#Kit x Malachai
confusedhomicidalrage · 6 months
@thornonthevine @brains4ne
Mordecai x Jeremiah
1. Morjer
2. jercai
E. Moriah
4. jermor ("Official" one)
5. Caiiah
6. Iahcai
7. Jeor
8. Orje
9. Remo
10. Demia
11. Miade
12. Rede
Vicky x Scarlett
1. Vilett ("Official" one)
2. Vicar
3. Scarcky
4. Scarlvi
5. Ckylett
6. Ckarl
7. Cornflower
Burt x Adam (Visibly struggling)
1. Burad
2. Adurt
3. Adbu
4. Adart
5. Buda
6. Applecorn ("Official" one)
Abel x Ezekiel
1. Abez
2. Ezel
3. Ezab
4. Elez
5. Abekiel
6. Eliel
7. Ezabek
8. DogDemon ("Official" one)
Danny x Micah
1. Danmi
2. Nycah
3. Danah
4. Midan ("Official" one)
5. Cahdan
6. Miny
7. Dami
8. Mianny
9. Ahdan
Gabriel x Hannah x Matt
1. Gahatt ("Official" one)
2. Brienahma
3. Ielnaat
4. Abhanma
5. Rielhamat
6. Gaannatt
7. Abrianma
8. Rihanmat
9. Gabrihanma
10. Brielnahatt
11. Ganama {Sounds like a state tbh}
12. Brhama
(Don't ship it, didn't take off, but idk, take it) Eli x Josiah
1. Eliah
2. Lisiah
3. Josli ("Official" one)
4. Eljo
5. Joel
6. Iahli
7. Liiah
8. Josel
Kit x Malachai
Mit ("Official" one)
2. Kalachai
3. Maki
4. Malit
5. Kichai
6. Kimal
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Family Struggles
Summary: Sweet Pea Male!Reader Request: sweet pea x male reader were the reader is Malachis little brother and he finds out about them and tries to separate them “I’m going out!” You duck out of the way of two of the Ghoulies who enter and you’re almost out the door when Malachai grabs your arm. “Where’s your jacket? And is that my shirt you dick?” “In the wash, and yeah; looks better on me; side’s doesn’t fit you anymore.” “It fits me-“ You arch your eyebrows and he scowls. “Okay fine. Take a spare.”
“I’m not going to get jumped in an alley, I’m a guy no one’s going to want anything to do with me, and everyone knows me as a Ghoulie anyways so there’s no way anyone would be dumb enough to do anything. Okay fine, Christ, now is when you choose to be a brother, not when I need a bike or-“ “You crashed your bike, I’m not lending you out mine so you can tank it and we get to hear about another motorcycle accident with you smeared all over the pavement.” “Wonderful talk, same time next week; I can schedule you in after my therapy appointment I now need.” “You’d need a therapy appointment when you find out what Penny and-“
“You’re my brother; I don’t care what you don’t get to do in bed. Goodbye.” You twist from his grip and grin as the door closes behind you. Every one of the Ghoulies know you as Malachai’s little brother, the one they have to look out for. You’re not sure how Malachai had managed to convince them of this, but they know to leave you alone once you cross the border they’ve set up with the rest of the Southside. It’s more of a bubble you muse, ducking into and out of alleyways letting your paranoia lead you back around twice before you slide into the edge of the quarry; the opposite side to any of the obvious entrances; you know you’ll end up with a few scraps and cuts but you reason it’s worth it when you can see a familiar figure lounging on the rocks.
“Jesus, you get tailed or some shit?” “If I was; I’m not anymore.” You grin, fisting Sweet Pea’s jacket to pull him into a long kiss. “Miss me that much then?” Sweet Pea grins as you pull back. “Did you miss me as well?” You laugh when he just pulls you back towards him. You sigh when you hear something snapping and Sweet Pea tenses. “Jake get your ass out here. If you can’t keep yourself quiet on a recon mission like this shit what you even trying out for the Ghoul’s for?” “Not Jake.” You go rigid turning to stare at Malachai who tilts his head grin lopsided before he exposes his teeth.
“You really think your slick Y/N? Using a snake for anything other than a punching bag isn’t how we roll ‘sides never know how many diseases they have. Awww are you defensive of him; calm down I can see your hackles are up. Put the knife away snake boy, you and my brother are done; he can find himself a Ghoulie that’s better than you by a mile.”
You scowl from the couch when Malachai throws your jacket on top of you. “Y/N stop sulking, I know you miss the pretty snake boy but we can find you someone better; we’ll go out and-“ “Fuck off.” “Come on Y/N you can’t seriously thing dating a Serpent would work out? That he’d want you once he found out you were a Ghoulie; my little brother at that?” “He knew.” “That you were family?” “No that I was a Ghoul and he didn’t care.” “Really? He didn’t care at all?” Your scowl falters and you can see his smirk grow. “It’ doesn’t matter.” “It will.” You swallow retreating to your bedroom; knowing the doubt that’s creeping into your chest is worse than any threat your brother will make.
He tries; you meet Sweet Pea at lunch for Pop’s a tradition and you see Jake cowering nervously by the door before Lance shoves him through after he pulls it open. “Boss said; oh heya Y/N we’re up on that big job, you in still?” You don’t respond glaring as you can hear your brothers bike roaring into the parking lot. “Heyyy; there you two are, scram. I need to have some family talk.” Sweet Pea glares and you try to shove yourself between him and Malachai as he sits down opposite both of you. “So, uhh snake boy. Tell me about yourself..”
“Sweet Pea; first off. Secondly you got a problem with me being with Y/N it doesn’t matter; FP doesn’t care he’s a Ghoul, you shouldn’t care I’m a snake if you want your brother to be happy.” “It’s cute you think you matter to me. The only reason I haven’t gotten rid of you is he’d”He jerks a thumb at you, grinning. “Be miserable and when he gets miserable I have to listen to him sulk and whine and he fumbles on jobs and-“ “Shut it.” “Aww are you angry I’m calling out your relationship?”
“Yes. I’m happy with Sweet Pea; even though he’s a-“ “Serpent;  I know, I know it’s so tragic and lovely and so like Romeo and Juliet but you both have dicks; you’re gonna end up dead over him and it’ll be your fault and I’ll lose my brother. I’m not going to let that happen.” “Okay.” You grin and he frowns. “Okay? I was expecting there to be more fight. I’m not; where are you going?” “To get my stuff. You not letting me be with Sweet Pea means I’m not your brother.” You grin when he falters; confused when he looks hurt for a moment. “Okay. Fine. Have fun.” His grin has lost his bite as you both go your separate ways from Pop’s.
You can’t count the number of times you’ve caught one of the Ghoulies or Malachai leering around or peering to hard at you and Sweet Pea as you tentatively move towards the Wyrm for the first time. True to Sweet Pea’s word FP jones and the rest of the Serpent’s are trying their best not to care. You try to avoid saying anything about the Ghoulies you don’t want either of them to catch the idea that you’ll spy for either side. FP pulls you aside two weeks after you’ve left your brother handing you a think brown envelope.
“He refused to let me leave till I said I’d give it to you.” You scowl at it, peeling it open grimacing when the letter is wrapped around a dead snake. “He’s trying to scare me; it’s nothing.” You assure Sweet Pea that Malachai won’t actually do anything to hurt him or yourself and you brush off the worry content to let him curl around you protectively and check the doors and windows are locked twice over. You say nothing of the note that your brother had left in your jacket, about the raid on the Wrym; you knew FP knew enough about it to get most everyone out. You slide out of bed, out of Sweet Pea’s protection and meet your brother halfway to the Wyrm; he grins.
“So you decided to abandon the snake nest?” “No.” “So you’re hear to fight me.” He snaps his teeth. “No.” “You chose him! You chose a snake over your family!” He snarls and you shake your head. ‘”You made me chose, I went with what made me happy.” “Don’t I make you happy? I’m your brother Y/N; we’re supposed to care about each other.” “I do, but I have to put my own happiness first.” “And he makes you happy?” “Yes.” You can hear how Malachai’s voice waivers.
“But he’s against us. He’s the enemy, he takes away our business. He’s part of the problem.” “Well maybe if you went straight; if we didn’t-“ “I’m straighter than you.” “No not the gay thing, like legality. Making an honest real living; but your nursing degree to good use, get a job at the hospital and-“ “You want me to be a nurse? You think this town would accept me in scrubs holding out needles and stitch kits at them?” “It’s worth a try; I mean it would prevent me and Sweet’s from ending up as Romeo and Juliet. Save you funeral costs.” “Wow that’s really morbid Y/N.”
“Well you’re my brother, being raised in the house of the dead leaves an effect. You have a dark sense of humour.” “It’s called realism.” You don’t comment how he nods to everyone and they fall back, his arm slung around your shoulder. “It’s not realism if you’re talking about killing people.” “Only if they deserve it.” He corals you back towards the house of the dead and you don’t comment when your room looks the same; he doesn’t comment on you texting Sweet Pea a good morning explaining what happened.
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stattic-writes · 5 years
Family Struggles
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wayward-river · 5 years
Loving the Enemy (9)
Malachai x Plus!Size Serpent Reader 
AN: There is a bit of Sweet Pea x Reader in this chapter that was needed, there may be another little epilogue but this is it y’all the last chapter. Thanks so much for going on this ride with me! 
Warnings: Language, mention of violence. 
Shout out to my beta @xserpentlife as always check out her stuff y’all! 
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The next few weeks were hell. You hid in your room as much as you could. Fangs and Sweet Pea not really being able to get any words out of you. You were quicker to throw your fist then you had ever been.
Sweet Pea stood in your doorway, Fangs hovering behind him. “Taking care of Peabody. Want to finish her off?”
You looked up shaking your head. “You do it.”
Sweet Pea nodded as he turned around leaving Fangs in the doorway, hovering the way he had been these past few weeks since they rescued you...again.
“What Fogarty?”
Fangs shook his head. “I’m just worried about you Y/N/N.”
“Yeah well I’m fine.” You paused as you sighed looking up at your best friend. “I just want it to be over Fangs.”
Fangs nodded. “I’ll make sure it is. I love you. Call me if you need me...please.”
You nodded as you went back to chipping away at your nail polished toes as your mind raced. It was going to be over. You had thought that last time. Is it going to be really over? Will the serpents really put an end to Peabody. The snake charmer has helped quite a few of them out but she also did kill your father, and attempted to kill you...twice. You shuddered as the thoughts ran rampant your hand moving from your toes to your side the forever reminder of your fight. The ugly scar that you just wanted gone. You leaned back as your hand stayed on your side, your eyes fluttered shut after sleepless nights. Too afraid of the dreams that would plague you when you closed your Y/E/C eyes.
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Sweet Pea opened the trailer door sighing. Peabody was gone. He didn’t have to worry about that threat against you anymore. He shed his jacket and toed off his boots. Walking over to the fridge he pulled out a beer. He was ready to sink into the couch until he heard you. The small no’s that fell from your lips would turn into your haunting screams if he didn’t catch it early enough. The two of you had been somewhat avoiding the other since that night. He was afraid of his temper, he still had trouble believing Malachai had nothing to do with it, and he pretended to not hear you call out Malachai’s name instead of his lately. He placed the beer onto the small coffee table and walked to your door. His eyes flicked to the blood on his knuckles when he twisted your door knob. You were moving back and forth shaking the desperate pleas falling from your lips as he stepped closer. He sat onto the bed his hands gripping you as he pulled you upright and into him. “Shhh...I’m here Y/N/N”
He wasn’t quite sure when you woke up but you had began to sob into him, as he held your trembling body. He couldn’t tell anyone how long the two of you stayed like that until you broke from him. He wiped the tears from your eyes and brought his hands back down as you looked him over.
“Will you let me clean you up?”
Sweet Pea would normally argue with you telling you he could do it himself but he bit his tongue as he nodded knowing that you wanted to… needed to in that moment . The both of you getting up and going to the small bathroom.
“Sit please” You mumbled as you pulled out the first aid kit and the small rag that was designated to clean either of you up as it was stained with blood. You ran it under the warm water before grabbing one of his hands and gently cleaning the blood of the knuckles and disinfecting the cuts. You repeated yourself on his other hand before setting everything down.
“Thanks Y/N/N.” Sweet Pea placed a kiss to your temple as he side stepped around you heading to his room.
You sat out on the couch staring at the warm opened beer. You had pulled him away from something yet again. You were tired but Sweet Pea needed sleep. After an hour of fighting with yourself you gave up walking towards the end of the hall. You stood staring at the faded wooden door before you willed yourself to knock.
“Pea?” You awaited the gruff response. Holding your breath hoping he wasn’t upset with you for getting caught again all because you fell in love. You heard his muffled response, releasing your breath you opened the door.
He looked up at you as you opened the door setting his phone down. “Hey you okay?”
You tried to keep a steady voice but it cracked as you spoke your next words. “Is it really over?”
He nodded. “I promise. Penny will never come after you again. It’s over Y/N/N I handled it myself. Fangs took a few shots as well.”  
You sniffled. “Can I, actually never mind.” You began to turn away.
“Y/N/N please talk to me.”
“Can I stay in here…  with you, tonight … please?”
“Of course, come here.” You walked the few steps falling into Sweet Peas bed as he laid back against the wall before wrapping his arms around you protectively.
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“I love him.”
“I know Y/N/N, I know. You have been fighting it,but if you are happy and you believe that he wasn’t in on this, then I stand by you, but if he hurts you again fuck if he hurts you at all I guarantee you I’ll hurt him.”
“You think he’ll talk to me?”
“I think he’s been fighting himself to not show up here and knock on the door everyday. I saw a car drive by a few times I think it may have been him but… look if you really love him Y/N then go to him.” Sweet Pea admitted honestly.
“I think I’m going to go see him tomorrow.” You yawned.
“If that is what will make you happy. You do that. Now get some sleep. I’m right here, nothing will ever get you again.”
You mumbled an incoherent reply as you fell asleep against Sweet Pea.
You woke up in Sweet Peas bed, you rolled over expecting to see him snoring sleeping upright, but the bed was empty. You swung your legs out from the covers as you hit the cold floor padding out to the kitchen where Sweet Pea was making coffee.
“Thanks for last night. I don’t think I’ve slept since the night I fell asleep against you on the couch.”
“You needed it.” He replied, handing you your favorite mug. You sighed happily as you brought to cup to your lips.
“You going to see him?” Sweet Pea asked.
“Yes” You finished your coffee, heading to your room. You slipped on a pair of your favorite leggings and your serpent jacket. Grabbing your bike keys you gave Sweet Pea a small kiss on his cheek and headed towards the house of the dead.
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You pulled up, stopping the bike as you stared at the House of Dead. You felt like you had a ton of bricks holding you down. Would he want to see you? Were you walking into a slamming door? You sighed pulling your helmet off shaking out your Y/H/L Y/H/C. Running your shaking hands through it.
“We don’t want any oversized Serpent bitches here. Unless you are looking for a fight I’d leave.”
Your head snapped to the girl who was leaned against a car, her studded jacket glimmering in the sun.
You cleared your throat as you narrowed your eyes. You didn’t take shit from anyone especially now when they only had comments about your size. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to see Malachai.”
The girl shifted standing up straighter. “So you are the Serpent he’s heartbroken over? I don’t see why, but whatever he’s in his office.”
You nodded as you walked up to the house pulling the front door open. “Malachai’s office. Where is it?” You questioned after seeing the first Ghoulie you ran into. You watched his eyes widening as he put the Serpent jacket and who you were into place.
“I’ll take you.” You nodded as you followed him through the house of the dead. Stopping at a red door. The Ghoulie knocked.
“What?” You stilled hearing his voice for the first time in weeks.
“There’s a serpent here to see you.”
The door flung open, revealing Malachai. The air was knocked out of you as you locked eyes with his brown ones. A small smile played at his lips, before his eyes moved back to the Ghoulie. “Scram”
You had never seen someone move so fast, you watched him retreat up the stairs before turning back around to see Malachai leaning against the door frame. “What are you doing here Y/N? I thought you would hate me.”
“I couldn’t hate you if I tried. My heart loves you too much.”
A smile broke across his face. “You love me? But aren’t I the enemy? The infamous power hunger Ghoulie King without a heart?”
You stepped closer, placing your hands on his chest. “I guess I don’t see any harm in loving the enemy.”
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Few months later
You laughed as you sat on the couch with Malachai.
“No way. I won that game.” You taunted as you held the controller scooting away from him.
Malachai lunged forward his hands gripping your hips. His thumb grazing your scar as he turned you and pulled you into him.
“You didn’t play fair baby.” He smirked.
“I did too. I just saw an advantage and took it.” You stuck your tongue out at him, his grip tightening.
“Oh so you are a sneaky snake?” He teased.
“Mhmm. You should know this by now. I’ve got secrets and tricks you don’t even know about it.”
“Oh baby, don’t get me started.”
You bit your lip as you looked up at him through your lashes.
Malachai chuckled before pressing his lips to yours. Pulling away he rested his forehead against yours. “Hey Y/N/N?”
“Yeah Mal?”
“I love you, you know that right?”
“Yeah babe I know, even though we are different and are apart of different gangs, I hear this every night” You squealed as his fingers danced across your skin.
“Mal! Okay! Okay! You win.” You pushed out through your laughter.
You sat on the couch looking at each other.
Malachai took a deep breath. “Move in with me?”
You were taken aback. “Mal…”
“Listen you are here every night already. Half your stuff is already here. I just I want to spend every second that I can with you Y/N, I love you and when you walk out that door to go home some nights it kills me. It kills me not being able to be with you through it all I want that for you, for us, so please just think about it ”
You sucked in your bottom lip, chewing on it. Your mind racing. You loved Malachai, he had good points but the serpents.
“They are your family. I’d never take that away from you. Hell you could have Fogarty game night here sometimes. This is neutral territory. I promise they won’t go anywhere and neither will I.”
You smiled. “I don’t know how you read my mind like that but okay.”
“Okay I’ll move in with you” You smiled as a laugh bubbled out of you once more.
Malachai’s lips found yours once again his hands cupping your face as you melted in to him. Your life was crazy, unconventional it had been since that day Penny Peabody had turned your life upside down, but Malachai pieced you back together every day and you couldn’t love anyone more than him.
Forever Tags :  @whenallsaidanddone @theflameofdeath
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Alright, relate yours OCs or ship to my fav album songs Taylor Swift: Tim McGraw, Cold As You, Picture To Burn, Should’ve Said No Fearless: White Horse, Tell Me Why, Forever & Always Speak Now: Speak Now, Sparks Fly, Back To December, The Story Of Us, Better Than Revenge Red: Red, Treacherous, WANEGBT, The Last Time, All Too Well, I Almost Do 1989: Style, Wildest Dreams, New Romantics Rep: End Game, IDSB, Getaway Car, DWOHT, KOMH Lover: Cruel Summer, The Man, MA&THP, Cornelia Street, London Boy
Tim McGraw: ooof okay this is totally Fallon Parris Jones and Reggie Mantle?  Actually their second first time (first time after they said ‘I love you’ and were dating not fwb lmao) was entirely based around this song!!
But when you think "Tim McGraw"/I hope you think my favourite song/The one we danced to all night long/The moon like a spotlight on the lake/When you think happiness/I hope you think "that little black dress"/Think of my head on your chest/And my old faded blue jeans
Cold As You: Aaliya Andrews x Graham Frank
You have a way of coming easily to me/And when you take, you take the very best of me/So I start a fight 'cause I need to feel somethin'/And you do what you want 'cause I'm not what you wanted
You put up the walls and paint them all a shade of gray/And I stood there loving you, and wished them all away/And you come away with a great little story/Of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you
Picture To Burn: ngl also Fallon Parris Jones but Fallon and Sweet Pea!  Which I hate because I hate being mean to my beloved son but that’s just how their relationship went?
So watch me strike a match/On all my wasted time/As far as I'm concerned you're/Just another picture to burn/There's no time for tears/I'm just sitting here/Planning my revenge/There's nothing stopping me/From going out with all of your best friends
or worst enemies as the case may be
Should’ve Said No: Roxie Flores x Noah Puckerman
You should've said no, you should've gone home/You should've thought twice before you let it all go/You should've know that word, bout what you did with her/Would get back to me
I can't resist, before you go, tell me this/Was it worth it/Was she worth this
White Horse: Lucy and Alexander Pierce
Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale/I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well/This is a big world, that was a small town/There in my rear view mirror disappearing now
And also Aaliya Andrews x Graham Frank & Delaney Carlyle x Reggie Mantle/Chuck Clayton
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale/I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet/Lead her up the stairwell/This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town/I was a dreamer before you went and let me down/Now it's too late for you/And your white horse, to come around
Tell Me Why: Carmen Rivera x Jackson Whittemore
And I need you like a heartbeat/But you know you got a mean streak/Makes me run for cover when you're around/And here's to you and your temper/Yes, I remember what you said last night/And I know that you see what you're doing to me/Tell me why
Forever & Always: Charlie Dugan x Flash Thompson
And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called/And then you feel so low you cant feel nothing at all/And you flashback to when he said forever and always
Speak Now: Ooof Jennifer Andrews x FP Jones
This is surely not what you thought it would be/I lose myself in a daydream/Where I stand and say/"Don't say yes, run away now/I'll meet you when you're out/Of the church at the back door/Don't wait or say a single vow/You need to hear me out"/And they said, "speak now"
Sparks Fly: Alexis Argent x Lydia Martin x Scott McCall!!
Drop everything now/Meet me in the pouring rain/Kiss me on the sidewalk/Take away the pain/Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile
ALSO Kit Conrad x Hope Mikaelson
The way you move is like a full on rainstorm/And I'm a house of cards/You're the kind of reckless that should send me running/But I kinda know that I won't get far
Back To December: Angela DeSantos x Veronica Lodge
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right/And how you held me in your arms that September night/The first time you ever saw me cry/Maybe this is wishful thinking/Probably mindless dreaming/But if we loved again I swear I'd love you right
The Story Of Us: Juliet Capes x Fangs Fogarty
I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us/How we met and the sparks flew instantly/People would say, "they're the lucky ones"/I used to know my place was a spot next to you/Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat/Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on
Better Than Revenge: Amethyst Andrews, wrt Betty and Cheryl
Betty - 
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey/You might have him, but haven't you heard/I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey/You might have him, but I'll always get the last word
Cheryl -
She looks at life like it's a party and she's on the list/She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it/I think her ever present frown is a little troubling/And, she thinks I'm psycho/Cause I like to rhyme her name with things, but/Sophistication isn't what you wear, or who you know/Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go/Oh they didn't teach you that in prep school/So it's up to me/But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity
Red: Ophelia Dane x Ben Hargreeves
Losing him was blue like I'd never known/Missing him was dark grey, all alone/Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met/But loving him was red
Treacherous: Ashley Wilson x Percy Jackson
And I just think you should, think you should know/That nothing safe is worth the drive
WANEGBT: Percy Flowers x Brett Talbot
I remember when we broke up, the first time/Saying, "This is it, I've had enough"/Cause like we hadn't seen each other in a month/When you, said you, needed space (what?)
The Last Time: Carmen Rivera x Lydia Martin
This is the last time I'm asking you this/Put my name at the top of your list/This is the last time I'm asking you why/You break my heart in the blink of an eye
All Too Well: Also Fallon x Sweet Pea ouch
And I know it's long gone and/That magic's not here no more/And I might be okay/But I'm not fine at all
I Almost Do: Luna Hale x Isaac Lahey
I bet/You think I either moved on or hate you/Cause each time you reach out there's no reply/I bet/It never ever occurred to you/That I can't say "Hello" to you/And risk another goodbye
Style: ooh Anastasia Andrews x Jughead Jones
You've got that long hair slick back, white t-shirt/And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
and also Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye/And I got that red lip, classic thing that you like/And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
Wildest Dreams: Ariel Blossom x Malachai
He's so tall, and handsome as hell/He's so bad but he does it so well/I can see the end as it begins, my one condition is/Say you'll remember me/Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe
and Cathy x Bill x Stan
Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams
New Romantics: Amara Caro & Percy Flowers!!!  
Baby, we're the new romantics/Come on, come along with me/Heart break is the national anthem/We sing it proudly/We are too busy dancing/To get knocked off our feet/Baby, we're the new romantics/The best people in life are free
And Arianne Martin!!
Cause, baby, I could build a castle/Out of all the bricks they threw at me/And every day is like a battle/But every night with us is like a dream
End Game: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea 100%
Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy/I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me/And I can't let you go, your hand print's on my soul/It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold/You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks/So here's the truth from my red lipsI wanna be your endgame
also Stevie Cooper x Joaquin DeSantos
I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders/Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep/The truth is it's easier to ignore it, believe me
IDSB: Arianne Martin 
I can feel the flames on my skin/Crimson red paint on my lips/If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing/I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming
and also Katarina Aliano
They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one/So light me up
and Amethyst Andrew
I never trust a narcissist/But they love me/So I play 'em like a violin/And I make it look oh so easy
This is how the world works/You gotta leave before you get left
Getaway Car: April King x Diego Hargreeves
It was the best of times, the worst of crimes/I struck a match/And blew your mind, but I didn't mean it/And you didn't see it/The ties were black, the lies were white/And shades of grey in candlelight
Percy Flowers x Scott McCall (x Brett Talbot)
I wanted to leave him/I needed a reason
DWOHT: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted
My love had been frozen/Deep blue, but you painted me golden/Oh, and you held me close/Oh, how was I to know
Abigayle Whittemore x Allison Argent x Scott McCall
I could’ve spent forever with your hands in my pockets/Picture of your face in an invisible locket/You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it
Adrienne Argent x Liam Dunbar
I'd kiss you as the lights went out/Swaying as the room burned down/I'd hold you as the water rushes in/If I could dance with you again
KOMH: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
Is this the end of all the endings?/My broken bones are mending/With all these nights we’re spending/Up on the roof with a school girl crush/Drinking beer out of plastic cups/Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
I made up my mind, I’m better off being alone
Avalon Le Fay x Jay
And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for/King of my heart, body and soul
Camila Nelson x Steve Harrington
Your love is a secret/I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep/Change my priorities/The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury
Cruel Summer: Aaliya Andrews x Jason Blossom
And I snuck in through the garden gate/Every night that summer just to seal my fate
and Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
And I scream, “For whatever it’s worth/I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
I’d be a fearless leader/I’d be an alpha type
I’m so sick of running as fast as I can/Wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man 
They’d paint me out to be bad/So, it’s okay that I’m mad
MA&THP: Amethyst Andrews x Sweet Pea
It’s you and me, that’s my whole world/They whisper in the hallway, “She’s a bad, bad girl”
No cameras catch my muffled cries/I counted days, I counted miles/To see you there, to see you there/And now the storm is coming
You know I adore you, I’m crazier for you/Than I was at 16, lost in a film scene
Beverly Mantle & Reggie Mantle
We’re so sad, we paint the town blue/Voted most likely to run away with you
My team is losing, battered and bruising/I see the high fives between the bad guys/Leave with my head hung, you are the only one/Who seems to care
American stories burning before me/I’m feeling helpless, the damsels are depressed
Beverly Mantle x Fangs x Sweet Pea (in Inescapable Secrets)
Waving homecoming queens, marching band playing/I’m lost in the lights/American glory faded before me
Now I’m feeling hopeless, ripped up my prom dress/Running through rose thorns, I saw the scoreboard/And ran for my life
No cameras catch my pageant smile/I counted days, I counted miles/To see you there
It’s you and me, that’s my whole world/They whisper in the hallway, “She’s a bad, bad girl”/The whole school is rolling fake dice/You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
Cornelia Street: Selena McCall x Derek Hale
And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends/I’d never walk Cornelia Street again/That’s the kind of heartbreak time could never mend/I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
Adrienne Argent x Liam Dunbar
Windows swung right open, autumn air/Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours
London Boy: Alissara Baratheon x Oberyn Martell
But something happened, I heard him laughing/I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent/They say home is where the heart is/But that’s not where mine lives
Send me a song and I’ll tell you which OC(s) it fits best
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Little Jones 11
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
One     Two     Three     Four     Five     Six     Seven     Eight     Nine     Ten
Tagged: @mrs-sarcasmm @irishfangirlxo @laralarryv @deanilostmyshoe  
@sgarrett49 @amikml @ego-allie-bap @outerxorbit @aristocracy-y @southsidemistress @natalieroseg @theyouthfulmoon
Jughead ran a hand over his tired face. This was it. He lied to his dad. To his girlfriend. His friends. He didn’t tell a soul where he was going. He couldn’t. Y/n was more than just his twin and his sister. Y/n was his best friend and he wouldn’t let her get hurt because of him. 
He had made sure to tell Betty that he loved her before leaving her sleeping in his bed. His dad was out combing the streets with surprisingly, Alice Cooper, Jughead knew deep down that he should have told someone, should have brought back up, but he couldn’t put one more person he cared for in danger.
Knocking on the door, Jughead waited long several minutes before the door finally opened.  Malachai stood there grinning from ear to ear. Of course, the Ghoulies were apart of this. Jughead should have known better.
“I see that you came alone, you’re a smart boy,” Malachai said. 
“Where’s my sister?” Jughead demanded to know. 
“You’ll see soon enough,” Malachai said before yanking Jughead inside. 
Jughead yanked the Ghoulie’s hand from his shirt. Malachai smirked as he lead the serpent to the room where Penny was waiting for the pair. 
“The fearless Serpent leader has finally arrived,” Penny taunted. 
Jughead bunched his fists. 
“Where is my sister?” Jughead demanded to know. 
“I had lots of fun with your sister once Penny let me have a turn,” Malachai smirked. 
Jughead’s stomach dropped. 
“What did you do to her?” Jughead asked. 
“I just want to show her what a real man could do,” Malachai said. “But the little bitch put up quite the fight. So I knocked her around instead to show her what I was capable of,”
Jughead paled at the thought of that asshole touching his sister. 
“Enough of the games, give me Y/n!” Jughead exclaimed.
Penny lifted her hand and then snapped her fingers. A door behind Penny opened, two ghoulies dragged Y/n out of the spare room. They dropped her at Jughead’s feet. 
“Y/n,” Jughead whispered as he dropped down next to his sister. 
“Get out of here,” Y/n said under her breath. 
“I’m here to save you,” Jughead told his sister. 
“It’s a trap,” Y/n hissed before coughing up blood. 
Jughead looked up at the grinning Penny. 
“Did you really think that I would pass by the opportunity to kill both of the Serpent King’s children?” Penny asked. 
The room quickly filled with several more ghoulies. Slowly, Jughead stood. 
“You really are a stupid bitch, aren’t you?” Jughead asked. 
“No, but I am the smartest bitch around,” Penny cackled. 
Penny snapped her fingers signaling for the ghoulies to close in on Jughead. Y/n pushed herself up to her knees. Jughead grabbed her arm and helped her to her feet. 
“We cannot take them by ourselves,” Jughead said. 
“I know, but I’m not going to let you go down swinging alone,” Y/n groaned. 
Jughead laced his hand with his sister’s. Y/n gave it a squeeze. This was it. They both knew that no matter what they did they weren’t going to be able to stop the ghoulies. Their time was up. 
Jughead glanced down at his twin. He wanted so much more for her. 
“I’m so sorry,” Jughead apologized. 
“Me too. I love you,” Y/n whispered. 
Jughead pushed Y/n behind him as the Ghoulies closed in on the pair. Y/n braced herself as Jughead lifted his fist. This was a losing battle, but they weren’t going to go out without a fight.
“Where is he? Where’s Jughead?” Betty asked as she ran to join her friends. 
“FP and Mrs. Cooper are still looking,” Toni answered. 
“We’ll find them, Betty,” Cheryl said rubbing her cousin's arm. 
Suddenly, Alice pulled up next to the teens. 
“Mom!” Betty exclaimed. 
“Watch out!” Alice hissed as she ran towards the back to open the door. 
“Y/n?” Fangs asked. 
“Juggie?” Betty whispered. 
FP and Sweet Pea pulled up behind Alice’s car. 
“Go get first aid kit, towels, and warm water,” Alice barked. 
Toni and Cheryl scurried into the trailer to gather the supplies. The others watched as FP pulled Jughead out of the backseat. His body was limp. Sweet Pea followed suit by picking Y/n up out of the seat. 
“Are they dead?” Fangs asked. 
“We’re not going to let that happen,” Alice reassured him as they all hurried inside. 
As FP hurried past Fangs with Jughead in his arms he could see the tears falling down his king’s face. Right then and there Fangs finally realized just how bad things were. 
“We have to take them to the hospital!” Archie exclaimed. 
He and Veronica had shown up about fifteen minutes after Alice and FP.
“Boy, if you don’t shut your mouth I’m going to shut it for you,” FP snarled. 
“Mr. Jones, Archie is right. The twins need professional medical help,” Veronica said. 
“And what would you like for us to tell them when your daddy’s sheriff comes in to investigate?” Toni snarled. 
“Not now, Toni,” Cheryl pleaded pulling her girlfriend away. 
“I can keep the sheriff off you,” Veronica began. 
“Like we could trust a Lodge, anyway,” Fangs growled. 
“Enough!” FP shouted silencing the teens’ arguments. 
The door to the trailer burst open. Kevin came storming in with his dad hot on his heels. 
“Sheriff Keller?” Alice asked. 
“I’m not sheriff anymore, Alice, but I do have a medical background. Let me help,” Keller said. 
Alice only nodded, Kevin pushed up his sleeves to join his dad’s side. 
“Everyone needs to get out of here,” Keller said. 
“I’m not leaving, Y/n!” Sweet Pea snapped. 
“And I’m not leaving Jug,” Betty added. 
“Fine, but everyone else out!” Keller ordered. 
Toni and Cheryl rounded everyone else up and ushered them outside.
“Kevin, I need your hands right here,” His dad ordered. 
Kevin said nothing as he moved to put his hands over the wound as his father instructed. The warmth of his friend’s blood didn’t gross him out like he thought it would. Instead, it only made him even more determined to help his dad save their lives. 
Three hours later, everyone was completely exhausted. Alice had sent all the teens home except for Sweet Pea and Betty who were on the couch snuggled up with each other fast asleep. 
Alice thanked the sheriff and Kevin for their help before the pair headed home. FP was outside on the porch talking to a few serpents. 
“I don’t care what it takes but we need to find Penny,” FP ordered. 
“We will,” Mouth said. 
“Call me within an hour with an update,” FP said. 
The several serpents nodded before climbing on their bikes to head back into town. 
“FP?” Alice called out. 
Slowly, FP turned around to face the blond. 
“I can’t thank you enough, Alice,” FP began. 
“You don’t have to,” Alice said. 
FP’s shoulders fell. His sobs were quick to take over him. Alice rushed foward to wrap her arms around him. 
“Shh, it’s okay, FP,” Alice cooed.
“My kids, Alice, she almost killed my kids,” FP sobbed. 
“But she didn’t FP, we got them, okay? And we’re going to make her pay for this,” Alice said. 
FP pulled away from Alice so he could wipe his eyes dry. 
“I can’t ask you to dig yourself any deeper in this serpent mess,” FP said. 
“I may have tried to hide my serpent past, FP, but I can’t. That bitch, messed with the wrong kids. We have to stop her,” Alice said. 
FP leaned down to kiss Alice softly. Together they were unseprable and together they were going to take down Penny Peabody.
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