splattermouth · 1 year
you know a lot of people coming back to pla and reanalyzing volos character pick up on the very obvious ‘every time i was met with tragedy and hardship, I wondered why Arceus would allow this to happen.’ line (not quite his wording but you get the gist), but i feel like i see a lot of people then glossing over the line almost right after about him using his passion for history and mythology specifically to understand the universe and the world he lives and and his position in it. (and also him mentioning i Believe in the red chain portion of the plot w adaman and irida, about wanting to know where he’s headed in life. i Know he said this, and i Believe it was at the red chain part but i am so due for a replay by this point my memory is foggy)
which just makes me kind of sad bc it feels like such a vital part of his character. but so many (understandably ofc) focus on the melancholic aspect of his character, but not so much the innately curious and thoughtful and introspective volo. like so many write him w a pessimistic ‘fuck this world’ kind of outlook rather than a ‘what could i possibly do to change things’ outlook.
(and again, to headcanon, and ive said this before, but this just further makes it look to me as if subjugating arceus and resetting to world was never intended to be his Big Plan until the final hour, in the midst of what was likely some kind of bad mental breakdown. just feels to me as if his actual goals are way way less Becoming God of the New World and much more ‘why do things happen the way they do’ and ‘i want to know where im supposed to fit in that puzzle, i want to know more about myself’)
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kharmii · 7 months
I wrote this as a reply to a post, but maybe it should get added to the tags so anybody getting into the ship has a place to look up origins all in one place for context. There are too many people with 'Queen Bee Syndrome' going around pissing in people's cheerios telling them what they can and can't ship. It isn't as bad as they say, yo. It was supposed to be humorous! Anyway....
I've been seeing so much Catholic guilt on Twitter these days where people be like, "I can't believe I used to like Trainwreck! It makes me want to vomit! Why would I think it was sexy to see a guy beating up another guy!" It's either pretentious virtue signaling, or it's coming from scared young girls being brow-beaten by the threat of cancel culture into having to prove how good and perfect they are in fandom. Get over yourselves and check out my collection of vintage Trainwreckshipping posts that (facetiously) explain the context of why violence was funny.
Emmet goes to fight God but Arceus hides behind a pillar and points to Volo.
Manipulative Volo laughs about what he did but...oh no! Here comes the pissed off brother!!
Princess bride meme rough handling of Volo.
Emmet chokes Volo.
TAKE THAT YOU VILE FIEND!! (Emmet punches Volo meme)
Emmet chases Volo riding on Arceus.
Emmet chokes Volo but ends up with a knife pressing into his gut.
Volo plays a mean prank to mess with the twins.
Sexual tension with a knife part 1.
Sexual tension with a knife part 2.
Sexual tension with a knife part 3.
Volo so smug and manipulative; Emmet so crazy.
Death threat.
Emmet bloodies Volo's nose.
Where Volo is actually evil and bad ends Emmet.
Emmet coming to whoop some ass.
Giratina possessed Emmet threatens to assault Volo.
Emmet goes after Volo with a brick.
Brave soul who is still doing toxic trainwreck in modern times.
Oops (It never gets old).
Me taking the piss part 1.
Me taking the piss part 2.
If I missed any, please pm me and I'll add them (and I'll keep adding to this post as I finds 'em).
This might be an unpopular opinion, but if someone gives you a hard time for being into this ship, you could always reply along the lines of, "Fuck you, pretentious, virtue-signaling twat. I don't owe you or anybody else anything. Nobody should be judging a person's morality based on what silly thing they ship" It might not get you any friends now, but I'm holding out hope we one day get past cancel culture. Currently, we give too much power to seasoned bullies who use the current political environment as a way to get around the social stigma of anti-bullying campaigns.
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zoeyslament · 2 months
wow i wrote a thing about my pokemon oc
Uhm enjoy ig? shes silly
Hammerlocke Stadium roared as Delphine D’Grace strutted into the center. She waved to the cheering crowd, blowing kisses and swinging her hips. “Alola!” She called out to them, and their screams got even louder. “Betcha don’t hear that much around here, do you?” She loved teasing her audience. As the crowd quieted, Delphine tossed the quick ball that was clipped to her belt into the air, releasing Primarina in a flurry of pink hearts. 
“How are we this evening, Galar?” She practically screeched into the mic. “Feeling hyped?” She gestured to her band, an unnamed guitarist and drummer. “Feeling glam? Gimme a beat!”
The first song started. Delphine bounced energy off the crowd, and Primarina seemed to be living its best life too: the fairy type was a natural-born performer. Delphine ran towards the crowd, reaching up to high five the fans in the ringside seats. 
As the opening song ended, and the second song started, Delphine’s mind was racing. Arceus, was she grateful to even have this amount of fame and reach. What would that 12 year old girl from Paniola Town say if she could see where she’d be at 22, world-famous with a champion’s title and a singer’s voice?
What would her younger self have said, with the knowledge that she would go on to complete the Island Challenge, beat the first ever Alola League, and used that press to make a name for herself like no one had before? She’d probably be in disbelief, clutching her partner Popplio to her chest. The thought amused Delphine. 
The show closed with an encore of the opener, Primarina being recalled into its ball and the crowd whittling away into the night, dispersing in fits of joy. Delphine flopped over onto lush green stadium grass, the feeling of a cold Galarian night flooding all her senses. She’d gotten used to it, though a big part of her missed the always-warm Alola air. Going back there for concerts never counted, those were indoor anyway, and she never stayed long enough to relive everything she’d gone through in her home region. She sighed and looked down at the Z-Ring on her wrist. Maybe life on the move wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. The pleasant feelings had dissipated, and Delphine was homesick for the first time in years.
“I was hoping to do a few concerts in Alola this year. One per island, give me time to stay, to go home.” Delphine took off her jewelry, setting it in her suitcase. Her manager, a no-nonsense, professional-looking woman named Caster, eyed her impatiently. 
“You know as well as I we haven’t planned for four concerts at the end of the tour. Just say you want to go home.” Caster cracked a small smile. Delphine heaved a sigh of relief. Home was still waiting for her. 
“Is that…within the schedule?” She ventured. Caster tapped her pen against her dutifully-carried clipboard. “I was expecting this question far sooner. You’ve been just about everywhere, from Kanto to Paldea, I was waiting for the day you were ill for Alola. One more stop, in Hoenn, and then it's home for you.”
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hochi-mama-1997 · 1 year
i wanna talk about my pokemon brilliant diamond team cuz its a little silly. (LONG ASS POST)
so im on the 8th gym, havent beat it, and my team is:
eggman. sweet poor eggman. currently a level 54 togetic. with the move set of baton pass, nasty plot, attract, and metronome. his strat is to make the girls fall in love with him, do an evil scheme, and then fuck around and find out. all else fails, run away.
kirby. level 47 jirachi. cuz i guess you get a jirachi in this game if you played sword or shield. i love them. with zen headbutt, life dew, dazzling gleam, and helping hand, i basically built them to work together with my star of the show pokemon in doubles, because i LOVE doubles. not online cuz im shy.
garchomp. level 69. got it from wondertrade and its just kinda here now. shadow claw, dragon claw, dig, and brick break, it does not set up and only attacks. i basically have no emotional attachment to her im sorry
soap. motherfucking soap. level 90 luxray. during the start of my save file, none of my pokemon would listen to me cuz i had the just great idea of using almost only trade pokemon. got angry and decided "FUCK YOU IM GOING TO CHEAT" and caught a level 5 shinx, put it into violet, and fed it exp candies until it was level.. i think 68? ive only given it more rare candy since then. its only ever leveled up ONCE in battle. right now its my last resort pokemon in the back of my party cuz i do like my game to be a little hard (as proven by eggman) he knows thunder, wild charge, volt switch, and strength. aka "might not work but worth it" "hurt yourself in the process" "attack then FUCK OFF" and "normal type move cuz ground types exist"
lucario. level 60 lucario. its from japan (or a game with the language set in japan, i guess?) and my best buddy. we're friends. i love him. i think hes from violet but he's here for some reason and awesome. he knows aura sphere, rock tomb, swords dance, and meteor mash. hes the guy kirby is with in doubles and the guy eggman runs away to. he's the star of the show. uh.. besides level 90 soap. also hes a master in cuteness contests so he's VERY talented.
dusky. level 48 dialga. just got here. still has base move set. but theyre here for one reason: my stupid ass luck. dusky got their name from the pokeball they were caught from. yup, a DUSK BALL. i dont have the exact stats but, i think.. dialga, a legendary, in a dusk ball, during the day? id say about a 5% chance. AND IT WORKED. i lost my shit when it happened. i think to myself, "this is why you've only gotten one shiny outside of community day fennekin and wonder traded hacked ones. because all your luck goes to bullshit like this." (and the fucking FIRST pokemon i battled on the port to coliseum being a SHINY KAKUNA. why.) might get off the team at some point.
honorable mentions who i booted from the team or something like that:
monferno i caught in legends arceus. left behind but was useful for gardenia and stuff.
razor the roserade. he's a champion from galar. just here cuz i wanted him to be.
bunbun the lopunny. shes also a champion from galar. i just didnt want them to be lonely cuz i never play that game.
R.K. (aka roaring knight) i never used him ever but he's a gallade and i just think hes cool and worth a shout out.
felon the empleon. my starter. i left him in the box because its the electric gym. might pick him back up for the elite four and replace dusky. unsure. move set of metal claw, surf, brine, and blizzard. cuz. yeah. no set up for him only damage.
machamp from china or a game with chinese, i guess. i got him from wondertrade as a machoke and i just think its neat.
ledian. poor ledian. i wanted it to work out. i wanted to pick faves over powerfulness like karen says. but no i cant. youre fucking pathetic ledian. im sorry. i love you.
ask questions if youre brave enough...
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mistasangel · 1 day
Pokemon Randomness
I've been playing my Pokemon games a lot lately and got to thinking and doing random dumb things while playing so I though I'd share,lol
Was watching a youtube video about Pokemon and the youtuber called Koffing and Weezing as a fart bomb because they are made of gas...Gastly is made of gases so is he a fart bomb to? and for some reason I can just hear Piers or Raihan calling them that.
Had a hard time evolving Inkay into Malamar then remembered that Piers has a Malamar on his team and about died laughing trying to picture him standing on his head to evolve his Inkay into this pokemon since you are required to turn your game system upside down to evolve it.
Accidently used a master ball on a non legendary/shiny Pokemon, it was a female Wobbuffet if you want to know. I think everyone and their grandmother has done this.
Gotten myself lost in Paleda (Violet) more then I have in Galar, I must be related to Leon,lol
Was playing Pokemon Shield and going though the tournament for more money and chose Raihan has my partner..the idiot could of waited till I had my Flygon out to spam Earthquake, I got even with him by drowning his Flygon. We still won the tournament though.
Still think its funny that Skuntank can learn flame thrower then when using it, looks like its shooting fire out of its butt...also the one generation sprite makes it look like Skuntank is taking a leak with its back leg up in the air,lol
The infamous exploding Togepi..dang metramone! (Happened to Snoralax to)
Speaking of Skuntank can't help but wonder how many times Piers got sprayed by his own Skuntank,lol
Also will choose Piers as a partner in the tournament and accidently drowned his Obstagoon...hit surf by mistake....I made it up to him by choosing his again and staying away from Surf,lol
Ran from a shiny like an idiot...I've seen lots of videos on youtube where they accidently run from a shiny so I do not feel bad for doing this,lol
Got my but handed to me by a Klevear in Legends Arceus...epic fail on my part, I did get the bugger though.
Lost to Kieran a number of times until I remembered my starter Pokemon then added him back to the team and handed Kieran his butt on silver platter
Thought Gusha was girl...he's a boy..oops....made a similar mistake with Bugsy back in the day.
Was hunting a Applin and shook a berry tree..got bopped in the head with Shiny Applin and caught it!
Did not realize the gym leaders went to the Isle of Armor and ran into Piers while flying around on my bike..so sorry Piers
I have Flygon named Raihan and an Obstagoon named Piers...wonder which two gym leaders I like
I train dragon types now thanks to Raihan inspiring me to to try and train one type of Pokemon. Got a way to deal with fairies...Ice types I'm still working on.
First time Raihan beat me, I called him a big dork and still do at times,lol
Chairman Rose will before ever known to me as snotface, lol He made me mad and for some reason the first thing that came to my mind was snotface, so the name stuck with him. (His Copper Rahja flattened me and I had a brainfart for a second forgetting I had a Cinderace..yeah his copper elephant went down after that)
Avery again I thought he was girl...nope he's a boy! lol sorry Avery at least I was able to beat him on the second try when I put Piers the Obstagoon back on my team.
Called 100% forum Zygarde...wait for it...Optimus Prime! lol he looks like a transformer in that form.
Having way to much fun with Miradon in Violet
Garvin.....I like him he's cool but he's a butthead in battle, it took me six tries to beat him.
named a freshly caught Quagsire...Quagmire...Family Guy;s fault, Peter and Quagmire got into a fight when I caught the thing,lol
and this is just some of my Pokemon Randomness,lol
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mxstball · 14 days
[Scorching Sandgems] I Was Killed in Battle and Reincarnated as My Murderer's Reincarnated Self's Daughter - AMA -- Jeanne and Daiyu
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"It's my turn to ask questions, if that's alright, Granny."
"Ask all you'd like."
"Why Heidi? If you knew that Lauren was your other self, why not promote her, or like, someone else like Melly or Leifi?"
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"Heidi had the best potential for the job, of course. Her strong sense of justice, potential for greatness, and already astounding power made her the perfect candidate to become my successor." Izanami nodded. "Besides, aside from Melony, I don't think anyone else in my world could stand up to Friede -- barring yourself with a little more training of course."
"Wait, you think I could beat Friede?"
"Well, if you had my world properly, I'm sure Leah and Dinah could work something out to prepare for her properly. You did stand up to her once before, after all."
"Yeah, and lost, like, handily."
"According to Rachel and Leah, it was a lot closer than you give yourself credit for~" Izanami giggled. "Anyway, Melony is incompatible with becoming the type of successor that I would have given her. Due to her nature, she can only become Arceus by defeating an Arceus, and, well, you know... that wasn't quite my fate, was it?"
Jeanne shook her head.
"As for Leifi? Well, let's say that she's generally disinterested with the great future of this world. Not quite the type. And Lauren? Well, you can probably guess, but it would just be more of the same, wouldn't it? The same drawbacks. The same eventual personality. Possibly even the same fate. Why subject such pain to the very little girl that I wish to live free of my mistakes?"
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"... can we not try to make me into an Arceus directly, please," Lauren didn't like that thought, especially now that she knows who she'll be similar to. "...I like my humble Professor life, thanks."
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"... I have a question, if that's okay, Miss Izanami."
"You may, Miss uh..."
"Daiyu. I'm Lauren's Giratina."
"Ah. Miss Daiyu. It's good to finally meet you. You may ask away."
"Now that you're back, since you don't want to take back your -- well, Heidi's -- world, then what do you plan to do with your new life?"
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".... I... don't know yet." Izanami shook her head. "I know that I wish to at least care for my mother whilst she stays here -- hope that she does not revert to her past ways. At the same time, I may have some uh... apologies and appearances to make. It's only a matter of time before either Genitor or Yukin drag me to speak with Aesen... and for Dinah to force me to speak with Leah."
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Jeanne quickly turned towards Lauren. She remembered what Dinah told her... and now was hoping there wasn't blowback from that single sentence.
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... but Lauren looked so out of it. It was clear that she was listening, but as the conversation went, she was slowly losing herself to her thoughts. It was clear that she was starting to take things worse than she thought.
Poor girl.
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Jeanne focused back to Izanami. At the very least, she could ask more questions to help. "You've lived for billions of years and even made your own world, and yet you don't know what you'll do now that you're no longer bound by it?"
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"I'm a lot older than it may seem, Jeanne. I've done so much already, even before creating my own world." Izanami chuckled. "When you're married to Izanagi, you learn a lot about the multiverse and the small place that you have in it."
"Well, more like you were a lot older, Granny. Even little Lati is older than you now."
"Young of body, old of mind. The perfect combination." Izanami giggled. "Still, I guess there are some things that I could do. Comparing the current state of the multiverse to the past would be nice, as well as to do an investigation on a... personal pet project of mine."
"And what's that 'pet project'?"
"Tell me, have you ever heard of the term 'Extradimensional Anomalies,' little one?"
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"I have, yeah... though you may wanna explain it to the others."
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"Fair enough. Well, throughout the multiverse, there are some creatures that cannot be classified as simply 'people' or 'Pokémon'. These creatures are unique due tot he fact that they have an excised amount of influence on our worlds and other worlds throughout the vast, infinite space. These creatures manifest themselves in our world in a various amount of ways, ranging from Legendary Pokémon to regular people to even just an overwhelming aura. In fact, each of you have already met one or two."
"??? Who? This is the first time I heard of this." Daiyu blinked.
Izanami turned to Jeanne. "Well, for Jeanne, it's her Auntie Dinah! It's said that, before she became a Giratina, she was a shadow hand of fate, twisting the destiny of other worlds to her own ends -- at least prior to meeting Leah." She then turned to Lauren. "As for you, you know Yukin, right? Yukin is the son of a great creature called the World Devourer, an Anomaly known for consuming entire worlds to where nothing was left -- sort of a Guzzlord but for entire dimensions...." She then looked at Daiyu. "...as for you? I cannot exactly say, but your energy reminds me exactly like Melony's... and, while she's not an Anomaly herself, the 'True Form' that she speaks of is -- a dragon that lurks in the shadows and influences its victims by granting them everything that they desire -- money, power, fame, peace.... It feeds on the fulfillment and continues until its victim becomes reliant on its influence. Then, once it has had its fill, it vanishes, leaving the victim to deal with the consequences of its action. However, after its banishment from another Anomaly, it eventually changed into a creature that links the Distortion Worlds of various Giratina from other dimensions and influences them instead."
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"Wait! That sounds like Mona!" It seems like Lauren snapped out of things just long enough for her to be surprised. If that's the case, then the other Anomaly must be the True Arceus!
"Oh? Is that the name of the Desire Dragon these days? Fascinating."
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"...." Daiyu felt a little bit of influence from Mona. "True Form says that she's a changed dragon, you know? She's grown a lot since she was banished."
"Oh? Is Mona with us now?"
"Technically. She can hear everything I can. She said hello, by the way."
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"So, what's the pet project? What does it have to do with Auntie Dinah or Yukin or Mona?"
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"Well, I wish to find more of these creatures and study them -- to better understand them, their existence, their origins, and where they place in this vast space we call home. I guess you could say that I'm sort of a... 'Pokémon Professor' but for Anomalies. Fufufu~"
"...always one for curiosity I guess." Well, that's definitely something she and Lauren had in common. "And why do you want to study them anyway? Do you have anything in mind?"
"Hmmm... Well, not exactly right now. It's more for curiosity's sake, but I would be remiss for me to not mention that it would be cool if I could join them. The idea of transcending even dimensional understanding and boundaries sounds fascinating... at least as long as it doesn't require a physical exam. Strength isn't exactly my forte."
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"..." And that doesn't surprise her, either. Of course Izanami would be interested in something like that.
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Time to meet the rest of the Gauntlet kids!
[February 3, 2023, third part of this conversation]
quick rapid fire me the other crazy kids
N / Nia I'd feel awkward doing a rapid fire for because I only really know my lore for them 😂
But a few things of note:
- She's sometimes called "The Wurm Queen" because early on we had like three notable Wurmple before settling on one that became a Dustox and made it to the Hall of Fame
- Her relationship with Norman is usually portrayed as pretty friendly. This incarnation of him is awkward and doesn't know how to dad, but that's okay because she's such a nature girl she doesn't come home often either. They care but... They're just friends.
- In BB2 because of the mod, all of the Hoenn leaders showed up like you guys saw in Volt White 2. There were jokes that as leader of the region, she probably brought them all with her to help with whatever is going on in BB2.
Some lore has her as literally N since it's her name so she's able to talk to Pokemon and is seriously a Disney princess but much like N, that doesn't mean she won't kick ass if she sees Pokemon being abused.
Her Aggron was named ATM and is sometimes portrayed as a literal machine 😂
Also like with N we seemed to change our team after every town but around Slateport is when we started to stabilize. Possibly because Team Aqua made it clear she needed a set team to take on these guys as her usual "whatever is in the area works" tactic wasn't good for dealing with serious criminals
This sometimes causes her to butt heads with Izzy.
Isabelle Bow aka Ice has a few interpretations for her
All of them have her being a studious and relatively serious young lady though. She's very no nonsense to a point where the main joke with her is her post game team had Giratina, Dialga and Arceus and she totally doesn't believe in gods (despite accidentally creating one in the form of God Fish)
So different lore branches
- The bow aspect made her a contest star and she'll be happy to show that frilly girly girls can still beat your ass.
- A big part of her skepticism is because she works as a paranormal investigator and is out to prove none of this hocus pocus actually exists
- A member of the Interpol on Galactic's trail. Undercover name is Ice while her rival Diamond is more of a friendly fellow agent keeping each other up to speed and up to snuff because these space men are no joke.
- .... Possibly all of the above are true with her being a paranormal investigator who does contests between projects and was recently enlisted by the Interpol to help due to her expertise on disbanding cults if she can just prove Cyrus and this whole 'new world order" is a fraud
The blonde hair in her design came up because the last Animal Crossing game had just been released and people made the connection to the adorable dog secretary Isabel. Combine that with the meme of Isabel and the Doom Guy are friends and she occasionally goes into the Doom world to hunt and stress relief and welp :tppWowee:
Didn't help that we had a Torterra named BFG
Which could be Big Friendly Giant, but also had some portrayals that the tree on its back is a BIG FREAKIN GUN 😂
yes, yes, i should be in bed. quick personal gauntlet kid characterisations:
red: obsessive antisocial glitchmancer/hacker who discovered his original timeline self started an apocalypse cult at age 10 and has never been quite the same since. is exactly as Like That as red and abe, but don’t tell him that
dipper: just wanted to look at plants and it all got a bit out of hand. token sane guy, probably the closest they have to a leader, poor kid
n: n. smiles serenely, befriends eldritch abominations, obeys no law of god or man, possibly immortal. extremely good at wrecking everything while remaining kind and enthusiastic throughout
izzy: discovered she lived in a lovecraft short story and immediately started investing in legendaries. won’t back down, won’t take no for an answer, won’t admit she might not actually be able to do something
reese: flamboyant dresses, acting stardom, and also maybe some plot if she absolutely has to. fought iris purely to steal her dress
esther: look she’s 9. likes hats and (association) football, is friends with an eldritch horror but that’s basically the most unusual thing about her. gonna grow up into an absolutely terrifying adult though, no question
team release the fossil gods: n, esther (kinda)
team do not release the impossibly ancient lovecraftian deities, they will literally destroy the world: red, izzy (when she doesn’t have more pressing things to worry about)
team please stop fighting: dipper
team you literally could not pay me to care about this: reese
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But yeah, so the longer version with Reese is Red0 is trying to be edgy and chaotic and darkness and stuff, Reese is literally a natural. Not even trying. S/he ignores the plot in favor of whatever has caught their interest at the time, which ended up being the first (?) Unova host to 100% the PokeStar Studios.
- Also the game did something weird where we got Darkrai to appear before the post game and it became our ace for that run.
- Reese loved fashion and bright lights, I think they'd get along with Yuu in the worst ways possible. Reese doesn't do explosions though, but would probably enjoy the flair if running the catwalk with pyrotechnics.
- There were questions about the relationship with Darkrai, whether Reese was being puppeted for dark purposes or if Reese was the bad influence and now Darkrai is a big name director making some of the worst movies but we love them anyway. Either way, we think the other hosts may have shown up in the post game because Reese was perceived as a threat whether they actually are or not.
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reese: a lot more collected than her gender presentation would imply, and if you did actually manage to piss her off her immediate recourse would be mean girls bullshit. if you do get into a pokemon battle with her, beware: her signature strategy is cheese
esther: her being friends with a fossil god comes up less often than you might think, she prefers to fight her own battles. if you do manage to hurt her badly enough though, there is that small omnipresent all-but-omnipotent sentient-piece-of-the-universe wrinkle to worry about
izzy: big jump here. izzy’s hobby is strat-o-matic-ing battles with universe-devouring lovecraftian monsters, cross her and you’re basically doomed. best you can hope for is register as an insignificant enough threat she’ll forget you exist after dealing with you
red: look the thing about glitchmancers is that they’re only moderately in control of their crazy powers at the best of times, and sometimes red will even admit that. he’ll either ignore you or make you wish you’d never been born, and you’ll probably not know which is which until all your insides have been swapped with chewing gum
n: oh god. n is even harder to piss off than reese but makes up for that by being (1) an ambiguously human unaging immortal of unclear origin and powers with friends in some very high places and (2) completely unpredictable in every possible way. n follows n rules, n does whatever they want, and n’s been known to bring regions to their knees. i’m honestly not sure what they’re capable of, but i’m sure it’s Bad
dipper: is he hiding some sort of secret rage mode superpower or angsty superpowered dark side? nah. dipper is exactly as kind-hearted and harmless as he appears, a true sunshine boy. you’d have to be a real tool to even think about hurting him
you know who agrees with me about this assessment?
the other gauntlet kids
The question seems to imply you've already pissed them off, so for me it goes Esther, N, Red0, Dippy, Reese, Izzy. But as you said, the problem with some of these is they aren't so quick to attack. Esther is more likely to get in a fight than Reese, but the image of Dippy being the worst one to upset is because the others will all jump you is amazing 😂
I still find it hilarious with Dippy too because I'm sure most Trainers would look at the squad and go "Go for the tree hugger! He's the weak link!" And then Dippy has a fucking bear and steel giant and other things they probably weren't expecting a simple botanist to have :OMEGALUL:
Oh and I will note in the branching lore for Reese to save on future confusion, some will say girl, some will say guy so decide your own pronouns. Reese may actually not have any
Or all
That's just a very Reese thing to do
reese pronown officially Thon
I think I actually remember us joking at one point about Reese trying to physically hold all the pronouns. 😂
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reese going to abooth with pronown stickers/badges and taking them all and decroating a hat wit hit like roark
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i was just thinking of reese as a drag queen but this interpretation is funny so i accept this :Keepo:
I have him as a drag queen in my head :tppPika:
when reese discovered the beautiful world of nounpronouns it was the time when darkrai actually tried to use dark void on its own owner to prevent world from a catastrophe
… i generally think of reese as a she/her gay man, but thinking about it yeah, she probably doesn’t give much of a shit
her gender is ✨gorgeous✨
her gender sparkles so much that lil'd is crying in his french corner
Oh! Actual last thing I'll say about Reese
The run kinda soured towards the end because in order to beat the game, we had to be the Gauntlet PWT where the devs brought the previous four kids back. ... In a gauntlet... With boosted levels and items... And some "interesting" abilities for the Red and Crystal mons since they didn't have them. And no healing in between. This went on for days(? Certainly felt like it) until we had run out of other stuff to do to cool off from the frustration of losing and most were ready for this to be over with. We even traded in for a Landurus grinded to 100 and still couldn't win. Finally chat got mad enough to go into democracy mode to use healing items and I think we stayed in demo to fight too. Because we knew it could be done but it was so precise that it seemed like one wrong input could cost the whole thing which couldn't be done with the crowd we had for this. And then when we FINALLY win, the devs had put in the original gauntlet with the S1 kids for us to fight as well. I like to think Reese was so pissed by this point they just steamrolled it.
Hilariously, I actually hc that after this experience at the PWT, Reese was so mad at the others after the GKids found out Reese wasn't the world ending threat they thought, (HE was trying to stop THEM), they weren't on speaking terms for years. Reese has been living in Kalos under the name Diantha for some time by the time Esther came around
D has been well acquainted with this sparkle bun for some time now
oh did we mention that reese is diantha? (in gauntlet y, anyway)
reese is diantha
That was coming up when we got to Esther stories XD
I mean, that's just my hc, but going back to earlier when I said Wikstrom had Red0's team, Diantha had Reese's. Drasna had Izzy, Seibold had Dippy's, and Malva had N's
Some say just go with the game explanation where the E4 got to borrow them, some say the GKids came in during the post game, but like I said, me and a few others like to think the Diantha we see throughout the game was Reese all along
I missed a lot of X so I'll let others explain. A few key points though
- Esther being into sports came up from the Amie mini games iirc. This was the first time we had enough control to legitimately play them.
- Had Sail, which even if some other others had fossils, this was a first for TPP so there's some depictions that Esther may be an Acolyte (like Red is to Helix). Sail is an interesting god because it's usually said to be in charge of relationships; friends, family, lovers, meetings and partings, it's no surprise given how many friends Esther has either. Between the in-game group you travel with and the GKids asking her to join, she's pretty popular.
- notably we have a Ducklet named Fucklet and some tease that Esther doesn't know what that means, others say she totally swears up a storm surprising people given her age.
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vixletserenity · 2 years
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Send a 👁‍🗨 to peer into my muse’s mindscape -accepting
Another night of arguing and yelling had passed. The amount of nights like this had been growing more and more; it has been nearly three months since this all started.
She sat there curled up and crying in the corner of her room that mommy made sure to be a small area she could use to feel some form of safety. Most of her plushes were here and a soft rug covered the floor. It was clear that the room had been remodeled recently, with lighter areas that barely had any dust still visible against the walls and floor.
That was when the door had opened suddenly as daddy angrily stomped into the room. "Come 'ere." He grumbled as he forcefully pulled his daughter's hand to the center of the room. "Nooo!" Celeste wailed as she tried her hardest to fight back, but ultimately failed.
An item was visible in daddy's hand. It was a belt. Without a second thought, Axel began striking the girl with the belt over and over and over again.
"Why is it that you're that one who lived?!" He shouted as the force being used became harder. Celeste continued wailing in pain; her body flinching each time the belt striked against her. "Heeelp!" She yelled the loudest she possibly could.
But no one was there to answer her cries. Mommy and Charlotte had gone grocery shopping.
"You took the daughter that I wanted away from me! You won't be getting any help this time!" Axel retorted angrily. The sharp pain that could be felt along with the feeling that something had split open on her back.
The scars had reopened.
It was then that the entry way door opened up, "We're home!" she could hear mommy call out as footsteps approached the room. "Dear?" Nova had called before she stopped and gasped to see the scene.
Axel had finally stopped the beating. "Mom...Mommy...." Celeste whimpered as she attempted to reach out for Nova, but screamed in pain from the movement. Nova quickly went and scooped up Celeste from the floor, noticing a small pool of blood on the floor.
"It's ok baby." Nova comforted her crying daughter, "Mommy's here now. Everything'll be okay, I promise."
Nova had quickly gotten her shoes on and passed by Charlotte. "What....What happened to Celeste, Mommy?" She asked, "I need to take your sister to the hospital; the bad scratches on her back reopened." Nova tried to explain before closing the door,
A few hours had passed and the phone ringed; Axel had answered it. "When I get home, you and I are having a talk." It was Nova on the other end.
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nijiiropokemame · 2 years
ok I’m already slowing down on my violet playthrough (I was slowing down after like 4 days) so I want to get my thoughts out now before more time passes.
Overall reaction: I really like this game.
I haven’t played every pokemon game, but this’s...my sixth core series? seventh if you count Arceus. And this game makes a case for counting Arceus, since that was the testing ground for a lot that went into SV.
The 3D areas in SWSH did make me come back to that game more than I would have expected, since I was just so-so on the main game. Then Legends: Arceus came along and blew all that out of the water. I loved the mechanics in Arceus. I loved initiating battles by throwing out a mon, I loved running for my goddamn life from a level 60 giant Stantler, and I especially loved being able to bean critters in the back of the head with pokeballs without having to engage them in battle.
Obvs SV didn’t have the battle-less catch mechanic, but Let’s Go mode is some of the most fun I’ve had with a pokemon game mechanic ever. I actually avoided the Team Star bases for a while bcs I thought it’d just be, y’know, take down the Team Rocket base version 9.0, but once I did and it forced me to use Let’s Go, the whole game really opened up for me. I’d been having a little more fun stopping my critical path to catch and breed some eevees, but nothing beat the first experience of starting at the top of the snowy mountain and bowling my ceruledge down the slope into oncoming hordes of ice-mon.
As much as I feel the sandwich making is a poor sequel to the curry making in SWSH, I think the picnic mechanic is a great evolution of the “spend time with your mon” screen. I was a little overwhelmed when I saw how many ingredients were available, and more so when I saw that they all had powers, but...it’s actually not that scary, and it’s still a more-fun-than-not minigame. I’ve had mixed success with egg power, but boy howdy when I wanted to farm sinisteas to get more armor to evolve more charcadets, the ghost-appearance power made a huge difference. The play ball mechanic is a good idea, I just wish my character could...y’know actually kick the ball. Instead of awkwardly clip through it and occasionally vaguely influence its direction. But it’s still so fun to see my trainer with their pokemon, I’m really happy with this direction.
So, as to new pokemon, this is the installment that made me realize something: when I first got back into Pokemon games in 2018, I was very much of the mind that animal- and plant-like pokemon were not just best, but sort of the point of the game. With this game I realized that I’ve completely turned around on that, and why. Pokemon have much more in common with the idea of like, yokai or spirits or similar mythic beings, except what if those but they’re everywhere all the time in plain sight. Some are deeply affiliated with nature, some are much more closely connected with mankind, which is why mon that look like manmade objects make sense. And, in the same vein, so do anthropomorphic mon.
All this is to say goddamn do I love armarouge and ceruledge. And tinkatuff (yeah I like tinkatuff more than tinkaton...but I still love my girl). And I don’t think I laughed at anything in the game harder than when my sprigatito evolved and was immediately bipedal, but then floragato ended up being another of my favorite new designs (its evolution not as much...that makes two mid-volutions that I like most, which is very unusual). But yeah the armored exclusives shot way up on my list of favs of all time, christ they are cool. I was immediately drawn to armarouge but I’m playing violet, and I didn’t really see the point of starting a scarlet playthrough until I’ve beaten this. I’m ready to challenge the league tho, so maybe I’ll do that and leave the end of the other two plots til the next game.
Yeah, so the diverging paths. They work pretty well! Limiting the usage of your -raidon til you hit a few early goals is pretty smart. I think challenging the gyms in any order worked out really well. The Team Star assault is a slog mostly because the cutscenes are unskippable, man do I not care about that plot, but again the base assault is really fun, and an old-fashioned battle at the end is not bad. The most fun is coming across a titan pokemon in the wild though; I wish cutscenes didn’t play as you approached, at least once I managed to glimpse one in the distance first and said out loud “what is that!?” (it the klawf if I recall), it really captured that Breath of the Wild “stumble upon a thing and then investigate it” feeling.
Oh yeah how could I have not yet talked about the bike. This game is obviously very slow, transitions to different modes like from overworld to battle take forever, and at a couple of points it completely glitched out and kicked me out. Fortunately enough things trigger saves that this wasn’t really a problem. So taking that into account, the fact that miraidon is an absolute joy to use is even more amazing. It handles so smooth, and skidding and changing directions is so cool. I just got the glide ability and I like how it’s implemented. It’s no paraglider from Breath of the Wild, but it still makes descent more seamless and fun. I do wish you could go faster, but I get there are limitations on how much they could design the world with a turbocharged player in mind. The faster you can go, the more they have to think about how much open space to let you have, and if all that open space will make it hard to get from one place to another if you don’t want to spend a bunch of time traversing it with your bike. Anyway this was a feature they obviously spent a lot of time on and it shows. Arceus had the one thing were you could seamless transition from land to water and back, but you still had to select climbing or flying (or...the bear. I never used the bear), and having one mon that just goes feels so much better.
Well, I guess that’s it! This right now ranks as my third favorite game, after my beloved Ultra Moon and then Arceus, both of which had stronger stories imo, and even if pokemon stories are simple I tend to prefer story-centric games. But after a rocky start to this game where it just seemed to be slow and glitchy, it really has a lot to offer by itself, and makes me very excited for new mainline pokemon games in a way I haven’t been in a while!
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theangrycomet-art · 2 years
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Debates over the Midnight Rails
When traveling Galar in part of Arceus’ quest for her to “Seek out all Pokemon”, Akari meets a new friend on the train before she signs up for the Galar League.
Headcannons on Akari in Galar and her dynamic with Hop.
Warning- it’s long and kind of got rambly
Hop is working under Sonia at this point, and while he enjoys the work, he doesn’t really feel like this really fits him. While her focus is how pokemon affected history, he’s far more interested in how pokemon affect the present.
He could theoretically try working under Magnolia herself, but somehow he doesn’t think that’ll help.
Gloria and Victor are busy pissing off Galar by trading the Champion title like its hot potato. Even if they weren’t he’s not even sure if they would be of any help, given that every time either of them gets involved with something they end up taking over the whole thing instead of actually helping. Bede and Marnie are busy training to take over the gyms, so he doesn’t want to bug them.
He wants to do more, but he’s just not sure what more is right now.
Here he’s coming back from picking up some files for Sonia- any excuse to escape the lab and blow off some steam for a bit- when a girl comes up to him as asks if the seats taken.
Her accent is a weird mix of proper old Galarian and something he can’t place. There isn’t a piece of exposed skin not littered with skars. Cuts, burns, both flame and electrical, bite marks, slashes you name it. Tired, she looks like she’s not entirely sure if she actually asked her question out loud.
A mystery, and the most interesting one he’s spotted in the last 17 monthes, he says yes, relighting an old family friendship he hadn’t even known existed.
-/Setting the Scene/-
Akari and Hop get along like wildfire, discussing everything from pokemon ecology to their hometowns to phone cases being a bitch to come off to comparing battle facilities between Unova and Galar.
She explains that her weird accent is from learning Galarian from a Professor and a Nimbasa man who spoke mostly train metaphors
He doesn’t ask about the scars. Leon doesn’t like it when people ask about he scars he got from Enternatus, it’s probably the same for her.
He doesn’t realize how close to the truth he is.
It’s somehow left unmentioned; their relations to the heads of the Battle Tower and Battle Subway.
They eventually get to discussing their own pokemon, where Akari mentions that she is shocked that the Galar Metro doesn’t allow pokemon outside of their pokeballs on the trains. You’d expect them to be properly reenforced given all the trouble with wild pokemon dynamaxing.
Hop gets completely distracted when she pulls out her craft kit and begins to make masterfully hand carved pokeballs, one after another in a seemingly endless variety.
Akari shows him how to make one, explaining how her friend not only was a master carver himself, but taught her how to make pokeballs and gifted her the kit himself. She offers to show him how to make them, and thier discussion quickly becomes a carving lesson.
They spend hours just talking when the subject of pokemon battling comes up.
Akari asks him if he’s any good, and Hop answers honestly that he’s only ever consistently lost to two people, and Gloria was the first one to beat the previously unbeatable champion.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” The blade flashed as she spun it between her fingers, pulling it away from the apricorn to point to his chest. 
“What do you mean?” Eyes occupied with the knife that cut through iron like butter in her hands, he missed her tilt her head in amusement.
“I asked if you think you’re any good. You told me who you haven’t beat.” A breath esccaped him as she carefully returned to tool back to its place in her kit. “I could try and interpret that or you could answer the question.”
What’s that supposed to mean?
She had said it with an easy shrug, but somehow it felt as though the knife was still being pointed at his chest.
“Well...” He considered his words carefully, not wanting to come off as arrogant. “I think I’m good. Though it’s less about winning for me than it is having fun with my pokemon.”
“Good answer.” Smiling, she nodded in approval as she somehow slipped the briefcase sized craft kit into the satchel hidden beneath her jacket.
It’s a start to an interesting friendship
-/Akari’s Galar Legue Adventures/-
While I do think Akari would like doing the gym challenges (going so far as to get EVERY badge Unova has to offer-which by my last count was something like 18(?) if we take into account the mystery badges shown in the anime and the Striaton gym remaining open), I don’t really see her really caring to enter the final league competition.
Between her work under Dr.Fennel and Prof. Burnet, working as a Depot Agent, and continueing to complete Arceus’ neverending task to “Seek Out ALL Pokemon”, she didn’t really see the point in it all.
Beat a bunch of people to get MORE work as Champion? Hard pass.
However, there are archives in Galar that she needs access too, which requires her to beat the Hammerlocke gym leader. She can’t just go straight to him tho, no that would make her life too easy, she’d got to go through the whole gym system as the Galar League require you complete the gyms in order.
And a sponsor to compete.
And for all your battles to be filmed to a live interregional audience.
In addition to dealing with Dynamaxing.
The sponsor was easy- Gear Station would happy to back up one of their own, even without the Subway Bosses. (Advertisement for the Battle Subway!)
The lack of privacy was... Handled. Amazing what happens when she demonstrated what a alpha Rotom can do to recording equipment when reporters get in its trainers’s face.
Just leaving the Dynamaxing.
Her Pokemon are OP enough to take a dynamaxed pokemon without needing to themselves. They battled and won against gods on SEVERAL occasions for goodness sake, they don’t need it. But that doesn’t mean shit if Akari is unable to direct them.
You can’t tell me Dynamaxing wouldn’t be a major trigger for Akari. The Dynamaxed pokemon is far too similar to the Noble’s frenzies while the energy clouds just remind her of her time in exile. It’s not a great combo.
This is going to be a LONG league, even with her new friend.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Okay okay okay! Elesa was Lady Sneasler in her past life, consider: Emmet's past life was Ingo's Gliscor.
Or maybe Lady Elesa is happening at the same time as the Gliscor!Emmet and Ingo end up in Hisui. My girl unlocks her past life by shear ungodly stress for her boys!
Elesa's looking every where she's pulling out all stops searching for her besties. And then like day 3 of her nonstop search she starts getting weird thoughts or unconsciously doing stuff like: saying Warden Ingo instead of subway boss Ingo, or getting a craving for Sinnoh style bean cakes, or maybe even stuff like sharpening her nails or using thicker eyeliner.
And then maybe she crashes day 7or 8 and boom! Everything comes together all at once!. She's like: *wakes from the stress coma* "I know what I must do!" And then sets out to beat up Almighty Sinnoh (Arceus) to get Ingo and Emmet back!
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Okay, first off, I love how two separate people came up with the same idea. Real hivemind moments.
I love this- Lady Sneasler and Ingo's Gliscor caring about him so much, that after he disappears they don't forget him and still want to be with them... so after they die, they're reincarnated across time and space as his best friend and identical twin respectively. Neither of them remember this of course, but they always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu but not quite in those early days when Emmet and Elesa are just getting to know each other.
Which of course, leads to the wild scenario when after Ingo gets yeeted, they both slowly start to remember, and they just end up having like, the weirdest 2 AM phone conversation in their lives, dancing around the weird question of 'hey do you suddenly remember bits and pieces of being a Pokemon with some kind of connection to a guy who looks a lot like Ingo if he was a mountain man?'. Emmet cannot believe he was a GROUND type. He's verrry sorry, Eelektross.
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teamconductors · 2 years
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Lost Tracks of Time, Chapter 26
Summary: Ingo wakes up in a strange realm of light.
Author’s Note: Something that I mentioned in a tumblr ask from a while ago is that Ingo’s inclusion in Legends Arceus felt detached from the game’s narrative and served to only create retrospective angst. And that part of the purpose of this fic was to give purpose to Ingo’s presence in the game. Well… this chapter shows what I mean.
CW: Gore, Body Horror. The relevant section will be denoted with five asterisks instead of my normal three. If this sounds familiar, it’s exactly what you’re thinking. (For the non-AO3 people, this chapter’s title is “Ingo’s Path of Solitude”.)
Thank you @furiouskettle!
(Shippers DNI)
At the Galaxy Expedition Team’s training grounds were two strange humans. One was a young girl, and the other was an old-appearing man. Both wore clothes torn up from countless pokemon battles. Both bore numerous scars – the girl’s from calming frenzied Nobles, the man’s from a near-deadly attack he didn’t recall. And both were skilled in catching, training, and battling with pokemon.
Akari and Ingo stood in front of each other at the center of the training field. Zisu and other security corps gathered to watch the battles. They started their battles at midday, and the sky turned orange for their last one.
“This is our final stop. Let Gallade’s Path of Solitude begin!” Ingo said.
Akari nodded with determination. She and Ingo turned on their feet and took position on opposite sides of the court.
Ingo took out a pokeball. “Gardevoir, get ready for departure!” He turned and threw the pokeball to let out his Gardevoir. Ingo took his natural battle stance, holding onto the brim of his signature cap while pointing forward. He wasn’t sure why he liked doing it, but he did.  
Akari also took a battle stance – her feet wide apart for balance and arms ready for attacks – and took out her pokeball. “Go, Gallade!” She threw the ball and let out her pokemon. Gallade and Gardevoir bowed to each other.
“Gardevoir, use Calm Mind,” Ingo said.
“Gallade, use Sword Dance!” Akari said.
Both pokemon used their buffing moves, with Gallade seemingly dancing as his arm blades sharpened and Gardevoir closing her eyes and breathing careful breaths. Ingo noted that Gallade finished his move faster than Gardevoir did, though they started at the same time.
“All clear! Gardevoir, use Moonblast!” Ingo pointed to Gallade. His strategy for this path was simple, relying on a Gardevoir with strong defenses to attack with a supereffective fairy-type move.
Akari’s eyes widened. “Gallade, use Shadow Claw!”
Gallade’s arm draped itself in shadows. He ran forward as Gardevoir charged her attack. Gallade wound his arm back as Gardevoir unleashed the ball of pink and blue energy at her opponent. Gallade struck the orb, dispersing the energy that still struck his body, and he proceeded to strike Gardevoir as well.
Ingo noted that both pokemon took similar amounts of damage. With Gallade outspeeding Gardevoir, the battle would easily win in Akari’s favor if they kept going. He may want Akari to win, but he wouldn’t make it easy. “Gardevoir, clear the way and use Hypnosis!”
Gardevoir’s eyes glowed as she stared down Gallade. The opponent stiffened before relaxing his posture, the drowsiness taking effect.
“C’mon, Gallade! Shake off that sleep! Use Thunder Punch!” Akari said.
“Gardevoir, use Shadow Ball!” Ingo said.
Gallade’s arm charged up with electricity. He stared down Gardevoir with half-lidded eyes and ran straight at her, though with less speed than his previous attack. When he got close, Gallade’s drowsiness took over him and vaguely hit Gardevoir at her side. Gardevoir threw down her Shadow Ball on Gallade’s head. The shadows exploded like a burst water balloon on the grounded pokemon.
“C’mon, Gallade! I know you can beat them! One last Shadow Claw!” Akari shot her fist up to the sky.
“We are approaching our destination! Use Moonblast!” Ingo said.
Gardevoir prepared a Moonblast larger than half of her body. Gallade’s eyes opened, and he jumped back to attention. Gallade jumped and formed a Shaodw Claw while in the air. He dove to strike Gardevoir through the attack. Pink and blue energy collided with the shadows. The Moonblast exploded in Gallade’s face, but he struck Gardevoir in the chest. Gallade landed and slid past Gardevoir on his feet, forming a trail in the dirt.
Gallade panted but remained standing. Gardevoir collapsed and fainted. Zisu and the Galaxy Team members cheered for their survey corps member.
“Excellent! Bravo!” Ingo said as he pointed to Akari and the ground. He walked to his pokemon. “You performed well. You more than earned a rest.” Ingo recalled Gardevoir to her pokeball. He stood up again to face Akari. “Gallade has reached the destination called Victory! And with that, we reached our final stop in the Path of Solitude you wished to visit today. Allow me to stamp your pokedex.”
Akari smiled and presented her completed pokedex to Ingo. Ingo took out a stamp set from a bag hidden by his signature coat. The young survey corps member had 4 out of 6 pokemon complete their paths, so Ingo stamped the entries for Carnavine, Toxicroak, Raichu, and Gallade. He hoped to see if Eevee and Empoleon could complete their paths in the future as well.
“Do you actually have a path planned for every pokemon, or are you bluffing?” Akari asked.
“Of course I have schedules for each pokemon! Why would I lie about such a thing?” Ingo asked.
She raised a brow at Ingo. “So, you have an idea on how to challenge Dialga and Palkia? And Giratina? And Arceus?”
“I even have a route laid out for Arceus, yes,” Ingo said.
“You are… incredible,” Akari said, though Ingo thought she was going to say a different word at the end. “Okay, that’s enough battles for now. I’m gonna get some potato mochi!”
“That sounds delightful, Miss Akari. I hope you enjoy them.” Ingo thought of his route next. He was borrowing some of the Galaxy Team’s pastures for some of the pokemon he trained for the Paths of Solitude, so he needed to inspect them. After that, he needed to feed his team, and then he could feed himself.
Akari interrupted his thoughts. “Wanna join me, Ingo? I can get Beni to make you mochi!”
Ingo was taken aback from the pleasant surprise. “Hm… Very well. I think I can make an alteration to my schedule for you!”
Akari led Ingo to the Wallflower. She waved to Laventon and Rei, who met at their usual table, but she led Ingo to a different table off to the side of the restaurant. Trees and the building itself provided shade. Ingo hoped she just wanted to speak in private and didn’t want to sit separately for a more sinister reason.
“Is there a particular reason for this meeting, Miss Akari?” Ingo asked.
“Well… uh, yeah...” Akari briefly turned her gaze away from the man. “…Ingo, are you happy here?”
“Hm? Am I happy here at Jubilife Village? Because I am! Miss Zisu has been treating me well, even with us sharing the same battlefield.”
“No, I meant… I meant here in general. Hisui. This time period. All that stuff.”
“What brought this on? Is something wrong?”
“Well… I come from a different time, and so do you. I’ve been thinking about if there’s anything at “home” for me, so I’ve been wondering about you, too.”
“I appreciate your concern, Miss Akari. But… as I mentioned in the past, I don’t remember much before my arrival in Hisui. I… don’t even recall if I had a family, so I have little reference to compare this time to.”
Akari frowned. “That makes sense, I guess, but that doesn’t quite answer me. Ingo, Are you happy here?”
Ingo took a moment to think about how he’d respond. Even though he loved his position as a warden and battle conductor, there was something about the environment that prevented him from enjoying them fully.
Most of the Pearl Clan simply tolerated him; no one would say it directly, but it was a feeling he could not shake off. Pointing was considered rude, but Ingo did it out of instinct. His difficulty controlling the volume of his voice contributed to his unfavorable image. He especially received strange looks and condemnations, even from the typically affable Clan Leader Irida, when he began making and using pokeballs to carry his pokemon instead of letting them roam in the Space Almighty Palkia created for them. Even with how dangerous pokemon proved to be in this environment, he found himself more at ease around them than around humans at times. Several clan members warmed up to Ingo after a couple years, but he still heard remarks when others thought he couldn’t hear them.
And that was to say nothing about the permanent feeling that something was missing from his life. It wasn’t just about losing memories themselves. His pokemon, Lady Sneasler, former Warden Jove, the current Wardens, Clan Leader Irida, Miss Akari, Miss Zisu, all were great friends and allies. But there were holes in the railroad track of his life in need of spikes that he could not find.
But he couldn’t tell Akari that. “Simply put, I take pride in completing my duties. Caring for Lady Sneasler, representing the Pearl Clan, and conducting battles for you and others are all important to me. Because I can fulfill those duties and help you, I feel content.”
Akari gave Ingo a look of uncertainty. Ingo wondered if something in his mannerisms conflicted with the words he gave her.
“Here’s your potato mochi,” Beni said as he presented two plates, one for each time traveler. “Let me know if you want any more.” He left without another word.
“Thank you, Sir Beni!” Ingo said. “Oh, how much do I need to help pay for the meal?”
“Oh, don’t worry, it’s on me,” Akari said. She picked up a mochi and bit into it. Though she clearly enjoyed the treat, Ingo could tell something was not all right with Akari.
“Are you feeling homesick, Miss Akari?” Ingo asked. He wanted to talk for a short time longer to let his food cool off. “You mentioned before that you remember your home from before you fell from the sky, correct?”
“Yeah, that’s right. About remembering home, I mean. I’m… not homesick.” Akari gave a side glance that let Ingo know not to press the issue further. “But I was wondering… if you wanted to go home?”
Ingo hummed as he thought over Akari’s question. “I’m… I’m quite unsure. Though I am grateful for your concern, it is nothing to worry yourself over. All I ask is for you to enjoy our battles and that you reach greater heights on your journey!”
“…Right,” Akari said. She resumed eating her mochi, and Ingo began eating his.
Ingo found himself in a realm of light. He last remembered healing his pokemon but did not recall falling asleep at any point. He had to be dreaming. Though a mostly white space, strange tones of colors shifted between each other in a rainbow kaleidoscope. He stood upright despite the absence of a visible floor. He was not even certain if his sense of direction was correct, a strange sensation for him.
“Greetings, Human. Welcome to my realm. What is thy name?” A voice spoke from all directions and reverberated in Ingo’s head.
Though apprehensive about what this being of light needed from him, Ingo still had to maintain politeness. “Good day. I’m Warden Ingo.”
“Ingo, thou shalt soon find thyself in a world strange for thee. My mission for thou is…”
The rainbow lights collected in front of Ingo. Ingo shielded his eyes as it got brighter. Once the excessive light subsided, what was left was Arceus, the Almighty pokemon Akari caught.
“To live thine life at home in peace,” Arceus said. Their voice still manifested an echo in Ingo’s head.
Ingo stared at Arceus in disbelief. “What a peculiar mission! What brought this on?”
“Thou art aware that I am the one who sent you to Hisui?” Arceus asked.
“I… had suspicions, but I had no track to follow to decisively conclude that.” Akari mentioned in the past that her mission to Seek Out All Pokemon came from Arceus themself. Considering all that happened in the past few years, Ingo had little reason to doubt her. But he did not believe that he himself was sent by Arceus as well. Not until then.
“And thou art aware of Akari’s accomplishments? That is because she took over the role I had given thou.”
Ingo stared at Arceus. A sinking feeling took over him. “…Could I please ask to you elaborate?”
“Yes. Thou knoweth the story of Akari, her appearance into a strange land and purpose to “Seek Out All Pokemon”? That was thine original mission. That was my purpose in transporting thou into this time. That was thine purpose.”
“…In summary, you gave me a journey and destination to reach… and I failed?” Ingo asked after several seconds in piecing together his sudden grief. Ingo’s train of thought followed as Arceus laid down the tracks. He was supposed to have rescued Hisui from Volo and his inane plot to destroy the world? The sick feeling in him worsened by the second. It was not an image he ever expected for himself. But Arceus’ claim was a nightmare. His duties meant everything to him. He had a responsibility to every single passenger and guest who came across his path. Failing even one was not an option as a Warden.
“No. Thou hast succeeded but not in the way I intended.”
White light obscured and took over Ingo’s vision. He saw in a void of shifting days and nights Akari. Instead of her Survey Corps uniform, she wore a strange shirt and short pants. Above her was Ingo. Ingo noted that this version of him had an intact coat, white formal shirt, and blue tie, meaning this was him before he arrived in Hisui. He quickly realized he was watching himself and young Akari travel backwards in time.
And above both humans was a Deep Shadow. It dived toward Akari with glowing red eyes and an aura of lethal intent. Akari braced her impact, unable to do anything else.
“I WON’T ALLOW YOU TO HARM A PASSENGER!” The Ingo in the vision dove toward Akari.
The Deep Shadow tried to strike Akari. Ingo took the strike at his chest, shredding his white shirt. Akari gasped, as though she didn’t expect the man to appear. She watched in horror as the man fell far faster than she was and left behind a trail of blood orbs. As Ingo disappeared, the Deep Shadow turned to try and attack Akari. Then the Deep Shadow disappeared in a blink of light that outshined the surroundings.
“Do not worry. I sent the attacker back to their original time. As thou saw, not only did thou receive a lethal strike and lost thine memories as a result, but thou was also sent back years earlier than I intended,” Arceus said. “And this allowed Akari to enter the time period without issue.”
Ingo’s vision returned to the world of light. “So that’s the cause of my injury…” He brushed a hand across his torso, feeling the tunic’s cloth but also the scar underneath. “I am glad that I helped Akari even back then.”
“Yes, but that is not all. I used Future Sight to gain a vision of alternate timelines in which thou arrived at the intended time. The first Warden for Sneasler would perish a year prior to thine arrival, resulting in a great obstacle in thine duty to Seek Out All Pokemon.”
“Jove was supposed to die?” Ingo asked. His thoughts answered his own question, as he recalled an avalanche the two avoided. If Jove was by himself that day, he might not have noticed the signs and gotten away in time…
“The same problem would have occurred if I only sent Akari. While thou was sent to an unintended location, it allowed Akari a smoother path on her mission.”
“If I may ask, why are you telling me all of this? And how does this relate to “living my life at home”?”
“Thy hast fulfilled thine duty and more. Therefore, if thou wishes it, I can return thee to thine original time.”
“Almighty Arceus, while I sincerely appreciate your generosity, I have a duty in Hisui as a Warden. I do not feel comfortable departing from this station when no replacement is left to carry my duties, including maintaining Sneasler’s condition, taking care over my pokemon, and conducting battles.”
“If thou dost not wish to stay in thine realm permanently, thou can return here as well. What if I returned thou to the same time as thou hast left? For thine allies, it will be as though you never left.”
Ingo hummed. “That would ease my mind slightly, but…” He recalled Akari’s musings about her home. “Is there anything left for me in that station in my original time?”
“There is thine brother.”
Ingo’s heart skipped a beat. “…I had a brother?”
“That is correct.”
“I had a family…” Ingo’s heart made up for the skipped beats by picking up speed. “…If I am able to return to my station in Hisui without any schedule changes, then I would like to see my origin station then.”
“Noted. Allow me to bestow upon thou a gift.”
Ingo felt something on his right wrist. The Sneasler bracelet was gone, replaced by a white, unnaturally smooth bracelet. He felt a weight on the back of his wrist. A small square of black was surrounded by white and gold detailing.
“This is a watch,” Arceus said. “Use it to tell me when ready to return.”
Ingo found himself pulled off the ground. He floated up toward Arceus as the lights around him intensified. Ingo crawled into a ball to escape the lights’ painful effects. And then he vanished in a blink of light and colorful sparks.
Ingo fell up through the time tunnel. The strobing light and darkness dotted by glittering stars brought a strange sense of familiarity and dread within him. Though Arceus’ words already encouraged him to escape his duties for a moment, he mulled them over again to make sure he made the right decision. Akari was correct in her assessment that Ingo was not completely satisfied with his life, but he questioned if he will be able to return to Hisui without a single change in schedule.
More pressingly, was there really someone waiting for him at the end of the route? Was it a reward for succeeding in saving the world, or was this a complicated ruse to get rid of him? Only certain people in the Pearl Clan and Galaxy Team tolerated him and his strange mannerisms that not even he could explain. Then again, it would be strange to employ an Almighty pokemon like Arceus to do such a thing. But the thought would not depart from his mind. Not matter how much he tried to help others, not even Arceus would think it was enough. Or was Ingo doomed to always be missing something in his life?
But he heard a voice that stopped his destructive thoughts in its tracks.
“Ingo! Ingo!”
Ingo looked up to see who called his name. His eyes widened. It was a blip of white that came from among the dark. For some reason, nothing about the man’s appearance surprised him. Tears tried to break out from his eyes. It was the fellow that he shared a face with. It was the man who liked winning more than anything else. Arceus was right. Ingo had a family.
“Emmet?” Ingo said without thinking.
Emmet reached out to Ingo. “Ingo! I am Emmet! I found you! I finally found you!” Ingo did the same.
Ingo’s joy left the station when he saw a familiar Deep Shadow above Emmet.
The next moments occurred in fragments. An extremely sharp pain radiated from Ingo’s neck. Warm red liquid oozed onto his hands. Red liquid flew from the back of Emmet’s head. Emmet wasn’t moving. Ingo tried to scream for help, but nothing resembling his voice came out.
Ingo reached out one hand toward Emmet. Ingo’s fingers fused together, and the skin hardened, forming two claws. The same thing happened to Emmet. Emmet’s skin turned teal. The blood stopped trailing from Emmet’s head. Ingo saw something red poke out from Emmet’s ear. Emmet’s eyes closed, and he seemed to shrink and disappear into his coat.
Ingo feared the worst. Ingo found himself able to scream again. He didn’t recognize his own voice or the sounds he made. Something itched under the skin of his left ear. Pain collected in the middle of his forehead and over his heart. Ingo’s hat obscured his vision, as did his coat that flapped in the tunnel’s wind.
Ingo’s consciousness began to fade as prickling, stabbing pain overtook his nerves. It reminded him of a Sneasel’s poison, a sensation he grew accustomed to from working with Lady Sneasler but manifested hundreds-fold in strength. He finally got relief over the missing segments of his mind. Ingo finally reunited with his family, but it lasted for no longer than a minute before complete derailing.
“Warden Ingo, thou hast professed thine unsatisfactory feelings.” Arceus’ voice rang in Ingo’s head as his vision went white. “Consider this thine second chance, this time with thine sibling as an apology for separating thee. Ingo, rescue the Deep Shadow and prove thyself!”
In the present, Ingo opened his eyes. He wasn’t certain of what he expected to find when he woke up, but the bed he laid on was soft and comfortable, tempting him to stay asleep. But Ingo had places to be, so he refused and sat up.
Ingo realized he was in the Pearl Guild’s infirmary. His coat, cap, and bag all hanged on a clothes stand nearby. A wet towel was tied over his head, which he concluded was for his gem. Based on his dreams, he quickly concluded that he somehow regained his memories from before he became a pokemon.
He heard snoring and saw Sneasler sleeping next to him. She sat in a chair and laid her head on Ingo’s bed. Next to her was the trains history book Emmet got from Laventon.
“Hey, Ingo!” Gaeric said. “You finally woke up! Wow, you were really tired, but makes sense. Rest is important for getting strong.”
“”Finally” woke up?” Ingo asked. “How long was I unconscious for?”
“You were out for about a week,” Gaeric said.
“A week?!” Ingo’s yell shook some of Gaeric’s jars of medicinal herbs and berries.
Sneasler snapped out of her nap. The fur on her face was matted and had a flat spot from Sneasler laying her head. “Huh? What? …Oh, hey, Ingo.”
“Good day, Sneasler!” Ingo said. “I’m surprised Emmet isn’t here.”
“He and the other two are doing missions today,” Sneasler said as she stretched.
Ingo’s ears stood up. “Emmet is performing rescues without me? That is excellent! His anxiety has been terrible. I need to congratulate him once he returns!”
“Cool. Let me just make sure you’re all good before you leave,” Gaeric said. “Let me see your forehead.”
“Ah, of course. I should note that I am not experiencing any dizziness like my previous injury,” Ingo said. He untied the towel from his head. Though Ingo’s gem still possessed the cracks from his old injury, it showed no signs of further propagation or desire to turn to dust.
“That… is a lot better than I expected,” Sneasler said.
“That is a relief. I suspect this resulted from taking a slower train to regain my memories,” Ingo said. “I feel bad for Emmet, though. His express train resulted in numerous issues for him…”
“Well, I put on the salve before any damage happened, but whatever you say. Let me just finish my stuff,” Gaeric said.
After Nurse Gaeric finished checking Ingo’s vitals, he was satisfied with the results and allowed Ingo to leave the infirmary. He and Sneasler walked out and went towards the twins’ tent. Sneasler grabbed the book she borrowed and placed it in her basket.
“Sneasler, I noticed that you were reading Emmet’s book,” Ingo said as he put back on his coat and cap. “Are you interested in trains, too?”
“No…” Sneasler said. “I was just bored and grabbed the closest book I found…”
“You can admit that trains are fascinating! I remember more things about them now, so if you wish, we can talk about them together.”
“Nah, I’m good. I’m not as nerdy as you two.”
“But you have said “all aboard” with Emmet and I back at Mt. Coronet! In fact, I recall you saying it with us multiple times!”
“Y-You’re imagining things.” Sneasler had to admit that her tone was not convincing.
“While I am thinking of it, I am unsure if Emmet has mentioned this, but Emmet and I barely kept ourselves on the tracks while we were inside Giratina’s mind. The Red Chain was affecting us, and… Emmet and I nearly lost ourselves. But then we heard your boarding call.” Ingo smiled. “Sneasler, you saved us from derailing and crashing. I can never thank you enough! Thank you for rescuing us, Sneasler!”
Sneasler’s cheeks warmed. She felt a hand up in front of her mouth and turned her gaze away. “Well… Yeah, it’d suck if you made all the way here and lost to some idiots like Team Wish. You don’t need me to tell you that.”
“We did. We absolutely did.”
Ingo and Sneasler made it to the tent. Ingo plopped onto his haybed and gazed up at the theory board he and Emmet made. It appeared that they wouldn’t need it anymore.
“So, do you actually have all your memories back?” Sneasler sat down next to Ingo.
“That is a good question, but it might be a better idea to explore once Emmet, Chandelure, and Eelektross return. For now, I want to see how much I remember about trains!” Ingo said.
“…Oh no,” Sneasler said.
“Where to begin?” Ingo grabbed the brim of his hat. “Perhaps with a simple definition? No, perhaps not, since you already know what a train is. How about different types?”
Emmet held onto Chandelure’s thin metallic arms for dear life as the ghost pokemon flew, their flames lapping at Emmet’s cap and ear feather.
“How can you even tell he’s awake from this far…?” Eelektross asked as he followed his partners. His question was in response to Chandelure’s reason for their extreme speed.
Palina, taking sentry duty as normal, noticed her gaze drawn toward blue flames in the distance. The outpost’s binoculars confirmed her suspicions. “The guests are Emmet, Chandelure, and Eelektross! And my goodness, they are coming this way hot! Open the gate, Lian!”
“I’m workin’ on it!” Lian tried to open the gate as fast as he could with stubby arms. He got the gate halfway up when Chandelure and Emmet squeezed through the opening. He paused and heard the excited pokemon zoom through the main halls to a destination Lian had a feeling he knew. Eelektross followed them with apologies that faded as he chased after them. Lian kept forgetting how long Eelektross’ body was and was reminded as the pokemon took 5 seconds to fully pass through the gate.
“…Now, the Normal and Super lines are similar in structure and share personnel, but Emmet and I personally ensure that each trainer’s team is appropriate for the line they are set to work in!” Ingo said to Sneasler, who nodded along.
“I AM EMMET! I AM HERE!” Emmet was literally thrown through the tent’s entrance. Sneasler jumped into action to catch him and prevent the tent’s collapse from the Sneasel projectile.
“Emmet! What a surprise! You arrived ahead of the schedule,” Ingo said.
“Oh, thank Ar- actually, no, I’m not gonna thank that bastard. Emmet! Ingo has been talking about trains for an hour!” Sneasler said.
“Is that so? My apologies, Sneasler. I did not expect my infodump to last that long!” Ingo said.
“You didn’t stop him?” Emmet asked Sneasler.
“You. I don’t need your logic,” Sneasler said. “Also, why did you fly in here??”
To answer her question, Chandelure also flew into the tent and straight into Ingo��s arms.
“Good day, my Chandelure,” Ingo said as he petted his pokemon’s head. “I apologize for worrying everyone. But several memories have returned to me during my rest.”
“Yep. The Arc Watch told us,” Emmet said.
“Do you… remember everything now?” Eelektross asked as he poked his head into the tent.
“Hm, a good question for certain. I doubt that an average person with no memory issues would remember all the details of their life at once,” Ingo said.
“I want to test it,” Emmet said. “Are you ready to start our journey, Ingo?” He pointed at Ingo and the ground.
“Journey?” Sneasler asked.
“Yes, I am prepared! All aboard!” Ingo pointed at Emmet and the ground.
“This is our first stop: Can you name all the pokemon we had before we came here?” Emmet asked.
“Let me think.” Ingo hummed. “Well, there’s Chandelure and Eelektross, of course. Then there’s Excadrill, the twin Haxoruses, Crustle, the twin Klinklangs, Garbodor, Durant, Galvantula, your many, many Joltiks…”
Chandelure and Eelektross followed along and nodded as Ingo listed off pokemon.
“There is also Archeops, Escavalier, Accelgor, Gliscor, Machamp-“
“Please break,” Emmet said. “I do not recognize those last two pokemon.”
“Yeah, neither do I…” Eelektross said.
Ingo sported a confused stare into the distance. “…Oh! I appear to be confusing our teams in Unova with my team from Hisui!”
“What are the other pokemon?” Emmet asked, curious to what pokemon Ingo raised on his own.
“Well, I mentioned Gliscor and Machamp. There is also Tangrowth, Alakazam, Magnezone, and Probopass. But that was only my main team. I trained several more pokemon for the sake of helping trainers through battles. I altered my team and trained numerous pokemon to craft the perfect opponents for each trainer that boards!”
Emmet’s ears perked up. “That’s like the Battle Subway.”
“Well, I was the only person running the battles instead of employing other trainers to fight first and there were no trains, but yes!” Ingo said.
“Here is our next stop: how did we meet Eelektross and Chandelure?” Emmet asked.
Ingo grabbed the brim of his cap. “…They were our first pokemon, though at the time, they were Tynamo and Litwick. When we turned 10, our parents gave us pokemon to start our journeys. Tynamo was given to you because you liked the strategic advantage of an electric-type pokemon with the ability Levitate.
“But Litwick was not supposed to be my first pokemon. A Litwick followed me around for days before our tenth birthday. Our parents were worried, but I wasn’t. When Emmet and I exchanged birthday gifts to the other, he gave me a pokeball to catch Litwick.” Ingo cracked a smile. “And Litwick became my pokemon with no delay.”
“Is that right?” Sneasler asked Eelektross and Chandelure.
“That’s… correct,” Eelektross said. He was the only witness to Chandelure’s gushing over Ingo being a cute kid. Eelektross noted how quickly Chandelure shrugged off the implication of Ingo’s family not liking them.
“Alright, now I see the course you’re taking!” Sneasler said. “Yo, Ingo. How did you meet my ancestor from Hisui?” Though Sneasler’s memories of Hisui were still spotty, she recalled her ancestor’s meeting of the strange warden well.
Ingo hummed as he thought. “That is a bit more unclear, probably due to my state of mind.”
Ingo woke up shivering. The landscape and sky were white. Red liquid pooled around him. Sharp pain radiated across his entire chest. He faded in and out of consciousness, as the pain both tried to make him faint and keep him awake. He couldn’t stop groaning, but his noises of pain were drowned out by a snowstorm raging.
“Someone! P-Please help me!” Ingo said. His groaning turned to crying. His body wanted to quit on him.
But he saw a light at the end of the tunnel, which took the shape of a tall humanoid figure with long claws and a basket on her back.
Ingo found himself getting picked up. The figure held him in her arms and began running. The pain did not let up once, but even though blood continued to pour from his wounds, he found warm safety in the tall stranger’s arms.
“Who is that?!” another figure said. It was a human. “Don’t worry, Sir. Please hold on, and we will help you.”
Ingo’s consciousness finally faded as the human began wrapping something around his torso.
When he woke up again, Ingo noticed something wrapped around his torso. He no longer shivered, as he was in a cave with a campfire nearby. Dried leaves and branches littered the cave. The only notable feature of the cave was an altar. He could see in the corner of his vision a mortar and pestle, shears, and berries and strange leaves next to his body.
Sitting next to Ingo was an elderly man. His violet hair was kept up in two ovular buns and had a moustache to match. He wore a pink tunic with a strange symbol, fluffy pants stuffed into white boots, and a long scarf. Next to the human was a long pokemon with violet and pink claws. The pokemon stood over both men, keeping her eye on the injured stranger.
“Oh good, you’re awake,” the man said. “Don’t try to stand or sit up yet. Your wounds are still healing. I’ll get you to a better healer once the storm clears.”
Ingo tried to sit up before remembering the man’s order. “Thank you for assisting me!” He saw the man and the pokemon jump when he spoke, indicating that he spoke too loudly. The cave echoing his words likely made it worse.
“Don’t thank me,” said the man as he recovered from the loud noise. “Thank Lady Sneasler. She was the one who saw your dark coat and smelled your blood in the storm.” He gestured to the pokemon.
The pokemon brought her hand up to her mouth and snickered in pride.
“Then thank you, Lady Sneasler! Thank you for guiding me to a safe station,” Ingo said.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, what in the world attacked you? I’ve been a Warden for a long time, and I’ve never seen gashes like that, not even from an alpha,” the man asked. “There was no poison, no burns, nothing but a strange injury. What happened?”
“I… I have no clue.” Ingo hummed. His stare dozed off to the distance as he tried to backtrack events in his head. “I can’t recall what happened. I… do not even know my location. What station are we at?”
“The Coronet Highlands, specifically Lady Sneasler’s Seat. And let me ask, who are you? You’re not in the Diamond Clan or Ginkgo Guild, are you?”
“Who am I? Who I am is something I’m not certain about. I remember nothing from before you found me…”
“Do you have a name?”
“My name? My name… My name is… Ingo. My name is Ingo!”
“Ingo, huh? I’m Warden Jove from the Pearl Clan. Lady Sneasler here is my ward.”
“Thank you, Lady Sneasler and Warden Jove!” Ingo didn’t smile, but he was sure his gratitude came across.
Lady Sneasler walked to stand behind Ingo. She dropped and sat down, dragging the injured human’s head onto her lap.
Jove’s default fettered demeanor gave way to confusion. “Lady Sneasler? What are you doing?”
Lady Sneasler licked Ingo’s hair. She even picked at his hair, trying to clean him and make him look good.
“Is there something wrong with my head?” Ingo asked.
“Other than the amnesia, no, there isn’t… Lady Sneasler, is now really the time for grooming?” Jove stared at the Noble pokemon.
Lady Sneasler rose her free hand and shooed off Jove’s question. She loved Jove’s confused expressions.
“Well, I’m glad that Lady Sneasler took a shining to you. I guess we’ll figure out what to do with you once you’re better,” Jove said.
“Very well then! I hope to return to proper operating condition soon.” Ingo wasn’t completely sure where his words came from, but it made his thoughts easier to explain. Lady Sneasler’s grooming and the strange sensation it created took Ingo’s mind off his dire wounds, even as Jove’s anesthetics wore off. Ingo felt a little less afraid.  
“It now occurs to me that it was Chained Giratina that gave me those near-fatal injuries,” Ingo said. “I fear for what would have happened had Lady Sneasler not notice me in the cold. To returned to our main route: instead of perishing, I spent a couple years in the Pearl Clan and displaying my talent with taming pokemon. With Lady Sneasler’s and Clan Leader Irida’s approval, Warden Jove trained me to become a Warden – Lady Sneasler’s new Warden. Does that line up with your knowledge, Sneasler?”
Sneasler felt stuck something in her throat. “Y-Yeah, you got it. Did you have to mention the cleaning part, though?!”
“Of course! It was part of the circumstances of our meeting!” Ingo said.
“Ugh…” Sneasler didn’t want to admit that Ingo had a point. Recalling her ancestor’s perspective of the meeting reminded her of how much the old lady “took a shine” to the amnesiac, depressed Ingo. It was almost embarrassing to recall.
“We approach our final stop.” Emmet pointed again at Ingo. “How did we become friends with Elesa?”
Ingo paused to think. “…It was while Battle Subway was being constructed, am I correct? Elesa acted as both model and gym leader in Nimbasa City, and she wanted to test us. To be truthful, her aura intimidated me, but we both ended up battling her! I faced her in a singles line, and you faced her on the doubles line. I lost my battle, but you won yours, Emmet.”
Emmet shook his head. “I did not win. And I thought you did?”
“Shit, you have faulty memories?” Sneasler asked.
“…No, wait, didn’t both of you lose? I do remember underestimating her team…” Eelektross said. He looked over and saw Chandelure’s confused expression. “… And you remember winning. Of course, you do.”
“Perhaps our poor collective memories of the event mean that who won or lost doesn’t matter,” Ingo said. “I remember enjoying our battle! She was fun to adapt my strategy against!”
“Mm-hm! I had fun, too!” Emmet said. His smiled quivered. “…I miss Elesa.”
Ingo nodded in agreement. “I think it’s fair to conclude that my memories have returned…” His stare drifted to the distance.
“What’s on your mind, Ingo?” Sneasler asked.
“It… appears that Emmet and I are in a strange situation with no possible resolution. I now remember my duties as a Subway Boss, which is to guide others to their destinations and goals. Similarly, my duties as a Warden are to not only take care of Lady Sneasler but also to help others with matters about pokemon. But here I am, unable to fulfill either purpose.” Ingo began fidgeting with his sleeves. “But my duties here as a pokemon rescuer are just as important! All three roles are important! I cannot stay here, but staying in any one location would leave the other two locations empty.”
Emmet nodded. “I want to return to our origin. I want to see Elesa. I want to see my other pokemon. I want to have fun battles again as a trainer. …But I agree that I don’t want to leave you behind.” He pointed at Eelektross, Chandelure, and Sneasler when he said that.
Sneasler sighed. “You guys are talking about time travel. I mean, it’s obviously possible, but we’d need to meet with Celebi or Dialga, which is… easier said than done.”
“What a predicament you are in,” a familiar voice said. Ingo, Emmet, and Sneasler jumped from surprise.
“Giratina?” Ingo asked. “Are you present?”
“They’re right here,” Emmet said. He pointed to a large pot of water. In the pot, instead of seeing a normal reflection, the water showed the image of Giratina in the Distortion World. He and Ingo surrounded the pot.
“What are you doing in their water??” Sneasler asked, looking over the shoulders of the Sneasels.
“I can observe your world through reflections,” Giratina said. “Let me see if I got this right: you two wanna return to your old times for stuff while also coming back here when you want?”
“That is well put, yes,” Ingo said.
“What, you plan on talking to Dialga or Celebi or something?” Sneasler asked. “Because what they want is more time travel shit, and they’re the ones who can do that, right?”
“No. You won’t need those fools to help you.” Giratina smiled. “After all, you have me. I owe you my life. I know exactly how I can help you.”
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exoflash · 2 years
The trainguy beats up a sith lord crackfic
I wrote this at 2 am a few nights ago as a joke. Still cant find the post on here that inspired it.
Everyone is probably SUPER out of character. But this is a joke fic anyways, so that's fine. Don't go around posting me in cringe comps
The weather was cold. And windy.
Very, verrrry windy. Yup.
Where had Solgaleo even taken him? The man's research had given him a lead, and he planned to go full steam ahead to ancient Sinnoh. But this... it seems he had certainly exited at the wrong station.
Regardless, he held that spark of hope- wrapping his coat ever tighter around his body with one hand, hanging onto his hat with the other as he braved the terrible storm overhead. All he had to do was find shelter...
He was sent flying back again by the near-unsurvivable weather.
And straight into some sort of wall.
Well, that solves the shelter issue! If any other soul was around, perhaps he could get directions back to Nimbasa City? Yup. Someone would know, he was certain of it! Very certain. Verrrrrrry certain...
As he entered into the darkness, he was beginning to wish he'd brought his lantern. He didn't want to send out any of his pokemon- Not in these weather conditions! He wouldn't dare endanger the safety of his passengers!
His eyes eventually began to adjust to the dark. What was that shiny thing on the ground?
His brother would not have advised to pick it up. He was the man's only source of impulse control.
But his brother wasn't here right now, he could do anything he wanted!
His brother... wasn't-
He tried not to think about that as he picked the object up.
"Ah! A flashlight! Verrrry good!"
He clicked to turn it on, and the surrounding area was engulfed in the light of a blue blade.
"...This is not a flashlight. Yup. But it will do. Yup."
He stood there for a few seconds.
Ingo would've been fascinated by-
No, don't think about that right now. Full steam ahead!
He carefully examined the space he was in, the dim light guiding his way. The space was wide, but nobody was here. Probably abandoned.
He decided to continue into the labyrinth, alert for danger.
This place was HUGE, and he didn't want to stay long. If he didn't find anyone, he would see if he could contact someone by phone or internet.
"...I am Emmet. I am getting verrrrry tired of this." He said quietly, to no one in particular.
He was about to give up the search, when...
"-it! Make the sacrifice!"
Emmet's eyes went wide. He would've preferred being stranded to hearing something like THAT.
Without a second thought, he immediately (and carelessly) began to run for the source of the sound.
His hat went flying off as he bolted. It was surprising this hadn't happened much earlier.
He skidded to a halt as he arrived- thank Arceus nobody had heard him.
Because this was definitely some sort of cult.
He stood before a giant open room, the centerpiece a dark throne that gave the former king of Team Plasma a run for his money.
It was set up like some sort of colosseum, cult(?) members in robes standing all the way around it.
In the middle of the room stood a girl holding a sword similar to his own.
Facing her was an old man on life support. Yeah, that checks out. Would creepy old men please stop trying to take over the world for FIVE minutes?!
The girl raised her sword.
The cult members approached her.
This was verrry bad! Unacceptable! No harassment allowed! He had to intervene!
"Hello! I am Emmet."
Everyone halted, turning to the new voice. Even the old man did a double take, he and the girl briefly exchanging a look of confusion.
The old man spoke up.
"How did you end up here, boy...?!"
Eugh, he sounded as gross as he looked. Verrrry icky. No good.
"That is unimportant! You are trying to do something harmful to the safety of all passengers involved!"
"And how do YOU know this?" The old man hissed, voice dripping with more venom than a wild Arbok.
"I am good at reading faces. I have had lots of practice."
He stepped out into the arena, almost flamboyantly. He put a hand on his hip, using the laser sword as a pointing stick in the other. "Rrrregardless! I request that you cease all malicious activities, or else I will have to bring your track to a forced stop!"
Everyone in the arena was just staring awkwardly as the air went still.
Finally, the old man broke into a fit of laughter. Before Emmet could say anything else, he found himself flying into the wall. Again.
He yelped like a hurt puppy, his grin not leaving his face.
The old man made a mistake. Emmet had lost his grip on the strange laser sword, and it had gone flying straight into his overly complicated life support.
Get owned, boomer.
The cultists from the shadows were shouting, and he was unsure if they were screaming or cheering. It reminded him of the televised pokémon arena battles in Galar... albeit in a creepy 'you are about to get sacrificed to a Giratina worshipping cult' way.
As he got back up, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching rapidly.
On instinct, he jumped up, standing straight and saluting the newcomer. The new guy didn't notice, running straight for the girl. Emmet waved anyways.
"Hello! I am Emmet. I do not think the old man is dea-"
The cultists on the ground drew their weapons on the three.
The newcomer had grabbed the laser sword Emmet had tossed into the life support system- was he watching the whole time too?
Whatever. He had his fists. If he could handle the streets of Castelia city, he could handle weirdos in robes.
A laugh.
Oh dear Arceus above. The old man's not dead.
Rey hardly remembered the fight, and everything that led up to it. She and Ben had fought by each other's side, both of them moving in perfect sync. Everything was going too quickly for her to even think. All they had to do was survive. Trust in the Force. She had risked so much to get here, with only Ben fighting by her side.
...Well, okay. The disheveled postman was a surprise. And he seemed just as confused as she was. But she didn't have time to unpack all that. He was holding his own just fine- probably a resistance fighter.
When everything had slowed down, though. She couldn't even try yo confront Palpatine. The man in white was beating the kriff out of him, and... WINNING?
He was now kicking the former emperor into the ground, yelling something about safety checks and staying behind the yellow line.
"Hey- I, uhm- I think... I think- I think you've gotten him-" Ben chimed in, probably too scared to actually approach.
The man in white froze, and turned to him.
"I am Emmet. I am verrrrry tired of 80 year old megalomaniacs. Yup!"
He continued his beatdown.
Welp. Since this wasn't the big fight anyone was prepared for, Ben and Rey simply looked at each other exhaustedly. They both just decided to wait a couple more minutes.
This was sure gonna be something to explain to the resistance.
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terrific-togekiss · 4 years
What if Pokémon Legends went on to other Regions?
This has been a topic of the Pokémon fandom for awhile. With the announcement of Pokémon Legends: Arceus not too long ago, many fans are anticipating and speculating the future of this ambitious side series.
Being able to not only witness, learn and partake in the legends that shape both the regions and Legendary Pokémon, leaves much room for creativity.
This is all merely speculation.
Here's my take for how any future Pokémon Legends games could play out.
Pokémon Legends: Mew
Set about roughly 20 years before the events of Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow, the elusive Mew makes an appearance in the Kanto Region.
This prompts many scientists to want to study and catch the original Pokémon, foreshadowing the creation of Mewtwo and the Ditto.
You, the player, are taken under the wing of a much younger Professor Oak, with the Gen 1 Gym Leaders also showing up to lend a hand.
As the plot focuses on you tracking down Mew before various criminals and an older Team Rocket, try to for their own nefarious purposes. Helping Professor Oak invent the Pokédex and with his research.
Gene splicing and gene testing on Pokémon grew after the War LT. Surge fought in, with an older Team Rocket using it to their advantage.
This Team Rocket being a much bigger criminal organization, before the player took them down and a smaller one appeared in Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow.
A younger Giovanni is also present, as the player gets to know the man that would go on to lead present day Team Rocket. He's a friend to the player... for now, giving some insight on who he was beforehand and show how he took over the criminal organization, setting up the events Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow.
Mew's appearance in the Kanto region, inspires him to the point of illegal gene testing on Pokémon.
As a nod to Pokémon first debuting in 1996, the game takes on a more of a late 60s to mid 70s aesthetic, so it feels like the player is shaping the legends that set up Gen 1 of Pokémon.
Plus Kanto in the Legends artstyle would be mindblowing. And take inspiration from 60s to 70s Japan.
In addition, to avoid looking too similar to Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Being more of a modern era Japan region, than a Meiji period Japan inspired region. While following in said game's footsteps, by focusing on the secondary legendary than the main one (Mewtwo).
The starters would be Chikorita (Gen 1 is about Nature vs Technology), Torchic (Peace and War aesthetic) and Popplio (60s to 70s definitely saw a rise in many famous and popular musicians).
Pokémon Legends: Celebi
Ever wonder the origins of the Legendary Beasts: Raikou, Suicine and Entei?
What they were before they were killed in Brass Tower revived by Ho-Oh? How Ho-Oh came down and choose them, saving their lives? The sea Lugia stays in the deep for? The early days of Johto? The ruins of Alpha in the past? The early days of the Kimino Girls?
Well now you, the player, do now! ...sort of. As the title of the game implies, the player meets and befriends Celebi and gets to see many of these events via time travel.
Not only would this include a huge mechanic separate from other Legends games, but it would be the most unique in how it could be approached. As Nintendo is no stranger to time travel games (e.g. Majora's Mask) that impact both the plot and gameplay.
Time travel tends to create stories that are very confusing or very heartwrenching. Or both. But I have no doubt it would be the latter.
It also leaves room for many side quests.
Starters would be Bulbasaur (Time is all about growth), Scorbunny (Bunny Rabbits are not only a common symbol in the older days of Japan, but of Spring much like Ho-Oh) and Froakie (ninjas were more prevalent during this time period, as they slowly faded out).
Pokémon Legends: Jirachi
1000 years before the events of Pokémon Emerald, (Omega) Ruby and (Alpha) Sapphire, chaos raged across the ancient Hoenn Region, between two legendary Pokémon: Groudon and Kyogre. The Draconid people hope and pray for the arrival of Rayquaza to save the Hoenn Region itself.
This is where the player steps in: in order for all this chaos to end, the wishes of the people must be heard. And the only Pokémon capable of that is Jirachi.
The player would go around helping wishes be granted, traveling and training Pokémon along the way.
An ancestor of Zinnia also makes an appearance as a friend and rival of the player.
To maintain the wishes and stars aesthetic, Deoxys also makes an appearance with its origin being explored. Being able to explore space itself, meeting Pokémon said to have an "alien" origin, like Elgyem and Beheeyem.
Latios and Latias can also be caught, flying on them just like in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
The meteor that would hit the future Sootopolis is what awakened Groudon and Kyogre, said Meteor containing Deoxys. Setting up the game's plot.
Since it's roughly 1000 years before the Gen 3 Pokémon games, Hoenn resembles and takes inspiration from Japan during the Heian period.
The starters would be Turtwig (Theme of continents being at stake), Chimchar (Japanese and Chinese relations) and Totodile (sea monster symbolism, which is often associated with crocodiles and related animals).
Pokémon Legends: The Dragon
Two Princes, of Galar origin, known as the "Twin Heroes" share the power of an unimaginable Legendary Dragon. Bringing Truth and Ideals to the people of Unova. They live and lead from Relic Castle.
You, the player, are a friend of the princes and over the course of the game, your alliance with them changes. Struggling to choose between Truth or Ideals. Serving as a major story mechanic.
A feud and disagreement between the Princes happen, with the player being caught in the middle and to try to quell the anger of the Dragon.
In addition to finally seeing Reshiram and Zekrom before they split, Victini is also present with the Swords of Justice Pokémon (Cobalion, Virizion, and Terrakion), the Forces of Nature (Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus) and even Meloetta tries to raise people's spirits.
Team Plasma's origins are alluded to, with the army of the Princes baring an odd resemblance to the future evil team.
The game has more of a wild western aesthetic since Unova is based on New York. Think late 18th century America. With horseback riding on Pokémon like Zebstrika and Rapidash, bandits and criminals that try to steal your Pokémon and being able to explore Unova in its entirety.
Or perhaps roaring 20s to 30s America. If that setting sounds more vibrant and close to the Unova of Gen 5. This is all still speculation.
You even get to ride Keldeo in a later part of the game.
The starters would be Chespin (Chesnaught is based on a Glyptodon; fossils were found in South America), Litten (Wrestling is popular in New York) and Mudkip (mudpuppies are found in Lake Michigan).
Pokémon Legends: Diancie
Set after the Kalos War, you the player are caught in the middle of it going off to fight with your Pokémon. Hoping to make a difference as the Professor (ancestor of Professor Sycamore) takes you under his wing. And hoping to help the war turned world that is Kalos.
Yveltal and Xernas have both gone into slumber, with Zygarde needing to be restored to at least 50% (player can go to 100%), so the world of Kalos can be healed from this war.
The main game focuses on Diancie: since Diancie is the Pokémon of diamonds, the war has forced soldiers and leaders to exhaust the many resources of the Kalos region. Particularly precious stones and diamonds.
The player befriends Diancie later in the game as the two work together to bring an end the greedy hearts of those involved.
The game resembles France during the 100 Years War, with the player character even having armor as part of their attire. Due to Kalos being based off of France, roughly Middle Ages or Medieval France in this game's case.
AZ also makes a few appearances in the game, racked with grief over firing the Ultimate Weapon, mostly keeping to himself over the game's plot.
As a new gameplay mechanic, the player can befriend other trainers to amass armies to overcome many challenges, like beating other armies and crossing obstacles.
Volcanion and Hoopa are also present in the game and can be caught.
The origins of Mega Evolutions are expanded on, with the player getting their hands on some Mega Stones. Due to the energy of the Ultimate Weapon.
The starters would be Snivy (said Pokémon is based on French nobility), Piplup (Empoleon is based off of Emperors and can be a nod to Napoleon) and Charmander (Charizard is based off of European Dragons).
Pokémon Legends: Marshadow
Set in the ancient Aloha region, when Tribes followed the Tapu Pokémon, you the player find yourself stranded in this intriguing region.
Ultra space wormholes begin opening across the region and its up to the player to figure out why and how to stop them. Even being able to traverse the Ultra Megalopolis in its entirety.
Necrozma is up to it and the player must learn why. With Marshadow playing a bigger role, since most of its origin is shrouded in mystery, so this would be a great opportunity to explore those origins.
Along with the origins of the Z-Crystals.
The game has more of an ancient Polynesian world, seeing as how Aloha is based of Hawaii. Being able to sail to smaller islands and even catch Pokémon while doing so.
The starters would be Grookey (drums are a popular musical instrument in the tropics), Sobble (chameleons are native to Hawaii) and Tepig (pigs have been brought to Polynesian Islands in the past).
Pokémon Legends: Zarude
3000 years, before the events of Pokémon Sword and Shield, a black storm covers the very region itself. This black storm causes Pokémon to randomly Dynamax and Gigantamax. Many live in fear of what the next day brings, as hope of a better day seems like only a naive dream.
The player joins with many Pokémon researchers (some being ancestors of familiar faces in Pokémon Sword and Shield), in order to track down the source of this chaos.
Zarude comes in as he helps providing with resources from various forests, so less Pokémon and people are harmed. Or worse.
The player believes tracking down Zarude, will lead them to stopping this madness (Eternatus).
The game looks much like 13th to 14th century Britain, in much of the fashion of characters and even dealing with the equivalent of a plague. Ironically enough.
The starters are Treecko (Forest theme and light in the dark theme in contrast to the Darkest Days), Fenniken (Magicians are a common Middle Ages motif) and Squirtle (Cannons were first invented in Europe, around this time period).
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch12 Battle Gym Leader Kabu
You had been so, so confused at first when Gloria all of a sudden announced she wanted to use your sobble against Kabu. And to be honest you weren't really too keen on the idea either. Your little cute roll-y poll-y sobble who'd cling to you when scared?? Fighting against the second strongest gym leader in all of Galar??......Yeah. You really, REALLY weren't feeling up for the idea, and had asked her why for goodness sakes!? Her answer was simple.
"The tears ability! Sobble's tears will be my winning strategy against Kabu. I already gotta plan in mind but I can't do it without your pokemon's help since I ain't got a sobble 'o my own! Please Y/n! I'm beggin' ya!"
Well.....You really didn't want to just hand over your sobble even if you trusted Gloria by now, but you also didn't want to make her lose the gym challenge either. After all completing the game was your only shot at making it back home so far. If Gloria couldn't beat Kabu and was snuffed out of the challenge by him then what would you do? So...You agreed. Your sleep didn't come easy to you that night but somehow you managed to fall in a deep dreamless sleep. The next morning literally having to make Gloria push you off the bed in order to wake you up as she shook you. Not on purpose of course, as she had just been trying to get you to wake up but the moment your groggy body fell to the floor with a thud she began apologizing purfusely.
"Y/N!!" Your body rattled more than a maraca as you suddenly began pulling out of the darkness blinking rapidly at the blurry vision of everything shaking before you like an earthquake. "WAKE UP ALREADY!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!"
"WHAT- AH!!" Your world tumbled as you fell from the comfy bed and was met with the hardness of the wooden floor by Gloria's feet. "OW!!"....You groaned as the blanket slowly fluttered down to messily cover you.
Gloria's hands shot to her mouth, making a hissing sound as she watched you experienced pain. "Y/N!! Oh my Arceus! I'm so so sorry!," she quickly apologised.
"...Good morning to you too, Gloria," you mumbled before kicking the sheet off you and pushing yourself off the floor, your hair a mess, and yawning. "What time is it?"
"Um..Seven in the morning I think?" You turned to her tiredly and noticed she was already wearing her white challenger uniform and all ready to go.
"Did you get the others up?," you asked stiffling a yawn as you stood.
"Um..." She chuckled nervously as you stretched your back and rose a brow at her as she held up a hand. "Uh..About that...They're gone." Her face frowned more as you paused...and blinked at her.
"...What do you mean 'They're gone'?"
"They weren't there when I knocked on the door, so I guess they left early! I'm sorry I didn't know!"
"Oh for the love of-..." You sighed and waved her off. "Nevermind." Quickly reaching over, you bent down and pulled the blanket off the floor, throwing it back neatly over the bed before going for your bag. "Are you all ready?" She nodded. "Good. We'll find them later. For right now let's just worry about getting to the stadium and seeing what's up! Ok?"
She had quickly agreed to that and you wasted no time throwing yourself together, tossing your bag over your shoulders, and grabbing your sobble's pokeball. From what she told you last night, you thought it'd be best to put the little critter into it's pokeball and give it to her before her battle to avoid any complications should your sobble start acting up. Which lead to now. The two of you were already in the elevator on your way down to the lobby. Anxious tention in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife as you lightly gripped the pokeball in your hand slightly harder. After a moment or two of silence Gloria went digging through her bag and pulled out something that looked pretty much like the goggles you'd see a diver wear before entering the water.
"Did you eat anything?," you asked glancing at her as she slipped the straps over her head making you give a confused look. "...And what are those for?
She silently shook her head slightly as her head was bent down and you watched in silence as she silently tightened the black straps tightly around her head. When Gloria finally managed to look up at you, the goggles were tightly clamped around her eyes and she shook her head no. "No. I was too busy tryin' too get ready. 'sides I feel pretty queezy. I don' know if food's a good idea right now." She blinked obviously noticing the look you were giving her goggles. "What are you- Oh these?" You nodded and she smiled. "Well last time he cried ya'll didn't stand a chance. But I figured if I covered my eyes real good I won't get affected by whatever's in those sobble's tears that makes ya cry rivers!"
You stared....."That's bloody genius!! Why didn't I think of that!?"
She chuckled. "To be honest it really ain't my idea anyways. I remember Hop telling me the idea back when I got my toxel. I remembered it when I thought of usin' your sobble and stopped by that clothes shoppe in town. They were sellin' swim wear n' stuff since it's summer and picked up these lil babies. Like I said. He's a genius."
Ah! That must've been why it took her a while to get back to the hotel. She really was preparing for her gym battle. As the elevator went you had reluctantly handed over your sobble's pokeball to her and she gently took it. Giving it a look before deeply inhaling and slowly exhaling, most likely psyching herself up before relaxing her posture and slowly slipping the pokeball into her pocket. You watched as she did so with worry and a little bit of guilt eating away at your stomach. You weren't sure if this was really the right thing to do after all, especially without telling your pokemon. This was surely going to be quite the shock for it, and you weren't too sure what the outcome could be. A ding interrupted any of your thoughts as the both of you looked back towards the doors as they opened, and you were lightly surprised to see the girl there. The same girl you had been worriedly thinking over last night. Marnie!
She was standing there in the lobby kneeled down handing her hamster like pokemon some kind of fruit to eat, which it took eagerly, but upon seeing you two blinked and slowly stood to her feet. "Mornin' Gloria. ..Oh. And you too Miss."
"Uh hi!," Gloria greeted a little unsure since she must've looked a bit strange in the swimming goggles. "Are you headin' off to battle Kabu too?"
She shook her head no. "No. We were 'bout to shove off on the next leg of our journey now. That friend of yours already went off to challenge the next gym, tho."
"He did?," you asked and Marnie politely nodded towards you. "...How early did those two wake up?"
"I couldn't say for sure, but by how happy they were it seemed like they had a plan."
"Oh! Well we have a pretty great stragety too!" Gloria smiled proudly. You were glad at least her nerves were seeming to be getting better.
Marnie only nodded. You looked at her for a moment and it didn't seem as if she had any nefarious schemes or malicious intent behind that polite exterior of hers. But still last night's questions swirled in the back of your mind as you narrowed your eyes in thought, raising your brows as she calmly reached into her leather jacket pocket and pulled out a small reddish card before handing it out to Gloria.
The brunette blinked at it for a moment before raising a brow in question. "What's this?"
"Kabu's League Card," she replied calmly, "It's supposed to help against him, but I ended up with a few copies, so I'll give you one." A look of surprise passed on both your faces as you two exchanged looks before looking back to Marnie. "Don't look so chuffed. It's no big deal. 'N I already got two others already."
Gloria stared for a second longer before smiling and taking the card from her. "Wow. Thanks!"
Marnie nodded in reply. "Oh. Here." She reached back into her pocket and pulled out a second card before holding it out towards her. "Take this too. A little somethin' for our battle yesterday. As a thanks for helpin' me out."
"What's this?"
"My own league card. Your friend gave me one of his so I figured you could have one too."
"Whoa! Thanks!" Gloria gladly accepted the other card with a smile. "That's real nice 'o ya!"
Marnie gave the smallest of smiles. "I bet you'll have no trouble beatin' that ''man of fire'' Kabu chap, right? Why don'cha get over to Motostoke stadium and get that gym badge already?"
...Gloria jumped. "OH!! RIGHT!! We need to get to the stadium!" She stuffed the cards into her pocket as fast as she could as Marnie peered up towards you and you blinked at her. ...You opened your mouth to ask her about the Team Yell involvement that's been going on. Not expecting really any answers outta her, but before you could say anything something tightly gripped around your arm and you yelped as Gloria yanked your forward in a run. Almost making you hit the floor for the second time that morning. "THANKS MARNIE!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR NEXT STEP!!"
Marnie waved a hand back at your retreating forms. "Good luck out there!"
Gloria yanked you along, nearly tripping down the steps and over your own two feet as she raced ahead putting one arm out to shove the door open in her mad dash to the stadium ahead. Thank goodness the Budew Drop Inn was literally right next to the stadium. You didn't think you could last too long with Gloria's way of yanking you forward in a frenzy without falling over for too long. Cheers and loud noises were clear as day as soon as the two of you stepped out the doors and started running over towards the stadium. How early did these people wake up around here!? Thank goodness at least you two didn't have to worry about bumping or tripping over other people. It was a short distance, but with the adrenaline pumping and worry in your systems it felt as if you two ran a marathon by the time Gloria moved the two of you towards the double doors she had gone through previously during the Entrance Ceremony. Her sudden stomp making you stumble and catch your self clumsily on your knees and free hand as she still gripped your arm tightly, thankfully not smacking into the ground, as she skidded to a stop. Low and behold guess who was already waiting for you two? Victor gave the two of you a raised brow before sighing and reaching up to rub at his temple, as Hop chuckled and crossed his arms at the sight of you two girls.
"Slow moving aren't you, Glory?", Hop teased.
"O-Oh...S-S-Shove...o-off!," she forced out back at him between deep breaths. Letting lose your other arm. You hissed in sourness as you pulled it towards you, reaching up to rub where Gloria had gripped it.
"Where had you two been?," Victor asked frowning, "We spent half an hour knocking on your door before we left."
"I've already gone and earned my fire badge," Hop said in agreement, "The man of fire Kau is just what you'd expect. Nearly got burnt in my battle with him."
"LITERALLY," Victor added, "I'm surprised his pokemon weren't turned to ash when he barely made the second round. .....Was a very lucky close call that made him win."
"Even with my strongest team it was definitely tough- and - go .....but I still won in the end!"
"Just barely. He lost the first round, won the second, and third ended with a tie. Since no one won or lost the third round it counted as a win towards Hop as well and he managed to walk away with a two out of three win victory."
"SERIOUSLY!? How early did ya'll get up!?"
"Nevermind all of that!" Hop interrupted everyone waving a hand. "You need to get a shift on, Gloria. I bet you could beat the man of fire toooo....." He blinked. Staring right at her face seeming to FINALLY notice the swimming goggles on her face. "...Hey. Whatcha wearing those swimming things for? Afraid you'll get fire blasted at ya?"
She blinked as Victor was nice enough to walk over and help pull you up to your feet, pointing to her face. "Y'mean these? It's sobble protection."
he gave her a confused look. "Sobble protection? But Kabu doesn't have a sobble on his team."
"Not for Kabu's pokemon." She gestured to you as you thanked Victor. "I'm borrowing hers. I remembered what you said about using goggles to maybe help block the effects or their tears, so I'm tryin' it out."
Hop gained a look of surprise. Not sure if it was from what Gloria said or the fact she was using Sobble. "You...remembered t-that." He asked shyly. Yep. Def from what Gloria said.
She nodded. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I? By the way, how was the challenge?"
"Huh?" He blinked before turning an embarrased pink. "Oh uh r-right. *ahem* It went well. I mean you have to catch t-three pokemon but it's no big de-"
"WHAT!?" He blinked at her shout and watched silently as she quickly patted her pockets. "We have to catch pokemon!? B-But I didn't bring any empty pokeballs!!"
"Gloria, calm down-"
"Calm down!! CALM DOWN!?," she snapped towards her twin shouting with a look of panic, "I don't have any pokeballs on me except the ones that already have pokemon in them! How am I supposed to battle the gym LEADER if I can't make it past the gym CHALLENGE, Vic!?"
"You can borrow some of mine!," he shouted back at her.
Gloria shut up and stared at him blankly for a moment. "......Come again?"
Her brother groaned giving an eye roll before slipping the large (suitcase-) pack off himself. Silently you all watched as he brought it up and opened it before shoving his hand quickly inside for a second before pulling out a trio of pokeballs. Shoving them all at Gloria who barely managed to catch them all fumbling as she did. "Here!" He insisted already starting to close his bag. "Don't worry 'bout paying me back. You can keep 'em. But for crying out loud, Glory!! Become more prepared!"
Her brown eyes glanced between the poke balls and her brother. Looking to be at a loss for words. "I-....Uh....T-Thanks??"
"Don't thank me yet! You still have to get in there and beat him. So get to it, Glor! I know you can pass this challenge like you do every other- AH!!"
"THANK YOOOUUU!!! You're the best brother EVER!!"
Victor groaned as she hugged him before squirming his way free like a worm. "Yeah, yeah. Nevermind that now, you have a battle to win! Remember?"
"YEAH RIGHT!!......Um."
"What now?"
"You might want to stay out here instead of going inside, I uhhhh...Don't know how this might turn out."
"That might be a good idea," you commented. "Especially if those tears are gonna get BIG from Dynamaxing....But would you be able to do it without us there?"
"Yeah!...Wait." She glanced back to Hop with a slightly worried expression, "You'll still watch me from the live footage, r-right?"
Hop nodded without hesitation. "Of course we will!,'' he smiled whipping out his phone, "You don't even have to ask us. As your best rival and friend it's my sworn duty to support you in your journey even if it's from behind the scenes! We'll be here cheering you on all the way!"
"But first she actually has to go inside and do the challenge before Kabu decided you're not coming at all."
"R-Right! Yeah." With a turn of her head Gloria faced the doors before her before with another inhale and exhale, her face steeled and she started forward. "Wish me luck!"
"You don't need it!" "Go get 'em, Glory!" "Good luck!" The three of you shouted at her as the doors opened and she slowly walked her way in.
The worry feeling in your gut increased as you realized you wouldn't be watching your sobble battling within the stadium, but it might be better you all weren't affected by the giant tears if Gloria really was going to be dynamaxing the sobble. Hop pointed over towards a bench nearby where the three of you could sit and watch and you agreed, following the boys over as the cheers from the stadium was ever present. Guess the crowd must've gotten wind of another challenger on their way in to challenge Kabu. Hop had turned his rotom phone on and went to what he said was the Gym League's official website where you could find everything from past Gym leader's biographies, to their pokemon, to even content the Gym Leaders themselves posted. You could even find live footage if they currently battled anyone to watch if you couldn't be at the stadium. How convenient! It didn't take Hop too long to pull up a video turning his phone sideways to full screen as you and Victor huddle around to watch. What was shown on screen was the inside of the stadium, the many people in the stands, and an empty field. Gloria must've still been just starting the challenge presented to her. To which Victor commented it might take a bit to catch all three pokemon. So all the three of you could do was wait it out for the moment, which you did. You sat there for the longest time just staring at the phone screen mind wondering off into space as the boys chatted among themselves next to you glancing at the phone every so often. Would this really work out ok? You were starting to feel like maybe you shouldn't have let Gloria borrow sobble but you also really wanted to get home so if this really was the way she could win you were doing the right thing.....Right?
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!" You jumped at the loud man's voice that shouted out in what sounded like two different directions. And it kinda was, the announcer's voice was loud enough to be heard outside the stadium and came from the live feed being recorded live from Hop's phone as well. "The battle between Gym Challenger Gloria and Gym Leader Kabu shall now commence!!" The three of you quickly snapped to attention at the phone Hop held as the camera recording the live feed zoomed it just close enough where you could watch the battle at it's fullest, but also too far away to see their faces sadly. You hoped Gloria wasn't feeling too anxious. The crowd roared again in cheers as at last both the figures of Gloria and Kabu jogged their way towards the very center of the big field before stopping. Here we go. "Battlers please take your place on opposite field and face one another!!" It looked like they exchanged a few words before turning and walking a decent amount away from one another. " SET!" They faced one another. "Pokemon at the ready!! BATTLE BEGIN!!"
In a flash of bright light, both parties sent forth their pokemon as the crowd cheered. Kabu a fox looking pokemon, Nine tales if you remembered right. And Gloria her Roselia.
"Wha- Why's she using a grass type?," Hop asked confused, "Grass-type pokemon are usually weak against fire-types. Shouldn't she know the type disadvantage? "
You were confused at first too. Why would she be using a ro-...Your eyes widened remembering something from your past encounters. "....Stun spore."
"What?," he asked turning to you.
And you them as you spoke. "I bet you more than anything she's going to use that stun spore move on that thing."
...Hop's eyes widened. "Of course! Stun spore leaves a paralysis effect on it's opponent! She could that to get an edge up on Ninetales if she's able to land the hit!..If she can that is. Ninetales has the time advantage and more speed than any other nine tales I've seen. I couldn't even get passed it."
You said nothing after that and turned back to the screen as a flame thrower type move nearly hit the roselia by a couple inches. OH Crap- The battle must've started while you weren't paying attention! So far Gloria seemed to be doing ok. With a point from her form she must've been giving an order, because that roselia in all it's agility used tackle and ran straight towards the ninetales. ..!? WHAT WAS SHE DOING!? She was gonna get that poor rose pokemon hurt! A tense and cold feeling grabbed a hold of your body as the fox pokemon opened it's large mouth, and filled with the burning  fire as it shot towards the roselia. A collective aw reaction coursed through the crowd and you three as the roselia....slid. That's right. SLID. The grass pokemon suddenly dropping back as it it slipped and fell to it's knees (Or you guess what counted as knees on it) and as if in a rock star pose, leaned all the way back as the fire passed above it literally inches from it's face. No doubt the speed from the tackle added in it's aid of sliding across the grassy field. As if time slowed down, the fire soon left the ninetales's mouth, and it turned it's head down towards the roselia sliding towards it at break-neck speeds. Lifting the roses on it's arms surrounded by burst of electricity, you could've sworn the fox thing gave a look of panic, before there was a flash of light as bright as a camera's flash as the roselia continued it's journey under the ninetales as it was enveloped face first by electricity. Now if you thought the corvinkight's loud cries when you crashed into it's nest was terrifying, it was nothing compared to the high pitched dog like wails that came from this pokemon really made your stomach flip. Through the static shock surrounding it, the ninetales gritted it's fangs and looking as if pain, forced itself to snap towards the roselia who stopped just behind it. And in one swift motion, in a white blur the pokemon turned and swiped at it. HARD. With a cry from the pokemon it went flying across the feild, tumbling head over heels, round and round in summer salts until finally with a thud the poor thing landed with half it's body crossing one of the perimeter lines.
"MATCH!!" The announcer's voice called back through and it honestly made you jumped by how it surprised you, too lost in the battle to notice. "THE GYM CHALLENGER'S POKEMON IS OUT OF BOUNDS!! GYM LEADER WINS FIRST ROUND BATTLE!!"
The crowd roared out again at Kabu's obviously win, and you weren't too surprised since he is supposed to be the second strongest gym leader. So it shouldn't be surprised that the ninetales was still able to move like that after Gloria's stun spore surprise. Tho you were a bit sad at her loss.
"Aw man! She totally got canned out there!," Hop sighed lowering the phone a little disappointed as both battlers returned their pokemon
Victor hummed. "Well, yes. Glory lost first round but it's not a total loss. Stun spore's affects increases the more the recipient of it moves, so it'd be dumb if Kabu forced his ninetales to battle again for the second round. It'd just be giving her a better chance at winning. So she still managed to wittle down them to an equal two pokemon each."
....Hop nodded. "Yeah! You're right. But it doesn't mean the other two won't be just as powerful."
Two more bright lights appeared and the BIGGEST arcanine you had ever seen appeared before you! That thing was huge! Much better than the ones in game. And Gloria had sent out her raboot. A fire type against a fire type. They should be equaled out but you had a feeling the arcanine was the more powerful in terms of strength and skill. Gloria better have had a trick up her sleeve for this one. Kabu was the first one to make a move. As it quickly leaned his head forward just an inch and the raboot jumped a good yard back away in fear.
"That's arcanine's intimidate. Hope that raboot's not too scared."
The arcanine took a step forward the rabbot took another step back. Kabu pointed and in an instant it charged. Flames spewing from it's mouth the moment it opened it's maw and it fell. Well at least you thought it did by how fast it dropped, only to flip using it's back legs to kick off and a envelope itself in fire to perform Flame Wheel- Raboot. Charged! It's feet gaining fire with it's speed when you realized what was going to happen. Was Gloria attempting to use Flame Charge as a way to counter the Flame Wheel like back when she used her Scorbunny's move to deflect Hop's Wooloo's tackle? That may have worked out back then but Arcanine was much bigger and stronger than an ordinary wooloo! There's no way as strong as raboot was they could deflect that flame wheel....Except..Well...That wasn't what they did at all. As soon as that raboot jumped and made contact with that fire hoop of death, it was like a catapult suddenly went off under it's feet. Using the momentum of the moment that crafty little bunny used it's own fire as a shield for it's feet from the flames of it's enemy to leap itself into the air. The three of you watched in awe as the raboot launched itself a decent twenty or so feet in the air above the arcanine who had stopped and then looked up in confusion as it most likely didn't expect that. That's when it struck. With a surprising speed for being in mid air, the raboot shot back back down straight towards the arcanine. The dog pokemon in retaliation growled and opened it's maw WIDE to catch it within it's fangs at the same time as the raboot flipped, and landed a perfect double kick to the upper part of the pokemon's face. The. Arcanine. WAILED OUT!! The jerk it's head gave shoving the rabbit pokemon to the ground with a loud squeak as it hit the dirt but as quick as ever sprung itself back onto it's feet to face it's enemy. The much taller fire type shaking it's head and pawing at it's eyes.
"A Quick Attack and Double Kick combo!! How'd they do that so fast!?"
None of you had time to answer that before Gloria was already pointing at the arcanine and the raboot swiftly followed. The arcanine snarled it the approuching raboot's direction eyes closed and again went to use Bite, but with a quick side leap to the left, it easily delivered another double kick to the side of it's head. Making it recoil. And thus it had begun. Side! Back! Gut! Front Leg! Back Leg! Under Chin! Front Leg again! The raboot as quickly as a real rabbit in your world, was light on it's feet. Using quick attack and double kick over and over again to kick the blinded and confused arcanine in random places jumping over, under, around and sometimes latching onto it's fur to propel itself in a different direction from the jaws or swiping paws as it growled and blindly went after him. One time literally trying to slam it's whole right side onto the smaller pokemon before the rabbot quickly thrust itself forward under and away from the falling body before giving it a tackle to it's exposed middle in retaliation for the body slam. Using it's speed and smaller body to it's full advantage. The blinded pokemon's only saving grace was to suddenly use the order of flame wheel to break away from the small menace. Rolling fast away in a hoop of flames. You nearly choked on your own breath as you all watched in disbelief as the tinier much smaller raboot CHASED. Yes. CHASED after the spinning wheel of death faster than you had seen it run. The flames gathering on it's feet again. Another flame charge?? The arcanine stopped just a few yards away from him, flames still gathered within it's mouth as it turned, presumably to launch a strong flame attack at the smaller beast. And raboot with all it's speed and flaming feet. KICKED!! As fast as a jet streaking through the sky, a flaming rock was launched right at the pokemon's face. And connected. With a yelped and smoke going off from getting straightly hit by it, the arcanine went down.
THE. CROWD. CHEERED!! Ember....That raboot used ember to knock out that arcanine!! You didn't know whether to be impressed or surprised at what just happened but both the boys next to you exchanged a few cheers of their own and high fived. And you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Holy canoli that was tense!! ....But then you froze. Wait...If both first and second rounds were over..that meant only the third was left. And the third round was the dynamax specialty. And Gloria was planning on using... all the worry came rushing back in an instant.
"Oh no-"
"FINAL MATCH DETERMINES WHO WINS AND LOSES!! YOU FOLKS KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!" Oh please don't say- "DYNAMAX ROUND SET!! GET YOUR POKEMON AT THE READY!!" You could all suddenly hear the crowd begin chanting the word 'Dynamax'. Your eyes widened as, as tiny as Gloria's figure was on the camera, you could CLEARLY make out her reaching into her pocket and pull out a pokeball, her other hand coming up to her goggles. In than instant your face paled and your blood ran cold. A heavy feeling of cold settling in as you saw that unmistakable red energy gathering around her wrist band as she held your ball. Your poor baby's ball. "FINAL BATTLE BEGIN!!"
The first to make a move was Kabu as the pokeball in his hands swelled up to the size of a watermelon and with a firey look in his eyes, swiftly turned on his heel and with one arm chucked the giant thing into the air. It sored through the sky until popped open and THE BIGGEST centipede you had ever seen came forward. The ground where you three were sitting shook from the force of the giant pokemon in the stadium in front of you landed on the ground. Sending a wave of wind and rubble from the field flying in it's wake as dark reddish-orange storm clouds darkened itself overhead, making it look even MORE horrifying than it was....OH. SWEET. MOTHER. OF MILTANK!! If that thing was scary to you than it'd be an utterly drop dead terror for your poor sobble! The pokeball in Gloria's hold swelled up to the same size as a watermelon. Using both arms to lift the thing over her head, and tossed it into the air. It soared through the air and all three of you watched like you were watching a trainwreck happening. Too scared for the results but unable to look away feeling as it popped open. And your sobble made it's entrance. The blue pokemon now several times bigger than it's usual cat like hieght. It landed in the same fashion as Kabu's centipede thing did. And instantly a look if confusion graced it's face as with a montrous chirp it started quickly looking around at itself. Although that confusion quickly dashed away as soon as it's eyes laid upon the terror in front of it. It froze. Staring unblinking with that blank stare of his as it laid eyes on the centipede pokemon.
"Oh no-
Now you weren't entirely sure what move it was called that it used, but all of a sudden this giant bug thing decided to play....But this thing moved so fast in air as Kabu leaned back and pointed up at it you nearly had a heart attack then and there. It took the form of a sideways zig zag pose and gathered a great deal of fire within it's coils. The GIANT ball of flames launched in a moment's notice as it sailed out. And hit your sobble directly with an explosion. You cried out, hands coming to clasped at your mouth at the noise the water pokemon made as it connected and tumbled over. The three of you had to grab a hold on the bench as it wobbled, Hop nearly dropping his phone in process as he did. Thank goodness he didn't because you still had your panicked eyes stuck to the screen even as it shook. .......Your now giant sobble with storm clouds gathered over it's head was just laying there for a moment....before it pushed itself onto it's bottom silently, dirt from the field falling off itself as it did. He stared blankly back at the centipede-...thing for a moment....before it's giant mouth quivered. And in a flash the giant sobble threw it's back and began to cry. The loudest cries you ever heard rung out through the sobble's mouth, it sounded like someone took the world's largest bagpipes and cranked it's volume to eleven. But that's not what concerned you. Thousands of shining droplets starting floating down everywhere. And in an instant the centipede thing violently shook it's head. A loud cry of protest coming out of it.
"Holy Arceous..."
Was all any of you could manage to say at the situation as you continued to watch your sobble cry as the centipede thing continued to shake it's head and yell out. Kabu's small form on the screen even shown him using whatever towel he kept around his shoulder to suddenly smush his face against. The centipede thing suddenly dove. A giant crater forming in the field as it attempted to bury it head away from whatever was irritating it. After a moment your sobble stopped. Giving it a look as it twitched and kept it's face in the giant crater it made for itself like an ostrich, eyes watering a bit as it did. It gave a look around again but seemed to be scanning more of the stadium than the field. Most likely looking for a way out. That didn't surprise you in the slightest. What DID surprise you next was what it did next. Your. Sobble. Scowled. In the direction of the centipede thing who still rubbed it's head in the dirt, most likely trying to settle down the burning sensation of the tears it experienced before. You blinked as it gave off a montrous sound of it's own towards the other pokemon. Did....Did your sobble..The one who who dive under your arm or hide behind your head just...growl at the other pokemon?? By the end of the war cry it gave as a shock, it pushed itself forward. Landing it's hands right onto the ground as a wave of energy expelled from it. The force making crackes in the earth around the thing's buried head before blue light seeped through the depths of the earth and a geyer of blue light shook the stadium and the three of you.
"T-T-THAT WAS A SOBBLE'S MAX STRIKE MOVE!!," Hop managed to force out between holding onto the bench as everything shook.
"IT WAS A WHAT!?," You shouted back at him trying to make out the shaking screen in his hands between holding onto the bench yourself.
The centipede things wretched it's head up from the dirt and with a loud cry began shaking it frantically like a panicked snake. That was before it was attacked again of course by your sobble. A torrent of water rushed out from it's mouth the moment it was opened and hit the thrashing fire type straight in the face as it cried out. The fire becoming so bright it turned white...except it wasn't coming from the giant pokemon. The bright light was coming from the other side of the field as your sobble cried out again- The screen shut off with a beep. A flash of 'No Signal' coming over the sudden white screen. The three of you stared at Hop's phone. No one moving. No one saying anything. As the three of you just....stared at the lost signal-
"NO!!" Hop yelped and wretched his arm back in surprise as you snatched the phone from his hands. Frantically bringing it up to your painicked face as your body drawled in quicker breaths. You shook the phone within your hands and furiously tapped the screen in rapid moment before the rotom within it wretched itself from your grip with a scowl to escape your grip. "NO NO NO!!" You snapped back to Hop. "WHAT HAPPEND?!"
"We must've lost the live feed signal," Hop replied back reaching over and grabbing the rotom from mid air and bringing it back to him.
"Can you get it back?!"
"I can try, but I don't know if-"
"GYM MATCH IS OVER!!" All three of you froze to stare in the direction of the voice coming loud and clear from the stadium. ....You slowly stood up. "CENTISKORCH IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!! GYM CHALLENGER GLORIA WINS THE MATCH!!" The crowd cheered...And you leaned forward-
"OOF!!" You were yanked back by your backpack by Hop before you could fall to the ground below and you landed with a thud back onto the bench. "....Thanks.''
Hop nodded before he put the phone quickly away and stood along with Victor. "C'mon. I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna see what happened."
You stood up quickly with a scowl. "You bet your pokeballs I'm going to see what happened! Gloria and my sobble is in there!"
There was no questions or doubts about it as the three of you unanimously started towards the inside of the stadium doors in worry for the young trainer and your pokemon. ...Except as soon as the doors opened the trio of you were stopped by some man wearing a gym suit and sunglasses. Surprise, surprise. You and Victor weren't allowed in as unregistered gym challengers. ....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You wanted to yell at this guy and push past him if you bloody had to to see them! And Hop looked as if he was about ready to argue in your favor as well squaring up. The only one who seemed to be thinking clearly in the situation was Victor who had to pull the two of you back to wait outside for her. You wanted to get it!! Who cares if they threw you out kicking and screaming!? You were seeing your pokemon!! Oh the irony when Victor yelled at you two it would only put Gloria's and Hop's places in the challenge in danger if either one of you did anything dumb to threaten their places. Oh....Well when he put it like that, then it did make the two of you seem foolish. But that didn't you liked it standing right outside those giant double doors leading to the inside of the gym pacing, and tapping your foot, staring at the doors in worry, mumbling to yourselves. Poor Victor standing deadpanned in the wake of your two's worried mess with a sigh. You all nearly jumped as the door opened and the slightly dirt covered girl of the hour finally came out-
"GLORIA!!" The brunette yelped as she was all of a sudden encased in a tight hug by her worried friend. "OH GOSH!! WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!! I figured if anyone could do it you and raboot would be the ones....But STILL!! That match had me right at the edge of my seat! I thought for sure you would've been crushed-"
"Hop! Geez! I'm perfectly ok! See?" She pried herself away from the clinging boy to make some space between them both. "I'm as fine as a deep fried curry! And I walked away with more than just my safety!" She beamed brightly as she spoke. "I got my bloody fire badge!"
His eyes widened. "WHAT!? No way! That's incredible!"
As the four of you were a little busy focusing on Gloria and worrying, none of you noticed the blue thing walking past her legs and up to you.
"WAIT WAIT!!" Hop nearly stumbled as you dove and Gloria blinked in surprise as you grabbed her shoulders in worry. There wasn't any signs of a sobble around her so it must've meant she put him back in his pokeball!!...Or at least you hoped she did. "Where is he!?" You asked in a worried tone. "Where's my sobble, Gloria?!"
......She blinked. "Oh...Ummm. Yeah about that." She gave an almost cringe as she said the next few words. "He's uh....Not exactly a sobble anymore." The three of you stared at her....A pit dropping in your stomach strong enough to make you feel like hurling.
"No no no! He's fine I swear!," she insisted holding her hands up to your scared face. "It's just that-"
"ACK!?" Gloria blinked as you were suddenly whipped back by something heavy latching onto your backpack. It felt like someone had dropped the weight of a toddler on your shoulders all of a sudden. The three looked on in confusion as you stumbled back in panic waving your arms wildly for balance before throwing yourself forward to right yourself and grabbed your knees in a leaned over position. "What in the actual-" You paused. Something shifted on your back and grabbed your shoudler. In an instant you whipped over your shoulder to look at the thing pulling itself up onto you. And what you were met with was a face to face encounter with a frowning blue head who gave a small thrum sound at you. ............You blinked. "What the heck!?"
"Uh...That's what I was trying to tell you about," Gloria said pointing to it.
Without breaking eye contact with the thing that was half sitting on your pack half slumped over against your shoulder, you slowly stood up and pointed at it. "What the world is this thing?" To which it gave a indignified chirp and grabbed your nose. "Hey!"
"Oh hey! It's a drizzilie!"
...You looked at Hop for answers brow raised. "It's a what?"
"A drizzilie," he repeated pointing at the thing slumped over your shoulder. "They're considered highly intelligent pokemon but also really lazy ones." Another pouty chirp was thrown in Hop's direction. " I think I read somewhere that they're good at making traps."
"This still doesn't tell me where my sobble is!"
"Y/n, drizzilie is the evolved form of a sobble!," Gloria pointed again, "Sobble evolved near the end of the match! He's literally right there on your shoulder!"
You paused...whipping back to the drizzile who only moved his eyes from where it's head laid upon your shoulder. ....THIS was your adorable tiny little sweet innocent baby sobble!? It reminded you of a moody preteen. You two continued to stare at each other a bit regarding each other silently...before you asked a question. "You want food?" It immediately lifted it's head up and gave a deeper chirp noise in approval and you laughed. " Ok...It's definitly him alright. But how come he evolved?"
"Because...it's what pokemon do?? They're always evolving and growing as they go, there's no stopping it."
"....Fair enough."
"Hey." Gloria blinked as her brother gently grabbed her shoulder with a concerned look. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"Of course I am. It'll take more than a dynamax battle to stop me."
Hop laughed. "With all the badges we've earned ourselves, I reckon we should be alright even against the fierce pokemon you find deep in the Wild Area. Let's go find out for ourselves-"
"NO!!," both you and Victor screamed at once making Hop blink...And Gloria snorted.
Surprisingly you did not want to stay there any longer in fear of what else might happen to you all, so after a bit of convincing on Victor's side to Hop who was eager to go straight to the Wild Area for the rest of the day to battle and catch wild pokemon, you five just went back to your hotel. You felt entire exhausted, and not because of the extra added weight to your load now thanks to your sobble's new and maybe not so improved form. But mentally from the exhausting experience you had been put through. It...was a day you'd have to get used to but in the end Gloria won her third badge and your sobble...uh..Drizzlie was perfectly fine even if he changed a bit. So at the end of the day it was in fact a win win situation for everyone. You had felt relief when you got back to your hotel room and slid off your bag, plopping yourself on the bed with a sigh. Your new drizzile standing there for a moment before flopping itself onto you with a small 'Oof' escaping you....Yeah. You guessed you'd have to train him out of just jumping on you anymore now that he was the size of a six year old child.
"Hey, Y/n? Are you going to sleep right now?", Gloria asked curiously.
"....I dunno. Maybe,'' you answered muffled by the pillow. "Why?"
"We're getting lunch. Want me to grab you a curry?"
"......Yeah. As long as it doesn't have any eggs or tails on it. Grab me one-" Your drizzilie patted your shoulder and you sighed. "Make that two. Something tells me he's going to be more hungry from now on." Gloria laughed again and you sighed.
The rest of the day went by rather quickly in your eyes. You all ate lunch and you ended up falling asleep way earlier than usual with your drizzilie watching the three teens curiously as they ate and ended up chatting and showing off their league card collection card collection thus far before you ended up closing your eyes. By the time you woke up again Gloria and Drizzile was already up and ready to go eating what must've been the room service breakfast, but she was also kind enough to order a small stack of waffles for your hungry self. Perfect! It wasn't long for the both of you to get packed and meet up with the boys outside the inn waiting for you two by that weird mechanical elevator.
"Hurry it up, Gloria!," Hop called over waving an arm.
"We're coming! Boy how early do you all wake up?"
You were a bit cranky. Still a bit groggy so early in the morning and having to lug around extra weight on your back as your drizzilie had insisted on jumping onto your back and took residence inside your back pack. Most of his body was inside the backpack amongst your other belongings but his head and arms were thrown over your shoulders as he refused to start walking chirping in protest when you tried to reason with him and wouldn't let you put him in the pokeball so you had to get creative with a compramise. Moving all the food you carried into the secondary pocket leaving just your clothes in the main space of your pack and leaving enough room for it to find acceptable. You wondered if the reason Drizzilie didn't want to go back into it's pokeball was in fear something like what happened yesterday would happen again, being used to getting carried by now, or if this was just because of the lazy behavior Hop mentioned before?..Or maybe a combination of the three? The boys gave a couple chuckles at the sight of your new situation but stopped when you tossed them a look and changed the subject by making the elevator go.
"So. Have you two decided where you want to go next?," you asked walking up to the exit of Motostoke that lead out to the Wild Area.
Both nodded.
"Yeah. I wanna stay here for a few more days and catch some pokemon," Hop answered.
Gloria blinked at him. "Wha- But I wanted to stop by Hammerlocke."
Hop stopped walking immediately just outside of the giant exit. Making Gloria stop and blink at the bewildered expression on her friend's face. "Hammerlocke? Why would you go there? You know Raihan doesn't battle anyone unless they have seven badges."
"Yeah. I know, but it's on the way to Stow-on-side." She explained with a smile. "Bea sounds like a good challenge for me to tackle next being the fighting type gym leader. Hammerlocke just happens to be on the way there."
"Eeehhhh. I dunno Glor. I really had my mind set on taking on some wild pokemon. With a stronger team comes a stronger trainer right?"
"I...guess so..."
"'kay. How 'bout this? If you're all that dead set on going to Hammerlocke, you can go and we'll we'll meet up with you there!"
Gloria seemed not too keen on that idea for a moment but sighed and nodded. "Alright. But how are you planning on getting there?"
Hop went to answer, but paused. Gold eyes blinking widely before leaning over to the right to look behind you all. "Huh? Hey. Is that who I think it is coming this way?"
Brown and f/c color eyes followed the path of Hop's gold ones to look behind you and the three of you paused at seeing who exactly was jogging towards you all. Coming towards you in all his firey glory was the 'Man Of Fire' Kabu himself. What was he doing here? ...Oh no! Were you all in trouble with what happened yesterday!?Was he angry from your sobble-..Er..Drizzilie's tears?! Were you all going to be billed or something!? You all couldn't pay any medical bills! None of you had enough money! The gym leader jogged right up to the four of you as you all exchanged confused or worried looks before stopping in front of you all.
"Thank goodness I managed to catch the lot of you before leaving Motostoke," he stated. It..didn't sound like he was angry.
"You're the gym leader, but you still came all the way to see us off?," Hop questioned, "...Oh! I bet you can already tell that I'm the one who'll become the next champion, yeah?"
To your surprise the older man chuckled and gave a smile. "There are many trainers who never manage to gather three or more gym battles, and they just give up on the gym challenge all together. So I make a point to see off any trainers who are able to defeat me. So allow me to send you off with a proper, sporty chant." He cleared his voice as you raised a hand to say he didn't have to- "Hustle, hustle, hustle Hop! You can do it, you can do it, Gloria!" ...Gloria gave off a few giggles and you lightly kicked her foot to get her to stop. "The Gym Leaders you will face ahead are all tough opponents. But I believe you will prevail! Believe in your pokemon and keep pushing on!"
"Thanks y'all! We're gonna keep winning!," Hop confirmed with a smile and thumbs up towards the older man, "We've got too if we want a face-off in the Champion Cup after all! C'mon, Everyone!" He spun on his heels and pointed towards the exit. "Let's head for Hammerlocke!" And ran off.
Victor groaned turning to walk after him. "Not again."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You wish you had that much energy. "Gloria correct?" You blinked and turned your head over to Kabu who was looking at Gloria. "That was a most unexpected battle the other day. As I already said, I'll have to learn from it. But I don't suppose you'd mind telling me how you thought of such strageties?"
She beamed. "Of course! Your league card listed your pokemon and their main abilites like everyone else! So I used that info. Your ninetales was pretty fast on it's feet, so it made sense to use a move that wouldn't let it use that speed. But arcanine are built bulkier and have more muscle than a ninetales. They may be fast on their feet too, but no where near the speed of raboot or ninetales. So speed and agility would've been the way to go. And as for your centiskorch, I didn't have a lot of pokemon that could withstand it's fire power, so I had to find a way around that. A sobble's tears seemed like the greatest force to fight it."
He hummed before nodded once again. "I see. Well then I must train my pokemon to overcome your sobble's tear attack before another trainer gets the same bright idea as you did."
"Oh it wasn't my sobble." She pointed at you and he looked at you. .....Then to the Drizzile's face lazily staring back from your shoulder. "It was hers."
"I see...Well then, Miss. I'll have to congratulate you on raising such a strong water type. I have no doubt that it'll make a mighty Inteleon one day."
You smiled as your drizzile patted your shoulder. "Thanks! I think he's a good boy too. Ain't that right?" Embarrassed your pokemon tutted and looked away making the old man chuckle.
"We'll then. I shall leave you. I must be off to start training up before the next gym challenger comes knocking at my door."
"We outta get going too. I have a feeling we're in for a long trip ahead of us." .....Hey. Now that you thought about it...Your eyes widened. Wasn't there some kind of character development or a tragic event that happened to one of the characters after the player received their third gym badge??..."Yeah. We better catch up to the other two."
You managed to pull Gloria away bidding good bye to the jogging gym leader and pulled her out of Motostoke at last. Onto the dirt path leading out of Motostoke and splitting in three directions to chose from. You spotted the two boys somewhere up ahead as the two of you approuched. Hop throwing his hands up into the air pumped.
"Hello again, Wild Area, my old friend!," he shouted to the sky, "I've come back to you even stronger than before!"
"Hop you don't need to shout." Victor adjusted his pack on his back with a roll and stretch of his shoulders. "If anything you might scare away any good potential pokemon with that racket."
....He hummed. "Well I guess you have a point about that, Vic." ..He turned his head more towards the two of you girls approuching before he smiled and twisted around fast to face the both of you. "Gloria! Hammerlocke is up that way." He pointed towards where the road split off towards the left. "Got it? Over Motostoke bridge and straight on down the road a ways. And yeah, you could certainly rush there without a single detour....But now that you and I have a few gym badges, we should be able to catch stronger pokemon! So I know what I'm doing!"
" And what's that mate?" Gloria asked in a tease.
"I'll be catching myself some amazing pokemon to fill in the next page in the tale of my legend!" You chuckled at his enthusiasm.
All of a sudden your Drizzilie turned to look behind you as footsteps approuched. "Don't waste your efforts." The rest of you followed suit to stare at the figure just now leaving Motostoke as well. And your eyes widened slightly. "It's not like either of you would ever make it through the gym challenge anyway." The one who approuched the two of you was none other than Bede. The poor gave that smug smirk he always did and placed a hand on his hip staring at the lot of you. "The Champion really must have been off his rocker to endorse likes of you."
"WHAT DID YA SAY YOU LAVENDER SOAKED EYED COTTONEE FOR BRAINS!?" "DON'T YOU INSULT MY BRO LEE LIKE THAT!!"  Gloria shouted and made a move to step forward but you grabbed onto her back pack to pull her back effectively also blocking Hop with your other arm as the two shouted with glares at him.
"Whoa there you two." You gave him a glare and he slowly looked up towards you the smug grin turning into somewhat of a frown. "I thought you left after collecting those Wishing Stars from the mines. Did you stay behind just to insult them? That's a pretty petty thing for you to be doing with your free time."
He didn't answer right away which made you raise a brow until he tutted and turned his head away. "I was going to leave after a day's rest here, but after hearing these two were going to battle Kabu I decided to stick around and watch the pitiful efforts of my enemies. I mean, Hop here can't even throw a poke ball properly."
You saw Hop flinch. Oh no..You remembered somewhat of him saying he practiced throwing the ball sometime during your first meeting with Leon. "Rubbish! More like you don't know enough to recognize greatness when you see it! My throws are the greatest and my bro is the finest champion the world has ever seen! I'm not gonna listen to you insult him!"
"How tiresome," Bede mutter again running a hand over his hair. "Fine. I'll battle you over there." He pointed a hand towards some trees. "Maybe that will help you finally understand just how weak you are."
Hop growled and your brows rose in shock at his sudden anger. You didn't think the ever chipper Hop could've gotten so mad. "You're on then. I know you challenged Gloria in Galar Mine Number Two and lost to her there." Your eyes widened more glancing between the two of them as Bede frowned more....So THAT'S what Bede meant by them causing him trouble. "And I'm her greatest rival. In other words there's no way you're beating me."
"All this prattle about Gloria and the Champion and whatnot. Do you not have anything of your own to show?"
"YOU BET YOUR SORRY PINK TUTU BUTT HE DOES COTTON FOR BRAINS!!," Gloria shouted giving  another tug against your grip on her as she leaned forward, angry glare that could put a dynamaxed pokemon to shame, hands balled into fists at her sides. Her sudden spout of anger caught Bede off guard enough to take a few steps back from the red faced girl spitting her scottish accent at him. "I'll have you know Hop's one of the smartest, most kindest people I know! He's a bloody genius who knows all kinds of pokemon skills! 'E's like a walking dictionary of smarts that's how skilled he is! He knows more than you and me put together so badger off with your sorry excuses!! I don't see you doing anything but complain about everyone else and praise the chairman like he's Arceous 'imself!" Victor grabbed onto his sister's other arm pulling her back with you at this point. "Yet ya complain 'bout us talkin' 'bout how amazin' Lee is!? When are ye gonna step up from being a walkin' billbourd for the Chairman n' his bloody secratary and show me somethin' huh!? HUH!? How 'bout you take ya own advice!?"
"GLORIA THAT'S ENOUGH!!," Victor shouted in his own scottish accent at her pushing her back by a wide eyed Hop as she continued to glare angrily at Bede who remained silent and wide eyed at her. "CALM DOWN!! Ok!?...I'm pretty sure he's gotten the point by now."
"Oh he better!"
"Hey! That's enough now!," you agreed giving her your own frown, keeping your grip on her back pack in case she tried anything. "I think you're scaring him." Gloria paused enough to give you her own stare, as you turned to look at Bede who continued to stand and stare....before he blinked, quickly whirled on his heel and sped walked away with his hands forced into his pink coat's pockets.
"I-I'll wait for you over there! Don't keep me waiting!"
Gloria huffed, jerking her body from her brother's grip as she glared at his leaving form. "Yeah? Well he started it by causin' all of us trouble n' insulting us for no reason. The bloody cottonee born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Ey Hop?".....She rose a brow when her friend didn't answer and turned to the silent boy staring wide eyed at her. "....Hop? Are you ok?"
".....I-..." He coughed reaching a hand up to rub at his neck as he looked off. "I mean uh....That was some roasting you gave h-him back there. Heh."
"Well it's true!," she insisted pointing at him, "You were the smartest kid in school! And y'know so much about science, and history, and you can calculate math in your head faster than a calculator could. You know so much about pokemon that I know you'd be a great Champion. That's why I got so angry at him."
Hop stared at her again mouth opening a little..before sputtering on his words. "I- You- R-Really?"
She crossed her arms and nodded with a huff. "'Sides, I wasn't about to let the Mareep Head get away with smack talkin' my best friend and his brother. If he's going to bring a fire then he better expect someone to roast him back!"
He stared at her a moment longer before an unmistakable red washed over his face as he quickly looked away. "R-Right! T-T-That's what friends do after all! D-Don't worry. I'll show this wally my skills in battle! S-So..." With that he quickly turned and began jogging off from the three of you. "See you later, Glory! L-Let's meet up in Hammerlocke when I'm through with him!"
Well whaddya know!? You smiled watching as Hop scampered off in a knowing way as Victor sighed before turning to his twin. "DONT DO THAT!!"
"Do what?"
"Try to fist fight another gym challenger like yer in a wrestlin' ring! Ya cook! What would've happened if that guy told ye off to the Chairman especially after you had dinner with him in Hulbury?! You'd get yourself kicked out by him or worse both yaself and Hop since you were defendin' 'is honor like in the bloody stone ages!?" You had started to notice a pattern that the accent would become more prominent in their voices when they were angry.
"Like I would've actually tried to punch to punch him! I know better then ta throw hands and risk somethin' like that now."
Victor groaned reaching his hands up to rub at his face. "I love ya but you drive me crazy!"
"I could say the same for you too."
.....Still rubbing his temples Victor turned. "I have to catch up with Hop before they start fightin' again. Make sure she stays out o' trouble."
"I can-"
"I was talkin' to Y/n!" He shouted back making Gloria pause as he walked off....And it was finally your turn to chuckle.
With a huff she placed her hands on her hips with a glare. "Well that's just a bunch of flamin' Rapidash crap if I ever heard it!"
You nodded reaching up to rub your face, finally letting go of her backpack as you did. "He has a point tho. If you and your opponents want to have a battle then that's fine, but you guys shouldn't get into fights like that." She hummed but didn't say anything else to that. "Come on. Let's get going to Hammerlocke. I'm curious about this place."
"Oh. Then if we're lucky we might meet the selfie guy himself hangin' 'round his gym!"
"Oh boy. Can't wait to see what the big bad strongest gym leader has to show."
"I think you'll like 'em. Lee said he's one of the kindest people he's met in the industry...But there is one thing I should warn ya 'bout."
"He's a playful teaser so he'll probably try to flirt with ya when he sees ya."
"........He's going to what?"
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gardenofgods · 3 years
The Hall of Origin was just as cold and depressing as she remembered it. The massive doors rest before her, and her father on the other side. Giratina takes in a deep breath, before flinging the doors open. Immediately, a dark red sphere hums to life in her hand, before being hurled right at Arceus upon his throne.
All it took was a simple movement of the god’s head for it to miss, careening into the wall behind him. Debris exploded from the marble, raining down and filling the front of the palace in dust.
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“Not even going to let me speak, are you? Rotten child.” He seethes, voice dripping with venom. “What’s there to talk about?” Giratina shot back. “You’re just going to insult and belittle me anyways, and then fight when I talk back instead of taking your bullshit laying down.”
In a flash, Arceus was behind her, grabbing her by the back and slamming her into the floor. “I want you to understand something,” he says, ignoring her writhing beneath his grip, “ever since I’ve dealt with that duo, I’ve been very angry. And do you know what made that worse? Learning that you had helped them. For what? For what reason would you extend a hand to anyone, Giratina? Are you trying to get the others on your good graces finally, are you hoping to band together and try to take me down?” He pauses a moment, pushing her into the floor harder. Cracks broke out along the tile, Giratina trying to get some sort of leverage.
“Was there anyone else helping them, or was it just you?” In that moment, Giratina feels her stomach sink. Was he really unaware, or was he testing her? Arceus was waiting for a response - maybe he really was that ignorant about what happened. Whatever the reason, she wasn’t about to throw Kyurem into this. “No,” Giratina lies coolly. She’d been lying to Arceus for most of her life, so it came naturally and easily, “it was just me.” The cold marble presses onto her face. “Why do you fucking care anyways? Piece of shit,” Giratina matches his anger right back, a clashing of auras, “I’m not going to leave someone to suffer after you beat the shit out of them for no reason. You’re letting-”
Suddenly, the marble that was beneath her grew far away as she was lift, and the world moved much faster. Her wings came out, forming a sort of cushion for herself as her back slammed into the far wall. The anger he exuded quickly overwhelmed the presence of her own aura, drowning it out entirely and making her hear static. “I care because you’re going against me. After everything I did for you - this is how you repay your father.”
The laugh that left Giratina was incredulous. “You’re sick in the fucking HEAD if you think you did anything for me.” Now it was her turn to get angry. His words instilled such a deep reaction from her, one of nothing but hate and rage. For a moment, the anger that rolled off of her snuffed out Arceus’ oppressive aura. “You didn’t give two shits about me, and you still don’t. You only give a damn about your pride,” Giratina was utterly seething, unable to believe the audacity he had to say such a thing to her. “You left me to DIE.” Already, she can feel the hot tears welling up in her eyes. It was too late to stop them. “All I ever wanted was your love,” her voice rises an octave, voice growing slightly distorted, “I just wanted to be loved by my own fucking parent. And all you did in return was treat me like a monster, like you didn’t even care or want me around!”
Arceus stood silently, seemingly unaffected by her words. “Oh goodness, this is what you’re crying over? Really, Giratina? You truly haven’t grown up and moved past this yet. Still the same, sniveling coward I remember you being as a little girl. I should have cast you out the second I created you. I knew you were going to become a problem. You influence your brothers and tainted them, and now you’re worming your way into the pantheon’s good graces. You see why I simply cannot let that happen, can’t you? You’re supposed to have nothing. You are supposed to be nothing. A forgotten legend lost to time, insignificant, and unremembered. Yet you always crawl back, always, and-” Arceus lets out a laugh, hand resting on his face, “you see why that’s so utterly infuriating for me, don’t you?”
Giratina bristles, having heard more than enough. “You want to take everything from me? You’re going to have to fucking KILL ME to make that happen.” She growls. “I’ll fucking destroy you, I’ll leave you with nothing.” She slams her hand into the wall behind her, sending a rush of cracks up the marble.
A low, unmistakable hum leaves her palm, and the wall soon collapses in on itself. There’s a great noise of glass shattering and debris rubbing against one another, before the entire wall disappears. There’s a heavy sting to her hand, but she’s too pissed to care.
Arceus was... uncharacteristically silent. He always had some annoying quip or comment to make, but he was utterly quiet now. They were in the eye of the hurricane, an eerie, foreboding calm washing over the palace.
And then, as quick as the calm had arrived, the storm would take back over.
The distance between them was cleared in a second. Less than that, even. She had hardly blinked, and he was gone from his spot, now looming over her. Her breath caught in her throat as she made eye contact with him. It... took her back to the times when she was a child. When she’d destroy something by mistake, and the look in her father’s eyes was of utter hatred and disgust. Like she was a plague upon him, only bringing him grief.
Giratina couldn’t move from her spot. All of the bravado she had minutes ago disappeared, and for a second, she felt like she was a kid again. Rooted in place, unable to move, breathe, or even think. A hard smack to her face got her brain moving again, the slap sending her to the floor and causing a fire-like pain to bloom across her face. She really didn’t have time to recover, before a hard kick struck her ribs next. And he was upon her again, another devastating hit that knocked the wind out of her.
He... wasn’t even using any of his moves, or his Judgement. Only his raw power, and it still felt like she was being flayed alive with every hit. Blood blossomed from her head as she struck the opposite wall, a groan of pain leaving bloodied lips.
Arceus lift her by her hair, earning another painful noise from Giratina. But... this is what she wanted. Yes Arceus, you fucking idiot, get close to her. Another Aura Sphere swirled to life in her palm, Giratina wasting no time in slamming it directly into the side of Arceus’ head. His grip on her loosened, causing her to collapse to the floor in a heap. She coughed and hacked up blood, dark red ichor staining the floors.
A splash of gold next to her made her look up, seeing golden blood running down Arceus’ face, staining the pristine white of his suit. In another act of defiance, her hand slammed onto the wall, destroying it and the glass the same way she had done the first. She bit back the pain that came after using her antimatter, her hands already beginning to feel numb.
With two major points of support gone, parts of the roof began to collapse and cave in. Great slabs of marble fell to the floor, making contact with a thunderous noise. Dust from the marble was kicked up in great amounts, shrouding the entire palace in a cloud. Giratina got up to move, when her arm was seized.
Arceus’ eyes were a deep indigo now, having donned his Draco Plate - a plate she had never seen him use before. Quicker than she could think, a horrific energy flowed up her arm. It was agony. Pure and utter agony. To think that a pain this great existed made her want to retch and curl up in a ball. It was mind numbing, and blew any other pain she’d ever felt clean out of the water.
She was partially aware that she was screaming, without even really meaning to. It felt that as time continued, the pain only grew more and more intense. Her throat was raw, yet she couldn’t stop, even when her howls of agony shook the foundation of Mt. Coronet itself.
After what felt like an eternity, Arceus would release her, Giratina collapsing to the floor again. A sob of pain left her, but was quickly silenced by the god stomping his foot onto her ribcage. Something - multiple things - definitely shattered, and she was so thankful she didn’t really need her lungs.
The metallic taste of blood filled her throat again, Giratina retching and spitting a mouthful of blood onto the floor. More of the roof began to collapse inwards, the palace shaking with the impacts onto the floor. As she struggled to get up, to force herself to her feet, another blast of energy slammed into her. Dragon Judgement was the harshest of all, by far, and the pain... oh god, the pain.
Giratina slid across the floor, leaving a trail of blood behind her. A large piece of the roof lay in her way, the heavy impact of her body hitting the debris stopping her. She had to get up. She had to get up.
But Arceus was relentless, and Arceus was cruel. He wouldn’t give her the chance. He lift her by the arm, hurling her through the row of pillars that adorned the room. The force of which she was thrown was enough for her to pass through all three of them entirely, the trio of columns soon collapsing to the destroyed floor. He wasn’t going to kill her, but he was going to make her wish that he did.
Stars exploded behind her eyes as she blinked hard, blood pouring down her face. God, Arceus was too quick for her to keep up with anymore. This time, both of her wrists were seized, and once more, the dragon Judgement was poured directly into her. Not again, not again.
It was just like when she was a child. When Arceus did the same thing to her, but with ice Judgement. Oh, how she would prefer to get struck with ice Judgement a thousand times over rather than this. Her screams were even louder now than before, Giratina devolving into utter hysterics.
“Doesn’t this remind you of old times?” Arceus spoke, a devilish smile upon his face. “Back when you would destroy my things as a child, and I would have to discipline you for it... it brings me such joy to be able to do this again, truly, I’m tickled.” She couldn’t even hear him over her own screams.
In between her screams, which were growing more and more distorted and hysterical over time, she would beg for him to kill her. And all Arceus would do in response was laugh. “Oh my dear, you think I would grant you the mercy of death?” He finally lets go of her wrists, and Giratina collapses, throwing up more blood.
“I would think more carefully about defying me from now on. Wouldn’t it be a shame if something were to happen to those adorable little children of yours?” Her head snaps up as he speaks, a dangerous glint to her eyes. “Don’t- Don’t fucking threaten them.” She doesn’t even have anything to back her words up.
“I don’t believe you’re in any position to give me demands. I’m simply giving you the courtesy of a warning.” Crimson eyes soon moved to look upon the devastation of his palace. He felt his anger bubble up in his chest again, turning to strike Giratina hard across the face. The force of the hit sent her head to the hard floor below, striking it quite solidly, and making the world spin around her.
“I’ve had enough of this; I’m done with you. I’m sure you know what happens next, don’t you?” He lifts Giratina by the throat, too weak to fight back against his hold. “You’ve destroyed my home - and what was once your own home. Was it worth it, Giratina? Was destroying something I can simply recreate in mere seconds worth all of that agony?” Arceus speaks, carrying her to the open air. He eyes some of the cities the dot the base of the mountain, and he wonders if he could really throw her that far.
“You may not come out so lucky next time, my daughter. There would be no tears shed over your death; no one would even notice if you were to simply disappear someday. Enjoy your trip - I don’t anticipate anyone coming for you for quite some time.” He brings his arm back, throwing her out towards the mountain.
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