#Kretan rants instead of reblogging
kretan06 · 10 months
Just finished Bioshock Infinite for the first time with the dlc as well. Spoilers if you haven’t played the ten year old game.
Watching Suchong’s final moments and remembering his audiolog of it made me die of laughter.
Oh mein gott! Booker is Commie Cornstalk. It makes sense when you look back at the Hall of Heroes though.
I think Elizabeth has problems. Finds out how Commie Cornstalk and Booker are both the same person as well as the person who took her from her father who is also them. And then devotes herself to killing every version of them. Can’t even let the grieving father be.
Playing as Elizabeth is different, I hated it at first but grew to actually like the feeling of being basically crap in a fight. I hardly got into gunfights with her which I’m pretty sure was the intention.
Alright. What the actual fentucky kried fricken was the plot? It starts as normal and then right after Commie Cornstalk is killed the train leaves the rails and proceeds to drift to eurobeat all over the place. Bro what?
The Lutece twins killed it in every scene they were in, god I love the dynamic where there’s a dimension hopping being that’s playful and I also really like twins who finish each other sentences and jokingly bicker with each other and the combo is really great.
||LOWENTHAL VOICED A CHARACTER|| (specifically he voiced a grunt enemy type but still. That’s basically his thing to voice a background character/enemy)
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