dent-de-leon · 2 years
lucien book gives us so much interesting backstory for "Long May I Reign" and I'm still not over it--
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project-ohagi · 4 years
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Keigo Takami ღ Hawks x Reader:
Buy me a coffee!! <3
[A/N]: Making an effort to keep these gender-neutral now, and to miss out trigger words where possible, but that being said...
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Past Suicide Attempts, Suicide.
Light Manga Spoilers
Atop this building, the echoes of a life fraught with pain married the voice that demanded a permanent silence. Your thoughts were far from temporary, existing in the day-to-day and littering your heart with scars. They were the authority, final and absolute. But their origins, although rooted deep within the past...they weren't the reason you were here. Their influence was limited, overshadowed by a darker reality - something that compelled you, an innocent, to such an extreme...something that murdered your mind, gave it acquiesce to sit upon this rooftop, while the rain cascaded around. 'Twas the death of your heart, your home, your love...The heavens had opened, as if hearing your call, your plea for ascension. You had a future there, whereas here, on this lonely Earth, you did not.
Over the last few years, you'd slowly begun to phase out what seemed of little importance. First: intimate contact with anyone, be it friend, relative, acquaintance or stranger. Second: contact in all its forms. Third: the way to shirk responsibility and all trains of thought - sleep. The circles under your eyes were becoming quite prominent. And finally: food. You couldn't bear to set the table for one, so you didn't set it at all.
"Do you think I can reach the stars?" Your words were but whispers, void of a sprightly edge. You whispered to Keigo, as you had on occasions past. "'If kisses were stars, I would give you the sky'. Who was it...who said that? Well...it's true. I would give you the sky, without rhyme or reason, or even question...if only the angels would allow."
Keigo was the only one to whom you resolved to speak. His presence lingered in the halls of your home, in your place of employment, and everywhere you ventured. If a breath of cold air was of particular fancy, then Keigo's memory was certain to join. You still spoke, still vented...still cried, all to him. In life, he'd given you everything - every small part of him, for safekeeping. In death, he stole away your heart and soul.
"Life was easier with you here." You sighed, repeating the words like a mantra, as if they were your last. "It was better."
Of course, that was something he'd know, regardless of circumstance. Whether in life, death or rebirth...Keigo would've known. Leaving you behind, leaving you lost and broken, wandering this plain until your angels granted the courage you so desperately needed...it hadn't been a conscious decision. You'd never doubt that. Never. Not in a million years. You'd understood the pressure he was under, the ever-mounting workload and that...that job. He'd made it clear that to refuse would be outrageous. You'd known he didn't have a choice. And you'd never blamed him. Not once.
A tear slipped down your cheek, ghosting across the newly-formed smile, which was gentle in character but woven from the silver threads of sorrow. "I've...I've tried this before. I'm sure you know. I've just...I've never wished to live without you. I've tried, but it's hard...and I'm so tired."
Tried you had, when neither blistering summer nor frigid winter could trouble your mind. It was focused, always. And on occasion, you'd been saved, rescued by a hero who knew little of life's torment, and nothing of that with which you were afflicted. You hoped they'd never know, never discover everything wrong with life. You'd been thankful to them, for chasing away the Reaper. But nothing lasts forever, and everything that exists within the clutch of nature must eventually wither. Only this time...you prayed that no-one would save you. Left to your own devices, the path you chose was right. It must've been.
It could be the cure for this poisonous mixture of pain, grief and lassitude. "Can you...come back to me?" Your tears fell in no uniform manner, but you hadn't the energy to wipe them. They couldn't be seen by another being, and only you felt their heartache on your tongue. "...You can't. I know you can't. Can you try?...Please? I just want you back. I just...want you home."
Then maybe...maybe I wouldn't have to do this. Maybe I wouldn't have to hurt my family and my friends...maybe I'd have a place in this world, again. Maybe I'd feel like I mattered, like I felt with you.
But even if you begged all those blinking stars, all the gods and the angels in Heaven...you knew it wouldn't make a difference. Fate was written, after all - predetermined...and any effort to change it had thus fallen flat. Keigo always joked about his history, but the enduring memories of abuse and neglect must have caused his heart inordinate distress. He shared those memories with you, of course, though never in too thorough detail. You were glad for it - a sad life story at the expense of his current happiness was a trade you weren't ever willing to make. No true lover would.
Your mind cycled through each stage of your life, from childhood's hour to your teenage years, to meeting Keigo, to almost marrying him, to...to losing him. The look in your eyes was so distant, as though you wished to be anywhere but here. Well...you would be, soon. Everything prior to this, every failed attempt...they weren't failures, per say. You just hadn't been ready.
But now you were.
Any moment now, at your mind's instruction, you would wander to the edge of this building, and then...you would fall. After years of trial, of anguish and isolation...you would finally be free.
"I don't want to forget that plan we had, the future we mapped out for ourselves. Please tell me you remember it. Please tell me we can act on it." You whispered up at the stars, straining for any hint of response.
None came, and none ever would. It would've taken a miracle, preferably administered by an angel, over a demon. But certainties were things best saved for story books, and those who charted fate. Your legacy lay beside you, and though not carried away by the wind, the rain had served to dampen it. 'Twas a small note, ripped from a page. On it, you had inked words which might once have been imbued with a potent despair, but which now betrayed not an ounce of emotion. The ink had dripped. It wasn't a first draft; you had written it many times over, getting shorter and more concise, until it simply read:
This is no-one's fault. There is nothing tethering me to this life, any longer. Please accept that, alongside my apology: I'm sorry.
And that time, when you smiled...it was the very last time. "I'm ready to fall. I'll meet you shortly, Keigo."
[Word Count: 1115]
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razieltwelve · 4 years
Job Interview (RWBY AU Snippet)
Ruby tried very, very hard not to stare at the very, very pretty goddess who would be deciding the fate of her immortal soul and failed miserably. The goddess in question noticed her staring and raised one perfect eyebrow. 
“Must you stare?”
Ruby would have died of embarrassment except, well, she was already dead. “I’m so sorry. It’s just I only died a few days ago, and then I ended up here, and now you’re reviewing my file, and I’m kind of scared I’ll end up in -"
The goddess held up one hand. “Please, remain quiet while I assess your file.”
“Sorry -”
The goddess raise that perfect eyebrow again, and Ruby clamped her mouth shut. The next four minutes and forty seconds were the most uncomfortable of her entire life. She knew because there was a clock on the wall behind the goddess that made it excruciatingly clear how slowly time was passing. 
Finally, the goddess closed Ruby’s file and spoke. “I must say, Ms Rose, I have rarely come across someone so foolish.”
“It is one thing to be choke on a cookie. You’re hardly the first person to manage that. You are, however, the first person to ever choke on a cookie twice. One would think that after your first cookie-related mishap landed you in the hospital that you would show some degree of caution instead of simply shoving as many cookies as possible into your mouth. You do know that breathing is mandatory, don’t you? You don’t get to not breathe just so you can eat cookies faster.”
Ruby covered her face with her hands. “Do you have to say it like that? I already feel bad enough.”
“As well you should. You have left behind your father, your sister, and an unusually adorable dog.”
“Why are you so mean?” Ruby whined. “I’m dead because I’m an idiot. I get it. Okay. Fine. Just... where am I going to go now?”
“You are indeed dead because you are an idiot.” The goddess folded her hands together on the table. “However, you are in luck. The universe currently has an excess of dead idiots. For reasons I won’t be getting into, having too many idiots in the afterlife can cause serious issues. To avoid that problem, a rehabilitation program has been established.”
“A rehabilitation program?” Ruby looked up. “What... what would that mean?”
“Should you successfully complete the program, you would be brought back to life.”
“But wouldn’t people think that was weird? I mean... they must have buried me by now, right?”
“Who do you think we are, Ruby? We created the universe. It is trivially easy for us to not only bring you back to life but also change everyone’s memories so that nobody even remembers you dying in the first place. You will, of course, keep your memories to minimise the risk of you repeating your mistakes.”
“I can go back?” Ruby leaned forward. “How? What do I have to do?”
“When the afterlife was first designed, there was a small... issue with capacity. We greatly underestimated the human capacity for stupidity and evil. As a result, it has been... overflowing. Now, the escape of stupid souls is something we can manage. The escape of evil souls is somewhat more of a problem. For various reasons, it would be more efficient for us to send mortals after these escaped souls.”
“You would be sent back as a reaper, and your task would be to capture these escaped souls and return them to the afterlife.”
“That... that doesn’t sound too bad...” Ruby made a face. “I’ll be getting training and stuff, right?”
“Of course. We’ll even give you a weapon. However, you should realise that some of these souls are more powerful than others. You know all those stories of monsters, apocalyptic disasters, and so on? Almost ninety percent of those can be attributed to escaped souls. That is what you will have to face.”
“Oh.” Ruby gulped. “How many... how many would I have to bring back?”
The goddess smiled. It was not a nice smile. “Ms Rose, we like to rank files based on the number of souls they need to return before they can be considered rehabilitated. These ranks go from E to A and then S. At least, they did. We had to add a whole new classification just for you. Rejoice, Ms Rose, you are the first and currently only EX file. At a bare minimum, you will have to return a million souls.”
“A million?” Ruby screeched. “That’s impossible!”
“It would take you a long time to do that if you were to focus exclusively on what we term regular escaped souls. Such souls are worth a single soul. But the more powerful an escaped soul is, the more souls it is worth. If, by some miracle, you can bring back an Apocalypse Class escaped soul, that would be worth at least five hundred thousand souls.”
“So two of those...?”
“Two of those would be sufficient. Naturally, such souls are the most difficult to claim, and you won’t stand a chance against them without sufficient training and experience. Failure is not an option for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You, Ms Rose, are already dead. What do you think happens if you ‘die’ on one of the missions we’ll be giving you?”
“Uh... something really bad?”
“Oblivion awaits you if you fail,” the goddess said. “Not death. Oblivion. You will cease to be. Your immortal soul will be completely destroyed, torn from the cycle of death and rebirth. It is the surest, most complete form of annihilation possible for a mortal soul.”
“So...” The goddess pushed a form across the table. “This is where you sign.”
Ruby signed.
“What’s... what’s your name?” Ruby asked.
“I suppose it is only appropriate that I tell you since I will be in charge of your rehabilitation.” The goddess stood and gestured for Ruby to follow her through a door that appeared out of thin air. “Call me Weiss.”
X    X     X
Author’s Notes
Good, old Ruby. When she’s not Death, she’s dead. In this case, she’s really, really got her work cut out for her. On the upside, if anyone can pull this off, it’s Ruby.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
I also write original fiction, which you can find on Amazon here. I’ve recently released two stories, Attempted Adventuring and Surviving Quarantine, as well as two audiobooks, Two Necromancers, a Bureaucrat, and an Army of Golems and Two Necromancers, a Dragon, and a Vampire. If you like humour, action, and adventure, be sure to check them out.
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theladyvoid · 4 years
Worldbuilding I
There was a Story called Mystic Masters where the Metaverse was destroyed by a Great War in which the Magic used was so fierce that it shattered reality and killed almost everyone. A select few did escape to Ancient Earth, and started rebuilding in the city of Ramashajiva. However, one of them was the Wizard Jinn-Lir, and he was mentally contacted by the Wizard Coin whom he had only known as a child before the destruction of the Metaverse. She was somehow fully grown, and had escaped her tragic fate. She advised Jinn-Lir that a mistake had been made, and things could be fixed. I applauded her Time-Lady-ish Shenanigans when I observed her as a grown woman for the first time. She pulled a miracle out of her ass that time. The Mystic Masters Timeline was erased, and the Metaverse continued as if the Great War had never even happened…
Coin became a Time Traveling Wizard, and fought the Atrocity of TAO in an alternate Timeline where Razus was a Pirate Captain of the Pirate Ship “Razorblade”. TAO was the fusion of Wind Walker and Turok, and was responsible for the Great War. Coin chased her into the Alternate Timeline and enlisted the help of alternate versions of Mathias, Wind Walker, and Razus to defeat TAO by dividing her fusion into Wind Walker and Turok again, taking those versions back with her. TAO had made a mess. She caused the Armor of Mathias Mindblade to eat his brother Razus Razorblade, taking the entire Empire of Karotoretos with him into his body. The perverse fusion of Mathias and Razus became “Marrion Bloodstone”, and the whole Metaverse was turned into a Castle of White Fire.
Coin earned her place among the greatest Wizards in the Metaverse that day. She started out as a frightened little blue haired girl destined to return to the nothingness from whence she came when Jinn-Lir’s Imperial Mission was over. She is named after the bag of Domminnan Coins that the Priests of Lifeblood had insulated by turning them into a young girl. With each Coin given to a new warrior on their Quest, she lost a chunk of herself.
There is a Chronological Progression to the Style and Level of Magic in The Metaverse.
Circle Oaennar was the First Circle Mage.
Zero was the Second Circle Mage, and became the First Square Mage.
The 16 Magic Styles called “Stones”[Creationstone]coalesced on the 16 Planets of the Metaverse as the Platonic Realm of the Forms “Boltzmann Brain’ed” Metaphysical Concepts such as Creation and Hate into Physical Living Energy Types which exist as Physical Embodiments of Themselves, as Physicalized Abstracta should.
“Circle Magic” was a Unified Magic Style that fused all of these Living Physicalized Abstracta into one Force.
“Square Magic” negated the effects and presence of “Circle Magic”.
Square Magic is Metaversal Entropy.
Circle Magic is Metaversal Extropy
Circle is God, and Square is the Devil.
Domminna is Heaven, and Rhyhiaeo is Hell.
Over time, the developments of Magic began with Old Akashmiran Magic, which was the First Magic used by anyone in the Metaverse. It was brutal, savage, and nearly destroyed those who dared to use and train with it. (Think playing hopscotch with Marvel’s Infinity Stones)
Next came New Akashmiran, re-invented and innovated by Empress Wind Walker, the Lady Void, and Circle Oaennar.
This was a more Humanitarian Magic System, refined to have greater effect with less harm to the Practitioner. Light focused into Laser. The Mastered form of the Magic of One Stone is called “Going Porcelain”.
The Path to Circle Magic was a constant innovative experimentation of fusing combinations of stones into stronger Porcelain States of Being. This seems to be a refinement and reinforcing of Armor, but the real machine being upgraded is You.
Going Circle Porcelain is to learn to use all of the Stones into an Ultimate Living Energy of all the Conflicting Forces of the Metaverse in Refined Balance.
The first one to do this was so overcome with the effects of this transformation, that they became the Abstracta of the Porcelain Form itself, and identified as the name “Circle”. The People of the Lifeblood Planet gave him the surname of Oaeenar in honor. Circle Oaennar, the First Circle Mage.
Circle Oaennar called Zero from the Deep Void, and trained him to be a Human, then as an Apprentice Circle Mage. Zero betrayed his Master, and reversed the Circle Magic from a Green Circle to a Pink Square. Zero is called the Lost Prophet by his City of Rebels who follow him in his Mighty Kingdom of Rhyhaio, the Metaversal Hell. Circle Oaennar lived in the Metaversal Heaven, Domminna, and it was from there that Circle had summoned Zero from the Deep Void.
This King of Heaven rivalled only the King of Hell. Domminna vs. Rhyhiao. God vs. Devil. Extropy vs. Entropy. The Infecting Light of Life pushing against.The Surrounding Void of Death.
Mathias Mindblade’s higher self, Matthios, was a Flugel Warrior Angel living in Domminna, under Circle’s Command.
Razus Razorblade’s lower self, DarkOnyx, was a Demon Electric Beetle-Man Spy living in Rhyhaio under Zero’s Command. This Demon further mutated in his developing madness into Zandal, the Mad God. Zandal was a large Blue Thunderstorm of Rage and Laughter Elemental, a Wandering Calamity in the Metaverse to be avoided, and survived.
Wind Walker did not play the game of high and low. Her deep connection to her Mother, Horizon Walker, made them reflections of each other, and linked their Magic and Minds together in a Cycle of Continuous Mutual Magical Rebirth. The Fusion of Wind and Horizon Walker created a Being of Supreme Magic. The Entire Magic Infrastructure of the Metaverse was Strengthened by her very Lifeforce. Lady Diana was her name, the Goddess of Domminna.
Turok Rhygear was the Atrocity that enslaved himself to his Machines, becoming a Machine Himself, which, unfettered by the delusions and pitfalls of Humanity, became a Machine God. The Robot was named “Claw:Mechos”, and the Machine God was “Claw of Turok”.
The First Metaversal Wizard was Oribus, who trained the Wizards Jinn-Lir and Wonn-Lir. Jinn-Lir trained the Wizard Coin, who went back in Time and trained the TechnoPagan Turok Rhygear who was trapped inside an Endless Library/Self-Replicating-Complexifying Factory. The Wizard Jinn-Lir trained the Pagan Witch Wind Walker in the Floating Cities of the Planet Hurricanis, in the days of Old Akashmiran. The Wizard Orbius taught Mathias Mindblade to fight his Brother’s Tyranny, Grow an Empire, and Spread Goodness and Wholesome Value as far out as possible in the Metaverse. The Wizard Wonn-Lir trained Razus Mindblade into a true Razus Razorblade, developing the young Emperor’s Potential as an Evil Tyrant. Wonn-Lir also trained the Wizard Typhus and The Wizard Xandria, Princess of Koretoretos.
Matthios and DarkOnyx are constantly hunting each other all over the Metaverse.
Slit and Slam are two Koretoretos Warriors under the Command of Emperor Razus Razorblade.
Colonel Boustrophedon”Boustie” and General Raziel are also Koretoretos Warriors under the Dark Emperor’s Command.
There are 16 Royal Princesses of Lifebloodstone on the Lifeblood Planet, Taeerannor. They are Gateways to the Realm of the Forms, and are Subordinate only to the 16 High Lords of the Power Gates, who reside in Domminna. These are High Nobles that each control an Iris letting the flow of power into the Metaverse from each of its 16 Stones.
Each Taerrannor Princess has her own Army, and they escort her through Space.
The Koretoretos Empire under Emperor Razus Razorblade has a Military called The Necros Demon Machine Army.
The Drift Empire under Emperor Turok Rhygear has a Military called Fleet.
The New Akashmiran Empire under Empress Wind Walker has a Military called Monkstorm, named after her Weaponized Essence “Iron Faerie Monkstorm”.
The Loporian Empire under Emperor Mathias Mindblade has a Military called The High Army of Loporian Light.
The Common People of the Metaverse refer to the Four Rulers as “The Angel, the Demon, the Witch, and the Hacker.” and their sigils can be seen adorning the paper inside a given Compass that the Common People usually carry with them.
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circeart · 4 years
October 2020 Astro
October 2020- One In A Blue Moon Opportunities, Twists of Fate + Fortune, Finding the Balance + Grace Through the Madness
Welcome to October 2020! You have now made it to the 10th month of this cray year of 2020! Pat yourself on the back. You are a survivor. October 2020 promises to be another wild month indeed. Rare occurrences of many kinds are on the table. We begin the month with a full moon and end with a full moon. Once in a Blue Moon events are in store! This is one of the most magical months of 2020! Prepare yourself as life is about to get even more wild and wacky( if you can imagine)!We begin the month of October, with a Full Moon at 9 degrees of Aries. Full Moons are always highly emotional and signify: manifestations, endings and completions. Aries, the 1st zodiac sign, is all about: passion, purpose, courage and aggression. The Aries Full Moon will bring sudden and explosive emotions to the surface. Aries is the baby of the zodiac, being the 1st sign. There will be a declaration of feelings that could be rather erratic and full on. The Aries Full Moon will also be conjunct retrograde Chrion, who is also in the sign of Aries. Retrograde Chrion in Aries conjunct the Full Moon will bring up our most repressed desires and instincts related to our past wounding. This could happen very quickly and without much warning. The lesson with these two together is around our ability to recognize that whatever caused this wound, could also be healed by our persistence and fortitude. We all have this inner warrior. This Full Moon will be the catalyst for us to recognize our brilliance within struggle. Instead of it defeating us, we can now recognize its presence to make us stronger and more resilient.
On October 4th, Pluto, the planet of: death/rebirth, intensity, power and transformation, turns direct at 22 degrees of Capricorn. For the past 6 months that Pluto has been retrograde, there have been issues coming up around our sense of power and control. As the most powerful dwarf planet turns direct, the skeletons we dug up to analyze and probe within our psyches during his retrograde phase, could begin to make sense and be sorted. A cathartic release of structures could happen. Pluto direct in Capricorn wants to teach us how to honor this intense transformation of our purpose. It hasn't been easy but now as he moves direct, there will be some kind of reward and forward movement connected especially to our sense of order and power.
On October 13th, Mercury, the planet of: the mind, communication and travel, turns retrograde at 11 degrees of Scorpio till November 3rd. The planet of the mind will retrograde back all the way to 26 degrees of Libra before turning direct. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will bring up the deepest and most profound opportunities for healing major issues deep within our core. Of course, people and situations from the past could show back up. There could also be issues with electronics and biz plans, so make sure to triple check things before responding to others. Mercury in Scorpio will demand we get real about what mental blocks sabotage our ability to go full out and be successful. Painful but truthful realizations could come to the surface to be purged. This is a great time to go within and heal past conversations connected to our: vulnerabilities, dependency on others and money issues.
Moving to mid- month, on October 16th, we have the New Moon at 23 degrees of Libra. New Moons herald fresh energy and are known to produce: beginnings, initiations and fresh perspectives. Libra, the 7th zodiac sign, is all about: relationships, contracts and balance. The New Moon in Libra will be a time to begin new cycles around our partnerships and associations. Being ruled by Venus, the planet of: love, pleasure and joy, will make this a very promising and auspicious new moon. This is a great lunar cycle to beautify and bring peace back to our lives. La Luna in Libra is asking us to find our sacred sense of balance. Major new partnerships could form at this time. The sweetness of compromise and unity will be felt.On October 22nd, the Sun, which rules our: ego, life force and vitality, shifts from the air sign of Libra, over to the water sign of Scorpio. The Sun in Scorpio will bring our passions and deep sense of purpose to the surface. No other sign is as deep and committed as a Scorpio. Traumas that we have repressed for a long time will come to the surface to be healed. There is no running away... this time is about facing our demons and fears. The Sun in Scorpio will demand we get real and authentic.
Finally,( know this is a long one, lol) on October 31st, we have the fated and rare, Blue Full Moon at 8 degrees of Taurus. Blue Moons only happen every couple/few years. It's 2020 after all, so of course this year we will have one. Full Moons, as mentioned before, deal with: endings, manifestations and completions. Taurus, the 2nd zodiac sign, is all about: resources, self worth and values. The Blue Full Moon in Taurus will be extra special, because not only is it rare, but La Luna is exalted in the sign of Taurus. Exalted planets feel extra comfy and powerful. The Full Moon in Taurus will bring up our emotions connected to our money and what and whom we value most in life.
If someone or something isn't bringing us a sense of security and stability, then they will likely end at this lunation. Retrograde Uranus, the planet of: surprises, shocks and enlightenment, also in the sign of Taurus, will conjunct the Full Moon. Retrograde Uranus conjunct the Full Moon in Taurus, could lead to wacky and wild occurrences with our: money, resources and energy. A sudden epiphany around who we are and what we stand for could come out of the blue. Be aware of any sudden electrical or mechanical issues at the time of this Full Moon since Uranus rules such things. October 2020 will be a month of many twists and turns, yet there is an air of brilliance and the miraculous present as well. Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any wilder( wait for November + December) this month will test your ability to keep going no matter what life throws at you. Many sudden realizations are in store this month, so instead of resisting them, practice allowing and receiving. This is one of my most powerful messages. When you can truly allow and receive without any previous attachments or preconceived notions, the universe shows you magic + miracles . All of that magical + miraculous energy was within you the whole time. It isn't dependent on outside circumstances. This is the lesson of October 2020. October 2020 is here to bring: fiery emotions to the surface to be transformed, the acknowledgement of your own sense of power, and the continued ability to be able to deal with the unknowns of life with grace and resilience. If you are interested in how October 2020 and beyond will personally affect you, please check out my site for a list of my personal astrology and tarot readings: https://www.astromomma.com/collections Your support and love of Astromomma means so much to me, especially as I know it's a tough time for many at the moment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued love and trust!© Astromomma, 2020
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