#Klaus invidia
ijustluvvoltageguys · 4 months
Another HUGE news and update from the JP Court of Darkness is the reveal of Roy and Sherry's mother. Her name is Charlotte. She's GORGEOUS. Now I know why 2 of her children looked so amazing! You go girl SLAYYY
(note : I know that it's Roy's mom because it was like this kinda event trailer for like appreciating mothers. In the scene there was Grayson's mom and Norah (Lynt's mom) chatting so it was kinda obvios. And of course the face)
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So case closed on the mystery of Roy's mom
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tsuyurislvr · 5 days
King Klaus is such a cutiepieeeeee
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You know what would be fun? A spin-off featuring the kings during their study days in Colde
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angelicapocalypse · 1 year
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• Well Hello Your Highnesses •
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angulroyale · 11 months
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bitchkay · 7 months
Hello Hi how are you
Now that we got that out of the way
I have decided to put this idea into your head now
You know how kinks are genetic right
And Roy
Roy is Roy /j but also /srs
In bedroom terms(stopper walker, bed breaker)
What if Roy got it from his mom and not from Klaus
Mrs Invidia is the top in the bedroom 🙂
Giggling at the thought
See I love this because Roy's mom is a fucking milf
Idk what she look like but I just know Roy's mom is a fucking milf
Like I imagine her to be like Sherrys doppelganger but obviously looks a little older with slightly stronger bone structure, short as hell cus Sherry had to get the height from someone and thick around the hips
Yeah like I think Roy's mom is thick (and klaus loves his lil thickcums)
Miss Charlotte got that thang on her🍑👀 (great googly moogly that thang is juicy😍😍)
And imagine that
But pegging Klaus--
Like 9 outta 10 of the asks I've received about Roy are of him being a sub like I've only had one single ask where hes explicitly not that and its literally the last one that I posted, like the remaining ones in my drafts hes literally tied up in bondage--
Cus he is a bed breaker in canon, hes so fucking insatiable and such an unrepentant tease, he needs to be put down
Maybe he does need to be taught a lesson and learn to keep his hands to himself
With this in consideration maybe Roy does take after his dad
Maybe Roy and Klaus both enjoy being fucked stupid by beautiful women
Maybe they want to be taken to bed by the love of their life and letting them do as they please with them huh
Yes bed breaker blah blah good dick blah blah blah unable to walk the next morning blah
Roy needs to be pegged
Maybe I'm projecting here--
Charlotte Invidia doms.
Klaus Invidia let's his wife do as she pleases and he fucking loves it cus she has a fat ass and hes down bad
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Now I'm in desperate need of fics based off of this event that they cruelly teased us with.
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norel-ravenclaw · 3 months
Court of Darkness / Makai Nightmare
- Aesthetics 4/4 -
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Crown Prince Roy of Invidia
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Sir Grayson Hotz of Invidia
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King Klaus of Invidia
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Princess Sherry of Invidia
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Lord Dia Akadia, heir of the lost kingdom Tristitas
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Crown Prince Lynt of Akadia
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Valentino Maes of Akedia
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King Liam of Akedia
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Queen Norah of Akedia
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
I better not see NOBODY put the last three as answers 😤
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chirp-a-chirp · 6 months
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Court of Darkness: Devour & Delight
Fandom: Court of Darkness (Couples: Roy X MC, MC named Carla; Sherry X Rio)
Characters: Roy and Sherry Invidia; Rio Voleri; King Klaus; brief references to Toa and Fenn
Description: Roy prepares for his wedding; Rio is newly engaged. MC and Sherry listen in as both events lead to unintended drunken fun.
Description Pt 2: The second part of this fanfic (Roy’s wedding + wedding night) upcoming in future spicer post!
Word Count: ~1350K
Tags: Fluff; humor; crack; innuendos galore; boozy fun; horrible singing; established relationship
“Roy, Fenn said you needed to loosen up!”
“I am perfectly “loose”, as they say, my friend.”
Rio’s jovial laugh booms through the open window. Sherry and Carla sit in the royal gardens within the Invidian Castle courtyard, their table conveniently placed so they can hear their betrotheds from the second-story window. The table is partially obscured by a series of towering rose bushes. It is a few days before Roy’s wedding, with Rio and Roy conversing in Roy’s bedroom. Several unopened wine bottles sit on a nearby desk.
“Mate, you’re as dependable as they come, but so prim and proper. You don’t have to drink if you wish!”
“I would rather congratulate you on your and Sherry’s engagement. Besides, I am the picture of looseness and flexibility when it matters. Carla can attest to this.” While Carla and Sherry cannot see Roy’s face, they can easily envision the subtle smirk he wears.
“Excellent! Thought even you, gallant as you are, might be nervous.”
“My goodness, no. I cannot wait for Carla and I to be joined. It cannot happen soon enough.”
“You’re cozy as ever! Fenn said I might need to loosen up though—get some experience for Sherry’s sake, prior to me getting married. Any idea what he meant?”
There is a deafening silence at THAT question, followed by an embarrassed murmur from Roy Carla desperately wishes she could hear.
“Should we go save my brother?” Sherry’s eyes twinkle as she elegantly eyes a tea-biscuit. She keeps her voice low so Roy and Rio do not discover their location.
“Roy has to learn you’re not just his little sister anymore, but a woman. A newly engaged woman clearly in love.” Carla places her hand on top of Sherry’s. “He’s beyond happy for you and Rio. He’ll adjust.”
“Oh I know that! He’s been endlessly caring and supportive of Rio’s and my courtship. It’s just…”
“The way Rio expresses himself puts certain images in Roy’s head.” As if on queue, Rio and Roy’s voices float from the window.
“Roy, those are beautiful Pegasus figurines. Are they your favorite thing to ride?”
“They were, once upon a time. Now my preferences have changed, thanks to Carla.”
“Aw, do you and Carla ride together?”
“…in a manner of speaking, yes. Quite invigorating.” The mischief in Roy’s tone is readily apparent…except to Rio. Sherry giggles prettily. “That cheeky brother of mine!” Carla’s face transforms to a shade of red matching her tea.
“Do you think Sherry would enjoy riding like you do?” Another silence lingers before Roy chokes out a reply. “Perhaps I DO need wine.”
Carla covers her mouth from bursting out in hysterics. “Serves you right, Roy!” She glances at Sherry, her mouth quirking upwards. “Well? Do you enjoy riding with Rio?”
“Rio is a fast learner. So am I.” Sherry nibbles her biscuit, warmth coloring her cheeks. “Very sweet and tasty. Rio and the biscuit.” The princes continue their conversation.
“What if Sherry asks? Should I…give it to her?”
“I beg your pardon Rio?!”
“Wine. Does Sherry drink wine? If so, I’ll gladly give her a glass later.” Rio gestures to the wine bottles on the desk.
“GIVE ME THE WINE BOTTLE. I DO NOT REQUIRE A GLASS.” Roy looks as if he wants to elegantly chug the entire bottle. He is overjoyed at Rio and his sister entrusting their hearts to one another. However, he does NOT want to envision particular aspects of their relationship. Roy quickly regains his composure and pours himself and Rio a glass each. “My apologies. Do not know what overcame me. She does enjoy the occasional glass.”
“I swear, if it were anyone but Rio, I’d say they were trying to intentionally rile Roy up.” Sherry snickers at Carla’s comment. “But on to more important discussions Sherry—how did Rio propose?!”
Time roles by as Sherry details Rio’s proposal—he baked a cake with a ring inside, with Sherry nearly eating the ring! They talk as the sun sets, drinking tea and eating scones and biscuits. The discussion is so enthralling that neither pays much attention to Rio and Roy until—
🎵 “My lips devour
Our bond empowers
To love and all she brings!” 🎵
“What is that screeching? Are…are there dogs howling nearby?!”
Sherry points to the open window, where Rio is sticking his head out, singing very off-key.
“It appears Rio has had more than a single glass of wine.” Carla smiles despite the ringing to her ears.
“Oh, those are the words of a Saligian love song. One written by an Invidian and a Volerian together long ago!” Sherry steals a glance at her howling prince.
“Ummm…” Carla tries to find something positive to say about Rio’s singing. “He certainly sings with passion!”
“Speaking of passion Carla…” Sherry chortles.
🎵 “Her eyes delight
They’re quite the sight
To love and all she brings!” 🎵
Though hidden from view, Roy’s voice permeates through the air. The sound was…unique. Yes, that’s the word!
“Brother’s singing has all the elegance of a wet cat. You can say it. It’s not a secret, hehe!”
“If it WAS a secret, it certainly isn’t anymore.” Despite the pain to her ears, Carla is happy. She did not envision Roy ever letting his guard down enough to be tipsy in front of another besides her.
“Brother is talented and poised in so many areas. Singing, however, is not one of them. Roy once asked Toa to tutor him in singing in return for teaching Toa how to cultivate roses. Rio decided to learn alongside Roy as a sign of support.”
“And? What happened?”
“After a day, Toa said they had all the talent of drunken frost lizards. And that was an improvement.” As Sherry talks, a lizard crawls up the castle wall and onto Roy’s window. Roy motions tipsily to the lizard.
“Pray tell, I sing better than YOU, dear lizard!”
“That’s right! You tell’em Roy!”
At this juncture, Sherry and Carla decide to make their way in the Castle, following the sound of their intendeds’ slurred singing. The women open Roy’s bedroom door and poke their heads through a crack. A few palace maids discretely place rags in their ears as they pass by.
“You both have BEAUTIFUL singing voices,” Sherry beams. Rio laughs and Roy’s eyes widen.
“Ah, don’t bother lowering your voices,” Carla mock whispers to Sherry. “So this is what lies underneath their princely masks. Such grace!”
Carla expects Roy to become bashful at these teasing words. To her delight, he and Rio continue giddily singing. Roy tries to keep up with Rio, but laughter makes Roy lose his breath.
“Brother, it appears Rio can keep his liquor and song better than you!” Sherry is gleeful at seeing her beloved older brother in this state—drunk but having the time of his life. Roy tries to sing again, but his attempts prove futile as he misses one note after the next, until he is forced to stop all together.
“Sherry, you have to promise you’ll NEVER let Roy forget this!” Tears form in Carla’s eyes from laughing.
Roy nods and grins. “Oh, Sherry will never allow me to forget. But not before…” Roy lets out a roaring crescendo and sings “To love and all she brings!” He suddenly collapses on his bed and mumbles against the sheets. “Rio, invest in soundproof rooms. Believe me, it’s WELL worth it.”
“Oh good grief!” Carla cackles as Rio looks with heat at Sherry and nods seriously…before collapsing on the bed with Roy.
Sherry and Carla leave the room once they’ve ensured there’s plenty of water to drink. As they close the door, Carla wonders aloud where they procured the wine.
“My wine cellar!” King Klaus arrives. “Roy would not have fully enjoyed himself in public, so I suggested this option to Prince Rio.”
Roy lifts his head slightly at these words. He’d congratulate his father on his insight tomorrow—once the room stopped spinning. “Oh Creator,” Roy moans, “this will not be fun in the morning.”
Rio mumbles against a pillow. “Hey Roy—riding adventures can be soundproofed too, right?”
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shaakyhaands · 9 months
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
102 - Owner of the Golden Coin
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Part 103
Gemini Runaway
@icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
Klaus and I got dressed and the next morning on the hunt for whoever sent the coin to us last night. Klaus bursts through the set of doors where we had kept up the vampires we took away their daylight rings from. “Rise and shine, Nightwalker Nation. If it was your aim to get my attention, then I must say you've been wildly successful. I am now singularly focused on your impending suffering.”
He turned his head in my direction where I handed him the golden coin getting into a fighting stance beside him. He kicked part of a shelf so some of the wood was broken into the size of a stake. “And to whomever sent this coin and took my wife’s brother and his wife and daughter... it's time to show your face.”
“You messed with the wrong family.” I threatened showing my fangs to them seconds before he flipped the coin into the air. Klaus staked one and bit another’s neck.
One vampire moved towards me but I raised my hand. “Invidia!” The vampire grabbed his head in agony before I grabbed him by the throat ripping his heart out.
Two more attempts the same thing where I bite into the neck of one draining them off all their blood. “Averte insiguinae, a tor a ver.” The other begins clawing at their skin like their blood was poisoned from my spell. Vamping forward I used my magic dragging the vamp towards me until I reached into his chest removing their heart too.
Klaus left one alive on the ground who was scrambling back to Marcel for help. “Man, don't look to me for help. Y'all lost your chance to trade loyalty for protection.” Marcel refused though, flipping the vampire onto his back.
My husband vamped over to me seeing that I had blood on my mouth like he did. “Go right ahead Rae.” He gestured down to the pleading vampire before I dragged him across the floor meeting my husband by one of the covered windows.
The vamp pleaded up to me with my hands on my hips. “No.”
“This would mark your very last opportunity to confess.” Nik warned him seeing a smirk on my face.
“Look, I don't know anything.” The vampire said to him.
Klaus grabbed the vampire by the back of his jacket and with his other hand he yanked the drape covering the window back. “Well, that's a pity for you, then.” The vampire without a daylight ring screamed and burst into flames.
“There’s someone still here…” Throwing my hand outwards I spun on my feet choking a woman with dark black hair who had picked up the coin.
Klaus put a hand on my shoulder telling me to stop before I could kill her. “Raelyn, stop.”
Dropping my hand the woman collapsed onto the ground gasping through her next words. “It's me you're looking for……Perhaps we should talk.”
It wasn’t that long before Klaus had trapped the woman in our basement and was being drained of vervain. He had chained her wrists and ankles to the floor with me remaining leaned up against the wall. “You know, for someone who organized this little summit, you're woefully short on details. So I'm going to ask you one last time. Where are you keeping Hayley and her family?”
“She’s not gonna say anything, Nik.” I pointed out seeing that she hadn’t moved to say a word. “It would take time but I could do a painful mind dive on her.”
Nik shakes his head waving his hand at me, sighing at the silence the woman was giving us. “No need, heretic queen. You’ve only just begun torture. I can handle this one and you can just watch.”
“You knew we'd have this little chat. No doubt you binged on vervain till your throat was red and raw.
And now, sadly, drip, drip, drip…All over the floor it goes.” My husband vamped forward moving the woman to sit upright and he shoved the meal chains further into her wrists.
She croaked up at him in a language I didn’t know. "Sein Mangel an vision... wird sein untergang sein."
My husband thankfully did know what she said. "His lack of vision will be his downfall."
She responded back. “That's what he always said about you.”
“He?” Klaus raised a brow.
She attempted to convince him. “You and I have a friend in common.”
My husband sat down in front of her while I made a confused face at her. “Oh, I sincerely doubt that.”
“It's true. August Muller.” The second the words left her lips I could see a slight change in my husband’s face like he recognized the name just a little bit. “I don't blame you for forgetting. It was a long time ago. Rostock, Germany. Spring. 1933.”
Nik vamped over to me grabbing me by my forearm dragging me upstairs and away from her. He slammed the door opened and then let go of my hand. “Nik, what does that name mean? I saw the look on your face.” Dropping my hands down at my sides I saw him run his hands through his hair pacing back and forth for a brief moment.
“Absent Elijah, my temper gets the better of me. It did today. And it did a century ago, with August.I am far from blameless, Raelyn. Although he got nothing less than what he deserved. In fact, I think I took it easy on him…” My husband sat down on the foot of the bed putting his hands together.
Raising my hands slowly I took a step towards him putting my hands on the side of his head. “Can…can I?”
“You’ll regret doing so, Rae.” He warned me with watery eyes.
Shifting my gaze down to his I met his blue eyes. “I’m here for the good and the bad," we said. I’m not afraid of you and I won’t walk away.”
“Rae…don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Nik moved his hands to hold my forearms before I entered his mind.
Opening my eyes I saw an old wooden cabin and my husband stomping up to the front door. “I don't want any trouble, Klaus!” A man with a crossbow swung the door, shooting him.
“As if I give a damn what you want.” My husband yanked out the weapons arrow vamping up and trapping the man against the wall. The veins underneath his eyes appeared before he shoved his hand inside his chest removing his heart. “After I kill you, I'm gonna hunt down everyone you know and everyone you love.”
Turning my head around I parted my lips seeing some town people coming in his direction getting ready to attack him. Klaus raised a coin in the air and I recognized it as the golden eagle coin we now had in our possession. “When you've had enough... pick up this coin.”
And it was from that point that he murdered them all until a woman stepped outside the house grabbing the coin that he dropped. “August…my beloved...Please. Mercy for myself. Mercy...for my daughter. Please, mercy for my son!” She begged where I saw a girl and boy come out. Tilting my head I felt like I recognized the boy from somewhere with that dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
Stumbling backwards away from him I gasped running my fingers through my hair feeling a tightness in my chest. “You…you turned them didn’t you…who are they?”
“Raelyn, I warned you of the monster I used to be.” Nik shook his head clutching his hands into fists in his lap. “But the rest never saw it coming. Some of them were guilty of hate. But most were innocent. And they all became victims of that...part of me I'd been forced to suppress. So, you see, in the end, I was the match that lit the fuse.
Feeling some tears fall down my face I shook my head needing to know who these people are because I swear I have seen that boy somewhere. “Nik, none of us are innocent once we turn. It’s against our new nature. Now tell me what was that family’s name?”
“My mistake was that I humiliated them, and in doing so, I empowered them with the most potent form of hate...That which has fueled my rage for a millennia. Shame. I gifted them shame.” He avoided my gaze when he finished the story whispering through tears of his own.
Lowering myself onto my knees I held his face in my hands so he would look me in the eye. “Who were they, Klaus? What were their names?”
“Greta Sienna….she had two adoptive children. Antoinette and…” He trailed off, wiping away tears. “Why do you care about them, Raelyn?”
Lowering my hands from his face I gasped finally remembering that name. “And Roman….he’s the boy that Hope likes at the Salvatore school….Caroline, hey what’s going on?” My phone started ringing when I pulled it out of my back pocket.
“Don’t freak out but Hope took off with a boy from school. Alina and Missy are heading your direction and they sent me a text saying they are going to see someone named Jackson. I’m coming your way to help find Hope.” She hung up the phone where Klaus rose to his feet.
He closed the gap between us seeing the look on my face. “What’s going on, Rae?”
“Don’t freak out. But the twins are coming home and Hope is off with a boy from school.” Holding my hands in front of me knowing he would get angry. Sucking in a breath I hope that the girls are going to be okay until we can get them all back together.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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magicjesuscup · 2 years
Okay, so Roy’s supposed to represent the deadly sin, envy, but I just don’t see it. So here’s what I would’ve done:
Things between mundanes and thaumaturges used to be much more hostile in Invidia. One particularly violent clash left a young Grayson without a father and orphaned a pair of siblings. While Grayson’s mother was angry and resentful towards thaumaturges, his uncle believed that kind of attitude would keep them trapped in the hostile situation they were currently in. He tried to instill this mindset in Grayson.  When Grayson asked who killed his father, his uncle answered “hatred.” He told Grayson his father believed  mundanes and thaumaturges could live together as friends and he died protecting that belief. Grayson wanted his father’s beliefs to become reality. One day, he met the brother and sister I mentioned earlier. They had been living in their house and were afraid to go to an orphanage. Grayson brought them food and became their friend. He asked his mother if the kids could live with them, but his mother said no; she didn’t want any thaumaturges in her house. Anyway, one day, they stood up for Grayson while he was being bullied by thaumaturges. The sister fired the first shot in Grayson’s defense and the boy ended things by using ancient magic. When Grayson went home that night, he told his mom and uncle what he saw during dinner. Word of the boy’s ancient magic made its way to the king. 
Klaus ordered a guard to find the boy to test him, but secretly followed the guard. The boy used his ancient magic to make the guard leave their house. Klaus offered to adopt both him and his sister, and they agreed. The king renamed the boy Roy and the girl Sherry. The two worked very hard in their prince/princess lessons.  Grayson, meanwhile, went to a training camp for the army.
When Roy was old enough to name his own valet, he named Grayson. Grayson was unsure at first. He was in the military. He was a fighter, not a butler. He didn’t know all of the etiquette required of the position. Roy argued that etiquette was all about treating other people kindly. When he was starving and scared, no one else offered him food and their friendship. Grayson couldn’t say no after that. Grayson was normally pretty quite, but never sure what to say around polite company, so he tried to say as little as possible when in those situations. 
Anyway, that is the source of Roy’s envy. He’s jealous that the other princes are princes by birth. Two princes bear the brunt of his jealousy. The first is Rio. Rio immediately went on Roy’s list when he introduced himself as just Rio and had the nerve to tell Roy to drop all the prince stuff when talking to him. Like. Excuse you? Roy fought hard for that title, and you’re just going to throw yours away? But you know who Roy finds even more annoying? Lynt. Here Roy is being the princey-est prince to ever prince and he’s barely getting half the recognition as the others, and this idiot is trying to balance himself on the radiator to take a nap in the middle of class! Lynt is such a weirdo, but no one ever questions his authority as a prince. It’s not fair! Roy looks up to Toa and Guy. They do get the respect he wants, but they’re at least acting in a way that makes Roy think they’ve earned it. He befriends those who are in unenviable positions, which means his bff is Fenn. A prince who’s been effectively exiled from his kingdom and may not even inherit his throne? That’s rough buddy; we should hang out. 
Well, that’s how I would’ve written Roy anyway. I honestly thought that’s where his backstory was going when he was able to serve MC tea. I was a little disappointed when it was explained away as tea just being his hobby. Also, in the prince’s path when Roy goes on a date with MC to the town and that one random guy recognizes him? I thought he knew Roy from before his royal days and Roy was trying to distance himself from that. I was super disappointed to learn that Invidian royalty was just close to its citizens. 
I guess I also wanted to explain how Roy and Grayson met since I’ve played both their routes, and it’s never mentioned. 
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tommyidk · 2 years
*Allison, parlando con Klaus*: scusa, ho le mani occupate, puoi chiamare Luther per me?
Klaus: no problem
*chiama Luther col telefono di Allison*
Klaus: buondì, la chiamano dall'inferno
Luther: ...
Luther: dov'è Allison?
Klaus: a puttane
Luther: ...
Klaus: che invidia
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demigodheadcanons · 4 years
Hi! I’ve read some of your headcannons and I think they are really great! How would you feel about doing Claiming for The Vampire Diaries? I obviously don’t mean every character on the show, only the main ones: Elena, Stefan, Damon, Katherine, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Matt, the Mikaelsons(Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah), Tyler and Alaric. Would be also great if you added characters like Nadia, Enzo, Kai, maybe even Silas, Qetsiyah and Amara.
This was probably requested a while ago so sorry about that! But I am coincidentally rewatching TVD so I thought i’d give it a try!
Elena: Aphrodite
Bonnie: Hecate
Caroline: Apollo 
Katherine: Discordia
Damon: Bacchus
Stefan: Invidia
Alaric: Hermes
Jeremy: Minerva
Tyler: Mars
Matt: human/mortal
Freya: Odin
Finn: Vidar
Elijah: Thor 
Klaus: Loki 
Rebekah: Frigg
Kol: Loki
Obviously the originals get Norse gods, which I think suits them. The others are a mix or Roman and Greek depending on what I thought fit best.
The others are from later seasons and though I love Enzo, I don’t think i’ll ever rewatch those seasons again so I can’t say much about them. 
- Marge
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bitchkay · 2 years
Little Sister☆
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~Roy Invidia, Sherry Invidia
CW: Roy as a little boy!!! Baby Sherry🥰, mentions of birth, mentions of the pressures of being a prince, BIG BROTHER ROY, a princess is born!!
Word count: 720
Rating: General consumption
Note: a burb of when Sherry was born, pure fluff
— voltage fandom ccc masterlist
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The young prince Roy Invidia sat on a chair nervously swinging his short legs back and forth. Today was the day he gained a younger sibling and he's nervous.
Would he be a good big brother?
Is it a girl or a boy?
What if it was a boy, would they fight for the throne when they're older?
How much longer is this going to take? He's been waiting almost all morning.
The young boy sat quietly alongside his valet, his hands clasped together, greeting castle staff as they passed by them. Iterations of 'Good morning prince Roy' or words of congratulations after having heard of the Queen going into labor that morning.
Roy was tired. He hadn't had breakfast yet. A young Grayson had offered to bring him something to eat to which he declined. He wanted Grayson to be there too, how could he miss the birth of his new charge, not to mention he was also nervous to see a baby for the first time. Instead they waited together, quietly on chairs lined outside the room a new heir would soon emerge.
The clock seemed to tick more slowly as he thought of the possibilities of himself as a big brother. Somehow he could hardly imagine it, the young prince had hardly seen any children younger than himself, at least not in person. What are babies even like? Will his new sibling like him? What does being a brother even entail, is he expected to do certain things?
"My boy?" The voice of King Klaus Invidia emerged from the door as it opened.
"Yes father!" The boy jumped up from his chair startled.
"You can come in now," the king said gently, holding his hand out for his son to hold.
Roy took a deep breath before stealing a glance at Grayson who stood behind him before following after his father.
Entering the room he saw his mother, Queen Charlotte Invidia sat up in the bed and in her arms something swaddled in a yellow blanket. Roy let go of his fathers hand approaching the side of the bed, Grayson, who stood behind him, looked to the king as a sign of asking permission before approaching himself.
"Is that..?" Roy asked, peeking over the edge of the bed.
"Yes.. come here," the queen scout over patting the space beside her to which Roy climbed up on the bed, leaning on his mother's side.
"Roy.. I'd like you to meet princess Sherry."
The queen carefully pulled back the blanket revealing the sleeping newborn, pink cheeked and raw, a curly tuft of pink hair on top of her head.
"Princess..? I have a little sister?!" Roy spoke up looking down at her.
"That's right."
"..princess…" Grayson spoke softly off to the side, seemingly getting used to the word.
Roy sat still at his mother's side, watching the baby girl- no, watching Sherry sleep, in her arms. Roy didn't even know her yet but he's sure he loves her already.
"Do you want to hold her?" His mother said, catching his intense gaze at the baby.
"Me..? Can I really?" Immediately Roy felt nervous, he didn't wanna hurt her.
"Of course, here," Roy held out his hands and his mother slowly shifted to pass the baby to her son. "..like this.. yes there you go, careful."
"Is this okay?" Roy said nervously.
"You're doing great sweetie," she said, pulling her hand through her son's hair.
Roy looked down at the newborn studying her features. Her skin looked soft and swollen, her cheeks chubby and round, covered in a considerable amount of baby fat.
"..she's so small…" Roy whispered out.
She was small, she looked far larger in the young prince's arms then she did in his mother's arms but she was a very small baby.
"Babies are indeed small, my prince," Grayson said, still standing at the edge of the bed, igniting a light chuckle from the royal family.
Klaus and Charlotte shared a look as little Roy held their newest child, a fond look coloring their features.
Sherry's face twitched for a second before she opened her eyes. Big, bright golden yellow eyes looking at the young boy holding her. Roy's eyebrows raised slightly as he watched her eyes clearly looking up at him.
"Um… hello Sherry… I'm your big brother."
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Roy and Sherry being siblings is actually the best thing to ever exist actually yea mhm
I'm not entirely sure about the timeline cus Graysons obviously here and yes hes said he became their valet when he was young but also like both of them were there, like they were both children, and this kinda contradicts that cause yk Sherry's just being born, but alot of things dont make sense in this game, in this I imagined Roy being like 5 or 6 years old, and Grayson like 9
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