#Kona crush
razor-ramons-thighs · 29 days
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magicmalcolm · 1 year
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One day I will own WCW Slam Jam on CD, but until then my jank Wrestling Music Album collection continues unabated.
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alcreed · 1 year
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Crush (WWF)
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the-director · 6 months
Sometimes I forget that the oc I made in my head isn't canon and try to look up fanart and fanfiction of him and am immediately disappointed.
I'm specifically talking about an oc I made for atla, where he is a descendent of air nomads who ran away and assimilated into earth kingdom culture hoping for the avatar to return. But by this assimilation they slowly lost their culture and their bending as an extension of it. Kona himself is an earthbender, but when he hears that Aang is back he immediately wants to join the war effort. I'm still working out how he'd meet aang and the gaang. But some strong scenes I have in my head, is him meeting Iroh and there being a joke about how kona is trying to find the avatar and iroh is like "ahh you remind me of someone" also Kona is there on black sun, and thus escapes with the gaang to the eastern air temple.
Another aspect of him post canon is more so inspired by legend of korra (though in this fictional version of atla, legend of korra is very much changed) where aang brought him into the spirit world to broker peace with an earth spirit. Kona makes a mistake however, insulting the earth spirit accidentally. And is forever changed, less than half his body but specifically his face is changed to be made of rock. Aang blames himself despite Katara and kona trying to convince him otherwise. This causes a rift in their relationship that was never truly resolved, until the next avatar.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion Episode 12: Outside of The Outside
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One episode away from the end of the season. It's really something to realize that. One more episode left in this series, for now. And there's still a mountain of questions and curiosities and mysteries and foreshadowing and symbolism. And I'd love to go over it all that rests within this episode.
So, for the uninitiated, a degree of foresight exists within essentially all the children of Takahara academy. An ability to sense the future rather than see it, and interestingly enough this is the first time that it appears with Tokio, as we start off in a dream of hers. I like the unsettling nature of it, how the students are all rather different in disposition to how they usually are, and how expressive the Miina terminal is. More than that though, I'm curious about the organization of the students. Most importantly, Kona isn't there. And alongside that, there's two halves to the students.
Could this be an answer of who all becomes a Hiruko? We know Mimihime is predisposed to it, and we know that Kuku most likely becomes the fish Hiruko we saw early on. Similarly, with the info from the prior episode with the pairings, we know that either Taka or Anzu will become a Hiruko, but considering the side that each appears on, it would seem that it's Taka's fate to turn into a monster.
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But within that, we get a potential contradiction as we awake from Tokio's dream. Mimihime and Shiro, and Anzu and Taka are sharing a lunch together talking about Tokio returning finally. Aside from the napkins of Taka and Shiro being a nice detail to reflect their personalities, it's Anzu and Mimihime here who are eating their sandwiches with those deep red tomatoes on them. You can't help but notice that Mimihime's tomatoes are spilling out though, while Anzu's remain intact. Mimihime's are more symbolism for the inability to remain untouched/whole, but I'm unsure of the purpose of Anzu's.
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Anyways, that sandwich is used once again rather quickly, and ties in quite well to the overall story of this episode. Takahara academy comes under attack, and the group must run to safety as the entire facility begins to panic. This scene of Mimihime's sandwich being crushed under the debris though paints a pretty clear picture. If Mimihime's bite allowed for no return, the destruction of the sandwich clearly sends an even stronger version of the message. Whether it's to Mimihime becoming a Hiruko, or the destruction and change of her life through this episode, it is an irreversible change that shakes the foundations of her life.
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As destruction rains down on Takahara Academy however, we're returned to Kiruko and Maru as the former places the Ibaraki facility in their sights. I really love how they open this sequence with Kiruko pushed to the far right of the frame to show her determination for moving on, while Maru's hand occupies the left as a belt slips from his grasp, showing how he's losing Kiruko to her past.
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Following this, we get into the meat and potatoes of the episode, as the pair explore the town that's appeared around the Ibaraki facility. This is all incredibly fresh in my mind as I'd just read volume 5, so I'm only going to pick out the pieces that I think are important in terms of foreshadowing in the like, starting with their "chips", the form of local currency they use.
Simply put, it appears like a puzzle. The notches on the end of the wood all differ, and even the color of the wood itself changes. Similarly, there's not a single repeat color or pattern in the bunch. Immediately, the designs remind me of technology and the sort of branching out we see from Maru in the opening. There's absolutely something greater with these pieces of currency, but I can't find an answer as to how they should be pieced together.
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Moving forward from this curiosity though, I love the direction with Kiruko as she finds out that Robin is here in this town. The use of her running scenes that appear from later on in the episode to show her desperation and desire are a great piece, and the fact that Maru isn't in those scenes only adds to how much distance the put between the pair as they return to their room for the evening. Really well done at naturally driving a stake between the duo.
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Following this separation, we get to the pieces of Kiruko running that we saw earlier on, as they make her way to the Ibaraki facility. It's a well done emotional moment that captures a lot of Haruki's emotions. I think it's an important distinction they make through it all, because Robin is only shocked to see Kiriko, as the episode uses the shadows to darken Kiruko's hair to make them appear more like Kiriko.
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Of course, it wouldn't be Heavenly Delusion if we weren't jumping all over the map, so we return to the Takahara Academy as they panic amongst the destruction. It's neither here nor there, the director gets out of her wheelchair and runs for her life, which is funny, but it's not the takeaway. The scene that separates Kona from Mimihime, Shiro, Anzu, and Taka is.
They really like these balanced and separated shots through the episode. Placing Kona by himself with the younger students that flank him, and the group of four that goes off to investigate the wall, really makes you think about why they were placed like they were. Why the four students appeared in Tokio's dream, but not Kona. Given the ending of the episode, I have a real sinking suspicion about what fate Kona will meet while at the pool.
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And just a quick little addition, we see where Maru gets his name from! Sawatari places a circle on the one child's foot so that he can discern which is which, and apparently that ends up sticking.
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As quickly as we join Takahara academy, we leave just as the group of four set out to explore the hole in the wall, and return to Kiruko at the Ibaraki facility, where we get some more interesting pieces in regards to our logo. The first appears on what seems to be a plaque denoting this as the "Takahara Academy: Ibaraki Facility", while the second is found on an interesting sheet of paper titled "Natural Wealth Operation". I'm pretty sure people grasp that NWO can also be interpreted as "New World Order", which gives a glimpse into how the Academy operated under prying eyes.
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Regardless, both of which sport a different logo to the Kiru Beam. The bird is more upright/vertical in the above images, with the smaller circle being full and lower within the larger circle when compared to the logo that Kiruko and Maru have been carrying around.
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This paints an interesting and curious picture. How old is the Ibaraki Facility? Was it being used prior to the collapse/apocalyptic event? Is it possible that the Ibaraki facility was foresaken prior to the current state of the Takahara Academy? I think it's entirely possible, considering what it is that Robin claims to have found within. Considering the "current" standpoint of creating immortal bodies for people to swap into, it's pretty well removed from work with plants and agriculture.
Anyways, the episode begins to reveal Robin's sinister side as we come back to the students that made it outside of the outside, through the hole in the wall they saw. It's a really great piece, and is used well in opposition to Kiruko's situation (side note: I'm not a massive fan of it, so I'm hoping the next episode better contextualizes the purpose for her trauma here). That is, the children have found a way to indescribable freedom, while Kiruko is trapped and locked away due to Robin.
What further ties these two together though is those tomatoes. The ones the children worked so hard to cultivate. Those spotless and pure tomatoes that exist within the academy. That begin to get cut open, to bleed. To irreversibly become damaged and forever changed.
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If this episode didn't make it clear, it's all about the convergence of our two timelines, not in terms of chronology or order of events per se, but rather their experience. Bringing each to their climax, finding different things waiting for them and creating stories that serve to oppose one another as we come ever closer to understanding what it is that's going on.
The direction remains stellar, storyboarding is incredible, the original scenes (that I know of) work amazingly well, the animation is top notch, the characters are outstanding. It's all the praise I've ever had for the series, appearing once more like it's nothing but another Saturday. I absolutely can't wait to see how we end this season with the next episode.
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cherrygorilla · 4 months
Zack's Basic Info
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As seems to be a recent theme with me, I really struggled coming up with faceclaims for Zack. I think Chosen Jacobs (first pic) is the one that feels the most right in my head, but I could see the others (Miles Brown, Noah Gray-Cabey and Jaden Smith) all working well in their own ways too. No one else seemed to be able to get that mischievous grin of his right lol.
Name: Zackary Ghalen Davis - his mom named him Ghalen, meaning calm in Ghanaian, because he was such an easy, quiet baby. But then he learned how to speak and she's never had a moment of peace since.
Nicknames: He pretty much solely goes by Zack. He'll occasionally get a (very cringeworthy) 'Zacky boy' from his dad, and, in the very few interactions he's had with Ethan, he's had 'Zack-attack'. But 99.9% of the time it's just Zack. 
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 30th of November
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Birthstone: Topaz
Nationality: American, Ghanaian and Greek
Sexuality: Straight
Birthplace: St Anthony's Hospital, St Petersburg, Florida
Current Residence: Pelican Drive South, St Petersburg, Florida
Occupation: Middle school student and a newspaper delivery boy
Talents/Skills: Karate, basketball, having insanely good aim (not used for many things thus far in life other than crushing at paper football games in class), never failing to make his friends (especially Bentley) laugh, packing away ungodly amounts of food (his portions are HUGE if he has any control over it), and knowing many, many random facts, mostly about dinosaurs
Birth Order: Middle of 3
Siblings: Jordin Nicole Davis (17) and Angelo Cameron Davis (9)
Parents: Jamal Dimitri Davis and Effia Morowa Davis 
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Height: 5' 10'' when he's fully grown, but 5' 4'' for now.
Race: African American
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Glasses or Contact Lenses: Neither
Distinguishing Features: He's almost always got some sort of pen ink on his hands where he's scribbled something down he needed to remember, a weird little squishy lump of skin from where his stitches didn't heal properly after he fell off a skate ramp and took a gnarly chunk out of his knee, and a slightly chipped front tooth from that very same incident.
Mannerisms: Compulsively needs to fill silences with senseless ramblings, unbelievably loud snoring, cracks his knuckles at every available opportunity, and almost always stands with his hands in his pockets.
Health: He’s lactose-intolerant but he does not give a fuckkkkkk lmao - if anything, it just encourages him to eat more dairy. But besides that, nothing really, he's pretty healthy. His mom wouldn't hesitate to (lovingly) diagnose him as a lazy-ass though - and she'd probably pull him up on his terrible posture whilst she’s at it. 
Hobbies: Skateboarding, karate, picking arguments with Kona, binge watching horror movies, eating through entire family size bags of chips in one sitting, collecting random stickers (which he covers like 90% of his belongings with), and wasting all his allowance at the arcade.
Greatest Flaw (in their opinion): How argumentative he is. He has very strong opinions and is super strong-willed, which can be a good thing, but can also make things really difficult when he runs into someone who disagrees with him. He can take it really personally and get really fired up, even if it's not that big of a deal, just because it's hard to process other people's views. Sometimes he doesn't even care what it is he's arguing about; sometimes he just likes playing devil's advocate because he likes to debate with people. His mom always pulls him up on it though, because sometimes his enthusiasm for challenging others can come across as rude, which is never usually his intention. 
Best Quality (in their opinion): His passion. Even though it can land him in trouble sometimes, and brings out his biggest flaw, he is proud of how much he dedicates himself to the things he believes in. He never half-asses things he cares about, he'll put his all into it no matter what. And that extends to his relationships too - he'll stick by his friends through anything, and will defend them until he's blue in the face if he has to. He can be perceived as lazy because of how laidback he seems, and can be lazy when he wants to, but if he wants to do something, whether that's for himself, or for someone he cares about, he won't be able to focus on anything else until it's done.
Biggest Fear: Dying. One of his cousins died in their teens and the shockwave of grief it sent through his whole family really freaked him out. He wasn't necessarily super close with the guy, but he'd spent a fair amount of time with him at family gatherings growing up, so the abruptness of his death really shook him up and changed his whole perspective on life. He very much adopted that 'needs to live life to the fullest' mindset, which is probably why he can come across as a little overbearing and intense sometimes. And he can act rather impulsively, but he'd rather that be the case than living with regrets if that looming cloud of grief were to come and swallow him whole again. 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Rocky Road
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Number: 3 - one of the many reasons as to why the triceratops is his favourite dinosaur
Favourite Movies: Nightmare on Elm Street, The Karate Kid, or The War of The Worlds (yes, he and August geek out over it together, and yes, it's adorable)
Favourite Songs: You Should Be Dancing by the Bee Gees, School's Out by Alice Cooper, It's My Life by Bon Jovi, and One Love by Bob Marley
A place they want to visit: Egypt, he's got a real fascination with the Great Pyramids so he'd love to be able to see them in real life.
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starlostseungmin · 4 months
miss kona tuloy sha 😠 sayang naman ung bago kong crush tinalo ng relapse kaagad
is this the guy sitting next to you? 🧐
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sadkidwithocs · 7 months
Hyen no who’s the real big brother and gonna have a headache from lazy ass roommate??
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[Faren’s part]
If you ask me who is one of a few wrestlers whose be “VERY kind-hearted men” of locker room, not only great worker but also mature and nobody wants to mess with…the answer is Tito Santana
Me and Tito are from Texas and graduated from West Texas A&M, But I’ve never seen him there because he’s older than me 6 years. Maybe..we’re from the same hometown and same university are the reason why we can get along so fast!?🤷🏼‍♂️ He’s my roommate since I was brown hair newbies of WWF and he was single wrestler at that time. We goes each city/ each town together all year long eventhought we have different lifestyle.. such as I party a lot/ smoke cigarette/ big-mouth sometimes(many times actually) and stay up late but Tito doesn’t at all🫤
Sometimes I actually feel guilty a little when I’m drunk, I go back to the room late and make some loud noise from bumping into something in the dark while Tito’s sleeping🤥🍺 I’m sorry
He doesn’t know he’s funny person, In the morning I often sees him nodding off in front of laundry by wearing his lovely brown glasses, I mean.. he still wear sun glasses while in the building!?!!💀.
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And it’ yes, he complains me about how clumsy I was at last night..(I mean..He looks like an old teacher complaining little kid !💀). I just listen silently, say sorry for many times and promise I won’t do like that again🤞🏻
Another things that similar for us is we are “Father” , his sons are all older than mine and we often talk about being dad also. Tito wants to be barber and teacher when he retired and now he do it well. (Bless kids in the future whose gonna study with coolest teacher whose was WWF wrestler!). Nothing that Tito can’t do!
Back to our story, when Tom Zenk walks out from WWF, Tito must move to be Rick Martel’s roommate because they are tagteam partner. And my new roommate Kona Crush from The Demolition(I’ll tell you about him later). Bless him again that he can escape from lazy ass and good-for-nothing person like me, he needn’t wake me up in each morning to go to laundry and hit the gym or have “give me a 10minute😪💤” from me as the answer
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I think I should take back my words.. because Rick is a heavy sleeper also. I mean.. he’s one of persons whose often party with me!. Poor Tito
Tito:I don’t know what’s good there(night bar), lately you guys go there so often…and you go back with bruise! (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
Faren: hm..nothing. Maybe it’s from I bumped into a chair last night.
Tito:It’s not bruise from bumping something, I mean bruise on your forehead like you fight with someome, you too Rick
Faren/ Rick: 😶💦
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 months
well the moment the hearing ended my attorney looked at me and said "we won." i don't have my determination yet obviously but that's a good sign, thank u kona crush and space ♡
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nyahuaisang · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion Is Queer Regardless of What Anyone Thinks.
Tengoku Daimakyou, or Heavenly Delusion, is getting an anime adaptation and as a long time reader of its manga, it was disappointing to see that some people kind of dismisses certain gender and sexuality themes simply because they don’t see how it’s portrayed as valid. This post will obviously delve into spoiler territories so it’s up to you whether you want to spoil yourself here or read the manga for yourself first.
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There’s already a massive amount of transphobes who only sees kiruko as being a guy because he had his consciousness transplanted and had that not been the case they would’ve been referring to him as a “female who believes she’s a guy” and I’m so afraid that the lgbt+ community will latch onto that and group the series and kiruko himself with these transphobes and invalidate his queerness in a “oh so you can respect his pronouns but not other trans characters’ pronouns?” way.
My first point is regarding Kiruko being a boy who's consciousness was transplanted into his sister's body.
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Regardless of what you personally think kiruko’s gender is, the fact of the matter is that kiruko is a guy in a girl’s body and that inherently makes him trans if not at least queer. In addition, it’s very much implied that kiruko does have some level of feelings towards maru so again even if you don’t see him as trans he is still potentially gay/bi and again, QUEER. And Maru explicitly states that he stills love the person Kiruko/Haruki is now, independant of who "Haruki" or "Kiruko" was before the transplant. It's obvious he's still struggling with his sexuality as he is attracted to this person in front of him but this person turns out to be a boy but the fact is that he's still attracted to him even after learning of this.
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Kiruko and almost every other character in this series is queer to some extent and I really really hope people won’t invalidate this story as a queer story simply because it’s not presented to us in a way we’re used to.
My next point is that of the kids in the facility were raised without any concept of gender which inherently makes them all genderless, with about half of them being intersex.
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In the original japanese raws, the manga does not explicitly state the facility children as boy or girl, choosing to instead refer to them with their names instead and most if not all of the children uses "Boku", which is the polite masculine pronoun used more often by boys.
Up until chapter 17, we are led to believe Tokio is biologically male as they’re presented more on the masculine side then feminine, as well as being asked by Tarao if they liked Mimihime. The manga shows us a sapphic couple kissing a whiles later, which associates the audience with the idea that same-gender attraction is seen as normal in this facility and thus puts Tokio’s crush on Kona in the light of a homosexual attraction.
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Because of this and the fact that we only know Tokio has breasts and a birth canal, which Michika also has, as seen above, it’s very likely that Tokio is also biologically intersex.
In addition, the manga's synopsis refers to Tokio as a "young boy" or "shounen"(the words circled in red)
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It is for this reason that I don't like how people immediately switched to referring to Tokio as a girl the second they see they have breasts or hell even back when it was revealed they had a crush on Kona. It's just an incredibly toxic belief that only girls have boobs or only girls crushes on boys or that either of those things immediately makes someone a girl.
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I get it. Their situations are not the same as queer people in the real world are, but this is a fictional sci-fi, not everything has to be realistic.
Kiruko and almost every other character in this series is queer to some extent and I really really hope people won’t invalidate this story as a queer story simply because it’s not presented to us in a way we’re used to.
Tengoku is an extremely precious series to me. It's a series that I stumbled upon myself at late hours at night while going through tough times and it's one of those series where I could really feel myself getting sucked into the story and I just really don't want it and its characters to get hate or invalidated simply because it is different from other queer stories.
Let stories be queer while still branching out to genres and themes that isn't strictly limited to romance or about the queerness itself.
Let characters be queer in non-realistic ways, stop strapping queerness down to reality when cishet characters gets to be as fantastical and magical and non-realistic as they want.
This series is queer. Stop saying it isn't.
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razor-ramons-thighs · 8 months
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Kona Crush trading cards
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magicmalcolm · 1 year
I really miss the WWE: Uncaged music series.
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EXO Subunits MVs in Chronological Order
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Hey Mama!
The One
Crush U
Ka-CHING! (Japanese)* | Full Version
Blooming Day
It's Running Time
Horololo (Japanese)
We Young
Just Us 2
What A Life
Closer To You
Nothin' (Chanyeol Solo)
On Me (Sehun Solo)
1 Billion Views
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chidoroki · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion EP2
Ah we get the OP this week and that real quick frame of a “game over” screen with our two protags with the options being “continue?” or “kill” is very concerning!
Wait what’s the back of Maru’s hoodie say? “We are neither machines nor..” what? It gets cut off!
The art style keeps changing and honestly I kinda dig it? Especially when it goes line-less, like that once sequence of Kiruko running where it literally looks like she’s chasing her outlines.
I was so focused in trying to figure stuff out that I didn’t really listen to the song.. but I’ll give it another listen now. And I like it.
What’s going on with wheelchair boy’s arm? Is that why we always see him in a bed or wheelchair? Or is this mark a result of something weird?
I’m all for loving whomever you want but aren’t y’all just children?? like that was more than just a simple kiss man!
The hell is with these kids? Last ep it was Taka doing parkour and now this Kuku chick is jumping and clinging to trees like a damn frog.
Why. are kids. sending shower pics. to each other??
Tokio really does have a collection of Kona’s drawings. I’m sure they got some kind of meaning.
What on earth is in the window? Also, this man-eater has a name? Hiruko? What, were they people before?
“She fed us some sort of drug to put us to sleep.” Yeah I thought of that last week too after the fact. Maru fell asleep way too quick for someone who is always up longer than Kiruko, and the inn owner didn’t eat any herself either.
Oh hold up, I can read the back of the hoodie now. “We are neither machines or game pieces.” … That still concerns me greatly! Could they really be part of a game? Or a dream reality? Maybe they got multiple lives? Answers would be GREAT right about now.
That certainly is one hell of a creepy monster, what the fuck? It’s got different attributes of several animals and it has ultrasonic whip things or something?
I love that even in the middle of an intense chase scene they still choose to give our protags some funny faces.
Ah shit, that thing is the lady’s son? That’s why she didn’t want our duo to go out and hunt it..yet she had a huge gun herself.
“I was almost eaten by one, so I know..” Well that explains her scars from before.
Yeaaahh I knew that death was coming. Rest in peace lady. So much for thinking that monster was protecting her.
Aw, I like how Maru accuses Kiruko of only thinking about defeating the monster instead of the lady who just died but turns out she was already shedding tears.
How do you both expect to kill this creature though..? The gun is out of shots and Maru, I know you were strong against those thugs last time, but could your hits really hurt this thing?
… Huh? He touched it and some weird spirit hand went inside it to crush a heart? Maybe? Help??
What was this Great Disaster huh? But damn Kiruko really is bad with numbers, she can’t remember how old she was for anything.
“The only thing I can kill is Hiruko!” Oh is that the collective name of the monsters? I thought it was just the last one individually.
Jesus christ that was such a hard ass fall! Taka has gotta be dead. Or got a concussion or broken something. No way in hell he gets up fine from that.
“There’s a guy with the same face as me out there somewhere.” Okay but how do YOU know that Maru?? And why we gotta inject this person with a drug? This show is good at keeping SECRETS.
Who’s this Mikura now? Oh, his mom maybe? Or whoever this lady that give Kiruko the job and gun to protect Maru.
And she has the same kind of weird marking over her body as the kid from earlier with the wheelchair.. that boy ain’t gonna make it huh?
Oh god so there really were crocs in the water they just sailed over. That’s hilarious. They had every reason to freak out then!
They’re both very trusting to eat the nice food these farmers prepared for them when the last person who offered them a meal drugged them!
Kiruko does kinda look like this Kiriko Takehaya kart racer but not quite the same, however she did react to the whole “killing your brother” thing.. so maybe they are similar? Somehow? Maybe it’s like whatever is going on with Maru and Tokio and how those two look alike.
OH LOOK. A symbol with some kind of bird in it. How very Promised Neverland of you!
Oh, well I picked up the little hints that Maru might’ve felt some kinda way towards Kiruko but I wasn’t actually expecting him to outwardly say them?!
“My body is a woman’s, but in here, my mind is a man’s. So.. I’m a man.”  Are we saying like..by choice? In which case good for you. Or like.. due to some crazy experiment because that’s the vibes this show gives me with these kids being anything but normal? And maybe that’s why she..? he? this person can never remember the correct age.
Mmm the ending is nice too. I might like the song better than the OP? Also, Taka gives me Don (TPN) energy for some reason.
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sijaven · 17 hours
ang galing niya mag explain, crush kona sya
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cherrygorilla · 4 months
August's Basic Info
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Like I said for Zack's post, I really struggled with finding faceclaims for August - maybe even moreso, because I have such a clear idea of what he looks like in my head, and no one I've been able to find fully captures it. I think Kit Connor (first pic) is, again, the closest I'll get - he's the right amount of soft and friendly I need for little August haha - but the others are all at least along the same sort of lines (at least in these pictures I found anyway lol): Peyton Meyer, Connor Jessup and Dylan Sprouse.
Name: August Jude McNeeley
Nicknames: He mainly gets Auggie, but Bentley always calls him Gus - it used to just be Bentley, but since August grew so fond of it, Kona and Zack have started using it more now too. He still likes Auggie though - tbh he likes all variations of his name (I his mom picked well lol)
Age: 14
Date of Birth: September 28th
Zodiac: Libra
Birthstone: Sapphire
Nationality: American and Scottish
Sexuality: Gay - but very much still in the closet and totally not crushing on anyone
Birthplace: His family home in South Pasadena
Current Residence: Island Drive South in South Pasadena, Florida
Occupation: Middle school student and part-time grocery bagger
Talents/Skills: He's weirdly good at long-distance running, he can play the clarinet, he's really good at crosswords, he's a great baker, but he's an even greater listener
Birth Order: Youngest of three
Siblings: Francesca May McNeeley (23) and Hazel June McNeeley (19)
Parents: Jedediah Michael Whitaker (estranged) and Heidi April McNeeley
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Height: 6' 1'' when fully grown - but for now, probably like 5' 3''. He has a big growth spurt that literally no one saw coming, and becomes a real gentle giant haha. 
Eye Colour: Like a muddy, brown-y green.
Hair Colour: Sandy blonde
Glasses or Contact Lenses: Some round wire-frame glasses he's supposed to wear all the time, but only wears when his eyes feel super strained, because he thinks he looks like a dork in them and actively tries to avoid anything that draws unnecessary attention to him
Distinguishing Features: A chickenpox scar on his forehead, just above his right eyebrow, and a prominent freckle on the corner of his mouth that always gets mistaken for a smear of chocolate. 
Mannerisms: He's SO bad about clenching his jaw/grinding his teeth when he's stressed, he always looks down at his feet when he's walking, and he always does a little snort of air through his nose when he laughs
Health: Anxiety, peanut allergy, and, because of his jaw clenching habit, any time he's anxious (which is quite a lot, poor baby) he gets tension headaches. Also, not really a health thing, but he's a vegetarian.
Hobbies: Baking, creative writing, scrapbook journalling, mediating his friends' arguments, running, reading, watercolour painting (this was mostly thanks to Bentley's influence, but he is enjoying it more than he thought he would), practising the clarinet, and being the voice of reason.
Greatest Flaw (in their opinion): How sensitive he is. Bullies have blamed it on the fact that he was raised by a bunch of girls to become a big sissy - but August just knows he lets his mind hyperfixate on minute details and spiral out of control. Whether it was an embarrassing passing comment he made or a missed homework assignment, he'll work himself into a guilt-riddled state until the rational side of his mind can regain control. It's even worse with more meaningful things though. If anyone says anything bad about him it'll affect him for weeks, and if anyone takes anything he's said badly he'll beat himself up about it for just as long. With how deeply he takes everything to heart though, it often means he's more reluctant to open up about his feelings, and keeps himself pretty closed off as a result - all because he's scared about the reaction he might get. 
Best Quality (in their opinion): His level-headedness. As much as his anxiety can get the better of him, he's gotten a lot better in recent years at keeping it under control. His calm reasoning often ends up benefiting his friends more than it does himself, but that's what makes it so rewarding. He loves getting to help them out in any way he can, and offering advice or talking through their troubles with them gives him a real sense of purpose. He may not be very brave, or very physically strong, but his quiet support from the sidelines is invaluable - especially when he can pick out things in a situation no one else would have thought to before. 
Biggest Fear: Not being accepted. Again, he's really sensitive about what other people think of him, and he really takes their opinions to heart. So the thought of upsetting someone, or doing something that would give them a negative opinion of him is awful. He partly blames it on his dad never really being present in his life, and the fear that, because he knows nothing about him, if he were to come back into it, he wouldn't accept him as his son. But it extends to his peers and friends too - he often stays quiet and tries to do what he can to blend into the background so that he doesn't draw any unnecessary attention to himself that could lead to anyone developing any strong feelings towards him - positive or negative. He just wants to be seen as…normal. But as he's slowly coming to terms with his sexuality, in a time where society is not very accepting of anything but 'the norm', that fear is feeling more and more real every day. 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Birthday cake or Pistachio
Favourite Colour: Sage green
Favourite Number: 2 - 1's too lonely, but at least 2 means you've got a friend
Favourite Movies: Luca, The Muppet Movie, and The War of The Worlds
Favourite Songs: Blackbird by The Beatles, (unironically) Story of My Life by One Direction, Yellow by Coldplay, and God Only Knows by the Beach Boys - and, of course, he was inspired by the Taylor Swift song August, but I felt like that was way too on-the-nose to include as one of his favourite songs lmao
A place they want to visit: Edinburgh, Scotland - to visit his mom's side of the family who live there
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