#Kirishima calls bakugo a nerd as a form of flirting and it never works
inoxske · 2 years
Kirishima would make a playlist of goofy songs that remind him of bakugo and they dance to it all the time in the kitchen and only get caught ONCE!
The person who caught them was deku and he just smiled and walked out QUICKLY only slightly out of the way of the nrxt blast bakugo let out unconsciously
Kirishima also made Bakugo a SERIOUS playlist with rlly rlly sweet romantic songs. Bakugo listens to it while studying
BAKUGOS A NERRRRRDDDD and Kirishima will NEVER let him live it down. Bakugo has a really good way of hiding it which is to make it seem like everythings really obvious and everyone around him is stupid when rlly hes just smart. Kirishima thinks hes very funny
They study together! BUT! Depending on how Bakugo is feeling they usually never get anything done. (by studying I mean LITERALLY like going over notes, tutoring is taken v seriously by baku)
Bakugo has SUPER SUPER good balance, like crazy good. He once stood on Kirishimas shoulders for a dare and didnt wabble for a good 1h and 35 minutes(he got bored) BUT!!!! ONE DAY when they were doing close combat, Bakugo and Kirishima got paired up. Bakugo was super tired that day, and while trying to turn he stumbled and Kirishima(who was tryign to pin him to win) Caught him by the back of the neck and held him in a dip for a second before realizing he was not on his side and let him fall. Bakugo is still made at him
Kirishima gets hit by a quirk that makes people super aggressive and like want to kill people. He ends up trying to kill literally everyone but Bakugo. The moment Aizawa gets there Kirishima breaks down into tears in Bakugos arms (everyone forgives him)
Kirishima has an interner ship over 2nd year summer and is away from Bakugo the whole time. When he gets back they do a really cringe like run at eachother and Kirishima picks him up and spins him and everyone around them boos them
Bakugo reads books for fun, Kirishima doesnt. Bakugo will sit on Kirishimas back when he does pushups and he'll read his book.
Bakugo and Kirishima have a weird soulmate mind reading thing where they always know what the other person is gonna say or where they are or something and its super creepy to anyone around them
Bakugo gets turned into a cat while Kiri and him are going to the store. Kirishima spends 3 hours SEARCHING for him b4 realizing a cat has been following him meowing persistently. Bakugo keeps the same personality but not the memories. So hes like, literally a cat. He was- He became a cat. Hes a cat. Anyways he purrs the MOMENT kirishima gets anywhere near him and hisses at everyone else
Bakugo and Kirishima sing "Blue" by Heathers while making dinner one night and inly realize people were listening AFTER the finale. LOSERRSSS
Kirishima CAN sing!!!! All of u can DIE I DONT CARE HE CAN
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brain-rott · 5 years
A Crushed Crush pt.3
Pairing: Midoriya x Reader/Bakugo x Reader
Description: It seems that things have finally come to a head as you are finally confronted by Midoriya who has come to ask you about what it was that tore you both apart. 
Tag list: @jirouisbestgirl @honestlyimace @chounakami @Galacticrosee @http-bakugo @crybbysol @dragon-lark @odddaze @httpgiiio @karlitabi-rrito @chiefinvestigatorheidi @deneuves​
Word count: 3654 
Rating: PG
Part 1 Part 2
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You woke with a yawn and grumble as you rolled over to see that it was still early in the morning. You were sure that not even the birds outside were awake yet. You realized that it was your phone that woke you up, the screen glowing brightly at you from its place on the bed next to you. Pulling it closer to you, you see that you have ten new messages from Bakugo from all hours of the night. Confused you sit up blinking sleep from your eyes as you unlock your phone. 
Bakugo 1:58 
You asleep? 
Bakugo 2:05
I take your lack of response as a yes. 
This is the worst time and way to say this I know I have already gotten chewed out by Kirishima about it
But I won’t be able to sleep until I get this off my mind 
Bakugo 2:11
Earlier when I told you I cared about you I meant it 
Not like as friends though 
I want to be more than just friends
I know that your still getting over that shitty nerd but I just want you to know that there's someone out there other than him who can see just how amazing you are and don't take it for granted. 
Okay I think I got my point across well enough I’m sure you’re gonna wanna talk in the morning anyways so you can assault me with questions then
Call me when you wake up 
You thought you were delirious for a time as you read the texts over and again just to ensure you weren’t misunderstanding anything. You had to catch yourself as you went to call Bakugo but seeing as the sun wasn’t even up yet you’re sure he may not be too pleased to hear from you. Instead you made a compromise with yourself sending him a large text of just heart and crying face emojis. 
Dropping back down into bed. You smiled into your pillow as you let yourself daydream back into a lull before sleep fully retook you. Though rather than dreams of cute dates with the angry blonde you were confronted with some rather troubling images. 
You found your dream self in a dark room sat at the same kind of tables they had in the cafeteria. On one side of the table was Midoriya and all of them. A fond memory of the time when Todoroki had accidentally mispronounced the name of an English soda had you all laughing and near choking on your food. You chuckled to yourself turning away for a moment. When you look back they’re gone initially startling you until you felt a hand on your knee under the table. 
Turning to look over your other shoulder you found yourself sat next to Bakugo he had bumped you to get your attention before pointing to Kaminari who was across the Cafeteria flirting with some girls from general studies. You couldn’t help the laugh that left you as the shortest of the three girls rose from her seat dumping her smoothie on Kaminari’s head before they all sauntered off leaving the blonde deflated and defeated. Kirishima had offered to go over and save him though it seemed it was unnecessary as a familiar purple haired weirdo from General studies came to his aid laughing as the two walked out of the cafeteria. 
Your eyes locked onto Bakugo’s red ones and you felt your self shudder in a slight terror as he just seemed to blur and suddenly you were alone once again in the dark cafeteria. A sudden wave of coldness overtook you making you shudder. Now sat across from you were the silhouettes of Midoriya and Bakugo they seemed to be facing you though the longer you stare the harder it became to tell. The longer you sat there the colder it seemed to get as well, your breath appearing like mist in the chilled air. When you reached out towards them you seemed to lose your balance toppling backwards out of your chair, the sensation of falling seemed to over take you and your heart raced as you heard a pounding in your ears. 
You jerked awake your leg kicking out hard against your bed smashing your toes against your wooden bed frame. Hissing in pain, you grabbed your foot cradling it towards you as you rubbed attempting to soothe the discomfort. You blinked again when you heard someone knock against your door. Looking up you noticed that the sun was fully out and light trickled into your room from between your curtains. Standing slowly you yanked open your curtains before shuffling over to the door. 
Too busy trying to recall the details of your dream. You walked to your door where the person once again knocked. You clearly hadn’t learned your lesson since the last time someone came knocking at an odd hour of the day as you simply threw the door open. You stood there a moment, blinking in surprise as you simply stared at the person who stood before you.  
Midoriya truly didn’t know what he was doing. He had made you bawl your eyes out how many times now? Now he thought he was going to somehow patch everything over by returning your belongings to you? He couldn’t help the tremors of anxiety and fear that trickled through him as he made the walk from his room to yours. 
Your books were clutched to his chest much like how they had been moments before you turned and ran from him, tears streaming down your cheeks. That moment had been burned into his mind. He couldn’t sleep at all that night as his thoughts of you never quieted enough to allow him to rest. 
Midoriya couldn’t help the huff that escaped him making him freeze in embarrassment as he remembered he was in public. He had racked his brain all night but couldn’t think of a single thing he may have done to hurt you. At one point he had even called Iida asking if he may have any insight into this situation though the Class rep was unfortunately unhelpful. 
You hadn’t even be able to look at him and it destroyed him. 
‘Maybe Todoroki was right. Maybe I am the problem.’ Midoriya thought feeling his heart pang painfully at the thought that maybe you just didn’t like him. Stepping into the elevator he pressed the button to take him to your floor. 
‘It could be that simple’ he continued ‘You might just not be able to stand being around him anymore.’ The thought made a lump form in his throat. In the privacy of the elevator he let himself take a shaky breath before shaking himself. He really did not want to show up to your door already crying when he is trying to prevent crying at all costs. 
Things just seemed to be falling down around him and he hadn’t a cue as to how to stop it. It started with Uraraka turning him down after he confessed his feelings for her and now it is culminating with him losing you forever. It seemed the two events happened within the same time frame of each other. That following day you up and vanished from his life without so much as a warning as to why. 
Just having to recall those days of sitting at the table staring at your empty seat made him so uncomfortable. He almost felt like he was missing a part of himself without you at his side. That first week had been hell for him and after your first run in he didn’t even begin to know how horrible it must have been for you. 
The elevator doors slid open and Midoriya shook himself needing his full attention for what was to come. He was going to talk to you, he was going to make things right again. Even if you didn’t want to see or talk to him anymore. He at least wanted to hear it from your own mouth before he gave up. 
The last thing he wanted to do was make you cry again. So in preparation he had been rehearsing what to say since that morning when you ran from him. He was determined to make things right between the two of you. Even if it was gonna break his heart. Anything to make you happy again. 
Your dorm room door now stood before him it being the only thing between him and what could possibly the hardest news of his short life. As he knocked on your door, he felt his body go stiff in sudden apprehension. While his plan in theory worked out great. In reality all of his practice went out the door as he stood there practically shaking. His shirt felt too tight and his hoodie was too hot. His heart was racing as he heard the door unlock and slowly open. You stood before him in fluffy bed pants and an oversized t-shirt clearly having just gotten out of bed despite it being half past noon. 
“H-Hey [y/n]. I-I wanted to bring back your books.” Midoriya stuttered noting how you immediately tensed in his presence. 
You nodded slowly, reaching out to take your items from his arms. He didn’t resist as you took your things beginning to back away into the safety of your dorm. Suddenly remembering the real reason to why he was there, Midoriya stepped forward into the doorway blocking you from shutting it. 
“I’m sorry [y/n] but can we please talk...” Midoriya said all shakiness gone from his voice instead it was replaced with a deep sadness you had never heard come from him. In all your time of knowing him you had never once heard him this depressed. He studied your eyes as you stared back into his green ones almost unsure as to what to say. 
Your grip on the door handle tightened as you felt a wave of indecisiveness descend upon you. Were you even entirely ready for this conversation? It felt like it had been ages since that morning when you walked in on him and Uraraka. Yet it still hurt like it had been mere moments ago. You knew you would never be able to go on if you didn’t do something about it. You studied Midoriya’s face looking for some kind of sign as to what he was feeling. Something you could use to steady your own shaking emotions. Your gaze lingered on each of his freckles before you finally relented. 
“Come in.” You mumbled your voice coming out as a meek whisper as you stepped aside and allowed him in. 
He nodded with a small ‘thank you’ as he stepped inside, slowly looking around before taking a seat at your desk. Shutting the door behind you, you made sure to leave it unlocked in case your worst fear came true and you needed a friend to bail you out at the last minute. Your heart already felt as if it were about to burst from your chest and escape. Even as you sat down on your bed, tucking your legs under you as you did so, the unease wouldn’t leave you. In an attempt to gather some form of comfort you pulled your blankets towards you laying them over your lap. 
A moment of silence passed between the two of you as you both looked around your room. This was not the first time Midoriya had been here with you, though it was the first time in quite some time. His gaze went from your desk which held a variety of figurines and office supplies to your bed which was covered in a tapestry of colors from your many, many blankets. 
Finally Midoriya took the initiative taking a deep breath steadying himself before turning to face you fully eyes looking deep into yours as he began. 
“[y/n]... What did I do?” Midoriya asked softly, knowing he was starting out strong. 
“You didn’t do anything. I just needed some space.” You responded knowing this was not the whole truth. You were still warming up to this whole idea of talking things out. Midoriya clearly knew this as well as he fixed you with a concerned look making you flinch from his gaze. He scooted closer to you. 
“Would you mind telling me why you needed space then?” His voice was soft and comforting. Even though you weren’t looking at him you knew he was staring at you with that worried look of his. You couldn’t help but cringe. While he looked to you with concern all you could see was his lips pressed to Uraraka’s cheek. Shaking yourself you forced yourself to fixate on the spot where the walls met the floor hoping it would keep your emotions at bay. Midoriya again moved closer to you. 
“I was just going through some stuff emotionally and what not...” You said honestly. You didn’t want to go into detail the embarrassment would haunt you much longer than the heartbreak could ever you were sure of this.  
Midoriya could see how you tense your shoulders, refused to look at him. It seemed that every time he got even remotely close to finding out what was wrong, you would shut him out raising every defense you had. 
He was there in the same room as you yet he felt a million miles away. He could feel his emotions starting to get the best of him as the last few days events came to him. He could feel the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. 
“[y/n] Please…” He whispered out his hands hovering in the space between you. He didn’t want to touch you if you didn’t want him to but he so desperately wanted to pull you into his arms and hold you close to him. 
It killed him knowing he was the reason you were no longer your former happy self. Though what really hurt him was the fact that he didn’t have a damn clue as to what had caused this. He didn’t even try to hold back his tears as you turned to look at him in surprise as he openly cried to you. 
“Whatever the reason may be. I promise to try to understand. I miss you so, so much. I know I never said it but you mean so much to me.” Midoriya confessed moving so he was now fully in front of you. His hands held out before him and offered to you trembled ever so slightly.  
“I love you...” Midoriya finally said voice cracking as he choked back a sob his hair falling forward to cover his eyes. 
You felt your world tilt at his words. You didn’t know what to say at first. So you took his hands into your own squeezing them reassuringly in your grip as you thought to yourself. You had never been good at handling your emotions so having to suddenly be the level headed person was a turn you hadn’t been expecting.
“I-I…” You had to pause to take a breath before continuing. The way he was watching with his eyes so heavy with emotion it made your chest ache. “Midoriya, I was so madly in love with you when we first met.” At your words Midoriya’s eyes widened in surprise then settled as suddenly things seemed to make so much sense to him.
“ I had never loved anyone before you, not truly at least. I was so happy to finally have someone to love that I let it wrap me up in my own little world.” You admitted with a small laugh as you thought back to all the times you did something goofy in an attempt to make him smile or gain his attention. 
“ I was so caught up in it all that I was absolutely blind sided when I saw you with Uraraka. It destroyed me. Since you were my first crush I had never been through a heartbreak before. Finding out in such a way that you didn’t like me back. It was a new kind of pain that I just wasn’t prepared for…” You admitted feeling as though all the weight that had once been on your shoulders had suddenly been lifted. You blinked slightly surprised as you felt warm tears rolling down your cheeks. You hadn’t even noticed you had started crying. 
Midoriya didn’t say anything as he brushed the tears from your eyes watching you with his own watery gaze. 
“I’m sorry but I just couldn’t bring myself to face you. It just hurt too much. It still hurts.” You explained as Midoriya’s hands returned to your lap where he interlaced his fingers with yours giving you a comforting squeeze. 
“I know it was selfish of me to avoid you all. I just wanted the hurting to stop. So I did what I thought was best for me at the time.” You continued feeling yourself getting a bit breathless. 
“You may think I’m terrible for doing that but-but…” You couldn’t bring yourself to keep talking as you felt the urge to cry become too strong. If you kept going you would end up a bawling mess. The tightness in your throat and the pressure on your chest tell tale signs of what was to come. You honestly really hated crying, though lately it felt like it had been your only relief.
You didn’t notice that Midoriya had risen from his seat until he had joined you on the bed. He carefully wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to his chest as he hugged you tightly against him. 
“I’m so sorry [y/n]. I’m so sorry I was too dense to notice your feelings. I may not have been able to say it then but I do truly care about you. So, so much. Every time I made you cry I thought I was going to lose you forever and it broke me.” Midoriya paused taking a hard breath as he pressed his cheek against the top of your head as he hugged you even closer to him for a moment. He never wanted to let you go. 
“I can’t see my life without you in it anymore.” Midoriya confessed speaking into the top of your head “I would do anything to try and make it up to you. All the pain I caused you all the suffering...”
You sniffled wiping at your eyes as you just revealed in his embrace for a moment longer. 
“What about Uraraka?” You finally asked dreading the answer. You were so afraid he was about to undo everything he had just said to you. 
“I may have convinced myself I liked her at one time but… Now I know it wasn’t real. Your who I love [y/n]. I know it took me too long to realize it but when I say it I am being honest.” Midoriya explained hoping he got his point across. At the time he had spoken to Uraraka he had convinced himself that he cared about her. Though the pain of you leaving vastly outweighed whatever he had felt from her. 
The two of your sat there a moment. Simply enjoying being in one another's arms as you seemed to ponder what each of you had said. Your head was practically swimming. Hearing all the things you have been wanting to hear all this time, having his arms around you, having him hold you so tightly against him. It was almost too good to be true. 
Though despite having everything you had wanted for since the start of your highschool career. Something deep in your chest suddenly ached. Your eyes snap open as you remember your conversation from early this morning. You had still been half asleep when you read them so Bakugo’s words had faded to the back of your mind at the sudden appearance of Midoriya. 
You felt a cold sweat creep up your limbs as you realized you would have to choose. The two hated each other there would be no way to exist in both Midorya’s world and Bakugo’s. So lost in your own thoughts and mild panic you almost jumped out of Midoriya’s arms when he moved. 
“[y/n] I know I should’ve asked you this long ago but, will you go out with me?” He said suddenly making your heart stutter. You hesitated to answer him. Did you want to go out with Midoriya? How were you supposed to choose between the two in all honesty?  
“I-I’m gonna have to think on that Midoriya. I don’t think I’m emotionally ready yet.” You finally answered smiling at him sweetly as you slowly sat up out of his arms. 
He nodded happily smiling brightly as he squeezed your hands reassuringly. 
“It’s okay take all the time you need [y/n]! I promise I will be waiting for you when your ready.” He said assuredly thought when he opened his mouth to speak again a loud buzzing startled the both of you. You watched in surprise as he pulled his phone out of his pocket it buzzed loudly in his hand. His face immediately flushed upon seeing who the caller was. 
“I-I’m sorry my mother is calling.” He admitted rubbing at the back of his neck in mild embarrassment. 
“Oh it’s alright you go ahead. I can catch up with you later.” He gave you a thankful look before giving you a final hug and rushing out the door hurriedly answering his phone before closing the door behind him. 
Once you were sure he was gone you flopped face down into your bed burying your face into your pillow before you let out a scream you didn’t know you were holding in. 
You didn’t even want to think of what you were going to do now… 
A/N: Howdy! Thanks for all the feed back on the last part but now is the real time to cast your votes for who yall want especially now that Midoriya has been able to have his time in the lime light. 
This takes about two seconds so if you could follow this link to cast your vote 
A/N**: Also sorry for any errors as of right now its 1 am and I cant bring myself to edit this after having already re written it like three times lmao 
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