gaydexvocaloid · 10 months
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piko wip 2 ,, the detail in his design is making me weep 💖
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Ok. Ok. HEAR ME OUT. Miguel hanging out with reader (shes chained to the chair) and feeding her (shoving food down her throat) bc she mentioned she hadn't eaten anything while Miguel was out handling business (beating up a child)
Ommg yess but like imagine reader being a spider person and unbeknownst to her, Miguel has grown really fond of her, seeing her as his own daughter and so he... dotes on you. Look, his family loss is still fresh, so he has this abundance of platonic love that he just needs to pour and you are luckily (or not) that person.
And papa Miguel is like trying so hard not to show that he cares about your well being, but HE DOES and he's always worried about you and he just wants to pull u out of the field and tell u its too dangerous for u to be spiderman, but he doesn't wanna say it because then he'll have to explain his concern for u and I've already told u guys that he's an emotionally crippled father who cant say "I love you" but their actions always scream out the words.
So, he thinks its best to just take care of you as best as he can without arousing suspicion from you or pulling u out of the field (cause he knows u love being a hero). He makes you food(mostly mexican because everything else doesn't have enough spice and it doesnt matter if u cant handle spice, you will LEARN to), okay? I mean good, homecooked meals, 3 times a day and he expects you to eat breakfast and dinner(ofcourse u have a curfew) with him. But lunches? well, since you're always on missions during lunch time, he packs u up some food for u to take and he always checks your bento box (ALSO SPIDERMAN THEMED OBV) but perhaps this one day, you forgot to or didnt want to take your lunch along (a very tasty burrito) and when Miguel sees your lunch in his kitchen, he is LOSING it all. My man here is making himself go crazy(ier) by overthinking the worst possible scenarios (because this is unusual behavior in his textbook) and he sends a sort of AMBER alert on your ass because you're not answering his calls/texts(cause ur busy fighting bad guys) and Miguel just sends the ENTIRE spider society to find where you are and bring you home ASAP. Obv the spider society follows his orders to bring you because he's boss man and he probably has some important reason to drag ur ass home and not because papa's heart cant handle that his baby missed lunch???
Omg can you imagine reader finally finishing tying up the bad guys and now stops by a pizza place to grab a slice and girl looks outside to see 100 spidermans swinging around, all coming her way. These guys all shoot enough webs until you were practically cocooned in them and perfectly immobilised, and then they all open up the portal to deliver u to Miguel.
And Miguel just shoos them all away before he begins to free u from the webs and asks where u were, what happened, did the bad guys hurt u, were u kidnapped.
"Yeah-" you pulled the webs out of your hair. "-by your men!" And Miguel explains that he sent them after you because he thought something bad happened to u.
"Why would you think that?"you inquired.
Because you forgot your lunch at home. No, he cant say that.
"I- my spider senses were telling me to. I guess they were wrong." Now before you could ask more questions, he changes the topic. "Anyways, you must be hungry. Lets eat lunch-"
"No, I actually ate a slice of pizza before I was brought here-" you start but Miguel glares at you as he pulls out a dish of enchiladas from the oven, placing it in front of you.
"You will eat. You're hungry."
"I'm actually not. Like I was saying-" but he glares at you again, piling up your plate with enchilidas.
"I wasn't asking, mija." He hands you the utensils, red eyes piercing you. "You are hungry, and you will eat. Now."
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gold-dustwomxn · 10 months
part 2
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summary: after sudden attacks on women around town, you take a self defense class. ellie, your long standing crush is the instructor
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
each chapter will have their own warnings please read them! eventual smut
cw: mentions of child abuse and implication of attempted sexual assault (does not go into detail for either), panic attack
fluff and angst
light rocking against your shoulder and a distant call of your name pulls you from your deep slumber making you groan, not conscious enough to take in where you are. “hey sleepyhead, wake up.” ellie’s raspy whisper has you cracking one eye open. you’re too tired to even speak or think coherently, making you hum in question.
ellie chuckles and looks at you for a moment before speaking. “sorry to wake you up so early.. I gotta be at the construction site in an hour.” you blink away your remnants of sleep and realize ellie has damp hair, is fully dressed for the day and the sun isn’t even up yet. “it’s okay. sorry I fell asleep here I didn’t even realize.” she smiles softly, “no worries, I don’t mind. you looked pretty comfy..I can drive you home on my way to work.”
the short drive to your house shares a peaceful, comfortable silence between you and ellie. the sky painting a breathtaking winter sunrise of pinks and purple. ellie pulls up to your house way too quickly for your liking, the small disappointment of having to part ways felt in your chest.
“thanks for the ride and letting me crash at your place.. I had fun last night.”
“me too,” she smiles and you feel that warmth settle deep in your stomach again. it’s a rarity to see her full smile “it’s no problem, really.. are you busy tonight?”
“no, I don’t think I have anything going on.” you know you don’t actually have anything going on. you bite the inside of your cheek to try to suppress a smile, but ellie looks between your eyes and down at your mouth and smirks at you. caught.
“well, if you’re not busy later you wanna hang out? I get off at 3, we can go to a cafe or something.” she clears her throat and you can see how physically painful this is for her. she forces herself to keep eye contact though.
you giggle and she narrows her eyes at you playfully, unspoken words and body language received between the both of you. “yeah, I’m down. just text me when you get off.”
“alright cool I can pick you up. see you later, ___.”
me: DINA wake the fuck up!!!!!
dina🤍: bitch its literally 7am why tf are u disturbing me
me: wow. anyway! last night I was walking to ur house and some creepy dude pulls up next to me asking me for directions and shit acting super sketchy. ellie pulls up out of nowhere and goes all psycho ellie mode and pulls out a fucking switchblade. I was like 😦 but it was also so hot. he skids off and she gets pics of his plates and we go back to her place for joel to deal with it. he thinks the cops can keep an eye out for that car and see if that guy has anything to do with the assaults happening. it was lowkey really scary but I’m okay. we ended up smoking and talking for hours and it was literally perfect and then we ended up falling asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night laying ON HER CHEST with her arm around me. we’re hanging out again tonight
dina🤍: wtf that’s so fucking scary! im glad ur okay:( but ommg im so excited for u angel. its ab damn time some moves are made and we can go on double dates tg hehe
me: ok let’s not get ahead of ourselves here we’ll see what happens. that’s all I wanted to tell u. ur allowed to go back to sleep now:)
dina🤍: wow how gracious of u. lmk how everything goes though <33
clothes are strewn all over your bed and floor, while you frantically try to find a cute outfit to wear. it’s fine, it’s just ellie. she’s seen you a million times since you were both 14. you finally settle on a pair of jeans and a black sweater, with your chelsea doc martens. good enough.
ellie🌿🗡️: Hey, I’m outside whenever you’re ready.
me: be right there!
okay, just breathe. everything’s fine!
as you hop into the passenger seat, ellie looks you up and down. “you look good.” you give her a shy smile and observe her; hair tied half up, in a dark green flannel with an oversized black denim jacket, black jeans with her usual pair of converse, multiple rings on her long fingers, and the scent of her woodsy cologne. “thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” she smiles and shakes her head, pulling out of your driveway.
“yeah, he almost dropped a whole fucking plank of wood on my head today!”
you start laughing, walking out of the coffee shop together. “maybe the hit would’ve done you good, ellie. you are very hard headed.” ellie’s jaw drops “wow, someone’s feisty today, huh?” you smile and roll your eyes, going to shove her and she catches your wrist, pulling you close to her. your breath hitches and you look down at her lips. something behind you catches ellie’s attention, her smile dropping instantly and face turning ghostly pale.
“ellie? what’s wrong?” she grabs your hand and walks you quickly to the car, opening your door to make sure you get in first before frantically hopping into her seat and speeding out of the parking lot.
“hey, what’s going on?” she shakes her head and doesn’t respond, her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate, eyebrows scrunched together.
the speed of her driving and her concerning behavior is stressing you the fuck out. she pulls up to her house and lets you both in before she runs up the stairs to the bathroom, whipping the door shut with a loud slam.
you slowly walk up the stairs, not knowing whether or not to give her privacy. you suddenly hear her crying and hyperventilating. “ellie, I’m coming in.”
ellie is seated on the floor next to the tub with her head between her legs, forearms laid on her knees. “hey, hey I’m here. can I touch you?” she nods and you gently take her hand, softly rubbing the back of her palm while you place her other hand against your chest. “try to follow my breathing, okay?” you take slow, deep breaths for her to follow until she calms down.
“I’m sorry.” she avoids looking at you. “no, I’m here for you, okay? you don’t have to hide from me.” she wipes the rest of her tears from her eyes and nods. you move to sit next to her and gently rub her back, still holding her hand.
“do you wanna talk about it?” she clears her throat and looks straight ahead. “I uh… saw one of my old foster parents. he was pretty fucked up,” she lets out a dry laugh. “thought I was over it but I didn’t expect to see him.”
“what did he do?” she looks at you in contemplation before looking away with a cold, steely gaze. she sniffs and nods, “he… used to beat the shit out of me all the time for no reason.” she looks down at her scarred tattoo and rubs the skin. “this burn… he tried to-“ she clenches her jaw and shakes her head. “anyway, I managed to get away before he did anything, but I ended up burning my arm on the stove in the midst of it all. tried to press charges but that didn’t work, big shocker,” she scoffs. “I ran away and refused to go back so they placed me with joel and he eventually adopted me.”
she looks back up at you, trying to gauge what you’re thinking. you don’t realize you’re crying until she wipes away a tear from your cheek. “hey, don’t cry it was a long time ago I was just… not prepared for all of that.”
“sorry, I just hate that you had to go through all of that, especially at such a young age.” she lets out a deep breath and nods. “sorry our date got ruined” she gives you a sad smile.
“it wasn’t,” you squeeze her hand “I had a good time and I’m just glad I was able to be here with you.” you look up in thought, “do you have brownie mix?” she looks at you in confusion and lets out a small laugh “uh, I dunno, why?” “whenever I’m sad or going through something, I like to bake because it gives me something to do to take my mind off of everything and brownies are fucking good.” you nod with conviction. ellie laughs, “you are so fucking cute. c’mon let’s go see if I have some brownie mix.”
as you mix the chocolatey batter, and hum to the song playing on the speaker, ellie leans against the counter and watches you. she loves the domesticity and warmth you surround her with, and you were right, doing all of this is making her feel better.
“are you just gonna stand there and stare at me or are you gonna help?” “nah I think I’m good right here” she smirks at you. you nod slowly and look at her with mischief, holding up the spoon. her eyes widen and she points her finger at you, “don’t you fucking dare.”
you chase ellie around the kitchen island, out of breath from laughing and she ends up slipping on her sock, grabbing onto the counter for balance. as you run up to her and try to smear the batter on her face, she grabs your arm. you struggle against her, making you trip over her leg and she catches you, wrapping her arms around your waist. both of your laughters fade into small smiles as both of your eyes trails to each other’s lips. ellie’s face becomes serious as she leans in, lips ghosting yours. the sound of the front door opening has you both abruptly backing away from each other. fucking joel.
“hey kiddo, what are y’all up to?” ellie’s face is beet red and she clears her throat, “just making some brownies. why are you home?” ellie’s voice holds a bit of an edge to it.
“well, damn, I’ll get outta your hair in a minute, just stoppin’ by, forgot to pack my dinner.” she hums in annoyance. your eyes widen at the tension ellie is radiating.
“joel! my parents wanted me to give this to you as a thanks for the free self defense lesson, and for helping me out yesterday.” you open up your bag and take out a bottle of whiskey. ellie’s brows furrow, oops you forgot to tell her.
joel holds the bottle at a downward angle “would’ya look at that.. I’ll be sure to send my thanks to them.” he walks to the fridge and grabs out a container. “alright I’m headin’ out,” he looks at ellie “do me a favor, don’t burn the house down.” she groans and rolls her eyes.
“mm, these brownies are fucking good. you were right after all.” you scoff and smack her arm, “of course I was right. don’t ever doubt me again.” ellie rolls her eyes, “yes ma’am,” she quips sarcastically. “now, pay attention, this is my favorite part of the movie,” you say with feigned sternness. she smiles and nods, finishing off her brownie and leans back into her pillows.
you rest your head on her shoulder and place your hand on her stomach, tracing small patterns. you look up at her and whisper, “ellie?”
“do you really feel okay now?”
she turns her head to the side to look at you, face only inches away, and nods slowly. you feel her breath ghosting your lips and your heart starts racing, chest rising up and down quickly. ellie parts her mouth and licks her lips, leaning in, kissing you softly. she pulls away to look at you, before sitting up and grabbing your face, deepening the kiss.
HA sorry to edge u all. things are gonna get spicy as fuck in the next chapter. interactions are much appreciated 💗
taglist: @me-and-your-husband @fireflyels
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skellavelva · 4 months
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You said you liked my galaxies, so I wanted to draw your persona in one! Kinda messed up in the years and the eyes look a bit smudged but hey I tried •°•
Enjoy friendoo!!
Thank you so much. Arrgh, the galaxy?? The background??? The colors??? I love it so much!! YOUR ART IS SO GOOD
You did so great omg, love them so much
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Hi there! Could I request a little drabble of reader bringing Doppo food on his lunch break, and maybe his coworkers being a bit jealous / shocked seeing how good his life outside of work is / how happy he becomes around his spouse? Ty! :D I just wanna hug him and boost his confidence a bit, his boss and coworkers are assholes to the poor guy
Doppo's spouse bringing him food during lunch break
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ommg hiii!! for some reason when I read your request I put it in a schedule like "Doppo's wife bringing him food", but now I notice you didn't mention the reader's gender so I make it gender neutral!! >.< also I totally agree!! this poor man just needs some proper care and a lot of hugs..
NBreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff;; 620 words
"T.. thank you, honey.. I'm sorry, you probably had your own business.."
"It's okay, dear.. Just don't forget to take a break and actually eat it, okay?"
Such a sweet caring tone.. Doppo can't help but smile, feeling how his cheeks get warmer and heart starts beating faster. You were like an angel, bringing him lunch when he forgot about it..!
"O-okay..! I promise to not be that forgetful next time.." - your husband nods, holding a box with a homemade meal you cooked specially for him. He already can't wait to savor every little piece of it, as your dishes were almost magic, bringing him much more energy than usual take-out from the store.
"Don't you worry.. I don't mind visiting you here everyday. You know, I want to make sure my precious spouse is doing okay.." - you smile softly and get closer, kissing his cheek. But also, as your faces get closer to each other, you can't help but giggle and whisper. - "Also, don't you think your co-workers keep looking at us?"
"Huh?" - only now Doppo noticed that a few other men, who also stood not that far away in the corridor, were trying to sneak a peek at him and his darling. Due to their wide eyes it looked like they were kinda surprised to see their always sad, tired salaryman in such high spirits.
"Hehe, Doppo, you are now the object of their jealousy, I think?" - you chuckle a little bit.
"I.. I think they were just shocked to see me like that. I'm not that positive during work hours, you know.." - Doppo sighs and whines. - "Uhh, I'm sure my stupid boss is trying to find more paperwork for me right now.. I can feel it.."
"Then I suppose I actually should appear more often in your office here, so you would feel better, honey.." - you place another kiss on his cheek. -"Let everyone know that you're no less happy than all of them.."
"I think I'm even much happier than they are.. Cause I have you, dear.." - his own words make him blush and he touches your hand shyly, looking you right in the eyes. - "C.. can you kiss me again, but this time.. you know.."
Ah.. You two are already married yet your husband is still so shy and gentle.. But that's why you loved him. You nod, cupping his face, his skin so soft and warm from blush, and then place a kiss on his lips, light but full of love and care.
"M.. your lips are always so sweet.." - Doppo mumbled with closed eyes, enjoying your tender touches. - "I want another one.."
"No, no, you shouldn't get too much sweets before lunch.." - you laugh, tapping on the box. - "Also, I think your lunch break will end soon, so it's time for me to go, okay?"
"O-oh..! You're right.." - it's clearly visible that Doppo immediately becomes nervous and more upset, thinking about returning to work.
"Don't worry, honey.. I will wait for you, and give as many kisses as you want when you get home.." - your whisper in his ear before walking away with a little smile.
'Then.. then I will work hard today..!' - he thought, still with a little smile on his lips as he happily walked to the break room, carefully holding your meal and not noticing the still surprised face of his co-workers.
Well, why should he? The only face that Doppo can see in front of him it's yours, with such a cute smile and adorable eyes… And having this image in his mind the whole day helps him work faster, so he can hurry up to his home, to finally see you again and receive his sweet little reward..
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borathae · 8 months
I’m so sorry you’re sick and hope you get better very soon - like now! But in the meantime, spicy tuna rice roll??? 😳😳😳 that sounds amazing. If it’s a secret, don’t worry, but recipe please? 😳😳😳
Thank you so much!! I've been drinking so much tea, you have no idea I ain't letting this virus get comfy 😡 ALSO YES OMFG PLEASE ASK ME FOR RECIPES OMFG my weakness I tremble in excitement because I love sharing recipes JFJADSJF
Okay so ommg for the spicy tuna roll you will need (it makes between 2 or 3 rolls depending on how thick you fill it):
1 can of natural tuna
1 coffee cup of sushi rice
Buldak hot sauce (but I'm sure you can use your favourite hot sauce of choice as well, I've only been making it with the buldak one though)
salt & pepper to taste
sushi nori sheets (leaves? idk how to say that lol)
some sesame oil to "close" the roll
spoons for mixing
bowls for mixing
your rice cooking method of choice (for me and my no-rice-cooker-owning butt, it is a good old stainless steel pot rip)
a bamboo sushi mat for rolling (for alternatives please tell me in the comments, I bought like a 2€ sushi bamboo mat so I never really thought about alternatives before jsjjs)
a cutting board
a very sharp knife
plate for serving (or like a tupperware container if you wanna take it somewhere)
How to make:
Cook the rice until it is done and yummy
Let the rice cool as you prepare the tuna
Drain the tuna and then put it into a bowl
Mix it with the mayo, hot sauce, salt & pepper until it tastes yummy to you (hahah listen I'm so bad with correct measurements because I'm such a "it has to taste yummy, you'll get there eventually just cook with your heart" kinda cook)
The end consistency of the tuna should be nice and creamy with a good amount of spice and savouriness (that's a word now, okay?)
Then you can either start assembling the roll by laying out a nori sheet on a bamboo mat & spreading the rice on it so it looks like this & then on top of the rice spread the creamy tuna & roll it up
Or of you wanna do it like me and assure an even more mixed tuna to rice ratio -> mix the tuna with the rice before assembling, so it becomes one yummy goodness. Then assemble the roll so it looks like on the picture. Once the rice is spread evenly, start rolling
Begin rolling from the part closer to you -> meaning: roll upwards to the part where more nori sheet is visible
Once the rolling is finished (no matter which option you went with), you can put a thin layer of sesame oil on the end of the nori sheet so it sticks to itself and therefore the roll doesn't open again
Wet a very sharp!! knife with a little sesame oil and very gently!!! cut the tuna roll into bite sized sushi pieces. The knife should practically glide through the roll, so seriously make sure that the blade is sharp (and be careful not to cut yourself <3)
Plate it prettily and enjoy <3
Lazy version (which I never tried up until now but can see myself making if I'm like "nah i just wanna eat")
prepare the rice & tuna like in the recipe above
cut your nori sheet into bite sized pieces
scoop up the tuna-rice-mixture with a nori piece and shove it into your mouth
chew, chew, chew
enjoy hahahah lazy version because sometimes we just wanna eat without working too much
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maegorsbignaturals · 1 year
Hi!! I saw one of your rbs about having OCs, and now i am quite curious. Do you have any that is related to Maegor?
I actually have 4! All related to a Targaryen. I Will be showing them from the one who has most work on to the one with less work. Since in middle school i choose between the two fundamental arts of writing and drawing and i chosed writing, i Will try my Best to describe their appearances.
Beqqo / Hellfire of Braavos
My favourite nepobaby of all Planetos ♡♡♡. Maegor's jester, most loyal subject, and demise. A young, slim, tall man, with curly auburn hair and olive skin, plumpy lips that almost all the time are on a soft pinkish color and a mocking grin. His eyes are of a deep brown that are almost black, to the point the surface reflects on them and the eye pupil can't be seen.
Son of a Braavosi Magister and a courtesan, his parents wanted him to be a magister or have an influential position on Braavos (who knows? Maybe he could even be sealord one day!) But his heart was on the tales of adventures, wine, parties with all type of showmen and entretainers! He appreciates over all the qualities, the qualitie and facility to make others laugh. Considering it the Best way to win over someone. So, he began to train behind his parent's back to be a jester! At first they were angry, but after some time, they arrived to a deal: Beqqo would be free of roam over the free cities as a jester, and when he was finally done, he would return to Braavos to turn into a magister. (His father tought that this was a good way to gain allies and powerful people, so why not?).
He meets Alys and Maegor during their exile honeymoon in Braavos. Turning into their jester while they where there. And when the time Maegor turned into king arrives, he was torned between returning into his travel or go with them. In the end, he choosed the second option (UH-OH!).
At first, he tought that maybe he could gain Maegor's favor for when he returned to Braavos make a good relationship between Westeros and this free city, then he turned into some kind of tranquilizer to the agitated court of Maegor, is the King going insane? No, he is just a bit stressed! Is Queen Tyanna a witch? PFFFT, What are you saying? She is just a bit strange, but aren't all we? That Queen Alys is cheating on King Maegor to have a baby? NONSENSE! You must have seen wrong one of her ladies in waiting. She has some odd looking Girls, huh? Then, slowly, as Maegor's late reign approaches, he begans to be affected by the stress of the court, the bloodshed between the halls, the war, and the fear to Maegor's cruelty and maybe even a bit of Tyanna's potions too and his motivations are clear: he just wants to return to Braavos. But after a fatadical letter, he is uncapable of returning to it. And so he remains there, in the red keep during all of Maegor's reign and Jaehaerys' reign until one day he... he dissapears!
Hareth of Mormont Island
Have you ever met someone that is so skilled but at the same time so emotionally and socially akward as a turle? That is Hareth. A young man, close to his 24 nameday, dark hair like coal, the smallest of his family of... *counts with the fingers of her hands and feets* of a lot of siblings! He is not only the little child, but also small in height. With brownish skin of hunting all day during all of his life until his early years as an adult. His father offered him to king Jaehaerys when he was 19 after disrespecting him (and by disrespect i mean to gift his Meat he hunted to some poor old Lady rather than selling it in the market). Jaehaerys was going to discard him just as a butcher for the keep, but after showing his efficency as a Hunter and knowing he could Hunt anything, He moved him to a better position as Jaehaerys and Alyssanne's personal... Hunter. And he fullfils this function until one day in a hunting party he almost turn into the breakfast of a bear. Half blind and deeply hurted, he returns to their majesties. But the only thing he gets is some Milk of the poppy, healed scars and being ostricized from the court.
He is contemporary of Beqqo, actually! But while Hareth is young and akward, Beqqo is old, tired, fat, drunk and with a tongue as poisonous as the one of a snake. They have quite this relationship of father and son, protected and protector (Is Hareth the protected or the protector? Hmm, hard to know!).
Lyman Nightingale
Oh, Beqqo might be the first Oc i created, but Lyman is the BLUEPRINT of the red keep. As flamboyant as a peacock, he is Rhaenys' bard and... DING DING! YOU GUESSED IT! Her lover. So, he is actually Aenys' father. At first he just stayed in Aegon's keep thanks to all the comforts. Like my mom says, "Tenía casa, comida y culo", and that means that he had a place to sleep, maybe even one of the confiest beds and more luxurious places of Westeros. He was feed all the day with good food and, when Rhaenys was feeling like it, he beded the Queen, so, why bothering on leaving? That was, until the Queen was pregnant and she announced that it was from Aegon. He feared for his life and planned to go away from the keep at a prudent moment, but when he met Aenys he... he just couldn't. The baby was the most precious thing he had ever seen in his life! How could he leave after seeing him? So, despite all the dangers, he stayed there. Passing from esentially being Rhaenys' lap dog, to the man who could guard all her fears, and that loved her with all his heart. When she died, he was brutally hurted. He feared now for his life and Aenys' life. Oh no, if Aegon knew! But Aegon knew all this time, and instead of executing him, he asked him with all the respect of the world and with such stealth, to leave the keep. And Lyman did that. He leaved the keep, guarding all the memories of his family on his heart, and he never revealed the secret of his paternity to anyone (it is hard to do when you have in your troath a dagger whose Iron is so cold as the Valyrian Steel)
Vorian Martell
The only functional neuron here! I don't have a description of his appearance here because Dev Patel FITS exactly how i imagine him!
A distant relative from the primary line of the princes and princesses of Dorne. But still well known and loved enough to be send in a politic mission to the court of King Aegon. He arrived young, and soon enough he demostrated to be cultured enough to hold any kind of convo with anyone. Add to this that he never acted overwhengmly charming or cold like an Other. He liked shy talks between the pages of a book and a tea. And perhaps that was what caught Prince Aenys' attention in the first place. Soon, their relationship passed from strictly formal, too neutral too a friendship. They shared and exchanged books, they talked about New philosophies that flew trough the air of westeros. Some times, even Vorian played his lute while Aenys singed! They grew close to each other to the point people began to whisper that after Maegor's exile, the dornish man was going to be the New hand. But such thing never happened, because the realm and the faith began to reveal and to turn against the king, and soon, Dorne commanded Vorian's return to Braavos. At first Aenys didn't let him. He keeped him at his side even when he was all sick and tired, and when he finally died, as soon as she could, Alyssa arranged a boat for him to return to Dorne betweena heavy Rain night and Vhagar's roars thundering in the sky. By the end of Aenys' life, they had this relationship that was sooo much like Linton Heathcliff and Cathy linton!!!
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not mean but how is omniman reminding you of c!dream if anything he reminds me of c!schlatt I'd say im new to invincible though
ommg an invincible fan hello
(spoilers for Invincible and hella long cuz hf)
someone else said in my ask a while back that Omni-man and mark were like c!prime so it made me realize that Omni-man is kinda similar to c!dream in some ways but they are also pretty opposite with motivations.
Omni-man is a manipulative, strategic, charismatic immortal and because he's immortal and was born on a planet that trained him to be apathetic and immoral (killing those that are weak, even your own kind), these things combine to cause him to neglect the moment, and connections and only look at the future and goals. Hes main goal is to fix the world and conquer it to join with his home planet, but hes way of doing it is through violence. He wipes out the first hero team because they were preventing him from his goal of assimilating earth with the viltrum empire. (the empire that he percieves as a good thing because its so strong and powerful. The planet that murders those that are weak.) and viltrumites live a lot longer than regular humans, meaning that a human lifespan meant absolutely nothing to Omni-Man.
This mission Omni-man was on has become a crucial aspect of Omni-Man's psychology. He is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, he believes that the Viltrumite way of life is superior to any other and that he must spread this way of life throughout the universe. For Omni-Man, the end justifies the means, and he is willing to commit unspeakable acts to achieve his goal.
By the end of the series, when Mark doesn't align with his beliefs, he tries to kill him However, Omni-man then does show empathy and care for his son even though he initially just wanted to use his son as an ally and weapon, someone to fight along side him to conquer Earth. He realises that humans lives do matter. that his planets protocol was bs.
This is similar to c!dream who goes more down a villainous path after he retrieves the revival book, he is obsessed with this idea of being immortal and starts to neglect things like death, human empathy and the present. He wants control and angecy and wants to conquer the server to make everyone forever immortal. His way of doing this is by manipulation and violence. He does whatever because he sees that the ends justify the means. Doing whatever to accomplish his goal. He doesn't exactly want to kill everyone thats weak, but he would do the kind of shit omni-man did to get his 'happy family'
So whilst the twos motivations are very different like c!dream definitely has more heart here. They are still similar characters at least imo.
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sappho-ism · 2 years
Hi There !! I really Like your blog I think I feel Good at this moment I've been in pain for a while and by a while i mean a looong time.. dying for who I am anyway the thing is that I've been in a relationship with a Bi Girl and I really loved her (unfortunately) but it's over and it's me who ended up that shit I'm a Demisexual Lesbian And it really my whole life to finally love someone that much but whatever the problem is that one day when we've been talking about sexualities she said : are you sure you're a lesbian cz it's weird for me i can be with girls as well as boys we're just people who loves people the gender doesn't matter and all Girls are bi the thing is that some girls choose to be hetero and some like you choose to be homo I replied: No I'm sure i don't like men and i don't have any attraction it's just like that i can't change it and i didn't choose to be who i am she said : well maybe you don't think about it maybe you didn't find the right type tell me how it feels to think about a relationship with a guy i replied :nothing i'm not going to feel anything other than being disgusted and i really don't like where this conversation is going it's ok if you don't understand i don't understand your feelings and attraction for boys as well but it's fine you know at the end we're all different. she said: daamn you think a relationship with a guy is gross and you don't have attraction you're faking it aren't you lol y'all Homosexual girls just pretending stop faking it ommg you know All lesbians suffer from mental illness you're really sick you need treatment . i didn't say anything i was like wait wtf is this?!! after that she tried to fix it she said : you're not thinking I'm a homophobic right? it's just what i think we're all bi and by choice some choose ... and guys are..
i didn't know what to say or.. so i just start thinking about her words and my broken heart and all the shit she did and said before and then i realized --well that wasn't the shittiest thing-- i was just closing my eyes every time about all that shit -- anyway i decided to end it cz it won't work obviously i need someone to love and accept me for who i am not the opposite . after that she tried to fix it by sending me some pics but then i realized that my feeling are gone my attractions as well i don't feel anything like if it's all gone i just distanced myself and start to hate myself everyday for who i am cz everyone is against me my family , society and the only one i was in love with i hated life+ the way people are i just wanted to die i stayed away from anyone i wasn't talking to anyone wasn't eating or sleeping as i should...anyway after a few months we started talking again i apologized for not talking to her (stuuupid me -yeah i know-)then she changed she became more shitty than before or maybe it was since then i v got my eyes open she was giving me less time and she said i guy kissed her and she kept talking with him anyway and when i say something she says you're overreacting you're a lesbian you're mentally ill but you know that i love you and i wan't you but now i just don't know what i wan't we don't have to be like this it's toxic you have to be open minded life isn't just about one thing and she start talking about another guy who have a crush on her and how she likes spending time with him wearing his clothes and taking pictures with him --looked soo happy when i was crying for her everyday-- tells me about the way he looks with jealousy at her when another guy was playing with her hair... --but yeah she was against me being jealous cz lesbians are mentally ill and crazy in her (shitty) opinion--. since then i distanced myself again and this time for good . but since then i stayed in my room never been out it's been months.. almost a year i don't talk to anyone and my english is really bad sorry for that i kinda forgot how to talk or write but i think i'm healing i'm feeling more better since i've created an account on tumbler i know that it's not my fault it's just who i am and i'm not alone i'm not the only lesbian in this universe and i don't have to feel shitty i'm proud of who i am i didn't deserved that shit all that pain i still feel it but it feels like if i'm starting to get better thank you all of you for creating such a save place
was it the right thing to do? what's your opinion about all of this ?
All my love
First of all, holy shit, that sounds like a lot and I’m sorry that happened to you… It sounds awful. I know that breakups are probably one of the worst feelings and healing is a slow process, you don’t need to rush yourself on that. It’s just something that comes with time. But regardless, you didn’t deserve that at all.
Since you asked, I do think what you did was the right thing. You did what would protect you and honestly in that situation I would’ve done the same thing. In a relationship you deserve to feel understood and appreciated by your partner. What your ex-girlfriend was doing was just wrong. I don’t think I have another word for it. It’s just not what someone should do, not to people they don’t know and especially not towards you, her partner. She clearly doesn’t understand how damaging and just straight up ignorant she was.
I’m glad my blog and blogs like mine have become a safe space for you, I mean this is what we are here for after all. So people can feel connected. You’re valid and accepted here and I’m glad to hear you’re starting to feel a bit better and hopefully you’ll start feeling even better soon too. ❤️‍🩹
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phantasper · 2 years
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If it's okay i'd like to share this guy with you since you like birds! This is a whooper swan. Apparently it's call sounds like whooping, hence the name. They're scientific name is Cygnus Cygnus, cygnus being the latin word for swan. so these guys are literally swan swans. the ultimate swans if you will :] they're also the national bird of finland, and are printed on their one euro coins!
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I've seen these guys a few times while doing research on geese but I haven't actually looked into them much lmao,, this one is so cute?!2!1!! It looks so fluffy I'm obsessed AGH... TYSM...
finland made a good choice hwlkdkw, the whooper swan... IT EVEN LOOKS FLUFFY IN THE COIN IM LOSING JT
dyk that there are six/seven species of swans in the world? random fact I thought I'd share fhshhf
THANK YOU FOR THE SWAN WE ARE BESTIES NOW <33 perfect timing too I've been drawing birds for like an hour LMAO
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dynamitekansai · 2 years
A pissed off Mai Sakurai disrupts the brawl that breaks out between God’s Eye and Oedo Tai during the press conference for the Artist of Stardom champion titles
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
I got up at like 4:30am today for my class at 9am and like took my time doing my hair, a little eye makeup with a VERY SHARP EYELINER, and new clothes and shoes and at one point I was thinking "i mean... im just going to class and doing some clinic. Does it even matter how I dress??" and the short answer is YES tf it does because like not only did I get a bajillion compliments from everyone and even my female supervisor told me how pretty my eyes looked and it boosted my confidence AND a friend told me that even some of my seniors/medical residents were staring at me and like yeah sure the boys among them were pretty BUT ITS ALL THE FEMALE ATTENTION IM GETTING BECAUSE THAT DID MEAN THAT I WAS ACTUALLY LOOKING GOOD OMMG I WILL SACRIFICE MY SLEEP TO FEEL LIKE A PRETTY GIRLY GIRL EVERYDAYYYY
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yutadori · 4 years
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hiiii!!!! so i recently had the honor of commissioning the wonderful @/makurophage to draw the vampire au of hana and koi and im so so happy with how it turned out!!! 🌸💌 look at them.... sob..... 
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Okay, so you know that little floofball Pomeranian Joe and Dacre are carrying around in their behind-the-scenes photos? I wonder if that little poofball is a Harringrove rescue, y'know? Bitey. Bad attitude. Needs a household with no kids or other animals. Billy doesn't even want the damn dog but Steve insists they should vibe together, since Billy's also prone to snapping at people. Privately, Steve thinks Billy needs some practice interacting with another 'difficult' creature without resorting to violence. So they start clicker training.
Problem is, Steve's the one pushing clicker training. Billy thinks it's stupid. Until it starts working on the dog. And then it starts working on HIM.
Like, it wasn't ON PURPOSE. They'd sit down and practice basic commands with the dog, and then whenever Billy did it right, Steve would just reflexively **click** and kiss his cheek. **Click**, and hand him a beer. **click**, and squeeze his hand. Steve's really into the clicking. It becomes an inside-joke. If Steve doesn't have the clicker in hand, he clicks his tongue when Billy does something right.
Billy honestly wants to hate it. It's kind of humiliating.
Except that he never realized before the stupid clicking started how many things he was apparently doing right. Suddenly Steve's just constantly reinforcing his good behaviors with smiles and kisses and hand-squeezes and the goddamn motherfucking CLICKS.
And in public. God, in public. They're trying to be low-key because Hawkins is hicksville. So suddenly Steve is clicking at him in the grocery store when he remembers what kind of pasta they like. At the gym, when he hits his rep goal. At the fucking grill-out in the Byers back yard when Billy hands him a beer. Maybe it even turns into a sexual thing, but that's not the important part. The important part is that suddenly Billy just doesn't feel so LOST anymore. He doesn't feel wrong-footed everywhere, all the time. Like he shouldn't be places, like he isn't welcome, like a giant sore thumb. Whenever his mood starts sliding sideways, whenever he starts to bristle, Steve is there letting him know he's doing something right.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the dog IS Billy's new best friend. Damn thing loves him. Growls and barks at everyone who looks at him sideways. Has no fear. And for some reason, that makes it easier for him to sit back and let challenges pass him by. Dog already said everything worth saying. Now Billy can smirk and smoke or chew on a toothpick and tell the local assholes to move along. The dog likes to chew on his fingers, but they're calloused enough he doesn't mind.
So he has a purse dog and he's been clicker-trained by his boyfriend and for some reason, life is better because of it. He's happier because of it. But hey. Stranger things have happened, right?
Ommg yes yes yes yes. Them adopting a pom and raising it together. AND Billy also gets the therapy he needs with this way. I LOVE IT. I WANT HUNDREDS MORE. Also since you made my day better here's my gift to you 💕 family photo 🥹🥹
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kidsinsaturn · 2 years
Sooo…in your opinion regarding Shisui - do you think he’d say ‘I love you’ at a random ass time or planned like I hc him saying ‘I love you’ during like a battle whilst reader is literally just fighting for their live..life? Idk which to use rn
But I want to know ur opinion on that..?
Excuse my shitty english it’s not my first language..🥲
shisui is so random at times like it’s in his nature he just does as his brain orders and he ends up doing weird shit lmaoo 😭
and definitely when he first told you he loves it was in such questionable situation
I have in mind a million of ideas regarding the setting so you guys pick your favorites haksks
you guys are sparring as regularly and you do a particularly good move and shisui is just so stunned the words just slipped off his mouth
shisui invites you to his house to help him organize itachi’s birthday party and while you are doing some arrangements he is suddenly so mesmerized by you and your skills, he sits next to you and tells you
you guys go out with your friends and—intentionally or not—you are both left alone, shisui walks you home and during those common deep conversations you have with someone while walking, he confesses
you just took a good punch from the enemy, spitting a bit of blood while standing on your feet to keep fighting them, shisui looks at you amazed, he compliments you and tells you he loves your company and you
you are angry at shisui, a bit unlikely but can happen, and you let out all your emotions, shisui takes them all and swallow them; after you calmed down, he embraces you and tells you how strong you are for being you and that he loves you
in a modern au, it would happen in a random moment, you are in your bed watching videos or tiktoks and suddenly shisui sends you 5 messages telling you how much you mean to him and with a bunch of images of cats with pickup lines
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startagainaprologue · 2 years
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ninetales sejima jsuamcfpre ^_^ + oclcour test idk what shade his kimono is gioing to be OMMG GUMSHOOS IS SO COOOL TOO !!!!!!!!!! i maddde him shiny becasue he loooked older ^_^ the lighter fur is himm greyinng <- He looks high <- OK !?@?@?@?@?@@?
OOOOH!!!!?! This looks so coooool woah.. I rlly like this design :0!! It’s neat <333 ur art is so good…..
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