#Kohl Tube
fairy-writes · 4 months
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing(s): Dazai Osamu x Reader
Word Count: 4k (PLS READ, I’M BEGGING YOU)
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Pretty Heavy AU (idk what to call it tho), Female!Reader, Time Traveler!Reader, Time Traveler!Dazai, Reader is shorter than Dazai
Taglist: @underthetree845 | @nezuko-kamado-cute-demon
Notes: I don’t know what I’m doing
I might write part two from the Reader’s POV (don’t get your hopes up tho, I’m notoriously bad with writing part two to things, but if I get requests I’m more likely to do it!)
I just now realized that the title is also a Taylor Swift song, but I don’t wanna change it
Also, I’m just saying this now, this is not every scene I had in mind. A lot of scenes got cut for my sanity. 
Osamu first discovered he could time jump when he was eleven. 
It had been an accident, really. Well, maybe not a complete accident. Osamu wanted to escape everything—his parents' arguing, their fights. But, of course, he had nowhere to go. As an eleven-year-old boy, there wasn’t anywhere that would hire him. He had no other family that wasn’t across the other side of the world. 
He was completely and utterly alone. 
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The shouting was reaching its peak. Osamu shoved his pillow further over his head as if trying to suffocate himself as his mother screamed something at his father. Something about his lies. 
Ha. If only she knew how much Osamu lied. 
Lied about his day at school. (Anything to get her off his back.)
Lied about having friends. (Anything to make them not suspicious.)
Lied about everything. 
The screaming grated on his ears through the pillow, and he ground his teeth until his mouth hurt. 
Couldn’t they just shut up? 
Couldn’t they just go away?
Suddenly, something was different. Osamu felt a tugging in his stomach. It was as if someone wrapped a string around his middle and yanked. Almost like he was being squeezed out of a tube of toothpaste.
And then he could hear… water? The sounds of a river that should not be audible even through the open window. Did they even live near a river?
Osamu peeked out from the pillow over his head and was blinded by sunlight. He sat up and realized his pajamas were covered in scalding hot sand. Golden sand stretched for miles and miles, a long twisting river just visible in the distance. On the horizon, he saw pyramids being erected high into the sky. 
What the hell?
And the rest was quite literally history.
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December 31st, 1925
New York City
The air was cold. Snow fell in flakes as Osamu watched the snow fall outside the bar, nursing a whiskey on the rocks as he paid no mind to anyone around him. He had aged since his first trip through time. Though he could never remember how old he was. He looked to be in his early twenties, but everyone looked so different in different time periods, so he could’ve been thirty, and that would’ve made sense. 
“Mind if I sit?” Comes a sweet voice. He looks to his left and sees you. 
You’re dressed to the nines in a silver slip flapper dress with black beads decorating the length of the gown. Your hair was cut in a neat bob, a feather headband decorating the up-do. The kohl around your eyes only accentuates the pretty color. 
Osamu plasters a grin across his features, and you shift. He gestures grandly to the stool beside him, 
“I could do with a gorgeous woman’s company.” He quips, and you laugh good-naturedly before sliding onto the stool beside him. He can feel your warmth through the woolen fabric of his suit coat, and he takes a sip of liquid courage, suddenly feeling somewhat hesitant to talk to you.
There was something about you. Like you knew all Osamu’s secrets already. 
You lean your cheek on the palm of your hand, smiling with ruby-red lips and brilliant teeth that were ahead of their time. 
That should’ve been his first clue. 
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Where are we at now?” You muse, and he frowns as he sips at his whiskey. This was one of the only bars that still sold alcohol through the prohibition. 
“Sorry, I’ve never seen you before in my life.” He says, and you cock your head, eyebrow raised, as you pick at the seams of your silken gloves. You abruptly stop picking and reach into your clutch purse that rested in your lap, pulling out a worn notebook he didn’t recognize. It was well-loved, with pictures stuffed in between the pages. 
“So we haven’t done France yet?”
“France?” You lean back giddily and hold your notebook to your chest.
“What a night that was! Dancing in front of the Eiffel Tower? That ring a bell?” Osamu shakes his head. 
He had yet to go to France. In all his time jumping, he hadn’t seen the point in going to France,  much less the City of Love. 
Now it was your turn to frown, flipping through your little notebook, and he spies neat handwriting in various languages. English. Japanese. German. Latin. And were those Egyptian hieroglyphs? All throughout the pages, he spies his picture scattered across the ink.
Just who were you?
And why do you have all those pictures and drawings of him?
“What about picnicking at Versailles?” 
Another shake. Another page turned.
“The Titanic? What a messy time that was!”
“What is that?” He eventually asks, and you quickly flip it shut before he can actually read anything. 
“Spoilers.” You say quickly, and when he arches an eyebrow, you sigh, call the bartender over, and order a glass of champagne. The two of you wait in silence until you get your drink. Eventually, you speak after you’ve downed half of your champagne flute. “It’s all of our adventures. Time travel gets complicated, doesn’t it?”
As soon as he connects the dots, Osamu is floored. 
Another time traveler? He thought he was the only one!
It’s clear you pick up on what he is thinking because your face falls. You look heartbroken. As if he just ripped your heart out of your chest and smashed it into a million pieces. As if you were a lonesome star falling from the sky and drowning in the sea.
“You truly don’t have any idea who I am, do you?” Osamu shrugs, 
“Who are you?”
Osamu didn’t know it was possible, but you looked even more upset. Tears welled up in your waterline and smudged your kohl as it dripped down your cheeks. You swallow thickly and sniffle, pulling a handkerchief from your clutch to dab at your watery eyes and ruined makeup.
For whatever reason, Osamu feels his heart ache. 
“I suppose this was bound to happen sometime.” You say eventually, and he looks over at you from where he had just downed the last of his whiskey. You’re leaning both of your arms on the counter, running a finger around the rim of your champagne glass.
“What do you mean?” He asks, and you huff, look at him out of the corner of your eye, and your finger stops
“We always meet out of order. Hence, the diary. But… I just never expected it to hurt this much.” You sniffle again, and Osamu realizes he wants to make it better. He realizes he doesn’t like to see you cry. 
But he doesn’t even know you!
Why should he care if you cried or not?
“If it’s any consolation… I’m sorry…” He says quietly, and you bark out a laugh,
“There’s nothing to be sorry for! I suppose this is just a chance for me to get to know the younger you.” You sniffle, but that bright smile that makes his heart race lights up your face once again. You seem to think something over before standing and offering Osamu a hand.
“Care to walk with me?” You tease him with a flirty wink, and he finds himself unable to say no. 
So, as the clock chimes closer and closer to midnight, the two of you leave the bar, with you each paying for your respective drinks. Osamu offered to buy yours as an added apology, but you just patted his shoulder with a knowing smile and said, “I know you’re awful with money.”
Which… You weren’t wrong. 
Just how much did you know about him?
How much had he told you in the future?
You walk next to him, bundled up in a trench coat not unlike his own and with your hands stuffed in your pockets. Osamu pulls his own (matching) trench coat over his suit coat and slacks and follows you out into the sprinkling snow. You both walk side by side in a surprisingly comfortable silence. At least until you hear people counting down in the streets.
You blink and turn to look at him.
“What day is it again?” You ask, and he looks up at the snow.
“December 31st, 1925.” He replies, and you gape in surprise.
“Y’know, I’ve never celebrated New Year's with time travel and all. Never even had a New Year's kiss.” You muse, watching couples get together on the streets.
“Would you like one?” Osamu blurts, and you nearly trip in surprise. Osamu almost follows suit when you stop abruptly to look at him with wide eyes.
“But you don’t even know me.” You say hesitantly, but you turn to face him nonetheless. He finds himself smiling, a soft, genuine sort of smile.
When was the last time he smiled like this?
“I’m giving my future self the benefit of the doubt and trusting his judgment.” He teases, and you relax, hanging your head with a soft giggle. But you don’t pull away when he slowly pulls you in close to him.
Your coat flaps open, and he sees his father’s initials stitched on the side and realizes you don’t just have matching coats—you have the exact same coat.
When did he give that to you? He swore he’d never give it up to remind himself to never return home!
Your soft arms around his neck catch his attention, and you’re suddenly much closer, standing on your tiptoes in your kitten heels.
His arms pull you close by your hips, and he leans down.
Your noses brush.
The kiss is like the fireworks going off above him. His eyes flutter close, and he pulls you impossibly closer. Your lips are soft with the lipstick, and he doesn’t care that it’s likely stained on his mouth.
The kiss deepens, and you soak up his affection greedily. Like you had been waiting for this forever. Your fingers tangle in his hair, holding him close oh so tenderly. 
Like a puzzle piece being fit into place, his heart sang like a choir in a church.
Were you what he was missing all this time?
Could he finally have this?
Could he—
You jolt and fall to the ground as a car screeches around a corner and out of sight.
What happened?
Osamu looks down and feels his heart stop.
You’re crumpled against the cement, blood seeping out of bullet holes in your abdomen. Your dress is ruined. But that doesn’t matter.
Osamu falls to his knees, not caring about the cold, wet concrete soaking his slacks. He pulls your upper half into his lap and applies pressure. You cry out and push his hands away.
“I need to put pressure on your injury. Hold still for me, love.” He whispers to you and turns to where people are still celebrating. “AMBULANCE! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!” He cries, but they’re so wrapped up in their excitement that they don’t hear him.
Your hand touches his face, and he looks down to see you giving him a bloody smile. Crimson leaks from your mouth, and he can tell that you don’t have long.
“Hold on—Hold on, I’ll get a doctor—I’ll—” He stammers in an attempt to calm you (himself) down, and you just spit up blood in a choked laugh.
“We both know I’m not going to survive this.” You wheeze, and he can see the color draining from your face as you lose blood and warmth.
“Then I’ll jump back in time! Time can be rewritten!” You cut him off abruptly with more strength than he thought you had.
“Not those times. Not one line. Don’t you dare.” You say, hand falling to grip his hand as tightly as you could muster.
“But you’re dying.” He says, unable to explain why his heart is breaking to pieces inside his chest. You cough once more and smile that brilliant smile that he finds that he loves so much.
“It’s not over for you. You’ll see me again. You’ve got all of that to come.” You slur your words at this point, and he grits his teeth. Your hand goes weak in his, and he holds it even tighter. 
“You and me. All those adventures all over time. You watch us run!” You whisper, and he leans down to press a kiss to your forehead just as you close your eyes.
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117 AD
Rome, Italy
The crowd roars louder than Osamu has ever heard it. Bored, he watches as gladiators fight in the ring. The arena is bathed in blood, but he can’t bring himself to care.
He hasn’t cared about much since you died. 
He wasn’t even sure why. He barely knew you. But he keeps thinking back to the kiss you shared on New Year’s. He thinks of your words. 
“You watch us run!”
“Is this seat taken?” A voice yells over the crowd, and his heart stutters to a halt. He turns, eyes wide to see you. 
Oh, how cruel this life was.
You’re dressed in a fashionable, long tunic that goes down to your ankles with a shawl of sorts around your shoulders. Your hair is longer than Osamu remembered. It is no longer a bob but instead curled at the front and with a braided crown in the back. You hold that journal under your arm and smile brightly before scurrying over and sitting beside him. 
“Where are we at now?” You ask excitedly, pleased to see him. 
But all he can see is your dead body in his arms. 
Was there some god up above watching this cruel exchange with glee?
What had he done to deserve this? 
“‘samu? Is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” 
The last person to call him that was his mother. Before she and his father began to fight. Back before he could time jump.
Back when things were simple. 
Your hand on his arm has Osamu flinching away, causing you to cringe back as well. You look worried, panicked even, and all for him. 
So you didn’t know yet. You didn’t know you were going to die. 
So, he doesn’t tell you. 
“Sorry, my love, I thought you were a monster here to gobble me up!” He chirps, and your panic melts away quickly. You lean back into his side, and he takes the chance to wrap a bandaged arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. You giggle and open your book. 
“Where are we now?” You repeat, and he shrugs, 
“You tell me.” He says, keeping his eyes off your book out of respect and on the gladiator games below. 
“Not yet.”
“The Wild West? That was fun, wasn’t it?”
You two go back and forth for a moment before you ultimately sigh and clap your book shut. 
“It’s very early for you, isn’t it?” You say, mildly exasperated. Osamu nods silently, heart twisting when you set your book down and lean heavily into his side. He trickles his fingers along your neck, feeling goosebumps rise along the skin, and you shiver. 
The games end, and you shuffle out of the Colosseum and through the streets of Rome. You boldly take ahold of Osamu’s hand as if this was regular for you. He can’t bring himself to let go, so he instead makes you laugh by swinging your arms between you, occasionally twirling you in a circle. His chilton feels suffocating despite it being made of linen. 
But he can’t bring himself to time jump away. To leave you alone to spare his own feelings. 
Perhaps it’s the overwhelming guilt he feels?
Perhaps it’s because he finds himself enjoying your company. 
Either way, he allows you to pull him around the ancient cobblestone streets of Rome. Enjoying the markets and public museums that were beginning to pop up all over the city. 
The entire time, he doesn’t let go of your hand. 
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August 8th, 1912
The Wild West
It’s hot. 
Almost overwhelmingly so. 
Osamu peels off one of his gloves and fans his face with it as he climbs the steps to the little cabin he had been staying at. His bandages itch with the heat, and he has a sneaking suspicion that they’re slowly soaking with sweat underneath his borrowed button-down, vest, trousers, and chaps. 
Though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, he liked this place sans the heat. The people in this little settled town were kind, barely batting an eye when he suddenly appeared in their home. The people he was currently staying with, an older couple named Buck and Bonnie, welcomed him with open arms. They claimed it was because he reminded them of their son, who was out settling the rest of the West. 
“Osamu? Are you done already?” Bonnie asks where she’s putting a pie on the windowsill to cool. Apple, by the smell of it, and utterly delicious. 
“Just taking a break, Bonnie. Buck works me to the bone!” He says and collapses on the couch, his spurs jingling as he kicks his feet up over the edge of the sofa and leans his head back, tipping his hat down over his face. He hears Bonnie say something, but he’s already halfway to dreamland. 
Despite only intending to sleep for a few minutes, Osamu naps for the better part of an hour. He only wakes up when he hears the whinny of an unfamiliar horse and quick steps up to the cabin door. Then, an excited set of knocks. 
“Can you get that, Osamu? I’m busy with supper!” Bonnie calls from the kitchen, and he calls back, saying that he would. 
Only to come face to face with you. 
It had been ages since he saw you. He had yet to see you at any significant historical events that he time jumped to. The Titanic, the moon landing. Hell, he hadn’t even seen you during World War Two when he was accidentally drafted!
“You!” He jabs a finger, and you grin adoringly, stepping under his arm and skipping to the kitchen. 
“It’s me, Granny!” You chirp, and he hears a delighted squeal. 
“Dearest! It’s been ages!” 
So you’ve been here before. 
Several times by how familiar Bonnie seemed with you. 
Osamu meanders his way into the kitchen, where Bonnie is wiping her hands on her apron. She grins at the sight of him,
“This is Osamu! He’s been helping Buck around the farm for the last few weeks!” She says, and Osamu tips his hat with a wink. 
“We’ve met before.” He says, and you jump up from where you had been sitting at the dining table and throw your arms around his neck in a tight hug.
“‘samu!” You cheer, and he returns any affection greedily, pressing a kiss to your cheek. He’s still unable to get the sight of your corpse out of his mind. But he vowed that if he ever saw you again, he’d accept any love you’d give him. 
You’re dressed the part of a cowgirl. A long calico skirt and long-sleeved button-down. Your hair is longer than he remembered, tied back in a braid, and a bandana around your neck to protect you from the harsh sun above. Your hat sits on the table, and so do your gloves. 
Your skin is just as soft as he remembers. 
It isn’t long before Buck is called in for dinner, and the four of you eat together. You sit to Osamu’s right, with Bonnie to his left and Buck across from him. You chat happily with the couple, and Osamu is content with just sitting and watching. You tell an obviously edited version of your adventures, with grand sweeping gestures and voices to accompany your tales.
Long after Bonnie and Buck go to bed, Osamu finds you on the swinging bench on the front porch. You’re writing in your journal, about halfway full, and sketching a picture of him.
It’s an incredible likeness to his face and rather impressive to look at. You even got his cowboy hat right.
“Mind if I sit?” He asks, and you jump, slamming your journal shut and looking up with wide eyes. But you realize it’s him, relax, your shoulders sagging, and nod with a smile. The wood creaks as he sits at your side. His arm stretches along the back like it belongs there, and you lean into his side. He relished in your warmth.
“Have we done Rome yet?” He asks, and you shake your head.
“I was thinking of going there next, though!” You say, and he nods, leaning his head against yours.
“How come you never go to big events?” He asks next, and you hum with a shrug,
“I like the little days. I like seeing how people live their day-to-day lives.” You say, and he can’t help but laugh. 
You were truly the exact opposite of him. 
You swat his chest, 
“Don’t laugh at me!” You cry with mock anger, but a smile curls the corners of your mouth. Like you liked hearing him laugh. You give him pause when you lean up and press a kiss to his nose. He freezes, blinks several times, and stares down at you. 
“I love your laugh.” You say, and his smile falters just the slightest bit.
No one liked hearing him laugh.
Not since he left home, at least.
But you were his home now. 
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October 31st, 2012
Yokohama, Japan
Fog rolls through the streets of Yokohama. Osamu strolls the streets, hands in his pockets. He was alone. At least for the time being. At least until you showed up again. 
If you showed up again. 
No… You would… Osamu had faith. You usually did on the small days. 
Whenever his nightmares got particularly bad, he’d time jump to a place he thought you’d like. This time, it was Yokohama, Japan. Notably, it was Halloween. Nothing ever happened on Halloween. Well… except for that one time… 
Oh, whatever. 
He had been here for a few months, finding himself at peace in modern-day Japan. He discovered his parent’s graves and realized he was home. 
At least… when he wasn’t with you.
Until he saw you crossing the street. 
You looked younger than he had ever seen you before. Another young girl walked beside you, both of you dressed in Halloween costumes and laughing amongst yourselves. 
But the longer he watched you, the longer he realized something. 
You wouldn’t know who he was. No, no, no, it was much too early for that. He had never seen you so young before. Not even in pictures when you had shown him at Versailles. 
Was this before you began to time jump? 
Suddenly, a hand smacked the back of his head, and he flinched, turning to see his newest acquaintance, Kunikida Doppo. He was shouting something. Something about being a bandage-wasting machine. Something about being a lowlife. He didn’t bother listening. 
Instead, he looked back to see you looking at him. There isn’t the faintest glimpse of recognition in your eyes. Nary a clue of who he is. 
You genuinely don’t know who he is at this point in time. 
You lift a hand and wave with a friendly smile, unknowingly making his heart crack in two. 
So, he turns, walks past Kunikida without a word, and heads back the way he came. 
“Dazai!” Kunikida’s voice, and he hears his acquaintance (He doesn’t have friends. He’s utterly alone in this world.) running up behind him. 
“What is it, Kunikida.” His voice sounds oddly monotone, and he knows he has to get you out of his head before he breaks down. He can’t ever come back here, not without causing a paradox and ripping Yokohama apart. 
And that would mean he would never see you, ever. 
“Are you okay?” Kunikida’s voice makes him stop. He spins with a plastic smile on his face and his heart threading to pieces. 
“Of course I’m okay! What makes you think otherwise?” He titters with an all too fake-sounding laugh. Kunikida looks uncharacteristically solemn. 
“Well… For instance, you’re crying.” He says, concern seeping into his tone. 
Osamu reaches up and touches his cheek, finding that it is indeed wet and glistening with tears. 
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metmuseum · 2 months
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Glass double cosmetic flask (kohl tube). 4th–5th century CE or later. Credit line: Museum Accession https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/256720
42 notes · View notes
shewhoworshipscarlin · 4 months
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Kohl tube, 1295BC-1070BC, Egypt.
40 notes · View notes
skz prompt game!! i’ve got a request ;) image 4 prompts 32,33,38 and image 2 prompt 4! i’m thinking a seungmin/jeongin/fem!reader style thing! i love to see some maknae line representation 😏 especially in ur writing style! love u and ur work, jess! <3 - 🦊
SKZ Prompt Game
Prompts: "If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god."
"I'm going to put on some clothes before you say anything else."
"Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?"
"Excuse me, I have to go make a scene."
Members: Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin
Relationship: Burlesque Performers!FemReader x JeongMin
Genre: Fluff
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"Guess what?" You flounce into the dressing room with a triumphant look on your face and a Cosmo in your hand.
"No." Seungmin replies back instantly, voice flat, face uninterested, as he leans forward to finish applying his makeup in the mirror.
You ignore his sour attitude, smirking slightly, as you lean your hip up against his vanity and watch him perfect his winged liner.
"It's a full house out there. Packed."
Jeongin appears at your side, stealing your drink from your fingers, ignoring your glare, as he takes a delicate sip and grins widely, arching a brow.
"Of course it's a fucking full house. All the best are here tonight."
You lean over Seungmin to grab a tube of lipstick out of his carefully organized makeup case, jabbing him with your elbow on purpose as you do so.
He flicks his dark eyes to yours in the mirror and stares you down, still crowded into his space.
"If you don't get your tits out of my face right now-"
You grin down at him and shake said tasseled tits in his face. "Oh, you mean these?"
He sighs as you finally straighten up and move to your own vanity, carefully applying the red stolen lipstick.
Jeongin finishes off your drink and sets down the empty glass, moving around you to sit down on the small couch to tug on his black heels.
You glance over at him as you finish your lips, a pout on your face.
"How is it fair that your ass looks that great in those pants?"
Jeongin grins, wiggling his brows at you, the dark kohl around his eyes darkening his pupils.
"I know right? I'm going to get so many fucking tips tonight."
Seungmin shoves back from his vanity, standing, as he tugs at the ropes of pearls draped around his long neck, adjusting the hem of his open vest as he glances between the two of you with something akin to irritation on his pretty features.
"Are you two going to banter like this all night?"
You give him a sly smile, moving to throw your arm around his shoulders as you nuzzle your nose into his neck, ignoring his attempts to push you away.
"You know it, babe."
You kiss his throat, leaving a red lipstick stain there, and he rolls his eyes.
Music and announcements echo down the hall from the main stage, and Jeongin stands, straightening his black leather pants so they hug his ass perfectly, adjusting the gold chain around his throat in front of the mirror.
He turns to the two of you, grinning, and motions with his head down toward the stage and the starting show.
"Excuse me, ladies, but I have to go make a scene."
Seungmin rolls his eyes as Jeongin disappears from view.
"Fuck. That means we have to control said scene, huh."
It's not a question.
You smirk at him and give him another quick kiss, pulling him along with you down the hall by the straps of his suspenders.
"On the contrary, baby boy. If we don't control the scene-or Jeongin-they're bound to make us a hell of a lot of money tonight."
"Introducing, the Songbird of Seoul himself-here to serenade us with his unmatched rendition of Love Poem-his unmatched vocals, raw talent, and stunning looks are sure to be a firecracker way to start off our show here tonight, ladies and gentlemen."
"And of course, not to be forgotten, our own lovely lady of the night, Mistress 9. Direct your eyes heavenward, beautiful audience, because she's about to descend like a dark angel from above and show you what those long legs and tiny waist can do for you-aerial style."
"Last, but certainly not least, we direct your eyes to the center of the stage, where the jewel of Seoul's performing scene stands ready to dazzle you with a routine he choreographed himself, the grand finale, give it up for the Maknae on Top!"
The show goes off without a hitch.
As it always does.
You are the best of the best after all.
After the rowdy audience has finally vacated, and no one is left but the small amount of staff, you let your facade drop, heaving out a long breath as you instantly lean over to unbind your ankles from the heavy, velvet manacles tightened around them.
You move to your wrists next, carefully placing the velvet ties, lined with lace, into the waiting box someone had brought out for you beside the stage.
You rub at the slightly reddened skin, stretching slightly, leaning over to once more take off your stilettos, and feel eyes on you.
Glancing up, you catch the eye of a guy you've never seen before-clearly a bouncer-frozen beside the stage, his shocked gaze clearly locked on your exposed breasts.
Bent over like this, you're sure it's quite the view.
His eyes finally drift to your face, and you smirk, raising a brow at him as you ask in a teasing purr, "Like what you see?"
The guy instantly goes ruddy, blushing heatedly, and looks away, clearing his throat in embarrassment, moving back to his job of stacking chairs.
You note appreciatively the way his arms flex every time he lifts another onto the pile.
"For the love of God, (Y/N), please don't embarrass another one of my bouncers into quitting." Chan, the owner and announcer, bemoans, appearing at your side, giving you a stern look as he lowers himself to hop down off the raised stage.
You laugh, straightening back up, the tassels that barely cover your nipples tinkling with the motion, and grin at Chan, giving him an innocent, wide eyed look in response as he begins to gather up the other props strewn around the club.
"He's cute, Channie. Where'd you find him?" You ask conversationally, kicking your heels to the side and breathing out a sigh of relief as your sore feet finally get to breathe.
"None of your business." Chan replies back grumpily, and you bite back another smile, because you've known him long enough to know he's all bark and no bite.
The bouncer gives you a sidelong glance again, and you move to the edge of the stage, sitting down, cocking your head as you study him.
He's definitely hot.
Large and muscular, dark hair sweeping into his eyes, a strong jaw.
"Am I allowed to at least talk to the new bouncer?" You ask Chan without really looking at him, catching the way the big guy blushes once more under your obvious stare.
Chan sighs, and you take that as the go ahead.
You swing your legs against the edge of the stage, playing with the ripped fish net tights that stretch across your thighs, and when he moves to stack another chair onto the growing pile, you ask curiously, "You got a name, new bouncer? Or are we all just referring to you as bouncer from now on?"
He glances up at you, meeting your eyes quickly before looking away with a harsh clear of his throat and a tug at his black turtleneck.
"Changbin." You try it out on your tongue, and like the way it tastes. You glance over to Seungmin, who is currently busy straightening crumpled dollar bills and ask without preamble. "Seungie, are we looking for a fourth?"
You hear Changbin choke on his spit.
Chan's exasperation is practically palpable.
"Not actively." Seungmin remarks dryly without looking up from his task. He slides a glance over to Changbin and you see his brow tick slightly in interest. "But minds can change."
Jeongin appears then over Seungmin's shoulder, pulling wads of tips out of the tip hat sent around to each table.
He gives Changbin a sharp toothed grin, eyes alight, and you're sure he's taking stock of the way his muscles flex with his movements, just like you had moments ago.
He watches Changbin heave the stack of chairs easily against the wall, and heated interest suddenly sparks in his gaze, his grin growing predatory.
He's watching the new bouncer like he's his next meal, and you can't say you blame him.
"Are you trying to turn me on, new guy, or are you really just that oblivious?"
Changbin chokes again, going beet red, stuttering out something unintelligible, and Chan shuts one of the lids of the prop trunks a little too hard to be accidental.
"Okay, seriously?" He groans, glaring between the three of you. "Can't you all just behave for one night?"
"Of course they can't." Minho scoffs, polishing glasses behind the bar, not even looking up from his task as he addresses Chan. "Everyone who works here is a heathen."
"You work here, hyung." Jeongin points out cheekily, sliding down to sit beside you on the stage with a large grin in the bartender's direction.
"I know. And I'm no better than the rest of you." Minho remarks, and as if to prove his point, slaps one of the waiter's asses on his way by the counter, carrying a full tray of glasses.
Jisung yelps and glares at Minho, the tray rattling in his hands. "Hyung." He whines. "I could've dropped these!"
"And you'd clean them up too." Chan begrudges, dragging a full prop trunk past the disgruntled waiter and the smirking bartender.
"God, you guys are disgusting." Hyunjin remarks, making a face at Minho and Jisung, as he pushes past with his own tray of used glassware. "I hate it here."
"He doesn't mean that." Felix adds quickly, as Hyunjin disappears into the swinging doors that lead to the small kitchen.
"Yes, I do!" Hyunjin's voice drifts back out and Felix sighs, rolling his eyes and following the other waiter into the back with the rest of the dirty dishes.
"Regardless-" Chan says, reappearing from the storage area, a serious, business like look on his features that you all recognize. "-We need to talk about a few new acts for the show. We need to keep our stuff fresh to attract more customers-"
Everyone in collective hearing range groans.
"God, hyung, you're literally no fun." Jisung complains, before he escapes to the back to help wash dishes with Hyunjin and Felix.
You don't blame him.
Everyone knows anything is better than listening to Chan give one of his 'dad' talks.
"No, but seriously-" Chan protests, as people resume what they were doing, Minho moving further away to wash down alcohol bottles, Seungmin pulling his mic to the side to begin to clean it.
"Oh my god." Jeongin groans, looking heavenward as if any god within hearing range will spare him from Chan's onslaught. "I'm going to die."
"Jeongin, you specifically-" Chan turns on the youngest member of your troupe, and you take the opportunity to quietly slip off the stage and tiptoe back toward the dressing rooms.
"Please, hyung, just kill me. It would hurt less and be way less boring."
"If you interrupt me one more time, so help me god-"
Your foot hits a creak on the floor, and you instantly freeze, grimacing.
"(Y/N)." Chan's voice echoes out behind you, and you wince, turning to him with an innocent look and a sugar sweet smile. "We need to talk about a new aerial routine-"
You hold up a hand. "I'm going to put on some clothes before you say anything else."
Behind the bar, Minho snorts.
You can feel Changbin watching you as you walk away.
Changbin catches up to the three of you as you leave through the back door into the dark alleyway behind the club, your breath frosting in the early winter air.
"Hey, wait-"
"Fuck!" Jeongin jumps and swears, whirling around as you all turn to see the thick bouncer behind you. "Scared the shit out of me, man!"
Changbin's face grows apologetic. "Sorry, but I just-"
Seungmin tugs his coat up further around his throat and shifts awkwardly from foot to foot, and when he speaks, his voice comes out as a sort of high, nervous squeak, "We were just joking about the fourth thing."
You smirk at the bouncer over his shoulder. "I wasn't."
"What? No-" Changbin's face grows red, and then he shakes his head quickly, stepping forward and holding out his hand without really looking at any of you. "Chan just sent me after you to return this, said one of you left it behind."
There's a phone held in his large palm, and instantly, you feel Seungmin breathe a sigh of relief as he sags against you.
Jeongin pushes past the two of you, taking the phone from the bouncer's hand with a slight smirk as their fingers brush purposefully.
"Thanks, big boy. I would forget my head if it weren't attached to me."
Changbin's blush grows even deeper at Jeongin's casual use of the nickname.
You grin and tilt your head, studying him. "Wanna get drinks with us?"
Changbin's head jerks up, and his eyes grow slightly wide, before he's hurriedly shaking his head.
"I shouldn't, I should probably stay and fill out paperwork-"
He glances back toward the door that leads to the club, but his body language tells you he wants nothing more than to accept your invitation.
"God, you're already beginning to sound like Chan-hyung." Jeongin gripes, stepping around you to take hold of the bouncer's burly upper arm, and you don't miss the way he gets in a few appreciative squeezes as he pulls the man back toward you. "C'mon, big boy, live a little. He won't kill you if you do your paperwork tomorrow."
"He might." Seungmin deadpans, but there's a hint of a smile on his lips as he watches the unsure bouncer held in Jeongin's grip.
"We wouldn't let him." You assure with a slight smile and an arch of your brow, and Changbin's chest rises and falls with a sigh.
"Okay, if you're sure-"
Jeongin's face lights up with a grin, and he pulls Changbin with you down the alley.
"Of course we're sure!"
"He's definitely going to kill us for this, you know." Seungmin says under his breath, as the two of you trail behind the chattering Jeongin and the long suffering Changbin.
You shrug and give him a sidelong smirk, looping your arm with his as you walk.
"He can't. Not if he really cares about the club and making money. We're his best after all."
Seungmin hums in some sort of affirmation beneath his breath. "Yeah, I guess."
You tug him closer to you and snuggle against his side, the soft fur of his long coat brushing your cheek.
Your gaze drifts to the large bouncer walking in front of you, and your lips curve up into a smirk.
"From what I gathered, the new guy really likes tassels."
Seungmin huffs a little chuckle out his nose. "Yeah?"
You grin and look up at him. "Yeah. Can't wait to show him our impressive collection."
Seungmin's lips quirk into the hint of a dry smile and he rolls his eyes as you laugh and rib his side.
"Luckily for him, he's chosen the right profession then, hasn't he?
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artifacts-archive · 7 months
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Kohl Container
Byzantine, 5th-6th century
Multicompartment kohl containers were formed when a hollow tube of glass was folded in half, thereby creating two tubular containers from one. Over time, the appearance of these vessels became more elaborate and whimsical.
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lpsotd · 2 years
Hello I am in a horse fixation are there any unicorns? And can you show like maybe all the horses there are?? Idk why im asking when I can look this up on my own but, idk I find it fun to ask you hehe :)
i answered a similar ask here !! however there are A Lot more horses than the ones i shared in that post. so i'd be glad to share some with you !!
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#1081 - #1331 - #1605 #1616 - #770 - #1717 #1777 - #1820 - #2247 ------------------------- #1879 - #1881 - #1880 #1964 - #2431 - #2087 #2302 - #2666 - #2417 vv info about each pet below vv
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#1081 is one of the generation 3 'tubes' pets, coming in a halloween themed tube alongside monkey #1080 :o)
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#1331 is apart of the generation 3 'barnyard' pets 3-pack - alongside them are chick #1329 and collie #1330 :o)
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#1605 is a generation 3 'pet pairs' pet - they are buddied up with rabbit #1606 :o)
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#1616 is a generation 3 pet and one of the 'blythe loves littlest pet shop' pets - their playset is called 'playfully plaid' and they are paired with blythe #B4
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#770 is a generation 3 'portable pet' and they are one of the fanciest pet types - this series of portables in particular is titled 'gift set'. alongside this horsie is their friend parakeet #771, wearing their fancy shades
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#1717 is a generation 3 pet, they come in a carry case that was exclusively sold in kohl's stores - their buddies are rabbit #1714, butterfly #1715, cockerspaniel #1716, cat #1718, peacock #1719, and squirrel #1720 :o)
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#1777 is a generation 3 pet that comes in this multi-pack of 20 pets - including shorthair cat #1764, bulldog #1765, rabbit #1766, corgi #1767, dragonfly #1768, duck #1769, rabbit #1770, persian #1771, fish #1772, guinea pig #1773, hamster #1774, hermit crab #1775, horse #1776, iguana #1778, kitten #1779, mouse #1780, pig #1781, scottie #1782, and toucan #1783
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#1820 is a generation 3 pet included in the 'prized pets' line up of paired pets - alongside them is deer #1819. not technically a unicorn but they are wearing a unicorn horn headpiece .. so i guess that counts ?? sadly to my knowledge there are no unicorn lps (there really should be though,) so this is as close as we're gonna get
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#2247 is a generation 3 'blythe loves littlest pet shop' pet featured in the 'fashion shoot' playset that was sold exclusively in target stores. alongside them is penguin #2244, corgi #2245, husky #2246, ladybug #2248, shorthair cat #2249, and blythe #B31
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#1879, #1880, and #1881 are the generation 3 'petriplets' set of horsies. siblings, do not separate !
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#1964 is one of the two special generation 3 pets that came with a copy of the 'biggest stars' nintendo ds game that was sold at toys r us. they are paired with poodle #1965
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#2431 is one of the generation 3 fifth wave of blind bag pets. and is also one of the pets that has real hair :o)
tumblr will only let me post 30 images per post, so sadly i cannot show the pictures for the last 4 horsies. i hope this post was worth reading - sorry i didn't really go in depth about each pet (words are hard for some reason and i couldn't find a lot to say). there are more horses, so if you want to shoot another ask about them i'd be glad to share them all with you :o)
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Dusted Mid-Year 2023, Part Three (The Lists)
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Natural Information Society
Swapping records is fun, but when it comes down to it, we like what we like.  What’s that?  Glad you asked.  Read on for our writers’ mid-year favorites.    
Jennifer Kelly
Meg Baird — Furling (Drag City)
Robert Forster — The Candle and the Flame (Tapete) 
The Drin — Today My Friend You Drunk the Venom (Feel It)
En Attendant Ana — Principia (Trouble in Mind)
Stella Kola—S-T (Self-Release)
Mudhoney — Plastic Eternity (Sub Pop)
Sleaford Mods — UK Grim (Domino)
The Tubs — Dead Meat (Trouble in Mind)
Nighttime — Keeper Is the Heart (BaDaBing)
Purling Hiss — Drag on Girard (Drag City)
Lonnie Holley — Oh Me Oh My (Jagjaguwar)
The Toads—In the Wilderness (Upset the Rhythm)
Dan Melchior—Welcome to Redacted City (Midnight Cruiser)
James and the Giants—S-T (Kill Rock Stars)
Ben Chasny and Rick Tomlinson—Waves (VOIX)
Bill Meyer
Natural Information Society — Since Time Is Gravity (Eremite)
Elkhorn — On the Whole Universe in All Directions (Centripetal Force)
Meg Baird — Furling (Drag City)
Robert Forster — The Candle and the Flame (Tapete) 
The Necks — Travel (Northern Spy)
Milford Graves — Children of the Forest (Black Editions)
Peter Brötzman  Heather Leigh — Naked Nudes (Trost)
Yo La Tengo — This Stupid World (Matador)
Magic Tuber Band — Tarantism (Feeding Tube)
Drew Gardner — Flowers in Space (Feeding Tube)
Jozef Van Wissem and Jim Jarmusch — American Landscapes (Incunambulum)
Dave Rempis/Elisabeth Harnik/Tim Daisy — Earscratcher (Aerophonic)
Alasdair Roberts — Grief in the Kitchen and Mirth in the Hall (Drag City)
Jonathan Shaw
BIG BRAVE — nature morte (Thrill Jockey)
Wound Man — Human Outline (Iron Lung) 
Gel — Only Constant (Convulse)
Home Front — Games of Power (La Vida Es Un Mus)
Sleaford Mods — UK Grim (Domino)
Spirit Possession — Of the Sign… (Profound Lore)
Bryon Hayes
Yo La Tengo — This Stupid World (Matador)
Big Blood — First Aid Kit (Feeding Tube / BaDaBing)
Meg Baird — Furling (Drag City)
Califone — Villagers (Jealous Butcher)
M. Sage — Paradise Crick (RVNG Intl.)
The Reds, Pinks & Purples — The Town That Cursed Your Name (Slumberland)
John Atkinson — Energy Fields (AKP Recordings)
Joseph Allred — What Strange Flowers Grow in the Shade (Feeding Tube)
The Far Sound — The Far Sound (Centripetal Force)
Ulaan Khol — Milk Thistle (Desastre)
Powers / Pulice / Rolin — Prism (Cached Media)
Lia Kohl — The Ceiling Reposes (American Dreams)
Tim Clarke
Jana Horn — The Window Is The Dream (No Quarter)
Arrowounds — In The Octopus Pond (Lost Tribe Sound)
Meg Baird — Furling (Drag City)
Pile — All Fiction (Exploding In Sound)
Tim Hecker — No Highs (Kranky)
Califone — Villagers (Jealous Butcher)
King Krule — Space Heavy (XL/Matador)
This Is The Kit — Careful Of Your Keepers (Rough Trade)
Cory Hanson — Western Cum (Drag City)
Andy Shauf — Norm (Anti-)
Patrick Masterson
Pile —  All Fiction (Exploding in Sound)
Yves Tumor — Praise a Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) (Warp)
Wednesday — Rat Saw God (Dead Oceans)
Jayda G — Guy (Ninja Tune)
Ryuichi Sakamoto — 12 (Milan)
Malla — Fresko (Solina)
Skech185 — He Left Nothing for the Swim Back (Backwoodz Studioz)
Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru — Jerusalem (Mississippi)
Meg Baird — Furling (Drag City)
Andrea — Due in Color (Ilian Tape)
Memphis LK — Too Much Fun EP (Remote Control)
BigXthaPlug — Amar (United Masters)
Andrew Forell
Algiers — Shook (Matador)
King Vision Ultra — Shook World (Hosted by Algiers)
Asher Gamedze — Turbulence & Pulse (International Anthem)
99LETTERS — Makafushigi (Disciples)
The Drin— Today My Friend You Drunk the Venom (Drunken Sailor)
Comet Gain — The Misfit Jukebox (Tapete)
billy woods & Kenny Segal — Maps (Backwoodz Studioz)
Kevin Richard Martin — Above the Clouds (self-released)
SQÜRL — Silver Haze (Sacred Bones)
The Murder Capital — Gigi’s Recovery (Human Season)
Parasite Jazz — Paradise Jazz (Disques de la Spirale)
Christian Carey
The Reds, Pinks, and Purples — The Town that Cursed Your Name (Slumberland)
Aaron Cassidy —  A Way of Making Ghosts (Kairos)
Arrowounds —  In the Octopus Pond (Settled Scores)
V/A – Red Hot and Ra: Nuclear War LP (Red Hot)
Oval —  Romantiq (Thrill Jockey)
Meg Baird —  Furling (Drag City)
Black Duck —  S/T (Thrill Jockey)
Mother, Sister, Daughter —  Musica Secreta (Lucky Music)
Natural Information Society – Since Time is Gravity (Eremite)
Alasdair Roberts —  Grief in the Kitchen and Mirth in the Hall (Drag City)
Fever Ray —  Radical Romantics (Mute)
James Romig —  Spaces (Sawyer Editions)
Brad Mehldau —  Your Mother Should Know (Nonesuch)
Nina Berman and Steve Beck —  Milton Babbitt: Works for Treble Voice and Piano (New Focus)
Marc Ducret —  Palm Sweat (Out of Your Head)
Jennifer Grim —  Through Broken Time (New Focus)
Erkki — Sven Tüür: Canticum Canticorum Caritatis (Alpha Classics)
James Ilgenfritz —  #entrainments (Frequent Seams)
Brandon Lopez —  vilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevilevile (TAO Forms)
Lonnie Holley —  Oh Me Oh My (Jagjaguwar)
John Liberatore —  Catch Somewhere (New Focus Recordings)
Sebastian Rochford, Kit Downes —  A Short Diary (ECM Records)
Frederic Rzewski —  Late Piano Works (Naxos)
Rebecca Saunders —  Skin (NMC)
Guided by Voices —  La La Land (self— released)
Susan Narucki and Donald Berman —  This Island (Avie)
Chamber Music From Hell —  Chris Opperman (Purple Cow)
Elkhorn —  On the Whole Universe in All Directions (Centripetal Force)
Purling Hiss —  Drag on Girard (Drag City)
Caterina Barbieri —  Myuthafoo (light-years)
Yo La Tengo — This Stupid World (Matador)
Ian Mathers
Fifteen, in alphabetical order:
Aarktica — Paeans (Projekt)
Acid King — Beyond Vision (Blues Funeral)
ALL HANDS_MAKE LIGHT — “Darling the Dawn” (Constellation)
Avalon Emerson — & the Charm (Another Dove)
Brìghde Chaimbeul — Carry Them With Us (Tak:til)
The Drin — Today My Friend You Drunk the Venom (Feel It)
Ladytron — Time’s Arrow (Cooking Vinyl)
loscil // Lawrence English — Colours of Air (Kranky)
Meg Baird — Furling (Drag City)
Mute Duo — Migrant Flocks (American Dreams)
The National — First Two Pages of Frankenstein (4AD)
Tacoma Park — Tacoma Park (Self Released)
Tørrfall — Tørrfall (De Pene Inngang)
Yo La Tengo — This Stupid World (Matador)
Yves Tumor — Praise a Lord Who Chews but Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) (Warp)
Derek Taylor
New releases
Kirk Knuffke & Joe McPhee Quartet + 1 — Keep the Dream Up (Fundacja Sluchaj)
Natural Information Society — Time is Gravity (Eremite/Aguirre)
Aruán Ortiz — Serranias — Sketchbook for Piano Trio (Intakt)
Mark Dresser — Tines of Change (Pyroclastic)
Andrew Cyrille — Music Delivery/Percussion (Intakt)
Steve Millhouse — The Undwinding (Steeplechase) 
Archival Releases
The Jazz Doctors — Intensive Care/Prescriptions Filled: The Billy Bang Quartet Sessions 1983/1984 (Cadillac)
Milford Graves w/ Arthur Doyle & Hugh Glover — Children of the Forest (Black Editions)
Abdul Wadud — By Myself (Bisharra/Gotta Groove)
Sirone — Artistry (Of the Cosmos/Moved By Sound)
Marion Brown — Mary Ann: Live in Bremen 1969 (Moosicus)
Steve Swell’s Fire Into Music — For Jemeel: Fire From the Road (2005-2006) (RogueArt)
Margaret Welsh
Wheatie Mattiasich — Old Glow (Open Mouth)
Rozi Plain — Prize (Memphis Industries)
Glass Triangle — Blue and Sun-lights  (Relative Pitch)
Andy Shauf — Norm (Anti)
Yo La Tengo — This Stupid World (Matador)
Horse Jumper of Love —Heartbreak Rules (Run for Cover)
Bill Orcutt  — Jump On It (Palilalia)
Lana Del Rey — Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd (Interscope)
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lovemesomesurveys · 10 months
Where did the majority of your clothes come from? Boxlunch, Hot Topic, Kohl's.
Have you ever attempted to sculpt something from ice? Pfft, no.
What's so amazing about Shark Week? Nothing to me, it's not my thing.
Do you wear sunglasses in the winter? You should. I don't wear sunglasses-ever.
Have you ever had to wear an oxygen mask? Yeah, during my hospital stays. I had to wear one during my recent stay.
Do you have a dreamcatcher? No.
Is there someone you ALWAYS bump heads with? Yes.
What's your favorite thing you own that YOU made? I had some fun with painting on canvas a few months ago and I actually think it came out cute.
Have you ever starved yourself? Yes.
What do you spend all of your money on? Damn Temu takes all my money.
Do you like Robot Chicken? I didn't watch it regularly or really watch it at all, I just would catch parts of it here and there sometimes. Admittedly, some of what I saw was kinda funny.
What movie character would you like to be a part of your family? Uhhh.
What's the last thing you were an audience of? I think it was when I saw The Phantom of the Opera back in 2019.
Has anyone ever had to physically restrain you from doing something? Only when I was in the hospital and I tried grabbing at my breathing tube.
Do you raise your voice when you get angry? Somewhat. I'm not a loud person so even raising my voice still isn't that loud.
Do you like the pretzel M&Ms? Bleh, no.
Have you ever been accused of thinking you're too good for something? I don't think I'm too good for anything.
Do your scars tell sad or happy stories? I don't have any scar that I consider "good" or remind me of something happy.
Have you ever walked straight into a wall/door? Yeah, I'm an idiot.
Have you ever been embarrassed to have a crush on someone? No.
Is there anything you're trying to move on from? I live in the past and have a hard time of letting go of things.
Have you ever stolen someone's boyfriend? No.
Are you careful with your words? Yes.
Do you have a locket? What's the picture inside of it? I don't, but that's cute I want one now.
Describe the most interesting vehicle you've ever seen. *shrug*
Would you be afraid to take a public bus anywhere? I used to take the public bus when I was in college sometimes.
Have you ever given anything to someone who is homeless? Yeah.
What are you feeling, right now? Tired, bored, meh.
How do you react when you feel embarrassed about something? .I laugh awkwardly and try to play it off, but truly my face is burning hot and I'm dying on the inside kicking myself for whatever I've done. Oh, and I relive it forever.
Have you ever tried to 'fix' someone? You can't. I can't even fix myself and I need a lot of work.
What's in your copy and paste? This survey.
How many stuffed animals do you own, and what are they? I'm not gonna attempt to count, but it' a lot.
When's the last time you were carried by someone? .A few days ago.
Have you ever accidentally taken a shower with like your underwear left on, or something? No.
Can you twirl things well? Uhhh, I can twirl noodles?
Do you have bangs? No. I kinda want to get them.
Have you ever seen someone who wore a real eyepatch? I don't think so.
What started the last 'cat-fight' you were involved in? I haven't been involved in a cat fight.
Would you agree that it's extremely disrespectful to 'test' someone in a relationship? I don't like playing those games.
Do you go all out on dressing up for pep-rallies and the like? No, I didn't. I think I just wore my class shirt.
What's in your locker? .--
Are you in possession of any currency that isn't used in your country? Yes, it was a gift.
Did anyone witness your last kiss? .Probably.
Do you remember Hamtaro? Nope.
What about Peewee Hermin? Of course. .
Who is the last person you licked? Ew, I don't lick anyone.
Has anyone ever licked your face? Noooo.
Do you have any younger siblings? I have a younger brother.
Are you cool with them, or do they annoy you to no end? He and I are super close.
Do you know anyone with a kind of creepy smile? Uhhh, no.
Anyone with Bieber Fever? >> is that even still a thing <<< Right? They've been cured.
Have you tried Cupcake Pebbles cereal? No.
What's your favorite ride at an amusement park? Most of Disneyland's rides.
Last person you flipped off? That's not something I do.
Have you ever been on TV? Yes.
Are you currently distancing yourself from anyone? I already did that from so many people. :/
Trying to get close to anyone? No.
Anyone who's way over protective of you? Not way over, but a healthy amount.
Do you like dubstep? No.
Have you ever been to a rave? I have no interest in ever going to one.
Have you any friends that are twins? Nope.
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cannabiscomrade · 2 years
There really is a gap in the market (filled primarily by Etsy artists and creators) for adaptive clothing and items
It wasn’t until recently that stores like Target and Kohls and brands like JanSport started introducing lines for disabled people specifically. And even in the mainstream market, a lot of the available items are geared towards children, especially in my experience of looking for adaptive backpacks and clothing for feeding tubes.
I got a backpack from Target because the one my medical supply company sent me looks like a gun case, it’s not great. I still have to modify my Target one because it really seems like it wasn’t designed with real tube supplies like a pump and set ups with flush and feed bags. It’s like the able bodied idea of what tube feeding is went into the idea of the bag. It has ports for wires and has a Velcro hook for a feed bag.
I’ve also looked for clothing for adults with abdominal access and it’s near impossible to find anything. And listings on Etsy are $80 for a t shirt because I’m sure Etsy’s fees for creators are ridiculous
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avocado-frog · 1 year
hey!! this is chance and here’s week 5’s prompt. your oc suddenly gets transported to a mall. what store(s) would they go in? would they buy anything? what would they think? tell me about the experience.
Hey chance thank youu
(im putting images because idk what malls outside of mine look like)
Here is my vision:
Logan gives everyone 50 usd to spend. He goes to one of those generic walmart-type stores. I'd say Sears, but it closed on October 15 2018 which is jusssttt before canon. I'll say Kohls because it's absolutely the same store. He looks at stuff, but he doesn't buy anything. Maybe he gets a new jacket
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Leo is absolutely a Zumiez shopper. She might get a shirt or two, but she only has fifty dollars and it's fuckin expensive in there. She drags Jaxon with her because she's lonely. it's forget me not times because dahlia leo would never be seen with him and rosemary jaxon wouldnt leave the house
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Cass goes to bath and body works because of the candles <3 and she buys SO many. She probably likes vanilla and pumpkin spice
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Lily's favorite store is probably forever 21. or like. h&m. Gets a couple of dresses + maybe a bit of jewelry
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Jaxon, aside from being dragged around by Leo, would be at GameStop for a while. Blows all his money on pokemon i bet
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Dylan goes to build a bear. They aren't there to build a bear, they just want to buy their stuffed animals little clothes and shoes and other such accessories. If they bought a bear to build, it would be the super mario ones they had a few years ago. But they arent ready to have another bear to take care of
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Ryan goes to the mall aquarium and has the time of his life. He buys the little sea creatures that they have in tubes. The mall aquarium looks a little spooky ngl
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Sam goes to the comic book shop and he ALSO drags Jaxon around!! (poor jax. rip) he gets himself a spiderman
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Elliot never leaves the candy store. Like. never. He gets those shitty sour candies (toxic waste i think) and probably those bamboozled jelly beans (they're like these jelly beans that might be a normal flavor or might be sock flavored. jelly bean russian roulette) he gets a lot of chocolate, lactose intolerance be damned. and a couple of stuffed animals
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metmuseum · 8 months
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Glass double cosmetic flask (kohl tube). 4th century CE. Credit line: Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1881 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/245352
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 9 months
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Kohl tube, 300s-400s.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
[PAMPER] with Jinana and Hjordis. - vesuvian-disaster
(It is, of course, funniest if Hjordis is doing the makeup... Modern AU time!)
It's a good exercise for Jinana not to fidget or flinch while the makeup is applied carefully to hir face. It's fun to try something new... and honestly, the view is pretty great as Hjordis bends forward to her work with the different pencils and tubes of makeup.
"Aaand done. Take a look."
S/he knows what to expect from the makeup Hjordis has done for herself, but it's still a bit startling as s/he peers into the bathroom mirror. The look is somewhere between Viking war-paint and death metal corpse-paint, with heavy black kohl spidering out over hir cheeks from hir eye area, highlighted with delicately branching veins of white. A blue Jera rune has been drawn above and between hir brows, and hir upper lip has likewise been painted blue, with a thick blue line down the center of hir lower lip, continuing down hir chin. A series of small white dots have been applied over hir brows, as if in homage to hir own culture.
"Oh my god," s/he says, "I look like I'm about to go out and kill a man." S/he grins at Hjordis. "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick, I love it! Let's go tear up the club."
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artifacts-archive · 9 months
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Animal flask
Syria, late 7th–8th century
During Roman and early Islamic times, animal‑shaped vessels were made using an intricate decorated double or quadruple glass tube. Decorated with trailed glass threads, the tubes are carried on the backs of domestic animals and the trailed threads appear to imitate protective cages. Such vessels were probably used as containers for kohl or perfume.
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damage-ko · 2 years
You pull out the stool and sit down at the vanity. There is no mirror, a ghost of its shape remains on the dark wood, catches hanging loose. On the vanity are stacked powdery boxes of rouge in deep reds and pinks, creamy pots in shades of white, brown, and sienna paint, tubes of kohl, and oils arranged in glass vials. It is an eclectic array of items and it comes to you as you run your fingers over a long-haired brush that all of these have traveled far and wide to be here. 
In the center is a shallow basin of sweet smelling water and a clean towel. You know suddenly that this is a liminal place of respite.
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makeupbyzubaida · 1 month
What is a kajal, eyeliner & mascara?
Kajal, also known as kohl, is a traditional eye cosmetic that has been used for centuries in different cultures and regions. It is mostly used in South Asia. It is made from soot, lampblack or other natural ingredients. The lash line or waterline of the eyes to enhance their shape, color and expression. It makes your eyes stand out and look more dramatic, but, it does not last the whole day and may fade after a few hours.
The main purpose of eyeliner is to enhance and define the eyes. Its primary function is to define your eye line on the outside of the upper and lower eyelids. It is available in many colors, although black and brown are the most common. It can be used to make the eyes appear larger, smaller, rounder or more elongated depending on the application technique. It is often used to create various aesthetic effects.
Mascara works like magic for our eyes. It enhances our entire face. It enhance both upper and lower eyelashes, The main purposes of mascara are to darken, thicken, lengthen, color, curl and add volume. The most common form of mascara is a liquid in a tube with an application brush. There are two main types of mascara formulations: water-based and organic-solvent based.
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