#Kudu tag
system-architect · 5 months
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Enlightenment always comes at a price. Now you must pay for what you've learned.
i was both shocked by the lack of kudu fanart and the fact that i had never drawn him before ssoooo.... yknow 💃
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hood-simz · 6 months
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→PSA/Intro! (read b4 u have a bitchfit)←
The name is Piqt and this blog is 18+. My playstyle features the lifestyles that stray away from the typical "happy-nucleur-family-in-windenberg" type stuff and instead sheds light onto the other side of the pond. I'm on Windows, play with almost every pack due to a beautiful thing called ✨piracy✨, been in the game since the month it released (in case you need to reach out to someone seasoned for troubleshooting), and am currently using 5+ GB of cc/scripts.
WCIF friendly and I hope I can actually help you in that regard through my shitmix of a folder!
Going forward, since you will encounter content in this pinned post that some in the community have had literal tantrums about, I would like to state ✨EA is a leech, delivers broken content again and again for a loaded price and doesn't deserve your morality✨ and I, as someone who has been pirating since 2005, will keep pirating it's content and advocating for others to do so. In the terms of me sharing my own + others mod folders, I also give 0 fucks about someone losing .3 cents of ad revenue as I believe internet ads are literal acidic dogshit and shouldn't exist.
→Tags for this blog←
#thebuildtag [my own builds]
#thescenerytag [scenery edits]
#thelifetag [portrait/life shots]
#thememetag [meme/shitposts/glitches]
#favbuilds [builds i love by others]
#favcontenttag [content i love by others]
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The Masterposts!
◤Anadius's Twitter (site in bio)
→Kinda speaks for itself. Kudus to this guy for his work & time in creating such programs for our community!
◤Blogger who compiles DLC content made BGC by various creators
→An absolute godsend before I got the courage to tell EA to go fuck itself and just rip their entire game + all their packs. These creators are absolutely amazing for doing this♡
◤Sims 4 Mod Manager
→Vital in any scenario when sorting mods/cc due to it's access of all the thumbnails, but you just gotta have this if you're gonna download someone's 50+ GB mod folders like I tend to do. Kudos to this guy as well for an amazing, user friendly program!
◤Sims 4 Price Call Out
→A while back I made a post calling out the insane price EA makes for content that lacks its worth + is almost always broken upon release, leaving us to fix it. This post is updated every few months and is there to show you just how much your paying for assets that lack functionality + are bare minimum in terms of design.
◤Paysitesmustbedestroyed + TS4Rebels
→Both sites hold cc content that is blocked behind paywalls.
◤My personal Mod Folder + recommended/best scripts↓
→*take note as its been a few patches since I made this list and folder, both could be out of date though as of today (04/04/24) it works- check with creator pages/popular conflict detectors if worried*
Mod Folder (5+ GB)
Script List w/ links
Though this blog is mainly a simblr-story type blog, it will also feature CC I find appealing + reblogs of other simmer's gameplay. If you find yourself ever with a broken game, need to find CC, or just need basic troubleshooting help, shoot me an ask/PM and I'll try my best to help!! Also, though it's pretty abandoned, my older storylines are over on insta @ hoodsimz if you want to check it out
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letloverule1111 · 10 months
Five Fics Under 500
Rules: 5 fic recommendations that are currently under 500 kudos. Let’s give these fics the love they deserve!
Thank you for tagging me, @myheartalivewrites! Honestly, this is a challenge because soooooooo many of the fics I've read have well over 500 kudos. But going through my history was fun and I think I've pulled out some great fics that deserve to get all the love!
Twenty Seven Batters by politics_and_prose (@historicallysam) This list MUST begin here because @historicallysam is one of my favorite authors AND because she gifted me this fic. Sam and I share a love of baseball. This short fic is a really wonderful emotional journey...she captures the excitement and tension perfectly! You don't have to love baseball to love it. From the summary: Because today, at age 38, Alexander Claremont-Diaz is six outs away from a perfect game. Seriously, it brought tears to my eyes!
You Make Everyday Feel Like It's Christmas by allmyloveatonce (@three-drink-amy) How perfect that this is a Christmas fic and I'm posting this in December! I ADORE THIS FIC! In going through my history I was actually shocked it had under 500 kudus and truly, we must rectify that. Alex goes to visit June in a sleepy little town in Vermont that she's been living in and meets Henry, her best friend there. Obviously he thinks Henry is a jerk...until he doesn't This fic is so fun and sweet and sexy and you must read it! Sorry not sorry to be bossy!
Fancyman by schmulte A super sweet fic based off the Fancyman storyline in New Girl! Because who doesn't love a gay-infused Alex and Henry based Fancyman? I'm pretty much a sucker for any fic that has Henry or Alex or both as teachers.
Are Heroes Born or Made? by @the-amber-fox (theamberfox) I know that the RWRB fandom LOVES a good spy fic!! So here you go! You're welcome! Henry and Alex were once rival spies but now? Now they are getting married!!! They've overcome so much to get to this day! But then...you guessed it. Alex gets kidnapped from his hotel room before the ceremony and now Henry needs to find him before it's too late. I adore this fic!
Finding Freedom (in your arms) another fic by @the-amber-fox! It's notable to me that this fic has more comments than kudos--not something I usually see!! This fic is a "filthy Western au"...need I say more???
Okay! I CANNOT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY DID THIS! This is my first post in response to being tagged by someone! Thank you, @myheartalivewrites for basically being so freaking awesome.
I'll just gently tag @historicallysam on this because I don't know who has actually already done this post...
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logi1974 · 10 months
Namibia 2023/24 - Tag 3
Herrschaften und Oukies!!!
Der Wecker klingelte heute Morgen um 7 Uhr für uns, denn für 8 Uhr ist das gemeinsame Frühstück für alle. Selbstverständlich wird hier noch zusammen mit den Gastgebern, an einer langen Tafel, gegessen.
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Um 9 Uhr hatte Rainer zur Farmrundfahrt für alle Gäste geladen. Mit dem taufrischen Ford, Baujahr 1951, ging es los. Auf der Ladefläche befinden sich Bretter als Sitzgelegenheiten für die Gäste. Darüber ein Netz, umfunktioniert zum Sonnensegel als Schutz vor der glühenden Sonne. Das gute Stück verbraucht nur 27 Liter.
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Die Farm Heimat ist eine echte “working” Farm vorwiegend mit Rindern, Ziegen und Schafen. Hier isst man noch gemeinsam mit der Farmersfamilie, die seit vier bzw. fünf Generationen hier lebt und wirtschaftet. Marianne, Rainer und Mareike, kümmern sich persönlich um ihre Gäste – engagiert, freundlich und authentisch rustikal.
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So erlebt man aus erster Hand das Leben als Farmer in diesem Land und natürlich so manches über Land und Leute. Die etwa 6000 ha große Farm hat über 30 km Grenzzaun und 120 Tore!
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Leider werden die echten Gästefarmen, quasi die namibische Variante von Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof, immer seltener. Große Tourismuskonzerne kaufen sukzessive Farmen, die beliebt oder strategisch günstig gelegen sind, auf. Dann werden sie bis zur Unkenntlichkeit modernisiert und anschließend zu horrenden Preisen wieder auf den Tourismusmarkt gebracht.  
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„Ökotourismus“ ist seit Jahren ein oft hoch stilisiertes „Marketing-Label“, hier auf Heimat wird es authentisch gelebt. „From the farm to the table“ ist hier der normale Alltag. Der Gast genießt selbst gemachte Marmelade, das Brot ist selbst gebacken, Eier kommen vom Hof, Quark wird hausgemacht, ein Gemüsegarten versorgt mit Frischem und das Fleisch ist super Bio, entweder Wild oder Rind - selbst geschossen und geschlachtet, versteht sich.
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An vielen „kleinen“ Dingen wird das ökologische Handeln deutlich:
Es wird mit erneuerbarer Energie gekocht, so beispielhaft im Solarofen
Warmwasser zum Duschen und Waschen wird mittels Solaranlage erhitzt
Verwendet werden ausschließlich Bioseifen und biologisch abbaubare Putzmittel
Natürlich wird Müll getrennt
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Die Zimmer folgen nicht dem neuesten Designtrend, sondern sind praktisch und schlicht eingerichtet: Jedes Zimmer verfügt selbstverständlich über Dusche und WC, man kann selber Kaffee und Tee zubereiten, es gibt Ventilatoren und Moskitonetze und für die kalten Winternächte, in der Trockenzeit, einen Heizkörper.
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Hausherr Rainer erklärt umfassend für interessierte Gäste sehr sachkundig das Leben auf einer namibischen Farm.
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Es werden Zäune abgefahren, Rinder besichtigt, Wasserstellen begutachtet usw. Nach über 3 Stunden erreichen wir wieder das Haupthaus, wo Farmerin Marianne schon mit dem Mittagessen auf alle wartet.
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Am Nachmittag wird geruht und jeder geht anschließend wieder seinen eigenen Beschäftigungen nach: lesen, schreiben usw.
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 Abendessen gibt es dann um 20 Uhr, wo sich alle Gäste wieder gemeinsam auf der Veranda einfinden. Heute Abend gab es Frikadellen vom Kudu, letzte Mittwoch frisch geschossen.
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Es schmeckt fantastisch und meine Mutter ist begeistert. Ihr Blutdruck ist runter und sie entspannt sich total
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Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha, Mama und der Hasenbär
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o-wise-corvid · 8 months
Dathomir Daily
Rīdnu Telthonu’ī, the Singing Mountains Clan
(Ride-new Tel-Thanh-uh)
The Singing Mountains Clan is one of the more remote clans of Dathomir. They live in the mountains from which they draw their name and worship Sho Gīt, The Breath, or the wind.
Their burial rites involve intricate platforms of wood, piled with herbs and flowers to blend sweet scents with the remains of the dead. This is said to guide them to The Breath favorably. Many in the clan make a wind chime from the horns of their loved ones so that they can continue to communicate with them. If the wind chime ever breaks, it is said to signal that the soul of the loved one is returning to life. The broken wind chime is then burned, to make sure that the soul returns in tact.
Despite living in an oxygen-starved location, most individuals are quite large, a trait for which they are known. Another trait is the shape and length of their horns, which they curl from a young age. Males curl them down toward their cheeks like rams and females twist them up so they would resemble a kudu. Those who are neither male or female, or both, curve them in a less extreme curving style that can reach a up to a foot higher than the top of their heads, much like an alpine ibex.
Many infant males have been stolen by the Nightsisters as breeding stock. Their large stature and genetic endurance is a much desired trait that Mother Talzin has nearly fully integrated into the bloodline. This has bred an intense hatred of Nightsisters amongst the clan and they usually try to kill any that they meet on sight.
This clan is also known for their love of fiery cuisine. There are plants native to their mountains that they’ve cultivated for thousands of years. They cook with the peppers from them, brilliant green pods, whether that be eating raw or grinding them to a spicy paste mixed with salt and fat. They also use this paste as a weapon, coating their arrowheads, spear tips and blades in the stuff. A wound from them will fester and burn like hot embers are inside it unless excised and thoroughly cleaned.
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Tag list: @alexeithegoat @thesitharts @crc-jedi-knight-serushna @hotshot9 @smoooothbrain @gran-maul-seizure @foreverchangingfandomsao3 @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @justalittletomato @stardustbee @storm89 @ohboi @and-claudia @eloquentmoon
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lilajeanbasener · 9 months
Anyways hiiiii. It’s mum. Saw your animation in the Boat Boys tag.
just arriving to let you know that you are amazing and deserve all of the kudus
MOOOMMM!!!! Hi Mom, it's so awesome bumping into you here!! Sorry for the late response, I hadn't checked my Tumblr. Yes, I love the shenanigans that happen here!!
Awwww, thank you, genuinely!! You make me blush, that means a lot coming from you!! I admire all you do in this community, you're such a community builder and an incredible artist, and a good friend, thank you!!! <3
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lamyaasfaraini · 11 months
Tiktok adalah cookpad yg serba ada
"yang, aku udah nemu banyak resep nih di tiktok" ujar blio
"sok atuh tandai dulu" kataku.
Abis ST kirain cape aku gorengin ayam aja soalnya lapar cenah selama ST, taunya switch blio malah nguprek di dapur selama aku mandi, kirain mau lsg makan eh malah bikin "sambel terong rebus" nambah goreng telur dadar pula. Yaampun si niat.. Udah mandi, solat isya berjamaah trus mam deh. Nasi anget, ayam goreng (dikit lg), telor dadar (double prohe gaktuuhh). Alhamdulillah niqmadh, bisaan ih bikin sambelnya enaaak. Suami aku teh meni makin hobi masak alhamdulillah haha.
Penampakan si sambel terong. IGS temenku ktnya lg hits wk
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Pas lagi ngatur2 bahan makanan di kulkas
"yang tau ngga tips bahan makanan awet itu di freezer, bla..bla..bla (menjelaskan ini itu)" kata blio.
"ah iya gitu, tips dari mana?" kataku
"tiktok dong" kata blio. Emang bener ih dulu mah kudu donlot cookpad kalo mau tau resep ini itu atau youtube (videonya panjang kdg males), skrg tinggal video yg short2 aja cem tiktok udah segala ada resep kek google yekan.
Blio sampe nyari tau food prep jg, aku dah tau sih cm eksekusinya males bgt. Coba sok ayang duluan aja hahaha
Tag @sagarmatha13
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gillianthecat · 1 year
thoughts while watching Happy Merry Ending (episodes 4-6)
Episode 4:
This creep this creep omg I'm finding this CEO viscerally disturbing. Even when he's just sitting there. Kudus to the actor (and to the production in general). Oh no, he was Seung Jun's CEO too? This show is breaking my heart for this man, and the open-hearted person he was Before. He once was going to be an idol himself. And now I'm worried for this new idol that the CEO is probably trying to groom.
This actor can actually dance! I'm guessing he's an idol himself? I haven't checked.
One thing this show does very well is instantly create a feeling with the blocking, camera work, lighting, music, editing, etc. Yet subtly enough to not hit you over the head with it. It's immersing me in the emotions, and I think is also an important way of being efficient with the storytelling in such a short show. Anyway, the CEO here, all in black standing between Seung Jun and the mirror, is mildly terrifying.
Still feeling undecided about Jae Hyeon, and his aggressively inserting himself into Seung Jun's life with very few green lights from SJ. Still, he does have his awkward charm.
That final moment has me mostly convinced that Ho Yeon does have a crush on Seung Jun. Which, on the one hand I ship it cause I love Ho Yeon. But in the other hand, knowing his backstory now, I also wish for Seung Jun to have a good platonic friend solidly in his corner.
I've become quite impressed with Seung Jun's actor in this. This might end up being another one of those shows where I fall head over heels for one of the main characters, and the other one is... just kinda there. Not as much as in the last KBL I watched [redacted so I don't have to tag it], but my main interest in him is how he makes Seung Jun feel. (Unsurprisingly, it's another golden retriever seme paired with a reluctant uke that makes me feel this way.)
Episode 5:
Oh Ho Yeon. My baby. I changed my mind. I ship these old friends. The sadness on his face. The way he tried to rally for Seung Jun and be happy he was coming out of his shell.
Ok Jae Hyeon. The sunglasses get you MAJOR points. And them walking together after is cute. You're right, JH, it is nice to see SJ smile. But also. You keep apologizing for being intrusive, but then you do it again. I realize the seme in this sort of plot needs to be this active or the story won't go anywhere. But idk, I guess this character doesn't have quite enough charm to completely pull it off. At least for me.
What the fuck bro! Did you just KIDNAP Seung Jun?! And confiscate his fucking phone? I get it's supposed to be sweet caretaking, but y'all don't know each other like that yet. Are we sure this is a BL? I am NOT getting good vibes from this guy right now. And I was just thinking I really liked the show. How it wasn't my favorite trope but it the whole thing was well made. Please don't ruin in for me with an indistinguishably rancid new love interest to replace the rancid ex. 😩🥺
Unfortunately, that beach scene has converted me fully to second lead syndrome. They have so much better chemistry! I can see their connection. I could maybe imagine that eventually Jae Hyeon could develop that with Seung Jun, but he's rushing things along way too fast. That love confession left me completely cold. Which is not what I want from my love confessions! As for the kiss... 😂 well at least they tried, bless their hearts. They avoided a dead fish kiss. Did it look like either of them were paying any attention to each other as they moved their mouths? No, but I'll still give them credit.
I think at this point it's best for me to just watch this show not as a BL but as Seung Jun's story of healing. With Jae Hyeon just one of the people around him. And cross my fingers that the beautiful Ho Yeon, love of my life, doesn't end up being creepy and possessive too.
Episode 11: And then Seung Jun, having gained confidence from this whirlwind romance but realizing he doesn't actually know or even like this man very well, dumps Jae Hyeon and sees that the one he's been searching for has been there all along, steadily supporting him, quietly loving him. And he and Ho Yeon live happily ever after. No? That's not how it's gonna end? It already does in my mind. (I will SHRIEK with joy (and shock) if Ho Yeon turns out to be end game.)
This date would be cute if I shipped them.
Seung Jun telling Chan Wu that he can call, offering support to this new idol who could be in the same vulnerable place he was, Before. (I'm not entirely sure that's what the show is going for, but it's how I've decided to read it.) Also, I've really liked seeing Seung Jun's confidence when he's in teacher mode. This actor is giving him layers.
*whimper* every time this ceo is on screen I feel actual dread in my stomach. He doesn't feel like a cartoon villain, like many abusers on screen, he seems horrifyingly plausible. But Seung Jun manages to tell him off, which I'm guessing took a lot of courage. (But also, I'm still confused about what their relationship had been. Were they involved sexually? Did Seung Jun think they were dating? The episode title called him the "X" but also everything they've shown could just be Svengali-like grooming with no official lines crossed.)
Episode 6
Oh my darling. You were finally starting to heal and take risks and the this evil piece of shit comes to try and ruin you again. But you can be proud of yourself for holding it together while he was standing there. (Both actors are so good.)
You can see how much Ho Yeon is aching for him and wants to make it better but doesn't know how.
(Honestly these scene with Jae Hyeon don't manage to penetrate my brain, now that I'm not thinking about it as his story)
You evil manipulative shithead. Brave Seung Jun for facing down the source of his trauma to help this next generation of victim.
Oh Chan Wu. I can't even be mad at you. Poor thing is going to have to live with the guilt; I can see him feeling it, even if he doesn't understand what the manipulations are all about.
This confrontation scene was very well done. Too much to write about briefly.
But I'm also pretty sure that it clarifies that they were "romantically" together.
A brief bright flare of hope that Jae Hyeon was going to recognize his creepiness and the second half of the show should be a reckongk g. But no. Deflation. It seems he's just reminiscing fondly about it, and inspired to a second round of invasiveness. (Yes, Seong Jun ghosted him and yes he has the right to be concerned and sad. But. Still.)
So. This show is kind of odd. First of all, it's very well made. But it also seems to trying to tell two stories that are at odds with each other? There is the very classic seme-uke BL, with an extreme version of those roles. But then they went and made the "uke" way too complex for that, with too realistic a backstory to be fitted in to that trope-y slot. So Jae Hyeon is chugging along being a BL hero, unaware of all the undercurrents, while Seung Jun, who's been kind of drifting through life in a PTSD haze, seems like he's drifted into this relationship because it's there, and it's something new to try to escape the fog. But not because he had any real connection to this person who wants him but doesn't understand him.
Like this fight scene. It was well done. But Jae Hyeon comes running up like the hero seme protecting his uke from Generic Threat. Which feels kinda irrelevant to the work Seung Jun has done to heal and face his abuser. Not that he shouldn't get help; I appreciate the assist. I guess it just feels off to turn this complexity into a Romantic BL Momement. Or a possessive pissing contest between the alpha men. "I don't know what it was like before, but now I'm not letting him go." Like. How is that the right line for this situation?
I don't have PTSD, but this portrayal of it also feels grounded and real. Just to add to the dissonance. Not that there couldn't be a good BL involving a healing character. But one with this sort of genre-constricted seme ain't it. Not just my personal dislike, tonally and structurally it makes no sense. (I like this show a million times better than LITA. But this is a much gentler version of that same problem.)
Well. 40% or the show remaining, and I'm not really sure how they're going to use it. I know what I wish for, but doubt I (or Ho Yeon) will be that lucky. But with these two conflicting genres we're in, I can't guess what story will take precedence.
(Also, these eps are only 15 minutes and yet my notes keep getting longer and longer. Oh well, c'est la vie.)
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10 Questions
Tagged by @flamingwell
Rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better
Relationship status: Married to @the-wintry-mizzenmast
Favorite color: Anything in a nice gradient.
Three favorite foods: My husband's Chinese home cooking, sushi, anything bread.
Song stuck in my head: "Making Christmas"
Last thing I listened to: Kirk Hamilton's Strong Songs podcast.
Last thing I googled: I use DuckDuckGo and don't save my search history, but I think it was when I wanted to look up the Welsh name for Snowdon? (It's Yr Wyddfa!)
Time: 14:22
Dream trip: Anywhere in a world without the pandemic.
Anything I really want: Oh hey just gonna...repeat that thing: no pandemic.
Currently reading: A Restless Light, by Freya Marske. (And since I just answered another question about that, the last thing I finished was Ocean's Echo by Evelina Maxwell.)
Last song: Jónsi - Animal Arithmetic
Last movie: Previous to last, to switch it up: Nope.
Last series: Derry Girls
Sweet, savory, or spicy: Savory. I will lick the pan if it's umami enough.
Currently working on: Embroidery and photo editing.
Craving: Sunlight.
Tea or coffee: Coffee with lots of milk in the morning, endless cups of tea after that. Love green, black and red teas.
Tagging some folks for fun, only do it if you wanna! (And anyone who isn't tagged should also do it if you want to.) @griseldagimpel @revolutionaryjo @lady-karasu @lunarriviera @skeptical-lynx @ornery-kudu @brigdh @synonemous @baiyubai @alipeeps
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sunabosi · 2 years
Heute war bis jetzt mit Abstand der geilste Tag, bin an der Grenze zwischen Südafrika und Namibia den Orange River entlang gefahren und danach nach Ai-Ais, wo es eine natürliche Heiße Quelle gibt... Welche bei 40 Grad Außentemperatur aber eher nicht benötigt wird. Anschließend ging es zum Fish River Canyon, welcher nach dem Grand Canyon der zweitgrößte auf der Welt ist. Anschließend ein gemütlicher Stopp an einem Roadhouse/Farm/Camping und dann nach Grünau gefahren. Den ganzen Tag über 350 km nicht ein mal geteerte Straße gehabt und viele Tiere gesehen unter anderem (Strauße, Zebras, Springböcke, kleine Antilopen, Affen, Wiesel, Erdmännchen, Schildkröten außerdem habe ich schon im Namaqua Park Kudus und Oryx gesehen) manche der Tiere waren auch richtig nahe.
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codringher-and-fenn · 2 years
Tagging Guide:
To search for pairings the formula is a/b/c (romantic), a&b&c (platonic) etc with the characters listed in alphabetical order.
There is a 1-3 meter for the following:
💧 angst
🔥 spicy
🌹 romance
🗡️ violence
⛷️ crack
🍬 fluff/sweetness
📜 plot
☠️ rape/non-con/underage/dead-dove
(Because who can't use some picture guides?)
Some fics may feature Jaskier/Dandelion as a background character, but for the most part these fics will not. Fandom content is saturated with the bard, so this blog serves to highlight the works that can get overshadowed by not including his character.
***Make someone's day! Even if these fics are years old, please kudu/comment.
***Feel free to submit recs for review!
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system-architect · 5 months
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idek. have some doodles
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nopalsmkbpd · 4 months
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WA 0852-0114-19002 (PROMO), Jual  Papan Nama Toko Akrilik di  Serang
WA 0852-0114-19002 (PROMO), Jual  Papan Nama Toko Akrilik di  Serang Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/62852011419002, Jual  Papan Nama Toko Akrilik di  Serang, Jual  Papan Nama Hotel di  Jepara, Jual  Papan Nama Instansi di  Karanganyar, Jual  Papan Nama Indomaret di  Kebumen, Jual  Jasa Pembuatan Papan Nama Terdekat di  Kendal, Jual  Jasa Pembuatan Papan Nama Perusahaan di  Klaten, Jual  Jasa Pembuatan Papan Nama Toko di  Kudus, Jual  Papan Nama Lembaga Desa di  Magelang Kami adalah perusahaan advertising yang ahli dalam pembuatan neon box, huruf timbul, papan nama, baliho, reklame, vertikal banner, wraping mobil, round tag, neon flex dan berbagai layanan promosi visual lainnya. Dengan layanan yang berkualitas dan inovatif, kami siap membantu Anda memperkuat brand dan meningkatkan visibilitas bisnis Anda. Hubungi customer service kami melalui WhatsApp di 0852 0114 19002 untuk informasi lebih lanjut. #neonbox #huruftimbul #reklame #baliho #vertikalbanner #neonflex #brandingmobil #JualPapanNamaTokoAkrilikdiSerang, #JualPapanNamaHoteldiJepara, #JualPapanNamaInstansidiKaranganyar, #JualPapanNamaIndomaretdiKebumen, #JualJasaPembuatanPapanNamaTerdekatdiKendal, #JualJasaPembuatanPapanNamaPerusahaandiKlaten, #JualJasaPembuatanPapanNamaTokodiKudus, #JualPapanNamaLembagaDesadiMagelang
0 notes
logi1974 · 9 months
Namibia 2023/24 - Tag 5
Herrschaften und Oukies!
So ein Leben als Gastgeber in Namibia ist kein Spaß! Soviel steht schon einmal fest.
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Und da glaubt man, man hat schon fast alles erlebt, plötzlich wird man wieder einmal eines besseren belehrt.
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Wie üblich sah der Tagesplan das Frühstück für 8 Uhr für alle gemeinsam vor. Da fehlte bereits die campende 4-köpfige Familie aus Österreich, die sonst eigentlich immer an allen Mahlzeiten mit teilnahmen.
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Reiner und Marcel mussten sich um die defekte Pumpe bei den Kühen kümmern und sehen, dass sie die wieder ans Laufen kriegen.
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Deswegen fuhr Marianne mit den Gästen und dem alten, blauen Chevy raus zur Zaunkontrolle.
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Ebenfalls wieder nicht dabei: die Österreicher, die sonst überall mit dabei waren und sich gestern extra noch einen Hut aus dem kleinen Souvenir-Shop ausgesucht hatten.
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Natürlich dachten wir uns erst einmal weiter nichts dabei und alle zogen los, jeder in eine andere Richtung.
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Zum Abschluss der Farmtour fuhren wir noch an den Unterkünften der Angestellten vorbei.
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Insgesamt wohnen auf der Farm 5 Damara und 1 Owambo gemeinsam mit ihren Familien.
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Zurück an der Farm angekommen trauten wir alle unseren Augen nicht: die Österreicher hatten sich doch tatsächlich klammheimlich vom Acker gemacht!
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Der aus dem Farmshop stammende Hut, der nunmehr natürlich "leichte" Gebrauchsspuren hatte, lag vor dem Laden - bezahlt war er selbstredend auch nicht.
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Da fehlen einem doch die Worte! Und was haben die Eltern für ein christliches Getue an den Tag gelegt: keine Mahlzeit durfte ohne Gebet eingenommen werden, die Kinder hatten altbiblische Namen usw.
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Nach der Tour hatten wir noch eine gute Stunde "Freizeit", die wir zum Nickerchen nutzten. Dann mussten wir schon wieder um 12.30 Uhr zum Mittagessen antreten.
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Den Nachmittag hatten wir heute "frei", da Reinhard und Marianne zu einem Geburtstag auf eine Nachbarfarm mussten.
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Und wie das hier bei den Nachbarfarmen so ist, liegen die mehrere Kilometer weit weg.
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Die Zeit nutzten wir nicht nur zum Ausruhen, sondern vielmehr zum Packen, denn für morgen steht der erste Unterkunftswechsel an.
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Am späten Nachmittag trafen sich dann alle oben auf dem Reservoire des Naturpools zum obligatorischen Sundowner.
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Mit dem üblichen Gin-Tonic in der Hand sahen wir zu, wie sich die Sonne allmählich verabschiedete.
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Der Himmel leuchtete in fantastischen Farben.
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Danach ging es wieder für alle zusammen runter, auf die Veranda.
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Tochter Mareike hatte heute einen Potjie gezaubert. Stunden lang köchelten die Beinscheiben des Kudus im Feuer. Was war das lecker!
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Nach dem Abendessen baute Mareike noch den Beamer auf und zeigte eine kleine Präsentation über das Kinderheim von Dordabis, für das die ganzen Sachspenden gedacht sind, die wir mitgeschleppt hatten.
Nochmals vielen Dank an die unermüdlichen Spender, die es uns immer wieder ermöglichen diese Dinge hier her mitzubringen.
Jetzt verpacken wir wieder die letzten Dinge und dann geht es ins Bett! Morgen fahren wir weiter.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha, Mama und der Hasenbär
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narusehikari · 5 months
13: Konsul awal. Dibilang sama dokternya kemungkinan besar bakal cabut gigi atas samping kanan-kiri, soalnya rahang atas gue udah penuh, ga ada ruang buat dimundurin, heu. Agak sedih yaa, soalnya itu gigi sehat :(
Dibilang juga nanti awal-awal bakal gampang sariawan. Lah, padahal gue pasang behel biar ga sariawan kegigit mulu 🤦🏻‍♀️
Gue rencana pasang tipe self ligating supaya lebih hemat biaya kontrolnya, bisa 2 bulan sekali. Relatif lebih cepat juga prosesnya. Tapi kata drgnya, nanti bakal ada fase pake karet juga, kontrolnya tetep sebulan sekali, hiks 🫠
21: Rontgen di Sari Asih. Sempet debat dikit sama petugasnya karena gue cuma mau ambil panoramic aja, sementara di surat pengantarnya ada cephalometric juga. Demi menyelamatkan budget, wkwk.
27: Akhirnya pemasangan. Harusnya sama drg. Nadya yg waktu itu konsul awal sama gue. Tapi beliaunya cuti, akhirnya dialihkan ke drg. Sheina. Ke depannya gue harus nyesuaiin jadwal hari Senin pagi atau Kamis sore buat kontrol rutin. Btw, adminnya sempet bilang kalo kasus gue termasuk kasus berat, makanya direkomendasikan ke drg. Sheina. Emang gigi gue kenapa ya? 🤔
Mulut gue berasa penuh banget, ya salam... Aneh dah. Kondisi geraham belakang gue agak rawan copot bracketnya, terutama yg kanan. Makanya disuruh hati-hati kalo makan. Copot 1, bayar pasang 50rb. Kalo ilang bayar tambahan 100rb 🫠
Oh iya, waktu drgnya cek hasil rontgen, gue disuruh cabut gigi bungsu bawah kanan-kiri, karena posisinya miring. Sebelum puasa. Duh, kacau lah, mana kata perawatnya 1 gigi kisaran 3-6 juta. Ya Allah, kudu gimanaaa... 😭
Sampe rumah, gue makan soto. Sesuai saran dokter, gue bakal coba lebih banyak ngunyah di kiri. Eh copot dong! 🫠
Sepanjang hari ini gue kepikiran banget soal cabut gigi. Apa gue batalin aja ya perawatan behel ini?
Anyway malamnya ada kejadian kocak. Ada aja cara Allah ngasih hiburan buat hambaNya. Postingan infografis gue tentang IKN di Twitter viral dong! Gue nge-tag Prof Sulfikar dan di-notice dong! Di-repost dong! Ya salaaam, kocak bat dah, wkwkwk. Dan yg lebih kocak lagi, postingan artwork itu dinotice sama adminnya Pak Anies, mereka suka dan mau beli sebagai commission, DAN MAU PESAN LAGI BEBERAPA TEMA, MAASYA ALLAH 🥹
Gue ga langsung balas karena masih kebawa suasana artwork gue yg viral. Norak emang, wkwk. Seneng rasanya kalo karya kita diapresiasi. Yang paling bikin seneng itu pas ada komen macem, "gue baca ini jadi ngerti kenapa kita belum bisa prioritasin proyek ini sekarang." Wah, maasya Allah seneng banget, karya gue bisa jadi jembatan pemahaman buat orang-orang 🥹
28: Sore, gue nyicip kentang goreng tepung jajanan dede. Ada serpihan tepungnya nih agak keras, gpp kali yaa.. Ngunyah pake geraham kanan. Eh copot dong! 🫠
Oh, hari ini gue juga follow up tawaran dari adminnya Pak Anies. Setelah mikir-mikir dan pertimbangin ini-itu, akhirnya gue pasang tarif 150rb/hlm. Mudah-mudahan cocok. Kalo deal, gue bisa dapet 600rb dari sini. Sebagiannya mau gue pake buat donasi beasiswa ITB sama nambahin budget buat beli baju magang dede.
29: Gue balik lagi ke klinik buat pasang. Untung masih garansi, jadi ga perlu bayar. Terus gue juga mau nego soal cabut gigi bungsu. Kira-kira ada alternatif lain ga yaa? Jujur gue ga siap di biaya sih kalo bulan depan harus keluar 6-12 juta buat cabut gigi.
Sepanjang jalan ke klinik gue pasrah banget deh. Banyak baca doa Nabi Yunus, semoga ada jalannya nanti.
Dan setelah gue konsul, TERNYATA BISA PAKE BPJS COY! Ya Allah, alhamdulillaah. Emang harus sabar sih nunggu antrean bisa 3-4 bulan, tapi kata drgnya gpp, toh perlu persiapan batin juga buat itu, gimana juga tindakan itu termasuk operasi.
"Dok, kalo pake BPJS bukannya cuma bisa utk yg darurat ya? Kan gigi saya ga sakit?"
"Gpp kok, bisa"
Ya Allah, lega banget, alhamdulillaah 🥹🥲
Satu lagi yg bikin happy, kak admin deal sama harga yg gue ajuin dan ditransfer hari ini. Aaaaa... Rezeki tumpah-ruah banget hari ini. Akhirnya gue bisa ikut patungan beasiswa! Mudah-mudahan jadi jalan kemudahan buat gue ke depannya.
13: Minta surat rujukan ke puskesmas. Entah kenapa yg di-notice dokternya yg kanan bawah doang. Padahal yg kiri bawah cuma numbuh setengah. Kata drgnya, "nanti terserah drg spesialisnya ya, dicabutnya yg mana." Wah, apa emang ga semua kasus impaksi bisa dicover BPJS ya?
15: Bawa surat rujukan ke RSUD Tangsel. Alhamdulillaah prosesnya cepet, cuma naruh surat rujukan terus ambil nomor antrean. Dapet antrean tgl 25 Maret. Cerita orang-orang bisa sampe 3-4 bulan, ini gue cuma sebulanan. Termasuk cepet?
Lagi makan ayam tepung. Pede aja, soalnya 3 pekan belakangan selalu aman. Dan... Copot dong! Ketelen pula! Ya Allah, panik banget. 100rb nih? Ah... Rusak lah mood gue seharian itu. Ini bracket ketelen ga bakal jadi masalah kan ya?
11: Kontrol behel pertama. Gue kira dokternya bakal ngewanti-wanti cabut gigi bungsu, ternyata nggak.
25: Akhirnya tiba waktunya gue ke Sp.BM. Semoga bisa pake BPJS buat cabut. Pertemuan pertama paling cuma konsul, baru dijadwal buat tindakan.
Habis antre loket, antre poli, masuklah gue ke ruangan. Konsul singkat, cek mulut, cek rontgen. Ternyata langsung ditindak hari itu juga!
Yg ditindak cuma gigi kiri bawah yg tenggelam separuh. Sama dokternya cuma dibuka dikit gusinya supaya ada jalur buat giginya keluar. Katanya kalo masih bisa diakalin lebih baik ga dicabut, toh belum bolong juga.
Kalo gigi yg kanan dokter bilang udah ga bisa diapa-apain, mesti dicabut. Tapi ga bisa cabut di sana, nanti bakal dirujuk lagi ke Fatmawati. Itu artinya bisa pake BPJS, ga harus sakit dulu giginya. Alhamdulillaah :')
1: Kontrol ke RSUD. Alhamdulillaah ga ada masalah. Dibikinin surat rujukan ke Fatmawati. Aslinya dikasih 2 pilihan RS, terus gue pilih Fatmawati aja yg lebih deket.
3: Belum waktunya kontrol, tapi gue ke klinik buat minta tolong pasangin bracket yg lepas di premolar kanan bawah. Ganggu banget, kalo lagi makan suka muter-muter (?) Sebenernya di premolar kiri atas juga ada yg lepas, tapi ga terlalu ganggu.
Kata dokternya, kalo giginya udah mulai gerak bracketnya emang suka lepas. Mungkin ini tanda-tanda progress yg harus gue syukuri ya?
Lucunya, pas gue mau bayar di kasir, tiba-tiba bracket kanan bawah yg baru dipasang itu lepas lagi, wkwk. Akhirnya masuk lagi deh 😅
5: Kanan bawah yg baru dipasang 2 hari lalu.. Lepas lagi. Gara-gara kol siomay. Gue boleh dateng lagi buat pasang Hari Ahad nanti.
21: Ke Fatmawati sama ibu. Entah kenapa belakangan muncul lagi cemas-cemas ga bisa pake BPJS. Mudah-mudahan masih rezeki lah :')
Antrean proses administrasinya lumayan lama. Datengnya udah lumayan siang juga sih. Masuk poli juga udah hampir setengah 12 kayaknya.
Setelah konsul, cek rontgen, cek mulut, dokternya malah rekomendasiin buat cabut 4-4nya setelah lihat gue pake behel. Kaget dong, bisa cabut 2 yg bawah aja gue alhamdulillaah, ternyata ini malah dokternya yg rekomendasiin cabut semua.
Gue tanya, emang yg atas impaksi juga ya? Kan tumbuh normal, ga miring, ga tenggelem. Kata dokternya itu termasuk impaksi, soalnya tumbuh keluarnya ngadep ke pipi. Ke depannya berpotensi jadi masalah.
Terus gue ditawarin mau cabut langsung 4 atau 1-1. Kalau langsung 4 harus ke ruang bedah, nanti perlu cek jantung, konsul ke dokter anastesi, dsbdsb. Prosedurnya lumayan banyak. Harus opname juga sekitar 3 hari. Berhubung lagi ngejar deadline proyek, agak repot juga kalo harus bolak-balik RS. Akhirnya gue minta cabut 1 dulu. Dapet jadwal tgl 2 Mei. Cepet juga.
Alhamdulillaah, di situ gue lega banget. Benar-benar bisa pake BPJS full buat cabut 4 gigi. Uang proyek gue utuh~ :')
2: Akhirnya cabut gigi bungsu pertama. Gue pilih gigi kiri bawah yg tenggelem setengah buat dicabut pertama. Rencananya gigi kanan bawah yg tenggelem itu mau gue simpen buat terakhir. Jaga-jaga, semisal surat rujukannya harus perpanjang, gue masih punya gigi yg kondisinya paling jelek yg belum ditindak.
Proses bedahnya sekitar 40 menit. Pas bius awal sama sekali nggak berasa, padahal pas di RSUD cukup berasa tusukan jarumnya. Kayaknya kondisi giginya cukup tricky, gue denger dokternya nyeletuk "akarnya gini amat ya." Rasanya menarik ada alat-alat aneh masuk ke mulut gue, apalagi bornya.
Pas selesai, gue lihat giginya. Ternyata akarnya melengkung. Mungkin itu yg bikin susah.
Dikasih instruksi pasca pencabutan, ga boleh kumur-kumur seharian, ga boleh makan panas, ga boleh sikat gigi juga malamnya. Dikasih obat juga buat pereda radang dan nyeri, paracetamol, sama antibiotik. Kata dokternya 4 hari biasanya udah mulai nyaman.
Setelah biusnya hilang, ternyata rasanya kayak panas dalem radang tenggorokan gitu, tapi di kiri doang. Ada bengkak juga, tapi dikit aja, ga kelihatan kalau ga diperhatiin banget.
13: Kontrol lepas jahitan gigi kiri bawah. Alhamdulillaah dapet antrean awal. Beres cepet. Dapet jadwal cabut lagi tgl 20.
Keluar poli iseng nanya ke klinik masih ada jam kosong atau nggak. Semoga bisa sekalian kontrol behel. Ternyata bisa! Dapet jam 12, pas banget. Kalo jam 11 mungkin terlalu mepet dari RS, jam 1 bisa jadi kelamaan nunggu. Alhamdulillaah, efisien sekali~
Kontrol behel kedua. Akhirnya ada progres lagi. Kawat bawahnya naik ukuran yeeiy!
20: Cabut gigi kiri atas. Cepet banget! Gue pikir kepala ditekan-tekan itu buat persiapan doang, ternyata udah dicabut. Ga pake bor, ga dijahit juga. Langsung penjadwalan buat cabut gigi selanjutnya, tgl 6 Juni. Insya Allah bisa sih nih beres akhir Juni...
13: Kontrol lepas jahitan gigi kanan bawah. Pake ada drama kertas pendaftaran gue nyelip ke poli lain. Dapet nomor 6 di antrean online, tapi baru dipanggil jam setengah 12an, wk.
Minta penjadwalan cabut gigi terakhir, kanan atas. Dapet tgl 8 Juli! Ya salaaam... Skenario paling malesin sih ini, mesti perpanjang rujukan pula. Ah. Tapi perawatnya ngajarin gue cara ngakalin minta perpanjang rujukan biar ga nunggu sebulan di faskes 2.
20: Bangun tidur. Buccal tube kiri bawah udah ga ada. Ketelen pas tidur (?) 😮‍💨
Padahal udah happy banget sebulan lebih setelah kontrol terakhir ga ada masalah.
1: Ngurus perpanjangan surat rujukan di puskesmas. Setelah diskusi sama dokter dan staf lainnya, akhirnya gue tetep dirujuk ke RSUD Tangsel. Ga jadi pindah RS.
2: Lanjut ke RSUD Tangsel. Gue langsung ke CS, nanya prosedur perpanjangan surat rujukan. Lanjut ke poli gigi, lapor ke perawat. Dikasih surat pengantar (?) terus disuruh ambil nomor antrean loket. Singkat cerita, setelah beres antre loket, balik lagi ke poli, terus langsung dibikinin surat rujukannya. Ternyata mudah banget prosesnya! Alhamdulillaah...
8: Akhirnya hari terakhir gue ke RS Fatmawati. Tindakan terakhir, cabut gigi atas kanan. Prosesnya cepat kayak cabut gigi atas kiri sebelumnya, cuma anehnya di awal gue ga ngerasain efek bius kayak yg kemarin². Ekspektasi awal ga akan dijahit, ternyata dijahit! Alhasil pekan depan masih harus dateng lagi buat lepas jahitan... 🫠
15: Kali ini beneran hari terakhir. Gue ke RS bareng dede naik motor. Hari itu pas banget awal tahun ajaran baru, walhasil macet parah di jalan. Pasrah deh dapet antrean ke berapa nanti. Alhamdulillaah sampe RS belum terlalu rame, padahal udah jam 8 lewat. Alhamdulillaah dapet nomor antrean 3. Selesai sudah kisah gigi bungsu ini~
Beres dari poli, gue ngehubungin klinik, siapa tau masih ada slot kosong buat kontrol behel. Dapet jam 14.
Kontrol behel ketiga. Kali ini kawat rahang atas yg naik ukuran. Dan... Premolar kanan atas gue akhirnya dicabut! Hiks... Buat yg kiri, boleh pekan depan atau bulan depan. Tapi gue mau pas kontrol selanjutnya aja.
Kata dokter kontrol selanjutnya 1,5 bulan lagi. Mulai sekarang durasi antar kontrol bakal lebih singkat.
Cabut premolar ini rasanya somehow lebih ngilu ketimbang cabut gigi bungsu. Ngilunya sampe ke hidung (?)
16: Lagi... Buccal tube kiri bawah lepas lagi! Pas bangun tidur udah berasa ada yg aneh. Untungnya ga sampe ketelen 🫠
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nauvalbpd · 5 months
WA 0852-0114-19002 (PROMO), Jual  Neon Box Gantung di  Jakarta Pusat
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