#Kobi Ezra
diet2all · 4 months
באילו מאכלים יש מגנזיום, מגנזיום באוכל, מגנזיום במאכלים, מגנזיום באיזה מאכלים, קובי עזרא, Which foods contain magnesium, magnesium in food, magnesium in foods, magnesium in which foods, Kobi Ezra.
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max--phillips · 1 year
Genesis - Chapter 3
*Shows up 2 years and 3 months late with Starbucks* lmao
(Please follow @butchmandalorian-writes and turn on notifications to be alerted to new fic uploads!)
Pairing: Ezra & gn!reader (I'll update this if it changes, I'm not 100% positive where their relationship is going to go at the moment)
Warnings: In line with the previous chapters, Dragonfly is processing a lot. Angst, loss, grief, self-doubt.
Summary: You assist Ezra in his search for cinder violet. A surprise storm rolls in. Ezra asks you some questions.
Words: 4.5k
Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
You closed your eyes and focused on the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. You focused on the smell of the salt water and sea air. The feeling of the sand beneath your knees. You wanted to cry, but your body wouldn’t let you. You clutched the plaque to your chest. Words couldn’t describe the mixture of feelings overwhelming you.
You made it.
You made it.
You heard sand crunching as Ezra approached you. It then stopped.
“I personally knew every last person on board that ship,” you said, quietly, eyes still closed. “All 79 of them. I knew their hopes and dreams for the future, their damn favorite color.”
“Sounds to me like you were a good leader, then,” Ezra said.
There was a moment of quiet. You chose not to respond to his comment. “Anthony. Susanna. Blair. Desmond.” You took a deep breath, and opened your eyes, looking over at Ezra. “Chiara. Stacey. Lily-Grace. Kristina. Marlene. Ariella. Mohammod. Harlow. Cheyanne.” You pulled the plaque away from your chest and looked at it. “Lleyton. Ayisha. Tahmina. Connah. Abida. Missy. Danielle. Safah. Poppie. Beverley.” You began to stand, slowly, still recounting names. “Luka. Zahid. Alejandro. Prince. Jena. Salahuddin. Harris. Brent. Milo. Neve.” You turned slightly towards the ocean, and began walking. “Lexi-Mae. Humzah. Rebecca. Waseem. Raisa. Tania. Mina. Cillian. Rick. Reya.” You approached where the sand was wet as the waves rolled in. “Kaydee. Fenton. Isabella. Rachel. Olaf. August. Kacey. Tahlia. Reanne. Andrew.” Ezra followed you, stopping next to you as you stood there, shoes getting wet. “Amy. Alex. Micheal. Matt. Sarah. Dale. Shyam. Adela. Catrin. Aviana. Mallory. Ronnie. Hashir. Felix. Zishan. Kobie. Brenden. Kelsea. Wiktor. Lula. Tyrese. Ayyan. Ricky. Akeel. Zakk. Zahia.”
You looked out at the horizon, dotted distantly with rocks and other islands. You looked at the plaque. Then, in one fluid motion punctuated with a grunt of effort, you threw the plaque as hard as you could into the ocean. It plunged into the water several yards away.
“I don’t know if you believe in such things, but if you do, I’m sure your team is looking to you from beyond with pride, knowing at least one of you got here,” Ezra offered.
“I don’t know, either,” you mumbled in response. “But I hope you’re right.”
You stood there for a few more long moments before Ezra turned and began walking towards the tree line behind you. You took a few more seconds to turn and follow suit. It felt like your consciousness stayed standing at the water, though, your movements almost not your own. Nothing felt real. Perhaps you, too, died on that ship and this was all some bizarre cryostasis dream your brain was having in a fit of activity before the end. Logically, you knew that wasn’t the case, but the grief and anxiety and confusion you were feeling were more than enough to override logical thought.
Your attention came back into focus as Ezra began speaking.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to get to work and not push our chances of getting caught in a storm. We’re looking for a bright purple flower, and where there’s one, there’s plenty more,” he said. “Let’s go look, shall we? Do mind any roots and vines across the ground, with all the ways this planet could kill you, I’d wager tripping does more prospectors in than anything.”
“Is that… a common profession? Prospector?” you asked, more than happy to momentarily change the subject.
“That depends on your origin,” Ezra answered. “If you’re originally from Central, or any of the core planets, really, no, it’s not common at all. Those folks tend to go into more well-educated fields and keep their feet planted firmly on a safe, habitable planet with a functioning government.”
You both reached the tree line, and Ezra began leading you into the brush, pushing some vegetation out of the way to begin clearing something of a path.
“But, if you’re from the Frontier, the Fringe, hell, even some of the tourist planets, it’s damn near your only option to get off whatever rock you were born on,” he continued. “Extremely high risk, no such thing as a safe job. So… my apologies for dragging you out of your nap and right into harm’s way,” he said, looking over his shoulder to you with an apologetic expression.
You weren’t yet sure how to respond to that, given how that “nap” ended up. You continued to follow Ezra, stepping over twisting roots, vines, and other growth.
“But, with high risk comes high reward,” Ezra said. “If you live long enough to turn in your bounty, it can be well worth the risk. ‘Course, so many succumb to the environments they prospect in, or other prospectors, not too terribly many actually make a return. Can’t tell you how many woefully unprepared kips I’ve seen get themselves killed on their first go because they thought they were stronger than nature, or couldn’t make a deal, even on the wrong end of a thrower.”
You both made it to a small clearing, and Ezra stopped for a moment to survey the surrounding trees. The canopy was thick, shading you from the sun, though not doing much to curb the oppressive humidity in the air. On top of that, every step you took seemed harder than the last. Maybe pushing yourself so soon after you woke up wasn’t a good idea. You knew that the planet was significantly denser than Earth, but you weren’t expecting the increased gravity to affect you this much. You wiped some sweat from your brow, looking around as well, taking in the alien plants. If dropped here with no other context, one might be forgiven for thinking this was the middle of a rainforest, but there was an… uncanny valley sort of feeling to it. It was definitely not familiar biology, though clearly not entirely dissimilar from what had evolved on Earth.
“Ah! That way. There’s a tree species this flower particularly likes, I’m willing to wager we’ll find a patch nearby,” Ezra said, pointing out of the clearing and beginning to walk that direction.
You continued to follow him. “So, I take it you’re one of the more successful ones,” you said, continuing your conversation.
Ezra chuckled a little. “I’d like to think so,” he responded. “Not without my fair share of challenges and loss, of course, but I’ve done alright for myself. Well enough I have a home of sorts on Central, nothing too fancy, but it’s enough.”
“You said most people from Central don’t prospect,” you pointed out.
“I am not from Central, Captain,” he said. “Depending on how you look at it, I simply got lucky.”
You wondered what he meant by “depending on how you look at it,” but chose not to pursue that. “If Central has safer jobs, why keep doing this?” you asked.
Ezra sighed. “You can take the man out of prospecting, but you can’t take prospecting out of the man, Dragonfly,” he answered. “Besides, those safe jobs lack the excitement this profession freely supplies. I’d get bored.”
You could certainly understand that. You could’ve much more easily taken a job with mission control, or stopped at test flights for the Genesis program, but no. That wasn’t enough. You had to be the face of it.
You two continued to walk for a while, you imagine having passed the tree Ezra had pointed out earlier some time ago. Thankfully, walking through the forest was requiring enough of your focus that your mind didn’t begin spiraling despite the quiet. It was hot and exhausting. After some time, though, you came to a large clearing with a pond of sorts in the middle, with some rock formations on the far side. Towards the other edge of the clearing, there was a patch of flowers.
“There! Perfect,” Ezra said, walking over towards the flowers with purpose. You followed. He began digging in his pockets, producing two bags, one that appeared to be empty, and another full of small tools. From the tool bag, he grabbed two pairs of tweezers.
“Now, this is delicate work,” Ezra started, handing one of the pair of tweezers to you. “As should be obvious, we have plenty of chances to get this right, but keep in mind these cinder violets are very valuable.”
You nodded. “Got it.”
“Good. So, to start, be careful picking them. That’s why you need work gloves. The stem on these flowers have sharp thorns,” Ezra explained, motioning for you to sit on the ground near him. You did so, letting out a sigh of relief as you did, thankful for any rest. You watched his movements closely as he reached forward and carefully picked one. You could see the thin, sharp thorns protruding seemingly randomly from its stem.
“Once they’re picked, you need to work quickly to get the stamen. There’s a reason we harvest them here rather than picking the flowers and taking them back to the ship,” he continued. He used the tweezers he was holding to point towards the center of the flower, where the sturdy purple petals were curled around what you assumed to be the stamen in question. “You gotta peel these back, but be careful of the stamen inside. If you accidentally break the stamen, or either of the individual parts, it’s worthless. Couldn’t tell you why, the folks this is valuable to end up burning them most of the time, but I’m not one to argue with a paying customer.”
You watched as he demonstrated what he just explained, carefully rolling back the petals to reveal the stamen inside. You immediately made the connection that it looked a lot like saffron threads, except they were a light purple color rather than red or orange. Ezra used the tweezers firmly at the base of the stamen, pinching the entire structure and removing it from the flower before carefully placing the piece in the empty bag he’d opened earlier.
“Just like that. Think you can handle it?” he asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” you responded.
So you got to work. You messed up the first flower you attempted, breaking one of the threads when you tried to roll back the petals, but you tried again and successfully extracted the stamen whole. Once you got a few under your belt, you seemed to get the hang of it, only accidentally breaking a few threads the entire time. As you worked, Ezra filled the air with chatter, thankfully not seeming to care if you responded or not.
“The petals curl inward like that to protect the stamen from the weather here,” he said. “The winds from the storms can be brutal, but the trees around are rooted deep enough they can usually withstand them, and break up the wind the further inland you go. Of course, there’s still some wind, and these flowers adapted to protect their reproduction in a fascinating way. The petals are stiff enough that only certain pollinators can get inside.”
“Pretty textbook evolution,” you commented.
Ezra made a noise of agreement. “There have been attempts to start permanent logging colonies on the planet because of how strong the wood in some of the tree species is,” he explained. “The incredible winds combined with the strong gravitational force pushed their evolution that way. Of course, all of them have failed.”
Ezra continued to talk about the planet, how lumber and these flowers were really the only things of value here, though some other plants are propagated off-world to be sold as house plants. He began telling some tangent story about said house plants, but you were happy to listen nonetheless. There would be moments of quiet, still, in which occasionally either you or Ezra would curse as one of you destroyed another stamen by accident. Ezra occasionally mumbled something about joints in his hand, or something about servos, though you didn’t think anything of it. Doing this sort of detailed work was starting to make your hand sore as well.
After what had to be a few hours, you and Ezra made a sizable dent in the patch of flowers you’d found, filling the bag about halfway with the prize he was after. Just as you were about to reach for another flower, you heard a rumble of thunder. The light that was coming in through the clearing began to dim, and you could hear rain begin to hit the leaves of the canopy, not quite yet filtering through.
“Shit,” Ezra said, looking around as he started to get up off the ground. “Nothing major, sometimes these storms pop up. But we’re too far from the ship to go back in this. Let’s take cover over in those rock formations, shall we?”
You nodded, getting up as well. Ezra grabbed the bag of cinder violet, and as the rain began to fall through the canopy, you both ran towards the pond and the rock formations on the other side of the clearing. Ezra led you under a large overhang, and you two watched as the rain intensified, thunder clapping occasionally overhead. He sighed deeply, shaking his head.
“Fair timing, I suppose. I was starting to think about calling it quits anyway. The amount we have should earn us…” he paused, humming in thought. “Maybe two or three points?”
“Points?” you asked.
“Ah, yes. It’s payment, I’m not sure how you’d value it. It’s enough for a single person to live off for maybe two months or so,” he said.
You balked at that. “Two months?” you asked.
“I told you it was valuable,” Ezra responded, smiling at you.
He turned and sat down again, back resting against the rock at the back of the overhang. You followed suit. It was quiet for a few moments as you watched the rain fall. Ezra, of course, was the one to break the quiet.
“Dragonfly, I’m sure you have a multitude of questions regarding the galaxy you now find yourself in, but I will admit, I have many of my own for you,” he said.
You sighed. “To be honest, I don’t know what to even ask yet, especially given you’re the only one I’ve met, and you’ve been with me the entire time I’ve been conscious,” you said. “Fire away.”
Ezra grinned like he’d just won a prize. “Very well. Do you mind if I start with a question about you, then?” he asked.
“Go for it,” you responded.
“How did you become captain of that handsome craft I encountered you on?” he asked.
“I wanted to save humanity,” you stated plainly. This was a bit of a softball question, one you’d answered many times at press conferences, news interviews, and presentations at various schools. “My entire life the world was crumbling around us. Every day was another record broken for hottest day, or highest sea level, or least polar ice. I never understood why no one was doing anything about it. I did try the activism route for a while, but I got disillusioned fast. It never really accomplished anything. It’s nearly impossible to make people care about something when they have incentive to ignore it. I caught wind of NASA’s Genesis program, went to test pilot school, worked my ass off… and here we are.” There was some bitterness in your tone at the end of your sentence. Here you were, indeed.
“Saving an entire planet is quite the lofty goal,” Ezra said.
You nodded. “It is. But it’s the right thing to do,” you said. “Was the right thing to do, I guess.” Doubt began to creep in. Was it? Knowing what you know now… was all of this worth it?
Ezra seemed to sense your shift in mood, and asked another question. “I must ask, was the cryostasis technology I found you in… pioneered for this mission?” he asked.
“More or less. I mean, people have been working on some form of it since… I think the bunk cryonics industry started in the 1970s,” you said. “Most of the time after that was spent thinking the entire concept would remain science fiction, but some group of scientists made a major breakthrough when I was a kid. NASA spent the next twenty odd years fine-tuning the technology to get us to Kepler-186.”
Ezra was quiet for a beat. “Cryostasis was deemed too dangerous to continue using decades ago,” he finally said. “Too much risk, side effects were too strong. Much more muscle atrophy and other deleterious effects caused by long term use. As far as that is concerned, Captain, you are very lucky.”
You looked over at him, your brow furrowed. “Other deleterious effects?” you asked.
“I’m no expert on the subject, but if I’m remembering correctly there were some concerns about the agents used to prevent harmful ice crystals from forming, nutrition uptake over time, issues with sleep and attentiveness after being taken out of stasis… we have much safer alternatives now,” Ezra explained. “Although use of any suspended animation is less frequent now that we have faster than light travel.”
“What alternatives are there?” you asked, genuine confusion in your voice. As far as you were aware, cryostasis was the only suspended animation technique that was really achievable. Anything else wouldn’t do enough to slow the body’s metabolism, and therefore aging, or required far too much energy to be plausible, or was simply fictional magic.
“Most true suspended animation relies on manipulation of spacetime,” Ezra said casually. The surprised expression on your face in response told Ezra that that statement was not casual at all to you. “It does take a considerable amount of energy, so it is not used frequently.”
“You can just… manipulate spacetime?” you asked
“Well, I’m sure it’s not as simple as that. Like I said, I’m no expert,” he answered. “I’m not entirely sure how they accomplish it. More commonly, though, is a state of induced torpor, which is more conducive to the length of trips we take with FTL.”
You nodded, absorbing this information.
It was quiet for a long moment, other than the rain falling and wind blowing through the trees. Ezra then began speaking, almost carefully choosing his words.
“In my childhood, my peers and I were told the same stories our parents were told of Earth. Toxic skies that would choke you to death in an instant, poison plants that could burn you with one touch, vicious creatures that could eat you whole. I believe that these began as cautionary tales many generations ago, but they morphed into this mythology of a cursed planet that would punish you for even thinking about visiting its surface,” he said. “I would be remiss not to ask you what Earth was truly like, even in your day.”
You considered his question, then sighed. “While exaggerated, the stories you heard weren’t… too far off,” you responded. Ezra looked at you, surprised. “I mean, the whole planet isn’t like that. Toxic skies… occasionally, as pollution got worse or wildfire smoke ruined air quality for days on end, yes. Not so bad you’d die if you had to go outside, though. Poison plants and vicious creatures, absolutely. There are plants that, if you get even a little bit of its sap on you, it gives you chemical burns or makes you itch for days on end. Some plants and fungi have lookalikes, where one is perfectly edible, and the other is so toxic that if you eat it you’ll be dead within a day. There are animals that can and will kill you given the chance, granted there aren’t many that could swallow you whole. Hippos probably could. Maybe blue whales, but they don’t eat prey as large as us.” You smiled sadly. “Still, it’s beautiful. Vast oceans, lush jungles, mountain ranges and rock formations… even the things we built, to some degree, are beautiful. Bridges, castles, skyscrapers. It’s…” You stopped as you realized you were speaking in present tense, and you gulped, willing away the tears that threatened to begin. “It was worth saving.”
Ezra’s surprise morphed into some cross between interest and concern as you spoke. “I… wish I could’ve seen it, as you did.”
“Yeah,” you said, nodding a bit. “Me too.”
As another moment of quiet passed between you, you realized something. Surely humanity by itself couldn’t span an entire galaxy, right? And clearly, life was elsewhere in the galaxy…
“I just thought of a question,” you started.
“Please,” Ezra encouraged.
“Have we made first contact?” you asked.
“Have we made what?”
Well that’s not the response you were expecting.
“First contact,” you repeated. You then put on a bit of a voice, mocking the many documentaries about this topic from your original era. “Is there intelligent life beyond our solar system?”
Ezra looked at you, confused at first, then he seemed to remember how long you’d been asleep. “Yes.”
You weren’t sure whether to be excited or deflated with his response. “With that kind of reaction I imagine it’s commonplace.”
Ezra nodded. “As humanity fled Earth, it happened multiple times with multiple colonies concurrently,” he said. “Enough so that no one’s really sure who was first. Thankfully, other than the one time a group of us managed to establish an empire across the galaxy, everyone gets along relatively well. Well, on an official level, anyway. All bets are off once you’re in the Fringe, or the Frontier, or prospecting.”
You nodded again, and hummed in understanding. “I’m glad to hear it, I suppose. That was another thing that was still very much science fiction when I was on Earth,” you said.
“I have a feeling that will not be the last time you come across something matching that description, Captain,” he said. “You are always welcome to ask questions. I may not have all the answers, but I do a fair share of reading in my free time. I’ve picked up on some things, at least.”
“I appreciate it,” you said.
The rain began to lighten a bit, but not stop. The humidity had broken slightly, and the wind from the storm was making it a bit cooler where you were taking cover under this rock. For the moment, it was kind of nice. You wondered again if you would’ve made it this far if you had known. If you would’ve rather had your team alive for a short time on this planet’s surface, marking the mission’s technical success, or if they were better off having died painlessly in cryo. Part of you wanted to believe that if you had all made it, you would’ve proved Ezra wrong, and there would be a thriving colony on this planet’s surface in just a couple of years. But… like Ezra said earlier: people get themselves killed thinking they’re stronger than nature.
“We were going to name it Eden,” you blurted. “When we got settled, I mean. The colony, the planet, was going to be named Eden.” You looked over at Ezra. “I… suppose I don’t know if that means anything to you.”
“I believe I get the gist,” Ezra responded. “The Garden of Eden where humanity was supposedly started by some capricious deity.”
“In the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, God takes six days to create existence, resting on the seventh. Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, and who are tasked with creating humanity, live in this garden God created as a paradise on Earth. It was plentiful, and they were allowed to eat from any tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,” you said. “Of course, they eat from it anyway and get kicked out before they can eat from the tree of life, which would have granted them immortality.” You tilted your head back and forth for a moment in consideration. “There’s more to it than that, but that’s the condensed version. Wouldn’t be a story from a religion if the details weren’t hotly debated.”
“That is yet another thing that has not changed since your time,” Ezra responded. “I am sorry that this did not turn out to be the paradise you expected it to be.”
You sighed. “I don’t think anyone truly believed this would be a paradise,” you said. “Livable, yes. But a true paradise wouldn’t require us to work for our survival. We were prepared to start from truly nothing but the supplies we carted across 579 light years.” You paused and furrowed your brow. “We made a lot of assumptions. About the planet, about what would grow here, clearly about how the surface of the planet would be.” You didn’t want to admit that the entire program was done out of desperation. It had taken 25 years from the conception of the program to your launch date, yes, but an undertaking as huge as this… it likely would’ve benefited from more time to plan, to study the target planets, to truly understand what you were getting yourselves into. But the planet was dying, and humanity was dying with it. Someone needed to do something, and the sooner something was done, the sooner humanity could be saved.
You supposed it didn’t matter in the end.
You wondered what McCoy would say. He always balanced your optimism with caution and well-timed cynicism. You remembered what he said that night 10 days before launch, on the boat. I’m sick of worrying about what could go wrong… What if it does go wrong? You’d told him it wouldn’t. That you’d make new constellations.
You realized you were crying again. You forced yourself to take a deep breath. You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Sorry,” you offered.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Ezra assured you. “You’ve had an incredible amount of information dumped on you in a very short amount of time. If anyone here should be apologizing for anything, it’s me for waking you up.”
You shook your head. “No. I… given the choice between waking up to this and dying without knowing what went wrong, I would’ve chosen waking up every time.”
Ezra nodded slowly. “While I cannot begin to understand what you’re going through, I do understand that choice, at least,” he said.
Soon, the rain stopped, and the wind died down. Ezra moved to stand up, walking towards the edge of the structure you were under.
“I think now is as good a time as any to get back to the ship and head out,” Ezra said, turning back to where you were still sitting. He approached, and held a hand out to help you up.
You hesitated to reach out. Much like your hesitation at leaving the ship, you almost didn’t want to leave. You made it here. Did you deserve to make it any further? What about your crew? How in the world would you even move on from something like this?
You took Ezra’s hand, and hoisted yourself up off the ground.
“Alright. Where to from here?”
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starliightxo · 4 years
Movie “Songbird” Official Cast:
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By 2024, the COVID-19 virus has mutated into COVID-23 and the world is in its fourth pandemic year. In the United States, people are required to take temperature checks on their cell phones while those infected with COVID-23 are taken from their homes against their will and forced into quarantine camps, also known as “Q-Zones” or concentration camps, where some fight back against the brutal restrictions. In these camps, the infected are left to die or forcibly get better.
Nico Price, a motorbike courier with immunity, due to the fact he was infected with the virus, is in a virtual relationship with Sara Garcia, a young artist living with her grandmother Lita whose lockdown prohibits them from physical contact. Nico works for Lester, who specializes in delivering packages to wealthy individuals. One of their biggest clients is the Griffins, Piper and William, whose daughter Emma has an auto-immune disorder. William is a former record executive having an affair with May, a singer who makes a living online selling covers of classic songs. May develops a bond with Michael Dozer, a disabled war veteran who works for Lester as a drone operator to keep track of their couriers.
One night, Lita begins to show symptoms of COVID-23 while the sanitation department, led by Emmett Harland, is forcing Sara’s neighbor Alice out of her apartment after getting infected. Harland warns Sara that their apartment building has seen a rise in infections. Sara informs Nico about Lita’s condition, leading Nico to spend the night by Sara’s apartment door. In the morning, Sara passes her temperature check, but Lita fails hers. Nico promises to keep Sara from being taken.
LUKE @faedawayyy​ will portray:
Nico Price - An immune bike courier who delivers parcels around town
RILEY will portray:
Sara Garcia - Nico’s girlfriend who isn’t immune so remains in isolation with her elderly grandmother, keeping her relationship going over face time
PARK @yeaahishowedupatyourparty​ will portray:
Lester - Nico’s boss who runs his business from isolation. His couriers are tracked around town
EZRA @faedawayyy​ will portray:
Emmett Harland - Head of the LA sensitization department
IMOGEN @yeaahishowedupatyourparty​ will portray:
May - a struggling singer/songwriter who posts online and keeps up her following through social media
DANNY @turnyoutopoetrys​​ will portray: 
Michael Dozer - A wheelchair bound drone expert who helps Lester keep track his couriers
ELOISE @faedawayyy​ will portray:
Piper Griffin - A rich wife who runs an illegal company from isolation where she forges immunity wristbands and sells them
DOM @turnyoutopoetrys​ will portray:
William Griffin - Piper’s husband in on the business but goes astray and sneaks out for various reasons
KOBI @fallin-flcwer​ will portray: 
Alice - Sara’s neighbour who gets infected and tracked down by the sensitization department
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faedawayyy · 4 years
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valentines plans: kobi & ezra @fallin-flcwer
there’s this place in england called longleat and i think this is definitely where he’d base their date. during the day, he’d buy her flowers and he’d take her to the safari park and you can like drive through the enclosures/feed animals/go on jeep and boat tours because i think it’d ease the pressure off of it being a date seeing as they were set up with one another. after, in the same area he’d take her to a restaurant where you kind of get a cookery class as well as food to eat/dine out and i think he’d be interested in getting to know her and making sure she has fun/they have activities to do! 
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eclipticbubble · 4 years
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Happy Pride Month!
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stjudesfandom · 4 years
i'm curious so give me your honest opinion about the disney princesses!
here’s my honest opinion on the cast in general. just mine remember! other fans might feel differently: THE PRINCES
cameron as flynn - completely yes. he has a boyish charm that would work so well. people who say “actors should/can play anything” are completely wrong and will never work in the industry for that reason. actors have to fit the part to the extent and this is probs the most exciting casting for me. he’ll do so well. alex as aladdin - undecided...i don’t think he’s going to play him in the way we know aladdin. i think he’ll have a more serious spin on the character but i definitely dont HATE it.  oliver as prince charming - yes, yes, yes. charming isn’t exciting so they NEEDED someone who was going to give him some personality. i think this could really elevate oliver’s career too. we need more of him. harvey as eric - an actor we don’t know much about but again. YES. i think he’s the perfect fit and it’s great to see some new faces getting the chance to go big.  danny as prince phillip - yes! i like it and we know danny will be able to give us prince vibes. he’s very talented. what i like about these castings is there’s a perfect balance between big names to draw people in (like danny) and lots of up and coming talent too. ezra as naveen - i don’t hate it but it’s my least favourite prince casting...the energy people wasted trying to say zara was a predictable rapunzel should have been given to this. i think he’ll kill it but idk, it doesn’t excite me as much.  leo as kristofer - I DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL. it’ll either be amazing or a trainwreck. i just cant visualise it. again, im not saying i hate it. i just need some time to sit with it. i think when we get trailers and sneak peaks, it’ll make more sense. it was just a big surprise.  luke as li shang - also known as the perfect casting. he’s the perfect li shang. 
natalie as the fairy godmother - YES but she really needs to embrace it because this could become an iconic role for her. i think it’s perfect, i just hope she gives it her all.  florence as tinkerbell - this is her first acting gig, so i haven’t got much to go off of...HOWEVER, im always very sceptical when hamiltons go into something new...because their family is so powerful in entertainment it always smells of nepotism. i love her for tinkerbell but now i hope she can actually act and has talent/wasnt just cast for who shes related to. matt as the genie - NOT A SINGLE OTHER ACTOR could do it. i’m so glad this is what he got and he wasn’t lumped with a prince or something. he has the range, we know he’s going to be reeling off those punch lines. yes.  duyi as mushu - another actor i havent seen MUCH of. i think it’s accurate though and i’m intrigued to see where he goes with it. 
i’m not going to get into an individual breakdown of the villains because i agree with it all. i love that every single one is an established and known actor. i love that every single one has proved themselves already. THEY are going to be the ones who reel the audience in because names like wesley higgins, gisele collins, disney hamilton etc. are so linked to st judes. i think this was such a smart move. 
autumn as snow - hm...i don’t know much about autumn. she has the look, definitely, but i don’t know what she’s like in terms of acting. BUT i can get behind it because acting is her main career choice so at least we know she has talent/is serious and she’ll be elevated to a new level of relevance in her career.  natasha as aurora - YES YES YES i cannot stress how much i was hoping aurora wasn’t cast as someone very traditionally princess-y like mal or zara. aurora is easily the most boring and passive princess and she needed someone with a bit of edge, especially bc this is a modern franchise. a VERY underrated choice but the perfect one!  mallory as cinderella - love it. i think cinderella is more relevant/important than she gets credit for so i hope mallory takes it seriously and really does her justice. looks wise, it couldn’t be more perfect. this could be a great performance if the work is put in.  ruby as belle - i really love it. i didn’t at first because ruby is a singer and with franchises like this, you kind of want ALL of the cast to be very serious actors but she has had broadway experience and been in her fair share of projects so i’ve warmed to it and she just looks like belle, doesn’t she? i think she’ll do well.  maelyn as ariel - i was NOT expecting it. i don’t know who i thought was going to get this tbh. i feel the same as i do about autumn...i haven’t seen much of her and ariel is SUCH a big character, i’m worried she might not do her the justice she deserves.  rosalie as jasmine - YES YES YES. rosalie is the next big actress in st judes. she can do film just as well as she can do stage and this will totally prove it.  harper as pocahontas - i love it! she has the look 100%. i think the only thing people will moan about is age but honestly? i think it’ll be fine. harper could easily pull off a college student (because that’s who pocahontas is in this?) and it’ll be nice to see her in something big.  elodie as mulan - YES. I WAS HOPING FOR THIS. 10/10. cassidy as merida - see autumn/harper! i don’t have any complaints but hope she can do the role justice as we haven’t seen much of her.  kobi as tiana - kobi is the perfect tiana. we’ve seen her do tiana before, but not a modernised version? i’m really happy we get to have her again. mason did well to not just go for “unpredictable” people and actually consider actors who would be convincing LOOKS WISE as well as acting range wise.  zara as rapunzel - i will defend this casting till i die. i feel like everyone who said it was predictable lowkey wanted mal to be rapunzel and imo that would’ve been a weaker casting. when it comes to disney, you definitely have to LOOK like the character you’re portraying, zara looks the most like her AND her acting ability is insane. idk where all the arguments were coming from about actors ‘can play people they’re not necessarily like’ as well because she’s not exactly like rapunzel irl but people can already see she’d be amazing as her, so that kind of defeats what the people who dont like the casting are saying? long story short, a perfect casting and the right choice. i just hope she isnt disheartened and brings her A-game. mackenzie as elsa - YES YES elsa is supposed to be slightly older than most of the princesses and have a sophisticated air about her. mackenzie will give us the elsa we deserve. she looks enough like her to make this a recognisable disney franchise but also has the acting range to show different sides to elsa’s character that haven’t been portrayed in the original movies.  heidi as anna - THIS IS CUTE. i approve!  christelle as moana - the same as ruby, pretty much! i hope there’re musical elements too though because imagine if we get a “how far i’ll go” cover from christelle? yes pleaaase?
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As always, we’ll be visiting a ski lodge in the French Alps for our birthday. There’s a guest list...You don’t have to be a skier. The cabin(s) are fully paid for and there’re cafes, shops, pools and spas on sight. On the night of the 18th, there’ll be a party in the lodge, so bring something appropriate to wear.  SORRY IF I MISSED ANYONE THAT WOULD OBVIOUSLY BE ON THE GUEST LIST OOC: OK LISTEN, I want everybody to be invited but it’s out of character for them not to have a guest list. So, I’m going to say that people are allowed a plus one. If your character isn’t on the list, just say they came with someone else :) 
Disney’s Guest List 
Dallas Mason  Brody  Miles Ezra Margo Eloise  Gisele Holly Kendall Lexi Everleigh  Julian Kyle Leo Athena Wesley Natalie  Dominic Madison Lucas Danny Felix  Matt  Nero  Poppy  Amber Zelda  Theo  Christelle Phoenix Bella  Mackenzie Clyde
Park’s Guest List 
Blake Taewan Issy  Elora Yulia  Margo  Gisele Lexi  Felicity  Olivia  Leo Charlie  Wesley Rosalie Dominic  Evan Lucas Sawyer  Lorelai  Nero  Arabella  Roxy  Christelle Kobi  Jiwon  Duyi  Hanuel  Bella  Maelyn
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samsbastardzone · 4 years
Hey, you know that 35 d&d questions ask meme? I answered all of them.
This is a long ass post. Be warned. It took up seven and a half pages in google docs. Original post here.
1. A favorite character you have played.
Would have to be Zize Fortier, dragonborn gunslinger. Their tag on this blog is #zize and you can find their bio and info on my character page. Love that bastard!! He’s sweet and bratty and a total delight to play (we are such an OP party, y’all).
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
UM UM gonna talk about a few here. To be fair to people I play a *lot* of games with, I’m only gonna  talk about one PC per person.
- The bastard trio in my Wildemount game– @toomanyorphans ’s Nakoria, @overplannedbutunnamednpc ‘s Zier (also an NPC in the campaign Zize is in), and @glasyasbutch ‘s Nissy. They all really suck so bad but in SUCH funny ways. They’re varying degrees of self centered and awful, but we trust each other in this campaign, and those 3 players are SO funny in their RP.
- (RIP) Avri in my Wildemount game. They and Bly named each other,,,,  they were parent and child…… VERY sweet. huge goliath with tiny bird in backpack.
- @bekahdoesnershit ‘s Raini. Zize’s BFF, and her tag on that blog is rich. She’s SUCH a bitch but we love her.
- @bhissar ‘s Saela. She is a dream character for me to DM for– very little fleshed out backstory with room to explore, with still-concrete events in it. Consistent character choices and personality, to the point I can sometimes predict what she’ll do. Very cool aesthetically. And overall? EXTREMELY sweet. Baby, baby bird.
3. Your favorite side quest.
Either the one going on right now in amnesia, where we have to collect brain matter from big powerful elementals, or the stop we made at a family of vampires in Acarnya (the one I played Osfyr in).
4. Your current campaign.
There are five of those, with two on hold. 
-Wildemount, aka the Frozen Sick module from Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount (we’re almost done with that, my PC is Bly). 
-Amnesia campaign aka high level campaign: we woke up in hell with no memories! PC is Zize. 
-Hoard of the Dragon Queen module, near the beginning of that, PC is Pointy. 
-Horror campaign, only two sessions so far, but we’re trapped in an alternate dimension carrying out tasks for a creepy dude. PC is Vinny. 
-Kithan, where we’re high level monster hunting guild members searching  out ancient artifacts of the gods (campaign based on the Monster Hunter games), PC is Topaz.
-Silas, party is currently trying to help dragons free themselves and stop a… dude? No spoilers! I DM. On hold because I had too many campaigns going at once.
-Silas v2: extremely vaguely based on the plot of season one of the web series Carmilla. A tweaked version of the first arc the Silas party went through. On hold because it was played in person at school.
5. Favorite NPC.
I don’t really have any NPCs in my campaigns that I’m super attached to, except– Nikeo, a goliath rogue PC in Silas 1, had many adopted children. Three of them– kobolds– sometimes stand on each others’ shoulders, put on a long coat, and help out around their parent’s store. They’ve named themselves Koby.
As for favorite NPCs in campaigns I’ve played, I can think of… a lot. The first is Laurel, a blue dragonborn loner type who followed Osfyr and friends in Acarnya. They were kind of broody and dark, but they really drew me in. They were the first NPC we really talked to– they were sitting on top of the post office laughing at the mob scene of people protesting not getting their mail delivered.
I’d also pick Osfyr’s partners in that campaign– Yelkian, a backstory love interest I came up with, a flamboyant soft sorcerer. Jupiter, politician’s niece, who took pity on Osfyr’s attempts to seduce information out of her and let them succeed on both counts (seduction and information). Xerxes, extra AF rogue with a big loving family, who swept in after a fight on the back of an eagle-wildshaped Brysth (npc druid). 
There’s a blue dragon in the HOTDQ campaign that we don’t know much about. I really enjoyed the way @dungeonsanddraconicqueer played him. He’s just a dude! Lex’s warlock made a Deal with him to leave the town alone. We still don’t know the implications of that. It’s fine, guys.
And then, there’s Stewart the Skin Steward, a servant of False Mystra. Fun dude.  Very cavalier– nigh, enthusiastic!– about the fact that his entire city was made of skin. Something of a skin connoisseur, in fact!
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
Saela, hands down. She got breathed on by a dragon, yo. We then had to stop playing for 4-5 months because a player lost access to the Internet. I wrote a vision/speech from her warlock patron, the Raven Queen, the night she died, and basically didn’t touch it until I read it out in game. It involved a confession that the Queen was  tired of being a god, and showing Saela all the lives she’d touched. Then we used Matt Mercer’s rez rules for her. She came back– but it was her choice.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Fucking tinkering dude!!! I don’t get to do it enough as Zize and that is entirely my fault. @ morgan, eyes emoji
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
I LOVE creepy shit. There was a train car with people dancing in it, and party members got enchanted to dance along and eat the food,  and the revelers were clearly in pain, and snuffing out a candle caused a reveler to disappear. Creepy shit!
In Kithan, we had to climb a staircase, and we timed it with produce flame which is a 10 minute duration cantrip, and we were climbing for 50 minutes. We started to see things in the edges of our vision. Then someone realized it was an illusion, and it all vanished. It freaked me out so bad.
In amnesia campaign, at level 19, we were traversing a cave, and our shadows started dripping the same black goop we were there to investigate. We killed one and it took down the max hp of the person whose shadow it was, and then they straight up didn’t have a shadow until they long rested. It really freaked us out, realizing the shadows were actually creatures, but they were like CR 1. Really effective use of a low level monster.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
The way it has something for everyone… the way it’s brought me so many friends… the way it’s inspired my OC creation like nothing else.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
I’m not sure if this is asking about NPCs I’ve had as enemies, or any monster in D&D canon? The longest campaign I played in didn’t have long term enemies  per se. I’d say I was frustrated with the cultists that ambushed us last session in HOTDQ,  but I didn’t hate them! I just couldn’t seem to hit or dodge them. As for a favorite… probably False Mystra: the demon lord Orcus who’d taken over  the position, and therefore the duties, of Mystra, the god of arcane magic.  We killed it,  but then whoopso!! Our wizard lost her powers.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
I play an ideal amount, honestly: four times a week, for about 2.5-3 hours a session. HOTDQ Tuesdays, Kithan and horror campaign switching off Wednesdays, Wildemount Thursdays cause we miss CR, Amnesia Sundays.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
Amnesia: Yocheved, the party barbarian/full time fish, has a secret third arm and/or a prosthetic ass. Cylthia, the druid, does arson (but actually). Relentless is a Crown paladin, so she puts her fingers in her ears when we do crime/lie. She also has a rod of lordly might that, immediately post amnesia, she made into a 32 foot climbing pole. Yocheved eats pounds and pounds of raw fish for every meal.
Wildemount: just the shenanigans and sabotaging each other that the Bastard Trio get into. Example: Nissy was tasked with buying Zier a cloak for cold weather and purposely got him an  ugly one. Zier then prestidigitated it to be a nicer color.
13. Introduce your current party.
Oh boy, I have 6 of those. Here goes. Keep in mind many of these characters are played and games are DMed by my friends who have OC blogs of their own: Raini and Ayen are bekahdoesnerdshit, Ezra, Nissy, and Roona are glasyasbutch, Horror DM, Lent, Eve, and Nakoria are toomanyorphans, Wildemount DM, Saela, Daecyne, and Cylthia are bhissar, HOTDQ DM is dungeonsanddraconicqueer, and Amnesia DM, Zier, Nyxi, and Sarril are overplannedbutunnamednpc. Not an OC blog, but Yocheved, Avri, Arbor, Thraf, Nikeo, and Whisper are mickgoesabsolutelyhamforbarbie.
Amnesia (Zize): Lent, tiefling paladin, former crownsguard who “fell” (became an oathbreaker), then un-fell when we lost our memories. Cylthia, tiefling/elf druid who can shift between tiefling and elf forms and loves setting things on fire. Yocheved, 14 foot tall nereid (fishfolk) barbarian with a dry sense of humor, is the party parent. And Raini, aasimar wizard, sass machine and Zize’s bff.
HOTDQ. My PC is Pointy. Ezra, quiet human paladin. Theata, moon elf rogue. Freya, sweet (human?) light cleric who sometimes misreads situations. Eve, 13 year old (!!) human warlock who kinda sucks, but like, she’s 13. Nyxi, motherly gnome bard who Is going to adopt Pointy. 
Wildemount (Bly): Alene, human barbarian. Quiet and with somewhat of a parent instinct. Some sort of Mysterious Backstory. Delta, aasimar rogue, similarly shady backstory? Unclear. Sticks with Alene. Nissy, drow rune knight, sucks. Zier, drow sorcerer, also sucks. Nakoria, dragonborn warlock, ALSO sucks. (Those three make up the Bastard Trio.) Avri (F for them), goliath bard and Avri’s guardian, died last session by falling on a floor full of knives. 
Horror campaign (Vinny): Roona, halfling bard, very impulsive, eats exclusively with her spoon that says ASS, and chills in Vinny’s fanny pack. Ayen, elven teenage warlock with a dark backstory. Sarril, Ayen’s not-dad, half elf beast barbarian who got it from his wife. Arbor, dryad  monk, who wears an all white plague doctor outfit at all times.
Silas v1 (DM), Original party before 1 left and 1 died: Hacka (RIP), human luchador-styled drunken monk. Nikeo (left), goliath rogue with so many adopted children. Inferno, fire genasi paladin/phoenix sorcerer with anger and impulse control issues. Saela, babiest aarakocra warlock of the Raven Queen. Hacka’s player now plays Voda, a stoic water genasi tempest cleric who cast Raise Dead successfully on Saela. Nikeo’s player now plays Whisper, a tabaxi astral soul monk.
Kithan (Topaz): Thraf, monsterborn (universe-compliant dragonborn) barbarian. Very social, very outgoing, very stupid, and very traumatized. Fucks majorly. Daecyne, sweet tiefling druid and Topaz’s good friend. Viosa, aasimar homebrew class I forget the name of, uses her small stature and allure to her advantage. Damur, half-orc eldritch knight, the party’s only braincell.
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Acarnya. My PC was Osfyr. Soraphine, traumatized halfling bard. Azalea, human fighter. Durzuell, haughty high elf sorcerer. James, nerdy half elf wizard. Drago, erratic Russian dragonborn monk. Kairon, slightly edgy ranger/paladin (but we love him). 
Nordenheim. My PC was Cap. I will admit: we only played 2 or 3 sessions, so I don’t really remember  most of the other party members except Rory, a fire genasi ranger who almost burned to death.
Silas v2 (hopefully will continue; I DMed): Kysseris IV. Half-elf paladin, uptight. Tower 1-6, warforged wizard who crawled out of the desert and is looking for info on how he was made. Mae “Pock”, gnome rogue, very small and  sweet. Josh, human trickery cleric, kind of an asshole, but in a way that’s funny and hasn’t bled over into IRL annoying.
[school] West Marches campaign (Ner): by the nature of West Marches, there was never a consistent party, but a few stood out to me. Red Foot, a hyperactive kobold sorcerer who’s level 8 against all West Marches odds. Lyra, Great Old One warlock of Tzee’Mhor, an abomination goat that a party I was in accidentally created. Fildo Baggins, divination wizard who can only affect allies whose toenail clippings he has in his vial.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Hell yeah babey!!! I mostly play digitally, especially during COVID, and I need something to munch after DMing for a while. Shit’s exhausting.
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
Welp! Online mostly, since everyone I want to play with has the audacity to live far away, and now exclusively online because of COVID.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Our Amnesia party is so rich that we just don’t keep track of money. In Kithan, a lot of rules that make characters less powerful are just… abolished (like the bonus action spell rule). (The DM likes super OP characters so she can throw SUPER OP monsters at us.  My character has a necklace that gives 5 additional uses of channel divinity.)
18. Does your party keep any pets?
Nope. No opportunities for them. Zize’s party has a little water snake on the druid’s arm but I doubt that will last very long.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Absolutely. Cursed dice get j a i l.
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
Acarnya got me into d&d, it was my first campaign, and it was happening at the place I lived. I’ve been playing almost 2 years. (Critical Role inspired me to DM)
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Not sent a fucking letter to say goodbye to their boyfriend before the world-fate-deciding bullshit that was gonna happen and possibly destroy shit. It was fine in the end though!
22. What color was your first dragon?
Red. Man, that guy sucked, he almost killed Osfyr. We were investigating a monastery secretly run by dragons disguised as humans.
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
Original campaigns. I’ve never run a module before! I’m not opposed, but most of my campaigns came from ideas  that I had. I’ve never been short on ideas for a game.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
As a player, I just open my character sheet and get out dice. As a DM, I try and think about what material I want to get through this session, and write some narration and/or stat things out if I feel like it.
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
A lot of times, Inferno has rushed into battle from what I’d built as a stealth mission, and gotten her ass and sometimes the party’s asses kicked. I should really have learned by now.
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters?
Definitely Saela’s resurrection ritual and vision.
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
Yes! I’ll check it first,  but I’m all for expanding the boundaries. I homebrew items and monsters all the time, why shouldn’t my payers get to homebrew their shit?
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
Too often in my first arc. I had like 7 NPCs running around at all times (they were Carmilla characters). Super not recommended. I have 0 right now.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
I’m still finding my groove with RP as a DM. I like encouraging my players to RP amongst themselves. I consider myself fairly good at combat on both sides of the equation, DM and player, so that’s always fun to me, especially when my players enjoy it too.
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
I have one actively reforming murder hobo player, the rest are diplomatic. (The character, Inferno, is having a great growth arc. I’m super proud.)
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
I fucking love genasi as a concept. Favorite class would have to be rogue or cleric, but gunslinger’s up there too.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
I  honestly don't have the patience to not play DPS. I love doing lots of damage. Healing is satisfying, support is satisfying, but there’s a reason I picked rogue twice and tempest cleric over other domains.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
Sometimes the backstory is part of the character concept– especially for Pointy, because I had the name first, then went hmm why would she have this name. Almost always, though, more backstory gets written during the campaign when I have an idea. Sometimes a character will act in a way I don’t expect, and it’s fun thinking of a justification to fill backstory gaps.
34. Do you tend to pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
Mostly  usefulness honestly. I’ll make choices among several for flavor, but I’m a big proponent of using mechanics to build character. What I mean is, think about Magnus in TAZ Balance– his protection fighting style contributed a lot to the way Travis played him as a protective person. I love that shit.
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
I like to do a lot, but unfortunately my  energy is pretty down lately so I haven’t been doing as much.
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sofrpc · 6 years
as requested, i have created a masterlist of 550+ unique and underused male names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
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abel, acacius, ace, achilles, adagio, adaiah, adalius, adley, adelio, adonis, adrian, adriel, aiden, akello, alain, alarik, alastair, alek, alfred, alfonzo, ali, alisio, alonzo, amari, amedeus, amias, amos, anakin, andre, ansel, anton, anwar, apollo, aragon, aramis, archer, aries, arlo, arrius, artemis, asher, ashton, asriel, atlas, atlantis, atticus, auden, august, auri, austin, avery, axel, aziel
bacchus, baden, bailey, baldwin, balin, balton, bandit, banks, barley, baxley, baxter, baze, bear, beau, beck, benson, bentley, berlin, bianco, bishop, blade, blaine, blaze, bode, bodhie, booker, bosley, boston, brandon, brantley, brayden, braxton, brecken, brennon, brett, briley, brinley, brock, bruno, bronx, brooks, bryce, bryson
caelan, caesar, cade, cador, cage, cain, caleb, callaway, callen, callister, callum, calvin, camden, campbell, carlisle, carlo, carrick, carter, casey, casper, castiel, cedric, cesar, channing, charles, chase, chuck, clifton, clinton, cleon, coen, coleman, colton, crew, cristiano, cooper, corbin, corey, cortez, cravin
dale, dallas, dalton, damari, damian, damon, dane, dante, dario, darius, davon, dax, dean, declan, dedrick, delius, demarcus, demetrius, dennis, denzel, deon, derek, devon, dexter, dillon, dimitri, dion, dolan, dominic, drake, drew, drystan, duke, dwayne, dwight, dyson
eaton, echo, edan, eddison, eden, edrick, eli, eliam, elias, elijah, elio, eliseo, ellis, emilio, emerson, emmett, enoch, enzo, ernest, eros, essex, evan, evian, ezra
fabian, falcon, fallon, farley, felix, fenton, finley, finnick, floyd, flynn, fonso, ford, forester, francisco, franco, freddy, frederick, frodi
gabe, gabriel, gaius, gabin, galvin, gareth, garrick, gaston, gaveel, georgie, gemini, giorgio, glade, gonzalo, gray, gregory, greyson, griffin, grover, gunner, guy
haim, hadden, hadley, hale, hammond, hanan, hanson, harden, harley, harris, hayes, helio, helix, hendrix, hermes, hiram, holden, holland, holmes, houstan, howard, hudson, hugh, hugo, hunter, hyde
iago, ian, icarius, idris, iker, ilario, indigo, isaak, isaiah, israel, ithiel, ives
jace, jadon, jago, jahziel, jairo, jakez, jakobe, jamari, janos, jaron, jasper, javier, jaxon, jayden, jaylon, jaziel, jenson, jeremiah, jermaine, jersey, jett, joaquin, jonas, jose, joss, jovani, joziah, judas, jude, julian, julius, junior, justice
kace, kaden, kael, kairo, kahlil, kai, kaleb, kamden, kanan, karson, kashton, kasper, keenan, keiran, kennedy, keon, kenton, kenzo, keyon, kez, kiah, killian, kingsley, kito, klaus, kobe, koby, kodah, kohen, kolton, kristian, knox, kyan, kynan, kyson
lamar, lamont, lance, landon, laney, larkin, lawyer, lazarus, leandro, lee, legend, lennox, leno, leon, levi, lex, liko, link, locke, loki, loman, lonzo, lorenzo, luca, lucian, lukas, lyam, lynx
mac, machi, macklin, maddox, magnus, maison, major, makeo, malaki, manning, mano, marion, marlon, mars, martez, mathias, maxton, mekhi, meyer, micah, milian, miller, milo, montey, montez, myles
nakos, nasir, nathaniel, neel, neriah, nero, nevada, nicolo, nicklaus, nickolai, nico, nike, nikos, nixon, noah, nolan, norton, nye
oakley, oberyn, obi, obsidian, octavian, oison, olimpio, olsen, omar, ontario, onyx, orion, orlando, oskar, oslo, oryn, otis, oxford, oxley
pablo, paley, palmer, parker, parson, pauly, paxton, pearce, perkin, phelix, phoenix, pierre, pike, podrick, porter, preston, prince, puck
qamar, quinten, quillon, quince
racer, radley, rafael, rafer, ralph, rambo, ramiel, ramone, randall, raven, rayan, reed, reese, rhydian, ricardo, ridley, riker, riley, river, robin, rocco, roderick, roland, roman, romeo, ronan, roni, rowan, royden, rufus, ryder, ryland
sadler, safari, salem, salix, salvador, sami, santiago, sawyer, sean, seaton, severo, shayne, shiloh, silas, silvano, simba, skander, skyler, slade, spencer, spiro, stanley, stefan, syrus
talmon, tane, tanner, tate, tatum, tavis, teddy, terence, theo, theon, tirion, titus, tobias, tommen, tonio, travis, trey, troye, trystan, turner, tyrell, tyrese, tyson
ulan, uri, uriel, urien
vadim, vale, vance, valentine, vaughn, venturo, venus, vermont, vero, victor, vidor, vince, volante, voss
wade, walker, walter, warner, warren, watson, waylan, wayne, wilder, wilson, wilton, wolfgang, wyatt, wynton
xander, xavier, xenos, xylon
yates, york, yuri, yusef
zacharias, zade, zavier, zayn, zed, zeke, zero, zeus, zion
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greektrgcdy · 6 years
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Under the cut you’ll find 414 MASCULINE NAMES all compiled by me !! I will most likely be updating this and my other lists at some point and would be more than willing to post more specific lists if anyone wants them !! Please like or reblog if this was helpful !!
Aaron, Abe, Abel, Achilles, Adam, Adler, Adonis, Aiden, Ajax, Albie, Alden, Alexander, Alexei, Alexios, Alfie, Alec, Alessio, Alexander, Alistair, Amos, Anakin, Andre, Andreas, Andrew, Anderson, Angelo, Angus, Ansel, Anthony, Anwar, Apollo, Aragon, Aramis, Archer, Ares, Argo, Arlo, Asher, Asa, Atlas, Atticus, August, Augustus, Axe, Axel, Aymes.
Baden, Basil, Bates, Banks, Baxter, Beckham, Bear, Beck, Beckett, Beau, Binx, Bishop Blake, Bodhi, Boston, Bram, Bravery, Braylon, Brett, Brecken, Brennon, Brock, Brody, Bronx, Brooks, Bryce, Bryson.
Caden, Caesar, Cade, Cador, Cage, Cain, Caius, Caleb, Calix, Calum, Carlisle, Camden, Caspar, Caspian, Cassian, Cassius, Castor, Cecil, Cedar, Cedric, Chaplin, Charles, Charlie, Chase, Christopher, Claymore, Claude, Clifton, Clinton, Clive, Clyde, Coen, Coleman, Colin, Colton, Cooper, Corbin, Corey, Cortez, Costas.
Dallas, Damian, Damon, Dane, Dante, Dashiell, Dawson, David, Declan, Diego, Diggory, Dimitri.
Edison, Eduardo, Edward, Edwin, Eiro, Elias, Elijah, Elio, Eliseo, Emilio, Emmett, Enoch, Enzo, Ernest, Eros, Ethan, Evander, Ezekiel, Ezra.
Fabian, Felix, Fenton, Fenix, Finn, Finnick, Floyd, Ford, Forester, Francisco, Franco, Franklin, Freddy, Frederick.
Gabriel, Gavin, Gareth, Garrick, Gaston, George, Gideon, Giorgio, Graham, Gray, Grayson, Griffin, Gus.
Hale, Hanson, Harrison, Harry, Hayes, Hector, Helio, Helios, Helix, Hendrix, Henrik, Henry, Hermes, Hiram, Holden, Holmes, Houston, Howard, Huck, Hudson, Hugh, Hugo, Hunter, Hyde.
Iago, Ian, Icarus, Idris, Ilario, Ilian, Isaac, Isaiah, Israel.
Jace, Jack, Jackson, Jadon, Jagger, James, Jasper, Javier, Jax, Jaxon, Jeremiah, Jett, Joel, Jon, Jonah, Jonas, Joshua, Josiah, Judas, Jude, Julian, Julius.
Kace, Kaden, Kairo, Kahlil, Kaleb, Kamden, Kanan, Kasper, Keaton, Kellen, Kieran, Keon, Kent, Keyon, Killian, Klaus, Kol, Koby, Koda, Kohen, Knox, Kyson.
Lamar, Lancer, Lander, Landon, Lawson, Lazarus, Leandro, Leith, Levi, Leo, Leon, Lincoln, Lochlan, Locke, Lorcan, Lorenzo, Louie, Louis, Lucian, Luca, Lukas.
Maddox, Magnus, Malcolm, Mason, Major, Marlon, Mateo, Mathias, Maxon, Maxton, Merlin, Michael,  Miller, Milo, Miles, Monty, Myles.
Nasir, Nathan, Nathaniel, Neels, Nicholas, Nico, Niles, Nike, Nikos, Nixon, Noah, Noble, Noel, Nolan, Norton.
Oberyn, Octavian, Octavias, Oliver, Olson, Onyx, Orpheus, Orion, Oryn, Oscar, Oswin, Otis,  Otto, Owen.
Pablo, Palmer, Parson, Paul, Pauly, Paxton, Pearce, Pierre, Percival, Percy, Peter, Philip, Preston, Prince.
Quinten, Quincy.
Radley, Ralph, Rambo, Ramone, Randall, Rafferty, Rainer, Reginald, Reggie, Reid, Renly, Rex, Rhett, Rhys, Rhydian, Ricardo, Richard, Rider, Roman, Ronan, Roran.
Sadler, Salinger, Samuel , Sebastian, Sean, Seth, Shane, Silas, Skander, Stefan, Syrus.
Tanner, Tate, Teddy, Theo, Theon, Thiago, Thomas, Tirion, Titus, Tobias, Tomas, Tommen, Torin, Trey, Trueman, Tudor, Tyson.
Valour, Vance, Victor, Viktor, Vince.
Wade, Walder, Walker, Warren, Warner, Watson, Waylon, Wilbur, Wilde, Wilder, William, Winston, Wyatt, Wylden.
Xander, Xavier, Xenos, Xylon.
Yates, York, Yuri, Yusef.
Zacharias, Zach, Zane Zavier, Zeke, Zeus, Zion.
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ib2se · 5 years
The B:sides-Playlist 2020-02-10 @ Radio Vättervåg 98,5 Mhz
This week: Elk Drive
starter: 'B:zväng' TextMix & reading af MrZ Komposition & Produktion af SkåneJokke Lütz [0:41]
💿 All Albums from Chant Records 💿 1. [5:49]
Eyal Talmudi Quintet – AYALON ZAFON Performed by Eyal Talmudi, Sefi Zisling, Uzi Feinrman, Gilad Abro, Aviv Cohen Composed by Eyal Talmudi Arranged by Eyal Talmudi Produced by Eyal Talmudi and MOMO sessions Engineered by Uri Barak – MOMO Recorded at Kicha Studios TLV PEACE
2. [2:57]
Felipe Hostins – É pra Sorrir Performed by Davi Vieira (percussion), Felipe Hostins (Accordion – Bass) Composed by Felipe Hostins Arranged by Felipe Hostins/Davi Vieira Produced by Felipe Hostins/Jake Owen Engineered by Jake Owen Recorded at Jake Owen’s Home Studio
3. [3:41]
Koby Israelite – Sultan Suleyman Performed by Koby Israelite Composed by Koby Israelite Arranged by Koby Israelite Produced by Koby Israelite Engineered by Koby Israelite Recorded at Bamba Studios, London
4. [3:15]
Koichi Makigami – Kurubushi Performed by Koichi Makigami vocal, cornet, Khomus-ukulele Composed by Koichi Makigami Arranged by Koichi Makigami Produced by Koichi Makigami Engineered by Koichi Makigami Recorded at 1714 studio in Atami Japan
5. [5:08]
Kretzmer/Ajemian/Shea – The Kiss Performed by Yoni Kretzmer – tenor sax, Jason Ajemian – double bass, Kevin Shea – drums Composed by Kretzmer/Ajemian/Shea Arranged by Kretzmer/Ajemian/Shea Produced by Yoni Kretzmer Engineered by Jim Clouse Recorded at Park West Studios
6. [4:18]
Laushaus (Kyle Sanna, Jonathan Goldberger, Todd Sickafoose, Mathias Künzli) – Elk Drive Performed by: Kyle Sanna – guitar Jonathan Goldberger – guitar Todd Sickafoose – bass Mathias Künzli – drums Composed by Laushaus Arranged by Laushaus Produced by Kyle Sanna, Mathias Kunzli Engineered by Jeff Hill Recorded at The Stable
7. [4:33]
Lemon Juice Quartet (Eyal Maoz, Avishai Cohen, Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz, Kevin Zubek) – Qua Performed by Eyal Maoz – guitar Avishai Cohen – trumpet Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz – bass Kevin Zubek – drums Composed by Eyal Maoz Arranged by Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz and Lemon Juice Quartet Produced by Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz Engineered by Martin Bisi Recorded at B.C. Studio from the album REPLUBLIC
8. [4:19]
Sharabi feat. Frank London & Deep Singh – Roma (Electric Hot Pot Mix) Performed by: Frank London – trumpet, flugelhorn Deep Singh – dhol, tabla, dholak & percussion Brian Drye – trombone Lynn Ligammari – sax Booker King – bass Tony Lewis – drums Jeremiah Lockwood – guitar Brian Marsella – keys Rob Curto – accordion Traditional, Arranged by Frank London & Deep Singh Produced by Frank London & Deep Singh Engineered by Jeremy Scott Recorded at The Civil Defense Published by Nuju Music, BMI & Deep Singh, ASCAP From the upcoming CD ‘SHARABI’ Mixed & Mastered by Deep Singh
9. [1:52]
Shimoni Street Children’s Orchestra – Embryons Desséchés Performed by Shimoni Street Children Orchestra Composed by Erik Satie Arranged by Shimoni Street Children Orchestra Produced by Shimoni Street Children Orchestra Engineered by Shimoni Street Children Orchestra
10. [4:46]
Tarana (Rick Parker & Ravish Momin) – Natrang Performed by Rick Parker- trombone/synths; Ravish Momin- drums, electronic programming, samples Composed by Ravish Momin Arranged by Ravish Momin/Alap Momin Produced by Alap Momin Engineered by Phil Weinrobe Recorded at Figure 8 Recording Mixed by Alap Momin @ Uptown Mixers, Harlem, NYC 2017
11. [12:59]
Shrine Umbrella (On Ka’a Davis) – ” Scene # 9 / I Am Near You “ Performed by: On Ka’a Davis (Conduction, Guitar) Valerie Kuene (cello) Will McIntyre (vibes) Daniel Jodocy (electronic turntables) Naomi Watanabe (percussion) Peter Barr (drum set) Cavassa Nickens (electric bass) Albey Bogosian (electric bass) Nonoko Yoshida (alto sax) Avram Fefer (alto sax) Jason Candler (tenor sax) Nick Gianni (tenor sax; flute) Welf Dorr (bass clarinet) Tom Chess (ney) Composed by On Ka’a Davis Arranged by On Ka’a Davis Produced by On Ka’a Davis Engineered by On Ka’a Davis Recorded Live at the Stone, NYC, October 22, 2012 On Mu Music (ASCAP)
1 jingle incl tune from Kmag #107 af Loopmasters Samples & 2 jingles from B:sides on Spotify
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  Veckans BibelVers: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” ~ Matthew 11:28-29 🎧
Drink Espresso - God bless U! /MrZ :)
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www.ib2.se Soli Deo Gloria
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All Photos: MrZ ~ Wättern.se
Join Generation XYZ @ gen.xyz 
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3hjzi7VthQQ6NZOcG9c1M7?si=mUEgLNj8RZC9SELlzdWBRA)
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starliightxo · 4 years
Killing Eve Season 1-3 Full Cast
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Main cast (season 1 - 3)
Eve Polastri portrayed by Disney Hamilton
Villanelle/Oksana portrayed by Gisele Collins
Carolyn Martens portrayed by Zelda Mayfair
Konstantin Vasiliev portrayed by Mason Carmichael
Kenny Stowton portrayed by Dominic Romano
Niko Polastri portrayed by Alex
Season 1 cast
Frank Haleton portrayed by  
Bill Pargrave portrayed by  Matt Eccleston
Elena Felton portrayed by Kobi Hare
Anna portrayed by Aiysha
Nadia portrayed by Rosalie
Diego portrayed by Brody
Season 2 cast
Jess portrayed by
Hugo portrayed by Levi Winslow
Raymond portrayed by
Aaron Peel portrayed by Joe
Amber Peel portrayed by Charlie Barham
Gamma portrayed by
Season 3 cast
Paul portrayed by
Dasha portrayed by Natalie
Mo Jafari portrayed by Evan
Bear portrayed by Oliver
Jamie portrayed by Ezra
Geraldine portrayed by Sawyer
Helene portrayed by Madison
Audrey portrayed by Zara
Rihan portrayed by Alyssa
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faedawayyy · 4 years
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a full list of the designers and stylists on set and the characters they’ll be responsible for. all designs need to be checked and approved by the head of design.
prince phillip (danny)
prince naveen (ezra) 
genie (matt) 
glinda gothel (disney)
rapunzel (zara) 
cinderella (mallory)
elodie (mulan)
ANASTASIA CARMICHAEL - @yeaahishowedupatyourparty
prince eric (harvey)
kristoff (leo) 
mushu (duyi)
malaika (margo)
elsa (mackenzie) 
aurora (natasha)
tiana (kobi)
MARIA CASTILLO - @faedawayyy
prince charming (oliver)
li shang (luke) 
annabeth tremaine (madison)
evelyn (kendall)
ariel (maelyn) 
jasmine (rosalie)
POPPY MURRY - @nyctophiiliiaa
aladdin (alex)
mary godmother (natalie) 
driana tremaine (zelda) 
moana (christelle)
belle (ruby) 
pocahontas (harper)
ALEXANDRIA CORTES - @starliightxo
flynn rider (cameron)
tinker bell (florence) 
garret (wesley) 
harry (marcus) 
anna (heidi) 
snow white (autumn)
merida (cassidy)
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theinsiderrp · 3 years
TUTORIAL GROUPS will start on MONDAY 27TH OF SEPTEMBER 2021. they will run from 9:00 - 9:30. this is where you’ll register for the day, receive any updates about things going on etc. and the tutor you’re given will be the person to talk to about concerns or thoughts you have. they’ll regularly check in with you. women teachers use “ms” at st judes because their marital status is none of your business.
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gisele collins
phoenix lin
matthew eccleston
remy matthews
kristofer nilsen
mila romanov 
imogen hamilton
harvey powell
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holly smith
duyi iamphang-lin
natasha banks
elora amari
anthony henshaw
kennedy calloway 
bella carmichael
evie harwood
lawson bishop
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mallory shaw
jiwon moon 
nero haven
eloise calloway
luke thompson
garrett baker
zara calloway
scarlett morgan 
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everleigh james
hanuel kang
poppy murry
naira eagleton
jude baker
margaret sinclair
ruby rosini
charlie barham
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felicity calloway
sangwoo heo
rory fox 
yulia hernandez
tate simpson
louis powell
soraya castilo-sparks
harper fox 
elodie gwan
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riley james
dwight hakim
roxanne woods
margo jackson
crawford bishop
drew bradford
betty carmichael
mackenzie quinn
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kendall carmichael
amber calloway
 sebastian quinn
dallas jackson
dominic romano 
yannis kraus
disney hamilton
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alexandria cortes
arabella romano
theo carmichael 
blake cruz 
evan halstead
tanner hawthorne
lorenzo romano
seo jun
MR MOREAU (MATTHIAS) - i dont know his fc 
jayden avery
ava quinn
zelda mayfair 
brody carmichael
madison sinclair
adrian cortes
alani santiago
clyde aarons
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jackson avery
caleb kingston
hensley west
mason carmichael
danny coleman
park hamilton
luke pitman
kun woo
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julian kingsley
cameron james
issy rosini 
miles carmichael
luna romano
alyssa amari
levi winslow
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kyle kingsley
damon napier
maria castillo 
otis kingston
winnie higgins (?)
jack coleman
athena carter
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oliver cole
eleanor desrosiers
vanessa castillo 
nate harwood 
parker coleman
ivy winters-brown
rosalie harrington
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leo carmichael 
felix kim
brielle quinn
darius richards
lucas romano
janey powell
natalie castillo 
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christelle mendoza
harrison bishop
elysia quinn 
ezra hughes
lorelai sloan
florence hamilton
wesley higgins
mattheo sinclair
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kobi hare
heidi napier
mina bryant
marcus carmichael
owen walker
lacey calloway
annabel powell
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stjudesfandom · 4 years
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it’s not really a criticism...i’m just curious. the one thing i’m not convinced on is how some of the on-screen chemistry is going to work with the prince and princess combos. like, we’ve seen ezra and kobi interact before and i think they’ll be able to work together for naveen and tiana but i wonder how danny and natasha will get along as philip and aurora, or heidi and leo as kristoff and anna...i guess we’ll see!
@turnyoutopoetrys @nyctophiiliiaa @starliightxo 
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turtscontesthole · 5 years
Ilych Slap Selection - Part 2
Now that our first round of voting is closed, it is now time to reveal which two songs from each semi have moved onto the final stage, and to open voting to determine our winner. 
Round 1 Results
In the first represented region of the country, Tescolya, the two songs that are moving on to the final are...
Human by dodie & Salted Caramel Ice Cream by Metronomy!
Sadly, we must now say goodbye to George Ezra and Alfie Templeman who were both very narrowly removed from the race. 
We now move on to Chaylitsi, and the two songs moving forward from their semifinal are...
9 Neshamot by Carakukly & Yalla Bye by Kobi Marimi!
Congratulations! Unfortunately that does mean we must say Yalla Bye to Static and Ben El and to our funky blue jeans robot friend.
And our final semifinal, which took place in our capital, Nova Varda, allowed for these two songs to qualify to the final...
Dzīvot Citādāk by Aminata and Tautumeitas & Ogles by Prāta Vētra!
Which indicates that our final non-qualifiers are KATŌ and Saldās sejas, which we do want to thank all six non-qualifiers for their participations!
Running order
Yalla Bye
Dzīvot Citādāk
Salted Caramel Ice Cream
9 Neshamot
Playlist || Voting form
Good luck to your favorites, and we will see you soon with the results!
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