koko-works · 5 years
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    Rain crashed against the massive leaves overhead. Thunder rumbled in a soothing net of sound that seemed all encompassing. The sounds of birds in the upper canopy, and the sound of a family of boars seeking cover from the storm seemed to almost block out the sounds. Koa-Tatch sat nestled, high in a tree that was likely older than the flood, older than the nations it had wiped out. Its trunk thicker than most beasts, its branches and bows larger than he. There were thousands of trees just like it in the Greatwood, from the southern coast up through the mountains far to the north. An all encompassing forest that seemed to stretch for malms and malms.
    So how then, did these three find him? Track him for weeks into this dense part of the forest. Even when he began hiding his campsites, he returned to find them at one, waiting for him, hiding in the bushes and rocks for days. He recognized them of course. They were from the same clan, far to the north. Hunters and warriors alike, banded together to form a community worshipping the great Basilisk. The great Serpent. Or so they believed. Koa-Tatch felt he knew the truth though. Could feel it in his bones ever since that day. A people dedicated to the worship of this great serpent, as if it were the avatar of Ox’Dalan himself. It was a false god. Nothing more than a beast that had conveniently fed on his people as it burrowed beneath the world for the last century or more. Making meals of ritual sacrifice, and preying on a peoples worship for an easy meal.    “You will be the last Koa-Tatch, that is your Wyld Hunt.” they had said, viewed him as some sort of savior, born to be a meal. He supposed they still blamed him now for running. Perhaps that is why they followed him, some ten summers after the fact. But that was ten summers he had spent alone in the wilds. Ten summers that had slept comfortably in tents and yurts. Ten summers he had gone from hunter, to...something else.
   He did not blink as the three men entered the clearing between the trees. He had been waiting for this moment for an hour now. He removed the cloth covering his bowstring from the rain, and knocked a long shafted arrow to it. Over fifty fulms in the air, held tight against a tree, he seemed to blend in perfectly, the only give away was perhaps the half of his muddied face not covered in red paint. He listened to the creak of his bow as he drew it back, and aimed between two of the massive god like trees of the forest......and loosed an arrow.
    It sang through the forest like an eagle screeching. Its talons extended, ready to puncture, maim, claim the life from its prey. Koa-Tatch heard the thick crunch as  the arrow pierced the boar skull helmet the man wore, and sank into the hunters skull. The spear and buckler fell to the ground first, before the two companions the man had dropped to the ground to hide. The body fell in a crumbled heap, the limbs and muscle no longer functioning in a self preserving way, leaving the corpse in an inhuman pose while rain splattered the clothes and body. Koa-Tatch muttered a thanks to the tree, and leapt from it, sliding along moss covered branches and vines, as he worked his way through the forest, and back down. He would kill the other two before night fall, and bury the corpses for the forest.
   Night came so much long after, and while he carried on his back a fresh set of arrows, a new bow, and two spears, he was tired. Worn out from the killing, from the hunting, from burying the bodies under the bows of great trees, returning those of the forest, back to nature. It was his duty. Leaving their bodies to rot in the sun was...disgraceful to what those people had been. They had honored the forest just as he, and they deserved to be returned to it. He bit back a lump in his throat. They were his people, it hurt him to end them so.
   But...they were warriors, and if they could not kill Koa-Tatch, then they should not have pursued him. Such was the way of their clan. If you lost a fight, you should not have risen to it. If you were defeated, it was because you were lesser. The wolf does not beg its hide for second chances. The bear does not think of what could have been. Hunters lived on the strength of their jaws, and the thickness of their hide.
    Suddenly his thoughts were broken as he heard the cry of a hawk. Eyes wide. How many times had he done this? How many times had he begged the forest to deliver unto him the three eyed hawk? His mind raced as he looked through the upper canopy. Remembering the vision of his youth. The massive basilisk maw. The smell of death. The screech of a three eyed hawk that flew overhead. Those three eyes piercing him. The salvation of his clan, the freedom to grow old and tired. He remembered. He knew they were all tied together somehow. The dreams had grown more elaborate in those ten summers, but still his wyld hunt always began with the three eyed hawk. He dropped his belongings. His claws and fingers digging into moss and wood as he climbed the tree, trying his best to get a better view, to spot the hawk. It sang past him, clad in what looked like some sort of golden bangles on its legs, and a glow coming from its forehead.His heart leapt in his chest, his feet carried him along branches and boughs, he nearly fell twice leaping from the canopy, until he slammed to a halt, sliding down the trunk of a massive tree, older than most...and circled by others like it.
    He knew this place. He could feel this place. As the leaves under his feet hid his footsteps, he crept closer, and spied the hawk far above. In the circle of trees, about sixty fulms in diameter, was a swirling pattern of stone, ancient and erudite. A druids place. Sacred ground.... Koa-Tatch bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he snarled. Within it, seven hunters, poachers, clicked stone against stone, trying to light a camping fire. Seven. Too much for him to quickly take alone. But..the hawk...the sacred ground. He had to. He had to know. He turned his back to them and moved behind a tree, knocking an arrow and taking long deep breaths as he tried to steady his heart. He didn't even notice the witch that looked down upon him from the outcropping of rock nearby. And almost loosed an arrow at them when he was startled.
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fae-fire · 5 years
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Even in the daytime, the Rak’tika forest floor was dark. The bioluminescent plants glittered on the trees and gross like panoramic stars encircling the Mystel seated crosslegged on a branch. With their one eye closed and body motionless, they could’ve been mistaken for being asleep. But their ears twitched lightly at the sound of pattering footsteps and the laughter of young children under them. The Mystel could hear and feel their every move from where they sat, their eye following them from behind a closed lid. They could smell the life in them from where they sat. And their ear twitched again, a slight change in the wind causing one of the feathers hanging from their dark red hair to shift ever so slightly. A hawk cried out near their ear as they leaned ever so slightly to the right. Something hard rushed past their head. And then something large, with wings. 
One silvery-blue eye, the color of diamonds, opened ever so slightly. Next to them was a hawk, and in its talons was a large stone.
“Witch! Witch!” The children shrieked from bellow. “Watch out of it will eat your soul!” They danced in circles at the bottom of the tree.
“That’s Qesh-Rae to you, imps,” The Mystel called back down as the hawk deposited the stone in their hand. Qesh turned it this way and that, “Didn’t your parents ever teach you never to willingly hand over things to a witch? Weren’t you just shrieking about me eating your soul?” They chided, tossing the rock up and down in their hand, turning it this way and that. They could see the remnants of their life still affixed to the simple object. It would be so easy… 
But, instead, Qesh simply tossed the thing back down to them with a non-to-gentle flick of the wrist. The stone landed near the children, but not close enough to hit them. “Go home,” they demanded.
“Did you hear that?” One of them laughed, “it wants to eat us!”
“Yes, eat us! Eat us!” The other laughed.
Qesh’s mouth twitched slightly now, their smile faltering ever so slightly. It wasn’t as though they were angry, no. No they weren’t angry at all. They were used to such comments and naive statements from the village brats. Their parents had warned them well. Even the children from neighboring tribes knew to fear them. Qesh-Rae had status amongst the tribal council as their prophet and seer. But their other hobbies over the years hadn’t gone unnoticed. With each passing year, the number of tattoos across their body had increased. The number of gems they had implanted into their very skin multiplied as their power grew. Many had seen them reanimate dead animals to attack attack foreigners and outsiders who got too close to hunt. Many had seen how the hunters would be turned into dry husks of their former living selves. 
What Qesh was was no secret. But for all their oddities and hobbies, they were useful. They had saved a number of lives, prevented civil wars between the tribes, foresaw disasters and help avert them or fix them once they happened. But useful never meant well-liked. No one interacted with them casually, except maybe their own parents…and even then. Qesh could tell that even they feared them too.
So while Qesh wasn’t angry with the children and their taunting. They did lack…patience.
“Now, you little imps. I—“ Qesh started again, only this time something did manage to connect with their face. On their blind side, the same stone that they had thrown back down was hurled back up at them. And the Mystel felt it connect with the side of their cheek, nearly knocking them off balance and several fulms to the ground. 
Without warning, the Hawk that had been hovering nearby flew past Qesh, a third eye glowing in the center of its forehead, as it dove down towards the children, pulling its body up to kick at them, talons first. The children screamed in alarm and began to ran in genuine fear of the Mystel, who now sat very still, tattoos glowing ominously as four of the gems on their body pulsed with flowing aether, and a faint light peaked out from under the cloth covering their empty eye socket. 
Once the children had run out of sight, the bird swung back around to perch on Qesh’s shoulder, it’s talons digging lightly into their flesh. 
“Calm now, friend Gael. The imps are gone. We mustn’t care for their sharp words…” They paused and then laughed, the glowing, golden eye on the bird’s forehead and the light radiating from their eye socket dimming. “But we can always rip at them if they throw sharp things at us, I guess,” they laughed to themself, stroking the bird’s feathers gently with blackened fingertips.
It was then that the darkness quickly engulfed them. Qesh knew this feeling well. Their vision soon darkened as the world spun around them, spiraling into a central black void before a flash of white struck, blinding their mind’s eye for a moment. But they did remember the world coming up to meet them…
Dripstone and darkness surrounded them. The only lights that were visible came from tiny fungi and skittering centipedes and other bugs that scampered around the cave. The light plinking of water was almost mesmerizing. But Qesh soon realized…they weren’t alone. 
 A crack of lightning erupted in front of their vision, and a young man went flying past them, into the wall. Qesh had to turn their head to follow them, their body now dark and lying motionless against he cracked cave wall. Where did the lightning come from? There were no storm clouds inside a cave. That was impossible. Grief and fear flooded their very soul. They were scared, trembling, hurt… Whoever that man was, seeing him hurt, hurt them.
A loud hiss echoed around them, and Qesh jumped back as a large, very fast serpent flew past their head, directly at the unconscious man lying against the wall. Qesh found themself shouting out a name. What was the name? Whose name was it? The man’s? 
“—atch!! Ko—atch!!” 
The Mystel could only hear parts of their own voice escaping from their own body. In these visions, it wasn’t as though they could control anything in this space, including themself. Qesh felt dread fill their heart and soul as they watched the unknown man roll to the side to fight again. And Qesh felt themself moving as though they were about to cast a spell. “No!” They shouted as heat began to roll off their fingertips—
When they came too, the glimpses of the sun in the sky was replaced by the twinkle of starts. The little specs were a new experience for them. All their life, it had been eternal daylight. This whole night business was still something to get used to. They groaned in pain, blinking specs from their vision as the world swam back into view. Everything was difficult to make out, even with their enhanced dark vision in their one eye. But hey knew they had fallen from pretty high up, and for the moment they didn’t feel like moving for awhile. 
Gael flew down to stand on their chest. Their wrapped clothing was dirty, and some ends hung loose off their body, exposing parts of their torso, legs and chest to the elements. Qesh wasn’t cold, however. The natural aetherical fire that burned in their veins always kept them warm, and they didn’t particularly care for modesty. Not around a bird, or when they were alone. A breeze ruffled the feathers of the bird, and the feathers in their hair, pushing hunks of red strands into their face.
“I fell, Gael…” They muttered, adjusting their eye to look at the hawk, and then affixed it to the sky again. “And I think I fell for someone…” they added with a sudden frown. “Someone I don’t know…and don’t want to know.” They slowly sat up, Gael jumping into their lap as they gingerly brushed the grass from their hair and smudged the dirt off their face, revealing their tattoos. Qesh’s hand lay atop the hawks, slowly pushing her feathers back. 
“How do normal people handle emotions, Gael… These feelings are vile, and a distraction. This will not come to pas…” they grumbled quietly. “They who feel for another are weak. They will perish to their own selflessness… It cannot be. Not if I am to stop it.”
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alun-ura · 5 years
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Chibi blob commission from @qesh-rae to @koko-works of Qesh-Rae and Tatch-Koa! ♡
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koko-works · 5 years
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Character Name - Koa-Tatch Goals and themes ––– -
Above all else, a desire and draw to fulfill his Wyld Hunt. A fate driven task or destiny his people believe they divine when they reach adulthood, often through a ritualistic, induced vision. Whether it is to test ones self against a specific being, to make a vast pilgrimage, or to divine the knowledge they feel drawn to, it is important to his people. Tatch will not discuss his own, but has been seeking its completion for eleven summers, and has not returned to the safety of his people since he set out.
When pressured about it by other tribes or those asking what he is looking for, he will only ask if they have seen the bird with three eyes.
He holds strong beliefs that 'beasts' and creatures of the wood are no different than he. He does not believe the mortal races to be superior, and feels a kinship to the forest itself and all those who call it home. Of those beasts he kills for food, he will do so out of necessity, and makes use of what he can from the corpse. The rest he buries as if it were a friend. A prayer of thanks, and proper respect are always given.
He has a strong love of the forest, and while he never feels lost within it, he knows it to be unforgiving, and vast. He has not seen all its borders, and it is easy to find ones self far from where they intended. When he has stumbled into groves and dens that belong to others, he has made sure to make amends, and count his fortunes.
He often sleeps in the spaces beneath the roots trees, where he feels protected by the forest itself. He is particularly interested in the ruins that have recently been adventured into by outsiders, and continues to creep closer to them every day, curious if it may tie into his Wyld Hunt.
The Basics ––– –
Age: 31 winters
Birthday: 24th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon.
Race: Mystel
Gender: Male presenting--He/They
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Short, unkempt. Poorly cut, likely done with a skinning knife
Eyes: Forest green with flecks of earthy tones.
Height: 6 fulms 4 ilms.
Build: Athletic and healthy.
Distinguishing Features: Striped paint across body and eyes, missing his left fang.
Common Accessories: Jeweled beads and an assortment of family heirlooms that he wears as jewelry, including bracelets, necklaces and anklets.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Scavenger, hunter. Seeker of his Wyld Hunt.
Hobbies: Wrestling, hunting, testing himself against beast and mortal.
Languages: Common.
Residence: The Rak’Tika Greatwood.
Family: His clan raises their own communally, providing youth with many viewpoints, and the experience of all elders. Because of this he considers himself to have many family members, and also none directly.
Patron Deity: Ancestor worship.
Fears: Death, failing to find his Wyld Hunt. The death of the Greatwood.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless (Its really one or the other depending on the situation, no in between. Either overly cautious, or foolishly reckless.)
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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koko-works · 5 years
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“It’s my home. What’s...left of it anyways.”
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koko-works · 5 years
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“Now now, don’t be shy. I’ve only ever missed once~♥” Koa-Tatch
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fae-fire · 5 years
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Tσɠҽƚԋҽɾɳҽʂʂ ιɳ ƚԋҽ Tɾҽҽʂ
/w @koko-works
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fae-fire · 5 years
Why I fantasia’d and Name Changed
I love Rei. Rei is a character that I’ve been RPing for about a year. I created an entire world around him, multiple npc organizations and npcs, plots, etc. He has had so much growth and change and I know him like the back of my hand. He means the world to me and so does his world. 
Lately I’ve been in a spiral though. I’ve placed a lot of self worth on my character and writing and other IRL factors have been making me miserable and for my own mental health I need to step away from Rei and Rping and writing him, I think. I got to a point where I’d stare at my bag for an hour on my commute in silence and just feel and be empty. Where the idea of doing or thinking of anything was just...met with emptiness. The months of “is my grandfather going to die today?” Harassment in my real life that I don’t want to elaborate on. Traveling around. Being assaulted in May outside my office building. And so on. A lot of things have been wearing on me over the past number of months. And with this death and now the paranoia of my other family members dying...
In Jewish tradition, immediate family must burry the coffin themselves until it’s covered. THAT has been giving me nightmares every single night. I think about my dad and his disease. If and when I’ll have to literally burry him myself. What about my other grandparents? And stuff like that.
I haven’t been able to exercise lately--it was one thing after another...the flu, vacation, a funeral. I need to get back in my routine and back on track and I need to step away from Rei as it was becoming unhealthy how I was viewing him and myself. I needed to step back.
I’ll have more info on Qesh when Koko and I work out our OCs. But they are tribal Mystels from the first. That I will say. 
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koko-works · 5 years
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“I don’t -want- to stay here. I haven’t had a home in ten summers.” “Yeah but...I’m here. Doesn’t that make you want to stay?” Koa-Tatch and Qesh-Rae Mystel of the first.
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koko-works · 5 years
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“We shouldn’t catch ourselves stumbling through the forest at night. We are not the fiercest hunters in the forest...and you cannot reason with a with a beast who only sees you as meat for its young...”                                                                             -Tatch Koa
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koko-works · 5 years
Rp inspiration ramblings
I have to admit, even though no one should ever have to be ‘validated’ about their creative writing. (In reference to Yoshi P telling players they can Rp from the first/travel to the first etc) It IS kind of nice to see someone in the game dev circles address it. I know Rp in some companies takes a kind of back burner. Where immersion doesn’t matter, or lore isn’t provided, or is blatantly ignored. Anyway, I wanted to say I am flabbergasted by the amount of work some of the RP community put in to exploring and expanding the lore. The amount of detective work that went into figuring out the Mystel naming conventions blew me away. Just completely floored. Incredibly neat to watch this community deduce the mechanics for it. Anyways, that’s my blurb. For the time being @rei-sei and I are working on some Mystel OCs, and using what lore is available for now, but I hope we get more. I don’t mind retconing/fixing/hand waiving our backstories if lore comes out that contradicts us, but at the moment I am drawing heavily from my own Gaelic heritage to come up with some mood board items, and some strong druidic themes for our tribal Mystel. (Because LA HEE. And there are massive parts of the forest uncovered and by god do I love Ravel.) I can’t wait to show you all more once we hammer out these concepts more.
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koko-works · 5 years
What sorts of people draw them?
Koa-Tatch looked over to the figure as he tied feathers to the shaft of an arrow, musing as the fire crackled and popped, lending a faint orange glow to the underside of his face.
"Two types I think. I find myself drawn to those with strength of soul. Especially those whose soul is stronger than their body. That is the kind of person you wish to die for." He said with a bit of a smile, there was perhaps someone in mind with that statement. "And of course those with stout pride. I can't help but wish to know if I would break before they would. Would I yield against them? Or see them driven into the earth, swallowing mud and pride? The challenge.." he almost seemed to revel in the concept. "Those are the people I find myself rushing headlong into."
((Thank you so much for the ask!))
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koko-works · 5 years
What was their worst encounter with another person? What was their best encounter with another person?
Koa-Tatch poked the fire with the remains of a femur as he thought about the question. "Probably the same person actually." Came the soft voice. It was low in pitch, but carried to ones ears like a summer thunderstorm a little too far off to be unpleasant.
"The head of my clan. A brilliant warrior. As cunning and as dangerous as the great serpent. When I was a boy, he took me into the wilds himself for my first hunt. I found a bear cub, as big as I was at the time. He gave me his own skinning knife and urged me on. After the kill, he helped me dress and skin, quarter and prepare the body for burial. Our people waste nothing. And we thank our kin in the forest when we take them. I buried it's bone, and we took the rest home. He made me prideful."
He swallowed hard, and stood, kicking clay and dirt over the fire to snuff it. "And when I ran, some ten summers later, he howled after me that he would hunt and gut me, and leave my carcass to the forest."
((Thank you for the ask!!!))
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fae-fire · 5 years
Qesh-Rae, Mystel Seer and Druid
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basics ––––
NAME: Qesh-Rae AGE: 24 RACE: Mystel on the First Shard GENDER: Non-binary, they/them, androgynous presenting SEXUALITY: Pansexual MARITAL STATUS: Single, not looking SERVER: Balmung
physical appearance ––––
HAIR: Dark red, like fire. There are hints of lighter shades of red and gold in their hair too. Their hair extends past their shoulders and is usually adorned with gems and feathers. Some chunks are longer than others as Qesh cuts their own hair with a knife, so it’s not the neatest.  EYES: Light grey-blue, almost white. Missing one. They cut it out to feed to a bird. HEIGHT: 5’3” BUILD: Small frame, lanky with more of a lean cut to them. They are by no means frail but they don’t doesn’t look like they’d do well in a fight…but they are built for speed and agility, not a fistfight. DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Tattoos across their body and face. Almost clan-like, but the lines intersect around gems inlayed in their skin. The tattoos are magic in nature, mimicking the leylines of their body. When they learn a new spell, a new tattoo is added. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Jewelry on their wrists and ankles, bits of feathers hang from their hair and clothes and ears. Sometimes they may wear so much jewelry that it clanks together when they walk. They carry a ceremonial sword. It’s purely just that. It has never seen battle.
personal –––-
PROFESSION: Tribal Mystel. Seer of prophetic visions and divinations of the past through people and objects. Village odd-ball and prophet, though rarely they are visited and have taken to wandering and poacher murdering. Druid. HOBBIES: Playing a wooden flute, charcoal painting, talking to birds, annoying people, studying magic and the land, herbs. Bird worship LANGUAGES: Common, their tribe’s language RESIDENCE: Rak’tika Greatwood, originally from the east on the First Shard but their tribe along with the council of tribes relocated to the Rak’Tika during the great flood. FEARS: A new moon, not dreaming at night, their power disappearing, snakes, shoes (wearing them), eating meat
relationships –––-
SPOUSE: None. CHILDREN: None. PARENTS: Birth parents are alive, but not of consequence SIBLINGS: None. OTHERS: Traveling with Tatch-Koa
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traits –––-
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded /open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
additional information –––-
never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
In-Depth Details –––-
Aesthetically, I will be pulling from fire, etherial scenes, birds like hawks and owls, some gaelic druidism with some shinto and buddhist inspiration (thanks, dad >.>). Additionally, I will pull from nature, witchcraft, autumn colors, and other things of the like.
Qesh is a seer and druid. They have visions of the past and present and can divine from objects. They have no name for this ability or why it occurs but because of it, they have a specific, special place in their tribe. They’ve always had this divination ability, as long as they can remember. Their tribe is very magic and mystic based, and a lot of their druid-like magic comes from the markings on their body. Each symbol can invoke a specific element. Some can even summon small weapons made from their own aether. They have a small gem set into their forearm as a channel for such magic.
Qesh’s tribe reveres animals as gods, each one serving a different purpose in the world. Qesh in particular has a specific affinity for birds.
With their seer abilities and affinity for birds, Qesh–in a quest for more power–cut out their own eye and fed it to either a hawk or an owl (haven’t decided which yet). With that, they can transfer some of their own aether to that bird. They can use the bird to scout or spy ahead and see through its eyes.
Qesh’s tribe was originally not from the main continent, but further out where the Far East on the map would be in the woods their. Their tribe’s religious beliefs mirror a bit of shinto and buddhist beliefs. However, with the great flood Qesh’s tribe fled to the area around the Rak'tika Greatwood closer to where Tatch’s tribe.
Due to their tribal belief and their own connection with animals, Qesh doesn’t take lightly to poaching or killing of animals. They eat entirely plant-based (they’re vegan haha), and if they come into possession of animal remains, they will deal with them as one might deal with human remains with proper burial. Despite their own beliefs, if traveling with someone outside their tribe, while they won’t eat meat they will make sure that all the parts of the animal see use. Qesh won’t hesitate to hunt down poachers and those that defile and tread on sacred land and will kill them.
Qesh does have a bit of a morally superior, “I’m better than thou” attitude about their view of their world. Their visions, natural gift for magic and “connection to the world” make them believe that they are always right. That they can do no wrong and that they have the answer to any problem–or will be able to come up with the right answer if they can get a moment to think of one.
Due to Qesh’s attitude, they don’t deal with failure well and have been known to be driven to do some….pretty insane things to either stop their bad visions, make sure better visions come true and keep things on or off the path they foresaw.
Despite their prophet-like nature, I don’t see Qesh being very well liked in their tribe. They would be someone who people would go to for an emergency but not because they want to interact with them. They would be seen as very strange. And they are.
Qesh would be the type to randomly wander around, fall asleep in random places. Not wear shoes ever. Their movements would be eerily graceful, almost haunted.
In regards to their tattoos. Since it’s all magic, they’d add tattoos as new spells came to their mind. One spell I want is one that can shift their form to small/medium-sized animals like wolves, dogs, birds, etc. it’d be a difficult spell and one for extreme circumstances.
They cannot travel to the source.
what I’m looking for ––––
Anything really, though this is more of a profile post than actually LOOKING for new RP since I am busy IRL. I’d like to delve in to some plot based rp a bit more, make some connections, friends, enemies, contacts. Not looking for ships. I am open to other mystel RPers reaching out for headcanons and plotting, but I am not open for RP at the moment. 
oocly, I am ––––
A nerd who Rps? Mostly darker RP that gets in on mature themes, etc.
I have a 9-5 job, pacific time and I run and exercise regularly. Replies from me won’t be instant.
I am a multi-paragraph RPer. I will usually match who I am RPing with, but I DO type a lot. You have been warned!! I don’t do one-line RP. If that is your style and you are annoyed by multiple paragraphs, I may not be the right partner for you.  
I do a lot of darker RP with a lot of questionable themes. I am not the person to go to for tavern RP and constant casual RP. While Qesh can be social, I do have an FC for lighter RP and that’s not what I am looking for.
My rules for RP are still being made, but you can call me Rae. Pronouns are they/them.
you can contact me via ––
Tumblr DM. Discord upon request. Contacting me in game is not a good idea probably since I’m either afk or offline a lot.
@crystalxivrp @balmungrp @@mooglemeet
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fae-fire · 5 years
Those of Norvrandt LS/Discord: Recruitment Open
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Those of Norvrandt is an OOC CWLS and discord server for characters based on the First Shard and those who can travel to it. We want to bring friends and new people together to make more friends. We want this to be a hub so people of similar interest can meet, explore ideas and spark role play! Or just spend time with one another. We are going to open it up slowly so we don't get flooded (lol, first shard jokes), please fill out the form and read the rules. 
Those wishing to join the discord and linkshell need to read the rules before joining. Once you've read the rules, please hit yes on the survey and then send us the best way to contact you with the invite link. Tumblr, discord, and twitter are all acceptable. It’s preferable that what you send us does have information about your character.
We accept any and all types of characters from the First Shard and those who can go there as we believe, like YoshiP, there shouldn't be a limit on your creativity and who and what can be played there.  
A link to the form can be found here
Again, the rules are here. 
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to:
Myself (Qesh Rae in game) 
@koko-works. (Koa Tatch in game)
@mooglemeet @ffxiv-crystal-rp @balmungrp
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koko-works · 5 years
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~Tatch Koa and Qesh Rae~      Mystel of The First
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