#Kwami choice really trigger my abandonment issue hard...
yueasuka · 8 months
Everytime I saw art or fanfiction that have Maribug care for Adrichat and like, really care, not only in word but really check on him, worried about him, try to cheer him up when he's down, all I could say is just "Man... I wish this is canon". :"(
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porthavenhq · 4 years
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Welcome to Porthaven, Kae! We can’t wait to meet Adrien Agreste!
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  OUT OF CHARACTER  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Name: Kae Pronouns: she/her Age: 26 Timezone: EST Activity Level: 5 Triggers: self harm, suicide, child death, eating disorders Anything Else: Nothing
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  CHARACTER INFORMATION  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Name: Adrien Agreste Age: 8 September 1996; 23 Gender: cisgender male (he/him) FC: Luke Hemmings
Character Biography
“Life can be so hard to breathe, when you’re trapped inside a box.”
His childhood wasn’t as bad as many, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t the worst thing to ever happen to him. With the disappearance of his mother went any chance that Adrien might have had at a normal life but the truth? The truth is that he wouldn’t want one without her. His mother was his best friend, his confidant, his inspiration, his drive, his companion, and most of all, his mother. Losing her was losing himself, and it takes a lot for a person to come back from that. In the meantime, he dove headfirst into helping his father recover. Whether doing his part in that was volunteering to model for his company, making himself invisible at home, or anything in between, you could bet that Adrien would be all up in that.
“You’re waiting for a break to come.”
School became his escape when his father got to be too much. At first this was homeschooling with his father’s personal assistant, and for a while that was enough. He loved to learn new things, loved doing projects with her, loved being close to his father physically even if he wasn’t close to him emotionally; no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break through that shell. And eventually homeschooling wasn’t enough. He pleaded, he begged, he argued; all he wanted to do was be normal, make friends, have a real life experience just like everyone else. But it just wasn’t happening, no matter how hard he tried. And then came the break. Sunshine on a cloudy day, he was allowed to go to school for the first time. A real school, with real people, real teachers, real friends. Friends. But one last thing happened before the break.
“It always comes too late.”
Adrien missed his very first day of school, but it was for a good reason- though it did take him a long time to put the pieces together. That the old man who he helped back up after a fall was the same person to give him the best gift he’s ever received … yeah, it’s no wonder it took so long to figure out. At first glance being a good person seemed to have nothing to do with meeting his kwami, his familiar, his lifeline. Plagg was a being of destruction and yet the best thing to ever happen to him. Plagg turned him into Chat Noir, and turned his life around for the better.
“You’re on the edge just stumbling.”
There wasn’t really a place for a teenage vigilante in Paris, but something like that wasn’t going to stop Chat Noir. In fact, it wasn’t going to stop Chat Noir, and it wasn’t going to stop Ladybug. The two immediately became a fantastic crime fighting duo, and despite the fact that they never learned each other’s identities, that didn’t stop the two of them from becoming the best of friends. Somehow, though, Ladybug wasn’t the only friend that Adrien made. A public college was an entirely new experience for Adrien, and he’s not afraid to admit that he made some mistakes there in the beginning. Luckily his new friends were really forgiving. And one of them the most forgiving of all; Marinette forgave him for being friends with her childhood bully, for continuing to be friends with her bully, and for the floundering mess of himself he made every day since the day he met her.
“The road, it starts to wind.”
College and lycée went by in a flash, though of course it didn’t seem like that at the time. His small group of close friends grew to be inseparable over the year, and he’ll pretend that was the reason he jumped at the chance to take a job close to where Marinette would be going to school. He’s not entirely sure that he even wants to be filming this movie- his first ever, because he’s never really been interested in the scene. But between the proximity to Marinette and his father’s insistence, it felt like he didn’t have a choice but to say yes. Hopefully he can grow to love it.
Adrien is completely oblivious to the fact that he is the victim of abuse. Yes, he and his father have their issues. Yes, he and his father have never seen the world the same way. Yes, his father abandoned him nearly the moment that his mother disappeared. But that’s just the way it works, right?
Chat Noir is the happiest place he’s ever been. In the suit, high above the streets of Paris, seeing the world with Ladybug… he wouldn’t change a single thing about those experiences. It’s where he can be himself.
Ladybug is his best friend, and he has no idea when he’s going to see her again.
my inspiration is watching season one six times in a row and still being too freaked out to move to the next season.
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