#Kratos mentioned later
fallen-angel-92 · 8 months
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Chapter 4
Summary: She was not where she was supposed to be. Birthed from the womb of a goddess and raised as a Spartan. She must try and learn what it means to be a parent all the while trying to navigate this new world she is in.
“I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.” - Luis Miguel
Rhea could hear the little bell of the door chime as they walked through. Upon first glance Rhea was not too impressed by it, she was used to pubs back in Svartalfheim when she was an apprentice under Veijo Vorhoc. A well known dwarven blacksmith that had agreed to teach her after witnessing her stick her hand into a large pit of lava to try and get some metal ore to make her mother a gift. Her burned flesh on her right arm throbbed slightly at the memory, but quickly shook the memory away as she and Jaked walked toward the bar. Out of the corner of her eyes she could make out two distinct figures.
One of them was a large bald man, she could tell that he had been through a lot just by the alert way he was looking her way. The other was obviously a police officer, though she couldn't really make out what station he worked for. Rhea returned her attention forward toward the bartender, who was looking at her with an uneasy expression, however, he still greeted her with a kind voice,
“Hello ma'am. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Forgive me for intruding and disrupting your patrons evening, but my nephew and I are new to the city. We are wondering if you could give us directions to the Raccoon City Police Department.” Rhea replied back with a calm tone, she could feel Jake grip her hand a bit and tighten his hold slightly.
Just as she finished speaking, she could hear a male voice chime in with curiosity,” Mind if I ask what you need at the RPD?”
Turning her head to face the one that spoke, she was greeted to the sight of a rugged male with short brown hair that seemed to frame his face, his hazel colored eyes glittering with interest. Just as she was about to answer the other man she saw chimed in gruffly after taking a bite of food,” Kevin left the woman to her business. Just because you work there doesn't mean everyone wants you in their business.”
The man that was known as Kevin chimed in with a laid back tone,” Jeez Mark. I just asked her a question. Don't need to start acting like I am hitting on her.”
She watched the dark skinned male, give Kevin a glare, however, it was instantly stopped when the sound of a bell rang again causing everyone to turn to face the man who suddenly entered the bar. Rhea could sense death coming from him in thick waves, it was similar to the thick fogs of Helheim, however her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed that the bartender that she was originally talking to walked over to the new person. Rhea slowly pulled Jake closer to her, glancing down at him as he looked up at her with a hint of uncertainty before looking back over.
However, just then the sound of a ‘thud’ caused Rhea to quickly turn back over to Mark's direction just in time to see Mark leap out of his seat to his fallen companion. She then noticed that not only Mark ran over to him, but the female waitress ran over to the fallen man as well, another man. Rhea did not have a chance to get a good look at him as the sound of a scream drew her attention away from them and back back to the bartender, who seemed to have been bitten by the man. She reacted on instinct, letting go of Jake's hand as she rushed forward slamming her fist into his face sending him flying backwards back out of the door.
As soon as the man was out, the bartender that was attacked then quickly closed the door, locking it before sliding down the door onto his rear end.
“What the hell is going on!?” Another man screamed as the sound of something thudding on the window drew their attention to the glass next to the door. 
Rhea quickly turned to see a thin man with blonde colored hair, however, she didn’t bother to examine the man further as she turned to see that there were hundreds of people that seemed to be rotting trying to get in. Rhea quickly turned to Jake, rushing back over to him, picking him and placing him onto her back before turning to the other people that were still in the main area.
“We need to leave. Now,” She growled out causing most of the people that were still within the building to come alive once more. 
“Auntie! Over there,” Jake said softly to her as he pointed toward the door that was near the back.
Rhea quickly rushed to the door just in time to hear a female let out a fearful scream, running on autopilot, she rushed to the female bathroom and flung it open. Inside she could see a black haired female being dragged toward an open ventilation that was near the bottom of the wall.
“Boy,” Rhea says as she darts forward grabbing the woman's hand just as Jake quickly says,
Jake had managed to use the backpack to help him get a perch to allow him to shoot off an arrow at the arm. This allowed Rhea to pull the woman free, and push her out the door and back into the main area where the others were. After the door closed behind them, Rhea instantly noticed that the blonde haired waitress from before opening up the door.
“This way!” She called out standing to the side to allow the others to go through. Rhea noticed that the man Mark and the brown haired man were helping who she assumed was his partner.
The man, Kevin, rushed over to her, gently taking the young woman that she saved in the bathroom and asked with worry,” You okay, Yoko?”
The petite woman nodded her head not speaking much, before Rhea quickly cut in,” Let us go. We need to leave now.”
Kevin looked at her, nodding his head before leading the woman, Yoko, toward the door that blonde haired waitress opened. Rhea turned to look just in time to see the front door being broken open and the undead poured into the building. Rhea did not want Jake to see the end of the bartender so she quickly rushed into the door herself, closing it behind her, reaching for the dresser and pushed in front of the door. Taking two steps at a time she quickly got to the second floor where there were a total of nine people on the second floor. She scanned the survivors, noticing that there were three women and six men, Jake gently poked her in the cheek causing her to look back at him. She lifted her hand up and gently tapped him on the head.
It was something her and Jake had developed to ensure the other was alright and didn’t stay in their head too long. As soon as she put her hand back down to her side she heard a female voice huff out,” What now? I don't know what the hell is going on, but we obviously can't stay here.``
Rhea glanced over at the woman, she had short strawberry blonde hair and she wore a red suit which was strange to her. However, another voice chimed in, a smooth male voice replied,” While I agree with you, Alyssa, please be mindful of the young man in our midst.”
This caused the woman to pause as she looked over at Rhea and Jake before grumbling under her breath just as Rhea was about to say something when Kevin quickly spoke,” Look I agree that we need to get out of here. George, do you think Bob is okay to continue onward?”
Rhea watched as the brunette looked over at the elderly man, frowning as he turned to look at Kevin and replied back,” I am unsure. I don't know what is ailing him. I have a feeling that it has something to do with what is going on here.”
While the others were speaking, Rhea began to look around, she could feel Jake let go of her and land upon his feet and went to stand next to her. It was then a soft gruff voice softly asked,” Are you two alright? You just came into town right?”
She turned to her right to see a man with dark brown hair almost black in color. She could tell from his tool set that he was some type of maintenance worker. Rhea nodded her head as she replied, “We are fine. Yes we traveled a great distance to get here.”
However, before more could be said as everyone went quiet at the sudden sound of banging down the stairs. And in that moment they knew that time was now not on their side and they needed to get out of the bar as quickly as they could. Rhea had no plans on dying nor was she going to fail Jake. She would make it out of here one way or another.
(Hope you enjoy chapter 4!)
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likes-words-and-shrimp · 11 months
For anyone who wanted to watch the Tales of Symphonia Festival 20th Anniversary stream from a few weeks ago, but couldn't get the ticket, I decided to record the entire thing and put it up on g drive. It's been split into different sections and is unsubbed. So, here you go! (This may or may not stay up forever, depending).
Starts off with two character skits, then a concert, the main scenario, some free talk with the VAs, more concerts plus a fan showcase, and a final skit that one day I'm going to translate because it was so adorable and sweet.
Some highlights of the main scenario in particular include: sassy Genis and Raine banter, Presea being precious, Regal teasing a flustered Sheena, Lloyd getting a mini heart attack from Colette, Noishe's dog whines in real time (you won't guess who voices him), a trip down memory lane reliving all of the party members' traumas, cute Flanoir and Altamira deluxe suite reenactments, the audience choosing whether Zelos lives or dies, Colette's VA doing a fistpump of victory for her special scene, Sheena and Zelos sharing one brain cell, extra Mithos dialogue, and actual closure?? between Lloyd and Kratos, all written by Symphonia's scenario writer.
Anyone can feel free to translate, or wait until the DVD is up for preorder. But I had a lot of fun watching this, and think other people will too.
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neechees · 9 months
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GOW Ragnarok takes place in like 500 AD, they'd be kind of late to the party if that was included
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bombontheevilcat · 2 years
watching the tales of symphonia anime after my latest replay cuz I just ain't over it
so far I really enjoy it, it's quite rushed going from a 50+ hour game w/mutliple b-plots to a sanded down main story in just 11 eps (30 min ones so more like 16-ish eps for an average-length anime). There have been a few kinda drastic changes that have made me raise an eyebrow but not enough to have me make a double-take and raise 2 (or 3) (I keep a spare 4th one as well)
As animated fanservice tho I'm REALLY eatin' it up (like the 🤓kind, not the 😳type)
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nexysworld · 1 year
Trying Again
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A Ko-fi commission for the beautiful @elfven-blog. It was my first time writing Kratos!
Summary: Set post Ragnarok - After seeing you treat an ailing Atreus, Kratos realizes that he wants to try being a father again.
Pairing: Kratos x FemWife!Reader
Tags: NSFW, Smut, P in V sex, overstimulation, baby making, mentions of blood, no use of Y/N, MDNI.
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The second the sun hit mid-sky you knew something was off, your husband was nothing if not routine and even on the odd occasion something did happen to cause Kratos to be late, it was never for long. 
Nervousness bubbled in the pit of your stomach as you pondered where they could be and what had happened. Since the ending of Ragnarok peaceful times had washed over the land, outside of the small rebellions initiated by Odin’s lingering supporters – those didn’t have you much concerned though, small fries compared to those that fell to Kratos in memories past. Even still, something in your gut was gnawing at you, screaming something was wrong. Trying to avoid the thought, you busied yourself with tasks around the cabin. Cleaning, prepping meat, cooking, sharpening weapons, anything you could to keep your mind off of things. ‘Kratos is strong. You’re over thinking things.’ You repeated inwardly. 
Soon night had fallen, and still no sign of Kratos, not able to take it anymore, you began to dress, hooking a sword into your belt. “Aye Lass, what’re you doing? Ye can’t be thinkin’ about going after him, you’re no fighter.” Mimir piped up from his spot on the table side. “I know but what if something is wrong? Kratos is no healer, he’s never out like this Mimir. I can’t just stay here and do nothing.” “You know Kratos wouldn’t approve of this, he would want you to wait.” “But he wouldn’t wait. He wouldn’t hesitate if he thought something was wrong.”
“I know yer worrying, but I think it would be best if –”
The argument was cut short by a loud pounding on the door to the cabin, it was so hard the walls around you began shaking, dust pouring down from the ceiling. For a brief moment you thought the whole cabin might come down – you froze in place not sure if you should investigate or not. Not a moment of silence later before the pouding began again, this time you opted to step forward cracking the door open. A huge man you didn’t recognize stood before you, blood caked to his head and face. “Are you the wife of Kratos?” 
You nodded nervously. You could sense there was no malice in his voice, only concern, but it wasn’t enough to abate your growing fears. “Did something happen to him?” The man did not answer your question, reaching forward in a swift movement to wrap an arm around your back pulling you outside with him. “We must go,” was all he said before the runic tattoos along his arms began to glow with an iridescent blue. The world around you faded to black and it felt like falling through a waterfall made of wind. It only lasted for a few moments before your feet found purchase, light re-entering your eyes causing blurry vision. “What the hell?” You asked, rubbing at them until the ache disappeared and your vision was cleared again. Taking in your surroundings you didn’t recognize the location at all, it didn’t feel like Midgard or any of the other realms you’d had the experiences of visiting. The smell was too fresh and the symbols carved along the stony mountain pathways were not Nordic. “Come, wife of Kratos.” The man said, grabbing you by the arm and walking, not waiting for you to respond. “Where are we?” You asked, attempting to tug your arm back, but not succeeding. “It matters not.” Was the only flat response you received. “Where is my husband?” You demanded this time. “I am taking you to him.” “Is he ok?” “You will see for yourself.” Frustration at the man’s short responses had your inner temper threatening to boil over, but you kept yourself inline not knowing what was going on. It would have been almost ironic that he spoke like Kratos if it weren’t for how annoying it was coming from someone other than your husband. The walk felt like it lasted eternity as the two of you made your way down the stony pathway, desperately hoping to find your husband in one piece. 
 Your prayers were answered when you saw him there hunched over someone, a closer look and you realized it was Atreus. “By the gods!” You shouted running the rest of the distance over to them and kneeling down over your step son. “What happened to him? Are you ok?” The boy – now nearly a man – was unconscious, breathing rapidly. “I am fine, but Atreus has been injured. I do not know by what means. He returned to me from his search for the giants, asking for assistance. We made it out here and then he collapsed.”
You gave him a confused look. “That doesn’t sound right. You’ve been gone all day and well into the evening, surely you must’ve been doing something else in all that time.” “Time passes at different speeds in different realms.” Kratos reminded you. “Oh….right.” You replied, as you worked Atreus’ armor off of his body to better assess the situation. It was clear whatever was ailing him was definitely magical in nature but there was no immediate injury or runes that you could see. Bringing your hand to your chin in thought, you wracked your brain further. “Can you help him?” Kratos’ voice interrupted your thoughts. 
“I think so, I just have to figure out the magic behind it.” Closing your eyes you took a deep breath in before pressing your fingers to the runes on your own arm, causing them to light up. “Opinbera!” You commanded, magic fluttering out from your fingertips encasing the boy, it sparked for a few moments before it dissipated entirely. “Shit!” “What is it?” Kratos asked, you knew him well enough to understand the hint of worry in his voice. “The caster of whatever magic this is was smart enough to counter against revealing magic.”
“Maybe Freya can help.” “Perhaps, but I don’t think we’d get there in time at this rate, going through any kind of portal magic may make things worse …. let me think a moment longer. I’m sure I can figure it out.” Tapping your fingers against the ground you tried again, flipping through the magic knowledge in your head. Healing was your specialty, you knew you could do it. 
A few more moments passed and it finally hit you, you have seen Johtun magic like this before. Immediately, you activated the runes on your arm again. “Elskhuga eitur!” The magic encased Atreus and pulsed different colors, blue, purple, red, until finally black before dissipating into a puff of smoke. 
The teen immediately sat up and coughed into his hand, lavender flower petals coming up with the spittle. “I was right.” You said with a soft smile rubbing his back. “Tell me, what woman did you spurn so badly that she did this to you?” “I….oh well…” Atreus bowed his head sheepishly as he caught his breath, a pink flush coming to his cheeks. “What is going on?” Kratos asked, annoyed. 
“The magic used on him is called ‘Lover’s Poison’, while anyone can use it, it was Jotuhn magically typically used when a man was….let's say unfaithful.” You let out a soft giggle at the thought. Kratos didn’t find it nearly as amusing. “Atreus, what is the meaning of this? You said you needed assistance with locating a giant.” “B-because I did.” He let out a groan flopping back onto the ground rubbing his temples. “Just…give me a second to explain.” “It has already been a second.” “Kratos, my love, give him a moment to rest, alright?” You encourage your husband, moving to sit next to him, rubbing loving circles into his back. While he didn’t reply, you could feel the muscles under your fingers relax a little, a good start. Atreus sat back up, and adjusted to sit cross cross in front of you and his father. He rubbed the back of his head and let out an awkward laugh, his cheeks still covered in an embarrassed flush. “So…..Angroboda was kind of upset with me, but I didn’t know she did that. I really did need help finding the giant since she left, I just didn’t expect to pass out.” You pondered his words before replying. “That’s a pretty big reaction to just being upset, Atreus. What exactly did you do?” “We got into a fight and I uh…I thought we were broken up. On my last trip back to Midgard, I saw Thrud and we may have….look this is kind of awkward to talk about.” “I did not know you were…romantically involved with either of them.” Kratos said flatly. You on the other hand laughed again. “Did she ever say you two were broken up?” “Well no….not exactly….” “Oh my dear boy. Well, I guess that would do it. Hel hath no fury like a woman scorned.” You sighed and put your hand on his shoulder. “Listen, lets get back home so you can rest and eat a good meal. We can talk more about your love life more then, alright?” You leaned in to whisper. “Without your father, I promise.” Kratos obviously heard the comment and let out a groan, you opted to ignore it to carry on. “Now that that's settled….who is the big guy who brought me here? He was also covered in blood.” “Oh that's Brot.” Atreus stated. “He’s a giant I found during my journey. He’s not hurt, just….poor hygiene after hunting.” “I see…” You replied not questioning it further. A chortle left the large man who’d been leaning against a rock the whole time. “Well Brot, you’re more than welcome to join us as well if you’d like.” “No thanks, family dinners are not my style.” He replied with a shrug. Atreus stood up, dusting himself off a bit. “Here, I can take us back home. Brot taught me that portal spell.” “Atreus, you shouldn’t push yourself.” You warned, but he had already activated it, putting a hand on each of your shoulders. The free falling feeling was back before you were in the snow outside of the cabin. 
Two transportations in one day had you wobbling a bit, Kratos helped you from the ground with ease so you could stand right, using him for support. “Are you alright?” “Yes, I’ll be alright.” To prove your point you let go of his arm and made your way inside by yourself, Kratos and your step son following behind. “By the Gods, you’re all finally back!” Mimir said, smiling. “I was gettin’ worried once the man up and took our Lassy too. And well if it isn’t Atreus, or I suppose Loki now, too!” “Hey Mimir, glad to be back.” Atreus said, propping a chair in front of the head.
Dinner passed uneventfully, everyone catching up. Atreus chose to spend the night out with the wolves in lieu of the cabin along with Mimir, leaving you and Kratos alone. You couldn’t explain it but you could almost hear Kratos thinking despite his silence. You rolled over to face him, bringing a hand up to his cheek, feeling the rough skin and wiry hair. “My love, I know you’re not sleeping. Tell me what’s on your mind.” His eyes opened, and he returned the gesture bringing his own large calloused hand to your face. “You.” He answered plainly. “Me? But I am right here, why would you need to think about me instead of resting?” The two of you stayed like that for a while, neither moving. Kratos did not immediately answer your question. It wasn’t until the fire had finally died out, and moonlight was the only thing illuminating your face did he finally explain further. “You are very good with Atreus. Today before he fell ill, he said to me he thinks of you as a mother.”
“Oh, well I’m very glad to hear it. I love him as if he were my own.”
There was no verbal reply but you could vaguely see Kratos nod in the dull light. “I fear that I have not properly taken you into consideration.” “What does that mean?” “This cabin has many reminders of Faye, carved into the very wood, the trees around us. Does that…bother you? Freya had mentioned that for many women it may spark ill feelings.” “No. Of course not. Faye is no longer with us, but she was important to you, and without her I wouldn’t have Atreus or this version of my husband – I thank her for that.” There was a soft grunt in response. “Is that all that was on your mind?” You questioned. “No.” He answered honestly. “Then, what else is on your mind?” “I have been pondering it for a while. The thought of becoming a father again.” “Oh.” The words stunned you, Kratos had always maintained that he did not want more children now that Atreus was nearly fully grown. “What made you reconsider?” “You.” Kratos adjusted himself so he could roll towards you more, leaning in just enough to see the light hit his face, the sincerity in his eyes. “Every time I see you with Atreus it reminds me of what a family could be like. It reminds me of my time back in Greece, but the good moments with Calliope and her mother. I wish for that again, now that there may finally be peace.” “Kratos, to be clear, are you saying you want to have a child with me?” “Yes.”
You responded by leaning forward to press your lips to his. “Ok.” You said softly against them. “Put a baby in me then.” You had meant the words to be sweet and agreeable but, feeling his cock pressed against your thigh as it jumped showed you it had a far more powerful effect on him. 
He returned your kiss fervently, wiry hair rough against your skin, as his large hands roamed down your body before sliding their way up your shirt to palm at your breasts. Moaning into his mouth you squirmed a little scooting closer into his touch. For being such a gruff and battle-worn god,  he was quite tender and attentive in bed – though silent. He moved his kisses down your jaw and to your neck before tearing the night shirt off of you like it was merely paper. The reminder of his strength caused more heat to pool into your core, thighs pressed together in an attempt to ease some of the building tension. He pulled away, beginning to remove the remnants of his own leather armor and under garments. Your hand flicked, lighting some candles around the room with your magic. He raised an eyebrow at you. “I want to watch.” You said softly, raking your eyes along his muscled and scarred body. He replied by continuing his movements, removing the rest of his own garments, sending them to the floor with a dull clattering noise. When his hands came back to you, he spread your thighs apart with ease, tearing your small clothes off as well, leaving you bare before him. He placed a hand on your stomach where your womb was, giving it a soft rub. “I did not receive the chance to fully participate in the experience with my last two wives. I shall not allow the experience this time to go to waste.” He moved his hand down from your stomach, slipping a finger between your soft and wet fold before running it up and down your slit, taking an extra moment to circle your clit every time he reached it. A moan left your mouth and your back arched slightly as one of his fingers found their way into your wet hole, his thumb continuing to work your pearl of sensitive nerves. “K-Kratos…” His name left your mouth like a chant as heat and slick built further and further between your legs. 
Another finger was added as he worked them apart to ease your hole open to be ready for his much larger cock. Your eyes were half lidded with pleasure already, you dared your eyes to travel downward to see his now fully hardened erection against the abs on his stomach. The memory of being stretched out on it, coupled with his never relenting fingers finally pushed you over the edge. Your legs trembled as his name flew from your mouth like a prayer, wetness soaking the bed beneath you. 
“Do you think you are ready?” He asked, giving his cock a few pumps with his hand, smearing the growing precum along himself while he gives you a moment to recover and answer. “Mhm.” You said with a small nod, pulling your legs apart a little further as an invitation for him. 
He leaned forward, using his hand to guide the fat swollen tip to your entrance. “W-wait.” You stopped him for a moment. “Sorry, I almost forgot.” You brought your hand to the rune on your stomach, tapping it before it glowed and disappeared. “Can’t put a baby in me with a dispel charm on my womb.”
He grunted in response, and once you laid back he eased himself into you at an agonizingly slow pace. No matter how many times you’ve laid with him before, each time felt like the first with the stinging stretch of the God’s cock opening you up inch by inch, until he could not go any farther. Balls deep, he waited again a nearly silent grunt leaving him as your walls fluttered around him. Your tightness sometimes had him fighting off the Ghost of Sparta in the back of his mind, remembering all the whore-plundering he had done when he was younger. You certainly didn’t help the urges he had to fuck into you like a wild beast – but luckily for you this Kratos loved his wife and wanted to make sure she felt good as well. When you brought your hands up to his shoulder, the quiet signal that it was okay to move, he did so slowly at first with shallow thrusts before building up speed. “F-fuck…” You mumbled out, feeling each time the weeping head would kiss your cervix. Something about knowing this was raw, knowing he was actively trying to fuck a baby into you had you more heated than expected. The tension was already building back up again at a fast rate, whining and moaning with each piston of his hips. The way his pelvis and thick hair would rub against your clit with each thrust, coupled with the way he rubbed all the right spots inside of you had you going wild, clawing at his back, whimpering his name. You were met with loud grunts above you, and you swore if you listened close enough what could almost amount to a stifled moan. So close to finishing again, you were desperate for pleasure, bucking back up into his thrusts, before he suddenly stopped all movement. “Roll over.” It was a command, not a question. He didn’t even give you the opportunity before he was grabbing you and flipping you onto your stomach before lifting your waist up, giving him better access to your hole. He thrust in to the hilt in one go, mounting you much deeper than before, and earning a pleasured scream from you before it died out into whimpers. Your head was fuzzy and hazy with this new angle, nothing but pleasure coursing through your body. He wrapped one arm around you so he could rub at your clit again while he did even thrusts into your hole. The next orgasm crashed down on you causing your legs to shake. He stopped thrust but left his cock buried inside of you as he continued rubbing your now overly sensitive bud, riling up a third overstimulated orgasm. “I can’t…I can’t…” You whined squirming in his grasp. “You can. You will.” He said continuing until he felt your walls clamp around him again. Incoherent words sputtered out of your mouth until you were simply drooling on the furs beneath you, brain wiped and body exhausted. “Good girl.” He said, patting your lower back softly, before renewing his grip on your hips. Now that he had you how he wanted you, he returned to his own pleasure, bucking into you at a much rougher pace, making sure each thrust ended deep inside of you. He flattened his hand on your stomach to intensify the feeling of his bulge as he continued in this new position. It wasn’t long before he was spilling his seed inside of you, of course making sure it was right at the entrance of your womb. 
He adjusted you both so his cock remained inside of you as you lay together, not wanting to allow a single drop of his essence to spill from you. His cock was not softened yet and he would have been more than ready for round two, but he knew you well enough – the warm feeling of being fucked out, filled, and exhausted had you more than ready for sleep.
As the two of you lay there, he rubbed your back, shoulders, and arms with his free hand until he was sure you were nearly unconscious. Once asleep, or at least on the cusp of it, he pulled you close against himself, running his hand down to your stomach again, rubbing soft circles there to self sooth. He pictured what you would look like in a few months swollen with his child. He wondered if it would be another girl and if she would remind him of Calliope, or perhaps another boy like Atreus. He thought of what he would do differently this time around, what he would do the same. All his thoughts began to meld together until the God himself was finally asleep too, holding you close to him.  He would never express it out loud, but Kratos was actually feeling excited.
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paperback-rascal · 2 years
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I hate portals.
-Geralt of Rivia
hey! @eskelhashugetitties, how about another The Witcher x God of War crossover?
At the beginning I was thinking of drawing GOWR!Atreus and TW3!Ciri but though that GOW2018!Atreus and TW3flashbacks!Ciri would be way cuter and more... emotionally compromising?
let me explain...
Kratos surely though of Calliope when traveling with Ciri, while her constant chatter reminds him of Atreus. For the most part, Kratos fought with himself to NOT to bond with the "girl". But what broke his oath to not get emotional was Ciri having a terrible nightmare about the Slaughter of Cintra, which reminded Kratos how he wreaked havoc at the Temple of Athena. The God Of War ended up holding Ciri close for the rest of the night, as she cried, sniffled and babbled that she wanted to go home... she eventually fall asleep on him utterly exhausted.
Ciri became fast friends with Brok - as he is closer in character with dwarfs from the Continent and she proudly showcases him how Geralt taught her how to blow nose through fingers - Brok claimed it's really great skill to have, while Sindri gags mortified by how unhygienic the girl is. Sindri is later even more confused because Ciri was taught a proper etiquette - she is a princess after all - she just refuse to be proper.
Geralt planned to bring Atreus to Kaer Morhen and make him a proper witcher - the original route was to the Witchers' Keep. However, Geralt changed his plans as the "boy" was constantly talking about his father and the quest to bring his mother's ashes to their resting place. So after few days of storytelling and relentless questioning, Geralt started to feel bad about his original plan and decided to meet Yennefer and ask the sorceress if there is any way to bring the boy back where he belonged - if it was impossible he'd go back to his original idea.
During fulfillment of one of the monster contracts Geralt dragged Atreus to, the young archer got extremely sick (plot from GOW 2018), the witcher decided to change the route again and stop by Temple of Melitele and show the boy to Mother Neneke first - the archpriestess couldn't tell what exactly ailed Atreus, however she quenched his thirst of knowledge (to a degree) during their stay at the temple.
Not to mention, Atreus surely tried to learn Signs at some point of the journey!
What made both Ciri and Atreus trust their temporary guardians in the first place? It was the way Kratos and Geralt both grunt in a similar manner... and a lot.
see my other The Witcher x God of War crossover artworks -> [HERE] <-
God Of War (franchise) © Santa Monica Studio
The witcher saga (books) © Andrzej Sapkowski + The Witcher trilogy (video games) © CDProjektRED
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kratioed · 9 months
It’s clear that Hel will one day appear in future releases, as hinted in both GOW(2018) and GOWR, but anyone who is a myth enthusiast knows that Loki had other children besides his monstrous offspring in Norse Mythology because interestingly enough, GOW’s wiki community decided to include "Narfi & Váli" despite no evidence of their existence whatsoever throughout the Norse era.
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Of course, it’s also a fandom site; while they can be a reliable source, said sources on their encyclopedia are sometimes inaccurate. Knowing the impossibility of their existence, I also thought about how they can coexist throughout GOW.
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟐/𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Recently, the GOW's wiki community updated Atreus' "uncertain future" category and the links to Váli's & Narfi's wiki pages no longer existed. Doesn't mean it'll stop me from enjoying my fun. 😎🔥💯
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟐/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Nevermind, they're mentioned on Angrboða's wiki page for some reason…Váli & Narfi aren't the same as Fenrir & Jörmungandr ☝️🤓 but okay. ☠
And the more I thought about it, the more apparent it became that they’re essential for the franchise…but it’s more like my personal headcanon rather than my “crack” theory so might as well call this an AU for shits and giggles. I thought it would be fun to share my overly long detailed analysis with those who are fixated on Atreus’ other (im)possible children as much as I am because I need this to get it out of my system since they have been living rent-free in my head for almost a year just now. This blog is now officially a Narfi & Váli stan account and Kratos would have LOVED his grandsons if they ever appeared in GOW, but it's very unlikely that would happen. This analyis is going to be a long one so bear with me!
I think it would be poetic for GOW to end off including Narfi & Váli (alongside Atreus) for the final conclusion of the franchise; and yes, Hel would be an adult in this timeskip, contrary to popular belief that they were children in Norse Mythology. Despite their unfortunate demise, their backgrounds are nothing like their half-siblings’ in the Norse Mythos, making them the most ordinary of all Loki’s children. But you know what? The concept of Narfi & Váli being the epitome of normality of all Loki’s offspring gave me an a idea...I’m not sure if anyone has noticed, but Narfi & Váli exhibit some similarities to Kratos & Deimos.
Before the Olympians (Athena & Ares) pursued one of the brothers due to a doomsday prophecy, Kratos & Deimos believed they were mere mortals during childhood as they still fit the epitome of normality as children, similarly to Narfi & Váli. They’re also gods at birth, but the only difference is that Narfi & Váli most likely knew about their divine nature, whereas Kratos (excluding Deimos) only discovered it later in adulthood (a silly parallel, but I still think it counts).
Another example would be in the parallel dynamics of Váli & Kratos, as they both had experiences where they succumbed to their primal instincts in different circumstances; Váli unwillingly turned into a wolf and killed his brother driven by primal instincts under the Æsir’s (or presumably Odin’s) influence, almost similar to how Kratos was deceived and unaware, killed his first wife and daughter fueled by his primal desire for blood under Ares’ influence. While Váli’s fate remains unknown after Loki's Punishment, we can infer that both Váli & Kratos are the only survivors other than their brother.
While the deaths of Narfi & Deimos are an obvious parallel, they're also linked to Bounds and Punishment in distinct ways; like Váli, Narfi was punished with his entrails used as bounds in retribution against his father, as well as due to his relation with Loki while Deimos, on the other hand, was bound and punished due to his existence as the "Marked Warrior" (same thing goes with Kratos since he too was also bound and punished at one point in Ascension).
On top of that, they were also subjected to violence as children inflicted by Gods. Consequently, it ultimately led the downfall of both Æsir & Olympians, as predicted by their prophecy. The prophecy of the "Marked Warrior" bringing destruction upon Olympus began the moment they abducted Deimos. The sufferings of Kratos' family (including Sparta and Pandora) at the hands of Gods contributes the downfall of Olympus. Their tragedies are the major cause of Kratos' justified vengeance to destroy the entire pantheon, ultimately leading the devastation of the Greek world.
In Norse Mythology (with my limited knowledge); the Æsir's (mostly Odin's) retaliation on Loki's monstrous children, particularly Fenrir, due to prophecies contributes their downfall in Ragnarök, especially with their involvement in Loki's Punishment. However, I believe that the suffering of Narfi & Váli at the hands of Æsir Gods is the primary cause for Loki's justified desire for vengeance. The Æsir's use of Narfi's entrails, his own son, as restraints adds insult to injury, intensifying Loki's anger. Obviously, Loki joined forces with those against Æsir Gods with his army of Hel's people while the events of Ragnarök lead the devastation throughout the lands.
But since this is GOW, I found this YouTube comment (which I've kept for quite some time) that perfectly said my thoughts out loud:
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With the absence of Loki's Punishment; not only Kratos saved Narfi & Váli from Æsir's (particularly Odin's) wrath, he also prevented a similar tragedy that would inflict upon his grandsons the same way that Gods once inflicted upon him and Deimos as children, in which, fits the overall theme of subverting prophecies in GOWR.
Santa Monica could have easily had Atreus name his sons "Narfi & Váli" as everyone expected from Norse Mythology. But given Santa Monica's innovative approach to myth characters through creative liberties, using "Narfi & Váli" wouldn't work within the narrative structure of GOW's distinct retelling of Greek/Norse Mythology.
From what I've heard, there has been a debate about whether "Váli" is a son of Odin or Loki, or both Valis existed as sperate characters. Additionally, in GOWR, there's already a boss character named Vali (The Oath Guard), which I assumed (correct me if I'm wrong) it's a cultural practice for parents to name their child after a Norse figure in Scandinavian countries, but I find it unlikely for Atreus to name one of his children after an Æsir or any God in general. Similarly, Narfi shares a name with another Giant unrelated to Loki whatsoever...but given the wide variety of Gods and other myth characters we've seen from Greek Mythology depicted in GOW, it wouldn't be surprising if other Narfi, and particularly, Váli Odinson were to mentioned or featured in future releases.
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍: If you're not aware or need a reminder, Atreus gets to learn about Deimos during "Animal Instincts" side quest. Whether you choose to bring Atreus or Freya doesn't matter, it doesn't change the fact that Santa Monica had intended for Atreus to know about his uncle, it's still canon either way.
Atreus' identity has roots that go beyond his Norse counterpart (both symbolically and narrative wise along with the origins of his Greek name) and very likely that Santa Monica would take a similar approach with "Hel" in future releases (I've seen people suggest her name could be Faye/Laufey or Calliope, or even Callisto or Angrboða's mother). It's only fair that "Narfi & Váli" should get the same treatment…so imagine how moving it would be if Atreus were to name his sons after Kratos & Deimos.
"Váli" 𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐒 𝐈𝐈, named after his grandfather, transformed from a monster into a benevolent God due to his ability to change and open his heart, representing the beacon of hope...
And "Narfi" 𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐒 𝐈𝐈, named after his great uncle, whom Atreus had known but never met (but wishes they had), honored his uncle by naming his youngest son after him.
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟑/𝟕/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Just recently discovered in Greek Culture, it's common for children to be named after their grandparents, in which, aligns with my case for "Váli" to be named after his grandfather! While "Narfi" is named after his great-uncle, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) the naming tradition also involves material/paternal relatives, which is fitting within the context of GOW. ^^
There are hearsay, or statements from Cory Barlog, that Kratos couldn't bring himself to name his son after his brother due to past memories…Atreus, on the other hand, seems open to the idea of naming one of his own children after his uncle he never met.
Besides Narfi Lokison and other Narfi, their accounts become somewhat unclear when Narfi's brother is addressed as "Nari." This time, it's Narfi who turns into a wolf and kills Nari. However, some sources later changed Narfi's name to Váli, both in historical texts and modern media...
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𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Initially, I thought this version was made based on the notion that Váli was Odin's son rather than Loki's. But after some further investigation, I'm inclined to believe that Váli is a singular character while Narfi & Nari are Loki's sons. It's also possible that "Narfi/Nari" is referred as the same character, as the belief that Váli is Loki's son is a common mistake in today's media. It would have been so easy to overlook the mistranslation and go along with the usual understanding of "Narfi & Váli"…but thinking about it now, this could actually work within the narrative structure as prophecies are ambiguously depicted in GOWR.
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍: "Váli & Narfi" (or "Narfi & Nari") can shapeshift into wolves. Not only it emphasizes their connection with Atreus/Loki, but as a reflection of Kratos & Deimos through Speki & Svanna.
𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟔/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: This might be a overreach...but if Kratos' presumption that Speki & Svanna were boys did reflect something, then it could be described as a projection of his experiences as a military general as well as an extension of subconscious affection. For Kratos' case, people form stronger bonds with animals than with human (and Gods) since often times they can be deceitful/malicious, conceited, narrow-minded, backstabbing, or calculatively manipulative through obligations/false promises while animals (wolves) would instead be much more pragmatic about survival and tender care.
Speki & Svanna (+Fenrir) have been usefully vigilant and reliable wolves that aid him and Atreus, and given the history of humans surviving in collaboration with animals, there is precedence for Kratos subconsciously associating the wolves with memories of Spartan warriors he had by his side almost as though they were his own family, where survival relied on the coordination of his armies and the care given to ensuring that his men were left standing after battle.
This can very easily be associated in the mind as symbolic of a dedicated and responsible soldier as a result from a pivotally formative part of his life revolved around the Sparta's military…and out of remorse (for the casualties of people under his care amidst the war he's wrought) and love (for those who've either perished or lived as well as the people who stood by him), it felt plausible that he could've associated this with Speki & Svanna (shout out to my irl friend for cooking this up!).
Regardless, I can also imagine this as a foreshadow of Kratos' doting relationship with his future grandsons (delulu)!
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍 (𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒): As much as I adore the relationship between Kratos and his grandsons, I personally think it would be better if they never met in person (rest assured, Hel is fortunate enough to know their grandfather as a child). As I mentioned before, Narfi & Váli should appear by the end of the franchise, and what better way to conclude Kratos' journey than being remembered as the benevolent God even after his death?
Kratos once quoted, "Death can have me, when it earns me" might foreshadow his potential death for the final installment. Given that Kratos had "died" in previous games and even evaded his predicted "death" in GOWR, I think it would be flitting to conclude his journey if the franchise comes to an end (in which, would have opted Atreus to name one of his sons after their grandfather). But it's just a personal theory of mine, so I digress.
Narfi & Váli serves as character foils for Kratos & Deimos, illustrating their childhood origins from Ghost of Sparta to the narrative's conclusion with Narfi & Váli emerging at the end. With wisdom gained from experiences and mistakes, Atreus, aged with greying hair, gazes at his sons and feels as if his father and uncle are reunited once again…relieving their childhood they never had as children.
𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: If you made it this far, then congratulations! Here's a quick (and old) sketch of my variant of Váli would look like:
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𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝟕/𝟐𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒: Tried my best to replicate his facial structure. He's basically Kratos 2.0 with a decent childhood who smiles a lot more than his grandfather ever did in Sparta (he also has his grandfather's eyes and freckles from his father). Narfi, on the other hand, looks a lot more like his father with Deimos' iconic birthmark. They're basically Wolf Children and Brother Bear combined (I never watch either of those movies, but it's the vibes I'm get from them)! ^^
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Hello! I love your GOW writing so so much! I think I might have read them all lmao, was wondering if I could make a request for like adult Atreus? Maybe with like a Valkyrie S/O or Jötunn S/O? It’s totally okay if you can’t! I saw you had a LOT of requests you mentioned
i looooove atreus and his character is so good so i'm happy to get a request for him like this one!! he is my sweet boy :") and thank you!! i decided to do both of these bc i loved it so much lol. atreus is around 19/20 here :)
gn!reader | no tws | join my taglist!!
adult atreus with a valkyrie and jötunn s/o
valkyrie / shield maiden
you met before ragnarök, when atreus came to asgard. it was only briefly, and you had only said a few words to each other
at that time, you were in training to become a valkyrie under hrist and mist. though, after their deaths and ragnarök, you found yourself under sigruns tutelage
she was a good teacher, and with the occasional visits from freya and other valkyries, you learned quickly and earned your place as a "shield maiden"
growing up, you loved odin. everyone did. though, after the destruction of asgard, you were happy to call yourself a shield maiden instead of a valkyrie
atreus leaves to find more of the giants, and he returns after 5-6 years. it takes him a lot longer than expected, but he missed his family— and takes it upon himself to return to midgard to see them
over the years, you had become close to atreus' father, kratos. he was a lonely man, saddened by his son's departure, and you were alone in midgard after your training finished— so you paid visits to him frequently
he had started to teach you, too. it was always helpful to know more about combat, and it helped to open your eyes in different styles
when atreus returns, you're with kratos and mimir at their home. he recognizes you, and greets you with a warm smile. he's grown up, and so have you. it feels almost.. strange
kratos is the happiest you've ever seen him. you see his eyes soften as soon as he sees him— and it's very endearing
you decide to let the two of them have their time together, and you leave. it isn't too long until atreus finds you, deciding to spend time with you, too
you have casual conversations, asking each other about how life had been since ragnarök and how his quest was going. he tells you everything, a wide smile on his face the entire time
the two of you get closer, and he realizes he has feelings for you, first. he confesses first, too. it takes a long time for him to work up the confidence, but you say you reciprocate, and it makes everything worth it
the two of you formally start your relationship a few days later, and kratos is pleased. he had approved of you— and through his years he spent with you— he had gotten to know you better than most others
if anyone was worthy of his son's affections, it was you
his father's approval warms your heart, and atreus is over the moon about it
sometimes, he'll forget that you're a valkyrie. he'll see your wings, all stretched out and beautiful, and let out a dreamy sigh
you're everything he's ever dreamed of, and he won't ever deny it
the two of you will spar sometimes, and you're pretty evenly match. though, since kratos had taught you in his absence, you saw some of his moves coming
you come from completely different cultures and backgrounds, but you're a good couple. you match each other well <3
he loves to learn about what your home was like before ragnarök— before he visited. he listens so intently, his chin rested on the palm of his hand, his eyes looking deeply into yours
he teaches you about his people, the giants. he trusts you with everything he says, revealing their secrets to you with no hesitation. you're honored, and almost shocked
atreus loves you. you have your differences, but it makes you stronger :)
you meet because of angrboda. it's her destiny to tell him his fate, after all. he's shocked when he comes to the ironwood— he thought all of the giants were dead
he falls for you as soon as he sets his eyes on you. he doesn't say anything for a VERY long time— but he admits it to himself quickly
after the events of ragnarök, you join him on his quest to find other giants. it wasn't ever a part of your destiny that was laid out for you— but you decided to create your own
over the years, you had become close friends. you did everything together, and you realized you had begun to develop feelings for him
he confesses first. he couldn't hold his feelings back anymore, and decides that rejection would be better than being miserable for the rest of his life
though.. when you say you like him back? he's ecstatic. his heart pounding against his ribcage, and he wonders what his father would think of you
he would like you, and he does. atreus yearns for his fathers approval, so when he returns to midgard after all of those years away and tells him that you're his partner, he's happy with it
you're a good person, and he sees that. he sees the look in his son's eyes whenever he sees you— and it's a look he knows all too well. the same look he gave to faye
the two of you are a perfect match, able to balance each other out with ease. you help atreus to control his emotions, and he helps to ease your worries
you're fit together like pieces of a puzzle, and he couldn't be happier
his life is exactly where he wants it. he's helping his people and he has the most amazing person in all the realms as his partner. he can't complain
all those years you spent together means you got incredibly close. you can read him really easily, so you know whenever he's feeling upset or angry
he tells you about his mother, and how she lived her life with him and his father as a mortal woman. he tells you about everything she did for him, and that he misses her
"she would've loved you."
he says those words to you a few times throughout your relationship, and it's bittersweet. she isn't around to meet you in person, but she is there
she lives in her son's heart— and through what he shared with you— she lives in yours
he's glad he has you to understand how it feels to be a giant. you understand how scary it is to be the last of your people, the pressure that rests upon his shoulders
he's happy you do. he wouldn't be able to explain how it feels
you're a sweet couple, prioritizing each other over yourselves
he can't even begin to imaging a future without you in it <3
tags: @graciegizmo3184 @anzanishira @uncoveredsun @caelestis-lyrae @prio-motu @bluehorizon987 @freyrees @multifand0m-gal0re @huan-chan @onlydeas @orangeflavouredwitch @hayleethefrog @dott-up @imcomingforyourskin @itsnat-bitch @mimothemoth @elizabeth-hatake @fandomcatchall @ss-kimo @sinfulmatt @lacm-ac @thatspookyagent @kise-kae @closet-creature @judyfromfinance @hobistangerine @aikochan4859 @xoxoliyahhxoxo @lil-anxty @black-star1472 @trippingoverstars @aiciteaa @0-kheiron-0 @fennsinhumanity @imllsn
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I find it hilarious that no one has mentioned the amount of arm and leg and hip strength Atreus must-have for the archery, kicks, flips and climbing he does. Like the dude is flipping enemies twice his height with his legs and doing insane leaps and rolls at such high speeds. I get he's a god but it's honestly so impressive. He may not be bulky like Kratos but you can't deny that Atreus is actually very strong.
And it makes sense. Climbing and archery both rely a lot on leg, shoulder and torso muscles so Atreus is very strong in those areas. I genuinely think that Atreus actually is very physically strong since you see the push-back when he helps Kratos push the hammer and later lift the rock in Helheim (both of which you can see the push-back against Atreus meaning he is actually helping) and how he managed to match the force that Kratos hit Baldur. Never mind the fact that he managed to nock several arrows one-after-another in mid-air despite the amount of air pressure that would be working against him. At the age of 12! Heck, in this game we see him lift a boulder and keep it up for a few seconds and how he is able to match Kratos' power when they tag-team Odin and Atreus even uses his bow to flip the fucker in the air!
I get the joke of him not being able to break the chest with his fist, but he was also able to swing his bow hard enough to break through it. I think that Atreus' strength is affected by his mindset. He is strong unconsciously. But when he tries to make a show of using it by trying to lift Thrud's sword or punch through a chest to impress Sindri, he can't.
Atreus isn't as strong as Kratos by a long shot since they aren't meant to be the same, but Atreus isn't weak in any sense of the word.
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insertdisc5 · 2 years
Devlog #12: Localization Milestone and Key Art
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Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog!
If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, a timeloop RPG, which is also the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available here!). You can find out more about In Stars and Time here!!!
LET’S GET TO IT. This month has some localization news, as well as a breakdown on key art! What’s key art? Where do you use it? Can you eat it? Read and find out.
The first pass of the Japanese localization is done and implemented!!! You can play the whole game in Japanese from beginning to end now!!!
The next step now is the localization QA, where the localization team plays the game and makes sure the Japanese script works in context. The team got the script in an excel sheet and I tried my best to give context for scenes where I could, but playing through the game themselves allows them to get The Most Context. All Of The Context. So they can make changes to their localization so it can be the best!!!
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That’s it for news. Other things are chugga-chugga-chuggin’ behind the scenes as well, and I can’t wait to share it all with you all!!!
Today’s topic-since-I-don’t-have-much-to-talk-about is: key art!
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“Adrienne what on Earth is a ‘key art’” This above is the key art.
More generally (and keep in mind this is my layman self talking, I’m sure you could get a better answer elsewhere, but also you’re here, so you might as well learn something huh???), key art is The Big Art that games (and, I assume, other mediums???) use to show off their style and visuals in things such as store fronts, articles, and other such things. It’s Mario jumping in a cool way with his lil star buddy while the planets are behind him. It’s Kratos and Atreus on a boat. It’s sad Siffrin in the foreground, surrounded by stars, while his friends are having fun in the background. It’s The Art!!! It’s the first thing people see about your game!!! It needs to be cool and represent your game!!!
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Here’s some examples of the key art being used for Steam store assets. Itch.io is very kind and asks for like 2 assets, but Steam asks for a whoopin’ 30 assets, all with different sizes and orientations, so it means one of the biggest things your key art should be is MODULAR AS HELL. From a massive 1440x3160 vertical banner to an itty-bitty 231x87 horizontal button (called a capsule, it’s the small banner above, and since it’s usually the first thing you see about a game it is THE MOST IMPORTANT ASSET), your key art needs to be ready for anything!!!
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For the prologue, I did not plan for this very well. I learned pretty late in development that store assets for itch.io (and later, Steam) were gonna be a thing I should worry about, so I ended up deciding to use the title card art. Which, like, it worked out.
BUT! I had to redraw Siffrin to make sure their hat and body weren’t weirdly cut out, and had to remake the pixelly gradient like a thousand times for each asset to make sure it wouldn’t hide Siffrin’s face. And that’s without mentioning the hell I went through to make sure the massive title logo would fit. Why did I think “START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN: a prologue” was a good title. It was so hard to make it fit in its entirety every time (because, of course, Steam asks you to show the logo in its entirety in every single asset). Why did I choose this title (I’m a Kingdom Hearts fan and my heart is rotten and thinks long titles are funny)
So since I went through hell with START AGAIN’s store assets, for ISAT I made sure to think about the key art way ahead of time teehee.
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Every so often I become an absolute genius so I only had to sketch the key art once, as you can see above. You don’t need to understand it because I do and it’s all that matters. Teehee!
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Here's the rough illustration! I made it to block out the shapes, and figure out where that dang logo would go. Once again, reminder: if you have text of any kind, figure out where it goes in the rough stage. Future you will thank you. I also had Siffrin look directly at the camera in this rough stage, and then figured. That it would look sadder. If Siffrin looked emo-ly to the side. I do like the look at the camera though. He Is Looking
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To talk about The Meaning very quickly, I wanted to show Siffrin front and center, since the whole story is about them. And I wanted to show the whole party, but clearly separated from Siffrin- Siffrin is stuck in a time loop, feels completely apart from them, and I wanted to show that in the key art! With the expressions too- everyone else is happy or engaged in something, interacting with each other, while Siffrin is in his emo phase. And also stars everywhere. Because of course.
Here are all the layers I used- I made sure to draw them on a vector layer in Clip Studio Paint, which means the lines never become pixelated even if you zoom in a lot! As a side note, the full file for this is 4000x3000, which I thought would be too big, but is actually just the right size for all those dang assets.
I also made sure that Siffrin would look the most detailed, since I knew that while everyone could fit for the bigger pictures, for the itty-bitty small ones (or the extremely horizontal ones), I would only show off Siffrin’s face. MODULAR!!!!!
In the end this key art worked pretty well to make the store assets, but if I could talk to past me I would tell them. Make the circle bg taller so it’d fit the more vertical assets. And find a way to leave more space for the characters in the background. I had to remove them/rotate them/zoom them out very often because Siffrin hides them too much because Siffrin is just too dang big. But that’s still manageable, past me. You did a good job past me
So, TLDR, from my experience, what you need to keep in mind when making your key art is:
-make sure it has enough layers to be able to move things around as needed, but not so many layers that you become lost
-fun art that represents your game and its vibe well
-cool everywhere, but able to get by if you zoom in on one thing (which usually for ISAT’s assets is Siffrin’s face)
-able to work in a vertical and horizontal format and at many different sizes
I hope my key art made people interested enough in the game to try to find out more!!
That’s all I have to say for today! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any aspect of the game development struggle you’d like me to talk about! See you next time!!!
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peiskos-and-apricity · 2 months
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Fated to Fall ~ Sindri x Reader [Pt 8]
Tw: Cannon Typical Violence | Somewhat Graphic Mention of Gore
A/n: yet another not fully edited chapter. It's been so long now since I've updated this and it is mostly because I hate editing and it takes forever. So anyway, there might be some grammar mistakes. Please overlook these and enjoy! (Also I changed the cover art. I think I like the pixel art version better)
|Chapter Selection|
Blood and viscera spilled in every direction as you continued forward, trying to find your way to where the others had run off. You were successful in fighting off the hoards of Einherjar with only minor injuries, but as you tried to run further towards the sounds of familiar voices in the distance, they only seemed to draw farther and farther away; Up until you couldn't hear anyone but yourself and the Einherjar that surrounded you. 
It was then you knew that you were in far more trouble than either of them were. Separated and lost, surrounded on all ends by endless hoards of enemies. So you soon abandoned the goal of finding them as you instead searched for any way out of this horrid place. For a while that too seems like an impossible task that stretched further and further from your reach. Then finally, just when you think you might not ever find a way out of the endless maze, you spot sunlight.
The way up isn't clear, frankly it seems it isn't a way one is supposed to get out of as much as it is a way to fall in. But at this point, covered in blood and bifrost, you're desperate to get out of this cesspit of Odin's army. And so you begin to scale the wooden and dirt walls. It is harder than you would have liked, and you nearly fall a couple of times when Einherjar notice where you've gone and begin to throw things at you. But be it by luck or pure endurance you somehow manage to pull yourself out of this hole in the ground. Scathed, tired and somehow still not regretting your decision to tag along on this trip.
Your relief was incredibly short lived, however, when the creatures of Svartalfheim come to get their piece of you. At this point your skin is near searing from both the heat of this wet, humid, dreadful place and the irritation that threatened to turn to bright golden anger. A metallic taste begins to take over your tongue as your vision mixes into a yellow color, a sure sign that your cloak was working even after all these years.
When you beat the beasts away and finally manage to find a moment of calm in the violence, you make an attempt to calm the fire that had grown under your skin and near begged to be set free. You were almost dizzy with adrenaline by then, making the task more than difficult. All the same you found a way to silence the flame, even if only temporarily, leaving it as only a low simmer under your skin.
It's then you find the energy to stand, where upon you finally feel the many injuries that litter your being. You let out a huffed sigh, the soreness of your body quite the inconvenience. You can already hear Kratos' scolding, already beginning to see how he might plan to trap you back with the dwarves the next time he planned to leave. The thought alone ruins the peace you had tried to bring yourself, the golden flecks snatched by the shadowed insides of your cloak the moment they appeared.
It was best you didn't think of this right now. You had other problems to deal with, mainly the fact that you had no idea where the others were and no way of getting back on your own. So you push the pain to the back of your mind, reminding yourself that you'd deal with it on your own later, before beginning to search the small island for the others.
You do this for quite a while, turning down many different corners and walkways, trying to find any sign of life that wasn't immediately hostile towards you. Eventually you hear arrows flying and creatures gargling their last breaths. You wander that direction, trying to stay out of view just in case it was more Einherjar.
"What if they're still in there? What if they can't get out!" you hear Atreus' voice first, another of his arrows loosening into the neck of one those disgusting creatures, unaware that one is coming up right behind him. Kratos' back is turned, Tyr is no where to be seen.
"I'm sure they've made it out somehow lad, we just have to- behind you!" Just as the creature goes to attack him you throw your ax at full force, the blade spinning before lodging directing in the side of the creatures head, it's body falling limp as Atreus pushes the falling body away from him. You watch as each of their heads snap back into your direction. For a moment they both reach for their weapons, though its only a moment later that they realize it's only you.
"Y/n!" Atreus calls to you excitedly and you somehow find the energy to wave in acknowledgment of his words. His look falls quickly when he notices the sheer amount of blood that covers you.
"Oh...looks like you had a rough time in there" he states the obvious. You catch up to them and try to avoid Kratos' stare.
"What gave it away?" Despite how much you try to hide it there is still a sharpness to your tone.
"Maybe try not to run off like that in the future" you politely suggest before giving him a light bump on the shoulder. He looks immediately guilty.
"Is the coast clear? Are they gone?" A frightened voice you hardly recognize calls from a set of bushes nearby. You are more than a little surprised to see the tall, goldened eyed old god pull himself to his feet and peak through shaking hands. Atreus must have seen the look on your face with strained smile he tried to comfort you with.
"Yeah, we should be good" Atreus answers him. With tentative footsteps this contradiction of a god steps forward, eyes catching yours as you desperately try to hide the utter confusion on your face.
"Ah, you must be the one we were looking for. Y/n is it?" He asks, the worry slowing leaving his posture.
"Yes. And you...are no longer running?" you announce your observation as a question, one that seems to make him a little nervous again.
"I was...unwell. my mind- it isn't what it used to be" he reasons and you can't help but feel a little bad for him. 
"We all lose ourselves sometimes. In all honesty I'm surprised to see you as well as you are, considering you've been thought dead for so long" you try to give him leeway, a hint of breathing room so that he might grow a little more comfortable.
"I appreciate the kindness" he returns your courtesy. It is then that Kratos makes his way over, pushing past Tyr without hardly any care and standing much closer to you than you would have prefered. His eyes glance over your entire being before staring straight into your eyes. Silence is all there is for a moment as your pull enough of your strength together to stand tall and proud in front of him, trying your best to hide away the soreness that covered every inch of your being. Eventually, thank Ymir, he speaks.
"You are well?" He asks, voice rough and perhaps a little agitated. You answer with a nod, still not backing down from him in the slightest. He stares for just a second longer before giving a firm nod, a slight grumble and turning right back around. You let out a quiet sigh of relief before the five of you move along, following Kratos' silent lead.
"The hel you doin?" Broks voice makes the gold plated dwarf jump out of his focused state for just long enough to wave a hand and grumble at him.
"Busy" he manages a word, his hands moving quickly over a page, trying to keep his work consistent. Brok tsks at this.
"Oh. So when you're busy with somethin'-"
"Sh!" Sindri suddenly shushed him, his head popping up as he folds his work and pauses to listen.
"Oh yer really asking for-"
"Sh! Shut up!" Sindri yells, hands held up to silence him, an action that baffles Brok into actually listening for a moment. It's long enough for Sindri to hear voices.
"They're back!" He announces as he makes haste to the front door, Brok lingering behind at the workbench. When Sindri opens the doors he's met with a sight he truly hadn't believed was possible.
"Lord Tyr? You're really alive!" Sindri manages to speak past his astonishment.
"Am I, I wonder?" He answers and that certainly throws Sindri off quite a bit.
"Okay?" The word slips past his lips, his sudden hesitance not at all hidden.
"He's just tired," Atreus tries to assure him.
"I promised him some food and a room to rest in" the boys promise was expected, though Sindri couldn't help the small voice of annoyance that bit at him anyway. His home was becoming quite crowded and crowded meant more messes, which meant more cleaning, which meant more encounters with whatever viscera they brought in. He could imagine it already.
"Ah, of course you did" he tried his best to not let his annoyance show too much. He was, after all, in the presence of two Gods of war. Best not to go stepping on any toes.
"Well, let's see what we can do. Please, come inside" he invites them all in despite the itch of disgust that comes with the dirt and grime that follows.
"Uh, we'll be right in!" Atreus waves him off before shutting the door behind Tyr. He sees the giant of a god turn over his shoulder for just a moment to glance at the shut door.
"Well I'll be!" Brok, hands on his hips and the widest grin on his face, speaks up.
"Hello" Tyr speaks to him, but it is an extra moment before the god actually turns to face Brok at all.
"Well get your ass on over here! I'll get those cuffs off ya" his brother beckons him and Tyr goes without any complaint. To Sindri's horror, Brok stands on the workbench.
"Brok!" He yells, the blue dwarf barely turning to meet his eyes before focusing back on Tyr.
"Get these off'n no time. You just gotta stay put" his brother completely ignores him and Sindri sends him daggers before he swallows his disdain and simply adds it to the list of chores he's racking up. His arms cross as he holds himself back from boiling over, his eyes instead turning to the front door as he waited.
A moment later Kratos and Atreus enter, though he notices that you don't. He goes to questions where you might be but he catches a glimpse of you just as the door shuts. His mind floods with questions, most of them curious as to what the three of you talked about and why exactly you decided you didn't want to come inside. It was getting late after all and he was sure you must be tired by now, or at the very least wanting to rest. Especially after that little escapade.
All of the questions are thrown out the window, however, when he catches a far too familiar look in Atreus' eyes.
"See? Sleep tight Tyr. I'm gonna turn in. Big day tomorrow" Atreus avoids turning to anyone in particular as he makes haste to his room. Sindri knows right then that he's up to no good.
You sit in the quiet of the outside as the others turn in for the night. Your body is worn and tired but you knew even now that sleep would not come easy. You didn't want to bother with trying, as you weren't particularly in the mood to toss and turn in silence. You decided it best to just start with the carving Sindri had wanted, hoping to distract yourself with the small thing. You had thought, perhaps foolishly, that you would find peace here. The others would sleep and you would be allowed to let your conscious waiver into pure focus. Just you, the swiping of your small blade and the slight chewing in the distance.
You really should have known the boy wouldn't stay put.
"Let's just go talk to the snake first and then-"
"Sh!" Voices, just a few feet away. Some horrible attempt at whispering, you think. You continue with your carving, hoping to figure out just what they thought they were doing.
"Oh...Oh well, looks like we can't go. Why don't we just turn around and-"
"Hold on. It's just Y/n" to their credit they did grow quieter. But still, not exactly the most discrete.
"I think I have an idea. Just play along," you simply can't wait to see what he's going to come up with this time. Somehow he still manages to surprise you, though, when he oh so confidently stands from behind the gate.
"Hey, Y/n!" He calls over to you, trying to get your attention, though he kept his voice just quiet enough to not be heard inside. You allow a second before you turn to him.
His smile is lopsided: deceptive. A look you've grown to recognize quickly, considering how many times you've had to dig him out of the trouble he's made when that look crosses his face. He waves you over and you can only sigh before sliding the tools in your hands back into your bag and going to find out what he was going to get himself into now.
"Not tired?" You ask him. He laughs in a way too nervous for you not to miss.
"I was...going to ask you that" his smile isn't hiding anything well. You give a glance at Sindri who almost immediately avoids your eyes before turning back to Atreus.
"A little, if you must know. I can imagine you feel the same" you watch the boy grow a little more confident at your answer. He hadn't caught that you were just playing along yet.
"Yeah. I just wanted to check on you before going to bed. You need sleep too, y'know" you would have felt quite touched if he wasn't lying straight to your face.
"Oh? And what about you Sindri?" You ask, turning to the dwarf
"Just coming to check in on me?" Your eyes are fixated on him as he just absolutely fumbles on his words. A mixture of half sounds and stray noises that might be considered sentences in the loosest term. Finally it seems he manages something coherent.
"I was just making sure he wasn't getting himself into trouble!" He blurts out. You almost feel bad with how nervous your stare had made him, so you turn back to Atreus.
"And I'm assuming you want me to head inside then?" You ask and he immediately lights up. He thinks he's gotten somewhere. He thinks you don't know him by now.
"I think it would probably be for the best. We've all got a big day tomorrow!" You watch him become even slightly convincing at the last possible moment. You smile as you cross your arms. You had to admit, it was a cute attempt.
"Was that your plan?" He's hit with confusion.
"What do you mean?" He shifts where he stands.
"You were going to try and send me to bed before sneaking off" you watch as he crumbles, utterly lost at what to say for a moment before he lets out a huff.
"No!" he retorts and he gets a raise of an eyebrow from you.
"Would you like to try something else, then?" you see him freeze, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. He can't find his words and it seems Sindri couldn't take it any longer.
"We are going to find Jörmungandr!" he finally admits, Atreus turning to him as if he had betrayed him.
"That's all?" You ask, eyes turning between the both of them. Atreus seems defeated, his head hung low and his shoulders with it. He manages a mumbled response.
"And Freya" at that you are truly shocked.
"You...want to find Freya? The woman that has been trying to kill us for all of Fimbulwinter?" You are beyond baffled. What possible reason would he have to seek her out? In what way could that ever go well in his head?
"That's what I was trying to tell him!" Sindri pipes in again and the boys face scrunches. His eyes meet yours with a sharp look only hindered slightly with the puppy eyes he so readily used against everyone.
"We need allies! And we used to be friends! I don't think she's beyond reasoning, she's just-..." the boy tries to defend himself and it isn't convincing in the slightest. You sigh, knowing that this couldn't possibly go well.
"You aren't going to let this go, are you?" Your answer is his continued stare at you, eyes fully ready to do what he must to get what he wants. If you had to describe this stubborn boy in one word it would be bull-headed. It seemed there were no amount of no's that could stop him. A glance down at Sindri shows he's just as worried as you are.
"I want you to know that this is reckless. And foolish. And downright stupid" your words have a bite to them that has Atreus looking away, avoiding looking at you all together. You take a deep breath before you continue.
"But if you must then I know you will. So I will do the bare minimum of at least accompanying you" they both seemed relieved at your words. You imagine for completely different reasons.
"And you're not going to tell father?" He asks, finally stepping out from the other side of the gate.
"Do you really think this is the first time I've caught you sneaking out?" his eyes turn as wide as a full moon.
"...well until you said that; kinda, yeah" You snicker at his reaction and begin walking to the gateway with them not too far behind. The boy falls into silence for a moment before he turns up, a question written in his eyes.
"How many times did you-?"
"More times than I cared to count" you speak over your shoulder as you wave the two along. You try to ignore the dull wounds that still haven't fully healed themselves.
You had to admit, despite the odd Draugr and getting covered in Jörmungandr's disgusting slobber, this little outing was proving to be rather fun. You stayed quiet, for the most part, but enjoyed the babbling of the two as they went along with this little adventure of theirs. It was quite sweet, the relationship they had built. If you were being honest it was nice to see Atreus a little less tense, given how rigid he always was around his father. However, by the time the three of you were heading towards where Freya was last seen, you couldn't help but regret having let him get this far.
“All I'm saying, Atreus, is that she clearly isn't stable. You don't know what she might do. Just because she liked you before doesn't mean-”
“Look, I get the concern but you gotta trust me. She might be Hel bent on killing father, but she hasn't really tried to kill me yet. She's-…She just needs to understand we were trying to help her. And that the bigger threat is Odin” He must truly believe he's untouchable.
“In her mind she has every reason to kill you. To do the same to Kratos as he has done to her. Do you not worry at all that she would take every opportunity imaginable? She believes she has nothing to lose” you try once again to waiver him from this reckless goal. 
“She wouldn't. She's better than that” By all living gods was he stubborn. You hardly remembered a time he'd ever wavered from his convictions. A double-sided blade, that trait is. You hoped today wouldn't be the day he killed himself with it.
“You are impossible” you speak with a defeated sigh. Slowly the three of you walk to a sudden edge, a steep drop below. You have no problems bracing it, hardly even thinking about it. Turning back, however, you see the two of them hesitate. It's then you realize the jump might be a little steep for the dwarf.
“Perhaps this is a sign” he mutters, his eyes cautious as he stares into the opening. 
“Don't be a baby, I'll catch you! Promise not to drop you this time” Atreus’ words catch your attention as he falls to your side, an almost amused look creeps on your face.
“You've dropped him?” You ask and the boy hardly hides his guilt with a nervous laugh.
“It was one time!” he tries to defend himself. A glance up shows just how embarrassed Sindri is by this.
“It was the only time!” You fight back a short laugh, only allowing a small smile to take form as you stare up at the dwarf.
“If it makes you feel any better, I'll also be here to catch you this time” you tried to instill even a slight bit of confidence in him, though he still seemed deeply uneasy.
“I…” his voice wavers, still incredibly unsure about all of this. You almost immediately catch the boy about to be a smartass and quickly knock the sentence from him with a light hit on the back of his head.
"Hey-!" He turns to glare at you but your stare seems to disintegrate any resistance. Once you're sure he's going to keep his mouth shut you turn back up to Sindri.
“Worst thing that could happen is we both fall down” you try to reassure him.
“And I break my skull open!” He retorts. You huff a little.
“Look, I know Atreus’ promises mean very little-”
“Wha- That's not true!” The boy speaks up and you fail to fight a grin when he shoves you slightly, but you continue all the same, even if a chuckle is heard through your words.
“But my promises are as solid as steel, and I promise that it will be fine” your eyes lock on his and even through you jest you know he sees that you're serious. So, with a deep breath and tense posture, he finally agrees.
“Fine” he speaks through gritted teeth and both you and Atreus hold your arms out. It's only a few moments later he jumps. With little effort the two of you catch him. 
“See? Was that so bad?” Atreus speaks to him and you send a smile as you help him back to his feet. It's clear though that he is still very unhappy with the situation.
“I sincerely hope I never have to do it again, if that's what you're asking”
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dalekofchaos · 9 months
I think if I had any issues with GOW:Ragnarok is 5 things.
No mention that Thor killed his mother. In GOW 2018, Mimir tells the tale of Fjörgyn, Thor's mother and one of Odin's great loves. It is implied that Thor killed her. It would give depth to why Odin is abusive towards Thor, his hatred of Atreus, self-loathing(aside from failing his sons) and explain why Faye went nuclear against Thor. Also? This would give context to why Thor is the way he is.
Odin doesn't use Kratos actions of murdering his family in turning Atreus against Kratos. I'm sure Kratos tells Atreus off screen, but does he? You'd think he would've told Atreus in the last game's ending or somewhere in Ragnarok. As far as we know all he told Atreus is killing Zeus and "I've killed many who were deserving and many who were not" implied, but never said. Kratos telling Freya was an important moment for them to understand each other. I don't think Kratos told him and considering how much of an abusive manipulative gaslighting prick that Odin is, it just felt like a missed opportunity not to have Odin use that to turn Atreus against his father and also a missed opportunity to have Kratos struggle to tell Atreus from his perspective on what he did.
Atreus darker personality never returned. I had this theory that Atreus "We're gods, we can do anything we want" phase would return as his Loki personality. Atreus quest to prevent Kratos' death would lead him down a dark path and lead his Loki personality to return. He would play both sides only to let Asgard burn in Ragnarok. There would be a boss battle between Atreus and his Loki side and Atreus personality would win and remain dominant. What we got was great, but I feel like Atreus' darker personality returning was a missed opportunity.
Kratos and Thor's final fight seemed tame. When I envisioned Kratos and Thor's final battle. I imagined this bombastic battle that would realm shift throughout the Nine Realms and would be the climax of Ragnarok. What we got was great. but I strongly feel like their final fight was underwhelming and it could've been more. I get the game was trying to show Thor is more than what the lore of the Norse saga and Ragnarok as a whole is showing us, but Kratos and Thor's final fight SHOULD HAVE been more.
Killing off Thor and Odin too soon. To me it's unsatisfying that Odin and Thor are killed off so soon. Thor has this great character arc and Odin was built up as this master manipulator and schemer and they die in the second game in this trilogy. Imagine how unsatisfying it would be if Luke Skywalker killed Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back and the Rebels killed the Emperor in the second act of the trilogy. Yeah that would've been so disappointing, wouldn't it? The story they told was great and I trust SMS. But it still feels like to me that they should have done a sort of cliffhanger ending. After Brok is killed, Kratos follows Odin, Thor and Odin kills Kratos. Kratos is sent into the realm into the tear, basically the realm where the dead gods go who cannot come back. He'd see Magni and Modi and Baulder and finally Faye and Faye sends Kratos back. Then it ends with Kratos pledging to lead Ragnarok and burn Asgard. For more in depth to this idea, watch the video down below. Point is I strongly feel like it was a mistake to kill off Odin and Thor in the second act of the Norse trilogy.
Bonus 1:Atreus not even looking into the tear with the mask was just bad. All they had to do was Atreus sees into the void, one minute later he takes the mask off, breaks it and tosses it into the void
Bonus 2. Odin's design. Thor's design is perfect, but part of me feels like he should have had armor
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Compared to the stories Mimir told, I imagined Odin looking something like this down below. The story for Odin is great, but imo the final fight should have been more. Like, King of the Aesir should have been more. The contrast between him and Zeus is he is the master manipulator, but Odin in Norse Mythology is the strongest of the gods and this game didn't show it. He had powerful magic to display but it didn't feel like this grand final boss of the Norse saga, like Thor it could have been more.
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Bonus 3. The Ragnarok itself is disappointing. Ragnarok was so built up to, but it honestly felt like the mission to actually get Surtr on-side was longer than the mission for Ragnarok. We saw nothing of the actual battle, Fenrir wasn’t there, and we didn’t even see the Army of the Dead! We could've gotten the Elves, army of the dead, the Dwarves lead by Sindri & Durlin, Vanir and even an army of Vikings/Raiders to represent Midgard. But we didn't. Plus in myth, Ragnarok was largely a battle between the Gods and the Jotnar - and yet the latter weren’t even present. I was fully expecting after heading to Muspel that Atreus would tell Kratos about the secret giants with Angrboda; that would have been an element of surprise that Odin didn’t know about! I’d been hoping to fight Thor on the back of Jormungandr or something, and for Fenrir to be involved in fighting Odin. So yeah. The Ragnarok in the game called God Of War:Ragnarok is disappointing.
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I don't know if you'll respond to this but can I have some brok head canons? He doesn't get enough love and he's my favorite character :'<
A/n: BROK!! I love him, his bond between Krato’s is the best thing ever.
Reader is a Huldra
{A hulder (or huldra) is a seductive forest creature found in Scandinavian folklore. Her name derives from a root meaning "covered" or "secret"In Norwegian folklore, she is known as huldra ("the [archetypal] hulder", though folklore presupposes that there is an entire Hulder race and not just a single individual). She is known as the skogsrå "forest spirit" or Tallemaja "pine tree Mary" in Swedish folklore, and ulda in Sámi folklore. Her name suggests that she is originally the same being as the völva divine figure Huld and the German Holda.}
{Though described as beautiful, the huldra is noted for having a distinctive inhuman feature—an animal's tail (usually a cow's or a fox's)}
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🔨: Immediately hits on you when he first see’s you, you’re a bit shy so you run off, back wherever you came from.
🔨:Sindri scolds him for scaring you off with his brash attitude, he’s been trying to get your help with gathering material since you know this particular forest well.
🔨:Freya is the one that informs the group of what your are.
“She is a Huldra, though I never have seen one this skittish, they are supposed to seduce men and trap them in the forest. I wonder if Odin has anything to do with her behavior.”
“Seduce men you say? Well where do I sign up?”
“Did you not hear me mention the part where you are trapped for eternity?”
“Nah, she’s not gonna trap me, she’s gonna fall in love with me. “
🔨: Is always traveling off to where your home is, sometimes he is by himself or with Kratos though it is Atreus that finds you when the boy saves one of your foxes.
🔨: The first thing Brok noticed is your tail { he respectfully doesn’t look at your lack their of clothing }
“Isn’t that the cutest thing!”
🔨: You run off again due to how loud he was.
🔨: Starts to leave out gifts for you, you slowly come out to see him.
🔨: Brok would happily make you a weapon so you can keep yourself protected.
🔨: You start to grow closer to Brok and once you get invited to stay at his and Sindris home you stay with Brok at his forging station.
🔨: You may or may not banish ‘Tyr’ from their home, the group is up at first but they understand later on.
🔨: You’re the first one to initiate the relationship, you two are practically glued at each others hips. Tend to always be around one another with Sindri is more than happy about.
🔨: Sindri swears he is the first one to approve of the relationship and wants nothing more than his bother to be happy.
🔨: While Brok may not be the best at romance or things but he is constantly making you little crowns and head pieces and bracelets. Really spoils you by making the most beautiful metals for you.
 🔨: You tend to bring him flowers and metals he might need.
🔨: Constantly bending down to give him kisses.
🔨:He is the only one that can touch your tail.
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tired0artist · 2 years
| The All-Father |
okay but what if after ragnarök kratos wasn’t the dad of boy but a dad of all?
or how kratos became the all-father.
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He doesn’t know how it happened, nor who started it, but only weeks after Ragnarök he finds the first altar dedicated to the All-Father.
“Blessed is the realm, which hosts the just Allfather.
Blessed are the people, who walk the same paths as the mighty Allfather.
Blessed is the land, devoid of monsters because of the fearless Allfather.
Blessed are the days, after Ragnarök with the reforged Allfather.
We pray to you, Allfather.
Accept our gifts and bless us, in our new days.”
The altar wasn’t grand nor made of stone, it was wooden yet sturdy, already overflowing with flowers, stones, herbs and other trinkets that could be found in the early Spring.
Kratos frowned at the runic text once more, before heading off his own way. Was it in the past, he might have destroyed it, huffing at the blindness the human possessed when it came to the gods, who would never stop to read their little messages, nor their prayers.
But now, he leaves it alone, knowing that after Fimbulwinter and Ragnarök, they needed something to believe in. Or someone, whoever the so-called reforged All-Father was supposed to be.
He means to speak to Mimir about it, but once he is home, he remembers that the head was with Freya. Advising in Vanaheim as the tensions between the Aesir and Vanir grew heated.
Perhaps, he should join them in a day or so. He surely knew little of politics, but perhaps he could at the very least aid his companions in some other way.
Glancing around his home, his amber gaze lingered on the bed not far from his own. It was tidy and unmoved, from when Kratos remade it in the morning.
It was a habit which he developed since Faye’s passing. Atreus always forgot to make his bed look presentable, or at the very least not a complete mess. He tried many times, showing his boy how to do it, but in the end all of his training was lost on Atreus. In the end, Kratos tidied it up for him in the mornings, right after taking care of his own space. And even now that his boy is gone… he still wakes up, cleans his bed and remakes the already perfectly tidied up bed.
Kratos reasoned to himself often that he doesn’t like to change his routine. That he doesn’t want bugs to build a nest underneath the furrs.
But all that wasn’t true.
He remade the bed every morning because he missed his son. Because he wanted Atreus to come back and sleep in a clean bed. Because leaving the bed alone made him think too much about how long his boy was gone.
Blinking he let out a shaky breath and hung up his axe, tearing his gaze away from the empty spot Atreus’ leaving left in the hut.
It’s two days later, just as he makes his way to Týr’s temple, to transport himself to Vanaheim, that he finds another altar.
“I call to the Allfather, great God of War,
father to Loki, the great and just General of Realms.
Yours is the realm of justice, of strength, of judgement, of rebirth.
Yours is the hand that guides those in darkness, the axe that cuts the unjust.
Grant me, O Allfather, the justice for my child.
Grant me, O Allfather, the strength to smite down the one who took her.
Grant me, O Allfather, the judgement for his devious soul.
Grant me, O Allfather, the will for rebirth once the revenge has left me.”
It is him… the All-Father that the alters are mentioning.
Rage builds up as he reads the prayer, thoughts of Calliope and Atreus filling his head. Someone killed another’s child, and Kratos wills it with everything he possesses that they meet a grim end at the child’s parent’s hand.
It is hard, but he moves on. Doing his best not to think about him being called and prayed to as the All-Father. It will pass. Týr will come back from his journey and all will be well, he will take charge and be the beloved god again. All while Kratos retires back to his hut.
“It will pass.” he whispered to himself, leaving the altar behind him, trying not to shiver as he felt an echoing rage of another in the back of his mind, clinging to their right to seek revenge.
It will pass. He thought to himself, while in the middle of settling an agreement between Aesir and Vanir, feeling an echoing sense of relief from those around, all synced in thanking for the unheard prayer for peace being enacted.
It will pass. He said to Mimir and Freya as together they found an altar, in Vanaheim no less, reading the plea for the great beast, that Kratos just ended, to be slain.
It. Will. Pass. Kratos hissed under his breath, leaving the Lake of Nine in haste as a grand statue of the All-Father was being constructed.
It will pass.
“It doesn’t have to.” said Atreus, now a man grown, as tall as his father, as kind as his mother, as strong as Freya and as wise as Mimir. His son just stared at him, before nodding down at the lively new villages around the Lake of Nine, from where they sat together on top of a cliff.
“You earned this, father. Accept this as you accept their pleas and prayers. Allow yourself to have this purpose and for them to finally have an All-Father that listens. That walks among them with the same worn down hands and the same troubled mind. Don’t let it pass, father. Embrace it.”
Atreus smiled and reached out to touch his father’s chest “The God of War can retire for now, while the All-Father takes his post for a little while.”
Kratos cupped his son’s hand and squeezed it, nodding slowly and echoing quietly “Only for a little while…”
His son smiled and agreed “Only for a little while.”
Looking at the new settlements and the grand statue of the All-Father, Leviathan Axe and Gjallarhorn in his hands, Kratos nodded again.
It will pass… but it doesn’t have to. The God of War retires, while All-Father takes his post… but only for a little while.
Hundreds years later, all still pray and speak of one true All-Father only. The one that had both eyes, a mischievous son, bore an axe that rivalled Mjölnir and was a General that led all Nine Realms against the false God Odin in Ragnarök.
A little while can last quite a long time, it would seem
thank you for reading! i hope that you liked it, i might cross post this on ao3 but first i wanna see how it will be received here <3
okay fuck it it’s also up on ao3 and i added little bit to it.
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bellaaldamas · 24 days
Hope you have a well deversed rest! Your edits are awesome as always! 💕💕💕
Also fun question: I remember reading one of your conversations with stupidrant that someone made a scenario where it's possible for Freya & Baldur to reconciled(?) Would like to know how this could work since he's one of the the few Aesir I sympathized the most. Baldur in Norse Mythology comes back from Hel after Ragnarök. Would be fun to see how he turns out since it possible for SMS to push this direction. :)
Thank you again for the kind words. And I'm grateful that you, through the playlist you had shared with me earlier, familiarized me with the song I used for the edit. It is not only remarkably fitting for Angrboda and Atreboda in terms of lyrics but is well constructed and competently performed in it's own right.
Regarding Baldur, it's fair to say that he is that exceptionally rare example in popular media of a tragic villain done right. Unlike certain whitewashed villains and antagonists apologized either by the narrative or by their respective fan-bases (or, typically, both; this usually applies to male villains but female ones and toxic female characters in general also tend to get away with their abusive and violent behaviors, especially when they come from privileged background) Baldur was treated exactly the way he deserved to. He was shown for someone who was, from beginning to end, a product of his upbringing, circumstances and personal choices influenced by said circumstances.
It would've been exceptionally easy to portray Baldur as a wayward and lost son of a virtuous woman - Freya - who chose the wrong path because due to Odin's genes he was "inherently evil" as well as "ungrateful" towards his mother for her misguided but genuine attempts to protect him.
That's not how Gow18 and GowR (where, notably, Baldur wasn't present at all in the current timeline) portrayed him. The narrative allowed him to vocalize and express every single valid concern he had with the way Freya went about keeping him safe. It was made clear that it were the ways in which he himself chose to express it that were wrong rather than his feelings or experiences.
What stands out the most is that Gow18 events are set in motion precisely because Baldur tracks down Kratos and confronts him on Odin's orders (even that small bit of information already reveals Baldur's characterization as that of a broken individual desperate for parental approval). As the gamer starts learning new fighting mechanics through their battle - the second boss fight in the game and the first one between Kratos and a fellow god - the audience is introduced to Baldur's emotional turmoil, albeit without context. Not through third parties or through Freya (whom Kratos, Atreus and the gamer meet and bond with later and become biased in her favor) but through Baldur's own heartfelt screams about how he doesn't feel a thing and Kratos struggling against him is "pointless" (as he baits Kratos/the gamer to give him their best punch).
That's how the narrative establishes that, on one hand, Baldur's aggressive behavior is inexcusable and unprovoked and, on the other hand, there are underlying psychological reasons for that which need to be examined. From the writing standpoint it's a perfect set up for providing an explanation rather than a justification for villain's actions.
Another noteworthy point is that we get more background on Baldur and learn of his being Freya's son after - as mentioned above - getting to know Freya personally. As Kratos, Atreus and the gamer come to sympathize with and respect her. Unlike Baldur, an obvious antagonist, Freya is, from the get go, introduced as an ally character and as a caring, kind and nurturing person (her determination to save Hildsvini, then in his boar form, after he's shot by Atreus, her love for animals and plants, her saving Atreus's life, her giving Kratos the comfort and support even after he lashed out at her for keeping the very same secret about her deity background that he did in regards to his own son). Which further ensures that Kratos and Atreus as well as the gamer end up taking Freya's side once the faithful information about Baldur being her son is revealed and he attempts to kill her to get even for taking away his feelings. Such framing could've been an opportunity for the writers to only show the situation through Freya's lens and completely rob Baldur of any agency or voice.
But that doesn't happen either. Instead, Baldur is framed as an antithesis for young Atreus. Both had parental issues and estrangement from said parents (despite the emotional closeness to Faye, Atreus eventually finds out she, much like Kratos, also lied to him about vital things and not just her own but Atreus's background as well, for the sake of protecting him - wrong thing done for the right reason, not unlike Freya regarding Baldur). Both Atreus and Baldur aspired to prove their worth to their respective, emotionally distant fathers (as we learn in GowR from Freya herself; who goes out of her way to compare Baldur and Atreus and offers Kratos to become a mentor and motherly figure for Atreus in order to make up for her failures with Baldur).
In Gow18 Atreus has his low point when he finds himself on the verge of losing his morals and compass upon finding out about Kratos's and his own deity heritage. But eventually comes back on track, both due to Kratos breaking the emotional distance between them in order to become the authority figure and positive influence in Atreus's life that he failed to be from the start; as well as due to Atreus's own realization being a ruthless killer is not who he is or wants to be. The latter is the most important part of that arc, showing that Atreus choosing to stay on the right path was, first and foremost, for his own sake. Rather than a part of him wanting to please Kratos and earn his approval, the way Baldur aspired to earn that of Odin. The theme of personal choice over imposed circumstances or mistakes of one's parents is, thus, further highlighted through parallels and contrasts between Atreus and Baldur.
Upon the "family reunion" in the end of Gow18, Baldur gets to spell out his frustrations with Freya and she fully accepts the blame and responsibility. Down to her willingness to allow Baldur to kill her as a penance for robbing him of his ability to feel. However, this is also when the narrative, through Kratos and Atreus, shows that while Freya undeniably is one of the fundamental reasons Baldur turned out the way he did and got consumed by aggression and anger (other reason being Odin and it is in GowR that the audience gets more in depth information about that - along with said audience being prompted to check themselves on placing the full responsibility for bad parenting and it's consequences on a woman), Baldur, ultimately, is his own person. And is just as responsible for his own choices as Kratos, Atreus and Freya are.
The above point continues to be emphasized more boldly in GowR and is the reason Freya escapes being reduced to a misogynistic stereotype of a broken woman consumed by bitterness. Said stereotype is often framed as "feminist" in mainstream media and juxtaposed against soft and vulnerable female character types who maintain their cheerfulness and inspiration in spite of the adversities, like Angrboda. GowR subverted that false juxtaposition as well when it paralleled not only Freya and Angrboda but their interactions with Kratos and Atreus respectively.
As I noted many times, the most subversive point of Freya's arc in GowR is that her vindictive quest against Kratos ends prematurely and permanently less than halfway into the story. Rather than perpetuating the cycle of toxic motherhood by making Baldur's tragic but logical demise (because of his own actions and the route he chose to pursue) about herself and her pain Freya chooses to redirect her anger onto the real aggressor which is Odin ("you're [Kratos] not the one who needs to die"). Essentially diverting said anger away from herself and Kratos; whom Freya initially aspired to kill even if it required irreversibly destroying herself in the process and giving up on everything and everyone she used to hold dear (another part of the toxic parenting cycle).
Her further bonding with Kratos is also remarkable: while Freya recognizes Baldur as "not perfect but hers" she, as noted above, delves more into his background, his dangerous determination to impress Odin at any cost and his similarities with Atreus; whom Freya aspires to shield from the same fate as Baldur's. Atreus, in the meantime, continues to prove himself a parallel/antithesis to the aforementioned by actively seeking interactions with Odin and trying to trick the latter by winning his trust - something Baldur failed to attain either in life or in death.
Through those conversations (particularly in Vanaheim and during Freya's Missing Peace quest) Freya and Kratos realize how numerous factors affected Baldur's worldview, ultimately resulting in the man he became and his eventual death at the hands of Kratos, in defense of Freya. In the scene with the Norns Freya actively jumps to Kratos's defense when they mention his love for god killing being the cause of Baldur's demise ("it was not out of hate!"). Even though she said nothing in defense of herself or Baldur when the Norns mentioned their own choices determining their fates.
As far as Baldur's potential return, I have conflicting feelings about that though consider the idea interesting as well as having potential for SMS to come up with new "mythology with a twist" plot points and give the characters more development. On one hand, Baldur's come back could provide Freya with a closure that, in GowR, she had not yet found with herself (even when Freya was no longer blaming Kratos for Baldur's death she continued beating herself over it, including in the optional scenes and side quests, causing Kratos to emphasize that she did what she though she must do to protect Baldur).
Additionally, regardless of whether the writers take a romantic route with Freya and Kratos' relationship (my preferred scenario) or a platonic one (your preferred scenario) getting to face Baldur again, for both of them, could strengthen their bond and result in them working through that issue completely. The narrative made it a point to never gloss over it and that's what made Kratos and Freya's partnership and alliance so productive, strong and positive.
An anti-parallel to that would be Thrud's unhealthy reaction to Atreus killing her brother, whose death she outright dismissed by saying they were "better off without him" (because at that stage Thrud was mindlessly parroting her father and grandfather's propaganda and didn't have a mind or analytical thinking of her own; her "treacherous ex wife" comment about Freya is a product of that same mindset). Followed by her inviting Atreus, said brother's killer, to enjoy his stay in Modi's room and explore Asgard with her. That is, in between showing distrust or even contempt towards Atreus not for legitimate reasons (as Freya did towards Kratos for killing Baldur and as Thrud should have done towards Atreus for killing Modi) but because of Atreus's independence and unwillingness to tow Odin's line. In Helheim Thrud either prides herself on being supposedly stronger than Atreus - though constantly needs his help and aid with "almost budging" doors - or outright tells him she should have never trusted him. And that her mother was right about him all along when Atreus makes an honest mistake out of good intentions.
There where Angrboda and Atreus's interactions serve as a parallel to that of Kratos and Freya (see above) Atreus and Thrud's dynamic is an anti-parallel to both. That said, as I mentioned before, the most fitting scenario for Thrud's development would be to have Freya as her mentor (something that was hinted at by Lunda) and, in the process of bonding with her, reconsider her misguided perceptions imposed by Odin.
Concerning favourite Aesir characters, in my case it would be Sif whose determination to better herself, overcome her addiction for the sake of her daughter and a brighter future for her family and her willingness to embark on diplomatic missions to restore peace deserves far more credit than she tends to get.
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neechees · 1 month
In Norse Mythology, Loki has two brothers named Byleistr & Helblindi, and all three are the children of Farbauti & Laufey. So,
**also when I say "have already" I realized I worded this weird, but what I meant was that as of now, these two characters have not been mentioned by the GOW series canon, so do you think that if they ARE introduced at some point, will they be interwoven with the already existing canon?
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