#LANCER TOO. he is awesome.
bimbusbobus · 8 months
I can see on your profile about things you like one of them is Deltarune chapter 1 but what about chapter 2?
Deltarune chapter 1 is an incredible, beautiful, and really cozy game that I have an extremely deep emotional connection with. It’s a wonderful story that just ticks every single box in my head, and I always get a nice warm feeling when I think about it. It has my favorite music. It has my favorite characters. It has Susie and Ralsei’s near-perfect chemistry (they work so well off of each other). It has SUSIE’S FREAKIN’ CHARACTER ARC. It has the freakin’ “Field of Hopes and Dreams” song, my favorite music track out of anything ever. Its story is something I constantly think back to, something that left me as a changed person by the end. Something that I will never forget for as long as I live. There’s so much more than that, and honestly, there’s just no contest. I know no one else in the world feels this way, but… Deltarune chapter 1 is my favorite thing ever.
Deltarune chapter 2 is a phenomenal game that I do not feel emotional about at all. It’s hilarious. It’s got Spamton, the Queen, Noelle, you name it. But none of these characters, nor the areas, nor the music, really made me FEEL as much as chapter 1 did.
That’s all I have to say about that, though. It’s pretty tough for me to ramble about stuff I’m not passionate about. Plus, if I talked any more it’d just be a bunch of half-hearted nitpicks, so…
Deltarune chapter 1 is love, Deltarune chapter 1 is life.
🎵Don’t forget… I’m with you in the dark.
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pikahlua · 2 months
Fourteen Days of MHA: Day 7
First Impressions
I've had something of a day, so I couldn't come up with much for this one. But since the topic is first impressions, I kinda felt like this would be the best one to use some unfinished stuff of mine? Stuff that's likely never gonna BE finished. Basically this is an excerpt from one of my write-ups that is a reenactment of my first impressions of Katsuki Bakugou the first time I watched MHA.
[excerpt begins below the cut]
Season 1: Episodes 1-2
I hate shounen rival characters. No really.
I find them repetitive, reductive, and tropey as all hell. They don’t read like real people to me. They don’t make any sense to me. As far as I can tell, they just exist to be difficult, to represent some boiled-down theme of competition that must contradict the protagonist’s perspective for the sake of being a foil. It’s just a mechanism to provide challenges to the protagonist when the storyteller can’t find a way to come up with creative new challenges. They’re all basically the same character with the same personality with the same hangups with the same insecurities with the same “character development,” and if you’ve seen one you’ve seen ‘em all.
Enter Katsuki Bakugou.
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This basic bitch.
On principle I hate him. I hate his stupid little smug face. I hate his voice. I hate his goals. I hate what he does and how he thinks.
Actually, hate is too strong a word. Because what I really hate is being subjected to the monotony of another predictable rival/lancer character. So here I am, praying for a sign that there will be some sort of break in this monotony. Please, MHA, prove me wrong.
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Okay, not gonna lie, this shot did something to my heart.
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Oh? Oh, is he actually insightful? Are we gonna resolve his arrogant shit this soon?
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I’m in shock too, Izuku.
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Oh great. Total slow burn. [heavy sigh]
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Heh. Points for the lampshade.
Wait, is this show self-aware?
Season 1: Episodes 3-4
Okay Katsuki clearly took something away from that experience because he is doing the whole anime-boy-staring-out-the-window-in-contemplation thing.
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Whatever. Aloof rival alert. Except it’s not an alert because they’re all like that.
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Whoa, that escalated quickly!
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Oh. He’s just like that. Gotcha.
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That’s...actually notable, since “that day” was sometime in April and now it’s February. Okay, something’s definitely up, but I’m just not sure which version of The Rival we’re dealing with here. And maybe if I cared, I’d try to figure it out. But I don’t care enough to stop watching and think about it, so, meh, I’ll let the show tell me when we get there. [/the most naive]
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God, I relate too much to both sides of the interaction.
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Um. “Friends?” Is that-? Are you implying-?
Are you just a grump?
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Oh, okay, I see what’s been up. He’s totally aware of how awesome Izuku is, and he’s jealous or in denial. Understandable, since he wants to be the top hero. Sucks to be the rival, my dude.
Actually, wait, if he’s been aware of Izuku’s greatness since episode 1 or 2, he’s like one of the few characters in this world who seems to get it? Which is...kind of surprising for this early on?
Season 1: Episodes 5-7
Wait, what?
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Are you telling me he’s actually hot shit? Fucking great. Ugh.
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Oh, oh my god, the show IS self-aware! Oh okay I’m totally here for this shit!
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[end of excerpt]
You already know how it all ends lol.
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Okay! Listen! Listen, okay?!
So reveal gone wrong, something happens, Danny ends up in an alternate universe where he never existed and Dash was good friends with his family since Jazz tutors him, messed around with some of their stuff, and became a Halfa. They were there, along with Kwan, so they know. And they’re helping him. Sure, this would be a good chance to study ghosts, but Dash’s health, physical and mental, comes first.
Danny’s been a Halfa for over a year at this point, so he’s experienced. Dash isn’t. He’s only been a halfa for a little over a month. He’s the one fighting off ghosts, until Danny comes along and handles it. Dash thought it was awesome and tried talking to him, but he just left.
And in school, Danny meets Sam and Tucker all over again. He also avoids Dash, which is kind of a bummer because this Dash is actually a great guy! He wants to welcome the new kid, too. He looks pretty freaked out, probably new to the town and could use some encouragement, but he keeps flinching and avoiding him.
Danny understands that this is an alternative universe. Clockwork knows him. But everything is just so weird. Dash is good, a halfa, and his parents aren’t hunting him? They’re helping him?? It’s so baffling to him, and it really hurts a part of him. Why couldn’t his own parents have been like that?
Also, Lancer worries for Danny because he’s always nervous about something and was practically falling asleep standing up when he transferred. Despite there being forms signed, he also can’t find any trace of his parents and Danny tenses up when he mentions them. He also gets really anxious when the Fentons are around or mention anything to do with ghost hunting.
The kid had a panic attack when there was a lightning storm and Lancer could’ve sworn he saw litchenberg scars on the back of his neck! He refuses school counseling because he “doesn’t trust therapists anymore”!
As you can imagine, Lancer’s questions are putting Danny under a lot of stress. More than necessary, yes, but he has no idea what’ll happen if his teacher finds out he’s on his own? How will they react to him living in an abandoned observatory just outside of town? Is he going to be forced somewhere else?
Bonus bits!
Dash has a fire core, as to be expected, but he doesn’t have ghost sense like Danny. Or he does? I’m still deciding.
We don’t see Vlad having any ghost sense, only Danny and Dan, and Frostbite said that his ghost sense was part of his ice powers.
On the other hand, we could say Dash suddenly feels uncomfortably hot when another ghost is nearby maybe?
He hasn’t unlocked his fire powers yet, but he’ll get there! He admires this new ghost who’s been helping him out, and actually handles the fights much better and quicker than him, and he wants to learn from him so badly.
Somehow, he hasn’t put two and two together yet, but Danny has.
Danny is scared of the Fentons. No one knows why. He just looks really put off by them and tries to leave as quickly as possible without being mean. He backs up when they approach and he stares at any new ghost hunting tech is in their hands.
Haven’t figured out Dash’s obsession yet. Maybe dogs? Or anything cartoonish? Again, still figuring it out.
Some of this might be subject to change, please remember that incase I make another post changing my mind about something. That’s all for now. Bye! 👋
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Fuuta and the Five Man Band Trope; BG Characters, User Icons and Graffiti Patterns Analysis
Hello members of the jury! Did you know Bring it On and Backdraft are very awesome? It’s true! Look it up!
Anyways, today I want to talk about a particular aspect of Bring it On which I consider interesting, and that is the gaggle of characters who show up all throughout the video, both in the “RPG fight scenes” and in the messages all around. In particular, these four who stand besides Fuuta after Killcheroy’s defeat, before abandoning him in the next few frames.
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All of them show up in all three battles in one way or another, and the fact they’re here makes me think. See, I believe there are four of them to allude to a very common narrative trope used in a lot of fantasy stories, the Five Man Band. A trope where the story follows a group of five, of which the protagonist is the leader, and all the characters fit into certain archetypes. If you want a better explanation, I’ll recommend this fantastic video by Overly Sarcastic Productions, which is how I know about the trope in the first place.
There were already a few things making me think of this trope in Bring it On, so it’s especially interesting that it seems to carry over into Backdraft as well, with only four paint cans appearing in all three graffiti campaigns.
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(Yes there’s a fifth one against Killcheroy, don’t worry I’ll get to it)
Blue, orange, yellow (also looks orange in the screenshots), pink paint/purple can. So, a recurring group of five with Fuuta. Is it possible, then, that these are related? Well, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. And in doing so, I accidentally fell into a rabbit hole which ended with me trying to assign each character an user icon and trying to figure out who killed Killcheroy- ooh boy.
Yeah as a warning this post is pretty reach-y and unhinged, but I like over-analyzing background characters so.
CW: Cyberbullying and online harassment, doxxing, death and murder, mentioned sexual harassment, mention of suicide, Killcheroy choking on paint image.
I’ll talk about each character individually, their role in the Five Man Band trope, who I believe they are in terms of user icon, and which paint can I believe represents them in Backdraft.
The Hero/Leader: Fuuta
In stories where only one member of the party is the protagonist, they are most likely to be the leader. They are the most outwardly heroic, usually passionate and driven, and of course, the leader of the group, the one who makes the tough decisions. In terms of fighting style, they’re usually well-rounded short range fighters.
Obviously this is Fuuta. Not only is he obviously the protagonist, he’s the one who puts up the ‘wanted’ posters for the second and third battle (though not the first!), and in those two battles he’s shown as the first to enter battle. He’s also the one who first sprays over the graffiti in Backdraft, obviously using the red can. In terms of combat style, he also fits pretty well, as he’s a short-ranged fighter, but still has quite a bit of versatility. Looking at his move sets:
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Left and top look to be simple attacks, but bottom appears to be some kind of Area of Effect attack and right appears to be a self-healing move. What the hell that would look like in the context of online discourse, I have no idea. Additionally, it is common for the protagonist to exhibit the most growth in terms of powers, which certainly fits his shifting moveset.
In case you’re not aware, he’s also “pazuzu” in the social media seen in Bring it On. He’s the only one with a consistent username, the rest all vary throughout the MV, and the only way to recognize them is through user icon. No idea what Fuuta has to do with a god of wind, but here we are.
I don’t think I have to justify this one too much. Let’s move on to the focus of the post, the other people.
The Lancer: Spear Guy
The Lancer is the Leader’s right hand man, or alternatively their second in command. They may disagree on occasion, but they can be very close friends who always have each other’s backs. The Lancer can fit a ton of archetypes, but they’re usually a foil or an opposite to the leader, and can be either the most supportive of the leader or always butting heads with them.
Incidentally, do you know what a lancer is? Like, the actual word, not the literary term? Well, it’s a warrior who uses lances. Or as you may know them, spears.
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To no one’s surprise, the Lancer is Spear Guy. He’s the closest to Fuuta, as can be inferred from them always standing close and Fuuta looking to him after his big victory in the second battle. The fact he uses a lance as a weapon is a possible indication that we really are going for the Five Man Band trope here, because it makes him literally a Lancer.
Incidentally, this also makes him pretty easy to identify in terms of user icon. He's Poison (the skull icon), Rumerie.
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In case you're not aware, the name Rumerie appears intertwined with "pazuzu" in Backdraft (gonna ask you to look it up yourself because I've reached the 30 image limit), implying a particularly deep connection between the two. And although the username changes like all others, the fact the very first shot of Bring it On contains Poison being referred to as "rumerie", it's safe to say they're the same. Additionally, check out what rumerie is saying. (Translation by rochisama here, it's a bit difficult to follow but it's a really good resource! As a warning, I might get some of these messages wrong because my critical lack of Japanese knowledge hinders how well I can actually check who is saying what)
[Poison] るめりえ@D_T @/RUMERIE_... Know any good games?
(Notes: るめりえ is just "Ru me rie")
And shortly after:
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Indeed, a guy in the arcade flashes green, presumably Rumerie. Note how he's in the center, as if he is the "leader" in Fuuta's absence, in case you needed any more connections to the Lancer archetype. You'll also notice he and the blue guy next to him have faces, which in Milgram signifies importance. I believe these three are all part of the Five Man Band. Why is there one missing? I'll get there.
Additionally, note how Rumerie wears a watch on his right hand. This is important because it lets us know exactly which can of paint in Backdraft belongs to him. In the scene where Killcheroy is attacked directly, we see a hand with a watch holding the blue spray paint can.
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(The bottom left image is to show that the blue looks lighter than it really is in the upfront shots. When the lighting shifts a bit, it's more clear that this is specifically Rumerie's darker blue. The rest of the graffiti is the same, so Rumerie is the splotch at the bottom right.
And in the Killcheroy attack you can clearly see the difference between the two blues. The lighter one is even lighter than what it looks like in the other shots. And yes, the pattern's different, I'll get there)
So Rumerie has blue spray paint, which unfortunately means there's no clear connection between the colors in Bring it On and Backdraft.
Still, there's something interesting to note. Everyone in the Five Man Band has a particular graffiti pattern they stick to in the first two campaigns and at the start of the Killcheroy attack. For Rumerie, this is a big splotch with two small trails leaking down.
Why is this important... for me at least? Because the same patterns can be observed in the red paint over the Guilty prisoners in the section of the video dedicated to them.
And can you guess which one got Rumerie's?
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Fuuta. The way I interpret this, it means Rumerie was particularly important in the reason Fuuta ended up with a Guilty verdict.
Why? Well, I believe Rumerie is the person who originally got Fuuta into cancel culture. Notice how the last message before Fuuta joins in on the Ice Gorilla attack is Poison's, and how Spear Guy fights in the frontlines of that battle, combined with what I said before, that Fuuta didn't put up a wanted poster for that battle.
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("Frontline" is admittedly debatable)
[Poison] み @/MiMiMiMi.... You can only get away with stuff like this when you’re a primary school kid~
[Fuuta] Storm Pazuzu @/pazuzu_soccer... Ahhhh, this is the end for you huh
(Note: み is "mi" and means either fruit according to Google translate, or what I think makes more sense, "hot water", as in, Ice Gorilla is in hot water).
(Also note: I find it interesting that Rumerie here seems more forgiving of middle schoolers than at the end, when we know he was one of the people who attacked Killcheroy. I think it may be trying to show that everyone in the group got worse, not just Fuuta).
So, Rumerie caused Fuuta to cause Killcheroy's death by getting him into the whole cyberbullying thing. We can also see him encouraging him later on, when Fuuta takes a photo of the sexual harasser.
[Poison] 恐縮です @/i_am_sorr... I’m amazed you were able to get a photo
(Notes: 恐縮です translates to "I'm afraid." I... don't have a single clue why the hell this is like this, I'm just gonna ignore it)
The final thing to note is that Rumerie's graffiti pattern is different in the post-spraying scene of Killcheroy I showed earlier. Instead, Green Paint takes Rumerie's pattern, which is incidentally the one on Fuuta's Guilty thingy. More on that later.
As to why Rumerie's pattern changes in the first place, it's possible that's trying to imply the final attack on Killcheroy was much, much different from the others, possibly more vicious. Which we know is likely true, so I think it works.
Anyways, other messages he sends (I'll skip the icon since you know it's Poison). To Ice Gorilla:
NETANASHI@DT @/NETANATASHI_darkT You’re gonna die a really dumb death
どくろっち @/DOKI_DOKI_52 You’re never gonna be able to live this down www it was a good life while it lasted www
(Notes: "Netana tashi" appears to mean something like "added information," fitting the idea of cyberattacks. darkT and therefore DT is likely a reference to the Dark Triad, which seems to be Fuuta's "guild" displayed right next to his level.
どくろっち might mean "mole cricket" (???), and doki doki is an onomatopoeia for the beating of the heart. Take that as you will.
Rumerie comes off as quite aggressive in these messages, as you can probably tell. "www" is the way Japanese people write laughter, equivalent to "hahaha" in English)
He also writes another message during the second "battle."
るめりえ@D_T @/RUMERIE_ What a fucking pig, that’s just gross wwww
(Notes: The name Rumerie returns, if you were somehow still wondering who this is. It's the exact same username as before, funnily enough. Also has D_T for the Dark Triad)
The Heart - White Robe Wizard
The Heart is the conflict solver of the group. They are usually the most emotional and expressive member, and is often a healer or otherwise a magic user, or specializes in some combat niche like archery.
Also, if your Five Man Band has a token girl, this is most likely the token girl.
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(Wow this collage sucks. Tumblr 30 image limit my arch-nemesis)
Listen, I don't usually like to assume character's gender merely by appearance, but we know less than zero about this people, so I'm gonna have to bend my principles a bit. This wizard is the most femenine looking of the Five Man Band, so I hope you forgive me for assuming both that she is a girl, and that she is the only girl of the group.
Regardless, there are other reasons to assume she's the Heart. Mainly, she seems to be by far the most expressive of the group, being the only one to show any emotion in the lead-up to the Killcheroy battle. The white of her robe may represent purity of heart, which doesn't fit anyone in this group, but would fit the Heart better than other archetypes. There are arguments for her being the Smart Guy, but I think Heart works a tiny bit better.
Then we get to icon, and I'm comfortable in saying she's the Galaxy. From the messages related to the second "battle."
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(Quality's trash but I'm trying)
[Galaxy] ♡MANA♡ @/inoue_mna... Mr Inoue……? That’s scary……
(Notes: mna is likely just short for mana. No I don't know why she shares a last name with the asshole professor)
Even ignoring that galaxies are usually associated with mysticism and magic (mostly because I'm not even sure that is a galaxy), this user takes the name "♡MANA♡". As in, the thing wizards use surrounded by two hearts. Additionally, the message does sorta feel like it fits her more than other characters, I guess? I mean, it's perfectly fine for anyone to express discomfort and fear at seeing sexual harrassment, but this is a toxic Twitter community, I doubt the boys here want to express any """weakness""" as reasonable as it may be. Do you understand what I'm saying?
You could argue this should maybe go to the Purple Robe Wizard instead, but consider this other message from the same "battle."
[Galaxy] AAA@DT @/55552G4r6ggc... Has he got no shame!!! Go to hell!!! That’s so gross!!!
(Note: The 5s might be Ss. No I have no idea what the fuck that handle is)
Apart from shouting, the name has "DT" in it, for Dark Triad. There are only four icons which ever appear related to it, and since Fuuta's isn't one of them, it could be presumed that the four which have DT are the members of the Five Man Band.
Then, look at this exchange, from the batch at the start as Fuuta is walking down the street.
[Fuuta] Storm Pazuzu @/pazuzu_soccer... A L L M Y C L A S S E S A R E S O D U L L . W A S T E O F M Y S C H O O L F E E S
[Fuuta] Storm Pazuzu @/pazuzu_soccer... Everyone else there is an idiot so it’s boring
[Galaxy] YU-TA @/YUTA_199... Let’s go to the arcade then!!!!
[Fuuta] Storm Pazuzu @/pazuzu_soccer... The people in charge here are shit. I could do a much better job
(Notes: Yuta is primarily a boy's name, which sorta contradicts the thing I said about this being a girl. However, this can be easily solved by assuming she's transfem and in the closet.
That's mostly a joke, but it is a possibility, I just don't know why we're giving so much characterization to a side-side-side character you feel? The more likely explanation is that while in Japan Yuta is a boy's name, there's also a version for girls which derives from Hebrew, and is also just Yuta. Given we've already seen characters with odd names for their gender (Haruka), I don't think it's a stretch to say this is such a case.
Anyways this might imply we know the full name of this wizard, that being Inoue Yuta. Interesting)
The main takeaway her is that Galaxy did want to go to the arcade like the other members of the Five Man Band, but probably didn't since Fuuta appears to have turned her down.
(... Why did he do that, actually? He went to the arcade anyways...
Though I guess she does look at him very enthusiastically in that second post battle scene... and the Heart is often the love interest of the Leader...
CRACK THEORY: White Robe Wizard has a crush on Fuuta, and he doesn't reciprocate)
So, if Galaxy wanted to go to the arcade, we can maybe assume they're part of the Five Man Band. In fact, we specifically know they're the only one who wasn't at the arcade, which lets us completely narrow down which of the spray paint cans belongs to them.
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Yep. In case you missed the spoiler with the color I've been using for her, she has the yellow paint can. Not only does her right hand itself look slightly different than the others, it also has a ring none of the people at the arcade had (debatable on orange guy ig but I think we would see it if he had it). Since this paint can is part of the Five Man Band, we can assume it's the missing member's, therefore Galaxy's, therefore White Robe Wizard's.
The pattern which corresponds to them is a thick, horizontal bar, which shows up over Mahiru in the Guilty prisoners section. Certainly fits with her being the Heart (and having an unrequited crush on Fuuta). The pattern changes in the Killcheroy post-spraying sequence, again possibly because that attack was expressely different.
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Again remember the colors are a bit off in the front-facing shots.
(By the way; Rumerie's altered patterned after the Killcheroy thing may look extremely similar to this thick straight line pattern, but it's not quite the same. This pattern has two small trails going down, Rumerie's has four and the bar is longer)
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(You could argue it's still meant to be the same thing, but I think they're different enough that I don't have to find a way to relate them)
Here are the other Galaxy messages. The only ones I haven't talked about are in the Ice Gorilla fight.
[]足 @/speed☆star Looking this I can really feel how terrifying ( ) SNS can be lmao
(Notes: We can't see the first symbol of the username, and since 足 is "feet" apparently, I don't think we can know what that is. The parenthesis are empty in the video too. SNS is Social Networking System, so social media. Fits the "That's scary" MANA message)
(…)@/NAGARERUYOURE_UfU You’ve ruined this store’s business, I hope you were charged a lot for your idiocy
(Notes: I think this is the right message? It's really hard to know which message is which in the translation I'm using. In any case, it sorta fits. Putting that handle into Google translate gives me "flow less" or "streamlined", but I'm not sure how much sense that makes)
The Smart Guy - Cloak Dude
The Smart Guy is smart. That's their thing. Usually some flavor of quirky, but the main thing is they're clever, and they have a good head on their shoulders. They're intelligent and sharp-witted, and- okay I'll stop with the synonyms. For combat, they're usually not in the frontlines. Usually they're mages in fantasy settings, but archers and other long ranged combatants aren't out of the question.
This one, frankly, is almost entirely through process of elimination.
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Cloak Dude has the dubious honor of being the only one apart from Spear Guy and Fuuta to show up on all three post-battle cutscenes. He seems to be an archer.
As I said, saying he’s the Smart Guy is more process of elimination than anything else. Shield Man sorta has to be the Big Guy, so we’re left with Smart Guy for Cloak Dude.
Thankfully, I think Identifying him in the icons isn't too difficult. Remember when I said he's the only one to show up on all three post-battle scenes? As if he's slightly more important than the Heart and the Big Guy? Well, there very well may be an icon which fits both that and the Smart Guy archetype. Water Drop, and therefore the Orange Arcade Guy.
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Not only do they share the first message shot with Rumerie, check out what they say.
[Water Drop] 流@しずくと読みます @/D_TTTT... School work has really been a pain lately… I don’t want to type another word
(Notes: 流 means style. しずくと読みます apparently means something like "I read it like drop [water]" which I guess work with the icon)
Note the @/D_TTTT Dark Triad handle. So, they're tired from school work? That means they're doing their school work to some extent, and academic diligence is usually associated with the Smart Guy archetype. Other messages keep up this theme. In the Ice Gorilla battle:
[Water Drop](…)@/drop_[...]... There’s a limit to what sort of things you should do. How are you gonna live the rest of your life after this?
And in the second battle.
[Water Drop] io @/io_dog_very... Sexual harassment is pretty much the worst thing a person can do. How are you gonna explain this???
(Notes: "io" appears to mean "say it")
Their style of speaking is quite articulate, using longer sentences than other icons and with a more serious tone. No use of www either. The one counterexample is this:
[Water Drop](…)@/[...] You’re wasting everyone’s time, idiot
But I still think it sorta fits. There is also one message from the second battle I don't have the translation of, but it also doesn't include www so.
Why is this important? Well, it's not. But more articulate speech, while not an actual indication of intelligence in reality, is a common way to communicate a character is smart in fiction.
Their final message is particularly interesting. It's one of the only messages we have in relation to Killcheroy.
QRT [Fuuta] Storm Pazuzu @/pazuzu_soc... I think I’ve got all her details now. Based on her previous tweets I’ve worked out her school. The fact she lives so close is hilarious lol
[Water Drop] Judgement☨Onizuka @/MONSTER_BUZZ... You’re the worst offender of all
(Notes: ☨ is the Cross of Lorraine, a symbol often associated to Joan of Arc. I guess you can connect the idea of a hero being later burnt at the stake for heresy to Fuuta's story)
Water Drop, despite the fact they do attack Killcheroy themselves (more on that in a moment), are condemning Fuuta for doing exactly that. They're hypochritical, but they're trying to claim a moral high ground by distancing themselves from Killcheroy's death. Again gives me vibes of someone trying to present themselves as smarter and more level-headed than they really are, but it's hard for me to explain why that is. Do you get the vibes too? I hope so.
Anyways, graffiti. They can be either the pink or the orange paint, but I think Orange Paint fits the best. Their graffiti pattern is a thin line which vaguely looks like an arrow to my completely unhinged mind, and it's the one associated with Amane, who is not necessarily smarter than the other guiltied, but she is very diligent in her studies as implied by several Timelines conversations. Smart Guy thing again.
The other thing is that their color can't be seen in the shot right before Killcheroy's final appearance, but it can be seen in the initial "attack", and we can see his hand attacking Killcheroy later. I believe this is representing what I said before; although Water Drop attacked Killcheroy like everyone else, they later tried to distance themselves from the fact, they "erased their paint."
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(The angle on the Amane thing is slightly different, but I doubt that matters)
(The latter images are to show that yes, Orange Paint did attack Killcheroy. The can may look more red because of the lighting, but as you can see on the example to the side, the orange paint can does look almost red anyways)
Now, there is one more thing to say about the missing orange at the end there. And that is the gray-ish paint to the bottom left. What's interesting is that while it follows the Heart's pattern, it doesn't correlate with any of the colors we see actually attacking Killcheroy.
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So... do you wanna go insane with me for a moment?
What if that is the orange paint, but they painted over it with gray/lilac to distance themselves from the attack as stated previously? The reason it looks like the Heart's pattern is because he's trying to appear more conscientious of others' feelings than he really is. Of course, that is deranged even for my standards, but it is an explanation.
Anyways, not much more to say about this guy, since I already talked about all his messages in Bring it On.
The Big Guy - Shield Man
The Big Guy is the muscle of the group. Generally physically big, though it can also be metaphorical. Their exact personality can vary quite a bit, but the most common trait is loyalty and protectiveness over the group. Sometimes can be quite an idiot, himbo style, but not always.
And if we're talking big and protective, there is someone who perfectly fits the trope.
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Protective? Man has a shield. Physically big? The biggest of the group bar maybe Spear Guy. And just look at how he stands in that post-battle two scene! My guy has zero thoughts in that head of his. I think the archetype fits him perfectly.
Anyways, if you've been paying attention, I said before the members of the Five Man Band could be identified by which icons ever appear with D_T on their username, so by this point we could narrow it down by elimination alone. The final member by this logic is Supernova, and I think it fits enough. It also has a deep blue background, therefore we're likely seeing Blue Arcade Guy here.
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[Supernova] Avyxs@D_T @/Dark_Avyxs_T... Uni is so much fun! It can be a pain depending on your subjects but my friends and teachers are hilarious
Loyalty, check.
To be clear, there is absolutely an argument that he instead should be Thunderbolt, since that icon shows up right before we cut to the first sidewalk scene, pairing it with Rumerie and Water Drop; and speaks twice during the second cancelation, the same as Rumerie, Galaxy and Water Drop. Or Rock even, some of their lines and the icon itself point to the trope's personalities. However, I personally think the D_T connection is a bit more interesting, which is why I'm going with Supernova for him. It's not like this matters much anyways.
Process of elimination also assigns him the Pink Paint/Purple Paint Can, who has a zigzaggy pattern which trails off with a weird blob at the end. Mikoto gets this one... sort of. It looks like it's flipped and rotated around a bit, but it's still a zigzag pattern which trails off with a weird blob at the end. I think it's close enough, and I also think it makes sense. Mikoto is canonically the strongest physically out of the Guilty characters. I believe there was a ranking of arm wrestling strength that put him only below Kotoko and Kazui. Additionally, the alter who killed likely did it to protect the system, which works with the protectiveness of Shield Man.
(It sure was convenient four people got guiltied in the first trial huh)
The pattern also changes pre-Killcheroy appearance, you've heard why before, the attack was different.
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... Yeah maybe I'm reading too much into the repeating patterns, maybe they're just like that to make things easier on the artists, but at this point I'm in too deep to back out.
The other Supernova messages are the following. In the Ice Gorilla fight:
実家傷兵 @/super_power... He’s shut in www is the fridge your new house now ww
(Notes: 実家傷兵 means either "family wounded soldier", "soldiers garrisoned at home by their parents", or... "soldiers stationed to protect a country's territory during World War II." I assume it's the first two things)
(…)@/[...] Just stay in your beloved freezer forever wwwwwwwww
(Notes: He wrote the same message twice. Really not beating the "not particularly sharp-witted" allegations with this one)
(…)@/lightning_player Definitely not buying any ice cream there
(Notes: What the fuck did Ice Gorilla do anyways? Lock themselves in a freezer full of ice cream? I'm so confused)
There is also an obscured message where Supernova has the handle @/NaGGrYjYP2Fe or something like that. I am not gonna even try to decipher what the fuck's going on there.
Finaly, on the second cancelation.
毒門第一号 @/warokeru_080... Oof lmao she looks like she’s gonna be sick
(Notes: Focusing on the victim more than the attacker does vaguely fit Shield Man. 毒門第一号 is "poison gate number 1." No comment. "Warokeru" apparently means "meltdown." Also no comment)
The Sixth Ranger - ???
The Sixth Ranger refers to a sixth character who joins the Band during the story rather than at the start. Where they come from is very variable, but sometimes it's a reformed villain of some kind.
Funnily enough, this trope is replicated in Backdraft too. Let's circle back to the big question. Who is the extra, green paint can in the Killcheroy attack?
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They paint over the part Pink Paint usually takes, and later we see their paint with the Rumerie and Guilty Fuuta pattern. Additionally, they're the only one in these cases to paint over the small name graffiti, which combined with the fact they could potentially be closely linked to Fuuta's Guilty verdict, could imply they're the ones who killed Killcheroy. Because as many know, Fuuta's victim in the Undercover kill shot has both shoes on, unlike Mahiru and Kazui's victims who have a shoe missing to represent their suicide. And this could imply Killcheroy was outright murdered by someone else, though obviously not Fuuta himself.
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If that's true, given how odd this Green Paint person is, I would assume that's the person who killed Killcheroy. Let's run through the other Bring it On BG characters to see if we can narrow down a suspect. I will skip over anyone we see only in the Ice Gorilla battle, because most of them are never seen again.
The Blue Haired Soldiers
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These two show up quire a bit, though weirdly, the soldier with lighter hair doesn't show up in the Ice Gorilla battle itself nor the post-second battle scene. But he's still seen in the post-first fight battle scene and in the lead-up to the second fight. Still, this odd pattern could maybe mean he's the killer? He didn't participate in the strictly online battles, but possibly yes in the Killcheroy one? I'm not sure, I think there's a better candidate so.
One reason I don't think Light Blue Haired Soldier is the killer is because I would assume he's Rock, since his hair vaguely fits the color. Additionally, his armor looks very similar to Shield Man's (see: neck guard thing), which could imply they're the same "class." That would make him a Tank probably, who is usually associated more with defense even if they have good offensive capabilities. Rocks are also usually associated with strong defense, a claim I'm basing practically entirely on Pokemon typing philosophy lol.
Aside from him, Dark Blue Haired Soldier would probably be Thunderbolt based on the fact it's sorta the only one left, and again, color fits.
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Here are their messages. Sidewalk scene:
[Thunderbolt] キマ注意@ダークトラ… @/K_I_M_... Nothing’s happened lately, it’s boring
[Rock] まっすMAN(強化中)@/MusclePu... …wait, it’s Monday? Which means uni today??? I haven’t… done my homework…
(Notes: As I said, Rock shares similarities to the "Dumb Big Guy" archetype. Again, same class.
キマ注意 means "be careful" or "pay attention", and the @/ダークトラ is @/Dark Tiger. Thunderbolt is very aggressive, so the username sorta fits.
まっす can mean a few different things, I'm not sure what the best translation is. 強化中 means "currently being strengthened", so again, fits the Tank role)
Ice Gorilla battle:
[Rock] 問答 @/s... Just get out already
[Rock] 小箱の〇 @/[...] We won’t let you get off lightly for this^^
[Thunderbolt] サンデー~(…)@/[...]_1004 The food looks so good wwwww you should just [...] and die
[Rock] 〇石〇じ @/[...]TAKAI As far as learning experiences go this one sure cost a lot. What you did really was a huge waste. Thanks for all your hard work. Here’s hoping you do better in your next life.
(Notes: Thunderbolt is very aggressive, as you can see. His armor is similar to Fuuta's, so likely a Warrior class, which makes sense.
問答 means Q&A basically. Huh. 小箱の〇 is missing a character, but what we have appears to translate to "small box." 〇石〇じ also has characters which haven't been recognized.
サンデー~ means Sunday~)
Second battle (how long until my readers notice I don't remember the name of the second guy-):
[Thunderbolt] 自由(ちきゅうじん)@/not_jiyuun... My uni is done for now wwww
[Thunderbolt] kakikukeko@ド @/DONK... What an idiot, you should just (…) already
[Rock] まっすMAN(強化中)@/MusclePu... Super gross, thanks for exposing a lowlife sexual harasser
(Notes: Interestingly, Rock takes their original username again. Thunderbolt is once again a dick, caring more about his uni being "done" than the victim.
自由 means freedom, which I guess fits the tweet? Interestingly, though, jiyuun is also freedom, so "freedom @/not_freedom"? What is this fucking naming scheme.
ちきゅうじん means earthling (?). I couldn't find something solid for kakikukeko or ド but "DONK" is funny)
Purple Robe Wizard
If you're like me, you've seen me mention this person and immediately asked "is that Killcheroy." But no, since we see them in the lead-up to the Killcheroy battle in Bring it On, as we see every other character mentioned here. Additionally, I believe they might be the one responsible for the big attack which takes away like half of Killcheroy's life bar, but not the one who kills her, as Killcheroy still has health after that attack disappears.
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If we do assume that attack is theirs (because there's no indication of who else is in the Killcheroy fight otherwise), then they have to be represented by one of the paint cans attacking Killcheroy at the end of Backdraft. Since they also attack Ice Gorilla, they are unlikely to be Green Paint, and therefore are most likely Light Blue Paint.
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No recognizable pattern there.
Unfortunately, we have an issue. We've run out of user icons, which, uh...
You could maybe argue they share an icon with someone else? Or something? Or maybe they exclusively send DMs so Fuuta can't see their harrassment. I hope this isn't too big of an issue.
So, here's the thing. I don't think any of these three characters, the blue haired soldiers and the purple robe wizard, are Green Paint. Because they lack one critical feature: being the "Sixth Ranger." The Green Paint isn't notable just because it appears, it's notable because it appears alongside the Five Man Band. In particular, it has a penchant for replacing Five Man Band members. It paints over Pink Paint when the gang first attacks Killcheroy, it steals Rumerie's pattern in the aftermath shot, and it shows up when Orange Paint doesn't in said aftermath shot. It doesn't really matter who they replace, they have a pattern of replacing someone.
And wouldn't you know, there is a character that sorta fits that in Bring it On. The only character who is never seen attacking Ice Gorilla, neither in the shot of the battle itself or the aftermath.
The Black Knight
I'm calling them that because their armor is darker than everyone else's and I think they killed Killcheroy lol.
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Do you see an interesting pattern here? They don't show up in the first battle at all (and I cannot stress enough, it’s the only character that doesn’t), but after the second battle, they're always seen with the Five Man Band minus the Heart. As if they replaced her, in the same way Green Paint usually replaces a member of the Five Man Band.
And you could argue it should be the other way around, that White Robe Wizard replaced the Black Knight, except White Robe Wizard shows up in the Ice Gorilla battle while Black Knight doesn't, so if someone's Green Paint of the two, it would have to be Black Knight.
But hold on, you may say. Black Knight shows up in the second battle, they can't be Green Paint!
Except for one detail. Yes, Black Knight is in the post-Rypirotes (finally looked up the name) fight scene, but there's one person in that post-battle scene who didn't fight Rypirotes. Check out the minimaps:
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(I'm ignoring the distorted minimap because, well, it's distorted, and it's before the Killcheroy battle, not during)
The blue triangle is Fuuta, the red dot is the "enemy," so the green dots are the other people in the battle.
The Ice Gorilla battle minimap shows 11 green dots, which perfectly fits the amount of people on screen there. The Killcheroy battle shows 6 green dots, which perfectly fits the amount of paint cans we see attack Killcheroy in Backdraft.
And yet, there are seven people in the post-Rypirotes battle scene, but only six dots in the minimap. Which means one person in that post-battle scene didn't fight.
Obviously, it's impossible to know who didn't fight. All this does is open the possibility that the one who didn't fight there is Black Knight.
But here's the thing. Everyone else in the post-Pyrites battle scene is displayed in the Ice Gorilla minimap. The only other recurring character who Green Paint could be, then, is Light Blue Haired Soldier. But as stated before, they're never seen as part of the Five Man Band, so I find it unlikely this is the case. Also because color-scheme wise they fit Rock, and Rock does "attack" both Ice Gorilla and Rypirotes, just not at the same time as the time we see the minimaps I guess.
So there’s the thing. Because Black Knight didn’t fight either Ice Gorilla or Rypirotes, we don’t have an user icon for them, which makes it all the more suspicious that they show up in the lead up to the Killcheroy battle. I guess the blue haired soldiers didn’t attack her for some reason, since there’s only six paint cans.
And then there's the class thing. You remember how I said Light Blue Haired Soldier fits with Rock because he seems to be a Tank by armor? Well, Black Knight wears the same armor as Fuuta and Thunderbolt, they're a Warrior. What could this mean? Well, if Fuuta is the guy that doxxed Killcheroy, and Thunderbolt is one of the most aggressive "attackers" as seen by their comments, we can infer Warriors may represent particularly dangerous or vicious characters. Keep in mind these aren't actually videogame classes but they're metaphorical. Thus, it would fit Killcheroy's killer to be a Warrior.
... Ok, to be fair a lot of this is based on like a hundred different assumptions stacked on top of each other like a house of cards, I feel like I'm reading too much into too many things and I'm pulling conclusions out of my ass, but I think these interpretations are at least interesting enough to share, which is why I'm sharing my brainrot with you all. You can probably find several thousands of holes here if you think critically, but you know. Vote Black Knight Guilty (wait that’s not-)
I am never beating the insanity allegations.
I do think the Black Knight is probably the one who killed Killcheroy, but knowing that, and everything else I said in this post, is more for curiosity's sake than anything else. This doesn't really add much to Fuuta's character or anything, but eh. I enjoyed going crazy over these side-side-side characters, and I hope you enjoyed my ramblings as well.
If you actually managed to read all that, then you deserve a Five Man Band all for you! Which role do you think you fit best? You don't have to answer that this isn't YT. Take care!
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
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here's an assortment of guys, some SNAP counterparts to AutoAca characters by @stonecrusherproductions, for part of an art trade
this isn't Hot Shot's first time off Caminus. he's gone on a few trips to Velocitron to see the races and even stopped by Devisiun once to visit family, but he's never been to Cybertron before! he's more interested in exploring the streets, hanging out with friends like Lightbright, or snacking on JaAm than completing homework, but he can usually speed through it at the last second. the JAAT is the perfect school in his mind, giving him extracurricular opportunities like sports so he can burn off some of his high energy. it's certainly a relief to his roommates Aileron, Stardrive, Quickstrike, and Maxima when he's no longer bouncing off the walls!
Lightbright is so excited, she's never left Caminus before, and oh isn't Cybertron lovely? what a wonderful school she gets to attend! and what delightful people she's gotten to befriend, like Sparkstalker! most of her roommates are lovely, but even she gets irritated by Sentinel sometimes. she's also fascinated by the heroes running around, and sometimes she and Hot Shot will procrastinate their work just to watch the supernatural drama unfolding. the only thing she's disappointed by is the lack of easy access to bodies of water, as she grew up near one of Caminus's seas and often took a relaxing swim in her submersible hovercraft alt mode
it's only a matter of time before Glyph tries camping out in the JAAT library again, despite how often Alpha Trion has chased her off before. her home in Polyhex never had this much information freely available to someone like her! when she first passed the exams, she agonized over whether she should attend the JAAT or elect to take part in an exchange program to a colony planet like her friends Lancer and Greenlight, but she's glad of her decision now. there's so much to learn here! it's easier to stick with data than meet new people thanks to her shyness around strangers. she'll even avoid her roommates Quickslinger, Sunder, Vortex, and Sceptre, but she thinks she can count fellow student Tap-Out as a friend now, probably?
Side Burn doesn't even remember taking the exams, but somebody told him he passed, so here he is! and wow, what a cool Academy this place is! it gets him a front row seat to awesome hero beatdowns and brawls, what's not to love? his grades have been, uh, bad, but that's fine, the counselor says he probably has some mental thing that makes it hard to focus, so it can't be his fault. he's too busy ogling all his gorgeous scarlet classmates to care about whatever the teachers are saying, no matter the fact they're offput by his juvenile antics and sometimes the odd look of his prosthetic left optic. while coming all the way from the Overdrive Compact in Rodion might be a bit disconcerting to most, to him it's just another place to rise and grind
(Lightbright has a tail but she's not a beastformer! tails are somewhat normal for mecha like four arms or a centaur body, i just realized i've forgotten to give them to anybody except beastformers... so uh. i'll try to remember in the future oops)
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Holiday Truce
@ectopal so fucking sorry for the lateness!!! it has been a little wild in my life lately but i did get it done!!! i picked your prompt of dash finds out danny's secret in micromanagement. very sorry if this is not what you were hoping for, but here's what happened :D
“So,” Dash said.
“Uh,” Fenton said.
Dash looked at the shaking nerd in front of him. Fear, he recognized. Fear, he knew. He used it as a weapon, knew how to loom, how to make himself larger and intimidating. Hell, he’d seen it on Fenton plenty of time before.
Except this time Fenton wasn’t afraid of his fists.
“You’re—you’re he? Him?”
“Are you lying?”
“... No?”
Dash reached out with a finger and poked Fenton in the shoulder. It was solid. Squishy, but he thought that had more to do with Fenton not being muscular than with him being a ghost. Still, he knew what he saw. This whole time, he’d been shrunk down with Phantom, the cool, brave, awesome hero of Amity Park, the guy he had a poster of in his locker. Then they get unshrunk and Phantom is gone. In his place: Fenton.
Dash wasn’t the best at math, but even he could add this up.
There were thousands of things he could have asked in that moment. Things he’d wanted to say to his hero for years. Thanks for saving us or Can you take me flying? or Can I have your autograph? Instead, what came out was: “So, are you dead?”
Fenton flinched. “No, I—it doesn’t matter. Just—just be quiet, okay?”
“It doesn’t matter?” Dash wanted to thwack himself in the head. He didn’t want to be continuing this line of questioning. Why was his mouth saying this shit?
“Not to you, anyway.” Fenton spoke with such vehemence that all at once Dash was reminded that Fenton being Phantom also meant that Phantom was Fenton. His hero was the same nerd he’d been shoving in lockers since middle school.
“Look. Just don’t tell anyone, okay? No one would believe you anyway, so just don’t tell anyone.”
“Okay,” Dash said, voice thready and small. What else could he say? Fenton could’ve been kicking his ass all this time, but instead he’d been saving it. If nothing else, Dash could keep a secret.
“Good,” Fenton said, turning to leave.
Fenton stopped without turning around. “Why what?”
“Why don’t you tell people?”
Fenton’s voice was nasal through his sneer. “Try thinking about it. I’m sure the answer will come to you.”
The answer did not come to him.
He watched Fenton from a distance, noticed all the signs he dismissed before. Constant bathroom breaks. Bruises in the morning that were gone by the afternoon. Gasps of blue air that always preceded a ghost.
But he never saw why Fenton kept it quiet.
Teachers yelled at him for being late. Other students laughed behind their hands when he fell asleep at his desk. Paulina watched him rush out of class to the “bathroom” and whispered, “He should start wearing a diaper to school if he goes so much.” He tried to chuckle, but all he could manage was the slight curling of his mouth, and even that was strained. Paulina would never say something like that if she knew the truth. Fenton would have so much support from everyone in the school if he would just tell them the truth.
So, yeah. He didn’t get the secrecy.
Fenton, though, had avoided Dash like the plague. He’d never sought Dash’s company out before, but now the sight of Dash’s shadow was enough to have him scampering away. He tried to corner Fenton once, in the janitor’s closet, but forgot about the whole ghost thing. Since there was no one else around to see, Fenton just walked through the back wall, leaving Dash alone with the mops.
What was he supposed to do?
It felt like a secret of this magnitude should change things more. True, he couldn’t bring himself to shove people around anymore (what if some of them were secret heroes, too?) but otherwise, life went on. He went to football practice. He failed his math test. He laughed when Kwan made fun of Lancer’s pants falling down (again).
He stared at Danny Fenton across the cafeteria.
Danny Fenton did not look back.
No one in Amity Park liked the Guys in White. They only ever got in the way of Phantom trying to do his job, while being utterly ineffective. Even the Fentons did more to keep the city safe from dangerous ghosts—mostly through supplying anti-ghost tech and not through actual hunting, but it was still more than the GIW ever did.
So when the GIW locked down the school, most everyone rolled their eyes in disgust.
Every once in a while, the GIW had one of these sessions. He wasn’t entirely sure what the point of them was, but it usually involved a bunch of dumb questions about whether they’d talked to any ghosts. Like they were all conspiring against the government with the ghosts, or something.
(Well, he probably would, given the opportunity, but he hadn’t exactly talked to a lot of ghosts who weren’t trying to kill him. The only ghost he knew personally hated being in the same room as him.)
“Have you had any contact with the ghost masquerading as a musician, known as Ember McClain?” The agent in white drummed his fingers on the desk. Dash had the sudden urge to bite his pinky.
Dash furrowed his brow. “I think she is actually a musician, though?”
“Ember. She does, actually, like, play guitar and sing. So I think she’s a real musician? Just. You know. A ghostly one.”
The agent leaned into his face. “So you have had contact with her.”
Dash leaned back. “Uh, no? Not since the time she mind controlled a bunch of us. Which I don’t think is my fault.”
“And you haven’t sought her out since?”
“Uh, no. I don’t actually enjoy being mind controlled.”
“Hm. And the menace known as Phantom?”
Dash barely kept his shoulders from tensing. “What about Phantom?”
“Have you contacted him?”
“I mean, he’s saved me a couple times. But he saves everyone.”
The agent snorted. “That’s what the ghosts want you to think, kid. Make no mistake: all ghosts are the same: evil, greedy, and power-hungry. We don’t yet know what Phantom’s true intentions are. It’s our job to get that creature off the streets and into containment, where he belongs.”
Dash was never the smartest person, but sometimes, when all the pieces were in front of him, he could add two and two and get four. He remembered the Fentons echoing the agent in front of him almost word-for-word. Or maybe this agent was echoing them.
Either way, Dash finally knew why Danny Fenton had a secret.
Dash curled his hands into fists. Fenton didn’t want to talk to him; that much was abundantly clear. But Fenton had still saved his life, saved the lives of everyone in the town, the world even. He could do this much for him.
“Look, dude, you think what you want,” Dash said. “I can’t exactly change your mind. Never been good at persuasion. But,” he said, and he stood up, crossing his arms and hooding his eyes, “no one else here believes your bullshit, dude. We know the truth, no matter what you say.”
“Mr. Baxter, the science—”
“I don’t care what studies you’ve faked. I’m telling you right now that if you seriously go after Phantom like you would any other ghost, you’re going to have to go through the whole town first,”
And Dash wasn’t very smart. And he wasn’t persuasive. But he knew fear. He was 16. This agent was probably somewhere in his thirties. By no means should the man be afraid of him. But Dash knew how to make himself bigger. Dash knew just where to strike someone, just what made them scared. This man was only as brave as his badge. A whole insurrection? One aimed at him? That thought terrified him.
The man was silent.
Dash smiled a shark’s smile. “Do yourselves a favor and leave Amity Park alone. We’ve got it handled from here.”
The door swung shut behind him as he left the agent alone in a dark room, still stuttering for a response.
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grailfinders · 10 months
Grailfinders #329: Sakamoto Ryouma (Lancer)
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today on Grailfinders we’re building the best argument for a completely superfluous Grailfinders episode, Sakamoto Ryouma (Lancer)! it’s Sakamoto, but again! in-game it’s a stronger version of the original, but here we take all the builds to level twenty regardless of their rarity. what I could do to differentiate this build from the first stumped me for a while, but I think I’ve hit on something.
Ryouma’s still an Echo Knight Fighter to summon his wife as a bonus action, but now instead of a monk and a rogue, he’s a Lore Bard to learn some buffing spells for oryou’s super-saiyan mode.
check out their build breakdown below the cut, or their character sheet over here!
next up: you better watch out, you better watch out, you better watch out! you better watch out!
Ancestry & Background
I won’t bore you too much here, it’s exactly the same as before (except for one thing). Variant Human, so that’s +1 Wisdom and Charisma, Stealth proficiency, and instead of that UA feat we’re getting Magic Initiate for some Druid spells. Primal Savagery is how oryou will be attacking most of the time now, using her acidic claws instead of your piddly strength score. you also embrace modern technology like weather stations with Druidcraft, and Oryou can keep you safe thanks to her Protection from Evil and Good. Ryouma’s still a Soldier though, so that’s some History and Intimidation proficiency for you.
Ability Scores
this one’s 100% the same. highest to lowest- Charisma, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Constitution, Strength. I would love to be able to stat up oryou this time around, but sadly Ryouma’s still the main servant.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: this Ryouma’s a bit more martial since he’s a knight class, so he’s starting off as a Fighter. this means his starting proficiencies are completely different, getting proficiency in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Insight to see through political bullshit and Animal Handling to stretch the definition of “animal” to its breaking point. and “handling”, for that matter.
also, starting as a fighter gets us oryou’s Fighting Style earlier, so pick up Unarmed Fighting, just in case those claws don’t work out. if you’d rather grab something for Ryouma, I’d just go with Two-weapon Fighting and reflavor a rapier as a light spear, with a shortsword in his off-hand.
you also get a Second Wind once a short rest, giving you back some HP as a bonus action thanks to the power of oryou’s healing spit. …she does really have healing spit, right? I didn’t just hallucinate that while forcing my way through the event?
2. Fighter 2: second level fighters can make an Action Surge once a short rest, adding an action to your turn so you can fight like there’s two of you. because there is.
3. Fighter 3: as a third level fighter you become an Echo Knight, letting you Manifest Echo as a bonus action. now oryou can float around in her own space without using your action to move, as long as she’s within 30’ of you whenever your turn ends. it has a good AC but only one HP, so expect to spend your bonus action bringing oryou back a lot. while she’s out you can swap places as a bonus action, and you can attack and make attacks of opportunity from her space. primal savagery doesn’t count as an attack for this, so I guess oryou’s relying on her fists when she’s not hanging around you. that’s disappointing, but we’ll find a way to make her awesome later on.
also, you can Unleash Incarnation once a day to make an extra attack from the echo’s position. if you want to let oryou use a dex weapon, I won’t tell anyone, promise.
4. Bard 1: bouncing over to bard gives you proficiency in Persuasion, as well as the ability to cast Spells using your Charisma. you can also give Bardic Inspiration to your allies Charisma Modifier times per day, letting them add a d6 to any one attack roll, save, or check they make in the minute after you hand it over.
to be more specific about spells, you have Blade Ward to be protected by oryou physically with resistance to weapon damage, and Mage Hand to have her carry random stuff around, for your cantrips. you also get spells like Distort Value to be a smooth-talking bastard that can convince a whole town to sell him their rice supply, Heroism to make everyone else more ardent supporters of restoration, Feather Fall so oryou can save your frail ass from falling, and Thunderwave so she can punch people so hard they go flying.
5. Bard 2: second level bards are Jacks of All Trades, so now you’re at least half-proficient in every skill. you also have a Song of Rest, so you can add more health to your party over short rests. your gf with one hit point will be grateful.
you can also use Unseen Servant now; in case you need to send oryou off on some errands. a vastly, vastly weaker version of oryou, but an oryou none the less.
6. Bard 3: third level bards can learn up on some Lore, giving you an extra three proficiencies, like in Deception, Arcana, and Athletics. this is still Ryouma after all, did you think I’d forget deception? this is also the level you get Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus in Insight and Persuasion.
you also get second level spells like Gift of Gab. Ryouma’s good with words, but you probably aren’t. at least, not as good as he is. with this spell you can undo any unfortunate wordings and rewrite your last six seconds of dialogue.
when you want painful dialogue, you can use Cutting Words to spend inspiration on weakening a creature’s attack, check, or damage roll. if your wife only has 1 HP, she’ll need some protecting too. only a little.
7. Bard 4: fourth level bards finally get an Ability Score Improvement, so you can bump up your Dexterity for better spearing an better dodging.
you also learn the Friends cantrip to force your way into conversations, and the Aid spell for our first taste of healing. is giving your echo an extra 5 HP a good use of a spell? god no. could it be cool? maybe! at least you can also give that buff to a couple other friends at the same time.
8. Bard 5: at fifth level you are a Font of Inspiration, so your inspiration dice refill on short rests as well as long ones. they’re also d8s now, so they’re more effective over-all. on top of that, you get third level spells like Mass Healing Word to top off the whole party in one go.
9. Bard 6: sixth level bards get Countercharm, but that’s pretty much useless, we’re here for Additional Magical Secrets, a feat that I will never get tired of pointing out comes before the first magical secrets. basically, you get two extra spells, and they can be from any spell list. use Tidal Wave to send a little splashback at your enemies, and Primal Savagery again to use charisma instead of wisdom. it’s still tied to just you, but now we’re using your good casting modifier.
for his normal spell Sakamoto gets Motivational Speech, a slightly more offense-based heroism, because by this point Acquisitions Incorporated might as well be bankrolling this build.
10. Bard 7: seventh level bards get fourth level spells, and now oryou can finally set off completely on her own with the help of the spells Phantasmal Killer.  every turn the target has to make a wisdom save or they’ll take psychic damage. real simple, but real effective.
11. Bard 8: use this ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger spells and more inspiration, and now you can Charm Monsters. I mean, you already charmed one!
12. Bard 9: ninth level bards have a better song of rest, and you can also use fifth level spells like Scrying. literally just. send oryou off to spy on people.
13. Bard 10: tenth level bards have d10s for inspiration, plus another round of Expertise! now you’ve got better animal handling and deception. you also get Thunderclap for a free oryou punch, and another round of Magical Secrets!
now you can Summon Draconic Spirit for a full oryou summoning with much more than 1 HP. they get a bunch of resistances, and she even shares one of them with you! on top of that even at the lowest level you can cast it at, oryou will be able to make three attacks each turn! if you just want uppies, you can use Freedom of the Winds to get a piggyback ride from oryou, giving you a flight speed, as well as advantage against being grappled, restrained, or paralyzed. oryou can also yeet you away from an incoming attack or spell, and if you land outside of its range, you take no damage. of course, this also means your ride is over.
14. Bard 11: remember how I mentioned Ryouma conned a whole town out of their food? now it’s time to use it. Heroes’ Feast gives everyone who partakes a panacea against disease and poison, immunity to poison and being frightened, advantage on wisdom saves, and increased HP, all for 24 hours. this is the benefit of being a 5 star.
15. Bard 12: use your last bardic ASI to receive the Gift of the Metallic Dragon. with this, you can cast Cure Wounds once a day for free or by spending spell slots, and oryou can shield you or your allies as a reaction, adding your proficiency bonus to their AC, and you can do that proficiency times a day.
16. Bard 13: thirteenth level bards get seventh level spells like Etherealness. for up to eight hours you can travel around the ethereal plane without having to worry about anything on the material plane, creatures or objects. this seems out of place for Ryouma, but tbf literally every servant should have this spell.
17. Bard 14: at level fourteen your Peerless Skills lets you add inspiration dice to any ability check you make. you’re two people, you should roll like two people. well, one and a half. you both have your weaknesses and it evens out.
you also get one last round of Magical Secrets, turning yourself into oryou in one of two ways! if you want raw power, Tenser’s Transformation gives you plenty of extra health and stronger attacks, but if you want a more thematic transformation, there’s always Draconic Transformation, giving you blindsight, a breath weapon, and wings.
18. Fighter 4: going back to fighter gets you yet another ASI, so bump up your Dexterity for more lancing.
19. Fighter 5: fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each attack action, that’s two per turn, four with action surge, and up to five with unleash incarnation. sorry it took so long to get this, I just felt the dragon stuff was higher priority.
20. Fighter 6: fighters are awesome, so we get to end this build with another ASI! this time we’re getting the Gift of the Chromatic Dragon, allowing you to add elemental damage to your weapon for up to a minute, and you can react to gain resistance to one instance of elemental damage proficiency times a day. now oryou protects you from everything!
Pros & Cons
you have a lot of Protection, so actually getting a solid hit in on you is tough. you have a pretty good AC, plus many, many ways to increase your AC or your save or reduce incoming damage.
you’re also great outside of combat, with tons of expertise in social skills, high charisma, and a way to add even more dice to your skill checks. you will definitely be the face of the party. either you or oryou, at least.
I know I bring this up every time, but flying is awesome. it nullifies most enemies, and it’s just a really cool way to get around.
you need all that protection because you’re a politician, not a fighter. you have barely over 100 HP, so a sneeze will put you into power word kill range.
echo knight is super fun, but this time it’s hard to use in combat for us, since oryou’s in-character options for hitting anything are “attack with a -1 to hit” or “hope the DM is kind enough to bend the rules for you.” without a good way to deal damage, the echo knight stuff is just an easily popped balloon.
our biggest goals don’t happen until late game, so for most of the campaign your build will be more awkward than anything else.
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bestygogirl · 9 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 3, Group C
Match 1
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Masumi Kotsu
she's the coolest and best duelist of the LDS trio it isn't even close. also has a gay little rivalry with Yuzu which is a delight. honestly her or mieru should have gotten a shot at being a lancer. one of the strongest side characters of s1
She’s a sweet little gal who can see duel spirits!!
luna/luka/ruka can see duel monsters spirits. she had a heavy burden placed on her when she was THREE YEARS OLD to protect the world of duel monsters spirits. as if that is enough to put on her shoulders, she's also sickly and oh yeah, they decided to also give a signer mark. she's three. she's on her death bed. she's expected to save two worlds. like this kid literally cannot catch a break. oh yeah, also her parents? they're never around. only person in her life is her twin brother, who is loud and that rubs against her autism in the wrong way. yes, she's autistic. do not argue with me. no i'm serious don't argue with me. lil miss luka has the failure to be diagnosed all weird little autistic girls are subjected. if she was a boy, y'all would see her autism for what it is but that's not the point of this rant. anyway her first time meeting yusei, she didn't care about his criminal mark because his duel monster friends said he's okay and that's good enough for her: the duel monsters said this criminal on her couch is a good guy! therefore acab. this is also the first time an adult has ever treated her like her thoughts and opinions matter, mostly because there was never an adult in her goddamn life in the first place (shout out to her parents for ABANDONING TWO TWELVE YEAR OLDS to their own fuckin devices). can't forget the fortune cup, where lua takes her place at first and LOSES IN THE FIRST ROUND, damaging her professional duel record (not like it matters because the writers decided it didn't matter what luka does after the series ANYWAY so who cares if her record is damaged :) ). she gets dragged in anyway and tortured by a child psychologist - classic weird autistic girl moment. during this she has a vision of the duel monster world and realizes oh yeah this is real, i'm supposed to protect this, and like. CANNOT. CATCH. A SINGLE. BREAK. aki takes an interest in luka because of her powers too! all while divine is a tool to her brother and she's forced to watch divine torture her brother :) awesome stuff. literally. cannot catch a fuckin break. next season her first duel is a loss against some weird kid from the future, and her second duel is against aporia where she literally dies (her brother brings her back to life). she is a character of untapped potential and deserves the world. vote for luka.
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cheesyjester · 8 months
what is your other favourite character besides jevil?
also hello 😊😊😊👽🐌
It comes to a wide range of energetic and fun/cool characters (my personal opinion that they are awesome of course, others have their own thoughts on characters ^^)
Pinkie Pie (sorry if spelled name wrong)
Knuckles (from Sonic)
Shriek (Don't ask-)
Donkey (also don't ask about this one)
Carl (from the walking dead he's cool)
Fizzaroli (dude I can't even remember how to spell names properly anymore lol, please tell me if i got names wrong please)
Seam (yes)
Spamton (also yes)
Frisk (also yes with another yes)
Papyrus ✨ and Lancer, and Gaster and Alphys and Flowey and-
And too many more characters from all over the place >3 👍
I like a lot of characters, I normally don't draw the others I like as much as Jevil though, I normally do him because drawing Jevil is a way I release stress <3
(And hiiii! ^^)
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neoyi · 3 months
Whats your favourite deltarune character?
Normally, the answer would have been this motherfucker with the frustratingly hard-to-spell-name:
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Like anyone familiar with me would understand why I'd assumed he'd be my top pick: Rouxls Kaard has that gentlemanly, dandy appearance and the eccentricity that comes along with it. He's also hinted to be something of a stepfather and a better parental figure (though comparatively, that bar was ridiculously low for the longest time) to Lancer and I do love DILFs. He's even got that whole pirate thing going in one segment in Chapter Two that automatically hits my button.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut alas, Rouxls just misses the mark on virtue of not appearing as much for him to land a bigger impression on me, and having some other quirks that I find more annoying than sexy (He's not "roguish", more of a pathetic, overambitious fop and I'm not really into that.) He's close, but doesn't quite land for me.
To my utmost surprise, my favorite character happens to be this little bugger:
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I don't like prankster characters, I don't like shitty little children, I don't find little gremlin-like characters appealing, and I certainly don't care for obnoxious schoolyard bullying types either. Lancer, by all accounts, should have been the absolute worst character for me to appreciate, endear, and adore. And yet, here I am, screaming and kicking and pulling the "if anyone so much as hurt him, I will kill everyone and then myself" meme card.
And I think a lot of that is owed to Chapter One's short 4-6 hour length where he gradually developed into a character whose compensated his loneliness and traumatic abuse through bratty behaviors and misdemeanors that no one's taught him to better handle otherwise. I love his interaction with Susie because she, too, isolated herself through bullying and mischief, so she found common ground and a genuine friend she would die for, especially once they do realize how much they mean to each other, and how they can grow out of any antagonism that did routinely harm others. Also, Lancer is damn funny whenever he fails as a villain. It's peak comedy. I imagine if his character grew slower over the course of the currently planned seven chapters of the game instead of just one, I'd be less tolerant of his presence and might have taken longer to warm up to him, if at all.
It reminds to be seen if he'll remind my favorite character by the time Deltarune is complete. The nature of Lancer's character is that his growth was already finished on the first chapter. He didn't get to do a whole lot in the second for me to form much of an opinion, but I've noticed he's mellowed out a lot without losing his scrappy little personality. I'm a little wary if he'll continue pulling a fast one on the main cast (presumably harmless fun at this point) since, again, not a fan of pranksters, but for the time being, he's my fave. I'm also concerned if they'll have much for him to do if any since his character development is complete, but maybe the game will surprise me with another layer of depths that has yet to be unlocked.
I think I could see Queen as potentially taking the rank of favorite character depending on where the game takes her. So rarely do we ever see powerful women who can be eccentric and clownish, but still dignified. She's awesome. I fucking love her.
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My biggest prediction, though, is that I'm going to come off the eventually completed Deltarune with Susie as my favorite. I do love rough-edged character who simultaneously turns out to be a big, awkward softie.
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Phic Phight 2023 Phic 1
Title: The Water Bottle
For @phicphight
Prompt by @ectoplasmicsoda
Word Count: 2203
Prompt: Of all the A-Listers to find out his secret identity, Danny never expected it to be Kwan.
Summary: Danny was going through business as usual and noticed something was a little bit off with Kwan. Kwan on the other hand had Seen Shit ™️ and has to deal with it.
Warnings: very very occasional swearing, also mild description of injury (nothing too bad honestly)
This is the first fic I've ever posted. (Not just my first Phic Phight Phic). It's short and sweet, but I hope you like it.
Also shout out from my fellow Team Ghosts for being awesome!
  The call rang out through the halls of Casper High. A seemingly scrawny, raven-headed boy sighed. Danny Fenton already knew this was gonna be a long day. Thursdays always suck. He turned to see the source of the voice, a muscular blond barreled towards him. The jock was flanked on either side by equally buff teens.
  "I just got an F on my math test, and you know what else starts with an F? You!" The blond spat.
 "Dash, don't you have better things to do? Like, I don't know, literally anything?" Danny replied.
   Dash was not very amused. He grabs the shorter teen by the collar and shoved him against the lockers. Danny barely even winced at the locker handle driving into his back. He looked over Dash's shoulder and noticed something odd.
 Dash's best friend, Kwan, was looking sympathetic towards him. Normally, he'd be smiling and joining in roasting Danny. And although he never physically hurt Danny, he never stopped Dash either. Now, Kwan's face looked almost pitiful with guilt. Maybe he finally grew up?
 That moment only lasted for a second however, as Dash encouraged him to join in. Then it was back to the same old smiling A-Lister watching his friend beat the shit out of someone. 
  Sam and Tucker tried their best to stop Dash, but they couldn't stop him. Blood trickled down Danny's nose as the wailing continued.
  The bell rang and the burly gang of boys dispersed. Danny rubbed his jaw and grabbed his books. At least he didn't have to phase himself out of his locker this time. His feet trekked onward to Mr. Lancer's class.
   English. The worst period of the day. Lancer droned on and on about the importance of Old Man and the Sea (by Ernest Hemingway). Danny's thoughts started to drift, turning his gaze out the window. He sat peacefully zoned out until a breath caught in his throat.
  A puff of cold mist shot out his mouth sending a chill down his spine. Great. Another one. He'd been up all night catching ghosts. The Box Ghost escaped three times. Three Times! Eventually, he was so desperate for sleep, he just left Boxy in the thermos overnight. Danny sighed. Guess he better deal with whoever it is this time.
"Mr Lancer! I have to use the bathroom." 
  The bald teacher turned around with a face that read 'Really again?'
"I suppose, Mr. Fenton, you can but be quick and actually return this time."
  Danny up and bolted, catching the same sympathetic glance from Kwan. Since when did Kwan care about his horrible bladder?
   Turns out the ghost was Skulker. The darn metal head just wouldn't leave him alone. He's been upgrading his tech a lot recently. It was nothing Danny couldn't handle, but he's had more injuries to hide than he used to.
   Skulker was souped pretty quickly, but not before Danny bruised a rib. Once the adrenaline of the fight wore off, a violent ache flared up in his side. This really was gonna be a long day.
  Danny flew back to the school and detransformed. On the bright side, he'll make it back to Lancer's class before it ends. He began his somewhat painful march back to class.
 "Mr Fenton, so glad you could rejoin us," Lancer greeted as he turned back to the board. 
  Danny took his seat and ignored the stares from his classmates. Once he sat down, they went back to whatever they were doing before. Several minutes passed before the bell finally rang.
   Danny was walking out of class when Dash "bumped" into him. Pain blossomed up his ribcage. He let out a faint whimper. When will it be time to go home?
   The raven-haired teen walked to his locker. Unfortunately he wasn't able to meet up with Sam or Tucker before the next class. When he opened his locker, he found a bottle of water and some ibuprofen. One of them must've stopped by before their class. He took the pills and grabbed his next set of textbooks.
   The rest of the day was slow, but uneventful. As he was walking out of his last class he met up with Sam and Tucker. Sam was grabbing her books while Tucker tapped away at his PDA.
 "Hey Danny! How's it going? Who'd you soup this time?" Tucker asked.
"Skulker," Danny practically groaned.
"He just doesn't give up does he?" Sam muttered. The goth then interrogated Danny over his injuries and grabbed some Neosporin for his cuts.
"Danny you need to be careful not to injure yourself next time," she stated.
"I'm fine! Besides I took those painkillers you left in my locker, so I'm not in pain really," he argued.
  Sam and Tucker both exchanged confused looks.
  Tucker was the first to speak,"Um, Dude, we didn't leave anything in your locker? We were held up by Mrs. Smith before we could get to your locker on time."
  A look of shock started creeping on Danny's face. If neither Sam or Tucker left it, then he could've been compromised. The question remains who did it.
   Kwan was having an interesting week. The first few days were normal enough. Football, homework, and picking on nerds took up most of his day. Though he would never go as far as Dash as to beat up students, he never saw the harm in throwing verbal insults at them. He and the A-Listers would always exchange roasts and such, but he supposed in a more loving manner than what they call the nerds.
  Wednesday night was when things changed. School went as normal. In football, he managed to beat a personal record. He also managed to score a date with Star, Paulina's second. He was really excited for that one. The plan was set to meet her Friday night and watch the newest Rapid and Rageful. All in all it was a good day. Kwan was felt giddy as he walked up to his front door. He couldn't wait to tell his parents about his new record or his date!
   Dinner was delicious as always. His mom always made the best Tteokbokki he'd ever had. Granted there weren't very other places nearby he could get some. Small towns in the Midwest didn't really get that many Korean restaurants. He put his plate in the sink before walking up to his room to work on homework.
   Geometry sucks ass. Kwan was staring at one of the problems for a good twenty minutes and eventually decided to take a break. His eyes haphazardly glanced out the window. A glow coming from just above a building caught his eye. Phantom. Looks like there's another ghost fight tonight. The hero (menace if you ask some of the local news anchors) was engaged in a battle with a purely white sheriff ghost. 
   Dash was always obsessed with how amazing Phantom was and how cool his powers were. Kwan had to admit he did admire the teen ghost for his heroics. And who wouldn't want to walk through walls, disappear, and fly? Kwan watched as the ghosts danced around the skyline, eventually drifting closer to his house.
    The sheriff ghost, Talker? Stalker? Whatever his name was, pulled out some sort of gun. Phantom's shoulders tensed up. The dead teen didn't have time to react before he was nailed straight in the chest. Kwan watched in concern as Phantom drifted down into the alleyway next to his house. Phantom stretched his hand before landing and fired a pretty powerful blast at the offender. Both ghosts landed hard on the ground.
     Kwan stuck his head outside the window. For a painfully long second, neither ghost moved. A blinding light burst out from the alley, causing Kwan to cover his eyes. Once the spots cleared from his vision he looked back down.
     Where Phantom laid, Danny Fenton got up. He was bruised, disheveled, and rocking some space pajamas. He hobbled over to where the other ghost laid while holding some sort of cylinder. Fenton opened the cap of the device and sucked the sheriff in. Kwan watched as the teen muttered something to himself before tucking the metal object into a back pocket.
     The excruciatingly bright light came back, and in Fenton's place stood Phantom. Kwan watched as the ghost boy took off into the setting sun. A strong wave of guilt crept into his head as he made the realization that Danny Fenton, the loser, the freak, the punching bag, was Phantom this entire time. Kwan came to the sickening realization that Dash had been beating up on his hero, and Danny, Danny let him? Fenton could've easily stopped Dash or any of the other guys honestly. Why didn't he? Kwan sat down as his mind reeled with the thoughts of Fenton, Phantom, and how, despite being bullied by Kwan and his friends, he still protected them.
Kwan felt sick.
   It was now Friday, and Danny's head was spinning. He asked Valerie about the water bottle and was disappointed to know it wasn't her either. He had told Valerie about his 'extra curricular activities' about six months ago when the dirt cleared up between Phantom and the Huntress after the whole incident with Dani. He went back through the possibilities in his head. Jazz was in college, so it couldn't have been her. Maybe it was someone who saw his beat down courtesy of Dash? But then why would they give him meds right after the ghost attack? This much thinking made his head hurt. He decided to put it aside and try to pay attention to class. 
   The rest of the morning droned on as usual. He failed his math test. Dash shoved him in a locker. Business as usual. Lunch time came around and Danny sat at the table with Sam, Tucker, and Valerie. Lunch was going relatively smoothly until Danny's ghost sense went off. He groaned in annoyance.
"See you guys at gym class," he muttered and took off. 
   Skulker. Again! Seriously?! The robotic ghost charged after him.
"Today is the day your pelt will hang, whelp!" Skulker roared.
"Let's make this quick. I got a test later," Danny called out.
The two engaged in battle. Skulker pulled out a flaming, green Laser sword.
"Ya know if your mind was as sharp as that sword you'd know you won't win this!" Phantom mocked. Skulker lunged at him and grazed the teen's arm. 
   The battle went on for another few minutes before Danny finally souped him. He flew back to school with a few minutes left before PE. He landed in the empty locker room and looked at his bleeding forearm. Somehow he's gotta cover this up. He walked over to his locker to grab his duffle bag. While scrounging around for the first aid kit Sam gave him, a voice brought him back to reality.
"Let me see it."
  Danny whipped his head over expecting Tucker, but was surprised to see a bulkier person instead. He looked up to see Kwan. A slight bit of panic entered his mind. Did he see his cut?
"See what? I don't know what you're talking about," he replied as coolly as possible.
"Your arm."
 The color drained from Danny's face. How'd he know about the arm? Did he see it walking in? He scanned Kwan's face for any deception or insincerity, but found none. Hesitantly he uncovered his arm.
"Ouch. That's a pretty nasty gash. The tin can really did a number on you." Kwan inspected the wound and pulled out some gauze. Carefully, he wrapped up the wound. 
"Why?" was all Danny managed to say, "why are you helping me?"
"Because you helped us so many times only for us to treat you like shit." Kwan tightened the bandage to help stop the bleeding, "I should be asking you why you helped me. You saved me and the other A-Listers countless times." 
   Danny looked at him like the answer was obvious. He opened his mouth and replied, "It was the right thing to do."
   Kwan finished and admired his work. Danny murmured a thank you, and Kwan told him it was the least he could do. The taller of the two got up to head to his locker.
"Hey Kwan?" He turned around to look at Danny, "out of all the A-Listers, I never thought you'd be the first to find out. Which reminds me, how exactly did you discover my other half?"
  Kwan flushed from embarrassment, "Well it was sort of an accident." 
  He recalled the events from Wednesday night. Danny's eyes widened.
"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PUT THAT WATER BOTTLE IN MY LOCKER! I've been trying to figure that out since yesterday! That makes so much more sense," Danny said, smacking his own face. Kwan snicked.
"Yeah that was me."
"Hey Kwan? Could you maybe possibly not tell anyone about the whole Phantom thing? If it became public, Skulker wouldn't be the only one hunting me."
"Of course! It's the least I could do!"
"Thanks for that and also the water bottle."
"Yep! Well we should probably split since seeing the two of us getting along would be suspicious."
"See you around, Kwan."
"See you around."
   The two parted ways knowing that Team Phantom might have just gained another member.
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Darklord Kris
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Relevant Posts: Eldritch Frisk
Master Post
Here's the other drawing in relation to Eldritch Frisk.
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So things have been going pretty strangely for Kris and company. Kris, Susie, Ralsei, and Jevil had to go universe hopping to catch Spamton G. Spamton after he made a break for it in the wake of the Spamton NEO battle. Spamton hopped over to the neighboring light universe and then traveled around to several other nearby universes. The last universe he stopped in was a bizarre, somewhat forbidden universe with a lot of mages. Despite the group's presence being welcome, the ruler of the land they landed in was very helpful. She assisted the group in catching Spamton, allowing Jevil to send him back to their universe.
Naturally the group was allowed to stay and rest up a bit. Of course the ruler noticed Kris was on edge and asked him what was the matter. Kris was always excessively uneasy around Spamton. Kris was in control of his destiny... r-right? Why did it always feel like someone was manipulating him behind the scenes? The ruler took pity on the poor boy as she knew just what he needed: Control. For better or for worse, she taught the boy a spell that could be used to claim the power of a roaring titan from his universe. How did she know? Let's just say she had been starting to look into other universes at this point. She had also been dealing with similar entities.
Of course there is the concern that Kris would technically become one of the roaring titans, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Kris went to Jevil in secret and the two sought out one of the weaker titans. Jevil thought this was a fool's errand that would end in disaster, but Kris was determined to see this out. They would enter a gap in reality where the sleeping body of a titan lay. This realm twisted and warped with no rhyme or reason.
Of course Kris was awed by the sight of the grotesque and unfathomable titan. What scared Jevil was that the Titan was aware of their presence, but did nothing. Could it do anything? Or had it accepted its fate as Kris prepared the spell? Or maybe it something planned... After finishing the ritual, things went silent... but then the titan opened its mouth and torrent of darkness hit Kris head on. A abhorrent roaring filled the eldritch chamber as Kris screamed in pain. Incoherent chanting could then be heard as the titan spoke in a thundering voice...
O' mighty Knight, seeker of the power most forbidden,
Why does thou break from the flow of destiny?
If it is control you desire, you are a fool who cannot see.
This burden shall be yours to bear, and this crop you shall reap.
I shall always be in your shadow, watching your every move.
You take what is not yours, so it's only fair for me to be your sword.
Beware when looking into the abyss, Kris, for it may look back at you!
7 lines? 7 fountains? 7 titans perhaps? Jevil pondered on this as Kris fell to the ground, now clad in strange, new clothes. A sword had also appeared beside him, presumably the titan. Of course the titan's body was now stone which was to be expected. As Kris came to, he felt himself slipping out of the gap and back into reality. He was greeted by two things: one was Jevil and the other was a castle behind his house. It was his castle, a castle befitting of a dark lord. As he went to his throne and sat down, a new face brought him a fancy glass, filled with fruit punch. This was the avatar of the titan, of course.
What thrilled Kris was that now Ralsei and Lancer could step out of the dark world and into the light world. Susie and Lancer thought this was awesome... Ralsei nearly had an aneurysm until Jevil calmed him down. Then Ralsei noticed something odd: the power of the titan was eerily similar to ancient power he had heard of called "ULTRAMagic." Jevil had picked up on this too and they knew that they had to do more research into this. Of course, Jevil knew where to find some ULTRAMagic mages they could talk to...
Kris may be a dark lord now, but not much has changed. He is stronger and does have a nice castle, but that's it. It's not like he holds any political authority or anything like that. Of course, Kris is intoxicated with the peace of mind this has given him. No one controls him now... or so he thinks. Regardless, he has new powers now. Before Kris was blessed with the ability to command and lead his allies. Now he can commune with other realms such as Hell, Heaven, and Purgatory. And of course, Kris has easier access to soul magic. It should be noted that the soul magic seems to be that of the titan's, not kris'. To use this magic, Kris must use his new sword as a catalyst. This isn't difficult as the titan seems to be oddly helpful. The cooperation of the titan has truly baffled Ralsei who is growing more and more concerned as time goes on.
King Spade has taken a great interest in Kris, given his new powers. Of course Kris needs training and the king is more than happy to train him for some reason. Of course Lancer and Queen are rightfully concerned.
As an aside, let's go over Light and Dark universes. The concept of balance permeates all of reality. You cannot darkness without light and you cannot have order without chaos. Oddly this logic applies to the creation of universes. There is what we call a light and dark universe. This strange situation seems to exist for the sake of balance. Aside from residents of these universes taking different life paths, there's not much difference between the two. It should be noted, however, that the residents of each universe can tell the difference between each other, if they have no idea what the difference is. Also these two universes will always be linked together and will drift through the multiverse as such. Kris, Susie, and Ralsei hail from the dark universe.
- - - - -
I'm kind of disappointed in myself for abandoning this. Part of what motivated this story was the fact that Deltarune is seriously looking like it's going to take 7+ years to finish... look, I'm not bashing Toby Fox, I'm just saying I don't have seven years to wait for the end of the game.
This art was experimental. I was trying to draw Kris sitting down... art isn't easy.
I am really tempted to start up HYPERDEATH Alternate again. Also to be clear, this isn't Kris from Deltarune the Game. This is Kris from my Deltarune AU. This Kris is different from the original Kris.
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lancerious · 1 year
Ok here's the revised Deltarune tier list, I used a different list altogether and added some characters this time because I felt like it.
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Soooo I'm not too sure what to do here, so many characters have moved places, let alone more being added...I guess I'll just talk about uh...everybody :P.
Btw I actually remembered to take screenshots of each individual tier this time, as well as make each tier its own distinct color so there is minimal confusion :D.
Starting with the "Absolute faves <3" tier...
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#1: Lancer. Don't really have anything to say about Lancer lol, he's still at the very top of the list and always will be. Though, not a day goes by where I don't love Lancer that much more <3.
#2: Spade King. I'm calling King Spade King every time now regardless of context, deal with it :P. I'd say I like Spade King more than I used to, and not a day goes by where I want to scream at how horribly he gets misrepresented by the Deltarune community I SWEAR TO GOD-
Uh anyway, next tier :P.
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#1: Rouxls Kaard. Yeah my opinion on Rouxls Kaard hasn't changed at all, I still think he's as awesome as ever. I'm waiting for the day when Rouxls actually reveals how competent and powerful he really is and utterly decimates the entire Lightner team (and Ralsei) :>.
#2: Jevil. Ok, truth be told, there are some days when I think I like Susie more than Jevil, and then there are days like today when I like Jevil more than Susie. It is a continuous cycle and I for the LIFE of me can't make up my mind >-<. Jevil will stay where he is for now, partly because I have so much history with the jester. I don't like Jevil any less than I used to though--I arguably like him even more. It's just that I'm having a deeper appreciation for Susie as the days go by. Speaking of which...
#3: Susie. Man I freaking love Susie, I love Susie more than I ever used to. I literally bought the Rude Buster shirt from Fangamer not too long ago and I GOT A SUSIE PIN AND SOME ART OF HER AND NOELLE I LOVE IT :D. Ok but yea Susie rocks, love her so much, don't know if I like her more than Jevil yet, therefore she's staying put until further notice.
#5: Kris. Kris has moved up! Albeit slightly! I think Kris is the first character to actually move in my list lol. Honestly my opinion on Kris hasn't really changed. It's more my opinion on other characters that's changed. Kris is still awesome and a great protagonist :D.
#6: Rudinn Ranger. Ok so upon reflection, I realize I may have ranked Rudinn Ranger a BIT too high last time lol. I still love them and find them SUPER interesting, but they just don't get enough screen time. Someone start a petition for Toby Fox to give Rudinn Rangers more screen time, pls and ty :>.
#7: Berdly. BERDLY MAH MANNNNNN, I love Berdly SO MUCH more now you have no idea. Guy was a GODSEND in Chapter 2 I kid you not. TOTALLY understand why some love him so much, honestly deserves more attention than Noelle imo.
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#1: Ralsei. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like Ralsei A LOT more compared to before. I literally have no idea why, nothing has really changed, but I just do. Genuinely confused at myself ngl :P.
#2: Spamton. SPAMTON HYPEEEEE, I REALLY like Spamton now :D. My opinion on him honestly keeps going higher and higher, though I doubt he'll be able to move past this tier.
#3: Seam. Another one I genuinely can't believe, I actually like Seam more than Swatch now. And a lot of other characters they were initially behind. But yet here we are, can confidently say Seam is INCREDIBLY underrated and deserves more love <3.
#4: Hathy. My opinion on Hathy hasn't really changed too much, I just kinda like them more for no reason. Also the fact that they don't talk is pretty cool, they must be the ones every other Darkner goes to for ranting and general babbling lol.
#5: Swatch. Still love Swatch, nothing's changed regarding that. I just like other characters more now :P. Also we need more silly interactions between Swatch and Rouxls Kaard, whether implied or not, simply because they're hilarious.
#6: Head Hathy. Uhhhh I got nothing for the Head Hathys, I still think they're the same as regular Hathys with a different color palette, albeit Head Hathys do seem slightly more aggressive.
#7: Swatchling. Swatchlings are still cool. Nothing else really left to say here :P.
Moving on!
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#1: Tasque Manager. Tasque Manager is...still not bad lol. Nothing's changed since the previous tier list, just like the Swatchling :P.
#2: Queen. Holy guacamole Queen moved up an entire goddamn tier. This might be because I added more characters this time around lol, but yeah, I do like Queen more than I used to! I still don't find her great, but she's ok :).
#3: Noelle. I'm even more surprised by this one. As much as I love to bash on Noelle sometimes, I truthfully don't hate her and think she's a decent character. I just don't vibe with her much, which is ok!
#4: Sweet Cap'n Cakes. Like I did last time, I'm grouping 'em all together. My opinion on them hasn't changed either, I still think they're decent and have some intriguing lore.
#5: Addison. This applies to all four Addisons--this specific tier list only had the yellow one. All are fine, they offer Spamton lore which is cool, though I could say this for Swatch as well. Idk, never really got the type around 'em, but they're not bad.
Neeeeeeeext :P.
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#1: Rudolph Holiday. Decided to add this guy in even though he only appears in Hometown. Rudolph is...ok I guess. I don't really like him, but eh, he has some intrigue I suppose.
#2: Werewerewire. Opinion hasn't changed on Werewerewires, they're ok, imply some interesting stuff, the end.
#3: Werewire. Same as Werewerewires but less interesting :P.
#4:. Mr. Society. I literally had to look up this guy's name lol, same with the next character. Mr. Society is all right, but MAN he doesn't do ANYTHING! He just exists, it's no wonder nobody talks about him :/.
#5: Mr. Elegance. My opinion on this character is exactly the same as Mr. Society, but I like Mr. Elegance slightly less because I prefer Mr. Society's design.
And finally...
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#1: Clover. My opinion on Clover hasn't changed at all, I think she's super unique in terms of design and execution, but I for the LIFE OF ME can't bring myself to like her. I sincerely apologize to all Clover fans >-<.
#2: Jigsaw Joe. Pretty sure this is the one Jigsawry you could buy something from. I don't like him, I think he and the other Jigsawrys--or is it Jigsawries?--by extension are super annoying ;-;.
#3: Jigsawry. Just don't like 'em, find them annoying, moving on.
#4: Mallius. Looking back I should probably put Mallius above Jigsawry and Jigsaw Joe, but can't bring myself to correct it because I still don't like him and he would be in the same tier anyway :P.
#5: K. Round. K. Round is literally the one character I outright despise. It offers nothing to the story except as a blockage to prevent you from progressing, and ITS BOSS FIGHT IS SO LONG, AND IT HAS TWO OF THEM?? Genuinely WHY? It serves NO purpose other than to be annoying, and for that, it deserves this spot.
Honorable mention here is C. Round, I would include it but it wasn't on the list. I hate C. Round even more because it's literally completely useless, and turns into K. Round twice, whom I also despise >:/.
Ok that's it, hopefully my opinions on the Deltarune characters don't majorly change until future chapters come out because I swear if I have to redo this ONE MORE TIME-
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kunoichi-ume · 2 years
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Koko has started a new journey because the person leveling her (me) hates caster classes, I dont know what I was thinking other than I wanted her to be able to blow things up in firey awesomeness. Shes so happy to be a Lancer now, they even put a pink flower over the door for her (and no she is not going to care if you tell her it’s for the holiday, she IS the holiday damnit). 
Also I had to write a little something to show how she decided to do this. Salix was borrowed from @cinlat and it’s also super important that @tishinada hear about the hijinks Koko got up to while Zas wasn’t around. 
Pointy Ideas. Word Count: 983
Koko groaned and slumped in her chair, staring up at the ceiling. When she dreamed about being an adventurer as a child she thought about weidling powerful magic spells and kicking bad guy asses. What she did NOT dream about was spending all her free time reading book after book to learn said magic. Thinking of all the books lining the walls of the Thaumaturge Guild Hall made her shudder in horror. 
Books had never been Koko’s friend. She got distracted easily, lost her spot on the page unless she followed her fingers and sometimes the letters seemed to be all jumbled around. She’d managed to eke her way through the basic schooling her small village had provided, but little of that focused on letters and reading. She had a drive and motivation to do the work but all the reading was making her head spin, and not in a fun way like her favorite mead did. 
Sitting up and pushing the book she had been trying to read away, Koko found her eyes drawn to the lance leaning against the corner of the room. Salix had once been a Lancer but the boy wasn’t cut for it, by his own admission, and now preferred the healing Scholar arts. Seeing him switch jobs, and being so much happier for it, made her wonder…
Could she do that too?
This wasn’t a new feeling. At first she had been so excited to learn the Thaumaturge arts, she could create fireballs! With her hands! It was amazing. Everything she had ever wanted. But now it all felt so complicated and overwhelming. 
Studying as a Thaumaturge had made her hesitant to pick up any other spellcasting jobs and the healing arts didn’t interest her either. But that lance gave her ideas. Pointy ideas. The longer she stared at the lance and thought about it the bigger her grin grew.
Unable to restrain herself any longer she asked across the room and grabbed the lance. It was sized for Salix who obviously was much taller than her. It was heavy, especially at the top where the blade was and she staggered a few steps backward before finding her balance. 
Koko turned the lance a few times, spinning the wood in her fingers. It would take some practice to get used to its side but Koko was sure she could manage. Remembering how she had seen Salix use the lance she decided there was no better time than now to start her new career. 
-------- Several minutes later --------
The jarring sound of break glass made Salix look up from the papers on the  Adloquium spell he had been studying. He wanted to get the healing spell committed to memory as soon as possible. Life in Eorzea was getting more and more dangerous everyday and he wanted to know he could protect his family. 
More glass broke in the main room and he shot to his feet. Koko had been pouring over what she called her “Fire Makin’” books when he had come upstairs to do his own studying. He had learned when he first started pursuing the Scholar arts that they could not study together. Koko was easily distracted and, in turn, would find wants to distract him and soon neither had learned anything. 
But even for Koko breaking things while trying to study was unusual. 
He was at the door in seconds but hesitated before opening it. He had learned the hard way that rushing into a room tended to surprise the small woman and had no desire to dodge fireballs today. Slowly he opened the door, peering through the crack as the main room became visible. 
Koko had a talent for surprising people, she seemed to take great joy in jumping out of small spaces or high up hidey holes to shock people. Salix knew this, had come to expect it, but nothing had prepared him to see her clumsily swinging his lance about. It was almost two feet longer than him, the length customized to match his stature, and for a person who was just about three feet tall it was an almost comical sight. 
Almost because the glass and broken ceramic pieces on the floor were increasing with every swing. 
“Koko what are you doing?”
Koko stopped mid-swing and grinned widely at him. “Magic sucks. I’m gonna stab things!”
Figuring that was all the explanation he was going to get with how excited she was he didn’t question her sudden change in career paths but motioned to the floor. “Maybe you should stab things outside where things are less breakable?”
She tilted her head to the side for a moment and then looked down. Surprise showed plainly on her face. “Did I do that?”
Hoping it was safe to move closer now, Salix stepped into the room. “I think so.”
“Oops,” Koko said, looking at him, then the mess, then longingly at the lance in her hand. “I guess I need to clean it before I can take this outside.”
Salix crouched down and smiled at her. He hadn’t been sure he’d like the energetic Lalafell when they met, she was so chaotic, but she certainly kept life from being boring. “How about I help you clean it up and then show you some of what I learned when that was my lance.”
Koko’s eyes went wide and he barely had any time to prepare himself before she dropped the lance and launched herself at him, knocking him down into the mess on the floor in her haste to hug him. 
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Koko cried as she squeezed him as tightly as she could. 
Salix grimaced, not from the hug because Koko had made sure he was getting used to those, but the feel of glass poking into his backside. He was going to need those healing spells much sooner than he had anticipated.
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mar64ds · 8 months
For the character asks, Geek, Queen, and Firestarter?
First impression
Impression now
That’s sam and max’s canon daughter
Favorite moment
I love when sam and max are like ‘thanks geeks you are awesome :)’ but that’s all the times they interact with her
Idea for a story
Father’s day and she invents some dangerous obstacle course because sam and max find that fun
Unpopular opinion
I actually like the idea that she was friends with Sam and Max at first and then became their daughter instead of being immediately their daughter
Favorite relationship
She and her dads
Favorite headcanon
Trans Geek is canon but sure lets say is a headcanon. Aro Geek too
First impression
Immediately loved her
Impression now
Queen is and will always be the funniest character in the game, toby fox is not going to write anyone funnier than her. She’s also genuinely really interesting and a good antagonist, it’s going to be really difficult to make a final boss character better than her
Favorite moment
Insert every funny line of Queen here
Idea for a story
I like thinking how her life was before moving to the library, in the card kingdom, I think it’s an interesting concept
Unpopular opinion
I don’t think the represents the mothers of everyone on the group, I think she mostly represents Noelle’s and most likely a bit of Berdly’s
Favorite relationship
Her and Noelle but also her and Lancer. But also her relationship with Toriel that I made up
Favorite headcanon
I think Queen likes women (Toriel)
First impression
I really thought he would have another personality based on his design, he seemed like a stoic cool guy, his face does not read like a shy nervous person. Same thing happened with Bellringer because his face also read to me like a clumsy nervous guy but he turned out to be a gossiper that knows everyone secrets lol
This is not me saying ‘bad character design’ or anything, I think they are both awesome and two of my favorite designs
Impression now
The second i realized what his actual personality was like I was sold, what a sweet guy. Love that he can’t stop setting things on fire i think it’s a really funny character trait. Plus canonically has a boyfriend he is so awesome
Favorite moment
I like the comic where he bakes cookies with Mouthpiece and sets the oven on fire and he just smiles and is so proud of himself :)
Idea for a story
I want him to be friends with Rainmaker I think they would get along so well… She’s water themed and he is fire themed and both have anxiety and are very sweet people, awesome friendship
Unpopular opinion
I don’t know what could be considered unpopular with this game so I’m just not going to answer this one lol
Favorite relationship
Him and Pacesetter of course :) I saw that portrait and thought wait? are they? Then I looked it up and yes :) Their personalities bounce off each other really well, I would love to see more of them they’re really sweet
Favorite headcanon
Not sure… Oh maybe he likes cats, the whole rescuing cats from trees and all of that. If Pluto used to exist in the toontown universe I assume there are regular animals in this universe too
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corvuscorona · 9 months
SoP status report. Currently dinking around in the rift labyrinth accumulating stupid amounts of fancy equipment + learning jobs that seem fun. Rly enjoyed doing gambler/lancer for a while but I had to put em away just now so I could try being bad at something again for a bit.
Dawn Warrior (big sword)
Rune Knight (big sword also)
Deist Dragoon (did you guys know that Chaos Tiamat has a "jump" equivalent she can do. isn't that awesome)
Relentless Champion (*THROWS THINGS*)
Trickster (gun) (I will miss the Head Empty of getting random buffs all the time now that I'm not using this one..)
Knight (small sword) (learn to touch the block button) (it's time)
Machinist (gun again) (AT LEAST until I find out how the buff from heart shot behaves when I switch classes lol)
Blue Mage (why..) (I tried this one for a couple hours + concluded I should probably just learn Evoker or something instead)
Jack punches Tiamat like right in the human boob when you soul burst her phase 2 which is rude of him but really funny
I wanna use a spear forever just so I can keep looking at Astos' Shade but I'm too good at it now so I have to try other stuff :'(
When Astos comes with you into a rift to help fight he teleports around instead of running (the animation is very cute), & then once all the enemies are dead he will ONLY walk. Can someone PLEASE get this guy a comfy chair to sit in while he's hanging out in the hall of the dark crystal I feel SO BAD FOR HIM
I like it when one of the boss rifts makes you fight him, though; it feels like good enrichment for him + Jack : )
why come gilgamesh made me fight Chaos Tiamat twice but now he only wants me to do boss rushes. Do Chaos Lich/Marilith/Kraken exist, even?? SHOW ME my other friends' cool recolors!!
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