finale and it makes sense.. But having watched season 1-15 this ending does great injustice to the characters and the story. Again many others have written way better posts about this that expresses the great disappointment and hurt that is being screamed everywhere right now.
The Actors
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I want to add the performance of all actors through the years, the love and care they have poured into their characters are amazing I have loved every bit of that journey. I love Jared, Jensen and Misha, and all the others for their amazing work and that is maybe why it hurts so much it ended in this way!
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x-authorship-x · 3 years
On his chakra system compared Kakashi with his implant since it’s more natural and he already magically knows the limits and how it works. Theres also a giant parallel with Minato, another genius who Obito (probably) admired and aspired to be like. Kamui is such a broken ability, aside from Kks, it would be impossible to infiltrate or find. Now, Mokuton. It’s half plant matter, so he photosynthesizes lmao? Just soak in the river for a few minutes and then take a nap in the sun and thats his food for the day. It’ll also be pretty difficult to somehow get food stuffs during a war without being found out or appearing suspicious especially since Madaras would only be able to send out the zetsus so photosynthesizing would probably solve that issue. And having half of foreign substance substituting for actual body parts might put trauma/pressure on organs (I know nothing medically related so this is just wishful logic) and bodily functions. I reject cannon Obito appearance bc it makes zero sense for him to be that TALL with how his growth plates were maybe altered and honestly a short compact ball of rage appearance suits him more. I think it’ll be if he was suddenly distinctively shorter than Kakashi when he’s always been taller. Obito also manipulates plants more than wood, and it seems he has free control over what the plants he can make does. This is such a good technique for traps??? Especially in terrain like Konoha where trees and shit are everywhere. He can plant (Fuck year hallelujah) vines and trees n shit and just KNOW when someones coming through. Also going back to your fic lands there Hashirama chakra everyone in the forests, so does that mean Obito can kind of tune into that???? Like some sort of sensor abilities with trees n shit??? Plant hermit Bito. Oh shit I almost forgot about the fucking HEALING FACTOR. In the kks vs obt fight his cheek scratch thing closed in three seconds so he has an unnaturally fast healing factor, but I don’t thats necessarily a good thing since if he got like a blade stuck in his arm or broken bones it’ll just automatically heal around with that intact? Ouchie. That’ll be so annoying to have ot treat later. think that’s all I have to say on Kamui and Mokuton. Also, unrelated but I just realized theres a word cap on words per PARAGRAPh not the entire ASK hahaha i’m not intelligent enough to understand this website. Plus the amount of sense in this ask has marginally degraded, so I’m taking this as a sign to Stop. Thank you for listening to my rambles and responding to them. :D
(I'm gonna go on tangent here) i have... Such *tosses hands so hard i fly into space* URGH with what we know about Minato. Minato, Minato, i love your ideas (no one hate me please) but you make no SENSE. Minato is super fast? I'm sorry but, in the anime especially, everyone moves faster than light so Kishi really shot himself in the foot. Logically, we're supposed to know that Minato is the fastest Shinobi alive but all Shinobi have a speed that is WACK so??? Also the Rasengan, that's all we really see Minato use and, when Naruto masters it, it's seen as THE power up but... Look at all the other characters??? The Bijuu's fighting is literally just PURPLE RASENGAN??????? i wanted to see FERAL ANIMALS i wanted Kurama to act like a goddamn raccoon fighting for dumpster turf!!!! WHERE IS THE TEETH?!! YOURE TELLING ME THAT OBITO, WITH UNDETECTABLE TELEPORTATION AND CAN BECOME LITERALLY UNTOUCHABLE, COULDNT JUST SHOVE HIS HAND THROUGH SOMEONE'S CHEST AND REFORM TO GRAB THEIR HEART ETC??? make it make SENSE
Yessss, also the trees and shit should all love him, i said what i said, i want the flowers to TURN towards him 😤 grass grows where he steps and the trees sway
The healing etc.... It could be that Madara somehow, without a lab or a scientific background or ANYTHING, actually genetically ALTERED the rest of obitos DNA to behave in a more mokuton-ish way? Like the regeneration, growth, etc etc etc but then would that make Obito less fire resistant, would he stop eating over photosynthesis, would it affect his aging.... This is very very bad science lmao
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zinkuldump · 3 years
Notes of an Irken Archeologist pt. 10
There's way too much going on lately and not enough focus for me to process what it all means. I haven't done any progress in research and it's already my fourth attempt at a note. I'm always too tired to make anything out of all this. I've decided to just mostly trust Zim when it comes to our safety, he's been here for a while after all, but it's also sometimes really weird to wrap my head around the why and the how.
For example Zim can get really panicky about everything but there was also a time when he has decided to drag me along the neighbourhood. I was surprised to find out that he doesn't mind talking about confidential stuff when we're in the open. He talked and talked, about how much progress he's made, how well he's infiltrated the human education system, how much he knows and how dumb humans are and just begging to be conquered.
I think those were already the first moments I started to realize something was off. I was getting mixed signals. Zim's enthusiasm was nice but also... unsettling. I remembered how Yr would act sometimes in front of other Irkens when she was stalling. He was gone from the Empire for a long time. And I am... urgh.
After that I have actually still been staying at Zim's base for most of the time, as he would go to the human 'Skool', work on something frantically in his burrow or talk with me about Earth and human society. The last few days were a mix of following Gir around, following Zim around, trying to focus on where to go further with my research and trying to get more comfortable in general.
I've also found out about Skoodge. Another Irken. You may have heard of him, the conquerer of Blorch? The actual one, the one launched into space. He was really happy I paid attention that the taller Irken that the Tallest have chosen later wasn't him. I was a bit worried at first, but really, everyone here on Earth is so estranged from the Empire in different ways...
And there are also the humans. Specifically the ones that know about us. The Membrane siblings, Dib and Gaz. I met Gaz when she came by to shake down Zim for some game he apparently promised her in exchange for something. Weirdly enough we all ended up using a really old Irken VR first contact simulation... It was the first time it was actually fun for me. Gaz and Skoodge were the only ones that actually passed of course though. I wonder about Skoodge a lot actually. He doesn't seem defective. But... Never mind.
Meeting Dib was a little bit more complicated. And I'm not sure... Well. It was soon after I first arrived actually. When I came back to my cloaked ship for something. He has the means to recognize Irken tech signature. I had already heard about him from Zim at the point, but I was still quite perplexed about whether he's a threat or what is he really. I mean, it's all quite concerning with the humans knowing about us, but Gaz at least just doesn't seem to care at all what we are, and Dib, well... Dib cares too much. I told him why I'm here. About the research. He's suspicious, but I can't really blame him, Zim is still technically here to conquer his planet. I'm really worried about what's going on between those two. There's generally a lot of things I worry about here. And Dib can be a bit scary too. I kind of... short circuited in front of him, but fortunately Yr's failsafe is working and it fixed itself before it could become a problem. Everything's still mostly alright I think. I just wish I had the mental strength to get back to figuring out what to do next about my research. I'm getting mentally exhausted really quickly.
I don't know if anything I write here makes sense any more.
But at any rate, that was a long one. Probably confusing. And I don't know how to finish it. Welp. I'm just going to sign off then before Gir finds me. I don't think I ever ate as much as this week. And I'm barely holding off the toxic stuff. Still, I think there was some Earth animal in the cake and I don't really want to find out if I'm right.
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magic-fluffie-boyes · 4 years
Hello! If you have time, could you write a lil mini fic with BeelxMC, where they recently started dating but he refuses to touch her whatsoever besides hand holding, despite being so up for cuddles before they got together, and MC is really sad about it and confides in Simeon about it, only for Beel to hear without MC knowing, and he later explains to her that he just doesn’t want to get carried away and hurt her because humans are fragile and he just wants to hold her tight 🥺 -🌙
Fem!MC who just wants cuddles.
Beel x Fem!MC
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MC and Beel were, undoubtedly, head-over-heels in love with one another. Anyone who could see could tell that the two of them were the happiest couple in all of Devildom. But there was something that was bothering MC.
Ever since she made a pact with Beel he’s been more than willing to cuddle up to her and give her all the loving she could ever ask for with that big grin of his on his face. She thought that would only become even more prevalent when they started officially dating, and yet it seemed the opposite had happened.
Sure, he still held her hand and hugged her, but it was only when she initiated it. It hurt her a lot more than she thought it would. Did he not like her as much as he claimed? Maybe he was using her -- though she knew that was too unlikely to be the case, Beel was too sweet to do that.
All these doubts festered while she was with him and picked apart at her consciousness while she was alone. She knew that letting these thoughts lie dormant wasn’t healthy, but she wasn’t sure how to approach Beel about it just yet.
Thank the Lord -- quite literally -- for Simeon, who had noticed her subtle shift in character faster than the brothers had and managed to send her a worried text. He claimed it was ‘angel’s intuition’ (if that was even a real thing), and offered to call -- once he figured out how -- and let her talk it out. 
So the pair stayed on the phone for a whole, her ranting about her worries in the relationship, and Simeon offering hums and grunts to let her know he was listening. 
“I just… I dunno Simeon, it’s like he doesn’t even want to touch me sometimes. It hurts…” she ranted.
It felt nice to get it out of her system, especially with someone as calm and gentle as Simeon who reassured her on the validity of her feelings. It was exactly what she needed to get her thoughts in order.
“I think that you should just talk to him about it if it bothers you so much, Beelzebub is a kind person and he loves you, so I’m sure he would listen,” he assured in his soothing tone.
She knew he was right, it was just nerve-wracking to think of all the other possibilities that could come out of this situation. The worse being she actually hurts Beel by bringing this up, that’s the last thing she could want. But she knew Simeon was right, and it sucked.
“You’re right,” she sighed, “I’m just nervous, I don’t want to upset him you know?”
She heard him chuckle, “You have no reason to think that, just try it, okay?”
“Okay… thank you, Simeon, I’ll talk to him about it tonight.”
“Of course, I have to go now, Luke wants me to try some of the pastries he made.”
They said their goodbyes, and she was left alone to think about what he said. The solution was so simple, it almost felt unreal, but if she could trust anyone it would be the angel. 
“Just talk to him, MC, he’ll listen,” she whispered to herself. 
Little did she know he’d already heard everything.
Later that night, after MC finished all her homework for RAD and was sure she was ready to talk to Beel, she went searching for him. Where else would he be but in the kitchen, having already shoved half of the fridge’s contents into his mouth. It made her smile, feeling that familiar flutter in her chest at her boyfriend being… well her boyfriend.
“Beel,” she called out softly tearing his attention away from the fridge to smile at her. 
She moved across the room to wrap him in a hug, feeling him tense up even as he hugged her back reminding her why she was here in the first place.
“Are you hungry too, MC? You can have something if you are,” he mumbled through the fistfuls of food in his cheeks.
“No, actually, I wanted to talk about something that’s… bothering me a bit.”
“About what…?” he asked.
He turned to her and tilted his head in that cute way he always did, only appearing more adorable with the crumbs around his mouth. She moved to wipe them away with a smile, hesitating when he flinched away from her touch. A small movement that you couldn’t notice if you weren’t paying attention, but she was hyper-aware of every movement he made at this point.
“You don’t… touch me anymore Beel, you won’t hug me or let me cuddle up with you in bed or anything anymore,” she exclaimed exasperated.
“Oh, this is what you were talking about on the phone earlier,” he pouted.
“You were listening in on my conversation?”
“I didn’t mean to, I was going to ask you to come to get something to eat, but you were on the phone so I didn’t want to bother you… but then you said my name…” he trailed off guiltily.
“So you already know everything... “ she groaned. 
So much for breaking it to him gently, at least she didn’t have to re-explain it to him.
“I just don’t want to hurt you,” he explained, “humans are already way more fragile than Humans, and you’re so much smaller than me I’m scared I’ll crush you.”
She would’ve laughed if he didn’t seem so serious about it. Beel, of all of the brothers, was the least likely to accidentally hurt her with how careful he is all the time. Damn, she loved this big puppy dog.
“Beel, you’re not going to hurt me,” she pressed a hand against his cheek, “I trust you enough to know you won’t.”
“So I can hug you?” he asked with hopeful eyes
“You can do whatever you want to, Bear,” she assured with a grin.
He pulled her into a big hug, laughing gleefully as he did so his love for her bubbling out freely now. It would’ve been really sweet, had his stomach not grumbled while they were in the middle of their moment.
At least one problem had been solved.
URgh, this week has been a lot. I haven’t been able to sit down and write cause I’ve been busy with school stuff. I finally got to though, and I’ve been looking forward to writing this one so :) I slipped in my weird-ass nickname for Beel, please do not hurt me. MC is based on my OC, aaaannnddd Beel is probs OOC! ANyway I’m kind of rusty with, like the actual writing stuff but I hope I did this justice 🌙 nonnie. Love you all!
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