#Kinder Surprise Chocolate eggs
lady-stormwind · 6 months
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Easter egg hunt
Kinder Easter Bunny
My plush here
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happymiffy · 19 days
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owlispls · 2 years
The Battle of the Favourites!
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somnolent-snufkin · 2 years
do y'all eat your kinder joy eggs separately or mix it
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purplebass · 1 year
Biggest highlight of the day is that this morning I finally did something that I dreaded doing for a long time. The second highlight of the day is that I got one more chocolate Easter egg that I'm going to open this Sunday. I wonder which surprise I will get
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kawaiibananabunny · 1 year
The PEANUTS surprise eggs are here! 🐶 Cute retro Snoopy toys!
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spiltsoup · 1 year
At a Spanish airport rn. I have a Kinder Surprise egg in my backpack that made it through security.
I took it out to have a lil’ snack as we were checking passports and suddenly remembered that Kinder Surprise eggs are, in fact, banned in the US so I started panicking and hid it like actually worried that I would get in big trouble if anybody saw me
They did not. Lowkey feel like an escaped criminal rn, public enemy #1. This is what rebellion feels like to me LOL
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tkingfisher · 1 year
I have had a WEEK.
First Hound got into some chocolate. Ok, this happens to dogs all the time, it’s not baking chocolate, and I know perfectly well that it is not INSTADEATH. Online calculators by weight are like “Yeah, that’s nothin’.” This dog has eaten rotten toads, hardback books, cigarettes…she is a canine garbage disposal. She has also never been sick a day in her life.
Then she starts eating grass. Except Hound does not know what grass is, so she is just in the garden tearing off Random Leaves. I end up chasing her around going “That’s an elm! That’s sticky germander! That’s a rare Himalayan salvia! What are you DOING?!”
Obviously this happens at one AM. Because of course it does.
Then finally she makes a noise like a murloc having an orgasm and all the plants come back up.
Fine, I think. That’s that. Nature takes its course.
Which just proves that I am, in fact, staggeringly naive. The next morning, Hound is breathing shallowly and lethargic. We drive her to the vet school ER an hour away. We explain about the plants and the chocolate and the murloc noises to a nice young vet with a manbun who looks about fifteen years old. They take Hound back, and discover Hound is having severe arrhythmia. Which is a chocolate toxicity symptom. Except we all agree that the quantity she got hold of absolute should not have done that, but hey, maybe she has developed an unexpected sensitivity. They keep her overnight. I leave a large deposit on my credit card. We drive an hour home.
The next day I come pick her up. A nice vet who actually looks old enough to drink gives me a list of symptoms to watch out for, including extreme lethargy. They give me back some of the deposit. Hound comes home.
The next morning, she is extremely lethargic and furthermore, Not Eating.
In a hound, loss of appetite generally happens several hours after all clinical signs of life are extinguished. I drive her an hour to the ER. A nice vet who appears twelve says her heart is working perfectly fine, and suggests pancreatitis. Let’s do an ultrasound. Err…in a few hours, they’re kind of slammed. I go to a coffee shop and attempt to work.
The ultrasound fails because they can’t see around Hound’s stomach, which is enormously swollen. They do an X-ray. There is something weird in there. Foreign body, it looks like. Not blocking anything, just sitting there. “Foamy mass” is the term being used. It has air bubbles. Chocolate wrapper? Weird mass of leaves? (Oh god, was she eating frog eggs out of the pond again?) The vet decides to induce vomiting to get the prize out of this particular canine Kinder Egg. I sit in the waiting room and attempt to work.
An hour and a half later, the vet comes out and says, in awestruck tones, that they have given Hound two doses of their strongest emetic and she will not vomit. “This dog has an iron stomach!” she says. I explain about the toad and the cigarettes. She asks if they were at the same time. (They were not.) Hound stays overnight. I leave a second, larger deposit on my credit card. I drive an hour home.
The next day, the vet calls me, says “So I wanted to give you an update—oh crap! STAT TRIAGE! I’ll call you back!” and hangs up. Some hours later, she calls me back. No, the foamy thing is still there. Stomach is less swollen, though. They’re still hoping she passes it. By the way, did I know Hound has erhlichiosis? I did not, but at this point, nothing surprises me. Hound stays overnight again.
The next day, Hound is transferred to Internal Medicine. Her protein levels are weird, but she is not retaining fluid. (Yay?) If the weird foamy mass is not gone, they will have to perform surgery tomorrow. I leave a third, even larger deposit over the phone. Hound stays overnight again.
The next day, a new vet, of indeterminate age, but with a strong desire to make sure that I understand every single aspect of every single test begins explaining to me about blood protein levels and that they need to do a targeted ultrasound to make sure she doesn’t have a GI bleed. I am so deep in the hole at this point that I’m just like “Yeah, whatever, do it.” Hound stays overnight again.
He calls the next day to say that she has no bleed and no pancreatitis. What about the foamy mass?
What foamy mass?
The…the one that was…I saw the X-rays…?
Well, there’s nothing there now. Maybe she passed whatever it was. No blockages anywhere. They went over her innards with a fine toothed comb. She’s eating like a horse, incidentally. Would I like to take her home tomorrow?
I drive an hour. I get Hound. The vet’s working theory is an erhlichiosis flare-up brought on by chocolate shock. She gets antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, and special bland food in case her appetite decreases. I receive a tiny amount back on my deposit. We drive an hour home.
Hound, cognizant of her delicate digestive state, immediately attempts to break into the litterbox and eat cat poop. I deliver a lengthy lecture on the evils of dumpster diving. Hound gazes at me with great earnestness, then belches gently in my face. Learning happens to other people, not Hound.
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The face of a canine garbage disposal who cost me more than my first car
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romanovthinkver · 6 months
happy easter for who celebrate or not. this morning i woke up opening my kinder surprise marvel chocolate easter egg and i found spider - man instead of natasha’s hard thick cock. life sucks.
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mariaofdoranelle · 6 months
Look at Us Now - Easter Outtake
Fic masterlist
SURPRISE!! I’m late to my own party, and I 100% apologize for that
I can’t believe LAUN is a year old already 🥹🥹 they grow up so fast!! I don’t think an Easter celebration is canon compliant at all, but I couldn’t let the opportunity slip away when LAUN’s 1st anniversary came right on Easter 🥹🥹🥹 I’m so emotional 🥹
I’m also aware that not everyone here celebrates Easter, but honestly this was just an excuse to write fluff and chocolate gift-giving. I hope everyone finds a way to enjoy it!
And I feel like we all deserve a post-epilogue glimpse after an entire year of these two idiots heheheh
Warnings: cranky teenager Maisie, sibling fights (lots)
Words: 3k
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Every time Aelin mocked Rowan for spoiling their kids too much, it completely lacked the awareness that she was the one he spoiled the most.
Or at least that was on Maisie’s mind as she strolled down the supermarket’s aisles with her little brother, because Mom wrote in the family group chat that she wanted pasta for dinner, so Dad asked Maisie to buy the ingredients after school.
“Finn,” she called her unrequited companion, “do you remember which olive oil Dad likes?”
“Uh…” The boy hesitated without taking his eyes off his Nintendo Switch. “I dunno, that green one?”
Maisie slapped her brother’s forearm with the back of her hand. “Are you being for real right now?”
Startled, the boy raised his head to see row after row of different green bottles of olive oil. They all looked exactly the same, but she knew better than to grab the first one they saw, knowing how fussy her dad could be sometimes.
“Gods! Just call him—that’s why you have a fucking phone,” Finn said while rubbing off the sting on his forearm.
Maisie rolled her eyes. “I’ll tell him you dropped a F-bomb.”
“And I’ll tell him you slapped me.”
“He’d be on your side,” she said while texting Rowan about the olive oil. “You’re so much shorter than me—he’d say it’s not a fair fight.”
“Take it back!” He ran towards Maisie for a second, since she was on her way to get tomatoes now. “When I get taller than Uncle Lorcan, you’ll wish you were less mean to me.”
Well, that would be a problem for future Maisie. At ten years old, Finn was so short, taunting him about it was almost too easy.
“Yeah, whatever.” She tapped her brother’s shoulder and pointed at another direction. “Go get the parmesan cheese.”
Finn turned to leave, but swung back to her. “Can we have ice cream later?”
Ice cream that she would have to pay, because she couldn’t report to the parental unit about illicit ice cream before dinner, let alone request a refund.
“Fine, just—“
“Alright! I’m there!”
Ever since Maisie got her first job, her brother started acting as if she was a millionaire. Sometimes, she wondered if he believed that her salary was the same as their parents’, which would be highly inaccurate. Despite the age gap, her parents never asked Maisie to act in any way that resembled a parental role—still, she liked to treat her siblings once in a while, give their jobless selves a taste of freedom, let them see what it’s like to have ice cream before dinner just because you can.
Before she knew it, he was back with the cheese.
“Can you buy me that Kinder Easter egg?” He pointed at a cardboard display filled with them. “The one with the dinosaur.”
Maisie narrowed her eyes on Finn. “You told Mom you wanted another one.”
“Yeah, because she only let me pick one.”
Her eyebrows shot when she came closer and saw the price tag. “Hell, no. I’d rather pay for a new haircut.”
“Hey!” Finn protested, running a hand through his newly cut hair. “Mom said she likes it!”
“You look ridiculous.”
“I’m so gonna tell her you said that.”
“Do it. Deep down, she agrees with me.”
When she arrived, the house was calmer than usual.
“You aren’t magic!” Eamon shouted to his smirking, completely unfazed sister. “You’re not!”
Maisie walked past them towards the kitchen, where her dad prepped dinner as if the twins weren’t about to rip each other’s heads off in the living room.
“Hey, Maisy Daisy,” he called without looking away from the onion he was chopping. “Did you get everything?”
She put the bags on the counter as an answer, then her dad kissed the crown of her head in thanks and promised to repay her later.
Things didn’t seem to progress at all in the living room—actually, they did, if one could count Eamon getting angrier as progress.
“You don’t fly! You don’t control fire! You don’t teleport!”
Enid giggled. “I know how, I just don’t want to.”
Maisie cut in, “I mean, she could.”
That made the boy stop and narrow his eyes on her, begrudgingly hanging on to whatever she was about to say. Since she was more than twice the twins’ age and the wisest of them all, sometimes her siblings actually listened to something Maisie said.
“I mean…” she shrugged. “We don’t know where you two came from, so maybe she really does have magic.”
Enid crossed her arms. “What do you mean?”
“FINN!” Maisie shouted and waited a moment for her brother to come out of his room. “Do you remember when we found Enid and Eamon in the trash?”
“That’s a lie!” Her ever-so-cool little sister yelled, her green eyes welling up.
“Oh, yeah.” Finn said after taking a moment to process the information, acting nonchalant—if he laughed, it was game over. “That day was wild.”
Eamon stood frozen in shock, while Enid bellowed an ear-shattering cry.
“Maisie! Finn!” Rowan yelled from the kitchen. “Stop telling your siblings we found them in the trash!”
“But they need to know the truth!” Maisie shouted back, wondering if her dad heard her over Enid’s cries.
“What on Earth is going on here?” Her Mom showed up, wrapped in a towel with her hair wet.
Eamon ran to hug Aelin’s middle, his eyes teary. “Are you not my mommy?”
Maisie rolled her eyes. Mama’s boy.
“Of course I am, honey.” She frowned. “What’s going on?”
With a sigh, Dad was finally able to join the rest in the living room. “Finn and Maisie told the twins they’re adopted.”
Aelin sent them her classic Are you kidding me? mom look, as if Maisie was to blame, then proceeded to soothe the seven-year-olds.
If they fell for it, it was their fault for being stupid. There’s a picture of Dad as a kid on Grandma Rory’s hallway from when he was Eamon’s age, and they look like the same person in there.
“The only one adopted here was Fleetfoot,” Dad said.
“No, she’s not. I gave birth to her.” Mom sent him a mischievous look. “I went into labor for her.”
“Um—“ Maisie cleared her throat. “Fleetfoot’s mine.”
Dad sent Mom an apologetic smile. “She really is Maisie’s.”
“I want a dog too!” Enid cut in.
“Yeah, me too!” Finn joined.
Maisie hummed. “We could give them a country name…”
“Like Eyllwe,” Eamon said.
Rowan’s eyes widened. “No! Fleetfoot’s everyone’s,” he said, completely contradicting himself after the threat of more poop for him to clean.
From the looks of it, dinner would be ready on time for breakfast.
To be fair, her dad was never late to finish dinner, but his desire to make this a special one and the boiling tomatoes in order to make the sauce from scratch led to this.
It was kinda cute, how Dad conjured something special out of thin air just because his wife hinted that she was feeling like it over text while they were at work.
Maisie saw a glimpse of her parents canoodling in the kitchen on her way to her bedroom, but almost ran to the toilet instead. They were so adorably disgusting, all that love made her want to throw up.
Her parents were no better than any PDA-addicted straight couple she saw at school, except that while the average high schooler couple lasted about three months, her parents have been at it for a little over a decade.
At least, a light peck was the furthest they got in front of their kids—or ever. For all Maisie knew, she and her three siblings came from artificial insemination.
A savior from her thoughts, Finn knocked on the door.
“We need to talk,” he said, looking crestfallen.
Maisie sat on the side of her bed, and tapped the free space beside her for him to sit. Instead, he sat on her lap. Weird.
She was about to ask him what was going on when a low, rumbling sound coming from him filled the air.
The little bitch had just farted on her.
Finn ran away, giggling, while Maisie screamed the most irate shriek ever known to man.
He locked himself in his bedroom, but her quickened pulse only energized her, aiding tense upper arms to pound against his door.
“I’M GONNA KILL YOU,” Maisie shouted at her hiding brother.
He’d get out sometime, and when he did, she’d be there.
On the kitchen’s threshold, Aelin peeked her head into the hallway. “What’s going on here?”
The teenager slowly turned to her mom, jaw tight, and seethed, “Why. Was. He. Born?”
With a sigh that came deep from her soul, Aelin fully stepped into the hallway. “What did your brother do now?”
Maisie pointed at her closed bedroom door. “Smell it!”
Her mom stepped in and out of the bedroom, coughing. “Gods, Finn!”
In a feeble attempt to fix the situation, Aelin opened Maisie’s bedroom’s window and sprayed some air freshener inside—one hand on the bottle, another clamping her nose. Still, the girl didn’t trust to go back into her room for the next hour or so.
Aelin knocked on Finn’s door twice to get his attention. “That was way too stinky, honey, I’m cutting off some of your junk food!”
“Come on!” he complained from the other side of the door.
Too bad Finn couldn’t see her triumphant smirk. It’d rile him up beautifully.
Two taps to her shoulder. “Dinner’s almost ready. Come help me set the table.”
“What was that?” Dad asked when Mom got back to the kitchen, focused on the stove.
“Finn farted in Maisie's room and she threatened his life.”
“Oh,” was all he said, mixing something on the tomato sauce.
She desperately needed to meet whoever taught her parents how to live this peacefully amidst chaos.
“On my room? He farted on me.” She flailed her arms, trying to explain her brother’s audacity. “He sat on my lap, his butt to my thigh, and farted.”
Aelin snorted. “I told you the kids shouldn’t spend that much time with Aedion.”
Rowan’s eyes lit up. “You did tell me some awfully similar stories from when you were younger.”
After the table was set, Mom was back to her occasional glass of wine, and all was left to do was her dad’s finishing touches to dinner.
Maisie cleared her throat. “I was thinking…”
Her dad immediately turned around and pointed a spoon at her. “If it’s about that party, don’t bother.”
“Not a party!”
“Money, then.” Aelin smirked behind her glass of wine.
The girl crossed her arms. Her mom’s grin turned smug.
Maisie groaned. “Fine! But it’s good, I promise.”
“Go on,” Rowan said.
“I want to buy Easter eggs for Finn and the twins, but I can’t afford the cool ones.”
“Aw, honey, that’s so sweet.” Her mom melted right on spot. “I’m sorry we can’t help you with that.”
Maisie’s face fell. “What.”
Even her dad seemed a little confused, though he tried to hide it.
Aelin sat straighter to explain, “You see, if we help you with this, your siblings will ask to do the same, and it wouldn’t be fair to say no to them after…”
Maisie rolled her eyes. Her parents and their “equal treatment”—
“Do not roll your eyes at your mother,” Rowan warned.
Aelin continued, “Next thing we know, we spent our entire paychecks on chocolate, Finn is farting on our faces all day, the twins will never fall asleep again from the sugar rush, and your dad will be shoving food down your throat because of some crazy diet you saw online to get rid of the Easter weight.” She raised her brow in that infuriating mom way of hers. “Did I miss something?”
“Fine!” Maisie held both arms up in surrender. “You want me to buy your kids lame chocolate, is that it?”
“If they can’t appreciate whatever you can afford, I’m not raising them right.”
“Ugh!” Maisie groaned, and sat facing away from her mother.
A moment later, Dad sent her off to tell her siblings dinner was ready, and soon everyone was at the table, ready to attack the food that took ages to be ready.
Except that, when she asked for the parmesan cheese, Enid took it and kept waving it in front of her instead of just passing it over.
After seven years of Enid, Maisie was unimpressed. “Are you trying to tease me?”
The little girl giggled. “No, you can have it, but I want to see your eyes light up first!”
With a sigh, Rowan took it from Enid’s hand and passed it over to Maisie. “Can we just try to be rational for once?”
“I was rational once,” Eamon said, frowning.
With his mouth full, Finn said, “I want the next special dinner to be at one of those fancy pasta places with two forks.”
“Manners,” Aelin warned the wild beast she called a son.
“Mom and Dad never take us to fancy restaurants for a reason,” Maisie said while giving a pointed look to Finn, who was by her side.
The boy rolled his eyes and mimicked in a high-pitched voice, “MoM aND dAD nEVer tAkE uS tO fANcY rEStAuRaNts FoR a rEasOn.”
Maisie slapped her brother’s forearm, and that’s when her parents lost patience.
Rowan lifted his pointed finger, “Do not—“
“Maisie, Finn, for Mala’s sake…” Aelin started, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Later that night, Maisie was scrolling on TikTok before sleep, but two knocks on her bedroom door stopped her short.
It was Finn, holding his blanket. More often than not, he slept in Maisie’s room—she wasn’t sure why, but it’d been this way since he was little. Already knowing what was about to happen, Fleetfoot moved to the foot of the bed to give him space. Her bed might look big, but it didn’t have nearly enough space for two people and a person-sized dog.
When she was taking off her many pillows to find some space for her brother, a bulky-looking folded paper caught her eye.
Maisie hid it back with the pillow and said, “Go get me some water.”
Finn complained, but complied.
Quickly unfolding the paper in the little time she had, Maisie recognized her dad’s writing and a fuckton of cash—not too much for an Air Force major, but enough to make a teenager who had a minimum-wage part-time job feel like a billionaire.
Groceries refund + your delivery fee
Don’t mention it—ever
Maisie’s grin grew wicked. She fucking loved her dad.
Finding a reason to get out of the house on Easter was tough, but she managed it.
Maisie had already picked her dad’s sushi-filled Easter egg at the restaurant, since he hated chocolate, and the other ones had been retrieved from its hiding place at Uncle Aedion’s.
Inside her house, Finn was the first one to greet her.
He eyed her bags suspiciously. “What’s all that?”
Without a word, she took one Kinder egg that fit in her palm, and handed it to him. Finn took it in his hand, contemplated it for a second with a silly half-smile, then hugged Maisie tight, squeezing her waist.
“Gods!” She lightly slapped his head. “You’re so dumb.”
Before he processed what happened, Maisie got his actual Easter egg, the Kinder with the dinosaur he wanted.
His eyes lit up and his mouth hung open, as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then, her brother crushed her into a hug that knocked her breath out of her lungs.
“Thanks, Mais.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She took a second to take it in, than wiggled out of his hug to hand the twins’ ones.
They looked so happy, it didn’t even look like Mom and Dad gave each of them giant Easter eggs three hours ago.
Her parents were watching them from afar, wearing one of those weird, sentimental parent smiles.
When she took out her dad’s from the bag, Rowan finally looked surprised—which was easily detected by his wife.
The “shell” part of his Easter egg was just nori and rice, but it was filled with seafood. Dad twirled his sushi egg in his hands, mouth ajar. “Honey, I didn’t think you’d get me something too. You didn’t have to.”
“Too?” Mom asked, lips quirked up. Her eyes sparkled, darted between Maisie and Rowan, then landed on her daughter. “Good to know you found a way to afford it.”
“I’m my father’s daughter.” Maisie shrugged. “Of course I know how to save money.”
She also knew how to spend it like her mother, but it wouldn’t be smart to mention right now.
At that point, Maisie knew Aelin figured out that Rowan gave her the money, and Mom knew Maisie knew she knew. Neither of them would say a word, though, and it was best this way.
She handed her mom’s next, a chocolate hazelnut Easter egg the size of Aelin’s head.
“I didn’t know Dad bought you the same one,” Maisie said with a sheepish smile.
“You won’t hear me complaining, honey.” Her mom kept intense eye contact with her Easter egg, likely unwrapping it in her mind as if she didn’t have a half-eaten identical one in her bedroom.
Aelin put her gift on the coffee table near them and hugged Maisie. “I love you, honey,” she said before kissing her daughter’s head. “Thank you for the gift. You’re such a great big sister.”
“I know, right?”
However, their hug was abruptly broken by shouting coming from the other side of the living room.
“Stop. Being. An idiot!” Enid shouted at Eamon for whatever reason they decided to bicker over this afternoon.
“We’re both idiots, but you’re the bigger idiot!” he fought back.
Maisie tapped her mom’s shoulders. “Go tame your evil twins.”
“Don’t call your siblings that!”
She sighed, not surprised by how quickly their moment of peace—a rarity in her home—was broken.
Weirdly enough, her parents seemed to enjoy it.
A/N: In the plans of this outtake I have deep into my notes app, Aelin mentions that since her husband doesn’t like chocolate, her Easter gift to him would be given “later tonight”. I thought you’d like to know *wink*
2nd A/N: Yes I left Maisie’s exact age in the dark on purpose heheheh this one spoiler I’m not handing out like this.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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werecreature-addicted · 4 months
If centaurs are hollow like chocolate bunnies, does that mean pregnant centaurs are Kinder Surprise™️ eggs?
sure I guess. I just hate the imagery of a centaur egg.
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jossun-kyyneleet · 8 months
Um, some of my thoughts about Ruoska...
First of all, I fucking love it (what a surprise, I know). I started to headbang immediately when listening to it for the first time, those heavy parts slap so hard (pun intended, khihi). And what an earworm that chorus is! I'm seriously worried that I will burst out singing it aloud at work today, which would be quite interesting thing to do as I work at a library 😅
But the weirdest thing is that Ruoska made me feel nostalgic, watafak. Like, those random references to the Lahti 2001 doping scandal? I was 9 years old back then and I actually went to watch some of the competitions with my family during our winter holiday. I got a lynx plushie as a souvenir and I remember feeling some of that national shame even as a child who barely knew what had happened, lol.
And then there's the line Mut Kinderi ei riitä kun on päässyt maistaan Riesenii. For all non-Finns, the Kinder eggs are the most popular Easter treat in Finland, especially among children. And I don't actually know if they're still sold in stores, but Riesen was one of my favorite chocolate candy in the early 2000's. There was this legendary TV commercial that every millennial remembers (Jere and the team clearly do as they included the line Mutta ethän sinä siitä ennen pitänyt to the song 😁)
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mafaldaknows · 10 months
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📸: mafaldaknows
The Wonka float, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, 40th Street, NYC 11.23.23
An unexpected serendipitous morning but there I was (and there Willy was not 😂🤷🏻‍♀️)
Not even a couple of Oompah Loompah? Come on, guys! You could’ve done better than that 😳😭
Oh, the irony of being immediately followed by the Kinder chocolate float surrounded by some dancing eggs and a dozen or so of THEIR chocolatiers 😬😂🍫🤷🏻‍♀️ I was cracking up at the sight and forgot to take photos, so here’s the Pillsbury DoughBoy (“DoughBoy! Doughboy!) being slightly embarrassed for our Willy instead. Now that was a Kinder Surprise 😂🍫🥚😜
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It was a wonderful opportunity nonetheless, to be in the greatest city in the world on a such beautiful autumn morning. There is always something for which to be grateful 🧡🦃✨🤞
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facingbackward · 2 years
Hey kid, you wanna eat an illegal chocolate?
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This right here is a Kinder Surprise. It’s one of the most famous chocolate treats in the world, because inside the chocolate egg shell is a secret toy. But if you try to take this candy across the border into America, you might be stopped by border guards and threatened with a $2,500 fine.
Want to know more? Give Criminal Records Podcast a listen. We’re a historical true crime podcast investigating the important issues, like: Are people really getting fined thousands of dollars for smuggling Kinder eggs across the border? Why did an investigation into disgusting meat packing practices lead to regulation of candy? And why do drug smugglers keep shoving toy capsules up their butts?
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chemzee · 1 year
Silly idea number 2637, Ivy gives me off the vibes of being somebody who probably loves Kinder Surprise Eggs, you know the chocolate ones that have like a toy inside. She probably has an entire collection of all the toys she collected from it throughout the years, like, an entire box full of them. She probably has the entire Wins Club toys collection too, with multiple duplicates
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aligned-starz · 20 hours
i love kinder eggs cuz wym the chocolate is yum and theres a surprise inside too???
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