nrosei · 8 months
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lifeinbooks · 9 months
Sve je lakše kada shvatiš da tuđi dolasci i odlasci nemaju baš nikakve veze sa tobom. Čovjek koji želi da ide, ode. Čovjek koji želi da ostane, ostaje.
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devil-in-lovee · 1 year
„Ponekad place sve u vama osim vasih ociju.“
Ig: Pisac_u_tami_
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oci-moje-lepe · 2 months
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pisac-u-tami · 27 days
„Ako te pitaju o meni, reci im da sam ja bio jedina osoba u tvom zivotu koja te iskreno voljela, a onda im ispricaj kako si mi slomila srce.“
Ig: Pisac_u_tami_
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nije-mi-nista · 2 years
vraćala sam mu se
i iznova
ali ne jer sam mislila
da ćemo ipak
završiti zajedno
vraćala sam mu se
da bih ga prebolela
jer ja sam tog čoveka
toliko volela
da sam morala
uraditi sve
samo da bih ga
i konačno zaboravila
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vasiljevicmihajlo · 2 years
Mihajlo Vasiljević Sečivo
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Instagram : @sveemoje
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nrosei · 5 months
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lifeinbooks · 2 months
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čitanje, odlazak u more pa opet čitanje. 💙📖🌊
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devil-in-lovee · 3 months
„Nista nije ljepse od osmijeha koji se borio sa suzama.“
Ig: Pisac_u_tami_
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pisac-u-tami · 7 days
„Niko nije slomio moje srce. Ja sam odlucio ostati u situaciji gdje sam znao da nisam cijenjen, ja sam sebi slomio srce.“
Ig: Pisac_u_tami_
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nije-mi-nista · 8 months
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carica-ficus · 9 months
Review: "Gideon the Ninth"
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Author: Tamsyn Muir
Date: 03/12/2023
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I'm going to be honest, I completely forgot I had to write a review for this book, which is weird for me because, first and foremost, I love writing reviews for the books I read and, second, I love writing reviews for the books I loved. But I found myself at a stalemate with this one, mostly because I'm not sure what to say. There's a lot of things to appreciate in "Gideon the Ninth", and I'm a little intimidated by the fact I have to try and do them justice in this short text. Still, I'm going to try.
"Gideon the Ninth" follows the story of a necromancer, Harrowhark Nonagesimus, and her cavalier, Gideon Nav, as they embark on a journey to the First House where Harrow has to find a way to ascend to Lyctorhood (which is something like becoming necromancer supreme). Of course, they're not the only ones who partake in the assignment - they are joined by the representatives of the other seven houses who are there for the same goal. Harrow and Gideon are forced to find the answer, while at the same time trying to best the others at the same game. They soon find out that a lot more is at stake than they originally thought, and the tension only grows as all of them realize they are also being hunted by someone or something.
The book starts off relatively slow, with a very long introduction which spaces off into multiple chapters. A gradual beginning might not interest every reader, but it proves crucial for this story. Muir carefully constructs the basis for her novel, at first offering little insight to all the numerous characters. By choosing Gideon as her narrator for the book - a character who is genuinely confused by the setting and isn't interested in dull formalities - Muir manages to portray everything in a very laic manner. Hence, the reader learns about the world and its characters at the same pace as the lead.
Furthermore, this also allows the reader to develop a strong connection with Gideon, whose laid back, facetious personality offers a lot of room for the reader to relate to her. She presents a stark contrast to Harrow, a focused and stubborn necromancer, which Muir consequently uses to create an interesting and exciting dynamic between them. Their relationship is a perfect blend of planned versus impulsive, where Harrow will act out of intelligence, and Gideon out of curiosity or instinct.
Characters are definitely Muir's specialty, and it is evident on her writing how much time and effort she puts into them. Even though all the side characters are also necromancers accompanied by their cavaliers, every pair offers a different dynamic. Moreover, every pair comes from a different planet, so their personalities, behavior and gestures directly add onto the worldbuilding in a way which is not forced, but still informative enough. On the other hand, sometimes the characters felt a little too over the top, feeling like a projection of an archetype, rather than lifelike peple. But I digress, in this specific novel it is more of an advantage, than a drawback.
The story structure is not revolutionary, nor is the idea behind it, but it is presented in an interesting and refreshing way. Similarly, there are a few cliché moments, especially between Gideon and Harrow, but they are incredibly well written, so they don't feel lax. Instead, they offer an exciting and emotional scene which only benefits from the use of a popular trope. Muir has an astounding ability to present something that has already been seen in a new light, which gives "Gideon the Ninth" a nostalgic and familiar note, without making it too analogous to other works of fiction.
High stakes, tension, and action definitely don't lack in this book. Even though the beginning is somewhat timid, the growing build up of mystery manages to completely overthrow the initial dreariness. There's quite a few well thought-out fight scenes, layered with striking moves and exciting moments. The very end of the book features an extensive, flashy final fight that spreads out onto dozens of pages. Needless to say, it is a perfect finish for such an thrilling novel and won't leave any reader unmoved.
I had very high expectations from "Gideon the Ninth" and I must say, it didn't disappoint. What's more, this is one of my absolutely favorite books I read throughout 2023. It offers so much, from an interesting story to a riveting resolution, but its gorgeous, compelling and engaging characters are undeniably its greatest asset. I warmly recommend it to anyone looking for an unforgettable sci-fi story packed with action and peppered with good, honest humor.
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dostoevskysidiot · 7 months
i niko nikada neće zameniti tebe, baš zato jer si ti zalepio svaki slomljeni deo mene.
- k.
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adnaae · 1 month
"Niko bolje od mene ne zna koliko si bila u pravu kada si mi rekla da ljubav ubija."
Faruk Šehić (Cimetna pisma, dijamantna stvorenja)
osamnaesti dan mjeseca augusta, važan datum za neka prošla vremena i neke druge ljude
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