#Kono Ko ja Nai!
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pikahlua · 6 months
MHA Chapter 420 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 No.420 相澤くんから 堀越耕平 ナンバー420 あいざわくんから ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 420  Aizawa-kun kara  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 420 From Aizawa-kun Kouhei Horikoshi
1 起きろ‼︎ おきろ‼︎ okiro!! "Wake up!!"
tagline 2 黒霧に飛ばされたマイクと相澤… くろぎりにとばされたマイクとあいざわ… Kurogiri ni tobasareta MAIKU to Aizawa... Mic and Aizawa, who were sent away by Kurogiri...
2 どこだよここは‼︎ doko da yo koko wa!! "Where is this place!!"
3 通信がきかねえ… つうしんがきかねえ… tsuushin ga kikanee... "We can't hear any transmissions..."
4 状況もわかんねえ…くそ‼︎ じょうきょうもわかんねえ…くそ‼︎ joukyou mo wakannee...kuso!! "And we don't know the situation...shit!!"
5 俺は おれは ore wa I am
6 死柄木弔を しがらきとむらを Shigaraki Tomura wo Tomura Shigaraki's
7 守る者 まもるもの mamoru mono protector.
8 調子良くブッ壊れやがって‼︎ ちょうしよくブッこわれやがって‼︎ choushi yoku BUkkoware yagatte!! "Things were going well and then you had to go and break!!"
9 動けよこのヤロウ うごけよこのヤロウ ugoke yo kono YAROU "Move, you bastard!"
tagline 3 コミックス40巻発売中‼︎今スグGETしよう‼︎マストバイ‼︎ コミックス40かんはつばいちゅう‼︎いまスグゲットしよう‼︎マストバイ‼︎ KOMIKKUSU 40kan hatsubai-chuu!! ima SUGU GETTO shiyou!! MASUTO BAI!! Volume 40 of the comics now on sale!! Let's get get it now!! Must buy!!
10 白雲じゃないなら思い出のまま消えてくれ しろくもじゃないならおもいでのままきえてくれ Shirokumo ja nai nara omoide no mama kietekure If you’re not Shirakumo, please remain a memory and disappear.
11 こんなものに命運を委ねるんじゃなかった! こんなものにめいうんをゆだねるんじゃなかった! konna mono ni meiun wo yudanerunja nakatta! "[We] shouldn't have entrusted our fate to something* like this!" (*Note: The word in Japanese here is ambiguous if it's meant to read as "something" or "someone.")
12 こんな屍体に縋るんじゃなかった‼︎ こんなしたいにすがるんじゃなかった‼︎ konna shitai ni sugarunja nakatta!! "[We] shouldn't have clung to a corpse like this one!!"
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1 泣いてる ないてる naiteru "Crying..."
2 泣いてねーよ男の子だぞ俺あ!!! ないてねーよおとこのこだぞおれあ!!! naitenee yo otoko no ko da zo orea!!! "I'm not crying, I'm a boy!!!"
3 違う ちがう chigau "Not [you]."
4 黒霧が… こいつが… koitsu (kanji: Kurogiri) ga... "This guy (read as: Kurogiri) is..."
5 雨だ‼︎涙腺なんざねェよ! あめだ‼︎るいせんなんざねェよ! ame da!! ruisen nanza neE yo! "It's rain!! He's got no tear ducts!"
6 こいつは脳無だ!二度も死柄木をハメた相澤が邪魔だから排除した! こいつはのうむだ!にどもしがらきをハメたおまえがじゃまだからはいじょした! koitsu wa noumu da! nido mo Shigaraki wo HAMEta omae (kanji: Aizawa) ga jama da kara haijo shita! "This guy's a nomu! You set Shigaraki up twice, Aizawa, so he removed you because you were a hindrance!"
7 今考えるべきは いまかんがえるべきは ima kangaeru beki wa "What we should be thinking about now"
8 こいつを起動して俺らを戦���に戻させる事だ こいつをきどうしておれらをせんせんにもどさせることだ koitsu wo kidou shite orera wo sensen ni modosaseru koto da "is activating this guy and returning to the front lines."
9 そんでその後すぐ そんでそのあとすぐ son de sono ato sugu "Then immediately after that
10 もう動かねーようブッ壊す事だ もううごかねーようブッこわすことだ mou ugokanee you BUkkowasu koto da "let's break [it]* so [it] won't move anymore." (*Note: He means they should break Kurogiri.)
11 相澤 あいざわ Aizawa "Aizawa,"
12 こいつは黒い鹵獲品だ こいつはくろいろかくひんだ koitsu wa kuroi rokakuhin da Literal. "This guy is our black spoils." Contextual. "This guy is our stolen black chess piece." (Note: This is hard to make sound decent in English. Mic is saying that Kurogiri is like their plunder or spoilers or stolen treasure that is the color black, which is a pun on the "kuro" (which means black) in Kurogiri's name. This pun will continue on the next page. The best corollary I could think of in English to keep up that pun is a stolen piece won in a chess game that is the color black.)
13 タルタロスの"奇跡"は忘れた方がいいーんだよ…! タルタロスの"きせき"はわすれたほうがいいーんだよ…! TARUTAROSU no "kiseki" wa wasureta hou ga ii-inda yo...! "It's best that we forget about that miracle at Tartarus...!"
14 31だよ 31 da yo "We're 31." (Note: He means their ages.)
15 いつまでも雄英2年A組じゃねぇんだよ… いつまでもゆうえい2ねんエーぐみじゃねぇんだよ… itsu made mo yuuei 2nen EE-gumi ja neenda yo... "We haven't been Class 2-A students of UA for a long time..."
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1 …でもこいつは ...demo koitsu wa "...But this guy"
2 雄英生のまま死んだ ゆうえいせいのまましんだ yuuei-sei no mama shinda "died as a UA student."
3 俺ガッ おれガッ ore GA I
4 守…違う……シガラキ… まも…ちがう……シガラキ… mamo...chigau......SHIGARAKI... protect...no......Shigaraki...
5 何故俺たちをねじ切らなかった? なぜおれたちをねじきらなかった? naze oretachi wo nejikiranakatta? "Why didn't he cut us off?" (Note: I think he's asking why didn't Kurogiri cut them in half like he planned to do to All Might at the USJ by "turning off the portal" while All Might was halfway through it.)
6 つき落とさなかった? つきおとさなかった? tsukiotosanakatta? "Weren't we pushed off?" (Note: He's asking why didn't Kurogiri kill them when they had been pushed off the edge of the little island on UA.)
7 …う ...u "...U"
8 誰…ドコ… だれ…ドコ… dare...DOKO... Who...where...
9 …シ…友ダ…チ… …シ…ともダ…チ… ...SHI...tomoDA...CHI... ...Shi-...frie...nd...
10 あの日俺たちはタルタロスで白の栓を引き抜いた… あのひおれたちはタルタロスでしろのせんをひきぬいた… ano hi oretachi wa TARUTAROSU de shiro no sen wo hikinuita... Literal. "That day, we pulled out the plug of white at Tartarus..." Contextual. "That day, we released a bit of a white stream inside him at Tartarus..." (Note: Like I said, this pun really does not work well in English lol. He's saying they unleashed a little stream of Shirakumo inside him that's trickling into the river that is Kurogiri. The use of the color white is a pun on the "Shira/Shiro" (which means white) in Shirakumo's name.)
11 そして混ざって壊れた…黒にどれだけ白をそそいでも真っ白にはならない そしてまざってこわれた…くろにどれだけしろをそそいでもまっしろにはならない soshite mazatte kowareta...kuro ni dore dake shiro wo sosoidemo masshiro ni wa naranai "Then it got mixed in, and he broke... No matter how much white you pour into black, it won't become pure white."
12 だが黒は逆で… だがくろはぎゃくで… daga kuro wa gyaku de... "But for black it's vice versa..."
13 だから再び動いた だからふたたびうごいた dakara futatabi ugoita "That's why he moved again."
14 …わかってるよ山田… …わかってるよやまだ… ...wakatteru yo Yamada... "...I get it, Yamada..."
15 俺たちはヒーロー科の教師だ おれたちはヒーローかのきょうしだ oretachi wa HIIROO-ka no kyoushi da "We are teachers in the hero department."
16 雄英生を卒業まで送り届ける ゆうえいせいをそつぎょうまでおくりとどける yuuei-sei wo sotsugyou made okuri todokeru "We will deliver UA students to [their] graduation."
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1 そこに soko ni "To there,"
2 原点があるのなら げんてんがあるのなら genten ga aru no nara "so long as they have their origins." (Note: By origins, he means the word "origin" we've heard about a lot, especially in this arc, where one gains more strength by keeping their origin in their heart, etc.)
3 ャヤマ……ダ…… YA-YAMA......DA...... "Ya-Yama-......da......"
4 思い出が……… おもいでが……… omoide ga......... "The memories........."
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1 消えてくれねえよ………! きえてくれねえよ………! kiete kurenee yo.........! "won't disappear.........!" (Note: This is Mic referring back to his previous line where he asked for Shirakumo to remain a memory and disappear that way. He's saying Shirakumo is being stubborn and sticking around, basically.)
2 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! "Mr. Tsukauchi!!"
3 イレイザー!無事だったのか‼︎今までどこに イレイザー!ぶじだったのか‼︎いままでどこに IREIZAA! buji datta no ka!! ima made doko ni "Eraser! Are you all right!! Where have you been until now?"
4 物間は動けますか? ものまはうごけますか? Monoma wa ugokemasu ka? "Can Monoma move?"
5 彼は頭を強く打って緊急搬送中だ かれはあたまをつよくうってきんきゅうはんそうちゅうだ kare wa atama wo tsuyoku utte kinkyuu hansou-chuu da "He hit his head hard and is currently in emergency transport."
6 では各地戦況と稼働可能人員 ではかくちせんきょうとかどうかのうじんいん de wa kakuchi senkyou to kadou kanou jin'in "Then, the various battlefields and any available personnel--"
7 その座標を教えて下さい そのざひょうをおしえてください sono zahyou wo oshiete kudasai "please tell me their coordinates."
8 座標…⁇ ざひょう…⁇ zahyou...? "Coordinates...?"
9 ーー…!じゃあ… --...! jaa... "--...! Then..."
10 ええ ee "Yes."
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1 イレイザーヘッド!ドウシテココニ! IREIZAA HEDDO! DOUSHITE KOKO NI! "Eraser Head! Why are you here!"
2 "黒霧"を使えるようになりました "くろぎり"をつかえるようになりました "Kurogiri" wo tsukaeru you ni narimashita "We can now use Kurogiri."
3 敷地外にマイクと待機しています しきちがいにマイクとたいきしています shikichi-gai ni MAIKU to taiki shite imasu "I'm on stand-by with Mic outside the premises."
4 避難警護にあたっているヒーロー防衛特化を残して集めて下さい ひなんけいごにあたっているヒーローぼうえいとっかをのこしてあつめてください hinan keigo ni atatte iru HIIROO bouei tokka wo nokoshite atsumete kudasai "Heroes guarding the evacuations, please set aside defense and gather."
5 黒霧ヲ⁉︎ くろぎりヲ⁉︎ Kurogiri WO!? "Kurogiri!?"
6 手綱ハ握レナイト… たづなハにぎレナイト… tadzuna WA nigiRENAI TO... "If you can't keep a hold on the reins..."
7 どれくらい保つかわかりません どれくらいもつかわかりません dore kurai motsu ka wakarimasen "I don't know how long he will last."
8 早急に! そうきゅうに! soukyuu ni! "Urgently!"
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1 すぐ戦線に行けるのか…⁉︎ すぐせんせんにいけるのか…⁉︎ sugu sensen ni ikeru no ka...!? "We can go to the front lines right away...!?"
2 なら俺も…!行かせてくれ…! ならおれも…!いかせてくれ…! nara ore mo...! ikasetekure...! "If so, then me, too...! Let me go, please...!"
3 俺も…‼︎無名だけど… おれも…‼︎むめいだけど… ore mo...!! mumei dakedo... "Me, too...! I'm anonymous, but..." (Note: He may mean he has no name (i.e. hero name) instead of that he's anonymous, I don't know. I'm not familiar with Horikoshi's Barrage manga, which this character is supposedly from.)
4 ヒーローなんだ! HIIROO nanda! "I'm a hero!"
5 一緒に戦わせてくれ! いっしょにたたかわせてくれ! issho ni tatakawasetekure! "Let me fight with you!"
6 正門前へ せいもんまえへ seimon mae e "[You were the one] in front of the main gate."
7 これ…‼︎ kore...!! "This...!!"
8 怪我したヒーローに…!渡せねえか…? けがしたヒーローに…!わたせねえか…? kega shita HIIROO ni...! watasenee ka...? "To an injured hero...! Could you pass this on to one...?"
9 ーーありがとう………! --arigatou.........! "--Thank you.........!"
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1 戦いは既にほぼ制圧完了している! たたかいはすでにほぼせいあつかんりょうしている! tatakai wa sude ni hobo seiatsu kanryou shite iru! "As for the battle, suppression [of the villains] has already almost been completed!"
2 今各地で継戦可能な者をあたっている! いまかくちでけいせんかのうなものをあたっている! ima kakuchi de keisen kanou na mono wo atatte iru! "Now we are looking for people in various places who can continue to fight!"
3 残すところは国立多古場競技場ーーー… のこすところはこくりつたこばきょうぎじょうーーー… nokosu tokoro wa kokuritsu takoba kyougijou---... "The only remaining place is the Takoba National Stadium---..."
4 面制圧と長持久戦で犯罪史に名を残すダツゴク めんせいあつとちょうじきゅうせんではんざいしになをのこすダツゴク men seiatsu to chouji kyuusen de hansaishi ni na wo nokosu DATSUGOKU "The jailbreaker who leaves his name in the history of criminals when it comes to surface control and long endurance battles."
5 嬰兒樹ギャシュリー えいじじゅギャシュリー eiji-ju GYASHURII "Baby Tree Gashly." (Note: I am horrifyingly confident in this translation. Via some WILD search engine shenaningans, @bakuhatsufallinlove (yes I'm tagging you here to immortalize this ABSOLUTELY WILD RIDE) and I discovered that this villain's name is a combination of titles of the children's books The Baby Tree by Sophie Blackall, a book about where babies come from, and The Gashlycrumb Tinies: or, After the Outing by Edward Gorey, a gothic alphabet book in which all the named children die untimely, grisly deaths. Horikoshi, WHY? DID YOU BUY THESE BOOKS FOR YOUR NEPHEW OR SOMETHING?)
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1 アッヒャアーーーー!!! AHHYAA----!!! "Ah-hyah----!!!"
2 助けに来たよおおお‼︎ たすけにきたよおおお‼︎ tasuke ni kita yoooo!! "We've come to heeelp!!"
3 そして soshite "And then..."
4 分断作戦 ぶんだんさくせん bundan sakusen "Division operation"
5 フェーズ3 FEEZU 3 "Phase 3."
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1 奪われにきたか うばわれにきたか ubaware ni kita ka "Did you come to [have your quirks] stolen?"
2 先生…! せんせい…! sensei...! "Teacher...!"
3 動いたらだめだ うごいたらだめだ ugoitara dame da "Don't move."
4 ーー…腕 ーー…うで --...ude "--...Your arms,"
5 失ってどのくらいだ うしなってどのくらいだ ushinatte dono kurai da "how long ago did you lose them?
6 …わかりません…どのくらい…時間が経っていたか… …わかりません…どのくらい…じかんがたっていたか… ...wakarimasen...dono kurai...jikan ga tatte ita ka... "...I don't know...how much...time passed..."
7 心の中で… こころのなかで… kokoro no naka de... "[when we were] inside his heart..."
8 …AFOは完全に死柄木のモノになっていた… …オール・フォー・ワンはかんぜんにしがらきのモノになっていた… ...OORU FOO WAN wa kanzen ni Shigaraki no MONO ni natte ita... ...All For One had completely become Shigaraki's [property]... (Note: I think he means the AFO quirk is now 100% Shigaraki's.)
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1 雄英でのAFOは 棺でのオール・フォー・ワンは hitsugi (kanji: yuuei) no OORU FOO WAN wa The AFO at the coffin (read as: UA)
2 抵抗する死柄木を押さえつけて統合したと嘯いてただけだった ていこうするしがらきをおさえつけてとうごうしたとうそぶいてただけだった teikou suru Shigaraki wo osaetsukete tougou shita to usobuiteta dake datta was only boasting that he had suppressed and integrated the resisting Shigaraki.
3 死柄木は違う… しがらきはちがう… Shigaraki wa chigau... It was different with Shigaraki...
4 AFOは…完全に取り込まれて消えていた… オール・フォー・ワンは…かんぜんにとりこまれてきえていた… OORU FOO WAN wa...kanzen ni torikomarete kiete ita... All For One...was completely absorbed and disappeared...
5 だから転弧の心をうった時に共に砕けている筈… だからてんこのこころをうったときにともにくだけているはず… dakara Tenko no kokoro wo utta toki ni tomo ni kudakete iru hazu... That's why when I hit Tenko's heart they should have both crumbled together.
6 なんなんだこいつは……! nannanda koitsu wa......! What the heck is this guy......!
7 相澤せんせ…! あいざわせんせ…! Aizawa-sensei...! "Aizawa-sensei...!"
8 エリちゃ… ERI-cha... "Eri-cha-..."
9 先生たちは…私を危ないとこにぜったい連れてかないって せんせいたちは…わたしをあぶないとこにぜったいつれてかないって sensei-tachi wa...watashi wo abunai toko ni zettai tsuretekanai tte "The teachers...they said they absolutely won't take me to any place where it's dangerous."
10 わかってるの…だから… wakatteru no...dakara... "I understand... That's why..."
11 これ kore "This."
12 デクさんに持ってって デクさんにもってって DEKU-san ni mottette "Please take it to Mr. Deku."
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1 角を折ったのか⁉︎なんて事…どうやって…! つのをおったのか⁉︎なんてこと…どうやって…! tsuno wo otta no ka!? nante koto...dou yatte...! "Did you break off your horn!? Such a thing...how did you...!"
2 お願いして おねがいして onegai shite "I asked"
3 協力してもらったの きょうりょくしてもらったの kyouryoku shite moratta no "for someone to help me do it."
4 エクトプラズム! EKUTOPURAZUMU! "Ectoplasm!"
5 スマナイダガ… SUMANAI DAGA... "I'm sorry, but..."
6 コノ子ハ君ノ合理性ト非合理性ヲ良ク学ンデイル コノこハきみノごうりせいトひごうりせいヲよクまなンデイル KONO ko WA kimi NO kourisei TO higou risei WO yoKU manaNDE IRU "this child is learning your rationality and irrationality well."
7 先生たちと力の使い方をお勉強したからわかるの せんせいたちとちからのつかいかたをおべんきょうしたからわかるの sensei-tachi to chikara no tsukaikata wo obenkyou shita kara wakaru no "Because I studied how to use my power with my teachers, I understand."
8 きっとこうしたって力は使える…!だってこれは私だもの きっとこうしたってちからはつかえる…!だってこれはわたしだもの kitto koushita tte chikara wa tsukaeru...! datte kore wa watashi da mono "I'm sure that you can use my power like this...! Because this is a [piece] of me."
9 だがそんな乱暴にしたら… だがそんならんぼうにしたら… daga sonna ranbou ni shitara... "But if you do something this reckless..."
10 "個性"自体に傷が "こせい"じたいにきずが "kosei" jitai ni kizu ga "your quirk itself will be damaged."
11 オールマイトさんの時もかっちゃんさんの時もこうしたかったけどできなかったの! オールマイトさんのときもかっちゃんさんのときもこうしたかったけどできなかったの! OORU MAITO-san no toki mo Kacchan-san no toki mo koushitakatta kedo dekinakatta no! "I wanted to do something like this for Mr. All Might and Mr. Kacchan, but I couldn't!"
12 私 わたし watashi "I"
13 お歌したいの おうたしたいの outa shitai no "want to sing."
14 先生 せんせい sensei "Teacher,"
15 私デクさんたちに楽しくしてもらったから わたしデクさんたちにたのしくしてもらったから watashi DEKU-san-tachi ni tanoshiku shitemoratta kara "because Mr. Deku and the others made it so I would have fun,"
16 今日終わったらデクさんたちに きょうおわったらデクさんたちに kyou owattara DEKU-san-tachi ni "after today is over, for Mr. Deku and the others--"
17 お歌するの おうたするの outa suru no "I will sing."
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1 だから… dakara... So...
2 ちょっとしかなくっても chotto shika nakuttemo even if it's only a little bit [of me],
3 私も戦わせて! わたしもたたかわせて! watashi mo tatakawasete! please let me fight too!
4 エネルギーガ充分ニ溜マッテイナイ エネルギーガじゅうぶんニたマッテイナイ ENERUGII GA juubun NI taMATTE INAI "Not enough energy has been stored."
5 コノ場合ホボ意味ハナク コノばあいホボいみハナク KONO baai HOBO imi WA NAI "In this case, it has no almost meaning."
6 巻キ戻ルスピードモ時間モ極メテ僅カ まキもどルスピードモじかんモきわメテわずカ maKImodoRU SUPIIDO MO jikan MO kiwaMETE wazuka "The rewind speed and time are both extremely small."
7 せいぜい2〜3分ぶん程度だろう せいぜい2〜3ぷんぶんていどだろう seizei 2~3pun bun-teido darou At most, it will probably take about 2-3 minutes.
8 お歌 おうた outa "[Her] song."
9 聴くまで死ねないぞ きくまでしねないぞ kiku made shinenai zo "I won't die until I hear it."
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1 皆もきっと…オイラと一緒だよな… みんなもきっと…オイラといっしょだよな… minna mo kitto...OIRA to issho da yo na... "I'm sure everyone...is with me on this..."
2 もう動けねーって思ってても…緑谷が頑張ってっとよォ もううごけねーっておもってても…みどりやががんばってっとよォ mou ugokenee tte omottetemo...Midoriya ga ganbatte tto yoO "Even though I thought I couldn't move anymore...I thought, 'Midoriya is trying his best!'"
3 体動いちまうんだよなァ‼︎ からだうごいちまうんだよなァ‼︎ karada ugoichimaunda yo naA!! "And my body went and moved!!"
tagline AFOの前に立ちはだかる…! オール・フォー・ワンのまえにたちはだかる…! OORU FOO WAN no mae ni tachihadakaru...! In front of All For One, standing in his way...!
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disqualifiedasahuman · 8 months
"sukuiyou no nai tsumi ni…… kyuusai to fukushuu o……" Akuma no you na shogyou de kaien [Mr. Schadenfreude] Zetsubou ni kuchizuke minikuku shigamitsuite Sono tsumi o ajiwae……
==shintaku== “kedakaki inishie no akuma ga yomigaeri "dareka" ni tsuki Kegareshi murabito no tamashii ni kyuusai o hodokosu darou”
[puriisuto] ga tantan to yomiageru yoko de Nakikuzureru [sousei] [sougiya] wa enbaamingu Akuma no geemu wa mada joshou ni sugizu Dochira ka ga horobu made nogarerarenai
Kono naka no dareka ga……!? [ano ko] o anna me ni……? Akuma da toka, geemu? da toka…… kyouminai Haa? dare nano!? nanori denasai!!!! Akuma nado…… hikagakuteki Daijoubu! [boku] ga mina o mamoru sa
Sukuiyou no nai fujouri? Katariai? sude ni gyanbitto? Akuma no joutou abake 「Are you Mr. Schadenfreude?」 Madoi madoi, erabe tsurushiageru torofii Soroeru made owarenai Massaker?
==shintaku== “ikareru inishie no akuma ga awarenaru [naito] o sukui Kegareshi murabito mo nokorazu kyuusai shite miseru darou”
[puriisuto] wa tantan to yomiageru bakari Ikarikuruu [meiyuu] sougiya wa enbaamingu Sanagara kuranke o chiryou surugagotoku? Gouman na "kyuusaigeki" tsuzuku no nara……
Yuukoku made ni akuma o tsurusu Boku ga kataki o totte yaru sa Dose kono mama mina, mina, shinjau ndaa!! Mou yamete! utagaiau no nara, [watashi] ga tsurusaremashou…… Tokoro de…… naze, [kimi] no chookaa o Kare ga motte ita no?
Gishin'angi ni obore misogiau hate no buuse? Akuma no zaijou o sabake Touryou? Mr. Schadenfreude
Furueru te de inore Koushudai e no birietto Sabakeru made owarenai Richten
Yoake no kane ga chinmoku o utau [omo] no nemuri o mamoru you ni Mura hazure no bochi de jijin shita [kanojo] Imawa no tegami ni wa "hayaku koroshi ni kite……!!"
Katariai tsurushiau yori Hito no mama de kyuusai saretai? Himeta honshou ga mezameru? "dareka no fukou ga kimochiii……"
Ittai "dare" ga konna koto o? Zenbu "akuma no sei" ni suru "dareka"…… ……no sei ni suru [dareka] ga……?
Shitanamezuri shitaiaikousha Dou mita tte [omae] ga akuma da! Nante shuuaku de boutokuteki…… ningen no sore ja nai!! Sou……? Boku wa tada no sougiya karera shika aisenai dake Soshite…… Boku ga medeta karera wa mina, [hito] datta sa
Kurushimagire no benmei kasaneru hodo ni Foolish!! Akuma no shoutai, sarase! 「You are Mr. Schadenfreude!!」
Akuma o tsui ni seibai Shouri no hai kawashitara [ayama]tte shimatta [watashi] mo……? Saa, yasuraka na mama…… onemuri
Sukuwarenai sekai de [boku] to tomo ni odorou yo Hatasarenai kyuusaigeki Kiyasume no Golden slumber Mihatenu yume no naka, tsuigeki!…… saigo no shiage Soshite dare mo inaku natte sa……
"mata dare mo sukuenai mama……"
Mr. Shaadenfuroide?
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vstranslations · 1 year
Blu-swing - クラゲ (Kurage) - Lyrics
song (spotify) Japanese/Romaji/English lyrics under the cut
クローム調が僕を透かし 滑らかな曲線を描く影が綺麗だね 沈むあの子に会いたいな 宇宙の彼方へと行けたらいいのに
触れてしまえば 傷つけてしまうでしょう
孤独が好き そんなことはない 群れるのが好きじゃない ただそれだけ 波に任せて漂うよ この夜も帳が下りてゆく
しなやかな手を取り 君とラ・カンシオン 舞い踊ろうよ 無限のループ いつか海に溶けて 秘密に還るだけ
音のない世界 冷たい感触 果てなく続いてく 青が青に深く深く揺らめいて ねえ 今宵も君を夢見る
孤独が好き そんなことはない 見失わないで 目を逸らさないで 時の丘でひらめくよ ほら 今宵は月が綺麗だって
Kuroomu chou ga boku o sukashi namerakana kyokusen o egaku kage ga kirei da ne shizumu ano ko ni aitai na uchuu no kanata e to iketara ii no ni
Furete shimaeba kizutsukete shimau deshou
Kodoku ga suki sonna koto wa nai mureru no ga suki ja nai tada sore dake nami ni makasete tadayou yo kono yoru mo tobari ga orite yuku
Shinayakana te o tori kimi to la cancion mai odorou yo mugen no loop itsuka umi ni tokete himitsu ni kaeru dake
Oto no nai sekai tsumetai kanshoku hate naku tsudzuiteku ao ga ao ni fukaku fukaku yurameite nee koyoi mo kimi o yume miru
Kodoku ga suki sonna koto wa nai mi ushinawanai de me o sorasanai de toki no oka de hirameku yo hora koyoi wa tsuki ga kirei datte
The chrome finish smooths out my edges, and my shadow has such nice, sleek curves I wish I could see that sad girl If only I could travel to the far reaches of the universe
If you touch it, you’ll probably get hurt
It’s not that I enjoy being alone, it’s just that I don’t like crowds That’s all; I just let the waves carry me And night descends on us once again
I take hold of your soft hand, and dance to a song with you It’s an endless loop One day it’ll melt into the sea, and return to being a secret
A silent world, cold to the touch Stretching on infinitely Layers of blue create deep ripples Hey, I’m going to dream of you again tonight
It’s not like I enjoy being alone Don’t lose sight or look away from it It’s shining on this hill in time Look, the moon is so beautiful tonight
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Alive in yours (Español)
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Intérprete: Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi)
Digital single: 10 Shining Birthday Song “Alive in yours”
Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 febrero 2023
Alive in yours Viviendo en ti
掴んだら溶けてく Tsukandara toketeku Eres tan fugazmente hermosa
儚いほどに美しくて Hakanai hodo ni utsukushikute Que si te sostengo, te derrites
だけど見てるだけじゃ Dakedo miteru dake ja Por eso sólo puedo mirarte
Loneliness 君のせいさ Loneliness kimi no sei sa Y mi soledad es culpa tuya
夢に出逢って生まれたよ Yume ni deatte umareta yo Nació luego de encontrarnos en un sueño,
愛しいこの鼓動に Itoshii kono kodou ni Y es dolorosamente cálido
苦しいほどに温かい Kurushii hodo ni atatakai Para los amados latidos de mi corazón
アツイ涙キスで拭う Atsui namida kisu de nuguu Que acumula huellas de las cálidas lágrimas
跡を重ね Ato o kasane Que secas con tus besos
生きる意味が愛を知ることなら Ikiru imi ga ai o shiru koto nara Si el significado de la vida es encontrar el amor,
凍える夜でも君を見つけるよ Kogoeru yo demo kimi o mitsukeru yo Te encontraré inclusive en una noche helada
生きる証が愛の証へと Ikiru akashi ga ai no akashi e to Si el símbolo de mi vida se convierte
変わり出したら Kawari dashitara En un símbolo de amor,
もう何も怖くない Mou nani mo kowakunai Ya no le temeré a nada
この歌を捧げよう Kono uta o sasageyou Y te ofreceré esta canción
“永遠”そう誓った “Eien” sou chikatta Estoy seguro que con el tiempo
この場所もきっと時間(とき)と共に Kono basho mo kitto toki to tomo ni Este lugar en donde juré “eternidad”
誰かの心にも 花を咲かせ Dareka no kokoro ni mo hana o sakase Florecerá y quedará grabado
刻んでく Kizandeku En el corazón de alguien
想像以上 でも決して Souzouijou demo kesshite Es más de lo que imaginaba pero definitivamente
幻でもないから Maboroshi demo nai kara No es una ilusión
恋しいほどに深くなる Koishii hodo ni fukaku naru Te anhelo tanto que estos sentimientos amargos
ビターな想い Bitaa na omoi Se vuelven más profundos
だけど甘い 未来くれた Dakedo amai mirai kureta Pero son dulces y me dieron un futuro
生きてることで愛に辿り着くと Ikiteru koto de ai ni tadori tsuku to Estando aquí, me enseñaste
教えてくれた 君がいるのなら Oshiete kureta kimi ga iru no nara Que la manera de alcanzar el amor es viviendo
震える鼓動を抱きしめていたい Furueru kodou o dakishimeteitai Quiero abrazar tus temblorosos latidos
この先もずっと Kono saki mo zutto Y que de ahora en adelante
叶え続けていこう Kanae tsuzuketeikou Sigamos haciéndolo realidad
すべては Love, like a jewel… Subete wa love, like a jewel… Todo es amor, al igual que una joya…
Protect a promise for you… Protegeré la promesa que te hice…
一瞬一瞬が愛に包まれ Isshun isshun ga ai ni tsutsumare Cada instante está envuelto en amor
尊さが笑顔を照らしてくよ Toutousa ga egao o terashiteku yo Y la nobleza ilumina tu sonrisa
生きる証が愛の証へと Ikiru akashi ga ai no akashi e to Si el símbolo de mi vida se convierte
変わり出したら Kawaridashitara En un símbolo de amor,
もう何も怖く無い Mou nani mo kowakunai Ya no le temeré a nada
この歌を捧げよう Kono uta o sasageyou Y te ofreceré esta canción
Si te gusta mi trabajo, considera apoyarme en ko-fi nwn PV Apoya comprando el original
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tbdfe · 1 year
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oh great tbdfe tumblr account, opinions on the glitchysilver homescreens
Watashi no koi o higeki no jurietto ni shinaide
Koko kara tsuredashite...
Sonna kibun yo
Papa to mama ni oyasuminasai
Seizei ii yume o minasai
Otona wa mou neru jikan yo
Musekaeru miwaku no kyarameru
Hajirai no suashi o karameru
Konya wa doko made ikeru no?
Kamitsukanaide yasashiku shite
Nigaimono wa mada kirai na no
Mama no tsukuru okashi bakari tabeta sei ne
Shiranai koto ga aru no naraba
Shiritai to omou futsuu desho?
Zenbu misete yo
Anata ni naraba misete ageru watashi no...
Zutto koishikute shinderera
Seifuku dake de kakete yuku wa
Mahou yo jikan o tomete yo
Warui hito ni jamasarechau wa
Nigedashitai no jurietto
Demo sono namae de yobanaide
Sou yo ne musubarenakucha ne
Sou ja nai to tanoshikunai wa
Nee watashi to ikite kureru?
Senobi o shita nagai masukara
Ii ko ni naru yo kitto asu kara
Ima dake watashi o yurushite
Kuroi reesu no kyoukaisen
Mamoru hito wa kyou wa imasen
Koetara doko made ikeru no?
Kamitsuku hodo ni itai hodo ni
Suki ni natteta no wa watashi desho
Papa wa demo ne anata no koto kirai mitai
Watashi no tame to sashidasu te ni
Nigitteru sore wa kubiwa desho
Tsuredashite yo watashi no romio
Shikarareru hodo tooku e
Kane ga narihibiku shinderera
Garasu no kutsu wa oite yuku wa
Dakara ne hayaku mitsukete ne
Warui yume ni jirasarechau wa
Kitto ano ko mo sou datta
Otoshita nante uso o tsuita
Sou yo ne watashi mo onaji yo
Datte motto aisaretai wa
Hora watashi wa koko ni iru yo
Watashi no kokoro sotto nozoite mimasen ka
Hoshii mono dake afurekaette imasen ka
Mada betsuhara yo motto motto gyutto tsumekonde
Isso anata no ibasho made mo umete shimaou ka
Demo sore ja imi nai no
Ookina hako yori chiisana hako ni shiawase wa aru rashii
Dou shiyou kono mama ja watashi wa
Anata ni kirawarechau wa
Demo watashi yori yokubari na papa to mama wa kyou mo kawarazu
Sou yo ne sunao de ii no ne
Otoshita no wa kin no ono deshita
Usotsukisugita shinderera
Ookami ni taberareta rashii
Dou shiyou kono mama ja watashi mo
Itsuka wa taberarechau wa
Sono mae ni tasuke ni kite ne
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diecrotic · 2 years
[ENG TRANSLATION] 透明ガール (新しい学校のリーダーズ)
Song Title Romaji: toumei girl English Title: Transparent Girl Artist: ATARASHII GAKKO! Eighth track of the album "maenarawanai," listed on Spotify as toumeigirl(H ZETT M edit ver.). Amateur translation. Feel free to send corrections.
requested by anonymous on this blog right here. i'm not active on there anymore, but i can't resist a good translation request, and i still do like ATARASHII GAKKO! so, here ya go! it isn't required either, since i did offer, but if you'd like, you can drop a ko-fi my way and send more requests!!
言薬にしよう。したいことも、 言いたいことも全部言おうよ。 思いはどう伝えたらいいの? うまく出来そうにない。。。 君に届くかな? 孤独な僕の夢を 知って欲しいよ。 見えなくてもいい 名前を呼んで。 今は色のない「透明girl」
あの子は友達思いでいいなあ。 周りはいつでも笑顔があって その日は突然やって来た。 みんなの目から 僕は見えなくなった。 教室の窓から見た空
言薬にしよう。したいことも、 言いたいことも全部言おうよ。 思いはどう伝えたらいいの? うまく出来そうにない。。。 君に届くかな? 孤独な僕の夢を 知って欲しいよ。 見えなくてもいい 名前を呼んで。 今は色のない「透明girl」
密かに気になるよ。 彼の横顔が、 話しかけてもいい? いま目があえば… 優柔不断なの。 ヤバいどうしよう? 空気を読めれば 僕にも色がつくの?
言薬にしよう。 好きを声にして このままじゃ嫌。 不透明な今 変わるよ。 僕らしく君を呼ぶ だからそう。気付いてね。 少し不安もあるけど 欲しがることに怖がらないで 誰にも見えなくてもいいの 君だけに見てほしい 「透明LOVE」
kotoba ni shiyou. shitai koto mo, iitai koto mo zenbu iou yo. omoi wa dou tsutaetaraii no? umaku dekisouninai... kimi ni todoku ka na? kodoku na boku no yume wo shittehoshii yo. mienakutemoii namae wo yonde ima wa iro no nai "toumei gaaru"
ano ko wa tomodachi omoi de ii na mawari wa itsudemo egao ga atte sono hi wa totsuzen yattekita minna no me kara boku wa mienakunatta kyoushitsu no mado kara mita sora
kotoba ni shiyou. shitai koto mo, iitai koto mo zenbu iou yo. omoi wa dou tsutaetaraii no? umaku dekisouninai... kimi ni todoku ka na? kodoku na boku no yume wo shittehoshii yo. mienakutemoii namae wo yonde ima wa iro no nai "toumei gaaru"
hisoka ni ki ni naru yo kare no yokogao ga hanashikaketemoii? ima me ga aeba... yuujuufudan na no yabai dou shiyou? kuuki wo yomereba boku ni mo iro ga tsuku no?
kotoba ni shiyou suki wo koe ni shite kono mama ja iya futoumei na ima kawaru yo boku rashiku kimi wo yobu dakara sou. kizuite ne sukoshi fuan mo aru kedo hoshigaru koto ni kowagaranaide dare ni mo mienakutemoii kimi dake ni mitehoshii "toumei LOVE"
Let’s put it into words Let’s talk about what we want to do and say How can I communicate my thoughts? I don’t think I’ll be able to do it well… Will they reach you? I want you to know of my lonely self’s dreams It’s fine even if you can’t see me Call my name Now I am a colorless transparent girl
That guy is considerate of his friends, and that's good Around us there were always smiles That day came suddenly I disappeared before everyone’s eyes The sky I watched from the classroom window
Let’s put it into words Let’s talk about what we want to do and say How can I communicate my thoughts? I don’t think I’ll be able to do it well… Will they reach you? I want you to know of my lonely self’s dreams It’s fine even if you can’t see me Call my name Now I am a colorless transparent girl
Secretly, it caught my eye His face in profile Is it all right to strike up conversation? If our eyes meet… I’m indecisive Crap, what do I do? If I can read the mood, will my color change too?
Let’s put it into words Let’s verbalize our infatuation I don’t want to stay the way I am This opaque present will change I will call you, like I am wont to do So yes, please notice I’m a little bit anxious but don’t fear the things you want It’s fine if no one can see me I want only you to look at me "Transparent LOVE"
i love this song but i honestly wish it meant something else haha not a fan of these types of love songs. the title is so interesting too. i actually initially translated it as "invisible" because 透明人間 (toumei ningen) means "invisible person," but transparent is more literal and true to the definition, so i went with it. besides, the persona talks about changing color, so that implies they can't be completely invisible
i'mma keep it real with you chief: atarashii gakko! songs are usually difficult to translate because they use so many terms that are either slang of the japanese Gen Zs or just words that can't be found in my go-to dictionary. i actually had to ask native speakers what they thought of the meaning for some lines, particularly the 友達思い one. i initially thought that でいい meant "it's fine" but it's actually a usage of the で that connects nouns and adjectives and also indicates reason. that was confusing af
another thing i took note of was the use of 気になる (ki ni naru), which can either mean 'to bother' or 'to be interested (in).' i went with the latter because this IS a love song and the persona is talking about the guy's face (and yes, unfortunately, they are singing to a guy, as made known by 彼) so it made more sense. special shoutout to the line "少し不安もあるけど欲しがることに怖がらないで," because that shit's so real it hurts. even if it is just talking about something as simple as a confession
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wurcuburcu · 4 months
Što planuju hladzieć u letnim sezonie
Skłała prykładny śpis taho, što hladziećmu letam – prynamsi, pačnu, a tam jak pojdzie. U kancy sezonu cikawa budzie pahladzieć, nakolki spraŭdzilisia maje čakańni.
Katehoryja A. Planuju hladzieć: 1. Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan 2. Shoushimin Series 3. Isekai Shikkaku 4. Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi 5. Delico's Nursery 6. Giji Harem 7. Senpai wa Otokonoko 8. Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria 9. Madougushi Dahliya wa Utsumukanai 10. Na Nare Hana Nare 11. Mayonaka Punch 12. Kimi ni Todoke 3rd Season 13. Tensui no Sakuna-hime 14. NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Part 2
Katehoryja B. Chutčej za ŭsio pahladžu pieršy epizod, kab wyrašyć, ci hladzieć uwohule: 1. Monogatari Series: Off & Monster Season (było b dziŭna prapuścić nowy sezon, kali dahetul ja pierahladzieła ŭsie častki, i nawat upadabała peŭnyja ź ich, ale na dany momant adčuwaju stomlenaść ad hetaj franšyzy) 2. Isekai Suicide Squad 3. 2.5-jigen no Ririsa 4. Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita. 5. Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! 6. Kono Sekai wa Fukanzen Sugiru 7. Isekai Yururi Kikou 8. Bye-Bye, Earth 9. Grendizer U 10. VTuber Legend
Katehoryja C. Mažliwa dam šaniec pieršamu epizodu ŭ chodzie sezonu, kali budzie zusim nudna: 1. Shinmai Ossan Boukensha 2. Ramen Akaneko 3. Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka? 4. Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta 5. Ore wa Subete wo "Parry" suru
Katehoryja D. Paśla trejleraŭ zhubiła ŭsialakuju cikawaść, ale dobryja wodhuki (i memy) mohuć zaachwocić mianie dać hetamu tytułu šaniec: 1. Atri: My Dear Moments 2. Gimai Seikatsu 3. Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai 4. Elf-san wa Yaserarenai. 5. Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
Pryncypowa ŭnikaćmu, albo hladziećmu tolki za hrošy: 1. "Oshi no Ko" 2nd Season 2. Roshidere Heta dwa samyja papularnyja pa kolkaści čytačoŭ u tŭitery – i nia tolki – tytuły letniaha sezonu, i ja rychtujusia nia trygierycca, kali ŭsie pačnuć pichać ich wa ŭsie dzirki. Ja hatowaja nawat hałasawać za Monogatari, tolki kab nia bačyć heta na samym wiersie ŭsialakich rejtyngaŭ.
Ahułam sezon wyhladaje wielmi "letnim" – zwyčajna jany najsłabiejšyja – i maje šmat ramantyki, nacelenaj na mužčynskuju aŭdytoryju.
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan, save me. Save me, Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan.
edit. zakreśliwaju toje, što ŭžo dakładna nie hladziećmu – pieršyja epizody nia ŭrazili nastolki, kab trywać dalej
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 392 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1-2 私の何を知ってるの⁉︎ わたしのなにをしってるの⁉︎ watashi no nani wo shitteru no!? “What do you know about me!?”
tagline 1 大軍にのまれ! たいぐんにのまれ! taigun ni nomare! Swallowed by a giant army!
tagline 2 No.392 ヴィラン名  堀越耕平 ナンバー392 ヴィランめい  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 392 VIRAN mei   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 392 Villain Name  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 フロッピーーー‼︎ FUROPPII--!! “Froppy--!!”
4 奥渡島のダメージで オクトじまのダメージで OKUTO jima no DAMEEJI de The damage I got at Octo Island,
5 くっ…うまく捌けなかった…! くっ…うまくさばけなかった…! gu...umaku sabakenakatta...! ggh...I didn’t handle it well...!
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1 何一つ不自由なんかなかったくせに なにひとつふじゆうなんかなかったくせに nani hitotsu fujiyuu nanka nakatta kuse ni “Even though you had not even one inconvenience,”
2 ルールに合ってただけのくせに‼︎ ルールにあってただけのくせに‼︎ RUURU ni atteta dake no kuse ni!! “even though you only followed the rules!!”
3 生きやすく産まれただけのくせに‼︎ いきやすくうまれただけのくせに‼︎ iki yasuku umareta dake no kuse ni!! “Even though you were born only to live easily!!” (Note: This grammar pattern sounds more accusatory than it might sound in translation. The overall message is basically: “How could someone like you, who has only ever had such an easy life, know anything about me!?”)
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1 スズメを殺して血を啜って スズメをころしてちをすすって SUZUME wo koroshite chi wo susutte You killed a sparrow to drink its blood,
2 笑ってるなんて… わらってるなんて… waratteru nante... and then you smile...
3 違うの ちがうの chigau no No, it’s different.
4 お庭に落ちてたの おにわにおちてたの oniwa ni ochiteta no It had fallen in the garden.
5 ハイ矯正していきましょう"普通"に ハイきょうせいしていきましょう"ふつう"に HAI kyousei shite ikimashou “futsuu” ni All right, let’s go and correct you to normal.
6 あ ハイもうちょっと待ってください あ ハイもうちょっとまってください a   HAI mou chotto matte kudasai Ah, yes, please wait a little longer.
7 すぐそっち行きます すぐそっちいきます sugu socchi ikimasu I’ll be right there.
8 えっと… etto... Um...
9 ええ大丈夫です ええだいじょうぶです ee daijoubu desu Yes, it’s fine.
10 そうですね… sou desu ne... That’s right...
11 強い"個性"を持つ子にありがちな倒錯ですよ つよい"こせい"をもつこにありがちなとうさくですよ tsuyoi “kosei” wo motsu ko niarigachi na tousaku desu yo It’s a perversion common to children who have strong quirks.
12 この社会ではよくあることです このしゃかいではよくあることです kono shakai de wa yoku aru koto desu It’s a thing that happens often in this society.
13 正して消していきましょう ただしてけしていきましょう tadashite keshite ikimashou Let’s go correct and erase it.
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1 ヒミコちゃんの顔コワーイ! ヒミコちゃんのかおコワーイ! HIMIKO-chan no kao KOWAAI! Himiko-chan’s face is scaaary!
2 やめなさい‼︎何をしてるの やめなさい‼︎なにをしてるの yamenasai!! nani wo shiteru no Stop it!! What are you doing?
3 まるでーー異常者だ! まるでーーいじょうしゃだ! maru de--ijousha da! It’s like--you’re a deviant! (Note: I feel obligated to point out that the word for “deviant” also works as a word for “pervert.”)
4 普通しなさい! ふつうしなさい! futsuu shinasai! Be normal!
5 あの子ぜんぜん話合わないんだもん あのこぜんぜんはなしあわないんだもん ano ko zenzen hanashiawanainda mon That kid just doesn’t speak on the same wavelength [as us].
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1 被身子‼︎ ヒミコ‼︎ HIMIKO!! Himiko!!
2 友だちの血を吸ったって⁉︎ ともだちのちをすったって⁉︎ tomodachi no chi wo sutta tte!? You sucked your friend’s blood!?
3 違うの ちがうの chigau no No, it’s different.
4 怪我してたからちうちうしたの けがしてたからちうちうしたの kega shiteta kara chiuchiu shita no I kissed it because they were injured. (Note: The onomatopoeia here for “kissed” also sounds like the one for “sucked.”)
5 普通じゃない‼︎ ふつうじゃない‼︎ futsuu ja nai!! That’s not normal!!
6 まともになりたくないのか⁉︎ matomo ni naritakunai no ka!? Don’t you want to be normal!? (Note: This word for “normal” also means “decent, upstanding.”)
7 パパ ママ PAPA   MAMA Papa, Mama.
8 わからないの 私わからないの わからないの わたしわからないの wakaranai no   watashi wakaranai no Don’t understand, I don’t understand.
9 みんな好きなノになるのガマンしてるの? みんなすきなノになるのガマンしてるの? minna suki na NO ni naru no GAMAN shiteru no? Is everyone restraining how they want to become the ones they like?
10 なんでみんな nande minna Why won’t everyone
11 ちうちうしないの? chiuchiu shinai no? kiss? (Note: Again, this is that same onomatopoeia that means both “kiss” and “suck.”)
12 ああ…‼︎ aa...!! Aah...!!
13 あ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 a~~~~~~~ Aaaaaaaaah!
14 違うんだこれ ちがうんだこれ chigaunda kore This is so wrong.
15 もう根っこが! もうねっこが! mou nekko ga! Her core is already--! (Note: This “core” word means literally “roots,” and it’s the same word Katsuki uses to describe what Izuku is like “at his core” in chapter 284. I also can’t remember where but I’m pretty sure someone used the same word to describe Tomura at some point this arc. Maybe Dabi too.)
16-17 人間じゃない子産んじゃった! にんげんじゃないこうんじゃった! ningen ja nai ko unjatta! We went and gave birth to a child that isn’t human!
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1 だからあなたはフタをした dakara anata wa FUTA wo shita “That’s why you covered it up.”
2 抑圧し仮面をつくった よくあつしかめんをつくった yokuatsu shi kamen wo tsukutta “You suppressed [yourself] and made a mask.”
3 自分じゃない誰かになった じぶんじゃないだれかになった jibun ja nai dare ka ni natta “You became someone other than yourself.”
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1 ああ aa “Aagh!”
2 麗日ぁあああ‼︎ うららかぁあああ‼︎ Urarakaaaaa!! “Urarakaaaaa!!“
3 梅雨ちゃん! つゆちゃん! Tsuyu-chan! “Tsuyu-chan!“
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1 ケロ! KERO! “Ribbit!”
2 違うそっちじゃな ちがうそっちじゃな chigau socchi ja na “No, not over there!”
3 え e “Eh?”
4 ゲゴッ GEGO “Ribbi-cough!”
5 トガだ! TOGA da! “That’s Toga!”
6-7 ヒーローは殲滅する ヒーローはせんめつする HIIROO wa senmetsu suru “Annihilate the heroes!”
8 飛び散った血を分身が摂取してるんだ! とびちったちをぶんしんがせっしゅしてるんだ! tobichitta chi wo bunshin ga sesshu shiterunda! “The doppelgangers are ingesting the blood that’s splattering everywhere!”
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1 ウチまで… UCHI made... “Even me...”
2 この量に抗うには… このりょうにあらがうには… kono ryou ni aragau ni wa... “To oppose these numbers...”
3 全員一丸となってのチームアップが不可欠だった…! ぜんいんいちがんとなってのチームアップがふかけつだった…! zen’in ichigan to natte no CHIIMUAPPU ga fukaketsu datta...! “it was essential for everyone to team up all together...!”
4 散らされ…欺かれるのであれば最早… ちらされ…あざむかれるのであればもはや… chirasare...azamukareru node areba mohaya... “We’ll be scattered...and deceived, so the quickest way...“
5 うわああああ‼︎ uwaaaaa!! “Waaaaah!!”
6 最早 もはや mohaya The quickest way
7 止める術は… とめるすべは… tomeru sube wa... to stop her is...
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1 そいつを殺せ そいつをころせ soitsu wo korose Kill him!
2 殲 せん sen Anni-
3 滅 めつ metsu -hilate!
4 トガ…ヒミコちゃん…聞いてっ トガ…ヒミコちゃん…きいてっ! TOGA...HIMIKO-chan...kiite! “Toga...Himiko-chan...listen!”
5-6 私は…!"ルール"を守ることが… わたしは…!"ルール"をまもることが… watashi wa...! “RUURU” wo mamoru koto ga... “I...! [Thought that] following the rules...”
7 ヒーローだと思ってた…‼︎外れる事が…敵だと思ってた…! ヒーローだとおもってた…‼︎はずれることが…ヴィランだとおもってた…! HIIROO da to omotteta...!! hazureru koto ga...VIRAN da to omotteta...! “I thought that’s what a hero is...!! I thought that deviating [from them]...is what a villain is...!”
8 でもねトガヒミコちゃん demo ne TOGA HIMIKO-chan “But you know, Himiko Toga-chan,”
9 私のお友だちは今 わたしのおともだちはいま watashi no otomodachi wa ima “my friend right now,”
10 そんなルールより何より そんなルールよりなにより sonna RUURU yori nani yori “more than the rules, more than anything,”
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1-2 あなたと向き合おうとしてる あなたとむきあおうとしてる anata to mukiaou to shiteru “is trying to face you.” (Note: The word here literally means “to face, oppose, face off with, confront,” but the meaning implied here is that this confrontation is not a merely physical battle but an attempt to address Toga philosophically.)
3 それはただ殲滅するより それはただせんめつするより sore wa tada senmetsu suru yori “Rather than just annihilating you,”
4 ただ確保するより ただかくほするより tada kakuho suru yori “rather than securing you,”
5 困難な道だと思う こんなんなみちだとおもう konnan na michi da to omou “I think it’s the more difficult path.”
6 だから dakara “So,”
7 お茶子ちゃんのこと おちゃこちゃんのこと Ochako-chan no koto “about Ochako-chan,”
8 遅くなったかもしれないけれど おそくなったかもしれないけれど osokunatta kamo shirenai kedo “maybe she was late, but”
9 少しでいいから…話を聞いて! すこしでいいから…はなしをきいて! sukoshi de ii kara...hanashi wo kiite! “just a little is fine...listen to what she has to say!”
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1 構造が違う‼︎ こうぞうがちがう‼︎ kouzou ga chigau!! Literal: “The structure is different!!” Contextual: “We’re built differently!!”
2 おまえ達が言う祝福も喜びも おまえたちがいうしゅくふくもよろこびも omaetachi ga iu shukufuku mo yorokobi mo “The blessings and joy you all speak of,”
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1 私は何も感じない! わたしはなにもかんじない! watashi wa nani mo kanjinai! “I feel none of them!”
2-3 そっちの尺度で私を可哀想な人間にするな‼︎ そっちのルールでわたしをかわいそうなにんげんにするな‼︎ socchi no RUURU (kanji: shakudo) de watashi wo kawaisou na ningen ni suruna!! “Don’t make me a pitiable person by those rules (read as: standards)!!” (Note: In an incredibly well-timed turn of events, this ask has become extremely relevant. The sentence above, in content and structure, resembles Twice’s narration directed at Hawks in chapter 266.)
4 そういやトガちゃんって souiya Toga-chan tte “Come to think of it, Toga-chan,”
5 敵名つけねえの? ヴィランめいつけねえの? VIRAN-mei tsukenee no? “can’t you [use] a villain name?”
tagline 蘇る記憶…‼︎ よみがるきおく…‼︎ yomigaeru kioku...!! A memory revives...!!
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Tōryanse, tōryanse Koko wa doko no hosomichi ja? Tenjin-sama no hosomichi ja Chitto tōshite kudashanse Goyō no nai mono tōshasenu Kono ko no nanatsu no oiwai ni Ofuda wo osame ni mairimasu Iki wa yoi yoi, kaeri wa kowai Kowai nagara mo Tōryanse, tōryanse Tōryanse, tōryanse Koko wa doko no hosomichi ja? Tenjin-sama no hosomichi ja Chitto tōshite kudashanse Goyō no nai mono tōshasenu Kono ko no nanatsu no oiwai ni Ofuda wo osame ni mairimasu Iki wa yoi yoi, kaeri wa kowai Kowai nagara mo Tōryanse, tōryanse
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wxs-len-official · 11 months
nikkori chousatai
ohakonbanchiwa (how are you?)
kyou mo kyou tote saikou desu
oo~ wandahooi!
tansaku! korekushon! tankyuu!
shokun (hai!)
wareware wa sekai no egao o chousa suru!
hai taichou ore ni meian ga— kyakka
tte mada nani mo itte nai nda ga?
moo tooniikaaku are da hora
kanabun wa ikken ni shikazu?
aa hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu da nee (sore sore!)
tsumari mushitori?!
chigau tte
taichou! (nani nani~) (nanda?)
teian ga arimasu
zehi kikasete hoshii mono da na
toriaezu (toriaezu?)
toriaezu shuppatsu shiyou noopuran de (un!)
chotto matte (e?)
shuppatsu shinkou!
chotto matte tte! tabijitaku kurai sasero~!
jaa mochimono chekku o hajimemaasu!
mazu wa kihon no!
pa! papa pasupooto motta? (haai!)
ki! kiki kigae wasureta! (e~)
mo! mobairu batterii motta? (haai)
ko! kokorozashi wa motta? (mochiron!)
nakama ga ite
watashi ga iru
shikamo futsuu janai
dare no koto kana?
bokura ni wa fukanou o
kanou ni kaeru nanika ga aru sa
nikkorikorikorikori koriandaa
achira mo kochira mo senkyakubanrai!
kimi no egao mo korekushon sasete
iieeiieiiei ie~
otona mo kodomo mo kankeinee ze
kore zo ichiryuu no enta~↓ teime~n↑
watashi datte itsuka
yume o kanaete yaru tte (we can do it)
kono nikkori ni furete
motto mune fukuramimashita to sa
hai chuumooku
nikkori chousatai
daitai ocha no kosaisa~i
tamotsu chousa no teisai
ima da! aku o tekken seisai!
chousa houkoku sono ichi
egao wa densen shimasu
obaka mo densen shimasu
yada~ meccha kowa
shokun (hai!)
taihen desu zenzen deeta ga taritemasen
toriaezu (toriaezu?)
toriaezu mata chindouchuu da naa (danaa)
omae ga iuna~!
suu jitsu go
jaa mochimono chekku hajimemaasu
son ja itsumo no!
pa! papa pasupooto motta? (haai!)
ki! papa pantsu wasuretaa uaa! (e-)
mo! mobairu batterii motta? (haai)
ko! kokorozashi wa motta? (mochiron!)
okunigara toka
rounyakunan'nyo wa
anma shi kankei nai
waarudowaido da ze
kocchi no sekai mo madamada suteta mon janai
nante ne♪
nikkorikorikorikori orikou-san
in kya mo you kya mo
uerukamu uerukamu
kimi no egao ga chousa taishou sa
iieeiieiiei ie~
fijikaru mentaru tootaru OK
kikime batsugun no enta~↓ teime~n↑
watashi datte itsuka
yume o kanaete yaru tte (we can do it)
kono nikkori ni furete
motto mune fukuramimashita to sa
sono shonbori o nikkori ni henkan
uchira ni makasero make your smile (Fu~)
age no toki datte sage no toki datte
kakimazechatte supaisu datte
kanpeki da
nani ga?
nikkorikorikorikori orikou-chan
otona mo kodomo mo netsuretsu kangei!
mochi wareware mo chousa taishou da!
run away uei uei ue~i
watashi datte itsuka
yume o kanaete yaru tte (we can do it)
kono nikkori ni furete
motto mune fukuramimashita to sa
0 notes
koizumicchi · 1 year
Be the One (Midnight 6) English Translation
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Be the One Midnight 6
T/N: May we always find the courage to keep walking forward. Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
前向こうとする度 悲しみとともにcrying 本当はいつだって笑った顔でいたいのに
Mae mukō to suru tabi Kanashimi to tomo ni crying Hontou wa itsudatte waratta kao de itai no ni
Every time I try to move forward I am crying with sorrow But the truth is, I always wanted to stay smiling 
作られていくウソツキ これじゃ駄目だ常に嘆き いつだってどこだって不安になるから
Tsukurareteiku usotsuki Kore ja dame da tsune ni nageki Itsudatte doko datte fuan ni naru kara
The liar that is being made This is too much for me, I lament like usual Anytime, wherever I am, I start to feel anxious
人は誰しも報われない こともあるだろう 周りの子は出来てるのに 自分だけが出来てない なんて事もあるだろう 情けない辛いそんな弱音すらも 音で奏でてく魔法
Hito wa dare shimo mukuwarenai Koto mo aru darou Mawari no ko wa dekiteru no ni Jibun dake ga dekitenai Nante koto mo aru darou Nasakenai tsurai sonna yowane sura mo Oto de kanadeteku mahō
Not a single person rewarded There is such a thing here Although the young ones around me are able to It is only me who cannot do it Sometimes I feel that in my heart But my pathetic and painful whines Can also be a magic spell played with sound
ほら 何度側で見続けたって 何度も涙溢れたって 気づけばまた会いたいんだって思えたんだ うだつが上がらないこんな日々も 心に空いた切ない証も 埋めてずっと側にいよう
Hora nando soba de mitsudzuketatte Nando mo namida afuretatte Kidzukeba mata aitain datte omoetan da Udatsu ga agaranai konna hibi mo Kokoro ni aita setsunai akashi mo Umete zutto soba ni iyou
Hey, no matter how many times I continue to watch over you by your side No matter how many times I break into tears Before I knew it, I realized I wanted to see you again Even on days like this when I am in low-spirits It is a painful proof of the void in my heart Let us fill it up, and stay by each other’s side forever
どうしても届かないこの声が 募る想い色褪せないずっとforever (Believe in yourself) ありのままに (Beautiful days) 今も変わらない
Dōshite mo todokanai kono koe ga Tsunoru omoi iroasenai zutto forever (Believe in yourself) Ari no mama ni (Beautiful days) Ima mo kawaranai
This voice that cannot reach you no matter what I do My growing feelings for you will never fade, forever (Believe in yourself) Just stay as you are (Beautiful days) It remains the same, even now
見えてない景色に 彩りをつける為に 君の笑顔が一つ増えれば 希望になるから
Mietenai keshiki ni Irodori o tsukeru tame ni Kimi no egao ga hitotsu fuereba Kibō ni naru kara
To the scenery you cannot see In order to add some color If your smiles increase with another It turns into my hope
欠ける事はない満ちた光が 何度でも照らす 立ち向かう勇気を持てば あの日流した涙俺は今も忘れない 暗い空に光る星を眺め浮かべた
Kakeru koto wa nai michita hikari ga Nando demo terasu Tachimukau yūki omoteba Ano hi nagashita namida ore wa ima mo wasurenai Kurai sora ni hikaru hoshi o nagame ukabeta
An abundant light that never wanes Will shine on us again and again If we have the courage to stand back up I still cannot forget the tears I shed that day I gaze at the stars shining in the dark sky
さぁ、見つけよう 俺とお前らだけの物語を 苦楽共に過ごしてきた大切な存在を 描く一筋の流れ星が導くまま 
Saa, mitsukeyou Ore to omaera dake no monogatari o Kuraku tomo ni sugoshitekita taisetsu na sonzai o Egaku hitosuji no nagareboshi ga michibiku mama
Come, let’s find it A tale only for you and me You are an important existence with whom I have shared joys and sorrows As we are guided by the drawn single beam of light of a shooting star
ほら何度側で見続けたって 何度も涙溢れたって 気づけばまた会いたいんだって思えたんだ 傷つきながら見捨ててた日々も 何をしてても考えた時も 超えてずっと側にいよう
Hora nando soba de mitsudzuketatte Nando mo namida afuretatte Kidzukeba mata aitain datte omoetanda Kizutsuki nagara misuteteta hibi mo Nani o shitete mo kangaeta toki mo Koete zutto soba ni iyou
Hey, no matter how many times I continue to watch over you by your side No matter how many times I break into tears Before I knew it, I realized I wanted to see you again Even on days where I was hurting and I failed you No matter what I do or when I think of you Let us go beyond, and stay by each other’s side forever
every day every time どんな時にだって 持てる言葉 言える事は常に決まっていて それで落ちこんだりくじけそうになる でもそれは必然でまさに風前の灯火で
every day every time donna toki ni datte Moteru kotoba ieru koto wa tsune ni kimatteite Sore de ochikon dari kujike sō ni naru Demo sore wa hitsuzen de masani fūzen no tomoshibi hi de
every day, every time, no matter what time it is The words I have, the things I can say, are decided as usual That makes me depressed and feel like giving up But that is inevitable and exactly just a lamp where the wind blows
今は何かわからない 居場所もまだわからない それでも進んでいく毎日だから
Ima wa nani ka wakaranai ibasho mo mada wakaranai Sore demo susundeiku mainichi dakara
I don’t understand anything right now, I still don’t know the place I belong to But even so, it is why I keep moving forward everyday
過去と未来が変わり過ぎても 向き合う自分に誇りを持てよ 誰もが胸に秘めてる無限の可能性 夢見た世界へ共に行こう
Kako to mirai ga kawari sugite mo Mukiau jibun ni hokori o mote yo Dare mo ga mune ni himeteru mugen no kanōsei Yumemita sekai e tomo ni ikou
Even if the past and future change too much Be proud of facing yourself The infinite possibilities hidden in everyone’s heart Let us go together towards the world we dream of
ほら 何度側で見続けたって 何度も涙溢れたって 気づけばまた会いたいんだって思えたんだ うだつが上がらないこんな日々も 心に空いた切ない証も 埋めてずっと側にいよう
Hora nando soba de mitsudzuketatte Nando mo namida afuretatte Kidzukeba mata aitain datte omoetan da Udatsu ga agaranai konna hibi mo Kokoro ni aita setsunai akashi mo Umete zutto soba ni iyou
Hey, no matter how many times I continue to watch over you by your side No matter how many times I break into tears Before I knew it, I realized I wanted to see you again Even on days like this when I am in low-spirits It is a painful proof of the void in my heart Let us fill it up, and stay by each other’s side forever
迷ってないでほら前に進もう 言葉の翼広げあの空へ 確かな一歩踏みしめ走れ 一際輝いてるあの星のように
Mayotte nai de hora mae ni susumou Kotoba no tsubasa hiroge ano sora e Tashika na ippo fumishime hashire Hitokiwa kagayaiteru ano hoshi no yō ni
Don’t lose your way, come on, let’s move forward Spread the wings of words towards that sky Take that confident first step firmly and run Like that star that shines so brightly and remarkably
もうダメって思った時だって 振り返りゃヒントは転がってる いつか叶えられるその日まで 歩み出す Be the one
Mō dame tte omotta toki datte Furikaerya hinto wa korogatteru Itsuka kanaerareru sono hi made Ayumidasu Be the one
Even when you think it is impossible for you When you look back, the hints will fall into your hands Until that day it comes true Keep walking, Be the one
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newhologram · 2 years
Dream Fighter - Perfume lyrics and translation
ᵁˢᵘᵃˡ ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ: ᴵ’ᵐ ᵃ ᴶᴾ ˢᵗᵘᵈᵉⁿᵗ, ⁿᵒᵗ ᶠˡᵘᵉⁿᵗ, ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ˡᵉᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ. ᴵ ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵗʳʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵈᵒ ˡᶦᵗᵉʳᵃˡ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿˢ ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᶦᵗ ᶜᵃⁿ ᶠᵉᵉˡ ˢᵗᵃˡᵉ. ᴵᵗ’ˢ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ᶦᵐᵖᵒʳᵗᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵖʳᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵉᵉˡᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃ ᵇᵒʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵈᶦʳᵉᶜᵗ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢˡᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ. Something inspiring to start the year. Nakata wrote this song after Perfume finally made it big with Polyrhythm (2008-2009). In an interview they stated that they were annoyed with the message of the song at first, thinking, "But we did it! We made it! We got our dream come true already!" but as time went on they understood what Nakata was telling them. That this was only the beginning, and they would have to keep fighting to stay at the top like this. That things could get hard, but to know they've got the strength. So, let's keep being Dream Fighters. 💖
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Translation, romaji, and kana below
In pursuit of the Very Best, we set out on a never-ending journey Surely this is proof that we're Alive Oh Yeah, even if reality knocks you down hard I know you'll keep moving forward, Dream Fighter
Hey, what everyone says is "normal" is actually, probably Not exactly in the middle, but more of a paradigm But being normal is still not enough
Until I can be happy just as I am I'll go far, far beyond that point
In pursuit of the Very Best, we set out on a never-ending journey Surely this is proof that we're Alive Even when painful things come up I know you'll never give up the fight
We've got the strength, so we'll keep on sprinting Yeah, every tear that falls is a precious treasure Oh Yeah, even if reality knocks you down hard I know you'll keep moving forward, Dream Fighter
Hey, what they call "the future" is actually, probably Not pitch black, a light shines through But being normal is still not enough
Until I can be happy just as I am I'll go far, far beyond that point
In pursuit of the Very Best, we set out on a never-ending journey Surely this is proof that we're Alive Even when painful things come up I know you'll never give up the fight
We've got the strength, so we'll keep on sprinting Yeah, every tear that falls is a precious treasure Oh Yeah, even if reality knocks you down hard I know you'll keep moving forward, Dream Fighter
saikou wo motomete owari no nai tabi wo suru no wa kitto boku-ra ga ikiteiru shouko dakara Oh Yeah genjitsu ni uchinomesare taoresou ni natte mo kitto mae wo mitearuku Dream Fighter
nee minna ga iu "futsuu" tte sa nandakanda tte jissai wa tabun mannaka janaku risou ni chikai dakedo futsuu ja mada monotarinai no
kono mama de iretara tte omou shunkan made tooi tooi haruka kono saki made
saikou wo motomete owari no nai tabi wo suru no wa kitto boku-ra ga ikiteiru shouko dakara moshi tsurai koto to ka ga atta toshite mo sore wa kimi ga kitto zutto akiramenai
tsuyosa wo motteiru kara boku-ra mo hashiritsudzukeru n da Yeah koboreochiru namida mo zenbu takaramono Oh Yeah genjitsu ni uchinomesare taore sou ni nattemo kitto mae wo mitearuku Dream Fighter
nee minna ga iu mirai tte sa nandakanda tte jissai wa tabun makkura janaku hikari ga sashite dakedo futsuu ja mada monotarinai no
kono mama de iretara tte omou shunkan made tooi tooi haruka no saki made
saikou wo motomete owari no nai tabi wo suru no wa kitto boku-ra ga ikiteiru shouko dakara moshi tsurai koto to ka ga atta toshite mo sore wa kimi ga kitto zutto akiramenai
tsuyosa wo motteiru kara bokura mo hashiritsudzukeru n da Yeah koboreochiru namida mo zenbu takaramono Oh Yeah genjitsu ni uchinomesare taore sou ni nattemo kitto mae wo mitearuku Dream Fighter
最高を求めて 終わりのない旅をするのは きっと僕らが生きている証拠だから Oh Yeah, 現実に打ちのめされ倒れそうになっても きっと 前を見て歩く Dream Fighter
ねぇ みんなが言う「普通」ってさ なんだかんだって 実際は多分 真ん中じゃなく 理想に近い だけど 普通じゃまだ物足りないの
このままでいれたらって思う瞬間まで 遠い 遠い 遥かこの先まで
最高を求めて 終わりのない旅をするのは きっと僕らが生きている証拠だから もし辛いこととかが あったとしてもそれは キミがきっと ずっと あきらめない
強さをもっているから 僕らも走りつづけるんだ Yeah, こぼれ落ちる 涙も全部宝物 Oh Yeah, 現実に打ちのめされ倒れそうになっても きっと 前を見て歩く Dream Fighter
ねぇ みんなが言う「未来」ってさ なんだかんだって 実際は多分 真っ暗じゃなく 光が差して だけど 普通じゃまだ物足りないの
このままでいれたらって思う瞬間まで 遠い 遠い 遥かこの先まで 最高を求めて 終わりのない旅をするのは きっと僕らが生きている証拠だから もし辛いこととかが あったとしてもそれは キミがきっと ずっと あきらめない
強さをもっているから 僕らも走りつづけるんだ Yeah, こぼれ落ちる 涙も全部宝物 Oh Yeah, 現実に打ちのめされ倒れそうになっても きっと 前を見て歩く Dream Fighter
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angels-by-starlight · 2 years
Electric Angel [Angels by Starlight cover] - Color Coded Lyrics
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STAR WISH (Español)
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Intérprete: ST☆RISH Ittoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma), Hijirikawa Masato (CV. Suzumura Kenichi), Shinomiya Natsuki (CV. Taniyama Kishou), Ichinose Tokiya (CV. Miyano Mamoru), Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi), Kurusu Syo (CV. Shimono Hiro), Aijima Cecil (CV. Toriumi Kousuke)
Álbum: Uta no Prince-sama 10th Anniversary CD ST☆RISH Ver.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2 junio 2021
そして今日が Soshite kyou ga Y hoy iremos
また夢へと Mata yume e to Nuevamente a otro sueño
Endless road Es un camino sin fin
(Oh, We will sing your love forever) (Oh, cantaremos tu amor para siempre)
君の声を Kimi no koe o Convertir tu voz
明日の光に…Wish on star Ashita no hikari ni… Wish on star En la luz del mañana… Es el deseo en una estrella
(We can make dream) (Podemos hacer un sueño)
Nothing impossible Nada es imposible,
胸に掲げ Mune ni kakage Mantengo el pecho en alto
尖りきった若さを経て Togari kitta wakasa o hete Pues tras una juventud agria
大人に羽化した Otona ni uka shita Emergió un adulto
トキメキを Tokimeki o Y quiero hacer que
あ・げ・たい(Oh, my sweet) A・ge・tai (Oh, my sweet) Te e・mo・cio・nes
絶望、失望 Zetsubou, shitsubou Hubo desesperación y decepciones
繰り返し Kurikaeshi Una y otra vez
強がり吐いた彼の日々 Tsuyogari haita kare no hibi Y mi día a día era fingir ser fuerte
だけど過去が Dakeo kako ga Pero debido a que
あったから Atta kara Ese fue mi pasado,
Hold・you・tight(もっと触れたい…) Hold・you・tight (motto furetai...) Te・abrazo・con fuerza (y quiero sentirte más...)
星の名を Hoshi no na o Cada vez que repito
何度も重ねて口にして Nando mo kasanete kuchi ni shite El nombre de esta estrella
背負う度 Seou tabi Y cargo con él en mi espalda,
時の砂が風に舞い散って Toki no suna ga kaze ni maichitte Las arenas del tiempo revolotean en el viento
「切なさ」「強さ」に “Setsunasa” “tsuyosa” ni Convirtiendo el “dolor”
変わった Kawatta En “fuerza”
「永遠なんてない…」 “Eien nante nai...” Precisamente porque
だからこそ Dakara koso “Nada es eterno...”
Ki… Vamos...
ss… A...
で… De… Callar-...
ふ… Fu… Lo...
さ… Sa… Con...
ご… Go… Un...
う… U… Beso...
You will find the music more beautiful than kiss Encontrarás la música más hermosa que un beso
(愛は消えない) (Ai wa kienai) (Este amor no desaparecerá)
Oh, oh永遠を願うことに嘘はないよ Oh, oh eien o negau koto ni uso wa nai yo Oh, oh no mentimos acerca de desear la eternidad
(共に歌おう) (Tomo ni utaou) (Cantemos juntos)
君と時間に抗(あらが)い生きてきたい Kimi to jikan ni aragai ikite kitai Queremos vivir luchando contra el tiempo contigo
(涙も重ね) (Namida mo kasane) (Las lágrimas se van a acumular)
Oh, ohその涙を守ると誓うよSTARRY HEART Oh, oh sono namida o mamoru to chikau yo STARRY HEART Oh, oh, nuestro corazón estrellado promete proteger esas lágrimas
(笑顔に変えたい) (Egao ni kaetai) (Que queremos convertir en sonrisas)
輝け Kagayake Brilla,
STARRY HEART Corazón estrellado
包ませて Tsutsumasete Y déjanos envolverte
Ki… Será...
ss… Mucho...
よ… Yo… Mejor...
り… Ri… Que...
す… Su… Un…
ご… Go… Be-...
く… Ku... So...
Anything is possible Todo es posible
Future is shining El futuro está brillando
未来の話をしないか? Mirai no hanashi o shinai ka? ¿Quieres que hablemos sobre el futuro?
10年を込めて Juunen o komete Con el peso de diez años
抱き締めて Dakishimete Quiero
あ・げ・たい(To your heart) A・ge・tai (To your heart) A・bra・zar・te  (y a tu corazón)
願望、欲望 Ganbou, yokubou Exponiendo mi anhelos
さらけ出し Sarakedashi Y deseos,
後悔なんて勿体ない Kouai nante mottainai No tengo nada de qué arrepentirme
命賭けた Inochi kaketa Apostando mi vida
Passionで Passion de Por esta pasión
あ・つ・く(Be with me...) A・tsu・ku (Be with me...) Que・está・ardiendo (quédate conmigo...)
此処からの Koko kara no Quiero que veas
始まる姿を見て欲しい Hajimaru sugata o mite hoshii Lo que inicia a partir de aquí
絶対に Zettai ni Definitivamente
更に上を見せてあげたい Sara ni ue o misete agetai Quiero mostrarte aún más
証明するよ Shoumei suru yo Te voy a demostrar
言葉じゃなく Kotoba janaku Pero no con palabras
心から好きが Kokoro kara suki ga Que te amo con todo mi corazón
溢れる Afureru Y se está desbordando
せ… Se… Va-...
か… Ka… Ya-...
い… I… Mos...
に… Ni… Hacia...
ゆ… Yu… El...
こ… Ko… Mun-...
う… U… Do...
You will find the music more beautiful than kiss Encontrarás la música más hermosa que un beso
(恋を超えて) (Koi o koete) (Más allá del amor)
Oh, oh紡いで来た歴史は伊達じゃないこと Oh, oh tsumuide kita rekishi wa date janai koto Oh, oh la historia que hemos construido no es sólo una moda
(証明したい) (Shoumei shitai) (Y queremos probarlo)
感情が抑えられない程に Kanjou ga osaerarenai hodo ni No podemos controlar nuestras emociones,
(胸が高鳴った) (Mune ga takanatta) (El corazón nos late muy rápido)
Oh, oh新時代へ羽撃き出したSTARRY HEART Oh, oh shin jidai e habataki dashita STARRY HEART Oh, oh nuestro corazón estrellado está volando hacia una nueva era
(煌めく勇気で) (Kirameku yuuki de) (Con un coraje resplandeciente)
繋ごう Tsunagou Conectémonos,
STARRY HEART Corazón estrellado,
明日へと Ashita e to Con el mañana
ずっ… Zu… Nun-...
と… Tto... Ca...
は… Ha… Te...
な… Na… De-...
さ… Sa… Ja-...
な… Na.. Ré...
い… I… Ir...
この衝動 Kono shoudou Este impulso
この熱情 Kono netsujou Y esta pasión
Endless wind Son un viento sin fin
(Oh, We wanna fly so high) (Oh, queremos volar tan alto)
スタートした Sutaato shita Que ya iniciara
次の旅路を…Wish on star Tsugi no tabiji o… Wish on star Nuestro siguiente viaje… Es el deseo en una estrella
(We can fly dream) (Podemos hacer volar un sueño)
You will find the music more beautiful than kiss Encontrarás la música más hermosa que un beso
(愛は消えない) (Ai wa kienai) (Este amor no desaparecerá)
Oh, oh永遠を願うことに嘘はないよ Oh, oh eien o negau koto ni uso wa nai yo Oh, oh no mentimos acerca de desear la eternidad
(共に歌おう) (Tomo ni utaou) (Cantemos juntos)
君と時間に抗(あらが)い生きてきたい Kimi to jikan ni aragai ikite kitai Queremos vivir luchando contra el tiempo contigo
(涙も重ね) (Namida mo kasane) (Las lágrimas se van a acumular)
Oh, ohその涙を守ると誓うよSTARRY HEART Oh, oh sono namida o mamoru to chikau yo STARRY HEART Oh, oh, nuestro corazón estrellado promete proteger esas lágrimas
(笑顔に変えたい) (Egao ni kaetai) (Que queremos convertir en sonrisas)
輝け Kagayake Brilla,
STARRY HEART Corazón estrellado
包ませて Tsutsumasete Y déjanos envolverte
Ki… Será...
ss… Mucho...
よ… Yo… Mejor...
り… Ri… Que...
す… Su… Un...
ご… Go… Be-...
く… Ku… So...
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Apoya comprando el original
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